1 w» illCETOIlM li Hi fnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1904-09-17/ed...Having iiufclaased...

Having iiufclaased from Shed|* aen & Bobljh the Gty Pfiarmaey,. We solicit {[ share of jjgruTf ( &m& By trade. ful goods, court sonable prio ;ivtag the most care attentidn as to qualify o feous service and rea- s, we shall endeavor to-make thi| store- the most pop-j uiar in Plattsftyrgli, Pliarmaey pai^&g, at Once • ' Tfo reduce our reeEs OMIATB OF &U KINDS. We are always *eady arid wflltog to give ou*; "Customers the benefit Of low prices on a /' jst Jars in the larket. ( TIE PASS FORTIFIED. Liye and IM fcfee Basis.! m mm l m OF eLAjTTSSUBGH .BESIG^ATp EETOSITOBI O P T H E t&OTfcgl> STATES 4HT, STA^E \ G ? HEW YOBK , ri*&QGp .Vice~Presid«B Cashier r g; H. MOFMTT IJA& CAVANAGfl f . X* SIG.NOR 1 DI .John mughraW 3aU, Cavanagh, iSSios. 'F. Conw»: 'SEE.. W. Gady, .General banfctajs hu.stoess, Don«*t|« *ad Foreign Ifes^ta. Merest paid 'o|». special, depots. G, B. B&rDer, f j, e. Motatv Patrick Hanlon, Henry ©. Gravee, Pattlseon. OF PLA IJOMN P. O'dRIEi JOHN HAUOrlRAf* ijfca BAK4R. iafe&B F- .0,iBrien, i$jl. T. Kellogg,' ffy L. Sheoden. ! J. N. lH^aoasacts SBURGH. President Vice-President Cashier DIRECTORS: H. W, Knapp, S. 6. Prime. M ,V. B." Turner Geo!. Ghanoon, Stower. . General Oonrmefcia! Banking [Business, 'Depositors offei^d every' facility |Which their balancfe,' business and ri f jtponslbility, warrant- ' . GISTS F O B FAIR ©BAMN0S, HONEST PRICES, BEST QTJAliTY, NEATEST. VAJJBETT, anfl . ' C»lJETBOUS-IlPPICaJBJfT-SER¥IC3EJ Call at GOMOTS qimm sr. immti Pb«ne*8-A | ESK>ORTANT illCETOIlM We can furnish all Mnda of Rough Mid Dressed -Lumber, Lath Shingles tnd" Gttapboards, Spruce iDImenston Timber any leagth, 13 to SO feet.' Remember out frnirniah us • thoroughly reasoned stock lor flooring^ ceiling, aiding. In- side finish,of all ikinds. Prices right, Correspondence solicited. Telephone connection. f AYLOR % iYEBS Telephone Connectpa., . m STBSOffiT. iinffli. Kuropatkin's Fcrces S^t(I ^loltl | /ttuKdeh-^Japanese TaH« Fort at Port, 4rthur, St Petersburg, 3e, >t 16.—News from the front is exceedingly merger kjfd the present lull in 1 the ojperationi in <&$anchuria is expect id to coBitinue|tor "several weeto..'«0V«e since! ^fen jkuropatkin's retieai vra& acitompl p h t ed the best iaformect militariy cir|les h^re were coayincec mat Vield [51ar- ehaJ Oyatna could.net immedMely aC- teaxpt to renew his i aggressive taeuce. ^Mary^nd-1 Nirt. SUPERJEDES TAGGART. >t> l New Parker, Davis, I 1 . Ryahi|c|f the Railway'' eonferea suite at t|e| Hotel iken ai Confer«nce Dur- hairmJin's Absence in Inciana, ^ent. 16.—'•Et-Judge Gortian, Henry G. Sbiuhan and Thos. Metropolitan Street ornpanr, sk a Hu*ep h o u r ester^iay hi Mr. Parker's Astof decided prac- tically if*\ c h a i r m a n '« the Americaa Sugfli' , I, JM Atchison ,,. (,[* .).,',, m#" Balt< and OMbt . t) i ,1 S.SJ4 Brooklyn Rapf Trak .! 55 5 Canadian P a e . . . , , ^ .3.^%- Ghes. and 0§io ».u , \4Z^ Ghgo. Gt. West .i.. ! |6ii St, Paul.. .|- """ Del. •and Hud| Erie . . , . . .<. Lou. and Natih. .Manhattan,;,!. Metropolitan [ \ Mo^pac, t persede Thbmas Taggart, lational committee/ With iSenMr Arthur P. Gorman, of Present t In oi fm.ihw I 1st and Most Perfect li Hi All the information- since received re- garding the condition or the lapanpe ;trmies fcas strength Jned the conw- Um that Oyatija, will require a confi|.^- 4rable time to organise a newladranee Add it is now believed that lie «i await reinforcements of men ahd gu|sr*| tb make good, his iosises at laao-i'atfe, 1 These, it is report* a, will be really: tj>' leave Japan at the >nd of the •- moal a, ! Moreover/it would create no aujrt p>iae here if a Japaiiese dlve-sion attempted in the direction of Vli voiStok, |o prepare the way for a rj neWaLof aggressive operations Mukden. £ I la, the meantime Kuropatkin ~r . . ' (oot^tnlag i%info,rcenients. A . ' . number of guns and a ane indeijmndeilt me €obper' Grejat troops are on their -*ay to t&|e frdrit plOPy," * ' T H E L | $ T . a a d tten^st detachment of the lOaessf was taken without th© Chairman I We.dr e^day Taggart, Who night to con- fers} of the state caim- jiana jujd Il|linois. the Parker- Priced! roriicAKs.* i flames." * • v ?ftar," vMaa." again Is man~-<will hi the national! They are utn is al||o j.the Parker It Is not took a hand 'day. Mr. HIS headquarters; i and 50 cents. teresta would rpa^srt receii! ;n THEATRE; sAiirab/tt SEPT. 24 gp^cE coMmmAj^ Rational Sanngs Bank OsF ALBANY. .' • 70-72 StMe\ Street. . OVER-sio.6oo.eoL .;, .... • Presidei' .. .Vice-Reside v ... Vlce-Fresi*er .' ... .. :'Treasur? fiJas. H. Maaning l-Garret A. Van AUet; «Chas. Gibson ^.