GL Recurring Journal

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  • 8/17/2019 GL Recurring Journal


    So we're going to do lab 6.1, and we're going to take a look at the function ofdefining recurring journal templates in the application. So if I go to my Journals menu, under my Define menu, I have the option of defining an allocation or defining recurring journals. So if I go to Recurring Journals, I can start defining my recurring batch.

    Now whenever we create a journal, the batch is an optional step, OK? I can define the batch, or I can let Oracle define the batch. In this case, whenever I need to define a recurring journal, I do have to specify the batch name. I have to start always by defining the batch name. And then, it can continue with the journal name.

    I'm going to do an example first of defining a skeleton journal. And I'll startby typing the name of the batch. I'm going to use the naming convention of my user number, Skeleton Recurring Journal. I get type a description, and I can alsoindicate if this particular batch is going to affect one single ledger or multiple ledgers. We're going to take a look at an option later on that under one single responsibility, we can have access to more than one ledger. So if we have access to more than one ledger, this journal can be done across ledgers, this recurring journal. This is going to be done against one single ledger.

    And I'll specify the name of the ledger. If I were to select multiple ledgers, then the system will take a look at my access. Then, I'll specify the ledger name, and we have this check box to Enable Security. This is in the next module, the

     next chapter, where we're going to be discussing the security options so we can prevent users from modifying this.

    AutoCopy, once you have a batch, you can always make a copy of this record, andyou can always modify the copy. Now, this is the batch information. This next section is the header information of the journal. So if I go in here, I can starttyping the journal name, the ledger, and the category and the currency.

    Now, I can also set up Effective Dates, and then I can go to the Lines and start defining all the lines. Now, I need to define the first line. So the first line is going to be line number 10, and the account that I need to use for line 10,and the description. OK, so I completed the first line.

    Now we have this bottom section, but this applies to my formula. This is a skeleton journal. The skeleton journal will create a journal without any amounts, sowe'll see this on an upcoming journal. Then, I need to create the second line. To create the second line, I'll click on my down arrow, or I'll my green plus sign, or I'll go to File, New, and this creates a new line. And I'll type in that account combination and the description.

    Now, I can also use my shortcuts to copy the field from above. Even though I donot see the line from above, I can use those shortcuts. And then I'll do the next line and type in the description. And I'll save it. And I'll do the last line, and I'll type in the description, and I'll save it.

    Now, I have the four lines on my template. I can close this up. I'm back on the

    journal name. Now, if I want to create another journal inside the batch, I can just click the down arrow, and now I can add another journal inside the batch. So I can have as many journals in a batch as needed. If I do not want to create another journal inside the batch, I'm able just to save my work. And then, I can generate the journal through this menu.

    Or, under my Journals menu, if I go to Generate, Recurring, I'll be able to seethe name of the batch. I'm able to select it and then specify the period that Iwant to generate this in. And it's going to ask me to input the journal Effective Date, what's going to be the data for the calculation in case it has a formula

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    , and under the second tab, it also shows me the last time that it was run. It has never been run, so there's nothing listed here.

    If I click the Generate button, now this is going to launch a request to generate this journal. And the journal is running, and it completed. Now, if I go intomy Journals menu, and I do a search for the journal, there it is. Notice that is has Debit and credit with 0s.

    If I review the journal, then I can enter the amounts. So let's assume that this one is 200,000. The next one is 150,000. The next one is 50,000, and a credit of 400,000. Once I'm done with this, I'll save my work. And now, I can post the journal, or I can go ahead and continue with any other work that I need to do. Any questions so far in this?

    So this is the example of the skeleton journal. So once the journal got created, it doesn't have any amounts, I go into the journal and I type in the amounts myself manually. So the skeleton template is helpful in case you want to have a template that can create a journal, but the amounts will vary every single time that the journal gets created. So this is the first example. I'll post it later, and I'm going to continue with the next example.

    Now on the next example, I'm going to define recurring standard template. The recurring standard template is going to generate a journal with always the same fixed amounts and the same account combinations. So I went back into my menu. I'm

    going to specify the batch name. I can also type a description-- this is against one single ledger-- and then the journal definition. And I'll specify the category, and I'll go to Lines.

    Now, I'll start defining the lines, and the first line is going to be Account 01.310.4120.00. And I'll type the description, Contract, Sales and Marketing. Now, the next thing I need to do, I need to define the step to enter the amount. Now, I want this to be a credit of $10,000, so I'm going to tell the system, Enterthe amount of $10,000.

    Now, this is where it gets tricky when you do the definition. This is where it gets complicated. If I leave the amount as positive, this amount will be createdas a debit. If I want this amount to be created as a credit, I need to input the

     amount as a negative. By telling the system, let's go ahead and enter negative10,000, it's going to create a credit entry. And I'll continue with the next line.

    What is that Account column in this formula?

    What is the account column? This applies to my formulas. So for the formulas, Ican tell the system, let's go ahead and take the balance for a particular account combination. So I'm going into the Line. I'm going to create a new line. And I have to save my lines one at a time too. And I'll continue. And I'll do step 1, enter, and I want this amount to be entered as a credit, negative 20,000.

    What if we can add step 2 also? [? I don't want ?] more than one step.

    Can we add more than one step? That's for formulas. So for formulas, I can go ahead and tell the system, take this balance, and then maybe multiply it and something else. So those are for formula journals. I'll save it, and let me add line30. And step 1, create a credit of 30,000 with a negative number.

