French Camp Today December 2012

Volume LVII No. 4 Winter 2012 In this Issue: Making the Team Edwards Receives Honor Andy Jones Schoarship Champions for Children French Camp TODAY French Camp Academy, a Christ-centered home and school, exists to serve young people and families for the glory of God.


French Camp Academy newspaper

Transcript of French Camp Today December 2012

Page 1: French Camp Today December 2012

Volume LVII No. 4 www.frenchcamp.orgWinter 2012

In this Issue:Making the Team

Edwards Receives Honor

Andy Jones Schoarship

Champions for Children

French CampTODAY

French Camp Academy, a Christ-centered home and school, exists to serve young people and

families for the glory of God.

Page 2: French Camp Today December 2012

www.frenchcamp.org2 • French Camp TODAY • winTer 2012

By Sylvia Dickson

I can hear the chant across the campus, Go, Panthers. We’re Number 1. The football team has had a stellar year, as well as our cross coun-try team. We are winners on the field and on the track. Those who are not actually carrying the ball or running are cheering as if the game depends on them. Each person plays a part in the team’s success.

Making the Team

CoachingSo, here we are—French Camp Academy with our team together and in training. Each young person fills an important spot. Each brings special skills and talents as well as needs and fears. As we coach and train, we equip them to stand their ground and plunge ahead to the goal line.

Standing their groundYoung people generally come to FCA because they are struggling through some type of difficulty. They have been tossed from one family member to an-other, sent to multiple schools, medicated, and/or pushed aside. With all of this working against them, it’s no wonder they are unstable, confused, down on themselves and wanting to give up.

How do we help them? Stability requires discipline, confidence, clarity and perse-verance. French Camp Academy gives them safety and security as they learn how to hurdle over obstacles from their past. Some arrive ready to race forward; others need a firm foundation.

Discipline is a huge component to train-ing, whether on the track, in school or in life. God’s word tells us, No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Lat-er on, however, it produces a harvest of righ-teousness and peace for those who have been trained by it (Hebrews 12:11). We want great things for our students so we help them learn self control by setting a sched-ule for them, requiring follow through on

projects and promises, and continually teach-ing them to live by godly principles.

Being successful in these small things helps them gain confidence. They finish an assignment well and they get a good grade. They finish a task well and they get praise and a good reputation. They learn a new skill and they have a greater sense of value. They listen to a sermon or devotional and they gain clarity and understand-ing. They fall down and they have people around them to help them get up and go again which devel-ops perseverance.

Plunging aheadLearning to stand firm is essential to the next step. When they are ready, they plunge ahead. They are prepared to face the future which will include good

times and bad times. But when they leave FCA the way for living a healthy life has been handed to them.

God’s word is primary in training them to stand firm and plunge ahead. It prepares them for day to day living, gives them security and offers them firm guidance on running their race.

And the Winner Is…The race is on. The dorms are full, classrooms are churning, sports teams are competing, choirs are singing, and young people are finding out where they fit. Some of them like being here and others do not want to be here. But we know they are here because God wants them here. And the staff—we are here because God wants us here.

What about you? Each of God’s children are called to love Christ and love one another. What does that look like to you? Every day we are called on to run the race; therefore…let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us (He-brews 12:1). Let’s join together through prayer and ser-vice and encourage each other to…run in such a way as to get the prize (I Corinthians 9:24). u

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French Camp TODAY French Camp TODAY (USPS 210-100) is pub-lished quarterly in March, June, September and December each year by French Camp Academy, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization. Periodical postage paid at Hattiesburg, MS. POSTMAS-TER: Send address changes to French Camp TO-DAY, One Fine Place, French Camp, MS 39745-9703.

There is no subscription charge for French Camp TODAY; it is financed by voluntary contributions from friends of the Academy and is printed by Signature Graphics, Hattiesburg, MS. Graphics/photographs/text by Sylvia Dickson, Hannah O’Brien, and other FCA staff and students. The mailing list of French Camp TODAY is confidential and is not shared with other organizations.

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Reporting in French Camp TODAY is intended to inform readers of the life and work of French Camp Academy, a Christ-centered home and school serving young people and their families for the glory of God. French Camp Academy is accredited by the State Department of Education, Jackson, MS.

We desire to hear from you. Please direct correspondence to Lance Ragsdale, Director of Development.

French Camp AcademyOne Fine PlaceFrench Camp, MS 39745-9703662-547-6482 or

BOARD OF TRUSTEESJohn H. (Bo) Bowen III ............................JacksonThomas H. Bowen, Jr. ..............................JacksonH. Donald Brock .................................GreenwoodDave Fair ...................................................OxfordGlenn Galey ........................................HattiesburgEd Gove, Jr ........................................BrookhavenToxey Hall III, Chairman ..........................CantonG. Carey Hauenstein ................................... LaurelCarson Hughes, Vice Chairman ...............JacksonScott Kiewit ................................................ LaurelLee Lampton .............................................JacksonJohn Lynch ........................................BrookhavenTommy Peaster, Vice Chairman ................... FloraHugh Potts, Jr. .....................................KosciuskoJohn Sumner .............................................WinonaAndy Wells ........................................... Memphis

President’s PersPective

Misplaced Something?

Mission Statement

French Camp Academy, a Christ-centered home and school, exists to serve young people

and families for the glory of God.O n e F i n e P l a c e


Recently Lance (FCA VP of Development) and I were scheduled to fly to the DC area. We had our travel times down to the minute when we received word that our flight had been delayed for at least an hour. This was welcome news, as it meant we would have more time to be at home with our families. Little did we know, within the next hour, the flight was back on its original time.

We had to hustle to make it to the airport from French Camp. When we got to the airport, we frantically dropped our luggage and I headed to park the car. I ran hard from the parking lot to the terminal only to discover at the security check point that I did not have my wallet. Shoot! As I quickly went through my pockets with no success, my hopes began to crumble as these thoughts came running through my mind: here we are…made it all this way through all these obstacles … and no wallet. My hope was fading quickly. There was one place left to check—my sport coat pocket. Ta da! There it was. I verbally let out a big “thank you, Jesus,” in front of all the security folks and we boarded the plane with two minutes to spare. Shewwww!!

God’s been teaching me lately about misplacing things. We all have done it—a wallet, a set of car keys, a purse; but, lately God has been teaching me about something more important—misplaced hope. As humans, we tend to do that, don’t we? We place our hope in the latest gadget, new business deal, politics, sports teams, degrees, positions and sometimes, we even place our hope in other people.

God tells us in his Word where our hope needs to be, in Him.

If you are not sure in what or where you are placing your hope, here is a test that may help you. Think about the last time you were disappointed in something or someone. How much heart ache or disappointment did you experience? It may be equal to the amount of hope you had placed in that circumstance or person.

The Bible tells us in Romans 5 that the hope we place in God is unwavering and never changes. Hope in God is much different than day to day issues that change as fast as flight schedules. Why does it never change? It is a hope placed in the finished and completed work of Jesus. Christ can offer us a true and living hope because of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection. The hopes we have here on earth are temporal; the hope Jesus gives all who come to him is eternal. It is the hope of Heaven!

As we celebrate the season of Jesus’ birth into the world, let us all ask ourselves these questions: Where is our hope? Will it stand the test of eternity?

All of us at French Camp wish you and yours a very merry Christ-mas and pray that you will rest in the greatest gift of all—the hope of Jesus.

French Camp—a place where hope not only lives, but calls out to those in need of it.

P.S. If you are fortunate enough to have some leftovers after shopping, please remember our dear young ones here at French Camp. It may be the best gift you give.

Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and we rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffer-ing produces endurance, and endurance pro-duces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who has been given to us. (Romans 5:1-5 ESV)

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Board Member Glenn GaleyGlenn Galey of Hattiesburg, MS has been an active member of the French Camp Academy Board of Trustees since 1995. He serves on the Home and School Committee, and the Audit & Investment Committee. Mr. Galey received his Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Mississippi, is a certified Insurance Counselor and Chartered Life Underwriter. He works with South Group Insurance Services, is on the Trustmark Hattiesburg Advisory Board, Asbury Foundation Board, and Baptist Medical & Dental Missions International

Board. He also teaches Sunday school and loves serving on short term mission trips.He and his wife, Gayle, worship at First Baptist Church of Hattiesburg. They have 2 sons, Roman & Ryan.His enthusiasm, desire to see young people grow in Christ and love for the ministry of French Camp Academy is appreciated by so many of us who know Mr. Galey personally. u

Running the Distance: Andrew Jones Endowed ScholarshipBy Sylvia Dickson

When Dr. Andrew Jones goes home to glory, he will leave a gift to French Camp Academy that will keep on giving into the future. An endowed schol-arship fund benefitting needy students at French Camp Academy will be established through his IRA and proceeds from his estate.

Andy is a member of the FCA class of 1949. He is the son of Clint and Irene Peeler Jones of the Berea community. Dr. Jones graduated from Mis-sissippi College, received his master’s degree at

Mississippi Southern (now USM), and the University of Mississippi granted him a doctorate in School Supervision.

Andy invested several years of his career as an educator/administrator at FCA. During 1952-53 and 1955-57, he taught anything from social studies to typ-ing, and served as principal under Billy Thompson, FCA superintendent and Sam Patterson, president. Some of the other places his career took him were MSCW/MUW and Delta State University.

Dr. Andy Jones is the newest member inducted into the Sam Patterson Society. This society is made up of individuals who have made provision for the acad-emy’s ministry in their estate, wills or trusts. As he invested in the past, his gift that establishes the Andrew Jones Endowed Scholarship secures an investment in many future generations. u

Planning Now for the FutureAs French Camp Academy addresses future challenges, your generos-ity will make all the difference in our ministry to young people. That’s why we seek your support through planned giving. By partnering to-gether we believe our stewardship of God’s resources will multiply.

We want to make certain that you benefit from making a gift to us, just like Dr. Jones. Benefits come in the form of possible current income tax deductions, avoidance of long-term capital gains tax, increase in income and effective rate of return, and a reduction in estate and gift taxes.

Through planned giving, you have the knowledge you’ve made a differ-ence in the lives of young people and are able to improve your financial and tax position, in many cases, right away.

We recommend that you obtain the council and wisdom of a pro-fessional financial advisor who specializes in gift and estate planning. There are many ways that your sacrificial giving can blend with your own financial needs and tax planning. u

Sam Patterson SocietyFrench Camp Academy has created the Sam Patterson Society, to honor those who so faithfully support this ministry. It is to the memory of Mr. Pat’s dedication and selfless service to the work of building God’s kingdom that FCA established this soci-ety. Mr. Pat served French Camp Academy as president from 1950-67, and has been credited by many as God’s instrument to save the school from closing.

