FRIDAY. MUNYON'S MARCH...4 THE POBT-DtTELUGEXCER. TELEPHONES: Editorial Room*. Second Floor.?jfsln...

4 THE POBT-DtTELUGEXCER. TELEPHONES: Editorial Room*. Second Floor.?jfsln gty Mi: oalaMßocma iSa* TECW or SCWCRIPriOS: Stotty (By Mail ar delivered In the cttri. Ona Tear, in Advae**. -®f" pally. Six Month*. !a Advaac*........ * * Dally, One tiocth. in Advara# J * Sunday. One tear, to Adwa*y_-»j- *? Sunday and Waakly. Oea leer, in Ad- VtSSr. 'oiiaTwri h i*immri~~~- 1 ? WmSSr. m*. MoatW to Advaac* to omen: lataad Avenue aad Cherry S T r«*t. KtwTark. Room* U. H. * Trtonae Bid*. Chioatga. B7 Chamber of Co* %a<li!ar« Cltjr. UI2 O Street. N W. Taonu 113 Pacific Avenua. \u25a0\u25a0HIMTlia" Bar. o. H. Culver, waale* tddraai an ooanmun**'!???. IUMM It tM POtT'INTELLIQ FCBLISHXKO CoTseat't*- »"*- Stoa PaaMkMNraMtr Saraip toae toa «<m Baan atoMjMapaU^ MMto «h* atofa af toaahlnpaaw. id. gn-ritiij .aaareata atoto Sa aaada » B* a. ftaaap aa« fto-l fepar. HEATTLE. FBIT>AT. KAT 11. WAfimSOTOR FOB »l*D MOXFT All honor ahould be paid ta the Republi- can* at Everett who voted for the apl*ndul financial plank which will Indicate to tha real c? lb* ec-jntry that 'ha controlling pa-ty ».a the auie of W'aahlncton la un- ?oapromlalng; r In favor of honest money. For aoma yaari wo have autfered becaaaa tha efTarta at fanatically wild local Bnanetara aad thatr argumanU. a ipported by tba criaa at Popullata and Democrats, have aant many a good mean.-ng man off kla feet. Fort lira! ??.7 thla la at an and Tba era of nsnai oae 'ua coma and gone The Re- pubilcar.* «f Waahlngtaa havo had tha ?rra*. and « M mora, the couragv u> conie out and »»y achat th»y hell'-ve?oome- thinc thry have not dar«d to do in aurh g.rr.'t atat** aa Ohio, tolchlgat.. Orej;uß and Cel'aroia. 100 declaration of the late convention Will .tf.rr mote lo do In atiffeelng the heck* at wavering Republicans on tha Pacific Coaat than can nor be Imagined. It la the flrat honeat voice that baa been heard treat of the Mlaaourl rtver and we have only to wait for the comment* to learo that our action I* heartily approved far gnd wide. Washington hu been looked upon a* a ?llv»r atat* and unjjatly ««. The silver Wen have 4OIM all the talking. and nerea- ?arlly «? have been elaued with ail U>* wildly men pant commonwfaltha weat of (he Kockles which have gone atark mad ever atlver The awakening h»g rom» ?K»ne to® toon But even although It la a< a late hour, the effect will be pronounc- ed. and even (hoae who have burled their conviction* by atraddlea will applaud our couraga. The tart thin* that haa happened in Waahlactan for twentr-flve year* la tha ?quare. candid declaration for honeat mon- mj In the Everelt convention. or* KBI.ATIOH* WITH TTTUtKY. It la avldcnt that there 1a ionic mo<«- \u25a0sent oa foot In Turkey In which th« Vnlt*d State* la ooncerned, Minister Ter- rell haa been ordered hurriedly to return to hla poet at Constantinople, and the Turfctah minuter to Washington City haa been recalled. Mavroyeni Bey haa repre- sented tho 9ublim* Torte In thla country for nine vara and no eiplanailnn la given ?»r hla being superseded by Mut>elf Hey. II la not Improbable that the Turkiah who haa Ingratiated himself with the American people may be Intend- ed for higher office at home. wltrr* hla aoflualnUv. o with the American* \u25a0nd their aentltnenia may be considered valuable. Me naa had the advantage. too. *f being ati un-b>oker upon European af- fair* wuhoJt having been Intimately con- cerned with them or having made himself ?fcjactionable to either of the great power*. Tha silent Influence of Russia upon ihe ?fait* of Ihe (litoman etripir* la aura to reault in some effort to change the rela- tione Turkey i *:* to other European governments The K.n'tah per; le feel very bluer tl tho effort* of It -a:*. G rmany and Frisco to have her yield authority in Kgypt U the sultan. They claim. with much reason. that fur the flrst time !n ccn- turiea la enjoying the advantages af a f >b> cavern: sen' that h»r treasury ebons a surplus. her omntero* haa rx- panded ? rn iialy. the courts of Justice ?r» fr.-e froa. the pernicious Influo. e* w.'rtch made thorn long a scandal and the people have prospered under tlrillah pro- tKtkko, On the other hand, they point to the ralaeraMe failure of Turkey to govern Aruienia, to her avowed ; npotence to pro- tect her own Orlatian subjects from the fanat s«n» of ;he Muv<ulntan and the thlr*tahn.-»a of the Kurd The condition of Turkey i «elf show* a mark-d contrast to that of Kgypt aid whatever may ha thought of th" srt#aa ultimate purpose of England 9a to Egypt, the immediate ben- efit v[ a r««; .te Itora Turkiah rule cannot be denied. YVhlla the Egyptian Queatlon may form part of (lie trouble between England and the continental »wer*. it cannot in any ?ay lav Ive the I ntt-d fu:«. and It will probably be found that the re al! of the Turkiah ambaeaa.ior and the return Jlln star Terrell to the so \u25a0»** of hia dutlee have be»n ranaed bv ecrtie conj ' at: In whi.h tha eou-tiy more intimately concerned. THE FLY INO MACHIXF. The 6y.Bg machine Invented by prof l<angley eeama to have developed BO new principle and effected r.a adage wd rea.Ut*. Aerial flotation haa beer natrated " -r many year*, ar.d machines »»»?* frequently heen invest*! «H oh not ;!}- overcame th* law of gravttat a. but era under aety favorable ?? >r!.i org a rr« . on:.-01. The great d ffl \u25a0 ?!ty. wh- h is to at rd a motive power Independent ..f cocnaev't- n with tha earth in such sh»>* that It .-an be entity stored. ta no nearer o--<j-.-»t. A flying trn hire l! - ? rr - ~?» w» it ? wanted I*ngiey*s tevent ot:. at beat. no mora than that, g- i -a ei 'nt that It never can he tn.>re w ti the m \u25a0 «. - upov. which he reliea T:-e >* v .f aie«ni at any great height from the ground ' r nrv li«:a»c* ?* cjt of the . ? ?? . \u25a0, ytn on land the proportt n af ?? w-r rere-a-c j to the weight of the r.iel ae - « ary to be carried la »o err.ail that » have I -.g ag> c>me to the n> 1 »!,-s thai d>, e the woods ifuj ad vase* nude by ~^»n?;y ? iwlm?ii alattiM fkr loom la sstsra. Th* day Wis MM vlsm th* ilr Shalt hs \u25a0a*m "d as th* water haa been. aad aaarr etKmn? man »wll b* |W« *a Km Oai>w»> af tha key ?««* li to th* aow tlaaai door ta atrial aavtgatlaa; toft DM steam engirt* ka tar h*hlnd many other artetrilUe toy* which hae* bai a an art aprtl af aural Th* chief merit la Usdn't machlns to thk* ft wii ta bar* tmprsvsd «ps* tha B?« power. and ta that «r«Bt a ao ad- Th* perfeetJoa of th* loeonaotl** win to gradual on r.I aoma auM«c diaeovwry apaas up th* war a caartrtnattoa waich win afford bwrncr and control of awwaoMat. wb*a all tbaaa ?rhaalral Invention* wUI kaaaaa Merdaala alto THE PABTU* OR FfWAWCB. It to M try *urprl*ing Uat tha people \u25a0hould aow wttaaaa a great Republican ma sf ?Bthostoa* paastng owr tha cotm- trj ta favor at aauad \u25a0?*y. Kslther to It at ail Strang* that all tha raporta ahavld tadtcata that whlto tha Republican party to tataaaeir ta *ar***t for aa haaaat cwr- rency. tha Dsaaocracy appaara ta ha drift* tog toward* tha adop turn of a tr*a allvar platform So far aa atahta Saanc** ara ccacaroed. Republican* and Democrats aew ara and alway* h**a baan about aa far apart aa tbay ever wara on the quaa- tioa of a looaa ar strict construction of tha conau'.utiae. For tba laat thirty yaars anything that has baas offered tor nalataialns tba pub- lic credit or giving ua good money baa been Invariably opposed by tba Democracy aa a party. Of eouraa there hare beea men who. through motive* known only to them- aelvaa, have throwu oft political obllga- Uona and voted according to personal \u25bclew*, but, Judging from party reeuita. tha record of lb* Democracy upon tha finan- cial liauH of the laat quarter of a century haa been thoroughly (Lareputabla. The di- ver question, which In recent years haa led to aaany people aauay, but which, for- tunately, eeemt deatined ta drop out of as eeaSethteg raforaed through praarsra. It war never looked upon aa a wis* meas- ure. aad when tha «uarrto& of repeal earns tha aajortry at ti K parry were not araaa \u2666a rack action. PresHent Ctevelaad. it Wfa ba remetDbered. called coogrwa* to- g«h*r wtth the apartßc abject at brtngts* a boat this repeal. Tba eat* Is tha booaa aa Aoguat ». 9ML showed that the Deea»- ernta. out at *rota of M, gave a majority far the MI! at Ofty-aight. while the Be- oat at a vote at 111. gave a majority at dghty-thraa in favor at re- peal Tba vata is the seeate am October to. BR, ahowed that tka BepoMlcana votad mora thaa two ta ama ta favor at repeal, while tha Democrat* wars tied am AM An through tha ktotory of tka afliea legtslatloe tka Republlcaa party wffi to found am tka right site, aad lust aa arte* the Democracy will ahiaa out aa tha ad- vocate af wkat waa dangetana aad un- atahto. It to aa weaiar. thaa. that to tha praaaat agltatiaa the two parttaa should ba found alieie that always have baaa la relation to the maintenance af a aound GOV. M'GBAW VI3TDICATTO. Ferhapa aa aotlceable a featnra aa any la eouMcUon with the solutioa of tha aasn- ey question at Everett yesterday waa tha indirect though pronounced Indorssment of Gov. HcOraw in hla atCtud* taken aoma time ago. When tha governor of Montana called for a convention at SL Lake ta tba interest of the silver people, the eaeeutlva of Waahlagton vary reapecifully yet firmly refused to aanctloa any each gathering am an ofllclal and declined to appoint d«legatee. He waa aavarely criticised and condemned ha oertala quarters on that occasion, but ttoaa has proved that he waa right. Ba could have wished for ao better vindication thaa tha approval givea the honeat ssaasy plank la ysst*r day'* eonveatloa. Tha attitude ba took at tba time of Oov. Blekard's Invitation to now one which a majority of tha Ev- erett convention would have takaa and hla sturdy, unwavering allegiance to the caua* of honest money has tree no in- significant factor la keeping loyal to a safe, sound currency many who might have hesitated aad poaaibly, through idle clamor, been found Supporting lbs wrong cause. LOGICAL PARTY POLICY. Senator Morrill, the