GREAT Presser-Africa Unity & Unification @ 50-Fiercest Sense of Urgency & New Momentum to UNIFY,...

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  • 7/27/2019 GREAT Presser-Africa Unity & Unification @ 50-Fiercest Sense of Urgency & New Momentum to UNIFY, Rapid Total Liberation of the African Continent and H


    Africa Unity & Unification @ 50 - Fiercest Sense of Urgency to Unify for

    New Momentum to Rapid Total Liberation of the African Continent for

    Holistic Justice, Collective Peace, Stability, Security, Prosperity,Wellbeing & Fundamental Human Rights

    Date: 25th

    May, 2013/


    Joint Media Release

    The GREAT Partnership incorporating

    The Great Trust Group, The Council For Afrika InternationalGroup, The Afrika Liberation Group and The GREAT



    Five frogs are sitting on a log. Four decide to jump off. How many are left?

    The answer isFive, because deciding is different from doing.

    Transform into a Fit-For-Purpose, Viable, Competent, Patriotic

    Africanist Revolutionary Continental Agency for African Unity or

    Disband for Dr Kwame Nkrumah, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Emperor

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    Haile Selassie and the Pioneers of African Unification cannot be

    Mocked in the long term! Koku Adomdza

    On the defining and decisive occasion of the 50th Anniversary of post-

    Colonial organizing the Unification of Africa for African Unity, we call on the

    54 Heads of State of Africa to transform the African Union into an anti-

    NeoColonialist, anti-Imperialist, Patriotic Africanist Revolutionary

    Continental Agency competent to rapidly deliver African Unity or disband.

    The business of African Unity is not a conference, talking, seminar or

    luncheon party with tracks of carbon footprints with negligible outcomes

    when the African Continent remains vulnerable and dependent on foreign

    largesse and most importantly the Fundamental Human Rights of Majority

    African Citizens asphyxiate. For 50 years, after the initial positive sparks,the African Unity institution has failed to attain African Unity, it has

    accepted second-class category status within the United Nations by failing to

    defeat UN Institutional anti-African Racism and Marginalisation, failed to

    protect the Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of the African Continent and

    failed to create a viable African Continental Economy Giant required to

    power a Formidable, Credible African Unity and Unification of Africans in

    Africa and the Diaspora with a Powerful Voice for Africas 1.3bn Citizens.

    After 50 years, 93% of the African Union budget is foreign sponsored and itis not financially self-sustainable. What does that tell us when the African

    Continent is so blessed with vast volumes of Natural Resources, Human

    Resource Capital but with incredible sky-rocketing illicit financial capital

    flight to foreign destinations? What manner of leadership do Africa and the

    African Union institution have?

    A critical Question is if the Africa Union institution disbanded today or at

    any time soon, what difference would it make to the necessary project of

    African Unity, Unification and the ultimate Vision of the Total Liberation of

    the African Continent? The international, vicious and ruthless character of

    the anti-African Forces for Evil necessitates a Formidable, Patriotic,

    Africanist, Revolutionary Continental African Union to dislodge and that is

    how critical African Unity is. It is myopic, suicidal and reckless for any

    Contemporary African Leader to hold the illusionary view that it can attain

    full independence on its own with the architecture of the NeoColonial State,

    because the latter is designed to keep Africa dependent. The earlier the wool

    is removed from the eyes of Africas Contemporary Leadership the better for

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    them, the Majority African Peoples to whom Africa belongs and the African

    Unification Vision, Mission, Purpose and Objectives.

    Conscious of and considering the African Continents unquestionable

    pedigree as the Origin of Humankind and the Cradle of Human Civilisation,

    the Largest Continent on Planet Earth, the most Natural Resource Endowed,

    a significant talent pool of resilient Human Capital Resource, the untapped

    Goodwill of Persons of African Ancestry in the Diaspora, the failure of

    Africas post-Colonial Self-ruling Generation to attain African Unity is no

    longer tolerable and the 50th Anniversary offers the clarion moment for key

    decisions to be taken to rectify. Let us be clear that regardless of whether

    Contemporary African leaders including the new leadership at the African

    Union institution avail themselves of the occasion to inject a NewRevolutionary Momentum for African Unification, one thing is certain

    African Unity and Unification is not going back but forwards. If it means

    pulling down the NeoColonialist African Union and start afresh, so be it. The

    vacuum by the non-existence of Competent Patriotic Africanist

    Revolutionary Leadership cannot be left vacant any longer and the African

    Union as it stands on the 50th Anniversary risks rendering itself irrelevant,

    as well as exposes the African Unification Project and the Collective

    Wellbeing of Majority Africans to significant risk. This situation is untenable.

    On this unique watershed moment of the 50th Anniversary of post-Colonial

    African Unification, we remind of the Fierce Urgency of Time and the

    hazards of playing catch up instead of being proactive. African Disunity,

    Cartel Slavery, Imperialism, Colonialism and NeoColonialism are

    instruments of the long-standing Conspiracy Against the African Continent

    and her Peoples which together KILL, DESTROY Africans and their

    Conscientious Selfless Patriotic Leaders as well as STEAL from Africans and

    the Commonwealth of the African Continent through plethora of con

    strategies, tricks, policies of entrenched economic underdevelopment to

    contain Africa as a huge market for industrialized, technology, science,

    medical, pharmaceutical, engineering, arms, military and defense products.

    African Disunity and Economic Underdevelopment have become the most

    obscene but profitable businesses of all time upon which the Forces of Evil

    feed upon and from. Through missed opportunities, moral decadence, lack

    of Patriotic Africanism and other stances of cowardice, the Fundamental

    Human Rights of Majority Africans are traded for the servitude, turpitude

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    and mass misery of Dependency through Foreign Finance Capital

    dominationthe new instrument of African Enslavement. These are

    undisputed Forces for Evil which must be Collectively resisted, exposed,

    countered, eradicated at the behest of a Patriotic, Loyal, anti-Imperialist

    African Union Leadership, fit-for-purpose Commission and Secretariat,

    Regional Institutions and the 54 Heads of State in Africa, supported by their

    battalions of Diplomats across in and outside of the African Continent with

    Deliberate Haste, Candour, Courage and Wisdom to stand up to these

    demonic phenomena. When your house is on fire, you do not talk, you act.

    The African Unification Project has been on fire for 50 years, time for

    Resolute Anti-NeoColonialist Action has come to tear down the entire edifice

    of African Disunity for Substantial, Formidable, Sustainable African Unity,

    of Africans, by Africans, for Africans.

    On this 50th Anniversary, the GREAT Trust, Council for Afrika International

    and the Afrika Liberation Society deems it most appropriate to express

    solidarity with all Africans and Persons of African Ancestry on the African

    Continent and the Diaspora who in various ways positively contribute to

    African Unity and African Unification in the light that the African Union has

    no monopoly over African Unity, African Unification, Unification of Africans

    and Persons of African Ancestry and the Total Liberation of the AfricanContinent. As a matter of fact, it is significant to acknowledge that African

    Unity and African Unification encapsulating Unification of Africans and

    Persons of African Ancestry happens better outside of the African Union as

    it is at present and unless the AU revolutionizes, it risks making itself

    irrelevant in the quest for African Unity, African Unification, Unification of

    Africans and Persons of African Ancestry within the African Continent and

    the Diaspora.

