Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESViLLE FLORIDA JAM ART o 2 24 1906 i 1 1 dt s J- a Witt Had lacmpW FTNI a Saab CanUaa Ctroct lanD SERVING LIFE SENTENCE St HIs Man at the Seaboard Air Line Dp t in This CttyFalh Tells Vflt to tarvTh Officer Will R sow a RtwarsJ f Fifty Dollars Tie belt stash for some was by Deputy hull J H Gr n far a gaadaf he bogged a col rat aaa aasaesl Hear Dull who bad eampcd the Deneau State rant Seat Caroliaa where he art lag a life seatence for warder Dtvis sad hit father were charged with the Murder of a man IB Sumter WMty 8 the anan was ae jftlttsMl bat Heary the son given lift teateae Some time after the MNer the father coved to the city ef tarke la State where he has lIMe racMttl two months be Christmas Heavy made his ea- fa freer the State farm and officers lave oa his track since Depsny Sberil Granger received a slataripttea ef hie asan voce time ago M4 baa beea oa the watch for him Learaiax that the father lived at etavke he taoagat the fugitive would be liable to om fa this direction o watch of tjie dlffereat rail rests slid at 4 p m oa Sunday sue seeded la aailiaf the fellow he thought Mattered the description pretty well fat ae the fellow refused to talk much leek the irate for Starke where he met wan who at Ont aat laellaed to say aauoh But whoa Jias told hiai he had his sou all riffct sad that he was going to take Ma heck to prison and thai he wanted bin to aeaie dawa here and Ret tome talafla that the tom aoaU act take with Rial the old fellow told the whole ay The cflcen of the farm in Seth Caroliaa were aoiiQed and the prieeaer to aaw in the eeuaty jail tvaUiag their arrival It is could a very Reod eateh for Deputy OtajHter as there is a reward of ISO Maahed to Itand Jin has again shows that be is quite a smooth oae when he Ret dew te baslneM Shunk Told n Goad One Harry O Shank the clever press Spat sad Interlocutor with the Don ashy A Hatleld Minstrels which tilt d here a few days ago Is not only asiaetrol ass ef National reputation bet a good fellow and full of refined eriflatlity and hector While here Mr Shunk related a lit flattery whisk he declares is true Md whteh tinged with deep humor Several years ago he was traveling with mtartrel show la the which ad tensed terry people whet In reality the ajfRTegatioa only at the best It was a good show bawever aid those who were connect with the troupe were artists in their respective lines A friend of Shanks had been out with the boys upon one occasion with the result that be sat in his choir aa the stags and dropped off into dreamland When the announcement ef hit tarn came In which he was to reader a solo the friend was in a comatose state Shun who was peat ed aest oa the right mujjrd him John get busy its your torn h cautioned rousing John looked about him aid remarked Have the other thirtyaiae finished It was a remark of apparent drynets but was full of good to the boy who were on Harry Wants The Sun A letter received from Harry I Pearee who is attending a dental col- lege in Atlanta requests that The Sun be sent regularly to him The weather up here is damp and disagree- able and The Sun would certainly look good to me now so let it come regularly for I miss it very much concluded Mr Pearce Friends who desire to communicate with Mr Pearce may reach him by addressing 31 Cain street Atlanta Ga City Directory For Sale We have a number of copies of Benz City Directory for sale at The Son office It a handy reference book for business and professional sea giving the names of residents with street and number Price A Guaranteed Cure For Piles licking blind bleeding protruding are to re money if PAZO ONTMEXT fail to cure to 14 days CO Ipilly GRANGER CATCHES CONVICT WAS was Oar leI Aloes a State then I a beNd Seal I 2 pile DrsI t the time adds 0 whim free is a was this Sera keen v 4 he kept the ater the old wet t t I t Brad f T is a West twen- ty yeti t j a t S s tp ttiM M Y1 1 I > + A QUESTION OF COST- In any number of stores youll see various prepara tions of cod liver oil at as many different prices Youll wonder perhaps why Scotts Emulsion costs more than some kind in as large- a bottle Hearing only one j side of the question you may- be led into buying the just- as good as Scotts at the j lower price Thats false economy Scotts Emulsion costs more because its more j expensive to make Every ingredient is tested and of the purest quality No adulteration no shaving j of quality Theres no econ omy in bargain medicine If you can afford to experiment