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  • 7/29/2019 GENETICS & DNA



    Genetic Material :

    Heredity unit in organism

    1st discover by Mendel

    Characteristic :

    o Information must contain information to construct entire organism

    (blue print)

    o Transmission able to transmit accurately from generation to

    generation and cell to cell

    o Replication able to be accurately copied

    o Variation account for variation within each species and among

    different species

    Genes : Working subunit of DNA

    Each genes contain a particular set of instructions

    Code for a particular protein or a particular function

    1940s scientist knew that chromosomes is the genetic material but;

    Chromosomes = DNA + RNA + histone protein

    Which one is genetic materials?

    1st proposal Protein as the genetic materials

    Because protein are large molecules with various structure and functions

    Little was known about nucleic acids

    The physical and chemical properties of DNA are too uniform to account for

    multitude (massive amount) of inherited traits

    DNA as the genetic materials

    A. Indirect evidence

    DNA is found on any chromosomes (in nucleus) only but more RNA and

    proteins found in cytoplasm

    Somatic cell of diploid organism contain twice the amount of DNA in germ


    Content of DNA molecules are same in different cell of an organism but

    content of RNA and proteins are different

    B. Direct evidence

    1. Frederick Griffith Experiment (1928)

    Materials : 2 strains of Strptococcus Pneumoniae

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    Strain S (capsulated virulent *pathogenic*)

    Strain R (non-capsulated nonvirulent *non-pathogenic*)

    Observation :

    o Exp 1 : He injected mice with the S strain and the mice died

    o Exp 2 : He injected mice with the R strain and the mice survivedo Exp 3 : He heat killed the S strain, S strains capsule still present and

    then injected the mice with dead S strain and the mice lived

    o Exp 4 : He injected dead S strain and live R strain into the mice and the

    mice died. He then detected the presence of live S strain bacteria with

    live R strain bacteria in the blood of the dead mice.

    Hypothesis :Exp 1 : Strain S pathogenic

    Exp 2 : Strain R non-pathogenic

    Exp 3 : - capsule present but capsule not the factor cause pneumonia

    - No strain S found

    Exp 4 : - both live strain S and strain R found in mice blood

    - Harmless R strain cell has been transformed by materials from dead

    strain S cell

    - decendants of the transformed cell are pathogenic

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    In Griffith's experiment, after the S strain was heat killed, its DNA survived and

    was taken up by R strain. The S strain bacteria DNA enabled the R strain

    bacteria to grow a protective capsule, gain virulent properties and defeat the

    host's immune system

    Phenomenon of transformation occur but what is the transforming agent?

    2. Avery, MacLeod & MC Carthy Experiment

    Objective : to search for transforming agent

    Method : - use crushes S strain cell and extract its chemical components

    - Components separated and mixed with life R strain

    3. Hershey & Chase Experiment (1952)

    Study T2 virus Bacteriophages labelled with :

    o Radioactive Sulphur (35S) for protein synthesis

    o Radioactive Phosporus (32P) for DNA synthesis

    Allowed labelled virus to infect bacteria

    Question : where are the radioactive after infection?

    Observation :

    o Radioactive Sulphur (35S) found in the capsule outside the bacteria.

    o Radioactive Phosporus (32P) found inside the bacteria

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    DNA & RNA

    Both are genetic materials of the organism

    Known as nucleic acids

    RNA : genetic materials of some viruses (tobacco mosaic virus TMU)

    DNA : very large macromolecules

    o Building block of DNA and RNA nucleotides

    o DNA/RNA formed by the covalent linkage

    o 2 strands of DNA automatically formed double helix by H bond

    o RNA single strand

    o DNA associated with an array of different proteins to form


    o A genome is the complete genetic materials of the organism

    Gene : 1) Exon (coding region for translate protein)

    2) Intron (non-coding region for differentiation individual)

    The double helix structure of DNA was proposed by Watson and Crick in 1953

    Based on discoveries of scientist :

    1) Chargaff

    2) Rosalin Franklins work


    Analyzed DNA composition of different organism

    Discovery :

    o DNA composition is species-specific ; amount and ratios of nitrogenous

    bases vary from one species to another

    o In every species studied, the base ratios was regular i.e. the number of

    A = T and G = C

    Double Helix DNA Structure (Watson and Crick)

    Consist of 2 strands of polynucleotide chains coiled together to form spiral

    (double helix)

    Found in opposite direction (anti parallel) and linked together by H bond

    Sugar and phosphate from the backbone outside the helix Nitrogenous base inside helix

