God’s plan for humanity, the coming Apocalypse...

The Fifth Bible-Science Babushka Egg Reflections on Global Warming Physics linked to Metaphysics God’s Plan for Humanity, the Coming Apocalypse and A New Perspective on Global Warming By Herbert R Stollorz

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The Fifth Bible-Science Babushka Egg

Reflections on Global Warming

Physics linked to Metaphysics

God’s Plan for Humanity, the Coming Apocalypse andA New Perspective on Global Warming


Herbert R Stollorz

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

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Table of Contents Page

Introduction - Why Global Warming? 3

Global Warming Defined 6

Unifying a Clock for Global Warming 7

The Evidence Trail 10

The Metaphysical Information Trail 12

Global Warming Embedded in the Metaphysics 14

Global Warming before 2288 BC - an earth axis wobble 15

Grandmother’s Story of Noah 18

Noah’s Children Found in Turkey? 18

Asteroid Answers to Ancient Mysteries after 5 February 2287 BC 20

Aztec Witness 24

The Aztec Precession of the Equinoxes Proves a Different Time Dimension 26

A Time Dimension Ended in “Zero” @35 AD [Daleth] or 3018 AD [Jod]? 28

Second Witness - The Speed of Light Changes 29

Bible Witness for Global Warming 31

Kg Standard Weight [IPK] Changes Prove Climate Change 32

A Moon Witness After 2287 BC 34

Fun with Raw Chicken Eggs 37

Tree Ring Evidence 38

Australia’s Big Dry 39

Predicting the Next Climate Change After 2015 AD 42

Possible Asteroid impact Location on Earth After 2015 AD 43

Summed up - 10 Reasons for Global Warming 47

Winding Up This Short Section 48

The Evidence Trail Continued – 7 Babushka Egg Concept Books 49

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

Introduction Why Global Warming?In the beginning of 2010, the global warming science community was rocked by scandal when it was discovered that they were falsifying data, which was noticed on the Internet. It fueled heated debates and shattered the confidence of a divided science establishment.

It seems that money again is the modifier, which will follow the path of entropy laws in physics, which has forgotten that Humpty Dumpty will eventually fall and will irreversibly be broken. Lies have short legs. It is only a matter of time when corrupted politicians, aided by atheistic science, will be driven to push the nuclear button to start the chain reaction that will end in an Apocalypse and we all have heard about Armageddon by reading the Bible prophecy.

Global Warming became a political football with so many diversified opinions. It seems that much is no longer based on science as we watch the spectacle in the UN and listen to some university discussions. As a successful inventor/scientist, who is educated in old-fashioned physics and typically balances science with metaphysics, I cannot keep quiet when I hear fairytales postulated and sold as a solution to mankind.

Our present 21st century civilization has rejected a 6000-year-old human history book and expelled it from every classroom. It has now become a crime and is no longer allowed in open forum. It’s no wonder we have become confused and degenerated. Watching the many discussions on TV usually ends in quicksand that creates a noisy upheaval, which reminds me of a disturbed turkey farm. Why reject the oldest history book which has recorded climate changes across 6000 years and replace it with an evolution religion, and force our students to accept unscientific opinions invented by the establishment that speculates billions of years which has never been proven.

I do not belong to that crowd and I am still capable of thinking logically, as my previous inventions made many billionaires in the heydays of Silicon Valley. Before my retirement I created thousands of jobs and was even a president of my own hi-tech company for 20 years. Therefore, I should qualify in order to present you with an alternative explanation about a

Global Warming concept that is forbidden in universities.

The evidences I give regarding Global Warming are not just my opinion, but they are backed up by facts and documented by many witnesses, which we cannot deny, unless our interest is only driven toward getting more grants from the government. For those who love old-fashioned science, these few pages are like a discovery journey and it’s free on the Internet, which cannot be controlled by the establishment.

I present science on a dual balanced rail by combining physics and metaphysics at a higher perspective, recognizing mankind’s knowledge that I did not invent, but was curious enough to explore it further. If you want learn about the metaphysical domain that is rejected by science and how it regulates physics, keep reading. As an added bonus, I clear up some theological confusion by revealing better explanations for questionable Bible interpretations based on God’s Plan for Mankind, never preached in church.

First we will be investigating Global Warming from the prehistoric writings of history and use an interesting tool that not even theologians know about. On an obscure library shelf I discovered the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS), which can help us find out what the climate was during Adam’s time (4004 BC) as recorded in Genesis. I use science to connect HANS with Noah’s boat story (2288 BC) and the Mayan-Aztec calendar. We should now add to this information the many ancient stone-bronze-gold clocks, exhibited globally in many museums.

Many scientists have forgotten that Hebrew was the first language spoken by mankind, and it was not confused at the Tower of Babel. That turned my interest to investigate further where I discovered that ancient civilizations built a number of mystery clocks, exhibited globally in various museums and which scientists still puzzle over. Finally, as a hi-tech inventor, I cracked their secret codes1 after one hundred years of being on public display.

These clocks tell us that the earth had a previous axis wobble caused by an asteroid that created a gigantic flood beginning on 5 February 2287 BC. I support this model by math and run the calendar backwards in the planetarium projection sky.

1 The third Babushka egg concept book: Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries, Aztec-Mayan Calendar Antikythera & Other Ancient Clocks Confirm 21 December 2012 in Bible Prophecy. (Free on the Internet.)

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The earth axis wobble produced a mini-ice age, 3 miles thick on the poles, which modern scientists dated back to 60 million years ago. That speculation was never proven as it is just an opinion. We should look at numerous factors to be better informed, which is now presented in seven Babushka egg concept books that are still free on the Internet, which cannot be forbidden by the atheistic, university priesthood. Galileo would have been happy if he had access to the Internet. Instead, he had to suffer house arrest for the rest of his life for revealing newly discovered facts that were in conflict with the establishment.

This ancient wobble declined exponentially requiring the creation of new calendars, which emerged after Noah’s time. It was first recorded by the Hebrews in Genesis and verified by the Aztecs.

A shifting earth axis was never observed before the flood, and it confused many Aztec priests. We see the evidence of them adapting to a changing sky by building 5 pyramids on top of each other, exhibited at the outdoor museum in Mexico City.

The wobble journey was measured by various ancient clocks that defined an exponentially declining calendar, which was first corrected by Julius Caesar who added 62 days to a year, but the earth axis movement still kept going a little slower and seemingly fizzled out about Jesus’ time, where our calendar is divided at BC/AD.

Yet, there is still a small remnant movement left over that is stretched over thousands of years. It was corrected by Pope Gregory who added 14 days per year in the Middle Ages. It will ultimately stop the earth axis at 23½°, according to the Aztec calendar on 21 December 2012 our time.

If we think logically, a changing earth axis wobble could cause Global Warming, but it must be linked with a new discovery, which is the fact that the speed of light and gravity is changing, decelerating and increasing again, when measured from BC/AD. This is a hot button for scientists, as it questions Einstein’s theories.

Check out Princeton University recently when they measured light once more discovered it was 300 times faster, which behavior I had previously postulated in a

Babushka egg concept book; therefore, they should give my theories some credibility.

More feathers seem to be ruffled in the establishment, as so many scientists are greatly perplexed, unable to explain why when they noticed that the Standard Kilogram in Paris and its six global sisters have become obese in 135 years, which would change most of Newton’s Laws. That confusion can only be solved by investigating a dozen ancient stone-bronze-gold clocks, exhibited in various museums as scientists have not figured out what they measure, but it is now revealed in Babushka egg concept books for the first time.

Those ancient clocks are now decoded to measure a declining earth axis wobble which therefore will be changing a Time Dimension2 linked to a changing light3 and even gravity seems to be changed. The laws of physics are all connected, but they should be applied, since we see the evidence buried in geology and artifacts. This is another part of my story, which is the investigation of mankind’s historical calendar linked to new science discoveries. For the first time tourists who see the clock high up on the bell-tower in Prague, built by Emperor Charles V in the Middle Ages, will now know what it measures.

One ancient clock is specially made from bronze. It was fished out of the ocean a hundred years ago and still remains a mystery. It is dated 100 years by a faulty carbon dating method to the time before Christ. The Antikythera clock is much older, if you understand the design. It is exhibited in Athens and has 32 bronze gears that survived the salt water. It measured gravity before the time of Christ. This is the most important information to check out and it can be compared to gravity that we measure today.

To understand how that clock works, which is proven with gears (as gears to not lie) and designed to measure gravity over 2000 years ago, it could give us the answer to Global Warming. Remember gravity is what keeps the earth around the sun at a very precise distance and even a small change will either boil us or freeze our butts.

That perplexes many scientists but I connect it to why the Standard Platinum Kilogram PIS and its six sister copies have changed weight, comparing it with gravity

2 What is the Time Dimension? The 7th Babushka Book. 3 The sixth Babushka egg concept book: A Donut Atom Nuclear Story – How the Universe was Created.

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of ancient times with our time. That would reveal that the light speed in a teeter-totter relationship has changed, if you believe that thermodynamic entropy laws are valid, which are denied by an atheistic ‘evolution’ religion. They can no longer think logically, therefore they will never figure out why the climate is changing.

We will discover that in ancient times, the light-time dimension4 was influenced by a teeter-totter relationship to gravity that will affect global weather changes. It is explained in more detail in my book, What is the Time Dimension? Numerous factors showed up that demanded explanation in another Babushka book.

Stating that light is not constant is guaranteed to become a hot button controversy because it is in conflict with evolution fairytales, which should be investigated closer with the tools available in our modern high technology. Understanding the new discoveries exposed in Babushka books will uncover evolution as only a scientifically impossible opinion.

In addition, I will apply the ancient knowledge decoded with the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS), which are like hieroglyphs with an embedded science concept. That surprised me as an inventor.

We see many programs now on TV that show the effects of an apocalypse, prophesied in the Bible. The Aztec religion ended their calendar on 21 December 2012 and pointed to a future civilization speeding toward total destruction, ending with a firestorm.

Being a Bible student, I link the apocalypse, which is now even dated to our modern lifestyle that is governed by an unscientific politically correct world viewpoint and is basically morphed into what has been known to mankind for 6000 years as “good” and “evil” into a “third point” world view.

Ever since Adam became mankind, we have understood the difference of what good and evil is, until our civilization changed it into a new lifestyle where everything is relative, which is a totally new concept that has emerged into a third point world view. That will have horrendous consequences globally as God the Creator is on the other side of that equation.

An atheistic evolution religion was invented and started by a German philosopher named Hegel-Marx and is now enforced globally by an atheistic priesthood of lawyers and judges controlling our universities and educating our children with fairytales that no longer conform to science. Logic is denied in our schools, and what’s worse is that they are even rejecting the only historical book of mankind ever to be written across a 6000-year old time period, the Bible, which is still the best seller, having been translated into 430 languages, which will have consequences in this generation.

Witness the destruction of our civilization that is in danger of total extinction. Our environment is steadily collapsing now accelerating with no future for our grandchildren. Physics teaches us that when we turn off a light, it will have a consequence. This remains unchanged by opinions because obviously it will be dark, according to Newton’s laws.

Extinction follows the same action. If we out-fish the ocean there will be no more fish for our grandchildren. Put poison and chemicals in the water; there will be no more clean water; change the seeds genetically and splice out the reproductive genes and we will experience a collapse in the environment resulting in no more harvest for our grandchildren. All has consequence, according to Newton’s law.

The list is endless. If we snuff out life in the environment like honeybees and wildlife and cut down every big tree in the forest, we will doom our civilization or forget Newton. It’s like cutting off the branch you sit upon; it will have consequences, based on entropy laws. This you know, if you are still educated and able to think logically.

However, God who created mankind will have the last word and will save His creation once more. Collected in the Bible are His oracles that have the Plan for Mankind embedded in them, which is designed with a schedule, if we understand God’s clock. That is now explained in a series of Babushka egg concept books that will broaden a science horizon.

In a few years, Global Warming may no longer be an issue, which I state as I point to a 52 Km rock in space that is traveling around the sun in an 825-day orbit. It has been predicted that it will collide with earth, that is, if you believe what was published in 2006 on the

4 The 7th Babushka Book: What is the Time Dimension? - An invisible Galactic-Atomic Force Connecting Gravity with Magnetism linked to the Strong - Weak force.(12-20-10) Page 5 of 54

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front pages of magazines, which has now been forgotten, but must be crosschecked by the witnesses of metaphysics who gave many Bible prophecies, thus validating it.

Therefore, we should pay attention to Bible prophecy, which comes with a schedule and is verified by various scientific facts. You can find out that information free on the Internet. A modern day Jonah came to the global town square announcing that God’s Wrath will yet again be poured out like Sodom and Gomorrah, where only a few will survive, having been forewarned. Even theologians will perish with the atheistic world system, who should have listened to God’s warning, just like Noah’s relatives who missed the boat.

Nonetheless, if you want to know the real reason for Global Warming, I collected a number of facts from the knowledge pool of science literature, but it must be linked to the Bible in order to logically understand climate change. The confusion of Global Warming can be avoided by applying the laws of metaphysics for a fully rounded 360° perspective, as time will have run out shortly for our civilization. If you want to know what will happen in the next five years, investigate the information collected in Babushka egg concept books not permitted in the atheistic university. Galileo had the same trouble.

Global Warming DefinedGlobal Warming will remain a hot button to the very end and it degenerate to the lowest political level. It seems it functions only when money is exchanged from one pocket to the other and they are still not able to figure it out, because our schools teach evolution fairytales, controlled by a powerful, atheistic lawyer priesthood that is married to the atheistic Supreme Court of America.

Our country and even other countries globally are embroiled in a third point philosophy in the 21st

century and are now ruled by a 1.7% atheist minority, having changed a 200-year old Constitution in America. It has bypassed a comatose congress which will have ramifications, based on the laws of physics. Therefore, it will transform our society that was once the envy of the world.

Entropy laws are the foundation of physics but are no longer taught in our schools, seemingly forgotten, as they are in conflict with an evolution religion. Therefore they have even legally forbidden metaphysic science because they do not understand it and consider it some strange religion. The consequence of a third point belief system confuses logical thinking. Just a few years ago, this was not possible, but it is now demonstrated in the US Military. They have forbidden chaplains at the open grave of soldiers, who have died for their country, to end the prayer in Jesus’ name. To mention that name is illegal in the Military. It must be dangerous as it is now outlawed in America because chaplains will be court marshaled and lose their rank and pension.

However, if you are old-fashioned educated and really interested in understanding the reason for Global Warming, keep reading. This is not allowed in universities that believe that entropy laws of physics can be denigrated into a pagan government religion, which has been decreed by the US Supreme Court of Law. Only a 150-year-old atheistic, unscientific evolutionary religion is legally allowed to be taught in our schools, which will destroy our civilization because it is not based on reality.

Look around and discover the consequences of a third point viewpoint belief system that is enforced by a police force starting from kindergarten. Show me where the honeybees5, butterflies and decimated wildlife are?

Where are the fish in the polluted ocean and global destruction ending in total deforestation? Where do we find clean water or can you even breathe clean air anymore? Many consequences pile up which no longer find solutions. That, my friend, is reality linked to a third point thinking process. We only hear lies from our government that controls the media. They are in denial of the metaphysical.

There is much confusion in science about Global Warming, as most scientists haven’t got a clue what is happening to our earth and need clarification to get answers as to why the ice is melting. They blame it on CO-gas as a pretense to tax those who still have some money. But taxes suck the blood of a nation and never do anything except feed an ignorant bureaucracy.

5 Pearl #127 – Why are the Honeybees Disappearing? (12-20-10) Page 6 of 54

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In my story, I will teach physics and metaphysics that are not allowed in universities, as I cannot find a single book in any library to compare what I postulate. I should call my book “Look here” and you tell me what you see. If it matches your understanding of science, send me an e-mail and tell me so.

Here is the roadmap to understanding Global Warming. Climate-change theories have various perspectives such as looking at everything from the cosmos or solar system, or focusing on our earth down to the atom level. All are linked and work together in science. We need to understand each other and what we mean, and apply it where it fits.

Yet all the laws of nature are subject to a Time Dimension. You can get a better understanding from facts that are assembled in this Babushka concept book. Time is also related to light, as it is positioned exactly in the very middle of the frequency spectrum, a very narrow frequency sliver, where everybody thinks it is constant with a speed of 186,000 mi/sec. That is an assumption not yet proven, if you apply the thermodynamic entropy laws in physics. But since frequencies are married to a time base, let’s first define its nature.

1. Time as a concept has various aspects, which will have different meanings, depending on its application. For example if the doctor tells you that your condition is not good and gives you one day to live, that is one time concept we all understand.

2. Then from the metaphysics in the Bible which states that 1000 years is as one day to the Lord, which calendar did He use?

3. Science postulates that the Big Bang allegedly was 13.7 billion years ago. Who invented that time base? It is only an opinion, as we do not have any proof.

4. Inside the atom are tiny wheels turning like a clock that reveal how quickly a nuclei of atoms rearrange into molecules during a reaction measured in a Fenton-second 15–* pulse (= a millionth of a billionth). That is a time dimension too; a little tiny one I admit, but it is stated by Dr. Ahmed Zewail at Caltech, who received the Nobel Prize in 1999 for telling us.

5. My cuckoo clock model extraordinaire, mentioned in my Babushka book, is linked to 7000 years of humankind, a historical calendar that can therefore date the Apocalypse and has caused a great disturbance amongst theologians.

6. New discoveries in science are encoded now in many ancient mystery clocks that are exhibited in museums. They measure an earth axis wobble of a different time base, which could end up frustrating scientists, leaving them wondering for a hundred years, since it is wrapped in mysteries.

7. Since everybody knows that the earth is tilted 23.5° but do not know why, we should investigate the Precession of Equinoxes, which is yet another time base that only the ancient Aztecs knew about.

These different conceptual viewpoints all connect with the laws of physics and metaphysics and are linked to a universal denominator, a Time Dimension bound up in physics that is all associated with Global Warming.

A proper time dimension understanding therefore could end confusion and must be sorted out to reveal what the truth really is, since our universities are teaching so many fairytales like 13.7 billion years, thinking these tales are science. That could be the end of the heated debates about climate changes based on millions of years, which are conducted without common sense, as observed when watching the many UN meetings of many upfront candidates who seem comatose or brain-dead.

Unifying a Clock for Global Warming In trying to understand climate changes, we have a lot of confusion in science, which brainwashed our generation with evolutionary fairytales that made us blind to many evidences that are seen in geology, ancient artifacts and writings from witnesses in ancient times. The biggest lie perpetrated on the public is a billion year dating system sold as science. That is why I dedicated the 7th Babushka book on what a Time Dimension is.

Before I give my reflections on Global Warming, I want to comment on an article in Discovery Magazine6. In this article, various scientists use fictitious time estimates from radioisotopes that alternately give

6 The Earth Project, by Erika Check Hayden, Discovery Magazine, December 2007, page 52.(12-20-10) Page 7 of 54

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dates ranging from a billion to hundred thousand years in one breath. I think readers should give thought to this, since science has learned that Carbon-14 dating cannot consistently measure anything since the 1948 Pacific nuclear tests, which made this method of dating obsolete by polluting almost everything with radiation. No instrument is clean enough to measure such small amounts of decay of any substance.

That line of thinking will never come to an agreement on global warming. Starting with wrong assumptions and testing with obsolete methods can never lead to sound conclusions. But money, not true science, usually wins, as two camps seem to be better financed by the government; one tells time by uranium and the other uses potassium isotopes. Both are wrong, if you understand true science.

Most scientists are educated in an evolutionary fairytale religion and don’t realize that they are duped by a prevailing, controlling, atheistic priesthood that dictates what is taught globally in all schools and universities. Open debate is no longer allowed; therefore, any discussion not approved by their brand of science is forbidden and either rejected as speculation or religion.

One editor of a magazine seems to capture the problem and summed it up in Discovery Magazine, December 2007, page 52:

...These cycles occur because Earth’s orbit and orientation to the sun shift, slowly but steadily, causing recurring changes in sunlight and climate pattern. Yet rarely does anyone check whether dates derived from these different techniques agree. It’s as if every scientist is reading from his or her own watch, but nobody’s watch is synchronized with anyone else’s.

Creating one super accurate chronology of the Earth’s past could create hopes to eliminate such problems by giving everyone the same starting point…

Our goal is to produce a better timescale so we can go out and start asking a whole new set of questions.”

In this short story, you can get a new understanding of climate changes from a dual-rail perspective, in which

time can be calibrated to a corrected Gregorian calendar. Please notice that there are many

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mysterious ancient bronze–gold clocks7 exhibited in museums around the world, which have now been deciphered to explain what they mean. Some are even made from stone, like the Aztec calendar clock in Mexico City’s outdoor museum which tells us what was the calendar before the asteroid hit the earth in Noah’s time 2287 BC.

