Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

1 of 16 AIRBORNE CONTAMINANT EMISSIONS FROM THE COMBUSTION OF LIQUID-BASED FUEL OILS INTRODUCTION - an inventory of equipment fueled by distillate and residual fuel oils, including boilers/heaters, turbines and engines; - a list of NPRI and O. Reg. 127/01 air contaminants specific to the combustion of liquid-based fuel oils; - equipment-specific emission factor tables for the contaminants specific to the combustion of liquid-based fuel oils; and - facility-based emission estimation templates for reporting annual (and smog period) emissions and details of calculations and The purpose of the Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator is to calculate air emissions from the combustion of liquid-based fuels (including distillate fuel oils Nos. 1 & 2 and diesel fuel; as well as residual fuel oils Nos. 4, 5 & 6), to use in reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI). It will also assist Ontario industries in meeting reporting requirements in O. Reg. 127/01, “Airborne Contaminant Discharge – Monitoring and Reporting”. The Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator was produced by Canadian ORTECH Environmental Inc. (ORTECH) in April 2009 for the Canadian Energy Partnership for Environmental Innovation (the Partnership), and has since been reviewed by Environment Canada (EC). The partners within this project include AltaGas Utilities, ATCO Gas, ATCO Pipelines, Spectra Energy, Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., Gaz Métro, Manitoba Hydro, SaskEnergy / Trans Gas, Terasen Gas, TransCanada PipeLines Limited, and Union Gas Limited. The Emissions Calculator is an equipment-based Excel® Workbook accompanied by a Guidance Document. It was developed to provide companion materials to the Natural Gas Combustion Emission Calculator and Guidance Document, and was prepared to promote and facilitate accurate and consistent reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI), Ontario's "Airborne Contaminant Discharge - Monitoring and Reporting" Regulation (Ontario Reg. 127/01), and Alberta Environment (AENV). The basis for the Emissions Calculator is the "GUIDANCE DOCUMENT for Emissions Calculator - Airborne Contaminant Emissions from the Combustion of Fuel Oils". This document includes: Protocol templates were specifically developed in this Emissions Calculator for internal and external combustion equipment that is fueled by liquid-based fuels, including distillate oil-fired boilers/heaters, residual oil-fired boilers/heaters, diesel- fired turbines and diesel-fired engines. Separate templates were developed for distillate oil-fired boilers/heaters and residual oil-fired boilers/heaters. Excluding emission factors for sulphur dioxide (SO2), both sets of templates for boilers/heaters were based on U.S. EPA AP-42 Section 1.3 (9/98, updated 7/08) emission factors. Uncontrolled emission factors for sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and total (filterable) particulate matter (TPM) were selected for boilers/heaters with less than 100 MMBtu/h of heat input. Do not use the templates for distillate oil-fired and residual oil-fired boilers/heaters if your facility operates boilers/heaters with heat inputs greater than 100 MMBtu/h. Combustion equipments within this category share almost the same general design and operating characteristics and therefore have similar emission characteristics when combusting fuel oils. (Table 1.3-1 of U.S. EPA AP-42 Section 1.3 (9/98, revised 7/08) provides emission factors suitable for boilers/heaters with capacities > 100 MMBtu/h). For boilers/heaters, the emissions of SO2, NO2, TPM, methane (CH4) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the combustion of residual fuel oils Nos. 4, 5 & 6 and distillate oils vary with the type of fuel oil being used, and can be selected from a drop-down list on the Input Page for Residual Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters. The emissions of CH4, VOCs, PM10 and PM2.5 from the combustion of residual fuel oils Nos. 4, 5 & 6 and distillate oil also vary with the types of application for which the combustion equipment was designed. The 3 types of equipment applications addressed in U.S. EPA AP-42 Section 1.3 are "Utility Boilers (Electricity Generation)"; "Industrial Boilers"; and "Commercial/Institutional/Residential Combustors", and can be selected from a drop-down list on the Input Pages for Residual Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters and Distillate Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters (Note: only the latter 2 equipment application categories were specified for distillate oil-fired boilers/heaters). For both distillate oil-fired and residual oil-fired boilers/heaters, control options for NO2 and SO2 have been incorporated into the Emissions Calculator and can be selected on the Control Device/Adjustment Factors Page. Emissions of SO2, TPM, PM10 and PM2.5 are based on the sulphur content of the type of fuel oil being combusted. If known, the sulphur content for distillate oils and for residual oils can be entered on the Sulphur Content Selection Page. Otherwise default sulphur contents for distillate oils and/or residual oils will be used in the emission calculations for SO2, TPM, PM10 and PM2.5. The U.S. EPA has advised using AP-42 Section 1.3 emission factors for small boilers (<100 MMBtu/h heat input) when calculating emissions from other combustion equipment such as heaters, kilns, ovens, dryers and/or duct burners. Although heaters generally tend to be smaller than boilers, the combustion mechanisms, and therefore the resulting emissions, are similar. The template for diesel-fired turbines was based on the emission factors provided in U.S. EPA AP-42 Section 3.1 (4/00) and can be used to calculate emissions from diesel-fired and distillate oil-fired turbines (i.e., the Source Classification Codes (SCCs) for AP-42 Section 3.1 are 2-01-001-01, 2-02-001-01, 2-02-001-03 and 2-03-001-02 and are applicable to both diesel fuel and distillate oils). Control options for CO and NO2 have been incorporated into the template for diesel-fired turbines and can be selected on the Control Device/Adjustment Factors Page. The sulphur content for turbines can be a sulphur content of diesel fuel for either Aviation Turbo Fuel Turbines or Ultra-Low-Sulphur Diesel Fuel Turbines (Environment Canada, Sulphur in Liquid Fuels 2006, January 2008). If known, you can specify the sulphur content of the diesel fuel used at your facility on the Sulphur Content Selection Page, otherwise default values of sulphur will be used. large diesel-fired industrial engines (> 600 hp or 450 kW or 1.5 MMBtu/h). The templates were based on the emissions factors provided in U.S. EPA AP-42 Sections 3.3 (10/96) and 3.4 (10/96), respectively. If you have more than one type of engine located at your facility, you will have to enter data separately for each type of engine and then total the emissions from the engines manually. The SO2 emission factor for large diesel-fired industrial engines is based on the sulphur content of the

Transcript of Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

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- an inventory of equipment fueled by distillate and residual fuel oils, including boilers/heaters, turbines and engines;- a list of NPRI and O. Reg. 127/01 air contaminants specific to the combustion of liquid-based fuel oils;- equipment-specific emission factor tables for the contaminants specific to the combustion of liquid-based fuel oils; and- facility-based emission estimation templates for reporting annual (and smog period) emissions and details of calculations and methodology.

The purpose of the Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator is to calculate air emissions from the combustion of liquid-based fuels (including distillate fuel oils Nos. 1 & 2 and diesel fuel; as well as residual fuel oils Nos. 4, 5 & 6), to use in reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI). It will also assist Ontario industries in meeting reporting requirements in O. Reg. 127/01, “Airborne Contaminant Discharge – Monitoring and Reporting”.

The Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator was produced by Canadian ORTECH Environmental Inc. (ORTECH) in April 2009 for the Canadian Energy Partnership for Environmental Innovation (the Partnership), and has since been reviewed by Environment Canada (EC). The partners within this project include AltaGas Utilities, ATCO Gas, ATCO Pipelines, Spectra Energy, Enbridge Gas Distribution Inc., Gaz Métro, Manitoba Hydro, SaskEnergy / Trans Gas, Terasen Gas, TransCanada PipeLines Limited, and Union Gas Limited.

The Emissions Calculator is an equipment-based Excel® Workbook accompanied by a Guidance Document. It was developed to provide companion materials to the Natural Gas Combustion Emission Calculator and Guidance Document, and was prepared to promote and facilitate accurate and consistent reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI), Ontario's "Airborne Contaminant Discharge - Monitoring and Reporting" Regulation (Ontario Reg. 127/01), and Alberta Environment (AENV).

The basis for the Emissions Calculator is the "GUIDANCE DOCUMENT for Emissions Calculator - Airborne Contaminant Emissions from the Combustion of Fuel Oils". This document includes:

Protocol templates were specifically developed in this Emissions Calculator for internal and external combustion equipment that is fueled by liquid-based fuels, including distillate oil-fired boilers/heaters, residual oil-fired boilers/heaters, diesel-fired turbines and diesel-fired engines.

