Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica

/>c^' 'TL Cape Tawn CKtU-tlai^ JOHN AND LOUISE FULFORD JANUARY 1972 "NEW YEAR" "He holds my hand—Jesus holds my hand .... " What an inspiring thought in song for entering this New Year of 1972. This was the very chorus we were singing in our large fellowship circle at the Observatory Church as the- hands of the clock moved past midnight and into the New Year. A good number of us from the various churches wore gathered together for this Watch Night Ser vice and were just then sharing experiences of God*3 Blessings In the past year. Elizabeth Scott had just shared her testimony and requested that chorus to be sung for the year to come. The New Year brings great changes for her as s^e marries a fine dedicated young man. I preached at their reception (some i|.00 guests) and took their wedding photos. Jim Parris shared with us there too--soon to depart with his family for furlough in the States, and back in nine months for new tasks for Christ here in Cape Town, The day they left, camp commenced for us with the youth (Junior Hi) here at our house I All 11 of theml Girls on the lounge carpet. Boys in a tent on the back laim. Barrel Stanley and I take them on outings for classes and recreation each day. Our theme is "The Way of the Lord", and we are hoping and praying that some of these youth will go on into 1972 with Christ leading all the way, as Saviaur and Guide. May He be thus your Leader also, and ours personally, throughout this year. The Fulfords

Transcript of Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica

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"He holds my hand—Jesus holds my hand...."What an inspiring thought in song for enteringthis New Year of 1972. This was the very choruswe were singing in our large fellowship circleat the Observatory Church as the- hands of theclock moved past midnight and into the New Year.

A good number of us from the various churcheswore gathered together for this Watch Night Service — and were just then sharing experiences ofGod*3 Blessings In the past year.

Elizabeth Scott had just shared her testimonyand requested that chorus to be sung for the yearto come. The New Year brings great changes forher as s^e marries a fine dedicated young man. Ipreached at their reception (some i|.00 guests) andtook their wedding photos.

Jim Parris shared with us there too--soon todepart with his family for furlough in the States,and back in nine months for new tasks for Christhere in Cape Town,

The day they left, camp commenced for us withthe youth (Junior Hi) here at our house I All 11of theml Girls on the lounge carpet. Boys in atent on the back laim. Barrel Stanley and I takethem on outings for classes and recreation eachday. Our theme is "The Way of the Lord", and weare hoping and praying that some of these youthwill go on into 1972 with Christ leading all theway, as Saviaur and Guide.

May He be thus your Leader also, and ourspersonally, throughout this year.

The Fulfords

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By God's 'grace and a number of special giftsto our car fund we have at last been able to purchase a 1969 Ford Cortina (British) Station Wagonthat wonderfully suits our purposes in Christ'sservice here,. It is proving an excellent aidwith the youth Camp this month especially,


The support for December came from the following churches: Weatvlew, Marlow, La Harpe,Valley, St, Ann, Arcadia, Sallisaw, Bedford,Duncan, Northland, Texhoma, Central and the following individuals or groups: Marchbanks, JackscrjThomason, -Bryan, Beginner's Dept., The Lord'sReapers, Matlock, Ivev, Rice, C. Pulford, Van DeLlnder, and Dorcas PelHowohip, Our'thanks andmay God bless ell of you. Receipts, $1032,18:expenses, $898-57*


John and Louise Pulford1 Karreeboom RoadThornton, CapeSot)th Africa



M/M Marlon BiceLa Harpe, Illinois



} 7 7

0 'hi

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v\\->\yDear Partners in Christ's Service,

What a continual blessing it is for us to know that back of usin this work for Christ are so many of you dear brethren who are ourstrength and provision by your prayers and your giving. Through youGod has provided.not only for our continued work and witness, butnow for a home and adequate transport too, and we do praise God foryou. " • - - .

Our responsibilities and opportunities here have really grownin the past three months. With the departure of the Parris and theZimmerman families for furlough in the States, two specific newavenues of service have opened for us:

EXTRA MINISTRY AT WIS^ERG - At present I am preaching for both theLord's day services at both Observatory and Wynberg, I begin earlierat Wynberg, and have fifteen minutes between to barely make it tothe services at Observatory. But with other men now taking an addedshare in the leading of these services we are glad for the addedscope this affords in witness for Christ. The Wynberg church recently agreed unanimously to call brother Jim Parris to serve as theirminister on his return- to South Africa, and we are thrilled at theprospects the work promises, especially then.

