Freedom (fadel s)




Transcript of Freedom (fadel s)

Essential Facts ! The Holy Qur’an Contains every kind of example

• { And indeed We have described every kind of example in this Qur’an, for mankind. But, man is ever more quarrelsome than anything } Al-Kahf 18:54


�م� • م�ك �ر� ك� أ �ن إ ف�وا �ع�ار� �ت ل �ل� �ائ و�ق�ب �ا ع�وب ش� �م� �اك �ن ع�ل و�ج� �ى �ث �ن و�أ �ر$ ذ�ك م'ن �م �اك �ق�ن ل خ� ا �ن إ اس� الن ,ه�ا ي

� أ �ا ي�م� �ق�اك �ت أ الله� �د� ن : ع� (13الحجرات )

•O mankind! We created you from male and female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other. Verily the most honored of you in the sight of ALLAH is the most righteous of you.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood )Article 1 UN declaration of HR)

Equality )continued(

�ون� • اء�ل �س� �ت ي � و�ال �ذ$ �و�م�ئ ي �ه�م� �ن �ي ب اب� �نس� أ � ف�ال الص,ور� ف�ي �ف�خ� ن �ذ�ا ف�إ: (101المؤمنون)

• And when the trumpet is blown (on The Day of Judgment) no ties of kinship or any kind of degree shall be of avail in accomplishing a purpose

Intellectual freedom

ض� • ر�� و�األ م�او�ات� الس ف�ي م�اذ�ا وا �ظ�ر� ان (101يونس:(ق�ل�

• Say: Look attentively and contemplate mentally and take note of all that is in the heavens and on the earth

•: سبأ ) وا ر� �ف�ك �ت ت �م ث اد�ى و�ف�ر� �ى �ن م�ث لله� �ق�وم�وا ت �ن أ �و�اح�د�ة$ ب �م� �ع�ظ�ك أ م�ا �ن إ (46ق�ل�

•Say: I do admonish you on one point: that ye do stand up before ALLAH, (it may be) in pairs, or (it may be) singly, and reflect (within yourselves):

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, )Article 18 UN declaration of HR)

Freedom of Religion

•: البقرة ) الد'ين� ف�ي اه� �ر� �ك إ � (256ال

•Let there be no compulsion in Religion•: ( يونس �ين� م�ؤ�م�ن �وا �ون �ك ي ى ت ح� اس� الن �ر�ه� �ك ت �ت� �ن �ف�أ أ ج�م�يع�ا ,ه�م� �ل ك ر�ض�

� األ ف�ي م�ن �م�ن� آل ,ك� ب ر� اء� ش� �و� (99و�ل

• And had your Lord willed, those on earth would have believed, all of them together. So, will you (O Muhammad, then compel mankind, until they become believers?

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion )Article 18 UN declaration of HR)

Freedom of Speech

وف� • �م�ع�ر� �ال ب ون� م�ر�� �أ ي �ع�ض$ ب �اء� �ي و�ل

� أ �ع�ض�ه�م� ب �ات� �م�ؤ�م�ن و�ال �ون� �م�ؤ�م�ن و�ال�ر� �ك �م�ن ال ع�ن� �ه�و�ن� �ن : و�ي (71التوبة)

•The Believers, men and women, are protectors, one of another: they enjoin what is just, and forbid what is evil:

Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to ……..and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers )Article 19 UN declaration of HR)

Enjoying the lawful

�اة� • ي �ح� ال ف�ي �وا آم�ن ذ�ين� �ل ل ه�ي� ق�ل� ق� ز� الر' م�ن� �ات� 'ب �طي و�ال �اد�ه� �ع�ب ل ج� �خ�ر� أ �ي ت ال الله� �ة� ز�ين م� ح�ر م�ن� ق�ل�: ( األعراف �ام�ة� �ق�ي ال �و�م� ي ال�ص�ة� خ� �ا �ي (32الد,ن

