Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-06 [p...

TIlE DAILY SUN GAINESViLLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 1906 jIII- c ft 2 LUG STAKE SOLD Train In Yet XtUiaf Thai 1000 BalM HOLDING FOR SETTER PRICE Ctln Orewtft AvMcialton Will Meet n FflkriMrv After Which Price Wfrftb Ma Pttnter Want to Try Mrart mMiniag holdings of the cot tm fp IB Ataefcua eoonty agiir m will not be iff the Mr real after Feuru- Mf II rMrk4 a fc jer who is well Birtu SlMiay At el ly- MtefVtat that tf meeting of the 0 M Grawera AMoeifttion will b price for Tfc beta traiidered low fer the f raven la ih Sea I laml twit fceaee there hose relaeteate ia the natter of turning UM etefle eel late the aurket How ever the entire erep aggregating ml tkMMtrf bales has beea released with the of the crop si above tMtetf hat the heldera of this irclare that they are willing to per- mit the wwkuloB to set pries the tMeefettea I the friend la eeaataiiea with the situation ew M head Dattea A Co who ore Ike bey n fer thl dittrlet term to be fair They have pareassed within tile tea beet six hundred ve aeea from 1- 4talfJteeatoapeaaM with now and Matt a 4vaa e ef exceptional quail This Irm it always ready teeeaiply with the rate set by there woe the territory and Ole fftwen M a tale are willing to risk there ae te fair treauatat- AHheafh irawert and holders de- clare that there are only about 1100 betel Stan lafarautlea of correspond MMf tt safe te tay that there are be UOO beta yet OB hand IB the slants The Brewers ef the eooaty remem- ber the advice of early punning iug netted by Hon W O Robinson a fried ef the plaster three yearn ago and them have followed this ad lee with the result that the crop has net only harvested early but the predate has been shown ap bore It seers ta be the dtopo- Hlea ef the are rage planter to try Men staple eotlea instead of the hued it it the feaeral Imamt 10 that the crop can be rayed with a treat deal less ferti- liser especially la the O iartrille die triet and arreaadiag country Correspondents tate that on ae eaaat ef the warm weather up to the present time with ao frost per of last years stalk are resting bat M a matter of course the plant will have to be replanted This mildtit season for cotton for yearn and the growers feel greatly en- eearagtd The crop will be pleated aaasaally early this year and growers are already selecting flrttclais teed JIIW8 OF CITY MID COUNTY CONDENSED J A Roberts of Fairbanks one of the valued employes of 0 Ohaic- aaval stern was a visitor to Gaines- ville yesterday Slis Maude W eks of Stark has ar- rived in the city and for the nut few guest of Mrs S T Dell her sister Alexaader Walker of Jtckionville the clever repretenlative of the Jacks ion ville Development Company is in the city for a few day in the intertnt of his company W D Sheppard was la the city yes terday Mr heppard has accepted a position a traveling salei ma with the C W Bartle on Company grocers and was malting new friends here He i long tune connected with tie Irvine Mnnufao luring Company in the capacity of bookkeeper and i a coinjxKnt Captain Dupui of AUchua eat In the city for a few hours Saturday He was en route home from Miami and Lemon City where he has bran for the put ix weeks He reports the lively at this time and declares that there are more Yankees arid automobiles on the East Coast that he could ever dream- of if he didnt really see them The East Coast is a tine country he bat you may say that 1 am glad to get back home tile 1000 the Mil been novae HY the Iron 17 t sf 8 severe Is W be the for J S Coast ixuuNNEDIALEs fete I a Gspie abort bale plac- ed someday a heW wka It remaining teapl trill I pries fns the year i fi 1 exception cot t n u- n t x peel days paying ty Ie seat invade Is t y tawny r been the average y Sea- r the eesing union s l Shy ant the r days will a whole- sale was very man a East good naturedly aid- e k ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > + ° With Crusted Scaly Eczema When One Month Old Could Brush Scales Off Body Young Lady- is Now Years Old and Skin is Without a ScarCured By CUTICURA REMEDIES- AT EXPENSE OF 450 When I Iran one month oM I was taken with eczema After being under the treatment of two doctor for one RMMilh mwl my mother WM advivd a to try Cuticura and Ointment I was one cnwt of Mtrrs front head to foot mother muld Lnuh tie scales body and my too nails After wing six rakes of Cutirim Soap and about a much Cuticura Oint- ment I was cured I am now seventeen yean old and kin has not sear I am finding wonder in Cuti cura after a fever litcr two it was completely gone Your ilanM ick Oct 211905 MarluvUle La- The attention of mrent railed to the fart that the 1uticuri Iteincdics were u ed on a one month old with complete sutcvsa proving M- Ohave