with your health substitutes satisfy you take it however that you want a i pure preparation a reliable I remedy and something thats going to help you Thats what you get in Scotts Emulsion Thirty years the i standard SCOTT BOWNB 409 Fearl St New York MEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED- The S J Thorn Company hIS a change of adt Nis rnent iu i ne and hare pa ed before public some choice chair bargain which are worthy of in VPS iiiation the ad- vertisement and profit thereby B F Hampton of Jacksonville ii sptudiuK H few days here on buins- Ii is rfp iri J that Mr Hampton con- templates removing to Oaineiville at- ao distant day which will be gratify ing to the numerous friend here of sad interesting family The interior of the store of Geo W Hyde is undergoing a considerable change apropos octipaacy of the new Urns the Oeo W Hyde Company which wiLl soon begin business The center partition is bring removed which will convert the place into one large room and the sh f room it be- ing increased It is the purpose of the new company which will corporated to carry one of the j and most uptodate lines of dry goof j in the Slate a result of butting in the large glass in one of the front windows of the law office of Thomas Jt Ellis West Mtln street N was shattered some time during Monday sight Mr Ellis made this discovery upon arriving the office yesterday morning The wreck was complete as the glats was demolished It is a wonder that the noise did not attract attention ae theo pane wa a one It I supposed that some person fell the but no clue to the party has been secured A Grim Tragedy I daily enacted in thoiiiandi of home as death claim in inch one another victim of consumption or pneumonia But when cou h and colds are properly treated the averted F i Huntley of Oaklandon Ind writ My wife had the consumption and three doc- tor tare her up Finally took I r Kin V New DUcnvery for Con- sumption Coughs and whi h cured her and today stir well and strong It kill the germs of all dos ewes One dory relieves Guaranteed at 60e and f 100 by all druggists Trial bottles free Mayo Being TrIed Annapolis Mil Jan 23 The of Midshipman Claude B Mayo of Columbus Soles a member of the irst clM waN taken up by the court martial at the naval academy Mon- day morning Mayo Is the ninth mid shlpman to tom h foro thir court The nest care to be tri d Is that of Richard R Mnnti also of thr first class an appoint of President Roosevelt j It her I I I I I I I I nlay c I a himself I bt In largest A at i i large again t I I j I ill guar- anteed his the See here a t win- dow trag- edy the Colds n can a I e ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ + + + + + + + PARSON GAVE POISONED Ar PLE Rev J W Charged with an I Attempt to Poison Atlanta Jan iJ Shtrlfl Crowe of Hall county with his jirisotur ii J W Austin who nnainel user In At lanta Saturday nlcht to a re l trtfil moli at lluiortl loft tltititu oa Sunday morning and the ariMjiier is now incarcerated In the couuiy jail At Uaincsvlllf Austin who was two years pastor of the MiMluillat church at kllton near ialiK vlllc cold who rebiRaed fmm the North licorgia conference ut its last es lon IK under the charge of having made an attftupt to poiann lion Hob Qull han of Dfllton by means of a inedl cat l apply handed the latter by tho minitor while both were at a tamp reacting at Poplar Sprl ss in county late last siinnucr otter Austin Is alleged to have handed Mr Qutllian the nppl lie mounted the platform an l preached his aftrrnixm Mnnun at the comp meeting DtirliiK th discourse Mr- QuIIIIan way solxd with a deep rare IlincbH and It was only by the Imme- diate use of emetics that his life wus saved- A few month Inter An tin nsliinil from th conlonnce and Midden left Hall county bout the same the wife of Mr juilltan left her home and bas been since seen In lalne vllle or Hellion The warrant against Austin was shortly afterwards warn out by Dr Qulllm uikly eharKu was at- tempting to poison He api ired In Lawrenceville fla last Friday nnl Sheriff Martin of Cwlnnett notified Sheriff Crowe of tall The litter went to LawrenctVlllf Saturday How to Avoid Pneumonia We have never of a single in- stance of a cold resulting in pneti monia or other lung trouble when Honey and Tar has been taken It not only sup the cough but heals and strengthens the lung Ask for Fo- ley Honey and Tar and refuse any suiutitute offered Dr C J Bishop of Agnew Mich writes 1 have used Foley Honey and Tar in thyme very severe ca f of pneumonia with