Fundamental of Advertising

Advertising Dr. Anamika Ray Assistant Professor, Gauhati University, Guwahati

Transcript of Fundamental of Advertising

Page 1: Fundamental of Advertising


Dr. Anamika RayAssistant Professor,

Gauhati University, Guwahati

Page 2: Fundamental of Advertising


"Advertising is the non-personal communication of information

usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature about products, services

or ideas by identified sponsors through the various media ."(Bovee,


Advertising is a way of sharing of with the buyers of a product or service.

Advertisement is a paid message by the organization (of the

product/service) with an intention to inform or influence buyers (Concept

given by the Advertising Association of the UK). 

An advertisement is "salesmanship in print”.. (defined by John E.

Kennedy, the Canadian-US advertising pioneer (1864-1928).

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.. “Advertising presents the most persuasive possible selling message to

the right prospects for the product or service at the lowest possible cost”…

(defined by the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising).

Advertising is “any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of

ideas, goods and services through mass media such as newspapers,

magazines, television or radio by an identified sponsor”…(definition by P.


According to Oxford Dictionary the word ‘to advertise’ means ‘to make

generally or publicly known’, It describes something publicly with a view to

increasing sales. 

The word advertising is a Latin word, which means “to turn attention of

people to a specific thing.” It is a paid form of publicity..

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CHARACTERISTICS  Advertising presents and upholds the ideas, commodities and

services of a recognized advertiser, which provides as a communication

link between the producer and the potential buyers.

It gives the information to the would-be buyers who are interested in

seeking the information about a product and the manufacturer. 

Advertising may be taken as the most efficient means of reaching

people with product information.

Advertising presents a mass persuasion apart from disseminating

information to the prospective buyers about the product and the producer.

While creating awareness and achieving popularity, it seeks to

persuade. It is a more effective and extensive and less expensive way of

creating contacts. 

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Advertising is a combination of creativity, marketing research,

economic and media buying.

Advertising may cost a lot of money but that cost is justified if it works

effectively and economically.

Advertisement has become an integral part in today’s marketing scenario.

In earlier times, advertisement was not given as much emphasis as it is

being given today.

Advertising is the paid, non-personal communication of information about

products or ideas by an identified sponsor through the mass media in an

effort to manipulate customer behaviour.

Advertising is non-personal because it's a fantasy created by a computer

that selects one part of the target audience. It communicates information

about products or ideas.

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UNIQUENESS OF ADVERTISING Paid form of publicity

Non-personal communication

Public communication

A message about the reason to buy

Information on goods and services, ideas organizations, people and places

Possible use of media means such as direct mail, telephone, print, radio, television, and internet.

Integral part of marketing communication

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PURPOSE The main purposes of advertising are:-

to disseminate information,

to establish attitudes

to persuade action aiming to provide profit for the advertiser. 

purpose of advertising is to sell something :-

a product,

a service,

an idea.

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The real goal of advertising is an effective communication between goods and clients and increasing awareness.

Advertisements are designed - to inform - to motivate - to create a market

The intentions are - To change the thinking pattern (or

buying behaviour) of the consumers. To persuade to take the action desired by

the advertiser.

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• To make an immediate sale.

• To build primary demand.

• To introduce a price deal.

• To build brand recognition or brand proposition.

• To help salesman by building an awareness of a product among retailers.

• To create a reputation for service, reliability or research strength.

• To increase market share.

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To distinguish products from their competitors

To communicate the product information

To create the urge of product use

To expand product distribution

To establish and extent the brand preference

To reduce the overall sale cost.

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Advertising performs some functions.

• It can inform the customers about a product, service, or idea.

• It can persuade the consumers to buy products, services, and ideas.

• It can remove cognitive dissonance from the minds of the

customers to reinforce the feeling that they have bought the best

product, service, or idea and their decision is right.

• It can remind existing customers about the presence of the product,

service, or idea in the market till now.

• It can dissuade the public at large from buying certain products or

services that are harmful for them.

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Classification Advertising can be classified based on various criteria

Based on Function,

Based on Region, Based on Target Market,

Based on Company demand, Based on Desired response and

Based on use of Media.

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Informative advertising : This type of advertising

informs the customers about the products, services, or

ideas of the firm or organization.

Persuasive advertising: This type of advertising

persuades or motivates the prospective buyers to take

quick actions to buy the products or services of the


Example: “Buy one, get one free”.