t great cyrativea are w tn sweet and BO delicately medicated that they may be on youngest CUTICURA REMEDIES Are the Best for Skin and Toed About three ap my face l to get rough with acne kept getting worse year aco I paper of the Remedies for and blood 1 tnt fur them at once I weed tho CJticiin Soap Ointment and Pills and in months kin wan soft and smooth and the have all di without the of a think the Cuticura are tho beat that any one ran u e for the akin and blood May G Schiefrrle- gept 5 1995 Santa Paula CJ MEETING BOARD OF TRADE Want to Induce Immigration Dr Strouse Invited to Speak The Board of Trade held a meeting Monday afternoon which was well at- tended Among other things it was decided to make an endeavor to induce to Gainesville and l r Clar race B Strnuse who is always an ad- vocate of Gaincivilk invited to deliver an address It was decided to have this address Welt day evening when the subject to hn- difCUMPd hj Dr Strou e will be The Welfare of Oaincsrille The meeting i destined to prove of deep interest to the people of i in a full attendance is as urrd sine Dr Strouie i one of ths Hn t speakers in the South Notice of the place of meeting be given tomorrow Luckiest Man in Arkansas Im the luckiest man in rkitn a writes H L Stanley of Rruno the restoration of my wife health af- ter tire years of continuous coughing and bleeding the lung and 1 owe my Rood fortune to the world greatest medicine Dr New D- icovery for Oon mptinn which I know from eiferience will cure eonntmptinn if takn in time My improved rlrt bottle and twelve not If completed cure Cures the wont coiiKlM soil cildn or money AtnlldniK sore 50 and lliO Trial bottles free Interstate Sugar Cane Growers As- sociation Mobile Ala February 7th to Olh 1000 For above occasion the Atlantic Cot t Lin will from tti points in Florida to Mobile Ma and return at one fire twenty tire cent Tiektt on tle limiltii Febru sty llth Call on aRiiit Atlantic Cost Linn for full inforniatiiin Frank C Itoyitton District iai enfer Agfiit- JackiionvillH Fla To Cure a Cold in One Day Take L XATIVK HKoMO Quinine Tablets DruffKi refund money if it falls E W is on each box LJxJ COVERED fROM HEAD TO fOOT 17 nn b drll t 1 off fiu r and fen nl o ctU f baby It ta an- a pimple 1If physician I M u too prosperity and weal I rum with refunded the tick plus to l rl1 im wnvernt days a s A ill my rah area a wbJ iv w tu rw tLe aalr immi- gration war ville since Kings wife pill cur signature ¬ ¬ > > < ¬ ¬ > ¬ < >> ¬ ¬ > + + + + + + + MR SEAN WON OUT Wa by Republican Organize lien and Made Mia Paint After severe contest for the post mastership of Tampe during which G B Reynolds th present incumbent who by Gunbj and his colleagues and George V Sean the the race Hon H S Chuhb yttttrd y afternoon r celvnl a telegram to the effect that Mr Bran had received the appointment and the name has sent to the Senate for confirmation Mr Bran en hy Natinoal Committeeman Coomb Register Robinson and Re Cfiv rChtibb together with the regular orsaniiation the appointment i nut only a compliment to the man but a gnat victory for the caudidtt whom it u understood has worked against grist oppo ton Health Means the ability to do a good work without ondu fatigue and to find life worth living You cannot have or conMipuiun ou its upsetting the liver and luting the blood Such a condition may be best and quickest relieved by Herbine the best liver regulator that ever known Mrs I W Smith writf April 3 02 I UM Heroine and find it the best medicine fr constipation and regulating th I ever u ed Sold by W M J hn on Through Train and Sleeping Car Ser vice Between Jacksonville Fla j and Augusta Ga Effective January 101906 the Atlan- tic Coast Line will inaugurate Pull- man sleeping car service between Jacksonville Fa and Augusta Trains will leave Jacksonvflle at a m and arrive at Augusta at p m affording daylight service between the two points Dining car service will be operated between Jacksonville and Yama see for breakfast and lunch Evening trains from all south Flori da points make direct connection at Jacksonville affording the quickest ud bent trrvic bviwtfn Florida and AugusiM For further information lee ticket agent or write Frank C Boyls ton District Passenger Agent Jack- sonville Fla Chamberlains Cough Remedy the Mothers Favorite The soothing and healing properties of remedy its pleasant ta and prompt and permanent cures have made it a favorite with people every- where Iti specially prized by moth r of small children for colds croup and wht or ing cough as it always af fords quick relief and aw it contains no opium or other hnrrnfil drug it may given a confidently to a baby a nn dull liy all druggists For Brunswick Lightship Washington Ft The lighthouse board has ont o congress its recotn- momlntlon for Increase