• Say: who has forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of ALLAH, which He has produced for His servants, and the things, clean and pure, (which He has provided) for sustenance? Say they are, in the life of this world, for those who believe, (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services )Article 25 UN declaration of HR)


�ك� • ذ�ل ف�ي �ن إ ح�م�ة� و�ر� مو�دة� �م �ك �ن �ي ب و�ج�ع�ل� �ه�ا �ي �ل إ �وا �ن ك �س� 'ت ل ا و�اج� �ز� أ �م� ك �ف�س� �ن أ م'ن� �م �ك ل �ق� خ�ل �ن� أ �ه� �ات آي و�م�ن�: ( الروم ون� ر� �ف�ك �ت ي $ 'ق�و�م ل �ات$ �ي (21آل

•And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts): verily in that are Signs for those who reflect.

Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. )Article 16 UN declaration of HR)


م�ما • �خ�ذ�وا �أ ت �ن أ �م� �ك ل �ح�ل, ي � و�ال ان$ �ح�س� �إ ب ر�يح� �س� ت و�� أ وف$ �م�ع�ر� ب اك� �م�س� ف�إ �ان� ت م�ر �ق� الطال

�اح� ن ج� � ف�ال الله� ح�د�ود� �ق�يم�ا ي �ال أ �م� خ�ف�ت �ن� ف�إ الله� ح�د�ود� �ق�يم�ا ي �ال أ اف�ا �خ� ي �ن أ �ال إ �ا �ئ ي ش� �م�وه�ن �ت �ي آته�م� �ك� �ئ �ول ف�أ الله� ح�د�ود� �ع�د �ت ي و�م�ن �د�وه�ا �ع�ت ت � ف�ال الله� ح�د�ود� �ل�ك� ت �ه� ب �د�ت� اف�ت ف�يم�ا �ه�م�ا �ي ع�ل

�م�ون� : الظال (229البقرة)• The divorce is twice, after that, either you retain her

on reasonable terms or release her with kindness. And it is not lawful for you )men( to take back )from your wives( any of your dowary which you have given them, except when both parties fear that they would be unable to keep the limits ordained by Allah )e.g. to deal with each other on a fair basis(. Then if you fear that they would not be able to keep the limits ordained by Allah, then there is no sin on either of them if she gives back )the Mahr or part of it( for her Al-Khul`


ق�ك�م • ز� و�ر� و�ح�ف�د�ة� �ين� �ن ب �م و�اج�ك �ز� أ م'ن� �م �ك ل و�ج�ع�ل� و�اج�ا �ز� أ �م� ك �ف�س� �ن أ م'ن� �م �ك ل ج�ع�ل� و�الله�: النحل ) �ات� 'ب الطي (72م'ن�

•And ALLAH has made for you mates (and companions) of your own nature, and made for you, out of them, sons and daughters and grand children, and has bestowed on you good provision

Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. )Article 16 UN declaration of HR)

The right of children in life

�ا • خ�ط�ئ �ان� ك �ه�م� �ل ق�ت �ن إ �م اك �ي و�إ ق�ه�م� ز� �ر� ن ح�ن� ن �ق$ �م�ال إ �ة� ي خ�ش� �م� �د�ك و�ال� أ �وا �ل �ق�ت ت � و�ال

: اإلسراء) ا �ير� �ب (31ك

• And kill not your children for fear of poverty. We shall provide for them as well as for you. Surely, the killing of them is a great sin

•: التكوير , ) �ل�ت� ق�ت ذ�نب$ ي'� �أ ب �ل�ت� ئ س� �م�و�ء�ود�ة� ال �ذ�ا (8,9و�إ

•When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned, for what crime she was killed

Everyone has the right to life )Article 3 UN declaration of HR)

The right to live

�الح�ق' • ب �ال إ الله� م� ح�ر �ي ت ال ف�س� الن �وا �ل �ق�ت ت � : و�ال :32اإلسراء ) األنعام (151و

• And do not kill anyone whose killing Allah has forbidden, except for a just cause