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Reminder advertising: This genre of advertising reminds the

existing customers to become medium or heavy users of the

products or services of the firm that have been purchased by

them at least once. This type of advertising exercise helps in

keeping the brand name and uses of the products in the minds

of the existing customers.

Negative advertising: This type of advertising dissuades

target audience from purchasing such products and services

which would not only harm them but also the society in general.

Examples: Advertisements of various civil authorities against

alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics.

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Global or international advertising: It is executed by a firm in its global

market niches. Reputed global magazines like Time, Far Eastern Economic

Review, Span, Fortune, Futurist, Popular Science. Satellite TV channels

also use to advertise the products through out world. Supermodels and

cinema stars are used to promote high- end products.

National advertising : It is executed by a firm at the national level. It is

done to increase the demand of its products and services throughout the

country. Examples: BPL (Believe in the best). Whirlpool Refrigerator (Fast

Forward Ice Simple) etc, which have the market in India.

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Regional advertising : If the manufacturer confines the product

selling and the advertising to a single region of a country, its

promotional exercise is called Regional Advertising. This can be

done by the manufacturer, wholesaler, or retailer of the firm.

Examples: Advertisements of regional newspapers covering those

states or districts where these newspapers are circulated. 

Local advertising : When advertising is done only for one area or

city, it is called Local Advertising. Some professionals also call it

Retail Advertising. It is sometime done by the retailer to

persuade the customer to come to his store regularly and not for

any particular brand.

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BASED ON TARGETED MARKETS Depending upon the types of people who would receive the messages of

advertisements, we can classify advertising into a few subcategories.

Consumer product advertising: This is done to impress the ultimate

consumer. An ultimate consumer is a person who buys the product or

service for his personal use. This type of advertising is done by the

manufacturer or dealer of the product or service.

Industrial product advertising: This is also called Business-to-

Business Advertising. This is done by the industrial manufacturer or his

distributor and is so designed that it increases the demand of industrial

product or services manufactured by the manufacturer. It is directed

towards the industrial customer.

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• Trade advertising : This is done by the manufacturer to persuade wholesalers and

retailers to sell his goods. Different media are chosen by each manufacturer according

to his product type, nature of distribution channel, and resources at his command.

Hence, it is designed for those wholesalers and retailers who can promote and sell the


Professional advertising : This is executed by manufacturers and distributors to

influence the professionals of a particular trade or business stream. These

professionals recommend or prescribe the products of these manufacturers to the

ultimate buyer. Manufacturers of these products try to reach these professionals under

well-prepared programmes. Doctors, engineers, teachers, purchase professionals, civil

contractors architects are the prime targets of such manufacturers.

• Financial advertising: Banks, financial institutions, and corporate firms issue

advertisements to collect funds from markets. They publish prospectuses and

application forms and place them at those points where the prospective investors can

easily spot them.

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There are two types of demand:-

(A) Market Demand: Advertising is the total volume that

would be bought by a defined customer group, in a

defined geographical area, in a defined time period, in a

defined marketing environment under a defined

marketing programme.

(B) Company Demand: It is the share of the company in

the market demand.

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Under Company Demand, there are two types of


Primary demand advertising: It is also called Generic

Advertising. This category of advertising is designed to

increase the primary demand. This is done by trade

associations or groups in the industry. The idea is to

generate a continual demand for the product.

Selective demand advertising: This is done by a

company or dealer to increase the company demand. The

company would advertise its own brand only. The retailer

can also advertise a particular brand.

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An ad can either elicit an immediate response from the target

customer, or create a favorable image in the mind of that customer.

The objectives, in both cases, are different. Thus, we have two types

of advertising under this classification.

Direct action advertising: This is done to get

immediate responses from customers. Examples: Season's

sale, purchase coupons in a magazine. We generally find

direct action in primary demand product. As it does not

take time to decide to buy.

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Indirect action advertising: This type of advertising

exercise is carried out to make a positive effect on the mind

of the reader or viewer. After getting the advertisement

s/he does not rush to buy the product but develops a

favorable image of the brand in his mind. It is also

considered as the selective demand advertising where the

buyer thinks many times to decide to buy.

Surrogate advertising : This is a new category of

advertising. In this type of promotional effort, the marketer

promotes a different product.