These ancient clocks are now decoded after hundreds of years of failed scientific investigation. With this new start on a more accurate chronology; earth history can be more easily dated and explored by every true scientist who is not controlled by an atheistic university priesthood of scholars, who try to put some order in the Global Warming puzzle, which can be properly dated, too.

Therefore Noah’s story divides climate changes and should have started the global calendar BC/AD from the moment the asteroid hit the earth, causing an axis wobble. That will be proven, if you want to understand Climate Change from the Babushka egg concept perspective, which is not allowed in universities.

This new chronological system explains a recent earth wobble caused by an asteroid on 5 February 2287, proven if the planetarium sky is played back. They match ancient cultures’ three dial mystery clocks, including the famous Greek bronze Antikythera calculator with 32 gears, dated at about 100 BC. Or visit Prague. In the center of that town is a huge clock built by Emperor Charles V in the 15th century; yet nobody could figure out what it measured.

But we need to look further to widen a 360° panoramic horizon and include some concepts that are embedded in physics and metaphysics. It is all related to Global Warming; otherwise, you can join the UN global warming club that’s making a lot of noise. It’s like visiting a turkey farm and throw in my Global Warming Babushka book, if you do not like it, which would create the same sound effect.

Global Warming is complex and we need to look around at the laws of physics influencing it. Let’s go down the list to make is simple:

1. What was the climate before Noah’s time in 2288 BC, according to the new BC/AD divide that dug out information from geology, ancient clocks and the Bible?

2. Ancient clocks exhibited in various museums tell us of an earth axis-wobble, which has global climate consequence. Not convinced? Read the introduction once more.

3. The effect of light not being constant is a big problem for scientists, which needs more explaining later. However, light changes can also be determined by the effect of DNA cell structures embedded in our bio-world. When examining this on the cell level, growing food should be linked historically to a tropical climate that existed before the Atlantis civilization, which is imprinted in geology. I will quote some examples from my 7th Babushka book, which will make better sense if you read all the lessons about the light-gravity-time discourse. It will make it quite clear why dinosaurs are so big.

4. Light changes also influence gravity and vice versa in a teeter-totter relationship to magnetism, which is linked to the moon, manipulating climate on earth. No kidding.

5. Since we are mortals, we should be better informed about “What is a Time Dimension”. We should know how it is influencing physics. What are the forces recognized from another metaphysical perspective, which we need to be familiar with in order for it to make sense? It could even explain our mortality from a scientific perspective.

6. Then our lesson will end with how life is embedded within Donut atoms; a new theory expanding to galaxies far-out in the cosmos, converging to the Jod dimension. We come around full circle, explaining science by reading only the opening paragraph in Genesis. “God created the Heaven and Earth”, which has Global Warming concepts embedded in it, which will surprise you as it has me.

As a retired successful inventor/scientist who created thousands of jobs and made many billionaires in the heydays of Silicon Valley high technology center, I should be allowed to have an opinion in opposition to what is now taught in our schools and should not be silenced like Galileo.

7 The third Babushka book: Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries, Aztec-Mayan Calendar-Antikythera & Other Ancient Clocks Confirm 21 December 2012 in Bible Prophecy.

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Concepts in science and the laws of nature link to each other like a smaller egg fitting inside the bigger one. Similarly, I connect science’s discoveries to the metaphysical perspective, where the smallest science egg must match the big metaphysic egg, like galaxies photographed with the Hubble telescope must conform to the same laws of physics replicated inside every atom.

The Bible announced the end of our civilization with God’s Wrath arriving shortly, just in time to save mankind from total destruction. It will be a historical repeat much like the Atlantis civilization which perished on 5 February 2287 BC, as dated by ancient bronze-gold-stone clocks that are exhibited globally in our museums, where you can inspect them.

That is not a fairytale; you should find out the mystery as it is now decoded. It is linked to Bible prophecy and the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS), which resolves many mysteries in science when it is crosschecked with the metaphysical, which is denied by the establishment. Galileo had the same problem and was forced to be silent, but history will be repeated again. Watch the railroad time dimension schedule that you can learn about in these short pages, which are forbidden by American laws to be taught in our schools.

Babushka books are designed to supplement what is no longer taught in school or theological institutions, to lift the curtain of confusion, as time is up – no more. The Apocalypse has started and will end 2015.

This book will show you many new discoveries in science, which will highlight false thinking and hopefully change our horizon, broadening it to a 360° perspective that is always on a dual rail, which is needed for balance in physics and metaphysics.

Reflections on Global Warming is continued in an expanded viewpoint and linked to a new theory found in the 6th Babushka Book, A New Donut Atom Story, and stretched to include What is the Time Dimension? An invisible Galactic-Atomic Force Connecting Gravity with Magnetism linked to the Strong - Weak force, the 7th Babushka book.

That is a lot of information, which is impossible to apply in this story, but it can be checked out free to broaden the knowledge horizon.

The Evidence TrailTruth and fairytales are part of our world just like good and evil, life and death, finite and infinite, physics and metaphysics, all cooked into one soup. We must sort it all out with our mind, the center of our intelligence that is still not defined, but remains a mystery for science.

However, our mind is subject to mortality where it is destined to end all knowledge for each of us, or it will be continued with what we can learn from the caterpillar that enters the cocoon only to emerge as a beautiful butterfly, or perhaps as it is illustrated as a seed wherewith Jesus said it must die in order to produce much fruit. He proved the principle for us by dying too and has billions of followers reproducing seeds ever since.

Although Global Warming has no boundaries, it cannot be controlled by corrupted politicians. Let’s assemble to find out what we agree on from a scientific perspective and sort out what is questionable in order to better understand what the many fundamental reasons are regarding why the climate is changing, where we are all affected by it.

Climate change can cause famine, collapse of real estate and businesses, and also trigger many other environmental changes that just keep adding on more, until we have our own version. Do we have answers for the following questions that are all connected to Global Warming?

1.Our population increased (7) seven times in the last century. Why?

2.The population curve started exponentially vertical about 150 years ago, which was very small around BC/AD. Why?

3.Food that is grown is linked to nature and environments. Do they match population trends?

4.Our polar ice, which measured one mile thick was estimated three times thicker 4000 years ago and is linked to core samples of ice evaluated in embedded trace elements. Can we find the reason for ice melting only on Polar Regions, or are there other places on earth that we should look?

5.Using the computer fertility rate and proceeding forward from the beginning of the human race, should surprise honest scientists. Why does it

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match to the 6000 years that the Bible teaches about, when Adam got kicked out of the Garden of Eden in 4004 BC?

6.That is proven by a science witness named Professor Edward Hull, who published a 14 ft long Wall Chart of World History, which is printed. Many editions are found in Barns and Nobel bookstores. Why is history denied in so many British universities?

7.The Bible is a history book of mankind, the oldest book on earth and goes back 6000 years; it is still the best seller and translated in hundreds of languages. If you want to know about global warming, you should look a little closer at what ancient people said about the weather in their time, across many centuries, which is aligned with Professor Edward Hull’s world calendar and should not be forbidden to be read in public schools.

8.Science only really started in the Middle Ages and electricity was invented a little over 100 years ago; from the hi-tech atom bomb to sputnik and the space station 70 years ago. Why do they believe unscientific monkey fairytales since 1970 and back to the Middle Ages?

9.Evidence of massive tropical animal bones in Alaska or underneath the North Polar Region was found under permafrost. It’s denied. Why?

10. Declining earth magnetism, with the North Pole moving 40 km/year. Who cares? What are the consequences?

11. The first human civilization started in the Garden of Eden near the Tigris and Euphrates River. Why is it connected to global warming?

12. After Atlantis disappeared (2287 BC), a second bronze civilization emerged along a narrow corridor, as we follow the trail of pyramids and ancient foundation ruins. Now totally bare of vegetation and only covered by sand, it’s linked to the frozen iceman found high up the Austrian Alps. Why is this not linked together, but instead it is ignored?

13. There are dozens of ancient clocks exhibited in museums, plus one built recently by the Emperor Charles V. in Prague high up on a tower, which is now a tourist attraction. None are deciphered with

modern technology until lately, which is described in the Babushka egg concept books.

14. Noah is known to be a historic person with a family; having built an ark filled with animals. This was duplicated by the Norwegian government, who built a cement Ark, closed its steel vault doors in 2008, only to open it after some mystery asteroid appeared? Both had foreknowledge.

15. Fossil bone cells are much bigger than bone cells measured today. Human skeletons, 12-36 ft long, were found in a Turkey grave. They have a cell structure of 6:1, and dinosaurs compared to our elephants have a ratio of 10:1. That could prove a climate change in ancient times.

16. The speed of light has been investigated by science and found not to be constant. It has been measured and proven to have been faster or slower. This presented many facts and could be the reason for Global Warming.

17. Why is the gravity measured in ancient clocks different today?

18. The Platinum World Standard Kilogram (IPS), guarded in the basement vault around Paris, has become fat after 135 years? Who changed it? Why?

19. The Egyptian dynasties show 350 years off from different perspectives. Should we ask Julius Caesar why he changed the calendar?

20. Explain the mystery; when you pass a magnet through a copper wire loop, it creates a pulse. More wire loops add more pulses that create electricity. Where does the energy come from?

21. Why is magnetism only possible when elements are solid? However, observing the sun through a color spectral filter, we can see magnetism affecting earth. Why?

22. How is life embedded in the atom, since some belong in the mineral department and the other DNA bio cells, which have embedded life? What is the intelligence that makes them go in different directions?

23. Why is life found only on planet earth?

24. Is it possible to live forever? Why?

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25. Keep adding your own why questions; it is fun when you have the answers that are all linked to Global Warming in one wholesome concept, if you read further.

I hope we have become aware of the fact that science needs another rail to answer the many why questions applied to Global Warming, as every open question will be answered in Babushka concept books; yes, it is possible to understand nature from a fully rounded 360° viewpoint provided that we allow it to widen our perspective horizon and include the metaphysical point of view, which is now balanced knowledge on two rails, each 180°. We see this when we apply logic.

But if we try to answer those questions from a faulty atheistic fairytale perspective, we see only paintings of an evolved monkey on every museum wall for our kids. We need more stories like the analogy where the maiden kisses the frog and it becomes a handsome prince with a PhD degree, rewarded with big salaries from the atheistic priesthood. That will prove science is only for kids, when we forget entropy laws.

Do not be offended when applying the frog story to our scientists who are explaining Global Warming, and who choose to ignore two fundamental Thermo-dynamic Entropy Laws, which should be taken seriously in our schools, as the laws of physics will become plain.

They should consider that in nature an energy conversion over 100% is impossible. Just visit the many museums exhibiting impressive dinosaur models, but notice the absence of even a simple transposing skeleton, with not even one bone to show the evidence for a faulty evolution theory among millions of fossil bones, as the energy equation conforms to thermodynamic entropy laws.

The laws of nature dictate and allow only extinction, being inferior and less than 100%. Every DNA is controlled by intelligence to form Gestalt or existence, which is proven by your intelligence and by your mind controlling your body also. If you do not understand what your mind is, then forget Global Warming and be entertained with something else.

The story for kids has logic embedded and we should apply it to our intelligence, our mind, in that a frog will genetically always be a frog 100% of the time, even if kissed; try it out. If it does not work, find another

maiden. Only laws of physics that can be replicated should be added to our scientific knowledge base, as it will improve our understanding of nature.

Fairytales are not science, but sometimes they contain wisdom pearls that can be applied to science. However, we should grow up and lay aside childish behavior in order to understand our world a little better, which can be destroyed by false thinking, being void of intelligence, like smashing atoms with cyclotrons such as CERN.

It gets worse; we use the light of a match as a scale to measure a lightning bolt or even apply it to the universe, believing it to be 13.7 billion matchsticks. That idiocy was accepted and proven with a Noble Prize awarded to the recipient, a politician and vice- president only educated in how to spend money. He has been appointed now to be the champion in explaining a fairytale Global Warming science.

If you are still not convinced about an evolutionary monkey story painted only for kids on many museum walls in an effort to explain science, then perhaps you should compare it to your laptop computer. Everybody has one now, which will become junk if only one tiny single bit is added to the embedded intelligence, a microcode over 100% which will cause it to crash.

This is proven by thousands of angry people now exposed to the entropy laws of physics governed by the best microcode money could buy. It cost me 60 bucks a year just to find out that extra bit messes up my computer, causing it to crash.

That my friend is the plain truth that is experienced by thousands of people; therefore why is it denied by comatose science teachers, hiding in universities who are only interested in being paid off with money? They have forgotten to think logically and do not understand computers, or perhaps it is more for the love of money?

Fairytales are a big business for the government who is printing massive amounts of money from thin air. They even cheapen the Noble Prize by rewarding fairytales, as seen recently in the Global Warming crowd.

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The Metaphysical Information Trail for a Fully Rounded CircleTo fully understand Global Warming, it must be linked to the cosmos as well as the energy source fueling a universe. The Hubble telescope photographed beautiful pictures of galaxies with the lights turned on. Logically, the energy must come from somewhere, or can you explain such things like when you take a magnet and push it through a copper coil and get an electrical pulse.

A lot of coils and more magnets create millions of volts when scaled down with a transformer to 110 volt, which is beneficial for our use. From there, we will learn where the energy comes from, which is now explained better in the Babushkas egg concept books, where all is connected with the laws of physics and governed by the metaphysics intelligence.

I will not fly in an airplane without a pilot. The airplane is controlled by invisible embedded intelligence, which is demonstrated externally with a uniform that I can recognize with my five senses, which indicates to me that he is qualified, according to pre-designed civil laws of aeronautics that I never heard of.

Nature is replicated on dual entropy laws. Some are internal and invisible like a pilot’s intelligence; some are external as defined in physics, like a pilot’s uniform that we can touch, see, smell and feel with our five (5) senses. Yet notice that I did not mention hearing nor had I ever heard of aeronautics laws, therefore, to me it would be an incomplete analogy and it needs another dimension to tell me that something is missing, for a balanced perspective.

When we check out Newton’s invisible gravity energy laws or Fraunhofer’s visible frequency spectrum embedded with spectral lines, they become eventual solid elements that are now collected in the periodic table. All must conform to entropy laws, but they should be cross-referenced with metaphysics to become a solid reality, just in case something is missing that was not detected by my sixth sense, which exists only on the metaphysical.

Mortality is controlled by the mind -SOMETHING embedded with intelligence - and is structured to operate in a mirrored environment that controls the physical five senses level. If you mention the sixth sense, it will get you in deep waters. Try it out with

your friends on the other hand, and it could get you a Noble Prize.

For example, embedded spectral lines teach us what the stuff the galaxies are made of, provided of course, the lights are turned on inside the galaxy. What is dark in the cosmos is now explained as “70% dark energy”. Do not take it seriously. It’s only an opinion from an atheistic perspective, which denies entropy laws, but they do not understand metaphysics because they postulate dark energy, but without any proof or witnesses, they haven’t got a case.

Concepts are illustrated from a faulty perspective of physical science; therefore, they become fairytales to make money by either writing schoolbooks or raising school fees to impress uneducated students. Maybe magazines will publish it to fill up space, since they too are just another business.

However, if it does not cost money, it is free for educating and if you love science, discover what Genesis reveals in the very first verse of the Bible, starting with a cosmos with the First Entropy law and mentioned as ∞ infinite light emanating from Elohim. As a scientist, I have investigated the ∞ symbol that we use in mathematics. It will reveal the two dual applications of each closed circle loop put together in parallel but interconnected in the center with a DOT.

The symbol resembles a number eight laying sideways, which reminds me of the Hebrew Alphabet Number System, Chet, which has an embedded meaning such as corralled-in or surrounded with a fence in a full circle.

Every Hebrew letter is dual in its meaning also; therefore, it predicts “a new beginning”. The two concepts make sense if you visit my ranch. We have an enclosed fenced circle where sheep are driven in at one gate to enter the circle; the other side is a gate to exit into a truck. That illustrates a principle in the cosmos, no kidding, like a hieroglyph ∞ symbol.

The infinite hieroglyphs symbol is really two independent circles (loops) next to each other. Two entropy laws govern it, which is explained later in this thesis and linked with a DOT, connecting the two loops. It becomes the most importance math concept, as it represents a Time Dimension that cannot exist without the cosmos. I dedicated a whole chapter to this mystery concept, as it is not taught in any

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university because they deny entropy and the metaphysical domain.

That my friend, was the greatest discovery in my inventor/scientist mind; it was to understand fully how the universe functioned since it is never preached in church and it is not allowed in universities because it is too dangerous for the evolution fairytales.

A lot of people’s salaries are at stake if they would even mention that they read the Babushka egg concept books. It is even avoided by pastors who fear a revenue loss, especially if comatose sheep wake up, which would mean that they could understand the Bible a little better, since many pastors still preach from a Middle Age perspective.

The time-energy-light-gravity diagram on the cover page is a discovery that took six Babushka concept books to explain. I can only give you a few appetizers here to help show you what the full menu is like.

In another example, let’s investigate what comes from space that can be measured in physics and is central to our world, a phenomenon only found on earth. We do not see it anywhere else as we look at the universe and the biggest reason is because we all share life, which is linked to intelligent mortals who are surrounded with complex life forms in billions of variations.

Mortals have superior intelligence and they are on top of the pyramid of all life forms. Therefore, we are curious as to how it all works so well; yet it is so balanced and runs like a clock.

We wonder how it got started, and that will cause wild opinions forever, like a blind man trying to explain a beautiful sunset. In other words, our five senses are very limited, because there is more and we need to seek it out, using our mind intelligence to expand our vision for a 360° horizon. Even when I say 360°, it was invented by ancient Sumerian mathematicians; therefore, we should use all the information available.

Examining specific problems requires specific answers if you are scientifically inclined. Why not look further at the metaphysical perspective to discover the connections.

Global Warming Embedded in the MetaphysicsClimate change is on the forefront and is mentioned almost daily on TV, but it can only be explained

completely from the metaphysical side, where cosmos intelligence is started. One analogy is: if there is a problem in your computer, we need the diagram of the microcode made by the inventor, such as Bill Gates, or ask Steve Jobs. Both became billionaires. When we look at Global Warming, it also conforms to an audit trail, since the universe is orderly and designed by an infinite inventor; that is provided you are able to still think logically.

Investigating nature is not just random, it is very complex or if you’re so smart and if you know any better, could you please explain to me what the life in you is that controls your mind? What is gravity, magnetism or electricity? And if you should visit so many museums globally, could you tell me what those ancient calculators and stone-bronze-gold clocks measure?

I could make a long list and explain it for the first time to the universities that believe an atheistic ‘evolution’ religion. They should investigate our world from a fully rounded 360° circle of knowledge, which has now been collected in seven forbidden Babushka egg concept books, which is not allowed in open forums.

Ultimately, when we sum up so many facts and the many new discoveries, we realize for the first time that we should use logic and apply the laws of physics (which are mirrored in metaphysics). That will help us to finally understand how the Creator built His universe from only two entropy laws, conforming to a grand design that is replicated a million times with atoms forming galaxies with embedded intelligence, just like computers are replicated from a designer like Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, who understood physics and became billionaires.

My cosmos model is assembled in the Babushka egg books, which are extraordinary for explaining many mysteries, but it will take some time to assimilate because I was an inventor and made many billionaires because of my invention, which created thousands of jobs in the heydays of Silicon Valley. Your laptop computer still has a tiny disc drive with a miniature flying head, sliding over a spinning disk, on an air film that is a thousand times thinner than your hair. The first disc drive, which had less capacity than a floppy, could only be moved with a forklift; now that is history.

Therefore, when I give you my opinion, tell me your accomplishment and together we will understand Global Warming and include information outside our puny limited sphere, fuelled by many other people’s

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opinions, which will be like a stone thrown in the pond that only creates a lot of ripples, but we should look at science and the metaphysics domain from a 360° roundabout circle, if we investigate our planet.

Let’s not repeat again what happened to Galileo when they forbid his discoveries and silenced him with house arrest. Therefore, let’s include meta-physics, which has been rejected by ignorant scientists who have lopsided education and are brainwashed, for the most part, into an atheistic evolution religion based on a Middle Age perspective, when science was still in infancy.

The Bible is the oldest history of mankind, written by 40 very intelligent professionals with a much higher IQ, which is not seen in our universities, since they reject it. Therefore, they will never know ancient science that was revealed by the Creator to balance out what we postulate.

The quest to understand the “why” question is like an invention and must be based on purpose when applying it to mankind’s existence, which can only be answered if we combine the visible Second Entropy laws with the invisible First Entropy law, in order to expand our vision toward a fuller understanding, which will answer the question of why God would create a universe. This booklet dares to explain it.