Separate templates were developed for distillate oil-fired boilers/heaters and residual oil-fired boilers/heaters. Excluding emission factors for sulphur dioxide (SO2), both sets of templates for boilers/heaters were based on U.S. EPA AP-42 Section 1.3 (9/98, updated 7/08) emission factors. Uncontrolled emission factors for sulphur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and total (filterable) particulate matter (TPM) were selected for boilers/heaters with less than 100 MMBtu/h of heat input. Do not use the templates for distillate oil-fired and residual oil-fired boilers/heaters if your facility operates boilers/heaters with heat inputs greater than 100 MMBtu/h. Combustion equipments within this category share almost the same general design and operating characteristics and therefore have similar emission characteristics when combusting fuel oils. (Table 1.3-1 of U.S. EPA AP-42 Section 1.3 (9/98, revised 7/08) provides emission factors suitable for boilers/heaters with capacities > 100 MMBtu/h).

For boilers/heaters, the emissions of SO2, NO2, TPM, methane (CH4) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the combustion of residual fuel oils Nos. 4, 5 & 6 and distillate oils vary with the type of fuel oil being used, and can be selected from a drop-down list on the Input Page for Residual Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters. The emissions of CH4, VOCs, PM10 and PM2.5 from the combustion of residual fuel oils Nos. 4, 5 & 6 and distillate oil also vary with the types of application for which the combustion equipment was designed. The 3 types of equipment applications addressed in U.S. EPA AP-42 Section 1.3 are "Utility Boilers (Electricity Generation)"; "Industrial Boilers"; and "Commercial/Institutional/Residential Combustors", and can be selected from a drop-down list on the Input Pages for Residual Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters and Distillate Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters (Note: only the latter 2 equipment application categories were specified for distillate oil-fired boilers/heaters).

For both distillate oil-fired and residual oil-fired boilers/heaters, control options for NO2 and SO2 have been incorporated into the Emissions Calculator and can be selected on the Control Device/Adjustment Factors Page. Emissions of SO2, TPM, PM10 and PM2.5 are based on the sulphur content of the type of fuel oil being combusted. If known, the sulphur content for distillate oils and for residual oils can be entered on the Sulphur Content Selection Page. Otherwise default sulphur contents for distillate oils and/or residual oils will be used in the emission calculations for SO2, TPM, PM10 and PM2.5.

The U.S. EPA has advised using AP-42 Section 1.3 emission factors for small boilers (<100 MMBtu/h heat input) when calculating emissions from other combustion equipment such as heaters, kilns, ovens, dryers and/or duct burners. Although heaters generally tend to be smaller than boilers, the combustion mechanisms, and therefore the resulting emissions, are similar.

The template for diesel-fired turbines was based on the emission factors provided in U.S. EPA AP-42 Section 3.1 (4/00) and can be used to calculate emissions from diesel-fired and distillate oil-fired turbines (i.e., the Source Classification Codes (SCCs) for AP-42 Section 3.1 are 2-01-001-01, 2-02-001-01, 2-02-001-03 and 2-03-001-02 and are applicable to both diesel fuel and distillate oils). Control options for CO and NO2 have been incorporated into the template for diesel-fired turbines and can be selected on the Control Device/Adjustment Factors Page. The sulphur content for turbines can be a sulphur content of diesel fuel for either Aviation Turbo Fuel Turbines or Ultra-Low-Sulphur Diesel Fuel Turbines (Environment Canada, Sulphur in Liquid Fuels 2006, January 2008). If known, you can specify the sulphur content of the diesel fuel used at your facility on the Sulphur Content Selection Page, otherwise default values of sulphur will be used.

Two types of engine templates were developed, small diesel-fired industrial engines (<= 600 hp or 450 kW or 1.5 MMBtu/h) and large diesel-fired industrial engines (> 600 hp or 450 kW or 1.5 MMBtu/h). The templates were based on the emissions factors provided in U.S. EPA AP-42 Sections 3.3 (10/96) and 3.4 (10/96), respectively. If you have more than one type of engine located at your facility, you will have to enter data separately for each type of engine and then total the emissions from the engines manually. The SO2 emission factor for large diesel-fired industrial engines is based on the sulphur content of the diesel fuel being combusted and is acquired from Environment Canada, Sulphur in Liquid Fuels 2006, January 2008 . If known, you can specify the sulphur content of the diesel fuel used at your facility on the Sulphur Content Selection Page, otherwise a default sulphur content will be used depending on the type of engine used i.e. Ultra-Low-Sulphur Diesel Fuel Engine, Low-Sulphur Fuel Engine, or High-Sulphur Fuel Engine chosen from the drop down list in the Engines Description column in the "Sulphur Content Selection" page.

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- if relevant, the type of control equipment or special combustion features;

Two types of engine templates were developed, small diesel-fired industrial engines (<= 600 hp or 450 kW or 1.5 MMBtu/h) and large diesel-fired industrial engines (> 600 hp or 450 kW or 1.5 MMBtu/h). The templates were based on the emissions factors provided in U.S. EPA AP-42 Sections 3.3 (10/96) and 3.4 (10/96), respectively. If you have more than one type of engine located at your facility, you will have to enter data separately for each type of engine and then total the emissions from the engines manually. The SO2 emission factor for large diesel-fired industrial engines is based on the sulphur content of the diesel fuel being combusted and is acquired from Environment Canada, Sulphur in Liquid Fuels 2006, January 2008 . If known, you can specify the sulphur content of the diesel fuel used at your facility on the Sulphur Content Selection Page, otherwise a default sulphur content will be used depending on the type of engine used i.e. Ultra-Low-Sulphur Diesel Fuel Engine, Low-Sulphur Fuel Engine, or High-Sulphur Fuel Engine chosen from the drop down list in the Engines Description column in the "Sulphur Content Selection" page.

The Emissions Calculator calculates emissions based on equipment-specific emission factors. The emissions from the equipment-specific templates are then totaled in aggregated templates (NPRI Emission Summary Table, NPRI Criteria Air Contaminant (CAC) Emission Summary Table, NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table, and Ontario Emission Summary Table), which also provide information on whether or not there is a requirement to report based on emissions compared to contaminant thresholds.

The NPRI and Ontario Emission Summary Tables clearly indicate that the need for reporting is not based strictly on emissions from fuel oil combustion equipment. It reminds the user that other sources of emissions need to be considered and allows for the user to input emissions from other sources (fields highlighted in yellow on Emission Summary Tables). However, it should be noted that, with the exception of the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table, the contaminants listed on all other Emission Summary Tables are specific to the combustion of liquid-based fuel oils. Therefore, other contaminants from sources other than fuel oil combustion that do not appear on the Emission Summary Tables may need to be considered for reporting purposes.

It should also be noted that the reporting thresholds for NPRI Part 1A and 1B substances (and Ontario Reg 127 Table 2B substances) are based on the quantity of these substances being manufactured, processed or otherwise (MPO) used at the facility (e.g., 10 tonne mass reporting threshold for NPRI Part 1A and O. Reg. 127/01 Table 2B substances) at concentrations equal to or greater than their respective concentration thresholds (e.g., 1% for NPRI Part 1A and O. Reg. 127/01 Table 2B substances) plus the quantity of the same substance, at any concentration, that is considered to be a by-product and that is released on-site to the environment or disposed of.

Before beginning to use the templates, the user should first review the NPRI Decision Matrix and determine if there is a need to report. Once the need to report emissions has been established, the user should acquire the following information, which will be required to successfully calculate emissions:

- monthly fuel oil bills and/or other metred information for each month of the reporting year listing fuel oil consumption in either Litres (L) or cubic metres (m3);

- information on which types of equipment are included in the monthly fuel oil consumption (e.g., distillate oil-fired and residual oil-fired boilers/heaters, diesel-fired turbines, and diesel-fired engines);

- if available, the sulphur content of the fuel oil(s) used at your facility [% by mass]; and

- if available, the heating values for diesel-fired turbines and diesel-fired engines in either units of Btu/L or GJ/m3; otherwise the templates assume 36,720 Btu/L for diesel-fired turbines (38.7 GJ/m3) and 36,822 Btu/L for diesel-fired engines (38.8 GJ/m3);

Once this information has been acquired, the user can begin to enter this data on the HomePage (click on the link below). The user should reference the NPRI (and Ontario Reg 127) Flow Diagram throughout the emission calculation process.

