Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01...

VOL XXII NO GAINESVILLE FLORIDA IDXKSDAY JANTARY H 1905 TEN CENTS A WEll r itI nn 0 281 = = WITTE MUST GO NOW THE SLOGAN All Parties Are at Outs With Russian VICTORY FOLLOWED BY DEFEAT Autocracy Blames Him for Not Haw- Ing Shown Strong Hand and Doubt the Honesty of His Love for Liberty St Petersburg Jan 2 The re port that Count Witte Is hooked for retirement in a few U attain lie persistently circulated The Nahu Slilsn which declares It cau guarantee the accuracy of its state- ment ays tiat M Durnovo minister of tin interior who Is worshipped as an Idol l y the court niararlllu which believes that his tern policy alone ran rut an end to I lie exlMing anarchy has accomplished tie downfall of thi count and will be elevated to the pre- miership InveMlcatlon however Indicate that the report is baseles certainty for t moment Nevertheless It Is trap that M Durnovo has a powerful cabal of reactionaries Itehl Jim and temporarily seems to dominate toe sat vation Resisted Rurnovos Dictation M Mauikhtn whose retirement from the ministry of Justice which lie la Micceedid liy M Aynoff a mem bet of the senate created a stir re- signed according to the lola rather than submit to M Durnovo- 1dictaiii In matters wiich he parded as twill siiictly within lilt Ms ministry Hi Insisted that the ropors of the senators were dispatched to In vestjpiv tft wish and other SUCH f tie Imperial manifcs to of It i should lp male to hr m tiSter of Justice In order that i nr dines c mid IP he m- apa r poljtv ard nth r local an thTlfi when 1 cni Me- M iMrnovn rr vd 111 ilirlarlns- he nerlor a Iwaistration be- iiu o Mm Wlirn M Durnovn was M Maniikiln and M AlAiMiff who a In liw of IVirnovo was appointed hi I I I Pre inlet lilt t tin I nil It tit r 1 foIl II t r r 1 Ir rr t Liber- als t tints r S r t split re tit was titan salt the I le br ht ancr > > Says Witte Must Go M UrMrchlalinoff Is out with a vnmu article In the slovo entitled Must Go In which he assert M t lie victory at Portsmouth icon followed Ity deft at at St Ietn His line of aliment is that anarchy ban bran able o snake head- way i franco the true liberal doubt wheh r is to have a constitu- tion or wiethir the manifesto is only a tactful move to lull thtm to steep It was Witte lint duty accnrdins to the writer to remove this doubt hn It is chart that he still main- tains an equivocal rule ha tae arMce even saffiiunrdd th rift by the ulae crP- ntni 1 n s nilbV ciilnct of minis- ters IT hi allowed M Durnovo paten parpce is to cut tiff tilt hea I of anarchy and constitu- tion ilisin at the same time to ri i ort Jlrecly fu the erupt ror and to his trijostys approval of tnensure- swlthit iiltlni premier A man Mko M rouchkoiY In whom a tic IKJIJ of the 2ovprnriit nt says IlnrnanlnniT It In impossible for tout NVItte who was eons ttMionnilt at hear o contin- ue to play the l ube role The st nation lmperaMv y rcvrf sincere ty and we have s of XVItte- de riy and nre hun My Noted Chinamen to Visit U S Va htii5 ji Jan mi U send lug to h I nifj and Itiropt1 two r n i rf dl lnsui nd m r to stun v luriu of g Mtrni nt iUi the tdllfattlMltti MUd ludllkttlHl steins of ta wtf trn wjrW Jr Cheat Sa hi g ho Chitt iuiuJir- ald h d r rtttc it of an 1 i jr t tertiary Root tka the cwu Mctp5l t arT twsri 51 Hula nut pq w or the the itavr ontldrncr 1 Lever n 0 11 < r n ar Jlattct t r Jga 1 I I JoAn Itt has our lit rays ran ti a rote oltt rnnst g mitt t State hint a tag u a stns nli r tn u e if fluMrkan roe4tIes net P red 11 e- on ° > > > > < > > < > > > GIRL is MISSING so is BATES Police Are Now Looking for a Run- away Ccuple Afluru Jan j 1111 Turn ln it t ai jjlrl with an Li n au I u a uit- frmn ti i e at t corner ot int- o uiii Otaunin pirte nus city J Liits a i rrt 4 titan WK- Wirkid in i lioi u I lluistori- Tiiiuhti lat aeeu way Uih Ihij state of time lives ot u mi ins girl city tiey are lorcisl to U ve that lad s baa vih tn jil The police have In t an I the couple arc said t have inen trucUid to irevnvlllc S C l ik Ilat s l 7 year of and Wfiuh 170 unds his hair is black Sunday Mlahl K It Kutzachflan- Mls TumllnV broth r in law left for inenvll i and will the girl and maybe the titan back with him- It is scud that Hates will he