For example, most conventional scientists believe light to be constant, yet that is not possible if you understand the first and second dynamic entropy laws. Just because we do not see the first entropy ∞ infinite light with our eyes does not mean it does not exist. We can measure light only with instruments on a lower entropy level calibrated to our eyes because it comes with an embedded time dimension, which causes us to be mortal, according to Newton’s laws.

Get in touch with Princeton University and ask what was light measured at recently. You would greatly surprise them when they hear it was discovered at 300 time’s faster velocity? That could make Albert Einstein’s theory obsolete, and I include Newton’s laws, too.

Go to the end of my story and check out the “Evidence Trail Continued” for more information. There is so much mentioned in this little booklet that will hopefully make you think - like looking at light from the seven rainbow colors spectrum, for just one example, which we all can agree on, as there is more when you notice Fraunhofer’s spectral lines.

The First Witness of Global Warming Before 2288 BCThis book will explain a historical event that took place on 5 February 2287 BC that is denied by the atheistic scientists. They rebuff that the earth spin-axis got hit with an asteroid, which created a gigantic wobble. That is not a recorded myth or legend. You can check it out with the many ancient bronze–gold clocks exhibited in museums, or you can dig a little dirt around your neighborhood and become a geologist. We see the evidence of geological change that only a flood could have caused everywhere.

Visit some museums in big towns and investigate the many artifacts and ancient writings that portray an early Atlantis civilization that disappeared, or why has it been recorded that only 8 people were smart, having been forewarned and built a boat to survive. Their names are still known globally after 4300 years, but what happened to the rest of Noah’s relatives, among a population into the billions? All died with the 70% of animal species, from dinosaurs to thousands of tropical animals that are now buried in sand, clay and ice.

We see the evidence globally such as in Alaska, where massive tropical bones of mammoth, mastodons, bison, horses, wolves and lions north of Fairbanks were found underneath ice, led by an expedition headed by Dr. Frank C. Hibben, Prof. of Archeology, at the University of New Mexico. On the other side of the North Pole, they found the famous Beresovka, prehistoric, mammoth, hairy elephants, which were dug up in the Siberian tundra. They were found with butter flowers still in the mouth; they had been instantly frozen. Most had broken bones embedded which were caused when they were tossed like tumble weeds, blown by horrendous winds, collapsing the atmosphere in Kelvin cold. Embedded in the cracks, they became permafrost, buried hundreds of feet deep.

The mystery is deepened as we find massive mastodon and saber-toothed tiger bones, even in Florida [Valentine, quoted by Berlitz, Charles, The Mystery of Atlantis (New York1969)]. That can only be explained with the Aztec clock exhibited nearby in an outdoor museum in Mexico City, revealing a previous earth axis spin, which prevented rain or snow before the asteroid event. The earth had an even tropical climate on its poles. This fact is recorded in the Bible.

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That did not happen 60 billion years ago, but can be measured with the ancient clocks exhibited in museums. An obsolete, faulty carbon dating method is misleading and is only useful for fairytales, which do not need to be proven by an atheistic evolutionary religion. Ancient clocks are much more functional as a dating tool since they measure time.

However, they need to be mathematically corrected to be practical for NASA, since the earth has an axis wobble that comes to rest on 21 December 2012, according to the Aztec calendar. That is not known by scientists; therefore read my Babushka book because I am the first one to crack the mystery code hanging in museums. The bottom line is that anybody can be a Noah today, if they are informed and pay close attention to what is going on.

An ancient fast declining shaking earth axis wobble would cause the oceans to raise high up and cover the mountains. Like an air pump, it would have set in motion, forcing a raging updraft, followed by a powerful downdraft of frigid, high altitude air, traveling hundreds of miles per hour. With temperatures below 150 degrees F below zero, there would have been flash freezing within seconds, in downhill blasts. It would have turned trees and plants into brittle ice statues and flash froze gigantic mastodons and mammoth with food in their mouths. These were found in Siberia. The rapid temperature fluctuation meant the end of millions of plants and animals… but the destruction was only the beginning. Ice was accumulating three miles thick on its poles.

The wobble shock waves triggered enormous earthquakes along their fault lines, erupting furious activity that spewed hot lava across the landscape, splitting and lifting mountains with raging fires and flames that twisted for thousands of feet into the air, in an inferno that raced through forests and into the telltale charcoals that were strewn across the continents.

We will get a repeat when the next asteroid impacts us. We got an example in 2010 recently. Check out the island’s volcanic landscape that shows the deepest fault line on earth, separating two continents that are still moving and have been since 2287 BC. That had consequences in physics and cost billions of dollars globally with the airplanes that had to be grounded.

Back to our story demonstrating a fast declining spin axis after Noah’s time created gigantic glaciers formed globally, with the poles heaping snow and ice three miles deep and erupting with volcanic activity on a gigantic scale. The impact of the asteroid would have unleashed a 1000-foot high tidal wave that raced toward Europe and Africa at 500 miles an hour. The waves would have collapsed hundreds of miles inland, devastating everything in its path, killing every living thing instantly. Thousands of pockets of water holes would have formed large lakes. Check out north of Minnesota.

The previous spin axis wobble in the first 100 years after Noah’s boat experience was reduced from 7 to 2.8, as the Genesis calendar graph shows Figure A, which matches the Aztec calendar as witnesses that establish the facts.

First building 5 pyramids and then another 7 pyramids on top of each other in a different place (as seen in the Mexico City’s outdoor museum) is either very stupid or it has not yet been understood that a global axis wobble messed up a calendar. That also changed a Sumerian calendar, based on a numerical system from 1 to 60, it gives special symbols to 1,10,60 600 and 3600, which is a 60 base system which we still use today, such as in a circle, as well as measuring time by 60 minutes and 60 seconds in a clock of 12 hours, which was instituted by Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory. If you multiply by 5 Chinese dragons, you will get 60, which is explained in my Babushka book, which matches a future Apocalypse, as described in Revelation.

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The extent to which past commentaries or an asteroid impact were responsible for civilization cultural change, or even the development of a sun religion, where the sun won the battles against the heavenly gods is not known. The sun was no longer rising up in the west, but switched over to the east several times, only to end up rising once again now from the east, ending with a 23.5 degree axis position that comes to a rest on the [21.December 2012]. That should no longer be a hypothesis, but can be seen through the eyes of astronomical, geological and archaeological evidences and should no longer be dismissed.

Natural catastrophes during the Bronze Age Civilization were mentioned in the British Oxford Archaeological reports prepared by Trevor Palmer Dec.1997, #30 on pp6-7 and Dr. Benny J. Peiser, a historian and anthropologist in Liverpool at John Moore’s University. Better yet, read the Bible which has a lot more information, such as the sun standing still, where it was no longer moving for a while during Joshua’s days, which led to Israel’s conquest in the Promised Land. Also seen was a sun-clock going backwards by 10 digits on the king’s palace wall sundial, during Hezekiah’s days. Explain that with the science that is recorded by the intelligent leaders in their community?

The third edition of the university textbook Exploration of the Universe by George O. Abell, published in 1975, informed us that Jupiter had 9 moons, but in 2005, it was discovered there were 63 moons; Saturn had 10, now 62; Uranus 5, now 28; and Neptune 2, now 13 moons.

This surge in the number of satellites for these planets is that telescopes have become better, meaning that we can see further, with greater detail. Therefore, passing objects can be detected that were previously invisible and we should not rule out that an asteroid is approaching, which has now been predicted to be 52 Km in size and is on an 825 day orbit around the sun. It was calculated that it will hit our earth. That became front page NEWS in two popular magazines around 2006, but it has now been forgotten.

Yet, it is further dated in my Babushkas book, as I collected more information and applied advanced technology that is linked to ancient prophecies, dating the apocalypse, for those who want to know. If the relatives of Noah would have believed the old man,

their names would now be known by everybody after 4300 years too. Think about that.

In any event, what is perfectly clear is that the story of Noah and the story of Atlantis are apocryphal and will be duplicated again. In order for people around the world to survive the same event that happened 4300 years ago, you have to read the signs that are even seen on TV. There are many discoveries in science that match Bible prophecy. That is for you to find out, if you want to live a little longer and you may need provision like Noah did for his family.

However, collecting information and matching it with prophecy to date the Apocalypse is now revealed. It also can be linked to the reason for Global Warming, which has now become my story, where I explain the two laws of entropy from two perspectives; one from physics, the other from metaphysics, which will broaden the horizon within a closed loop, a 360° circle.

I will be using the ancient Sumerian-Aztec-Hebrew calendar accounting system that is embedded in bronze-gold-stone clocks, which are exhibited in many museums and are now decoded by a Hebrew Alphabet Number System code. That exposed the Apocalypse date, aligning future events that were prophesied.

They are no longer a mystery because it is all assembled, as God wanted us to receive the last warning before God’s Wrath once more appears, and His desire to save His world from total destruction. He will use the cosmic laws, much like we do with X-rays, in order to totally irradiate the evil atheistic cancer of politicians and atheist scientists controlling our second civilization, in order to save humankind from total destruction.

Our scientists on a fast track messing up genetically all food seeds saved from Noah’s boat will soon be confronted with the Creator God who invented it. He is coming back to earth to stop this madness.

God’s plan made provision to give birth to a new third civilization that will last 1000 years, just as prophesied and expected to arrive in just a few years. It will be God’s Kingdom on earth, enforced with new laws of justice, equality for all and where there will no longer be a military force permitted, or any allowance for plundering others for what they worked so hard for.

No more IRS oppressions; atheists or scientists destroying the environment or evil evolution religions.

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They will all be gone. There will not even be one church or mosque building standing even the Vatican the symbol of corrupting the Gospel morphed from pagan sun worship religion mixed with Christianity enforced by Constantine and will disappear into rubble after the asteroid on 10-17 September 2015, as predicted by science and the Bible.

We will once more experience the same earth axis wobble that I described, as you just read about, only maybe a little smaller, as the Bible and Aztecs predicted a fire storm. That means that the large 52 Km rock in space will explode, pass through our atmosphere and disintegrate into smaller particles, burning up vast areas of GMO planted corn, rice and wheat. All the cities will be leveled by tectonic plates lifting again, as bigger asteroid chunks will shake the earth once more. Just read the Bible where many prophecies are recorded for us as a warning.

That is even dated now as science projections match the many prophecies of both the Bible and the Aztec religion. It could also be the reason why God appointed me as a scientist, in order to crack the code of the ancient clocks. That will prove the warning given, as it connects to the calendars of three civilizations, for the future generation to know about. That I am convinced of, since so much information is now documented in 7 Babushka egg concept books that it is not possible for one individual to invent it all, as I too am mortal with limited understanding. I need metaphysics to make it plain to me.

Please take the time to read for it will instruct you, not only in a logical way regarding what Global Warming is, but it will greatly explain further the mystery in you, such as why you where created and placed on this earth, destined by two entropic cosmic laws. It will be as in nature, where we see a caterpillar going into the cocoon, only to emerge as a totally different butterfly creature. It will even surprise you. That is not a fairytale.

You should consider what the Bible recorded for us; the whole Plan for Mankind, giving us purpose. We will be elevated to become royalty, the light children of God, where we are invited to live life forever in what we call heaven or the Jod dimension, if you understand HANS. Check out the “time-light-gravity” diagram, an illustration explaining a Time Dimension from a metaphysical perspective, which will be

explained in more detail next; a story forbidden in the halls of higher learning and upsetting to theologians.

The discovery of the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS) will open many scientific principles that the Bible theologians have a problem with. We can start out with a little fun as an introduction, but later it becomes very serious, as it will affect your life.

Grandmother’s story of Noah’s Flood overlaid with the Hebrew Alphabet Number System. (Author unknown)

Everything I need to know about life, I learned from Noah’s Ark.

1. Aleph. Don’t miss the boat.2. Beth. Remember that we all are in the same

boat.3. Gimel. Plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when

Noah built the Ark.4. Daleth. Stay fit. When you are 600 years old,

someone may ask you to do something really big.

5. Heh. Don’t listen to critics; just get on with the job that needs to be done.

6. Waw. Build your future on high ground.7. Zayin. For safety’s sake, travel in pairs.

8. Cheth. Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.

9. Teth. When you are stressed, float a while.10. Jod. Remember, the Ark was built by

amateurs; the Titanic by professionals. 11. No matter the storm, when you are with God,

there is always a Rainbow waiting. (11 = destruction-confusion)

12. Make sure that God designed your boat. (12 = perfection)

Noah’s Children Found in Turkey?Large, oversized human remains8 with bigger cell structures where recently found in numerous graves in Turkey, near the cradle of our civilization. They could genetically point to prehistoric times. I suggest that it could be linked to the first civilization after Adam’s children, who probably had much bigger bone

8 http://bibleprobe.com/nephilim.htm(12-20-10) Page 18 of 54

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structures than modern humans have, considering the genetic laws of recessive genes that appear after 500 years. We can learn about GMO and become more familiar with it, if we read the Genetic Modification Exposed Babushka egg concept book.

This will surprise many theologians and scientists! That is even reported in Genesis, which confuses theologians, as many are not educated in science. It is not a coincidence that these gigantic human bones are found as complete skeletons with their clothes on, in apparent graves that were uncovered near where Noah’s Ark came to rest in Turkey. Their clothes looked the same as the iceman with a copper ax, found in the Austrian Alps underneath a melted glacier. That will be mentioned later in more detail.

Investigating those fossil bones, they show larger cell structures that were typical of the age before Noah’s Flood, when the speed of light was faster, which also affected gravity. Gravity–light changes will be discussed in the next part of my story, as all must be seen within an endless energy loop and one must circumspectly decide where to start the cycle, since the beginning could be the middle.

Investigating large bones that match with large cell size is forbidden in our universities because it violates an evolutionary religion that compares it to the 3 ft Lucy monkey bones that were mixed with pig remains.

They believe them to be human since many scientists make big salaries, but are poorly educated because they have forgotten to think logically anymore, by denying entropy laws that Newton discovered. They even refute the evidence embedded in coal deposits. How confused can you get by believing fairytales? My opinion strongly indicates that some genetic characteristics would be continued with recessive genes after Noah’s children were born after the Flood. The Bible records gigantism in several places. People born after the Flood had much smaller cell sizes, as noticed in Egyptian mummies, as light slowed down exponentially very quickly, which ancient clocks tell us about. They are now presently reduced and measure at 186,000 miles/second, as of 2000 AD. We will learn more about that a little later, as light cannot be constant, if you want to understand physics through the application of Thermodynamic laws on the cellular level.

I saw on TV where some rich kids were looking for Noah’s Ark way up the mountain with an oxygen mask, which is not very smart. Only poorly educated rich kids, stirred up by ignorant theologians would climb high mountains looking for Noah’s boat. Perhaps they should visit a dairy ranch to find out what cows eat. There is snow and ice at high altitudes. It only shows the lack of education that comes from following theologians who are stuck on names, which lost reference in antiquity. The boat will never be found on top of a mountain, since animals that were cooped up in close quarters needed quick access to green pasture in the valley, in order to survive. This is just my opinion that was formed from watching cows.

Placing the Ark at a high altitude, on top of steep rocky cliffs covered with permafrost ice is not scientifically rational. There are no animals nearby nor can you even see any green plants surrounded by rocks in ice. No indication of any life has been noticed to survive in that environment.

We need to check out history as described in my books and pay attention to the fact that the climate after 2287 BC, with a fast-moving earth axis wobble, changed a previously tropical climate into a mini ice-age, with glacial ice building up to three miles deep on its poles and snow reaching down from the 30th to the 45th parallel, with Turkey smack dab in the middle, proving my snowline theory. If archaeologists will look around in the valley where the graves and big bones

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were found, I think they will also find the Ark nearby. I am sure. 9

Genesis and the Aztec temple wall murals in Mexico City clearly identify the cause of this Flood as being an asteroid from space. The asteroid strike triggered a chain reaction of superabundant oxygen with the hydrogen left over from the previous formation of the oceans, which produced the 40 days of rain reported by Moses in Genesis and is linked to what Noah’s children reported. Once more, the extra water seen on the poles must have come from somewhere as no salt is embedded in ice. It came from residual hydrogen in the upper stratosphere from the original formation of the oceans still around. With a tropical climate below, it never rained. The heat and humidity produced oxygen very quickly in a ‘higher speed of light’ environment, thus the growth of bigger cell structures, which is proven with fossil bones and vegetation, imprints in mud deposits, all of which is larger than what we have today.

From science, we know that if hydrogen is mixed with Oxygen, it only needs a spark for the chemical reaction to end in water. That spark was an asteroid from space, igniting the [15 atm] hydrogen-enriched atmosphere and causing it to collapse to our present [1 atm], which is measured now at ocean level. Due to the earth wobble, the condensing water was deposited miles deep and turned into ice in the Polar Regions. The weight from this rapid deposit of ice at the poles further caused a massive shifting of the tectonic plates and as they still shook, it loosed the continents from their foundation, forming steep mountains and wide valleys. This was all caused by the aftereffect of the initial asteroid impact that jarred the earth so strongly, thereby demonstrating the laws of Newton. The continents shifted, which caused the earth axis to quiver and shake for thousands of years thereafter at a larger earth angle of rotation, as measured by the ancient calendar clocks exhibited in many museums, which are now deciphered in my Babushka ‘clock’ book. How much more evidence do we need for the

uneducated teachers with a PhD degree who teach our children the billion years fable? If you want some more proof, the after-effects can still be seen in our times. Check out the Iceland eruption on March 10, 2010, which really got our attention and caused us to lose billions of dollars. However, ignorant, atheistic NASA scientists blame it on earthquakes. They should investigate and believe what GRACE satellites in space actually measured, which was a tiny gravity change which can only happen externally by a residual force pushing from the outside our earth. Newton’s law will verify it. When we have an axis shift, it will erupt along fault lines linked to what is burning deep beneath the glass-hardened earth mantel. Still not convinced? Make a phone call to a New York paper and question them about how the dispute was settled with the astrological (zodiac) specialist who divided the camp when he saw the 13th constellation appear on the horizon. However, 50% decided to stay with the 12 zodiac projections for your daily happiness as you start a new day. The other 50% insist on correcting it to the new sky interpretations, which could sell more newspapers, as people love controversies. Yet from a scientific perspective, the observation of the 13th

constellation tells me that the axis is still not at rest, just as the Aztecs predicted it. However, 21 December 2012 is still in the future from my perspective, or I wouldn’t be telling you this story. I further explain the history of Global Warming by saying that it took thousands of years for the earth wobble to come to rest at the present 23.5° angle of rotation. The earth wobble and variation in the sun’s radiation output are the two primary factors responsible for the variations in climate changes, as recorded by various civilizations around the globe. The third has been extensive volcanic eruptions.

9 After the asteroid impact the earth wobble indicated that Noah was in the Ark only 6 months + 10 days according to Gregorian calendar corrections. The Chinese three bronze disks indicate that a day had only 16-hour days - much shorter than we measure today. That is affirmed independently by a scientist describing a bronze–gold disk found recently in Germany “Die Himmels Scheibe” - www.himmelsscheibe-online.de. One interpretation concluded a 6 month yearly calendar, but she did not believe it as it is contrary to the establishment opinion depending on government funds. Reading my new discovery of ancient clocks in museum deciphered would give credit to the author being right on.

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Asteroid Answers to Ancient Mysteries after 5 February 2287 BCWe would understand true physics that could broaden our horizons if we built laboratory models to recreate what happened. Some of these models are now seen on cable channels that show the evidence in nature. They just need to leave out that irrational, unscientific evolutionary religion dating everything back to billions of years ago, so that it would be easier to explain the mystery of why an oxygen-enriched atmosphere, combined with left over hydrogen (ignited by the spark of an asteroid intrusion from space) to explosively unlock Noah’s massive rains, which is only possible in recent times as we can measure the polar ice.

That fiery asteroid shook the earth violently and collapsed the ancient atmosphere on 5 February 2287 BC, according to the mathematical playback of the planetary sky, as reported in my Babushka books. These prehistoric events not only changed the face of the planet but also caused the earth to wobble in its rotational axis, which can be proven from ancient archaeological monuments and historical records such as the 4,000-year old Bible.

Evolution theories do not provide you with any framework to decipher these ancient calendar systems and clocks, but my hypothesis does so with remarkable cross-cultural confirmation. Read about it in Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries, the third Babushka egg concept book that is free on the Internet, or buy the book. I make no money; therefore, I am not biased.

The earth wobble from this tectonic rearrangement took some time to quiet down. As it did so, there were accompanying climate changes, as seen geologically in the glaciers around the globe and as recorded in historical descriptions of ancient living conditions or by paleoclimatology research. The glaciers still provide evidence of recent glaciations, with snow miles deep at the Polar Regions, which we can measure.

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Noah’s worldwide deluge is verified by archeology when we search for the cradle of civilization or the remains from earliest cities and villages, which are found along a narrow ice and snow-free corridor at 30 degrees parallel to Tropical Cancer or Capricorn, which reaches toward the equator.