    Purine bases pairs with Pyrimidine bases ; A bonded with T (double H bond)

    and G bonded with C (triple H bond)

    DNA molecules stabilized by :

    H bond between paired bases (collectively strong)

    Van der Waals forces between stacked bases

    DNA helix has uniform width 2nm

    Adjacent base pair are 0.3m apart

    Helix makes one full turn for every 3.4nm (10 or more nucleotides)

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    Base-Pairing Rules

    1. Explain Chargaff findings

    o In every species studied, the base ratios was regular i.e. the number of

    A = T and G = C.

    o Thus in given DNA molecules :

    Since A must pair with T number of A = T

    Since G must pair with C number of G = C

    2. Maintain consistent separation between 2 strands of DNA double helix

    Purines (2 ring base) Pyrimidines ( 1 ring base)

    Adenine Thymine

    Guanine Cytosine

    3. Provide stability of DNA double helix i.e. :

    a. H bonds between bases

    b. Van der Waals forces between stacked bases.

    4. The sequences of bases is highly variable along the length of DNA strand

    suitable for coding genetic informations

    5. Suggest the general mechanism for DNA replication

    o Since the base pairing are specific; information on one strand

    complements the information along genes

    The Central Dogma Concept

    A flow of genetic informations within organism.

    Genetic materials (DNA) :

    Must be able to store genetic information and transmit it accurately

    from generation to generation through Replication

    Must be able to control the phenotype development of an organism

    (genetic expression) through protein synthesis (Transcription andTranslation)

    DNA RNA ProteinTranscription Translation

    Nucleus Cytoplasm



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    A process which a DNA molecule can produce an exact copy of itself

    3 models of mechanism of DNA replication are proposed :o Semi-Conservative

    o Conservative

    o Dispersive

    a) Semi-Conservative

    o 2 parental DNA strands separate

    o Each strand serves as template for the synthesis of a new DNA strands

    o The result is two DNA double helixes, which consist of one parental

    strand and one new strand (half conserve)

    b) Conservative

    o The two parental DNA strands join back together after replication

    o One daughter molecule contains both parental DNA strands

    (completely conserve)

    o The other daughter strand contains new DNA strands

    c) Dispersive

    o The parental double helix is broken into double stranded DNA

    segments that acts as templates for the synthesis of new helix


    o The segment of parental and daughter (new) DNA are interspread in

    both with segments after replication

    Meselson and Stahl (1958)

    Revised experimental approach to distinguish the 3 mechanism

    Proved that replication is semi conservative Use E.Coli that grown in 15N medium for new generations

    Then transfer into14N medium

    Separate each generation (after 1 round of replication) analysed using

    Density Gradient Configuration.

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    DNA Replication

    Based on semi-conservative model;

    DNA Helicase, breaks the Hydrogen bonds between the bases (A-T, G-C)

    Double helix DNA unwind and open up to form replication fork

    DNA synthesis occurs in 53 directions, both DNA strands become template

    Both DNA strands are replicated simultaneously produced :

    o Leading strands : continuous synthesis 53 direction towards the

    replication fork

    o Lagging strands : discontinuous synthesis 53 direction against thereplication fork

    Formation of Leading Strands

    1. RNA Polymerase (RNA primase) attach on template DNA

    2. Produce RNA Primer short length RNA

    3. RNA Polymer allows DNA Polymerase III to bind nucleosides complementary

    (1 sugar + 1 base + 3 phosphate group) to the template and replication begins

    4. Replication in 53 direction

    5. DNA Polymerase III removed

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    DNA Polymerase III :

    Elongated the strands by adding new nucleosides

    One by one nucleosides is added according to base-pairing rules (A-T, G-C)

    Catalyze the formation of phosphodiester bond (type of covalent bond)

    between the nucleotides of new strands

    For example :

    Base sequence DNA template B : 3 GGACGAACCAATAAG5

    Base sequence DNA new strand : 5 CCTGCTTGGTTATTC3

    The new strand is complementary to the template (old DNA strands)

    Formation of Lagging Strands

    1. RNA Polymerase attached to the DNA template at 3 end (near replication


    2. Synthesis RNA Primer on the antiparallel template strand (opposite direction

    of replication fork)