good reoult in every J W fecal lum A Co Retired Naval Chaplain Dead Almcdn Cal Jan 2 John Sin ET Wnlnc naval chaplain on the retired list Is dead after n brief 111 ness He was one of the oldest Iains In the hervlce having received his appointment from President lln- roln In ln For a period of several y ars he h ld the position of Instnic tor In Internflllonnl law nt Annapo was an active officer t 7 y nrs of ape The remains will be entered In Arlington cemetery W sV Pleasant and Most Effective T J Chamber Editor Vindicator Liberty Texas writes Dee 25 lJ With pleasure end unsolicited by you I bear testimony to the curative power of Kalian Horehoutid I have ii ed it in any family and can rfolly affirm it is th mot etTeet ire nut t i rirarUy for cOld I have ever Sold by V M Johnson Red Sunday Quiet St Prterfiburc Inn L2 IQM a m Tho frequent patrols In nil thn str ti this mornmp are marching at with Intervals In bomb formation This almost the only Indication that today- Is tho anniversary of Red Sua Greatly in Demand Nothing in demand than a medicine which meets males require- ment for a blood and i y tern cleanser rush a Dr Kings New Life Pill They are Jim what you tnmah and lifer trouble fry them At all drug tftore i6 gunrAtiteed Announces for Mayor Atlanta Jnn 2J W It Joyner for twenty ute par chief of Atlanta fire d partntitit and for thirtyfive years a elm n of Atlanta has made his detluits announcement for the mayoralty If the Baoy is Cutting Teeth Be sure awl use that old and well tried remedy Mr WmIow tooth tug Syrup for children tevthinc It loothe the child soften the gums allays all pain cares wind colic suit is the best remedy for diarrhoea Twen- tyfive cents a bottle I I avoid fur I Dan nut Olin Y care tn used I ill moIre the Austin I time The heard Fo- ley 1 chi Iles Ire tan Syrup rhr c ugh dal wed ti cure t M s > ¬ < ¬ < ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ + + + + + + + + If he tMls vou to take Pectoral for your severe cough or bron- chial trouble then take it If he has anything better then take that But e know his answer for doctors have pre scribed this medicine for over 60 years 1 Ayers A k r n oc or Lo1 Cha- rS D dIll W it MMuaxreut Mellkk JCA reCo IIeLNdNe LH Mu- i Fr ¬ ¬ = If You Are Insured Iu that Re Hinsibli Have a Ioliej Correctly WrttHi iS Librrallij of Pulley Contract and the PBJS It s Inmitly You Are Assured That no s riaus low Btu overcome jou without you hate tome rvfupc Fire Life kiiient and None but Reliable Companies rireetited Information cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA v v p ABSTRACT REALTY COMPANY InooxrpoxektedLl E E VOYLE MGR ALstr t of Title and full information furnished regarding lands la this county Our manual hat iived in this county thirty year RuJ- ii thjrctKh7 cot ver ant with land titles FIRE ACCIDENT BUKLAK AND INDEMNITY INSURANCE Repre seating k number of prominent American and companies REAL ESTATE AND CITY Causes lle t HFDUTTONCO DEALERS IS Sea Cotton Sea Cotton Seed Bagging and Twine Walrus Leather or Sides Manufacturers of the James Doig Improved English Sea Island Cotton Gin for GAINESVILLE FLORIDA USA 7AS M OKABAM President Oao W HTDB VisePresident II E TAYLOR Cashier Liz GRAHAM Ant Cashier OF C3AI25TES1TILLE THE ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ALACHUA CO Capital 50000 00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 30000 on sit v hr 7 otcklt bnucew with facilities equn to acv ID the Suit Sole abe ECCOUBU or r rir r Mcrct Lu Corwratlons ei Itterest bT iic l arr c Bcc Au butlcew irau cie l Cashier G S MERCHANT CO Retailers and Jobbers la Staple and Fancy Groceries Irain fiardin Slid and Fartilizart SOUTH SIDE SQUARE GAINESVILLE FLOKIPA Highest market price paid for Chicken Else and other Prudnce A Complete stock of Corn Oats Flour Bran Meal Cotton Seed teal VERY BEST LOW PRiES and guarantee satisfaction always Eatatoliscieci Tte ccoucu of banner womuic Uolted state acd Doneie Eicbacce PUB AND Ml OLDEST AND BEST COM FANB8 B F JORDAN INSURANCE PORTER BLOCK GAINESVILLE I C 1 Health Insurance I AM CUSHlVIAN C EE English E8TAB BBED lOeg Yslancl I lantl THE FIRST NATIONAL BASK Does a back rom r H E s and Rye handle only the EST 187b HFDUTTON 00- EANKERS Uo Dacticr tutce par ud oil Foreign back rar ettlJerelacs aid otters oe favorable IL tIlI1 racUea to makclC oo u be GAINESVITLE FLOnTT LIP Ill H p OOO O O O O O e 1 a it 1 e 1 e t t- 4e I voYLE Florida towed TAYLOR 11e at the a enera received tr eoeetloea aeceu Die 1 e LCCIDET ± + ° ° ° +