In the estimate fur i lightship at iirunswick front Ioi0 to 120tOti Thus Is made necessary by the inability to secure olds from rcpiislblo bidders within the original estimate CASTOR For Infants and Children DM Kill YH Havs Always Biv ht Bears the Signature of Rural Mall Carrier Arrested ChattnnooKi Tcnn Fob 3 Th chief lii i riiii nlTuH in ibis city been notihVil of the arrot In of Ilural Route Carrier Jntnes P Warren Tho chargo la robbing tho1 wall For Biliousness and Sick Headache Take Orino Ia tive Fruit Syrup It sweeten stomach Ail Oigeotirni- nnd hit a4 a Kentl timul nt on the liv r and biw without irritating these crciin iirino Laxative Frnt curt biloi ti hatiitnal- iMtirtipation Io not imii rttt r runt i multi ntui leniit to ink Ilrmembifr the name min refuse to accept any ibtitus J V- McCollum A Ci Irving to Appear In America l n in Feb II H Irving son ol the lati Sir Henry Irvlnn hns signer n r intrac SlmdiTis to appeal Jn Anirrua tn LiahtH Out endorsed aspirant been was I dod wit h pot th word hat IITr 60 rote 855 I 6 I5 this orI S I lilt and I title h t Sacked a was were is anal dads indigestion lie re b M Mem- phis syrup s ripe and t > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > + + + + + + ± ± + + i p u t a- ahc t r- AVVS P 3 C I trto 3 I r I 0 1 t n 1 t r es fnU J Pr fHIIIt J f a Cause Headach r i HIA Aft WEAKENS THE SYSTEM AND INVITES DISEASEE- very part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment and from any cause vital stream of life becomes impov- erished or rundown it invites disease to enter No one can be well when the blood ia impure they lack the energy that is natural with health the com plexion becomes and sallow the vital energies are at a low ebb and they suffer from general condition of health The system is weak- ened and unable to resist the diseases and disorder that are constantly it The Liver and Kidneys failing to receive the proper and nourishment from the blood grow inactive and dull and the waste matter and bodily impurities that should off through these channels of nature Skin Diseases or some other blood disorder coed and diseased condition it should be treated with a remedy that is not only thorough but gentle in its action S S S n purely vegetable remedy of herbs and barks is just what is needed It only the blood of all impurities and poisons and enriches mill strengthens it but gently up the entire system by its Hfe tonic S S S rvinvijrorates every meet b7 the body gives tone and vigor to the blood l I B and as it goes to the different parts carries ro bust health and strength S S S acts more promptly and gives letter results thin any other medicine ucures Rheumatism Catarrh Sores and Ulcers Skin Diseases and all other blood disorders and cures them Our Medical Department will be glad to advice without charge to all suffering with blood or diseases Address ClfiC CO ATLANTA GA Us M GUAHAM President li o V HTDI VlcePresident H E TAYLOR Cashier IKcGrutM Ant Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE ONLY NATIONAL RANK IN ALACHUA CO Capital 5uooo OD Surplus and Undivided Protits 3uoiu do- Do en Ju eiT c tkir bu t wtt rctiltin eqaw to tj c the State accounts of FrtLer Mcrct tm Conor tlon etc Ictrmt J- br ceeiai arrmttf ttrect Ai tu ieeM trkci eted tromi ly SWEAR OFF On Drinking Any Rut the BEST SODA WATEK We claim that our Bottled Sods Water Ginger Ale Etc are so drink made by the BOTTLING WORKS New Train ServiceBe- tween Jacksonville and Atlanta XoKTIIBotXD Leave Jacksonville 74 p m Arrive Atlanta jo am Pullman Sleeping Cars can IKJ OLVtipie in Atlanta until 7 SOUTUUOLXI Leave Atlanta i o ni Jacksonville p n Pullman Sleeping Cars can be occupied ill Atlanta ft p Ill SOUTHERN RAILWAY Dinin Cars m ww leaving and arriving Jacksonili J C District Passenger Agent Jacksonville Florida Three to the East and Two to the West Via BAD the to Catarrh antI tlcers hen the tillS weak nut fi- neS berof PURELY VEGETABLE e wwr Op GAINESVILLE bask II fl E Railway t all r a t LUBE FIVE SUPERB TRAINS DAILY ATLANTIC COAST LINE w rHida m tt WH JlIJw1IIrilJ haves Jack nurlll in daily a m tlnjS lirnlltd g3O Dixie Jltck tH p mrn m tllt to to snit t loui new ileep at a m Ttl trratlonll anti full write C l IIYI 1oJlrllt Jslacnill Fla broken down assail- ing are left ill system Rheumatism Sums blood is in roots per- manently 1 a Soit ice s TAYLOR neittr- V pure l those GAI N ESVI LLE Southern tai < p is Sr lark and Special ieavrd Jac unv lie 1251 p dais eept Sanday Florida anti lmlia Limited tares SbS daily en 1 erk FIprrc ili3 a lhtesunl learerfatkonville a daily Fyrr Iravr daily Through ping ttra Ntx Ynrk Chicago nko log car errvice ingn ta lie leaving JaeksunvjIk x55 For Pullman FR1SK i l Ia srngrr lggi ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > + + + ± +