On the HomePage, the user is first asked if their monthly fuel oil bills and/or other metred information can be used to specify the amount of liquid-based fuels consumed by specific types of equipment (i.e., distillate oil-fired and residual oil-fired boilers/heaters, diesel-fired turbines, and diesel-fired engines). If this information is not available, the user should proceed to Steps A1 through to A5 on the HomePage, entering the information as required (when and where available). Steps A1 through A5 on the HomePage are only applicable to diesel-fired combustion equipment (i.e., turbines and engines). If equipment-specific fuel oil consumption is available, the user should proceed to Step B and follow the instructions provided in the text boxes. Do not enter diesel fuel consumption for turbines and/or engines in both Steps A and B on the HomePage. The templates have been designed to calculate emissions based on more detailed information (i.e., Step B) in preference to less specific equipment data (i.e., Step A).

Once the information has been entered in either Step A or Step B on the HomePage, the user is directed to the NPRI Emission Summary Table, the NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table, the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table, and/or the Ontario Emission Summary Table. The Emission Summary Tables present the total emissions from all relevant fuel oil combustion equipment for which consumption data was entered.

Reportable information and instructions on reporting are presented in the columns highlighted in blue on the Emission Summary Tables. The appropriate reporting units have also been included on the tables.

Where applicable, users can enter air releases from sources other than those from the combustion if liquid-based fuel oils in the cells highlighted in yellow on the Emission Summary Tables.

The NPRI Emission Summary Table includes the annual releases of contaminants from the combustion of liquid-based fuel oils, which need to be reported only if the contaminant threshold has been met or exceeded. If applicable, you can enter air releases from sources other than those from the combustion of liquid-based fuel oils (cells highlighted in yellow). In addition to annual emissions, the Ontario Emission Summary Table also includes Smog Period Releases for the seven CACs, which need to be reported only if the annual contaminant threshold has been met or exceeded. Smog Period Releases are only applicable to those facilities located in Ontario.

Click Here to Go to theHomePage

Click Here to Go to theHomePage

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THE COMBUSTION OF LIQUID-BASED FUEL OILSThe NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table includes the total annual facility-wide air releases of CACs from the combustion of liquid-based fuels, which need to be reported only if the contaminant threshold has been met or exceeded. If applicable, you can enter air releases from sources other than those from the combustion of liquid-based fuel oils (cells highlighted in yellow).

In addition, the NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table contains a stack reporting section that allows the user to select an individual fuel oil combustion unit from a drop-down list (for which fuel oil consumption data has specifically been entered) that has a stack greater than or equal to 50 metres above grade, and determine whether or not stack reporting is required. The user can also input emissions from other sources associated with that particular stack (cells highlighted in yellow). In general, however, stacks associated with the combustion of liquid-based fuel oils do not have stacks greater than or equal to 50 metres above grade. Stack reporting for individual stacks is only required once the annual CAC contaminant threshold has been met or exceeded, the stack CAC contaminant threshold has been met or exceeded, and the stack is greater than or equal to 50 metres above grade. Stack reporting includes reporting the quantity released to air and the physical parameters of that stack (i.e., stack height above grade, stack exit diameter, average stack exhaust exit temperature, and average stack exhaust exit velocity).

Once the total annual VOC air release threshold of 10 tonnes has been met or exceeded at a facility, the total annual VOC air releases from the facility need to be reported (see NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table). To put things in perspective, over 7 million Litres of diesel fuel would have to be combusted annually by a large diesel-fired industrial engine (> 600 hp) to exceed the 10 tonne VOC annual release threshold (assuming a diesel heating value of 19,300 Btu/lb and a specific gravity of 0.8654 kg/L). This translates into a minimum engine nameplate capacity of around 31 MMBtu/h operating at 100% capacity (365 d/yr; 24 h/d), or around 61 MMBtu/h if operating at 50% capacity. If the facility has a stack with a height equal to or greater than 50 metres above grade, then the total annual VOC air releases from that stack that meet or exceed a 5 tonne stack release threshold for VOCs also need to be reported, along with the physical stack parameters (i.e., stack height above grade, stack exit diameter, average stack exhaust exit temperature, and average stack exhaust exit velocity) in metric units for that stack (see NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table).

In addition, any speciated VOC air releases from your facility that meet or exceed a 1 tonne de-minimus reporting threshold need to be reported (see NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table). If your facility has stacks equal to or greater than 50 metres above grade, report separately the speciated VOC air releases from each such stack and the speciated VOC air releases from all ‘other sources’ at the facility (see NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table). It should be noted that there is no stack de-minimus reporting threshold for Part 5 VOCs (i.e., once total VOC air releases from the stack meet or exceed 5 tonnes, all stack releases of Part 5 speciated VOCs should be reported for those speciated Part 5 VOCs that meet or exceed the facility wide 1 tonne de-minimus reporting threshold).

For example, a facility releases 30 tonnes of total VOCs to air, and 10 tonnes of which are released from a stack with a height of 65 metres above grade. Of the 30 tonnes of total VOCs released to air from the facility, 3 tonnes are air releases of toluene, 0.4 tonnes of which are released from the stack with a height of 65 metres above grade, and 2.6 tonnes of which are air releases from all ‘other sources’ at the facility.

Since the 10 tonne annual release threshold for total VOCs has been exceeded, the facility would need to report the 30 tonnes of total VOCs. Since the facility has a stack with a height equal to or greater than 50 metres above grade and the total VOCs released from this stack have exceeded the 5 tonne stack release threshold, the facility would need to report the 10 tonnes of total VOCs released from the stack as well as the physical stack parameters for the stack. In addition, since the 3 tonnes of toluene released to air from the facility have exceeded the 1 tonne de-minimus reporting threshold for speciated VOCs, the facility should report separately the 0.4 tonnes of toluene released from the stack and the 2.6 tonnes of toluene released from all ‘other sources’.

Once you have completed entering data for your facility and have viewed the Emission Summary Tables, you can print any of the Tables or Worksheets. It is recommended that you save this Excel file to your hard drive for record keeping.

If reporting to the NPRI, the owner or operator of a facility is legally required to keep copies of the report to the NPRI, as well as any calculations, measurements and other data on which the information was based. This information must be kept at the facility to which it relates or at the facility's parent company for a period of three (3) years.

If reporting to the MOE for O. Reg. 127/01, the owner or operator of a facility is required to keep copies of the report to the MOE, as well as any calculations, measurements and other data on which the reported information was based. This information must be kept at the facility to which it relates or at the facility's parent company for a period of seven (7) years.


The enclosed Emissions Calculator and Guidance Materials (the Enclosed) were prepared by Canadian ORTECH Environmental Inc. (ORTECH) as an account of work managed by the Canadian Energy Partnership for Environmental Innovation (the Partnership) on behalf of sponsoring companies. Neither the Partnership, nor the sponsors, nor any person on behalf of either:

(a) makes any warranty or representation, express or implied with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in the Enclosed, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the Enclosed may not infringe privately-owed rights; or

(b) assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in the Enclosed.


The enclosed Emissions Calculator and Guidance Materials (the Enclosed) were prepared by Canadian ORTECH Environmental Inc. (ORTECH) as an account of work managed by the Canadian Energy Partnership for Environmental Innovation (the Partnership) on behalf of sponsoring companies. Neither the Partnership, nor the sponsors, nor any person on behalf of either:

(a) makes any warranty or representation, express or implied with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in the Enclosed, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the Enclosed may not infringe privately-owed rights; or

(b) assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in the Enclosed.

Page 4: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

NPRI Decision Matrix


For Each Stack =or> 50 m High, Report Total Annual Stack Air Releases for Each Part 4 CAC

Substance That Met or Exceeded Its Respective Stack Release Threshold

and Report Physical Stack Parameters*

Have only

Stationary External

Combustion Equipment Firing

Commercial Grade Natural Gas, LPG, or

No. 1 & 2 Fuel Oil only and

Total Capacity < 10 million


Obtain Monthly Fuels Use for

Stationary Combustion Equipment

(External and Internal)


Total Annual

Air Releases = or > Part 4 CAC


Any Stacks = or > 50 m High Above Grade?



Calculate Part 4 CAC Air Releases from

Each Stack = or > 50 m High

Any Part 4 CAC Stack

Air Releases = or > Stack




Facility a Pipeline Installation

(e.g., pipeline compressor and

storage stations)?

Did Employees Work

= or > 20,000 Hours During the



Exempt from Reporting Parts

1, 2 and 3 of NPRI (refer to Box A of

Fig. 2 in theNPRI


NOTE: * Physical Stack Parameters include stack height above grade, stack diameter, average exit temperature, average exit velocity (reporting of latitude and longitude parameters is optional)

Facility Used for One or More of the Activities

Listed in Box B of Fig. 2 in the

NPRI Guide?