SPECIAL GLASSES ^ ELSIES RIVER - As part of his training ministryhere, brother Zimmerman was teaching an Old Testament Survey Courseto a class of eager men and women from a Coloured congregation ofour brethren. I have agreed to continue this class until his return.We meet each Thursday night from 7s30 to 9:00 in a school near theirmeeting house (they have no church building). There are ten in theclass. I give them memeographed outlines, and questions for study —besides notes and discussion in class. They love the Lord and areeager to learn. It is a joy to share with them.

Meanwhile the other facets of our ministry still continue here.We have had^several Cottage Meetings in various houses. We also nowhave a special discussion session each Wednesday in a home near theObservatory Church. Ten to fourteen brethren from Observatory andWynberg Churches are meeting there regularly, and I lead in dlscus-sions on highlights of the Book of the Month (I Corinthians at present) which we urge all members of the two churches to read. I amalso continuing regular sessions on Christian Growth with Alton andSandra Adams.

-^3 s direct ministry to the elderly, I'have weekly visits andBible readings to our blind brother De Kock, and brother Lebrun atan old age home to the North of usj and alternate weeks to sistersbiunie and Lawrence some miles to the South.

Our outreach to youth continues with weekly meetings, and es-pecially at present we are planning to produce a drama for Easterentitled Jesus is Alive." The Cortina Station wagon is proving areal asset in transporting these and other folk.. , . ^ elected Secretary of our monthly Men's Fellowship,which continues to offer challenging programs for our men of the

three churches of the area.Gordon Nelson has now taken up the ministry of the Northern

Suburbs Church which he helped to start six years ago. He too isteaching a class at Elsies River.

j;i^ti2_So2^man--and-his family are retuiuiija5i.jiruJferch from theirlurlough in the States to aid in various facets of ou.tria^ to thelarge Coloured (Mulatoe) OounaunltiGs here.

Continue to pray for us all — especially in our personal witness and calling — that many more may be reached for Christ here.

Yours in His Service,

o VFebruary 1972 "for cueist for afbica"


*K 1 C

j'iitUfrVr'-"iT-r 11- •'iri-i"'~r

Jenni and Debbie

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Balance #322.57Beginners Dept. 10.00 # 5.00 $ 5.00Thomason 10.00 20.00 22.00Sailisaw 25.00 25.00 25.00Texhoma 50.00 50.00 50.00Jackson Uo.oo ' 20 .00Van De Linder 15.00 15.00 15.00Matlock 5.00 5.00 5.00Ivey 5.00 5.00 5.00Central 50.00 50.00 50.00Westview 30.00 15.00La He rp e 100.00 100.00 100.00Rice 20.00 10.00Valley 5o.oo 100.00 50.00Arcadia 30.00 30.00Bryan 61.25 lolj-.ooSt. Ann 20.00 10.00Lord^s Reapers 1^2.00 2UU.78Northland 20.00 115.^0A friend 25.00Bice 10.00Marchbanks 5.00Ma.rlow 25.00Bedford 30.00C, Fulford 5^00Dorcas Fellowship 25.00Duncan 20.00 10.00

#765.82 #1124.18 #422.00Total receipts

Salary #ii.5o.oo #450.00 $500.00Spooi-g-1- g-ifTtsPostagePicture Cards


Total expenses

Balance, Jan. 31, 1972



fc:6i.7l #898.57






$ 335.1k


John and Louise FuTfoi-d1 KarreeboomThornton, Capep-mih

' .-1 ' ir' ''

• ! r-f-


M/M Marion BiceLa Harpe, Illinois-



Page 5: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica

•• "'-v 7' •'->^

TL Oat>cape p aM^H

JOHN AND LOUISE FULFORDmnn "iniiiMTiJiHi i inra v^ti"


MARCH 1972^

A river runs neer bur'house• It flows on into a Coloured community that bears its name, Elsies River, And, like that river, God has sentforth a flow of His water of life from us into

that Community.I stood recently one Lord^s day before a pre

cious band of God's people in that community. Sometwenty of them filled a room of a neat but makeshift shack in a yet undeveloped area of thattownship. The radiance of their zeal for Christdispelled dismay at their poverty -- for they hadmuch riches in Jesus,

Before me sat brother IChota, beaming as hesang. Others there Imow him affectionately as"Oupa" (Grandfather), God's word flowed from himto win brother Paani for Christ some years ago,who in turn shared the gospel with many others whonow Imow the Lord there. As I preached the message of Moses: "Let My People Go", God could adda further tributary of the water of life for thesebrethren.