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BASED ON THE MEDIA USEDThe broad classification based on media is as follows.

Audio advertising: It is done through radio, P A systems,

auto-rickshaw promotions, and four-wheeler promotions etc.

Visual advertising : It is done through PoP displays,

without text catalogues, leaflets, cloth banners, brochures,

electronic hoardings, simple hoardings, running hoardings


Audio-visual : It is done through cinema slides, movies,

video clips, TV advertisements, cable TV advertisements etc.

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Written advertising : It is done through letters, fax messages,

leaflets with text, brochures, articles and documents, space

marketing features in newspapers etc.

Internet advertising: The world wide web is used

extensively to promote products and services of all genres. For

example Bharat Matrimony,, etc.

Verbal advertising: Verbal tools are used to advertise

thoughts, products, and services during conferences, seminars,

and group discussion sessions. Kinesics also plays an important

role in this context.

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Broadcasting advertising: Advertising through broadcast

media. Like radio, television advertisement.

Print advertisement: Advertising through print media like

advertisement through newspaper, magazine etc.

Outdoor advertising: Advertising through billboards, street

furniture, stadiums, rest areas, subway advertising, taxis, transit .

Online advertising: Mobile advertising, email ads, banner ads,

search engine result pages, blogs, newsletters, online classified

ads, media ads.


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Direct marketing: direct mail, telemarketing, catalogs, shopping

channels, internet sales, emails, text messaging, websites, online

display ads, fliers, catalog distribution, promotional letters, outdoor

advertising, telemarketing, coupons, direct mail, direct selling,

grassroots/community marketing, mobile .

Online/internet marketing: E-commerce:-Search engine

optimization (SEO)Search engine marketing (SEM)Mobile Marketing

Email marketing Content marketing Social Media (Facebook, Twitter,

LinkedIn, Google +, Foursquare, Pinterest, YouTube, Wikipedia,


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ADVERTISEMENT COPY According to Business Dictionary, ‘Text of a print, radio, or television

advertising message that aims at catching and holding the interest of the

prospective buyer, and at persuading him or her to make a purchase all

within a few short seconds. The headline of an advertising copy is said to

be the most important part, and quite often a small change in its wording

brings disproportionate results. Although a short advertising copy is more

common in consumer- product advertising’. 

According to the UK advertising guru David Ogilvy (1911-1999),

people do read (and listen or attend to) lengthy advertisements if they are

skillfully written. Most advertising copy is based on advertising/consumer

research and is composed by professional copywriters hired by advertising

agencies. It is also called advertisement copy, ad copy, or just copy. 

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An advertisement copy is the product based message that reaches to the

consumers. The ad copy includes the whole text of an advertisement

comprising various elements like:

- slogan,

- headline,

- subheads,

- body matter

- Company name/ product name

- Logo

- USP Picture

- Address

An advertiser or a copy writer should have extra ordinary creativity to

reach and convince the target audience.

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Slogan is a short and striking or memorable phrase used

in advertising expressing the aims or nature of an

enterprise, organization, or candidate; a motto and is

used repeatedly, as in advertising or in promotion.

Example- 1. Pepsi : Yehi hain Right Choice Baby 2. Amul: The taste of India 3. Jet Airways: The Joy of Flying 4. Cathay Pacific: The heart of Asia

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According to Business Dictionary, simple

and catchy phrase accompanying a logo or

brand, that encapsulates a product's appeal or

the mission of a firm and makes it more

memorable. And which (when used consistently

over a long period), becomes an important

component of its identification or image. It

is also called catch line, strap line, or tag line.

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‘Punch line is a climactic phrase or sentence in a joke, speech, advertisement, or

humorous story that produces the desired effect’ (defined by

In entertainment, a tagline is a small amount of text which serves to clarify a

thought for, or designed with a form of, dramatic effect. Many tagline slogans

are reiterated phrases associated with an individual, social group, or product. As

a variant of a branding slogan, taglines can be used in marketing materials and



Apple: Think different.

JetBlue Airways, USA: JetBlue. You'll Want to Fly Again!

Nike: Just do it.

Subway: Eat Fresh

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TYPES OF SLOGANSlogan has two purposes-

- to provide continuity

- to memorize and repeat the statement among consumers.

Based on purpose, there are two types of slogan:-

1. Slogan that emphasizes product or reward: Every product

has some rewards to offer to the consumers. It may have some

hidden quality that differentiates a product from the others. For

example Thanda Matlab Coca-Cola.

