Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-06...

THE DAIL SUX GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY l0fi ti 3 y OR EDWIN HALL MADE FINE TALK Famous New York Lecturer Held Close AUeoi of Audisuce CHURCH WAS TOO SMALL Many Who Desired to Attend the Were Compelled to Return to 1 heir Homes Disappointed Lecture at Auditorium Tonight- Dr Edwin Hall the celebrated evangelist of New York who U touring Florida for pleasure and health through the courtesy of Rev S B Rogers of the First Baptist Church occupied the pulpit of that church on Sunday evening taking a hi theme Alan IIU Origin and Destiny Ou account of ervice Her T J Nixon pastor of Kavanauch Meth- odist Church S luth and Itev Thus 1 Hay pastor of the First Presby- terian Church hiinulled their er vice for Sunday evening with the re- sult that one of the largest otu re i tion of th were present and the only that the liaptitt church wait trot capable of uccimnin- datiiiK a couple of hundred more At earn as 7 oclock fifteen minutes be- fore the hour announced for the open- ing of the turning the church room was crowded to it utmost capacity and when the time arrived for the be- ginning of church the crowd which thronged the lobbies and sidewalks unable to gain admittance was wonderful Dr Hall is one of the most forceful and eloquent talkers ever heard in this eitf subject was a deep one and he handled it with such ease and grace that the large congregatioa was capti- vated Among others present were a number of the caste of the dramatic company of Not Like Other Girls and at the close Mr Schwartz the manager grasped Dr Halls hand and said The best I ever heard Here- is a bill to pay for tickets to be given tu any worthy pour he left the bill ia th Doctors hand Dr Halls work was highly and he received the coogratuhv many ia his audience at the conclusion of his lecture Dr Hall has tendered his services to the University High School and will deliver a lecture in the auditorium of the public school building which will be a school benefit The lecture will begin at 8 oclock and will be of a hu- morous nature the subject being How to Get Married and Stay So The lecture will be brim foil of spark- ling wit and humor and is to con- tain eighty laughs in seventy minutes Dr nail his made a good in Gainesville as he has proven himself to be a speaker of remarkable force and ability It is to be regretted that all who desired could aot have heard him Sunday night IT 18 FOR LADIES TOO They Step Thrlr stab Kallhut O t- Uaille who have thin hair and who hair U fiItlriK out can prevent the hair falling out and thicken growth with Newbron H rpl l i Hi llerp Ja one of most n rr Mh hale dr yltitr that 1 llfriiclile kills tli dandruff that th hair off nt the riwt VIM KMii U l troyciJ the root will fllinnt up and th hair prow a PVT Kvrn n will r r- vlr f any livly Ihat N whros i rplclil 1 an IndNpnyiMe li t r iuili Jt ti or iro H tint nr it y 1 v PID iruirc tH Hml- 1V In ta m f r HntiI to Hcrpl- cldc Cw troll SKL J S Hmlirird A C StM inl Awntit- OlT rii for the tiixt day th lowing Koods ui jine itam- ed below 11 r5it i n SiUd DremK 5c Three dottle JVkle cmiH Corn fa Three cans H Vf Three 3 ll eau T ntitt e4 i- nMli can Klberta Travis IV Two J Ib cans Klberta Peaches Jw Bottle of leen I hve 11 Het lump Starch per Ih Vr Three 1lb can Curved or Heef Beet C impound lnrd per Ib w- ilet grades of Ham and ItreakfaH- Hacon and everything Cheap h GIVE IS A CALL Ve can iify troth in quality and trice IEUTIIOM n t season was i It tions of said 1Ifld- r Corm 1 It Ill tin I The Cash Co1 I I Ie I Thr I I i Itua t I 35 for full IiI r Lec- ture this regret some- thing Ills and appreci- ated impres- sion Cam Wh the aid ride the eats f tie Trw ramp 1f eort Inv ia wig t < The Grocery x I f Ct 4 f ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < > < > < + ± AFTER GRIPPE Or Any Severe W M Johrjor ACJVI Gainesville Pe pt j to Take Vioi- Ir S I of rddeto Conn writes Th grippe left me in ft very wpaketpi cnndiiin im ap- petite irin nerriu mi vit ri y rud a lad count I htd hmnrrhaites ncithiii teemed to help in I rend f what your cull ti er oil i rv irtii- Vinol hid dun fur others and de- cided to try it I foaid that it soon Rare me a hearty appetite my cnnirh- dtsa prartd my hrath and trenntti returned until I felt like a new cr ft turn I cruder Vinol a wonderful mediiiue a i make renglh ad vi- thlily fst- O irlnal drusgi Mr XV M Jon V have never mild in our tore a more vtluiiiV trrnihiir ator and health rehirer fur the ran ralecent than Vinol ThU i btunue- Vinnl Iontnin in a consent rated firm nil of the vilal principle of end lir r oil tint ittmut a drop of oil in u 4t t the tutnaeh and retard it work final up the digestive and renew the strength of every or Kan of the body UV a k every perinti in Gineviile who ha titen ill to try Vinol nu our guarantee to build thin up and make them well and strong V return money if it f l V M Johnson Druggist I Sick DrUI IOU S H amt tunes to rep St t ion rays organs i ¬ > + + + + MARDI GRAS New Orleari La Mobile Ala ara- Pensicola FU For th stole oi nin the A tH- H t I i il ffrl M- to it I V of Kl r u I ie A- tfuirt Fit hi ie fare tu tyrlrt cents tar the roind trip TiUrt on le Ft t ti ilife Limit of l Ke wiH I Niarh tit if a longer urn t eirel t n 1 tt e i r I l piirha er w 1 th r- i te autvr i 4 ctt nn than March tVey CKII lnv itcce- teket extended to midnight o Mt reti- 17th on paymrui of fifty cents I b eral dorover allowed full information re Atlantic d at Cite aent or write Funk C HovUton itrcl Ptrenger Agent Man Frll EightyFive Feet MOM r vr fait a dltaio foi top of a nrl U k to a hri rMif hn 1 Klnhu wlt x a nbli to Man t- alU in HJWIJI atnlisal n tear tmiii tu i a if rffi rr J nu im r M ri ii- tnj r t i tin nttptv of a rtnatl tu i e sii v th ii tun If the Baoy is Cutting Teeth Re tin and that old and well tried remedy MM Win Sooth mn Syrup fur children teething It ioothe the ehid often the earns allays all pain cures wind colic and U the net remedy for diarrhoea Twen- l7fl cents a bottle > I II I J lr Ipr t in 1 t 3 t Fr I I it In t nut h n t t 1 rt 3 t 6 tall lht Fa to tr Ian 11 tt sift r t n low < > > > > > > < > > + + + + ± Amusements AT THE OPERA HOUSE Alyce Kee Nan Company Played to Small House Monday The Alyee Kee Nan Company o which Mis tIn an accomplished English aejA is the leading lady and star preset J a oneact sketch A Matter of Honor and the threeset comedy drama Sot Like Other Girls at the opera house Monday night The play was fairly well dered Miss Kee Naa bring especially eood in her character roles Wm II Lemle an Deacon Coleman also appear- ed to good and his work was appreciated Other membr of the caste were good and in all the company deserved a better audience BEGGAR PRINCE OPERA CO Will Appear in This City Two Nights February 8th and 9lh Manager C It L yton announces that alter considerable negotiations he has closed a contract with the Hen lear Prince Opera Company at the op roOD ly advantage ¬ guarantee for one performance The piece is built on operatic lines enacted by performer who are trebly gifted being vocalists farceurs and possess- ing dramatic ability as well The Beggar Prince this season being com- po edof three entertaining ele- ments This edition has been edited by Wm H Lydell author of iye t Manhattanand other New York trav- esty successes The preventing com- pany i headed by Alias Etta Merris opranj and comedienne well and fa- vorably known to pa runs of light As a r few ladies can im art to an audience that feeling of ppontaniety and good