Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-24 [p...

VOL XXIH NO ivAlNBSVILLE SATUtliA FEiiK ARY 24 19U TEN CENTS A WIlE 14 FLOKI Ito L n 7 d 7 a ainM11t = = == > BODY WAS PLACED ON RAILROAD TRACK Death Was Necessary To Hide Robbery MAN IS HELD FOR CRIME Unconscious from Dope Baker Was Put on Track and Hi Body Was Boon Ground to Pieces by a Coast- Line Train Hainbrldgu Ga Feb 23 James T alia Tcacite Goodu who ha figured before the courts In several escapades in the recent pact has been jailed uti- tlur suspicion nf being implicated in one of the most revolting crimes in the history of this county Since the death of young M M BaKer who was run user and killed Saturday night by u Coast Line train In the yards here Sher- iff Iattersou and the officers have been al work upon clews Indicating that there wax foul play It Is now ap- parent that taker was doped and then robbed a short while before train time and laid upon the track for the train to finish the work- It Itt alleged that he was seen in company with Joodo and others u few minutes before hi mangled body was taken from beneath the winel linker was Known to have quite a of money on him which has never been found Ills watch however was lirottKli in by tioode the of the KIM nl ioilt Hating thai he hap- pen io llnd It iitnr tie plum wlicr the ruin Minrk ll l r This one of links oi ti Mimiiii nsnlii hint but tiii liiiln T nrrrfth have n made i de l nm rl n rv d ni of Mi n intrir Ala bu bay litully- in lit if MURDERED AGED HUSUAND In Order that Stir Might Marry Yonger Lover lh MuliH IIIMH F lust be- li vv inM UK H fuJll l il Wtifc ll till net ill ill stnictHni cumniitti i all huge nl M iirlii n pardon fiui the IIIMII hii lHiure had uppar vaiilMiiil Sornti Kahn wrote her own head a tint sf ii In- wliji li she a mired ptiniuu io death In r giil htiMliuni latccib Kuhn TIlt eoiifvMiti deiiiiU the plot whici- n uli d in tin di ath nf her aged oo- mili r loisiand and tare to her n sup i triidoiii in wed a younger lov- er i hup DI vir realized T o i ir iiitii the legislature was jjlli over the 0111 111011 ol a pardmi Negroes Meet at Tuskegee Tiiktie Ala Fell Negro faiitit from every section of V iin iny fur ih if lei nth annual session of the gee nearo conterence Teachers from nearly till the educational Institutions in the south fur n gto youths with white nod n ro visitors from Ilie north were also In attendance Thirty states ami the District of Co lumtta were represented In the total aUeiuiiitre linker T Washington presides Perus Future Centered In U S New York Feb IJ nernl A A- Cacrres e pr slden of line who has Just arrived In this clt front limn sp i h hiimlirilly I the railroai and in growth ol the Uopub- In and Mild The future of P TII U rent in in the Inlteil Sur mid w hipe for v n cliKor relation Woman Killed Car Akron Indue her VUI rfdn rid to f U n where he w r ukiiif II Th hu while in rj r b nn to- lii Burly kitN l- ifrt d J h lnf r bavtnt- attjd fur ntoxli niton Third Battallion for Philippines ButTalo N V Ftb 23 Tho third battalion of tin KiKhth Infantry con FMUns of if i enllti l under command Major C P Tf rr tt ban left Fort Ntasara for San FrancUco earoute fur 1hlllpplaM WHITE t E auto 1I lIt I i the C tll III tpllealwl c Wit I Ii the- n huh rule rutl 1 y I 0 j Julie t I tlrlllli ti Lr joll been men tit s pas- senger tii err Ih nit hew as I > r il et ratty wit pn i t rl many flit r ieh c ears t s Nptil arri 0r t n lit nat the 1 > > > > < > < < < > > MORE SHAKE GIRARD of Authorities To Put a Stop- to the Annoyance Columbus Ga Feb 25 Bomb throwing continues io bt the order of the day In Cirard Ala just the river tout Columbus although Irani- doesnt happen to he in Russia the inotlve of tits anarchi t ar tbo most serioub In the world At the saute time while the efforts of the amateur anarchistV have been Actuated by the sole desire to make a noise and scare the town some ae lions results are already credited to the escapades Mrs Martha Rogers the aired tnotliir of John F Rogers of Cirard Is In a stifle of nervous prostration u the result of the heavy explosion of u dynamite bomb near her residence It was a terrific explosion shaking windows In the three cities of Columbus Ihenlx City and ilrard Mrs Holers condition hats been erl nUll since the occurrence Marshal Floyd of Cirard was supper when a iMimb wan discharg- ed nut tar away