Members of the Sam Patterson Society share in the unique privilege of knowing their legacy of supporting the important work of French Camp will continue long after they are gone. This society is made up of individuals who have made provision for the academy’s ministry in their estate, wills or trusts.

Contact FCAFor information on legacy giving and the Sam Patterson Society, contact Bill Ad-ams, Director of Planned Giving at French Camp Academy, at (662) 547-9464 or email [email protected]. Bill will be happy to work with you or your advi-sors to help plan for your future. Bill spent over 30 years working at French Camp as Vice President of Finance, and prior to being called was involved in the banking industry. u

…put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. (Ephesians 6: 13-15)

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Edwards Receives AwardBy Sylvia Dickson

While those of us at FCA were hobnob-bing at Harvest Festival on October 13, Belhaven University in Jackson, MS was holding its annual Homecoming. The item that caught our attention was their selection for the Alumnus of the Year Award.: FCA President, F. Stewart Ed-wards, Jr.

Each year this award is given to a graduate who has brought distinction to his or herself and to his/her alma mater through outstanding service to the community, to state, to nation; or through creativity in their chosen career field. Stewart also received the Young Alumnus of the Year award in 2002.

Growth…PotentialStewart Edwards, an only child, was born to Frank and Janie Edwards of Gulfport, MS. His mother taught first grade and his father ran his own sand and gravel business. They were active members of Westminster Presbyterian Church. Edwards said, I grew up in a Christian home and always felt close to God.

Two of his childhood loves were scouting and baseball. His coaches and scout leaders, along with his church youth director invested much time in him. He became an Eagle Scout and walked on the Belhaven baseball team, playing dur-ing his sophomore year.

The Belhaven YearsEdwards’ decision to attend Belhaven was influenced by his mother, who also attended Belhaven, and the time he had spent on campus for youth camps and summer Bible conferences.

He graduated from Belhaven in 1992 with a major in Christian Ministries and a minor in Bible. His leading from God at that time was into youth ministry where he could influence others as his youth director had influenced him.

While a BU student, Edwards served as vice-president and president of the student body, was voted a class favorite, involved with the student mission fel-lowship, and received the Christian Ministries Award.

Career…ChoicesDuring his senior year at BU, Edwards was hired as the part-time youth Director at Covenant Pres-byterian Church in Jackson, MS. Following grad-uation he became full-time and served there for 5 ½ years. During this time he also took classes at Reformed Theological Seminary, was an RD at Belhaven, and married Rebecca Holman. He and Rebecca are now parents of a son, Holman, age 11, and a daughter, Dabney, age 9.

Stewart gives credit to all those who have gone before him and now surround him: parents, scout masters, youth directors, coaches, teachers and peers. Joe Martin at Belhaven was instru-mental in developing Stewart’s interest in mis-sions through a mission trip to Brazil in 1990. Al Chestnut encouraged him to give up marine biology and refocus his career choice.

Stewart and Rebecca married in December 1996, and moved into a suite in a freshman boys’ dorm where Stewart was the Resident Director. The next year he became Director of Student Life at Belhaven.

Finding French Camp During his tenure at Covenant, one of the members, Stuart Irby, invited him to a luncheon where Ed Williford and Rich Cannon of French Camp Academy were speaking. This was Stewart’s first introduction to the mission of FCA.

As youth director he had brought groups to the Camp of the Rising Son for weekend retreats. I drove through campus to the lake and didn’t have a clue about what all was going on here. All I knew about was the camp area.

In 1999, Ed Williford approached him about coming to work at FCA as the As-sociate Director of Development. He and Rebecca visited campus three times before being certain that this was God’s calling to them. They arrived, bringing with them their servants’ hearts, strength of character, and diligent work ethic.

In 2003, members of the FCA Board of Trustees approached Edwards about a new challenge, that of President of French Camp Academy. His first reaction was a firm, no. However, following weeks of prayer, scripture study and godly guidance from others, Stewart was convinced this was God’s plan and he ac-cepted the challenge.

The hallmark of his service at FCA to this point is in putting together the Team for Strategic Planning. He stated, It is bearing fruit in defining core values, FCA’s role with the church, missions, student life, instituting Christian Worldview classes, and expressing the love of Christ.

Speaking LifeGod equips us to do what he calls us to do. Edwards sees that in his life through being an only child and learning to be comfortable in his own skin, a godly home, Chris-tian mentors from church to sports to scouting, leadership roles at Belhaven and a godly wife from a ministry ori-ented family.

These and many more were speaking life to him. Edwards said this about the award from Belhaven: It is a testimony of God’s grace in my life through people who invested in me…in speaking life into my life.

The Mission Statement for French Camp Academy is to serve young people and their fam-ilies for the glory of God. Stewart Edwards exemplifies this mis-sion day by day, week by week, from one challenge to another. He speaks life and serves others wherever he goes. u

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July ADAMS, SR., WILEY REBHUN Haddox Reid Burkes & Calhoun PLLC Mr. and Mrs. John F. LewisALLEN, CHARLES, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. GraeberANDERSON, ROBERT C. Mr. and Mrs. Grayson W. AndersonANDREWS, MR. W. L. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. PeasterBAGLEY, WAYNE Mrs. Jeri BagleyBAILEY, ROBERT Mrs. Lorraine BaileyBAIRD, MRS. GENYTH Mr. and Mrs. R. N. BarrettBAKER, MERRILL SANDERS, Lumberton, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray FultonBARNES, DR. THOMAS Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, IIIBATTE, SR., JOHN E., Jackson, MS The Megginson FoundationBEARD, SUSANNE, Columbus, MS Mr. and Mrs. James A. TurnerBECKHAM, WILBER LEE Mrs. Amelia BeckhamBELL, MRS. DORIS, Durant, MS Mrs. Dorothy C. BlantonBENNETT, DELMAS D. AND WILLIE RUTH Mrs. June L. ClemonsBERRYMAN, SR., RONALD EDGAR (TWITTY), Guntown, MS Carnathan Law OfficeBISHOP, ELEANOR MECKLIN, Hernando, MS Mr. and Mrs. John P. Barber Mrs. Ruth R. Callicott Ms. Ella R. Emery Ms. Susie E. Mainord Mrs. Mary Lou L. Moore

Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Purvis Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L. Scott Mr. Robert A. Stark Mrs. Sally E. Stewart Mrs. Allene R. Prude Mrs. Geraldine G. Trobaugh Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCallen Mr. and Mrs. John W. Measells Mr. and Mrs. Charles David Mecklin, Jr. Mrs. Margaret M. SuttonBITTERMAN, CLIFF, Sebring, FL Mr. and Mrs. Lance RagsdaleBLAKE, REBECCA Mr. James E. Poole, Jr.BLOSSMAN, JOHN Mrs. Courtney BlossmanBLOUNT, CHAN, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. George R. Day Mr. R. Fulton Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Toxey Hall, IIIBOLING, JONATHAN Mr. and Mrs. James S. ArmstrongBONNER, MRS. HARRY, Greenwood, MS Mr. and Mrs. Giles BoundsBORGOGNONI, JR., SAM Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Foster Legacy Wealth Management Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. StaffordBOWMAN, JOSEPHINE AND FLOYD Mr. and Mrs. Lance RagsdaleBOYD, SONNY, Louisville, MS Dr. and Mrs. Samuel K. SuttleBRANUM, BETTY SUE SPANN Mr. and Mrs. Dick FarrBREAZEALE, MISSYE RHEE Mrs. Doris BrickellBRYANT, MR. PHILLIP D., Oxford, MS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. SmithBUCHANAN, DR. DOUGLAS PRESCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Walter A. Becker Mrs. Gisele Hansbrough

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Taylor The Elder Law Firm, LLC Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Henley Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lowther Mr. and Mrs. William Steve Owen, III Mrs. Pam Tatnall Miss Ann Benton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. King, II Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. Garraway Dr. and Mrs. William F. Sneed Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. WatsonBUCK, JUDGE AND MRS. HARVEY S. Mr. and Mrs. Thad BuckBURNHAM, BILL, Jackson, MS Mrs. Georgia L. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hays Dr. and Mrs. Clark Strange Ms. Sue S. NowellBUTLER, JOE NEAL, Brentwood, TN Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. RainesCADE, BETH Mr. and Mrs. Lewis S. FreedmanCAIN, BECKY Golden China Restaurant of FlowoodCAMPBELL, COLIN, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence C. GraeberCARRUTHERS, JR., EWING Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. Varney Mr. William P. DulaneyCARSON, THOMAS GORDON, Kosciusko, MS Mr. Thomas Scott CarsonCARUTHERS, MR. CATLIN Mr. and Mrs. Randy WhiteCAVETT, JR., DR. JAMES R., Jackson, MS Ms. Jean T. BrewerCHIQUELIN, WILLIAM PRINCE Mr. and Mrs. George A. FountainCLARK, BILLY, Houston, MS Mrs. Jeannette Davis Houlka Presbyterian Church

Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Houser Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Scott, Sr.CLARK, MR. STEVE Mr. and Mrs. Al OwenCOGGINS, SADIE AND HUBERT Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. RecordCOKER, ESTHER M. ARD Medical Clinic, PLLCCOLEMAN, ERICA Mr. and Mrs. Marcus AndersonCOLEMAN, HARRIS Ms. Susan F. Frasier Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Henry J. Jones Mrs. Charlotte Koch Ms. Shirley P. Sharkey Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. HudnallCOLEMAN, HARRIS AND JEAN Mr. and Mrs. James R. HewsCOLEMAN, LILLIAN Mrs. Frances StringerCOOK, DR. TOM Mrs. Marilyn Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel RoseCOPELAND, JR., DR. CLYDE Mrs. Elizabeth Wise CopelandCRAWFORD, ANNE J. Mrs. Roberta M. SadlerCROWDER, JEFF, French Camp, MS Mr. and Mrs. William M. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Terry Garlan Liddell Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Purvis Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Rose Mrs. Ernie Crowder SchenkeDANIELS, SALLY JEAN Mr. and Mrs. Keith McIntyre Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy PeeplesDEWITT, KYLIE Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy F. Green Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. PeasterDICKERSON, SARANELL, Durant, MS