chairman of tha finance committee, to whom waa intruatad the lnreetlgatioß of tha bo ad laaue, haa acted very wisely. He baa appointed a sub-committee consisting at three Demo- crats. one Republlcaa aad JoneSL of Ne- vada, who is probably classed aa a Popu- list for thla purpose, aad is at leaat aa thorough a fre* ailver man that ha can- not be suspected of favoring the president or his cabinet in the matter of tha bond Issue. The people generally believe Cleveland and Carlisle to be personally honest, anil most of tbam do not question that aom<v thing had to be dona promptly. The means avallabls were limited by law, and If there was any mistake made It was In the fail- ure of the Democrat* to go to tba rebef of the government and the country by pass- ing arevised t .r.C bill which should at least serve to provide a rovenue?one of tba car- dinal principles of Democracy. The blunder was in ever permitting the Democratic party to get us Into auch a scrape; but It wss done and the bend tsaue was probably the leas of two *vlla. on* of which could not ba averted. The con- demnation by the great body of the peo- ple 1* not the Issu* of bonda, but the fa- tal mistake In national policy which made some measure of hasty and Immediate re- lief neceasary In order to save the coun- try from the alarming consequences of an impaired credit. The constitution of the sub-committee la a guarantee that the inquiry will at least not adml; at the fear of any whltewaahlng; and the great preponderance of Democrats precludes the suspicion that th* Investiga- tion Is to be us*d for the manufacture of campaign a>a:*rtal for the Republlcaa party. The country Is too much engrossed Just now in the task of making provistona to undo ths mischief Which lies beneath the bond Issue, and to outline a policy which shall afford means by which the payment of latere*! on th* bonds may b* met. to wa*t* much t:m* upon aa Inquiry Into the irrevocable deeds of the past. While the Democrats are engaged trying to find out how It was done, the Republicans will devote their energies to determining how it can be undone. The Democratic party win be logically talking ahout the past, th* Republicans will be logically busy with the future. There Is no particular res.*oa why con- gress should fool swsy any more time over the Cuban question. The condition of the oonteet between the insurgents and (he Spanish forces Is th* same as It waa four month* ago Congress has had ample t'me to decide one way or th* other. It knows the etst js of affaire. It la advised of the progress of the rebellion, it Is ac- quainted with the International aspects of the question, and every senator and rep- resentative should have made up hi* mind, if he has any. a ght after the coming campaign, has per- haps shawn up th* two parties In as fair a light as eouid be wished. Everybody knows of the attempt of th* Republican party to resume agxcie payment* and gat fre* from the depreciated currency brought on by tha war. and everybody ought lo recollect equally well how stub- bornly the Damocrata fought th* rraump- tfon measures. Many will recall how the infiatloo erase swept the country becauaa of Ihe cry that resumption would surely contract the currency. Tbea It was that the Bland-Allison silver bUI waa passed. The senate, at the time this measure came up In 1*77. was composed of thlrty- e.ght Republicans, thirty-seven l>emocrata end one Independent, and the house was constituted of IKS Republican*and 1M Dem- ocrats. The Republicans had one-half the senate, and were In a minority of twenty In the house. Under these conditions, on November 1. 1*77. the houae voted on the llland bill for the free coinage of silver. The vote on this question atoud I*4 in favor and M against. The Republicans stood nearly three to oneagainat. and the Demo- crats about ten to one in favor of free coin- age. The then went to the senate, and, when It emerged from the committee In the ahape of the llland Allison bill. 11 WAS voted on, February 8. IST?, ar.d waa passed by a Democratic majority of aeventeen. Freeldent llaye* vetoed tht* measure, but on February > U7\ th* question cam* up In th* houae. on the passage of the bill over the pre*.'!. Ufa jcto, and the bill waa passed. The Democrats voted In the pro- portion of four-nfth* of their entire strength In the house in favor of the bill. It succeeded in getting the necessary two- thirds vote in both houses, and thus be- came a law. Th* law of l*7t w»s succeeded by tha ail- ver purehaae act of IS*>, which was a com- promise measure. Th* arnat* au then composed of fifty-one Republicans and thirty-seven Democrats, and the house of I£7 Republicans. 155 Democrats and one In- dependent. It waa a Republican congress to be sure, but there were in It renegade m»rubers, who by albtng themaelve* with th* enwmy, coul.l such mischief as was wrought in the present congress when the Dlngley bill came up for consideration. On June S. l v '-<\ Mr. Ward moved a resolu- tion directing th* committee on coinage to report a free cjmage b 11. The ItepuMl.-an* gave a majority of nine to one against th* res jluiKin. while the Democrat* voted eight lo one in favor of It. Later In Ihe session the house ptased what Is known as the C>**er bill, authorlalng ths month- ly purehaae of M.SfO.O## worth cf ailver bul- lion. but stop; -ig the coinage of silver ! dollar* Th a bill contained a provlaion for j free coinage at any time when the market ! value of al'ver made the sliver dollar worth j intrir.aicaiiy IflO cent*. The Republican* 1 voted for thla Mil In the host**, whila tha | IVrn-vrata voted ungmm ialy against It. In the aer.ate * free coinage meaaur* was a.i'.«ti! ;ited and tie RepuMi -ana gav* a ma» ty against the guhstitut*. whll* the IVm rats gave their entire party vote for i It. with tha of three senator*. The *enat* free co ".age bill then went to the house, where It reached a vote on June M, reeuit'.ng in a Republican majority agasnst the hitl of IW. and a Democratic 'ity of ninety tn favwr of it. The two va thu* failed to agree, and a commit- tee of waa ordered, whi-h sub- s' qrientiy reported the ao-called Sherman com> -v>rr *e ivw. which was a m >d'fl-ation of the Conger bill passed by the houaa. Tb a re|s>rt waa concurred In by both h, every Repubi:.-ae voting for It, and every rat against it. The bill was not what the rarty might have Wi»i-ed. It waa a c-iropraasiae. J:at ? s the Riand Alliens bill had been nn effort to prrvent disastrous 1,-g niat rn by a *tra'ogio r.-»a*ure whi h w.- ?id appease . the w-r >ily unrwaa >nahle ar. 1 un.-ontrolla- . hie free coinage element In both hjuaea At that fine the j r -e of *:ar;dard silver was IV. ah rt of tl rer ounce On Jan u ? arv ttsi. th» sens e mini again on the qnestton of free coir sue. gr.d e gh: n:n: -a of the IV<werats voted In favor, and more than two-th'r is of rh* RefuhJ. -ans V3ted agaiiat. t>n March fa. IWi lh»re was a vote on the svme -s: ain the house, which showed a IV» rai' n»a>.->riry at ' ?r'v-r >e '.3 favor a-vl * R ;tiMicnn ma- jority of fifty-si* again*? C* Ja!y I ISSi there was a vye n the senate on t.h* < ewsrt free ooirsge tail, which rew:!;ed ; in a JVarKvratlo major?!y of tweaty-oee in favor and a Republican majority of *ov*r.:een aga'nst On J«"y *t :«a» tha ] hci:«e vo? ed >s the Stewart bill. *hoarl-g : a TVcfx-r*r>o ma' ntv or tweaxy-nine ia 1 fa.or. at»d a Rrr«bli.-an maicrity of af;y. j * x aga-'rst | Tha Sfeanuaa 4W waa a.w aj s rag aided The D»m»cr*tl of Maryland ?*»m to Mat Gorman to heaJ the delegation. A year ago there was nofh:t\* la Webster's St-tionary that was bad enough to fltly pH.-e where he fcej.-vsged. "Perfidy ?ml d.»tvonor" *»» not haif of what *u entitled to a»d tha aooaer he oouM he ifrjil out of the !>arty, tha better. Th*t h*« a!! died away now. and they art N-S rr.!n* to be!!»ve, as they ill tiro y-\m aeo that Gorman ha* more hralaa than any two other Detoocrata In the aen- ia R*hteen bills bow h»f?r» 'mi»? pro- vj-'-k for WaahSr.rtea Otr statues to (Treat met- mike arprenrsit ons sinrre*»t- lnc f: t" Am-n* the iam whom It U thus proposed to h---»r are Gen. Grant. T-»s !»nt : -- 3 hr Pat:! Jones. Edwin M. Start-- Parouei Hitetain, John *»'» c. trier. Robert r>a!e Owen. Oan. h»ry Ti«' - Ger Srt-si.r Salmon P Chaaa and "'he rr*va'» aoMler." A "patl-to*ether" delegation uaoally g»t» what It roea *ft<r The Pierra routsty de>«*»t! -n after. am«ny other thlnra. a r 'Terror, m onal committe/'naan and na- t:-net head<r>art«ra. a <nr.*re«an«n. a secretary of state «ru! the state conven- tion th!* fall Aiao a T'tiite.! States sena- tor if favora are plenty -Tao-ma t'mos. Why cot r»t a claim to the earth? Thomas Darlda. the last man who rxrr ».-*r.ked Ororer Cleveland. has Jait i ed at h.» borne is CaJ!?*rcia. T>e chasi.»«*n«£t w»» ai.T :b when I>bt:Si was s»V->a of the church of which the pre*!