Geometric Numerical Methods for Robot Simulation, Control ...The rotation matrix evolves on the Lie...

Geometric Numerical Methods for Robot Simulation, Control and Optimization Olivier Brüls Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering University of Liège, Belgium Advances in Numerical Modelling Newton Gateway to Mathematics, Isaac Newton Institute Cambridge, December 3, 2019

Transcript of Geometric Numerical Methods for Robot Simulation, Control ...The rotation matrix evolves on the Lie...

Page 1: Geometric Numerical Methods for Robot Simulation, Control ...The rotation matrix evolves on the Lie group SO(3) ... Solution to inverse dynamics and optimization problems Perspectives

Geometric Numerical Methods for Robot

Simulation, Control and Optimization

Olivier Brüls

Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

University of Liège, Belgium

Advances in Numerical Modelling Newton Gateway to Mathematics, Isaac Newton Institute

Cambridge, December 3, 2019

Page 2: Geometric Numerical Methods for Robot Simulation, Control ...The rotation matrix evolves on the Lie group SO(3) ... Solution to inverse dynamics and optimization problems Perspectives

Motivation for robot modelling

Low-level problems model-based methods

Direct and inverse kinematics

Local trajectory planning

Direct and inverse dynamics

Feedforward and feedback motion control

Force control

Collision detectionq1


High-level problems machine learning methods

Global task planning, interactions with

complex and unstructured environments

Extension from rigid to flexible robot models?

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Lightweight robots and machines

FlexPicker (KULeuven) 20-g robot (LIRMM)

Ralf (Georgia Tech)

Ella (Linz Center of Mechatronics) Sawyer collaborative robot

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Why flexibility cannot be neglected?

Rigid models are only valid if dynamic excitations are well separated

from vibration eigenfrequencies

Tendency towards lightweight robots

Lower construction costs

Smaller actuators & lower energy consumption

Reduced overall bulkiness

Faster motions

Improved safety

Compliance is sometimes a desirable property

Indirect force limitation/control

Integration of sensing and actuation functions (soft-robotics)

Improved safety in human-robot cooperation tasks

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What about state-of-the-art FEM tools?Simcenter/Samcef (Siemens) – MBS/FE formulation by (Géradin & Cardona 2001)

Rigid body /

FE mesh /


Beams /


Gear pairs

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What about state-of-the-art FEM tools?

« Parameterize then discretize » paradigm


Versatility and industrial maturity (GUI, CAD integration…)

Compatible with usual space & time discretization methods

Applicability to kinematic and dynamic problems in (flexible) robotics?

Stronger focus on the system intrinsic properties

Higher complexity and sensitivity of inverse problems


Difficulty to preserve key properties of the solution

Numerical tricks to fix objectivity and locking issues

Parameterization-induced nonlinearities

Mostly limited to direct simulation problems

Alternative solutions based on differential geometry concepts?

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First steps in differential geometry

First exposure during my PhD (2002-2005)

Differential geometry looks beautiful but out of my background?

Self-learning in 2006 with some influencial authors

Structural mechanics: Simo, Géradin, Cardona, Bottasso, Borri…

Control and robotics: Isidori, Sastry, Bullo, Murray, Zeitz, Selig…

Mathematics: Boothby, Crouch, Grossman, Munthe-Kaas, Iserles,

Celledoni, Owren…

Personal contributions since 2008

Tight encouragements by several colleagues in the community

Growing interest of the engineering community…

… yet the « abstraction wall » is still there

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Development strategy

Revisit the FE approach using a differential geometry viewpoint

Represent finite motions as frame transformations

Consider these frame transformations as elements of the special

Euclidean group SE(3) (rotations and translations are coupled)

Local frames

Inertial frame

Represent the dynamics in the local (material) frame

reverse Copernician strategy

Exploit modern numerical methods on manifolds and Lie groups

elimination of parameterization nonlinearities and singularities

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General introduction

Local frame modelling approach

Inverse dynamics & structural optimization


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Rotation group - top motion example


ODE on a Lie group

The rotation matrix evolves on the Lie group SO(3)

The angular velocity matrix evolves on the Lie algebra so(3)

Lie group Euler explicit method

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Special Euclidean group SE(3)

The group of rigid body motions SE(3) is represented by the set of 4x4


with and

Velocity on SE(3):


Velocities are thus naturally represented in the local frame

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Dynamics in the local frame

Newton-Euler equations of a free rigid body

Representation in the local frame


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Geometrically exact beam theory

Displacement gradient in local frame:

The strain operator is obtained as:

Linear relation!!!