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-06 [p...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-06 [p 2] pries fns the year i fi 1 exception cot t n u-n t x peel days






Train In Yet XtUiafThai 1000 BalM


Ctln Orewtft AvMcialton Will Meet

n FflkriMrv After Which Price

Wfrftb Ma Pttnter Want to Try


mMiniag holdings of the cottm fp IB Ataefcua eoonty agiir m

will not be

iff the Mr real after Feuru-

Mf II rMrk4 a fc jer who is well

Birtu SlMiay At el ly-

MtefVtat that tf meeting of the0 M Grawera AMoeifttion will b

price for

Tfc beta traiidered lowfer the fraven la ih Sea I laml twit

fceaee there hose

relaeteate ia the natter of turningUM etefle eel late the aurket However the entire erep aggregatingml tkMMtrf bales has beea releasedwith the of the crop si abovetMtetf hat the heldera of thisirclare that they are willing to per-

mit the wwkuloB to set priesthe tMeefettea I the friend

la eeaataiiea with the situationew M head Dattea A Co who ore

Ike bey n fer thl dittrlet term tobe fair They have pareassed withintile tea beet six hundred

ve aeea from 1-4talfJteeatoapeaaM with now andMatt a 4vaa e ef exceptional quail

This Irm it alwaysready teeeaiply with the rate set bythere woe the territory andOle fftwen M a tale are willing torisk there ae te fair treauatat-

AHheafh irawert and holders de-

clare that there are only about 1100betel Stan lafarautlea of correspondMMf tt safe te tay that there arebe UOO beta yet OB hand IB the

slantsThe Brewers ef the eooaty remem-

ber the advice of early punning iugnetted by Hon W O Robinson afried ef the plaster three yearn agoand them have followed thisad lee with the result that the crophas net only harvested early butthe predate has been shown ap bore