- J. » father was the recttw On one poca- aloa the 1 :t!e Cleveland b-yy wu impudent tt» she seaton. and he it* en ittt nwte terma Wita tfca aJ a falhar, t* r.jj jur;ea ua TUX SEATTLE FOST-IHTELLIGXNCER, FRIDAY. MAT IS. 19M. parental asthorlty. turned the boy ever his kses and adaaiaistered what be thought r-mper punishment. For forty-sfx years Graver bad not received chastisement. The operation was act repeated until IS**. wises* Ben Btmnn took the place of Tliiwss Dsrtds. Th«re was a lot of rl»alry ywttMiy at Kverett. bat it wu gene roc a. Some, so doubt, vara dlwpotmed. bat ttet via not Interfere with everybody getting to and making tbe Republican majority ao large la November that tbs opposition will con- cede that the only questioo in the fattiro ta aa to whfc-h are the best Republicans ta look after tba interests of the stata. The lowa State Register slsee up tha slt- oatloa about debt when it aaya: "The A. P. A. are atfll taking themselves aarionsiy. Wbea they said they opposed McKlnley. ao on* paid any attention to them, ul aow aow ara coming to tha conclusion ta rapport bin. bo ona will pay aay attea- ttoa ta thesa. They are not recognisable aa factor* la spen- handed politics." No wonder there la * bicycle i riaa Game mty of tha year's report (Ma tha patsat office shows that tha greatest nma- ber of patents la any ore Una has boss granted to Mcycle in van tore. or ta malrara of Meyaio autasaorisa. notably ta tha men who are working oat tha pnsnmetle tirs problesa. Tha Oatana Bea la having * coed M ta aay abont retiring the greenbacks. That qoestloa should be droppod for a whilst Let us giro our attention temporarily ta retiring tha mosabacka, or. In other words, tha Democrats. When they talk about Western sliver cranks, ther don't want to technic tha atats of Washington. It la tha only stats weat of the eastern slope of tha Rockies that has made a decant tight far aa hoa- eat currency. Judge Jenkins has an owed tha oM Northern Pacific receivers MUM pay for two and one-half years' work. This la fairly good remuneration for men who bad to be thrown out la order to an tha property. Tha Chicago Post aaya the Democrats ehould take the bull by tha boras. but la g<ving this advice the Post evidently doesn't realize what an awful bull tha Democrats have made during tha last few years. They propose to wage another free silver tight in Kentucky this fall, and have dug up Hon. P. Wat Hardin for campaign pur- poses. Ha evidently believes la keeping political undertaken busy. Tha United States senate very p»epe«lj came to the conclusion that the stale of Washington Is represented la that body by Senators Squire and Wilsoa and not by Senators Vest and CockrelL Since Mrs. Lease became religiously In- clined she seems to see more clearly. At Sedalla, Mo., the other day ahe gave It as her opinion that gold would win In the Re- publican convention. The only difference between the Repub- lican and the Democratic conventions ia this atate is that the one knows It la yelling for the next president and the other knows it Isn't There Is more or lees talk about Presi- dent Cleveland naming his successor. As a matter of fact, he will have nothing to say or do about naming or electing that Individual. Eight favorite sons have appeared dur- ing the campaign for the Republican presi- dential nomination. The present Indica- tions are that the Democrat* will have forty-Are. Nelson Bennett seems to have beea one of tbe bidders for the construction of the new Astoria railroad. He baa now struck something In his line; politics never was. Cleveland can't complain that be haa not had enough foreign complications on his hands with which to make political capi- tal for a third nomination. If he wants 1L Ther* never was a band wagon brought out for summer that was more tempt- ingly painted with red. yellow and gold than that In the McKlnley procession. Ons would think that men who were sentenced to death would consider them- selves fortunate at getting off with sen- tences of five years' Imprisonment. The** enormous fees that are allowed la the handling of railroads are what are bringing the railroad interests of *m* country Into discredit. Speaker Reed is Ave year* older »*«\u25a0 he was when tbe Fifty-first congress was In session, but he can count a quorum just as easily as ever. A Now York paper says that Senator Davis, of Minnesota, will appeal his case to the St. Louts convention. Aa appeal won't lie. The president seems to Wllng op Ju- dicial benches with ax-congressmen?men who have (ailed of re-election or have been unseated. From the war the A. P. A. are comics out for McK.nlejr, one might think the whole thing was one of Manna's sty dodges. How the sweltering Republicans In St. Louis June II will wish they were fanned by the cooling brer lee of San Francisco bay! this fan. Judging from present indications, will make the state one of the great, strong, sterling Republican section ia tha I'rrfon. nearly as reliable as Vermont or Main* __________ Ther* Is not very murh the matter wtth the Repobl'.-an money plank at tha stata of Washington Senators Wolcott ana TeHer are taking advantage of senatorial courtesy and ara paired. ___________ There were several pins and probably some other things set up at Everett today. AH the favorite sons seem to have beea left out in tbe drawing of the wm. The thread trust seems to bo oven stronger than the cordage trust. When McKlnley selected Hanna as a manager he hit tbe mark. This will be a very poor campaign for silver and deficit tariffs. TMs Is a bad year for etwa Ysstsrday was Ascension day. Tlsnak tor sound money! RKAD THK r.-l TW T Brass! Circulation la tbs Stats of Washington. Whatcom Blade, April23, lIK. Tho Seattle Post-Intelligencer Is the only Republican newspaper of general circulation in the state of Washington that favors the gold standard. It will be a queer result if tbe Influences of such strong Republican papers as the Spokane Spokesman-Reveiew, tha Tacoma Ledger, tbe Clympla Morning Olympian and other recognised champions of silver rehabilita- tion were to be set aside for tbe P.-L at tha Everett convention next month. Boles ahould recollect that the last Hor- »-e who tried to run for president eo ths I>emocratlc ticket lost ths election and his life. So far aa can be learned, nobody Is put- ting forth much effort to restrain Senator Tsllsr from leaving the Republican party. Iverett Mossy Plank. \u25a0*Re*olv«d. That we favor tb* malate- nance of the present cold standard ant are opposed to the free and unlimited coin- age of silver at the ratio of IS to L W* are. however, favorabl* to an international agreement looking to the general use of both metals a* money at a fixed ratio, and commend fhe efforts In that tx hall of tte last Republican administration." THE STATE PRESS. K a lama Bulletin: Th* difference be- tween protection and free trad* is the dif- ferent* between prosperity and hard time*. Port Angeles Tribune-Times: We wry much doubt now from the outlook If then* will be fifty free and unlimited silver coin- age delegate* In th* Republican national convention. Wenatchee Advance: Okanogan county papers seem to be of the unanimous opin- ion that Judge J. H. Chase would be th* proper person to represent that county In the next legislature. Ellensburg Localizer: Th* p*opl* of this Coast have gone more largely Into raising fruit this year than at any time In the past. This will prove, we think, more profitable than anyi hing else. Puymllup Commerce: Th* Republicans of Puyallup were never in better shape than at present. For the past few months they have had all tbe benefits of thorough organization, and results are now coins to show for themselves. Chehalls Ree: A son was horn Monday evening to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murphy. This makes five generation* of one family liv- ing in Lewis county. Mre. Frank Dor.a- boe is tbe new boy's grandmother. Mrs. J. M. McDonald, of Napavine, his great- grandmother. and Mrs. McLean, of Napa- vine, his great-great-grandmotber. Mont* Crlsto Mountaineer: There I* one more triumph which we hope to share, viz: The nomination and election this fall of members of the Washington legisla- ture who will make it their especial busi- ness to wipe the dishonest, cheap money "memorial No. 7" of tbe legislature of I£S out of tbe statute book. It is a dis- grace to the name of Washington. Skagit Valley News: The Record man la rapidly getting into the style of all Pop papers, and the words. "gokJbug." "pluto- crat." and other similar expressions flow as glibly from the pen of its Republican editor as If he had lx-ea Tears Instead of months in the harness There Is nothing original about this kind of law fodder, but It serves to make the rank and file think It Is a real sure enough Pop that la grinding It out. Brave Money. Bloux City Journal. Senator Blackburn's denunciation of the "cowardly gold which IWi at the first note of war" and praise of "the brave and honest silver dollar which fights th* bat- tles of the country," sounds very pretty, but as a matter of fact In the l>ig war of th* 60's a draft couldn't find either silver or gold. The men of the country were as- sisted by the "brave little greenbacks." which Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle de- sire to drum out of service now. The greenback stayed then because It was the "cheapest" money. Beaten Nine to One. Philadelphia Press. Sound money and the existing gold stsndard Is certain to have an overwhelm- ing majority In the Republican national convention. Free sliver coinage will be voted down nine to one or more. This ends all danger as far as the Republican party la concerned of stiver inflation. This Is over. No more silver dollars will be Is- sued. No more certificates based on sil- ver will be authorized. The St. Louis con- vention will leave the Republican party pledged to oppose either step on any plea. Whol«Ml« Ruin. Springfield Republican. The present spectacle of the Democratic party And* no parallel In Its long history save In ISSO when It was cleaved by the tseue of slavery The responsibility for this state of affairs must be I»trmined en- tirely by the fundamental causes, for in- dividual party leaders cannot be person- ally charged with a work of wholesale ruin which wws primarily brought about by forces beyond the control of any mao. PERSONAL. T. Ivudington. a business aaaa ct Bar- ling to la at tba Dllier. S. L. Oosce. of RitsrUla, delegate for the Knights of Pyth.aa. a Diilsr guest. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ragweil of Tolt. a.-companies by Miss Lulu Morris, are among the Dt:ier rueats. Mrs. J. W. Sprirrs ar.d daunhier, Imo- ge-r.e. left for Springfield. 111.. Tuesday «, to visit relatives. Dr. Sarah Kendall, who Ss la California attending tfce celebration ot :he cer.tenr.