    In this defining watershed moment, the GREAT Trust, Council for Afrika

    International and the Afrika Liberation Society considers it pertinent to duly

    acknowledge the selfless sacrifices to the known, prominent and millions of

    unknown martyrs of African Unity, African Unification and Unification of

    Africans and All Persons of African Ancestry the world over, and by

    definition the Total African Liberation Process. On this Golden Jubilee

    Anniversary of the post-colonial institutional building of the African Union

    organization, we consider it expedient and proper to remember the sacrifices

    that the martyrs made to African Unity, Unification of Africans and the Total

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    Liberation of the African Continent, keenly aware that these processes began

    long before the Organization of African Unity was formed e.g. Marcus Josiah

    Garveys United Negro Improvement Association and African Communities

    League [UNIA-ACL] August 1914. In the light that concepts and variations of

    African Unity, an African Union institution, the Unification of Africa and

    Persons of African Ancestry as well as the Total Liberation of the African

    Continent preceded the formation of the OAU/AU during the period of the

    Foreign Cartel Slavery in Africans and in comparatively more hostile era of

    Colonialism with clear results, the post-Colonial stagnation towards African

    Unity is pretty much dismal and requires a new momentum.

    50 years i.e. half a century is a decisive defining moment for any enterprise,

    not the least African Unity, African Unification that are embodied in theOAU/AU and integral to the wider vision of the Total Liberation of the

    African Continent and her long-suffering and multiply, overly poverty-

    terrorized peoples. A new dynamic [knowingly or unknowingly] was injected

    into African Unification when the decision was made to situate a symbolic

    statue of the late Ghanaian President Dr Kwame Nkrumah at the forecourts

    of the modern China-funded modern HQ of the African Union in Addis

    Ababa in 2012. The poignant essence from that moment is a race against

    time to rapidly reconcile the neo-colonial African Union with the vision,mission, purpose, strategic and programmatic objectives of Dr Kwame

    Nkrumah, Emperor Haile Selassie and other Patriotic Africanists which

    should have long been attained within 5 decades of aloofness.

    It is now the challenge of All of Africas Self-ruling elites and bureaucrats of

    NeoColonial Africa to grasp the critical nature of this watershed moment

    especially on Dr Nkrumahs clear positions on the rapid eradication and

    demise of NeoColonialism and Imperialism out every facet, strand and

    mentality of the African Continent. Make no mistake that Dr Nkrumahs

    statue cannot subsist with an Unpatriotic, Reactionary, Dependent, Neo-

    Colonialist African Union institution. It is outrageous that after 50 years of

    post-Colonial African Self-rule, at least 93% of the AUs budget is funded

    through foreign financial sources. As is said, he who pays the piper, calls

    the tune. The good news is that fortunately, Dr Nkrumah handed Africans

    and All Persons of African Ancestry a ready-made resolution through his

    authoritative, seminal works, publications and books on African Unity,

    NeoColonialism, Imperialism, Revolutionary Path etc and so there is no

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    point looking for any other paradigms from the Global North or other.

    Africas leaders have done enough talking to the degree that Majority

    Africans in Africa and the Diaspora have become sick and tired of empty

    talking shops; and tired of being sick of frivolous, wasteful, empty

    conferences, seminars, workshops, high-profile confabs that achieve

    practically nothing. This 50th Anniversary is the time to stop talking African

    Unity and DO African Unity!!!

    While Dr Nkrumahs seminal writings on African Unity and Total

    DeColonisation of the African Continent provide some strategic and tactical

    ethical ammunition, the primary foundation upon which a Formidable,

    Sustainable, Unshakable African Union, African Unification and the

    Unification of Africans and All Persons of African Ancestry should be basedis the premise of the Holy Spirit. As hinted above, we must be clear that

    Imperialism in all its forms, from Cartel Slavery, Colonialism, Apartheid,

    Institutional Racism against Africa and Africans i.e. Afrophobia to

    NeoColonialism are all murderous agencies of demonic Forces for Evil that

    have inflicted a relentless, bloody, horrendous holocaust against African and

    her Peoples, including taking out the bravest of African Unionists and

    Liberators. You only need to take a look at the horrific images of

    malnourished children used by Global North NGOs in their fundraisingcampaigns to catch a glimpse of the enduring harsh inhuman consequences

    of these international forces of evil. Most Africans live with these indignities

    day in day out, week in week out, month after month, year after year,

    generation after generation. The only potent foundation to dislodge African

    Disunity, Imperialism, Colonialism and NeoColonialism is a very strong,

    uncompromising Holy Spiritual Foundation, more-so when it is certain that

    African Unity and African Unification in any credible forms are bound to be

    attacked by the same Forces for Evil even after they have been achieved. It is

    only a strong Holy Spirit Foundation that can withstand the demonic

    attacks of the evil anti-Africa forces and interests. Thus far, African Union

    has been based on the limited human intellect, efforts of a Disunited Nation-

    state-centred post-Colonial Leadership which has proven demonstrably no

    match for the Coalition of Forces for Evil against the African Continent and

    her Peoples in Africa and the Diaspora.

    Africans, Persons of African Ancestry and their Supporters for African Unity

    to attain the Total Liberation of the African Continent must come to the

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    understanding that Cartel Slavery, Imperialism, Colonialism, Apartheid and

    NeoColonialism collectively constitute a lethal force that hit Africa like a

    barrage of tornado-twisters and left in its trail imprints of a NeoColonial

    Continental Nation-state infrastructure to entrench the long-term ravaging

    disasters of abject impoverishment, economic enslavement, financial,

    military and cultural terrorism that they unleashed upon the African

    Peoples to feed into the anti-African Discrimination construct for

    enforcement as the UN Security Council exclusion depicts. This is the

    unwritten logic of the anti-African, afrophobic excluders. Only economically-

    advanced Caucasians Peoples can become Veto-wielding, Voting, Permanent

    Members of the UN Security Council. No economically-underdeveloped

    Peoples or Continent can become a Veto-wielding, Voting, Permanent

    Member of the UN Security Council. The African Continent is largely un-Caucasian, economically-underdeveloped and thus not fit to becoming

