GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907

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  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    e'. ' I' I

    Publication of the Detectives' Endowment Association, Inc. of the Pollee Department of the City of Newt '

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    An OlHcial !'!Ihlir.lliOIl of[)ETECHVF.S ENOO\\'MEJ\'lASSOCIATION. INC.

    " 1 I r l ' r r ~ t ' I I l i n s tileGn'd/l'Sr [)t.'IL((il'fSin ,hr 1\ JRI IJ

    26 '1homa S ( [ " ~ lNew York, NY 10007

    Phone (21 2) ')S7 1000lax (212) ' : , ~ ( , J

    ( n ~ I:-.\ la i linfo(!v nyet!t:U:C1 iw ' .orr.

    Wen silt'www.nyrdcn- live, .",!:

    ,\ I:1. r, PALLADINOI're,id,'/llvicron n. CIPU I.J.OVict' 1'/..:;;,1'111RICIIAlm 1: TlRf.l.l.IS('r...fll r )'PAUL DIGIACOMO

    'l i'eIl.'lIfl' rKEN CARDONAHoml/gl, Directoildl1llart'" I/ 11" lIlxfl J'II d,/ lI ll1h'IJ

    GEORGE FAHRHAGIBO/(ll/gIJ Ditectotll t,,,,kl)'lIj t ) I1 ,NL

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    President's Reportgarded the instruct ions of the undercover officel; used his vehicle as a deadly weapon, andstruck the undercover and the responding pol ice van twice . 0111' Detectives used theirfirearms in self-defense and ended up indic ted for Manslaughter. A trial is expected in theSpring of 2008.In the wake of the Sean Bell shooting, a special committee enipanelled by the

    Commissioner to study undercover operations issued a set of 19 recommendations. aile o fthe recommendations called for a mandatory breathalyzer test of any member of the servicewho discharges his or her ioeapon and kills or injures someone, while a ll or off duly.[take exception to this reCOJJlmeudation , LInd the DEA will challenge its implementation

    in federal court as a uiolation o f both the 4th and 5th Amendments of the Constitution.Absent an)' other factors, a member of the NYPD (iring his or he r weapon whi le takingpolice action (either on or off duty} should 1I0t give rise automatically to the submission ofa sobriety test. This would indicate that i f the officer (ired his or her weapon, there is a presutnption that the officer might be under the influence o f alcohol and must prove otherwise.This represents a line of thinleing that is a danger and an insult to our profession.During th is summer, many of New York City's uniformed unions (police. fire and sanita

    tion) settled contracts covering the next two rounds o( bargaining. The Firefighters' startedthe ball rolling by settling a four year deal with 4% ;'1 each of the next [our years, with additional unit value used to provide enhancements in longevity, as well CIS other financialimprouentents. The last Firefighter deal was similar to the DENs agreement of 5It" 5%, 3%and 3.15% over 4 years.Soon a[ter; the Sergeants settled a 74-nlOnth contract encompnssing the J % and 3.15%

    from the last round and adding 4% pel -year [or the next [our years. The Captains, who wereapproximately [our years u/itbout a contract, settled an eight year deal. The first (our yearso'[their contract mirrors the 5%, 5% . 3%, and 3. 15(Y(J settled by the DEA ami other unions.The CEA added on the 4% over each of the next foul' years as well, and the Lieutenants took4% and 4% OLJer 26 months.Although the DEA's contract does no t expire until March 31, 2008, we will begin negoti

    ations with the City in early September: It is the intention of the DEA Board to deliver a contract 011 time for our members.OJ! the national [ront, NAPO has reached a milestone with the introduction o f the

    National Collective Bargaining bill. Most police officers in the United States do not havecollective bargaining rights. Outside of a few major u.s. cities, most organized labor illAmerica is limited to the northeastern corridor o f the U.S. and California . This bill wouldgive off icers in less labor friendly areas of the country the right to collectively bargain, astoell as open. the door to unionization for those in other professions. This very importantpiece of legislation was introduced by Congressmen Dale Kildee (D-Michigan) and John J.Duncan , Jr. (R -Tennessee). [t passed the House of Representatives and has been transmittedto the Senate. Senator Edward Kennedy is expected to introduce his own version o f the billfor police officers this fall .Additionally, to help establish a uniform bill of rights (or members of the service through

    ou t the country, the National Bill of Rights for Police Officers has also been introduced inboth houses by SenatorJoe Biden (Ir-Delauiare) and Rep. l int Ramstad (R-Minnesota).We ioill heep you apprised of these important pieces of federal legislation, as well as other

    legislative achievements on the local front . (See page 20 for a New York legislative update).

    The DEA extends its condolences to the family and friends ofDet. Ari Figueroa, who tragically died July 10, 2007 as a result

    of a diving accident.


    " r " l ' l J t " Ihe. n , n ~ I sctcaireill II Ir IRI/IJ il l ISIU 'S

    JOSEPH T. CUSAN11"'1.1/II,l rwr,ISAMUEL T.MILL,\ /WIIr,HllHl SOl/thIIRIAN I l l /NT

    AllIllilt/trtlJl :'\1" 1' /1

    PAllI. E. ,,tORRISO/ l l t l/ l.\SAL\lIMJUJ'IAHmn "!.\'11 Non ;rJOE CAL \ BRLSHmtl/,'!YII Sr,I/h

    1011, L\ I ' I E R I Q IU'I"H

    JEFFUEYWAJUStaten lsi/mil

    KEVIN Il. DINEEI-lt' "lt/ltllrI"rsWILLIAM F. McNEManhattan StlullFnANI< Ft\IUlEJAJ/III/lt/I/t/ll NortDANIEL llIVEILtl,,,"x

    ANTI10NY C;\IH>INH,,'old.1I Nonl :FHANK CICCONHn1o/../r" oll/ilJOIIN J. COM E


  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    he Police SelfGroup

    .. . provides supportd counseling to offi ers who are severely

    or physiinjured in the

    of duty. Officersc introduced to ando unseled by those

    o firsthand haveuffered similar injury,sease, or duress . De

    Bromm, Rio,and Pa-arella are all long

    e members of the.According to the

    's President Det.enft, both the

    YI'D and the DEAbeen 100% 'up

    of the PSSGthe years .

    ..No onc takes caref its own likc theYPD ," he ays. "Inan y jurisdictions ,eer supp ort groupsften have an adver

    relationship withpolice depar t bu t the polar

    hold s tru er New York. Our

    wa s exsupportive of

    ur intentions sincee beginning. ""The cur rent p ro t ions came as quitesurpri se to every" he adds, "and as

    ar as we know, theyrne down from theC's office. We'reateful for Commisioner Kelly's recogni

    of those who sac-Continued l l l l p:lgc 6

    The July 27, 2007 promotion ceremony at One Police Plaza included (1 number of verycial hon ors.O fficer Russel Timoshenko, who was killed in rhe line of duty earli er ill j uly, was prom

    ed posthumously to Detective first grade. His family, including his mo ther Taryana and faLeonid (pictured page S ar top), were on hand as the Department paid its respects andor ed the 23-year old fo r maki ng the ultimate sacr ifice for rhe Ciry of New York . P.O . HerYan (pictured page 5 at borrorn ) was promoted ro Detecti ve thi rd grade for his role insame ear ly mornine July 9 shoot-our in the 71 Precinct (see story on page 6). The DEproud [0 welcome him inro the Detecti ve ran k.Gra de was finally he towed on Oct. Rocco j. Pasca rella , seriousl y injured in the 1Christmas Eve bombing by [he noror ious Puerto Rican Liberation group FALN, which plexplosives

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    to be promoted to Detective, Bromm is srill assigned ro rhe 78Precinct.In 1996, P.O. Francis Larimer pu rsued a speeding ca r rhar had ru n(1 red light. Upon later spo rt ing the car pa rked, he drove up to thedri ver, wh o Wd S walk ing away from the vehicle. Th e perp, whoturned ou t to be an ar med rob ber and car jacker, o pened fire. Th e firstround struck Larimer In the lefr temple and exited above his right ear.Larimer losr consciousness and his police e l f crashed. H is passengerwas his Parrol Supervisor, wh o got him CO a nea rby hospital where heunderwen t eme rgency surgery. LMimer, lcga IIy blino in borh eyes, wasa\ ardcd the Med al o f Honor in 1997 . (The perp was awarded a 100yea r sen te nce.)" lrs an honor and privilege to be promoted , " sa ys the ever-upbea tofficer, curr ently assigned t o the 3rd Precin ct . "Th e City of NewYork and the Police Department continue to spoil me since my

    mjury.In 1995, 9rh Precinct P.O. Keith Prunty \ \ ,;1$ on pa trol with his parr ncr when a passing mororisr told them about a robbery in progress ara grocery sto re. A 9- "1 -1 ca l] co n firmed the perps were a rmed . A con ringcnr of cops responded to the scene and a gun ha rt!e ens ued wit hIour st:hjec ts. Alrhough Prunty was struck severn I riIlles , he reru ruedfire and war ned ap proaching co ps. His heroics ensu red th ree o f theperps got arrested ; the fourth was dead ar the scene. Prunty underwen t emergency surgery, but his spinal injuries were severe enough tokeep him confined to a wheelcha ir.