-' |^ Albert P. Steven Recei\e Deposits An intennst datift; Jrom'tlie Firsi day of "Each MOD: Which may be &*nt IJJ mail in^ Cbe«'h | o r Cash, by Registered mail or expre« Or deitosited i- ia person- Bank Books retuitoea by mail- ptherRise, as, desirpdt Letters promptly acknowledged DiVMerid days January and,' ' ^ y . - Interest paid onj|aouary 1st, lilty LIT i wmm and we will tell ; ,yoa iWhy, c 5'our eyes burn and smart.^ Yp'iji possibly need glasses to relieve thecal from the Strain, or to rectify astigmatism that feeoomes more pronounced v as age Creeps, on,'' or when the eyes are overtaxed. Everyone should have their eyes examined when they feel the slightest burning or smarting sensation when using them. . We will ^examine your eyes free of charge and fit them with proper glasses at a. reasonable price. Trus$es, stationary, confectionary. Try ibei famous E. B. dyspepsia cure a| th* :' <t 4 ' . Red Cross Pharmacy, J. A Langlols, Ph Q.. Optldan. $HARL In 1 the" Lang? f< Kr^eat of.Shvet Mttsic Instr.aments. au'd Sale : String at Miss Marie baforee'S Muslr store .xjrmected with Cluiett & Sons or Troy .and Albany, deal-ers in Pianos, a* .'ddrgaret street, opp Devlin House. GRAJPEWM Corps is expected to <bd oa He why eagi J panker. ft b bit train, tomorrow, >. ( , he knew Hi There is eousideraWss myster)|- abouit f SCump&tkin^ plana, although all 1 inb^matidn ohtainahls Indlcatea thaj the bulk of bis army is still arou iftuSfden, a»d the attijslal tatliriatlo are that JKbropatftln d >es not. «Oatem| v William Wl plate retMag further ^ t ^reseuti tfcerf * >exeei4tlv56 Is coasidierab|e. eceptcisnx oa| tA^® " points. About all that Is de^al' * knpwn is that a const ierable njumoei of'his troops aifeialrei dy gone worth. ttat the heights hear the Oao rive; at *Tie Pass h a # beei fortified, the pass has been secured f ana that! c&tjalry ,1s scouting wide on the) RiiS' siaii (flanks to signal tiie first; iftaiea*] "tioii of a new taming! movement on>| that the natlo: the part of the Japanese. Oaljl outxl front a»is ti posts skirmishes of litUe lmj?or,tanea| to carry this haVjei been reported. ; i | and Fairbanks, Japs Take Port /lithur I^oijt. | If the Pw^ker Che Poo, Sept. IS.-The 1 da: troops between September § an captured a fort situated allies east of Golden HjUl, t|y The 1 nghting was not se dd'forjgranted that plans o? $fr, (Porker jt 'and his frieoMsl as he spmt a day at Bsopns the early pt Jrt of t ie wee|;» To m*ke silW that ids person^ In- protecteji, Chairman The ac knowledg left town suit the fifs palgne in i| It is thepktentidm of Sheehan-Rmn men to keep Taggart in the Wes£ if p)gslbl«f. eisj three personal |nends>~j&x-Smatorl Jamee IC Jones, of Arfensas; Charles A. Walsh, of 10W firmer secretary of thenational|jJcomri|ttee, and J. G, Johnson, ofljljCftns(s f a 'Bryaa-iKearst ed to ke ?p away from iontnittee leadqidarters ted of co<l>liiess t»wsttd vas. tlhat ex^Senatoir Hill th<; revolution yester- did aot wslt national d he did! not -call on ,1 aia& Mo,'Knn t andjTek> L 2\% Mo. Kan and'fex, prf. /lift N. T, Centrall.,,,.[.14^ Ont. and West Pennsylvania j People's Gas Reading ..«< i 1 .. Rock ^Island. 5 . | . . Southern Pacific . Southern RailWay . Tenn. Coal and txon Union Pacific X .. tr, s. Steeu... U. S.€teel pfd. XL S. leather J, Mexican Central . *.. i] Am. Locomo^ve. ., %6^ Wabash {..*'. 21' Wabash pfd .. I.. ,, 4i. Ininpis Cent i.t. %ri l$$ik Am. Car. Pott^dry > v»^?2- Chgo. and Altdnf. . . /«. Colo. Fuel and Ipron ." 34 ! & Oifice THBSB® our country pradupsi Personal attention leliveries made pjro^|(y||pyl4ref«l teamsters, f town wagon-boxes r Street Crossing. ^ goaf and dust. " di ry screened coal 4* JJW H, u WHJOCJ 2k\k i SON. I Clinton St., near 3|angai 1 PAINTS, Bia* $am h Texas Pacific, i 4 .'$2 _j + PRANCB SB&DS Imbmtpaok at WorWngnien C|o«in|g t* Stj liOtth the Goveriunent , i» E t p Pai'ls, Sept 16—A deles French workingtqen,,sejnt ft! the gbv- ew ISp: ittfe. Th< ks rnanu- w|thou ai, Chai sh and .alters. 'elt as m Idi^nav wlilch he has ifor :?arker and me\ coneuiting rraaa of the appointed; jdhnsoti to IWftfc these If he could «Messrs Jones, t h e Staff a t h men on. guard! risk a trip to promlced to There is Httlil dottbt thai the Parker managers regam the fSgnfc a^ lost All the Indications) Me that «t3t the funds iCianjuittt© can liilse t of ernment's expense saftlSj for tomorrow on its ipy to^t ( i * industries represented |are. faeture of oottoi| go'ods 1 ^ maiical struments,* shfaefe, Ihajts, 40a*hJ» tools and railway sa»p|Jes.