    Veto-wielding, Voting, Permanent Members of the UN Security Council. So

    shall it be, regardless of Africas 1.3 Billion Citizens and the African

    Leadership including African Union institution puts up with it with little


    We must be clear about the demeaning, hateful, anti-African purpose,

    objective and essence of Cartel Slavery, Imperialism, Colonialism, Apartheidand NeoColonialism to stifle, undermine and sabotage the much talked-

    about but little-done African Unity, African Unification and Unification of

    Africans at home and Diaspora through continued dependency, economic

    underdevelopment strategies, refusal to pay atone for Crimes of Humanity

    committed against the African Peoples and blind-eye to the criminal and

    average minimum US$1.55 Trillion annual illicit Financial Capital Flight out

    the developing world, including Africa to the Global North since the advent

    of Foreign Intervention in Africa, under the glare of security agencies. We

    must also understand that NeoColonialism is a contemporary vicious

    instrument by imperialists and anti-African Forces for Evil to keep Africa

    and her peoples permanently economically underdeveloped, locked down in

    perpetual mass misery. It must be echoed that anyone or group of peoples

    who participates, connives and condones, actively or passively, with African

    Disunity, anti-Africanism, Afrophobia, NeoColonialism, Imperialism,

    Economic and Cultural Terrorism against the African Peoples, not the least

    the African Holocaust has their hands smeared with the blood of all the

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    victims of abject impoverishment on the African Continent and the African


    It is incredulous how any competent African Leader would lack the clarity

    and therefore wrongly fail to grasp the crossfire of emergencies and crises

    that Africa is enmeshed in, not the least the African Holocaust, the need to

    declare a State of Emergency across the whole of the African Continent and

    reset the buttons for Major African-centred Reconstruction Initiative, Crises

    Management Interventions and Resource Mobilisation of sheer Human

    Spirit, Financial Resources for unprecedented African Liberation Revolution

    powered by African Unity instead of existing passive, emasculated, labile,

    egg-shell, reformist responses that rather consolidate NeoColonialism,

    Imperialism and mass suffering by Africans on the Continent. In the light ofthe imperialist purpose of NeoColonialism, it is imperceptible to expect it to

    facilitate or support the delivery of African Unity. As the past 50 years

    demonstrate and to all intents and purposes, NeoColonialist Nation States

    are at odds with African Unity and so the former cannot deliver or achieve

    African Unity, African Unification or the Unity of Africans. It is not designed


    Against the backdrop of the foregoing summarized chronicle of a disastrousand shoddy job at African Unity, the only palpable approach to deliver and

    achieve formidable, credible, unshakable African Unity is the rapid

    DeNeoColonisation of the African Union Institution, alongside the rapid

    DeNeoColonisation of Africas 54 NeoColonialist Nation States, submerge all

    the artificial imperialist boundaries under the visibly pronounced Single,

    Continental, Coast-to-Coast, Boundaries of the African Continent through a

    21st Century Patriotic African Continental Revolution. A profound analysis

    of the Tragedy of the African Conundrum, from the historically valid,

    relevant perspective of Pedigree Africa, complete with the most diversified,

    richest natural resource endowment pool, resilient and talented human

    resource reservoir, but the disaster of week, poor, insensitive and

    incompetent leadership through post-Colonial African Self-rule with their

    consequential continued misery for Africas Majority 1.3billion Citizens point

    to no less than a Patriotic African Continental Revolution to restore

    Sustainable Justice, Freedom, Fraternity, Equality, Collective Stability,

    Security, Peace and the guarantee of Fundamental Human and Global

    Citizenship Rights for Majority Africans.

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    The GREAT Trust, Council for Afrika International and the Afrika Liberation

    Society proposes A Declaration of A Continental State of Emergency as an

    acknowledgement of the fact of and repugnance towards the African

    Holocaust that must remain in place until the extreme harsh economic

    crises that Majority African Citizens face everyday are resolved. The hitherto

    suicidal limited-impact reformist approach is the most dangerous and anti-

    African, treasonable and betraying approach to take, because it is sleep-

    walking Africa into total ReColonisation through the influx of Unethical

    Finance Capital and the stripping of the legitimate Collective Ownership of

    Majority Indigenous Africans of the rich Natural Resource Endowments of

    the African Continent into the hands of foreigners hostile to the Collective

    Wellbeing of Africa, Forces for Evil through unholy economic pacts ofcriminal characteristics and treasonable implications. The existing trend,

    unless immediately arrested, would effectively mortgage the future of Africas

    Youth to collective doom, drudgery, penury and irreversible mass misery

    which is detestable even at the point of conception.

    African Unity and African Unification require clear mental resolution, strong

    moral existential imperative and African-centred Liberating Paradigm

    Mindset of relevance which must be sufficiently and finely processed,appreciated and understood, firmly registered in the psyche, subconscious

    and conscience of individual with pre-eminence within the Contemporary

    Collective African Leadership that overcomes mental enslavement,

    internalised inferiority complexes and the ethical armoury to confront and

    defeat the corrupt and corruptible influences of NeoColonialism, Imperialism

    and African Dependency. African Unity and African Unification are light

    years away from trendy, cosmetic, lavish conferences, luxurious luncheons

    and dinners to feed the already overfed NeoColonial African Self-ruling Elite

    while Majority Africans go famished, starved and malnourished. The

    intolerability and obscenity must be vociferously articulated as is wrong and

    condoning of the continued, inexcusable rape and plunder of

    NeoColonialism, as well as conniving with the un-abating misery of Africas

    long-suffering Indigenous Majority, to whom the African Continent and all

    its rich arsenal of natural resource endowments belong.

    Dr Koku Adomdza, President & Senior Fellow of the GREAT Trust Group,

    the Council for Afrika International group and the Afrika Liberation Group

  • 7/27/2019 GREAT Presser-Africa Unity & Unification @ 50-Fiercest Sense of Urgency & New Momentum to UNIFY, Rapid Total Liberation of the African Continent and H


    reflects that There can be hardly any doubt that the 50th Anniversary of the

    post-Colonial African Unity Vision, Mission, Purpose and Objectives signals

    an historic watershed and how this defining moment is grasped by

    Contemporary African Leadership will have far-reaching implications for

    African Unity itself and by projection the very much anticipated and hoped

    for Total African Liberation Destination. Five decades of the quest for African

    Unity and a backdrop of at least 14 centuries of the Wider African Holocaust

    has been extremely blighting, plighting, excruciating and colossally costly in

    human lives, time lost, missed opportunities, financial and economic loss to

    name a few. The Pioneers and architects of African Unity and African

    Unification from Marcus Garvey, Dr Kwame Nkrumah et al, in their wisdom

    were apt to unpack and unmask the international character of predominant

    anti-Africanism, African Disunity, Colonialism, NeoColonialism andImperialism and had a clear proposition of African Unity as a necessary

    vehicle to sufficiently neuter and counter the Forces for Evil against the

    African Continent, Africans in Africa and Diaspora Africans incorporating All

    Persons of African Ancestry. The records of the past 50 years of un-

    achievement contrasted with the tasks of African Unity amongst others,

    indicate a half century breather of entrenched anti-Africanism within

    African and globally. That is a seriously culminating adverse impact of too

    much talking African Unity and doing little about it which must be rapidlyreversed in an uncompromising manner. African Unity is a vital lifeline,

    instrument and conduit to the Total Liberation of the African Continent for

    the Guarantee, Restoration and Protection of the Collective Wellbeing of

    Majority Africans that incorporates Justice, Freedom, Equality, Dignity,

    Prosperity, Ownership of Africas rich Natural Resources, Fundamental

    Human and Global Citizenship Rights and we expect All peace-loving human

    beings to respect this.