    " It rook me a whi le ro rea lize [ wasn't going back on patrol," hesays, admitting rhar he first turned down promotion afrer rhe sho o tou t because he wasn 't fully grasping the ex rcn r of hi s inju ries. But thisrime around, he says, he readily accep ted the go ld shield. Prunty isstill assigned ro the 9th Precinct.P.O. Donald Rios stunned the medical pro fession by rega ining hisabiliry to wa lk after a December 1982 shooti ng that lefr doctors con vinced the officer would be pa ralyzed for life. Whi le as igned toNeighborhood Srabilizar ion Unir # I I, Rios an d his par tner re pond-ed ro a call of suspicious persons. When Rios approached one of the men, rhe perp openedfire. Th e buller . truck Rios' tipper arm. then traveled through his protective VCSt 'S armholeinto his che r. De pire his in juries, Rios retu rned fire and made a radi o ca ll for help. A s ixhour operation res tored movement down to rhc midd le of his che r. Through physical rhcr apy and sheer will, over rhc years, he has rega ined contro l over hi legs a nd now has rhe a bility to walk aga in. He was awarded rhe Police Combat Cross ill 1983. Vice President of rhePolice Self Supp ort Group an d assigned ro Pat rol Borough Brookl yn South, Rios admits hewas shocked when he first heard rhe news of his promotion."I think rhe Commissioner is doing rhe right thing," he says, " and 1 rhan k him. I'm veryhappy to get my go ld shield."During rhe same .July promotion ceremony, five police officers joined ou r ran k CI S rhirdgraders, 14 members of the DFA were promoted to second grade, an d four Derecrives werepromoted to fir: r grade.Since the DEA began its initiative to arrain higher percentage of mem bers with grade, overthe cou rse of the last 12 months, the DF.A h,15 achieved 157 additional first grade promotionsand 534 additional second grade promo tions. Th ese numbers reflect a dram at ic incre ase inthe budgeted quo ta for grades. C ongra tulations to all our prornorce . Grade prom otionremai n one of the uni on's rap priorities, an d we wi ll continue t o push for equitable percentages o f grade for our ru nk , w hiIe we a Iso welcome new mernhers ro the DEA.

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    In Memnriamounnued [rum p J ~ t : -I

    so much fo rr City."Additionally, Senft

    nothing bu t thepraise for the

    "The DEA has beenfirmly be-the PSSG since

    ur inception in 198.3.he union assi sted LISgh the complex

    ocess of getting ourx exempt statu s, ands been overwhelmgly generous. I amoud to be a Derecve and proud to be aember of the union.want all of our mem-rs CO know ius!" how

    we a rc tove the DEA in ourand I say that.

    t just personally,on behal f of thezation.""The Police Self

    Group is thefraternal organi-

    tion that doesn'tsec k new

    s - it 's Thest thing we wa nt,"says.

    Donations. however,e readily accepted.City employees can

    throughannual Combined

    al Campaign#1 761).

    Contact thePolice Self upport

    GroupP.O. Box 090-030Hamilton StationBrooklyn, Y11209-0001

    Around 2:.30 am. Monday, .Iuly 9 . 20 07 in the CrownHeights ect ion o f Broo klyn, three hoods with significau rcrimina l reco rds - Lee \'(!oods. Dext er Bostic, and RobertEllis - were joy rid ing in a sto len, black BMW 5 V whenPatro lmen Herman Yan and Russel Timoshenko noticedt he plate on the car had been repo rrcd sto len from aMirsubi h i Ou tlander.They ordered the veh icle ro I uII over. A" they cauriouslyapproached, they were mer with a hn il o f gun fire .T imoshenko wenr down instantly, sho t in the head, withbul let s rippi ng in to his neck, mouth, and nose. Twent y-si xyea r old Yan was hit in rhe chest and lefr ann , bur manage dto squeeze off sho ts ar the fleeing vehicle before he collapsed . Sccurirv cameras from a nea rby I rc-schoo l caughtrhe shoo rour on fuzzy footage.\X!ithin secon ds, 1 Squad Detec tives . in the a rea on a nunrelat ed case. raced to the scene. T hey rea lized T imoshenko could nor hold our for an amlance, a they bund led him into the back of their car and rushed to the hospital. Pa ra lyand una ble ro brea the freely, Timos henko was pur on life su ppo rt nr Kings County HospYan W,l S injure d, bur in far better conditi on. The metal plate in his prot ective ve r rookbrun t of the bullets rhar Struck him.T he BMW wa found aba ndoned ;l few blocks away w irh irs engine "rill ru nning, In a nbv driveway. COp ' found three illegal firea rms. 130 rh the car and rhe license plate were stofrom ,\ Five Towns Mirsubishi dea lership in Inwood.The three perps went on the lam. All had significan r vio lent cr iminal histo r ies: Bostic, ayea r-ol d ca r sa lesman, was a co nvicted kidnapper, ra pist, and armed robber, and wa sposed to be on monitor ed paro le because of his violent cr imina l histo ry, Ellis, also .34anot her veter an o f prison time, was previously convicted of first degree rape and sodomyThe third suspect , Woods , was foun d and taken into cu rody [usr hou rs a fter the shootHe had previously been in jail for possession of a load ed ..12 calibe r and fo r a saulringa rresting officer.An intense man hunt for rhe two missing gunmen ens ued and borh perps were nabbed win days in rhe Pocono Mountains in Penn sylvania. Elli: and Bostic were charged wirh arremed murder, assault on a police officer w irh (\ dead ly weapon, hindering pro securion, weappossession, and evidence tampering. Bost ic was a lso charged with violating pa ro le. In a sbo lic gesture, rhev were rest rai ned with handcuffs belon ging to Office rs YanTimoshe nko. On Frida)'. July 13, rhey faced ar ra ignment in Broo klyn.Bur on Saturday, ju ly 14. donors lost their valiant struggle to keep Tirnosh enko a livehe died without rega ining consciousness.All th ree perps were arra igned agai n: rhis rime on charges of murde r in the first degreeThe deat h of Officer Timo henko heightens the ca ll once aga in for rhe death penalty forkillers in New Yor k. lr's also a reminde r of the consequences of the ever-flowing pipelineillegal firearms from the south and the dangers inherent in rout ine rra ffic sto ps.Timoshen ko was just one yea r our of rhe Pol ice Academy. He was first as igned to thePrecinct before recen t trans fer ro rhe 7 ]. Tall, blonde , handsome, and athletic, he enjoyeding weights am ong other sports, and was known ro his friends as "Russel the Muscle. ,.His parenrs emigrated to the l nired Stares from Bcl.ir us, formerl y in the Soviet Union1993. An only child , he at tended Torrenville High School in Staten Island where he plalacrosse, as he did ar City Co llege, whe re he was an excellent student. Tesrirnony from fr ieand neighbors confirm rhar he was a narura l a t nurturing an d pro recring o thers, and wit