| matoq?L«* in commercial affairejandJtotaail dis- tribution, and t^tef heads! «;f jffleju»t«m- al labor organlssatiouB, ^L MiBruiskn aad ffltousseau, V4compf^? r #! $®W which, after visifaagffiTewYlrkji will to other ATOericstajciMes aud Gahada —S—-I]. n go RiJSsiun Cruiser Off. VattiCoavisr. jV^torta,,©.. a Sept L , . eis iiad petty officers fiom,H. ML ^J gating Musical Hif. ^Ufton yesierday gave'out) the iftoty^ ttiatithe Russian volunteer cjrjuiserj Ko- rea had beeu sighted by i sdcuUnk de- stroyer of the British Navy' about 100' miles northwest of Caje ijeottj off iQueeh. Chariotfle ".sound last Sunday, etaading southwest, under easy 8t)eam and Widently llieading for tl|e Straits of Filca. : , ! out of the wrec: jrivi can prelvent the on a hilt tw^P 0 - 15 ? amng , auiti leommlttee »ud next jj^tionit i t 6 QWOfls* fceeban and A Notre) 0^me f Ladv, I will Rend 1*69. wit^ fuW ^nstri tlons, some of thlfe simpfe ^paratloa for the cure of! ^ucfa8^o^|:,tatcel ^tioa, Dfeplaceuiefi^i, f w ^ i of fi ,-ard will he spent ^ orob - 8 a ^ r ^Z '^ffiiJ^fS... Bate a^lus; Roosevelt ^ ^ r a ^ G ^ & ? ^ S & Tl I iSsuAand Rruce # F ? *> £* ^ ^ ^ M ^ l ^ ' ^ u c an sari N«w York , ^ ^ .^ffj* **»•• &&&« m * ^ syifignr e- that they Female Troubles, uttiandClearst men- orfesQ. To xti ore. COi i oi U;^na«<?na!' «a»8W«» I will fxpi ibles, to..M: ; ;i?n|hag ; a|d«- moth B$BY ,j ' | | K i- ; , '"|^a5wtog lain M.-tfBlUejack-'iifee a »tateme: m 1.PIPP" .contPtogJ^.H^l'mtoeat ^If.yMr^ ttw :•".*...! •" cojiUnue; i t wiU jo|ily •,-<$# : :pl^w^:":^2 m W3HIam • F ce^ts' ; a "week to jgnairaii'lfie 'e<-:cuije. • Gorni a a wilt' Is- T 4 l other 6uffe ^f? of 4f;|hatil!5 a31| I ing-:thk Senator ask. If you axejidtereftp/wijlto- no.W oraian has beeij aStachedUo the ba-. »nf ttB your, suffering |lf|64as of , onal committee! o Jy in an a^vi- Address. Mrs. M.; ^ummepj' fBox 41p.. |»ry capacity, an|.tJfc|at Cbaifraan Tjag- Notre Dame, Indj. ! <>.:•• si •• t's prerogati illed. ave not been cur- :ff PL£ FI.V. .LAlifMf'EJl, 135 > Girls. * Mt'SIC, FESTER TROOPS IX PHILIPPnjTES. driisi, t'baffec &tui Wadt Adree That Reduction is Pntctictible. f Washington. Sept. 16.—With a view '.to a reduction in the expense of main- taining a large military establishment in the Philippines. Lieut '3««». Chaffee. Thief;of Staff, recently cabled an in- quiry fto Major Gen. Wad?, command- ing thie Philippines EMvisi >n, asking if :<oudft|ons in the islands would not jusUfi the reduction of the" present-, milita "5: cents and $1. hursday 7 p.m. ^nients- y force-there from four regl- of cavalry and nin« <>f ipfantry {to thr^e regiments of < *eve,n >f Infantry. , G.en. Chaffee has receii' avalry \ahd t: POLICE REFORM W SE 1 ** YORK.) etective Sergeaii ts Orders 1 to Duty as Roundsman in I'niionn. • Ifew York, Sept tii.r-Plans to rein- fgorate tae police! Japartnent have een put into operation by Oommisr foner McAdoo. :jilts; first action , in is lint> was to ore pr W men who have r years done dutj ai i detective serge&its ig uniforms and >ec The commisionen t> ! a nttmber of the iierlgl iss in the detection en will pot be rei uc compelled to fa lo rJgular beats and sfe ttf business. The eommlsstonef) d|edlared-. s purpose to push! la numerous burfflar •^^M ^^^B ^^^m ^^^Ml ^^^M r ^^^^ ^^^W^^^^W. ^^^H ^^^V^V^H SUM variou 3 stations :p resume wear- mdsmen. denounc- nts t s worth- bf'criina The 1 ln> sa ary, win \r\ patrolmen on at th!c.y attsenct I I I I I I 1 S Cd Quicky 6pm the Gpwet yrjv) *S»: you. I . ^<ONE $UCMR«Ndfc^t|AT. ' I McreeJl-Soulc Q». Sytacus^i jNf. Y. MAECES DAfNTY E p | S f • Recipes in Pacluigp|" ;., - . i 1, ! 5'-"'i ' - S«3xl your - Name oo a PtptHl'jGudiar MINDREADER AND|,ep©KJEL . . RECIPES ::- i;'..". House eel give satis) on ordi; wnen the Let us all The ^EM-MIX IfjmeaMyeanB, The only _P!aMi»«& hum o|i*very package. Will cover Ifl l 1 1 lyeais. The only ^ - 2 — package. Will cover la been thoroughly tested { idutint to proven, Send f^| 3i45-3mo I PBR^T^HJuN T J B » , PAINT has'a guarinte* tf luare feet, two co*i«. we agree to re-palmt iple card* and »riej«, sash, doors. blte^/l^knBPag and hafd.w*i»- ies HafMue <<& d w f l i r t Street, PIat|s%|h,' N, Y. < Sjieh a t Store dimng small lots of wanting titis] lines, owing Thus, It as every da| any costt-thl'! ieadft mmer business as tias 4a : ee months leaves iallfs wfe ;iat. thofigh probablyj^ust :ij| »L are holding na«ititnd sJjii ,, ^hey occupy. } itiltmportanee fiiat we #Iear i] ^o^her day nearer fajl, we NOW mtmmmmmmm ON to the lor of iSOM a great amount ot jvery goods' yon are p i g of advance fall \\ Ont at once, and jksf m a k e room at The Sharpest .August Clearance !f r,om G en. Wade expressing mX thf rare of 3 ^ per cent., per aarnuii p ur ing this sale two thousand copies v! of. popular 60 and 60 cent music wl|i go at 5. 