Mrs. Dorothy C. Blanton Ms. Betty Jo Chamness Mr. and Mrs. George C. Hand, Jr.DICKSON, JR., TOMMIE FLOWERS Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. DavidsonDOBBINS, MR. SAM, Belzoni, MS Mrs. Marian S. AllenDUNCAN, EDWARD CLIFTON, Bessemer, AL Dr. and Mrs. Ethan B. RubenFORREST, T. LEE, Vicksburg, MS Dr. and Mrs. Tom H. MitchellFOWLER, FRANCES T. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. King, IIFRAZIER, MRS. DELL Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Allen NealFULCE, MRS. LAURIE Mr. and Mrs. George L. HandGAFFORD, ROBERT V., Hohenwald, TN Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. EllisonGIDDENS, JACK W., Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. AllenGODWIN, LOUISE, Tupelo, MS Mr. Jim HighGRAY, JR., LOYS A. Ms. Janet H. FletcherGREENWOOD, ANN Mr. and Mrs. Larry W. DykesGRICE, MR. AND MRS. VIRGIL Mrs. Lorraine BaileyHAGGARD, JOHN THOMAS, Louisville, MS Mrs. Margaret QuinnHAIRSTON, LUCILLE, Silver City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Peaster Fred T. Neely & Company, CPA Mrs. Roma H. Askew Mrs. Virginia WaltersHANKINS, JAMES, Greenwood, MS Mr. and Mrs. Pat LewisHANS, DOT, PASCAGOULA, MS Mrs. Janie Hans Edwards Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy J. Milstead

MeMorial GiftsWe strive to answer memorials and notify relatives as quickly and accurately as possible after they are received. When you send in a memorial, please

include the name of the deceased, the complete address of the person you wish notified and your complete address. Important: IF YOU DO NOT INCLUDE A NAME and ADDRESS OF A RELATIVE OR FRIEND OF THE DECEASED, WE WILL BE UNABLE TO NOTIFY ANYONE OF YOUR GIFT. Follow the same procedure for honor gifts. (A blank form and envelope appear in this issue.)

Honor gifts show appreciation to a living person –such as teachers, pastors, parents, etc., while helping students at FCA. To make an Honor Gift, you may use the form/envelope provided, designating the type of gift you are making. The honoree will be notified of your thoughtfulness. Amounts of gifts are never divulged.

Honor Gifts

July ANDING, REV. AND MRS. BOB, Florence, MS Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileyBARRANCO, MR. AND MRS. JOHNNY, Jackson, MS Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileyBENEDICT, QUENTIN AND LUELLA, Hattiesburg, MS Mr. Marshall C. Smith, Jr.BOWDEN, ESTELLE, McHenry, MS Mrs. Emily BiggersCURTIS, MISS NITA, French Camp, MS Mr. Charles Timothy CurtisDAVIS, MRS. WALTER, Burlington, NC Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileyDUKES, MR. AND MRS. LEE, Carmel, IN Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileyFAUST, DR. AND MRS. JOHN M., Hattiesburg, MS Mr. Marshall C. Smith, Jr.FLYNT, HANNES, Brandon, MS Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. FlyntGIBSON, MR. AND MRS. FREDDIE, Judsonia, AR Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileyHILL, MRS. YONA, Saucier, MS Mrs. Estelle BowdenHUGHES, CARSON & KAY Mrs. Sybil R. Canon Dr. and Mrs. Howard H. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Flinn Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. McBride, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Armin J. Moeller, Jr. Northwest MS Community College Mr. James A. Torrey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Love Fair, III Mr. and Mrs. M. Lynn AdkinsJENNINGS, MRS. MARY Dr. A. Fred Hodges, O. D.

LOVE, DAVID, Raymond, MS Mr. and Mrs. A. Charles TannerMANGUM, JR., J. W., Hattiesburg, MS Mr. and Mrs. T. Roscoe Hearon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn M. MangumMCCREEDY, BILL AND CAROL ANN, McHenry, MS Mrs. Estelle BowdenMCREYNOLDS, BOBBY AND LISA Mr. and Mrs. Hembree BrandonMIDDLETON, KOLLY Mrs. Lynn M. GarnerSNYDER, MRS. MARY ANN, Flowood, MS Mrs. Dorothy Davis Miley

AugustBALL, MR. AND MRS. BILLY, Indian Springs, AL Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ball, Jr.BALL, MR. AND MRS. RUSTY, Pensacola, FL Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ball, Jr.BARLOW, SCOTT, French Camp, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. RichBELK, JOHNNY AND ELIZABETH, Ethel, MS Mr. and Mrs. Alton Westbrook Mr. and Mrs. Wayne HeilbronnerBETTS, SHIRELL, Morton, MS Ross & Betts, LLCCARROLL, MRS. MAUDE Dr. and Mrs. James M. BairdCHANDLER, MR. WALTER, Okolona, MS Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileyCOCKRELL, MR. AND MRS. CHAD, Jackson, MS Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileyDICKSON, SAM, French Camp, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. RichFRERER, JIM, Tupelo, MS Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S. Potts, Jr.

HEIMENDINGER, MRS. HENRY, Overland Park, KS Mrs. Dorothy Davis MileyHUGHES, CARSON AND KAY, Brandon, MS Dr. and Mrs. James M. Baird Mr. Thomas H. Bowen, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Chamblee Ms. Josee S. Gavin Mr. and Mrs. John Gwaltney Mr. and Mrs. Ellis T. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. Kraskin Mr. and Mrs. Trent Lott Mr. and Mrs. John M. McCullough Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Mayes McGehee Mr. A. T. Williams Dr. and Mrs. G. Boyd ShawJAYROE, MRS. LEE AUDIS, Louisville, MS Mrs. Margaret QuinnKEELER, REV. AND MRS. STEVE, Beaufort, SC Mr. and Mrs. James W. CrookKIEWIT, SCOTT, Laurel, MS Mrs. Marvel P. KiewitMCAFEE, MR. JEFF, Demopolis, AL Mr. Lee G. FullerMINCHER, LARRY, French Camp, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. RichMURPHREE, PEGGY Mr. and Mrs. Paul CochranQUINN, TOWNES Mr. and Mrs. Frank Quinn, Jr.ROWELL, MR. AND MRS. JIM, Brandon, MS Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ball, Jr.SCHLOSSER, DAVID AND ELLEN, Greensboro, NC Kingsley Inc.STEVENS, W. H., Forest, MS Mr. and Mrs. Dale RogersSWITTENBERG, MRS. R. R. (ALICE), Ridgeland, MS Mrs. Mary Ann White Maddux

WHITWER, REV. AND MRS. BILL, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. James W. Crook

SeptemberADAMS, BILL AND SHARON, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. C. Larry VanceALFORD, DR. TIMOTHY J., Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopANGLE, ANN, University, MS Mr. and Mrs. Roger SimpsonCHAIN, JR., DR. AND MRS. BELA J., Oxford, MS Max L. WaldropDILLON, HAROLD AND DORIS, Meadville, MS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. PearceDOZIER, MR. AND MRS. GERALD, Brandon, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lance RagsdaleGREENLEE, J. LANE, Winona, MS Ms. Jacqueline A. BridgesHALSEY, ANDY AND GRACE, Charleston, MS Mr. and Mrs. Isaac SayleHESTER, HEATHER, Taylorsville, MS Mr. and Mrs. Jack AlexanderHUGHES, CARSON AND KAY Mr. and Mrs. Warner Alford Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Carpenter Community Foundation of Greater JacksonKORNEGAY, CHACHI, Pleasant Gordon, NC Kingsley Inc.MCDANIEL, KEITH Mr. John D. DotyMILLER, RAY AND DAYTON, Lake Oswego, OR Dr. and Mrs. Ethan B. RubenMOORE, DR. AND MRS. PAUL H., Pascagoula, MS Mr. and Mrs. John R. Bise, IVNUTT, BENNIE, Flora, MS Rev. and Mrs. Billy W. Stanford

PURVIS, ROY, French Camp, MS Mr. Robert L. McClellanSENYARD, JAMIE AnonymousSOLIMINE, RACHEL Mr. Michael SolimineSONES, BUDDY, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. Bennie NuttSTRINGER, MR. JOHN, Ridgeland, MS Mr. Lee G. FullerSWAYZE GUTSALL, JAMES AND ELIZABETH Mrs. Ann ShipleyTHOMAS, DR. AND MRS. LAMAR, Birmingham, AL Mr. and Mrs. Frank SpiresTOLLESON, FRED AND MARGIE Mrs. Mary Ruth TruesdaleUTLEY, KEN AND LYN, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. L. W. UtleyWILLIAMS, JOEL AND SYLVIA, West Point, MS Mr. and Mrs. James Simmons

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French Camp Academy: First in 1-A Cross Country Championship.FCA placed number one in the MHSAA 1-A Division at the State Cross Country meet on Saturday, November 10 at Choctaw Trails in Clinton, MS. Seventeen teams competed for the championship. Scores from the top 5 runners finishing for each team were compiled to recognize the top five teams in the state. Pictured from left to right: Joey Storment (overall 2nd place), Kazeto Lakok, Alex Perilloux, Coach Hugh Long, Michael Riley, Kylan Hazelgrove, David Edwards, and Trevor Wilkerson (overall 1st place). u

Panther Football Makes History

Something to Cheer AboutBy Sylvia Dickson

The cheerleaders are perfecting their skills as they prepare for the MHSAA state cheer championship on Sat-urday, December 15th

in the Jackson, MS Coliseum.

The 15 member team will compete in the small varsity, non-tumbling category. The routine will be 2 ½ minutes long: 1 minute will incorporate cheers, signs, props and stunts; 1 ½ minutes will include music, dance, stunts and pyramids.

Cheer coach, Tonya Barlow, is very excited about this opportunity. I believe this is our first competi-tion since 2000, she said. We’ve got a great group of girls on and off the field and I’m so proud of them. Come support us at the competition.

French Camp will compete with 18 other schools. The semifinal round for FCA will be at 8:45 a.m. If they progress to the finals, those rounds are scheduled for 4:00 p.m. Check out this and other FCA sports events on the Face-book FCA Panther Nation page. u

Not since 1993, when the FCA Panthers played against Smithville for the North Mississippi 1-A championship, has the air buzzed with so much excitement. On Friday night, November 23rd, the French Camp Panthers hosted the Shaw Hawks for a history making event: French Camp Acad-emy won the North MS 1-A championship, dominating the Hawks with a win of 28-8.

After a winning season of 9 and 2, the French Camp Panthers defeated the Coldwater Cou-gars, then Greenville St. Joe to progress to the North Mississippi 1-A semi-finals. A week after settling the North Championship, the Panthers met the Stringer Red Devils for the Mississippi State Championship. (Since we go to press be-

fore this game, check our Facebook pages and website for updates: GO BIG BLUE).

