From Melinda Vaughn, FHC Co-Founder & Director - For His

For His Children Connection October 2013 Page 1 From Melinda Vaughn, FHC Co-Founder & Director September was a special time at FHC: three adoptions took place. Four more are planned for October! Adoptions are a gratifying and exciting part of FHC - to witness the difference being made in the lives of these precious children. As always, we appreciate your faithful support and prayers, because YOU and GOD are fundamental in making everything possible at FHC. I had a special time in September - I traveled to California and Arizona to visit long-time friends and FHC supporters. After a visit with my daughter, Lesley, who is living and working in Las Vegas, I traveled to L.A. Thank you to John and Ginny Weidmann and their family and friends at Glenkirk Presbyterian Church in Glendora, CA, for an encouraging and enjoyable visit. I also met up with Daniela Naranjo and her husband Brian and young daughter, who are living in Pasadena, CA while they complete specialized medical certification. Daniela is the daughter of our former pediatrician in Ecuador, Alfredo Naranjo. Alfredo and his wife Norma were Hogar Para Sus Niños (HPSN) board members for ten years, and are the adoptive parents of Luis Fernando, 17, adopted from FHC when he was a toddler. Next, my parents, Betty and Max Maxwell, and I drove north from Los Angeles to California's eastern Sierra Nevada mountains, where my family and I lived for 13 years before we moved to Ecuador in 1990. We were blessed to enjoy some fall colors in the Sierras during our stay at The Father's Heart Lodge, thanks to Pastor Tom Hovsepian and Church on the Mountain (our home church before we moved). Tom Lonsdale, Melinda, Kathy and Phil Higerd, FHC supporters

Transcript of From Melinda Vaughn, FHC Co-Founder & Director - For His

For His Children Connection October 2013 Page 1

From Melinda Vaughn, FHC Co-Founder & Director

September was a special time at FHC: three adoptions took place. Four more are planned for October! Adoptions are a gratifying and exciting part of FHC - to witness the difference being made in the lives of these precious children. As always, we appreciate your faithful support and prayers, because YOU and GOD are fundamental in making everything possible at FHC. I had a special time in September - I traveled to California and Arizona to visit long-time friends and FHC supporters. After a visit with my daughter, Lesley, who is living and working in Las Vegas, I traveled to L.A. Thank you to John and Ginny Weidmann and their family and friends at Glenkirk Presbyterian Church in Glendora, CA, for an encouraging and enjoyable visit. I also met up with Daniela Naranjo and her husband Brian and young daughter, who are living in Pasadena, CA while they complete specialized medical certification. Daniela is the daughter of our former pediatrician in Ecuador, Alfredo Naranjo. Alfredo and his wife Norma were Hogar Para Sus Niños (HPSN) board members for ten years, and are the adoptive parents of Luis Fernando, 17, adopted from FHC when he was a toddler.

Next, my parents, Betty and Max Maxwell, and I drove north from Los Angeles to California's eastern Sierra Nevada mountains, where my family and I lived for 13 years before we moved to Ecuador in 1990. We were blessed to enjoy some fall colors in the Sierras during our stay at The Father's Heart Lodge, thanks to Pastor Tom Hovsepian and Church on the Mountain (our home church before we moved). Tom Lonsdale, Melinda, Kathy and Phil Higerd, FHC supporters

Tom Lonsdale, Melinda, Kathy and Phil Higerd, FHC supporters

Tom Lonsdale, Melinda, Kathy and Phil Higerd, FHC supporters

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It was wonderful to see so many familiar faces and catch up on news with old friends (no, I'm still not active on Facebook!)

It was a great surprise to see Tom Lonsdale in Mammoth during my visit. Tom and Heidi spent two years in Quito as co-directors of FHC/HPSN with the Vaughns in 1993-95. They were also FHC Board members from about 1995 through 2005. Tom, Heidi and their family now live in Mazatlan, Mexico, where they are the directors of a youth ministry.