Why do researchers only find ancient Babylonian artifacts near the cradle of the human race, in such a narrow corridor and not in the more northern regions?

The Bible gives us the answer: snow deposited by the earth’s axis wobble reached as far as the 30 degree parallel. Within this narrow band, the survivors of the biblical Flood spread out.

The hanging gardens of Babylon was one of the ancient wonders of the world. It is well documented. These famous gardens are solid evidence for a mild temperature climate at that time, surrounded by a very thick jungle forest. Four thousand years later, we

only see sand and temperatures so hot forming a desert, killing all vegetation.

If you do not believe my observation get your proof by looking up the Pyramid in Giza. Please notice that on the top we still see the veneers’ cover plates remaining, and as we continue to look in a horizontal line to the next smaller pyramid, we detect a little left over from the outer veneer on top, too.

Below the veneer, it shows the washout of the flood level, but now only rough stones are exposed, going downward to the basement structure, to the level of Egypt's famous Sphinx, which needed to be excavated too. It was totally buried and covered in silt. Since the amount of water in the ocean measured today has not changed, it is logical that only a shaking earth wobble could produce Noah’s flood. Otherwise, where did the water go, if the ocean was several 100 feet higher?

The excessive water did not run over the edge, as some believed the earth was flat, which was enforced by an inquisition. Do not believe that lie from the Vatican. The flat earth idea was used to cover up another lie, which is that Columbus did not discover the Americas. He had a 200-year-old map from the 13th century, received by a Chinese flotilla that came by, having mapped the world in ships that were four times larger. They spoke of a bronze time civilization with massive pyramids and temples filled with gold.

Murdering 100 million people makes Columbus the biggest mass murderer in history. He slashed burned every village and tortured people to get the gold. That can be verified as the darkest time in history with a bankrupt church system that had gone amuck.

Going back to study more evidence for the Flood, we can find it in the sea shells found embedded in many of the highest mountains, which can only come from ocean floors that are now raised by tectonic elevation tilt-up eruptions that were created by this wobble of

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Ice-snow receding from the equator toward the poles after the asteroid impact in 2287 BC

North pole aligned horizontally before 2288 BC Equator

Precession equinoxes


30° parallel - snowline [1400 BC - Moses]


45° parallel - snowline migration of nations in Europe

going north


55° parallel - snowline [BC/AD] - Jesus Christ

Tau Herculis


60° parallel - snowline (Some settlement on the arctic

circle AD 1500.) North Pole wobble pointing at


[2012] North Pole static now pointing at


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the globe shaking violently, which was upset by a change in its axis of spin.

The earth once orbited the sun horizontally, according to the Aztec calendar, with the poles pointing directly at the sun on 7 mini-spins for one solstice orbit, which created a mild tropical climate without rain or snow or ice. Profusion in vegetation is seen embedded in compressed coal deposits and mud shale. After the asteroid strike, the earth axis tilted just like a sailboat’s ballast that shifts in a storm. Over hundreds of years, the tilt wobbling gradually comes to the ‘’near” rest of today’s 23½° angle of rotation in 2012 AD. For more information, read my Aztec calendar clock book.

The reemerging human civilization was restarted by 8 people who built a boat. This event is reported by almost every ancient culture, yet it is denied by the evolution religion. They began a new civilization, squeezed between the snowlines in a narrow band around the globe, up to the 30th parallel. Traces of struggling, reemerging human cultures are found embedded in stone and leftover building structures from a new society.

They did not have iron; therefore they could only use baked bricks or river stones. They had to relearn how to mine and melt metals once again, reinventing iron and bronze. It took 1000 years to reinvent iron again after the Bronze time, as the knowledge of melting metals was lost with the Atlantis civilization, which originally came from Adam, the first inventor of iron and bronze. Check it out in the first page of Genesis.

Additionally, the most ancient Atlantis civilizations before Noah’s time in 2288 BC were knowledgeable in genetics and knew how to smelt iron with electricity, which is demonstrated in many buildings and pyramids with their gigantic stones that are perfectly parallel, fitted with iron-diamond tools, as seen in Peru’s ancient basement building with a church on top. It survived hundreds of earthquakes, as the black rock fit so closely that not even a razorblade could penetrate within the cracks, even after a great many earthquakes. Rocks carved with interlocking tongs matched perfectly. Or explain those gigantic pictures of animals that are miles long and only become visible from high up in an airplane.

I wonder about Genesis. If Adam had an IQ of a thousand, he must have played chess with God in the

Garden of Eden because he needed someone with a higher intelligence to have fun with. When we investigate our brain, we see that it has 95% unused capacity and we conjecture that the monkey has less, when we apply entropy laws. Using all of the brain capacity must have come in handy after Adam started working in the field, weeding out thistles and stones, when he had to work to make a living.

The ground was cursed by God when He said, “with the sweat on your brow you will eat from now on.” No more free lunch if you disobey My commandments. That started the process of inventing tools made from iron and bronze, which were needed to cultivate the ground a little easier. The angel watching in front of the Garden had an iron sword; Adam still remembered. Musical instruments were also invented as Eve complained that they had kids that needed to be entertained. Read the Genesis account. It is amazingly detailed.

Mankind originally used more of their embedded IQ intelligence, which started the first civilization very quickly by gathering highly advanced knowledge that was gathered from a prolific inventor. Adam lived a long time, expanding a new civilization rapidly.

Check out Silicon Valley which was escalating but with very few inventors that could surprise you. The ancient inventions, from higher IQs became totally lost in sand and silt, which preexisted before Noah’s time. Do not expect Noah to be an expert in everything. He was only a carpenter and not an iron smith, or someone who messed around with nature by modifying genes.

My question to the highly educated is: Can you tell me where the electrical energy comes from when you just push a magnetic rod through a copper wire loop? Do you know what the number means that is now stuck on every fruit in the grocery store? If you don’t, check out why so many people die of salmonella and E-coli bacteria, which is suppressed by the government. We should not expect that Noah knew everything such as mixing genes to make half human/half animal beings.

We can see their proud achievements in stone sculptures and paintings on walls around the world. Even writing had to be modernized once more due to the new languages imposed upon the human race when they were scattered according to God’s decree. Although Hebrew writing began with Adam and Eve

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about 4004 BC, it was restructured by Moses who had nothing to do for 40 years except to watch sheep. God needed someone highly educated and only Pharaoh’s court had an advanced school run by priests. Only divine providence continued the story of creation, otherwise we would know nothing of the history of the beginnings of humankind before the year 2287 BC.

There are so many facts willfully squashed by the controlling education establishment to keep you ignorant. For example, in Texas there are human footprints embedded in dinosaur tracks – something so very contrary to evolution’s fairytales! It must be suppressed because the facts cannot be questioned: the old soft muck hardened to stone pretty quickly. Many other facts could be discussed that disprove evolution as a foolish theory, and I encourage you to do some Internet research on it.

Discovered just decades ago, melting glaciers exposed the well-preserved remains of a prehistoric man in the Italian Alps who had been frozen for thousands of years. Known as Otzi, his clothing, food, medicine and tools, including a pure copper ax, a flint knife, a bow and stone arrowheads teach us how people lived during the Bronze Age in Europe about 3,000 years ago, approximately Moses’ timeframe, according to most scholars. You might catch a show about him on TV. He is a good example of the relearning of civilization. His tools were more primitive than what has been found in previous sites.

Records of climate changes show up in ancient scrolls written by skilled human beings. It requires reasoning with modern methods from the perspective of a dual rail methodology, in order to discover the wealth of information available in ancient writings and monuments.

Why is it only now that anyone has become aware of climate changes on earth? Evidence in geology and history are not lacking! Certainly, the process of transformation to a new climate has been gradual, but that is not the reason. Is it because we worry that gasoline is becoming too expensive, which could change our lifestyle with fewer weekend boat trips?

What amazed me as a scientist working with computers was to discover that a binary computer language of zeros and ones can be seen etched on

three Chinese bronze plates10 dated 2,000 BC, which put us close to Abraham’s time.

I write about these matters, that ancient humans were smarter than we modern humans commonly give them credit. Notice the symbols of dashes and dots which are clearly identified, like Zeroes & Ones in our computer language, which are also embedded in a 4000 year old bronze plate from ancient times.


am astonished that the Bible was written by 40 authors over a period of thousands of years, yet they do not conflict with each other. This is a miracle in itself! Just look at any scientific forum and you will find much disagreement. This becomes especially true when discussions of climate change inspire a collection of wild secular opinions that do not agree with each other. It creates a confused picture; never mind trying to reach a real understanding of antiquity based on facts. How befuddled you can get when controlled by fairytales.

The evidence by 40 writers of the Bible alone points to a supernatural director guiding the writing. Their writings came from different ages, cultures and languages to form a masterpiece of literature that can be trusted as authentic and scientific. So when we align events written by ancient eyewitnesses with the descriptions of their natural environment, we can assemble a climate change scenario that is not possible with conventional techniques.

10 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries, Chapter 6, Mystery of 2,000 BC of Chinese Feng Shui Compass Revealed.(12-20-10) Page 24 of 54

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Aztec WitnessThe Mayan-Aztec calendar calculated that the earth wobble will come to a final rest on the 21st of December 2012, which matches key events of the Apocalypse prophesied in the Bible. Investigating our world from a balanced two rail perspective gives us sufficient data to compute some predictions now that thousands of years of earth history exist to test the prophetic clock gear cycles. True science provides insights that traditional theology cannot. Many confused theologians, who are scantly educated in science, could never discover these relationships between the Bible and science that make predictions of the Bible’s prophesied events possible.

Let’s look at some interesting data and compare it with science to get a better understanding of why the 2012 date is embedded in all ancient clocks, which gives us a witness about what happened 4,300 years ago when an asteroid slowed down our earth orbit around the sun in Noah’s age.

That asteroid strike influenced the moon’s movements, which is explained later also. Investigating the moon more closely could provide a second witness to substantiate or prove the spin-axis theory to be correct.

Noticing the velocity difference between the earth and the moon shows some discrepancies that we should examine further. My 6th Babushka book, A Donut Atom Nuclear Story, explains how gravity is produced and fuels every atom. If you read that book, you will understand what I write here much better. It is free to read and download on the Internet at: 11

Gravity is an invisible force born out of infinite light and behaves like an ocean distributing a powerful energy from the cosmos source like water flowing and penetration everywhere, forming elements science categorized in our element table.

I observed that it has embedded a time dimension (Mem) resembling a rubber band holding it all together and expanding or contracting with the passing of time, which would show up as being delayed. Just as a train must conform to a schedule, its engineer accelerates or slows it down for it to arrive at the exact time analogue watching the waves on the beach in Hawaii.

Ancient clocks point out what the Creator did to inform us that now the “time” has arrived for the birthing of the Saints; the wagon train has already gone slightly past the 13th of the 14 stations of God’s 7,000-Year Plan for Humanity. Check out the schedule.

It started right on time as projected when New York created a global financial tsunami wave just before 2008 ended. When the last wagon train has passed the final station, it is the end for our earth and most of all life as expressed in the hieroglyph Hebrew letter and symbolized it in Taw. God will provide a boat once more for some to survive.

Scientists do not realize that the sun is moving too, hence, the whole solar system is in motion along one arm of the Milky Way, which is rotating around a black hole that could be Taw. When previously investigating atoms with two neutrino polarities, it was stated that in an energy atom conversion only two arms will be emerging from its center.

That is now verified by photographing galaxies, and as previously stated by an astronomer who speculated that our galaxy has four arms is now corrected, just as my Babushka book previously stated, which showed only two arms, as seen by using special frequency filters. It aligned with my Donut atom theory, which was formerly published. Read what the Bible reveals from metaphysics because it will up opening our understanding as we look into the sky and investigate the cosmos. I compare it with atoms that are not smashed with cyclotrons and investigate how they conform to the entropy conversion laws.

Before 2288 BC (Noah’s time), the structure of the Aztec calendar demonstrates that the moon had 12 cycles of 30 days during one earth orbit around the sun, which makes a lunar year of 360 days (30x12).

The Aztec calendar was not oriented to the moon, but on the solstice cycles basis which measured a changing calendar right after the asteroid transferred knowledge from Noah’s children in ancient times. Eventually they discovered that the earth no longer followed a familiar pattern, but they still tried to predict it with the old technology, when they remembered the earth turning (7) seven solstices with 52 cycles and a fraction. The sky no longer looked familiar, but they later found out the earth had a wobble, after building 5 and 7 pyramids on top of each

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other, as we can see today in the outdoor museums in Mexico City. It corrected a moving calendar, which was very confusing for the Aztec priesthood.

The Aztecs struggled to understand a changing calendar as the new zodiac stars kept moving. They no longer matched familiar zodiac star patterns, but they remembered that they linked to the Milky Way. They counted the Precession of the Equinoxes coming around several times in a solstice Aztec year and recorded each earth orbit around the sun no longer where seven and needed other stars for reference.

Our reference star is Solaris, which you can find at the end of the handle of the big dipper. The stars picked in the beginning to measure the slowed down earth axis wobble eventually ended up one orbit around the sun recorded around the Middle Ages, when the Spaniards asked the Aztec priests what was painted on temple walls to figure it out and see if they would match with Western civilization calendars.

Mixing the two calendars was not in conflict at that time; however, it will not work today from an atheistic evolutionary perspective that believes in billions of years, which was speculated by comatose opinions, like 25,625 phantom years impossible to measure if you are a mortal. Modern evolution religion science does not understand the mystery clocks exhibited in many museums.

The Aztecs remembered and first recorded using the old counting system, when the earth changed direction every 26 days, with the poles facing the sun. However thereafter, they realized that it took many centuries of observation to see that the horizontal tilt of the earth’s axis still had embedded inertia from the old spin, which then changed gradually over to sunrise and sunset. When they remembered, they switched to every 26 days (the sun rising in the West and switching to the rising in the East) and eventually, the sun’s last wobble was then switched its rising from the East, in order to complete a 52-day “annual” calendar system that they recalled. That created a sun worship religion.

Check out the history of Egyptian pharaoh soon after becoming Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV) discarded his royal name and loyalty to Amon. He turned away from old ancient faith and began the cult of the sun and

introduced a new religion and believed that the sun god won the final war over the others and dominated a Time Dimension12. He based it on a new emerging science understanding I will try to explain it now Babushka egg concept books not found in universities. Keep reading and link it to the 2300-year-old Antikythera clock that has embedded those ancient 26 cycles designed around 32 bronze gears. Understanding that will lift the 100-year old museum clock mystery, now deciphered.

The 360-day earth orbit around the sun orbit was a cycle of seven times, but is now changed to 52 weeks of 7 days; it is reversed in our modern calendar. This same observation is made for many other ancient calendar clocks in the third babushka book, Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries, where it is better explained.

After the Flood, the earth’s solstice cycles varied so much that many calendars then focused on the moon again. Only later did they adjust their calendars to recognize the solar year movements once more, which are divided into 12 months to match the Hebrew holidays again.

This led to the present Hebrew calendar clock that counts years, even as it continues to use the moon cycles. The Hebrew scribes where told by God to record the time and His oracles, which are revealed in the Bible. Israel was set aside for that purpose and therefore received special blessings, but they were also linked to curses if they violated the contract with Jehovah.

Ancient oracles reveal calendars from different time periods and come with a schedule expressing God’s Plan for Mankind, which is dovetailed with extra revelation for the purpose for the birthing of the Saints. The Saints will become the new administrators and teachers of God’s Kingdom on earth when they are resurrected in a new body that is no longer subject to sorrow, pain, tears and death.

Only after Moses’ time (one wobble left) was it possible to use the moon calendar again; therefore God gave instruction and instituted Hebrew holiday cycles to measure one solstice turn around the sun. Calculating wobble time was at first impossible to understand, so in early ancient times, only a priest

12 Fossilized Customs-The Pagan Source of Popular Customs, Lew White, www.fossilizedcustoms.com: Strawberry Island Publisher,2303 Watterson Trail PMB 26, Louisville, KY 40299 USA

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could determine the beginning of the Hebrew calendar months, based on the observation of the first sign of the new moon.

The moon, therefore, became the time marker used in conjunction with the solstices and equinoxes to count years, until the wobble slowed enough to appear constant and make it simpler to keep track of a solar year by calculating it mathematically. Julius Caesar was known and became famous when he finalized the calendar that we still use today.

Hebrew holiday cycles have a higher meaning embedded into them that reflects the story of creation and the reason why mankind exists. It was designed with purpose, which is explained in my Babushka books. Compare it with nature, which we all understand. Notice that we will follow the illustration of a two-phase human life cycle as demonstrated by the caterpillar-butterfly analogy. I like to avoid the cocoon, but it is necessary to become a beautiful butterfly, pleasing to God.

After the asteroid strike which caused Noah’s flood, the earth had a wobble, which drove the Aztec priests crazy when they tried to measure it, because they built 7 and 5 pyramids one on top of each other, in two places in Mexico City’s outdoor museum. These are facts that cannot be denied as they match a pattern conforming to a mathematical equation of the Hebrew 7:5 ratio, which is embedded in HANS. We cannot get away from trying to explain global climate change and it needs a reference point witness once more based on history.

The Aztec Precessions of the Equinoxes Prove a Different Time DimensionIn order to prove the Earth Wobble, I remembered that the Gregorian calendar must add one day after 400 years for a correction and wondered if the previously buried X-axis13 would, in an unperceivable way, turn the tilt axis 360° and would therefore gain one day. The 23.5° earth axis would make a circle we are familiar with, pointing to the 5 star constellations, starting with Polaris, Thuban, Vega, Tau Herculis, Alderabim. Scientists postulated 25,625.862 years, which is just an unproven opinion. Ancient clocks and

the Genesis calendar show a wobble which was reduced right after Noah’s time, from a previous horizontal (7) seven spins fizzling out to 2.8 spins - Abraham 1897 BC, and thereafter is declining to one (1) spin at Moses’ time [1400 BC] with the spin axis coming to rest in 2012 AD [Aztec calendar projection].

I believe that one day gained (the last stretch 400 years) is part of the 5.24 days added every year from the original spin of 360° around the sun from solstice to solstice, which was originally 360 days. The earth has slowed down since Noah’s time by adding across a spectrum of 4300 years, 5.24 days (360+5.24=365.24 for each solstice orbit). Perhaps this has not been considered yet by scientists as a possible reason for climate changes. Perhaps someone does this research, but it is not popular with the mass media so he does not get any money to expand and promote this research.

Once more the Gregorian calendar was corrected after 400 years by one day to match our calendar. My new calculations should further correct our NASA calendar even more so and add another 4 days (now 18 day) correcting our calendar. It is based on recent light speed measurements to be 300% faster at 186,282 mi/sec.

Give NEC Research Institute at Princeton a call. Even the BC/AD zero point instituted by Pope Gregorian was miscalculated by the Middle Age monk and should be moved to 35 AD. Read my 7th Babushka book for more information that was recently discovered. Just one day added would have consequences when linked to a tilt axis wobble that will cause global warming.

That could occur if the axis pointed to the North Star called Polaris, then 100 years later, it pointed 90° in a different direction. Over time, it would have kept turning through the 360° in 400 years. That would gain one more day in our calendar, too. We never measured such small angular movements, and the matter is still left open for discussion, except it was recently announced that NASA measured a small fraction of earth axis movements with GRACE and blamed it on the recent earthquakes. I do not think so, as I have a different opinion.

13 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries, Chapters 2-3 Spin-axis from an Aztec Precession.(12-20-10) Page 27 of 54

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Or you could contact the New York papers that are dealing with the 13th zodiac constellation problem. Let’s have an example to reveal what I mean.

Think of lying on a crowded beach. To get tanned evenly, you turn 90° when the redness begins to show to get the other side exposed for a fully rounded suntan. Your tilt axis body position faces the sun as you lie on the beach blanket. Your beach blanket orientation tilt angle was not changed in one day as you are tanned with invisible ultraviolet rays. Later that day, you come home tanned all over. Nobody would suspect that you turned on the beach blanket to show a day’s worth of climate changes because no one was interested to measure it, except some business that sells sun protection lotions.

Think about it from a global perspective. If every hundred years the axis shifted 90° to the same 23½°, it is still a fixed spin axis angle just like the position on a beach blanket, but it moved in four quarters, a sum total of one day added to our calendar. That could be interpreted since climate changes go from very cold to very dry glacier melting. We did not know one hundred years ago where the axis was pointing to or to which constellation star. We also assume a precession of the equinoxes to be changed from Thuban 4488 BC to Polaris 2012 AD, then being 6500 years, when measured with the ancient clocks exhibited in museums.