2. Slogan that emphasizes action to be taken: The slogan

might urge directly to use the product or service. For example

–“Join Akash’ academic success in life”.

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Headline is a sentence with full idea on the product/


One sentence expresses the full story of the promotion.

It plays the responsibility to grasp the mind as well as

concentration of the viewers just like a newspaper's


It is basically designed in order to be effective with bold,

large font size and various colors if required which makes a

difference from the competitors.

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STYLES OF HEADLINE Label: In Label headline the name of the product can be


Informative headline: Informative headline provides the

required information and attribution of the product.

Provocative headline: Provocative headline creates a

inquisitiveness and attraction towards the product among

the viewers.

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The tagline is sometimes confused with a headline because

information is only presented with the one or the other.

Essentially the headline is linked to the information; Once the

information changes, the headline is abandoned in favor of a new


The tagline is related to the entertainment piece and can,

therefore, appear on all the information of that product or


It is linked to the piece and not to the concept of a specific event.

If the sentence is presented next to a logo, as an integral part, it is

likely to be a tagline.

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1. Direct headline: Direct headlines are straight forward &

informative. If the features of the product are strong & are to arouse

interest, stimulate sales response, direct headline is better. Rs. 10%

off on Vishal products ….Hurry……stock is limited.

2. Indirect headline: If the appeal of the product is not very

strong, indirect headline should be used. ‘Scratch & get the gift.’

3. Combination headline: Combination headline seeks to combine

the virtues of direct & indirect headline. ‘Rs. 10 % off + scratch &

get the prize’…

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4. News headline: This type of headline has some news for the

consumers. ‘Cigarette smoking is injurious to health’…

5. ‘How to’ headline: It can be either direct or indirect. In this type

of headline the words ‘how to’ can be implied as words spelled out.

6. Question headline: When a writer frames a headline as a

question, he expects to make his audience seek the answer in the

text. A question headline will be more provocative if it carries some

interesting information or a stimulating idea. ‘What is your best


7. Command headline: A command headline politely ‘orders’ the

reader to do something. ‘Click here -- & send this card’ (internet


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Headline Slogan

Head line should always be changed according to seasons, festival. E.g. the headline of an umbrella in the summer cannot be used in the rainy season.

But the slogan - ‘the taste of India’ is a reorganization for the product or the company.

A headline may be a long or full sentence.

Generally slogan is briefer than headline.

Headlines are not very much memorable.

We generally remember it but not headline.

Headline can communicate a relevant idea quickly and effectively.

Slogan attract and slowly influence the people.

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This increases the authenticity and gravity of the message

that headline contains. Subhead lines bridges between the

headline and ad body matter.


Except slogan, headline, sub headline, picture, USP and

address, all the written text is considered as body matter. It

tells the whole story about the product or service, which an

advertiser wants to convey to the ultimate buyers. It

comprises the features, benefits and utility of the product as

much as possible in detail way.

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The identification mark is generally known as logo. Some time

different sign is used as the logo of the product, sometimes the

writing style either of the product or the company name is

considered as logo.


This contains the seal, signature or logo of the company or the

product itself, which helps to recognize the advertiser. Closing

idea insists the consumers to buy the product by providing

information on main content, changes in the product, attitudes


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In advertisement, picture is very influential element. As we know

one picture can be considered with thousands of words. Instead of

picture sometimes we may get illustrations combining with

drawings, charts etc aiming to gain quick concentration and

understanding of the product idea.


Advertisement usually carries the name of the advertised product

or company name or both simultaneously.


The advertisement may carry the dealer address or the home web

site or the communication address of the company.

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A unique selling proposition (USP, also seen as unique selling

point) is a factor that differentiates a product from its

competitors, such as the lowest cost, the highest quality or the

first-ever product of its kind. AUSP could be thought of as

“what you have that competitors don't.” It depicts the

exclusive and exceptional qualities of the product that make

the product different identity in the contemporary market.

E.g. Head & Shoulders: "You get rid of dandruff“

Domino's Pizza: "You get fresh, hot pizza delivered to your door in 30 minutes or

less—or it's free."

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MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Marketing communication means sending

and receiving messages using various media from

a market with the aim of promotion.

Promotion is very significant part of

"marketing mix". Marketing mix refers "four Ps"

which means price, place, promotion, and product.