Brothers Khota and Calvert were eager alsofor more College Press Textbooks for Bible Study.I am glad to serve as a source for this. And tenof these brethren have enrolled in an Old Testament Survey Course I am now teaching for them eachThursday evening, with notes, study questions andtests •

These classes reach out also to brethren ofBishop Lavis Township where the church is beingplagued by irresponsible leadership. Sister Ntobiand her son are from that church and in the SurveyClass, We talked of the troubles as I drove themhome afterwards. "Things must now come to a head"said Sister Htobi, "We have learnt this from yourclass . These leaders must do what God wants, orstand aside for others who want to serve God," Wecannot just keep struggling on,"

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Pray for them and for us that God's Word,that great River of Life, might indeed cleanse,refresh and nourish many needy, thirsty heartshere.

The Pulfords


We continue to praise God for all your loveand giving for usi Those who sent support inFebruary were the following churches: Arcadia,La Harpe, St. Ann, Central, Texhoma, Valley,Salllsaw, Westvlew, and Duncan; and also theseindividuals or groups: Thomason, Van De Llnder,Bryan, Marchbanks, Rice, Beginner's Dept., Mat-lock, Ivey and Jackson, May God bless you richlyin return. Receipts: #501.00. Expenses:


John and Louise Pulford1 Karreeboom RoadThornton, CapeSouth Africa



.y\\ Ar'O/


M/M Marion BiceLa Harpe, Illinois• "... • 6li^5Q

Page 7: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica


•vnp nmTfjT pop aprtca"


MAY 1972

—ufl 9. srt

How much we value all your prayers and support in every facet of ourinvolvement in the work of Christ here. In this report letter wewant to give you some further Insights into some specific facets inwhich our Lord has been blessing especially.


— SSRWMG-- —-^o1ghio«—€tsd—- -family—-to—Gapi©—Town, from their visit to AmericW, just in time to join us for theAnnual General Meeting of the Observatory Church. He had served sowell as interim minister while we were in the States that we wereparticularly happy to have him sh^re in the reports and aspirationsof that evening. They will be loc)^ting in a new Coloured community. _Meanwhile they continue - as previously - to encourage the established churches through calling and teaching. Particularly he has nowrelieved me of the evening services ^at the_Wynberg Churcha^and isthus able to help to see them through till Jim Parris comes to minister there later in this year,

SHARING AND MOTIVATING - We have started bi-weekly prayer breakfastswlth^our men on the Board of the Observatory Church. These one hoursessions of sharing and conversational prayers have already deepenedour relationships with the Lord and each other, and our concern forthe work of His church. I intend motivating the members of thischurch also for special daily prayers and particular concern for eachother and for others who can be reached for Christ. We'll use aspecial card system. I'll tell you more of this next month.

TEACHING ANDREAGHING - Mr, and Mrs. Pitt live close to the Observatory Church and were among our earlier converts to Christ. Our mld-seek^meetings being held in their home now have 16 attending. Theirmarried daughters have now started com-ing to services with them a-long with husbands and children, and I have started Gospel Way classes in one of their homes. Do pray that these too will indeed be wonfor Christ, and may all be an added strength to His Church.

VISITING AND CHALLENGING - We've had two n^re'^ou^e guests recentlywho have been a real inspiration to us.^^John Hoyt and his son Timfrom Matabeleland Christian Mission in ^-R^^ade^sia came down to collecttheir truck at the harbour and other goods from the States. Theyhad much to share with us of the success of their work for Christ inBulawayo (some of which I had previously seen for myself). It was a^joy to hai/e John preach for the churches here, and challenge us toreally let God have His way with us,

giving and receiving - We continue to thrill at the Missionary re-Observatory Church in particular. At the recent

A.u.M. the treasurer reported that regular offerings had amounted tothe equivalent of $228o. Mission offerings were $li|50, withoutcounting what help they give us personally from regular offerings,

^e do thank God tha_t_..they are learning both to give as well as to re-^.aelye,^and can generally average__|lOO in monthly mission giving to " •/Christ s cause beyond themselves. '"We praise "God Tdf-tha-t-continued

concern that motivates you similarly to aid us in our witness here.

PRAYING FOR LEADING - The Observatory Church Board happened to bemeeting in our home just in this week. In the middle of the meeting,I I'oom, the phone rang. It was Max Randall calling

^ about eight leading men of ourbrethren there who are deeply concerned about the critical issue facing the Hew Zeal|̂ d_^^ of ^hrlst at the prospect of a big union

^ "l^b^eral;-denomfnH^~ibnal groups. We were acquainted with the situation at first hand (when we were there for three^ year ago), but had not pursued it furtl\ \. ...turning to South Africa last July. Now the position is

desperateand - because of our unique relationship to the situation (I worked with

Jennl and Debbie

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their Dadaya Mission in Rhodesia, and Louise has family connectionsin those churches — and we could help to tie in American ministerswho were also being challenged to go) — they want to know if wewill go. I could give no immediate answer but would need to letthem know soon. Of course I told the Observatory men the situationand asked for their prayers — as we now ask for yoursi Please praythat God will make plain His purpose for us. And pray that God willmeet the needs both there and here as only He can. We would be sohappy to have letters from any and all of you on this matter.