- a! of homeopathy. will return to Seattle about the 30th. Sr»aker Gully is said to be the best bll- Oard player tn the house of commooa If Mr. Bayard had not made those speeches la England ha might now be leading all the other Democratle sprinters. It Is sail that S.MO b!:i» were introduced tn the late New York |eg:«Uture. no mention is male of their denomJmtlona. The Spanish papers which are now cry- ing for war are the very ones which later wo.4d be crytr.g because of war. It Is a pity that P. T. Barman should hare died bafare such fellows aa Ttllmaa wera allowed to run at largtk Soma people are still talking of Uatoa for the presidency, but that la probably J about as fir as they will get. There are not many delegations that will fca atror rer and rtnriier than that Select- ed at Eyerett yesterday. Supposing this s-ate was for Stera H- ktns for president, what eoold « do agatnst 1 this MeKlnley ware? There is many a Bri&sher who wsalto't s-nc «tv object to seeing a man 1 ke Km- i cer prixe minister. Thi Re; \u25a0iblieju-j of Washington are Ba*is«l ag*j»; ue vardj^t 2/our d will tell you that Scott s Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites will cure a stubborn cough heai the in- flamed membranes and give the body the re-intorcement it needs to arrest wasting, and strengthen against dis- ease. at ali 4noM| MUNYON'S Improved Beaipopatfe REMEDIES SAFE DOCTORS' FEES. With Yaaron'* Guide to Health aid ? Mtinvon Family Medicine < hest ia tha House YOB Can AVOID LOSS SPELLS OF ILLNKS The Munyon Remedies act Instantly, giving relief after the first two or three doees. and effecting a rapid cure even In the most obstinate cas«». There 1* a separate Munyon Remedy for each disease ar.d each specific has plain direction*, so there can be no mistake. If J**u are ailing, read Munvon's Guide to H-alth; It w;;l describe your disease, and tell you how to cure yourself with a US-cent Mun- yon Rsmedy. If you find that you have rheumatism, take Munyon** Rheumatism Cure, and your pain* ami aches will be gone in a few days. If you have stomach trouble, take Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure; for a cold or a cough, the Cold Cure or the Cough Cur*, and ao on. No matter what the disease, you can be absolutely certain of a cure tf you take the remedv recommended ia the "Guide." Where you are In doubt, a personal letter to Prof. Muryon, 1506 Arch will bo answer- ed, with tree medical advioa for aay diMAMb AT ALL DWJOOISTS?*Be A BOTTLE. SHOOTS! Special Cat PrleM. o*ll ud lnmt«» DtKgkV'lvirtlwkk £». ?M FntST AVE.HUC. "f* SEATTLE. WASH. BUCKLER & LANCASTER Buy and Mil on commission Trail Cmk :: i :::::: : STOCKS AND MINES UrtWi telegraphic cypher. Correspond wttk us. Rooms 301-Ml Hyde Block. Spokane, WulL REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE First National bank. at Seattle. In th* state of Washington, at the close of busi- ness. May 7. iftt: RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1*0.013 O Overdrafts, secured and unse- cured a.usu V. S. bonds to secure circula- tion 17.600 uO Storks, securities, etc. 94.589 41 Banking house, furniture and fix- ture 9.725 IS Other real estate and mortgages owmd MLIB U Due from national banks inot reserve agents* J 2.541 IV Due from state banks atvl bankers 6.358 a Due from auoroved re- serve agents .12. CO 09 Checks and other cash Items t mn Exchanges for clearing house 1650 B Notes of other national banks 5.445 at fractional naorr curren- cy. nickels and cents... 11l 10 Lawful money reserve In bank, rls: Specie 80.083 OS Legal tender notes 7.140 00 Redemption fund with V. 8. treasurer (5 per cent, of cir- culation) 1,(87 64 Total .tacS.SU 14 LIABILITIES. Canltal stock oaid in lIW.OBO 00 Surolus fund 150.000 00 Undivided profits, less expense* and taxes paid t.4M N National bank notes outstanding 53.750 00 Due to other national banks I 4.4(0 4S Due to state banks and bankers 54.595 ZI a in 71 Individual deposit* sub- ject to check SS49.MS * Demand certificates of deposit 17.088 «1 Time certificates of de- posit 14S.S5S 90 Certified checks S 00 Cashier's checks out- standing 1.175 9 Bills payable 45.000 00 Total .WMU 14 State of WasMngtor,, county of King?**. I. L. Turner, cashier of the above- named bank, do solemnly swear th*t the above statement true to the best of my knowledge and belief. L TURNER. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me thl* 13th day of May. lS3fc (Seal.) H. V. V. BEAN. Notary Public In and for the Stat* of Washington, residing at Seattle. Correct?Attest: C. T. CONOVER, MAVKIfK M'MICKBf. W. F. DING LEV, Directors. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE Boston National bark of Seattle, at Se- attle. In ti"» state of Wash'ngton, at the close of business. May 7. 1898. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 53Q.30 M Overdrafts, secured and unse- cured m* T7. S. bonds to secure circulation SOJW) 00 Current ? xperse and taxes paid.. 17.75* 49 Premiums on H. 8 bonds 4.750 no Stocks. se<-urttie». etc 7XIOO 20 K*rklrg bouse, furniture and fix- tures 5.500 00 Other real estate and mortgage* owned «.» O Due from rational banks (cot re- Mrve agemet LTil ft Due from cats banks and bank- era t«l 14 Due from approved rwrvt agents 17.1CS W Chirks and other c.*sh I'emn 417 30 EichaiiKes for clearing house.... 1.4*7 SI Notes of other national harks .. I,o*o 00 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents U O Lawful raofisr reserve In bank^ Specie 84.A4S X Legal tender rotes .... LOU U0 B.(S % Redemption fund with t?. 8. treasurer <5 per cant, of circula- tion t*> m Susoensa 3H 3 Total 1M0.7S ft LIABILITIES. Caf ital paid In OOO.noo 09 P'.Tt>!u« fur*l I.'rt) f*) rnrflrlded profits H. "1 41 National b»nk rote* outstanding 44 :«o no I>;:?* to other national bank.* .. i. 170 >»! l>u» to state thanks and bankers., J.:,® 33 li.- .Jual deposits, eublect to ct --k mm « Demand certificates of deposit... 4,in« «l Tl-tje certiflcatt-s of deposit 46 497 SI Certified checks 1.136 41 Total »«0.7» ft Stat* of Washington, county of King?as. 1. A. M. Brookes. cashier cf the above- r.nrr.~d bar;fc. do eoiemniy swear that the above staten-.ent is -rue to the best of tnr knowledge and belief. A. M. BROOKES, Cashier. Subscribed snl »» jfx to before ma thia 14th day of May, last iSeaU M. B. HAYXES. Rotary Public for Washington, residing at Sea' tie. Ctjrreet?Attest t HERMAN r-HAPty. H. a. BTRL'VE. L A. NAUEA''. Dlractora, MARCH £ S* 2519.2621. 2623 First AT, Cor. Mir, N#rtt Swltk. Friday Millinery Bargain Department Day -? 1 5a1e..... SPECIAL OFFERINGS, J.W yards K-twh flne VnbleariMd TVday and tomorrow la Mm Muslin, worth To. Friday «o a yard. M cw , ».» at* «J|L 10-4 wl\t# Bleached sheeting. ct*!, Friday lie a yard. Bleached Toilet Twill Craah. 4a a yard. SE-lneh All-Wool Bk-yrto Bui tine, only JSc a yard. *-inch All-Wool Heavy Bicycle Snlt- .««««. In**. In tan and gray mixture*, siwn. Ol|f||? Il I ll|i ITITQ red and Mack, only OUUL DdUllAllSl 46-Inch Imported Fine French Barret In all colors, value 75c. only He * yard. lAdlea" Rotten Boota, AM Dm* 73-Inch Crinkoline Interlining, value kid. In opera and narrow Taara n SV. only 19c a yard. j lac* and buuon. kid or cloth Model Form Coraeta. la black, rain* j 11.39 a pair. 96c. only ffle a pair. Men'a Dreea Bhoea ta laoa «r Ladles' Fine Glace Kid Clove*. 1* ' (trees, Tale, new opera and new IA Mack. English red. tan and brown, I don toe. special. Friday. tUI * all sixea. tine embroidered back, value i Mtaaea' Cloth and Kid Ttop Hatha (1 only TSc a pair. i Sho.s, In equare and opeca toe. 4a»| A lot of All-Silk Plaid and Checked to *, SOr; »lx» P4 to 11. Wo; itteM Ribbon reduced to lie a yard. ] to X II a pair. FLY ON THE FLYEBI .^HjiEiy BEATTLE-TACOMA ROUTE Four round trip* daily, except Sunday. Tim® Card?Unn Seattle 1A M «. m.. : tt-«1S p. m. Laavs Tacoma »: 18a. m.. 1:08. «"SB, IjO p. m. SUglstMfc K cent*; round trip, 15 rents. Table M rvlce unsurpassed. Sundays-flyer m State of Washington; leave Seat:!* 7: M a. a.. 1100 ra , £>.oo p. BL; leaf* TlM- ma »:S0 a. in.. J JO. 7 M p. m. U. Ssals y, jr.. Agent. Seattle telephone Kit 171 Tacoma telephone HI. I (J Pi ivClirnrAl r *»«> cannat" afford to trifle with yoiir tytaH&i n.uLAI LVtWjyLfc experienced wraoßs as opticians. We tit lilanrt u f *; not b !»»»>.< the eyes have to accoramouta. ?^V- >y. WE LEAD; OTHERS IMITATE. In the peofet ivflMCI Jusiment o( spectacle*. Owr twenty years' el; ence. We have obtained an enviable refutation (U) competent opticians, and we are well known at i i orri,!,,. T\ i TTiTmn-£"?»? "i*""*" AWD BUTian w. w. If A I \ ' I O""* * «"?.*. UUbnUd Klud l'alaki Mh I /11 1 1 *" w «>laae. Mirror Plate*. 61aaod Imln Ml X JH.JLXI AM BolMtaa I'eper. Kt«. " * * -Nelle &c Knirelbreoht m Was* St.. Cor. Marloa. Tsiephons Ke4 BL Mt rvv j6t rn HI « ommkrcial stum ? .llTi \u25bc X Ot vU. BmUMm* I«»ort.r« Jabber* tf TUITHOXI BLACK Ml* CIGARS AND TOBACCO, SMOKERS' ARTICLES,IK \f ORAN BROS. CO., i HEA'iI'LR, WAHH. |5 ?M Ship Builder*. Pounder*. Utchloti ts and Boiler Its > sis w??*s 1 Um construction of torpedo boat No. I, V. a. N.. end rsrenoe cultW Im \u25a0 Oat*/' Sole atente and manufacturer* tor Washington, British Colomftl » Alaaka for the "Mruler" patent water tuN> J \yASHINGTON IRON WORKS 001 i.Lnm.%l FOUNDRY, MACHINE A ASD BOILER SHOPS. 1 DEARBORN PRINTER CPI.UNS BUILDING OH»H. ?AND?- hhu Pilaw Sltepen ttl Itm Re?liaias Clair Gin. fOKILAJii) 10 CUICAUO. Low Kates! Quick Time! fror mtril information rail on ar ad- 4re*e A. C. MAKTIN, General Agent. ?? First A*.. Hvattlsi Or «?. H. Ht'RLBURT. General Pa»»»r«»r Agent. 14 Washington street. Poriiaad. Oregoo. MASS. MUTUAL LIFE OivMth* V4#»i roller ton. tract. Umill F. A. WIISTO, MVr. »«U«I BHUIac, \u25a0eat Ma. EAST AND fsJM SOUTH TICKETS TO ALL PORTS IN TIB M Via the following popular imMB Shasta 0 gd en-^nSd " SnnsAt~ Thr ' >u * h Ix> * isfi? OUUOCL p, M , n d New Oil !*\u25a0 Only all rail lloo' to CALIFORNIA KXOUJKMION* Ersry At* days to all points la (XK* L.weet Rate*. qil'kTMS Best Kqal meei *"«r general Information ooacotaßi*® or sleeping car reservations, sal ? address TIKH. A. O»AB>* Dlst. Pass, snd Freight «I» First A*., Sesttl* BS e. p. hook Ha. a. o. r. * p. a., mm OCEANIC B.S. CO. AUSTRALIA. HAW AH. SIMUM SAMOA, NEW ZEALAND. WM. «M| 8. 8. MONOWAI 8s!l* from Man Francisco for BfiH Auckland. Sydney. Ma, 3. UK, iU a B. Australia lo Honolulu. MayfLM 1». a. m. T. A- Graham, sgsnt. * Ht.. Brattle; J. D. ttpreesrts t MA® Ban Francisco. Japan Bazaar. »J« > «»\u25a0.I A. «« We bars tbe most complete tt*j Chinese snd Japanese fanejr fWW the elty. Always the lowest ptKg SING LENS i 00, Mereiuat TiflH. Salts mad. to order at ahort nsOftj lowest prices. Always k«p new gttmß kaai uu SECOND AYtm