Was a Report Filed for Total VOCs under NPRI Part 4?

Calculate Monthly Breakdown by Percent of Part 4 CAC Air Releases

Calculate Applicable Releases and

Transfers of Part 1 Substances

Inform Your Regional NPRI Office in Writing That

Facility Did Not Meet the Reporting Requirements for

Any NPRI Substance

Facility Not Required to Submit a Report

for Part 4 CACs

Calculate MPO# Use Quantities for Part 1






Substsance(s)= or > MPO# Thresholds?

No Part 1 Reporting Required



Calculate Incidentally Manufactured Releases On-site

or Disposals of Part 2 Substances and Determine

Part 3 Activities Facility ‘Used For’ and ‘Engaged In’

Report Releases and Transfers of Parts 1, 2 and 3 Substances That Meet or

Exceed Their Applicable Thresholds(where applicable)

Calculate Total Air Releases of Part 4 CACs

from Stationary Combustion Equipment (External and Internal)


Calculate Total Air Releases of

Part 4 CACs from All Sources

Any Part 5 Speciated VOC Air

Releases = or > 1 tonne Speciated Release




Obtain Monthly

Fuels Use for All

Combustion Sources

and Identify All Other

Sources of Part 4 CAC

Air Releases

Report For Each Part 5 Speciated VOC That Met or

Exceeded the 1 tonne Speciated Release





No Part 5 Speciated

VOC Reporting Required


Stack Reporting

Not Required No

Report Annual CAC Air Releases and Monthly

Breakdown of Air Releases by Percent


Calculate Total Annual Releases for Each Part 5 Speciated VOC


Identify Physical Stack Parameters*

Were Total VOCs Reported for a Stack

=or> 50 m High Above Grade?

No Stack Reporting of

Part 5 Speciated

VOCs Required


Report the Air Releases of Each Part 5 Speciated VOC from Each Stack That Met or Exceeded the 1 tonne Facility Wide Speciated

Release Threshold




Page 5: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)















Total Annual Consumption 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00

Diesel-Fired Turbine(s)Diesel-Fired Engine(s)



Distillate Oil-Fired Boiler(s)/Heater(s)Residual Oil-Fired Boiler(s)/Heater(s)

Diesel-Fired Turbine(s)Diesel-Fired Engine(s)

Total Smog Period Consumption

Step A1: To calculate emissions from turbines and/or engines, enter your total site-wide monthly diesel fuel consumption in either cubic metres (m3) or Litres (L).

If you have distillate oil-fired and/or residual oil-fired boilers/heaters at your facility, then proceed to Step B.

Step B: From the list below, click on the type of equipment located at your facility. For each type of equipment, you will be linked to an input data page for that particular type of equipment.

Once the input data has been entered for the specified equipment type, there will be an opportunity to return to the HomePage and select other types of equipment from the list below.

Can your monthly consumption bills and/or other metred information be used to specify the amount of liquid-based fuel oils consumed by specific types of combustion equipment?

Step A2: Enter the exact or approximate percent of the total site-wide diesel fuel consumption for the turbines and/or engines located at your facility (i.e., if 60%, then enter 60). Enter zero (0) for equipment not relevant to your facility.


Click Here to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table


Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Step A5: Click on the links below if you have any pollution control devices (i.e., for CO and NO2) for the turbines and/or engines located at your facility; and/or if you know the specific sulphur content of the diesel fuel used at your facility.

Click Here to Go to the Control Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Click Here to Go to the Control Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Click Here to Return to the IntroductionStep A3: If you have engine(s) located at your facility, click on the

link below to select the size range based on rated power (<= 600 hp and >600 hp) of the engine(s), and to select the diesel heating value (Btu/L or GJ/m3), if available .


Click Here to Go to Steps B1 and B3 on the Engine - Input Data Page

Click Here to Go to Steps B1 and B3 on the Engine - Input Data Page


The enclosed Emissions Calculator and Guidance Materials (the Enclosed) were prepared by ORTECH Environmental (ORTECH), a division of ORTECH Consulting Inc., as an account of work managed by the Canadian Energy Partnership for Environmental Innovation (the Partnership) on behalf of sponsoring companies. Neither the Partnership, nor the sponsors, nor any person on behalf of either:

(a) makes any warranty or representation, express or implied with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in the Enclosed, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the Enclosed may not infringe privately-owed rights; or

(b) assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in the Enclosed.


The enclosed Emissions Calculator and Guidance Materials (the Enclosed) were prepared by ORTECH Environmental (ORTECH), a division of ORTECH Consulting Inc., as an account of work managed by the Canadian Energy Partnership for Environmental Innovation (the Partnership) on behalf of sponsoring companies. Neither the Partnership, nor the sponsors, nor any person on behalf of either:

(a) makes any warranty or representation, express or implied with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in the Enclosed, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in the Enclosed may not infringe privately-owed rights; or

(b) assumes any liability with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of, any information, apparatus, method or process disclosed in the Enclosed.

Click Here to Go to theNPRI VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Go to theNPRI VOC Emission Summary Table

Step A4: If you have turbine(s) located at your facility, click on the link below to select the diesel heating value (Btu/L or GJ/m3), if available. Otherwise a default value of 36,720 Btu/L (38.7 GJ/m3) will be used.


Click Here to Go to Step B2 on the Turbine - Input Data Page

Click Here to Go to Step B2 on the Turbine - Input Data Page

Click Here to Go to the Sulphur Content Selection Page

Click Here to Go to the Sulphur Content Selection Page

Page 6: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

Industrial Boilers/Heaters








Total Annual Consumption 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00


Total Smog Period Consumption

Step B2: Enter the monthly distillate oil consumption in either cubic metres (m3) or Litres (L) for the type of distillate oil-fired boiler(s)/heater(s) selected above.

Step B5: If you have completed entering data for all of the combustion equipment at your facility, and you wish to view the Emission Summary Tables, click on the links below.

Step B4: If you wish to return to the HomePage and calculate emissions for other types of equipment located at your facility, click on the link below (i.e., return to the beginning of Step B).

Click Here to Return to the HomePageClick Here to Return to the HomePage

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Step B3: Click on the links below if you have any pollution control devices (i.e., for NO2 and SO2) for the boiler(s)/heater(s) located at your facility; and/or if you know the specific sulphur content of the distillate oil used at your facility.

Click Here to Go to theControl Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Click Here to Go to theControl Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Speciated VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Speciated VOC Emission Summary Table

Step B1: From the drop-down list below (click on the cell highlighted in yellow below and the drop-down list will appear), select the type of distillate oil-fired boilers/heaters located at your facility. If you have different types of distillate oil-fired boilers/heaters at your facility, you will have to enter data separately for each type of distillate oil-fired boiler/heater.

Click Here to Go to theSulphur Content Selection Page

Click Here to Go to theSulphur Content Selection Page

Page 7: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

Industrial Boilers/Heaters

Residual Oil No. 6








Total Annual Consumption 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00


Total Smog Period Consumption

Step B3: Enter the monthly residual oil consumption in either cubic metres (m3) or Litres (L) for the type of residual oil-fired boiler(s)/heater(s) and type of residual oil selected above.

Step B6: If you have completed entering data for all of the combustion equipment at your facility, and you wish to view the Emission Summary Tables, click on the links below.

Step B5: If you wish to return to the HomePage and calculate emissions for other types of equipment located at your facility, click on the link below (i.e., return to the beginning of Step B).

Click Here to Return to the HomePageClick Here to Return to the HomePage

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Step B4: Click on the links below if you have any pollution control devices (i.e., for NO2 and SO2) for the boiler(s)/heater(s) located at your facility; and/or if you know the specific sulphur content of the residual oil used at your facility.

Click Here to Go to theControl Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Click Here to Go to theControl Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Speciated VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Speciated VOC Emission Summary Table

Step B1: From the drop-down list below (click on the cell highlighted in yellow below and the drop-down list will appear), select the type of residual oil-fired boilers/heaters located at your facility. If you have different types of residual oil-fired boilers/heaters at your facility, you will have to enter data separately for each type of residual oil-fired boiler/heater.

Step B2: From the drop-down list below (click on the cell highlighted in yellow below and the drop-down list will appear), select the type of residual oil combusted by the equipment selected above. If you use different types of residual oil at your facility, you will have to enter data separately for each type of residual oil used.