It seers ta be the dtopo-Hlea ef the are rage planter to try

Men staple eotlea instead of thehued it it thefeaeral Imamt 10 that the crop canbe rayed with a treat deal less ferti-liser especially la the O iartrille dietriet and arreaadiag country

Correspondents tate that on aeeaaat ef the warm weather up to thepresent time with ao frost

per of last years stalk areresting bat M a matter of course theplant will have to be replanted This

mildtit season for cotton foryearn and the growers feel greatly en-

eearagtd The crop will be pleatedaaasaally early this year and growersare already selecting flrttclais teed


J A Roberts of Fairbanks one ofthe valued employes of 0 Ohaic-aaval stern was a visitor to Gaines-ville yesterday

Slis Maude W eks of Stark has ar-

rived in the city and for the nut fewguest of Mrs S T

Dell her sisterAlexaader Walker of Jtckionville

the clever repretenlative of the Jacksion ville Development Company is inthe city for a few day in the intertntof his company

W D Sheppard was la the city yesterday Mr heppard has accepted aposition a traveling salei ma withthe C W Bartle on Company

grocers and was malting newfriends here He i long tuneconnected with tie Irvine Mnnufaoluring Company in the capacity ofbookkeeper and i a coinjxKnt

Captain Dupui of AUchua eatIn the city for a few hours SaturdayHe was en route home from Miamiand Lemon City where he has branfor the put ix weeks He reportsthe lively at this time and

declares that there aremore Yankees arid automobiles on theEast Coast that he could ever dream-of if he didnt really see them TheEast Coast is a tine country hebat you may say that 1 am glad to

get back home




been novae









be the






I a


abort bale plac-



heW wka It remainingteapl trill

I pries fns

the year



exceptioncot t n



peel dayspaying

ty Ie seat




y tawnyr


the averagey


r the eesing union sl

Shy ant


r days will






Eastgood naturedly











With Crusted Scaly Eczema WhenOne Month Old Could BrushScales Off Body Young Lady-

is Now Years Old and Skinis Without a ScarCured By


AT EXPENSE OF 450When I Iran one month oM I was

taken with eczema After being underthe treatment of two doctor for oneRMMilh mwl mymother WM advivd ato try Cuticura and OintmentI was one cnwt of Mtrrs front head tofoot mother muld Lnuh tie scales

body and my too nailsAfter wing six rakes of Cutirim

Soap and about a much Cuticura Oint-ment I was cured I am nowseventeen yean old and kin has not

sear I am finding wonder in Cuticura after a fever litcr two

it was completely gone YourilanM ick

Oct 211905 MarluvUle La-

The attention of mrent railed tothe fart that the 1uticuri Iteincdicswere u ed on a one month oldwith complete sutcvsa proving M-Ohave t greatcyrativea are w tn sweet and BO

delicately medicated that they may beon youngest

CUTICURA REMEDIESAre the Best for Skin and Toed

About three ap my face lto get rough with acne kept

getting worse year aco I

paper of the Remedies forand blood 1 tnt fur them

at once I weed tho CJticiin SoapOintment and Pills and inmonths kin wan soft and smoothand the have all diwithout the of athink the Cuticura are thobeat that any one ran u e for the akinand blood May G Schiefrrle-gept 5 1995 Santa Paula CJ


Want to Induce Immigration DrStrouse Invited to Speak

The Board of Trade held a meetingMonday afternoon which was well at-

tendedAmong other things it was decided

to make an endeavor to induceto Gainesville and l r Clar

race B Strnuse who is always an ad-

vocate of Gaincivilkinvited to deliver an address It wasdecided to have this address Weltday evening when the subject to hn-

difCUMPd hj Dr Strou e will be TheWelfare of Oaincsrille

The meeting i destined to prove ofdeep interest to the people of i in

a full attendance is as urrdsine Dr Strouie i one of ths Hn tspeakers in the South

