Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain...

Future of Presented by: Strategic Foresight Presented by: Dr. Michael Jackson Chairman: Shaping T Tomorrow Achieving strategic agility and resilience Achieving strategic agility and resilience

Transcript of Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain...

Page 1: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Future of Presented by:Strategic Foresight

Presented by:Dr. Michael JacksonChairman: Shaping



Achieving strategic agility and resilienceAchieving strategic agility and resilience

Page 2: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

About us

No sponsors, no investors, ~no cost, no debts – free to act impartially, client/member driven, virtual focus, volunteering


Focus on organisational action and practical rather than theoretical foresight

Page 3: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Future demand

Increasing demand for systematic ti i ti d danticipation and preparedness

from:Governments- Military, Crime, Defence, Food,Health, Animal health, Science ,Manufacturing, Education …

Commercials- Health, Telecoms, Energy …

Not for profitsNot-for-profits- Health, Water, Science …

A switch from static news gathering to dynamic intelligencegathering to dynamic intelligence reconnaissance and from limited to whole system thinking and strategic foresight

Modified from an original concept of Ian Miles


strategic foresight.

Page 4: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Global solution networks

Expert solution providers PartnersExpert solution providers Partners- Schools, Universities

Foresight communitiesForesight communities - Science, Design, Security …


Free sites | Rapid delivery | Co-creation | Joint research

Page 5: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Integrated social networkingOpen and closed networking in the Cloud

Full user metricsFull user metrics


Page 6: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Foresight methods

Integrated tools andIntegrated tools and content under user controlFormal ideation processespComprehensive tool boxes – qualitative, quantitative assessments, forecasting and decisioning tools e.g. Delphi, Scenarios, STEEP, R d i S tRoadmapping, Surveys etc.

Complexity reduced through AI


through AI

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All rights reserved: courtesy Parmenides-Eidos

Page 8: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Modelling, gaming and simulationStructured data analyticsr

Courtesy: Southbeach Modeller/Shaping Tomorrow

Visual dashboards as early warning systemsBalanced scorecards

MMORPG’s e.g. IFTFWarcraft equivalents

Courtesy: Visokio/Shaping Tomorrow


Balanced scorecardsPartnership approaches

Page 9: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Content profiling

Filtering Insights and g gTrends by user profile:e.g. industry, interests, expertise

S ti t l iSentiment analysise.g. fear, excitement

Narrative captureNarrative capturee.g. ideas

Latent Semantic Indexinge.g. concept searches

Bias is essential to avoid‘ thi k’ b t b i‘group think’ but being conscious of bias from theoutset reduces error and


increases understanding

Page 10: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Automatic scanning

Stakeholder scanningStakeholder scanningNewsRSS f dRSS feedsTweets F b kFacebook Paper.li M iMentionmap

Capabilities imp o ing b tCapabilities improving but human input still required


Page 11: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Predictive analytics

Aims: moving from single keyword to real-time multipleAims: moving from single keyword to real time multiplemeta data searches

Scour the webExtract, analyze, rankMake it usefulMake it useful

CollaborationCollaborationKnowledge managementSearch & discoveryData integration

Both look to shed light on and predict the future



Page 12: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

New business models

Ultra-low cost to free

Blue Ocean Strategy!

Extra-ordinary value addedCloud-based rather than home growngrownCustomer needs led Open/closed collaborationp /Outsourcing/partneringFast action/reactionConvergence of innovation, risk and business and competitive intelligence systemsg y

Others partly in our space: iKnow | Millennium Project | ? ….


Page 13: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

World data

Data fusionData fusione.g. GapMinderRising interest in mixingRising interest in mixing large data sets (e.g. GDP and happiness) to spot crisis points earlyShock Index (long-termforecasting underdiffering scenarios)


Page 14: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Web-based education

FreeElectronic guides/books - linked to contented to co te t

WebinarsOn-line workshopsOn line workshops


Privacy/Multi-licencesVirtual consultancyVirtual consultancySpecialist needs


Page 15: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Global collaboration

Increasing need forIncreasing need for joined up thinking between governments ,between governments , academia, NGO’s, commercial organisations requires common and shared platformsplatforms.Round the world, virtualconfe ences (APF)

Mobile appsll h l d bconferences (APF) All channel distribution


Page 16: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Sum of parts: a global futures brain

12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months

Create systems Identify policy

Develop i f

Describe system

to be studied


Identify policy, plans and


images of alternative


Disaster Coup


D fi d i d

Draw out policy implications



Identifydriving forces

Define desired future

ppotential for


Define: Scope

gIdentify trends

in driving forcesEvaluate

www.shapingtomorrow.comCourtesy: Joe Coates: All rights reserved. Adapted from Joe Coates original.

Page 17: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Foresight Process Design


Ask the Oracle

AnytimeAnythingA hAnywhereAnybodySi lSimpleSiri enabledA lAny languageInstant helpVisualDon’t make me think!


Page 18: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop


Mike Jackson: [email protected] Jackson: [email protected]

Shaping Tomorrow: www shapingtomorrow comShaping Tomorrow: www.shapingtomorrow.com

Thanks for listening


Thanks for listening

Page 19: Future of Presented by: Strate gic Dr. Michael Jackson ... · Sum of parts: a global futures brain 12 months – 6 months down to 3 – 2 months Create systems Identify policy Develop

Now it’s your turn!

Questions 1 Questions 2• How can we get busy senior

management to take fairly • What are the near-term day-to-

day implications of these

Questions 1. Questions 2.

g yalternative futures seriously?

• How can we integrate the work

y pdevelopments for organisations?

• What needs to be done now to How can we integrate the work of analysts more closely with policy development?

maximise their value-added and minimise their disruption to organisations?

• How can we collect evidence of Foresight successes to demonstrate that it really does

• What is the role of the futurist in 2025 if this probable future demonstrate that it really does

add value?

pcomes true?
