Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator Series 2 ... · The Hitler Governn:ent. ... a1 r...

Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator" The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945 Series 2: " You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FDR and the New Deal File No. 1381 -B 1941 September II Fireside Chat # 17 - Maintaining Freedom of the Seas

Transcript of Franklin D. Roosevelt- The Great Communicator Series 2 ... · The Hitler Governn:ent. ... a1 r...

Franklin D. Roosevelt- "The Great Communicator"

The Master Speech Files, 1898, 1910-1945

Series 2: " You have nothing to fear but fear itself:" FDR and the New Deal

File No. 1381-B

1941 September II

Fireside Chat #17 -Maintaining Freedom of the Seas




SEPTE:o!.BSR 11, 1941


The Navy Depert:Dent of the United States has reported

t o ma that on the mornlQS: or September fourth the United

States destroyer GREER, proceeding in t\111 daylight towards

Iceland , had reached e point southeast or Greenland . She was

oarr:rins Amer t.oa n 111811 to Iceland . Sbe was flying the American

flag . Her identitr u an American ship was un:nistakable.

She W88 then and t~ere a ttacked by a s ubmarine. Cerceny

~dn:1t6 that it was e Gerll'l!'n suboorine . The submarine Gel1bcretf'ly

tired a torpedo o.t the GREER, followed later by c.nother torpedo

attock . fn opite or .,., l!itler• o propaganda Bureeu hao

imented, end in spite or what any Aurlcen obstruct1on1et

orge.n1z.at1on may prefer to believe, I t oll you t he blunt rsot

that. t he Ceroen au'bDtlrine fired first upon thia Amerioeo

~ doatroyer without wernlq; , end wlth dellberete des ign t.o •ink her.


·•· Ou:r daatroyer,at the time , wee in we.t ere which the

Governr.ent of the United Str.tee Md decl.8 red t.o be waters of

aelt-de!~e - - .u.rroundlfl6 outpoflta or J.Jr..erioan protection

in the Atlentio . J In the North, outposts h8ve been establieJ1ed by ue

in I cel.Dnd , Greenland , Labrador nnd Newfound l and . Throueh

these waters tbeJ•e peu many ahlp a of Dl&DY flags . Tbey bear

f ood end other aupplies to civ111ene; end they bear &~.teriel

of wer , for whi ol1 the people or the United Str.tes nre ep ending

billi ons of dollars , e.ndWhioh, by eonsreesi onsl ect ion, t hey

have decl ared t.o be essential for tt.e defense of t heir own

land .

The Unit t~d St ates destroyer, .,.·hen att acked , waa

proceedine; on a leg1t1m~~.te lllieslon.

If the deetroyer ¥:&8 visible to t he subl:arlne whe n

the torpedo was fired , then the attack V.'SB o deliberate

a ttempt by t he Ne.z1H to sink n ole erl)' identified Amerioen warship .

II On the other hand , if t.he GU'bmirine was beneath t he surface

and, wi t h t he! of i ts lis t e ning devi ces , r tred in t he

di rec t i on of t he souriS of the American deo t ro:yer without

even t aking t he t rouble to l ear n i t s l dent i t y - - eo t he

official Gert::l&n communique wou1d indicate - - t hen t he e ok

wee even 1110re out regeoue . For i t 1n41ca t ee: e policy of

1nd1acr1m1mte violence against any vessel selli ng t he s eas - -

belliger ent or non-belligt~ront .

Thi s was pi ney - - l egal ly end mor e.ll y. It was not

t he f irs t nor t he las t &c t ot piracy whi ch t.he Nazi Government

has con.mltted against t he American flag i n t h i s wa r . At tack

hea fol lowed a ttack .

A few 1110nth s a~ an Aurioen flag merct.ant shi p , t he

ROBI N loiOOR , was sunk by s Naz i aubme.ri ne in t he middl e of

t ho SOuth AtlPntio , un:.1 er circums t ances violo.tine; l ong-

eateblielle d i nte r nn t lonal l ew and every princi pl e ot humtln1ty .

I -4-

The paesenaers and the crew were force(!: int o open boatf.l hundreds

ot miles from lend, in direct violation of international

ae;reea:enta s16ned by the Goverrur.ent or Germeny. No apology,

no allegation or alstake , no orrer of reparations has come

!rom the Nazi eovermnent .

In July, 19Ll, an AJrarioe.n battleship in North Al:lerlcan

waters Ilia& followed by e subalrlne which tor 8 long tlae sought

to ~~.:aneuvor itflelt into e. poaitlon of . The periacope

or the subm&rine wu clearly seen. No British or An:.erloan

euboerines wen "1tbln hutXlrede or miles or this spot at the, so tbe natlont~llty or the au~rlne is clear.