Click Here to Go to theSulphur Content Selection Page

Click Here to Go to theSulphur Content Selection Page

Page 8: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)



FEBRUARY Heating Value (Btu/L)











Total Annual Consumption 0.00 0.00

0.00 0.00


Heating Value (GJ/m3)

Total Smog Period Consumption

Step B1: Enter the monthly diesel fuel consumption in either cubic metres (m3) or Litres (L) for the turbine(s) located at your facility.

Step B2: Enter the Diesel Heating Value for the turbine(s) located at your facility in units of either Btu/L or GJ/m3.

If you do not know what value to enter, a default value of 36,720 Btu/L (38.7 GJ/m3) will be used in the emission calculations.

Step B4: If you wish to return to the HomePage and calculate emissions for other types of equipment located at your facility, click on the link below (i.e., return to beginning of Step B).

Click Here to Return to the HomePageClick Here to Return to the HomePage

Step B5: If you have completed entering data for all of the combustion equipment at your facility, and you wish to view the Emission Summary Tables, click on the links below.

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Step B3: Click on the links below if you have any pollution control devices (i.e., for CO and NO2) for the turbine(s) located at your facility; and/or if you know the specific sulphur content of the diesel fuel used at your facility.

Click Here to Go to theControl Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Click Here to Go to theControl Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Speciated VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Speciated VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to the HomePage ONLY IF YOU CAME HERE FROM STEP A4

Click Here to Return to the HomePage ONLY IF YOU CAME HERE FROM STEP A4

Click Here to Go to theSulphur Content Selection Page

Click Here to Go to theSulphur Content Selection Page

Page 9: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

Large Diesel Stationary Engines (> 600 hp or 450 kW or 1.5 MMBtu/h) Diesel Heating Value (Btu/L)














Total Annual Consumption 0.00 0.00

Total Smog Period Consumption 0.00 0.00

Diesel Heating Value (GJ/m3)


Step B2: Enter your monthly diesel fuel consumption in cubic metres (m3) or Litres (L) for the type of engine(s) selected above.

Step B1: From the drop-down list below (click on the cell highlighted in yellow below and the drop-down list will appear), select the size range based on rated power for the diesel-fired engines located at your facility. If you have engines at your facility that fall under both categories, you will have to enter separate data for each engine category.

Step B3: Enter the Diesel Heating Value for the engine(s) located at your facility in either units of Btu/L or GJ/m3.

If you do not know what value to enter, a default value of 36,822 Btu/L (38.8 GJ/m3) will be used in the emission calculations.

Click Here to Return to the HomePage ONLY IF YOU CAME HERE FROM STEP A3

Click Here to Return to the HomePage ONLY IF YOU CAME HERE FROM STEP A3

Step B4: Click on the link below if you know the specific sulphur content of the diesel fuel used at your facility.

Click Here to Go to theSulphur Content Selection Page

Click Here to Go to theSulphur Content Selection Page

Step B5: If you wish to return to the HomePage and calculate emissions for other types of equipment located at your facility, click on the link below (i.e., return to beginning of Step B).

Click Here to Return to the HomePageClick Here to Return to the HomePage

Step B6: If you have completed entering data for all of the combustion equipment at your facility, and you wish to view the Emission Summary Tables, click on the links below.

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theOntario MOE Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI CAC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Speciated VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to Go to theNPRI Speciated VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Return to the HomePage ONLY IF YOU CAME HERE FROM STEP A3

Click Here to Return to the HomePage ONLY IF YOU CAME HERE FROM STEP A3

Click Here to Go to theControl Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Click Here to Go to theControl Device/Adjustment Factors Page

Page 10: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

document.xls ControlDeviceAdjustmentFactors 10 of 16 04/21/2023 16:06:12

Contaminant/Control Device

U.S. EPA AP-42 Emission Factor Parameters

Units Rating

Distillate Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters



-- 20.000 A 1.00

NO 0-24 17.600 -- 0.88

NO 17-44 13.900 -- 0.70

NO 20-50 13.000 -- 0.65

NO 40-70 9.000 -- 0.45

NO 58-73 6.900 -- 0.35



-- 41.549 A 1.00

NO 25-50 25.968 -- 0.63

NO 70-90 8.310 -- 0.20

NO 80-98 4.570 -- 0.11

NO 90-96 2.908 -- 0.07

Residual Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters



-- 55.000 A 1.00

NO 41 38.000 C 0.69

NO 0-28 47.300 -- 0.86

NO 15-30 42.625 -- 0.78

NO 20-50 35.750 -- 0.65

NO 40-70 24.750 -- 0.45



-- 268.721 A 1.00

NO 25-50 167.951 -- 0.63

NO 70-90 53.744 -- 0.20

NO 80-98 29.559 -- 0.11

NO 90-96 18.810 -- 0.07

CO -- Uncontrolled YES


-- 5.000 A 1.00

CO -- Controlled (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) NO 33 1.900 C 0.38



-- 16.398 D 1.00

-- 10.680 D 1.00

TPM -- Uncontrolled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters 18.950 A/B 1.00


45 9.019 C 0.55

45 5.874 C 0.55

TPM --Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) 45 10.422 C 0.55


80 3.280 E 0.20

80 2.136 E 0.20

TPM -- Mutliple Cyclone Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters 80 3.790 E 0.20



-- 13.493 C 1.00

-- 9.834 C 1.00

18.950 A/B 1.00


99.2 0.108 E 0.01

99.2 0.079 E 0.01

99.2 0.152 E 0.01


94 0.810 D 0.06

94 0.590 D 0.06

94 1.137 D 0.06

Diesel-Fired Turbines



-- 0.880 (lb/MMBTU) C 1.00

NO 73 0.240 (lb/MMBTU) B 0.27

CO -- Uncontrolled YES


-- 0.003 (lb/MMBTU) C 1.00

CO -- Water-Steam Injection NO -2,203 0.076 (lb/MMBTU) C 23.03

Diesel-Fired Engines



-- 3.200 (lb/MMBTU) B 1.00

NO -- 1.900 (lb/MMBTU) B 0.59


For additional information on Pollution Control Devices and Control Device Efficiencies, refer to the 2008 Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (Environment Canada).

From the Drop-Down Lists Below, Select Only

One of the Following Types (Yes/No)

Status of Selection for Control Devices Reduction


Emission Factor

Adjustment Factor

NO2 -- Uncontrolled (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Low Excess Air (LEA) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Staged Combustion (SC) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Low NOx Burners (LNB) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Uncontrolled (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Furnace Injection or Duct Injection (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Spray Drying (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Wet Scrubber (Lime/Limestone; Sodium Carbonate; Magnesium Oxide/Hydroxide) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Wet Scrubber (Dual Alkali) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Uncontrolled (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Controlled (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Low Excess Air (LEA) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Low NOx Burners (LNB) or Staged Combustion (SC) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Uncontrolled (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Furnace Injection or Duct Injection (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Spray Drying (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Wet Scrubber (Lime/Limestone; Sodium Carbonate; Magnesium Oxide/Hydroxide) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Wet Scrubber (Dual Alkali) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

Industrial Boilers -Residual Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters (PM10, PM2.5 and TPM)

PM10 -- Uncontrolled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- Uncontrolled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 --Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- Multiple Cylcone Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- Mutliple Cyclone Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- Uncontrolled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- Uncontrolled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

TPM -- Uncontrolled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- ESP Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- ESP Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

TPM -- ESP Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- Scrubber Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- Scrubber Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

TPM -- Scrubber Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Uncontrolled

NO2 -- Water-Steam Injection

NO2 -- Uncontrolled

NO2 -- Controlled (Ignition Timing Retard)

Click Here to Return to the Distillate Oil-Fired

Boiler/Heater - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Distillate Oil-Fired

Boiler/Heater - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Distillate Oil-Fired

Boiler/Heater - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Distillate Oil-Fired

Boiler/Heater - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Residual Oil-Fired

Boiler/Heater - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Residual Oil-Fired

Boiler/Heater - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Turbine - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Turbine - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Engine - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Engine - Input Data Page

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Click Here to Return to the Introduction

