Fulford Carroll Nancy 1966 SAfrica

J n \ Dear Brethreni r^ n \ m-£, 1966 We have already served on the Mission field in South Africa# In i960 we established the Wynberg Church of Christ in Cape Town» consisting largely of brethren from the Polo Road Church, In 1962 we moved to Pretoria where we conducted calling campaigns and personal evangelism. In 1965 we returned from South Africa when Nancy had back trouble, and our baby daughter Sandra was ill v/ith asthma, pneamonia, and T.B. almost to the point of death. Praise the Lord they were both cured. And I took advantage of being here to take some graduate studies at Lincoln Christian Seminary. In addition I have served as full-time minister at the Tinley Park Church of Christ for the last two and one-half years. Once again we feel that the time is right for us to return to South Africa, and the Lord is opening the doors for us to do just that. After a careful study of a map of South Africa, and the location of missionaries already on the field, we havo concluded tliat a strategic spot for our new ministry would be the city of Port Slizabeth about 5^0 miles due east of Cape Town* Brethren, we need your help. Launching out on a new missionary campaign is not easy. Funds will be needed for travel and support. Even now we are in theprocess of traveling to present the South African work to the churches. Will you please join with others in praying for us as we enter this new venture of service for Christ. We have already stepped out 01 faith, and have made our reservations on Icelandic and Trek Airways for January 1967* The fare will be -i?1527*00 which we need to raise by then. V/e encourage you to help by contributing to our Travel Fund for the next few months, or even better by a regular monthly gift. Yours in the I^iaster's name, ( D0R8/^H Carroll and Nancy. CBP/? "TovNM FORWARDING AGENTS Mr. & It's. Woodford 514 Hobart Eau Claire, Wis. 54701 (After Jiily 12) FAST London Fort rn2 abcth MISSIONARIES Carroll and Nancy Fulford 6876 W, 176 Place Tinley Park, 111. 60477 (Until July 12) "HE WILL MAKE GLORIOUS THE WAY OF THE SEA THE PEOPLE WHO WALKED IN DARKNESS HAVE SEEN A GREAT LIGHT.» ISAIAH 9:1,2

Transcript of Fulford Carroll Nancy 1966 SAfrica

Page 1: Fulford Carroll Nancy 1966 SAfrica

J n\

Dear Brethreni


m-£, 1966

We have already served on the Mission field in South Africa# In i960 weestablished the Wynberg Church of Christ in Cape Town» consisting largelyof brethren from the Polo Road Church, In 1962 we moved to Pretoria wherewe conducted calling campaigns and personal evangelism.

In 1965 we returned from South Africa when Nancy had back trouble, and ourbaby daughter Sandra was ill v/ith asthma, pneamonia, and T.B. almost tothe point of death. Praise the Lord they were both cured. And I tookadvantage of being here to take some graduate studies at Lincoln ChristianSeminary. In addition I have served as full-time minister at the TinleyPark Church of Christ for the last two and one-half years.

Once again we feel that the time is right for us to return to South Africa,and the Lord is opening the doors for us to do just that. After a carefulstudy of a map of South Africa, and the location of missionaries already onthe field, we havo concluded tliat a strategic spot for our new ministrywould be the city of Port Slizabeth about 5^0 miles due east of Cape Town*

Brethren, we need your help. Launching out on a new missionary campaignis not easy. Funds will be needed for travel and support. Even now weare in theprocess of traveling to present the South African work to thechurches. Will you please join with others in praying for us as we enterthis new venture of service for Christ. We have already stepped out 01faith, and have made our reservations on Icelandic and Trek Airwaysfor January 1967* The fare will be -i?1527*00 which we need toraise by then. V/e encourage you to help by contributing to

our Travel Fund for the next few months, or even betterby a regular monthly gift.

Yours in the I^iaster's name, ( D0R8/^H

Carroll and Nancy.

CBP/? "TovNM


Mr. & It's. H« Woodford

514 HobartEau Claire, Wis. 54701

(After Jiily 12)

FAST London

Fort rn2 abcthMISSIONARIES

Carroll and Nancy Fulford6876 W, 176 PlaceTinley Park, 111. 60477

(Until July 12)



Page 2: Fulford Carroll Nancy 1966 SAfrica


;Ms=sioncii*iGS-; Carroll and Nancy Fulford For'd Agent: Herbert v/oodford514 Hobart-Sau Claire, Wis.


My dear brethren,

BellvillGj OhioSept. 30, 1966

I am very conscious, as I write this letter to you, of the needtha.t we have for your prayers and the guidance of God in this newventure for Christ and His kingdom.