Five days BBP e United St ates Navy ship on petrol

picked up thr ee survivors of en lu!lerioen-ov.ned ship operating

under t he flag or our sis t er Republic or Pe.n.ame -- the s. s .

S!SSA. On August seventeenth , ehe n&d bee n firs t torpedoed

without wsrn1~ , end then s helled , near Greenland , While

carrying civUhn supplies to I celend . It is teared thet t he

other membera of her crew have been drowned. In view or the

/ -s-

ute.bUshed presence or Geraan wblarines in this d cin1ty ,

t here can be no reaeonnble doubt as to t he identity ot the


Five days ego, another Unit ed St ates mercha nt ship,

the STEEL SEAFARER was aunk by e Geraan drcratt i n t he Red

See t¥.0 hundred and twenty a:.ilea sout h or s uez. She wee

bOund tor e.n F.gyptia.n port.

[rovx .;Jii. "'"ol' ounk o' ettaoked tlew the J.merioen

flee end VIera clearly identithble . Two ~ ehipa were

~-erahipe or the American Navy . In t ho fit'th case, t he veoael

suM cleerl')' carri ed the nag or Pentllli&J

In the race or c.ll t hiB , we Amer icans are keeping o ur

teet on the grouW . Our t ype or dcocrstic cl vill~stlon has

outgrown t he thought of reeling compelle d to t i ght some other

ootion by reason or any single piratioel att ack on one ot our

ships . We a re not beOOmi~ hysterical or l osing our sense

ot proportio n. Therefore, wha t I t1a1 t hinking and ser 1ng does

l'lOt rel a t e to any iSolated. ep1ao4e.



Instead, we Amerjcana ere taki~ a long- rtange point

of view in regard to certe.i n t'unde.J:~entels em. to a aerl oe of

events on lend and on sea wblol: moot be considered as a whole --

as a pert or a world pattern .

[It w:lUld be unworthy or a great notion to exaggerate

an isolated tnoldent , or to beoome intlued by some one act

or violence. Eut it \W::luld be inexcusable folly to m1n1111ze ~

such lncident.s in the race of evidence which me.kes it cleer ~

that the incident i s not i sol a t ed, but part of a general plan] I The i llportant truth 18 the.t these acts of int.ernlitlonal

la~lesaneu are a manifest ation of a design Y.'hicb baa been

r.: ·Y lll8de clear to the Am&rtlen people tor a lena time. L: t is the

Nazi deaign to aboliah tho troodom or the seea , end to aoquire !hJ absolute control en3 dolil1mt1on of the sees ror theaelves] ~v..

For with oontrol or the eeoe in their a.n banda, the

way ean become el•nr tor their n&Xt etep - - do~:~.1Mt1on of the

United State& and the Weotern Hamiephere by toroe . Under B


Nazi cont rol or the seas, no merotwnt ship of the United States

or or any other Am&rioen Republic would be tree to carry on

any peacerul ooa~~~e roe , nce pt by the oondeacendi ne grace or

this foreign and tyrannical power. The Atltlnt1c Ooeen which

has been, and which should alweya be , a free and friendly

hiehuy tor us 'IIOUld t..blll. beoo~M a deadly menace t.o the ool!llllerce

ot t.he United St.etee , to the cooau of the United Statu , end

t.o the inland cities of the United States.

The Hitler Governn:ent. in def1MC8 of the l&WS or the

sea end of the recognized rights of all other mtiona , hna

preauoed to declare , on paper, that great e.rcea of the seas --

e ven including a vest expense lying in the Western Heclsphare -­

are t o be closed , and the. t no ships may enter them for any

purpose, except a t peril of being sunk . .Actually they a re

Blnking ships at will and without 11-arnlng in widely separated

erees both within eD4 r e r outtlide or these rer- tlung pretended

-·-Thie Ned to sei:>.e control or the ooeene 1a

but a counterpart or tile Nazi plots now being carried on

throughout the Western HsniBphere - - all designed t oward the

srute end . Yor Hitler• e achanee gutt.rda -- not only h18 avowed

agent.s but also biB dupes among us - - blve sousht to

ready tor him toothol d a am bridgeheads in the New World ,

be used ae soon ae he baa gained control or the ooeons.

['Hie intrigues, hla plots, lila me.chinetlons, his

sabotage in this New Worlcl ere all known to the Government

or the United States. Conspiracy bee tollo'roed conspiracy . J year a plot to seize the Governr:ent or Uruguay

'rles eme.ehed by t he pron1pt action or that country , which wa s

supported in 1'ull by her Am&rlean neighbors. A like plot was

then batebil'@. in Argentine, a.M thet Government hu carefully

and w18ely blocked it at every point. Kore recently, en

endenvor was to subvert the Government or BoU 'V i a .