Actually marketing mix is a company

strategy to reach and cover the target market.

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Through marketing communication the notion of ‘Look and

Feel and then Buy’ is used to try to establish.

Various business oriented fashion can be accredited to

marketing communications.

Conversion the consumer service to consumer relationship.

Transformation from human resources to solutions.

Change traditional and usual use of media to blogs, email,

and other online communication.

Transition from traditional way of advertising to pitch.

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Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) was first defined by the American

Association of Advertising Agencies (4A's) in 1989 as  "an approach to

achieving the objectives of a marketing campaign through a well-coordinated

use of different promotional methods that are intended to reinforce each


A more contemporary explanation states, "True IMC is the development of

marketing strategies and creative campaigns that weave together multiple

marketing disciplines (paid advertising, public relations, promotion, owned

assets, and social media) that are selected and then executed to suit the

particular goals of the brand.” 

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4 C’S OF IMC Consumer: For whom the product, product message and

promotional programme are made for.

Cost: It is budget, because all activities and level of activities

depend upon the budget as well as the loss and profit ratio from

the marketing procedure.

Convenience: It means the comfort ability from the both sides-

the advertisers and the consumers. The product should be

available in the market when it has the demand. It should give

both sides satisfaction.

Communication: It is considered as very significant part of

strategy. It is the mean to reach the ultimate person of a target


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Sales: Sell sheets, brochures, presentations

Consumer service: Help, returns & repairs, billing

Public Relations: Interaction, interviews, conference,

testimonials, publicity strategies, community participation, news

release, special events

Promotions: Contests, coupons, free sample distribution of

product, awards, discount, rebates, and special event


Trade shows: Booths, product exhibition

Corporate Social Responsibility: Donations, volunteering,

charitable actions, doing something for society development.

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Lack of transparent information dissemination process among

the associated members and the society.

Lack of following required procedure

Lack of required manpower

Most of the time scarcity of required fund, budget allocation at

required level

Lack of investment mindset.

Lack of theoretical and practical knowledge of required field

Lack of skill

Lack of Public Relations practice.  

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4 P'S VS. 4 C'S

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The promotions opportunity analysis is a major task in

a successful Integrated Marketing Communications.

 “A promotions opportunity analysis is the process

marketers use to identify target audiences for a

company’s goods and services and the communication

strategies needed to reach these audiences.”

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Market analysis: With the help of information based on

contestant, scope, intended market, consumer, brand


Set up of objectives: With the help of information based on

brand awareness, demand, consumer attitude, strengthen

buying action, repetition in buying action, company image

building, market share, sales etc.  

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Fixing the budget : With the help of information based on the aim of

the promotion, concern radical change, put back consequence, wear-out

effects, random events


Preparation of promotional strategies : With the help of

information based on general communication, marketing objectives

efforts, activities, overall message, communications budgets, new

competitive pressure, new promotional scope.


Policy: Advertisements based on key theme, personal selling , sales

promotions, special product packaging and labeling and price

changing according to the requirement.

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Every medium has a common circulation and an effective

circulation. Circulation is made up of entire number of people who

read or pledge to the medium. The effective circulation is the

number of potential consumers who read it and the number of those

who persuade sales. Sometimes, two or more periodicals are

circulated among the same people. Therefore, just adding together

the whole circulation of these journals does not give a true picture

of the number of persons arrived at. From 10 to 15 percent of those

people may be reading both or all of the periodicals.

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The category of medium:

The medium should be selected taking into account the class of people to

be influenced. The classification of people may be made in any way but

the classification of media will depend upon the nature of product and its

market. People may be divided into different groups by their social

standing, by the kind of work they do, by their income, educational

standards religion family background etc.

Geographical Location:

Further, they may be classified on their geographical locations .The thing is

to determine which of the classification gives the most workable

classification and use such classification in defining the market and the

people to be reached by the advertising media. Say for instance, if a

product is meant for youngsters (urban area), the TV and the internet will

be the most appropriate media. Selection of media.

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Distribution pattern:

Media circulation must match the distribution pattern of the product.

Hence, geographic scope of the market will considerably influence the

choice of media. Furthermore, those media should be selected which will

reach the target consumers in the desired type of market with a minimum

of waste circulation.