fellowship that M s Merris can During the action of the play will be introduced for the time here the Simony Minis The Nible Firemin Belles and Benin At the reshore end numerous other musical and vocal numbers Tie lalel linhtnmrf effects known to Sin elaiid sre employed in enhancing perormanee that will be a real to mi Manager enterpri in attraotious of aIolI turing these op- era fun tint rumble loss witnessing s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > GODC3ING Comedian Beggar Prince Opera Company FRED house Thirday tuthij February rh std th This entHprnent Mr lnyton iin r the mot notable in ttu amt ment lUll that ne h tl cted it M time th cjmraLy ruiuiris a iarge rd aid 1 I and Friday use < ijr d- Priif fin 7 Will n d l t p ree a- ayk r In by hous- es i bt Aver ni 5 II IhurMlnj iiicil- rinH Frulaj ajjl tis < nr tr Ex I I chibrc br red hl tr s tIt 5 iertl ud Fazed Netvous MothetsM- aK3 Unhappy HomesTheir Condition IrrttatM Beth Husband and Thousands ol Mothers Have Been Saved From N rvou Prostration and Mad Strong and r I ChildrenHow WelL Afls C4ax 1 8rwiu Al r 1it L t 4- 41rr a ejepOupr A nervous irritable mother often on the verve of hysterics is unlit to care for children it dUpoxi lion and reacts upon The trouble ttetxvrcn children and their mothers too often is due to the fact that the mother female and Mie ia entirely unfit to bear the strain upon her nerves that govern lug children invulven it i impossible- for her to do anything The women act like a firebrand upon the nerves Bine tenths of the nervous prostration aer vous despondency the blues lesviess and nervous irritability of women arise from some deraageneat of the female orgvniagi- D you experience fits of depression with restlessness extreme irritability Are your spirits affected so that one minute you laugh and the Beat minute you feel like crying Do you something like a ban rla lag in your throat sad threatening to choke all the teases perverted morbidly sensitive to light aia the abdominal region aad between the shoulders aervous dyspepsia and alaKist continually cross and If so your nerves are In a shattered coaditioa and you are threatened with nervous Proof is monumental that aothiog world is better for aervous prostra- tion than E Piakhaaa table Compound of women eaa testify fact ruin a chilli II rlo4 ill of f 1 1088 a la- the thouuRda wad this hab Mime weak- ness rouri uently thou- sands to > ¬ ¬ Mrs Chester Leader of the Ladles Symphony Orchestra 43 Bata toga Bostoa Mass writes Sin Flakluun For right y rs I WM ttnaMrf wM s- trraM aervuiMwos and aysUffte bre by I eo ea- nur deep BUaU I was wy kritaMaL- jnCi R was sad to be MM sally mmdv that tee I have aHkaBil I ass aews r well sad sH BMrveasBsas aac Mrs Charles r Brew dent of the Mothers Claw SI Castor sae darirtd Cresa- k UfeWtt E Piakksaa VsmtaMa Miil to the saedletM tkathoUto tit r Mi far the greatest aaaber actMl take M aa siUto Mrs Ptakhasa staaafflit lsvlwr f Lydia B PtakKisB tavitM all aiek waawa ta write to kw Mr advice with female troablea aaaMea har mi vies you wisely sad ah will linnn you keradvisje J tar ud t tIRkIIMa T J1 IeC J I U W is J a MIl f r Free ta lira 1 n dww ot ills asrvetr d bi Sail triton Sy I i i a tsttiesd a strktaat as ass sea W weelas L 1- c Mdnil s9rliestia- Ria sis tied of Na N la eat wtsttua My wveaatsss w all H e r kttttilrtt- Wetaea stkeuld reneiler bust x of serer e t r Adtflos stlltll > > > A Dismiss I have sold an interest in my business to other parties and will turn the management- over to them within the next thirty days But COST PRICES WILL PREVAIL Until the new management takes control I am selling Dry Goods at less than they can be bought at the factory for today lira ni1P11 MI Int T I G we HYDE Lit PI S sL 0110 Pid s r T Chugs F i r a l r t y r t x