Notice of the place of meetingbe given tomorrow

Luckiest Man in ArkansasIm the luckiest man in rkitn a

writes H L Stanley of Rrunothe restoration of my wife health af-

ter tire years of continuous coughingand bleeding the lung and 1

owe my Rood fortune to the worldgreatest medicine Dr New D-

icovery for Oon mptinn which I knowfrom eiferience will cure eonntmptinnif takn in time My improved

rlrt bottle and twelve not Ifcompleted cure Cures the wontcoiiKlM soil cildn or moneyAtnlldniK sore 50 and lliO Trialbottles free

Interstate Sugar Cane Growers As-

sociation Mobile Ala February7th to Olh 1000

For above occasion the AtlanticCot t Lin will from ttipoints in Florida to Mobile Ma andreturn at one fire twenty tirecent Tiektt on tle limiltii Februsty llth Call on aRiiit Atlantic CostLinn for full inforniatiiin Frank CItoyitton District iai enfer Agfiit-JackiionvillH Fla

To Cure a Cold in One Day

Take L XATIVK HKoMO QuinineTablets DruffKi refund money if itfalls E Wis on each box LJxJ




nnb drll t


off fiu r andfen


ctU f


It ta



pimple1If physician I

M u too










to l rl1

im wnvernt


A ill


raharea a wbJ iv w tu rw tLe aalr








cur signature






















Wa by Republican Organizelien and Made Mia Paint

After severe contest for the postmastership of Tampe during which GB Reynolds th present incumbentwho by Gunbj and hiscolleagues and George V Sean the

the race Hon H SChuhb yttttrd y afternoon r celvnl atelegram to the effect that Mr Branhad received the appointment andthe name has sent to the Senatefor confirmation Mr Bran en

hy Natinoal CommitteemanCoomb Register Robinson and ReCfiv rChtibb together with the regularorsaniiation the appointment i

nut only a compliment to the man buta gnat victory for the caudidttwhom it u understood has workedagainst grist oppo ton

HealthMeans the ability to do a good

work without ondu fatigue and tofind life worth living You cannothave or conMipuiunou its upsetting the liver andluting the blood Such a conditionmay be best and quickest relieved byHerbine the best liver regulator that

ever known Mrs IW Smith writf April 3 02 I UMHeroine and find it the best medicinefr constipation and regulating th

I ever u ed Sold byW M J hn on

Through Train and Sleeping Car Service Between Jacksonville Fla j

and Augusta Ga

Effective January 101906 the Atlan-tic Coast Line will inaugurate Pull-man sleeping car service betweenJacksonville Fa and AugustaTrains will leave Jacksonvflle ata m and arrive at Augusta at pm affording daylight service betweenthe two points Dining car service willbe operated between Jacksonville andYama see for breakfast and lunch

Evening trains from all south Florida points make direct connection atJacksonville affording the quickest

ud bent trrvic bviwtfn Florida andAugusiM For further information leeticket agent or write Frank C Boylston District Passenger Agent Jack-sonville Fla

Chamberlains Cough Remedy theMothers Favorite

The soothing and healing propertiesof remedy its pleasant ta andprompt and permanent cures havemade it a favorite with people every-where Iti specially prized by moth

r of small children for colds croupand wht or ing cough as it always affords quick relief and aw it contains noopium or other hnrrnfil drug it may

given a confidently to a baby a nndull liy all druggists

For Brunswick LightshipWashington Ft The lighthouse

board has ont o congress its recotn-momlntlon for Increase In the estimatefur i lightship at iirunswick frontIoi0 to 120tOti Thus Is made

necessary by the inability to secureolds from rcpiislblo bidders withinthe original estimate

CASTORFor Infants and Children

DM Kill YH Havs Always Biv ht

Bears theSignature of

Rural Mall Carrier ArrestedChattnnooKi Tcnn Fob 3 Th

chief lii i riiii nlTuH in ibis citybeen notihVil of the arrot In

of Ilural Route Carrier JntnesP Warren Tho chargo la robbing tho1


For Biliousness and Sick HeadacheTake Orino Ia tive Fruit Syrup It

sweeten stomach Ail Oigeotirni-nnd hit a4 a Kentl timul nt on theliv r and biw without irritatingthese crciin iirino Laxative Frnt

curt biloi ti hatiitnal-iMtirtipation Io not imii rttt r

runt i multi ntui leniit toink Ilrmembifr the name minrefuse to accept any ibtitus J V-