Within the peat rew week:a the discovery was made or secret

a1 r lending fields in Colombia , within essy r ange or the

Panama Canel. I could multiply instances.


To be ultime.tely auooeutul in world mestery, Hitler

k00'¥1's that he must get oontrol of the seas. He must firs t

destroy the brHlge or shipe Wllch we ere building across the

Atlantic, over •'hlch we shall continw to roll the 1.Jnplea:enta

or war to help destroy him and all hie works in the end . He

mus t wipe out our potrol on sea and. in the air. He must

allence the British Hevy .

[It moot be expWned e.nd again to people Who Uke

to think or the United States Navy u an invinoible protect ion,

that t h18 can be true only 11' t heBrltish Navy survives. Thet

la sillll>le ari thmetic .

For it the world outside the Americas falls under

Axis doml m tion, t he sblpbu 1ldil'l6 tac111tles whlct. the Ax1a

powers would then poaaesa in all of Europa , in the British

Isles, and in the Far Eeat .,uld be muob greater then all the ................... _ .................. '"(if0

-.. , ·-·- .. ·--.~:-.... ... ::] ... :'i ~ the United States threw all it a resources into suob a situation ,

aeek11'18 to double and even redouble the size or our Navy , t he

Axle powers, in control or thereat or the "''orld , would have

t he an- power and the physical resources t.o outbuild ua several

times over.

It 1S time for all Americans or all the Americea to

a top being deluded by the romantic notion that t he Americea

can go on living happily end peacefully in a Nazi- domino ted


Generation after generation, J.merice has battltld ror

the general policy or the rreedoa or the aees. Thet policy

18 a very s i mple one -- but a basic , tund~ntel one. It

means that no nation bee th e r i ght t.o make t he broad ooeaM

or the world a t greet diatenoea f rom t he actual thea tre or

land war, un.sere tor the oorameroe or others.

Tbe.t bas been ou.r pollcy, proyec!. time end. t.1111e again,

in all cur hi story.

Our policy hna applied rrom tilt& iDlllleworial -- a nd

etill applie s -- not aerely to the Atlantic but to the Pacific

an4 to all other oceans 88 well.

Unre8trictec!. submarine wartsre in 1941 constitutes

a c!.etience -- an ect ot agg.re8aion -- ag81nst that historic

American policy .

[rt ia now clear that Hitler has begun hi s campaign to

control the 8888 by nat hlfl88 force and by wiping out every

ventge ot international lew and hucanity . J His intention hl!ls been cadis clear. The Amer i can people

can have no further 1llu81ona about it.

Ho tender \\1lispering8 ot app t>asers that Hitler ia not

1nt ereeted i n the western Hemisphere , no sopori tio lullabie8

that a wide ocean proteota u.a troa h1a -- can l ong have any

ettect on the hard- headed , te.r-sigbted and rea.Ustlc American


- 12-

Because ot theee episodes , beco.uae ot the movements

end operaticna of Germen warehipe, and because of t he clear,

repeeted proof tbet. the present Governunt of Germany baa no

r espect. tor t reaties or tor interne.tion&l. l ew, tha t it baa no

decent attitude to"·erd neutral nations or human life -- we

Americans ere now t&ce t o tece not "1th abstract theoriee but

with cruel, relentlesa tecta.

This attack on the GREER was no localized military

operation in t he North Atlantic . This was no rtere epillode in

a atrut)gle betw•n two nations . ThiiJ was one deUrmined s tep

towards creating a permanent world ayatem bas ed on toree ,

t error and murder,

f..-.3. I am sure tha t even now the Nazi s are W! to

see whether the United State.e will by ailenoe give them the

sreen lisb• "' gn ahead oo <hlapo'h ot de"r~tlon.}'

The Nazi dans•r to our "'estern v.orld he s long ceeaed to

be e. mere poasibll1ty . Thf:l danger 18 he re now -- not only ~· ~~

trom a military enem.y but trom an enemy ot all law, au liberty

ell •orell<y , all r e l1f!1on. )


There hils now oo• a time when you and I mWJ t see the

ool d inexorable necessity of seyi~ t.o these inhuman,

tlnreatrained s eekers or world oonqucat and permanent world

dominotion by the sword - - "You seer. t.o t hrO'II' our ohlldren

and our ob1ldren1 s chlldren int o yow- tom ot t e rrorism and

slavery. Yo u bave DCl'W attacked ow- own safety . You ahall eP

no furt her" .

Normal practices of diplomacy -- note writing -- are

of no poesible use in decllna with int ernational outlaws who

si nlc our ships llJld k111 our oi t.i:tens .

One peaceful mtio n aft er anot har bas me t disas t er

because each refWJed to look the Na:ti danger squt1rely i n the

eye until it actuall y had them by the throat .

The United Sta tes will not mak e t ha t r aul mistake .