    Continued 011 pag

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    Treasurer's Report IBy Paul DiGiacomoI am proud ro ay rhar the DEA is on e ofthe most fina ncially sol ven t la l o r unio ns inthe Ciry o f New York. Thi- union, unde r rhe

    leadcrs hip of ou r President and the direct ionof the Boa rd o f O fficers. ma nages over $200million in funds, and has co usolid.ircd netassets of $23.5 2 million. T hese reservesincreased duri ng 2006 by app roxim ately200,000. Thi s occurred despite a reduct ionin due s reven ue.The dues in ta ke fo r 2006 was down hvap proximately $ 130.000 . We attr ibute this

    to rhe large number o i reti rements and theNY PD's recru iring pro blem, wh ich is restricting the abilirv of the Department to prom otemo re Police Officer - ro rhe ran k of Detective.The D EA' expense were up in certa inareas, such as: use of the cant -cn for ourmembers ar parades and det ails; public rela tions, and rad io and newspaper advert ising;I ga l expenses (includ ing hiring an a ttorney

    ro work all 9/L I disability r cr i rem enrs};bu ild ing repai rs an d other o perationa lexpenditu res: plus the bane of general in flation. Everything the union spends its moneyon is designed to berrer service the mcrn hersh ip, e pccially when it comes to defendingour detectives public ly and protecting yourhealth and welfare.Th e DEA was one of the firsr unions and the first law enforcement union - tocon sider the future of ew York rea l estateby purchasing our ow n building. Th e purchase o t our headquarter ar 26 ThomasStreet in low er Manharmn and its initial renovation in J995- 96 cost app roxima tely $2million. Over the pa st ten years, the unionhas spent approximately ano ther $2 mill ionin upkeep and addit iona l reno vations. T hisha - paid off well as the bu ilding 's cur rentmar ker value has e. calared, can ervativelyspeaking, ro $8 -10 million. And our location,zip code 10007, has become rhe second mostexpensive locale in New York City ( 10038 isnow rhe most pricey), as Tribeca has eclipsedrhe Upper East Side in exclusivity of addre .Most impo rtantly, ownership o f our ownbuilding enables us ( ( l admi nister our healthbenefits rent free, wirh rhe lowest adrni nisrra rive COSt in the Ciry of New York! Please

    remember that th is build ing is yours: vvhenyou ar e in the neigh borhood , don' t forget rosto p by and vi .ir. We created the Jack HealyMemorial Lounge so rhar members can havea place ro relax an d enj o y a so ft drink or a' up o f coffee.

    Th ro ugh prudent management of y OU Tmon ies an d careful inv estm ent of ou rreserves, we gained an additiona l $860,000in investment revenue in 2006. This enablesus ro spend more money on each memberthan we actually tak e in via dues. Everythingwe . rr ivc for at the DEA is ro enhance benefits and ser vices for our membership,The fo llowing pages ca rry our accounr ingrarerncnr fo r rhe past year. These financialstatement. were prep ared and au dited theindependen t accou nting firm of Gould ,Kubrick & Schlapp, P.c. A reca p of some ofour ind ividual acco unt balance for 2006 areas follows:DEA Building CorporationThis co r po r at ion i. financed by the Genera lFund and is u cd for va riou bu ilding rela tedcxpen ses uch as repa ir ' and monthly upkeep,includ ing electric, gas, water raxc , ala rm system, pest contro l, plumbi ng, air cond itioningand heating, garbage removal, telephone, andeleva to r mainten ance. Total net as. crs for thiscorpor ation a re $3.J million.Endowment FundThis acco unt was c. rab lished wirh fundsfrom the Genera l Fund in o rder to rcimbu r ea por tion o f our member s' dues upon ret irement . T his is whar mak es the DEA an"endowment," and we are the only YPDpolice union ro have this refund benefit.Wh en a DEA member retires, they are sent acheck whic h can range from 85 to $925,depending upon the number of his or heryears of membership in rhe union . In 2006,wirh conrinued heavy rerirern enrs, the DEAretu rned $125,365 ro irs members th ro ughthe Endowmen t Fund.DEA Supporr FundThe DEA's Support Fund is a supp lementalacco unt ma intained by the un ion to hand leany unforeseen emergencies rhar may arise

    COl/til/lied 011 page 8


    The DEA prannounces it2007 Collegela rship Programchildren of activretired detectivegood standing.of the DENs scship arc given iname of the uformer Vice Presthe late Jack Hea

    To qualify fscholarship, applmust be enrolledfull -time undergate program atlege or universitthe fall 2007 or w2008 erncsrcr,of acceptance tochool must bemitted with the

    cation form .The DEA will aat lea t 12 schhips of S1,000Check will bedirec tly to the sc

    to be credited towinning tudcn rcoun t. Ap plicawhich arc avaonline at www.nrecrives.org . muat the DEA nothan O ctober 1,Winners will be sed in a ra ndomina conducted aDENs an nua l DDance scheduleOctober 4, 2007.

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    Thinking ofbecoming aPrivateInvestigator orstarting asecurity firm?

    he first step isthe proper

    license . veryha a licensing

    for privateand se

    companies. Into experi

    you'll need toan exam basedn PI an d Security

    icense Law. Newa lso requi re s a

    licen c suretywhich can be

    t ained through theinsurance comThe Mechanicfor 125. The

    te requires all ccu companies to pur

    liability insurnce with minimum

    of S300,000 perWorkers 'ompensation andtate di sabiliry a reso required if yourn n has any employes, independen t con

    tors, or more thano officers. All ofese are availableThe MechanicFor your freeecoming a Private

    or Start-g a Security Firmtool kit," contacthe Mechanic Group(845) 735-0700 or

    toll free at (800)

    Continued [rom pa:,;c 7for ou r members, such as: the purchase ofadditional health benefits; ca ta str ophic medical bills for a detective, his or her spouse, orch ild in dire physico] cond ition: and [a rnilv,crises and un fo reseen eme rgencies , such a amembe r's losses due to fire or other disasters.Th e importance of h:win g J fund like thisbecame evident ill the wake of 9/ I I . Ouruppo rr Fund for 2006 had ner asse ts of. 575,000 and we thank all th ose who continue to donate to this very important emergency buHer.DEA Civil Legal Defense Fund

    Th is fund is used to represent membersnamed as defendan ts in fede ral civil rightscases rhar a rise from the performance of theirlawful duties and where rhe Cirv is norind emnifying our dercc t ivets ]. Toral netassets for rhis fund were $4.2 million as o fDecember 31, 2006.As yo u can see on page 9, we a re workinghard ro keep thi s un ion financia lly sound andoperating in a cost efficient and effectivemanner. W will cont inue co be as prudent :1$pos ible wh ile safegua rding the 1. .ers o f ourmembership.Likewise, to strength en your own fina ncialposition, ir would be to your advanraue toutilize some of the impor tant benefits rhar

    the DEA has pur into place fo r you: Our a t to rneys, Karasyk & Mo schella,LLI' ar (212) 233-3800 provide simple

    wil ls, living wills, "Inc! health care profree of cha rge ro active and retired Dmember . We strongly suggest charkeep you I' wi II II p to dare to cnsu rewell-being of you r family and your bficia ries.

    Active members are also enti tled tolega l services for adoptions, Each ac tive DEA mem ber has a $ 150,term life ins urance policy on his o rsel f, plus $20,000 on the membspo use or regisrered domest ic parand $4,000 cov erage pe r dependchild. Make sure yo u ha ve providedDEA Benefits Office with updated inrna[ion on you r insu ran cc benefi ciari T he DEA offers up to $10,000 in funexpenses for active members, regardof the cause of death, on or off durv,

    Remember ro update your beneficinforrnarion with the Pension Secrio23.3 Broadway, 25rh floor, New YNY J0279 . Acti ve and retired member s mustupdate bene ficiarv information for y- ~ Annuity Fund with the DEA BenO ffice nr 26 T homas St., New York,10007.On a persona) note, 1 rha nk YOU

    entrusting me with th e respon sibilityreusu rer and for lerrin g me se rve"Grcaresr Detectives in the World."For questions, plea ' C feel free to contacat the DEA o ffice at (212) 587-1000.

    Treasurer PaulDiGiacomo with

    Vice President Vic Cipat the june DEADelegates' meeting.