10 and 15 .cents per copy'. Head quarters for Edison ."!Phoao- grsihs, Vlrtor Talking . Machines an* latest records. Call or write for cata- logue of'tb«'famous SteiUnley edition of-ten cent music 296.7tni W* Kidney- Si B l a d d e r troubles. Cures in 48 Hours j UMNARY DISCHARGES'' i J3ach Capsule > i the name«3"C 1;e jf oounterfeita ed a reply the opinion a Is not on- dfl apartments and to 1 aUsohitely.safe for inprojtecte^ wo|men afl night. Uiat tl.e proposed reductio jiy pra-ti.eable.-but ativisable. There-' jjfore it is .more than probable that ar- Irangenients .will soon be made to bring •home 1 he troops in excess of the num- ber reigirded by Gens. Chaffee ana Wade is essential. Labor's* Candida' ^an I^-ancSsco, it to be vibssneiis, .check lei and looting lake the streets e fon'Oonirress. t. 1/6--Charles K.f Williams, a civil sendee oommis- I'' .1 IG FIRE AT HALIFAX, skfier of.this city", j| his been naied for Congrrasj in the fl t|ri|t by the labor coivtmtlQn made on ,the flqpr by the JShift t Hali f Wind Saved the City—One Girl Killed. N-. S. Sept.-16.—[A fortu- ( W R E L S OF PAIN i-sre,. reafly to fill al* .ora«r». W**.. ou f »uppiy one gallon or.,[ten g a J l o n i . >f anjc color promptly. We carry?a ''fine fjine <.f PAINTS.. 01LS..CO1X1RS. VAJK r KISHBS. STAINS, ahd Palruers' au >- fplles. All your oeed* can. be '&\]$<< ' here. ' PRIOBS ARE RIGHT. PMrEBs&eo for coal you worit Med fot Heat aa?| cck>&^jiai <$d\ Pay after fuel is used IWfy Cheaper top!} w terl of William J. iMimbent British fyiia, the ax". nomi-. fth dis- A fight suppor- pr»esent o»t Ashore. Jnate shift of wind undoubtedly saved Halifax from a disastrous conflagra- Ist'erday,- but, neverless, the C tion y< from a front. Betw qity sufered a loss pf about $250,000 fire which swept the water Patrol .-.toria, B. C.. S#; f . 1«.-^H SlhArwalter is- ashor thelAlaska peninsula hlerioff had failed, or |even days ago. e Shearwater is pktfol vessel to gua: iqt^ests. She was imalt after (E . M. S. f h, the rpeks of j d. efforts to get ( he-went on si± m erl^g^Seja and Alaskan walers, , |city. . It-.seemed almost pi 1 I ! -iC f British nl her ng some ©ritish naval sealing vay to :nontbs ah! een .3 and 4 o,*clock in the af-, In ternoon'. when the fire wlas .at its I height iand. a-fearful southerly gale'" j " Montana Dertmbcrats. ^•as pushing : it; straight tiward the HWena, Mont, SeptJ 1!,—The De'mo- heart of the business center.conster- ' orattc state conventiott ;iominaied;the nation feigned thuoughout the entire fotidwlhg today: eonbessman, A. 0. •s^hen shortly after 4 o':lock the jusi wind suddenly veered to the west and. era> •ovidential Gormley: governor^ Jj iffl. Tcole j.turned the flames along th| \ i apd war|honses. j The fl're consumed sis | wharves, \ v 'two coa| piers, twb hotels), a dozeu \ chief e, 'D. EL iSmlth; j lijsuten&plt gov- Edwin Morris; secretory of whaires A stktA, Miles Romey; Hpejasurer, ^ v M - G^Bjowne.-" P?!^ THE . FLAI ltiilLKGH jLiUvrtT,,,/-,;A 1 6f UOW.lsJl! ANt)-RIVER STS. OF| , iq£l ; HOijRS:S':30 A. iM. : TOia:| i ' ••' '»' . ' ., * / • large retail COR.BRIDGa'^1 Goodyehr. Don't I f tant tt warehouses ijnd a dumber of ( Blffalo, Sept 'ltfJ-4-Charks W. shjopis. • j " , j Goodyear forma.liy announceil last injHbe lire aj large tree .'fell, nh;hj that hew oul^ rjot be a can^i- lora Ring,i28 yeais, and in- datetfor the Democratic nomipaticin 'JUring two others,. for liovernor. If Paint -vidfe l|Me.some other '.goods, it \\|otiid^ be unnecessary to exerpj-sestich care in its selection |; f ' Ordinarly:one fetijs. an article arid its ^aXiij- whether good or bMl fsgok becomes apparent. lMf>t so w i t h P a i n t it!requf-es;vtjipe to tell whether or n'ptl'arrit, will wear well' \ i i T h i s s h o t d r l s n g | fi^fet you ude only' Paint j dnade by a'TJespons'ble nikmiidc- tnrer ajad sold by a| sible dealer arid fulji; teed by 1 both, j E l i m i n a t e a l l c h ^ ^ s . b y using ForestiCity,!Paiiri.t- yotrget a hurjdred jp4a4s;of "pfotectibri to; youitf build- ings and.genjuine satisiac- tioja for fve^r dollar inr A«AM4tt respotiv f'guar/ J+ **• Plattsiurgu, N. t 1;. Jiil.