Go act or violence or intimi dat ion will ke ep us !'rom

mllintainl~ intact t 'M:l bUlwe.rks or defense : f irs t, our li ne 3 ot supply of mteriel t.o the aneAI.les or Hitler, and aaeo nd ,

t ha freedoa or our ahlppine; on tlla high sea~


No matter v.'he t it t ekea, no mt~t.ter what i t coat s , we

will keep open t he lire of l sgit11118 t.e coJillllerce in the se

defensive watera.

[ we have aou,ght no ahootill8 nr with Hitler . We do not

aeek: it now. But neither do we want peace ao much, t be.t y,·e

are willing to pe.y tor it by penn1tting him to attack our

neval and ~:~erchant ships while they a re on legitl• t a bu.sineaaJ

I a ssume that the Germa.n lead e r a a re not deeply

co nc e rned by wha t we Al:r.ericens aay or publish about them .

We cennot bring a bout the downfall of Nazism by the use of

loJl!-range 1 nveothe.

ButE.•• you see a r e ttleanake poiud to nrlke, you

do not wait until he has s t ruok before you crush him,

These Nazi aublmrines and r eidera a r e thf! r a ttlearwkea

ot the Atlantic. They are e menace to the tree o r

the high aeaa. They a re a ehallen~ to our sov er e i gnty.


They h,_r et our oost preciouo right• when t hey ottook ehlpe ,yf


of tbe American flag -- symbols ot our independence , our J \'\ ~ freedom, our 'tery lite.


It i s clear to e.ll Am•rloana t btl t the t iM baa come

When t he Amsrtcas t hemselYea mu.<lt now be defended. A

oont1nuo.t.1o n of s.ttaoka in our own wat ers, or in waters

'fd11eh could be use d t or further end greater attacks on us ,

will inavit.ably weaken American eb111ty t.o repel Hltlerlsm.

Do oot let u s aplltbe1rs . Let us not ask o urselves

whether the Americas ahould begl n to defend t hemeel•es after

the t i rth a tt6ck , or t he t ent h attack , or the twentie th atteolc .

[ The t ime tor aotlve defense i s now. J Do not let us split hairs , Let u 1:1 not say -- .. VIe

will only defend ourselves it the torpedo succeeds in getting

boa, or it tbe crew and the passer!Bers ere drowned" .

~This is the tl• t or pre venti o n or e tteok.J

If submarines or r aiders a t uek in dis t ant wat ers ,

they osn a ttack equally well within llight or our own s hores .

Their very presence in any wo.ter s which America deeme vital

to its defense oonstitutes an ett eek .



[ In t ho wAtoro ""loh wo do"' nooe,.•ry for our dotonso ,

.. .mericen mval veuela and America n planes will no longer .,.·ait \...J.

until Axh eut.e.riDes lurk1 the .,.,.ter, or Axis raiders

on the surface ot the see, strike tbelr deadly blow -- tirst. J Upon o ur naval am sir patrol - -now operating in

large DU!llber over a ves t expanse or the Atlentic Ocean - - tel ls

the duty ot maintaining the American policy or freedom ot

the seas -- now. ~ t uans , very simply and clearly , the t

our patrolling vesaela and planes will protect all merchllnt }.-\ ships -- not only Amricsn ships but ahips of any !'lag - ·

engaged in OOIII!ierce in our defensive waters. They will protect

them trom submarines; they will protect them trom surface


Thh 81tuot1c n i s not new. The second President or

the United States, J'obn AdlliDe, ordered the United States Navy

to olean out European priva teers and European ships or war

which were 1nfeet1f6 the Car ibbean end SOuth American weter8 ,

dest roying American oolllliM!Irce.


The third President or the United States, Tho.aa

J'efrerson, ordered the United Statee Navy t.o end the attack•

b6i ng made upon American ehipa by t1~e corsairs ot the na tiona

or North At rica ,

lol.y obligation aa Praeident is historic ; it 18 clear ;

1t 1a 1mecapable.

It is no act or war on our part M!.an we decide to

protect the seea which are vite.l to Atcerican defense. The

assression is not ours . Ours is solely defense ,

Buttet this warnire be clear . From now on, if Cerllllln

or Ite.lia.n vessels or .,·ar enter the wat ers , the protection

or ~~o1licb is necessary for A!Dirican defense , they do eo at.

their own peril .

The orders \\hiohi have given as Commander- in-Chief

to the United States Anny and Navy are to ca r ry out that

policy-at once . ..=]


'l'he sole responsibility reets upon Germany. There will

bo .:-oboou,. unl"' "'"''"' oontlnueo t o oook ltj Tha.t is my obvious duty in this crisis. That 18 the

clear right or this sovereign mtlon. Tho.t is the only s t ep

ponlble, 1r we ?Ould keep tight the wall of defense which we

are ple4ged to IIIBintaln uoun1 this Western Hemisphere .