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    Financial News 1Al December 3 1. 2006 and 200S 2005

    Civil LegalBuilding Representation Endowmenl Con, olldaled PriorYear

    General Fund C o r p o , ~ o Fund Fund Support Fund EllmlnaUons TO l.a l. Consohdated To

    t.S 215.916 s 7,494 S 539.04 6 s 1.034 S 529 .066 S 0 S 1.292.556 S 1.485.60

    retalvsble 884 . 171 0 0 0 0 0 884.171 742.07tedorgaOlzallons 463,242 0 0 0 8,22 7 (274,4 90) 196.979 187.40dexpenses 95,765 83,365 42 .504 0 0 0 221,634 155 ,39reoavabe 0 0 46.948 0 0 0 46.948 79,11

    nvesenent,ncome 27 ,92 1 0 27 .60 3 0 0 0 55,524 47.02vable 17 ,250 0 0 0 46.977 0 64,227 34 .52

    r recevable 0 0 0 0 485 0 4$5 32.39TOalCurren t Assets 1.704 .265 90.859 656. 101 1.034 584 .755 (274,,190) 2.762.524 2,763 ,54esseis

    s, atlair value 13.881.029 0 3,845 ,06 7 0 0 0 17.726.096 18.574 .38ssets netof depreciaion 85.6 28 3. 101,127 0 0 0 0 3.186,755 2.329,2 9

    h 56 .677 0 0 0 0 0 56,677 25.99ity in BUildingCorporation .1,128,708 0 0 0 0 (4.1 28.708) 0otalOtherAssets 18. 152,042 3.10 1.127 3.845 .06 7 0 0 (4 ,128,708) 20.969,528 20 .929.68Tota Asse!s S 19,856.307 S 3. 191,986 S 4.50 1, 1GB S 1.034 S 584. 755 S (4,403. 198) S 23.73 2.052 23.693,22


    c:uedexpenses payable $ 37.002 S 13.190 s 25. 108 S 0 S 9.963 s 0 s 85 ,263 S 174.72tobrokers for secontespurchased 4,2 16 0 5,965 0 0 0 H),1S1 115 .34

    ions 48.66 7 0 0 0 0 0 48 .667 47,53IrlCOO1\! 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,45

    49.287 0 0 0 0 0 49 .267 1,1210 realeO org-an;zallOOs 0 19.490 255.000 a 0 (274.'\90 ) 0TOalUabd,ue 139, 152 32 ,680 286 ,073 0 9.963 (274 .490) 193 ,378 348 ,16

    OwnersEquny 19.71 1.155 3.159,306 4 .2 15.095 \, 034 574,792 [4 ,128.708) 23 .538.674 23. 345.06relal L,abilJ t,es&NetAssets S 19,856 ,307 S 3.191.986 S 4 .501,168 S 1,034 584 .755 S (4,403 .198) S 23,732,052 S 23 .693 .22

    For tile Years Ended December 31.2006 and 2005 2005CIvil Legal

    Building Rcpres.nla llon Endowmen! Consolidated Pcio YealG9neral Fund Corpor.t ion Fund Fund suppon Fund EllmrnaUons lowls Consolldaled To

    ES 4,470.60 \ S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 0 S 4.470.601 $ 4.599.5

    ions&aff,llaliOns 332 ,193 0 0 0 0 0 332.193 329 . 1Nel Due Income 4.138 .408 0 0 0 0 0 4,138.408 4,270.3

    Income:e:rnvestmenlnccme 720 ,748 0 130.784 28 9,01 1 0 860.571 . 925 .5ploye c o o l r i b u ~ o n s net 0 0 416,026 0 0 0 416.026 428 ,9

    Ierchand,se. cardsetcproceeds 11 0 0 0 '7 1,332 0 171 ,343 170.2inner d < l n ~ proceeds 53,83 5 0 0 0 68 ,133 0 121,968 69 .7

    income 2.462 1.2 12,790 0 0 .\8.520 (1 .2 12.790 ) 50.982 34 .9ocations fTomGeneralFund 0 0 0 125,000 0 (125.000) 0Telal lncomc 4.915.464 1,2 12.790 546,8 10 125,028 296,996 (1,337,790) 5,759,298 5.899.8

    1,960.958 0 537 .55 1 0 0 0 2.498.509 2.339.4insurance&endowmen ts 965 .433 0 0 \2 5,365 0 0 1.090.798 1.20 5,6and a < l m l I S 1 t a ~ v e 986 .182 296, 102 2 0 28.788 (197 .204 ) 1. 113.870 1,00 1.0

    r expenses 820,839 6.77 1 0 0 34 .897 0 862.507 810,3lion toFunds 125,000 0 0 0 0 (125.000 ) 0

    IctalExpenses 4.858 .412 302.873 537 ,553 125 .365 63 .685 (322,204) 5,565,684 5.356.4Inneta sets 57.052 909.917 9.2 57 (337) 233,3 11 11.0 I 5.586 ) 193.61 4 543 .3:

    nnng 19.660,103 2.249.389 4,205,838 1.37 1 341.481 (3. 113,122) 23.345.060 22,80 1,691'l S 19.7 17. 155 S 3. 159 ,306 S '1.215.095 S 1.034 s 574,792 S (4.128.708 ) S 23.5 38,674 S 23.3 45,0

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    A. Pictured scated from left

    are I--D. [ ireiarshal L IW -

    ren e Pliska. P.O.Dorotlry azaruk,

    ATE- pe iialgent Brian

    DiGiml mo. amiDetective uf thelontb RaymondMarino. tanding

    from left are D/:ADel 'gate 1ike

    .unnniugs, DEHe ulquartersTrustee joe.usauelli, andDE BoroughDirector Ken


    Det. Raymond Marino -Arson Be Explosion Squad

    At app roxima tely 5:30 a .m. on May 2, 2006, a huge fire broke our ar rhe historic, but dda red, Grecnpoinr Termin al Market in Brookl yn . The intensity and speed of the fire quicklyb red the disaster to " lOvalatrn blaze and prompted the f\.ryPD Arson and Explosio n Squsta rr invest igating rhe suspicion: scene within a few hou rs. Der, Raymond Marino caught thand was joined by the F[)1'.T' ( Bureau of Fire Investigat ion and the U.S. Bureau of AlcTobacco and Firearms. The flames could be seen for miles, shroud ing Broo klyn with somoke and ash rha r residents com plained they coul d no longer tell day from night.it rook 35() firefighters working around the dock four clays to get the inferno under cont rodoused. The massive 19th centu ry brick srrucrures, encompassing a 21-acre site, had seen lifcommodities market, a rope factory and shipbuilding facility, and in recent years) a movie sewarehouses. Bur now, the buiIding collapsed on irscl f and was reduced to al l enormous pile o fruWhen excavation finally began, the invcsrigarors first eyed rhe private owners of rhe site. Awith developers, they had gone through the comp lex process of having the area rezoned frommercial ro residenti a l, a nd had a deal in place to sell (he buildings for more than 400 milliolars. While found negligent and fined for failure to maintain the Terminal, they had no logicason to have the landmark rorched.The invest igation eventually pinpointed rhe section where most or rhc fire W,15 concentOne of the reasons it burned l fervently was rhar there was a gre.ir deal of maosive originalin the comp lex. But the terminal also held a large amount of metal, particularly valuable coas ir conta ined machinery and genera to rs , and for almost one hundred veal's produced irsCont inued on page 18

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    Joseph Longo -Joint Organized Crime Task Force

    1977, a Genovese crime famil y member, "johnny Cokes" l.ardicrv, was gran ted a 24 -hourough. from prison to spend Easter with his family. Rumors spread rhar he was cooperatingh th e autho rities while in jail. Getting 01\[ of his car at a morel where he had arranged to meetrost itute, "Johnny Cokes" was confronted by a young man with a .22 au tomatic pistol Ou t -d with a silencer. As the gun jammed, Cokes flippanrly rerorred, "Wh;}[ arc you gonna dotou gh guy?" The man removed a .38 from an ankle hol ster and shor johnny Cokes fives in the head, chin, neck and chest. Investiga tors recovered both guns, the hols ter, and cleha ll C1p from the crime scene. They had their suspicions about rhe triggerman, bur the caseunr esolved .ineteen years la ter. anot her mobster, a Luche e oldier and turn-coat named ThomasW;l S coopera ting with authorit ies and told invest igators that johnny Cokes' killer waschael Coppola, a lso known as "M ikey Cigars." Riccardi heard Coppola brag about rhe mur-ar a party in a Newark bar in 1983. Based on th is in fo , investigato rs had the hair sampleswere preserved from the original har evidence .enr to the FBI lab in Quanti co for DNA

    is. In August J 996, Coppola was subpoenaed for blood and saliva samples, bur, rathern subm it, wen t on the lam. A warran t was issued for his a rrest.2005, invesrigators heard rhar Coppola, his son, and severaI other Genovese mcmbcrs wereent at the mu rder of Genovese Capo Lawrence Rucci . Th rough interviews and courtered wire raps, the joint O rgani zed Crime Task Force was a ble to conduct' aggressive sur-ance on several of Coppola's closest associates. Th e NYPD 's lead investigator on the case

    Corninued on page 27

    A Pictured (role(t arepecial Agent

    Mike Lewis. Del.joseph Longo, anSpecial AgentsKevin Brown andMik Fowler.