ض� • ر�� األ ف�ي اد$ ف�س� و�

� أ �ف�س$ ن �ر� �غ�ي ب ا �ف�س� ن �ل� ق�ت م�ن ه� ن� أ �يل� ائ ر� �س� إ �ي �ن ب ع�ل�ى �ا �ن �ب �ت ك �ك� ذ�ل �ج�ل� أ م�ن�

: المائدة ) ج�م�يع�ا اس� الن �ا ي �ح� أ م�ا ن� �أ ف�ك �اه�ا ي �ح� أ و�م�ن� ج�م�يع�ا اس� الن �ل� ق�ت م�ا ن

� �أ (32ف�ك

• On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the lives of the whole people.

Everyone has the right to life )Article 3 UN declaration of HR)

Earning a living

•: البقرة ) �م� 'ك ب ر م'ن � ف�ض�ال �غ�وا �ت �ب ت �ن أ �اح� ن ج� �م� �ك �ي ع�ل �س� �ي (198ل

• There is no sin on you if you seek the Bounty of your Lord (during pilgrimage by trading)

•: الملك ) ق�ه� ز� ر' م�ن �وا �ل و�ك �ه�ا �ب �اك م�ن ف�ي وا ف�ام�ش� � �وال ذ�ل ض� ر�� األ �م� �ك ل ج�ع�ل� ذ�ي ال (15ه�و�

• It is He Who has made the earth manageable for you, so walk in the path thereof and eat of His provision

•: ( الجمعة الله� ف�ض�ل� م�ن� �غ�وا �ت و�اب ض� ر�� األ ف�ي وا ر� �ش� �ت ف�ان �ة� الصال �ت� ق�ض�ي �ذ�ا (10ف�إ

• Then when the prayer is ended, you may disperse through the land, and seek the Bounty of Allah (by working, etc.)

Everyone has the right to work and to free choice of employment )Article 23 UN declaration of HR)


•: ( النساء �ن� ب �س� �ت اك م'ما �ص�يب� ن اء� 'س� �لن و�ل �وا ب �س� �ت اك م'ما �ص�يب� ن ج�ال� 'لر' (32ل

•To men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn

•: ( النساء �اط�ل� �ب �ال ب �م� �ك �ن �ي ب �م� �ك م�و�ال� أ �وا �ل �ك �أ ت � ال �وا آم�ن ذ�ين� ال ,ه�ا ي

� أ �ا (29ي

• O you who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves unjustly

Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. )Article 17 UN declaration of HR)

Home Privacy

�ه�ا • ه�ل� أ ع�ل�ى 'م�وا ل �س� و�ت �س�وا �ن �أ ت �س� ت ى ح�ت �م� �ك �وت �ي ب �ر� غ�ي �ا �وت �ي ب �وا ل �د�خ� ت � ال �وا آم�ن ذ�ين� ال ,ه�ا ي

� أ �ا ي: (27النور)

• O you who believe! Enter not houses other than your own, until you have asked permission and greeted those in them

ج�ع�وا • ف�ار� ج�ع�وا ار� �م� �ك ل ق�يل� �ن و�إ �م� �ك ل �ؤ�ذ�ن� ي ى ح�ت �وه�ا �د�خ�ل ت � ف�ال �ح�د�ا أ ف�يه�ا �ج�د�وا ت م� ل �ن ف�إ: النور ) �م� �ك ل �ى ك �ز� أ (27ه�و�

• And if you find no one therein, still, enter not until permission has been given. And if you are asked to go back, go back, for it is purer for you.