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-01...



2 24 1906

i 1






Witt Had lacmpW FTNI a SaabCanUaa Ctroct lanD


St HIs Man at the Seaboard Air Line

Dp t in This CttyFalh TellsVflt to tarvTh Officer Will R

sow a RtwarsJ f Fifty Dollars

Tie belt stash for some wasby Deputy hull J H Gr n

far a gaadaf he bogged a colrat aaa aasaesl Hear Dull who

bad eampcd the Deneau Staterant Seat Caroliaa where heart lag a life seatence for warder

Dtvis sad hit father were chargedwith the Murder of a man IB SumterWMty 8 the anan was aejftlttsMl bat Heary the son given

lift teateae Some time after theMNer the father coved to the cityef tarke la State where he haslIMe racMttl two months be

Christmas Heavy made his ea-

fa freer the State farm and officerslave oa his track since

Depsny Sberil Granger received aslataripttea ef hie asan voce time agoM4 baa beea oa the watch for himLearaiax that the father lived atetavke he taoagat the fugitive wouldbe liable to om fa this direction o

watch of tjie dlffereat railrests slid at 4 p m oa Sunday sueseeded la aailiaf the fellow he thoughtMattered the description pretty wellfat ae the fellow refused to talk much

leek the irate for Starkewhere he met wan who at Ont

aat laellaed to say aauoh Butwhoa Jias told hiai he had his sou allriffct sad that he was going to takeMa heck to prison and thai he wantedbin to aeaie dawa here and Ret tometalafla that the tom aoaU act take withRial the old fellow told the whole

ayThe cflcen of the farm in

Seth Caroliaa were aoiiQed andthe prieeaer to aaw in the eeuaty jailtvaUiag their arrival It is could

a very Reod eateh for DeputyOtajHter as there is a reward of ISO

Maahed to Itand Jin has again showsthat be is quite a smooth oae when heRet dew te baslneM

Shunk Told n Goad OneHarry O Shank the clever press

Spat sad Interlocutor with the Donashy A Hatleld Minstrels whichtilt d here a few days ago Is not only

asiaetrol ass ef National reputationbet a good fellow and full of refinederiflatlity and hector

While here Mr Shunk related a litflattery whisk he declares is trueMd whteh tinged with deep humorSeveral years ago he was traveling with

mtartrel show la the which adtensed terry people whet In realitythe ajfRTegatioa only

at the best It was a good showbawever aid those who were connect

with the troupe were artists intheir respective lines

A friend of Shanks had been outwith the boys upon one occasionwith the result that be sat in his choiraa the stags and dropped off intodreamland When the announcementef hit tarn came In which he was toreader a solo the friend was in acomatose state Shun who was peated aest oa the right mujjrd him

John get busy its your torn hcautioned

rousing John looked abouthim aid remarked Have the otherthirtyaiae finished

It was a remark of apparent drynetsbut was full of good to the boywho were on

Harry Wants The SunA letter received from Harry I

Pearee who is attending a dental col-lege in Atlanta requests that The Sunbe sent regularly to him Theweather up here is damp and disagree-able and The Sun would certainlylook good to me now so let it comeregularly for I miss it very muchconcluded Mr Pearce Friends whodesire to communicate with MrPearce may reach him by addressing31 Cain street Atlanta Ga

City Directory For SaleWe have a number of copies of

Benz City Directory for sale at TheSon office It a handy referencebook for business and professionalsea giving the names of residentswith street and number Price