    3. DNA Polymerase III binds to template and begin replication

    4. Nucleosides join together by phosphodiester bond catalysed by DNA

    Polymerase III

    5. Form short length DNA called Okazaki Fragments

    6. Each fragments has RNA Primer

    7. Freed from Okazaki Fragments by DNA Polymerase I8. Okazaki Fragments are ligated (joined) together by DNA Ligase, forming

    continuous strand

    9. Replication complete :

    a. Two double strand daughter DNA molecules formed

    b. Each with one parent strand and one new strand

    10. The new double strand daughter twisted to form double helix DNA molecules

    *Topoisomer : - To make sure double helix not distorted when it straighten

    - To manage double helix

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    Protein structural & metabolic

    o eg: collagen, haemoglobin, actin, myosin, enzyme, antibodies etc

    o amino acids arranged in specific sequences based on geneo determines the physical and chemical nature of proteins

    Archibalds Garrod (1908) medical doctor

    1st to propose relationship between genes and production on enzyme (genes

    encode enzyme)

    Studied inherited disease Alkaptonin

    Normal individuals produce enzyme homogentisic acid oxidase that break

    down alkapton (chemical)

    Patients that lack the enzyme alkapton released into urine

    Urine change from yellow to brown and black when exposed to air

    In later life the patients will develop arthritis

    The disease is autosomal recessive inheritance

    Postulated that mutation in the gene caused the enzyme not produced

    Alkapton is not metabolism

    Beadle and Tatom (1940)

    Studied bread mold, Neurospora crassa(exposed to X-ray) Mutants are defect in metabolic pathway that synthesizes amino acid arginine

    Mutants are defective in a single genelack single enzyme

    Single gene control the synthesis of single enzyme

    One gene one enzyme hypothesis

    Wild Type

    Precursor Ornithine Citrulline Arginine

    Class I mutant

    Precursor Ornithine Citrulline Arginine

    Class II mutant

    Precursor Ornithine Citrulline Arginine

    Class III mutant

    Precursor Ornithine Citrulline Arginine

    Gene A Gene B Gene C

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    Modification of hypothesis :

    o Enzyme are one category of proteins

    o All proteins are encoded by genes

    o Many proteins are constructed from 2 or more different polypeptides

    and each polypeptides is specified its own geneo Gene concept : one gene one polypeptide

    Flow of Genetic Information :

    DNA controls cell activities control various types of proteins

    Molecular Gene Expression

    1. Transcription (occur in nucleus)

    o Produces RNA copy of the gene

    o Information in DNA transcribed (copied) to mRNA moleculeo DNA strand act as template

    o mRNA transcribed complementary to DNA template strand

    o mRNA carries information from DNA to ribosomes

    2. Translation (occur in cytoplasm)

    o Synthesizing specific polynucleotides on a ribosomes

    o Genetic information on the mRNA is translated by ribosomes into

    amino acids sequence of polynucleotides


    Require tRNA to carry a specific amino acid and add to growingpolypeptide chain according to the code in mRNA

    * Transcription and Translation is called Central Dogma of gene expression

    Protein Synthesis in Living Things

    1. Prokaryotes

    o No nucleus to separate transcription and translation

    o Translation can begin immediately while mRNA is being transcribed

    o Both occur in cytoplasm

    DNA : nucleotides sequences

    Protein : amino acid sequences

    3 base for 1 amino acid



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    2. Eukaryotes

    o Transcription in nucleus, translation in cytoplasm

    o Pre-mRNA produced (long, need to be process) then processed to

    produce mature mRNA


    Mature mRNA exits nucleus into the cytoplasm to be translated


    A protein-coding gene codes the synthesis of a specific protein consist of :

    Promoter (initator): a base-pair sequence where transcription begins

    RNA-coding sequence : a base-pair sequence that include coding

    information for polypeptide chain specified by gene

    Terminator : a base-pair sequence that specifies the end of the mRNA


    Evidence that RNA is intermediate molecule in protein synthesis

    i. DNA found in nucleus but protein found in cytoplasm

    ii. RNA synthesis in the nucleus (transcription) and chemically similar to


    iii. RNA migrates to cytoplasm where protein synthesis (translation) occur

    iv. Amount of RNA is proportional to the amount of protein in cell

    Transcription (How is mRNA produced?)