If we used the previous Aztec calendar from the year 4488 BC [360 days around the sun], which will end in 2012 AD [365¼ around the sun], we get another perspective with the expanding exponential; the 5¼ days precession of the equinoxes difference, but it must be doubled to become larger exponentially from 2012 AD, according to my light-gravity-time curve, which is explained in more detail in the next 7th

Babushka book. Here are my math numbers:

400 years (5th day) – 800 (4th day) - 1600 (3rd day) 3200 (2nd day) – 6400 (1st day) + ¼ of 400 = 100 years

Add (6400+100 = 6500) - [2012 AD+6500 = 4488 BC]

That date 4488 BC was calculated 4 years ago in my first Babushka book and is embedded in the Hebraic 7000-year cuckoo clock calendar, which later showed up in various calculations from a different perspective. Check it out.

I am not surprised it appears again with a different approach and we will get more proof in the next section that discusses light changes using 80 billion miles/second, which gets us to the same date of 4488 BC for the Big Bang event. Notice all Hebrew dates ending with a number “eight” (Chet), which are explained in previous Babushka books.

To me, it proves the math, as it all must fit within the HANS design. Look back at 2008 AD which started the Apocalypse and a world financial system collapsing. Check out 2018 AD with God’s Kingdom on earth, laying the foundation of the fourth Temple at the end of Daniel’s 2300 days, or Noah’s family when they got into the Ark on the 21st of December 2288 BC. The beginning of a Time Dimension started at 4488 BC and ends in Taw 3018 AD.

Physics teach us that the Time Dimension must end, which is linked to the Bible. It is guaranteed that you and I will be standing in front of the White Throne. All the dates given end with the number “8”, which is the Bible system to cross-reference our calculations in order to have assurance that the mathematics is correct. It also conforms to the Aztec clock system. Why? Once you understand the mathematics in the Bible, you will find it is fantastic proof because it is from a divine origin.

From another perspective, God said to Noah, “From now on human life will be 120 years.” Using the wobble calendar, Noah actually only lived 120 Gregorian calendar years after the flood, but it is counted by 2.9 spins on an earth axis that was quickly declining and still measured by counting solstice to solstice and adding to that, which therefore becomes 350 Bible years in that ancient calendar (2.9x120 = 350). In other words, the wobble keeps declining to be “one turn” during Moses’ time, which proves that he was not over 120 years old, but the wobble still continues going .8333 turns to finally rest at 23.5° on 21 December 2012 AD.

Let’s validate some information. Abraham was 175 years old, as recorded in the Bible. Previously, God had said 120 years would define the law of physics for the human life span. Look at the Genesis graph and notice that Abraham was actually 120 Gregorian years, when we count and divide it with wobble turns as indicated on the exponential curve (1.45 x 120 = 175 @1722 BC).

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No human will get older than 120 Gregorian years when measured with the final Gregorian calendar, with an ancient wobble at rest at 2012 AD, because God cannot be a liar and makes the law. That would now be 11 laws as the 10 Commandment came later under Moses time. That law to limit the age for mortals will be lifter again when Jesus returns the second time as prophecy tells us that people will be living longer once more already proven that light is going faster. Check out those new discoveries postulated and give Princeton research center a call.

My opinion recently got a boost and when I saw on TV that our space satellite, GRACE measured an axis variation shift and blamed it on recent earthquakes. I disagree. The Aztecs predicted that on 21.December 2012, the wobble would be at rest. That is still futuristic from my standpoint, therefore a little fraction is still moving.

But we should consult Newton’s law of gravity, combined with an inertia force acting, thereby causing a reaction, which should point out that the inertia changing axis movement must come from the outside of the earth; or is still the momentum inertia from the last asteroid fizzling out, therefore from what was it measured? You should read the information in my Babushka book and compare the NASA information once more. That idea is worth the Noble prize for explaining Global Warming.

To explain a one-day and four hundred year ‘last’ wobble correction again, I remembered that 1942 was the coldest winter in Germany. Hitler lost half of the army by an early winter onset, which perhaps changed the outcome of World War II. My opinion theory could match scholarly records, too. The European history mentions a food shortage of major proportions at about 1550 AD. The population was reduced to half in Germany, due to an unusual mini-ice age that destroyed harvests across Europe, resulting in the extreme shortage of food.

Going in that direction for a Global Warming model, maybe we can theorize that climate warming will continue for another 58 years (1942+58 = 100 years = 90° or 2042 AD), but should be modified with Bible history. It should still be linked to computation, the same global place around Jerusalem that is recorded in ancient scrolls; a “Forest” (1000 BC) –“deep Grass”

(BC/AD), but now we only see “Stone Dry” (2010 AD). This is the same neighborhood, converted to an exponential temperature scale model and calculated by trigonometry calculations from Noah’s Flood in [2288 BC] to [2012 AD]. After 2042, we can expect to see glaciers forming again, perhaps with another 400 year cycle (I doubt it, so check out the dating of the Apocalypse). Or perhaps the earth’s axis has finally stopped, which would make the top astrologers happy, because they would once again be united in their newspaper entertainment.

Check it out from a wider horizontal perspective and do not be befuddled by special interests in the government, hiding under university approved sanctions in order to get another grant. I hope I pointed your thinking in another direction. I do not expect to get recognition or win a Nobel Prize as God will reward faithfulness in the Jod dimension. I hope you will get there, too.

A Time Dimension Ended in “Zero” 35 AD [Daleth] or 3018 AD [Jod]?One critical point was passed in history where the time was actually Zero, or extremely close to zero for a very short time; a billions times smaller than a Femtosecond14. That will be proven with data as a witness, which everybody has heard about and is familiar with, but did not realize it at that time in history; that being that all life forms on earth were very close to death, as the solar system would have collapsed.

I write about it in my next book, What is the Time Dimension?, which is linked to defining light gravity, Strong force and Weak force, a new theory not known by scientists. If that would have happened, we would not have been born as the cosmos, like being SOMETHING would have returned and collapsed into NOTHING in a reversed Big Bang DOT, if you apply logic. Scientists believe that the NOTHING became SOMETHING very quickly and could also reverse with the same speed, since energy is never lost but is only converted, according to entropy laws.

That opens up another can of worms of speculation. Did the cosmos acquire immortality? If so, then by what force? What intelligence directs it to flow? That is just a little appetizer. You will read about it in the

14 Femtosecond pulse 15 (=a millionth of a billionth) reveals how quickly nuclei of atoms rearrange during a reaction. Ahmed Zewail, Caltech 1999-Nobel Prize.(12-20-10) Page 29 of 54

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next book, when I analyze the “∞” infinite math hieroglyph, embedded in an ancient Tzolkin clock [2000 BC], which has two complete circles connected with a Time Dimension “dot” in the middle. That will teach us a lot in physics and metaphysics, which makes simple science so much fun for me.

I remember a movie I had seen years ago in the Washington Science Museum that demonstrated how the universe and galaxies are each spaced so far apart. That same space exists inside every atom and electron, circling far around the nucleus. They demonstrated that when all the space and time dimensions were removed, the whole cosmos would fit inside a one pound coffee can.

That would be a cosmos DOT. Our schools no longer teach truth, but instead replaced it with funny stories with the usual monkey that kids like. Check out a number of popular magazines. Every six months they come up with another set of pictures of an alleged monkey discovery, just to keep you happy. I prefer to see reality, like galaxies photographed with the Hubble telescope.

Applying the ∞ concept to the cosmic gravity energy loop, there is so much more data in a closed loop system and it is difficult to pick a point because every event point is related to the next, much like a chain link in a girl’s bracelet. But one of the chain links looks like a lock, which is similar to a dot in the middle that closes or opens the extremely expensive bracelet loop. The cosmos too has lock without it we would not have an energy loop.

Analogy: When a Cinderella shows up with the priceless bracelet, it has value because the linkage works in a closed loop. Conversely, an open loop chain becomes instant junk in a second, if the linkage is broken when going to a party. Therefore, a Time Dimension is connected with an energy loop and should be investigated closer, if you are scientifically inclined. If the bracelet cannot be shown at the party, it would therefore because of “one” chain linkage, which starts the loop, which the entire bracelet depends upon. If you have many lights embedded in the bracelet, sparkling and flashing with electricity flowing inside a wire chain to indicate an energy flow, it would expand our bracelet analogy.

The cosmos is like a precious bracelet and is fueled by an invisible energy like electricity, which rejuvenates

and causes many sparkling galaxies to shine and an earth energized with life embedded, in order to continue to exist, just like in a closed, looped system. That same energy flows in your body concentrated in your mind all conforming to the same laws. Only a divine energy exchange-two loops linked to a DOT can keep the cosmos going.

We fear when the energy light - DOT is turned off in our body, which is no different than the most expensive car running out of fuel in the middle of a desert. That is equal to interrupting a linkage which would stop the energy from flowing. Ask any medical doctor to explain the principle.

It is the same principle as your wall switch that turns the light on or off, with a switch linked to the energy source. That could mean life or death illustrated if your head is under a French guillotine that simple.

That, my scientist friend, happened 2000 years ago, where time was near Zero = Taw for a cosmos to collapse. That event could be interesting to mathematicians but will be a hard nut to crack not understanding the laws governing the metaphysics; guaranteed! Let’s open the science widow for some fresh air, which could wake us up from sleep to discover more of Global Warming.

Second Witness - Global WarmingSpeed of Light ChangesVisible light frequency which we recognize is calibrated only to our mortal eyes, but the invisible infinite energy coming from the cosmos is transformed on the second entropy level, which is converted inside the sun in a nuclear energy exchange reaction.

The sun was designed on the fourth day in the creation cycle and works like a transformer for a complete system; such as one side having the infinite high potential, while the other side has the lower finite energy side that shines visible light that is not dangerous and is useful for fuelling all bio-cells which are only found on earth.

As we analyze light from the sun, we see that it comes to us embedded with a certain frequency that we can measure with instruments. However, it is positioned in the middle of the frequency spectrum infinitely small, like ten billion times billions in size - a tiny narrow sliver, which is exactly in the center of the frequency

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spectrum. It is visible and seen with our eyes and we can all agree that it has the seven rainbow colors embedded in it.

On one side, it becomes infrared, which is invisible to our eyes and is on a downhill curve. We use it in technology like TV, telephone and government communications, right down to the lowest sound wave frequency for Wales to talk with each other. Yet notice that all those frequencies below are not dangerous to life.

The other frequency site of visible light spectrum is also invisible, becoming higher, like ultraviolet killing bacteria, X-ray killing cells and Beta and Gamma rays, which kill everything. We should take notice that it will kill us too and think about it. Why?

Life can only exists and flourishes with billions of life forms at that tiniest frequency sliver, which is so small that only the most expensive instrument can measure it. However, there is more beyond gamma rays and beyond technology, but only mathematics can quantify it because it touches the infinite metaphysical realm; which is another universe superimposed on the visible universe.

Yet ultimately, when investigating the evidence, we have no other choice but to conclude that there must be a designer; provided of course, that you are not comatose but using your built-in intelligence, which can get a lot more questions answered. For some, it is ecstasy discovering a treasure; for others, it makes no difference since they settled for a monkey story. Denying so much in nature and believing lies enforced by the atheistic establishment should be linked to metaphysics, which will be much better at defining nature and the cosmos.

Either we know our destiny, that our existence is meant to be elevated to a saint, or we become denigrated with what is painted in every science museum that postulates a theory with the beginning of mankind being illustrated with a monkey fairytale that was never proven with science. The evolution theory is not possible; not if you apply entropy laws and if you are honest. Otherwise, it therefore only becomes another religion.

If you want to know the reason behind Global Warming from a fully-rounded perspective, you should include the energy source beyond the sun,

which has embedded laws of physics and is still guided by the law that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”.

We can follow the trail of embedded intelligence and apply it to our civilization which is heading for a collapse once more as predicted and can therefore prove science with metaphysics for a better understanding. I summed it up in a fully-rounded perspective, which never has been attempted by science or church, which caused many feathers to be ruffled, like Galileo experienced when trying to educate the establishment, even upsetting theologians.

Check it out and expand a horizontal 360° view, which includes the forbidden metaphysics. Here is just a list where you can check out the information later. In a nutshell, I just highlight what caused Global Warming from another perspective, which is forbidden in universities.

I will quote recent science discoveries, which were copied from the Internet or magazines, just to contrast it with metaphysics, and let you be the judge and decide what you can put your trust in, since it is linked to your life, which is only found on earth. You should know its destiny; it’s not a fairytale, but do check it out with logic and science for a fully-rounded perspective.

We all know that light is needed to grow food that is linked to a bio-conversion system within the cell structure. If very little light exists, then only a mushroom will grow or nothing at all, but if we add light in the greenhouse, then tomatoes grow faster. However, if we understand the Thermodynamic entropy laws, we will understand that light from the sun is the fuel of all life forms, but it is only from the second entropy level, averaged at 186,000 mi/sec; cascading down to a lower speed.

Yet scientists do not know the first entropy light level, which is invisible and cannot be measured with instruments. We notice that our sun burns in atomic fusion and exchanges energy from a higher level to a lower level and from Hydrogen to lower Helium, which is categorized in the periodic table. Where does the higher energy come from? If you figured it out, you will understand Global Warming, which is explained further in my report.

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Investigating cells from fossil bones15 under a microscope, we will see that they are larger because the light speed was higher in ancient times, which will be proven later. However, notice also that in amber, bubbles formed from the sap of trees three times larger. We measure twice the oxygen percentage in the atmosphere, since oxygen is the fuel, which keeps you and me alive. Then, in geology, we find the evidence of prehistoric animals and plants that are also larger, buried in mud and shale.

Summing it up once more, we are investigating an ancient time that reveals that everything was bigger, vegetation growing in profusion and in numbers exceeding the 70% mark, before the extinction caused by Noah’s asteroid. Fossil bones of dinosaurs, surrounded by a global tropical climate, were even discovered under three miles of deep ice and the massive coal deposit tells of a catastrophe of recent times. As a matter of fact, in the Midwest, a substantial river comes out from a mountain. Venturing inside to find its source, one will find vaulted chambers full of ice. Question: How did the ice get inside the deep mountain?

In my report, which we will repeat here, there are some interesting but forgotten observations, which are linked together in a theory to help it all make sense, since much confusion exists, having been blinded by an evolutionary religion that is not based on science. Foremost, ancient clocks that are now decoded reveal an earth-axis wobble and a number of calendars from ancient times.

The Aztecs seemed the most confused as they kept rebuilding pyramids one on top of the other, to align with the stars, 5 and 7 times, which are displayed in the outdoor museums in Mexico City. But thanks to them, we see that only our scientists are confused and that they do not understand why the Aztecs were so crazy, spending all their money for nothing and sacrificing thousands of victims, believing that it was the reason the gods messed up a calendar. It did not fix the calendar, yet someone invented a replacement; someone who got tired of the senseless killing of people, so they invented stone skull-heads and aligned them on a wall. I counted 105.

I am sure that was a cheaper way to measure a declining wobble, rather than building yet another pyramid on top. Now stone skull-heads revealed an earth axis wobble calendar, which still has the residual of a previous earth axis travel around the sun, divided into 7 times in 52 days. This is reversed from our perspective of 52 weeks, with each at 7 days per week, which is only an accounting difference, yet fundamentally it reveals what the Global Warming was before the asteroid hit the earth on 5 February 2287 BC.

An accounting system must conform to physics, as we measure our time reference from solstice to solstice, which has not changed, if the solstices are the same because our earth is still going around the sun in an orbit, creating a calendar in order to measure time. That is the problem with our thinking. We are denying the history embedded in the Bible and reject anything linked to it, proving that an evolutionary religion is only based on unscientific facts and should only be treated as an opinion, unless you have 3 witnesses to establish it as facts.

A Bible Witness for Global WarmingFor example, in the books of Kings and Chronicles in the Bible, 1,000 years before Christ, it reports that David was hiding 20,000 of his warriors in a forest, in order to avoid fighting against 40,000 Philistines. Notice it mentioned “forest”. It would take a real forest to hide 20,000 armed men.

A thousand years later at the same location, Jesus had 7,000 people gather in lines of hundreds on the deep

15 Fossilized Customs-The Pagan Source of Popular Customs, Lew White, www.fossilizedcustoms.com: Strawberry Island Publisher,2303 Watterson Trail PMB 26, Louisville, KY 40299 USA

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grass to feed them. No forest is mentioned, but deep grass is.

Go visit Jerusalem in the 21st century, and you will not even find the deep grass anymore, just desert. That scenario is a climate change incremented over thousands of years by trustworthy witnesses recording what they saw.

The ancient Babylonian hanging garden was surrounded by a thousand lakes and forests and was bathed in mild climate; now only hot sand is seen today, as it all disappeared, buried under baked brick foundations.

Therefore, from 2287 BC we can, with the help of computers and trigonometry sine-cosine tables, very accurately calculate correlations of history and environmental conditions. Basically, one needs to apply a half circle representing our globe.

Look at it from an equatorial perspective toward the poles and track the history of European tribes and nations by following the snowline. They emigrated further north, as recorded by eyewitnesses. Avoid the speculations of brainwashed scientists who believe in fairytales, which will cloud one’s perception and reasoning regarding climate change possibilities.

I feel sorry for Mr. Gore, but nevertheless, he got some money postulating fairytales for gullible people. His ignorance of the Bible is so obvious that it contributes to his errors about global warming. My spin axis hypothesis teaches fact from a different perspective, like an iceberg, which remains unseen underwater, so they create more lies. But global warming will reveal more in time, guaranteed!

Scientists are not always serious. They can have some fun, too.

The KG Standard Weight IPK Prove Climate Change The proof that light is changing was recently discovered in Princeton University but can also be linked and demonstrated in Sevres Cedex France. We have learned that gravity affects light as the speed of light generally known to be approximate 186,000 miles/sec./@ 2000 now measured to be 300 times faster @2010.

There in France secure in an extreme climate controlled fault is a perfect kilogram safeguarded for every weight measurement in the world. It is the original shiny platinum-iridium alloy metal cylinder dedicated to be the standard where all others kilogram weights are measured against it. It was created in 1879 as an official standard of mass. Read that special article written by Dava Sobel in the Discovery Magazine, March 2009–Field Notes-Within a secure, climate-controlled vault in France, the perfect kilogram watches over every weight measurement in the world.

Its conclusion as panic set in to discover that IPK weight is on a diet and lost or gained some weight depending from which perspective the original standard measured against its 6 sisters, that change weighted about 30 micrograms or 30 billionths of a kilogram in a hundred years. It is analogue like losing 30 cents out of $10 million stack of pennies. What happened in an ultra secure environment not possible for someone to mess around? This alarming show of instability is driving global efforts to redefine the kilogram so that mass need not depend on the safety or stability of some manufactured item stored in a safe place.

But before we spend billion Dollars flowing into somebody’s pocked read my Donut Atom book, which is redefining how an atom really works as platinum and iridium is a metal containing atoms. In it I state that light is affected by gravity slowing down as discovered by Dr. Albert Einstein, which redefined gravity with light bending around a galaxy. However gravity is a force we all can test just jump off your computer-chair. A change in gravity will change your weight about a potato chip in one year measured by the moons gravity moving slightly away from earth, hence can now be measured in France another way by

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using an over hundred years old IPK which lost or gained some weight worth 30 cents. That addition science can be consolidated for those not educated in an evolution religion prohibiting science discussion in universities because it is embedded in the Bible. Anyway it is a free book of sixth Babushka concept book series (A Donut Atom Nuclear Story - How the universe was Created) to educate those interested in science from a Bible perspective. Scientists are baffled by that changed weight16 discovery and I link it to climate change.

Previously, I described climate changes caused by an axis wobble over a range of 4,300 years. That by itself will slowly melt the ice deposits on the poles at a certain rate. Yet in the last 15 years, we noticed an acceleration of the melting rate. That acceleration has caused heated discussions in scientific circles: is it manmade or is it caused naturally? My opinion is both and that is explained in the second part of my story, proving that the speed of light is changing.

The IPK Standard really measures gravity influence on a certain element, which in this case is platinum, that being of a certain size in relation to the earth-moon gravitational pull. Gravity pulls the standard towards the center of the earth, but it is also influenced by the pull of the sun.

The velocity of the earth prevents us from being sucked into the sun’s fiery furnace. Therefore, a change in gravity changes weight. But what could cause gravity to change? Is the cause manmade or is the cause another asteroid? No such occurrence has been reported in the last 15 years, yet what caused the change in the IPK standard, that is, was it its gravitational pull?

Previously, I mentioned that the slowing speed of light would increase gravity17. There is a teeter-totter relationship mentioned by Dr. Albert Einstein, but another phenomenon influenced by mankind can add to the equation. In the last 15 years, we have been sending junk into orbit around the earth. Space stations, hundreds of satellites and debris from old experiments like Sputnik are still circling the earth. Seeing it from space, there is a lot of junky stuff

floating around, which makes the earth look like it has grown like a soap bubble full of debris.