Transcript of 1 w» illCETOIlM li Hi fnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1904-09-17/ed...Having iiufclaased...

Page 1: 1 w» illCETOIlM li Hi fnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1904-09-17/ed...Having iiufclaased from Shed|* aen & Bobljh the Gty Pfiarmaey,. We solicit {[ share of jjgruTf (&m&

Having iiufclaased from Shed|*

aen & Bobljh the

Gty Pfiarmaey,. We solicit {[ share of jjgruTf (&m&

By trade.


goods, court

sonable prio

;ivtag the most care

attentidn as to qualify o

feous service and rea-

s, we shall endeavor

to-make t h i | store- the most pop-j


in Plattsftyrgli, Pliarmaey

pai &g, at Once • ' Tfo reduce our

reeEs OMIATB OF &U KINDS. We are always *eady arid wflltog

to give ou*; "Customers t h e benefit Of low prices on a /'

jst Jars in the larket. ( TIE PASS FORTIFIED.

Liye and IM fcfee Basis.!






, ri*&QGp .Vice~Presid«B „ Cashier


1 DI

.John m u g h r a W 3aU, Cavanagh, iSSios. 'F . Conw»: 'SEE.. W. Gady,

.General banfctajs hu.stoess, Don«*t|« * a d Foreign Ifes^ta.

M e r e s t paid 'o|». special, d e p o t s .

G, B. B&rDer, f j , e . Motatv Patrick Hanlon, Henry ©. Gravee,



ijfca BAK4R.

iafe&B F- .0,iBrien,

i$jl. T . Kellogg,' ffy L. Sheoden. !

J. N.


SBURGH. President

Vice-President Cashier


H. W, Knapp, S. 6 . Prime. M ,V. B." Turner Geo!. Ghanoon,

Stower. . General Oonrmefcia!

Banking [Business, 'Depositors offei^d every' facility

|Which their balancfe,' business and ri f jtponslbility, warrant- ' .





Call a t

GOMOTS qimm sr. immti P b « n e * 8 - A |


illCETOIlM We can furnish all Mnda of Rough

Mid Dressed -Lumber, Lath Shingles tnd" Gttapboards, Spruce iDImenston Timber any leagth, 13 to SO feet.'

Remember out frnirniah us • thoroughly reasoned stock lor flooring^ ceiling, aiding. In­side finish,of all ikinds. Prices r ight , Correspondence solicited. Telephone connection.

f AYLOR % i Y E B S

Telephone Connect pa., .

m STBSOffiT.


Kuropatkin's Fcrces S t(I ^loltl | /ttuKdeh-^Japanese TaH« Fort

at Port, 4rthur, S t Petersburg, 3 e, >t 16.—News from

the front is exceedingly merger kjfd the present lull in1 the ojperationi in <&$anchuria is expect id to coBitinue|tor "several weeto..'«0V«e since! ^fen jkuropatkin's retieai vra& acitompl p h

t ed the best iaformect militariy cir|les h^re were coayincec m a t Vield [51ar-ehaJ Oyatna could.net immedMely aC-teaxpt to renew his i aggressive taeuce. ^Mary^nd-1



>t> l

New Parker , Davis, I1. Ryahi|c|f the Railway'' eonferea suite a t t | e | Hotel

iken ai Confer«nce Dur-hairmJin's Absence in

Inciana, ^ent. 16.—'•Et- Judge

Gortian, Henry G. Sbiuhan and Thos.

Metropolitan Street ornpanr, sk a Hu*ep hour

ester^iay hi Mr. Parker ' s Astof decided prac­

tically if*\ chairman '« the

Americaa Sugfli' , I, J M Atchison ,,. (,[* .)., ' ,, m#" Balt< and OMbt . t) i ,1 S.SJ4 Brooklyn Rapf T r a k . ! 55 5 Canadian P a e . . . , , ^ . 3 . ^ % -Ghes. and 0§io ».u , \4Z^ Ghgo. Gt. West . i . . ! | 6 i i St, P a u l . . . | - """ Del. •and H u d | Erie . . , . . .<. Lou. and Natih. .Manhattan, ; , ! . Metropolitan [ \ Mo^pac, t

persede Thbmas Taggart, lational committee/

With iSenMr Arthur P . Gorman, of

Present t

In oi



1st and Most Perfect

li Hi

All the information- since received re­garding the condition or the l a p a n p e ;trmies fcas strength Jned the c o n w -Um that Oyatija, will require a confi|.^-

4rable time to organise a newladranee Add i t is now believed that lie « i await reinforcements of men ahd gu|sr*| tb make good, his iosises a t laao-i'atfe,

1 These, it is report* a, will be really: tj>' leave Japan a t the >nd of the •- moal a, ! Moreover/i t would create no aujrt

p>iae here if a Japaiiese dlve-sion attempted in the direction of Vli voiStok, | o prepare the way for a rj neWaLof aggressive operations Mukden. £

I la, the meantime Kuropatkin ~r . . ' (oot^tnlag i%info,rcenients. A

. ' . number of guns and a ane indeijmndeilt me €obper ' Grejat troops a r e on their -*ay to t&|e frdrit plOPy," * 'THE L | $ T . a a d tten^st detachment of the lOaessf

was taken without th© Chairman

I We.dr e^day Taggart, Who night to con­

fers} of the state caim-jiana jujd Il|linois.

the Parker-



i flames." * • v





man~-<will hi the national! They are utn

is al||o j.the Parker It Is not

took a hand 'day. Mr. HIS headquarters;

i and 50 cents.

teresta would

rpa^srt receii!

;n THEATRE; sAiirab/tt SEPT. 24

gp cE coMmmAj^

Rational Sanngs • Bank i£ OsF ALBANY. .' •

70-72 StMe\ Street.