Click Here to Return to the HomePage

Click Here to Return to the HomePage

ORTECH: Low Excess Air (LEA): reduction of combustion air; generally excess O2 can be reduced to 2.5% representing a 3% drop from the baseline; available for boilers with sufficient operational flexibility; added benefits include increase in boiler efficiency; limited by increase in CO, HC, and smoke emissions.
ORTECH: Staged Combustion (SC): fuel-rich firing burners with secondary combustion air ports; 70-90% burner stoichiometries can be used with proper installation of secondary air ports; technique is applicable on packaged and field-erected units, but not commercially available for all design types; best implememnted on new units; retrofit is probably not feasible for most units, especially packaged ones.
ORTECH: Low NOx Burners (LNB): new burner designs with controlled air/fuel mixing and increased heat dissipation; new burners described generally applicable to all boilers; commercially available; specific emissions data from industrial boilers equipped with LNB are lacking.
ORTECH: Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR): injection of NH3 or urea as a reducing agent in the flue gas; applicable for large packaged and field-erected water-tube boilers, but may not be feasible for fire-tube boilers; commercially offered but not widely demonstrated on large boilers; elaborate reagent injection, monitoring, and control system required; possible load restrictions on boilers and air pre-heater fouling when burning high-sulphur oil; must have sufficient residence time at correct temperature.
ORTECH: Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR): recirculation of portion of flue gas to burners; up to 25-30% of flue gas recycled; can be implemented on most design types; commercially available; best suited for new units; requires extensive modifications to the burner and windbox; possible flame instability at high FGR rates.
ORTECH: Duct Injection: dry sorbent injection into duct, sometimes combined with water spray; several R&D and demonstration projects underway - not yet commercially available in the U.S.
ORTECH: Spray Drying: calcium hydroxide slurry, vapourizes in spray vessel; applicable to low- and medium-sulphur fuels; produces dry product
ORTECH: Lime/Limestone Wet Scrubber: applicable to high-sulphur fuels; wet sludge product Sodium Carbonate Wet Scrubber: 5-430 MMBtu/h typical application range; high reagent costs Magnesium Oxide/Hydroxide Wet Scrubber: can be regenerated
ORTECH: Dual Alkali Wet Scrubber: uses lime to regenerate sodium-based scrubbing liquor
ORTECH: Low Excess Air (LEA): reduction of combustion air; generally excess O2 can be reduced to 2.5% representing a 3% drop from the baseline; available for boilers with sufficient operational flexibility; added benefits include increase in boiler efficiency; limited by increase in CO, HC, and smoke emissions.
ORTECH: Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR): recirculation of portion of flue gas to burners; up to 25-30% of flue gas recycled; can be implemented on most design types; commercially available; best suited for new units; requires extensive modifications to the burner and windbox; possible flame instability at high FGR rates.
ORTECH: Low NOx Burners (LNB): new burner designs with controlled air/fuel mixing and increased heat dissipation; new burners described generally applicable to all boilers; commercially available; specific emissions data from industrial boilers equipped with LNB are lacking. Staged Combustion (SC): fuel-rich firing burners with secondary combustion air ports; 70-90% burner stoichiometries can be used with proper installation of secondary air ports; technique is applicable on packaged and field-erected units, but not commercially available for all design types; best implememnted on new units; retrofit is probably not feasible for most units, especially packaged ones.
ORTECH: Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR): injection of NH3 or urea as a reducing agent in the flue gas; applicable for large packaged and field-erected water-tube boilers, but may not be feasible for fire-tube boilers; commercially offered but not widely demonstrated on large boilers; elaborate reagent injection, monitoring, and control system required; possible load restrictions on boilers and air pre-heater fouling when burning high-sulphur oil; must have sufficient residence time at correct temperature.
ORTECH: Duct Injection: dry sorbent injection into duct, sometimes combined with water spray; several R&D and demonstration projects underway - not yet commercially available in the U.S.
ORTECH: Spray Drying: calcium hydroxide slurry, vapourizes in spray vessel; applicable to low- and medium-sulphur fuels; produces dry product
ORTECH: Lime/Limestone Wet Scrubber: applicable to high-sulphur fuels; wet sludge product Sodium Carbonate Wet Scrubber: 5-430 MMBtu/h typical application range; high reagent costs Magnesium Oxide/Hydroxide Wet Scrubber: can be regenerated
ORTECH: Dual Alkali Wet Scrubber: uses lime to regenerate sodium-based scrubbing liquor
cballesteros: from plain oil
Canadian ORTECH Environmental Inc.: Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) increase with water-steam injection
Page 11: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

document.xls Sulphur Content Selection 11 of 16 04/21/2023 16:06:13

DIESEL - SULPHUR CONTENT SELECTION (for Turbines)Click Here to Return

to the Boiler - Input Data PageClick Here to Return

to the Boiler - Input Data Page

Page 12: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

document.xls ControlDeviceWorksheet 12 of 16 04/21/2023 16:06:13

Contaminant/Control Device

U.S. EPA AP-42 Emission Factor Parameters

Units Rating Use

Distillate Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters



-- 20.000 A 1.00

NO 0 0-24 17.600 -- 0.88

NO 0 17-44 13.900 -- 0.70

NO 0 20-50 13.000 -- 0.65

NO 0 40-70 9.000 -- 0.45

NO 0 58-73 6.900 -- 0.35



-- 41.549 A 1.00

NO 0 25-50 25.968 -- 0.63

NO 0 70-90 8.310 -- 0.20

NO 0 80-98 4.570 -- 0.11

NO 0 90-96 2.908 -- 0.07

Residual Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters



-- 55.000 A 1.00

NO 0 41 38.000 C 0.69

NO 0 0-28 47.300 -- 0.86

NO 0 15-30 42.625 -- 0.78

NO 0 20-50 35.750 -- 0.65

NO 0 40-70 24.750 -- 0.45



-- 268.721 A 1.00

NO 0 25-50 167.951 -- 0.63

NO 0 70-90 53.744 -- 0.20

NO 0 80-98 29.559 -- 0.11

NO 0 90-96 18.810 -- 0.07

CO -- Uncontrolled YES 1


-- 5.000 A 1.00

CO -- Controlled (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) NO 0 33 1.900 C 0.38



-- 16.398 D 1.00

YES 1 -- 10.680 D 1.00

TPM -- Uncontrolled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters YES 1 -- 18.950 A/B 1.00

NO 0 45 9.019 C 0.55

NO 0 45 5.874 C 0.55

TPM --Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) NO 0 45 10.422 C 0.55

NO 0 80 3.280 E 0.20

NO 0 80 2.136 E 0.20

TPM -- Mutliple Cyclone Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters NO 0 80 3.790 0.20



-- 13.493 C 1.00

YES 1 -- 9.834 C 1.00

YES 1 -- 18.950 1.00

NO 0 99.2 0.108 E 0.008

NO 0 99.2 0.079 E 0.008

NO 0 99.2 0.152 0.008

NO 0 94 0.810 D 0.060

NO 0 94 0.590 D 0.060

NO 0 94 1.137 0.060

Diesel-Fired Turbines



-- 0.880 (lb/MMBTU) C 1.00

NO 0 73 0.240 (lb/MMBTU) B 0.27

CO -- Uncontrolled YES 1


-- 0.003 (lb/MMBTU) C 1.00

CO -- Water-Steam Injection NO 0 -2,203 0.076 (lb/MMBTU) C 23.03

Diesel-Fired Engines



-- 3.200 (lb/MMBTU) B 1.00

NO 0 -- 1.900 (lb/MMBTU) B 0.59


For additional information on Pollution Control Devices and Control Device Efficiencies, refer to the 2008 Guide for Reporting to the National Pollutant Release Inventory (Environment Canada).

From the Drop-Down Lists Below, Select Only

One of the Following Types of Control Devices


Status of Selection for Control Devices Reduction


Emission Factor

Adjustment Factor

NO2 -- Uncontrolled (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Low Excess Air (LEA) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Staged Combustion (SC) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Low NOx Burners (LNB) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Uncontrolled (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Furnace Injection or Duct Injection (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Spray Drying (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Wet Scrubber (Lime/Limestone; Sodium Carbonate; Magnesium Oxide/Hydroxide) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Wet Scrubber (Dual Alkali) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Uncontrolled (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Controlled (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Low Excess Air (LEA) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Low NOx Burners (LNB) or Staged Combustion (SC) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Uncontrolled (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Furnace Injection or Duct Injection (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Spray Drying (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Wet Scrubber (Lime/Limestone; Sodium Carbonate; Magnesium Oxide/Hydroxide) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

SO2 -- Wet Scrubber (Dual Alkali) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

Industrial Boilers -Residual Oil-Fired Boilers/Heaters (PM10 and PM2.5)

PM10 -- Uncontrolled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- Uncontrolled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 --Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (Fuel Alteration - No. 6 Oil/Water Emulsion) (lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- Multiple Cylcone Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- Mutliple Cyclone Controlled -- Industrial Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

(lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- Uncontrolled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- Uncontrolled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

TPM -- Uncontrolled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- ESP Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- ESP Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

TPM -- ESP Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM10 -- Scrubber Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