charted with kidnaping the girl as the Is a minor The affair promises to have interesting chapter if Bat and the auburnhaired come back to Atlanta FIST AND SKULL DUEL FOUGHT Florida Naval Stores Men Settle Differences In This Way Vid sta Ga Jan 2 Two rrn1 naval stores men from llamlltor county Florida cent to Lake ParN to jnih T up their hands after the hoi Mays and they hail soup line trouble lirfun they had IM en there lon Me- Lai hMn and Carter are Cite names ol the mm- Potj in 1 rhir as well as their knit lace tl ilecl ed tn clc thrid- lfT renc 3 without the u e of either Por w n ons were tirtied over t- cfrtd their tins wore piillel fiff tjty entered a ti tio aiena to fight te isn out Thf 1ivht w hair ilrt and skull IRI It was all exciting combat xvli n d by l lf of th folks in the Mil liter ii long and hart lot l raine winlbroken anti out tliriW tip white Till niT lr 11 cramped others bun an l Iniel iiHiia Ive frietuls al- hoiih t vsinti r was awarded whai tans CIN n f r WON I > I t 1011 t t ruts I oU 1 a a age j hN girl Their prom I and 11 I lot rill r t I 10 I 1 fur 1 lack dn Is t at n3- Mts tiuu t Ifh I P i facts re run- away nit tutu bring also all t tin r t tea tart CONSIDER > <> > > > < > > > < > > + Out Typcthetae Look Upon Action a a Concession V w Yorlv Jan t the meilis- of TyposMpiral unlit N yesiir day there va n srneral fevllns arson tc print r thai tielr Impending llslr with the Typofherae wan already wren vote of to l 0 a resolution was pascd they b lieve a majority of the concerns The nsoliition while in stnicttn4 on hi 4siour week stlpub tons tiiat he employi may distribute that tints to Milt iilfMlf so long as orkinp lunir tall Intween half atiet 7 oclock In morning and half 5 oclock In the alternoon fife m m tiers if the Typothftae v- aatd wtlisin the lt t week that such m would lit satUfactory 10 liltin and y trduya acoi by h union i l oktd UK I us i concia luti to the implo rs- Corciele Visited by Fire Ca Jan I Fin Sunday niorniit t iryid he fewl and at 4ta s of Pl s Spade and also flu livery and fel stables of U V Mer- HesMt the blllldltlir l5 stairs and Iiorsos a numb r of ve- a ir nuanttty of f ed htiiff nrKro l arlMr b p and a tif vro tort in vhf birdlnss were b trn il 1b taH w r In h i lne i P cty The r er hotel un wareh uc just arn UH nil v eatish oil lire Iif wen xtltiaill hwl The IS llinntcd loc is ev rt l thousand do- lUrr witi tti nr a insurance Around the World In 10 Seconds Was it on Jan 2 FV lowing cm- he nnvi rit ry a ur nljrr rn n N w YwrV rr efln- nhl fV Tn wa dor Ii I a felt wl Ill arm l In t l I cur II lit sail ht oNIon rnm I rump II t aH I- I f1 t < bill t It aF Typo t r the aft arrant tairut Cord 1tclt f ire a prartrrarw arr Mf n tlra sat tab r rsaf t the n < > > > < > + ° + TOWN TOPICS OWNS WATSONS MAGAZINE So Swears Treifsurer of The Publication TESTIMONY GIVEN IN LIBEL SUIT Announcement In the Nature Of Eye suspected that tht Twc Magazines Were Under the Same Control New York Jan 2 One of the mos suiriatouul dot j n nt ot Kit wei in tv ca of William D Man ot Twin Topicii Fads and FanciS etc a laa Norman Hay editor of CollUrV Weekly on the charge of crlmnal Ibv Is the testltrony of tae treasurer ot the Town Topics Vubllsilng company who swears that Tom Watsons Mapa zlne Is owned by Town Topics It will be ncaUtftl tollJera Weekly has Seen very active In txi tag what It termed tie veiiullty of tau Town Topics puullcations Evidence has iieou sumbltt in abundance lu waere worthy cltlrtns have been forceil to pay sums ranging all the way from Ot to jriHX for ub criptlonji under threat of being attacked througu the Town Topics publication If they did not do William 1 anlels secretary ant treasurer of the Town Topics Publisi Ins company under oath was a star witness One of the strangest and most unex- pected developments of his testimony was the sworn tat ment of Secretary IXinlels of Town ToplcJ that the pub llcatlon known us Tom Watsons nuns is a subsidiary publlcatlou of Town Topics Secretary DanltJs sworn statement Fteuo raphically reported Is as fol- lows I What are the subsidiary companies of Town Topics The I Publlsnlns company vhlch has tin ame officers and Retard of director but not tfe same stock- holders VYutson Masalne of which I am