McCollum A Ci

Irving to Appear In Americal n in Feb II H Irving son ol

the lati Sir Henry Irvlnn hns signern r intrac SlmdiTis to appealJn Anirrua tn LiahtH Out




I dod

wit hpot

th word hat

IITr 60 rote

855 I

6 I5








title ht




were is


























± ±




p u t a-

ahc t r-


trto 3

I r I01


n 1


res fnU J PrfHIIIt J f

aCauseHeadach r i



very part of the body is dependent on the blood for nourishment andfrom any cause vital stream of life becomes impov-

erished or rundown it invites disease to enter No one can be well when theblood ia impure they lack the energy that is natural with health the complexion becomes and sallow the vital energies are at a low ebb and theysuffer from general condition of health The system is weak-

ened and unable to resist the diseases and disorder that are constantlyit The Liver and Kidneys failing to receive the proper and

nourishment from the blood grow inactive and dull and the waste matterand bodily impurities that should off through these channels of nature

Skin Diseases or some other blood disordercoed and diseased condition it should be treated with a remedy that is notonly thorough but gentle in its action S S S n purely vegetable remedy

of herbs and barks is just what is needed It onlythe blood of all impurities and poisons and enriches mill strengthens it but

gently up the entire system by itsHfe tonic S S S rvinvijrorates every meet

b7 the body gives tone and vigor to the bloodl I B and as it goes to the different parts carries ro

bust health and strength S S S acts morepromptly and gives letter results thin any othermedicine ucures Rheumatism Catarrh Sores

and Ulcers Skin Diseases and all other blood disorders and cures themOur Medical Department will be glad to advice without

charge to all suffering with blood or diseases AddressClfiC CO ATLANTA GA

Us M GUAHAM Presidentli o V HTDI VlcePresident

H E TAYLOR CashierIKcGrutM Ant Cashier



Capital 5uooo OD

Surplus and Undivided Protits 3uoiu do-

Do en Ju eiT c tkir bu t wtt rctiltin eqaw to tj c the Stateaccounts of FrtLer Mcrct tm Conor tlon etc Ictrmt J-

br ceeiai arrmttf ttrect Ai t u ieeM trkci eted tromily


We claim that our Bottled Sods Water Ginger Ale Etcare so drink made by the


New Train ServiceBe-


Jacksonville and Atlanta

XoKTIIBotXDLeave Jacksonville 74 p mArrive Atlanta jo a m

Pullman Sleeping Cars can IKJ OLVtipie in Atlantauntil 7

SOUTUUOLXILeave Atlanta i o niJacksonville p n

Pullman Sleeping Cars can be occupied ill Atlantaft p Ill

SOUTHERN RAILWAY Dinin Cars m wwleaving and arriving Jacksonili

J CDistrict Passenger Agent Jacksonville Florida

Three to the East and Two to the West Via


the to Catarrh antI tlcershen the tillS weak



neS berof






fl E







WH JlIJw1IIrilJhaves Jack nurlll in dailya m

tlnjS lirnlltd g3ODixie Jltck tH p mrn


tllt toto snit t loui new ileep

at a mTtl trratlonll anti full write C l IIYI1oJlrllt Jslacnill Fla

broken downassail-


are left ill system Rheumatism Sumsblood is in




a Soitice

sTAYLOR neittr-


pure l those




< p


Sr lark and Special ieavrd Jac unv lie 1251 p daiseept SandayFlorida anti lmlia Limited tares SbS dailyen 1 erk FIprrc ili3 alhtesunl learerfatkonville a dailyFyrr Iravr dailyThrough ping ttra Ntx Ynrk Chicago nkolog car errvice ingn ta lie leaving JaeksunvjIk x55For Pullman

FR1SK il Ia srngrr lggi








