Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

17 22 APRIL PAVILION 18 stand (E11) stand (E09) PAVILION 12 stand (B04) stand (B04) stand (A03)


From the 17th to 22nd of April, Candia Strom, De-code, Elite Strom, Lattas and Papadatos under the brand communication brand umbrella of "FURNITURE FROM GREECE" - will travel there where the foundation of design was laid, not just in order to admire the ideas and products of the most talented designers in the world, but for the very first time, to become an integral part of the fair. Salone Internazionale del Mobile 17th-22nd of April, 2012 Pavilion 18: Candia Strom (E11), Elite Strom (E09) Pavilion 12: De-code (B04), Lattas (B04), Papadatos (A03)

Transcript of Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

Page 1: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

1722APRIL 17



stand (E11) stand (E09)


stand (B04) stand (B04) stand (A03)

Page 2: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile
Page 3: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

Salone Internazionale del Mobile


stand (B04) stand (A03) stand (B04)

Page 4: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

If you believe that our sun is so bright...

Then you will think the sameof our ideas*

* find us at salone internazionale del mobile (milan): 17-22 Αpril / pavilions 12 & 18

Page 5: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

If you believe that our sun is so bright...

Then you will think the sameof our ideas*

Page 6: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

I . S i rma str. , 13671 Acharnes

A t h e n s - G r e e c e

t . + 3 0 2 1 0 . 2 4 . 6 4 . 7 3 3

f . + 3 0 2 1 0 . 2 4 . 0 6 . 4 0 8

i n f o @ d e - c o d e . g r

w w w . d e - c o d e . g r

pavilion 12 | stand (B04)

Page 7: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile
Page 8: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

If you believe that our landscapes are unique...

Then you will think the sameof our designs*

* find us at salone internazionale del mobile (milan): 17-22 Αpril / pavilions 12 & 18

Page 9: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile


o by





Page 10: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

57th km. Athens - Lamia N.R.

32009 Oinoi Schimatari, Greece

t . + 3 0 2 2 6 2 0 . 3 1 . 8 4 4

f . + 3 0 2 2 6 2 0 . 5 6 . 5 3 2

i n f o @ l a t t a s . g r

w w w . l a t t a s . g r

pavilion 12 | stand (B04)

Page 11: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile
Page 12: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

If you believe that our sea is fountain of inspiration...

Then you will think the sameof our concepts*

* find us at salone internazionale del mobile (milan): 17-22 Αpril / pavilions 12 & 18

Page 13: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

If you believe that our sea is fountain of inspiration...

Then you will think the sameof our concepts*

Page 14: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

196 Tatoiou Ave. 13677 Acharnai

A t h e n s - G r e e c e

t . + 3 0 2 1 0 . 8 0 . 7 9 . 3 0 0

f . + 3 0 2 1 0 . 2 4 . 0 4 . 8 9 2

[email protected]

w w w . p a p a d a t o s . c o m . g r

pavilion 12 | stand (A03)

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Page 16: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile
Page 17: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

Salone Internazionale del Mobile


stand (E09) stand (E11)

Page 18: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

If you believe that our olive oil equals to quality...

Then you will think the sameof our products*

* find us at salone internazionale del mobile (milan): 17-22 Αpril / pavilions 12 & 18

Page 19: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

If you believe that our olive oil equals to quality...

Then you will think the sameof our products*

Page 20: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

18th km Athens Spata Avenue

P.O. Box 5409, Agios Themistokles

19004 Spata - Athens, Greece

t . + 3 0 2 1 0 . 6 6 . 3 3 . 7 0 0

f . + 3 0 2 1 0 . 6 6 . 3 4 . 7 2 8

i n f o @ c a n d i a - s t r o m . g r

w w w . c a n d i a - s t r o m . g r

pavilion 18 | stand (E11)

Page 21: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile
Page 22: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

If you believe that our wineequals to quality...

Then you will think the sameof our creations*

* find us at salone internazionale del mobile (milan): 17-22 Αpril / pavilions 12 & 18

Page 23: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

If you believe that our wineequals to quality...

Then you will think the sameof our creations*

Page 24: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile

E l Ve n i z e l o u & D e l v i n o u S t r

1 4 6 7 1 N E r i t h e a , G r e e c e

t . + 3 0 2 1 0 . 6 2 . 5 0 . 2 1 1

f . + 3 0 2 1 0 . 6 2 . 5 0 . 2 1 3

i n f o @ e l i t e s t r o m . g r

w w w . e l i t e s t r o m . g r

pavilion 18 | stand (E09)

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Page 26: Furniture From Greece at Salone internazionale del mobile