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-06...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-06 · The Alyee Kee Nan Company o which Mis tIn an accomplished ...





Famous New York Lecturer HeldClose AUeoi of Audisuce


Many Who Desired to Attend theWere Compelled to Return to

1 heir Homes Disappointed Lectureat Auditorium Tonight-

Dr Edwin Hall the celebratedevangelist of New York who U touringFlorida for pleasure and healththrough the courtesy of Rev S BRogers of the First Baptist Churchoccupied the pulpit of that church onSunday evening taking a hi theme

Alan IIU Origin and DestinyOu account of ervice Her T

J Nixon pastor of Kavanauch Meth-odist Church S luth and Itev Thus1 Hay pastor of the First Presby-terian Church hiinulled their ervice for Sunday evening with the re-

sult that one of the largest otu re ition of th were present andthe only that the liaptittchurch wait trot capable of uccimnin-datiiiK a couple of hundred more Atearn as 7 oclock fifteen minutes be-

fore the hour announced for the open-ing of the turning the church roomwas crowded to it utmost capacityand when the time arrived for the be-

ginning of church the crowd whichthronged the lobbies and sidewalksunable to gain admittance was

wonderfulDr Hall is one of the most forceful

and eloquent talkers ever heard in thiseitf subject was a deep one andhe handled it with such ease and gracethat the large congregatioa was capti-vated Among others present were anumber of the caste of the dramaticcompany of Not Like Other Girlsand at the close Mr Schwartz themanager grasped Dr Halls hand andsaid The best I ever heard Here-is a bill to pay for tickets to be giventu any worthy pour he left thebill ia th Doctors hand

Dr Halls work was highlyand he received the coogratuhv

many ia his audience at theconclusion of his lecture

Dr Hall has tendered his services tothe University High School and willdeliver a lecture in the auditorium ofthe public school building which willbe a school benefit The lecture willbegin at 8 oclock and will be of a hu-

morous nature the subject beingHow to Get Married and Stay So

The lecture will be brim foil of spark-ling wit and humor and is to con-

tain eighty laughs in seventy minutesDr nail his made a good

in Gainesville as he has provenhimself to be a speaker of remarkableforce and ability It is to be regrettedthat all who desired could aot haveheard him Sunday night


They Step Thrlr stab Kallhut O t-

Uaille who have thin hair and whohair U fiItlriK out can prevent the hairfalling out and thicken growth withNewbron H rpl l i Hi llerp

Ja one of most n rr Mh haledr yltitr that 1 llfriiclile kills tlidandruff that th hair off ntthe riwt VIM KMii U l troyciJthe root will fllinnt up and th hair prow

a PVT Kvrn n will r r-

vlr f any livly Ihat N whros i rplclil1 an IndNpnyiMe li t r iuili Jt

ti or iro H tintnr it y 1 v PID iruirc tH Hml-1V In ta m f r HntiI to Hcrpl-cldc Cw troll SKL

J S Hmlirird A C StM inl Awntit-

OlT rii for the tiixt day thlowing Koods ui jine itam-

ed below11 r5it i n SiUd DremK 5cThree dottle JVkle

cmiH Corn faThree cans H Vf

Three 3 ll eau T ntitt e4 i-

nMli can Klberta Travis IVTwo J Ib cans Klberta Peaches JwBottle of leen I hve 11