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    Mike and to all atDEA, Officers, andThankyou allfor suchwondeIjW day at thepicnic. Thefoodandwere grea t Youll make me feel likeRich wouldbe so

    ,. Cathy DeGaetano,andUsa

    Detective Palladino,It isgood tohearyour

    message one radio in themorningefore I go over toto celebrate.You desire to explaincomplexity of theueens situation andforfairness ismostand hOpefullyjust conclusion will beend result.The men and women

    fyour union arefortu-havingyou in theposition you.As the son and grand-of members of the, you have myand support.thegoodfight.

    Patrick RyanNJ

    OffDear Mike Palladin :We write to advise you of the death of Farid(Fred) Ghus in. a Detective Senior Investigat rwith the Manhattan District Attorney's Office.Like many others, Fred began his police Cc reerfollow ing in the foo t steps of his father, a PoliceLieutenan t. But Fred's first foot patro ls were noton ew York City streets, but on those ofJerusalem. As a young cop, he dreamed dreamsand tho e dreams had a New York address. He

    lell his Israeli Police career and came to the BigApple, where he began to work on his English asa short order cook at "The Guardsman," andthen visiting new friends at "Brews." BothManhattan pubs catered to United Nation representatives in their off duty hours and his newfriends encouraged him in hi American dream.The early years passed, life turned to rcising ayoung family, returning to school. and acquiringhis .5. citizenship. In fu rtherance of the familybusine ,Fred applied for and was accepted asan investigator with the DOl and was assionedoto the TLC. Fred 's work th ic and engaging per -onality. together with these early jobs, becamethe foundation f gaining experience and contacts which would prove invaluable in his laterwork. Aller years w ith the TLC, Fred appli ed forand was accepted by the Manhattan D.A. andsent to his . ccond police academy training.Being fluent in M abie and Hebrew, Muslim inhis religious beliefs. and with an assiduoussense of fairness and a quiet sense of humor,Fred began worki ng for "the senior most lawenfo rcement author ity in New York County." Hewa assigned to and directly en urcd the suece s of some of the most notable cases handledby this Office. These included the BCC) BankInvestigat ion where he began his travels toEurope and the Mid-East; the murder of McirKahane and the arrest of EI-Sayyid osair: thefirst World Trade Center bombing and the SONYProsecu tion of Abdel Rahman et al; AbuGhamrnal and the Empire State Building shootings: the murder of Ari Halber tam theBrooklyn Bridge shootings: Iraqi / U.N. Oil forf ood Program; and many m reoOne journal istdescribed him and his wo rk as one f"Morgenthau's secret weapons" - and he wasindeed.On Tue day, S ptern ber I I , 200 I. f redGhus in was w rking and v lunteered thereafter. He became sick with cancer t ) in 2005. InJune of 2006, Fred reti red wi th disabi lities presumptive of 9/ 1I . In January of this year, sur roun ded by past c nd present police partners,assistant district att orneys, and federal lawen forcement officers, Fred' Ghussin was salutedas a _uccessful police professional and as a

    good fri nd. Retired Del. Jack Freck presehim with the DE/\' Cert i ficate of Appreciafor his career work.On Friday, June 22, 2007, Fred died atIsrael Hospital. Faithfu l to his Islamic tradi tiFred was buried the next day surroundedloved nes including a strong showing of poolleagues. Fred apprecia ted the efforts ofDEA that were made on his behal f. He I avwife, two son and two young daughterplease remember them and all the Ghussinyour prayers. His partners at the 11anhaD.A.'s Oifice ask that yOLl cont inue your gfight r the rights and needs of all the secary vic tims of 9/ 1I .Fraternally.Terry Hayes, Senior InvestigatorAndy Finan, Supervising InvestigatorManhattan Distric t Attorney' Office

    Dear Mike Pall adino and the DEA,I am writ ing to you to express my heaappreciation for the scholarship you have gred me from the Detect ives' Endo"":;mA sociation, sponsored by the New YorkEnforcement Foundation.I am currently a sophomore at West VirgUniversity and studying in the presti gAthletic Training Program within the Schoo

    Phy ical Education . I anticipate graduatioMay of 2009 and will receive a BacheloScience degree in Athletic Train ing. Thisgram will help prepare me to take the BoarCerti fication exam to become Athletic TraCertitied. I cur rently have semester long rtions w ith West Virginia's Division I athteams to prov ide me with the cl inical experieI need 10 attain my undergraduat e degreecertification. .While t am attending WVU, ) am also tacourses to prepare me for my post graduatecation. ) am preparing to take both the GREMC/\T in order to fur ther pursue my dreamsports medicine.Your scholarship has allowed me t be abconcentrate on my studies without havinwony abou: a financial burden. I am extremhonored to receive this scholarship. Thisbeen a great help to me. Once again, thankfor your generosity and for investing in my fuYours truly.Nicole RendosDaughter of Oct. -dward Rendos

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    103 Detectives Legal Defense Fund 11The DEA has esta blished rhe 103 Detec tives Legal Defense Fund to help defray some of thecosts arising our of the Queens shaming of November 28, 2006. Don ations to assist the DEf\in this impor tan t case can be made pa yable to the [ 03 Detectiv es Legal Defense Fund, c/o T heDEA, 26 Thomas Srreer, New York , NY 10007. We thank those friends and colleagues whohave contri buted rhus fa r, Here are some of their comments :

    " I worked with . 0 111e of thr oe fineDetectives. Ke P the lip andGod Bless these O fficers."

    - Retired Del . Kenneth Rivera"T hose Detectives arc in my thoughtsand pruycrs. I am proud oi the wa your union is standing by them.It shows our City we will no t beintimidated by the rroublcmakcrs ."

    - Retired Del. Rosema rv Forkin"You In U. r get th is t rial our of

    New York City if these three officerarc going to get [u rice.,.

    - Joseph Nantorato"I jus t want to tell you want a great jobyou arc doing . Keep up the great work ."

    - Retired Del. Donald Antantea

    thanks to ...e family of Retired Der. Patrick Kelly, whoassed away June 25, 2007. Patrick's wifenn asked rhar in lieu of flowers, do nationse sent ro rhe DEA Widow s' and Children'sund ... andr. Cliff Bieder and hi wife Lisa, who

    hrew Cli ff a reti rcmenr par ry and askeduests, in lieu of gifts, ro send donations toDEA Widows ' and Children's Fund . Saidonor Ronni e Berk-Schwarrz, " \Ve arcy to participate in thi s worthwhile

    use. C liff is an outs ta nding, wonderfuluman being - loving and kind. Our familydores Cliff and he was so proud [0 parr icipare in the NYPD." Says Rieder, " I had agreat run for 25 years and 2.5 days exactly,To everyone at the DEA: keep up the greatwork! "

    "Grea t response a t the Sean Be ll pressco nference. You made th e DEA proud."

    - Retired Det . Thomas Del Priore"I retired a ... a Detect ive ass igned to CSin )988 . I remember how it fclt to bewrongly accused. That was my main

    reason for retiring on my 20 th anniversary.I have never had that feeling incc,

    and never regretted retiring.) wish the ' 103 Detectives.' the bes t."

    - Retired Det. Robert Slattery"En losed is a donation to the

    ' 103 Detectives Lega l Defense Fund.'T ha r' whe re Eddie worked wh en

    he was killed in 198 ::1 ."- Mattbeio L Byrn e, Esqu ire

    John Jay Offers..Free CoursesFunding from the New York City Council

    and the Mayor's Office has created the NewYork City Police Leadership CertificateProgram from John Jay College of CriminalJustice.