PM2.5 -- Scrubber Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

TPM -- Scrubber Controlled -- Utility Boilers/Heaters (lb/103 U.S. gal)

NO2 -- Uncontrolled

NO2 -- Water-Steam Injection

NO2 -- Uncontrolled

NO2 -- Controlled (Ignition Timing Retard)

ORTECH: Low Excess Air (LEA): reduction of combustion air; generally excess O2 can be reduced to 2.5% representing a 3% drop from the baseline; available for boilers with sufficient operational flexibility; added benefits include increase in boiler efficiency; limited by increase in CO, HC, and smoke emissions.
ORTECH: Staged Combustion (SC): fuel-rich firing burners with secondary combustion air ports; 70-90% burner stoichiometries can be used with proper installation of secondary air ports; technique is applicable on packaged and field-erected units, but not commercially available for all design types; best implememnted on new units; retrofit is probably not feasible for most units, especially packaged ones.
ORTECH: Low NOx Burners (LNB): new burner designs with controlled air/fuel mixing and increased heat dissipation; new burners described generally applicable to all boilers; commercially available; specific emissions data from industrial boilers equipped with LNB are lacking.
ORTECH: Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR): injection of NH3 or urea as a reducing agent in the flue gas; applicable for large packaged and field-erected water-tube boilers, but may not be feasible for fire-tube boilers; commercially offered but not widely demonstrated on large boilers; elaborate reagent injection, monitoring, and control system required; possible load restrictions on boilers and air pre-heater fouling when burning high-sulphur oil; must have sufficient residence time at correct temperature.
ORTECH: Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR): recirculation of portion of flue gas to burners; up to 25-30% of flue gas recycled; can be implemented on most design types; commercially available; best suited for new units; requires extensive modifications to the burner and windbox; possible flame instability at high FGR rates.
ORTECH: Duct Injection: dry sorbent injection into duct, sometimes combined with water spray; several R&D and demonstration projects underway - not yet commercially available in the U.S.
ORTECH: Spray Drying: calcium hydroxide slurry, vapourizes in spray vessel; applicable to low- and medium-sulphur fuels; produces dry product
ORTECH: Lime/Limestone Wet Scrubber: applicable to high-sulphur fuels; wet sludge product Sodium Carbonate Wet Scrubber: 5-430 MMBtu/h typical application range; high reagent costs Magnesium Oxide/Hydroxide Wet Scrubber: can be regenerated
ORTECH: Dual Alkali Wet Scrubber: uses lime to regenerate sodium-based scrubbing liquor
ORTECH: Low Excess Air (LEA): reduction of combustion air; generally excess O2 can be reduced to 2.5% representing a 3% drop from the baseline; available for boilers with sufficient operational flexibility; added benefits include increase in boiler efficiency; limited by increase in CO, HC, and smoke emissions.
ORTECH: Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR): recirculation of portion of flue gas to burners; up to 25-30% of flue gas recycled; can be implemented on most design types; commercially available; best suited for new units; requires extensive modifications to the burner and windbox; possible flame instability at high FGR rates.
ORTECH: Low NOx Burners (LNB): new burner designs with controlled air/fuel mixing and increased heat dissipation; new burners described generally applicable to all boilers; commercially available; specific emissions data from industrial boilers equipped with LNB are lacking. Staged Combustion (SC): fuel-rich firing burners with secondary combustion air ports; 70-90% burner stoichiometries can be used with proper installation of secondary air ports; technique is applicable on packaged and field-erected units, but not commercially available for all design types; best implememnted on new units; retrofit is probably not feasible for most units, especially packaged ones.
ORTECH: Selective Noncatalytic Reduction (SNCR): injection of NH3 or urea as a reducing agent in the flue gas; applicable for large packaged and field-erected water-tube boilers, but may not be feasible for fire-tube boilers; commercially offered but not widely demonstrated on large boilers; elaborate reagent injection, monitoring, and control system required; possible load restrictions on boilers and air pre-heater fouling when burning high-sulphur oil; must have sufficient residence time at correct temperature.
ORTECH: Duct Injection: dry sorbent injection into duct, sometimes combined with water spray; several R&D and demonstration projects underway - not yet commercially available in the U.S.
ORTECH: Spray Drying: calcium hydroxide slurry, vapourizes in spray vessel; applicable to low- and medium-sulphur fuels; produces dry product
ORTECH: Lime/Limestone Wet Scrubber: applicable to high-sulphur fuels; wet sludge product Sodium Carbonate Wet Scrubber: 5-430 MMBtu/h typical application range; high reagent costs Magnesium Oxide/Hydroxide Wet Scrubber: can be regenerated
ORTECH: Dual Alkali Wet Scrubber: uses lime to regenerate sodium-based scrubbing liquor
cballesteros: from plain oil
Canadian ORTECH Environmental Inc.: Emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) increase with water-steam injection
Page 13: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

NPRI Emission Summary Table



(kg/year) (kg/year) (kg/year) (kg/year) (kg/year)Part 1(A) NPRI Contaminants --- Report Releases in tonnes

1,3-BUTADIENE 106-99-0 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoACETALDEHYDE 75-07-0 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoACROLEIN 107-02-8 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoANTHRACENE 120-12-7 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoANTIMONY (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 01 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoBENZENE 71-43-2 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes No

NA - 04 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes No

COBALT (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 05 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoCOPPER (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 06 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoETHYLBENZENE 100-41-4 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoFORMALDEHYDE 50-00-0 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoMANGANESE (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 09 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoNAPHTHALENE 91-20-3 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoNICKEL (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 11 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoPHOSPHORUS NA - 22 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoPROPYLENE 115-07-1 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoSELENIUM (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 12 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoTOLUENE 108-88-3 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoTOTAL XYLENES 1330-20-7 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes No

7440-62-2 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes No

ZINC (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 14 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes NoPart 1(B) NPRI Contaminants --- Report Releases in kilograms

ARSENIC (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 02 kilograms kilograms kilograms 50 kilograms NoCADMIUM (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 03 kilograms kilograms kilograms 5 kilograms NoHEXAVALENT CHROMIUM COMPOUNDS NA - 19 kilograms kilograms kilograms 50 kilograms No

NA - 08 kilograms kilograms kilograms 50 kilograms No

MERCURY (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) NA - 10 kilograms kilograms kilograms 5 kilograms NoPart 2 NPRI Contaminants - Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) --- Report Releases in kilograms

SUM OF PAHs 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 kilograms kilograms kilograms

50 kilograms

BENZO(A)ANTHRACENE 56-55-3 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoBENZO(A)PHENANTHRENE (CHRYSENE) 218-01-9 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoBENZO(A)PYRENE 50-32-8 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoBENZO(B)FLUORANTHENE 205-99-2 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoBENZO(G,H,I)PERYLENE 191-24-2 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoBENZO(K)FLUORANTHENE 207-08-9 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoDIBENZO(A,H)ANTHRACENE 53-70-3 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoFLUORANTHENE 206-44-0 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoINDENO(1,2,3-C,D)PYRENE 193-39-5 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoPHENANTHRENE 85-01-8 kilograms kilograms kilograms NoPYRENE 129-00-0 kilograms kilograms kilograms No

Part 3 NPRI Contaminants - Dioxins/Furans (Report Releases in grams TEQ) & Hexachlorobenzene (Report Releases in grams)

OCTACHLORODIBENZO-P-DIOXIN (OCDD) 3268-87-9 kilograms kilograms grams TEQ activity-based N/A N/A No

Annual Releases from

Distillate Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Residual Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Diesel-Fired Turbines

Annual Releases from Small Diesel-Fired

Industrial Engines(<= 600 hp)

Annual Releases from Large Diesel-Fired Stationary

Engines(> 600 hp)













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Page 14: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table




(kg/year) (kg/year) (kg/year) (kg/year) (kg/year)Carbon Monoxide 630-08-0 tonnes tonnes tonnes 20 tonnes No

11104-93-1 tonnes tonnes tonnes 20 tonnes NoNA - M09 tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.5 tonnes NoNA - M10 tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.3 tonnes No

Sulphur Dioxide 7446-09-5 tonnes tonnes tonnes 20 tonnes NoTotal Particulate Matter NA - M08 tonnes tonnes tonnes 20 tonnes No

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) NA - M16 tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes No