Het lump Starch per Ih VrThree 1lb can Curved or

HeefBeet C impound lnrd per Ib w-

ilet grades of Ham and ItreakfaH-Hacon and everything Cheap h

GIVE IS A CALLVe can iify troth in quality and






tions of





1 It Ill tinI


Cash Co1






Itua t I

















ride the

eatsf tie

Trw ramp1f

eort Inv ia wig

t< The



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Or Any Severe W

M Johrjor ACJVI GainesvillePe pt j to Take Vioi-

Ir S I of rddetoConn writes Th grippe left mein ft very wpaketpi cnndiiin im ap-

petite irin nerriu mi vit ri y rud alad count I htd hmnrrhaitesncithiii teemed to help in I rend f

what your cull ti er oil i rv irtii-Vinol hid dun fur others and de-

cided to try it I foaid that it soonRare me a hearty appetite my cnnirh-dtsa prartd my hrath and trennttireturned until I felt like a new cr ft

turn I cruder Vinol a wonderfulmediiiue a i make renglh a d vi-

thlily fst-O irlnal drusgi Mr XV M Jon

V have never mild in ourtore a more vtluiiiV trrnihiirator and health rehirer fur the ranralecent than Vinol ThU i btunue-Vinnl Iontnin in a consent rated firmnil of the vilal principle of end lir roil tint ittmut a drop of oil in u 4t t

the tutnaeh and retard it work

final up the digestiveand renew the strength of every orKan of the body

UV a k every perinti in Gineviilewho ha titen ill to try Vinol nu ourguarantee to build thin up and makethem well and strong V returnmoney if it f l V M JohnsonDruggist











ion rays










New Orleari La Mobile Ala ara-Pensicola FU

For th stole oi nin the A tH-

H t I i il ffrl M-

to it I V of Kl r uI ie A-

tfuirt Fit hi ie fare tu tyrlrtcents tar the roind trip TiUrt on

le Ft t ti ilifeLimit of l Ke wiH I Niarh titif a longer urn t eirel t n 1 tt e i r

I l piirha er w 1 th r-

i te autvr i 4 ctt nnthan March tVey CKII lnv itcce-teket extended to midnight o Mt reti-

17th on paymrui of fifty cents I beral dorover allowed

full information re Atlanticd at Cite aent or write Funk CHovUton itrcl Ptrenger Agent

Man Frll EightyFive FeetMOM r vr fait a

dltaio foi top of a

nrl U k to a hri rMif hn 1

Klnhu wlt x a nbli to Man t-

alU in HJWIJI atnlisal n teartmiii tu i a if rffi rr J nu im r M ri ii-

tnj r t i tin nttptv of a rtnatltu i e sii v th ii tun

If the Baoy is Cutting TeethRe tin and that old and well

tried remedy MM Win Soothmn Syrup fur children teething Itioothe the ehid often the earnsallays all pain cures wind colic and Uthe net remedy for diarrhoea Twen-l7fl cents a bottle





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Alyce Kee Nan Company Played toSmall House Monday

The Alyee Kee Nan Company o

which Mis tIn an accomplishedEnglish aejA is the leading lady andstar preset J a oneact sketch A

Matter of Honor and the threesetcomedy drama Sot Like OtherGirls at the opera house Mondaynight The play was fairly welldered Miss Kee Naa bring especiallyeood in her character roles Wm IILemle an Deacon Coleman also appear-ed to good and his work wasappreciated Other membr of thecaste were good and in all the companydeserved a better audience


Will Appear in This City Two NightsFebruary 8th and 9lh

Manager C It L yton announcesthat alter considerable negotiations hehas closed a contract with the Hen

lear Prince Opera Company at the op




guarantee for one performance Thepiece is built on operatic lines enactedby performer who are trebly giftedbeing vocalists farceurs and possess-ing dramatic ability as well TheBeggar Prince this season being com-po edof three entertaining ele-

ments This edition has been editedby Wm H Lydell author of iye tManhattanand other New York trav-esty successes The preventing com-pany i headed by Alias Etta Merrisopranj and comedienne well and fa-

vorably known to pa runs of lightAs a r few ladies can

im art to an audience that feeling ofppontaniety and good fellowship thatM s Merris can During the action ofthe play will be introduced for thetime here the Simony Minis TheNible Firemin Belles and Benin At