He ru heil out and saw a man running off He followed and was gaining on the fuultlve when he unfortunately stumbled and fell When be arose the man some lit- tle distance away The officer red at him but the bullet did not take ef- fect INVENTOR LOST HIS LIFE Was Testing Life Saving Apparatus He Had Invented Chicago Feb SIS A dispatch Ui the TiliJiitie from iwrenceburg Ind as amen Mitchell n ounv Invemor- lif life IfA illU Mil Il i1ll- tils uliih he bn for prevei- imr lilt loss ot life from sliiinj rti- n Tu device consisted of a- III lit Iriiiiu work to be li I nnl abotil tin r M and iMrmlliix J t i l ir tin ll IontrUiiuce t TfttMTk tTi k and xvhISe slatillK t IUTI U f siirl with aft o fii- n ii and l wu iltrmvti km Ikni I mi- I li he tave way and I t ii h h fy under r III- r Th d vie alnul his H i liiipttr i I so lia h iiitiid Iii i f lit nd n uiketi from t V r h Hi4 di tfl- Llncelr Cabin Lag Removed New V ik IVb r ler licin- jton1 Jiirir f In ii ctllur of an- iM man in CnJ t J lTi the fiTtinl callii in whirl Am- iliin I wn Ixini have IHIII n- ilioe l to a t lr lioime In Ibis city T wt iv Uiu proMin of fa id net n N w York build r who bad li niht tn fran A V Ueiimti TIt hitter wowed thi liriMln farm ifrd lit lou cadn v is tut i apart unit i HulTilo lnr v ni on daring the Aiiiiiiraii ip4 iiliin There an- vi r Iocs a d M r and one sour tor of the radn wlndiw a liv pieee uf Uiiiids Womans Body Is Found flnntiB N V F b A wn mans hack with the Mvcpl front the trunk bran funnel by the New ntral traclts near horn lUitb suspicion and mystery attach In the case lnriiiiM I Men was no lion to the except where the neck had been Ii i considered possible that a train killed her Site was woll d and wore rlnss con s ihlns and pearls Firefighters Fight a Duel Ti mi Feb 1 A Jack TIIIII illijiri h u s u rit du I fin ii thorn bie on Y ln if1 riKwn II A loser and V A tiiciiiMr of t lo t i pit rum nt M- Caun tour tutu M and ail din itf In1 tU tt r b i through tii Di b t and wren t S IK A j f MtlOMt l Wl In B0h lf of i Mnll- i il A r b 25 TIt lr rn r- if ih rlint of riitiiir ri I avri- ft tr tiir r Milittimii iimni cute ur i i fo rut u the appr H rl ion for tin mat to the 4KMIth retina I ihs r tirr Sully Ja iljr th ev- P nitii ani calUan nn nw fra- tiv TI I ffiin this to Ir rvw r tn rfiln th- I fa oaS l I i puree It Oil I k I nt ill net 111 inn loc Ill t 111 all S hind ill I I Iii anti was his Ii jf Inn matt Cd I It I Uhf f I arr ass ant eat- ing was f 1 tlu II tIa 1 aide < t flu ill w t t t tst s the sent belii has lurk Hiilt tin body srv red xr gaining Nttht hull hut fn was Isa wren lice warm d ass her csi traslN Fast it ted wit the wed tots > ¬ ¬ > < > < > > > > ¬ > > < > > > < < <> > > + + ± YOKE OF CHINA IS GAlliNG TO CHINESE PiOMiienc Missionary Makes A StatementB- AY REVOLUTION IS IMMINENT Deep Seated and Unconquerable Toward Manchu Dynasty la Said To Be Cause of the Brewing Revolution- San Francisco Feb 23 Dr T V- Aycrtt who has teen engaged In hos- pital work In North China for live years past in connection with the Bout hern Ha list has arrived I nun the OrituU In discussing the situation In China a subject on which he Is well Inform- ed he said All of the trouble now brewing In China la directly attribut- able to a deepseated and unconquer- able antipathy toward the government The feeling of dissatisfaction Is spread- ing and to my mind a revolution In Imminent The antiforeign feeling in merely one of the expressions of the movement which has fur Its purpose the unseating of the Manchu dynasty and the establishment of a republican form of government In Its stead The boycott on American gixxbt IK an ex- pression of the same revolutionary pur x se things are merely the means to an end It IH a matter of ititirest that a month or so ngo ISIMHI students who returned to China in n bod from the schools they had brew attending In Toklo lad a great many unkind things to say of the rulers ol their own country These sintents who urn nf the brunt IAJSS in China are n- HiniMe lor tn tMnvth nml prophviv- tiin i f t atiM fonM n seiitiiiunt m- tnr the boycott rin i to in movi tneiil U nut illnriiil prtilriilarty towxnl I ho Illl- nsloiiorlis Tte doctrine that is being sproud nl in the Ilre Is dint Ube fore is urn there to grab ii r ritory uml the Clilm se eiiu ilat the mlscioiiarle an not In China Io make mono or arab