Getting Started With AngularJS

AngularJS By: Omnia Gamal email :- [email protected] twitter @Omnia_G


What is AngularJS ? Why Angular? Angular Vs Backbone Getting Started With AngularJS ( Directives - Modules- Expressions - Controllers - Model - Filters - Create Directives - services - Unit Testing ) The code example here:-

Transcript of Getting Started With AngularJS

  • AngularJS By: Omnia Gamal email :- [email protected] twitter @Omnia_G
  • Agenda What is AngularJS ? Why Angular? Angular Vs Backbone Getting Started With AngularJS
  • What is AngularJS ? is an open-source MVC framework single-page applications maintained by Google
  • Why AngularJS ? helps you organize your JavaScript helps create responsive (as in fast) websites. plays well with jQuery is easy to test
  • Angular Vs Backbone keys: o size (BB 18kb vs angular 77kb but ) o memory management o nested model o binging (angular is better than why?) o RESTFUL ( angular will need ngResource ) o Validation o Template Support
  • Getting Started With AngularJS Agenda: o Directives o Modules o Expressions o Controllers o Model o Filters o Create Directives o services o Unit Testing
  • Directives Ex:- ng-app ng-controller ng-show ng-hide ng-repeat ng-model
  • Modules angular.module('readingListApp', [])
  • Expressions
  • Controllers & Model
  • Filters
  • Create Directives restrict templeate or templateUrl scope (Isolated Scope & Binding) controller controllerAs
  • Services $http injector (if you want to read more about dependency injection in JS
  • Code Example
  • Unit Testing
  • Karma :- (previously known as Testacular) o is Googles JavaScript test runner o the natural choice for AngularJS o it is also test framework agnostic (What that mean?) Jasmine :- (is the best choise for many and It will be our choice for testing now) o Its syntax is quite similar to that of RSpec Bower :- o is a package manager that helps you find and install all your application dependencies o It runs over git, much like Rails bundler
  • Yeoman :- o is a toolset containing 3 core components: i. Grunt ii. Bower iii. the scaffolding tool Yo o Yo generates boilerplate code with the help of generators and automatically configures Grunt and Bower for your project. You can find generators for almost any JavaScript framework (Angular, Backbone, Ember, etc.) o generator-angular
  • Angular Mock angular.mock o module o inject o services $controller $rootScope $httpBackend
  • Ref :- Code :- AngularJS screencasts hosted by John Lindquist, JetBrains Evangelist + Productivity addict. codeschool - shaping up with angularJS Your First AngularJS App : Scaffolding, Building, and Testing Why AngularJS is generally better in Angular vs Ember vs backbone