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation )Article 12 UN declaration of HR)

Protection of Honor

م'ن • اء� �س� ن � و�ال �ه�م� م'ن ا �ر� ي خ� �وا �ون �ك ي �ن أ ع�س�ى $ ق�و�م م'ن ق�و�م� خ�ر� �س� ي � ال �وا آم�ن ذ�ين� ال ,ه�ا ي� أ �ا ي

م� االس� �س� �ئ ب �ق�اب� �األل ب وا �ز� �اب �ن ت � و�ال �م� ك �ف�س� �ن أ وا �م�ز� �ل ت � ال و� �ه�ن م'ن ا �ر� ي خ� �ن �ك ي �ن أ ع�س�ى اء$ 'س� ن: الحجرات ) �م�ون� الظال ه�م� �ك� �ئ �ول ف�أ �ب� �ت ي م� ل و�م�ن �يم�ان� اإل �ع�د� ب �ف�س�وق� (11ال

• No believer, man or woman, should laugh at another in contempt, it may be that the (latter) are better than the (former): nor defame nor be sarcastic to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames; a Pagan custom below the dignity of Islam

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honor and reputation )Article 12 UN declaration of HR)

Self Defenseم�ن� , • �خ�ر�ج�وا أ ذ�ين� ال �ق�د�ير� ل �ص�ر�ه�م� ن ع�ل�ى ه� الل �ن و�إ �م�وا ظ�ل ه�م� ن

� �أ ب �ون� �ل �ق�ات ي ذ�ين� �ل ل �ذ�ن� أ�ه�د'م�ت� ل �ع�ض$ �ب ب �ع�ض�ه�م� ب اس� الن ه� الل د�ف�ع� �و�ال� و�ل ه� الل �ا ,ن ب ر� �وا �ق�ول ي �ن� أ �ال إ ح�ق§ �ر� �غ�ي ب �ار�ه�م� د�ي

�ن إ ه� �ص�ر� �ن ي م�ن� ه� الل ن �ص�ر� �ن �ي و�ل ا �ير� �ث ك ه� الل م� اس� ف�يه�ا �ر� �ذ�ك ي اج�د� و�م�س� �و�ات� و�ص�ل �ع� �ي و�ب ص�و�ام�ع�الحج ) ع�ز�يز� ªق�و�ي� ل ه� (40-39الل

• Permission )to fight back( is given to those who were fought against, )and( because they )believers( have been wronged, and surely, Allâh is Able to give them )believers( victory. Those who have been expelled from their homes unjustly only because they said: "Our Lord is Allâh." - For had it not been that Allâh checks one set of people by means of another, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, wherein the Name of Allâh is mentioned much would surely have been pulled down. Verily, Allâh will help those who help His )Cause(. Truly, Allâh is All-Strong, All-Mighty. )Al-Hajj 22:40(

Self Defense

�د�ى • اع�ت م�ا �ل� �م�ث ب �ه� �ي ع�ل �د�وا ف�اع�ت �م� �ك �ي ع�ل �د�ى اع�ت ف�م�ن�ق�ين� �م�ت ال م�ع� الله� �ن أ �م�وا و�اع�ل الله� ق�وا و�ات �م� �ك �ي ع�ل

: (194البقرة)

•Then whoever attacks you, you attack him back, like he attacked you. And fear Allah, and know that Allah is with those who are pious

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion etc… Article 2 UN declaration of HR)

م�يع�ا • س� �ان� ك الله� �ن إ �ه� ب �م� �ع�ظ�ك ي �ع�ما ن الله� �ن إ �ع�د�ل� �ال ب �م�وا �ح�ك ت �ن أ اس� الن �ن� �ي ب �م� �م�ت ح�ك �ذ�ا و�إ �ه�ا ه�ل� أ �ل�ى إ �ات� األم�ان �ؤ�د,وا ت �ن أ �م� ك �أم�ر� ي الله� �ن إ

: النساء) ا �ص�ير� (58ب

• Verily! Allah commands that you should render back the trusts to those to whom they are due; and that when you judge between people, you judge with justice

الله� • �ن إ الله� ق�وا و�ات ق�و�ى �لت ل ب� �ق�ر� أ ه�و� �وا اع�د�ل �وا �ع�د�ل ت �ال أ ع�ل�ى $ ق�و�م �آن� ن ش� �م� ك �ج�ر�م�ن ي � و�ال �ق�س�ط� �ال ب ه�د�اء� ش� لله� ق�وام�ين� �وا �ون ك �وا آم�ن ذ�ين� ال ,ه�ا ي� أ �ا ي

: المائدة ) �ع�م�ل�ون� ت �م�ا ب �ير� ب (8خ�

• O ye who believe stand out firmly for ALLAH, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety: and fear ALLAH. For ALLAH is well acquainted with all that ye do .