    How African Unity, African Unification and the Unification of Africans

    worldwide relates to the GREAT Trust Group, the Council for Afrika

    International Group and the Afrika Liberation Group is situate in the

    context given above. To begin with it is imperative to restate our generic

    Race Equality and Fundamental Human Rights worldview in

    acknowledgement that Fundamental Human Rights are sacred, inalienable,

    guaranteed entitlements, central and integral to human existence and the

    essence of being, which distinguish humans from other species of Creation.

    We believe that Race Equality and Fundamental Human Rights are Divinely-

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    given as precious, inviolable and must be respected by all human beings

    without exception. We hold strong to the principle of the indivisibility and

    holistic nature of Fundamental Human Rights and categorically reject any

    selective application of convenience of Fundamental Human Rights as

    primarily flawed and hypocritical. So for instance we are critical of

    mainstream unethical, distorted and unbalanced tendencies that seek to

    promote political rights while stifling economic rights, democracy with

    economic and social repression or political DeColonisation with economic

    dependencythese are extremist ideological recipes for having a pretence of

    goodness yet unleashing severe assaults on other essential strands of

    Fundamental Human Rights. Above all, we uphold that the guarantee and

    protection of Race Equality and Fundamental Human Rights are cardinal

    duties, functions, responsibilities and therefore part-justification for anyhuman authority on Planet Earth, including governments and Africas Self-

    ruling Elites.

    Anchorage within this context of the Holistic, Divinity and Sacred nature of

    Fundamental Human Rights, emanates our considered position that it is

    only Forces for Evil that seek to undermine Race Equality and Fundamental

    Human Rights, dehumanise and subject humans to indignities, brutalities,

    horrific atrocities. Follows to say that we reject a world and an AfricanContinent in which the Race Equality and Fundamental Human Rights of

    Majority Citizens are undermined, severely eroded and sabotaged by

    whomsoever, for the benefit of any group of peoplesnon-African or African.

    From this understanding, The GREAT Trust, Council for Afrika International

    and the Afrika Liberation Society consider that Cartel Slavery, Imperialism,

    Colonialism, NeoColonialism, African Disunity, Apartheid, Institutional anti-

    Africanism & African Marginalisation, Afrophobia, the African Economic

    Conundrum and the African Holocaust are all Forces for Evil as they have

    persistently and verifiably violated the sacred and inalienable Race Equality

    and Fundamental Human Rights of Majority African Peoples. Based on the

    evidence of Centuries of Atrocities, Chaos, Economic Terrorism and Crimes

    Against Humanity by these Forces for Evil visited upon the African

    Continent and her Peoples, we advocate for their rapid eradication to restore

    Justice, Human Dignity, Freedom, Equality, Collective and Inclusive Peace,

    Stability, Security and Safety.

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    Consistent with our strong Race Equality and Fundamental Human Rights

    origins, convictions and aspirations, we take a human rights position on the

    issue of African Unity that also encompasses the Unification of Africans at

    home and the Diaspora alongside the Unification of the African Continent.

    As such, we understand African Unity as a sini qua non to restore and

    guarantee the Fundamental Human Rights of Majority African Citizens

    through the defeat of all Forces for Evil that have undermined these rights

    and inflicted millennia horribilis upon the African Peoples, not the least

    NeoColonialism, Colonialism, Apartheid, Anti-Africa International

    Institutional Racism, Afrophobia, Barbaric Foreign Cartel Slavery.

    We believe, that not only is it the case that the imperialist-inflicted

    millennia horribilis upon the African Continent and her Peoples is brutish,

    brutal and undoubtedly some of the most chilling chain of genocidal,

    atrocious phenomena and narratives in human history, but that the African

    Continent and Africans deserve millennia mirabilis moving forwards and

    the 50th Anniversary of the African Unity Project offers a useful pivotal

    moment for either radical transformation of the infrastructure and

    architecture of, or total replacement of the continental vehicle for delivering

    substantial, robust, rapid and formidable African Unity with renewed

    momentum to attain the greatest harvest of results-oriented, measurable,positively-impacting outcomes and impacts for the Majority African Peoples.

    A reformist, NeoColonialist African Union infrastructure packed with

    unpatriotic and conscienceless bureaucrats cannot deliver African Unity, is

    unfit-for-purpose for African Unification cum Liberation and the past 50

    years bear these inconsistencies and contradictions out. Only a Patriotic

    Africanist Transformational Agency staffed with Patriotic Africans with total

    undiminished loyalty to none other but to the AFRICAN Continent, Map,

    Anthem, Flag, Coat of Arms, Total African Liberation Cause, Vision and

    Mission, and to the Majority African Peoples and fallen Martyrs can.

    It is our reflected view, that the situating of the statute of the Osagyefo Dr

    Kwame Nkrumah on the forecourts of the African Union institution signals a

    defining moment for African Unification. In full grasp of the consequences of

    African Disunity, the sinister imperialist attempts to carve and lump North

    Africa to the Middle East, the missed opportunities of half a century, the

    continued institutional anti-African discrimination at the highest level of the

    United Nations Security Council, the recalcitrance of so-called civilized

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  • 7/27/2019 GREAT Presser-Africa Unity & Unification @ 50-Fiercest Sense of Urgency & New Momentum to UNIFY, Rapid Total Liberation of the African Continent and H


    North Africa where the African Peoples are self-articulating that enough is

    enough of endless cycles of vicious demeaning misery. From country to

    country, corruption scandals involving Africas Self-ruling Elites are reported

    on a frequent basis, politics has lost every character of critical respectability

    and reduced to a gravy trail for politicians, culminating into impotent,

    unproductive NeoColonial Nation-state institutions, Regional Institutions,

    the African Union institution and other imperialist Continental institutions.

    The danger is that invariably and increasingly, the NeoColonial States in

    Africa and the African Union institutions have increasingly become part of

    the problem rather than part of the solution of African Unity and Total

    Liberation of the African Continent. It will be inconceivable and senseless to

    mislead and sleep-walk Africa to another 50 years of a horrific merry-go-

    round and comedy of tragedies. African Union at 50 is really a definingmoment, whose presenting opportunities for Patriotic Africanist

    Revolutionary anti-NeoColonialist and anti-Imperialist Transformation must

    not be missed. In this lies a Golden Opportunity.