John Todd Cates, assistant coach said, My ex-pectations for the team have been high this year. Mostly, our defensive line has been returning play-ers. We have a veteran quarterback, Jessie Hosket, and veteran running back, Jaylon Clemmons, lead-ing the team, also. Going to the state championship is monumental for these guys and all of FCA.

The team has great support from the commu-nity as evidenced by the tailgating in Panther Valley before home games, the fans that travel to the away games, and the Facebook pages kept up weekly with team information.u

By Sylvia Dickson

Photo courtesy of Becky Dees

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www.frenchcamp.org8 • French Camp TODAY • winTer 2012

A Favorite Christmas Tradition: filling shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse-Operation Christmas Child.

Artwork by Kaley Edwards

And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night. An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.”Suddenly a great company of the heavenly host appeared with the angel, praising God and saying,“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”When the angels had left them and gone into heaven, the shepherds said to one another, “Let’s go to Bethlehem and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has told us about.”So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all

who heard it were amazed at what the shep-herds said to them. But Mary treasured

up all these things and pondered them in her heart. The shepherds

returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

(Luke 2:7-20)

FCA staff, parents and students gather in the early morning to head out on a mission trip. For the past 4 years, FCA has taken a group to work with Beautiful Feet Ministries in Ft. Worth, TX during the Thanksgiving break.

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Pictured above is the Jumbotron featuring FCA at a Mississippi State University football game. French Camp Academy was invit-ed by Mississippi State University to sell programs at each home game, and receive a portion of the proceeds. This unexpected op-portunity gave FCA staff and students a chance to work together to raise funds for dorm events and mission trips. Thanks, MSU!

Our FCA 2012 Homecoming Court is pictured above: Lucy Oakes, Freshman Maid; Chelsea McDaniel, Junior Maid; Eliza-beth Blanks, Senior Maid; Kradeidra Cork, Homecoming Queen; Kendall Shows, Senior Maid; Hannah Moore, Junior Maid and Madison Blake, Sophomore Maid.

FCA Presents To Kill a Mockingbird, February 8th & 9thFrench Camp Academy is pleased to present To Kill a Mockingbird on Friday & Saturday, February 8th & 9th at 7:00 p.m. in the King Auditorium at FCA. The play, published by Dramatic Publishing, is by Christopher Sergel and based on the book by Harper Lee.

When Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960, she was a struggling writer hoping for just a little recognition. One year after being published, it had been translated into ten languages and received The Pulitzer Prize. As of now, it has sold over 30 million copies and been translated into more than 40 languages. In 1962, Gregory Peck starred in the film version which won 3 Academy Awards.

To Kill a Mockingbird is a story about truth, justice, courage and compassion. It will entertain you and give you pause. Set in the 1930’s in the small Alabama town of May-comb, it reflects the prevailing attitudes of that society. Atticus Finch, one of the main characters, stands as a defender of truth as he defends a black man accused of a heinous crime. His children, Scout and Jem, as well as other town folks, move the story along, filling it with the everyday ins and outs of life. Atticus teaches his children to respect oth-ers saying, Until you climb into his skin and walk around in it you can’t understand him.

Tickets will be $8.00 for adults and $3.00 for high school students and younger. Because of the intensity of some of the scenes, you may want to make other arrangements for younger children. For more information please contact Sylvia Dickson at [email protected] or 662 547-6482. u

To Kill a Mockingbird

French Camp Academy Senior Cheerleaders, Football Players and Mascot.

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overflowing with exciting possibilities for your fa-

vorite children and teens:

662 547-6169

December 14 program: The Christmas Star 7:00 p.m.

For online giving information or to sign up for monthly e-letters:

Edwin Faughn, Director (662) 547-7283

Bed & Breakfast Inn

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Bed & Breakfast Inn

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Steak Night Steak nights on 2nd Friday nights of each month, beginning at 5:00 12/14 • 1/11 • 2/8

Give the gift of an overnight stay at the French Camp Bed & Breakfast. Call 662-547-6835 to make your gift certificate purchase.

Scenes for the Season—Christmas Display through December 26th

Drive through the French Camp Historic District to view scenes depicting the birth of Christ to the Gifts of the Spirit. Scripture is combined with artwork in beautiful, lighted scenes.


Plan a relaxing escape to the Rising Son Retreat Center at Lake Ann. Accommodations from primitive camping to catered gatherings are available. Contact French Camp Academy Guest Services at 662-547-6835 or view our facilities at\retreatcenter.

Your Source for Southern Gospel Music • 24 Hours a Day!WFCA is a 100,000-watt radio station reaching people in over 40 counties throughout central and north Mississippi on frequency 107.9 and around the world at

To list an upcoming event email [email protected]. If you wish to advertise with us, call (662) 547-6414 or email [email protected]. Listen online at

SPORTS FEATURES: broadcasting Mississippi State Football, Basketball, and BaseballEast Mississippi Community College Football and French Camp Academy Football

Special The Play Is the Thing package

Reserve a room or cabin at the Bed and Breakfast the weekend of February 8th and 9th for both Friday and Saturday nights and receive 15% off your rooms. Mention the promo code “newspaper” and add “The Play is the Thing” when you call to make your reservation. To reserve a room online, go to our website –, select bed and breakfast, then make a reservation online, entering the promo codes mentioned above.

Page 11: French Camp Today December 2012 French Camp TODAY • winTer 2012 • 11 Mr. and Mrs. David Chastang Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Long Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Purvis Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spires Mr. and Mrs. James Carroll WrightHARTLEY, CINDI, Oxford, MS Max L. WaldropHEMPHILL, LARRY, Louisville, MS Dr. and Mrs. Samuel K. SuttleHENDERSON, SARA BRANNING Mrs. Janet P. HendersonHENDRICK, JULIAN Mr. and Mrs. Henry NicholsHENDRIX, MR. TOM, Eupora, MS Mr. and Mrs. Ewell HartHENSON, DR. L. C. (JIM), Kilmichael, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lamar WrayHERRINGTON, MRS. CLAY Mrs. Joyce B. WoodsHINES, JEAN LANDING Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.HODGES, MICHELLE WALTERS, Grenada, MS Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Dubard Mr. and Mrs. Tim LiddellHOLDINESS, DR. GARY, Kosciusko, MS Mr. Thomas H. Bowen, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Samuel K. SuttleHOLLINGSWORTH, JR., MR. & MRS. CAREY F., Birmingham, AL Dr. and Mrs. Ethan B. RubenHOSKET, LIZ Mr. Brock AngleHOVAS, STEPHEN CONN Mrs. Janet HovasJASPER, DR. MARTIN T., Mathiston, MS Mrs. Mary A. JasperJOHN, BROTHER OF NITA JOE BAKER Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. JohnsonJOHNSON, LARRY Mrs. Martha Jo PattersonJONES, ZACK, Mendenhall, MS Mrs. Dorothy HiltonKELLUM, MR. STACY Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, IIIKING, CHARLES, Kosciusko, MS Mr. Laston L. Webb Mrs. Lynn Wade Ms. Annie S. WadeKROEZE, DR. HERB Mr. and Mrs. John McIntyre, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. CraigLAMMONS, MIKE Mr. and Mrs. Mike McGregorLAND, TREY, New Orleans, LA Mrs. Dorothy C. BlantonLEONARD, NEIL, Germantown, TN Mr. and Mrs. Joe PritchardLESTER, MR. WILLIAM CROSBY, Inverness, MS Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, III Mr. LeRoy DavenportLEVERETTE, MR. BOBBY Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hayward, Jr.LINK, MARTIN TURNER, Bentonia, MS Mrs. Nora Deen Link MaloyLIVINGSTON, JUDY, Louisville, MS Dr. and Mrs. Samuel K. SuttleLYNN, MIKE, Holly Springs, MS Guardian Termite and Pest Control, Inc.LYONS, JIMMY, Alabaster, AL Rev. and Mrs. Ben WilkinsonLYONS, MR. GENE, Grenada, MS Mr. and Mrs. Ward BristerMADDUX, DAVID Mrs. Mary Ann White MadduxMASON, ALLEME, Tupelo, MS Mr. Jim HighMCBRAYER, ELIZABETH E. Mr. James H. McBrayerMCKINNEY, RUBY North Greenwood Baptist Church Agape Sunday School Class North Greenwood Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sumner Mr. and Mrs. Gregory TompkinsMCLAIN, HOWARD M. Mr. and Mrs. James F. McCallenMCMILLAN, RUBY LEE Mrs. Rosemary PooleMEENA, RAMONA Dr. Victor H. MeenaMIDDLETON, THOMAS L. AND RICHARD L. Ms. Leslie M. NealMINYARD, SUSIE BYRD Ms. Julian WatsonMOFFATT, MARY (MRS. GARY) Mrs. Alliene SnellMOSES, DELL Ms. Virginia R. CookMUKA, DEBBIE POPE Mrs. Peggy Clark