urriiory ReInstate Metcalf Vashliuion 1 L YbMine repiri tnr tuns tluit a can fill inull gallon will dlscoe that he was Inno- j rent if lo jarer Gen I Cortelyou has ordered tits reopen i ing ot Ibo rate of lames T Mnteitlf chief ol the whiney order division who was dismissed later Indicted and finally II was j charged Mint Metcalf hail been Improp- rrlv connec ed with contractH for till Mipplbv Mr Metealf may be n instated If the Investigation sntlxtie- J Ihe postmuster general of his mono I ccncc Lawyer la Held for Bribery Columbia S Feb Mil- lar r pi sinllug hlnib lf to tutu at- torney from Chicago been placid in Jail here on n charge nf bribery was reiiresiiilliiK three piekiaickeltt arrested here during fair week last Nii- vemlMr and offered Deputy Sheriff Cat heart fjno to get certain state wit nesseu out of the way The deputy took the money and turned It over to the court with a report of the Refuted Him Whisky I Valparaiso Ind Feb 1 Joseph N gi kln ki n tinier of Inckson thin boons turning from a- dhiR mod a ttHnd n O 1 Sarkmnn at Hurdlek wnlskv i fused he marked him xvth n hh iiirr Nf htnU was brought birr- ptnc i In jail Two i on wtn with him f ca i d Man Hf Clcsc Call Alitair sa NUI I I sun a fir iiiiii m J nl i sir i r Imam titMMp afntit to w- wn a he wise s ak n d by ti run rim of tlatneii dw JJrg ii he waa In l ar l drnwlnvc- loMi the nvif fell In Mr ifu is d if In n which Three i I Woo I I I I Coo 2tH n lit has Ile lilt I Bill r i HilrI1IWf may I 1 had > fat to end I nn flr I t cl i An- tipathy ui6 iou uI nibs r alt rend I I Mao a rung 1661 P era the- ca e nulls grossed put circum- stances I u I I r lujurtw n su Lislir a l were f Iii rnvIoecl 1 t a w 1 dr ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ > > > > < > > < > > + TO ESTABLISH A PAPER MILL Celumbus To Have a New 100000 Industry Columbus Ja Feb 23 While acres of on North High- lands as a site for tbe fioo000 paper Bill which he and associates will C K Ifartzell also acquired 21 acres for Individual holding from the North Highland company The land lu bought Includes that on which the North highlands casino stands and extends to Chattahoochro Falls companys lands vmbraclg the greater of the old North High lands park property Whether It Is used fur park or man Mr Hartzell Is satisfied that he haul a good thing In this tract of land He la a hustling young Phllidelphlnn who came south three years ago to learn the paper mill business and spent three years In the paper mill at Marietta Ua mastering- the practical details of the business GAVE HER LIFE TO SAVE JASPER Search Being Made fer the Grave ef Sally St Clair Savannah Ja Feb 23 A commit too of the Suns of tbe Revolution consisting of T P Itavelel chairman W G Carlton Thomas Gamble Jr and W R eaken la engaged la a quest of the burial place of Sally St Clair the sweetheart of Sergeant Wil- liam Jasper and the Molly Pitcher of the south The burial place Is mipposed to be somewhere on the banks of the Santee river In South Carolina where the body was Interred after her death In one if the sanguinary conflicts between Marlons men and the Hrltluh The story goes thai Sally St Clair who had distinguished herself as a mnn and enlisted In the continental force lust her lift in trying to sate tat of Jasper BLACKBURN TO STAND TRIAL North Carolina Congressman Indicted Cy the Grand Jury APhevtlU N C rob lTho fed- eral court ttimd Jar has returned two true bits of Indictment against Cotij ressmaii P Securer ISluckburn of the elKbMi North Carolina district charging hint with practicing before demrim its at Washington while a- miieHiiuiM tend rccilvllig fees fur his Mrvlns ti Mbickburn is nccused- of reeeivh t from Ace Dlnllns and A I Davis Each hill con- tains tn enints- NO net Ion looking toward the arrest ItT I51M kburti has been alien Tim Mils of iiiictmr contain several rages of typewritten sheet His Eyes Burned Out W Va Feb 2 Ry the explosion of dynamite at Sturglss S tidies south of this place itt the plant of the Dockers Creek Stone and company Jos pb Nicholson Killed and Renton McMillan Joseph Shaw Solomon McKlnnuy James Moore J IT Hilling and William Rodgerx worn s rlou ly Injured They were thaw Inic dynamite when a blast near by caused It to xplodo NIcholKonx legit were blown off and Shaw and McKlnnoys eyes were burned out Mc Millan cannot recover Will Hold Summer School Knoxvllle