Consumer attitude:

It is the reader’s temperament at the time he reads, views or listens that

the advertisement helps to determine. A person cannot be receptive for

advertisement for a medicine when he is quite healthy or an

advertisement for books for the next higher class when he is enjoying


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The expenditure of the media should be measured in terms of fund

available for advertising and of course the circulation status of that

particular medium. The quantity of funds offered for advertising purpose will

choose the media. A company appropriating large funds for advertising may

prefer TV or radio and others.

Message formation:

The chosen media should be well matched with the advertising message.

The advertiser should prefer the media, which are most suitable for the

ad message and for the people for whom it is intended. They should carry

the message to the right persons and in the right viewpoint. If a product

calls for a long message, newspaper or journal may be chosen.

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Market analysis:

Competition in the field is another reflection in selecting the media of

advertising. Generally, the media used by competitors are preferred so

as to make an remarkable plea for the manufactured goods. He may

also utilize other media not used by contestant to get the success.

Size of company:

The size as well as the nature of business unit also play a significant

role in making the options for the media. Different media will go well

with the vessel, food, drugs and chemical stores, grocery units etc. A

big unit having chains may use of TV, Radio, newspapers and

magazines having national network whereas a small unit of fabric mill

will prefer newspapers and cinema slides only.

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An advertising agency (also called ad agency or advert agency) is a

service based business keen to creating, planning, and handling

advertising with the aim of promotion of a product for its clients.

Basically this type of organization is independent from the client. It

provides support from outside to enhance the selling status. The

activities of an agency also include overall marketing and branding and

sales promotions strategies.

Typical ad agency clients include businesses and corporations, non-profit

organizations and government agencies.

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Agencies may be hired to produce television commercials, radio

commercials, online advertising, mobile advertising, advertising

campaign and PR promotion.

An ad agency is a team of experts which serves clients of different

sectors. As a service provider, an Advertising Agency takes up the

important tasks of representing its clients to their target audience in

an innovative and effective manner.

An agency creates advertisements and disseminates the prime

message through the advertisements within the budget of the clients

and always tries to fulfill the requirements and short/long term

objectives of the clients. An agency uses different media, including

print, television, radio, internet etc. for spreading the message of the


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There are plenty of business houses, industries, firms or corporations

who are looking to outsource their advertising needs to an Ad agency.

A modern advertising agency offers specialized knowledge, skills and

experience which are required to produce an effective advertising


The specialists of an advertising agency work together to understand

the requirements of an advertisement campaign and develop suitable

advertising plans and strategies.

An agency represents the core of the advertising profession and by

creating advertisements and delivering them through appropriate

media, the agencies implement advertising plans and strategies.

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A. Full service agency : A full service agency provides all required

services to the clients regarding advertisements.

I. It plans, creates, produces and places advertisement. 

II. In addition, it also offers other marketing services like sales

promotions, organizing trade shows, publishing newsletters and

annual reports etc.

III. Full service advertising agency studies the product or service

and streamlines its marketable characteristic and how it relates

to the competition.

IV. At the same time the agency studies the potential market,

possible distribution plans and advertising media.

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V. After that the agency makes a formal presentation to the client

detailing its findings from the market research about the product.

VI. It recommends the advertising strategy to the client. If the client

agrees, the agency then launches the execution phase.

VII. This phase includes writing and producing the advertisements,

buying time and space in various media, delivering the

advertisements to the appropriate media, and verifying that all

advertisements actually appeared during the specified time or in

the specific space.

VIII. Finally, the agency makes sure that the clients are getting the

best possible benefit from the advertisements.

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B. Media buying service : Media buying service advertising agency is

an organization that specializes in buying the time slots from radio

and television channels and space from print media and reselling it

directly to the advertisers or to the full service advertising agencies.

The prime functions of this type of agency are selling of

time for electronic media to the advertiser and it orders the

spots on the various stations involved, and monitors

regarding the release of the advertisements.

This type of advertising agency deals with the media buying

and space selling for clients’ advertisements.

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C. Creative boutique: Creative boutique specializes in the creation of


In general, boutiques create innovative, imaginative and interesting

advertising themes and produce the advertisements for the clients.

An organization using the creative boutique may take the help of

other advertising agencies for space buying and execution of advertising


Creative boutique advertising agency does not deal with the media

buying, advertising campaign and other marketing functions.