    The next one, 40, I type in the description. It's step 1, and this is going to be a debit, so the amount has to be positive. I'll save it, and these are all mylines. Now, if I want to go into previous lines, I can put my cursor on the topsection, and using my arrows, I can scroll down through all the lines. And I'll

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    save my work. I can close this up. I'm back on this menu, and I can also click the Generate button.

    And here it does not verify whether your journal is balanced or not?

    Will this verify the journal's balance? No, it won't. So if your journal's not balanced, it would generate it. And when you post it, it will post into suspense.


    So I can click Generate, and then I can submit this or I can schedule the generation. So perhaps I do not want to generate this until the end of the month. I can schedule this so it can run at month's end. So I'm going to click the Submit button. I'll specify for what period. Budget, if we set up a formula for a budget, and then I can click the Submit button.

    I'm going to close this up, and if I go to View Request, there's my request running. And as soon as it's done running, if I go back into my Journals menu, I'llbe able to take a look at the request and its output.

    So there's the journal. If I review the journal, notice that the system createdthose amounts as credits and my positive amount as a debit. I see my descriptions, and I can save this and post it. Any questions so far on this?


    OK. So this the example, and this is going through the post process right now. Once this gets posted, then my balances get updated. And this is the example of a standard recurring journal.

    Now for the last example, I'm going to do a formula recurring journal. So the formula recurring journal, if I go back into my Define, Recurring menu, I'll start by defining the batch for a single ledger. I'll specify the journal name, and I'll specify the category. And I can go to Lines and start defining the lines.

    So line 10, I want the system to book the entry against the following account combination. The line description, I'm going to specify Bonus, Sales and Marketing

     Department. And I'm going to tell the system that the amount is going to be calculated from the following formula. Step 1, enter-- take the balance, either from a specific amount or from a specific account combination.

    And what balance? The balance for your actuals or from a budget? What balance type? Period to date, quarter to date, year to date? For what currency? Your US dollar balance or your statistical entries? For what currency? And do you want totake the balance from the current period whenever you run it for that current period from the previous period or from the same period from a year ago?

    And then, I'm going to take the balance, and I'm going to tell the system, let's go ahead and multiply that balance. So under my Operators, I can also see Multiply. Let's go ahead and take that balance and multiply it time 0.05, 5%. Now, th

    is is where we want to start thinking about, well what's the balance that we'retaking over here? We're taking the balance from this particular account combination. Actually, I did a typo here. And the balance of this account combination is revenue, and the natural balance of our revenue account is credit.

    Now, I'm going to tell the system that I need the final result to be a debit. So if this has a credit balance, it's a negative number. So I want to take 5% of that negative number and create it as a debit, not as a credit. So I need the end result to be a positive value. So since this is a negative here-- actually, let me save this. Since this is a negative balance, if I multiply it times a negati

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    ve, not a positive, a negative times a negative is going to give me a positive at the end, and I will have a debit entered in the system into this account.

    And there's my first formula. If I want to add additional steps, I can. I can add as many steps as needed. Now, I'm putting my cursor back on the top. I'm going to do the next line. And I'm going to tell the system, line 20 is for the following account. And I'm going to tell the system that this is the bonus for European sales.

    I'll specify the steps. Step 1, enter the following account combination. Take the balance from the following account combination. And we're going to multiply this by a credit. And because they've been such good sales people, we're also going to add an extra 1,000. So you can see that you can also add additional steps.I'll save it, and then I can continue defining the rest of my lines.

    So let's go and do another line, line 30. And I'll specify step 1, enter, and I'll type in the-- enter, take the balance from the following account combination. We're going to multiply times negative 0.05, and we're going to subtract, in step 3, $500, 500.

    You multiplied.

    Oh, good catch. In step 2, I left it as Enter. I would get an error if I were to try to run this, so I need to multiply the balance of the first account combina

    tion times negative 0.05. I'll save it, and now I completed my first three lines.

    Now, the next line is the offset, and what line number do I need for the offset? 9999, so four 9s. I'll type in my account. I can type in also the description.Save it, and I do not specify any formulas or any steps. Then, I'm able to generate it. And I'll specify the period and click the Submit button.

    I'm going to close this up. I'm going to monitor the request, make sure that itcompletes. And the request is running. Any questions so far? Yeah, OK. And oncea request completes, I'll be able to go back into my Journals menu, and I can see the journal that was created.

    So, actually, each formula line, [INAUDIBLE] line formula, it can have only oneenter [UNINTELLIGIBLE] with other operators, right?

    What do you mean by one enter?

    Like when you were entering the journal line. So first line, we say, line 1, step 1, enter and take the balance from this account. The second line we use either to multiply by all, subtract or add something else to it. So each set can onlyhave one enter? Or it can have multiple enters?

    Well, on your formulas, can you have more than one enter? Yeah, perhaps. You can go ahead and tell the system, go ahead and take the balance from this account,and we're going to multiply it [UNINTELLIGIBLE] balance and then enter-- you can

     do parentheses, and then you can specify, and then enter this other amount.

    So we have the parentheses [UNINTELLIGIBLE] [? one ?] [? place? ?]

    Yeah, so that might be a possibility. So now, I can go ahead and search for thejournal that was just created. There it is. If I go ahead and review the journal, the system calculated this amount. I have a journal for $3,500. If it's the first time that I'm running this, I probably want to verify the formulas. I probably want to run some account analysis, do the calculation myself manually, verify that these are the correct numbers. And once I verify this, then I can post the

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     journal. Any questions? And this concludes the lab.