Get to Know B2C: A Simple Guideline of Business-to-Consumer Marketing

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What Is

Business To Consumer

Business to consumer (B2C) is business or transactions conducted directly between a company and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services. Business to consumer as a business model differs significantly from the business to business model, which refers to commerce between two or more businesses.

Business to BusinessBusiness to Consumer ?

Business To Business Business To Consumer

• Small (Focused Target Market)

• Features/Functional/Education

• Rational Thinking

• Selective Media Consumption

• Long Lead Time

• Multi Step Process

• Long Term Relationship

• Create and Support Demand

• Large Target Market

• Benefit/Symbolic/Appeal

• Emotional Thinking

• Multiple Touch Points

• Short Lead Time

• Single Step Process

• Instantly Interesting

• Drive Demand

1. Give something away

2. Meet people

Every time we “give away” something, we get lots of additional prospects, which directly leads to new business. The larger the prize, the more new clients we get in return. Not only do we have a lot of fun giving away something, but we get new clients in the door.

All of the best, and repeat, clients are people we met

personally before they did business with us or they’re a

referral from an existing client. Meet people at non-

business related events that focus on personal interests.

3. Create a buzz

4. Pay it forward

If you treat customers with the most respect and patience, people will learn through word-of-mouth that your company is a reputable brand to do conduct business with. Many businesses lack proper customer service and eventually, it cripples them.

By “paying it forward” on a personal level as well as business level. You’ll get share of hang ups on cold calls, but I’m astounded by the number of buyers with whom, after a several minute phone call with a complete strange, you’ll develop a connection and find an opportunity to help. It can be as simple as offering free samples for our affiliate program.

5. Take an interest

6. Show your expertise

Entrepreneurs have forgotten the strategies that have stood the test of time. Networking is still the best source of clients for your company. Referring to networking in the sense of looking to help others grow their business and take a personal interest in their lives.

Give away your best stuff for free. People then think “imagine what you get when you pay for it”. Finally, maintain good relations with everyone you meet.

7. Hold a contest.

8. Organize an event.

Create a contest on blog, offering up a chance to win one of our services and have people comment to enter. Then offer extra chances to win by having them share the contest with their friends via Twitter and Facebook. After awarding the prize, contact those that were interested in the contest and offer them an exclusive discount on our services. make sure to follow-up and keep them updated about future events or services.

Organize a socially responsible event such as a marathon or race for a trending cause. That way participants and sponsors all get to be introduced your business or service.

9. Attract by example.Treat customer acquisition like dating. If you are out doing things you love, you are going to attract people naturally. Your work will come up and when it does the people will either want to work with you, or know someone perfect you should contact. Because they think you’re great.

Create a marketing strategy that includes email marketing, social media and word-of-mouth. Develop a 12-month plan that has tactical milestones for each quarter and month — and stick to it. Give yourself permission to adjust the strategy as you discover which medium works best.

10. Use different marketing strategies.

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