Another highlight was giving a big hug to Marina Rosnau, adopted in 2009 from FHC-Quito by parents Dean and Leah. Marina is now 9, and lives just 30 minutes from Mammoth, in the town of June Lake. She attends a local school and is still the bright, lively, curious and beautiful little girl all of us at FHC remember. Dean and Leah were FHC Board members from 2002-2010. Dean is working in construction and plans to complete law enforcement training next year, and Leah is a school teacher in Mammoth.

I attended Mammoth Christian Fellowship on Sunday morning. Pastor Mark Smith asked the church elders to pray for me and For His Children - a very emotional moment. The men and women who surrounded me were the same caring friends who, 23 years ago, prayed for Clark and me and our children, Phillip and Lesley, before we moved to Ecuador.

Reflecting on the changes that have taken place at FHC and in my life over the past few years, it was very meaningful to have these friends pray for the ministry and for me. It seemed symbolic of things coming full circle, acknowledging all that God has done, and also blessing the ministry's future. Vivid memories of the past 23 years played through my mind that morning, as I thought about how God has created a ministry built on relationships - of all kinds. And it is amazing! My next stop was Phoenix, where I visited Brent Bourdeau. Brent relocated from Divide, CO to Scottsdale, AZ several years ago. Many of our readers and supporters know Brent or know his name, as he was FHC's bookkeeper for 16 years. Brent's son, Barclay, joined us for dinner one evening. Barclay was the designer and host of FHC's first website, as well as handling many other internet/tech issues for FHC. Brent and I had fun catching up on mutual friends, as he and his late wife Joyce raised their family in Mammoth in the '80s.

I also enjoyed an evening with Stacey Smith and her husband, Andy Myers. Stacey grew up in Ecuador, the daughter of missionaries, and was

Visiting Brent Bourdeau in Scottsdale

Dean and Leah Rosnau

and their daughter, Marina,

adopted from FHC

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the founder / director of Precious Miracles (Milagritos Preciosos) a children's ministry in Quito for about 12 years. Several of PM' s children were welcomed at FHC/HPSN when Stacey closed the ministry in 2009: Luis Eduardo and Mateo, two older boys cared for at FHC-Latacunga; Carlita and Flor, cared for at FHC-Quito before they were adopted, and of course Zacarías, now 16, who is living in Latacunga. My trip was wonderful. I was encouraged and yet humbled as I renewed friendships and reconnected and was able to personally say 'thank you' to many people for their years of faithful encouragement to my late husband and me. Every face, every visit brought joy to my heart. I am grateful for the love and caring of this big family brought together through the ministry of FOR HIS CHILDREN.

From Jen Schneider, FHC's International Volunteer Coordinator

The word 'family' is heard a lot at FHC. We talk about finding a forever family for each child and our psychologist works with the children to help them understand what it means to be part of a family. In September I was able to experience the FHC family in a whole new way. I spent a month traveling through eleven countries in Europe, and had the privilege of connecting with many people who have a special bond- their love and support of FHC.

I met with FHC adoptive families, several adoption agencies that work in Ecuador, the sponsors of many of our children, and with past FHC volunteers. In Denmark, I visited Maira and her husband Alan. Maira was born in Ecuador, and while she was not adopted from FHC, co-founder Melinda Vaughn was instrumental in providing a warm and loving 'human touch' during her adoption in the early 1990s. Maira and Alan own a restaurant in a small town in Denmark and are the parents of 5-month-old Filippa. Maira hosted a 'meet and greet' opportunity for me and FHC at her restaurant, and baked an enormous amount of fabulous pastries for all who attended.

Later that week, I connected with 20-year-old Marcus Sorenson and his family, Lena, Soren and

Rebecca in Copenhagen. Marcus was adopted when he was a baby from FHC in the early '90s. Marcus has visited FHC several times in the last few years, most recently spending six months with us as a volunteer in 2012. Marcus is studying at a university in Copenhagen. He is diligently studying Spanish as he hopes to return to Ecuador in the coming years to spend time

Maira with her husband and daughter (left), and her parents, sister and nephew (right), in

front of the cafe they own.

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at FHC and with his Ecuadorian birth family, with whom he reconnected several years ago.