Yours in our LordThe Fulfords


Balance ForwardThomason, M.J.Van De Linder, O.R.Arcadia C.C., KSLa Harpe C.C,, ILF.C.C,, St. Ann, Mo.Central C.G., ARBryan, J,Marchbanks,- M.F.Rice, M,F.C.C., Texhoma, OKValley C.C,, Tucson, AZF.C.C., Sallisaw, OKBeginner^s Dept.Matlock, W.Ivey, W,Westview C.C., Shreveport,H.T.C.G., Duncan, OKJackson, E.G.Copeland, JudyF.C.C., Marlow. 0K_Ansonia C.ofC., Conn.Jones, F.E.


SalaryPostageDir. of MinistryBooks

Bal. end of month


John and Louise FuJford1 Karreeboom RoadThornton, CapeSouth Afr.ica • •


VM. ii:-


# 335.11+ # 320.59 f 312.1910.00 20.00 10.0015.00 15.00 15.0030.00 60.00

100.00 100.00 100.0035.00 20.00 20.005o.oo 50.00 50.0056.00 60.0010.00 5.00 5.0010.00 20.0050.00 50.00 50.005o.oo 50.00 50.0025.00 25.00 25.005.00 5.00 5.005.00 5.00 5.005.00 5.00 5.00

LA 15.00 15.00 15.0010.00 10.0020.00 20.00 20.00

50.00. - _ 7.19--


# 836.14 $ 863.28 1 784.38

500.00 500.00 500.0015.55 41.09 15.98



$ 320.59 1 312.19 $ 260.00


- 1M/M Marion Bice— La Harpe, 111.


17 7j » z/. ^ {) ^ ^

Mi 1 2 1972

Page 9: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica

JUL ^ B 1079



Happy Birthday to me] Well, it really was thatFOR me recently - just the Lord*s day followinethe Birthday of the Church. On that Pentecost Sunday we had realized our responsibility for beins; aPraying Church - like that early church. We hadright then initiated a system of Prayer Partners.That very next Lord*s day, (my own birthday), we'were rejoicing in some of the blessed results.

There in the morning service was Herman DeJagerlHe had been slacking since dear old sister Clunieno longer lives at his home. And Herman was backthat night! - plus bringing three friends!

That night also Carol Ann Norman gave a personaltestimony-to God's awakening her to a vital Christian^ life and a real walk with Jesus every day.She is the wife of one of our deacons, who has himself even more recently - rededicated his life tothe Lord.

And that same night Keith Rossouw told the congregation how^God had broken through his confusedideas about life and Christianity. His wife,Carol

— • ii-Lo wxxe,v>aroihad come across a book entitled "Christ is Enoueh "The title itself had challenged him. Here, in factT.toei T,T J. , * OVrfUwas his actual answer. Now they were ready tobuild their marriage more surely on Christ.

These events are thrilling in themselves. Whatis even more thrilling is the realization thatsuch blessed responses are occurring all the moreas we get increasingly busy with this primary business of the churcht this business of PRAYER.

Paul told Timothy: "l exhort first of all thatsupplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all men." So, besides our

Page 10: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica

regular praying,-W^'havT^assigned each active member three names of people to be prayed for everyday for a month, an active member, a lax memberand a prospect. And we are to be alert to being'used of God in some way ourselves as some answersto our prayers.

How we thank God for all of you dear brethrenin the States who are OUR prayer partners in thisway. God bless you as you continue thus in prayerfor us - and we for you too.

The Pulfords


The support for May came from the followingchurches: Central, Valley, Ansonia, La Harpe,Sallisaw, Texhoma, Marlow, Arcadia, and Westviewand the following individuals or groups: Beginner *s Dept., Rice, Matlock, Ivey, Van De Binder,Thomason, Marchbanks, Bryan, a33d--J8cksbn. Totalreceipts - $lj.72.97; expenses --1^00.71-" Balance?? " ^^260.00; Balance" on Tiand, May31, — ®232.2c), —

MISSIONARY FAMILYJohn and Louise Fulford1 Kareeboom RoadThornton, CapeSouth Africa



La Harpe.,—Six

S^/7 7 ^

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Dear Prayer Partners,

AtJGUST 1972

SEP 5 1972

What a thrill it is to us to know that you are indeed behind us inthese climactic months as we finalise our ministry here in Cape Town,and launch out into the new and even more challenging service that weare confident God has called us to fulfill for Hlra in New Zealand.God is graciously providing for Cape Town despite our going. V/e knowHe will provide for us personally - yet in our work here, and in thatwhich lies ahead. Pray that it will be abundantly so.