Transcript of FRIDAY. MUNYON'S MARCH...4 THE POBT-DtTELUGEXCER. TELEPHONES: Editorial Room*. Second Floor.?jfsln...

Page 1: FRIDAY. MUNYON'S MARCH...4 THE POBT-DtTELUGEXCER. TELEPHONES: Editorial Room*. Second Floor.?jfsln J» gty Mi:oalaMßocma iSa* TECW or SCWCRIPriOS: Stotty (By Mail ar delivered In



Editorial Room*. Second Floor.?jfsln J»gty Mi:oalaMßocma iSa*

TECW or SCWCRIPriOS:Stotty (By Mail ar delivered In the

cttri. Ona Tear, in Advae**. -®f"pally. Six Month*. !a Advaac*........ **

Dally, One tiocth. in Advara# J *Sunday. One tear, to Adwa*y_-»j- *?

Sunday and Waakly. Oea leer, in Ad-

VtSSr. 'oiiaTwri h i*immri~~~- 1 ?

WmSSr. m*. MoatW to Advaac* to

omen:lataad Avenue aad Cherry S T r«*t.

KtwTark. Room* U. H. *Trtonae Bid*.Chioatga. B7 Chamber of Co*%a<li!ar« Cltjr. UI2 O Street. N W.Taonu 113 Pacific Avenua.\u25a0\u25a0HIMTlia" Bar. o. H. Culver, waale*

tddraai an ooanmun**'!???.IUMM It tM POtT'INTELLIQFCBLISHXKO CoTseat't*- »"*-

Stoa PaaMkMNraMtr Saraiptoae toa «<m Baan atoMjMapaU^

MMto «h* atofa af toaahlnpaaw. .aaareata atoto Sa aaada» B* a.

ftaaap aa« W» fto-lfepar.



All honor ahould be paid ta the Republi-

can* at Everett who voted for the apl*ndul

financial plank which will Indicate to tha

real c? lb* ec-jntry that 'ha controlling

pa-ty ».a the auie of W'aahlncton la un-?oapromlalng; r In favor of honest money.

For aoma yaari wo have autfered becaaaa

tha efTarta at fanatically wild local

Bnanetara aad thatr argumanU. a ipported

by tba criaa at Popullata and Democrats,

have aant many a good mean.-ng man off

kla feet.

Fort lira! ??.7 thla la at an and Tba era of

nsnai oae 'ua coma and gone The Re-pubilcar.* «f Waahlngtaa havo had tha

?rra*. and « M mora, the couragv u>

conie out and »»y achat th»y hell'-ve?oome-thinc thry have not dar«d to do in aurhg.rr.'t atat** aa Ohio, tolchlgat.. Orej;uß and

Cel'aroia.100 declaration of the late convention

Will .tf.rr mote lo do In atiffeelng the heck*at wavering Republicans on tha PacificCoaat than can nor be Imagined. It lathe flrat honeat voice that baa been heard

treat of the Mlaaourl rtver and we haveonly to wait for the comment* to learothat our action I* heartily approved fargnd wide.

Washington hu been looked upon a* a?llv»r atat* and unjjatly ««. The silverWen have 4OIM all the talking. and nerea-?arlly «? have been elaued with ail U>*wildly men pant commonwfaltha weat of(he Kockles which have gone atark madever atlver The awakening h»g rom»?K»ne to® toon But even although It la

a< a late hour, the effect will be pronounc-ed. and even (hoae who have burled theirconviction* by atraddlea will applaud ourcouraga.

The tart thin* that haa happened inWaahlactan for twentr-flve year* la tha?quare. candid declaration for honeat mon-mj In the Everelt convention.

or* KBI.ATIOH* WITH TTTUtKY.It la avldcnt that there 1a ionic mo<«-

\u25a0sent oa foot In Turkey In which th«Vnlt*d State* la ooncerned, Minister Ter-rell haa been ordered hurriedly to returnto hla poet at Constantinople, and theTurfctah minuter to Washington City haabeen recalled. Mavroyeni Bey haa repre-sented tho 9ublim* Torte In thla country

for nine vara and no eiplanailnn la given

?»r hla being superseded by Mut>elf Hey.II la not Improbable that the Turkiah

who haa Ingratiated himselfwith the American people may be Intend-ed for higher office at home. wltrr* hlaaoflualnUv. o with the American*\u25a0nd their aentltnenia may be consideredvaluable. Me naa had the advantage. too.*fbeing ati un-b>oker upon European af-fair* wuhoJt having been Intimately con-cerned with them or having made himself?fcjactionable to either of the great power*.

Tha silent Influence of Russia upon ihe?fait* of Ihe (litoman etripir* la aura to

reault in some effort to change the rela-tione Turkey i *:* to other Europeangovernments The K.n'tah per; le feel verybluer tl tho effort* of It -a:*. G rmanyand Frisco to have her yield authority inKgypt U the sultan. They claim. withmuch reason. that fur the flrst time !n ccn-turiea la enjoying the advantagesaf a f >b> cavern: sen' that h»r treasuryebons a surplus. her omntero* haa rx-panded ? rn iialy. the courts of Justice?r» fr.-e froa. the pernicious Influo. e*w.'rtch made thorn long a scandal and thepeople have prospered under tlrillah pro-tKtkko,

On the other hand, they point to theralaeraMe failure of Turkey to governAruienia, to her avowed ; npotence to pro-tect her own Orlatian subjects from thefanat s«n» of ;he Muv<ulntan and thethlr*tahn.-»a of the Kurd The conditionof Turkey i «elf show* a mark-d contrastto that of Kgypt aid whatever may hathought of th" srt#aa ultimate purpose ofEngland 9a to Egypt, the immediate ben-efit v[ a r««; .te Itora Turkiah rule cannotbe denied.

YVhlla the Egyptian Queatlon may formpart of (lie trouble between England andthe continental »wer*. it cannot in any?ay lav Ive the I ntt-d fu:«. and It willprobably be found that the re al! of theTurkiah ambaeaa.ior and the return o»Jlln star Terrell to the so \u25a0»** of hia dutleehave be»n ranaed bv ecrtie conj ' at:In whi.h tha eou-tiy ;» more intimatelyconcerned.

THE FLY INO MACHIXF.The 6y.Bg machine Invented by prof

l<angley eeama to have developed BO newprinciple and effected r.a adage wd rea.Ut*.Aerial flotation haa beer natrated " -rmany year*, ar.d machines »»»?* frequentlyheen invest*! «H oh not ;!}- overcame th*law of gravttat a. but era underaety favorable ?? >r!.i org t» a rr« . on:.-01.The great d ffl \u25a0 ?!ty. wh- h is to at rd amotive power Independent ..f cocnaev't- nwith tha earth in such sh»>* that It .-anbe entity stored. ta no nearer o--<j-.-»t.

A flying trn hire l! - ? rr- ~?» w» it ?

wanted I*ngiey*s tevent ot:. at mora than that, g- i -a ei 'nt thatIt never can he tn.>re w ti the m \u25a0 «. -

upov. which he reliea T:-e >* v .f aie«ni atany great height from the ground ' rnrv li«:a»c* ?* cjt of the

. ? ?? . \u25a0, ytn

on land the proportt n af ?? w-r rere-a-c j

to the weight of the r.iel ae -« ary to be

carried la »o err.ail that » have I -.gag> c>me to the n> 1 »!,-s thai d>, ethe woods ifuj ad vase* nude by ~^»n?;y

? iwlm?ii alattiM fkrloom la sstsra.

Th* day Wis MM vlsm th* ilr Shalt hs

\u25a0a*m "d as th* water haa been. aadaaarr etKmn? man »wll b* |W« *a

Km Oai>w»> af tha key ?««* li to

th* aow tlaaai door ta atrial aavtgatlaa;

toft DM steam engirt* ka tar h*hlnd many

other artetrilUe toy* which hae* bai aanart aprtl af aural

Th* chief merit la Usdn't machlns to

thk* ft wii ta bar* tmprsvsd «ps* tha

B?« power. and ta that «r«Bt a ao ad-

Th* perfeetJoa of th* loeonaotl** win togradual on r.I aoma auM«c diaeovwry apaas

up th* war a caartrtnattoa waich win

afford bwrncr and control of awwaoMat.wb*a all tbaaa ?rhaalral Invention* wUI

kaaaaa Merdaala alto

THE PABTU* OR FfWAWCB.It to M try *urprl*ingUat tha people

\u25a0hould aow wttaaaa a great Republican

ma sf ?Bthostoa* paastng owr tha cotm-

trj ta favor at aauad \u25a0?*y. Kslther to It

at ail Strang* that all tha raporta ahavldtadtcata that whlto tha Republican party

to tataaaeir ta *ar***tfor aa haaaat cwr-rency. tha Dsaaocracy appaara ta ha drift*

tog toward* tha adop turn of a tr*a allvar

platform So far aa atahta Saanc** araccacaroed. Republican* and Democrats

aew ara and alway* h**a baan about aafar apart aa tbay ever wara on the quaa-

tioa of a looaa ar strict construction of tha

conau'.utiae.For tba laat thirty yaars anything that

has baas offered tor nalataialns tba pub-lic credit or giving ua good money baa

been Invariably opposed by tba Democracy

aa a party. Of eouraa there hare beea menwho. through motive* known only to them-aelvaa, have throwu oft political obllga-

Uona and voted according to personal

\u25bclew*, but, Judging from party reeuita. tharecord of lb* Democracy upon tha finan-

cial liauH of the laat quarter of a century

haa been thoroughly (Lareputabla. The di-ver question, which In recent years haa

led to aaany people aauay, but which, for-

tunately, eeemt deatined ta drop out of

as eeaSethteg raforaed through praarsra.