Timoshenko-type nonlinear model

Paper by Simo & Vu-quoc (1985) cited almost 2000 times

Main difficulty: nonlinearity of the strain operator

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Beam finite element interpolation

Discrete gradient

s = 0

s = L0


The shape functions define a helicoidal interpolation

These shape functions are geodesic curves on the group

By construction, the interpolation is frame invariant

Strains only depend on the relative motion:

Nonlinearities are reduced by mesh refinement!!!

Lie group interpolation:

(Sonneville, Cardona & B. 2014)

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Example: dynamic beam

Generalized-a Lie group time integrator (B, Cardona & Arnold 2012)

This problem was solved without updating the iteration matrix in

the Newton iterations

No shear locking

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Example: static beam roll-up

360° roll-up of a clamped beam [Simo & Fox 1989]

Poisson ratio: n = 0

Pure bending situation

Static solution: constant curvature

Numerical model 1

2 quadrangular elements

is updated at each Newton iteration

Exact solution in 1 load step

No shear locking (without any numerical trick)

Numerical model 2

2 quadrangular elements

is not updated

Exact solution in 2 load steps

Numerical model 3

4 quadrangular elements

is not updated

Exact solution in 1 load step

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Pre-twisted beam

No shear/membrane


Example: static shell response

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General introduction

Local frame modelling approach

Inverse dynamics & structural optimization


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Inverse dynamics of flexible robots

Inputs u

Outputs y

Flexible systems are underactuated

Direct dynamics: u(t) y(t) = ?

Inverse dynamics: y(t) u(t) = ?

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Inverse dynamics: formulation

subject to

Numerical solution

Direct transcription on Lie group (Lismonde, Sonneville & B. 2019)

Gradient-based optimization

For systems with an unstable yet hyperbolic internal dynamics, the

inverse dynamics can be obtained by optimization

Kinematic + servo constraints

Multipliers + control forces

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Inverse dynamics of a parallel robot

• Parallel robot with 3 rigid dofs.

• Made up of 2 tubular links (1/10 thick):

1. Rigid links (3):

Alu, 0.25 x 0.05 x 0.05 m.

2. Flexible links (3 x 4 beam elems):

Alu, 0.51 x 0.075 x 0.0075 m.

• Point mass at the end-effector (0.1 kg).

• Trajectory: half-circle with 0.1 m radius

in the xy plane, to be completed in 0.6 s.

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Inverse dynamics of a parallel robot

Actual output trajectories before

and after optimization

Joint motions before and

after optimization

Nonlinearities mostly present in the joints (despite the finite motions)

Convergence achieved in 5-10 iterations

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Experimental case: Sawyer

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(Kang, Park & Arora, 2005)

• Imposed motion at revolute joints

• 2 beam elements per arm

• 4 design variables beam diameter

• Lumped mass at point A and at the tip

Structural optimization of a 2-dofs robot(Tromme et al, 2018)

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(Kang, Park & Arora, 2005)

Multi-component constraint

Structural optimization of a 2-dofs robot(Tromme et al, 2018)

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Structural optimization of a 2-dofs robot(Tromme et al, 2018)

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Flexibility has a growing importance in robot modelling

State-of-the-art methods inappropriate for control & optimization

Local frame formulation + Lie group methods

Simplified and more intrinsic FE method

No locking or objectivity issue

Geometric nonlinearities reduced by mesh refinement

Solution to inverse dynamics and optimization problems


Real time performance for model-based control (model reduction)

Contact modelling (unilateral constraint with friction)

Grasping flexible objects

Human-robot collaboration

Virtual experiments for machine learning algorithms

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Geometric Numerical Methods for Robot Simulation,

Control and Optimization

Olivier Brüls

Thanks for your attention!

Advances in Numerical Modelling Newton Gateway to MathematicsIsaac Newton Institute

Cambridge, December 3, 2019