Get in the loop!

Get In The Loop! 1. Your subconscious faculty – the emotional engine behind everything you currently do. 2. Your focal conscious faculty – your logical mind that focuses on solving the tasks right in front of you. 3. Your superconscious – your intuitive mind that keeps you “in the zone” and “in the flow.” (You can read more details about these 3 levels shortly.) The fact is, every person on this planet has at his or her disposal THREE different levels of consciousness.


I offer a weekly program – Being in the Loop – that provides you with weekly motivation, inspiration and empowerment to help you finally get your life on purpose, set a course for yourself, and reach your own personal goals and destiny.

Transcript of Get in the loop!

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Get In The Loop!

1. Your subconscious faculty – the emotional engine behind everything you currently do.

2. Your focal conscious faculty – your logical mind that focuses on solving the tasks right in front of you.

3. Your superconscious – your intuitive mind that keeps you “in the zone” and “in the flow.” (You can read more details about these 3 levels shortly.)

The fact is, every person on this planet has at his or her disposal THREE different levels of consciousness.

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Most people are building their lives only using one third of their mind’s ability. It’s no surprise, then, that most people do not feel fulfilled, wonder about how to get their life on purpose, and have become prisoners to the decisions they’ve made so far along the way because it’s really all they’ve learned from others or have been able to figure out.

When you learn to unlock the FULL potential and power of your mind, this is what I call “Being in the Loop.”

I offer a weekly program – “Being in the Loop” – that provides you with weekly motivation, inspiration and empowerment to help you finally get your life on purpose, set a course for yourself, and reach your own personal goals and destiny.

“Getting in the loop of consciousness is just like bringing your laptop online and learning how to surf the Internet… your

brain is capable of so much more than you realize”

Byron Rodgers

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Byron Rodgers

In Just 10-15 Minutes a Week, You Will Begin to Experience Life-Riveting Change

Each Sunday for an entire year, members who are in “The Loop” receive a powerful 10-15 minute motivational and instructional video from me. The contents and exercises in each week’s segment vary across the board as we touch on all facets of your thinking to keep you in “The Loop.” These are the tools that will help you stay motivated, empowered, and moving forward into the life you know you deserve.

And, once you understand how to get IN The Loop, your life will unfold in a much different way. You will:

● Find happiness in so many more moments of life.

● Understand the meaning of your life, feel that you’re finally walking a path with your life on purpose, and take the best actions for your life and in every moment.

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When you are in “Being In The Loop,” you are experiencing life the way it was intended to be. You know who you are, you know what your purpose is, and you have peace and fulfillment about your destiny because you know that it is unfolding in front of you effortlessly.

The beauty of Stepping into the Loop is that ANY moment you decide to change things … you can! It happens quickly and powerfully when you make the decision to take that step into your own life on purpose, your own destiny.

Why is This a Year-Long Program?

From the very start of this journey, you will be learning how to instantaneously tap into the rest of your mind, BUT knowing the path and walking the path are two entirely different things. Because your mind has been programmed a certain way for so many years of your life, there is a learning process behind executing with efficiency for the rest of your life.

Success is a process that must flow from the inside out. So, when you Get in The Loop you want to STAY in The Loop!

Byron Rodgers

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Staying in The Loop is a discipline – it is a life practice not a fad or a quick-fix program. That’s why I’m here to mentor you through the entire process, a simple video every Sunday for a year.

More on How Your Mind Works on 3 Levels

Every day, your mind slips between these three operating “gears.” For most people, though, it doesn’t operate in the “gear” it SHOULD be operating in to create your destiny’s path and your life on purpose. Here’s how it all happens:


Your subconscious is your emotional memory. Your subconscious drives you through life because it is the engine behind everything you are doing. Without understanding how to control or program your subconscious you are like a person who gets into a taxicab to go along for the ride of predetermined and learned emotional reflexes.

Conversely, your subconscious can be transmuted into one of your most powerful allies in your desire to get what you want out of life. It is the best friend to those who know how to use it and the worst enemy of those who do not understand how to harness its power.

Byron Rodgers

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Your focal conscious faculty, your logical mind, is the place where most of us invest all of our deliberate powers of consciousness. This is where most people put their trust, but this faculty of consciousness is nearsighted and can only see in straight lines. It is designed to handle only what’s right in front of you. Your reasoning faculty is designed to help you navigate and plan for simple tasks. This portion of your mind helps you with risk versus reward, and is designed to help you understand if trying to kill an animal bigger than you is worth it.

This part of the mind has a tendency to be caution driven and if it is not put to work properly will limit you in everything you do in life. Your mind is like a computer; a computer by itself with all the various operating systems that have been downloaded through life is capable of computing data and doing lots of amazing things on its own. The information you learn represents the various types of software that you feed the computer, which provides greater capabilities. However we now know because of the Internet that a computer by itself is not really all that helpful. This faculty is extremely limited in its abilities. As a society, though, we try to use this portion of our consciousness to plan our entire lives. As a result we find ourselves extremely unhappy because what makes sense is not what makes us happy in the end.

Byron Rodgers

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Your super conscious faculty is your inspiration, your serendipity. This is what takes over when you’re in “the zone” or when you are in the ‘flow.” Tapping into a higher-level intelligence or bringing the computer of your mind online.

Have you ever done something or made a move in life but you didn’t really know why, but you had a hunch, you just had a feeling and it turned out to be correct? Have you ever had a feeling about someone or something that turned out to be correct? That was your super conscious faculty in play, you were “in the loop.”

Your super conscious faculty is able to see around corners and is always looking at the big picture. It knows your destiny, helps you get your life on purpose, and is with you to help you achieve true greatness.

Here’s where the Loop of Destiny begins! Step into this rarefied space for yourself and your life with just 10-15 minutes of coaching and mindful practice each week!

Byron Rodgers

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ThanksDo you ever feel that your life was supposed to be different … that there are two versions of you, one that IS … and one that SHOULD HAVE BEEN?

Byron Rodgers can show you how to transition from what IS to what SHOULD BE for you and your life’s path. You already inherently know that your life can be different. Byron Rodgers helps you pull that inner knowing to the surface to create the future you absolutely want.

CONTACT: 844-801- 4203