FRCC ART 138 Barabra Kruger

Barbara Kruger Speaking the Truth into Pictures


a short presentation on artist Barbara Kruger

Transcript of FRCC ART 138 Barabra Kruger

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Barbara KrugerBarbara KrugerSpeaking the Truth into PicturesSpeaking the Truth into Pictures

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Growing up & starting out

• Born 1945 in Newark New Jersey

• Only child

• Attended Syracuse University & Parson’s School of design, where she studied with Diane Arbus

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Artistic Journey

• Started designing ads for Mademoiselle Magazine at 22, promoted to head design within one year

• First art exhibited work was fiber arts, “women’s work”

• Became involved in New York poetry scene, publishing and performing her work in poetic society

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Moving towards montage...

• 1976: Left New York loft for California, where she stopped all artmaking for one full year

• “[I was trying to] rethink my connections to my work, to the art world, and most importantly, to the games and relations that congeal, disperse and make the world go round.”

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• When Kruger returned to her work, she took up the camera, capturing images of California residences, which she published with accompanying narratives written about the people living there.

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The Work

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Stealing images to tell the Truth

• Work in fashion provided the skills for choosing and cropping images while also providing fodder for a mission in dispelling lies visual media passes off for reality

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• Kruger’s work focuses on taking well-recognized images and adding text with an accusatory “you” or non-identified pronouns as commentary on the original visual message

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• Politics

• Feminism

• Commodity Fetish

• Rhetoric of realism

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“I’m interested in how identities are constructed,

how stereotypes are formed, how narratives sort

of congeal and become history.”

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• Love for Sale. Linker, Kate. Harry N. Abrams, Inc, New York, 1990