    The 50 year milestone of post-Colonial African Unification is a clarion call on

    contemporary African Self-ruling Elite to embrace the significance of the Dr

    Nkrumah Statute, symbolizing acknowledgement and honouring of the

    contributions of All those who perished consequent to Africa Disunity,Imperialism, NeoColonialism and Apartheid to institutionalize profound

    Patriotic African-centred Transforming Interventions in concert with the

    destination imperatives of the Total Libertarian and Liberating Vision and

    Mission of African Unity. Unless that is done, the AU in its present form

    with its characteristic uninspiring, reformist programs would unavoidably

    render itself irrelevant to the cause of African Unification and the Total

    Liberation of the African Continent. While there will hardly be any tears for a

    dysfunctional African Union institution, losing half century out of a

    Liberation Agenda is a bombshell, except that key lessons can be learnt out

    of those pages of history moving forwards to prevent replication.

    The non-performance and non-delivery of the OAU/AU of substantive

    African Unity has created a vacuum, facilitated by lack of Patriotic African-

    centred, African Unity-savvy, African Liberation-competent, Courageous,

    Robust Leaders bold enough to advocate and demand the rights of Africas

    1.3billion Citizens and ward-off continued imperialist attacks on the African

    Peoples. That vacuum will not exist ad infinitum, is yearning to be filled by

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    competent alternatives and the AU leadership would only have themselves to

    blame if they continue to fail to respond sufficient efficiency, effectiveness,

    rapidity and sensitivity to the wails, sweat, hunger, desperation, tears,

    desires, heartbeats of the Majority Indigenous Africans.

    In other words, Dr Nkrumah and those who share his rapid and expedited

    approach to African Unity and Unification are not to be mocked by the

    cosmetic locating of his statute on the forecourts of the AU and that

    symbolic act will remain meaningless unless it is linked to the speedy Total

    Unification and Liberation of the African Continent and her Peoples from

    Imperialism, NeoColonialism, Afrophobia, Anti-African Institutional Racism

    right to the UN Security Council, Afrophobia and the Wider African


    Keeping in mind the raison detre, journey travelled, disasters of the African

    Union Project in the past half century, the GREAT Trust, Council for Africa

    International and the Afrika Liberation Society strongly advocate for Africas

    Contemporary Ruling Elites to remember and keep in focus the Clarity and

    Height of Consciousness that led to the original momentum of post-Colonial

    African Unity and Unification.

    Firstly, the NeoColonial nation-state boundaries of Africa were designed for

    continued imperialist domination even after the proclamation of limited

    political independence. The NeoColonial Institutions of State in Africa that

    were created in the colonial period were conceptualized, designed to function

    and feed continued imperialist control even after the pilots in the cockpit of

    statecraft changed from Caucasian to African. In both instances, reform of

    public services would never be sufficient to transform the institutions of the

    NeoColonial State to fulfill the functions of the Total Liberation of the African

    Continent, of which African Unity is critical. No one African country can

    therefore defeat these anti-Africanist Forces for Evil and that needs to be

    understood to underscore the significance of African Unity. A house divided

    against itself is easy prey for the enemy, including extreme vulnerability to

    the extent that any Patriotic African Leader with the guts to protect the

    Sovereignty and Fundamental Human Rights of his/her citizens gets easily

    conspired against, demonized, crushed and taken down, often with internal

    treasonable saboteurs of the Total Liberation of the African Continent. Only

    a Patriotic Africanist Revolutionary Transformation of the NeoColonial

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    African State stands any chance of winning the long drawn out war of

    African Unity and the Total African Liberationthe status quo cannot

    because it is not designed to.

    Similarly, the Forces for Evil that conspired and unleashed the African

    Holocaust are not Nation-state, or even Continental in character, but wider

    and essentially International in character. To stand any chances of defeating

    International NeoColonialism and Imperialism would require at the very

    least a Continental approach and in league with the African Diaspora. It is

    from this high alert that the crucial role of a Patriotic Africanist Institution

    OAU/AU emerged. Similarly, it is this clear understanding of the limitations

    and drawbacks of the NeoColonial African State that propelled the post-

    Colonial momentum towards African Unity, Unification and a potentContinental Institution, with Courageous, Bold Patriotic Leadership

    equipped with competent advocacy skills, remarkably self-sufficient with a

    Strong Continental Economy, renegotiated Trade Terms, able to feed its

    Citizens, guarantee Realised Fundamental Human Rights and fulfilled Needs

    for Majority African Citizens, militarily defend its Sovereignty with unique

    defence capabilities to deliver to Vision, Mission and Purpose.

    On this 50th Anniversary [superficial Golden Jubilee is disrespectful of theMartyrs of African Unity and Total Liberation] of the formation of the

    OAU/AU, it should be borne in mind that the declaration of Independence in

    Ghana in 1957 triggered a cascade of rapid DeColonisation in West,

    Eastern, Central and Southern Regions of the African Continent. The

    missing link was the firm grasping of the opportunity to sustain that

    momentum for the Total Liberation of Continental Africa, while the

    NeoColonial State continued to indulge in endless superfluity of critically

    unfinished business. After 5 decades, it is time for the OAU/AU to subject

    itself to critical introspection, analysis, reflection during which African

    Leaders begin to ask themselves straight and direct questions as to why

    they have failed so sorely to deliver African Unity to the over One Billion

    Majority Africans. An independent Africanist External Review and

    Evaluation needs to be carried out in preparation for the radical rethink of

    the stated objectives, institutions and proposed institutions, timescales

    commensurate with the multiple-crises that afflicts the African Continent

    and the very much regrettable stagnated process for the Total Liberation of

    the African Continent.

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    Expressed differently, not even the AU of 10 years is fit-for-purpose for

    delivering African Unity because under its auspices, severe debacles have

    embattled it, not excluding the imperialist invasion of Libya by the UN,

    NATO and the Arab League without the permission of the African Union

    which is the Legal Territorial Authority over the entire African Continent.

    That shameful scenario can never happen in the EU for instance. Question

    is why so in the AU? Today, that Libyan failure, which could have been

    resolved with a highly competent, credible, fit-for-purpose African Diplomacy

    and Peaceful Negotiations utilising the hundreds of thousands of Africas

    Diplomats, sewed deep seeds of suspicion in international relations which

    has subsequently created mayhem in Syria, claiming more than 70,000

    lives. As said, our positions remain categorically opposed to all humanrights violation formsAfrican or non-African. We believe that an African

    Union institution that cannot defend the Territorial Integrity and

    Sovereignty of the African Continent in collaboration with its member states

    is a waste of space and needs to be disbanded. Africa requires a Patriotic

    African Continental Military Treaty Organization and High Command with

    excellent military competencies to dislodge any aggressor against the

    Fundamental Human Rights of Africans including foreign religious

    extremists such as Boko Haram.