NOBLES, FRANCES F., Hazlehurst, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. King, IIOUTLAW, MARY E. Mrs. Anita B. JohnsonPEDROTTI, EUGENE J. Mrs. Angelina Griffin KitchensPELLEGRINE, TENA Mr. Louis PellegrinePHILLIPS, DR. TOM RHEA Mrs. Patricia S. Raulston Mr. Marshall C. Smith, Jr.PILKINGTON, JR., DR. JOHN J., Oxford, MS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. SmithPITTMAN, MARGARET, Winona, MS Ms. Carol Bailey and Marge Muir Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt D. Branch Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Hoover Mr. and Mrs. James Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Prewitt Ms. Christye G. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Wormack E. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sumner Mr. and Mrs. Travis Ward Dr. and Mrs. Gene Warren Mr. Thomas W. Tardy, IIIPOTTS, MRS. Z. D., Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Guyton Mr. and Mrs. Bruce H. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Manderson, II Twentieth Century Club Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Cheek Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lowther Mrs. Andra T. MooneyRECORD, EDNA AND BILL Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. RecordRICK COX, MR., Durant, MS Mrs. Dorothy C. BlantonROGERS, DR. GAINES MADISON, Cookeville, TN Dr. James William RushROGERS, RALPH, Paragould, AR Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. EllisonSANDERS, MARGARET, Water Valley, MS Guardian Termite and Pest Control, Inc.SHACKELFORD, J. A., North Carrollton, MS Mrs. Mayfred ShackelfordSHEFFIELD, BILL Mr. and Mrs. William Marlon JenningsSHEPPARD, ANN, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Norman A. Mott, Jr.SMITH, CAROLYN ANN, Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.SMITH, PAT, Louisville, MS Dr. and Mrs. Samuel K. SuttleSPELLMAN, MICHAEL Mr. and Mrs. Jerry HooverSTAATS, MR. J. W. (JACK), Jackson, MD Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Foose Mrs. Virginia R. Campbell Mrs. James A. Miller Mrs. Beth McCullenSTATHAM, ALLYNE Mr. and Mrs. Laverne RobertsSTEVENS, JOANNE, Forest, MS Mr. W. Hamilton StevensSTONE, BUBBA, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MarchettiSTRAIN, BLANCHE REED, Tupelo, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. King, IISTRINGER, A. C. Rev. Margaret SuttleSULLIVAN, MAJORIE Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bowden, Jr.TABB, JR., DR. & MRS. WILLIAM GRANVILLE, Ridgeland, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. King, IITAGGART, BRAD, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MarchettiTAYLOR, JAMES L. Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.TAYLOR, WILLIAM N., Laurel, MS Mrs. Betty BaileyTEMPLE, BETTY J., Brandon, MS Mr. and Mrs. Joe O. TubbTHERREL, MRS. TOMMIE G., Meridian, MS Mr. and Mrs. Chester R. WellsTHOMAS, DELPHIA SUE Mr. and Mrs. Richard Chesteen ThomasTHOMASON, MRS. BOBBIE Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, IIITHOMPSON, M. J. Mrs. Betty T. ThompsonTHORNTON, MS. BETTIE, West, MS Judge and Mrs. John C. Love, Jr.TOBERMANN, J. R. (BOB) Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Davis Ms. Margaret A. Brimberry Mr. and Mrs. James C. Gilles Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Gunn Physical Therapy of Mansfield LLC

TRAMMEL, KATHERINE Ms. Janet H. FletcherTROTTER, JR., MR. W. C. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, III Mrs. Doris Lea Maggio Mr. and Mrs. Dalton D. DucrestUNDERWOOD, MARTHA VARNADO, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. King, IIVAUGHN, MRS. LIZA JORDAN Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, IIIVERUCCHI, RAY Mrs. Nell McClellanVICKERY, MRS. CLARIBEL, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dyer, IIIWALKER, GEORGE REA Mr. Joseph M. SimcoxWALLACE, MRS. MARGARET, Florence, MS Mr. Hugh W. DownerWATSON, BILLY, Louisville, MS Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bernard Tabor, Jr.WEAVER, MRS. BANKS (JANE), Ackerman, MS Mr. and Mrs. Hilton WhitmireWEBB, KIM, Louisville, MS Dr. and Mrs. Samuel K. SuttleWEILENMAN, BETTYANN W. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, IIIWELCH, MRS. SARAH B., Birmingham, AL Dr. and Mrs. Ethan B. RubenWETHINGTON, PATRICK, Saint Louis, MO Mr. Thomas Scott CarsonWISELY, MRS. MARY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. PeasterWOODARD, MRS. ANNIE, Ridgeland, MS Mrs. Virginia R. CampbellWOODS, SMOKEY Mrs. Joyce B. Woods

AugustABLES, MRS. ESTELLE, Sallis, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopBAIN, TALMADGE (SONNY), Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Sidney BishopBARRETT, JR., E. R., Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Brewer PearsonBASKIN, KURT, Winona, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerBEARD, SUSANNE HAZARD Mr. Frank L. HaddenBENNETT, JR., THOMAS WARING Estate of Louise B. BennettBIGHAM, SAM, West Point, MS Coach Harper DavisBISHOP, MR. NOLAN, Vicksburg, MS Mrs. June L. ClemonsBLOCKER, FRED, Starkville, MS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford Applewhite Mr. and Mrs. Buff Doty Mrs. Carolyn WoffordBOATMAN, MRS. FRANCES, Stewart, MS Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. ParrishBORGOGNONI, JR., SAM Hernando Reformed Church ARPBOWDEN, MRS. ESTELLE Mr. and Mrs. William H. McCreedyBOYD, SONNY Mr. and Mrs. Kevin SorensenBRADLEY, SANDRA, Oxford, MS Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. ThorntonBUCHANAN, DR. DOUGLAS PRESCOTT Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph QuayleBURNHAM, BILL Mr. and Mrs. Michael Joseph Quayle Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Warren, JrBURNS, MARY ANN Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Peaster Mrs. Martha W. HogueCARROLL, MRS. MAUDE, Jackson, MS Mrs. Virginia R. CampbellCARSON, THOMAS G. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. ConlyCARTER, RICHARD Mrs. Jane MikellCASE, HOUSTON, Brookhaven, MS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. PeasterCASTLE, INEZ Mrs. Becky HarrisonCHAIN, MR. KNOX L. Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Chain, Jr.CHESTEEN, HUDSON, French Camp, MS Mr. and Mrs. W. M. BlaineMrs. Marianne Henderson Castle Mr. and Mrs. John TannerCLARK, GRADY Mr. and Mrs. Lanny M. WilsonCOGGINS, SADIE AND HUBERT Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. RecordCOLE, SAMUEL R. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempCOOK, DR. TOM

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Sorensen Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. PurvisCROWDER, JEFF, French Camp, MS Mrs. Polly B. Allen Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blaine Mr. and Mrs. Larry Branch Mrs. Marianne Henderson Castle Mr. and Mrs. John A. Killebrew Mr. and Mrs. Kevin SorensenCUMMINGS, IDA, Jackson, MS Mrs. Peggy B. Cannada Mrs. Virginia R. Campbell Mrs. Beth McCullenDAVIS, MARTHA Mr. and Mrs. Edgar M. WilliamsDELCOMYN, MR. J. C., Forest, MS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. PeasterDUKE, JR., J. D., Lauderdale, MS Mr. and Mrs. Julian B. WilliamsonELMORE, JAMES Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peel, Jr.EVERITT, MR. AND MRS. WILLIAM Ms. M. DeSha WhiteFULGHUM, BENNY Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Keller Mr. and Mrs. G. Duran Barnes Biggers Hardware Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Percy R. Boggan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Brawner Mr. and Mrs. William Terry Byrnes Mr. Mike Crow Mr. and Mrs. Sam Glidewell Mr. and Mrs. G. Gary Huddleston Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Guy Robertson Taylor Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Tays and Family Tays Construction, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Jim G. Wiginton Mr. and Mrs. Royce Wiley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth WilliamsGAINES, HENRY, Pensacola, FL Mrs. Martha Godfrey VanceGARDNER, MRS. E. E., Greenwood, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerGIDDENS, JACK Ms. Elva BrittGILLISPIE, MURIEL, Ackerman, MS Ms. Deseree StacyGOLIGHTLY, MRS. THELMA RIDDLE, Jacksonville, FL Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray FultonGRAY, LOYCE A., Sidon, MS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Bardin ReddittGRAY, MRS. YVONNE, North Carrollton, MS Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm M. Bennett, Jr.GRAY, TIMOTHY S., Meridian, MS Dr. and Mrs. Dan Hank Singley, Jr.GREGORY, MICHELE FORD, Louin, MS Mr. and Mrs. Jack AlexanderHAILE, VIVIAN SHELTON, Winona, MS Mrs. Peggy Clark Mr. and Mrs. John A. KillebrewHAIRSTON, LUCILLE FOUNTAIN, Silver City, MS Mr. James L. AdamsHANS, DOROTHY Mr. and Mrs. Kevin SorensenHARRIS, EARL, Florence, MS Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. WallaceHEARON, MRS. CLAIRE S., Hattiesburg, MS Mr. and Mrs. T. Roscoe Hearon, Jr.HENDERSON, JIMMIE Mr. and Mrs. George L. Hand Mrs. Fay S. Guest Ms. Deseree StacyHOSKET, LIZ Mr. and Mrs. Kevin SorensenHURST, GILDA, West Point, MS Mr. and Mrs. O. Raymond NorrisHURT, SUE WELCH Dr. and Mrs. Robert Neal HurtHUTCHINSON, ELSIE K. Mr. and Mrs. Gary H. Duke Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fletcher Mrs. Alice Green Mrs. Ilene GordonJOHNSON, BOO AND FREIDA Mr. and Mrs. Ty E. GableJOHNSON, CARL Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Hobgood, Jr.JOHNSON, JACK Mr. and Mrs. Peter KinseyJONES, DR. MONTFORT, Kosciusko, MS Mrs. Nora Deen Link MaloyKEMP, MAURICE, Winona, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerKROEZE, JR., HERBERT ANDRE Mrs. Marjarie UnderwoodLAMAR, RAYMOND, Crystal Springs, MS

Mr. and Mrs. Frank BiggsLAPRADE, DOUG, Tupelo, MS Mr. J. Thomas LittlejohnLASTER, MR. AND MRS. HAYDEN Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. HallLITTLEJOHN, JOSHUA, French Camp, MS Mr. J. Thomas LittlejohnLLOYD, BILL, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberLOMENICK, MRS. ESTELLE HUDSON Dr. and Mrs. B. J. Chain, Jr.LONG, VELMA Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. KempMAYO, JAMES C., Louisville, MS Mr. and Mrs. John E. ShawMCCULLEN, DAN, Jackson, MS Mrs. Beth McCullenMCCURDY, STEVE, Greenwood, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerMCWHIRTER, MAX, Pontotoc, MS Mrs. Nancy GregoryMEEKS, DEBBIE Mr. and Mrs. John A. KillebrewMINYARD, SUSIE BYRD Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm E. PhillipsMITCHELL, MRS. DOROTHY, McAdams, MS Mr. and Mrs. William G. Causey McAdams Baptist Church Mr. and Mrs. James PickleMORGAN, JASON BEAU Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. LeBeau, Jr.MORRIS, MRS. ALMA, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. William M. Link, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Percy McCaaMYERS, MARGE NOWELL, Philadelphia, MS Ms. Sue S. NowellNASH, OSCAR Mr. and Mrs. John A. KillebrewNEAL, MRS. PALMAE Mr. and Mrs. Joel A. WilliamsNEWELL, HELEN MCLELLAND, Meridian, MS Mr. and Mrs. O. C. CorkernNEWMAN, JAMES M., Germantown, TN Senior Care Management Solutions Inc. Mr. Robert Leon Sullivan, Sr.OGLETREE, T. J. Mr. and Mrs. John F. LewisPAIRCHARD, MAGGIE, Morton, MS Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.PAYNE, MRS. OLIVE MAE KENNEDY Mr. and Mrs. James A. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. McSpadden, Jr. Ms. Barbara K. Hammond Mrs. Connie S. Wadsworth Mrs. Ruth KendrickPERKINS, DONNY, North Carrollton, MS Mr. and Mrs. Mike WhitfieldPETTY, ROBBIE Mr. Hal RussellPITTMAN, MARGARET, Winona, MS Mr. and Mrs. John A. Killebrew Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. TownsendPORTER, WILHELMINA Mrs. Pam K. BrooksPOTTS, MRS. Z. D., Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Ritter, Jr.POWER, CHARLES D. Mr. and Mrs. William Ellington Dr. and Mrs. Morris TaylorPRESSON, COLTON CHASE, Knoxville, TN Mrs. Athena DaviesPURVIS, REV. JOHN C., Morton, MS Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.QUINN, KENDALL Mr. and Mrs. William M. Link, Jr.RAMSEY, MRS. M. C., Greenwood, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerRANDOLPH, NELL CLEMENT, Batesville, MS Mr. George G. RandolphRANDOLPH, NORMA, Royse City, TX Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crawford ApplewhiteRECORD, EDNA AND BILL Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. RecordRENFROE, JENE JENKINS Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. John E. ShawRICE, JACK Mrs. Chomella Prine BeisselRICE, ROBERT HILTON Mr. and Mrs. Jeff MortonRICHARDSON, REV. HAROLD Mr. and Mrs. John M. Sumner Mrs. Betty H. Boyd American Legion Post 52 Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. Gardner Mr. and Mrs. Joey Richardson Mr. and Mrs. John A. KillebrewRIDDELL, SR., CHARLES F. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Garnett Riddell