�وم� • مع�ل ªح�ق �ه�م� م�و�ال� أ ف�ي ذ�ين� �, و�ال وم �م�ح�ر� و�ال �ل� ائ �لس : ل (24,25المعارج )

•And those in whose wealth there is a recognized right, for the (needy) who asks and him who is prevented (for some reason from asking)

م�يع� • س� و�الله� ه�م� ل �ن� ك س� �ك� �ت ص�ال �ن إ �ه�م� �ي ع�ل و�ص�ل' �ه�ا ب 'يه�م� ك �ز� و�ت ه�م� �ط�ه'ر� ت ص�د�ق�ة� �ه�م� م�و�ال� أ م�ن� خ�ذ�

�يم� : ع�ل (103التوبة )

•Take (O Muhammad) from their wealth a Charity to set them upon the course of purity of thought and action and to impart sanctity to them

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services )Article 25 UN declaration of HR)

Freedom of Political opinion

�م� • ع�ت �از� �ن ت �ن ف�إ �م� �ك م�ن األم�ر� �ول�ي و�أ س�ول� الر �ط�يع�وا و�أ الله� �ط�يع�وا أ �وا آم�ن ذ�ين� ال ,ه�ا ي� أ �ا ي

: النساء ) س�ول� و�الر الله� �ل�ى إ د,وه� ف�ر� ي�ء$ ش� (59ف�ي

• O you who believe! Obey Allah and obey the Messenger , and those of you who are in authority (under the condition that they obey Allah and his Messenger). (And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah and His Messenger

Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion )Article 25 UN declaration of HR)

Resistance of Corruption

ون� • �نص�ر� ت � ال �م ث �اء� �ي و�ل� أ م�ن� الله� د�ون� م'ن �م �ك ل و�م�ا ار� الن �م� ك �م�س ف�ت �م�وا ظ�ل ذ�ين� ال �ى �ل إ �وا �ن ك �ر� ت � و�ال

: (113هود)

•And incline not to those who do wrong, or the fire will seize you; and ye have no protectors other than ALLAH, nor shall ye be helped

•: األنفال ) �ع�ق�اب� ال د�يد� ش� الله� �ن أ �م�وا و�اع�ل خ�اصة� �م� �ك م�ن �م�وا ظ�ل ذ�ين� ال �ن �ص�يب ت � ال �ة� �ن ف�ت ق�وا (25و�ات

• And fear the Final (affliction and trial) which affects not in particular (only) those of you who do wrong (but it may afflict all the good and the bad people), and know that Allah is Severe in punishment.

Resistance of Corruption)continued(

•: ( , الشعراء �ح�ون� �ص�ل ي � و�ال ر�ض�� األ ف�ي د�ون� �ف�س� ي ذ�ين� ال ر�ف�ين� �م�س� ال م�ر�

� أ �ط�يع�وا ت � (151,152و�ال

•And follow not the command of those who are extravagant in their accounts of themselves nor yield to their irreverent principles and authority, who make mischief in the land, and reform not

•: ( القصص �ين� خ�اط�ئ �وا �ان ك �ود�ه�م�ا ن و�ج� و�ه�ام�ان� ع�و�ن� ف�ر� �ن (8إ

•Verily, Pharaoh, Human (his prime minister) and their soldiers were sinners

Resistance of Corruption)continued(

�ن� • اب ع�يس�ى و� د�او�د� ان� ل�س� ع�ل�ى �يل� ائ ر� �س� إ �ي �ن ب م�ن وا �ف�ر� ك ذ�ين� ال �ع�ن� ل , �ر$ م,نك ع�ن �اه�و�ن� �ن �ت ي � ال �وا �ان ك �د�ون� �ع�ت ي �وا �ان و�ك ع�ص�و�ا �م�ا ب �ك� ذ�ل �م� ي م�ر�

�ون� �ف�ع�ل ي �وا �ان ك م�ا �س� �ئ �ب ل �وه� : ف�ع�ل (78,79المائدة)

• Those among the Children of Israel who disbelieved were cursed by the tongue of David and Jesus son of Mary. That was because they disobeyed (Allah and the Messengers) and were ever transgressing beyond bounds. They used not to forbid one another from evil-doing, sins, and disbelief which they committed. Wrong indeed was what they used to do.

Rights of the


Poor and Orphans

•: ( , الضحى �ه�ر� �ن ت � ف�ال �ل� ائ الس ما� و�أ �ق�ه�ر ت � ف�ال �يم� �ت �ي ال ما

� (8,9ف�أ

•Treat not the orphan with harshness, and repulse not the beggar

• , , �ك� ن �م� و�ل 'ين� �م�ص�ل ال م�ن� �ك� ن �م� ل �وا ق�ال ق�ر� س� ف�ي �م� �ك �ك ل س� م�اك�ين �م�س� ال �ط�ع�م� : ن (44-42المدثر)

•What has caused you to enter Hell?, they will say: We were not of those who prayed, Nor we used to feed the poor

Is feeding enough ?

• , , � ط�ع�ام ع�ل�ى �ح�ض, ي � و�ال �يم� �ت �ي ال �د�ع, ي ذ�ي ال �ك� ف�ذ�ل �الد'ين� ب �ذ'ب� �ك ي ذ�ي ال �ت� �ي أ ر�� أ

: الماعون ) ك�ين� �م�س� (3-1ال

• Have you seen him who denies the Recompense? Then such is the one who repulses the orphan with harshness, and encourages not the feeding of the poor

• , ك�ين� �م�س� ال � ط�ع�ام ع�ل�ى �ح�ض, ي � و�ال � �ع�ظ�يم ال �الله� ب �ؤ�م�ن� ي � ال �ان� ك ه� �ن إ: (33,34الحاقة)

•This was he that would not believe in ALLAH the Almighty, and would not encourage the feeding of the poor

Sanctity of their wealth

ده� • �ش� أ �غ� �ل �ب ي ى ح�ت �ح�س�ن� أ ه�ي� �ي ت �ال ب �ال إ � �يم �ت �ي ال م�ال� �وا ب �ق�ر� ت � و�ال: :152األنعام) (34اإلسراء,

•And come not near to the orphan's property, except to improve it, until he attain the age of full strength

ا • �ار� ن �ه�م� �ط�ون ب ف�ي �ل�ون� �ك �أ ي م�ا �ن إ �م�ا ظ�ل �ام�ى �ت �ي ال م�و�ال�� أ �ل�ون� �ك �أ ي ذ�ين� ال �ن إ

: ( النساء ا ع�ير� س� �و�ن� �ص�ل ي (10و�س�

• Verily, those who unjustly eat up the property of orphans, they eat up only fire into their bellies, and they will be burnt in the blazing Fire!

Rights on Government

• � ال �ي� ك �يل� ب الس �ن� اب و� �ين� اك �م�س� و�ال �ام�ى �ت �ي و�ال �ى ب �ق�ر� ال �ذ�ي و�ل س�ول� �لر و�ل ه� �ل ف�ل ى �ق�ر� ال �ه�ل� أ م�ن� �ه� ول س� ر� ع�ل�ى الله� �ف�اء� أ م�اد�يد� ش� الله� �ن إ الله� ق�وا ات و� �ه�وا �ت ف�ان �ه� ع�ن �م� �ه�اك ن م�ا و� ف�خ�ذ�وه� س�ول� الر �م� �اك آت و�م�ا �م� �ك م�ن �اء� �ي األغ�ن �ن� �ي ب �ة� د�ول �ون� �ك ي

: الحشر ) �ع�ق�اب� (7ال

What Allah gave as booty to His Messenger from the people of the townships - it is for Allah, His Messenger, the kindred, the orphans, the poor, and the wayfarer, in order that it may not become a fortune used by the rich among you. And whatsoever the Messenger gives you, take it; and whatsoever he forbids you, abstain (from it). And fear Allah; verily, Allah is Severe in punishment.

Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and necessary social services )Article 25 UN declaration of HR)

Rights on Relatives

•: اإلسراء ) ا �ذ�ير� �ب ت �ذ'ر� �ب ت � و�ال �يل� ب الس �ن� و�اب ك�ين� �م�س� و�ال ح�قه� �ى ب �ق�ر� ال ذ�ا (26و�آت�

•And render to the relatives their due rights, as (also) to those in need, and to the wayfarer: but squander not (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift.

�ام�ى • �ت �ي و�ال �ى ب �ق�ر� ال �ذ�ي و�ب �ا ان �ح�س� إ �ن� �د�ي �و�ال �ال و�ب �ا �ئ ي ش� �ه� ب �وا ر�ك �ش� ت � و�ال الله� �د�وا و�اع�ب: النساء ) �ين� اك �م�س� (36و�ال

• Worship Allah and join none with Him (in worship); and do good to parents, kinsfolk, orphans, the poor …

Rights on Relatives )continued(�خ�ر� • اآل � �و�م �ي و�ال �الله� ب آم�ن� م�ن� �ر �ب ال �ك�ن و�ل �م�غ�ر�ب� و�ال ر�ق� �م�ش� ال �ل� ق�ب �م� و�ج�وه�ك ,وا �و�ل ت �ن أ �ر �ب ال �س� �ي ل

�ن� و�اب �ين� اك �م�س� و�ال �ام�ى �ت �ي و�ال �ى ب �ق�ر� ال ذ�و�ي 'ه� ب ح� ع�ل�ى �م�ال� ال �ى و�آت 'ين� �ي ب و�الن �اب� �ك�ت و�ال �ة� �ك �ئ �م�ال و�الع�اه�د�وا �ذ�ا إ �ع�ه�د�ه�م� ب �م�وف�ون� و�ال �اة� ك الز �ى و�آت �ة� الصال �ق�ام� و�أ ق�اب� الر' و�ف�ي �ين� �ل ائ و�الس �يل� ب الس

: (177البقرة)

•It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards East or West; but it is righteousness to believe in ALLAH and the last Day, and the angels, and the Book, and the Messengers; to spend of your wealth, out of love for Him, for your relatives, for orphans, for the needy, for the wayfarer, for those who ask, and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in prayer, and practice regular charity, to fulfill your promises and contracts which ye have made;

Rights on Relatives )continued(

�ن� • �د�ي �و�ال �ل ف�ل �ر$ ي خ� م'ن� �م �ف�ق�ت �ن أ م�ا ق�ل� �ف�ق�ون� �ن ي م�اذ�ا �ك� �ون �ل أ �س� يم�ن� �وا �ف�ع�ل ت و�م�ا �يل� ب الس �ن� و�اب �ين� اك �م�س� و�ال �ام�ى �ت �ي و�ال �ين� ب و�األق�ر�

: البقرة ) �يم� ع�ل �ه� ب الله� �ن ف�إ �ر$ ي (215خ�

• They ask you what they should spend (in charity) . Say: Whatever you spend of good must be for parents and relatives and orphans and the poor and the wayfarers, and whatever you do of good deeds, truly, Allah knows it well.