    This educational package is comprised offour, three-credit undergraduate and graduate tuition-free courses for NYPD sworn uniformed members of the service. For information, please contact

    Mr. William Devine Admin. Director(212) [email protected] their Website at

    www.jay.cuny.cdu/Policc Srudie

    DearDel. PalladinoEnclosed is a chethe fundyou have elished rc: the /03 Dtive members forincident which occon Nov. 28, 2006.It is an absolute

    grace that police ocannot do theirwithout being judgstreet people thatan axe to grind.J also think that ha P.O. take a breather test after a shootprejudicing an incin favor of the perptor. A police oshould not havesubjected to this tytreatment to justifactions./ thank God / reti/972 when we couour jobs without hto justify our action

    SincerelY,Det. Dominick DeRetired, and wife, LHoack-DeCam

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    2007 June Mee

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    Annual Picnic

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    . Arturo lli nowthe Counter

    rism Division ,awarded the

    dal for Valor for aw Year's Day 2000st of a fleeing gun

    n in the confincs of71 Precinct. Afterng forced to shootthe pcrp, \'\Iillis andpartner collaredsubject without


    Del. trick Capricethe 73 Precinct wasthe Depart

    highest accoe, the Medal of

    for a 2005ident where he

    multiple,threa tening gun

    t wounds, but wasto fire off several

    ts at a murderousdealer. The deal

    later took his ownbefore arrest.

    Der. Erik Hansen of the ManhattRobbery Squad was honored withPolice Combat Cross for heroics displayin 2005 during a shootout with a gun-ra

    ing perp in the confines of the 25 PrecinAfter deflecting gunfire away (rom his paner, Hansen was struck by a bullet in hankle, bur pursued the fleeing gunman ina building and up several flights of stabefore returning ro his injured partner. Tshooter later jumped 14 stories to his deatMore Medal Day Heroicson page 24

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    Sound Offear Sit,It is with regret that I inform y ou 0) the passingf Mrs. Catherine O'Brien or Sacrament .atifotnia OIl May 2. 2007. atlicrin was 1 GUIl td the sister ofDel. lames A. Donegan of the 1 Iquad. \vho died in the line afduty on October / 5,

    964. She is survived by her husband, D K nnelh, six children. and 16 grandchildren. O 'terest to som e people is the fac t that her olde tKen was the New vert: l ets quanerback fro m983 to 1992 .Eachyear the DEA \I\ '(/S kind enough to send herOD j(71nily member cards. Ii wa always appreci-tcd.

    Ink y ou,Doneganetired Police q ll iccI: 26 Ptecinc!

    e DEA extends its sympathy to the members oje Donegan family. In /964, DeL james A.and his partner, DeL Salvatore Potenza

    jthe 12 Detective District, were shot and kiJJed bycomplainant'S estranged husband while investi-theu' domestic dispute.

    r Mr. Palla Iina,Please accept my sincere thanks for the ho itali ty shown by your asso iation and memership to our associa tio n member, Inspectorf Clark . He has rela Jcd to me that your graous treatment of he and California Deputyttorney General Dave Dru liner, wh il e in yourty to make ar rests of Francisco Torr es,erman Bell, and Anthony Bott om for theugust 29, 197 1murder of San Francisco Pol iceergeant John ictor Young, was greatl y appreated by both he and Mr. Drul iner. I understandat you really went all out to make sure thatey enjoyed their vi- it both per nally as wellprofessionally.Sergeant Youns 's memory is ever present inur SFPD family 's hearts, and we cannot thanknd commend your members enough f r helpg bring his kil ler to justice, and for he fellowip that you demonstrated so well. We indeedre all brother and sisters on e we joi n the lawnforcement profession.cerely,I Delagnes, Pre identan Francisco P lice Officer Associat ion

    Honor Makes History :ith ver 22 ye rs in the business, I cannow say that ) have een almost everything .I re-ponded from home after gett ing the callthat Detectives Andrews and Nemorin hadbeen hal and kill ed that horrible night on

    March 10. 2003 . As the night grew long andthe I alice work became more in tense by theminute, J reali zed it was only the beginning oran amazing case. The leads flew in and theinvestigation began. The Island of Staten wassealed off and the search for the killers wentinto full sw ing. Within a few hours. and thenwith in Cl few day . al l ( i e the hael g t ~ y were incustody.We bur ied our brothers w ith the honor theydeserved. We wil l never forget the sacri ficethey made.We s

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    ALENDARS E I ~ T . 13Delegates' Meeting

    I I :00 a.m.Russo s on th e BayHoward Beach. NYOCT. 4

    DE1\ Dinner DunceRusso's 011 the BayHoward Beach. NYOCT. 17

    Delegates' Meeting11:00 a.rn.

    Russo's 011 th e BayHoward Beach. NYNO". 15

    Delegates' Meeting11:00 a.m .

    Russo's 011 th e BayHoward Beach, NY

    Il EC. 11Delegates' Meeti ng11:00 a.m .

    Russo's on th e Bayl l oward Beach . NY

    May Det, of the MonthConunucd from page 10elecrrici ry.While UTil izing modern forensic techniquesro analyze the rubble, it was the flarfoors' oldfashioned footwork rhar solved This cascoWhile canvassing rhe rnosrly Polish immi grant community surround ing the water-fronr , the investigators questioned everyone,including the numerous hornelc ...... rhar con gregate in rhe area. One of the locals interviewed had been drinking and was talkative:his name was Kuczera Leszek and he knewmore ahout the fire than he could havepicked up second-hand. With the assi raneeof th e 94th Precinct's P.O. Dorothy Naza rukwho served as rran laror, [he 59-year oldl.eszek confessed rhar he hoped to increasethe value o f the copper he had sto len fromthe buildings by burning off the insulationcovering the pilfered wires and pipes. Hepiled up pla tforms and old tires and cre ateda pyre co cook the precious metal. But theblaze soon sp iraled ou r of control and Leszekfled the building.On June 7, 2006, he was arrested andcharged with arson, burglary, reckless endan

    germ ent, larcen y. and crirninal misch ief. Hetr ied to recant hIS confession wirh the aid ofupstate conracrs and gullible reporters, butthe investigators proved his retraction falseand rhe arsonist finally copped a plea deal.For solv ing this crime of di asrrous th iev

    ery and wanton desrrucrion in JUSt five shortweeks, we honor our Detective of rhe Month,Raymond Marino of the NYPD Arson andExplosion Squad, and award DEACertificates of Appreciation to ATF SpecialAgent Brian DiGirolamo, FDNY FireMarshal Lawrence Pliska, now retired, andP.O. Dorothy Nazaruk, now wirh Vicco

    Det, Russel TirnoshenkContinued from page (,Strong sense of community and a deep dfor public serv ice, he decided to purscareer in law enforcement afrer binspired by a neighbor who was on the fAt his funer al servi ce on July -19, 2Ma yor Bloomberg and Commissioner Kannounced Tirnoshenko 's posthumousmotion to Detecti ve as "a small measuour appreciation for the su preme sacr ithat he ma de. The funeral ceremony wasformed mo rly in Slavonic Russian, accpanied by ch anting and choral singing rerive of Timoshen kos Orthodox roots.Ten thousand police officers from th ro

    ou t the eastern seahoard bid him fareAria] photos of the even t witness tworibbons o f blue: police un iforms stretcheblocks and blocks across horh sideFlarbush Avenue. The procession inclthe cacophony of bugle r a nd bagpund er cored by rhe whiz and hum of rhebys of rhe Aviation Unit. During his buwhite doves were released into the aRussian tradition more associated withding. rhan with fune rals, bur a fitt ing sym- countering the mindless violencecau sed [he officer's death, and

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    Retirement hasn 't slowed down Detective RabenMladinich, After 24 years in rhe Department, with 17years as a Detective in, among other places,Manhattan Nord. Narcotics and rhe 66 Squad, Bobretired in 2003 our of Spring 3/00, where he was awriter and an editor, A freelance sports writer whooften covers boxi ng, Bob's now doing a two-fistedpunch on crime: nor only is he rhe fullrirneCommunica tions Direc tor of the Sergeants'Benevolent Association, he's also batt ing out books ata record pace.His thi rd t rue crime paperback, which he co-wrote

    with Michael Benson, was published in July 2007 byPinnacle Rooks. Hooked Up [or Murder chronicles rhe senseless 2003 shooring deathf clean -cur college student M ichael Fisher in rhe 70 Precinct. Afrer meeting a youngwoman at a Manharran hal', Fisher accompanied her to a late night Brooklyn housearry hosted and attended by members of a gang called rhe Ghetto Mafia. Two menere con victed of the killing, which the prosecution said was done for "street credi

    bility."Mladinich's second book, also co-written wirh Benson, was publ ished in January007 by Pinnacle. Lethal Embrace deta ils the notorious 200 I Dolphin Fitness Clubmurder in Arniryville, Long Island, where a woman hired a hir m.m ro kill her husband, the proprietor of a popular gym. After gerring pregnant hy the hit man, sheooled hubby Into thinki ng that the baby was his. Then, in ,l tragic case of mistakenident ity', rhc hit man, in error, killed the intended victim's business partner.Mladinich is no stra nger to such irony. When he atte nded college in the late 1970s,ne of his classmates was Joel Ritlzin, who later became New York State's most noroious serial killer. Mladini ch wrote about rhe slayer's life and misdeeds in his firsthook, From the Moutl: of the MOl1ster: The Joel Rifldl1 StO})', published by PackerBooks in 200 I.