ANSVffiRS PRAYER - Prayer has been our keynote these past few monthsparticularly. We have prayed much for the Lord's leading for us personally. V/e have emphasised a prayer card system - with each memberpraying for three other souls. We have had an inspiring week of praying each night at the church. V/e have rejoiced in seeing God's answers as souls were stirred for Christ and a number for whom we haveespecially been praying gave their hearts to Christ recently.

PRAISE GOD PGR SOULS WON - The week of Evangelism which soon followedthe week of Prayer drew crowds that filled to capacity the churchbuilding at Observatory, A local evangelist brought stirring messageseach night, with many responses to the gospel. These were counselledby Jim Solomon and me. Seven of these were outright decisions forSalvation, and it was my joy to baptise these (young people for whomwe have long been praying) into Christ.

STILL MORE TO COME - Most of those who responded were with us in youthcamp, but there are others of these youth who we firmly believe willsoon yet yield to Christ, Do please pray especially for these: ShaunPrans, Julie, Yvonne and Vanessa. Adults also are involved, and especially the Van Niekerk family. I had counselled with Mr. Van Nie-kerk, and then had a blessed time in their home as they told of dissatisfaction with denominations and their desire for a real fellowshipin Christ with us, A few years back I had held studies in their homewith seemingly slight results. Now the fruit is finally coming forth.Much the same will no doubt come from my recent studies in the homesof the Sims and the Bruyns couples. Please pray also for them.

LORD'3 WORD - preaching has continued at both Observatory and Wynberg besides personal calling. My teaching has progressed at Elsies River through a survey of Old Testament books ofHistory (up to Esther) including assignments and tests and involvingten pupils. Midweek Bible Studies, prayer meetings, and youth meetings have all formed part of this ministry. I have gained as well asgiven - and God's Word shall not return to Him void,

:lI.SSIOgARY ^^TREACH FROM CAFE TOM - It has always thrilled us to re-^'llze how God has extended His word from His church in Cape Town:young people^going out to serve in various fields - besides those coming to help in ministering here; and financial aid to other fields -oesides help from others for this work. Now the church is giving to«id the Rhodesian Christian College in Salisbury for training a whiteministry for Southern Africa. The church is giving also to Bryan andVal Kirb^^", New Zealpnders aiding Africans at Dadaya Mission in Rhodesia, And we ourselves are now going from here to serve at least

—in New Zealand. Recently the church voted also to send120 to Carroll Fulford's travel fund for them to return to evangelism

hip^training in Port Elizabeth, up this coast* The Wynbergchurch IS sending ^105. So even as vie go, andther Fulford returns toS. Africa - and this church will continue to help him in the future.

I® mat ^ TIIE FUTURE? - Very recently all but one at a special meet-®-u - YQ--J fqr_Jim^ Solomon to serve as Minister for thatchurch. We know already that Jim Parria wi'lT come / / ' z jfjf y

to minister at.J^nberg, and they plan tostay in our house1 "

Jenni and Debbie

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Jim Solomon will also willingly work with both youth groups at Observatory. Zlmmerraans get back by the end of this year and will replacethe Nelsons in African work. So we are confident that the Lord isproviding adequately here for our absence. We ourselves will yetappreciate your help until we are properly settled in New Zeland atthe end of this year. May our Lord continue to bless you richly forall your love and concern and prayers for us here.

Yours in Christ*s Service,John, Louise, Jenni and Debbie



Balance Forward $ 260.00 # 232.26 1 126.33Ansonia C. of C. 5,00 3.00 3.00Arcadia C.C. 30.00 60.00Beginners Dept. 5.00 3.00 3.00Bryan 30.00 1).0.00 40.00Central C.C. $0.00 3o.oo 3o.ooCopeland 80.00Duncan N.T.C.C, 30.00Ivey 3.00 3.00 3.00Jackson 20.00 20.00La Harpe C.C. 100.00 100.00 100.00Matlock 3.00 3.00 3.00Marlow C.C. 12.97 24.14Marchbanks 3.00 3.00 3.00Rice 20.00 20.00Sallisaw F.C.C. 23.00 23.00 23.00St. Ann F.C.C. 10.00 33.00Texhoma F.C.C. 30.00 30.00 30.00Thomason 10.00 10.00 20.00Valley C.C. 30.00 30.00 30.00Van De.Binder 13.00 13.00 13.00Westview 13.00 13.00 13.00

Total $ 732.97 $ 632.26 § 733.69


Salary $ 300.00 $ 300.00 § 300.00Postage .71 23.71 13.90Printing 89.30Supplies 4.91

Total 300.71 323.71 610.31

Bal. end of month # 232.26 # 126.33 # 143.38MISSIONARY FAMILYJohn and Louise Ptilford1 Karreeboora RoadThornton, CapeSouth Africa



La Harpe, 111.6ll|.50

L. -PM]

SEP 5197?