It war never looked upon aa a wis* meas-

ure. aad when tha «uarrto& of repeal earns

tha aajortry at tiK parry were not araaa

\u2666a rack action. PresHent Ctevelaad. it

Wfa ba remetDbered. called coogrwa* to-g«h*r wtth the apartßc abject at brtngts*

a boat this repeal. Tba eat* Is tha booaa

aa Aoguat ». 9ML showed that the Deea»-

ernta. out at *rota of M, gave a majority

far the MI! at Ofty-aight. while the Be-

oat at a vote at 111. gave amajority at dghty-thraa in favor at re-peal Tba vata is the seeate am Octoberto. BR, ahowed that tka BepoMlcana votad

mora thaa two ta ama ta favor at repeal,while tha Democrat* wars tied am AM

An through tha ktotory of tka afliea

legtslatloe tka Republlcaa party wffi to

found am tka right site, aad lust aa arte*

the Democracy will ahiaa out aa tha ad-

vocate af wkat waa dangetana aad un-atahto. It to aa weaiar. thaa. that to thapraaaat agltatiaa the two parttaa should ba

found alieie that always have baaa la

relation to the maintenance af a aound


Ferhapa aa aotlceable a featnra aa any

la eouMcUon with the solutioa of tha aasn-ey question at Everett yesterday waa tha

indirect though pronounced Indorssment

of Gov. HcOraw in hla atCtud* taken aomatime ago. When tha governor of Montanacalled for a convention at SL Lake ta tba

interest of the silver people, the eaeeutlva

of Waahlagton vary reapecifully yet firmly

refused to aanctloa any each gathering aman ofllclal and declined to appointd«legatee. He waa aavarely criticisedand condemned ha oertala quarters

on that occasion, but ttoaa has proved thathe waa right. Ba could have wished for

ao better vindication thaa tha approval

givea the honeat ssaasy plank la ysst*r

day'* eonveatloa. Tha attitude ba took

at tba time of Oov. Blekard's Invitation

to now one which a majority of tha Ev-

erett convention would have takaa and

hla sturdy, unwavering allegiance to the

caua* of honest money has tree no in-significant factor la keeping loyal to asafe, sound currency many who might

have hesitated aad poaaibly, through idleclamor, been found Supporting lbs wrong



Senator Morrill, the chairman of thafinance committee, to whom waa intruatadthe lnreetlgatioß of tha bo ad laaue, haaacted very wisely. He baa appointed asub-committee consisting at three Demo-

crats. one Republlcaa aad JoneSL of Ne-vada, who is probably classed aa a Popu-

list for thla purpose, aad is at leaat aathorough a fre* ailver man that ha can-not be suspected of favoring the presidentor his cabinet in the matter of tha bondIssue.

The people generally believe Clevelandand Carlisle to be personally honest, anilmost of tbam do not question that aom<vthing had to be dona promptly. The meansavallabls were limited by law, and If therewas any mistake made It was In the fail-ure of the Democrat* to go to tba rebef ofthe government and the country by pass-ing arevised t .r.C bill which should at leastserve to provide a rovenue?one of tba car-dinal principles of Democracy.

The blunder was in ever permitting theDemocratic party to get us Into auch ascrape; but It wss done and the bend tsauewas probably the leas of two *vlla. on* ofwhich could not ba averted. The con-demnation by the great body of the peo-ple 1* not the Issu* of bonda, but the fa-tal mistake In national policy which madesome measure of hasty and Immediate re-lief neceasary In order to save the coun-try from the alarming consequences of animpaired credit.

The constitution of the sub-committee laa guarantee that the inquiry will at leastnot adml; at the fear of any whltewaahlng;and the great preponderance of Democratsprecludes the suspicion that th* Investiga-tion Is to be us*d for the manufacture ofcampaign a>a:*rtal for the Republlcaaparty.

The country Is too much engrossed Justnow in the task of making provistona to

undo ths mischief Which lies beneath thebond Issue, and to outline a policy whichshall afford means by which the payment

of latere*! on th* bonds may b* met. towa*t* much t:m* upon aa Inquiry Intothe irrevocable deeds of the past. Whilethe Democrats are engaged trying to findout how It was done, the Republicans willdevote their energies to determining howit can be undone.

The Democratic party win be logicallytalking ahout the past, th* Republicans

will be logically busy with the future.

There Is no particular res.*oa why con-gress should fool swsy any more timeover the Cuban question. The conditionof the oonteet between the insurgents and(he Spanish forces Is th* same as It waafour month* ago Congress has had amplet'me to decide one way or th* other. Itknows the etst js of affaire. It la advisedof the progress of the rebellion, it Is ac-quainted with the International aspects ofthe question, and every senator and rep-resentative should have made up hi* mind,if he has any.

a ght after the coming campaign, has per-

haps shawn up th* two parties In as fair

a light as eouid be wished. Everybody

knows of the attempt of th* Republican

party to resume agxcie payment* and gat

fre* from the depreciated currency

brought on by tha war. and everybody

ought lo recollect equally well how stub-bornly the Damocrata fought th* rraump-

tfon measures. Many will recall how the

infiatloo erase swept the country becauaa

of Ihe cry that resumption would surely

contract the currency. Tbea It was that

the Bland-Allison silver bUI waa passed.The senate, at the time this measure

came up In 1*77. was composed of thlrty-

e.ght Republicans, thirty-seven l>emocrataend one Independent, and the house wasconstituted of IKS Republican*and 1M Dem-

ocrats. The Republicans had one-half the

senate, and were In a minority of twenty

In the house. Under these conditions, onNovember 1. 1*77. the houae voted on thellland bill for the free coinage of silver.

The vote on this question atoud I*4 in favorand M against. The Republicans stoodnearly three to oneagainat. and the Demo-

crats about ten to one in favor of free coin-age. The then went to the senate, and,when It emerged from the committee Inthe ahape of the llland Allison bill. 11 WAS

voted on, February 8. IST?, ar.d waa passedby a Democratic majority of aeventeen.

Freeldent llaye* vetoed tht* measure, buton February > U7\ th* question cam* up

In th* houae. on the passage of the bill overthe pre*.'!. Ufa jcto, and the bill waapassed. The Democrats voted In the pro-portion of four-nfth* of their entirestrength In the house in favor of the bill.It succeeded in getting the necessary two-thirds vote in both houses, and thus be-came a law.

Th* law of l*7t w»s succeeded by tha ail-ver purehaae act of IS*>, which was a com-promise measure. Th* arnat* au thencomposed of fifty-one Republicans andthirty-seven Democrats, and the house ofI£7 Republicans. 155 Democrats and one In-dependent. It waa a Republican congressto be sure, but there were in It renegade

m»rubers, who by albtng themaelve* withth* enwmy, coul.l such mischief aswas wrought in the present congress whenthe Dlngley bill came up for consideration.On June S. l v'-<\ Mr. Ward moved a resolu-

tion directing th* committee on coinage toreport a free cjmage b 11. The ItepuMl.-an*gave a majority of nine to one against th*res jluiKin. while the Democrat* votedeight lo one in favor of It. Later In Ihesession the house ptased what Is known

as the C>**er bill, authorlalng ths month-ly purehaae of M.SfO.O## worth cf ailver bul-lion. but stop; -ig the coinage of silver

! dollar* Th a bill contained a provlaion for

j free coinage at any time when the market! value of al'ver made the sliver dollar worth

j intrir.aicaiiy IflO cent*. The Republican*

1 voted for thla Mil In the host**, whila tha| IVrn-vrata voted ungmm ialy against It.

In the aer.ate * free coinage meaaur* wasa.i'.«ti! ;ited and tie RepuMi -ana gav* ama» ty against the guhstitut*. whll* theIVm rats gave their entire party vote for

i It. with tha of three senator*.

The *enat* free co ".age bill then went tothe house, where It reached a vote on JuneM, reeuit'.ng in a Republican majority

agasnst the hitl of IW. and a Democratic'ity of ninety tn favwr of it. The two

va thu* failed to agree, and a commit-tee of waa ordered, whi-h sub-s' qrientiy reported the ao-called Sherman

com> -v>rr *e ivw. which was a m >d'fl-ationof the Conger bill passed by the houaa.Tb a re|s>rt waa concurred In by bothh, every Repubi:.-ae voting for It, andevery rat against it.

The bill was not what the rarty might

have Wi»i-ed. It waa a c-iropraasiae. J:at? s the Riand Alliens bill had been nn

effort to prrvent disastrous 1,-g niat rn by

a *tra'ogio r.-»a*ure whi h w.- ?id appease. the w-r >ily unrwaa >nahle ar. 1 un.-ontrolla-. hie free coinage element In both hjuaea

At that fine the jr -e of *:ar;dard silverwas IV. ah rt of tl rer ounce On Jan u ?

arv ttsi. th» sens e mini again on theqnestton of free coir sue. gr.d e gh: n:n: -aof the IV<werats voted In favor, andmore than two-th'r is of rh* RefuhJ. -ansV3ted agaiiat. t>n March fa. IWi lh»re wasa vote on the svme -s: ain the house,

which showed a IV» rai' n»a>.->riry at' ?r'v-r >e '.3 favor a-vl * R ;tiMicnn ma-jority of fifty-si* again*? C* Ja!y I ISSithere was a vye n the senate on t.h*< ewsrt free ooirsge tail, which rew:!;ed

; in a JVarKvratlo major?!y of tweaty-oee

in favor and a Republican majority of

*ov*r.:een aga'nst On J«"y *t :«a» tha] hci:«e vo? ed >s the Stewart bill. *hoarl-g: a TVcfx-r*r>o ma' ntv or tweaxy-nine ia

1 fa.or. at»d a Rrr«bli.-an maicrity of af;y.

j * x aga-'rst| Tha Sfeanuaa 4W waa a.w aj s rag aided

The D»m»cr*tl of Maryland ?*»m toMat Gorman to heaJ the delegation. Ayear ago there was nofh:t\* la Webster'sSt-tionary that was bad enough to fltlypH.-e where he fcej.-vsged. "Perfidy?ml d.»tvonor" *»» not haif of what h«*u entitled to a»d tha aooaer he oouMhe ifrjilout of the !>arty, tha better.Th*t h*« a!! died away now. and theyart N-S rr.!n* to be!!»ve, as they ill tiroy-\m aeo that Gorman ha* more hralaathan any two other Detoocrata In the aen-ia

R*hteen bills bow h»f?r» 'mi»? pro-vj-'-k for WaahSr.rtea Otr statues to(Treat met- mike arprenrsit ons sinrre*»t-lnc f: t" Am-n* the iam whom It Uthus proposed to h---»r are Gen. Grant.T-»s !»nt : -- 3 hr Pat:! Jones. EdwinM. Start-- Parouei Hitetain, John*»'» c. trier. Robert r>a!e Owen. Oan.7» h»ry Ti«' - Ger Srt-si.r Salmon PChaaa and "'he rr*va'» aoMler."