. OVER-sio.6oo.eoL . ; , . . . . • Presidei ' .. .Vice-Residev ... Vlce-Fresi*er .'... . . :'Treasur?

fiJas. H. Maaning l-Garret A. Van AUet; «Chas. Gibson ^.-'

| Albert P. Steven Recei\e Deposits An intennst datift;

Jrom'tl ie Firsi day of "Each MOD: Which may be &*nt IJJ mail in Cbe«'h

| o r Cash, by Registered mail or expre« Or deitositedi-ia person-

Bank Books retuitoea by mail-ptherRise, as, desirpdt

Letters promptly acknowledged DiVMerid days January and,' ' ^ y

. - Interest paid onj |aouary 1st, lilty

LIT i wmm and we will tell ;,yoa iWhy,c5'our eyes burn and smart.^ Yp'iji possibly need glasses to • relieve thecal from the Strain, or to rectify astigmatism that feeoomes more pronounced v as age Creeps, on,'' or when the eyes are overtaxed. Everyone should have their eyes examined when they feel the slightest burning or smarting sensation when using them. . We will ^examine your eyes free of charge and fit them with proper glasses at a. reasonable price.

Trus$es, stationary, confectionary. Try ibei famous E. B. dyspepsia cure a | th* :' < t4 • ' .

Red Cross Pharmacy, J . A Langlols, Ph Q.. Optldan.

$HARL In 1 the" Lang?


Kr^eat o f . S h v e t Mttsic

Instr .aments.

au'd Sale : S t r i n g

at Miss Marie baforee'S Muslr store .xjrmected with Cluiett & Sons or Troy .and Albany, deal-ers in Pianos, a* .'ddrgaret street, opp Devlin House.


Corps is expected to <bd oa He why eag i J panker. ft b bit train, tomorrow, >. ( , he knew Hi

There is eousideraWss myster)|- abouit f SCump&tkin^ plana, al though all 1 inb^matidn ohtainahls Indlcatea thaj the bulk of bis army is still arou iftuSfden, a»d the attijslal tatliriatlo are that JKbropatftln d >es not. «Oatem| v William Wl plate retMag further ^ t ^reseuti tfcerf * >exeei4tlv56 Is coasidierab|e. eceptcisnx oa | tA^® " points. About all that Is de^al ' * knpwn is that a const ierable njumoei of 'his troops aifeialrei dy gone worth. t t a t the heights hear the O a o rive; a t *Tie Pass h a # beei fortified, the pass has been securedf ana that! c&tjalry ,1s scouting wide on the) RiiS' siaii (flanks to signal tiie first; iftaiea*] "tioii of a new taming! movement on>| that the natlo: the part of the Japanese. Oaljl outxl front a»is ti posts skirmishes of litUe lmj?or,tanea| to carry this haVjei been reported. ; i | and Fairbanks,

J aps Take Port / l i t h u r I^oijt. | If the Pw^ker Che Poo, Sept. IS.-The1 da:

troops between September § an captured a fort situated allies east of Golden HjUl, t|y The1 nghting was not se

dd'forjgranted that plans o? $fr, (Porker

jt ' a n d his frieoMsl as h e s p m t a day a t Bsopns the early pt Jrt of t ie wee|;»

To m*ke silW tha t ids person^ In-protecteji, Chairman

The ac knowledg left town suit the fifs palgne in i |

I t is thepktentidm of Sheehan-Rmn men to keep Taggart in the Wes£ if p)gslbl«f. eis j three personal |nends>~j&x-Smatorl Jamee IC Jones, of Arfensas; Charles A. Walsh, of 1 0 W firmer secretary of thenational|jJcomri|ttee, and J . G, Johnson, ofljljCftns(sf a 'Bryaa-iKearst

ed to k e ?p away from iontnittee leadqidarters

ted of co<l>liiess t»wsttd vas.

tlhat ex^Senatoir Hill th<; revolution yester-did aot wsl t national d he did! not -call on

, 1 aia&

Mo,'Knnt andjTek> L 2\% Mo. K a n and ' fex , prf. / l i f t N. T, C e n t r a l l . , , , . [ . 1 4 ^ Ont. and West Pennsylvania j People's Gas Reading . .«< i 1 . . Rock ^Island.5. | . . Southern Pacific . Southern RailWay . Tenn. Coal and txon Union Pacific X .. tr, s. Steeu.. . U. S.€teel pfd. XL S. l e a t h e r J , Mexican Central . * . . i] Am. Locomo^ve. . , %6^ Wabash { . .* ' . 21' Wabash pfd . . I . . , , 4 i . Ininpis Cent i.t.%ril$$ik Am. Car. Pott^dry > v»^?2-Chgo. and Altdnf . . . / « . Colo. Fuel and Ipron ." 34!




our country pradupsi Personal attention leliveries made pjro^|(y||pyl4ref«l teamsters,

f town wagon-boxes r Street Crossing. ^

goaf and dust. " diry screened coal 4* JJW

H, u WHJOCJ2k\k i SON. I Clinton St., n e a r 3|angai


PAINTS, Bia* $amh

Texas Pacific, i 4 .'$2 _ j +

PRANCB SB&DS Imbmtpaok

at WorWngnien C|o«in|g t * Stj liOtth the Goveriunent,i» E t p

Pai'ls, Sept 16—A deles French workingtqen,,sejnt ft! the gbv-

ew ISp: ittfe. Th<

ks rnanu-

w|thou a i , Chai

sh and .alters. 'elt a s


Idi nav wlilch h e has ifor :?arker and


coneuiting rraaa of the

appointed; jdhnsoti to IWftfc these If he could

«Messrs Jones, the Staff a t h men on. guard! risk a t r ip to promlced to

There is Httlil dottbt t h a i the Parker managers regam the fSgnfc a^ lost All the Indications) M e that «t3t the funds

iCianjuittt© can liilse t


ernment's expense saftlSj for tomorrow on its i p y t o ^ t ( i

* industries represented |are. faeture of oottoi| go'ods1^ maiical struments,* shfaefe, Ihajts, 40a*hJ» tools and railway sa»p|Jes.| matoq?L«* in commercial affairejandJtotaail dis­tribution, and t tef heads! «;f jffleju»t«m-al labor organlssatiouB, ^L MiBru iskn aad ffltousseau, V 4 c o m p f ^ ? r # ! $®W which, after visifaag ffiTew Ylrkji will to other ATOericstajciMes aud Gahada