    Mindful of the unacceptable foregoing sad account, the minimum

    attainments but menu of failures ascribable to the NeoColonial character of

    the OAU/African Union institution and the half century wasted, we call for a

    fit-for-purpose Patriotic African-centred Continental Union that reflects the

    keen sense of urgency and the degree of crises that have been allowed to

    beset the Continent and its Majority Citizens, capable of delivering to a

    robust Total African Liberation Agenda, Vision, Mission and Purpose, not

    the least the guarantee and protection of Fundamental Human Rights of

    Africans and Diaspora Africans as well as the Security of its Sovereignty:

    1- Embrace the fiercest sense of urgency for African Unification to facilitate the

    Total Liberation of the African Continent, given the elapse of 50 years

    2- Recognise, acknowledge and keep in mind Africas pedigree as the

    scientifically proven Origin of humankind, the Cradle of human civilisation

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    and not to disregard the exceptionally resilient Peoples of the

    Commonwealth of African States

    3- Note and remember the huge cost of African Disunity as continuedentrenchment of NeoColonialism, dehumanisation, fundamental human

    rights undermine, mass impoverishment through the yet unblocked vast

    amounts of illicit annual capital flight out of developing countries including

    impoverished Africa equating US$1.55 Trillion in 2009 with Nigeria alone

    losing US$130 Billion per annum.


    4- We put on record that the Mbeki Committee has failed to rapidly stem the

    tide of this record capital flight out of Africa and must be rapidly replaced by

    a Committee of Patriotic Revolutionary Africans to collect and collate

    evidence for the prosecution of the criminals involvedboth foreign and

    African. We note a resent attempt to water down the extent of illicit capital

    flight out of Africa and reject such moves of sabotage and treasonable


    5-Transformation of the African Union into a Command HQ of Rapid African

    De-NeoColonisation and Restoration of Rapid Economic Justice for Africa

    6- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for the end of the United

    Nations visible anti-African Institutional Racism by its refusal to end the

    marginalisation of the 1.3 billion African Citizens from Permanent

    Membership of the UN Security Council with Veto Rights. The UN stands outas hypocritical and contradicting its own Universal Declaration of Human

    Rights [UDHR] as well as the International Convention on the Eradication of

    All Forms of Racial Discrimination [ICERD]. We demand that the African

    Union takes appropriate action to initiate a unanimous immediate boycott of

    the UN with withdrawal of all Africas diplomats to the UN until the

    inclusion demands of the African Peoples are met
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    7- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for Reparations Settlements

    at the UN for the at least 14 centuries of foreign Crimes Against Humanity

    inflicted upon the African Peoples. We hold that Africa and its Peoples on

    aggregate owe no one any debts, but rather Africa is owed by former Colonial

    and Cartel Slave Trading Nations comparative to which aid is a mere drop in

    the ocean because the value of human beings and the opportunity cost of

    centuries are simply priceless. This is a Morality Reality Check and an

    opportunity for the former Cartel Slaver Countries to atone for Crimes

    Against Humanity inflicted towards their needed Redemption.

    8- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push to categorically challenge

    and reject the big racist anti-Africanist Propaganda Lie that Africans werecomplicit in the Foreign Cartel Enslavement of kin and kith and t5o make

    clear that this was a well-calculated ploy to divide the ranks of Persons of

    African Ancestry. Unfortunately, this despicable imperialist twisting has

    found itself through academia and the History of Cartel Slave Trade in

    Africans, indicating the insidious nature of imperialism and its divide and

    rule instruments. We alert All Africans and Persons of African Ancestry to

    disabuse their minds from this signal of mental enslavement and empower

    themselves to the truth of the barbaric nature of imperialism and its

    continued efforts to enforce, entrench and consolidate African Disunity

    9- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for the replacement of the

    Anti-Africanist diminished and undersized Map of the African Continent

    with that which Properly Represents the actual size of the African Continent

    as consisting of the whole of United States, Europe, China, India and Japan

    all combined. Copies of this ground-breaking exposure are available online

    including our websites for easy access

    10- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for the rapid

    Africanisation and restoring ALL of Africas Natural Resources and National

    Strategic Assets into the ownership of the Majority Indigenous Africans to

    whom God gave them to. No African Government has the legitimate

    authority to privatise the African Peoples Property, rather to protect them on

    behalf of the people. We hold that privatisation of the African Peoples

    Property is an example of unethical dispossession and ReColonisation ofthrough foreign capital which is a key characteristic of the NeoColonial

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    State. There must be a zero-tolerance and outright permanent prohibition of

    privatisation of any Properties and Assets belonging to the Majority African

    Peoples. Rather these must be harnessed, mobilised, retained in the

    Collective Ownership of the Majority African Peoples as Citizenship

    Entitlements towards the Guarantee and Protection of their Fundamental

    Human Rights and the primary purpose of meeting the needs of Majority

    Africans i.e. the eradication of abject poverty and economic terrorism

    through foreign economic occupation. We hold that there is enough Patriotic

    Africanist Managerial talent to efficiently, economically and effectively

    manage Africas Rich Natural Resources and Strategic National and Regional

    Assets for the primary benefit of Africans who have suffered for far too long.

    We advocate that any privatisation of the African Peoples Properties by

    Governments must be deemed anti-African, treasonable and revoked withimmediate effect

    11- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for rapid facilitation of full

    Independence, Self-Sufficiency andReliance and the roll back of the carpet

    of increasing dependency, given that the latter undermines Total

    Decolonisation and DeNeoColonisation. We call for a Patriotic Africanist

    Revolutionary African Union institution and Africas Diplomats to come

    together and negotiate a 21stCentury equivalent of Marshal Plan for the

    entire African Continent, specifically funded by former Colonial and Imperial

    Countries to replace the sparse and negligible International Development

    Budgets which is currently the trend.

    12- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for rapid Continental

    Employment Drive by Major Strategic Infrastructural Developments capable

    of rapidly facilitating the Economic Independence Transformation of theAfrican Continent, without compromise to Renewed Momentum of African

    Unity and Total Liberation of the African Peoples. We insist that to be

    credible, no Unethical Foreign Financial Outline should be applied in this

    21st Century Economic Transformation Push and that all attempts to profit

    from the centuries of wreckage and havoc of the African Economic

    Conundrum, Impoverishment and the African Holocaust will be resisted by

    the Majority African Peoples for Justice, Fraternity, Collective Security,

    Stability, Peace and Fundamental Human Rights

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    13- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for an Ambitious

    Modern Agricultural encapsulating Food Sufficiency, Preservation , Storage

    and Security to bring an end to hunger, malnutrition and infantile

    malnourishment and offset against draughts as well as end dependency on

    foreign food products. We believe that African has enough fertile land,

    wildlife, marine and water resources to provide adequate food on a long-term

    basis for the African Peoples, if properly mobilised

    14- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for a 21st Century African

    Industrial, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Technological, Engineering,

    Educational, Cultural Revolution imperatively integral to the Total

    Liberation of the African Continent which is the ultimate purpose of AfricanUnity, Unification of Africa and the African Peoples in Africa and the