I no illusions about the graTity or this etep.

I have oot t aken i t htn"rledly or lightly. It i s the resUlt

or months end months or constant thought and anxiety and

prayer . In the protect ion or your na.tlon and mine it cannot

be avo i de4.

The American people have race4 other grave criaee ln

U1eir history - - w1 t b American courage end American r esolution.

They will do no less today .

They know the eotuelitle a or the a ttacks upon us .

They know the necessities or a bol4 defaMe against theae

at teolca . They know the. t the tilrea oall tor olear beods aDd

reerleu hearts.

And with thlt. inner nrengt.h tha t ca:tea t.o a tree

'-people coneoious ot their duty e.n4 or the righteousne~a or

what they do , they w111 -- with Divine help and gui dance --

ete.nd their g round thl• l atest assault upon the i r

democracy, their aoYerel gnty, and. the ir treedom.

fiADIO ADim!SS OP' 'rul PRr:liD!tn' BRQADCA..;,"'T FRCIII "na: 'IIHlTt

Jeptuber 11, 1941. , 9 : 00 p , !.!., :!. s . r .

'l"be Nery o.pan .. ut ot \ be UDi\e4 .:>utea ~. np)rted to ..

\bU OD tbe alrDl ~~& or Sept.-.ber fCIW'\ b the t1Di\ed .:ootatea deatroyer GRml.,

1113 \be "'llertcan tl•'3 · rler 14enU\y •• an A:!ler1cen ahtp waa um~~h\akeble .

She • • than and there atucka4 by a au bl!larlue . Gal':llll~ adalta

tllat 1\ • • a OarM.D aut.arlna . Tba aut.ariDII ual tbeHtalJ tired a \o~o

at t he GRXER, tollowd later bJ torpedo a ttack. ID a~1ta ot whet

oba\ruct l.onllt ore-nt z.a.Uon JU.Y pretar t o bel1a'l'a , I tall you \he bluD\

tad t het t he Oaman aub:l:artna ttrad tiNt upon thta ~rlc1111 daau·oyar

without •rniq, end .tth deliberat e daate D t o alP~~: .

ot the United Statea had daclaNCt t o be •tera or aalt..c!ataDM - - w r -

round ina out poau or Allartcao prot actioo to t he Atlantic ,

In the North or t ba Atlantic , outpoats hen bee n aateblilhed

by us in Icalalld , .!!. Greenland , l!!. Le.b~dor ud .!!. r>ewfouodlant! . 'l'hJ"OU&b

theaa w.tartl t here paaa MD)' ahlpa ot MIQI rlas;a . 'l"bay bear tood a.nd otber

auppUaa t o ch•Uta~LS; aDd they bMr Aa~arlal or •r, tor W:1leb the I*Jple

ot tbe tTilitad Stataa are apaD41q blllloaa or dollara, alld wtllcb, by Coo-

gresaloaal actioo , they lla'l'e declared t o be aaaantiel ror the daten• or

(their)~ O'II'nland .

Tha Uot t a4 St ates destroyer , whao attacked , M.a proc .. l11114!: 01:1 a

rrantlin D. lloo•e,.alt LtbJoar)'

!lit a h a trft:a{'!'\pt -.c!.• bJ thfl Wbtta Houaa atai'IOP'&ph"r r,.,. bla r•!\.~11111 not~• talr:en at tta ud•. l!nd~ l n r-t~: •• · •· · • a1tt~ra:~ • lJUaly prapar""'· r• • t par•n~t- "• •··I ~~ •ora cratttad •h.n the •P.K"- •o• dol.t·ter~d, tb<">u.v;b tbfiJ eppcl\r 1n the pu.,tou.ty prepfll"fld

l'f"~~·n~ "''"'1 t.nt.

- 2-

leglttMU a11etoa.

It tbe deetroyer •• 'l'illble t o t he eubaartae wllen the torpedo

.. , t ired, tlltln tbt ettaelt tral a delibel'lh atte,.pt. by the t:ut. t o elnll:

1 elMrly ldeotttled Maricaa -.rehtp. On the oU:ar balll! , It the eub­

MriDI -· biAMtb the I W'fiOI £!....!1!!..!!! aDd , with tbl aid Of 1t1 lie-

For i t tadteuu a policy of tndhert~:: lnate violence asatnet aey .. , .. ,1

aailtns the .... , -- belU@IIilrlll't or noD-bdU&erent .

Tille •• pl tw;ey -- R!!:!9: bp.ll¥ etld .orall)' . I\ •• !XIt the

first nor the lett act ot ~in:ey which tbe Nnt Go"r...ae11t bill ccxatuad

ag~~loat tiM Arlertc&n tlas to tbh •r • .!£!. an.aclc blia tollo•d an.aci: .