    On June 21, 2007, Michael Palladino joinedElaine Cancilla-Orbach, wife of rhe late actor

    Je rry Orbach, for rhe dedication of rhe SnappleTheater Center's Jerry Orbach Theater and rheElaine Cancilla-Orbach Rehcrsal Studio atBroadway and West 50th Srreer inManhattan. TheOrbach family asked DEA President Palladino tobe a guest speaker during the ceremony as irs theirinrenrion that the theater complex will be used rohelp promote three of Jerry's favorite charities: theNew York Eye Bank, rhe Bide-a-Wee AnimalShelter, and the DENs Widows & Children's Fund.Palladino recalled (he rime, as a young cop, whenhe fir r mer Orbach in Los Angeles shortly after therelease of rhe tearure film, Prince of the City. "Hewas gracious enough back then to stop and speakwith me about the film," Palladino related, noting

    that they since cro ssed paths 011 many occasions. Both Jerry and Elaine Orbach had long careers in the musicaltheater, but the mult i-talented Jerry was best known worldwide for his 12-ycar portrayal of Der. Lennie Briscoeall TV's long running 'cr ies Law 0" Order. Said Palladino, "Jerry presented om complex and difficult professionto the world with dignity, intelligence, sympathy, humor; honesty and grace."

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    Legislative UpdateLegis-

    Di recrorIa ta razzo, pic

    d right , with Jerrywitz, the newairman of the PubEmploye Relationard (PERE).

    The followingextender billwere signed byov. Spitzer thisive ession:Injunctive Relief. 1596 (Robach). 3871 (Abbate)

    Arbitrat ion. 1597 (Robach)3872 (Abbate)Agency Shop. 1632 (Robach)

    3 ~ P O (Abbate)Tier II Pension. 2083 (Robach). 5738 (Abbate)

    Extenderincluding theHeart bill. 2084 (Robach ')A. 57R2 (Abbate)

    A historic piece of legislation was passed this year, rhanks ro the leadership and diligenthe DEA: Senate hill 2509, introduced by Sta te Senator Marrin Golden , and Assembly hillintroduced by Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. The WTC Death Benefit bill (also knownZadroga bill) W ,l S signed into law by Gov. Eliot Spitzer and is critical to all first respondersworked during and after 9/"l"1 on the re cue) recovery and clean up effor ts at Ground ZerSraren Island Landfill, the Morgue, and the ba rges.Under this hard -won legislat ion, j f in your retirement vou should pass away became of

    9/lI-related illness, your death mil)' be declared line of duty and your family will receivedeath benefits. This bill was a follow-up ro the World Trade Center Disability hill, whichsigned into law in 2005 by rhcn-Gov, George Paraki, Under rhe WTC Disability bill, ibecome sick or disabled as a resu lt of your 9/L I work and you are already retired, your pecan be re-examined for a line of dury disabil ity pension (3/4s).To be covered under both bills, you must file Notice of Participati on forms wirh rhe Pe

    Secti on . The origina l deadline "vas June 14 of this year ; however, our good friends SeGo /den and Assemblyman Abba te introduced and passed legislation rhar extended theperiod for ["\,\'0 more years unr il june 14,2009.J( you have nor alr eady done so, we urge you [ 0 follow up on thi s immediately. Nece

    forms can be down loaded from the Pension Section website at www.nyc.gov/nycppf. Youhave the forms notarized and returned ro rhe NYPD Pension Section, Notice of Particip233 Broadway, 19th floo r, New York, NY 10279 . Both active and retired detectiv es shouldnut these forms (even retirees already receiving 3/4s), because if you do not, you will not bto receive benefits under these important bills in the future.Two bills dealing wirh rhe negotiability of discipline passed both houses, but were vetothe Covernor. S. ] 30 I (Golden)/A.6590 (Abbate), and 5.5295 (Golden )/A.R1.39 (Abbate )

    was a disap poinrmen r because these bills might have prevented the Police Department frOI11ruring the newly pla 1111 ed 111anda rory brearhalyzer tests aIter poli ce shoorings.A cornplere summary of all bills for this year will be publ ished at the conclusion of this le. .rive seS. IOIl.

    DEADLINE EXTENDEDYour Noti ce of Participation in the rescue. recovery and cleanup of the" TC can now be

    filed until June l4 . 2009 . Forms can be downloaded from www.nyc .gov/nvcppf

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    Sound OffDear Brothers and Sisters,I wi sh that I w

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    Sound OffTo Al l the Detectives a/ the DEI\ ,We wanted /0 (J huge thank y ou for [he verykind donation y ou hove made toward jock 'sAppeal. l

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    Dear Mr. Palladin o,I would like to thank you and 'ou r members ory our unwavering support fo r my son, imprisonedNYPD Pol ice QDicer Richard DiGuglielmo. You r graciousness a: the "Police Invol ved Shooting seminar:in vorktown Heights in june I vas comfor t ing andy our kind I v rds heartfelt . I hope al l who attended realize how qu ickly thei r lives could be turn ed upside down in th bl ink ~ f eye.I want to thank the DEA Boardfo r confronting Jeanine Pirro (who is under federal investigation ) on avariety ofpersonal and profcssionat issues and asking the hard questions regarding my son 's case and

    about Pirro's own ethical pr blctns. I also wan t to thank (DEA Borough Director) Ken Cardonaf or bring ing Richard'ssituation to the attention o j the DE" Board. Ken I,vas in the Academy with Richard. Ken'ssuppor t and influence during the interview o Jeanine Pirro. who sought the DE:\ endorsement fo rAuorney General. was instrumental in the DElI's endorsement ofAndrew Cuomo. ,Vly son was a fo rmerPBA member and the DEA was thefirs t NYPD union endorsement that Pirro sought. after which everyNYPD un ion, and most Pol ice unions throughout NYS, refused to endorse her. The streng th and intcg ri (V of y our DEA Board i respon ibleJ()/" thi .Richard DiGuglielmo was cnaigcd and convicted o Depraved tndifferencc Murderfor using deadlyforce against a violent felon with 10 previous arrests and who was beating his fa ttier (who had just hada heart attacl: aJewmonths ption wi th (I baseball bat. What should have been deemed a jus tij iablc hom icide became omplicatcd by the in lamma toty and fa lse statements by DA Pirro, claming tha t this inci dent was sparked \ racial slurs. I ot unlike the Nifong case or the Sean Bell case, the rush to j udgmentand media f tcnzy create a publi mind set that poisons the j w pool. The /997 lection fo r WestchesterCounty DA was one of the motivating f orce fo r Pirro pla)'ing the race card.For theyear leading up to the trial. we had prote ts organized [?ovRandol/ Scali Mcl.oughlin and attended by AI Shatpt )l J outside l business ill an attempt to put me out 0 business. At the end a a 33 daytrial, not one witness was produced that said they heard all)' words at all , let alone racial luis . To thisday. no onefr om the DAs office has oincfo tward to correct the ir flamrnatoty tatcment about race. Tothe contrary, Pirro has written a book that stil l insist that this shootina was the result of racia l bias. Thefac t that the DA and Dobbs Fen) ' Police Dept. would not allow the NYPD to investigate this case at all.and Ivould not share Ol l\' infon nation wi th them, speaks volumes. Had the N}'PD not been barred fr omthe investigcui n. the coercion a /witnesses Ivould not have taken place and their original statemctus tha:supported the justif! ation would n t have hanged during repeated interv iews.Richard has served 10y ears ofa 20y ears-to-We sentence, Richard is by choice in the oeneml population a/a maximum se uri(V Ni 'S prison and not segregated from other inmates. These inmates understand his actions and respect him f or not hiding in protective custody: He deals w ith his situation eve/)'

    d { ~ v knowing he saved his father: I[le,I want to thank all who aucnded the seminar fo r ie eiving me so well. 1 wo uld appreciate it ij"y uwould all seep inf ormed and info rm others about Richard 's case. The website is wwwrichatdaiguglietmo.org or www. tusticeforgichie.orgSincerely,RoscMm7e DiGuolieimo