/y 7

Page 13: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica



"Brother John!" cried sister Desmore, franti-celly waving her scarf from the dock as our boat,the Patris, eased slowly away. We waved backeagerly, and kept waving till our dear brethrenin Christ in this city of Cape Town were out ofsight.

The lights of Cape Town were drifting from ourview, but we knew they shone yet as brilliantlyas ever. How we thank God that though we go on toother areas of darkness, the lights \ie have kindled and tended in the hearts of many in that citywill still burn brightly though we have gone.

As we think back wistfully on our work there,some precious souls spring especially to mind;there are those of the Desraore, Stoffberg and Scottfamilies who, in spite of setbacks from Satan areyet shining for Jesus. There are the Sims and Anderson families, whom I had taught and many hadprayed for, who came at last to Christ in our closing week at the Observatory Church — making atotal of 13 new lights for our Lord in that lastmonth there. And there are Jim and Hazel Solomon,so utterly accepted of the brethren in Cape Homito continue to fan the flames in all these souls.

As we remember the wonderful send-off they allgave us — both from 'ttie youth'and'l:he church --and all their parting works of love, we know howwe miss these beloved brethren. God willing wemay well be back one day to carry on the witnessfor Jesus there.

But now the Patris sails on, and my ministrygoes on, as I minister to the only English ser-

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vice on boand on the Lord*s dav* share the eT)<3n(=iiwith brethren in Australia for^a leHeeL' o^^heway, and go on to the challenges that await as inNew Zealand in mid-October.

will be prepared for allour Lord has in store for us,

- The Fulfords -

SUPPORT SrmM^;The^support for August was received from the

lollowing churches: Ansonia^ Arcadia-, CentralLa Harpe, Marlow, Sallisaw, Texhoma, Valley, West-view, and the followsing individuals or departments: Beginner's Department, Bryan, Dorcas CircleXvey, Jackson, Matlock, Marchbanks, Rice, Thomason.and Van De Linden, Total receipts - #550.26 plusbalance on hand - •#ll|.5.38 equals total cash available of $695.614., Total, expenses - #5k5.5k, Bal-ande on hand August 31 - #l5o.lO.

Cape Town Christian MissionBox 5o5La Harpe, IL 6li.i.5o



Page 15: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica


jYgli.igfnii I " •Tiiiri' ^~


It was still dark when we awoke to prepare todisembark at Perth, Western ATistralia. Gazing cutrrora the ship*s rails across the black waters wewere thrilled to see the brightly gllmmerinp lights

the city m- the distance — and to realize thatin that city, similarly, were those who-shone asbright testimonies there for Jesus Christ.

At last we were alongside the wharf, and waving •Then we were down the gangway, and rejoicing withthose who_had come to welcome us. Louise*s parents

were there. God had uS^-^them 'to shine for Him years before in ministering in Can©Town when Louise and I were just babies in that con-gregation. They had later served fifteen years indarkaneas of Rhodesia. And now they are in Westernfin o TY»ei T T o I >-. *» r<:rr:'a""—r* r . • . .1 i'~~ •Australia (the home area of Lb"ul§e*-B mother) -- sunposedly retired, but really "retrVaded" Tas""^ _ (as'-her father says) — ministering to small churches in thehills on the outskirts of Perth, What a bleasinpand inspiration it was for us to share a few weekswith these dear ones in Christ.

And.. ,/*Well, Hello I ... Janl . , .and Dave I.,, It *ssure great to see ycu again, tool" I stood therepumping the hands of these young Australian min- 'Istera, and recalling my happy associations withthem. Jan Moyses had studied with m© at Czark Bible

ypollege :Ln the States. Now he was back in"his""nome-y.land, fulfilling an effective ministry among need'''Psouls there. David Beavis I had come to knew cn cur-previous trip to Australia. An able minister and

eager student, Dave has new been blessed with a won-, derful opportunity to go to the States for further

study and experience, and will soon be on his way#But for this while we shared together in our Lordwho is our light in every land., ar! vhero'^- r He

Page 16: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica

leads us — and shines through us.It was my joy to preach at the churches cf both

of these, my brothers in Christ, and in turn tohear the preaching of men of God like Bond.Brother Bond has long served as an.evangelist forChrist in Australia, and even in New Zealand, withwonderful results. We shared in six nights cf special meetings and were stirred by his preachlng'andthrilled by the responses of souls to. the gospel.I preached for this church also on two Lord's: laymornings, and rejoiced in cur oneness in Jesus curLord.