tnasiirer but In which r iuiel Mniiii Soid1 no office the Tales PiibiirhlnK company whici nm treasurer and the Publishers and- Print r Hmliy comiwny which I I I OpenerNot I uoo I thtt I I zoO fiG I I I t t I I I TUIII of r os Mag- I es tat has > < = + only a charter never having dune but intas The announcement has been reedy ol as sometilnj In the nature of an tyeopener hems in New York It has never been suspected that Town Top its and Watsons Magazine were one and the saute control Ihougi it was known thai secretary and treasurer of one publication held the same position with the other NEGRO KILLS GEORGIA MAN- E M Browning Stabbed to Death In State of Louisiana Lake Clarets U Jan 2 H M Hrownlnt wiioso relatives live at Stockbrld Ha but inus mal Lake Chant his home for the year WMH tibl 4d to death on tie grounds winre a carnival was In progress by Is- rael Vejt a ni n driver While trying to prevent the tragedy W 0 Guldr and Henry Little were se- riously cut negros knife and several others received slight cuts West was captured and Jailed Marshal Nolan Under Bond Jesup Jan At a prelim- inary in fore Judp Harris Marshal K T Nolan ias been ntld in lfM0 ball to to tilt May term of the superior court for the murder of ri Floyd Hond was quickly fllrtl ll I and Nolan In apiin on duty as nlel mar ha Flod died two days ago niitr having been cd ar J sup by Marshal Nolan wan hn 1 used violence In effecting the ar Texas Editor Is Killed Hotinon T 4 lau 2 K Htor 0 P f Cameron was ktl d it Mi mc at tits plat Vlri Terr a employe Merunii ley was weal lr n in Texw The dif Mouly Is all to bavo occurred over sons manors ot t J inca the past h I lit I nil ill It rant refit Ttx Ur- n b un- der arimi f Ins weer t Met annty t > < GOV TERRELL NOT IN RACE Not a Candidate for Senate Mad Statement to Stop Rumors Aflanu Jan 2 By a brief olnttd Interview our Gover- nor Terrti wIll no doubt at rts- conniitlns havo- torailp and wlo have it prc cMn that Ji woud Lu In tic acxl tact fo that office Governor Terrell states etnphatlca that he U not a candidate anti dues lot even ronttmplate becoming a can didate for Lniitl States enator On account of the fact that Ills name ha ken count cted with t t scaatjr ship in papers throng on the state WIll also since a large of admiring friends have written him urging him to get Into the iac- liv has conclu led that this is the prop ir time to make a statement to there Iriendj anti to the people of Georgia us to lust how he feels on the subject and this he dins in tht following strong denial of his contemplaUd can Uldacy Governor Terrell says- I have noticed for some time pIll frcqiifnl references I nth press throughout time state to the prubablll ty of my entering he pending cones for the Lnlttd States senate received many letters mint friends offering their support should make the race I then fore feel it Is du the press and these friends to say that I am not a candidate and do not even contemplate becoming candidate for renatoor I appreciate beyond pxprpsMon renewed ad continued vide nee ol- Mipport v ill h been given me b o many fil nde and assure them that I fiitll always love them and ever strive to mull their confidence and es- teem SANFORD ASKS DIVORCE Allegations Similar to Those In Da fence of Murder Charge Atlanta Jan 1 Vincent T San ford who Is In Jail charged with death of inorge Wright tiled full for divorce against his wife Tilt stilt was ned to the Floyd superior court Till allegations In the petition for JI vorce art practically the same upon which Sanford ba ed Ills defense In trial at Home He charges his wife Mrs Elizabeth L Sanford with bring at the Hrlstol hotel in wits Wright mho was later slot by Sanfrrd Is ut present a prisoner In the Fulton county jail where he U awaiting a rehearing of his cut first trial as will be remembered CM jury falling to agree on a verdict Many Witnesses Taken Macon Ga Jan 2 More than t- witiu dues have been summoned testify In the charge of Insanity against Hal Sohofield which will be heard Ordinarys Wileys court hero the present week The list In almost equally divided for and against the do fcndant and the issue promises o very nearly as Interesting as the do frost made dKalnsl the charge of mur- dtr in the killing of Green King Crawford