    Dear Del. Palladino.) am wri ting to commend two mem bers of the DEA staff. Ar tie w ll liams and John Minerva. When

    a line of duty injury I u ffe red became a disabil ity, I had no idea where to turn . I fell l ike it was meagainst the mighty NYPD. A phone call to John Minerva changed tha t. It became obvious that Johnwas quite know ledgeable in this area and his guidance and assistance wa invaluable in gell ing theball rolli ng.During the long process that fo llowed, ) had become quite a pest w ith repeated phone call to Arti eWill iam . Artie went above and beyond his scope of employm ent to get answers for me right li p tothe day that the Board of Trustees voted.These two guys should be acknowledged for their pro fe sionalism and exper tise. Thank you, andplease thank thei 1 n my behalf for li vin g lip to the motto. "The Greatest Detectives in the woita:Sincerely,Del. Donovzn Race, Retired


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  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    July '18,7,. PoliceKelly,ng with the Cere-"tid Chap-ns units. NYCVincentand a bost o f

    and onlookers.veiled a s tree t ,after the latei. Richard DeGae-at the comer of

    Sf. and Mc-ey Ave. il l Staten

    DeGaetanos shot in the bead1992 but stayed 011job, and in 2005eived the NYPD

    Rooseveltard. He died on18. 2006.displayingsign before theis Richie's

    e Cathy, daughterand SOil Rich-Jr. Photo by

    Sherman ,PD Photo Unit,

    Medal Day CbHjra:tulaEiblU!Continued froJll pag\' 1h

    DI:I'. PETER G ARRIDO of the Warrant Section wa s awarded the Pol iceCombat Cross for a 2003 arres t of a mancarrying mul tiple f irea rm . He sho rGarrido in the an kle and struck hi vest.Garr ido returned fire, felling the perp.who is now serving 25 ro life.D ET. j A.'vIES K Il.LEN of the Brooklyn our hGa ng unit was awarded the PoliceCombat Cross for hi heroics dur ing anoff duty 2004 incident where. from hisca r, he spotted a crazed gunman hom ingo bscenities and firing into a crowd.K i llen pr;l ng from hi ' veh icle, andalthough without protective gear. savedthe innocent bystanders by drawing the gunman's fire onto himself. After exchanging shothe perp fled, bur wa s lare r ap prehended and iucarcerared.D ET. JAM : ' H ALl.ERA; , now of ESU S, was awarded the Medal for Valor for a 200 I incidin the confines of the 7 1 whe re he a nd three of his Ami , rime colleague engaged in a ptracted chase and shoor our with a persistent gunman who was charged with ArtemprMurder and Criminal Possession of a Weapon.Unir Citations were awarded ro the 46, 61, 76, 102, and Midtown North Precinct , P A #TB #3, the Bronx Detective and Narcotic. Boroughs, rhe Employee Management Divisiand Surface Tran porrarion Enforcement.

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    memb rOn June 30 , 200 7 at the presrrgiousSalmagundi Cl ub in Manha ttan. friends ,

    family, and co llea gu es of the [are Der. Rob ertVolpe paid tribu te to his artistic ralenrs andhis legacy as a world renowned ar t rhefrexpert at a cocktail parry and retrospective ofhis work, as cmbled by his widow Gr ace . Anaccomplished artist herself, Grac e fell in lovewith Bob at age 13 when they were growinglip as neighbors in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn.They were celebrat ing their 47rh year of marriage when Bob died sud den ly of a heartarrack at age )3 last Nov ember."Unique: ' " bohemian," an d "one-of-a

    kind," a " personality larger rhan life," aresome oi rhe \V :1YS Volp e has been eulogized;but he best summed up his own life hy saying, "Some an i rs retreat [0 their stud io andmake it their wo rld; I went ro rhe world andmade it my rudio."In 1964, as J 22-ycar old search ing for an

    off-bear career ro help suppo rt his work ;'ISan art ist . Volpe joined rhe NYPD, and afterstints in the 9th Precinct. the CO11mi sioner'sCo nfidenrial Invest igating Unit, and thearcorics Bureau , he created the "NYPD Art

    ldcn rificarion Team," essentially performing;'IS a one-man squad . As Time magazinenoted in a 1979 ar ticle, thanks to Volpe, theNYPD nota bly became the only policedepartmen t in rhe nation rhar dedicated afullrirne invest igator to the r ising ride of ancrimes: forgery, dealer fraud, van dalism, burglaries and the ft s from collecto rs museum s,[ibra rie , and churches; heists, Vol pe admitted, that often wenr down "l ike Grade Bmovie scripts."Too often we con sider ar t and literature

    as frivolous cndeaVOl' S, rather rha n as the

    pass ions ofrhe soul as a hobby,rarher rhana ca lling,"he noted,bur by theI 9 7 0 s ,even rheD e p a r r ruenr reco g n i z e dthat ancruue wasco s r i n gAmericancu l t u r a linstitutions mill ions. Volpe pr edicted rheescalat ion of the arc ma rker and rhe enormou s fina ncial stakes inv olv ed. "Thethieves, " he noted, were so op hisrica ted rharthey arrived at [heir targets, "with packagingmaterials finin g rhe best leg jtirnare

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    June Det. of the Month Continued from page I Iwa s DeL Jo seph Longo.In january 2007. the Task Force learned that Coppola's associates were traveling to Florida,

    which meant they might be meeting up with the fugitive. FB[ Special Agents M ike Lewis andKevin Brown kept a constant eye on the mobsters and noticed theirun USUJ I use of public payphone in lieu of their cell phones. They contacted Longo and other Task Force members backin New York, who determined that the associates vvere using a series of 800 numbers andpagers to communicate with someone they believed co be Coppola. The Investigators werealso able to extract a cell phone number from the Iuds and tolls and applied tor a wiretap onthe phone. Based on an old recording they had of Coppola's voice, they made a positive If),although Coppola's exact location was still unknown . Cell site maps and longitude and lati tude coordinates were subpoenaed on the cell number. Irs vicinity turned our to be the 73rdStreet and Amsterdam Avenue area of Manharran.Wirh the aid of cell phone rracking equipmenr and computer enhanced photos predicting whar Coppola mighr now look like, rhe TaskForce members set up :1 surveillance sta ke-our.On March 9, at around 5:00 p.rn., a han , unassuming man with a scruffy bea rd walked

    into a health food store on West 72nd Street. Special Agent Thomas Hallinan, who was oncean NYPD Police Officer in the 20rh Precinct, called Longo, vvho conferred that rhe manresembled Coppola. Longo followed the man into the New KC Marker and when he heardthe subject speak ro the sales clerk, recognized Coppola's voice . The team of Longo, SpecialAgents Lewis, Brown, Hall inan, and Mike Fowler carefully followed Coppola to his residence, where they can fronted him. Ar fi rsr he tried to bluff, bur \V hen the investige to rs toldthe killer, ,(Mike, it's over, we know who you are." he surrendered without incident . He wasarraigned in Somerset County, NJ on murder charges.Mikey "Cigars" Coppola spent 11 years funning from the law while still direc ting the daily

    operat ions of his crime crew in Newa rk. He appeared Oil America 's Mo st Wanted four rimesand was 011 New Jersey's top ten wanted fugitives list. Using multiple fake IDs and limitinghis contact with associates while still being financed by rhem, he brazenly traveled betweenNew York, Los Angeles. San Francisco, Nevada, Florida, Costa Rica, and Italy.It only remains co be discovered [usr how many remains he may have been responsible forin I11S long career as a ruthless Maf ioso. For finally purring a C

  • 8/14/2019 GO-09 - DeA Newsletter 0907


    2S A Final Farewel]

    Tenrh () lisandpol ice o fficersfrom th r o u g h o u t theeastern seaboard gathered tobid farewell to DeL RusselTimoshc nko . Ari al pho tos of the event wit-ness two rhick ribbons of blue: police uniform.stretched for blocks and blocks across both sides ofFlarbush Ave nue. See page 6 for full stor y. Pharo by EdwardSherman, NYPD Photo Unit.

    The G ld ShIeldDetectives' Endowment

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