This theme "One In Christ" was ny" topic "for speaking to more than thirty local ministers cf our churches in the Perth area (while Louise sptbke to theirwives). But I could not help but include the threatstc that unity — as recognized in New Zealand particularly. Even among those ministers in Perth areseme who waves from the solid basis for unity inChrist and His Word. Hot all the lights burnbrightly there!

It was late at night as we watched the lights cf >Perth fading from view. The "Britanis" was takingus on to other cities: Adelaide, Melbourne, Sidney— and then to Hew Zealand, Thank God that Hlqlight shines in all of 'these places, even as it',-^shines still in Cape Town, and in America — andno darkness shall put it out!

Cape Town ChristianFox

La Harpe, IL 6li4.50

- The Fulfords -

Page 17: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica



iWdKOVBP^BR 1972

Dear Partners in Christ*s Service, DEC 1 0

VJe greet you fi^om New Zealand (a country of 3 million souls), andfrom Nelson (a city of 30 thousand souls), and from the AnnesbrookChurch of Christ ( a congregation of 150 Christians), We praise God forthe Challenge He has set before us here at such a time as this. Wethank Him^ and you, for the^_provi3lon. that jnade possible our coming.

"We pray for His continued provision also for His servants in Cape Town.

ARRIVAL IN N.Z. - The Britanis drew alongside the quay of k^ellingtonharbo^. Sure enoughl there waving at us was Doug Strawbridge, chairman of

gelistfor 2^ moers of our


elders at Annesbrook. And with him was John Marion, evan-the U.S.A., who has been ably aiding the Annesbrook Church

ihs. And there also were Stan and Beverly Norman, key lead-)e Town Church, who have been vacationing in New Zealand,

hoi^^. What a wonderful, and significant, welcome indeed —Impressing on u^N.all the more our links in these three lands vjith dearbretv>ren in ChrisX,

That was llth'^Dctober,, and on November we were back in Wellington for a day with the Normans while we confirmed arrangements forvisas for staying. The Normans had just a few days left in N.Z., andit was great to have a time for fellowship and prayer before they wouldset sail for Cape Town and our brethren there.

WORKERS DJ G»T. - Meanwhile in Cape Town Stan*s brother Ron and JimOolomon continue to take the major responsibility for the Observatorynhurch, and we hear good reports of their efforts and fine response tothe raid-week meetings Jim'is leading. By the time you read Jim®>nd Arline Parris should also be back in Cape Town from the tonerve the Vfynberg church (though they have had some vis: hold-ups).The Ziraraermans too should be back in Cape Town in riid-Decoraber; aoid rayorother Carroll and his family should arrive there shortly•after and.Proceed to evangelism in Port Elizabeth, Please pray for all who serveChrist there.

^NISTERING IN NELSON - The Annesbrook church has a strong and faithful witness for Christ, but has lost out on many fringe-members duringj^heir two years without a minister. They have an able board of fiveciders and 10 deacons, and have heartly welcomed us to aid in co-ordinating their efforts toward greater fruitfulness for Christ. We knowwe have much to learn from them too. Pray that we shall fulfill ourministry here.

_^0NFEHENCE in CHRISTCHURCH - Aweek after our arrival in New Zealand Idown with others from Nelson to the Churches Conference in

hristchurch to face the cjuestion of Union mergers in particular, ^f-ter more than i^O spoako.r's had aired their views both for and against,

he vote of the reproof the churches was taken and vjas almost exactly divided. Co the prospects of "Union are wardng, it seems,and a challenge for a retui'O to Restoration and Evangelism has stirredthose who oppose union to move more positively to these aims throughan action committee centering in Nelson aci at Annesbrook in particular,with Doug Strawbridge as Chairman. Doug ir. leading also in the plansi-or Revival Fires Evangelistic teams to corae to 16 churches here next••^P^^mber. A publication entitled "The Christian Witness" will furtherJ-hia canoo. pray fnp na Jn this, and for all our labors here forCnri sfc.

Yours because His,

Jenni and Debbie

Page 18: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica

TO OUR FAITHFUL SUPPORTERS - Words cannot express our gratitude to Godand to you all for your loyal backing of all our efforts for Christ inCape Town, and in our going to J^ew Zealand. How that we are settledhere"and confident that the South Pacific Evangelizing Fellowship providing our actual traveling expenses in coming, our financial needsfrom the States are fulfilled. Your gifts for December (to be sent toour forwarding agent in December) will complete our own financial obligations in Cape Town. The Nelson Church 13 well able to support ushere. We do, however, continue''to plead for your prayers.