A "patl-to*ether" delegation uaoally g»t»what It roea *ft<r The Pierra routsty

de>«*»t! -n !» after. am«ny other thlnra. ar 'Terror, m onal committe/'naan and na-t:-net head<r>art«ra. a <nr.*re«an«n. asecretary of state «ru! the state conven-tion th!* fall Aiao a T'tiite.! States sena-tor if favora are plenty -Tao-ma t'mos.Why cot r»t a claim to the earth?

Thomas Darlda. the last man who rxrr».-*r.ked Ororer Cleveland. has Jait i ed ath.» borne is CaJ!?*rcia. T>e chasi.»«*n«£tw»» ai.T :b when I>bt:Si wass»V->a of the church of which the pre*!-J. » father was the recttw On one poca-aloa the 1 :t!e Cleveland b-yy wu impudent

tt» she seaton. and he it* en ittt nwte termaWita tfca aJ a falhar, t*r.jj jur;ea ua


parental asthorlty. turned the boy ever hiskses and adaaiaistered what be thought

r-mper punishment. For forty-sfx yearsGraver bad not received chastisement. Theoperation was act repeated until IS**. wises*Ben Btmnn took the place of TliiwssDsrtds.

Th«re was a lot of rl»alry ywttMiyatKverett. bat it wu gene roc a. Some, sodoubt, vara dlwpotmed. bat ttet vianot Interfere with everybody getting to andmaking tbe Republican majority ao large

la November that tbs opposition will con-cede that the only questioo in the fattirota aa to whfc-h are the best Republicans talook after tba interests of the stata.

The lowa State Register slsee up tha slt-oatloa about debt when it aaya: "The A.P. A. are atfll taking themselves aarionsiy.

Wbea they said they opposed McKlnley.

ao on* paid any attention to them, ulaow aow ara coming to tha conclusion ta

rapport bin. bo ona will pay aay attea-ttoa ta thesa. They are not recognisable

aa factor* la spen- handed politics."

No wonder there la * bicycle iriaa

Game mty of tha year's report (Ma thapatsat office shows that tha greatest nma-ber of patents la any ore Una has bossgranted to Mcycle invan tore. or ta malraraof Meyaio autasaorisa. notably ta tha menwho are working oat tha pnsnmetle tirsproblesa.

Tha Oatana Bea la having * coed Mta aay abont retiring the greenbacks. Thatqoestloa should be droppod for a whilstLet us giro our attention temporarily taretiring tha mosabacka, or. In other words,tha Democrats.

When they talk about Western slivercranks, ther don't want to technic thaatats of Washington. It la tha only statsweat of the eastern slope of tha Rockiesthat has made a decant tight far aa hoa-eat currency.

Judge Jenkins has an owed tha oMNorthern Pacific receivers MUMpay fortwo and one-half years' work. This lafairly good remuneration for men whobad to be thrown out la order to an thaproperty.

Tha Chicago Post aaya the Democratsehould take the bull by tha boras. but lag<ving this advice the Post evidently

doesn't realize what an awful bull thaDemocrats have made during tha last fewyears.

They propose to wage another free silvertight in Kentucky this fall, and have dugup Hon. P. Wat Hardin for campaign pur-poses. Ha evidently believes la keepingpolitical undertaken busy.

Tha United States senate very p»epe«ljcame to the conclusion that the stale ofWashington Is represented la that body bySenators Squire and Wilsoa and not by

Senators Vest and CockrelL

Since Mrs. Lease became religiously In-clined she seems to see more clearly. AtSedalla, Mo., the other day ahe gave It asher opinion that gold would win In the Re-publican convention.

The only difference between the Repub-lican and the Democratic conventions iathis atate is that the one knows It layelling for the next president and the otherknows it Isn't

There Is more or lees talk about Presi-dent Cleveland naming his successor. Asa matter of fact, he will have nothing tosay or do about naming or electing thatIndividual.

Eight favorite sons have appeared dur-ing the campaign for the Republican presi-

dential nomination. The present Indica-tions are that the Democrat* will haveforty-Are.

Nelson Bennett seems to have beea oneof tbe bidders for the construction of thenew Astoria railroad. He baa now strucksomething In his line; politics never was.

Cleveland can't complain that be haa nothad enough foreign complications on hishands with which to make political capi-tal for a third nomination. If he wants 1L

Ther* never was a band wagon broughtout for summer that was more tempt-ingly painted with red. yellow and gold

than that In the McKlnley procession.

Ons would think that men who weresentenced to death would consider them-selves fortunate at getting off with sen-tences of five years' Imprisonment.

The**enormous fees that are allowed lathe handling of railroads are what arebringing the railroad interests of *m*

country Into discredit.

Speaker Reed is Ave year* older »*«\u25a0 hewas when tbe Fifty-first congress was Insession, but he can count a quorum justas easily as ever.

A Now York paper says that SenatorDavis, of Minnesota, will appeal his caseto the St. Louts convention. Aa appealwon't lie.

The president seems to b« Wllng op Ju-dicial benches with ax-congressmen?menwho have (ailed of re-election or have beenunseated.

From the war the A. P. A. are comicsout for McK.nlejr, one might think thewhole thing was one of Manna's stydodges.

How the sweltering Republicans In St.Louis June II will wish they were fannedby the cooling brer lee of San Franciscobay!

this fan. Judging from present indications,will make the state one of the great,

strong, sterling Republican section ia thaI'rrfon. nearly as reliable as Vermont orMain*


Ther* Is not very murh the matter wtththe Repobl'.-an money plank at tha stataof Washington

Senators Wolcott ana TeHer are takingadvantage of senatorial courtesy and arapaired.


There were several pins and probablysome other things set up at Everett today.

AH the favorite sons seem to have beealeft out in tbe drawing of the wm.

The thread trust seems to bo ovenstronger than the cordage trust.

When McKlnley selected Hanna as amanager he hit tbe mark.

This will be a very poor campaign forsilver and deficit tariffs.

TMs Is a bad year for etwa

Ysstsrday was Ascension day.

Tlsnak tor sound money!


TW T Brass! Circulation la tbs Statsof Washington.

Whatcom Blade, April23, lIK.Tho Seattle Post-Intelligencer Is the

only Republican newspaper of generalcirculation in the state of Washingtonthat favors the gold standard. It will bea queer result if tbe Influences of suchstrong Republican papers as the SpokaneSpokesman-Reveiew, tha Tacoma Ledger,tbe Clympla Morning Olympian and otherrecognised champions of silver rehabilita-tion were to be set aside for tbe P.-L attha Everett convention next month.

Boles ahould recollect that the last Hor-»-e who tried to run for president eo thsI>emocratlc ticket lost ths election and hislife.

So far aa can be learned, nobody Is put-ting forth much effort to restrain SenatorTsllsr from leaving the Republican party.

Iverett Mossy Plank.\u25a0*Re*olv«d. That we favor tb* malate-

nance of the present cold standard antare opposed to the free and unlimited coin-age of silver at the ratio of IS to L W*are. however, favorabl* to an internationalagreement looking to the general use ofboth metals a* money at a fixed ratio, andcommend fhe efforts In that tx hall of ttelast Republican administration."


K a lama Bulletin: Th* difference be-tween protection and free trad* is the dif-ferent* between prosperity and hardtime*.

Port Angeles Tribune-Times: We wrymuch doubt now from the outlook If then*will be fifty free and unlimited silver coin-age delegate* In th* Republican nationalconvention.

Wenatchee Advance: Okanogan countypapers seem to be of the unanimous opin-ion that Judge J. H. Chase would be th*proper person to represent that county Inthe next legislature.

Ellensburg Localizer: Th* p*opl*of thisCoast have gone more largely Into raisingfruit this year than at any time In thepast. This will prove, we think, moreprofitable than anyi hing else.

Puymllup Commerce: Th* Republicansof Puyallup were never in better shapethan at present. For the past few monthsthey have had all tbe benefits of thoroughorganization, and results are now coins toshow for themselves.

Chehalls Ree: A son was horn Mondayevening to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Murphy. Thismakes five generation* of one family liv-ing in Lewis county. Mre. Frank Dor.a-boe is tbe new boy's grandmother. Mrs.J. M. McDonald, of Napavine, his great-grandmother. and Mrs. McLean, of Napa-vine, his great-great-grandmotber.

Mont* Crlsto Mountaineer: There I*one more triumph which we hope to share,viz: The nomination and election this fallof members of the Washington legisla-ture who will make it their especial busi-ness to wipe the dishonest, cheap money"memorial No. 7" of tbe legislature ofI£S out of tbe statute book. It is a dis-grace to the name of Washington.

Skagit Valley News: The Record manla rapidly getting into the style of all Poppapers, and the words. "gokJbug." "pluto-crat." and other similar expressions flowas glibly from the pen of its Republicaneditor as If he had lx-ea Tears Instead ofmonths in the harness There Is nothingoriginal about this kind of law fodder,but It serves to make the rank and filethink It Is a real sure enough Pop that lagrinding It out.

Brave Money.Bloux City Journal.

Senator Blackburn's denunciation ofthe "cowardly gold which IWi at the firstnote of war" and praise of "the brave andhonest silver dollar which fights th* bat-tles of the country," sounds very pretty,

but as a matter of fact In the l>ig war ofth* 60's a draft couldn't find either silveror gold. The men of the country were as-sisted by the "brave little greenbacks."which Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Carlisle de-sire to drum out of service now. Thegreenback stayed then because It was the"cheapest" money.

Beaten Nine to One.Philadelphia Press.

Sound money and the existing goldstsndard Is certain to have an overwhelm-ing majority In the Republican nationalconvention. Free sliver coinage will bevoted down nine to one or more. Thisends all danger as far as the Republicanparty la concerned of stiver inflation. ThisIs over. No more silver dollars will be Is-sued. No more certificates based on sil-ver will be authorized. The St. Louis con-vention will leave the Republican partypledged to oppose either step on any plea.

Whol«Ml« Ruin.Springfield Republican.

The present spectacle of the Democraticparty And* no parallel In Its long historysave In ISSO when It was cleaved by thetseue of slavery The responsibility forthis state of affairs must be I»trmined en-tirely by the fundamental causes, for in-dividual party leaders cannot be person-ally charged with a work of wholesaleruin which wws primarily brought aboutby forces beyond the control of any mao.