Gets Two Years Wajhlngton Jan 2 William G Crawford convicted of conspiring with August W Machen and Gcorgo E renze to defraud the Tnltcd States connection with a contract for the postofflce department letter carriers satchels been sen fenced to the penitentiary for two years The court did not Impose tine Crawford was released on bull Dead Body Found in Woods Florence Ala Jan 2 The dead 1 f I Molr a wootl chopper Sharps mills iad b in at work A gun- shot umi 1 tint cnuied his death He had no money alKmi htm and there is no clew cither at to the motive for tile c me or to the perpetrators Lack of Seed Closes Mills Jackson M Jan 2 Owing to the liup vjblllt nf nlralnlm Hipplit iiny ut ILl ui cocui mills of the an unto cliHliu down and with in tn tent t n days not more than dnetalf of tho will be In actlTtt ojxirutOH the I set te t- wit Ill a ttlt 1 lUll all Ihare also II that a the has the a his Sanford the to In during be Lo In has a tt If near o SIlt tits bur g tin lungtlts Ui tue tt- rnae witi t t 1tltt i states yam num- ber partial has At lara sup- plying with wag- S t whir Zed > < > < > > + FORMER GOVERNOR SLAIN BY BOMB Eillnd in Front of Hs Homo s- He Entered Gate WFERNAL MACHINE WAS USED Every emit Wilt He M Appre- hend Ptrpetrator Was TerriMy Mangled Seth Legs Being Bl n Off note Idaho Jaa 2 rank Steum enberg former governor of this state hale been killed at his home la Cald wellA dynamite bomb had bees placed at hU front rate with a coatrlTaace with which It was exploded a he tered Both legs were blown ot ho lived but twenty There l no kaowa reasoa for tie outrage but It la charted to orate ber of the famous laser circle of the Cocur dyaamltcn ke prosecuted so releatlewly la 1891 while he was cererBor Governor Is la omarest cation with Ute authorities of taat county sad U prepared to put the fall support of the tate behlaj Ue oft dials there la ruaalas dowa the pw- pctrators of the crime It Is thought probable that Ue lead- Ing detective agencies of the couatry will be asked to seat tome of tkelr best men to the sceae and the will over tn great a reward as the governor may has power to propose Stueaeaberg governor of the state from l 7 to 1901 aarlag b ea twice elect He was bora la Iowa 41 years ago aad Sad beea la Idaho since 1887 He leaves a widow and three call drrn Governor Goodlng has aotlfed Cannon county official that tie state will offer a rewarJ of 5000 for the apprehension of the murderer- A special trala left here for OHdwell carrying the governor aad others was go to assist In organizing the work ot down the crirnltUs Tht latest Information fnta the scene Is to the effect that the txmb wan probably placed by the gate post and that the mot Ing of tie gate ex plodrJ The victims clothing aad his shoes wore torn to tatters and his back was terribly injured Both lop were shattered frightfully The Hhock of the explosion was felt all over the town and broke all the glass in that side of the governors house Every toad out of town Is belag guarded and It hoped to Intercept every suspect Steamer In a Bad Position Bridgeport Coun Jan has been learned tim the threemasted schooner which Is ashore on Sunken Island about a quarter of a wile off gouthport Is the Flora Rogers boonJ from a port to Cbarestoo S laden with lumber The went aground during a beary wind and her condition la reported serious as he has lost her rudder most of her keel on stem post She Is waterlogged but the crew remalas aboard her A wrecker from the Mer- rittsChaprrn company of New York Is on Iu way here and an effort will be mado to pull her off Texas Petition for Pardon Navasota Tex Jan petltlom asking executive clemency for Albert T PatrIck Is being circulated In It was started here tho birth- place of the condemned man and ser eral hundred signatures were secured The petition Is to be taken to other points in Texas where Patrick known Fifth Meningitis Victim Newport Jan 2 Seamim Appren- tice John h Tarn t of PuwiKHfl u 1 diet r Nia Train of splrtal trnn tti Sunday il was iho tifth of ten eases to prove fatal li was taken ill Dee 27 En- tirely latH D A lea tate dad Ille tile It C se ooaer Friday 2A Is I Ion i k Made Y a k sa iF r- and melt whom t Goo flag 4 r F ways a t m run tn le Zit Maine Tex- as a d ¬ > ¬ > °