That could change the sum total deflecting gravity, as it creates a bigger diameter for the earth’s mass orbiting around the sun18. If higher weight changes of the IPK were influenced by gravity change, then perhaps the earth has moved closer to the sun. If so, then it gets a little warmer on earth. It is obvious that the only changes recently noticed on earth have been the satellites in orbit, along with a declining axis wobble. All of this stuff in orbit pulls on each other, just like a rubber band does in a slingshot. That is explained a little later.

Another manmade climate change possibility is explained in my next 7th Babushka book, which was seen recently on TV. The governments have built large microwave installations in Alaska, Norway, Russia and China, which seems to be a new weapon to alter the jet stream. When pointed to the upper jet stream, microwave will heat up and deflect, which causes drought in one area and flooding in another. This was recently tested numerous times and it works. America recently experienced horrendous floods, unheard of before, which were countered in China. This was all seen on TV. The Russians are in the middle messing around too. The experimentation of the Norwegians had a backlash. Watch the NEWS about Iceland’s volcano, which resulted in revenue loss into the billions across Europe. Microwave even pointed into the ground can turn earthquakes on and off, as demonstrated on the National Geographic Magazine TV channel in 2010. Global Warming is a mixed bag; just look around. It seems like a stretchable rubber band model that is influenced by a flexible gravitational relationship, which should also include atmospheric pollution and the variable sizes of holes in the polar ozone shields.

Read my Pearl #125 on a changing IPK to understand this principle. If I were God, I would put a stop to any human activity polluting the earth in space, as it is changing our climate at an increasing rate, causing extinction on a massive scale, which will be very detrimental to the next generations. The Apocalypse 2008-2015 is certain, as Jesus said watch the signs of

16 Pearl #125 – IPK: Why Has The Kilogram Standard Changed Weight?17 Science News, October 25, 2008 - Cooling climate “consensus” of the 1970s never was - Myths often cited by global warming skeptics debunked: by Sid Perkins at - www.sciencenews.org.18 Two Satellites collide in Earth orbit Impact generate more debris than any other in recent years. SCIENCE NEWS, March14, 2009.

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

God’s correction to save his world once more, read Noah’s story. Now you have three more witnesses added to a Global warming discussion. One is microwave installations and the other is the debris of previous satellites which are still circling the earth, added to the IPK all indicating gravity changes that are linked to the climate changing. Remember it when you read more later.

A Moon Witness After 2287 BCPondering it once more from the perspective of how gravity affects the moon’s orbit around the earth, I decided to check how ancient calendars recorded the time of its orbit. Due to the moon’s relatively large size and proximity to the earth, any changes in the earth’s movements would affect those of the moon, and vice versa. If one slows down, the other will too. They are connected by a rubber band of gravitational force, which delays the reaction to any disturbance like an asteroid strike, so that it is indicated in the movements a little later.

If ancient clocks tell us that the earth wobble will come to rest in 2012 that means the moon follows a little later in becoming totally synchronized to the earth’s new position. Unless disturbed again, prophecy and science together predict another asteroid strike from a sizable rock that is already near and is in an orbit of 825 days. Its rendezvous with the earth is the Apocalypse’s prophesied end, which I have calculated to take place on 17 September 2015.

Why does the pre-Flood 17 September 2287 BC match to the day with 17 September 2015? The answer comes as the X-axis changed to a Y-axis that comes to rest on 21 December 2012 at a 72° precession of the equinoxes. Only Bible prophecy gives a full answer to that overlay.

When the original asteroid plunged into the earth in 2287 BC, it added a little mass, but it also caused a much bigger reaction by transferring horrendous energy inertia, which changed the velocity and direction of our earth’s movements. In a rubber band gravitational relationship, the moon is affected also. This is proven in the 100 BC Greek Antikythera clock

mechanism that is made with bronze gears based on a 13.368267 ratio, reflecting the motions of the moon.

If you check out the Aztec calendar, it started with a 14.30 ratio, which improved as the bronze gears calculated to 14.305789 with more fractions. If we compare these three witnesses for a wobble, this is what I get:

1. Aztec and Antikythera clock changes - (14.305789/13.368267 = 1.07)

2. Moon19 to earth cycles in days - (30.5/28.5 = 1.07)

3. Earth orbit days20 - (365.24/360 = 1.01)

As the moon has not come to rest, the fraction indicating our earth orbit is like a gravitational rubber band and should have been 1.07, too. Yet notice the smaller fraction also in 2012/72°; therefore, the moon will catch up a little later. This calculation requires scientists who are more educated than me to figure it out. So observe that the moon orbit is still changing and must catch up to our earth cycles.

How is that possible, given the assumptions of evolution’s fairytales? The moon moves away from the earth 2 inches on an average per year, changing its gravitational relationship to the earth, which may be expressed as being equal to a weight change measured in potato chips, or the IPK World Standard weight change in micro kilograms that were recently documented by science.

All those facts, when investigated, are causing Global Warming which is now hopefully better understood. Some scientists measure the change at 1½ inch as seen on TV and should include the gravity changes measured by tidal variations that are influenced by the moon gravity. Moon velocity cycles can be compared to a train. We all know the train (earth) now travels 365.24 days around the sun. But the moon is a little different when viewed from the velocity perspective. There we notice that in half the cycle, the velocity will go faster, relative to the sun and in the other half of the cycle, it slows down, relative to the earth’s motion around the sun.

19 I used 28.5 = the mean average of a 27.5545 anomalistic month and a 29.5358 synodic month (since they do not synchronize from ancient 2288 BC) in a declining wobble calendar. The range for this clock is 2288 BC to BC/AD.20 The range of Earth’s orbit days from 2288 BC to 2012 was not constant. See the early chapters of the third Babushka book. Today, the earth takes a mean average of 365.24 to orbit the sun, which was not the same before the Flood.

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It is like a long train orbiting around the sun and the passenger is the moon. He is not sitting on a bench but walks around, going first in the direction that the train is traveling and then turns around to go in the opposite direction of the train’s motion. This should be linked to the wobble, too.

Both actions affect the passenger’s relative velocity in regards to the destination or any reference point. In this case, the moon has been turning around endlessly for 4,300 years from the asteroid strike disturbance. Its motion is affected in a way similar to how a clock pendulum is thrown off and shakes a little when it is disturbed by a child.

From the velocity perspective, when we add it to the train speed, it goes faster. Yet turn around and walk in the opposite direction and it becomes slower, making up for lost time.

That is the clock adopted by the Hebrew scribes, except for the train’s speed change. Since we are inside the train without windows (or like being in a closed elevator) we do not notice velocity changes. However, if we have some reference points from history, we could use mathematics to determine it. This is what drove the Aztec priests crazy when they saw 260 days passing by for a solstice year and not what was originally measured in the calendar that they inherited from before Noah’s Flood, a clock of 360 days. The reason behind it was a backwards moving wobble, which made one year appear shorter.

It took centuries to get smart enough to make the bronze Antikythera clock mechanism with 32 gears and mathematically capture it in a constant 14.305789. It was designed by a genius to measure flexible calendar clock time as it slowed down. Julius Caesar got smart and changed the calendar from 10 months to 12 (December). November means 9 and October means 8. Later, Pope Gregory added 14 days to correct it, as fractions of days add up.

The Pope and Caesar were big shots who had the power to change the seasons, as well as make the farmers happy because it was easier to grow food and make a profit, which advanced civilization. Today, we believe in fairytales and need another authority to

make some changes. That is why I trust the Bible to explain scientific facts much more than what is printed in schoolbooks and edited by an atheistic evolution religion.

They are a bunch of liars, the worse kind; when you watch our environment destroyed and the genetic modification of our food, so that it will never reproduce again for the next generation.

We tolerate crimes committed in our midst, right on up to the largest corporation cartel like Monsanto21

who is genetically screwing up what Noah went to a lot of trouble to preserve, which were the original seeds and animals he placed in the Ark. Watch God; we do not have to wait very long, as we look forward to God’s Kingdom on earth, which will put an end to such evil destroying the food for mankind and causing much extinction seen globally everywhere.

Back to our story… the spin of our earth orbit is a mean average of 30.5 days compared to the moon’s 28.5 days. The difference is 2 days and acts more like a rubber band dragging behind, rather than what it should have been. The earth slowed down 5.24 days with the added mass and energy inertia from the asteroid. That caused a delayed reaction of the moon as influenced by the earth’s gravity.

While modern science can measure the gravitational forces and orbits of the earth and moon, it could not figure out ancient bronze-gold clocks in museums. This is because they believe in evolution fairytales. They probably will not measure the changing moon cycles to test my theory either. They could use positioned satellite instruments22 to prove my point, but my ideas incorporate the Bible, so this idea will not be tolerated by evolutionists.

Let’s review how the exponentially parabolic slowing earth axis wobble influenced the earth’s orbit velocity around the sun by 5.24 days since ancient times, as well as its implications. We have some reference points recorded for us from ancient times that are embedded in geology for us to overlay by applying modern physics.

21 Join OCA's Campaign to Mobilize One Million Consumers to End Monsanto's Global Corporate Terrorism, www.organicconsumers.org/monlink.html.

22 GRACE in Space, A pair of Satellites map subtle variations in Earth Gravitational Field, revealing secret craters, undersea mountains of Climate Change. By Sam Flamsteed DISCOVER MAGAZINE, 2008, page 44. www.discover.com.

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Earlier, I stated that the scientists measured the moon’s gravity pull on the earth. They discovered that it is changing due to a slowly increasing distance (about 2 inches/year) from the earth or 8600 inches since Noah’s time, which also means the moon is taking a bit longer to orbit around the earth. It is as if we become one potato chip heavier every year.

Adding that difference across 4300 years, we get the number 8600 (inches), which should be exponentially projected from our time. It will therefore accelerate much higher, such as the ratio of light changes, which has been explained in recent times. Only a NASA computer could tell us more.

If the earth’s velocity was significantly slowed, it would eventually get sucked into the sun. On the other hand, if it circled faster, centrifugal forces would push it further away from the sun. Changing the earth’s distance from the sun would cause horrendous climate changes. If it gets too close, all the snow and ice would melt because temperatures would increase. If it was further away, then ice would form miles deep on the poles and reach toward the equator, since global warming indicates gravity changes (IPK) are moving closer to the sun.

History reports and science verifies that in ancient times the Polar Regions collected miles of deep layers of ice through the larger earth wobble. Then the physics model above tells me that the earth experienced a velocity change. That is proven historically by the changes in calendars around the world. Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory had the power to change a calendar, even if the priestly establishment was against it.

That is not always the case. Just ask some Orthodox Monks from Russia. That split is not even settled yet. They have two calendars in parallel, but they must now be forced together by NASA research, which is better equipped with computers and modern instruments, which was not possible during the Middle Ages.

But science today believes in many ‘evolution religion’ fairytales that are enforced by an academic priesthood controlling the universities. This oppression of open discussion causes horrible confusion and bitter in-fighting over issues like global warming. That could end if we look at all of nature and compare it logically

with the history of the Bible from a dual rail perspective.

Just follow the path of geology to witness an embedded speed of light reduction, ancient mystery clocks in many museums ending in a NASA calendar and lastly, how it’s linked to a Donut atom theory of how the universe was formed, along with a great many other facts that are on the table.

The moon’s increasing distance from the earth in its expanding orbit tells me some things about global warming from another perspective. Think of the moon and the earth as one unit, as all forces add up and become a mixture of the two. Let’s see what happens to the pair when something happens to one of them. Once more, the moon is on an elliptical, not circular, orbit around the earth. Its path takes it farther, rather than closer, to the earth.

Ask the questions, “Why is it not circular? Did an asteroid influence and jerk the moon also by zipping by too close? Now what happens when the moon is closer to the earth?”

Its speed from horizon to horizon increases and conversely when it is farthest from the earth, its speed decreases. What happens, then, when you try to compute the Molad with a fixed length of day? Jewish scholars missed the mark.

Time variation of this means Molad versus the actual new moon can vary by as much as (plus or minus) 17 hours at 2010 AD. God has specified an easy way to establish the beginning of each new month: New moon, new month - a much easier calendar to start the Hebrew holidays, which were instituted by Moses. To explain the laws of physics using my kid and his looking at the moon, could broaden our knowledge horizon.

As a kid, I had a slingshot, which taught me physics. If I had a longer string, the inertia would be bigger. Inertia is influenced by a mass (my stone) kept in motion (velocity). If the mass is the same, the inertia would change when the velocity changed: my slingshot stone would be circling faster. A change in velocity produces less or more force, even if the mass (stone) is the same. At higher velocity, the stone would fly further, but think, if my string were a rubber band, what would happen? The same inertia would be present, but now

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

we have introduced a time dimension23, which would take a little longer to get the mass going (my stone). The basic laws still apply as in the example of my slingshot, but the reaction itself is spread out and delayed a little.

In this analogy, the rubber band is gravity. That is the model of the moon being pulled by the speed of the earth, which slowed from 360 to 365.24 days to complete one orbit around the sun in about 4,300 years.

In 2288 BC, the earth experienced an asteroid strike that decelerated its inertia and caused a rotational wobble. Ice formed miles deep on its poles, but the moon, connected with rubber band gravity, stretched a little more to compensate. Due to this inertia, the moon runs a little behind (2 days), which explains the change in its rotation pattern when compared to the earth.

Read the first witness again and compare it to the rubber band sling shot/gravity relationship. When the earth slowed down, it would shift to orbit a little closer around the sun as the change in velocity was influenced by inertia. The climate on earth would get a little warmer.

That change will melt the ice caps from three miles thick, which was initially formed when the wobble was twice the angle [94°]. It then declined to one mile thick in about 4,300 years as the earth decelerated, in order to add those extra 5.24 days a year and to rest with an angular position 23.5° (47° wobble) axis, which is now half.

The angular direction impact of the asteroid near the equator determines if the earth is nudged to go faster or slower. In our case it was against the daily earth rotation. That piled up mass in the front as the inertia kept going and it cannot be stopped on a dime. That would cause a high tilt-up of the mountains, as mass cannot penetrate a glass-hard substrata which uplifted tectonic plates like frost on top of liquid metal. Some slide more easily, while others are more anchored at the base.

In California we see a wavy blanket, but check out your paper globe and compare the Chile mountain range, which was lifted in the same way in North America as the Rocky Mountains were in Wyoming

and Colorado, considering the impact in the Gulf of Mexico, I postulate. The declining velocity changes of the earth did not happen all at once. You have already noticed an ancient cause for global warming. I end my story by explaining an asteroid impact possibility.

Check out the physics and play with a rubber band slingshot in order to get a feel for what happened. Global warming should also be studied from this new perspective. Have you ever wondered about why the earth travels in an elongated ellipse and not in a circle around the sun? Only an asteroid could change the earth wobble and influence it into an elliptical orbit, which is verified by science.

Other planets have perfect circles, so I conclude that there must have been a cause for such an effect, as Newton teaches us and we still apply logic. Then it occurred to me. The circular path must have been disturbed by the asteroid strike in 2287 BC.

Do not assume that the orbital path is fixed and that it comes back to the same spot as in the rubber band slingshot analogy. Or explain the global mountain range on the West Coast of the Pacific, which did not happen 60 million years ago, if you still believe in unscientific fairytales.

Fun with Raw Chicken EggsAs a boy, I had some fun with eggs. Mark a 3x3 foot window frame with some tape on your garage door and start an experiment. This will teach you a little more than a slingshot, if you do not mind the mess it creates. This time, take a dozen raw eggs (if you feel like a baseball player) and throw an egg toward the center as fast as you can and aim at your marked window frame from 20 feet away.

Try it and you will discover that if you ever hit the window, the egg will be all over the wall and not where you pointed your throw. That teaches you physics, but it might get you in trouble with someone, seeing as eggs are splattered all over the garage door. Why didn’t the eggs hit the center of such a large target? The inside of the egg is liquid, which will be offset by the velocity acceleration. Similarly, the center of the earth is liquid, too.

That is also the reason for the spectacular volcanic eruptions, occasionally seen on TV, which will show

23 To define what a Time Dimension really is read the 7th Babushka book; it’s more detailed.(12-20-10) Page 38 of 54

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

the flow of hot liquid lava, just like the one in Iceland in April 2010, grounding all airplanes for a time, with the ash shooting high up to the stratosphere. That causes the earth’s orbit path to never come back exactly the same, even over hundreds of years, which therefore changes a climate. The earth never retraces its orbit exactly where it traveled last year or any previous year. That is what my egg experiment taught me, and I linked this observation to global warming.

We must put that into the equation too, but I am not that smart. I need someone from NASA to insert my egg experience into a computer program to get a better picture as to why the earth center ballast is now offset by 23.5°. An elliptical orbit with a wobble, with a rubber band to mimic gravity acceleration, will always be cyclic. In mathematics, we know the time factor is 4300 years, when the earth changed an axis wobble and came to rest and we know the deceleration force. We could therefore even calculate how big the asteroid was.

The rubber band gravitational force would also slow down our earth and should be added to that equation, like a flywheel that loses inertia by another cause and will therefore vary in temperature, being closer to the sun-oven, hence becoming warmer globally. Ultimately, the rubber band and not evolution fairytales will be revealed mathematically, when the solar system has run out of energy to Taw. See the picture again from the Hubble telescope that shows our galaxy from space and compare it with my new donut atom theory; a good model for understanding the metaphysics that comatose atheists do not allow you to read.

Do not take it for granted that the sun will burn steadily for billions of years. Science measured the diameter of the sun, which is getting smaller. If you use that amount each year and mathematically multiply it with the 13 billion ‘fairytale’ years, it would make the sun so large that it would be impossible for life to exist or evolve, as likely as being kissed in some cosmic Cinderella frog story. It would change gravity that is holding our earth and moon in orbit, which would be outside the very narrow range for life to exist on earth.

Calculating the sun’s diameter, where life would disappear on earth, does indeed point to a very short time, which I estimated to be 10,000 Gregorian years,

thereby proving the Hebrew-Aztec date of 4488 BC very reasonably, and would also demonstrate a creation model. I can just see my scientist friends’ feathers ruffled, just mentioning 10,000 years, because an evolution religion is so ingrained that they can no longer see the trees in a fogged forest. Explain your Global Warming version to me because it’s already causing extinction in my neighborhood. Read the next story, “Australia’s Big Dry”, which is filled with information from a lot of scientists who live there.

The assumption that light in prehistoric times is the same as what we measure today is another fairytale and will be covered in my next 7thBabushka book. Even today, scientists get different measurements and cannot agree amongst themselves, which creates confusion. They do not realize that when light goes through a filter (our air and gravity), it is not the same around the globe as light is to gravity.

It is related to a teeter-totter law embedded with a time dimension, which is a totally new concept affecting Global Warming. Explaining a parabolic time-light-gravity curve pictured in my next book may hopefully open up some discussion, if you want to know about Global Warming from a metaphysical perspective and make it visible in a physics spectrum.

Tree Ring EvidenceI have another proof for my theory, besides the IPK weight in France. In going to church in Comptche, California, which is a tiny community with only one store and a firehouse large enough to have a party, sometimes people are more interested in studying science than in listening to the pastor. Sitting at the end of the pew, I noticed and investigated the rings of the wood left behind. The bench was made from solid redwood with 3 x 24 inch side boards. The rings across are very visible, showing some seasons as fat and some as lean, based on the rainfall for that year.

This end piece of the bench represented about 300 years, if I count the rings and allow one year per ring. What I noticed was that some rings were very fat, about 1/8 inch wide and others were much thinner. Some were as small as one paper sheet thick and barely visible. From fat to thin and back to fat, the rings that were counted were about 60-90 bands. Even all the fat ones varied in size. One would be 3

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

inches wide, while another was doubled. That indicates a climate change in my neighborhood, which is surrounded with redwoods that need lots of rainwater.

The Anderson Valley is now covered with vineyards, whereas 100 years ago, only apple trees grew. Some apple dryer sheds are still around as a tourist attraction. Now wine tasting is fashionable. Grapes could not grow in my neighborhood a hundred years ago because it was too wet and cold, as verified by my observation of the redwood pew boards in my church. A dust bowl recorded in history is the other side of the coin, which is all connected to a changing climate.

This story is never ending, as it is like a mini babushka egg or an iceberg that is mostly underwater. This kind of study could reveal more about global warming. The sun and earth and moon relationships are absolutely critical, and their changes must match history across 4300 years and is even recognized in new discoveries, written about in A Donut Atom Nuclear Story. You should read it.

My new atom theory could overlay perfectly with what we see in the solar system. Compare the sun to represent God, only as a type, for example. It is like an infinite gravity energy center that attracts and propels the proton (earth) around and around, much like a proton, as I explain its behavior inside a donut atom. But the moon is linked like invisible neutrinos, or externally analogue, such as electrons around the atom similarly interacting with a regulating pendulum in my cuckoo clock, or as I mentioned, inside the moving train, walking up and down the aisle.

