Getting switched on-removing to re-use and sharing

“Getting Switched ON! Open Nottingham, removing barriers for re-use and sharingAndy Beggan Head of Learning Technology The University of Nottingham Steve Stapleton, Alison Johnson BERLiN Project Team ALT-C 8 th Sept 2010

Transcript of Getting switched on-removing to re-use and sharing

Page 5: Getting switched on-removing to re-use and sharing

Encouraging re-use & sharingEncouraging re-use & sharing

In a recent staff survey the main benefits cited for publishing OER were:1. Enhancing University reputation (73%) 2. Sharing best practice (72%)3. Supporting students without formal access to HE (66%)

Whereas the main barriers were:1. Time constraints (65%)2. Fear over copyright infringement (58%)3. Ownership and legal barriers (43%)

In a recent staff survey the main benefits cited for publishing OER were:1. Enhancing University reputation (73%) 2. Sharing best practice (72%)3. Supporting students without formal access to HE (66%)

Whereas the main barriers were:1. Time constraints (65%)2. Fear over copyright infringement (58%)3. Ownership and legal barriers (43%)

Page 6: Getting switched on-removing to re-use and sharing

1. Time constraints1. Time constraints

Page 10: Getting switched on-removing to re-use and sharing

2. Copyright infringement 2. Copyright infringement 3. Ownership and legal barriers3. Ownership and legal barriers

Page 15: Getting switched on-removing to re-use and sharing

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