And what of your suppcr-tf-^^lease consider the following:' % Mike and Linda Solomon a^t Ozark Bible Gplle.ge—ar_e in present fi- •

nancial need as he completes -his studies -trh'̂ e. They T^dok, to returning^ to their home churches in Cape Tovjn" in DeToemb.er___1973,_..^d wouldlove-to-h^e-your--help. We encourage you tp send to" them (from Jan- .,uary) at 5l3 N. Byers, Joplin, MO 64S0I,

Tini and Hazel Solomon, serving in our place in Cape Town need fur-'r financial help. VJe encourage you to send to them (from January)

a their forwarding agent: Mr, Mrs. Jesse Ireton, Rt. 2, Shirley.IN i|738i|. •" . .. ..

CARROLL AND Nancy Fulford returning to South African Evangelism^--^VDecember this year need further financial help. We encourage you

>0 send to them (from January) via their forwarding agent: R. Poerster3266 Churchill St., St. Paul, MN 68926.

financial REPORT;:Balance on-bandReceipts

Expenses - ..Balance, ending.











CONTRIBUTJONS wTere received from the following churches: Ansonia C. ofC., Arcadia C.C,, Central G.C,, Duncan N.T.C.C., La Harpe C.G,, MarlowC.C., Sallisavj F.C.C., St, Ann F.C.G,, Texhoma F.C.C., Valley C.C,,VJestview C.G., and the following groups or individuals: Beginners Dept,Bryan, Ivey, Jackson, Matlock, Marchbanks, Rice, Thoraason, Van De Lln-der, "Dorcas Circle, and Maynard.

John and Louise Fulford

542 Wa imea^ Rd,Nelson, New Zealand


u L. o I»L;

/ 77


j «3n9U liiiii • i i

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II unto God for His inexpressible G1Gift I {II Cor, 9:15). How wonderfully we are a-ware - and perhaps all the more at Christmas time -of the glorious gift of love and salvation that Godhas granted to us-in Jesus I

Recently I sat in the side room of the LanternCoffee-house run by Y.P.C. here in Nelson, sharingwith 15 year old Cralg that gift of salvation inJesus« I had just presented the message "Are YouReady" to some 1^0 young people there. Praise Godfor youth right here in New Zealand who are gettingand giving that saving, gospel.

This month the Youth Bible Class here are presenting a unique Gospel Service, Youth - on theplatform - will "buy" expensive displayed gifts, butpass up God»s free gift in Jesus. Then follows thechallenging message.

On Christmas eve (Sunday) our Gospel Hour willfeature youth in a tableau presentation of the birthof Christ. The climax will focus in the star andthe purpose of His coming. Then this tableau andmessage Is to be taken on out into the comrrrunitv inan open-air Carol Service.

Thus in many ways, and in many homes too, we aresharing God*s gifts; and we are receiving in returngifts of love, fellowship and provision from ourNew Zealand brethren here. We are even to haveLouise's parents with us (from Australia) for several weeks at this time.

Our gratitude to all of you dear brethren also,can hardly be adequately expressed. As many of vou

gifts of help and support to usthis month, we do mbst sincerely thank you all forwhat you have meant and will ever mern to us.

God bless you abundantlTrt

Page 20: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica

PLE^ 10T|: Since your last gifts to us should becoming in this month of December, we yet nlan topublish the Cape Town Christian in ^uLfandEeb^ary, which will complete the fifllHoial pL-


^°u was received from thefollowing churches: La Harpe, Ansonia, St. AnLValley, Central, Texhoma, and

the following individuals or groups: Beginner*aDept., Thomason, Ivey, Matlock, .^Bryan, Van De binder, and Karohbanks. , Hov. balance, StelB.?!- Reoeipts, 1^+0; Expenses, fl05.03j Balance on'hand,i-'e C* 1, t=.?3*70«


John and Lonise Fulford5^2 Walmea Rd.Nelson, New Zealand

Gape Town OVirls-tian Mi.asionBox 5o5La Harpo, IL 6l[;5(



M/M/Marion BiceBox 5o5

^La Harp©, IL 6l[i.^o

Page 21: Fulford John Louise 1972 SAfrica

61eanings( fo£- Hor. by W.SkMc &ec. 21, 1972)

John and ^8a Louise Fulford report that the Annesbrook

Church of Christ, Nelson, New Zealand where they are now XSNNISN

located Is well able to support them* So, Fulfords recommend that

their missionary support be switched to; Mike Solomon, Jim Solomon,

or Carroll Fulford families all working in South Africa*

U If II II, IfTrfrW Www