It only involves with the creation of innovative advertisements for the


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The An advertising manager is usually required to perform most or all of

the following sets of duties although specific requirements may vary

depending upon the nature of the organization and the designations of

the advertising manager.

Prepares the budgets and estimate for components of the advertising


Prepares the annual budget.

Manages the planning and prepares the promotional matter, ensuring

that it is consistent with the advertiser’s marketing strategy.

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Meets the clients and officials across the departments to

coordinate ad campaigns.

Scrutinizes copy, and edit the promotional material,

ensuring that it conforms the guidelines.

Coordinates activities across the various departments of

the agency.

Develops contacts for promotional campaigns.

Collects information to build advertising campaigns.

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Out Door Advertising or Out of home advertising (or OOH advertising) is

advertising that reaches the consumer while they are outside the home.

Out of home advertising is focused on marketing to consumers when they

are "on the go" in public places, in transit, waiting (such as in a medical

office), and/or in specific commercial locations (such as in a retail venue).

OOH advertising formats fall into four main categories: billboards, street

furniture, transit, and alternative.

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The following are some important types of outdoor advertising :-

Posters also include placards display in the public places like walls,

building tops or street corners, railway stations, laptop, market place.

It may be on a cardboard or any metal sheet supportably a wooden or

metal frame.

The advertisers can change the posters according to the time and


There are different kinds of poster starting from small double crown bills

to the large ones on hoardings or bulletin boards.

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Different sized posters with full colour and realistic scenes and

pictures of products may look different. The ad copy should have a

slogan with the large printed letters.

Posters can create an awareness regarding the product message

through boldness and colour combination.

Hoarding includes the bill board, which is made of metal board in

large size, with fixed frame and is placed along the streets where

opportunity to see and read will be more. But it costs high and

sometimes people get bored to see the same picture at the same


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Wall paintings may be bigger than hoarding. The shape and size give

all points of immensity treatment. For election campaign it is largely


Banners are small in size and made of cloth or rexin or plastic. They

may be painted. But streamers are big in size. These kinds of

advertisement are costlier and do not last very long because they

can be easily spoilt by rain or wind.

Balloons filled with hydrogen gas are made to stay at a certain level

in the air. Viewers get the opportunity to see the Brand Name on the

balloon. But this is a very costly medium.

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FILM ADVERTISING Trailers or previews are advertisements for films that exhibit at the starting of a cinema in a

cinema hall.  As the term “trailer” implies the meaning that something at end of a show. But

the something new at the end – this practice could not sustain due to lack of audience’s

patient after completion of a show. Interestingly the name became very popular and was

started to use. Now the trend is trailers are shown before the film show begins. The film

advertisement usually combines with a series of selected shots with stories.

The main objective of the trailer is to drag the attention of audience to a particular theme/

story. This is why the trailers are represented in the most exciting, funny, or sometimes in

very significant and serious manner.

A trailer exists less than two and a half minutes or the maximum length allowed

by theatres. Each studio or distributor is allowed to exceed this time limit once a year, if they

feel it is necessary for a particular film.


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Corporate advertising is a promotional strategy that is

designed to not only interest consumers in products and

services offered by the company, but also to cultivate a positive

reputation among consumers and others within the business


The focus of corporate advertising is on the company

itself, with the attention to the products produced by the

corporation being a by product of the advertising effort. This

type of corporate marketing is often employed along with

advertising campaigns that are directly focused on the goods

and services produced by the company.

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The main function of corporate advertising is to generate and

enhance a sense of confidence and appeal among vendors

and consumers.

Depending on the exact nature of the corporate marketing

approach, the advertising may also be developed with an eye

of enhancing the reputation of the company among its peers

in a community or within a given sector of the marketplace. In

any application, the idea is to build the most agreeable public

image for the corporation as possible.

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The advertisement strictly related to the finance of an organization is called

financial advertisement. It includes share issues, annual reports etc. It always

tries to promote the financial picture of the company.

The advertising of financial businesses and services such as banks, investment

companies, loans, and mortgages. Share issues Annual report Others There are

also those rather dull advertisements, known as ‘tombstones’, which appear in

the business press, headed ‘This advertisement appears as a matter of record


These lists the holdings held by various financial partners in an enterprise.

These are a necessary public announcement so that there is no secrecy about

the participations or there may be a brief token announcement about a new

share issue.