The moon, which is similar to the pendulum of a cuckoo clock and parallel to a nuclear station controlling an energy reaction conversion, has the function of dominating the time dimension. They overlay perfectly in the donut atom system theory, which tells me only a divine architect could have invented it.

The same intelligence model is embedded in the donut atom, forming elements. This also describes the earth-sun-moon system that expands to fill a universe replicated; with all galaxies having the same laws modeled and simulated as systems.

The moon, therefore, becomes the control mechanism for the biological energy emanating from the sun,

doled out in increments. It became the basis for calendar clocks used by cultures around the world since ancient times. Without the moon controlling the earth cycle, life would not be possible and it can even be connected to a woman becoming pregnant. Just as the human monthly cycle is not a solar one but a lunar one, so Eve came out of Adam, like the cycle in the ocean coral reefs or turtles in the surf, exploding and spanning at the right moon, which the tide sets in the cycle for endless reproduction of millions of other specie creatures. That reveals the purpose in God’s Plan for humanity and explains why we have such a complex system, fine-tuned to the second. God promised that as long as the moon caused seasons, mankind will be around.

The Alpha (+one) force, such as the sun is confined and regulated by a moon surrounded by it. This would illustrate God’s command to bring forth seed and multiply, filling the earth. It ends with the Saints embedded in God’s design for mankind. His handiwork is replicated wherever I look, seeing it from a dual rail perspective which gives us a 360° view of what the Bible proclaims. Check it out and have some fun discovering more on a new perspective, scientific journey.

Australia’s Big DryI have added a magazine article for you to compare with my new theory:

“The Big Dry” Prolonged drought threatens Australia’s people, wildlife, and economy. by Emily Sohn, Science News October 27, 2007, www.sciencenews.org. 24

The headline on page 266 of this magazine screams out how severe global warming will become worldwide. This is only one example out of hundreds that I could report about regarding climate changes that affect our worldwide 21st century civilization. However, the scientists are very much divided over the cause. Most scientists are educated in an evolution theory, which became a religion. Therefore, they cannot see the forest, as too many trees obstruct surrounded in a science fog trying to define scientific observation.

I will quote some important points made by the author who wrote what is confronting people in a survival stage. There is no longer any time left for

24 More information is available in Geographic National Magazine, April 2009 further describing “Australia’s Big Dry”.(12-20-10) Page 40 of 54

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millions of people to discuss a cult evolutionary religion perspective, which distorts facts and invents fictitious but sacred theories about how the universe evolved.

They are not helpful in solving the massive water shortage problems that are now noticed around the world. The only way to delineate fiction from truth is to study human history, which can be dated. That gives us reliable data points on the exponential climate curve, starting from the last ice age reported in the Bible after Noah’s time 2287 BC. Just measure the rate of how thick the polar ice was in the last century.

Maybe now it is time to become serious, as economics will force us to reevaluate any information available, as millions of people and skyscrapers will be abandoned for lack of water. This has happened before. Historically, large towns in ancient civilizations relocated, leaving only ruins and temple buildings buried in sand. Do not think for a moment that modern technology is exempt from nature because the atheistic university priesthood says otherwise.

Australia is locked in a drought of drastic proportion. In recent years, rivers have reached record lows. Temperatures have spiked to record highs. Cities are running out of water. Wildfires are burning. Ecosystems are suffering. Climate models are predicting more of the same and worse, for many years to come. It seems like the Apocalypse has already started for the Australians.

As climate experts struggle to apportion blame between natural cycles and human activities, technically-minded researchers are looking for innovative ways to keep Australia’s tap flowing. Their struggle may provide important lessons for the rest of a warming globe.

“Australia’s ‘Big Dry’, with water precipitation declining 15-25 percent over the past decade,” says David Jones, head of climate analysis at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s National Climate Centre in Melbourne. What more is to come? Every 10 percent declination in precipitation leads to 30-40 percent in the decline of water that runs off land into streams and rivers. The runoff recession has greatly reduced the amount of water ending up in catchments,

reservoirs, and dammed lakes. So the question on top for Australian economy is, WHY SO DRY?

Disentangling the numerous factors contributing to Australia’s extended drought is difficult for a continent that has experienced dry spells for a long time. Scientists educated in evolution myths postulate that Australia’s climate alternated with wet times over a period of millions of years, while using an obsolete carbon dating system.

Their theory goes like this: An interglacial period lasted from tens of thousands to millions of years time period, which has never been proven; therefore, it remains an opinion that is subject to change. Many notice that our earth is still relatively wet, even though a lot of water is tied up within ice.25 My question is this. Where does the ice come from? Does it come from hundreds of thousands of years ago? That question can be answered with the data from the ancient bronze–gold clocks exhibited in museums, which are now deciphered.

Australia has a climate that is heavily driven by the warming of tropical waters in the eastern and central Pacific Oceans. The cooling of the same waters is called a La Niña, which comes in cycles ever 5-25 years. The big question is, does global warming bear the blame for the recent surge in El Niño that scientists cannot explain?

Global warming is a reality, and we cannot neglect Australia’s water crisis. Scientists must look at all available information like human activity, land clearing and clear cutting of the rainforest for agriculture26. A Bible-centered climate change story, historically reported by eyewitnesses, should not be thrown out by an atheistic priesthood that controls our universities. We should look at every source of information available to make a climate computer model we can trust, or we will just run out of time squabbling about speculations from a cult religion that is the top dog in the bunch and only exists by being fueled by government grants.

The consequences of the evolutionary closed-minded bias are twenty-one million people in Australia without sufficient water. Nearly 90% live on the coast in the 5 largest cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth. The population has increased 25%

25 Gregory Webb, Geologist at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane26 Climatologist McGowan presents a climate model in Geophysical Research letters.

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since 1990 and is still growing. That will put stress on the economy. Compare the average water usage in America of 1,325 liters/day in 2006 to 350 liters/day for Australia.

Patterns of animal extinction and disappearing wildlife are speculated to range over 45,000 evolution years. There is a movement in some university quarters to correct those long ages as the evidence is now aligning with the appearance of the first humans on that continent.

Read the Australian Journal of Earth Science 2006 to notice that the data shows a long gradual decline of both large and small animals. The article describes a scenario with no signs of hunting, with a transition from lush forests to dry grasslands. This is a conclusion that is very controversial for unbalanced monorail scientists, educated in an evolution cult religion. A two rail system applying physics linked to the metaphysics is better for balance.

Using therefore the many Bible historic facts describes the same scenario over a 4,300 year span. This correct time span could help true scientists find ways to avert the same catastrophe in the future. Mr. Pitman cautioned, “You’ve got to be very, very careful what you blame on global warming” or other phenomena caused by humans, which needs policymakers to make the right decision. I add, “…not based on a pet evolution theory, which is not possible when it’s scientifically controlled by monorail universities that are not very balanced.”

That would solve the problem headlined, “What now?” Scientists around the world must sort out possible causes of world water shortages. Australia’s model could take the lead in fixing the problem by asking Israel to help in desalinization projects, as the price of water will surely go through the roof. Australians are rising to the challenge of living with less water, but they must continue to grapple with an environment that they don’t recognize anymore, “We really will run out of water if it doesn’t start raining,” Webb says. “It’s spooky.”

It gets worse saw on TV more information presented in a program by the National Geographic Magazine, April 2009 further describing “Australia’s Big Dry”. Farmers for century growing rice, wheat and corn, a major supplier in the food world market are out of business totally. Their large vacant farms for sale

across the wide country site as water disappeared, the rivers are permanently dry. It created cheap real-state cannot find a buyer. That is replicated in America my neighborhood check out the collapsed real-estate made worse by crooked bankers.

Global Warming should be viewed from a dual perspective within a 360° theater in the round perspective and should include the history of the Bible. It will highlight our biases that have gone the wrong way. You be the judge or be spooked out with an empty glass of water. That would settle the climate warming, as postulated from the fairytale perspective, which is so popular today.

Evolution is so wacky and shaky that it requires massive enforcement on the general populations by teams of lawyers and police on school grounds all over America. My hope is that they will not burn my Babushka books. America is throwing out a historic Bible and other Christian books from school libraries, similar to what Hitler did in Germany. He did not last very long and America follows the same path when it should have learned from history.

I ask you to look into the Bible like a mirror. I encourage you to become wise, as described in Daniel 12:10. Daniel prophesied that there would be some wise people in the final days of our civilization, which would otherwise go totally corrupt and atheistic. The membership of the Wise Club is still open.

The information is available and is presented free on the Internet. It is assembled in my 7 Babushka books to subsidize what is no longer allowed. They give you the answers to the big questions and laid all our questions out on the line; questions we all have: Where, Who, What, When and Why.

I hope that you will become as pleasantly surprised in your discovery as I was during 2007. I can now look back and see that not one event or date needed to be revised. That is a miracle that is only explained by the metaphysical dimension.

That alone should shock us puny mortals into enough humility to bow before an eternal Creator God; especially One who has been so incredibly patient and loving towards us. His hand is yet open to offer each who would accept it, the incredibly generous gift of Eternal Life. You can change from the lowly caterpillar and put on some gorgeous butterfly wings; one of my

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favorite analogies used several places in my books. I encourage you to accept His offer and do your best to apply His Word in your everyday life.

Predicting the Next Climate Change After 2015 AD

As previously mentioned, newspaper astrologers have a fight amongst themselves discussing a new phenomenon which divides their camp into two parties. There looms a new 13th zodiac sign, which has recently appeared. The fight is real, as 50% will adhere to the old zodiac system, which is pitted against from the upstart as it defends modern science. They need a referee like Mr. Gore is to the climate changing champions. That political football is very profitable for some, but not necessary when it is connected with the truth about climate change. It may get lucrative money grants from governments and corporation cartels, but it will not lead to better understanding regarding what is really going on. Instead, it just transfers money from the taxpayers to someone else’s pocket.

The spin axis of 23½° has never really been investigated thoroughly by the science establishment since Galileo. I cannot find any reference that our earth axis is not moving, except in the newspaper columns written by astrologists, who are upset with each other over zodiac changes. This tells me that the earth axis is still not at rest. By applying Newton’s laws, what we see linked to the earth axis today must have been different in ancient times, which is now verified with ancient clocks, exhibited in museums. Only an asteroid can change an earth axis. Depending on the size of an asteroid and inertia transferred, it would take hundreds of years to slow down a wobble. The Aztec calendar told us it would be 21 December 2012 for the axis to be at rest, which began 4300 years ago on 5 February 2287 BC, as calculated by other clocks.Investigating a moving earth axis should be linked with the many facts presented in this paper to broaden our horizon. More discoveries showed up in the meantime, which are explained in the 7th Babushka book.

What is the Time Dimension? will define a new theory from a scientific and metaphysical perspective, which is all related to the fact that ‘light’ is changing. It

seems to be polarized also, like a neutrino energy source that could reverse, heading into the Jod Dimension. Also, looking in that direction has tremendous possibilities that match up with Bible prophecies. It has even been mentioned on the Dr. Phil TV show that people are getting larger in size and living longer. Nature feeds 7 billion people. To supplement answers, many new concepts appear, such as my Donut Atom theory, replicated in galaxy pictures that match my new science model, corresponding with so many examples that are all linked to Bible prophecy. This can be applied to climate warming, in that as we investigate the Bible to see things from the metaphysical domain, it was predicted that people will be living longer in the third civilization after 2018 AD. We could use repeated history as a model since it is linked to the consequences of the second civilization, where the climate changed drastically, as demonstrated by an asteroid in 2287 BC. Now the Bible announces a climate change once again, when God’s wrath is poured out upon an atheistic, evil One-World-System that is destroying His creation. That civilization will experience the same fate as the Atlantis people, which is to be terminated and totally destroyed after the birthing of the Saints, just like a placenta is discarded and burned. God the Elohim will use the same tool again very effectively to cause changes with a second asteroid, which is already in orbit and is predicted to strike the earth once more on the 10th-17th of September, 2015. That could cause a flood again. However, as we investigate Bible prophecy which is history written in advance, we now see a 52 Km rock orbiting in space, which has been tracked by science, which is much too large and would totally destroy our earth and must therefore break up in pieces and fragments. This matches with both Revelation and what the Aztecs and Toltec recorded, stating that the fifth cycle ends in a fire-rain. Otherwise, as physics teaches, we will have another destructive flood, which God promised would never happen again. He signified His contract that He made with mankind with a rainbow, which we still see today. That is recorded in Genesis, but the knowledge is no longer allowed to be taught in our schools. I explained it all from two perspectives and put it

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together in Babushka egg concept books for the next generation to remember. Although, seeing so many applications embedded in the Bible that match true science, I can postulate a scenario that the imbalance of a tilted axis, created by the first asteroid could be reversed from another asteroid. Yet it must come from a different direction so as not to trigger a gigantic wobble again, causing continents to shift which would end with an ice age. Yet again, prophecy after the Apocalypse projected a warm climate growing plants and vegetation in profusion, much like it was before Noah’s days when rain was still yet unknown.

This can be explained by light speed going faster again, causing bigger cell growth in a shorter time, but we should look further by looking at the gravity center of our earth, which was dislocated in ancient times. It ended up tilted, like offset ballast in a boat, at rest in a 23.5° axis position. It will no longer be moving on 21 st

of December 2012, as calculated from the Aztec calendar perspective, which is now better measured by modern GRACE satellites more accurately. Read my previous egg-throwing experiment again, as it will reveal more, such as the interior of the magnetic nucleus of our earth being surrounded in a liquid that acts like a gyroscope inside an airplane instrument. For the last 20 years, French scientists have visited the North Pole and measured its movements at 40Km per year and will be heading toward Siberia-Russia in the next 50 years. The gravity center of the earth is just waiting to go back where it was originally balanced, just like a rubber band that has been stretched, which has a built-in memory that wants to go back in place when the forces are reduced.

Check out my rubber band-slingshot illustration again and try visualizing it as when the earth is nudged again. Just like a stretched rubber band needs to relax, it would happen when an asteroid hits the earth once again, only this time the inertia forces are directed backwards and must now come from a different angle, striking the earth on the south side of the equator.Prophecy dates the precise time, which is focused towards the winter equinox axis position, when the North Pole is tilted away from the sun, when our earth is most vulnerable.

The predicted asteroid from space is attracted by the great sun gravity, but will be interrupted by an earth orbit crossing by. At that precise point in time, the earth is also positioned in-line with the spin angle direction turning in the same direction, because at that southern location (below the equinox) our earth is pointing directly toward the asteroid belt direction.

That would have two consequences, being based in physics that follow the entropy laws of Newton. However, as prophesied on the metaphysical side, it will therefore happen at the precise time and precise location because the Plan for Mankind was laid out before the earth was created and put into orbit. It is linked to the laws now governing and that were established on the fourth night-morning creation cycle. That event was not very long ago (4488 BC), which was proven with true science. It is based on ancient clocks and many witnesses, which oppose the modern fairytale opinions and which are controlled by an atheistic university priesthood who need billions of years to prove their theory, which has never been proven.

Finding a Possible Asteroid Impact Location on Earth [5 February 2287 BC]

When I saw a simple book for children showing our earth and planet relationship to the sun, I was impressed by how big the sun is and how very close our tiny ball, the earth in relation to the sun is like a pea seed to bowling ball.

Immediately, I thought that any asteroid coming from space, regardless of angle, would mostly hit 99.999 % of the sun first because of its size, distance relationship and attraction force known as gravity. The exception would be if we project an imaginary asteroid coming from outer space and moving horizontally towards the earth equator, or just bypassing it to then hit the equator of the sun. That gives us a very narrow angle of impact possibility on both sides of the earth equator.

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I believe that the hugely amplified energy solar flares and sunspots are caused by asteroid strikes from outer space. We cannot see the speeding asteroid only the aftereffect. These outbursts indirectly cause climate change and telecommunications interference. Electricity blackouts occur as energy is transferred through radiation and temperature changes.

Focusing on the sun outburst looks like the shape of an inverted trumpet similar when you plunge a stone in the water pool. Space is Kelvin cold. It would immediately cool down debris and crystallize what was ejected under great pressure 1000 miles from the sun, but it is sucked back by immense gravity force, which turned into a big ark because the sun keeps rotating, too.

We must not forget that the outer planets all work like a shield against asteroids coming from space, which was even recently photographed, as we saw a number of huge asteroids, one right after another impacting Jupiter. Our moon is the last shield and we can see the impact craters with our bare eyes. However, I realized that only something close to the equator could produce an axis shift and to prove my theory, I started to look a little closer at my model globe. A paper model of our globe (earth) is a very useful tool to check out my theory and investigate different angular positions in order to find a possible location that an asteroid might have impacted in antiquity. Let’s use the concept of architectural drawings, but they must show three side views to define a body in three-dimensional space. Let’s take a pencil and some paper and sketch three-way positions of an imaginary stone coming horizontally from space, which would affect our earth. It is drawn like a small circle with a cross-line to indicate polar positions.

Finding the asteroid impact area or angle let’s sketch a horizontal line that represents solstice positions, showing two small circles on either side of a big circle that represents the sun.

Step 1 - Top View

Then we mark the Northern and Southern solstice in circular positions on either side of our two small circles representing the earth on the horizontal line. Since the earth axis does not gyrate and is fixed, we must mark the North Pole that appears to be offset on left side, and the South Pole offset on the bottom, which cannot be seen on the right side bottom circles. Looking from this top view enables us to visualize the tilt axis of our earth from a dot pole with a vertical center going through the equator of the earth. According to the cause and effect rule, we can now see from which direction something must come in order to make the dot move closer to the sun in relation to the pole dot axis, which must be quadrant in order to effect a spin change. In conclusion, there is only one quadrant on the northern equator, or one quadrant on the southern side of the earth which is vulnerable, in order to be hit in such a way as to cause a spin axis to move and end, eventually changing to a 23 degree tilt angle. Step 2Expand that illustration. Now imagine turning the polar axis counter-clockwise and moving the axis horizontally, which is one quadrant; then repeat three more times and we are back. Comparing this with the Step #1 sketch, we can identify which quadrant could cause a possible tilt axis.

Now we need a side view, like any architectural drawing have. Using the same top view sketch for a side view, we pencil in the same picture, but it now becomes the side view for finding a crossover point. Again, on either side we have two little circular balls and in the middle we have a big circle representing the sun.

Now let’s draw an imaginary line from the earth equator to the sun equator on both sides and we will have an angle projection within the path of an imaginary asteroid coming from space. Any object outside that angle does not affect the earth. However, in order to influence a tilt axis force, we will imagine an asteroid hitting the earth on the inside angle, which must be in a position close to the Tropic of Cancer line

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or Tropic of Capricorn. Both are shown on both sides of the diagram of small circles. So in the original Aztec earth spin axis, we could imagine an asteroid shooting toward the sun along the horizontal North Pole/South Pole axis to align with the horizontal line of the earth-sun-earth circles. From this, we can form a conclusion from the two possibilities that exist.

If an asteroid shoots along our horizontal line and would hit the South or North Pole, no tilt axis change is possible. Remember the little circle is turning, which is the “X” axis. The day movement twist would not change either. The other possibility is if the asteroid hits close to the equator of the earth inside the angled line projection. Then again, the day twist would not necessarily change, but the polar axis can be affected toward a new spin location, ending with 23rd degree. Step 3 We have now found the only two points of possibilities to affect a tilted axis change either on the northern half of our earth or southern half. Together with the one quadrant possibility of the first step, we must now look for the cause and effect side to determine where along the Tropic of Cancer or Tropic of Capricorn could be the candidate of an impact site, depending on the “X” axis earth spin at the time of the quadrant of step 1 step first, and coming together in the second equatorial possibilities.

Now I am ready to look for the effect side. I am looking for fractures of land after the impact like a trailing tail and in front there will be crinkles or uplifts of huge mountains. So take your paper globe and look down on the North Pole and check out the equator all around the globe, and then do that with the South Pole as you look at the raised mountain ranges.

Here is my best guess:

1.) North Pole projection – Gulf of Mexico. Only one choice exists along the Tropic of Cancer. The asteroid would have a scattering trailing effect on the North Pole and go across Canada, Hudson Bay, Victoria District and Greenland.

2.) South Pole projection – two possibilities: A. Along the Tropic of Capricorn, from Madagascar to the western edge of Australia, with frontal effects shoving mountains that would be lifted up in Northern India / Nepal / Bhutan.

B. Along the line of Tropic Capricorn, from Archipelago in the middle Bolivia-Argentina, with the mountains lifting up in Chile.