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01 … 170 unds his hair is black Sunday Mlahl K It Kutzachflan-Mls TumllnV





281= =



All Parties Are at Outs With



Autocracy Blames Him for Not Haw-

Ing Shown Strong Hand andDoubt the Honesty of His Love

for Liberty

St Petersburg Jan 2 The report that Count Witte Is hooked forretirement in a few U attain lie

persistently circulatedThe Nahu Slilsn which declares It

cau guarantee the accuracy of its state-ment ays tiat M Durnovo ministerof tin interior who Is worshipped asan Idol l y the court niararlllu whichbelieves that his tern policy alone ranrut an end to I lie exlMing anarchyhas accomplished tie downfall of thicount and will be elevated to the pre-

miershipInveMlcatlon however Indicate

that the report is baseles certaintyfor t moment Nevertheless It Is

trap that M Durnovo has a powerfulcabal of reactionaries Itehl Jim andtemporarily seems to dominate toe satvation

Resisted Rurnovos DictationM Mauikhtn whose retirement

from the ministry of Justice whichlie la Micceedid liy M Aynoff a membet of the senate created a stir re-

signed according to the lolarather than submit to M Durnovo-1dictaiii In matters wiich he pardedas twill siiictly within liltMs ministry

Hi Insisted that the ropors of thesenators were dispatched to In

vestjpiv tft wish and otherSUCH f tie Imperial manifcsto of It i should lp male tohr m tiSter of Justice In order thati nr dines c mid IP he m-

apa r poljtv ard nth r local an

thTlfi when 1 cni Me-

M iMrnovn rr vd 111 ilirlarlns-he nerlor a Iwaistration be-

iiu o Mm Wlirn M Durnovnwas M Maniikilnand M AlAiMiff who a In

liw of IVirnovo was appointed hi




Pre inlet




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tit r


foIl II








t tints





split re tit





le br ht




Says Witte Must Go

M UrMrchlalinoff Is out with a

vnmu article In the slovo entitledMust Go In which he assert

M t lie victory at Portsmouthicon followed Ity deft at at St Ietn

His line of aliment is thatanarchy ban bran able o snake head-

way i franco the true liberal doubtwheh r is to have a constitu-tion or wiethir the manifesto is onlya tactful move to lull thtm to steep

It was Witte lint duty accnrdinsto the writer to remove this doubthn It is chart that he still main-

tains an equivocal rule hatae arMce even saffiiunrdd th

rift by the ulae crP-

ntni 1 n s nilbV ciilnct of minis-

ters IT hi allowed M Durnovopaten parpce is to cut tiff

tilt hea I of anarchy and constitu-tion ilisin at the same time to ri i ortJlrecly fu the erupt ror and tohis trijostys approval of tnensure-swlthit iiltlni premier

A man Mko M rouchkoiY In whom

a tic IKJIJ of the 2ovprnriit nt saysIlnrnanlnniT It In impossible

for tout NVItte who waseons ttMionnilt at hear o contin-

ue to play the l ube role The stnation lmperaMv y rcvrf sincerety and we have s of XVItte-

de riy and nre hun My

Noted Chinamen to Visit U SVa htii5 ji Jan mi U send

lug to h I nifj and Itiropt1two r n i rf dl lnsui nd m rto stun v luriu of g Mtrni nt iUi

the tdllfattlMltti MUd ludllkttlHl steinsof ta wtf trn wjrW Jr CheatSa hi g ho Chitt iuiuJir-ald h d r rtttc it of an 1

i jr t tertiary Root tka the cwu

Mctp5l t arTtwsri 51





or the

the itavr ontldrncr


Lever n




r n ar Jlattct t r Jga 1I






ran ti



oltt rnnst g




a tagu

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nli r tn u e if fluMrkan roe4tIesnet P