A Guaranteed Cure For Pileslicking blind bleeding protruding

are to remoney if PAZO ONTMEXT

fail to cure to 14 days CO





Oar leI










pile DrsI




0 whim








4 he kept

the aterthe old








a West








tp ttiM M Y1 1




A QUESTION OF COST-In any number of stores

youll see various preparations of cod liver oil at asmany different prices Youllwonder perhaps why ScottsEmulsion costs more thansome kind in as large-a bottle Hearing only one j

side of the question you may-be led into buying the just-as good as Scotts at the j

lower price Thats falseeconomy Scotts Emulsioncosts more because its more j

expensive to make Everyingredient is tested and

of the purest qualityNo adulteration no shaving j

of quality Theres no economy in bargain medicine Ifyou can afford to experimentwith your health substitutes

satisfy you take ithowever that you want a i

pure preparation a reliable I

remedy and something thatsgoing to help you Thatswhat you get in ScottsEmulsion Thirty years the i

standardSCOTT BOWNB 409 Fearl St New York



The S J Thorn Company hIS achange of adt Nis rnent iu i neand hare pa ed before publicsome choice chair bargain which areworthy of in VPS iiiation the ad-

vertisement and profit therebyB F Hampton of Jacksonville ii

sptudiuK H few days here on buins-Ii is rfp iri J that Mr Hampton con-

templates removing to Oaineiville at-ao distant day which will be gratifying to the numerous friend here of

sad interesting familyThe interior of the store of Geo W

Hyde is undergoing a considerablechange apropos octipaacy of the newUrns the Oeo W Hyde Companywhich wiLl soon begin businessThe center partition is bring removedwhich will convert the place into onelarge room and the sh f room it be-

ing increased It is the purpose ofthe new company which willcorporated to carry one of the j

and most uptodate lines of dry goof jin the Slate

a result of butting in the largeglass in one of the front windows ofthe law office of Thomas Jt Ellis WestMtln street N was shattered sometime during Monday sight Mr Ellismade this discovery upon arrivingthe office yesterday morning Thewreck was complete as the glats wasdemolished It is a wonder that thenoise did not attract attention ae theo

pane wa a one It I supposedthat some person fell the

but no clue to the party has beensecured

A Grim TragedyI daily enacted in thoiiiandi of

home as death claim in inch oneanother victim of consumption orpneumonia But when cou h andcolds are properly treated the

averted F i Huntley ofOaklandon Ind writ My wifehad the consumption and three doc-

tor tare her up Finally tookI r Kin V New DUcnvery for Con-

sumption Coughs and whi hcured her and today stir well andstrong It kill the germs of all dosewes One dory relieves Guaranteedat 60e and f 100 by all druggists Trialbottles free

Mayo Being TrIedAnnapolis Mil Jan 23 The

of Midshipman Claude B Mayo ofColumbus Soles a member of theirst clM waN taken up by the courtmartial at the naval academy Mon-day morning Mayo Is the ninth midshlpman to tom h foro thir courtThe nest care to be tri d Is that ofRichard R Mnnti also of thr firstclass an appoint of PresidentRoosevelt


It herI








nlay c I




bt Inlargest


at i














t win-




Colds n

















+ +





Rev J W Charged with an I

Attempt to PoisonAtlanta Jan iJ Shtrlfl Crowe of

Hall county with his jirisotur ii JW Austin who nnainel user In Atlanta Saturday nlcht to a rel trtfil moli at lluiortl loft tltititu oaSunday morning and the ariMjiier isnow incarcerated In the couuiy jailAt Uaincsvlllf Austin who wastwo years pastor of the MiMluillatchurch at kllton near ialiK vlllccold who rebiRaed fmm the Northlicorgia conference ut its last es lonIK under the charge of having madean attftupt to poiann lion Hob Qullhan of Dfllton by means of a inedlcat l apply handed the latter by thominitor while both were at a tampreacting at Poplar Sprl ss incounty late last siinnucr

otter Austin Is alleged to havehanded Mr Qutllian the nppl liemounted the platform an l preachedhis aftrrnixm Mnnun at the compmeeting DtirliiK th discourse Mr-

QuIIIIan way solxd with a deep rareIlincbH and It was only by the Imme-diate use of emetics that his life wussaved-

A few month Inter An tin nsliinilfrom th conlonnce and Midden leftHall county

bout the same the wife ofMr juilltan left her home and bas

been since seen In lalne vllle orHellion

The warrant against Austin wasshortly afterwards warn out by DrQulllm uikly eharKu was at-

tempting to poisonHe api ired In Lawrenceville fla

last Friday nnl Sheriff Martin ofCwlnnett notified SheriffCrowe of tall The litter went toLawrenctVlllf Saturday

How to Avoid PneumoniaWe have never of a single in-

stance of a cold resulting in pnetimonia or other lung trouble when

Honey and Tar has been takenIt not only sup the cough but healsand strengthens the lung Ask for Fo-

ley Honey and Tar and refuse anysuiutitute offered Dr C J Bishop ofAgnew Mich writes 1 have usedFoley Honey and Tar in thyme verysevere ca f of pneumonia with goodreoult in every J W fecallum A Co