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www.frenchcamp.org12 • French Camp TODAY • winTer 2012ROGERS, MRS. ROY, Laurel, MS Mrs. Joy B. RobertsRUSSELL, MRS. PEGGY Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Walker Mrs. Charles N. Yates Mrs. Jane A. Cole Cornerstone Fellowship Mrs. Alla Gene Finlay Ms. Velma Kynerd Mr. George Pettey Mrs. Suanne AdamsSCHADRACK, CHRIS, Memphis, TN Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph CampbellSHEPPARD, ANN Mr. and Mrs. William M. Link, Jr.SHOOK, LEON Mr. and Mrs. Hubert FulghamSMITH, CAROLYN ANN, Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.SMITH, E. A. (SMITTY), Yazoo City, MS Mrs. Nora Deen Link MaloySMITH, ETHEL V., Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.SMITH, ROY E., Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.STANDEFER, RUTH C., Leland, MS Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Boyer Britt, Jr. Mrs. Betty B. Moore Mr. and Mrs. James C. Walker Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Delas, Jr.STEVENS, JOANNE, Forest, MS Mr. W. Hamilton StevensSTREET, JANET, Jackson, TN Mr. and Mrs. Jack AlexanderSWINDLE, FAYE Mr. and Mrs. George L. HandTANNER, MAE Mrs. Marilyn Johnson Mrs. Jo Ann H. Mikell Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. PurvisTHAMES, ANNE THOMPSON, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. PeasterTHOMPSON, MARY ELIZABETH Mr. Kircum ThompsonTHOMPSON, MISS LILLIAN COOPER, Pontotoc County, MS Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nelson FittsTURNAGE, CARL VANDER, Aberdeen, MS Carnathan Law OfficeVAUGHAN, WAYNE, Maben, MS Ms. Deseree StacyWARE, GINA, Bryan, TX Mrs. Jeri BagleyWATKINS, MR. EARL New Augusta Presbyterian ChurchWETHINGTON, PATRICK, Saint Louis, MO Mr. Thomas Scott CarsonWIGGINS, BUDDY, Greenwood, MS Mr. James SandersWIGGINTON, MRS. HAZEL, Prentiss, MS Mr. and Mrs. James Mike MajureWILLIAMS, CURTIS, Oxford, MS Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. WalkerWILLIAMS, MAX EDWARD Mr. and Mrs. O. C. CorkernWILSON, DR. THOMAS E., Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. William D. HaysWILSON, MYRTLE NANCY Mr. and Mrs. Ronald NealWOLFE, LUCILLE JACKSON Mr. PetersonWORZELLA, CHET, Mequon, WI Mrs. Jane E. BeswickYATES, ALLENE Mr. and Mrs. John A. Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Pat Walton Denton Mr. and Mrs. Don Farrey Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Dick B. Mason, III Mrs. Hazel Poe Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Stevenson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin E. Stockett Dr. and Mrs. G. Crawley Stubblefield Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Warren, Jr Mr. and Mrs. William Foushee Ms. Barbara K. Hammond Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Nicols, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Russ, Sr. Mrs. Suzie Tharpe


Mrs. Becky HarrisonANGLE, STUART Mr. and Mrs. Roger SimpsonARMSTRONG, CURTIS (MICKEY) Mrs. Carol W. TerrellBAILEY, AUDRY, Pass Christian, MS Mr. and Mrs. Donnie D. Riley Miss Dorothy SamuelBAILEY, IRMA SMITH, Suffolk, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.BAILEY, SR., MR. WESLEY, Tunica, MS Mr. and Mrs. Bobby GookinBARNETT, HELEN Catfish Farmers of AmericaBASHOUR, LOUISE, Irving, TX Mr. and Mrs. V. Steve McGrawBEARD, MRS. SUZANNE H., Columbus, MS Ms. Jean T. BrewerBEEVERS, SAM AND JOANN, Holiday Island, AR Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Dean PannellBELCHER, DAVID, Horn Lake, MS Mr. and Mrs. Royce Wiley, Jr.BELTZHOOVER, MRS. RENEE LAMB Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, IIIBISHOP, ELEANOR MECKLIN Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. NicholBLACK, LINDA, Ackerman, MS Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy H. Fulce Mr. and Mrs. Doyle B. TennysonBLACKBOURN, SUE CLEVELAND, Starkville, MS Mrs. Lynda B. HolderBLACKBURN, MRS. LOUISE, Tchula, MS Howard Flying CorporationBOLDING, AUBREY AND PEARL Mr. and Mrs. Timothy R. BoldingBOONE, TOMMY Mrs. Ramona R. JamesBOWLES, BILLY Mr. and Mrs. Lanny M. WilsonBRADFORD, JOE, Forest, MS Mr. W. Hamilton StevensBRANCH, MILDRED, Winona, MS Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Stansel, Jr. Mrs. Irene F. LisenbeeBREEDLOVE, J. C. Mr. and Mrs. George L. HandBRIGHT, EDDIE Mr. and Mrs. C. W. BrightBRIGHT, ROBERT Mr. and Mrs. C. W. BrightBROWN, THOMAS (JUNIOR) Mr. and Mrs. James Arthur AdamsBRYANT, MRS. WILMA Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Gilliland Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pound and Caroline Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thornton Mary Thornton Bible ClassBURNETT, HELEN Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Dieckman Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Paul Adams, Sr. Mrs. Martha Godfrey VanceCALLAHAN, JAMES Mrs. Georgianna Alexander Dr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Chamblee Mrs. C. L. Hastings Jackson Oncology Associates, P.L.L.C. Mr. and Mrs. Tim Lawrence Ms. Judy Reagan Mr. and Mrs. William G. Stevens Ms. Carolyn Mirick Carolyn and Percy Stanfield Mr. and Mrs. James W. Callahan Ms. Debbie McNeely Stanfield Hall Poole & Associates, PLLCCAMPBELL, COLIE STEEN, Terry, MS Mr. and Mrs. Jim McGarrCARROLL, MAUDE SUGG Dr. and Mrs. William S. CookCHESTEEN, HUDSON, French Camp, MS Mrs. Polly B. Allen Miss Glenda Louise Black Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Piccola, Sr.CLARK, CHARLIE Mrs. Dicey C. Barbour Mrs. Charline McGraw Mrs. Barksdale J. Crosland Mrs. Grace HullCLEMONS, MRS. LORENA P. Mrs. June L. ClemonsCOLEMAN, MRS. BETTY, Hernando, MS Mr. and Mrs. Hubert HunterCOOPER, ROB Mr. Leroy WorshamCOPLEY, ROBERT, Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.CROWDER, JEFF, French Camp, MS Mrs. Dorothy Jean Parish WardCUMMINGS, IDA Mr. and Mrs. Nick Apostle Ms. Jean Turner Brewer

CUTTS, MR. JACKIE, West, MS Mrs. Polly B. AllenDARROW, LORAINE Dunn Baptist Church Senior CitizensDAVIES, RUTH, Rockledge, FL Mrs. Athena DaviesDAVIS, GEORGE ELLA, Irving, TX Mr. and Mrs. V. Steve McGrawDAVIS, LESTER, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Glen DanielsDEAR, DR. SUE LAND Ms. Connie BarrDOOLITTLE, EARL PRYOR, Eupora, MS Mrs. Jane SkeltonDUNCAN, EDWARD C., Bessemer, AL Dr. and Mrs. Ethan B. RubenDUNKLIN, JOY, Henderson, TX Mrs. Peggy B. CannadaEMORY, MRS. BARBARA, Jackson, MS Max L. WaldropFAIR IV, JOHN Mr. and Mrs. Shaw NickelsFARVE, JERRY, Long Beach, MS Mrs. Brenda G. RobertsonFONDREN, WAYMON, Mathiston, MS Ms Ann S. FondrenFOREHAND, DARRON, Gulfport, MS Mr. and Mrs. Donnie D. RileyFOSTER, GLADYS, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberFRAZIER, EDNA Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Weil, Jr.FULGHUM, BENNY Mr. and Mrs. A. Braddock Brawner, Sr. Mrs. Norma Hill Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lilly Mr. and Mrs. Bill Plaxico Mr. Danny Shook Ms. Mary P. Strachan Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Webb, Jr. Ms. Elizabeth L. Whitehurst Mr. and Mrs. A. Braddock Brawner, Jr.GASTON, MABLE Mrs. Bobbie G. KennaGATLIN, AUBREY AND IDA Mr. and Mrs. Jon D. GatlinGIBSON, ETHEL Ms. Rosemary Idom Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy K. Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Marty WarringtonGILLESPIE, MURIEL, Ackerman, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles ManessGOODMAN, WENDY CAROL Mr. James SandersGOODWIN, ROBERT Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. NewtonGRAVES, MR. BILL, Winona, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerGRAY, MR. LOYS, Sidon, MS Howard Flying CorporationGRUBBS, JOHN PAT, Brandon, MS Mr. J. R. Branning, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Branning, Sr.HAIRSTON, LUCILLE, Silver City, MS Mr. and Mrs. John F. Phillips, III Mr. and Mrs. William O. BlasingameHAMMETT, SR., MR. WARREN Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, IIIHANS, DOROTHY Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hannon Mrs. Donna T. HobbsHARRELL, GRACE, Carthage, MS Mr. and Mrs. Owen OliverHAYNES, SHERLENE Mrs. Mildred B. MillwoodHAZARD, SUE Mr. and Mrs. William StrongHEAD, DR. BOB, Starkville, MS Mrs. Marilyn HeadHEATON, BETSY Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Heaton, Jr.HEMPHILL, JOHN Mr. and Mrs. Glen DanielsHENDERSON, JR., RAYMOND (RUSTY) Ms. Nancy CarrHENDRICK, H. J. (JULIAN) Mrs. Clotilde HendrickHENRY, BILL Sanders Home Health Equipment, Inc.HICKMAN, WILL Mrs. Dewey C. HickmanHILSMAN, GRAY Mr. and Dr. Thomas Edward Guillot, Jr.HOLDINESS, DR. GARY, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Blanset, Jr.HOLLINGSWORTH, JR., MR. AND MRS. CAREY F. Dr. and Mrs. Ethan B. RubenHUGHES, BAILEY Community Foundation of Greater JacksonHULL, III, SHERMAN CODY Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Saar