red 11 e-






> <








Police Are Now Looking for a Run-

away CcupleAfluru Jan j 1111 Turn

ln it t ai jjlrl with anLi n au I u a uit-frmn ti i e at t corner ot int-

o uiii Otaunin pirte nus cityJ Liits a i rrt 4 titan WK-

Wirkid in i lioi u I lluistori-

Tiiiuhti lat aeeu way

Uih Ihij state of time

lives ot u mi ins girl city tiey arelorcisl to U ve that lad s baa

vih tn jil The police haveIn t an I the couple arc said t

have inen trucUid to irevnvlllc S C

l ik Ilat s l 7 year of andWfiuh 170 unds his hair is black

Sunday Mlahl K It Kutzachflan-Mls TumllnV broth r in law left forinenvll i and will the girl andmaybe the titan back with him-

It is scud that Hates will he chartedwith kidnaping the girl as the Is a

minor The affair promises to haveinteresting chapter if Bat

and the auburnhaired come backto Atlanta


Florida Naval Stores Men SettleDifferences In This Way

Vid sta Ga Jan 2 Tworrn1 naval stores men from llamlltorcounty Florida cent to Lake ParN

to jnih T up their hands after the hoi

Mays and they hail soup line troublelirfun they had IM en there lon Me-

Lai hMn and Carter are Cite names ol

the mm-Potj in 1 rhir as well as their

knit lace tl ilecl ed tn clc thrid-

lfT renc 3 without the u e of eitherPor w n ons were tirtied over t-

cfrtd their tins wore piillel fiff

tjty entered a ti tio aiena to fight

te isn outThf 1ivht w hair ilrt and skull

IRI It was all exciting combat xvli

n d by l lf of th folks in the

Mil liter ii long and hartlot l raine winlbroken anti out

tliriW tip white Till niTlr 11 cramped others bunan l Iniel iiHiia Ive frietuls al-

hoiih t vsinti r was awarded whaitans CIN n f r


I >

I t

1011 t

t ruts I oU







prom I



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Is t at n3-

Mts tiuut Ifh I P i

facts re


awaynit tutu



t tin





> < >

> >










Out Typcthetae Look Upon Action a

a ConcessionV w Yorlv Jan t the meilis-

of TyposMpiral unlit N yesiirday there va n srneral fevllns arsontc print r thai tielr Impending llslrwith the Typofherae wan already wren

vote of to l 0 a resolutionwas pascd they b lieve

a majority of theconcerns The nsoliition while instnicttn4 on hi 4siour week stlpubtons tiiat he employi may distributethat tints to Milt iilfMlf so long asorkinp lunir tall Intween half atiet7 oclock In morning and half5 oclock In the alternoon

fife m m tiers if the Typothftae v-

aatd wtlisin the lt t week that suchm would lit satUfactory10 liltin and y trduya acoi by h

union i l oktd UK I us i concia luti

to the implo rs-

Corciele Visited by FireCa Jan I Fin Sunday

niorniit t iryid he fewl and at4ta s of Pl s Spade and also flulivery and fel stables of U V Mer-

HesMt the blllldltlir l5

stairs and Iiorsos a numb r of ve-

a ir nuanttty of f ed htiiff

nrKro l arlMr b p and a tif vro tortin vhf birdlnss were b trn il 1b

taH w r In h i lne iP cty The r er hotel un

wareh uc just arn UH nil v eatishoil lire Iif wen xtltiaill hwl The ISllinntcd loc is ev rt l thousand do-

lUrr witi tti nr a insurance

Around the World In 10 SecondsWas it on Jan 2 FV lowing cm-

he nnvi rit ry a urnljrr rn n N w YwrV rr efln-

nhl fV Tn wa dor


I a

felt wl

Ill arm






cur II litsail

ht oNIon

rnm I



aH I-

I f1t


bill t It

aFTypo t


the aft

arrant tairut





aprartrrarw arr Mf n tlrasat tab r rsaf t the n












So Swears Treifsurer of The



Announcement In the Nature Of Eye

suspected that tht Twc

Magazines Were Under the Same


New York Jan 2 One of the mossuiriatouul dot j n nt ot Kit weiin tv ca of William D Man ot TwinTopicii Fads and FanciS etc a laaNorman Hay editor of CollUrVWeekly on the charge of crlmnal Ibv