A. rew =onthe ago an Aaertcan tlac ma roehsnt ship , tnt ROBI:I !.:OOR,

1ifl8 sunk by I t:.zt lllbll.arloe to the alddle of the SOuth AtlantiC , Wider

clrcc•·tt•ncae 1'1olUIDg long- utabltlh-.4 inhraaUoul l aw and 1'10

''"l'J principle or hUM.nUy . 'l'ha ~IHD&Irl ud t ba crew wre torced into

No a pology , no alllptton or aiet.aO, QO otter ot re;,;arat.tona hae ec.a rro.

ltiNght.c t.O .. niUYer it.Mlf i nto a poai U on or attaell: Upota U,e bUUU.!I.lp.

Ttr.e periaeo~ or eubaarine wa olHrl7 a .. n . ilo Br1Uab or A1!141rieen

aub:u.rinea •re within hundreda or 1111ln or thia apot at tba t. illle , ao the

net1onalt t y or t'" .ut.arlne te clHr.


rtn 41)'1 1110 1 United S\IUI L.a.,. sbip on J:etr·>l plottoel vp

t.hrH ~"I TON or an AMrlean- owne4 ehlp o~raUIIfl: Ullder t.n. tles or our

eteter Rtpubllo or PIDama -- t.Q ~ • .j . S!:;SA. On Au,gu1t. Ml'ent. .. otlt , alte

Al::erteen !;nry . ln the flrtl:. coso , the ,. .... 1 eunk cle'lriy carried the

tlag or our ataur RepubU c or Parwr.a ,

u<JW~d . Our t~ ot de:ocratlc ch'Utu.UOD bu outtrO'I"I \be t.bou&bt or

r-lio:r cO" pellM to tte:ht ~ other natloo by reasor. d Ill)' at ogle

pll"'ltlc~:~l anac~~: on one or our sbtps. Je ere not becoatnc hyltlrlcal or

lostns our eon•• of p:OOJ;Ortton . Thorefort , wllot I ll.f:l th111k1Da aod aaytng

ton i ght dou not ~leta to eoy 1aole.ted epleo4o .

lntt .. d , ,... brlcana are t.U!nc • loua-ra~ potnt or •h• h1

nogr:_rd to certaiD tundaEentala (at:d) -- a notrrt ot Ylow ln re,..rd to 1

11 a part of 1 world p~ttern.

I\ wou.l4 be un'IKITthy or a U"Mt 116Uo11 to exagpre.te 1n S.ol oted

tncldtDt , artObiCOD.I1Dt1Mie4 b)'laMI ODIICt Of'l'tOlel:ICI . flllt U.would


b<l lnu:euMble tally 1.0 .Linl&la euch lnctdent.s to tll.e race or e•Ueace

whtc:h Mkel 1\ cl .. r t hat the Incident. 11 no\ holated, but..!.! pe.rt ot a

,e:.nera.l plan .

'nil laportant \Nth 11 \bat. t.biM ICtl Of 111tll"'l..lt10nt.l lewlel&­<h ..

neae aNI a aactteetet.ton or a dealp (.tltch) --~bM11 ~~

dear t o the -rlun J*Opla tor a loq U ae. It h I:.Od dutga to

ebol1Sl1 t~ t'Nedc:. or the eeae, end to eoqutl"' absolute cent .rol apd d.c:.ina­

Uonot' (th•l .!h!!!. •••• tor the~~Hlt'la .

~to t b t.llland ctUea or ttt. thllted Sut. • •

The Hl\ler Gonr-nt , 111 detlence or t be lawe or tbe Ma,(and}

~or the recoE:Jil Md rtgb.u or au other naucma, hu preaua.O to

declare , on paper , that grea t 11'1111 or the aeae -- uen tacluot aa a ••et

Thh t:ezi atte .. pt t o Hhe ccmtrol ot t.he oceena 11 but o counte r--

part or the Nnt plou now being cerrled Oil througbout t he '11'11tern He~~lepbere

-.-tn all o r Europe , hi the Br1thh Ialaa , and In tba n r I!IUt. would. be aucb

gnater than all the ahtpbu11dt na tectllUaa atld potentiditlll or all~

the Aloerlcaa -· not 01111 greater, but t wo or t hree t iaaa &I"'atar, a nour.h to

It 11 U llla for a ll Al:lartcan1 , ~of all t he Aoericaa to

atop batno:s de luded by the rooa.ntto notion t hat the A:.:ertc11a can so on UY-

lng bl!lppUy llDd peacefully i n a J-; world.

but a be.atc , !. turld•e~tal one . h ~~otau tbat no natioD t.aa the rl&bt to

lliake the broed. oceana of the world. o.t s~:• .. t dt s t ancea r~ t ht actual

t heatre of land n r, Wlaaf e tor the co.arca of others .