Terns Feb jJFormal announcement Is made that lift annual HChHlon of the summer school of the south will be held at the uni- versity of Tennessee city July IJ to 27 Inclusive This chool wits originally established here under the ausplcos of tin general i luratlon- hoard H is intended liy tnori than LimO trio rrs fnun all pans of tin ouMi Fatal Coffee Grain Ianvlll y Feb 2 A grain rot Infant son uf David N wtcbant of Harkavtllo The hlbl lii i H n trenrnd for pnoumnnla but a IKISI trnrtvia showed an ortone Guilty of Murde K 2S TI hr brought In a verdict of Iff Imprion went stslt Klicer Taylor i r kllltn Joseph Monroe at Eist Rornsudt uraiuer Both were negroes laM part purposes r both the I London JIll yet buy- ing six es- tablish n r I trout Morgantown Sand wan the this r nits dinsuluts Feb ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ > 100000000 FOR SHOOTING CHINK HIDE HEll Accmsea Roekhill Of Offer tog Bribe For BETTER BUILD MORE WARSHIP lap In In- timating that Boxer Will B If C l tlal An Good at This Tim WasblagtoB Feb 23 Hull of military affairs presenting the army approf rUU i bill to the house urged aacMcky of preparedness aa to sw army and salty for trouble la Ori- ent declared that say not prepared to defead Ua positaM te China might aa aasl down to Hag sad quit the Pacite Speeches oa tariff ImmlcraUea the Payae cuatoaaa aoua Wile sued the haute ef th day Mr- Hopktia of Keatucky aaeortrajl allay ethod of tadHciag leuaifratlatt t the United States touch which kc declared to be decidedly VBteslmM Calls Rtkhlll InJwrfWewe Mr Hull had read a ftevspaper 4te patch from Pekla which Lad sent him from the Orteat sad whteh- be Touched for as eatlrely accurate which gave aa auuat of aa latertrtov between Minister Roekhill and Mr Na TunIC president of the walwupa Mr Rockblll reminded the Chinese oBkbU taint the Inlted States Intended to re turn the 20t 00000 pounds sterling Its part of the Dozer Indemnity- Mr Hull characterized these on the part of Mr Roekhill aa Injudicious I do not believe that the rcpreaem lathe of this government had a coticiptlon or the character of the Chinese people continued Mr Hall when ho them a bribe of 20 iKMooit mundn sterling or whatever i lu Ililted States share of the Chi r M Indemnity may have been to be good They are a people he said that In my judgment would take any such offer an that IIH an Indication of oar being rather more afraid of them than otherwise and It seems to me that a man x upylng Us position should have let whuievur Information that was sec ensary corn from the ajoveraaeat af the Inlted States direct and not have given It to the newspapers Against Returning Indemnity- Mr Hull said he had been Informed extensively of the Chlaese sltaatloa He rend a lengthy letter the author of which ho declined to divulge whtea rebutted the ides that Japan was cava lug trouble In China Mr Hull ladoraed this rice and also the propoaltioa la the litter that the Boxer ladeaalty ought rather to be used to build bat Ikwhip for the United States thaw b returned to China Mr Null pointed out that It was de- cidedly to the Interest of Japes to pre- serve under in China la order to re- tain her markets In that country Chi- na he said was passing through a traa hitlon from ancient to modest civilisa lion and while that la going oa every government that has buslaeaa relattoes with her must be ready tn protect themselves or else pull down their lag and leave the Pacific ocean anti troy trade Raisin Corner Failed Fresno Feo U At a meeting- of the Central California Raisin Grow- ers cotap1 the dealers voted to tb r anti to return to the grower tin lie if cent a pound held out fur tli p IT base of packing hoiuefi- Thl y ai th price of raisins was flxbd at t i hl h H rate nUll 1ie dried fruit fallal to II Tho Murcntitilo com- pany ot San Fanclsco over the whole crop at tNvmrt Fifteen Were Killed Valsenburp Col Feb The of tlcial list of deitri as a result of the eilofion In the Maltland mine of the FiiM company Is given out as lifteen bollPH have been irjii urfarc andono remaltu in i mill Peace He Act Injudiciously Returned the a coat ee the Ute He asHes well MIa o rid 1 al 0 took three cents a lilt fourteen i Indemnity the y- In complete Sad ens ell utter- ances prop- er q tl sir t y dis- band ail 5 tally Vk l e F r ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ +

Transcript of Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-24 [p...

Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-24 [p ] Testing Life Saving Apparatus He Had Invented Chicago Feb SIS







ainM11t= = == >



Death Was Necessary To Hide



Unconscious from Dope Baker Was

Put on Track and Hi Body Was

Boon Ground to Pieces by a Coast-

Line Train

Hainbrldgu Ga Feb 23 James Talia Tcacite Goodu who ha figuredbefore the courts In several escapadesin the recent pact has been jailed uti-

tlur suspicion nf being implicated inone of the most revolting crimes inthe history of this county

Since the death of young M M

BaKer who was run user and killedSaturday night by u Coast Line

train In the yards here Sher-iff Iattersou and the officers have beenal work upon clews Indicating thatthere wax foul play It Is now ap-

parent that taker was doped andthen robbed a short while before traintime and laid upon the track for thetrain to finish the work-

It Itt alleged that he was seen incompany with Joodo and others u fewminutes before hi mangled body wastaken from beneath the winel

linker was Known to have quite aof money on him which has never

been found Ills watch however waslirottKli in by tioode the of theKIM nl ioilt Hating thai he hap-

pen io llnd It iitnr tie plum wlicrthe ruin Minrk ll l r This oneof links oi ti Mimiiii nsnlii hint

but tiii liiiln T nrrrfth have n madei de l nm rl n rv d ni of

Mi n intrir Ala bu bay litully-in lit if


In Order that Stir Might Marry YongerLover

lh MuliH IIIMH F lust be-

li vv inM UK H fuJll l il Wtifc ll

till net ill ill stnictHni cumniittii all huge nl M iirlii n pardon

fiui the IIIMII hii lHiure had upparvaiilMiiil Sornti Kahn wroteher own head a tint sf ii In-

wliji li she a mired ptiniuu io deathIn r giil htiMliuni latccib Kuhn

TIlt eoiifvMiti deiiiiU the plot whici-n uli d in tin di ath nf her aged oo-

mili r loisiand and tare to her n supi triidoiii in wed a younger lov-

er i hup DI vir realizedT o i ir iiitii the legislature was

jjlli over the 0111 111011 ol a pardmi

Negroes Meet at TuskegeeTiiktie Ala Fell Negro

faiitit from every section ofV iin iny fur ih if

lei nth annual session of thegee nearo conterence Teachers fromnearly till the educational Institutionsin the south fur n gto youths with

white nod n ro visitors fromIlie north were also In attendanceThirty states ami the District of Co

lumtta were represented In the totalaUeiuiiitre linker T Washingtonpresides

Perus Future Centered In U SNew York Feb IJ nernl A A-

Cacrres e pr slden of line who hasJust arrived In this clt front limnsp i h hiimlirilly I the railroaiand in growth ol the Uopub-In and Mild The future of P TII Urent in in the Inlteil Sur mid w

hipe for v n cliKor relation

Woman Killed CarAkron

Indue herVUI rfdn

rid to f U nwhere he w r ukiiif II

Th huwhile in

rj r b nn to-

lii Burly kitN l-

ifrt d J h

lnf r bavtnt-attjd fur ntoxli niton

Third Battallion for PhilippinesButTalo N V Ftb 23 Tho third

battalion of tin KiKhth Infantry conFMUns of if i enllti l undercommand Major C P Tf rr tt ban

left Fort Ntasara for San FrancUcoearoute fur 1hlllpplaM





1I lIt



theC tll III tpllealwl

c Wit

I Ii


n huhrule



yI 0


Julie t I

tlrlllli tiLr






tii err Ih nithew


I > ril




t rl




ieh c

earst s Nptil

arri0r t


lit nat



> >






< >



of Authorities To Put a Stop-to the Annoyance

Columbus Ga Feb 25 Bombthrowing continues io bt the order ofthe day In Cirard Ala just theriver tout Columbus although Irani-

doesnt happen to he in Russiathe inotlve of tits anarchi t ar tbomost serioub In the world