Is the testltrony of tae treasurer ot

the Town Topics Vubllsilng companywho swears that Tom Watsons Mapa

zlne Is owned by Town TopicsIt will be ncaUtftl tollJera

Weekly has Seen very active In txitag what It termed tie veiiullty of tauTown Topics puullcations Evidencehas iieou sumbltt in abundancelu waere worthy cltlrtns have beenforceil to pay sums ranging all the way

from Ot to jriHX for ub criptlonjiunder threat of being attacked througuthe Town Topics publication If theydid not do

William 1 anlels secretary anttreasurer of the Town Topics PublisiIns company under oath was a starwitness

One of the strangest and most unex-

pected developments of his testimonywas the sworn tat ment of SecretaryIXinlels of Town ToplcJ that the publlcatlon known us Tom Watsonsnuns is a subsidiary publlcatlou ofTown Topics

Secretary DanltJs sworn statementFteuo raphically reported Is as fol-

lowsI What are the subsidiary companies

of Town TopicsThe I Publlsnlns company

vhlch has tin ame officers and Retard

of director but not tfe same stock-

holders VYutson Masalne ofwhich I am tnasiirer but In whichriuiel Mniiii Soid1 no office theTales PiibiirhlnK company whicinm treasurer and the Publishers and-

Print r Hmliy comiwny which

























I es







only a charter never having dune butintas

The announcement has been reedyol as sometilnj In the nature of antyeopener hems in New York It hasnever been suspected that Town Topits and Watsons Magazine were

one and the saute control Ihougiit was known thai secretary andtreasurer of one publication held thesame position with the other


E M Browning Stabbed to Death In

State of LouisianaLake Clarets U Jan 2 H M

Hrownlnt wiioso relatives live atStockbrld Ha but inus mal LakeChant his home for the yearWMH tibl 4d to death on tie groundswinre a carnival was In progress by Is-

rael Vejt a ni n driverWhile trying to prevent the tragedy

W 0 Guldr and Henry Little were se-

riously cut negros knife andseveral others received slight cutsWest was captured and Jailed

Marshal Nolan Under BondJesup Jan At a prelim-

inary in fore Judp HarrisMarshal K T Nolan ias been ntldin lfM0 ball to to tilt Mayterm of the superior court for themurder of ri Floyd Hond wasquickly fllrtl ll I and Nolan In apiinon duty as nlel mar ha Flod diedtwo days ago niitr having beencd ar J sup by Marshal Nolan wanhn 1 used violence In effecting the ar

Texas Editor Is KilledHotinon T 4 lau 2 K Htor 0

P f Cameronwas ktl d it Mi mc at tits platVlri Terr a employe Merunii

ley was weal lr n in Texw The difMouly Is all to bavo occurred oversons manors ot t J inca



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Not a Candidate for Senate MadStatement to Stop Rumors

Aflanu Jan 2 By a briefolnttd Interview our Gover-

nor Terrti wIll no doubt at rts-


torailp and wlo have it prc cMn

that Ji woud Lu In tic acxl tact fothat office

Governor Terrell states etnphatlcathat he U not a candidate anti dues

lot even ronttmplate becoming a candidate for Lniitl States enator

On account of the fact that Ills nameha ken count cted with t t scaatjrship in papers throng onthe state WIll also since a large

of admiring friends have writtenhim urging him to get Into the iac-

liv has conclu led that this is the propir time to make a statement to thereIriendj anti to the people of Georgiaus to lust how he feels on the subjectand this he dins in tht followingstrong denial of his contemplaUd canUldacy Governor Terrell says-

I have noticed for some time pIllfrcqiifnl references I nth pressthroughout time state to the prubablllty of my entering he pending conesfor the Lnlttd States senatereceived many letters mintfriends offering their support shouldmake the race I then fore feelit Is du the press and these friendsto say that I am not a candidate anddo not even contemplate becomingcandidate for renatoor

I appreciate beyond pxprpsMonrenewed ad continued vide nee ol-

Mipport v ill h been given me bo many fil nde and assure them that

I fiitll always love them and everstrive to mull their confidence and es-



Allegations Similar to Those In Dafence of Murder Charge

Atlanta Jan 1 Vincent T Sanford who Is In Jail charged withdeath of inorge Wright tiledfull for divorce against his wife Tiltstilt was ned to the Floyd superiorcourt

Till allegations In the petition for JIvorce art practically the same uponwhich Sanford ba ed Ills defense Intrial at Home He charges his wifeMrs Elizabeth L Sanford with bringat the Hrlstol hotel in witsWright mho was later slot by