HUNTER, MRS. RUTH, Winona, MS Mr. and Mrs. Rufus K. GardnerJACKSON, GLEN, Philadelphia, MS Mrs. Marie W. DavisJASPER, DR. MARTIN T., Mathiston, MS Mrs. Mary A. JasperJOHNSON, JIMMY, Nashville, TN Mr. and Mrs. David S. WarringtonJONES, BERNARD, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lee ParkerJONES, GIFFITH, Starkville, MS Mrs. William L. ParrottJONES, MR. WALKER, Madison, MS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Foose Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Morton Mr. and Mrs. Nick Apostle Coach Harper Davis Mr. and Mrs. Bobby J. RainesJORDAN, FAY Miss Nelda JordanJORDAN, PARKER WILLIAMS Mrs. Dorothy Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberKILBY, MRS. KATHERINE Mr. and Mrs. W. Talmadge McNair Mrs. Carolyn Clarke StewartKIMBROUGH, KATHRYN Mr. and Mrs. John E. FondrenKING, MR. BRYAN Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, IIIKING, JR., CHARLES Mr. and Mrs. Al RayKINNABREW, MICHAEL, Durant, MS Mrs. Lynda B. HolderLAMPTON, KATHY Mrs. Eleanor Wasson Fielder Mrs. Polly Wells Montgomery Mrs. Virginia R. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Joe O. Tubb Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, III Mrs. Corinne H. Buehler Mr. Roy TurnerLATHAM, JIMMY, Kilmichael, MS Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. KilgoreLEFLORE, CHARLES LEWIS Mrs. Lomie Jean JonesLEONARD, W. C., Kosciusko, MS CZL, IncorporatedLILLIE, JACK Mr. and Mrs. Michael Owen TockeyLINDSEY, CEDELLA, Smithville, MS Rev. and Mrs. Billy W. StanfordLONG, VELMA, Corinth, MS Mr. Leroy WorshamLONG, SR., REV. JAMES L. Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Leonard LongMARTIN, NINA Mr. and Mrs. E. Maurice King, Jr.MASSEY, EDNA PRITCHETT Ms. Sandra ColemanMASSEY, MARY E., Goshen Springs, MS Ms. Patricia A. SpencerMAYO, JAMES CAL Ms. Sheryl FoxMCCULLEN, DAN Mr. and Mrs. R. Mark WatkinsMCDOWELL, JIM Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Chamblee Mr. and Mrs. Brian HillMCMILLAN, DR. CARLTON Mrs. Danna BennettMCMILLIN, JR., MRS. A. L. Mr. and Mrs. Darren OwensMILLS, BETTY Mr. and Mrs. William M. AdamsMOAK, DOT, Brandon, MS Mr. James H. McBrayer Mr. and Mrs. Dan Benson TolarMOMA GRICE, French Camp, MS Mrs. Lorraine Bailey MOONEY, JERRY Mr. W. C. ShoemakerMORRIS, MRS. ALMA Mr. and Mrs. William K. PyronMOSES, MR. AND MRS. THEO, Lexington, MS Mr. and Mrs. Charles NelsonMULLEN, CAROL R., Brandon, MS Mr. and Mrs. George R. DayMURPHY, FRANCES, Greenwood, MS Mr. Paul R. Long Mrs. Geraldine SingletonMURRAY, WILLIAM, Grenada, MS Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Blaine Mr. and Mrs. William E. TurnerNAGEL, MARGUERITE, Jackson, MS Mr. and Mrs. Leo E. TicknerNAIL, COLEN Mrs. Nancy McFarlandNANNEY, WAYNE, Tampa, FL Mr. and Mrs. James WrightNORWOOD, MRS. NELLIE A.

Mr. Sonny EllisNUNAN, DR. T. RUSSELL Miss Sarah Elizabeth NunanO’CONNOR, MRS. JERRY DELL, Ridgeland, MS Mr. and Mrs. Joe O. TubbPACE, EDNA MAY Mr. Mike PacePACE, LEE ROY, Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.PACE, MRS. NORA, Virginia Beach, VA Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.PAGE, BILLY LEE Mr. and Mrs. James Barry NewellPAGE, MR. AND MRS. E. P., Hazlehurst, MS Mr. and Mrs. James W. Woodard, Jr.PASSINO, MARYLIN, Huntsville, AL Dr. and Mrs. Ethan B. RubenPEARSON, MRS. ROSEMARY Mrs. Danna BennettPERKINS, MR. DONALD (DONNY) E., North Carrollton, MS Howard Flying CorporationPETERS, RAYMOND, Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. John E. FondrenPHILLIPS, ELEANOR ANN OSTEEN Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. JohnsonPOLATSIDIS, SHERRY EAVES, Macon, MS Hinze Baptist ChurchPOWER, DOROTHY SUE, Kosciusko, MS Mr. and Mrs. Owen Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thornton Dr. and Mrs. Gene S. Barlow Kosciusko High School, Class of 1947 Mary Thornton Bible Class Mrs. Virginia C. Steadman Mrs. Doris C. Sweatt WIC Circle II, Kosciusko, MSPOWERS, LEROY AND FRANKIE, Lockeford, CA Dr. and Mrs. Ethan B. RubenPYRON, MRS. JO, Natchez, MS Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert R. McSpadden, Jr.RAKES, JOYCE Willie Cole Ward Mrs. Margie ThomasREED, MELBA J., Houston, MS Mrs. Becky HarrisonRICHARDS, SIDNEY AND ANNIE, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Allan EwingRICHARDSON, HAROLD Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Ferguson Mrs. Irene F. LisenbeeRISHER, JOHN, DONNA AND STEPHEN Mrs. Mildred RisherROBSON, III, ED J., Rockledge, FL Mrs. Athena DaviesROMERE, CHARLES L. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Pearce New Augusta Presbyterian ChurchROSS, ELIZABETH Mr. and Mrs. John W. GarrardRUSSELL, PEGGY HOLLAND Mrs. Joy R. LaFeverSANDERS, MRS. WENDELL, Carthage, MS Mr. and Mrs. David HerringtonSAVERY, ROSEMARY, Holly Bluff, MS Mr. and Mrs. John F. Phillips, IIISCHADRACK, CHRIS, Memphis, TN Dr. and Mrs. Rudolph CampbellSCHILLING, CINDY Mr. and Mrs. James N. SchillingSCRUGGS, HANSEL Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Jolly Mr. and Mrs. Leonard N. RobisonSHACKELFORD, MAYFRED A. Ms. Jan StokesSHINALL, ROBERT Mrs. Ida ShinallSHOEMAKER, NELL Mr. and Mrs. John M. Barclay, Jr. Mr. W. C. ShoemakerSIMMONS, MARGIE C. Mr. Emmitt SimmonsSLIGH, MR. JAMES RAY, Yazoo City, MS Howard Flying CorporationSMITH, DIANNA KAY, Heber Springs, AR Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. FlyntSMITH, GWENDOLYN Mrs. Esther GoberSMITH, JEANNIE, Greenwood, MS Mrs. Geraldine SingletonSMITH, KATHERINE (KITTY) Mr. Roy E. Smith, Jr.SMITH, OTHO AND EMILY Ms. Sylvia S. GriffinSPELLMAN, MICHAEL TALBERT, North Carrollton, MS Howard Flying CorporationSPENCER, CAROLE GIFFORD, Corinth, MS Howard Flying CorporationSPENCER, LINDA Mr. and Mrs. James L. SpencerSTAATS, JOHN, Jackson, MS

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Glen Barlow: Hometown HeroBy Sylvia Dickson

The Carmack Fish House is a favorite, jeans and plaid shirt eating spot for folks. On this particular night though, a presentation was made that could have tak-en place at a black tie event.

Modern Woodmen of the World honored the mayor of French Camp and WFCA, FM-108 assistant direc-tor Glen Barlow with their Hometown Hero award. Information on this award can be found on their website: Chapter members choose a member of the community… To show appreciation for all the work they have done for the community. The (local) chap-ter recognizes the honoree with a dinner…a certificate and a $100 donation to the charity of their choice.