As I havo been and am visiting in your churches and your homesI appreciate more than I can say the care and the concern which youhave expressed to me for our v/crk. . . ^

The time is fleeing by so i^apidly, and, Lord .willing, we s'fiallbe leaving for Port Eli^^abeth, South Afri.ca on January 4,have already reserved our accomoda.'f'-ions. Our .travel^ fa.re is 41527and needs to be completed by the first T7cck of December. Your support in the next tvro months could help so much in this. ^All contributions should be sent to our Forwarding Agent.

Nancy and the children have been in Eau Claire, Wisconsin thispast month, and both our daughters are now in school. I in turn having been putting thousands of miles under the weals of Chevelle invisiting the churches and telling of our v;ork.

^'/hat are our plans as we look toward Port Elisabeth, SouthAfrica? We have a threefold aim:

1. REACH these people by visiting them in their homes, bynewspaper advertising and by Radio Broadcasting.

TEACH them Gad*_s ^^ord by Bible ^studies ,in our home, cottagemeetings, and regular Bible classes with a view to the establishingof a Bible College.

3, PREACH the Gospel'by regular services in otir home, thenrenting or bu'̂ '̂ing a building, and developing a completely indigenousself-supporting church which v;ill carry on by itself as v/e move to

another part of town.

Brethren, please pray for us. No one realizes the difficulties of this task as well as our own shortcomings said inadequaciesmore thcan I. Yet'the Lord has called us. He has opened the way almost miraculously, and through you and others like you He is providing the means for us to go. Fith Him we can not fail. Please remember us daily before His throne of mercy.

And may the God of all grace and peace guide your footstepsever onward as you labor always for Him.

Church of Christ

Bellville, Ohigt

Yours for Christ for South Africa,

Carroll Fulford

Non-Profit Org»U. S. POSTAGE


Bellville, OhioPermit No. 2

VJ.E- KcCILV^YBOX 968v>T,iE'r, HX" 60434

.I. - <

Page 3: Fulford Carroll Nancy 1966 SAfrica


Missionaries: Forwarding igsnt:Carroll and Jloncy Fulford ilrs» Herb ';/c odford

514 Hobart'BtreetSau Claire, V/is., 54701

DSCSI.BER, 19664

Dear Christian Friends,

_ Gospel begins with GoJ And wo are ready to go-Almost: That January 4 th deadline is nighty close, and it is our departure date for Port Elizabeth, South Africa. /e can truly say withthose o..: Old: "Hitherto hath the heloed us," and mq believe vril.h yourpra^-ei ^ lad your support He v:ill bring us safely into this hew field oflabor in South Africa.

Thus far vje h->vo travelled about 20,000 niles visiting churchesfrom /acnington D.G, lo Nebraska, and Aentucky to "/isconsin. This hasentailed^nuch effort and expense but the support has been good, and thefelj.owship has been wonderful I Below is our financial statement thruto the end of October. ,

Receipts • May-July, 1966 XilxpensesChurch Offerings ;.237.7l Half July salary i225.00Church Offerings 171.69 Postage Stationary 62,OSTo For*d agent 59.00 Travel expenses 269-75

^ 463.40 Airways deposit 120.00F59orS3

AUGUST, 1965Church Offerings OlTS.OO August salary §450.00To For'd Agent , 541.03 Travel expenses I'^O.IO

:y 719,'03 Airways deposit 100,00

SEPTEMBER, I966Church -Offerings- $225. 63 Sept. salary " §450,00To For'd Agent 537.66 Pictures 30.00

$ 763.49 Travel expenses 189.70Postage &, Stationary 18.70

§ 688,40OCTOBER, 1966

Salary 4450.00To Por'd Agent 440.11 Travel expensh 261.00§ 65S.06 4 711.00

Me have receipts out to you, but may v/e take this opportunity onceagain to say a big thank you, to all of you v»fho have helped and arehelping by your pravers and gifts. Certainly the Lord does provide forall our needs, and we know that our God shall abundantly supply yourevery need according to His riches in glory through Christ Jesus.

Our flight schedule to South Africa is:-January 4th:Chicago-New York,January 5th: Nev; York-Luxemburg. January 7th: Luxembourg-Parma. January 8th: Parma-Johannesburg. January 10th: Johannesburg-Port ElisabethPlease pray for us on this trip.

Pray the the Holy Spirit may go before us to Port Elizabeth to prepare the hearts of these people to receive His Word,

Your missionaries and friends,Carroll and Nancy Fulford