At the saute time while the effortsof the amateur anarchistV have beenActuated by the sole desire to makea noise and scare the town some aelions results are already credited tothe escapades Mrs Martha Rogersthe aired tnotliir of John F Rogersof Cirard Is In a stifle of nervousprostration u the result of the heavyexplosion of u dynamite bomb near herresidence It was a terrific explosionshaking windows In the three citiesof Columbus Ihenlx City and ilrardMrs Holers condition hats been erlnUll since the occurrence

Marshal Floyd of Cirard wassupper when a iMimb wan discharg-

ed nut tar away He ru heil out andsaw a man running off He followedand was gaining on the fuultlve whenhe unfortunately stumbled and fellWhen be arose the man some lit-

tle distance away The officer redat him but the bullet did not take ef-



Was Testing Life Saving Apparatus HeHad Invented

Chicago Feb SIS A dispatch Uithe TiliJiitie from iwrenceburg Indas

amen Mitchell n ounv Invemor-lif life IfA illU Mil Il i1ll-

tils uliih he bn for prevei-imr lilt loss ot life from sliiinj rti-

n Tu device consisted of a-

III lit Iriiiiu work to be li I nnl abotiltin r M and iMrmlliixJ t i l ir

tin ll IontrUiiuce t

TfttMTk tTi k and xvhISe slatillKt IUTI U f siirl with aft o fii-n ii and l wu iltrmvti km Ikni



I li he tave way andI t ii h h fy underr


r Th d vie alnul his H i

liiipttr i I so lia h iiitiidIii i f lit nd n uiketi from

t V r h Hi4 di tfl-

Llncelr Cabin Lag RemovedNew V ik IVb r ler licin-

jton1 Jiirir f In ii ctllur of an-

iM man in CnJ t J lTi thefiTtinl callii in whirl Am-

iliin I wn Ixini have IHIII n-

ilioe l to a t lr lioime In Ibis cityT wt iv Uiu proMin of fa id

net n N w York build r who badli niht tn fran A V Ueiimti TIthitter wowed thi liriMln farm ifrdlit lou cadn v is tut i apart unit

i HulTilo lnr v ni on daring theAiiiiiiraii ip4 iiliin There an-

vi r Iocs a d M r and one sourtor of the radn wlndiw aliv pieee uf Uiiiids

Womans Body Is FoundflnntiB N V F b A wn

mans hack with the Mvcplfront the trunk bran funnel by theNew ntral traclts near hornlUitb suspicion and mystery attach Inthe case lnriiiiM I Men was nolion to the except where the neckhad been Ii i consideredpossible that a train killed her Sitewas woll d and wore rlnss con

s ihlns and pearls

Firefighters Fight a DuelTi mi Feb 1 A Jack

TIIIII illijiri h u s u

rit du I fin ii thorn bie onY ln if1 riKwn II A

loser and V A tiiciiiMrof t lo t i pit rum nt M-

Caun tour tutuM and aildin itf In1 tU tt r b i

through tii Di b t and wren

t S IK A j f MtlOMt l Wl

In B0h lf ofi

Mnll-i il A r b 25 TIt lr rn r-

i f ih rlint of riitiiir ri I avri-

ft tr tiir r Milittimii iimni cuteur i i fo rut u the appr H rl ionfor tin mat to the 4KMIth retina

I ihs r tirr Sully Ja iljr th ev-

P nitii ani calUan nn nw fra-tiv TI I ffiin this to

Ir rvw r tn rfiln th-

I fa




i puree

It Oil


kI nt

ill net111

inn locIll


111 allS







Ii jf Innmatt Cd

I It




arr ass





1 tlu II


1 aide



fluill w









Hiilt tinbodysrv red


Ntththull hutfn was

Isa wren

licewarm d


csi traslN





wed tots




















< <>








PiOMiienc Missionary Makes A



Deep Seated and Unconquerable

Toward Manchu Dynasty la

Said To Be Cause of the Brewing


San Francisco Feb 23 Dr T V-

Aycrtt who has teen engaged In hos-

pital work In North China for liveyears past in connection with theBout hern Ha list has arrivedI nun the OrituU

In discussing the situation In Chinaa subject on which he Is well Inform-ed he said All of the trouble nowbrewing In China la directly attribut-able to a deepseated and unconquer-able antipathy toward the governmentThe feeling of dissatisfaction Is spread-ing and to my mind a revolution In

Imminent The antiforeign feeling inmerely one of the expressions of themovement which has fur Its purposethe unseating of the Manchu dynastyand the establishment of a republicanform of government In Its stead Theboycott on American gixxbt IK an ex-

pression of the same revolutionary purx se things are merely the

means to an end It IH a matter ofititirest that a month or so ngo ISIMHI

students who returned to China in nbod from the schools they had brewattending In Toklo lad a great manyunkind things to say of the rulers oltheir own country