    15- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for May 2013 to May 2014

    to be declared a Period of Transition, Transformation from the existing

    NeoColonialist African Union to the fit-for-purpose 21st Century Patriotic,

    Africanist, Anti-NeoColonialist, anti-Imperialist, Revolutionary Liberation

    Continental Agency of the Commonwealth of African States, Peoples andYouth

    16- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for a Patriotic

    Africanist Central Bank, with an African Common Currency which it must

    have the capacity to print in its own Printing Facility, sufficiently capitalised

    by African Gold and other resources, strictly owned by the Majority African

    Peoples to fund the financial requirements of African Unity, Total African

    Liberation and the African Common Market and to make Africa financially

    sustainable and independent, without the need to rely on foreign financial


    17- An Ethical Patriotic African Revolutionary Push for a Patriotic

    Africanist Continental Intelligence Bureau to primarily fulfil the intelligence

    needs of African Unity, Total African Liberation and the Sovereignty of a

    Liberated Continental Africa. To subsist with this would be a Patriotic

    Africanist Continental Bureau of Investigations to support the rapid

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    Unification of the African Continent, bringing Anglophone, Francophone,

    Luxophone and Arabophone Africa into an integrated Intelligence and

    Investigatory High Command to safeguard the Collective Security, Stability,

    Safety and Peace of the African Continent, her Peoples and Strategic


    Notice our deliberate emphasis on Patriotism, Africanism, Continentalism,

    Loyalty, Revolutionary, Sovereignty, Collective Stability, Security, Safety,

    Peace, Wellbeing, Independence, Commonwealth of Natural Resources and

    Strategic Assets, the Race Equality and Fundamental Human and Global

    Citizenship Rights of Majority African Citizens and Youth which are all

    components of the Total Liberation of the African Continent facilitated by a

    fit-for-purpose Patriotic Africanist Revolutionary African Unity Institution for

    African Unity, Unification of Africans in Africa and the Diaspora.

    The 50th Anniversary of post-Colonial African Unity Project presents the

    opportunity for a New Momentum to expedite a viable African Unification to

    expedite the achievement of the much-desired Totally Liberated African

    Sovereign Continent and Peoples and this must not be missed.

    May God Bless Africa to the defeat of all her Enemies!

    May God Bless and facilitate the Liberation of All the African Peoples on the

    African Continent and the Diaspora!!

    May God Bless the Vision, Mission & Purpose of Patriotic Revolutionary

    African Unity and Manifest Totally Liberated African Continent!!!


    Dr Koku Adomdza FRSA, MIOD, DPMSA

    President and Senior Fellow,

    GREAT GROUP Partnership of

    The GREAT Trust Group,

    The Council for Afrika International Group,

  • 7/27/2019 GREAT Presser-Africa Unity & Unification @ 50-Fiercest Sense of Urgency & New Momentum to UNIFY, Rapid Total Liberation of the African Continent and H


    The Afrika Liberation Group and

    The GREAT Consortium

    For further information, please liaise via

    Emails:[email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    Phone/Fax: + 447092859885



    The Global Race Equality Action Trust, Society and Foundation The GREAT

    Trust Group, The Council for Afrika International Group, The Afrika Liberation

    Group are 21st Century prominent, positively change-driven, ethics-inspired,race equality, human rights think and doing tanks at the cutting-edge of

    promoting creative and innovation schools of thought, paradigms,

    approaches and models for the restoration and manifestation of justice,

    fundamental and global citizenship rights for societal stability, peace and

    more perfect human civilisation.

    The African Union

    The African Union (AU, or, in its other official languages, UA) is a union

    consisting of 54 African states. The only all-African state not in the AU is

    Morocco. The AU was established on 26 May 2001 in Addis Ababa and

    launched on 9 July 2002 in South Africa to replace the Organization of

    African Unity (OAU) which was founded in 1963. The most important

    decisions of the AU are made by the Assembly of the African Union, a semi-annual meeting of the heads of state and government of its member states.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
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    The AU's secretariat, the African Union Commission, is based in Addis

    Ababa, Ethiopia.


    The objectives of the AU are:

    1.To achieve greater unity and solidarity between the African countriesand the people of Africa;

    2.To defend the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of itsMember States;

    3.To accelerate the political and socio-economic integration of thecontinent;

    4.To promote and defend African common positions on issues of interestto the continent and its peoples;

    5.To encourage international cooperation, taking due account of theCharter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration ofHuman Rights;

    6.To promote peace, security, and stability on the continent;7.To promote democratic principles and institutions, popular

    participation and good governance;

    8.To promote and protect human and peoples' rights in accordance withthe African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights and other relevant

    human rights instruments;

    9.To establish the necessary conditions which enable the continent toplay its rightful role in the global economy and in international


    10.To promote sustainable development at the economic, social andcultural levels as well as the integration of African economies;

    11.To promote co-operation in all fields of human activity to raise theliving standards of African peoples;

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    12.To coordinate and harmonize the policies between the existing andfuture Regional Economic Communities for the gradual attainment of

    the objectives of the Union;

    13.To advance the development of the continent by promoting research inall fields, in particular in science and technology;

    14.To work with relevant international partners in the eradication ofpreventable diseases and the promotion of good health on the


    The African Union is made up of both political and administrative bodies.

    The highest decision-making organ is the Assembly of the African Union,

    made up of all the heads of state or government of member states of the AU.The Assembly is chaired by Hailemariam Desalegn, Prime Minister of

    Ethiopia, elected at the 20th ordinary meeting of the Assembly in January

    2013. The AU also has a representative body, the Pan African Parliament,

    which consists of 265 members elected by the national parliaments of the

    AU member states. Its president isBethel Nnaemeka Amadi.

    Other political institutions of the AU include

    the Executive Council, made up of foreign ministers, which preparesdecisions for the Assembly;

    the Permanent Representatives Committee, made up of theambassadors to Addis Ababa of AU member states; and

    the Economic, Social, and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC), a civil societyconsultative body.

    The AU Commission, the secretariat to the political structures, is chaired byNkosazana Dlamini-Zumaof South Africa. On 15 July 2012, Ms. Dlamini-Zuma

    won a tightly contested vote to become the first female head of the African

    Union Commission, replacing Jean Ping of Gabon.

    The main administrative capital of the African Union is in Addis Ababa,

    Ethiopia, where the African Union Commission is headquartered. A new

    headquarters complex, the AU Conference Center and Office Complex

    (AUCC), was inaugurated on 28 January 2012, during the 18th AU summit.The complex was built by China State Construction Engineering Corporation
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    and Corporate Governance.

    The African Union has a number of official bodies:

    Pan-African Parliament (PAP)

    To become the highest legislative body of the African Union. The seat of the

    PAP is at Midrand, South Africa. The Parliament is composed of 265 elected

    representatives from all 54 AU states, and intended to provide popular and

    civil-society participation in the processes of democratic governance. Its

    president is the Hon. Bethel Nnaemeka Amadi of Nigeria.

    Assembly of the African Union

    Composed of heads of state and heads of government of AU states, the

    Assembly is currently the supreme governing body of the African Union. It is

    gradually devolving some of its decision-making powers to the Pan African

    Parliament. It meets once a year and makes its decisions by consensus or by

    a two-thirds majority. The current chair of the AU is Hailemariam Desalegn

    of Ethiopia.