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The social marketing is a marketing concept that holds that a company

should make marketing decisions by considering consumers' wants, the

company's requirements, and society's long-term interests.

The social marketing concept holds that the organization’s task is to

determine the needs, wants, and interests of a target market and to

deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than

competitors in a way that preserves or enhances the consumer’s and the

society’s well-being.

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Therefore, marketers must endeavor to satisfy the needs and wants of

their target markets in ways that preserve and enhance the well-being of

consumers and society as a whole.

It is closely linked with the principles of corporate social responsibility

and of sustainable development.

The main difference between social marketing and commercial

marketing is- Social benefit.

In social marketing the tools, techniques and principles of commercial

marketing are used aiming to common public upliftment. Here the

advertising campaigns are designed, implemented, and controlled in the

image of commercial marketing.

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According to Philip Kotler - Social Marketing is "the design,

implementation, and control of programs seeking to increase

the acceptability of a social idea or practice in a target group“

According to W. Smith - "Social Marketing is a process for

influencing human behaviour on a large scale, using

marketing principles for the purpose of societal benefit rather

than commercial profit."

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Societal benefit rather than commercial profit.

Bringing a positive social change.

Instigating behavioral change rather than increased sales.

Attempting to influence attitude and behavior related to social cause.

For example, social advertising campaigns on energy conservation,

pollution control, tobacco prevention, family planning, breast cancer

screening, health and hygiene, national security and many more.

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Space selling, basically refers to the selling of space through different media

houses i.e. print media, electronic media, radio, internet and so on.

For example:- when an ad comes is a newspaper its required certain space

in it, in this marketer or advertiser sells the space of the newspaper or

magazine to their respective clients, however on behalf of that clients pay a

amount which is decided by the media house according to the size of space


Similarly in electronic media also space selling is done but in

the different form here SPACE refers to a certain time limit in which

advertisement is telecast, accordingly in RADIO also slots are sold.

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Media buying is the function of an advertising agency in buying ‘space’

or ‘time’ in a media to place an advertisement of a product or a service.

Media buying is a strategic planning, negotiation and buying of Print

Media, Television, Radio etc. It is a specialized skill, which requires

knowledge on the target audience, consumer behaviour, the media, and

the criteria used to measure the value of time and space.

For placing an advertisement in mass media, the advertiser has to buy

space or time according to the nature of media.

Page 82: Fundamental of Advertising

John Philip Jones in the book edited by him, ‘The Advertising Business’,

states that a media buyer may be defined as the individual in an

advertising agency who is responsible for reviewing, recommending,

negotiating and buying the media time and space that will support the

brand positioning. He is responsible for the purchase of time and space

for the delivery of advertising messages in the media.

A media buyer may be an employee of an advertising agency who

specializes in such purchases, but, technically, a media buyer is any

advertiser, advertising manager, or individual who buys the

commercial time or the advertising space.

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GENERAL CODE OF CONDUCT IN ADVERTISING Advertising should be designed maintaining the laws of the

country and not offending the morality, decency and

religious susceptibilities of the country people.

No advertisement shall be permitted derides any race,

caste, colour, creed and nationality.

It should not carry any message against any of the directive

principles, or any other provision of the Constitution of India.

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The advertisement is not permitted to publish / broadcast, if it-

tends to incite people to crime,

causes disorder or violence,

breaches the law,

glorifies the violence or obscenity,

presents criminality ,

adversely affects friendly relations with foreign states,

exploits the national emblem, or any part of the constitution,

use of the person or personality of a national leader or state dignitary,

promotes cigarettes and tobacco products, liquor, wines and other intoxicants.

Page 85: Fundamental of Advertising

no advertisement message shall in any way be presented as News.

no advertisement shall be permitted whose objects where of are wholly or

mainly of religious or political in nature; 

advertisement must not be directed towards any religious or political end

or it must not have relation to any industrial dispute.

advertisements for money lenders, chit funds, saving schemes and lotteries

other than those conducted by central and state government organizations,

nationalized or recognized banks and public sector undertakings’, foreign

goods and foreign banks, betting tips and guide books etc. relating to horse-

racing or the other games of chance will not be accepted.

the items advertised shall not suffer from any defect or deficiency as

mentioned in Consumer Protection Act 1986.From an article titled ‘ADVERTISING ETHICS & LAWS’ written by Vaishali Kathuria Billa

Page 86: Fundamental of Advertising

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