These sintents who urnnf the brunt IAJSS in China are n-

HiniMe lor tn tMnvth nml prophviv-tiin i f t atiM fonM n seiitiiiunt m-

tnr the boycottrin i to in movi tneiil U nut

illnriiil prtilriilarty towxnl I ho Illl-nsloiiorlis Tte doctrine that is beingsproud nl in the Ilre Is dintUbe fore is urn there to grab ii rritory uml the Clilm se eiiu ilatthe mlscioiiarle an not In China Iomake mono or arab urriiory

ReInstate MetcalfVashliuion 1 L YbMine

repiri tnr tuns tluit a can fill inullgallon will dlscoe that he was Inno-

j rent if lo jarer GenI Cortelyou has ordered tits reopeni ing ot Ibo rate of lames T Mnteitlfchief ol the whiney order division whowas dismissed later Indicted and

finally II wasj charged Mint Metcalf hail been Improp-

rrlv connec ed with contractH fortill Mipplbv Mr Metealf may be ninstated If the Investigation sntlxtie-

J Ihe postmuster general of his monoI ccncc

Lawyer la Held for BriberyColumbia S Feb Mil-

lar r pi sinllug hlnib lf to tutu at-

torney from Chicago been placidin Jail here on n charge nf bribery

was reiiresiiilliiK three piekiaickelttarrested here during fair week last Nii-

vemlMr and offered Deputy SheriffCat heart fjno to get certain state witnesseu out of the way The deputytook the money and turned It over tothe court with a report of the

Refuted Him WhiskyI Valparaiso Ind Feb 1 Joseph

N gi kln ki n tinier of Inckson thinboons turning from a-

dhiR mod a ttHnd n O 1 Sarkmnnat Hurdlek wnlskv

i fused he marked him xvth n hh iiirr

Nf htnU was brought birr-ptnc i In jail Two i on wtnwith him f ca i d

Man Hf Clcsc CallAlitair sa NUI I I

sun a fir iiiiii m J nl i sir i rImam titMMp afntit to w-wn a he wise s ak n d by ti run rimof tlatneii dw JJrg ii

he waa In l ar l drnwlnvc-

loMi the nvif fell In Mr ifuis d if In n which








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Celumbus To Have a New 100000Industry

Columbus Ja Feb 23 Whileacres of on North High-

lands as a site for tbe fioo000 paperBill which he and associates will

C K Ifartzell also acquired21 acres for Individual holding fromthe North Highland company Theland lu bought Includes that on whichthe North highlands casino standsand extends to ChattahoochroFalls companys lands vmbraclg thegreater of the old North Highlands park property

Whether It Is used fur park or manMr Hartzell Is

satisfied that he haul a good thing Inthis tract of land He la a hustlingyoung Phllidelphlnn who came souththree years ago to learn the paper millbusiness and spent three years In thepaper mill at Marietta Ua mastering-the practical details of the business


Search Being Made fer the Grave efSally St Clair

Savannah Ja Feb 23 A committoo of the Suns of tbe Revolutionconsisting of T P Itavelel chairmanW G Carlton Thomas Gamble Jrand W R eaken la engaged la aquest of the burial place of Sally StClair the sweetheart of Sergeant Wil-

liam Jasper and the Molly Pitcher ofthe south

The burial place Is mipposed to besomewhere on the banks of the Santeeriver In South Carolina where thebody was Interred after her death Inone if the sanguinary conflicts betweenMarlons men and the Hrltluh

The story goes thai Sally St Clairwho had distinguished herself as amnn and enlisted In the continentalforce lust her lift in trying to satetat of Jasper


North Carolina Congressman IndictedCy the Grand Jury

APhevtlU N C rob lTho fed-

eral court ttimd Jar has returnedtwo true bits of Indictment againstCotij ressmaii P Securer ISluckburnof the elKbMi North Carolina districtcharging hint with practicing beforedemrim its at Washington while a-

miieHiiuiM tend rccilvllig fees furhis Mrvlns

ti Mbickburn is nccused-of reeeivh t from Ace Dlnllns and

A I Davis Each hill con-

tains tn enints-NO net Ion looking toward the arrest

ItT I51M kburti has been alien TimMils of iiiictmr contain severalrages of typewritten sheet