    African Union Authority

    The secretariat of the African Union, composed of ten commissioners and

    supporting staff and headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In a similar

    fashion to its European counterpart, the European Commission, it is

    responsible for the administration and co-ordination of the AU's activities

    and meetings.

    African Court of Justice

    The Constitutive Act provides for a Court of Justice to rule on disputes over

    interpretation of AU treaties. A protocol to set up the Court of Justice was

    adopted in 2003 and entered into force in 2009. It is likely to be superseded

    by a protocol creating a Court of Justice and Human Rights, which will

    incorporate the already established African Court of Justice and Human and

    Peoples' Rights (see below) and have two chambersone for general legal

    matters and one for rulings on the human rights treaties.

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    Executive Council

    Composed of ministers designated by the governments of member states. It

    decides on matters such as foreign trade, social security, food, agriculture

    and communications, is accountable to the Assembly, and prepares material

    for the Assembly to discuss and approve.

    Permanent Representatives' Committee

    Consisting of nominated permanent representatives of member states, the

    Committee prepares the work for the Executive Council, similar the role of

    the Committee of Permanent Representatives in the European Union.

    Peace and Security Council (PSC)

    Proposed at the Lusaka Summit in 2001 and established in 2004 under a

    protocol to the Constitutive Act adopted by the AU Assembly in July 2002.

    The protocol defines the PSC as a collective security and early warning

    arrangement to facilitate timely and effective response to conflict and crisis

    situations in Africa. Other responsibilities conferred to the PSC by the

    protocol include prevention, management and resolution of conflicts, post-conflict peace building and developing common defence policies. The PSC

    has fifteen members elected on a regional basis by the Assembly. Similar in

    intent and operation to the United Nations Security Council.

    Economic, Social and Cultural Council

    An advisory organ composed of professional and civic representatives,

    similar to the European Economic and Social Committee. The chair of

    ECOSOCC, elected in 2008, is Cameroonian lawyer Akere Muna of the Pan-

    African Lawyers Union (PALU).

    Specialised Technical Committees

    Both the Abuja Treaty and the Constitutive Act provide for Specialised

    Technical Committees to be established made up of African ministers to

    advise the Assembly. In practice, they have never been set up. The ten

    proposed themes are: Rural Economy and Agricultural Matters; Monetary

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    and Financial Affairs; Trade, Customs, and Immigration; Industry, Science

    and Technology; Energy, Natural Resources, and Environment; Transport,

    Communications, and Tourism; Health; Labour, and Social Affairs;

    Education, Culture, and Human Resources.

    Financial Institutions

    African Central BankAbuja, Nigeria African Investment BankTripoli, Libya African Monetary FundYaound, Cameroon.

    These institutions have not yet been established, however, the Steering

    Committees working on their founding have been constituted. Eventually,

    the AU aims to have a single currency (the Afro).

    Human Rights

    The African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights, in existence since

    1986, is established under the African Charter on Human and Peoples'

    Rights (the African Charter) rather than the Constitutive Act of the AfricanUnion. It is the premier African human rights body, with responsibility for

    monitoring and promoting compliance with the African Charter. The African

    Court on Human and Peoples' Rights was established in 2006 to

    supplement the work of the Commission, following the entry into force of a

    protocol to the African Charter providing for its creation. It is planned that

    the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights will be merged with the

    African Court of Justice (see above).

    Role of the Diaspora

    The Constitutive Act of the AU declares that it shall "invite and encourage

    the full participation of the African Diaspora as an important part of our

    Continent, in the building of the African Union". The African Union

    Government has defined the African Diaspora as "consisting of people of

    African origin living outside the continent, irrespective of their citizenship

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    and nationality and who are willing to contribute to the development of the

    continent and the building of the African Union".

    Continental Government

    The principal topic for debate at the July 2007 AU summit held in Accra,

    Ghana, was the creation of a Union Government, with the aim of moving

    towards a United States of Africa. A study on the Union Government was

    adopted in late 2006, and proposes various options for "completing" the

    African Union project. There are divisions among African states on the

    proposals, with some (notably Libya) following a maximalist view leading to a

    common government with an AU army; and others (especially the southernAfrican states) supporting rather a strengthening of the existing structures,

    with some reforms to deal with administrative and political challenges in

    making the AU Commission and other bodies truly effective.

    Following a heated debate in Accra, the Assembly of Heads of State and

    Government agreed in the form of a declaration to review the state of affairs

    of the AU with a view to determining its readiness towards a Union

    Government. In particular, the Assembly agreed to:

    1. Accelerate the economic and political integration of the Africancontinent, including the formation of a Union Government of Africa;

    2. Conduct an audit of the institutions and organs of the AU; review therelationship between the AU and the RECs; find ways to strengthen

    the AU and elaborate a timeframe to establish a Union Government of


    The declaration lastly noted the importance of involving the African peoples,

    including Africans in the Diaspora, in the processes leading to the formation

    of the Union Government.

    Following this decision, a panel of eminent persons was set up to conduct

    the audit review. The review team began its work on 1 September 2007. The

    review was presented to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government at

    the January 2008 summit in Addis Ababa. No final decision was taken onthe recommendations, however, and a committee of ten heads of state was

  • 7/27/2019 GREAT Presser-Africa Unity & Unification @ 50-Fiercest Sense of Urgency & New Momentum to UNIFY, Rapid Total Liberation of the African Continent and H


    appointed to consider the review and report back to the July 2008 summit

    to be held in Egypt. At the July 2008 summit, a decision was once again

    deferred, for a 'final' debate at the January 2009 summit to be held in Addis


    Role of Regional Economic Communities

    One of the key debates in relation to the achievement of greater continental

    integration is the relative priority that should be given to integration of the

    continent as a unit in itself or to integration of the sub-regions. The 1980

    Lagos Plan of Action for the Development of Africa and the 1991 treaty to

    establish the African Economic Community (also referred to as the AbujaTreaty), proposed the creation of Regional Economic Communities (RECs) as

    the basis for African integration, with a timetable for regional and then

    continental integration to follow.

    Currently, there are eight RECs recognized by the AU, each established

    under a separate regional treaty. They are:

    1. the Arab Maghreb Union (UMA)2. the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA)3. the Community of Sahel-Saharan States (CEN-SAD)4. the East African Community (EAC)5. the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS)6. the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)7. the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD)8. the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)

    The membership of many of the Communities overlaps, and their

    rationalization has been under discussion for several yearsand formed the

    theme of the 2006 Banjul summit. At the July 2007 Accra summit the

    Assembly finally decided to adopt a Protocol on Relations between the

    African Union and the Regional Economic Communities. This protocol is

    intended to facilitate the harmonization of policies and ensure compliance

    with the Abuja Treaty and Lagos Plan of Action time frames.