    Catalysed by the enzyme RNA Polymerase uncoil the protein-coding

    segment (a single gene)

    One strand become template (antisense strand) base sequence of mRNA is

    complementary to it

    The other strand (sense strand) has the same sequence as mRNA (except

    Thymine replaced by Uracil) protein-coding gene

    Activity of protein determine the structure and function of cell

    Protein link between genotypes and the phenotypes of organism

    3 stages of Transcription :

    i. Initiation

    ii. Elongation

    iii. Termination

    i. Initiation

    o At the promoter site (start codon)

    o Specific recognition (identification) by RNA Polymerase of :

    - Promoter base sequence (prokaryotes)

    - A complex protein (eukaryotes)

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    o RNA synthesis initiated addition of free RNA nucleotides by RNA

    Polymerase in the 5 3 direction

    o 35 strand will become a template for transcription process

    o Known as antisense strand (template)

    ii. Elongation

    o Adding of more free RNA nucleotides

    o Occur in 5 3 direction

    o mRNA strand is complementary to DNA template (antisense strand)

    o mRNA strand is same as the opposite DNA strand (sense strand)

    except Thymine (T) is replaced by Uracil (U)

    iii. Termination

    o RNA Polymerase recognise the terminator base sequence

    o In prokaryotes, newly formed strand fold back to itself forming harspin


    o In eukaryotes, termination stop when termination factor (protein) is

    found on DNA strand

    o mRNA strand separate from DNA template

    RNA Processing

    In eukaryotes only, genes contain Introns break up coding sequence Exons

    Introns; non-coding sequences (cannot be translated into proteins),

    transcribed to pre-mRNA but not translated

    Introns are removed and Exons are spliced (join) together to produce mature


    Mature mRNA are shorter than pre-mRNA because the Introns have been


    Splicing process process of removing Introns and join the Exons back


    The mature mRNA released to cytoplasm

    Genetic Code

    Information on mRNA in code form genetic code

    Triplet code 3 nucleotides in mRNA specify one amino acids in proteins


    Nonsense codons do not code for any amino acids (terminator codon)

    AUG start codon also for amino acids methionine

    UAA , UAG , UGA terminator codons (nonsense codon not code for any


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    Initiated by the assembly of mRNA, tRNA and ribosomal subunit (rRNA)

    Required various type of enzymes such as amino acids tRNA synthetase

    and ATP

    Transfer RNA (tRNA)

    o Transfer free amino acids from the cytoplasm and arrange them into

    polypeptide chain

    o Shortest RNA

    o Many parts are complementary to other part clover leaf shape

    o Contain anticodon that complimentary to codon on mRNA

    o Amino acids attach to 3 end of tRNA

    3 stage of Translation :

    i. Initiationii. Elongation

    iii. Termination

    i. Initiation

    o Initiaton factors protein attached to small subunit of rRNA

    o mRNA binds to small subunit

    o Initiators tRNA bind to mRNA and form functional complex

    o Initiator tRNA recognise the start codon AUG on 5 end of mRNA and

    binds to it

    o Large ribosomal subunit binds to small subunit

    o Initiator tRNA is located at the P-site

    o A-site is empty, ready to receive new charged tRNA with an amino acid

    code by the codon on mRNA

    ii. Elongation

    1. Charged (aminoacyl) tRNA carrying an amino acid enter A-site (use

    energy GTP)

    o Anticodon on tRNA is complementary to the codon on the mRNA

    o Initiator tRNA at the P-siteo Amino acid met from initiator tRNA detached and bind with the

    new amino acid that at the A-site

    o Peptide bond is produced between the two amino acids

    2. As the ribosome slide along the mRNA, the initiator tRNA will be

    removed from the complex through E-site (exits) and recycled

    o tRNA at A-site will occupy P-site and A-site is empty and ready to

    receive next tRNA

    o The process is repeated continuously until termination codon is


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    o The growing polypeptides is removed from tRNA at P-site and

    transferred to mRNA

    3. Peptide bond formed between amino acids at A-site and growing

    polypeptide at P-siteo The formation of the peptide bond is called peptidyl transferase


    o Moves from 5 towards 3 end mRNA (every move is 1 codon)

    o Shifted tRNA at P-site to E-site and at A-site to P-site

    o A-site is empty, ready to accept next charged tRNA

    iii. Termination

    o Occur when a stop codon (UAA, UAG, UGA) is found at the A-site (no

    charged tRNA at this time)

    o Recognised by released factor that mimics the structure of tRNA

    o Released factor bind to stop codon

    o Ribosomal subunit mRNA and released factor dissociate

    * Polyribosome (Polysome)

    o Translation can involve more than one ribosome

    o A group of ribosomes attached to single mRNA and translation occur


    o Each ribosome will produced one polypeptide that is similaro Produced a number of polypeptides at a time

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