His Eyes Burned OutW Va Feb 2 Ry

the explosion of dynamite at SturglssS tidies south of this place itt the plantof the Dockers Creek Stone andcompany Jos pb Nicholson Killed

and Renton McMillan Joseph ShawSolomon McKlnnuy James Moore JIT Hilling and William Rodgerx worns rlou ly Injured They were thawInic dynamite when a blast near bycaused It to xplodo NIcholKonxlegit were blown off and Shaw andMcKlnnoys eyes were burned out McMillan cannot recover

Will Hold Summer SchoolKnoxvllle Terns Feb jJFormal

announcement Is made that lift

annual HChHlon of the summer schoolof the south will be held at the uni-

versity of Tennessee city JulyIJ to 27 Inclusive This chool witsoriginally established here under theausplcos of tin general i luratlon-hoard H is intended liy tnori thanLimO trio rrs fnun all pans of tinouMi

Fatal Coffee GrainIanvlll y Feb 2 A grain

rot Infant son uf David Nwtcbant of Harkavtllo The

hlbl lii i H n trenrnd for pnoumnnlabut a IKISI trnrtvia showed an ortone

Guilty of MurdeK 2S TI hr

brought In a verdict of Iff Imprionwent stslt Klicer Taylor i r kllltnJoseph Monroe at Eist Rornsudturaiuer Both were negroes








London JIll


buy-ing six


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nits dinsuluts










100000000 FOR


HEll Accmsea Roekhill Of Offer

tog Bribe For


lap In In-

timating that Boxer WillB If C l tlal AnGood at This TimWasblagtoB Feb 23

Hull of military affairspresenting the army approf rUU i

bill to the house urged aacMckyof preparedness aa to swarmy and salty for trouble la Ori-

ent declared that saynot prepared to defead Ua positaM teChina might aa aasl down toHag sad quit the Pacite

Speeches oa tariff ImmlcraUeathe Payae cuatoaaa aoua Wilesued the haute ef th day Mr-Hopktia of Keatucky aaeortrajl allay

ethod of tadHciag leuaifratlatt tthe United States touch which kcdeclared to be decidedly VBteslmM

Calls Rtkhlll InJwrfWeweMr Hull had read a ftevspaper 4te

patch from Pekla which Ladsent him from the Orteat sad whteh-be Touched for as eatlrely accuratewhich gave aa auuat of aa latertrtovbetween Minister Roekhill and Mr NaTunIC president of the walwupa MrRockblll reminded the Chinese oBkbUtaint the Inlted States Intended to return the 20t 00000 pounds sterling Itspart of the Dozer Indemnity-

Mr Hull characterized theseon the part of Mr Roekhill aa

InjudiciousI do not believe that the rcpreaem

lathe of this government had acoticiptlon or the character of the

Chinese people continued Mr Hallwhen ho them a bribe of 20

iKMooit mundn sterling or whateveri lu Ililted States share of the Chir M Indemnity may have been to begood

They are a people he said thatIn my judgment would take any suchoffer an that IIH an Indication of oarbeing rather more afraid of them thanotherwise and It seems to me that aman x upylng Us position should havelet whuievur Information that was secensary corn from the ajoveraaeat afthe Inlted States direct and not havegiven It to the newspapers

Against Returning Indemnity-Mr Hull said he had been Informed

extensively of the Chlaese sltaatloaHe rend a lengthy letter the authorof which ho declined to divulge whtearebutted the ides that Japan was cavalug trouble In China Mr Hull ladoraedthis rice and also the propoaltioa lathe litter that the Boxer ladeaaltyought rather to be used to build batIkwhip for the United States thaw breturned to China

Mr Null pointed out that It was de-cidedly to the Interest of Japes to pre-serve under in China la order to re-

tain her markets In that country Chi-

na he said was passing through a traahitlon from ancient to modest civilisalion and while that la going oa everygovernment that has buslaeaa relattoeswith her must be ready tn protectthemselves or else pull down their lagand leave the Pacific ocean antitroy trade

Raisin Corner FailedFresno Feo U At a meeting-

of the Central California Raisin Grow-ers cotap1 the dealers voted to

tb r anti to return to thegrower tin lie if cent a pound heldout fur tli p IT base of packing hoiuefi-Thl y ai th price of raisins was flxbdat t i hl h H rate nUll 1ie dried fruitfallal to II Tho Murcntitilo com-

pany ot San Fanclscoover the whole crop attNvmrt

Fifteen Were KilledValsenburp Col Feb The of

tlcial list of deitri as a result of theeilofion In the Maltland mine of the

FiiM company Is given out aslifteen bollPH have beenirjii urfarc andono remaltu

in i mill


He Act Injudiciously

Returned the

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