In Bergamo, Italy, I attended a gathering that included four FHC adoptive families, among them Carlos (Ayovi) and Carlos (Correa), who were adopted from FHC-Latacunga earlier this year. The families of Josué and Joshua, adopted in 2012, also attended. All four boys seem very happy and now speak Italian fluently - even Carlos A., who was adopted just three months ago! The boys' parents were happy to meet each other, and all of them expressed their appreciation for the Baby Books/ Memory Albums that FHC prepares for each child, containing photos and anecdotes of the child's time at FHC. We discussed forming a Facebook group to encourage Italian families who have adopted from Ecuador to stay connected and meet up on a regular basis. The trip ended with a lovely fundraiser at the Byk family home in London. The Byks volunteered at FHC/HPSN in August 2013 with their three children, ages 4, 8 and 11. They were very impressed with the ministry and were agreeable to hosting a gathering at their home when they heard I would be in the U.K. Over 50 people attended - some signed up to sponsor a child, and others talked with me about volunteering at FHC/HPSN. The hospitality that was extended to me during my travel was incredible. People invited me into their homes, showed me their cities, prayed with me for the ministry of FHC, took time off of work to help with transportation - I was amazed by how God placed all of these people in my life during this special time. It is an amazing feeling to be halfway around the world and listen to the stories of the strong connections that people have with FHC: adoptive families often fondly recalled time they spent with Clark and Melinda Vaughn (FHC/HPSN's co-founders), volunteers asked for news about particular children they remembered, and sponsors gave me small gifts to bring back to their sponsored child. I was amazed to see the different ways God has connected and continues to weave together people in the FHC family.

FHC adoptive families in Bergamo, Italy with Jen Schneider

(fifth from right, in white blouse)

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What began as a trip to help a friend move to Sweden, ended with me visiting eleven countries, with opportunities to connect with churches, students, community leaders, and many families. Thank you to all who made my visit so very special.

Former FHC Volunteers Rahel Orth

and Isabel Siegel, in Germany

The very crowded fundraiser at the

Byk home in London

Forever Families

Martín has a forever family - and we are thrilled. Martin has been cared for at FHC since he was a newborn. His mother was unable to care for him, and he was left at the hospital. Martín is now a happy and rambunctious two-and-a-half-year-old. Although his progress has come slowly, (he is diagnosed with Down syndrome) he is now walking and can drink out of a cup by himself.

Martín's new parents are Jason and Jennifer Nails, from Georgia. Jason works in sales for a printing company and Jennifer is a high school special education counselor. The couple has four older children, Cameron (16), Emmy (12), Mia (9) and Noah (8) - Mia and Noah were adopted from China. Jason and Jennifer were very impressed with the adoption process at FHC, commenting that they felt better informed and more comfortable than when they adopted in China.

Martín with sister Emmy, Mom Jennifer, sister

Mia and Dad Jason

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On the very same day we said goodbye to Martín, we met Marco's new family! Marco was eight months old when he arrived at FHC/HPSN. He was removed from the family environment because of neglect. He had a small deformity in his trachea which caused difficulties in eating and chronic pneumonia. While at FHC, Marco had a tracheostomy for over a year. He is now a happy three-year-old who loves to swim and jump on the trampoline. Marco's new parents are Vincenzo and Daniela, from Italy. Vincenzo works in manufacturing and Daniela is a chef. Marco is their first child. Both boys took to their new families right away and felt comfortable with them. By the third day of the adoption process, both boys were ready to go home with their parents. The two families will stay in Ecuador for several more weeks while they complete adoption and immigration paperwork. Congratulations!


Our Matching Gift Campaign runs October 1 - November 15.

Qualified donations will be matched $1 x $1

Orphan Sunday is November 3!

Contact [email protected] for more information on

how you can support FHC during this national event!


We would like to introduce one of our special young ladies at FHC: Wilma Yanchapaxi, who lives at our home in Latacunga. Wilma is 11, and was welcomed to FHC in 2004, when she was two years old. Wilma has cerebral palsy, and her family was unable to care for her due to her special needs and other issues the family faced. Wilma's diagnosis means that she uses a wheelchair and communicates by pointing to symbols on a communication board. She is also learning to communicate using an iPad with a special software program.