Fighting to support their rights

ذ�ين� • ال �د�ان� �و�ل و�ال اء� 'س� و�الن ج�ال� الر' م�ن� �ض�ع�ف�ين� ت �م�س� و�ال الله� �يل� ب س� ف�ي �ل�ون� �ق�ات ت � ال �م� �ك ل و�م�ام�ن �ا ن ل و�اج�ع�ل ¶ا �ي و�ل �ك� د�ن ل م�ن �ا ن ل و�اج�ع�ل �ه�ا ه�ل

� أ � �م الظال �ة� ي �ق�ر� ال ه�ذ�ه� م�ن� �ا ن �خ�ر�ج� أ �ا ن ب ر� �ون� �ق�ول ي: النساء ) ا �ص�ير� ن �ك� د�ن (75ل

• And what is wrong with you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah, and for those weak, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women, and children, whose cry is: "Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise for us from You one who will protect, and raise for us from You one who will help."

What about your rights?

• , م�ا �ن إ �يل$ ب س� م'ن �ه�م �ي ع�ل م�ا �ك� �ئ �ول ف�أ �م�ه� ظ�ل �ع�د� ب �ص�ر� �ت ان �م�ن� و�ل�ر� �غ�ي ب ر�ض�

� األ ف�ي �غ�ون� �ب و�ي اس� الن �م�ون� �ظ�ل ي ذ�ين� ال ع�ل�ى �يل� ب الس , �م�ن� ل �ك� ذ�ل �ن إ و�غ�ف�ر� �ر� ص�ب �م�ن� و�ل �يم� �ل أ ع�ذ�اب� �ه�م� ل �ك� �ئ �ول أ �ح�ق' ال

�م�ور� األ � م (43-41الشورى ) ع�ز�

• And indeed whosoever takes revenge after he has suffered wrong, against such there is no blame. The blame is only against those who oppress men with wrong doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice: for such there will be a Penalty grievous, And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives, that would truly recommended by Allah

What about your rights?

ع�ن� • �ه� و�ان وف� �م�ع�ر� �ال ب م�ر�� و�أ �ة� الصال � �ق�م أ �ي �ن ب �ا ي

� م ع�ز� م�ن� ذ�ل�ك� �ن إ �ك� ص�اب� أ م�ا ع�ل�ى �ر� و�اص�ب �ر� �ك �م�ن ال

: لقمان ) �م�ور� (17األ

• O my son establish regular prayer, enjoin what is just, and forbid what is wrong: and bear with patience whatever befalls you; for this is firmness )of purpose( in )the conduct of( affairs.



Qur’an is the Divine Guidance for all Humanity forever

ع�ن • �ع�ف�و و�ي �اب� �ت �ك ال م�ن� �خ�ف�ون� ت �م� �ت �ن ك م'ما ا �ير� �ث ك �م� �ك ل 'ن� �ي �ب ي �ا �ن ول س� ر� �م� ج�اء�ك ق�د� �اب� �ت �ك ال �ه�ل� أ �ا ي�ين� م,ب �اب� �ت و�ك �ور� ن الله� م'ن� �م ج�اء�ك ق�د� �ير$ �ث �, ك �م ال الس �ل� ب س� �ه� ر�ض�و�ان �ع� ب ات م�ن� الله� �ه� ب �ه�د�ي ي

$ �ق�يم ت م,س� اط$ ص�ر� �ل�ى إ �ه�د�يه�م� و�ي �ه� �ذ�ن �إ ب ,ور� الن �ل�ى إ �م�ات� الظ,ل م'ن� �خ�ر�ج�ه�م : و�ي (15,16المائدة )

• O people of the Book! Now has come to you Our Messenger explaining to you much of that which you used to hide from the Scripture and pass over (i.e. leaving out without explaining) much. Indeed, there has come to you from Allah a light (Prophet Muhammad and a plain Book (this Qur'an).

• Wherewith Allah guides all those who seek His Good Pleasure to ways of peace, and He brings them out of darkness by His Will unto light and guides them to the Straight Way


1.The Holy Qur’an2.How to deal with the Qur’an by Dr.

Yusuf Al-Qaradawi3.Translation of the Qur’an by Yusuf Ali4.Translation of the Qur’an Al-Medina

ver.5.Translation of the Qur’an Al-

Muntakhab ver.