Sanfrrd Is ut present a prisoner Inthe Fulton county jail where he U

awaiting a rehearing of his cutfirst trial as will be remembered CMjury falling to agree on a verdict

Many Witnesses TakenMacon Ga Jan 2 More than t-

witiu dues have been summonedtestify In the charge of Insanity againstHal Sohofield which will be heardOrdinarys Wileys court herothe present week The list In almostequally divided for and against the dofcndant and the issue promises overy nearly as Interesting as the dofrost made dKalnsl the charge of mur-

dtr in the killing of Green King

Crawford Gets Two YearsWajhlngton Jan 2 William G

Crawford convicted of conspiring withAugust W Machen and Gcorgo Erenze to defraud the Tnltcd Statesconnection with a contract for

the postofflce departmentletter carriers satchels been senfenced to the penitentiary for twoyears The court did not Imposetine Crawford was released on bull

Dead Body Found in WoodsFlorence Ala Jan 2 The dead

1 f I Molr a wootl chopperSharps mills

iad b in at work A gun-

shot umi 1 tint cnuied his death Hehad no money alKmi htm and there isno clew cither at to the motive fortile c me or to the perpetrators

Lack of Seed Closes MillsJackson M Jan 2 Owing to

the liup vjblllt nf nlralnlmHipplit iiny ut ILl ui cocuimills of the an unto cliHliudown and with in tn tent t n daysnot more than dnetalf of thowill be In actlTtt ojxirutOH



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Eillnd in Front of Hs Homo s-

He Entered Gate


Every emit Wilt He M Appre-

hend Ptrpetrator Was TerriMyMangled Seth Legs Being Bl n


note Idaho Jaa 2 rank Steumenberg former governor of this statehale been killed at his home la Cald

wellAdynamite bomb had bees placed

at hU front rate with a coatrlTaacewith which It was exploded a hetered Both legs were blown ot

ho lived but twentyThere l no kaowa reasoa for tie

outrage but It la charted to orateber of the famous laser circle of theCocur dyaamltcn keprosecuted so releatlewly la 1891while he was cererBor

Governor Is la omarestcation with Ute authorities of taatcounty sad U prepared to put the fallsupport of the tate behlaj Ue oftdials there la ruaalas dowa the pw-pctrators of the crime

It Is thought probable that Ue lead-Ing detective agencies of the couatrywill be asked to seat tome of tkelrbest men to the sceae and thewill over tn great a reward as thegovernor may has power topropose

Stueaeaberg governor of thestate from l 7 to 1901 aarlag b eatwice elect He was bora la Iowa41 years ago aad Sad beea la Idahosince 1887

He leaves a widow and three calldrrn

Governor Goodlng has aotlfedCannon county official that tie statewill offer a rewarJ of 5000 for theapprehension of the murderer-

A special trala left here for OHdwellcarrying the governor aad others wasgo to assist In organizing the work ot

down the crirnltUsTht latest Information fnta the

scene Is to the effect that the txmbwan probably placed by the gate postand that the mot Ing of tie gate explodrJ

The victims clothing aad his shoeswore torn to tatters and his back wasterribly injured Both lop wereshattered frightfully

The Hhock of the explosion was feltall over the town and broke all theglass in that side of the governorshouse

Every toad out of town Is belagguarded and It hoped to Interceptevery suspect

Steamer In a Bad PositionBridgeport Coun Jan has

been learned tim the threemastedschooner which Is ashore on SunkenIsland about a quarter of a wile offgouthport Is the Flora Rogers boonJfrom a port to Cbarestoo Sladen with lumber Thewent aground during a bearywind and her condition la reportedserious as he has lost her ruddermost of her keel on stem post She Iswaterlogged but the crew remalasaboard her A wrecker from the Mer-rittsChaprrn company of New YorkIs on Iu way here and an effort willbe mado to pull her off

Texas Petition for PardonNavasota Tex Jan petltlom

asking executive clemency for AlbertT PatrIck Is being circulated In

It was started here tho birth-

place of the condemned man and sereral hundred signatures were securedThe petition Is to be taken to otherpoints in Texas where Patrickknown

Fifth Meningitis VictimNewport Jan 2 Seamim Appren-

tice John h Tarn t of PuwiKHfl u1 diet r Nia Trainof splrtal trnn tti Sunday il wasiho tifth of ten eases to prove fatalli was taken ill Dee 27




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