Any projected impact will have different effects, either going into or against the direction of the earth’s axis spin. Going against the earth’s velocity will result in horrendous tectonic changes. If the daily velocity movement of our earth is just stopped for a moment by the front of the impact, it would cause a sliding action on the top of the harder earth surface like dross floating on a very hard plane. It would pile up landmasses as they still moved and raise the landmass, forming mountains, according to physics. Look at the picture and notice the mountain range on the west coast. As the energy force from the impact is transferred to the interior, it will cause a continental shift behind the impact, as the mass will keep going on top of a very glass-hardened surface. A resulting wobble was measured by many ancient clocks,

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exhibited in numerous museums globally. Check out the Antikythera clock from Athens that has 32 gears, which allow mathematics to prove the date of an Asteroid Impact in 2287 BC, in the center of the Gulf in Mexico.

The next predicted asteroid (52Km) has already been in orbit 825 days around the sun. It would create an in-line impact force and therefore a much smaller wobble, which could add velocity a little faster to the daily turn of our planet. That is consistent with Bible prophecy and therefore brings much physical phenomena into alignment, thereby fulfilling prophesies which must conform to physics.

The impact on the exposed southern location would nudge the earth just enough for the axis to straighten back out a few degrees, to the point where it was before. It will still keep the calendar going 365.25 days for one orbit around the sun, but perhaps a little faster, which would make the climate milder. That is also prophesied. If it creates a smaller wobble, it would further increase the ice on the North and South poles, perhaps lasting a thousand years for another cycle; like it was around BC/AD. I think it is connected to the parabolic time-light-gravity curve that is linked to Jesus Christ (now corrected to 35 AD), which is my new calendar adjustment center point and where it divides BC and AD time line matching ancient clocks and the Hebrew 7000 year calendar. I am positive that much of that huge, approaching asteroid will explode in our air space, into a thousand fragments as prophesied by the Aztecs and Revelation, which is very detailed. It is said in the Bible that everything needs two witnesses to establish facts. Prophecy conforms to mathematics, just as surely as when we send a rocket 10,000 miles away, it will hit a bridge in Bagdad. We would not expect to call a technician a prophet, who would push the button and tell us in 5 minutes that the bridge is history. Don’t you ever think God is not as wise as a technician!

Jesus the Creator of the cosmos and the earth will restore a perfect climate again, so that polar bears and the thousands of fish will reappear and flourish around an ice environment and multiply in abundance. That way a previously prolific eco-system would be reborn with thousands of creatures efficiently reproducing all over again. Only this time, a previous evil, atheistic predator scientists and corrupted politicians will be prevented from

interfering, thus causing extinction in the environment because he will no longer be permitted to be around. It will take Israel 7 months to collect their dead bodies polluting the land, read the Bible. That will be guaranteed by the resurrected Saints watching, as they will be appointed to govern with the King of kings, Jesus Christ, who will rule all the nations with wisdom and an iron rod during the thousand years of Gods Kingdom on earth. They will apply good judgment gained and learned from the consequences of having lived in evil, atheistic, destructive time periods causing much extinction. It was predestined for the saints to be appointed and for a new administration to be elevated into many leading positions, thereby guiding a new third civilization. They are well-qualified, since many graduates experienced great suffering from a Satan-controlled civilization that killed many Christians and Jews throughout history. They will qualify to be employed and trained on a new job assignment, which is based on a divine metaphysical perspective, to control mankind’s golden 1000-year period of unparalleled prosperity for all nations, which will no longer permit anyone to steal and rob from their neighbors and spend their money on military hardware of destruction. A time of peace lasting a thousand years, as war will be forgotten and will no longer be remembered by the next generation of mortals.

A true Sabbath rest was planned before the earth was created, as I describe in the Babushka concept books in a more detailed way. It now becomes reality as the Hebrew 7000-year time-train arrived right on schedule and is heading towards the 14th station, the last station, which is called Taw in 3018 AD. The Time Dimension flywheel at that point has run out of energy, existing NO MORE.

It will start the cosmic movie again, which will run forever, expanding into a Jod dimension yet again, at a juncture similar to a time calendar that is divided into BC/AD.

A new earth shows up with a new heaven promised. We will no longer need calendars because time is no more. It will be within a balanced cosmos, for eternity, never to become corrupted again. However, what is important to me today is that I have noticed that the train has arrived at the 13th station; the APOCALYPSE

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has started. It has been predicted that it will end our atheistic civilization that is destroying God’s creation. A warning was previously given which was ignored, such as the Atlantis civilization that perished. The same message is spelled out again “do not mess with God which has consequences”. My Babushka books describe much from a scientific perspective, as theologians are mostly confused and divided since the Middle Ages about what the Bible teaches. Now for the first time, it can be better explained in the Babushka egg concept books because I use the ancient Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS), which corrects false thinking. New understanding came just in time to explain the apocalypse without a dark colored filter postulated by denominational biases. My last Babushka book (7th) exposes the Time Dimension coming back fully. Turn to the 1st Babushka book for understanding that which was never understood by science. It is connected to metaphysics and linked to God’s Plan for Mankind. It had initiated the reason, as well as the provision to end, which is what the Elohim wanted.

We can now understand for the first time what the ancient “∞” hieroglyph math symbol means, which is embedded in the Tzolkin clock and is also linked to my first cuckoo clock diagram concept, which is designed in a pyramid base. The Hebrew letters (HANS) have much more embedded, which I should mention additionally for those who have never heard about it. Some sell a substitute, calling it the kabala mystery, in order to make some money. Ersatz (substitute) or the fake is spiced with lies and created an evolution religion, which was invented by Satan, so that more money could be made in order to finance his evil system that is destroying the environment.

Summed up - 10 Reasons For Global Warming:

1. Gravity is like a rubber band affecting the earth and moon. Before 2288 BC, the earth orbit was 360 days. Now, it is about 365¼ days. Slowing down the velocity gets the earth orbit closer to the sun and that will make our climate warmer, I am sure. The wobble calendar was modernized by important witnesses, Julius Caesar and Pope Gregory, as they noticed the wobble getting smaller.

2. Polar ice receding from a 30° Parallel to a 60° parallel in a declining earth axis wobble was the major contributor to global warming over a range of 4,300 years [2287 BC – AD 2012]. It was witnessed by many scribes in the Old Testament before BC and after AD, written in the gospels, describing forest-high grass surroundings, spaced 1000 years apart. Today’s barrenness, only 2000 years later, is an obvious climate change, if you are able to think logically. If a three thousand year range of ancient calendars is not enough to convince the skeptic, take notice of the mathematic gravity-light-time graph to formulate a good global warming theory. Additionally, there are a number of witnesses like the Alpha [+One] force witness. Checking out European history, many tribal nations moved northwards following the snowline that was receding and exposing land to grow forests, which opened up agriculture. This is now dated from other sources.

3. The IKP world kilogram was recently measured across a period of 100 years and a 13th

constellation was discovered, which makes New York newspaper publishers happy. It becomes a witness that the earth axis wobble is still not at rest, causing gravity to change and become heavier due to orbit changes. A tighter orbit around the sun would produce higher gravity moving closer to the sun, hence higher mean average temperature.

4. The moon took 30 days to orbit around the earth before the asteroid strike and it has not caught up since, affecting the earth which is still lagging by two days. The moon orbit is still changing and getting longer by 2 inches/year so everybody gets one potato chip heavier. That also

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contributes to gravity changes and the shifting orbit around the sun.5. The ancient clocks exhibited in museums around the world show a constant 14.305789 compared to the Antikythera clock constant, which reveals a gravitational relationship that acts in the same direction. Mathematics will explain the difference measured across 3,000 years, which is expounded upon in the next section.

6. Space debris has increased the diameter of our earth’s mass like a soap bubble and could change the orbital relationship to the sun’s gravity.

7. A 13th Zodiac constellation appearing in the sky is upsetting to pop astrologers. This event demonstrates that the earth axis is still not at rest and likely won’t be until perhaps the 21st of December 2012.8. The earth’s accelerating velocity in an elliptical pattern with a liquid center and an off-center rotational axis, which means that the same orbit pattern is never repeated. It also oscillates like a second resonance every 100 to 400 years. Read my egg-throwing fun story to be convinced.9. Environmental changes caused by air pollution, the reduction of the rain forest area, and increasing asphalt/cement covering the green belt will accelerate the model for global warming.10. The mean average gravity around the globe is now tracked by two satellites (GRACE) that can penetrate below the icecap. It measures gravity fluctuation caused by tidal waves and especially tectonic pressure released from ice melting. It tracks those tectonic movements that now cause frequent earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and underwater steam vents, heating ocean water (recent outbreaks in Iceland), as well as the tsunamis and horrendous storms seen on TV. Expect more of the same to increase every year.

Winding Up This Short Section Climate changes can be predicted from the Bible, and if you have added manmade causes, it only accelerates the predictions in an exponential curve a

little. If the magnitude of change were to exceed the permissible range, then God, who invented the system, will adjust it at the source.

Check out how key dates in Bible prophecy have been identified in the structure of ancient27 gold–bronze calendar-clocks. This research confirms the Hebrew Alphabet Number System28, which deciphered a Rosetta Stone ratio of 7:5 that can be used to organize and align the gears of Bible prophecy. It conforms to a Hebrew hand rule29 for simple math concept explanations in order to understand our world a little better. Incidentally, the 7:5 ratio, matches the ancient pyramid mathematics, without which we could not travel in space. This ratio echoes the “Seven Royal Numbers” and “Five Mathematical Equations30” that are special cosmic laws in mathematics, including the pattern for all human history, which is embedded in the Bible. If you do not read it, then you are an uninformed fool, blindly accepting lies from Satan without even knowing it.

Climate change from a Biblical perspective is more trustworthy. As a retired scientist, I have not found one scientific impossibility or wrong assumption in the Bible when reading it from a scientific mindset. The Bible even explains paradoxes that modern science has problems with.

I would rather use old-fashioned logic, even though it is no longer fashionable with the atheistic education establishment. It makes more sense to me than acting like a dog chasing his tail, which is what it is like trying to explain the present phenomenon of global warming without its proper historical context.

You be the judge. Please think about climate change from the balanced perspective of two rails, physics and metaphysics. Climate change will end on the 17th

September 2015. This is my conclusion from becoming educated in ancient clocks, HANS and comparing them with Bible prophecy. The next 52 km asteroid will strike earth as predicted. It has already been tracked through space by scientists. It has an 825-day orbit around the sun. When it hits the earth, all speculation about climate change will end with the Apocalypse, now dated; then we start a new civilization.

27 Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries Chapter 4. Mystery Clocks and the X-y Spin-Axis Hypothesis, page 103. 28 Apocalypse Prophesied, The Mystery of the Hebrew Language, page 445.29 Apocalypse Prophesied, The basic Tools Used in My Research, page 31.30 Apocalypse Prophesied, page 346.

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The next Section in my little book that explains Global Warming is the heavy hammer for scientists, as what is revealed will cause upside-down commotion and ruffle some feathers, as light speed measured at 186,000 mi/sec can go faster at 186,282 mi/sec, which is now measured. Check it at Princeton University. This was recently demonstrated by ancient clocks, but using mathematics, we can even point to the speed of light [80 billion mi/sec], which makes the Big Bang appear sooner, as the Antikythera clock measuring gravity indicates this, pointing to the same date again at 4488 BC, which is proven with three (3) witnesses. In my last 7th Babushka book, we will first explain what a time-light diagram is, starting from (+Heh) Dimension, a parabolic fast declination to BC/AD and increasing again to the Jod Dimension, derailed with two options ending in (-∞) Taw to run out a Time Dimension, like when a flywheel uses up all its energy. That will be proven with science.

But much more is embedded in the first opening verses of Genesis, starting out by only quoting one verse in the Bible linked to Global Warming.

Bereshyt ∞ ELOHIM < > Heaven and Earth

If we analyze the word Bereshyt - in the beginning ∞ bara-created from the perspective of the Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS) in just one verse, all the laws of physics and metaphysics are expressed how the cosmos was created never preached in any church and not allowed in universities. That was my biggest discovery and well worth a Nobel Prize surely because I will have answered Global Warming for everyone.

More information is collected which will end our journey in the next 7th Babushka egg concept book to investigate a Time-Light-Gravity curve coming full circle around to 360°, which was invented by the ancient Sumerians who are linked to the Aztec-Hebrew calendar, the oldest of the world, which was decoded in ancient mystery clocks from a Hebrew Alphabet Number System perspective.

That opened Bible prophecy and various dates embedded with a schedule made for mankind to understand God’s creation a little better from a physic-metaphysic perspective like a dual rail road, which is better designed for balance. Have fun reading further. It surprised me greatly how much physics is embedded in just one Bible verse, so it’s definitely from divine origin. Before we go on, let’s sum up what we learned thus far about Global Warming.

More to come in the next book, where I will be further analyzing Global Warming from gravity-light-time dimension, which is a physics perspective that is never taught in universities and ending in the first application of a creation example. By dissecting the first four words in Genesis, I discovered a lot of science and metaphysics embedded, which is never preached in church.

Global warming for various reasons stirs up great waves of big money to flow like water in somebody’s pocket, without changing any of these 10 reasons, as the Nobel Prize is only given to those who believe in evolution fairytales. Please read the Bible and free Babushka books for a balanced understanding of global warming from another perspective to widen our knowledge horizon 360°, in order to understand nature a little better.It took 21 earth days, travelling through billions of light years for the angel to find Daniel. Does God know your name and have your address? Read my Babushka books to get some answers. This material was published four years ago as more information was discovered thereafter. The fact that light is not constant is now proven, which has consequences in science that opens a science horizon wider to understand Global Warming. As the Apocalypse is accelerating toward its end, which is now dated with many proven data bytes based on physics and metaphysics, I did not waste more time trying to clean up this text, which is free on the Internet anyway. The message may be duplicated here and there, but feel free to write a better book because in 2015 on September 28th all that you read will either be obsolete or it will no longer matter anymore.

God’s focus on safeguarding the earth since creation is logical. The earth is protected against asteroids by 10 orbiting planet-shields at different speeds along with the size of the sun to earth from a gravity perspective. But the earth was still hit by two asteroids in 2287 BC

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

and 2015 AD. This seems a impossible mathematical probability, which tells me it was willfully caused by the Elohim pouring out his wrath. Find out why.

The 7th Babushka book explains through physics what a Time Dimension is, based on entropy laws and expanded to a meta-physical domain for a panoramic perspective. When the (+∞) infinite time-light-gravity curve

crosses over to the (-∞) parabolic curve, it’s divided to the mathematical DOT, which is about BC/AD, which means Zero-Time and that has a big meaning scientifically in mathematics. You will find out next. It is guaranteed that it has never been found in any book. It is totally original. The implication will shake up a lot of people, comatose theologians and scientists alike, just as it did me.The Hubble telescope reveals much of God’s creation a wonderful tool to broaden our horizon. New discoveries will be continued in my next Babushka egg book so that we come around full circle to find the lock for the girl’s precious bracelet, which gives it value. Have fun reading more in the next section. Additionally, let’s not forget the Readers’ Forum as people around the world ask questions, which always are answered with science and technology linked to the Bible. I will guarantee that it is never preached in church nor allowed in the halls of higher learning. If you avoid reading the Babushka concept books, which are free on the Internet, you will never know the other side of the precious coin; therefore, you will remain ignorant about what life is and why we were designed mortal, using the correlation of a caterpillar-butterfly, two-stage system my favored analogy.

The Evidence Trail Continued

Seven Babushka Egg Concept Books

1.The Mankind, which has never been preached in church. If you want to know what happens after death and what our destiny is, which is not answered by the many confused theologians, here is a simple book with profound consequences. My promise is that you will never be the same - From Eden to New Jerusalem – Apocalypse Prophesied

2008-2015. It is translated into German, Spanish and Arabic.

2. The 2nd Babushka book tells the story about what will happen during the Apocalypse. All events are dated. Mystery of Tammuz 17 - Ancient Hebrew Keys to Dating the Apocalypse. It is now translated into German, Spanish and Arabic.

3. The 3rd Babushka book deciphers a number of ancient mystery clocks, which are exhibited in museums globally. I am sure it will become a Bible book, perhaps included in the canon because it connects three civilizations with different earth axis wobble calendars. All it needed was science and mathematics, linked to ancient prophecy and which all match history. Asteroid Answers to Ancient Calendar Mysteries; Aztec-Mayan Calendar, Antikythera & Other Ancient Clocks Confirm 21 December 2012 in Prophecy

4. The 4th Babushka book is about Genetic Modification Exposed. Atheistic, criminal scientists do it again. Just like the Atlantis civilization, they incur God’s wrath once more, as they genetically destroy God’s creation. Check out the consequence in physics linked to the metaphysical, and why we have an apocalypse in our time.

5. The 5th Babushka book is about Reflections on Global Warming, which gives answers to the question ‘Why’. It will destroy the myth postulated in many universities, where they are only interested in grants for higher salaries, but they are not interested in the cause.

6. The 6th Babushka book is a new concept: A Donut Atom Nuclear Story - How the Universe was Created. A totally different atom theory; never before postulated and linked to galaxies. Gain an understanding of how nature works and how it is connected to the metaphysical. For the first time, it will explain how life is embedded inside the atom. It will also explain what gravity, magnetism and electricity are and explain why the Platinum Standard Kilogram PIS and its 6 sister copies have changed after 135 years; and how it is linked to the ancient mystery stone-bronze-gold clocks?

7. The 7th Babushka book continued a new atom theory now proven: An Invisible Galactic-Atomic Force Connecting Gravity with Magnetism Linked to the Strong - Weak Force. What is a Time dimension? A New Model of Structural Physics that Reveal the Missing Dimension in Science. It became special reports explaining what a ‘Time Dimension’ is because we are mortal.

To measure time needs clocks:

Tzolkin Clock 2000 BC

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

Aztec Clock 1400 BC

Persian Astrolabe 1000 BC

Antikythera Clock 100 BC

Prague Clock 1550 AD

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

The Fifth Babushka Egg Concept Book summarized:

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The Birthing of the 3rd Civilization!

The ApocalypseA Cosmos-Epitaph Perspective


2008-2015 The Quintessential Apocalypse

A Time Dimension Perspective (Heh-Chet)

4 January 2012 – 25 July 2015God’s Wrath

(Like a Clock-Escapement controlling the Cosmos)Starting 7th month of the 12th cycle exploding Asteroid Impact

10 September 2015Plus 7-day long earth quakes ending with

another calendar earth axis wobble

17 September 2015Watch!

Three birthday parties:Jesus ChristThe Saints

Israel Reborn The Feast of Tabernacles is linked to a Sun-Moon eclipse

synchronized crossing over the Milky Way coordinate 15 Tishri 5776

Starting the Cosmos clock - Third Civilization on Earth28 September 2015

A Femtosecond time pulse perspective of the 7 Babushka Egg Concept books

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Reflections on Global Warming 2010

Reflections on Global WarmingIn this Babushka egg concept book we will be investigating Global Warming from the prehistoric writings of history and use an interesting tool that not even theologians know about, which I found on an obscure library shelf. I discovered a Hebrew Alphabet Number System (HANS) code, which can help us to find out what the climate was during Adam’s time (4004 BC) recorded in Genesis and connect it with Noah’s boat story (2288 BC), which is linked to the Aztec calendar exhibited in the outdoor museum Mexico City.

We should now add to this information the many ancient stone-bronze-gold clocks, displayed globally in many museums and have been recently decoded.

This book witnesses against the false opinions promoted by many atheistic governments assembled in the UN, which is one of the latest and most popular hot buttons for politicians to put more money in their pocket. Not surprisingly, they are not interested to learn that historical events reported in the Bible can tell us the cause of global warming. We can become informed about climate change in ancient books of many civilizations especially coming from a historic 4,000-year Bible perspective.

Learning about events recorded by ancient eyewitness can aid us in a global warming theory why the weather is changing in our time which could give us enough data for a climate model and not wasting a lot of dollars in wild speculative assumption on top of assumption dressed up in scientific fairytales dividing the atheistic university establishment controlled by an evolution religion priesthood. They will never come to a unifying consensus as so many opinions basing science on obsolete evolution religion will never have a good model of global warming.

Therefore any discussion for a better representation on global warming should be connected with ancient scriptures collected in the Bible and should not be stifled by the establishment. I invite my fellow scientists to get a little educated in the true realism of what is happening to our globe through the lenses of a spiritual Christian perception using a dual rail approach much better balanced. Global warming theories finally come around for a better model if we link it with the Bible based on facts and should reject fairytale theories faulty opinions from the past as explained in Science News October 25, 2008 by Sid Perkins, “Cooling climate ‘consensus’ of the 1970s never was.” Myths often cited by global warming skeptics debunked. It should make the Global Warming science community wonder.

Studying God’s creation recorded in the Bible increases knowledge and makes us wiser. If you want to be educated from God’s perspective, this short booklet unifies a number of scientific and theological concepts that are scaled from larger to smaller patterns of structured principles like each Babushka egg concept book is a little smaller explaining science from a 360° round about perspective. Atheistic limited tunnel vision will never discover the reasons of global warming.

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