!bat he.a been OW" policy, pro•ed u .. and. (U••l &S~~lD, tn all

E,! our :>.lst.OIT •

Our policy bu applied tl"'a (u .. ~rtal ) the •rHeat def!

ot the Republic -- aPd aUll appli n -· not Mrely t o t he .. t t..~;Uc but to

t he Pactnc and t o a ll othe r octane aa wdl.

Unreatrlctad aubalar1na .... r rara 1ol941 conat1tut111 dattanca - -

an a ct or • gs;r .. •lo~ •• t hat hhtorlo Alllerlc:an polloy .

h 11 DOW ole•r tbat Httbr hal begun nh caz:.~lp t.o c:011trol

- 7-

lll tbe .tenem HMJ.a~h•~. 110 ..oporltlo lull.ablu that a w14e OCMD­

ueta u1 rraa hUI. - - ea: lon.g ha•e •111 street ou the herd-beaded, far-

Because of theM erhodea, be'eauae or the a)VttJ!Ients ar.d o~rattone

or Oenaan u rshtr•, and beoauN or the clear, repeo.t ed proof that the

.,r.eent. gDTern.ent or '4nr:o.n,- hae no respect tor treat tea or tor­

nauonal law, t!lat H baa no decent attitude to-rd neutrel natton1 or

buun llfe -- we k:erte~~n. '" now race to race not wHb abautct t~orlea

but wHb cruel, MliDtltN taeta.

This attaclc on the G.~ -• 110 loC*ltzed cU1ta1'1 o.,_n.UOII 111

the ::orth At.l.ntie . 'l'bh •• ~:~o .-re ephade to a nru.wta Mt-11 two

netlolls . This .aa one detemtned step t~r<l• creauas a ~enn&nent world

ayetu b11 eed on tor<:a, ~urrorand,2!!..111Urc!er .

And I all sure th11t even now the !:azis are waiting, wa1t1ns to

111 'lltletber the United Stataa will by lihnce g1 TI t hea thti 81'1111 USbt to

~ a!l .. d 011 thla p.tb of 4eat1"\\CUOII .

f'OIIlbHlty . 'I"ba 4aQ;ar 11 t .. N 110W •· DO\ oaly t'r:::a a alUUry a-:r but

tro. an a.aeo.y at all law, all U"rty, all morallty , all Nll&loo.

able &acaaal\y ot ayl!!.f; t o t he" lnhW~~Ga , unreatrtllned "'Jcare ot world

con~uaat and pa.-nent '-Orld d<:al too by tba awor d: "You aaat to throw

our children and our chill!raa ' a chlldraa lat o your form ot t arrorl• &Ill!

alaYary. You baYa aow a n ac.(ed our 01111 •tat y . You at.ll co 110 turtMr•.

t;oral pn.cttca• ot C! •• 110te wr1U as • • are or ao poaalble

UM 111 &aal1!18 .-ith lntara.atloul ouua .. wtlo •lot our ah1pa aacl lr:Ul our

ott lUlu.

- 8 -

Nt'UM4 to look the llul 4aqer aquarely 1A the eye w:.Ul U. l!!,! actually

lwdtlt•bythe thlooe.t .

The united Stat u will QO\ .U:e t hat tatal • l e teke ,

No act or violence , (or)~ 1nt11'11da uon wUl keep 111 fro~~

u lntelnt na Int act two bul ... r lc.l or~ det'ense : Firat , our Une or

eupply or •tar tel to tM eu111ee or iih lor ; and second , t he f:rHdoa or

our llllipf.l ng on the h1~ .....

now, But neither do- Wil li\ puce 10 a u;:b , t hat .. are w1111ng \.0 1*1' tor

I t by ptor=Httng hi.!ll to e ttocic our a nd •rete.nt ehipa while they Ire

on legttt.ate buslneu .

I 815.11\IJU thtl.t the Gem.e.n leaden ere not Cleeply coD"rnM, 12:.

nll')!t o r any other ti.f:le, by wlle.t we Arn.ertcan. or the ..oel' i can Go'f'orMellt

M1 or p..~blhb ebo t t~. "' e.nnot brln& about the d01fnta.ll or l':az.l - 1•

'bf t~ liM of l0:1f;-rBA8" IDY8CU1'1,

&.It when you Me e rettleen~ke poi Nd to atrlU, you do IM7t nit

U.lltU be h.,. etruel: before you crueh 111111.

AUanttc , They ere a llflnaoe to tlw free peth•ye or the hlgb. aeae. They

•NI a challenge t o our~ •ovaH1gnty . They tl&.=er &t our .oat pHctoua

rtsttu Wan they &tt~ck ahipa ot t he A.lalriean flag -- aY~~tbola ot our

1n4apan4anca, ou.r t'rea4o. , our Yary lite .