Carbon Monoxide 630-08-0

No Equipment with Stacks =>50 m Above Grade

tonnes tonnes tonnes 5 tonnes No

11104-93-1 tonnes tonnes tonnes 5 tonnes No

NA - M09 tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.25 tonnes No

NA - M10 tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.15 tonnes No

Sulphur Dioxide 7446-09-5 tonnes tonnes tonnes 5 tonnes No

Total Particulate Matter NA - M08 tonnes tonnes tonnes 5 tonnes No

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) NA - M16 tonnes tonnes tonnes 5 tonnes No

Annual Releases from

Distillate Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Residual Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Diesel-Fired Turbines

Annual Releases from Small Diesel-Fired

Industrial Engines(<= 600 hp)

Annual Releases from Large Diesel-Fired Stationary

Engines(> 600 hp)












Oxides of Nitrogen (expressed as NO2)PM10




ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m)




(>= 50 m) AIR











Oxides of Nitrogen (expressed as NO2)



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Click Here to Go to theNPRI VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Go to theNPRI VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Go to theNPRI VOC Emission Summary Table

Click Here to Go to theNPRI VOC Emission Summary Table

PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, remember to include VOC air releases from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases VOCs from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) and a 5 tonne release for styrene (CAS# 100-42-5) were entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since both toluene and styrene are VOCs, the facility would have to add the 17 tonnes of toluene and styrene released to air to the total VOC air releases from combustion (i.e., enter the 17 tonnes of toluene and styrene air releases in the CAS# NA - M16 cell under the "ANNUAL AIR RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total VOCs released to air from the facility can then be compared against the 10 tonne VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, remember to include VOC air releases from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases VOCs from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) and a 5 tonne release for styrene (CAS# 100-42-5) were entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since both toluene and styrene are VOCs, the facility would have to add the 17 tonnes of toluene and styrene released to air to the total VOC air releases from combustion (i.e., enter the 17 tonnes of toluene and styrene air releases in the CAS# NA - M16 cell under the "ANNUAL AIR RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total VOCs released to air from the facility can then be compared against the 10 tonne VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, remember to include VOC STACK air releases from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases VOCs from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) and a 5 tonne release for styrene (CAS# 100-42-5) were entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene and 5 tonnes of styrene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m above grade) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list to the left). Since both toluene and styrene are VOCs, and all air releases of VOCs from the facility are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 17 tonnes of toluene and styrene released to air to the total VOC air releases from combustion (i.e., enter the 17 tonnes of toluene and styrene air releases in the CAS# NA - M16 cell under the " ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES " column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total VOCs released to air via the common stack (>= 50 m above grade) can then be compared against the 5 tonne VOC stack release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, remember to include VOC STACK air releases from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases VOCs from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) and a 5 tonne release for styrene (CAS# 100-42-5) were entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene and 5 tonnes of styrene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m above grade) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list to the left). Since both toluene and styrene are VOCs, and all air releases of VOCs from the facility are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 17 tonnes of toluene and styrene released to air to the total VOC air releases from combustion (i.e., enter the 17 tonnes of toluene and styrene air releases in the CAS# NA - M16 cell under the " ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES " column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI CAC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total VOCs released to air via the common stack (>= 50 m above grade) can then be compared against the 5 tonne VOC stack release threshold.
Page 15: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table



No Equipment with Stacks =>50 m Above Grade

(kg/year) (kg/year) (kg/year) (kg/year) (kg/year) UNITS UNITS

Individual Substances

Acetylene 74-86-2 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

Adipic Acid 124-04-9 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

Aniline 62-53-3 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

Benzene 71-43-2 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

1,3-Butadiene 106-99-0 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

2-Butoxyethanol 111-76-2 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

n-Butyl Acetate 123-86-4 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

P-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

Ethylene Dichloride 107-06-2 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

Dimethylether 115-10-6 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

Ethyl Alcohol 64-17-5 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

Ethyl Acetate 141-78-6 tonnes tonnes tonnes 1 tonne tonnes tonnes tonnes tonnes

Annual Releases from

Distillate Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Residual Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Diesel-Fired Turbines

Annual Releases from

Small Diesel-Fired Industrial Engines

(<= 600 hp)

Annual Releases from

Large Diesel-Fired Stationary

Engines(> 600 hp)


















STACKS>= 50 m





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PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, any speciated VOC air releases from sources other than natural gas combustion should be included in the calculation of total facility-wide annual speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating natural gas combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene was entered in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. Since toluene is a speciated VOC, the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total speciated VOC air releases of toluene from the combustion of natural gas (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene air releases in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the " TOTAL ANNUAL FACILITY-WIDE AIR RELEASES FROM SOURCES OTHER THAN NATURAL GAS COMBUSTION" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). The total speciated VOC releases to air of toluene from the facility can then be compared against the 1-tonne de-minimus speciated VOC release threshold.
PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, stack releases of speciated VOCs from sources other than from the combustion of fuel oils should be included in the calculation of total stack speciated VOC air releases. For example, in addition to operating combustion equipment, a facility releases 12 tonnes of toluene (CAS# 108-88-3), a speciated VOC, from some other process. A 12 tonne release for toluene (CAS# 108-88-3) was reported in the "ANNUAL RELEASES FROM OTHER SOURCES THAT MEET OR EXCEED MPO USE MASS AND CONCENTRATION THRESHOLDS" column on the NPRI Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator. For purposes of this example, the 12 tonnes of toluene released were exhausted through the same stack (>=50 m) as that used to exhaust releases from the combustion equipment selected for ANNUAL STACK REPORTING (i.e., as indicated in the drop-down list above). Since toluene is a speciated VOC and all VOCs are exhausted through a common stack (>= 50 m above grade), the facility would have to add the 12 tonnes of toluene released to air to the total toluene air releases from the combustion equipment selected in the drop-down list above (i.e., enter the 12 tonnes of toluene releases to air in the CAS# 108-88-3 cell under the "TOTAL ANNUAL STACK (>= 50 m) AIR RELEASES OF SPECIATED VOCs FROM OTHER SOURCES" column (highlighted in yellow) on the NPRI VOC Emission Summary Table of the Emissions Calculator). There is no stack reporting de-minimus for speciated VOCs.
Page 16: Fuel Oil Combustion Emissions Calculator (2011 March)

Ontario Emission Summary Table



Ontario MOE Criteria Air Contaminants/Greenhouse Gases - Report Emissions in tonnes (Table 2A)CARBON DIOXIDE 124-38-9 tonnes tonnes tonnes 100,000 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' tonnes tonnes tonnes Not ApplicableCARBON MONOXIDE 630-08-0 M tonnes tonnes tonnes 20 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' 0.000 tonnes tonnes tonnes NoMETHANE 74-82-8 tonnes tonnes tonnes 5,000 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' tonnes tonnes tonnes Not ApplicableNITROUS OXIDE 10024-97-2 tonnes tonnes tonnes 2.7 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' tonnes tonnes tonnes Not Applicable

11104-93-1 M tonnes tonnes tonnes 21 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' 0.000 tonnes tonnes tonnes No

PM10 NA - M09 M tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.5 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' 0.000 tonnes tonnes tonnes NoPM2.5 NA - M10 M tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.3 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' 0.000 tonnes tonnes tonnes NoSULPHUR DIOXIDE 7446-09-5 M tonnes tonnes tonnes 20 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' 0.000 tonnes tonnes tonnes NoTOTAL PARTICULATE MATTER NA - M08 M tonnes tonnes tonnes 20 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' 0.000 tonnes tonnes tonnes NoVOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS NA - M16 M tonnes tonnes tonnes 10 tonnes Report as 'Below Threshold' 0.000 tonnes tonnes tonnes No


MOE Ontario Toxics - Report Emissions in tonnes (Table 2B)1,1,1-TRICHLOROETHANE 71-55-6 tonnes tonnes tonnes 3.0 tonnes NoACENAPHTHENE 83-32-9 tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.005 tonnes NoACENAPHTHYLENE 208-96-8 tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.005 tonnes NoBERYLLIUM (AND ITS COMPOUNDS) 7440-41-7 tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.5 tonnes NoFLUORENE 86-73-7 tonnes tonnes tonnes 0.005 tonnes No

Annual Releases from

Distillate Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Residual Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Diesel-Fired Turbines

Annual Releases from Small Diesel-Fired

Industrial Engines(<= 600 hp)

Annual Releases from Large Diesel-Fired Stationary

Engines(> 600 hp)



















Annual Releases from

Distillate Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Residual Oil-Fired


Annual Releases from

Diesel-Fired Turbines

Annual Releases from Small Diesel-Fired

Industrial Engines(<= 600 hp)

Annual Releases from Large Diesel-Fired Stationary

Engines(> 600 hp)