T. Ivudington. a business aaaa ct Bar-lingto la at tba Dllier.

S. L. Oosce. of RitsrUla, delegate forthe Knights of Pyth.aa. j» a Diilsr guest.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ragweil of Tolt.a.-companies by Miss Lulu Morris, areamong the Dt:ier rueats.

Mrs. J. W. Sprirrs ar.d daunhier, Imo-ge-r.e. left for Springfield. 111.. Tuesday«, to visit relatives.

Dr. Sarah Kendall, who Ss la Californiaattending tfce celebration ot :he cer.tenr.-a! of homeopathy. will return to Seattleabout the 30th.

Sr»aker Gully is said to be the best bll-Oard player tn the house of commooa

If Mr. Bayard had not made thosespeeches la England ha might now beleading all the other Democratle sprinters.

It Is sail that S.MO b!:i» were introducedtn the late New York |eg:«Uture. b« nomention is male of their denomJmtlona.

The Spanish papers which are now cry-ing for war are the very ones which laterwo.4d be crytr.g because of war.

It Is a pity that P. T. Barman shouldhare died bafare such fellows aa Ttllmaawera allowed to run at largtk

Soma people are still talking of Uatoafor the presidency, but that la probably

J about as fir as they will get.

There are not many delegations that willfca atror rer and rtnriier than that Select-ed at Eyerett yesterday.

Supposing this s-ate was for Stera H-ktns for president, what eoold « do agatnst

1 this MeKlnley ware?

There is many a Bri&sher who wsalto'ts-nc «tv object to seeing a man 1 ke Km-

i cer prixe minister.

Thi Re; \u25a0iblieju-j of Washington areBa*is«l ag*j»; ue vardj^t

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REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THEFirst National bank. at Seattle. In th*state of Washington, at the close of busi-ness. May 7. iftt:

RESOURCES.Loans and discounts 1*0.013 OOverdrafts, secured and unse-

cured a.usuV. S. bonds to secure circula-

tion 17.600 uOStorks, securities, etc. 94.589 41Banking house, furniture and fix-

ture 9.725 ISOther real estate and mortgages

owmd MLIBUDue from national banks

inot reserve agents* J 2.541 IVDue from state banks atvl

bankers 6.358 aDue from auoroved re-

serve agents .12. CO 09

Checks and other cashItems t mn

Exchanges for clearinghouse 1650 B

Notes of other nationalbanks 5.445 at

fractional naorr curren-cy. nickels and cents... 11l 10

Lawful money reserve In bank,rls:Specie 80.083 OSLegal tender notes 7.140 00

Redemption fund with V. 8.treasurer (5 per cent, of cir-culation) 1,(87 64

Total .tacS.SU 14

LIABILITIES.Canltal stock oaid in lIW.OBO 00Surolus fund 150.000 00Undivided profits, less expense*

and taxes paid t.4M NNational bank notes outstanding 53.750 00Due to other national

banks I 4.4(0 4SDue to state banks and

bankers 54.595 ZI a in 71Individual deposit* sub-

ject to check SS49.MS *

Demand certificates ofdeposit 17.088 «1

Time certificates of de-posit 14S.S5S 90

Certified checks S 00Cashier's checks out-

standing 1.175 9

Bills payable 45.000 00

Total .WMU 14State of WasMngtor,, county of King?**.

I. L. Turner, cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear th*t theabove statement i» true to the best of myknowledge and belief.

L TURNER. Cashier.Subscribed and sworn to before me thl*

13th day of May. lS3fc(Seal.) H. V. V. BEAN.

Notary Public In and for the Stat* ofWashington, residing at Seattle.Correct?Attest:



REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THEBoston National bark of Seattle, at Se-attle. In ti"» state of Wash'ngton, at theclose of business. May 7. 1898.

RESOURCES.Loans and discounts 53Q.30 MOverdrafts, secured and unse-

cured m*T7. S. bonds to secure circulation SOJW) 00Current ? xperse and taxes paid.. 17.75* 49Premiums on H. 8 bonds 4.750 noStocks. se<-urttie». etc 7XIOO 20K*rklrg bouse, furniture and fix-

tures 5.500 00Other real estate and mortgage*

owned «.» ODue from rational banks (cot re-

Mrve agemet LTil ftDue from cats banks and bank-

era t«l 14Due from approved rwrvt

agents 17.1CS WChirks and other c.*sh I'emn 417 30EichaiiKes for clearing house.... 1.4*7 SINotes of other national harks .. I,o*o 00Fractional paper currency, nickels

and cents U OLawful raofisr reserve In bank^

Specie 84.A4S XLegal tender rotes .... LOU U0

B.(S %Redemption fund with t?. 8.

treasurer <5 per cant, of circula-tion t*> m

Susoensa 3H 3

Total 1M0.7S ft

LIABILITIES.Cafital paid In OOO.noo 09P'.Tt>!u« fur*l I.'rt) f*)rnrflrlded profits H. "1 41National b»nk rote* outstanding 44 :«o noI>;:?* to other national bank.* .. i.170 >»!l>u» to state thanks and bankers., J.:,® 33li.- .Jual deposits, eublect to

ct --k mm «Demand certificates of deposit... 4,in« «lTl-tje certiflcatt-s of deposit 46 497 SICertified checks 1.136 41

Total »«0.7» ftStat* of Washington, county of King?as.

1. A. M. Brookes. cashier cf the above-r.nrr.~d bar;fc. do eoiemniy swear that theabove staten-.ent is -rue to the best of tnrknowledge and belief.

A. M. BROOKES, Cashier.Subscribed snl »» jfx to before ma thia

14th day of May, lastiSeaU M. B. HAYXES.

Rotary Public for Washington, residing atSea' tie.Ctjrreet?Attest t




S* 2519.2621. 2623 First AT, Cor. Mir, N#rtt Swltk.

Friday MillineryBargain DepartmentDay -? 15a1e..... SPECIAL OFFERINGS,

J.W yards K-twh flne VnbleariMd TVday and tomorrow la MmMuslin, worth To. Friday «o a yard. M cw , ».» at* «J|L

10-4 wl\t# Bleached sheeting.ct*!, Friday lie a yard.

Bleached Toilet Twill Craah. 4a ayard.

SE-lneh All-Wool Bk-yrto Bui tine,only JSc a yard.

*-inch All-Wool Heavy Bicycle Snlt-.««««.

In**. In tan and gray mixture*, siwn. Ol|f||? Il I ll|iITITQred and Mack, only OUUL DdUllAllSl

46-Inch Imported Fine French BarretIn all colors, value 75c. only He *yard. lAdlea" Rotten Boota, AM Dm*

73-Inch Crinkoline Interlining, value kid. In opera and narrow Taara nSV. only 19c a yard. j lac* and buuon. kid or cloth

Model Form Coraeta. la black, rain* j 11.39 a pair.96c. only ffle a pair. Men'a Dreea Bhoea ta laoa «r

Ladles' Fine Glace Kid Clove*. 1* ' (trees, Tale, new opera and new IAMack. English red. tan and brown, I don toe. special. Friday. tUI *

all sixea. tine embroidered back, value i Mtaaea' Cloth and Kid Ttop Hatha(1 only TSc a pair. i Sho.s, In equare and opeca toe. 4a»|A lot of All-Silk Plaid and Checked to *, SOr; »lx» P4 to 11. Wo; itteM

Ribbon reduced to lie a yard. ] to X II a pair.



BEATTLE-TACOMA ROUTEFour round trip* daily, except Sunday. Tim® Card?Unn Seattle 1A M

«. m.. : tt-«1S p. m. Laavs Tacoma »: 18a. m.. 1:08. «"SB, IjO p. m. SUglstMfcK cent*; round trip, 15 rents. Table M rvlce unsurpassed. Sundays-flyer mState of Washington; leave Seat:!* 7: M a. a.. 1100 ra , £>.oo p. BL; leaf* TlM-ma »:S0 a. in.. J JO. 7 M p. m. U. Ssals y, jr.. Agent. Seattle telephone Kit171 Tacoma telephone HI.

I (J Pi ivClirnrAlr *»«> cannat" afford to trifle with yoiir tytaH&in.uLAILVtWjyLfc experienced wraoßs as opticians. We tit lilanrt u

fV» *; not b!»»»>.< the eyes have to accoramouta.?^V- >y. WE LEAD; OTHERS IMITATE. In the peofetivflMCI Jusiment o( spectacle*. Owr twenty years' el;ence. We have obtained an enviable refutation

(U) competent opticians, and we are well known at ii orri,!,,.

T\ i TTiTmn-£"?»? "i*""*"AWD BUTian w. w.IfA I \' I O""* * «"?.*. UUbnUd Klud l'alaki Mh

I /11 1 1 *"w «>laae. Mirror Plate*. 61aaod Imln MlX JH.JLXI AM BolMtaa I'eper. Kt«." *

* -Nelle &c Knirelbreohtm Was* St.. Cor. Marloa. Tsiephons Ke4 BL

Mtrvv j6t rn HI « ommkrcial stum? .llTi \u25bc X Ot vU. BmUMm*

I«»ort.r« u« Jabber* tf TUITHOXIBLACK Ml*



?M Ship Builder*. Pounder*. Utchloti ts and Boiler Its > sis w??*s 1Um construction of torpedo boat No. I, V. a. N.. end rsrenoe cultW Im \u25a0Oat*/' Sole atente and manufacturer* tor Washington, British Colomftl »

Alaaka for the "Mruler" patent water tuN> J





hhu Pilaw Sltepen

ttl Itm Re?liaias Clair Gin.fOKILAJii) 10 CUICAUO.

Low Kates! Quick Time!fror mtril information rail on ar ad-

4re*e A. C. MAKTIN,General Agent. ?? First A*.. Hvattlsi

Or «?. H. Ht'RLBURT.General Pa»»»r«»r Agent. 14 Washington

street. Poriiaad. Oregoo.

MASS. MUTUALLIFEOivMth* V4#»i roller ton.

tract. Umill

F. A. WIISTO, MVr.»«U«I BHUIac, \u25a0eat Ma.



TICKETS TO ALL PORTS IN TIB MVia the following popular imMB

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8. 8. MONOWAI8s!l* from Man Francisco for BfiHAuckland. Sydney. Ma, 3. UK, iUa B. Australia lo Honolulu. MayfLM1». a. m. T. A- Graham, sgsnt. *Ht.. Brattle; J. D. ttpreesrts t MA®Ban Francisco.

Japan Bazaar.»J« > «»\u25a0.I A. ««

We bars tbe most complete tt*jChinese snd Japanese fanejr fWWthe elty. Always the lowest ptKg

SING LENS i 00, Mereiuat TiflH.Salts mad. to order at ahort nsOftj

lowest prices. Always k«p new gttmßkaai uu SECOND AYtm