—S—-I ] . n go

RiJSsiun Cruiser Off. VattiCoavisr. jV^torta,,©.. a Sept

L, . eis iiad petty officers fiom,H. ML ^J gating Musical Hif. ^Ufton yesierday gave'out) the iftoty^

ttiatithe Russian volunteer cjrjuiserj Ko­rea had beeu sighted by i sdcuUnk de­stroyer of the British Navy' about 100' miles northwest of Caje ijeottj off iQueeh. Chariotfle ".sound last Sunday, etaading southwest, under easy 8t)eam and Widently llieading for tl|e Straits of Filca. : , !

out of the wrec: jrivi can prelvent the

on a hilt t w ^ P 0 - 1 5 ?amng , auiti leommlttee »ud

next j j^ t ion i t i t 6 QWOfls*

fceeban and

A Notre) 0^mefLadv, I will Rend 1*69. wit^ fuW ^nstri

tlons, some of thlfe simpfe ^paratloa for the cure of! ^ucfa8^o^| : , ta tcel

tioa, Dfeplaceuiefi i, f w ^ i of fi ,-ard will he spent ^ o r o b - 8 a ^ r ^ Z ' ^ f f i i J ^ f S . . .

Bate a ^ l u s ; Roosevelt ^ ^ r a ^ G ^ & ? ^ S & Tl I iSsuAand Rruce #F? *> £ * ^ ^ ^ M ^ l ^ ' ^ u

c an s a r i N«w York , ^ ^ . ^ f f j * **»•• &&&« m * ^ syifignr e- that they Female Troubles,

uttiandClearst men- orfesQ. To xti

ore. COi

i oi U;^na«<?na!' «a»8W«» I will fxpi

ibles, to..M:;;i?n|hag; a|d«-moth B$BY , j ' | |K i-;, '"|^a5wtog


M.-tfBlUejack-'iifee a »tateme:

m 1 . P I P P "

. c o n t P t o g J ^ . H ^ l ' m t o e a t ^ I f . y M r ^ t t w :•".*...! •" cojiUnue; i t wiU jo|ily •,-<$# ::pl^w^:":^2 m W3HIam • F ce^ts' ;a "week to jgnairaii'lfie 'e<-:cuije. • Gorni aa wilt' Is- T 4 l o t h e r 6 u f f e ^ f ? o f 4f;|hatil!5 a31| I ing-:thk Senator ask. If you axejidtereftp/wijlto- no.W

oraian has beeij aStachedUo the b a - . »nf ttB your, suffering |lf|64as of , onal committee! o Jy in an a^vi- • Address. Mrs. M.; ^ummepj ' fBox 41p..

| » r y capacity, an|.tJfc|at Cbaifraan Tjag- Notre Dame, Indj. ! <>.:•• s i •• t's prerogati

illed. ave not been cur-


FI.V. .LAlifMf'EJl,

135 > Girls.




driisi, t'baffec &tui Wadt Adree That Reduction is Pntctictible.

f Washington. Sept. 16.—With a view '.to a reduction in the expense of main­taining a large military establishment in the Philippines. Lieut '3««». Chaffee. Thief;of Staff, recently cabled an in­quiry fto Major Gen. Wad?, command­ing thie Philippines EMvisi >n, asking if

:<oudft|ons in the islands would not jusUfi the reduction of the" present-, milita

"5: cents and $1.

hursday 7 p.m.

^nients-y force-there from four regl-of cavalry and nin« <>f ipfantry

{to thr^e regiments of < *eve,n >f Infantry. , G.en. Chaffee has receii'

avalry \ahd t:


etective Sergeaii ts Orders 1 to Duty as Roundsman in I 'niionn. •

Ifew York, Sept tii.r-Plans to rein-fgorate tae police! Japartnent have een put into operation by Oommisr foner McAdoo. :jilts; first action , in

is lint> was to ore pr W men who have r years done dutj ai i detective serge&its ig uniforms and >ec The commisionen t> ! a nttmber of the iierlgl iss in the detection en will pot be rei uc

compelled to fa lo rJgular beats and sfe ttf business.

The eommlsstonef) d|edlared-. s purpose to push! la

numerous burfflar

•^^M ^^^B ^^^m ^^^Ml ^^^M r ^^^^ ^^^W^^^^W. ^^^H ^^^V^V^H


variou 3 stations :p resume wear-

mdsmen. denounc-

nts t s worth-bf'criina The 1 ln> sa ary, win

\r\ patrolmen on at th!c.y attsenct

I I I I I I 1 S Cd Quicky 6pm the Gpwet yrjv) *S»: you.

I • . <ONE $UCMR«Ndfc^t|AT. '

I McreeJl-Soulc Q». Sytacus i jNf. Y.

MAECES DAfNTY Ep|Sf • Recipes in Pacluigp|" ;., - .

i 1, !5'-"'i ' -S«3xl your-Name oo a PtptHl'jGudiar


House eel give satis) on ordi; wnen the Let us all


^ E M - M I X IfjmeaMyeanB, The only _P!aMi»«& hum o|i*very package. Will cover Ifl

l11 lyea is . The o n l y ^ - 2 — package. Will cover la been thoroughly tested {

idutint to proven, Send f ^ |

3 i45-3mo I

PBR^T^HJuN T J B » ,

PAINT h a s ' a guarinte* t f

luare feet, two co*i«. we agree t o re-palmt

iple card* a n d »riej«,

sash, doors. b l t e^ / l ^knBPag and hafd.w*i»-

ies H a f M u e <<& d w f l i r t Street, PIat |s%|h, ' N, Y.