Atta-a-boy, Glen. FCA and many others congratulate you on this recognition. u

Mrs. John W. StaatsSTATEN, MOZELL, Carrollton, MS Mr. and Mrs. Alton TurnipseedSTEBBINS, III, EDWIN A. Mrs. Mary StebbinsSTEVENS, JOANNE, Forest, MS Mr. W. Hamilton StevensSTEVENS, RUBY Mr. Robert K. Pickett, Jr.STOCKETT, BETTY Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stockett, Jr. Mrs. Martha W. Hogue Mr. and Mrs. Joe O. TubbSTONE, ROBERT (BUBBA) Dr. and Mrs. William S. CookSWORDS, FRANK, Holly Springs, MS J. H. Wittjen Oil Company

TACKETT, WILLIAM Mrs. Betty H. BoydTAYLOR, MR. DICKIE, Merigold, MS Mr. and Mrs. Billy LathamTAYLOR, JR., LON Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. CroweTHOMAS, DR. MITCHELL A., Meridian, MS Dr. and Mrs. Dan Hank Singley, Jr.THOMAS, ROBIN, Philadelphia, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie GraeberTILGHMAN, LOUISE JAMES Ms. Laura J. MoodyTIPTON, DR. HENRY C. Mrs. Elizabeth W. TiptonTOBERMAN, JAMES ROBERT (BOB), Plano, TX Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bagwell

Mrs. Kali J. Schnieders Ms. Anne Maynard Bowman Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Dorn Grace Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ray HarrisTOWNES, KATHERINE, Grenada, MS Mrs. Betty BaileyTOWNSEND, BETTY Mrs. Peggy FrostTREADAWAY, RALPH AND JEAN Mrs. Frank DonatoVICKERY, MRS. CLARIBEL, Houston, MS Mrs. Jane Skelton Mrs. Georgia L. AndersonWALDEN, WILLIAM ROBERT Dr. and Mrs. William S. CookWATKINS, JAMES D., Baton Rouge, LA Ms. Jamie W. Senyard

WATSON, MRS. MARTHA ANN, Mobile, AL Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. MarchettiWATSON, MRS. SHELBY Mrs. Adelaide Riley FisherWEST, CHAPMAN A. Mrs. Margaret Yeadaker WestWHEELER, MR. NOTT Mr. and Mrs. John L. Turner, IIIWHITEHEAD, MR. ARRIS, Dallas, TX Mrs. Lee Audis Jayroe Dr. and Mrs. Linuel Jayroe Mr. and Dr. Tim PepperWHITMIRE, CORA TAYLOR Ms. Louise W. WestWIGLEY, MR. MOSE, Lexington, MS Mr. and Mrs. Douglas ThorntonWILKINSON, LOUIS Mr. and Mrs. Nick Apostle

WILLIAMS, AARON CURTIS Mr. and Mrs. John S. Applegate Mr. and Mrs. Ross Grimm Mr. and Mrs. Jim McDole Mr. and Mrs. Thad Mullins Mr. and Mrs. Brad Pittman Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. SmithWILSON, DR. THOMAS E. Dr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn Dr. and Mrs. William S. Cook Mrs. Frances L. Van Zant Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Williford Mr. and Mrs. Miller P. HolmesYATES, ALLENE Mr. and Mrs. Don B. Cannada Mr. and Mrs. William G. Yates, Jr.ZIGLAR, NELLIE, Yazoo City, MS Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Graeber

New Boy Scout Troop at FCABy Sylvia Dickson

The rain did not keep the guys in Troop 109 away from their first campout. They were well prepared as they staked their tents and built the campfire, just the way Boy Scouts should be.

Before Eagle Scout Kevin O’Brien and wife, Hannah, moved to French Camp, he was Assistant Scout Master for Troop 35 in Dumfries, VA. In fact, for most of his life he has been involved in scouting. When they came to FCA, one of his desires was to establish a scout troop. Scouting fits in with the FCA mission of serving young people and their families and serves as a way to speak life into their lives.

Scouting is a leadership development program, O’Brien stated. The scouts earn badges by fulfill-ing criteria that teach skills and character. Before the formation of this troop, Kevin helped two FCA students complete the Eagle requirements, James Senyard and Jacob Ansley.

Stewart Edwards, Stephen Ulerich and Peter Pend-leton are Assistant Scout Masters. Jacob Ansley and Zach Couture are Senior Patrol Leaders.

The troop number, 109, is based on Proverbs 10:9—The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out which is reflected in the Scout Law: A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent. u

I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths. When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble. Hold on to in-struction, do not let it go; guard it well, for it is your life.

(Proverbs 4:11-13)

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French Camp Academy admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin.

NEEDS LIST •Weneedaone-tondualwheeled

chassis cab truck to replace 18 year old horse program truck and a half ton pickup to replace 18 year old truck on its last leg

• Public Relations Car Needed: A reliable Buick or similar car av-eraging 27 mpg or more is needed for Development staff to take the message of FCA on the road. Call Lance Ragsdale at 662-547-6482 or email at [email protected].

• For our Student Union: bar stools, newtablesandchairs•benches•Wiigame system•bumperpooltable•boardgames•CommercialExpressoMachine

• Family Ministries Center:couches•lamps• endtables•chairs•floorcushions •arearug•windowtreatments•wallcoverings

• Welcome Center:•commercialgradecarpet• paint•commercialgradebreadslicer

Setting the Pace: VolunteersBy Sylvia Dickson

Volunteers keep us running…without them, so many things would still be on our to do list, things like painting, clear-ing hiking trails, carpentry, campus beau-tification, cleaning and stuffing enve-lopes. On the other hand, with them our students and staff see sacrificial giving of time, talents and money; and, they re-ceive the smiles, encouragement and see firsthand how God uses strangers in our lives to bring his blessings. Thank you, volunteers, for setting the pace and run-ning the race!! u

Photos: Ross & Yerger; Westminster Presbyterian/Greenwood; Doty Springs Baptist Church; Joshua House/Michigan; MMAPers

This Ford F150 beauty was donated anonymously. Thanks for the giving hearts as well as the gifts from our donors.

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PRAY FOR OUR TROOPSWe are thankful for all our men and women who serve in the armed forces, but especially those with French Camp connections. Please pray for them as they defend us at home and abroad.He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say to the LORD, “My refuge and my fortress, My God, in whom I trust!” Psalm 91:1-2

Check the French Camp

For updated information on Alumni Events, Employment Opportunities and Needs.

French camp academy alumni news Where Are They NoW?

Kayton Hosket: Off and RunningBy Sylvia Dickson

A Wonderful Life: Arrie Reid HillBy Sylvia Dickson

Stanford’sSiblings who all attended FCA: Shirley Watts, David Stanford, Andrea Armstrong, Betty Sue Chesteen, Opal Ward, and James Stanford.

Arrie Reid Hill grew up in French Camp, MS from the age of 7 through 18 and is a mem-ber of the class of 1930. In 2008, she was honored as FCA alumnae of the year.

She celebrated her 100th birthday on August 6, 2012. And celebrate she did with a barber-shop quartet and over 80 people attending the party at the Buena Park Masonic Lodge near her Fullerton, California home.

Arrie states that her life has been wonderful, even with its ups and downs, because God has always been by her side. She has a won-derful family, a wonderful community, and a wonderful Savior.

She married Audry Hill and had 3 children, one who died in infancy. When their 26 year old daughter died, she and Audry took in their 3 grandchildren, whom they raised as their own. Their son is married and has 2 sons, who have 2 daughters.

Arrie’s great granddaughter, Cameron, commented: Knowing you are printing an article about our Grammy warms the hearts of my entire family. Her life is an

inspiration of love, loyalty and persever-ance to all who know her, and she has in-spired me personally to follow our Lord all the days and seasons of my life. While she may disagree, we all know she is worthy of the attention!

When she was not at home taking care of children, she was taking care of patients. For many years she worked as a medical assistant with several doctors in different fields.

Her church, a Congregational Church, preach-es the true gospel, she said, I wouldn’t go anywhere that didn’t teach that Jesus is the Son of God and that he died for our sins. God has always been faith-ful to me. It is the only thing worth believing.

When she was at French Camp Academy she was steeped in the gospel and she knows that FCA continues to be Christ-centered in its mission to young people. That is the big-gest reason she continues to support French Camp Academy. We think that is wonderful! u

It’s a familiar face on campus: Kayton Ho-sket’s face. A junior at Mississippi College majoring in math education, Kayton spent this summer working at Camp of the Rising Son and volunteering at FCA. Whenever she visits she brings her servant spirit with her as well as friends from MC who want to be involved with French Camp’s ministry to stu-dents.

Kayton graduated in 2010 and was Valedic-torian of her class. Going from a small high school to a large college can be daunting, but Kayton says her training at FCA prepared her in many ways to meet the challenges. FCA academics, spiritual challenges, exposure to a diversity of people, mission trips, and good adult leadership on campus were all good preparation for college.

Today she is a Resi-dent Assistant in her dorm. Kayton says, I have received so much; therefore I am required to give. Being RA lets me give time and pray for the girls. I’m thankful for all the doors God has opened through FCA and MC.

Kayton’s race has just begun and so far, she is running well. What does the future hold? She’s not sure—maybe teaching in the inner city or a Spanish speaking country. But we know that she is focusing and preparing to run in whatever path God shows her. u

William Hartley of Pasca-goula, MS—actually Frank-lin Creek—spent 5 of his younger years growing up at French Camp. He is the great grandson of Virgil Drane, so his visit to the Drane Home was significant. In the picture above, William is holding a picture of his grandmother, Mary, (smallest child, bot-tom right) with other family members. We always enjoy meeting new friends, but it’s a special treat to reconnect with someone whose roots are in French Camp. u

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Each year Harvest Festival simply gets better. Again, the French Camp community pulled together with quality hand crafted items, good food, music, and camaraderie. The glo-rious sunshine welcomed everyone and stayed on for the whole day. People leisurely took in all they could from the auction at the gym to the fresh, hot off the stove sorghum syrup in the historic district. If you couldn’t make it this year, mark your calendar for Oc-tober 11, 2013 and be at French Camp’s 62nd Harvest Fes-tival. In the meantime, you can enjoy a good, old-fashioned Pioneer Day on May 10, 2013. Find out more at or call 662 547-6482.

French Camp Academy: Champions for ChildrenBy Sylvia Dickson

Champions for Children, a benefit dinner for French Camp Academy was held on Monday, October 15

at the Jackson Country Club. Over 250 people attended the event which

featured Mississippi’s governor, the Honorable Phil Bryant, as the keynote speaker.

Champions for Children helped raise funds to sup-port student scholarships and celebrated God’s faithful provisions through its supporters. Governor Bryant highlighted the need to better serve young people and their families through high standards in education, resources to help people live responsibly and places like French Camp Academy to walk with families through difficult times.

FCA students and graduates were evident through-out the evening. Alumni James Senyard led the

group in The Pledge of Allegiance and Jordan Box sang The Star Span-gled Banner. Current student, Dylan Dickey, spoke of the training, Chris-tian mentoring, and education he is receiving at FCA. Under the direction of choral director, Hannah Cross, a choir of younger students sang To Be-lieve by Michael Evancho.

A highlight of the evening was the presentation of the first Sam Patterson Award to Mr. Tommy Peaster, Chair-man of the Board for BankPlus. As a member of the FCA Board of Trust-ees, Mr. Peaster has helped champion the cause of young people from bro-

ken families through the ministry of FCA.

French Camp Acade-my, a Christ-centered home and school, ex-ists to serve young people and families for the glory of God. If your church or civic club would like a pre-sentation highlighting the ministry of French Camp Academy, please contact Lance Ragsdale, Vice President of Development at (662) 547-9464. Visit to learn more about the unique ministry of French Camp Academy. u