Marco with his parents,

Daniela and Vicenzo

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Wilma is a very alert, and loves to joke and laugh. She enjoys art and craft projects. Another favorite activity is the trampoline - while she cannot jump, she likes to be bounced when others are on the trampoline. She is captivated by the window displays and mannequins in the shops when she visits a local mall on an outing with the Tías. Wilma attends school at FHC-HPSN, taught by her teacher, Miss Jenny. Once a week Wilma attends a second-grade class at a local public school to give her the opportunity to interact with other children. Wilma does very well in her classes and is now learning to spell and compose sentences by typing on her iPad.

Wilma loves to help the tías in any way she can and wants to be a Tía's helper. She understands she has to wait until she is older, but for now, Wilma enjoys helping our administrator in the office with various tasks. Wilma is strong enough to push her own wheelchair. Unfortunately this effort exacerbated the weakness in her hip joints (due to her inability to walk and develop the muscles to keep her bones and joints in their proper position). Our physical therapy team constructed a brace to help keep Wilma's hips in proper alignment. This means she needs a larger wheelchair to accommodate the brace - one

that will also be light enough for her to push on her own - or perhaps a power wheelchair. Until we can get the perfect chair for Wilma, she relies on a Tía or one of the older children to push her. This is frustrating for Wilma as she cannot speak to give directions - not an ideal situation, physically or psychologically, for an 11-year-old who has her mind set on being independent.

Wilma needs a lightweight chair, the appropriate size for a small 11-year-old. If our readers know of a chair that might be appropriate for Wilma (a used chair that could be adapted to Wilma's needs), please let us know. A power wheelchair would also be a very good option for Wilma. If readers have contact with friends or family with a chair they would like to donate, please contact Melinda at [email protected]. Thank you!

Wilma and another student review a lesson with her teacher

Wilma shares a story with FHC staff member Jen

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New Faces We welcomed two new girls this month: Carolina arrived at seven days old. She was found in a marketplace in the city of Cayambe, north of Quito. She was examined at a local hospital and brought to FHC that same evening, where our Tías named her Carolina. She is a healthy, beautiful baby. Our social worker is investigating the case to try and locate her birth family.

Dulce María, almost two years old, came to FHC the very same day as Carolina. Dulce suffered serious burns a few months ago. She was treated at a local hospital and then released to her mother's care. Within a few days, her mother returned to the hospital and told the social worker that that she wished to relinquish her parental rights and make an adoption plan for her daughter. FHC/HPSN's social worker is investigating the case to see what support the birth family needs, with the hope that Dulce might be able to return home. Dulce is adapting well to life at FHC/HPSN.

Carolina, shown with Tía Fernanda and the

police officer who brought her to FHC Dulce

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Back to School

School started September 5th for our children. In Latacunga, several attend a local public school and others attend the Cotopaxi Special Education Institute, which serves students with developmental disabilities.

In Quito, Marilú is enjoying preschool at Alegres Corderitos (Happy Lambs) pre-school. Alejandra is starting first grade at Escuela Trebol, a private school for students with developmental disabilities. This is Alejandra's first experience attending a community school and she is enjoying the social interaction with other students. Andrea is beginning pre-school at the Fundación El Triángulo, a school and center that serves children with Down syndrome and intellectual delay.

Tatiana (left) and Lisseth (right) in their

uniforms for the Cotopaxi Special

Education Institute

From left to right: Xavier, Jofre, Wilma,

Daniela and Michael on the first day of

school in Latacunga

Last month, Andrea met Ecuador's President Rafael

Correa when he visited her school. This photo of them

was printed in the newspaper!

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Thank you for your time in reading this month's long newsletter! We are grateful for your

involvement and partnership with the ministry and family of For His Children.

Melinda Vaughn Anna Ioakimedes

Co-Founder/Director Editor


Jerry Mogab, Bookkeeper [email protected]

Telephone: 818 812 6110 * [email protected]

Donations only: For His Children P.O. Box 912412, Denver, CO 80291-2412 Correspondence only: For

His Children, Box 29, Conifer, CO 80433