• • • <

Sjieh a t Store dimng small lots of wanting titis] lines, owing

Thus, I t as every da| any costt-thl'!

ieadft mmer business as tias 4a:

ee months leaves iallfs wfe ;iat. thofigh probablyj^ust :ij| »L are holding na«ititnd sJjii

,, ^hey occupy. } itiltmportanee fiiat we #Iear i] ^ o ^ h e r day nearer fajl, we

NOW mtmmmmmmm

ON to t he l o r of iSOM a great amount o t

jvery goods' yon are p i g of advance fall

\ \

Ont a t once, and jksf make room a t

The Sharpes t .August Clearance

!f r,om G en. Wade expressing

mX thf rare of 3 ^ per cent., per aarnuii p u r i n g this sale two thousand copies v ! of. popular 60 and 60 cent music wl|i

go at 5. 10 and 15 .cents per copy'. Head quarters for Edison ."!Phoao-grsihs, Vlrtor Talking . Machines an* latest records. Call or write for cata­logue of'tb«'famous SteiUnley edition of-ten cent music 296.7tni

W* Kidney-Si B l a d d e r

troubles. Cures in 48 Hours j


i J3ach Capsule > i the name«3"C

1;e jf oounterfeita

ed a reply the opinion

a Is not on-

dfl apartments and to 1 aUsohitely.safe for inprojtecte^ wo|men afl night.

Uiat tl.e proposed reductio jiy pra-ti.eable.-but ativisable. There-' jjfore it is .more than probable that ar-Irangenients .will soon be made to bring •home 1 he troops in excess of the num­ber reigirded • by Gens. Chaffee ana Wade is essential. •

Labor's* Candida ' ^an I^-ancSsco,

it to be vibssneiis, .check • lei and looting lake the streets

e fon'Oonirress.

t. 1/6--Charles K.f Williams, a civil sendee oommis-

I'' .1 IG F I R E AT H A L I F A X ,

skfier of.this city", j | h i s been naied for Congrrasj in the fl t|ri|t by the labor coivtmtlQn

made on ,the flqpr by the

JShift t


f Wind Saved t h e C i ty—One Girl Ki l led .

N-. S. Sep t . - 16 .—[A for tu -

( W R E L S OF PAIN i-sre,. reafly to fill al* .ora«r». W**.. ou f »uppiy one gallon or.,[ten gaJloni. >f

• anjc color promptly. We carry?a''fine f j i n e <.f PAINTS.. 01LS..CO1X1RS. VAJK

r K I S H B S . STAINS, ahd Palruers ' au >-fplles. All your oeed* can . be '&\]$<< ' here. '



for coal you worit M e d fot

Heat aa?| cck>&^jiai <$d\ Pay after fuel is used


Cheaper top!}

w terl of William J. iMimbent


fyiia, the


nomi-. fth dis-

A fight suppor-pr»esent

o»t Ashore.

Jnate shift of wind undoubtedly saved Halifax from a disastrous conflagra-

Ist'erday,- but, neverless, the


tion y<

from a front.


qity sufered a loss pf about $250,000 fire which swept the water

Patrol .-.toria, B. C.. S#; f . 1«.-^H

SlhArwalter is- ashor thelAlaska peninsula hlerioff had failed, or |even days ago.

e Shearwater is pktfol vessel to gua: iqt^ests . She was

imalt after (E

. M. S. f h, the rpeks of j d. efforts to get (

he-went on si±

m erl^g^Seja and Alaskan walers, ,

|c i ty . . It-.seemed almost pi

1 I !

- iC f

British nl her ng some

©ritish naval sealing

vay to :nontbs


een .3 and 4 o,*clock in the af-, In ternoon'. when the fire wlas .at its I height iand. a-fearful southerly gale'" j " Montana Dertmbcrats. ^•as pushing : i t ; straight t iward the HWena, Mont, SeptJ 1!,—The De'mo-heart of the business center.conster- ' orattc state conventiott ;iominaied;the nation feigned thuoughout the entire fotidwlhg today: eonbessman, A. 0 .

•s^hen shortly after 4 o':lock the jusi wind suddenly veered to the west and. era>

•ovidential Gormley: governor^ J j iffl. Tcole

j.turned the flames along th| \ i apd war|honses. j The fl're consumed sis | wharves, \

v ' two coa | piers, twb hotels), a dozeu \

chief e, 'D. EL iSmlth; j lijsuten&plt gov-

Edwin Morris; secretory of whaires A stktA, Miles Romey; Hpejasurer, ^ v M -


P ? ! ^

THE . F L A I ltiilLKGH jLiUvrtT,,,/-,;A 1 6f UOW.lsJl!

ANt)-RIVER STS. OF| ,iq£l ;HOijRS:S':30 A. iM.:TOia:|

i ' ••' • '»' . ' . , *

/ • l a rge retail


Goodyehr. Don't I f tant t t warehouses ijnd a dumber of ( Blffalo, Sept 'ltfJ-4-Charks W. shjopis. • j " , j Goodyear forma.liy announceil last injHbe lire aj large tree .'fell, nh;hj that hew oul^ rjot be a can^i-

lora Ring,i28 yeais, and in- datetfor the Democratic nomipaticin 'JUring two others,. for liovernor.

If P a i n t -vidfe l |Me.some

o t h e r ' . g o o d s , i t \\|otiid^ b e

u n n e c e s s a r y t o exerpj-sestich

c a r e in i t s se lec t ion | ; f '

O r d i n a r l y : o n e fetijs. a n

a r t i c l e a r id i t s ^aXiij-

w h e t h e r g o o d o r bMl f sgok

b e c o m e s a p p a r e n t . lMf>t s o

w i t h P a i n t i t !requf-es;vtj ipe

t o te l l w h e t h e r o r n ' p t l ' a r r i t ,

wi l l w e a r w e l l ' \ i i

T h i s shotdr l s n g | fi^fet y o u ude on ly ' P a i n t j d n a d e b y a 'TJespons 'b le nikmiidc-

t n r e r ajad so ld b y a| s ib le d e a l e r a r id fulji; t e e d by1 b o t h , j

E l i m i n a t e a l l c h ^ ^ s . b y u s i n g Fores t iC i ty , !Pa i i r i . t -y o t r g e t a hu r jd red jp4a4s;of "pfo tec t ibr i to ; youitf bu i l d ­i n g s a n d . g e n j u i n e s a t i s i a c -tioja fo r f v e ^ r d o l l a r inr


respotiv f'guar/

J+ **• Plattsiurgu, N. t

1;. J i i l .