the reshore end numerous othermusical and vocal numbersTie lalel linhtnmrf effects known toSin elaiid sre employed in enhancingperormanee that will be a real tomi Managerenterpri in attraotious of




era fun










GODC3ING Comedian Beggar Prince Opera CompanyFRED

house Thirday tuthijFebruary rh std th

This entHprnent Mr lnyton iinr the mot notable in ttu amt

ment lUll that ne h tl cted it M

time th cjmraLy ruiuiris a iarge


aid 1


and Friday


ijr d-

Priif fin 7

Will n d l t p ree a-

ayk r In by hous-es i bt Aver

ni 5 II IhurMlnj iiicil-rinH Frulaj ajjl

tis <





chibrc brred hl tr

s tIt5


Fazed Netvous MothetsM-

aK3 Unhappy HomesTheir Condition IrrttatMBeth Husband and Thousandsol Mothers Have Been Saved From N rvouProstration and Mad Strong and





Afls C4ax 1 8rwiu

Al r



41rr a ejepOuprA nervous irritable mother often on

the verve of hysterics is unlit to carefor children it dUpoxilion and reacts upon Thetrouble ttetxvrcn children and theirmothers too often is due to the factthat the mother female

and Mie ia entirely unfit to bearthe strain upon her nerves that governlug children invulven it i impossible-for her to do anything

The women act like a firebrandupon the nerves Binetenths of the nervous prostration aervous despondency the blueslesviess and nervous irritability ofwomen arise from some deraageneatof the female orgvniagi-

D you experience fits of depressionwith restlessnessextreme irritability Are your spirits

affected so that one minute youlaugh and the Beat minute you feellike crying

Do you something like a ban rlalag in your throat sad threatening tochoke all the teases pervertedmorbidly sensitive to light

aia the abdominal region aadbetween the shoulders

aervous dyspepsia and alaKistcontinually cross and

If so your nerves are In a shatteredcoaditioa and you are threatened withnervous

Proof is monumental that aothiogworld is better for aervous prostra-

tion than E Piakhaaatable Compound

of women eaa testify fact

ruin a chilliII rlo4

ill of

f 1




thouuRda wadthis

hab Mime weak-ness

rouri uently

thou-sands to




Mrs Chester Leader of theLadles Symphony Orchestra 43 Batatoga Bostoa Masswrites

Sin FlakluunFor right y rs I WM ttnaMrf wM s-

trraM aervuiMwos and aysUffte breby I eo ea-nur deep BUaU I was wy kritaMaL-

jnCi Rwas sad to be MM sallymmdv that tee I have

aHkaBil I ass aews rwell sad sH BMrveasBsas aac

Mrs Charles r Brewdent of the Mothers Claw SI Castor

sae darirtd Cresa-

k UfeWtt

E Piakksaa VsmtaMa Miil tothe saedletM tkathoUto tit r Mi farthe greatest aaaber actMl

take M aa siUtoMrs Ptakhasa staaafflit lsvlwr f

Lydia B PtakKisB tavitMall aiek waawa ta write to kw Mradvicewith female troablea aaaMea har mivies you wisely sad ah will linnnyou keradvisje

J tar

ud ttIRkIIMa T J 1 IeC J I U



a MIl f


Free ta

lira 1 n dww



d bi Sail

tritonSy I i i a tsttiesd a strktaatas ass sea W weelas



c Mdnils9rliestia-


tied of Na Nlaeat wtsttua My wveaatsss w all

H e rkttttilrtt-

Wetaea stkeuld reneiler bustx

of serer e tr

Adtflos stlltll>



A Dismiss

I have sold an interest in my business toother parties and will turn the management-over to them within the next thirty days But



Until the new management takes control I amselling Dry Goods at less than they can bebought at the factory for today

lira ni1P11 MI Int T



Lit PI S sL 0110 Pid s r