Retired Naval Chaplain DeadAlmcdn Cal Jan 2 John Sin

ET Wnlnc naval chaplain on theretired list Is dead after n brief 111

ness He was one of the oldestIains In the hervlce having receivedhis appointment from President lln-roln In ln For a period of severaly ars he h ld the position of Instnictor In Internflllonnl law nt Annapo

was an active officer t 7y nrs of ape The remains will beentered In Arlington cemetery W sV

Pleasant and Most EffectiveT J Chamber Editor Vindicator

Liberty Texas writes Dee 25 lJWith pleasure end unsolicited by

you I bear testimony to the curativepower of Kalian HorehoutidI have ii ed it in any family and can

rfolly affirm it is th mot etTeetire nut t i rirarUy for cOldI have ever Sold by V MJohnson

Red Sunday QuietSt Prterfiburc Inn L2 IQM a m

Tho frequent patrols In nil thn str tithis mornmp are marching at withIntervals In bomb formation Thisalmost the only Indication that today-Is tho anniversary of Red Sua

Greatly in DemandNothing in demand than a

medicine which meets males require-ment for a blood and i y tern cleanserrush a Dr Kings New Life Pill Theyare Jim what you tnmahand lifer trouble fry them At alldrug tftore i6 gunrAtiteed

Announces for MayorAtlanta Jnn 2J W It Joyner for

twenty ute par chief of Atlantafire d partntitit and for thirtyfiveyears a elm n of Atlanta has madehis detluits announcement for themayoralty

If the Baoy is Cutting TeethBe sure awl use that old and well

tried remedy Mr WmIow toothtug Syrup for children tevthinc Itloothe the child soften the gumsallays all pain cares wind colic suit isthe best remedy for diarrhoea Twen-tyfive cents a bottle







Olin Y





ill moIre











Iles Ire



rhrc ugh


wed ti curet




















+ +

If he tMls vou to takePectoral for your severe cough or bron-chial trouble then take it If he hasanything better then take that But eknow his answer for doctors have prescribed this medicine for over 60 years



A k rn oc or




D dIllW it MMuaxreut Mellkk JCA reCoIIeLNdNe LH Mu-





If You Are InsuredIu that Re Hinsibli Have a Ioliej Correctly

WrttHi iS Librrallij of Pulley Contract and thePBJS It s Inmitly

You Are AssuredThat no s riaus low Btu overcome jou without you hate tomervfupc

Fire Life kiiient and

None but Reliable Companies rireetited

Information cheerfully furnished GAINESVILLE FLORIDA

v v p


E E VOYLE MGRALstr t of Title and full information furnished regarding lands la this

county Our manual hat iived in this county thirty year RuJ-

ii thjrctKh7 cot ver ant with land titles

FIRE ACCIDENT BUKLAK AND INDEMNITY INSURANCE Represeating k number of prominent American and companies


Causes lle t


Sea CottonSea Cotton Seed Bagging and Twine Walrus

Leather or Sides

Manufacturers of the James Doig Improved EnglishSea Island Cotton Gin for


II E TAYLOR CashierLiz GRAHAM Ant Cashier


Capital 50000 00Surplus and Undivided Profits 30000 on

sit v hr 7 otcklt bnucew with facilities equn to acv ID the Suit Soleabe ECCOUBU or r rir r Mcrct Lu Corwratlons ei ItterestbT iic l arr c Bcc Au butlcew irau cie l


G S MERCHANT CORetailers and Jobbers la

Staple and Fancy GroceriesIrain fiardin Slid and Fartilizart

SOUTH SIDE SQUARE GAINESVILLE FLOKIPAHighest market price paid for Chicken Else and other Prudnce

A Complete stock of Corn Oats Flour Bran Meal Cotton Seed tealVERY BEST LOWPRiES and guarantee satisfaction always


Tte ccoucu of banner

womuic Uolted state

acd Doneie Eicbacce










Health Insurance


E EEnglish


YslanclI lantl


Does a back

rom rH E


and Rye handle only theEST


HFDUTTON 00-EANKERSUo Dacticr tutce par ud oil Foreignback rar ettlJerelacs aid ottersoe favorable IL tIlI1 racUea to makclC oo ube







1a it


e t







11e at the

a enera

received tr eoeetloeaaeceu Die