... ow waters , or ill • tors (111111ch} .!J!!!. eould H use!! tor turet.r aad ;vntlr

1t.t11ck8 on ua , wlll tn.YUably .. uen ~ ~ricu abtllt7 to re~l Bttlert•.

Do uot h t q {lpli\ hatra) be apU U e r a , Let ua 1101. aak

(rtttb)!!!!! atta cW: , or ttt. (tent h)!!.!!.!!. attock, or the t enth a ttack , or

t he t 'lltllottathatt a ck .

Do n~;~t let ua split hairs . 1.4t u DOt .._,. : • tra wUl o11ly '-'-

aDd the JIBIMD6*n an dl"'tt'Md• .

Tbh 1e the U :u tor ,::re,.eauozz of attaek.

It submarines or retders auscll: 111 dtstet .. urs, tboty csn at­

tick equally nll tli tbl n el&ht or ru.r Olrll lboreiJ . Their 'fa ry pn~aenca In

any wuara ldlloh ktlerica d"•• 'l'itfll. to lt1 defe nse constitutes an a ttock,

tbatr d•41J blow -- fir s t.

U}lon our na1'al and air reu •ol - - aow operating t tl larp cu.ber

'the - rtcan policy or f'reedc. or tbe •••• -- 110.. That •au , "'J"Y etaph',

(and) ~ cleorly , that our pet rolllne; u81ela and plares will P'Otaet all

110rchent sh t pa - - not only At.:artcott abtp1 but ahtps or any nag -- •n.;ae:ed

•rtn•a; t hey will protect t • trOUIU'taee x. l 4era .

This altuaU<n~ il DOt DeW. The 1eco11d i'Nalde11t or na UD.U.•4

- 10 -

..outh -.rtcan ••ten , deatroytnc J.atrtcan e-re•· The third Preatdent · t the OnUed ..otetee , '1'h<aae Jertereon, orO.eNd

toeaca~hle .

It t• oo act or -•r oo OJ.r part •hen va dec i de to protaet tba

Me• 1-.htcb) ~ o.N 't'ital t o .il.llaricao defense . ?be -sere•. ton h DOt owe.

Ours h •olely de teo•·

But let tbt a •mi::,. M cl•r· 1ro1a now on , t r GerrMD or ltdtan

't'eladl or ;:;er e nte r the •tars, the rrot ectlon ot loh lch Ia necaa .. ry tor

Ar..erlcen defense , t hey do 10 at taeolr own pe ril.

The ordere whl oh I han p;tnn •• ComM.nder-tn-C!ltet (to).£! the

thtt t ed --taua Ar.y and t:ny are t o carry out t hllt poUcy -- a t >:lnca .

The aole resror.sibllltJ reate upoll Ganmny . ':here wlll be DO

Ttl· t ta r::J ob't'IOII• duty lo thh crteta. 11ult 1• t M cl•r rlcht

of tbh •O"rere l&D z:.t1o11 . (.''bot) ~ h the ollly at ep p~•slbla, 1t ••

w uld tear U £ht. t he •11 or defeAH .tllch" are pla4a&d t o a.tntaln

I baTe no illuslona about t he uavtty ot thh et ap. I ::aTe not

t aken i t hurriedly o r lt&IJ.tly . It 1e the result of 1110nthe and 111ont ha or

oon• tant t hought li.M anxi e ty and prt.yer . In the protection ot your mtton

and • 11l• I t e&IUIO\ be nolded.

Tba Ar:. rlcan people b.aTe t ucad othe r USTe crhee in t bet r hie­

tory - - wlth Aaertce.n cour•t:a , (end) !!!.!!!. J.:::ertcen resolu t ion. Tbey "Ifill do

- u-

\he •e•aa1Ues or a bolt. clarerr.• a~tDa\ \toaM at\ac"*· ibay krr.ow u.a\

the tll$ea call ror ele&r hea~a Md r .. rleas hearts .

or tbelr duty, (arr.l!l ~or the rtgb\aOI.lanus ot wMt the)' do , the)'

will -- with Divine help a.nd .;ulcla.nea - - lhncl their srouncl -.tnlt tll11

lll"meaa ll,l.S'l

CIJITIC.: ~ totl~llS Mmu <J! U. Pr ... IU.0\1 to M br"C~Kcut rr. u.. ruu ac-e, !a!!.~ 1! ~ .... eu "lM.Ift,

1110"1"11 Rd- to ed.ltl - ot .U -~· _,,....IQI.., U. lt.r'Htl IIOf IWU'.ID f1IM 9 :00 P,M., I , S,T,, S.p~r 11, 19'1•

~I'~~-...!! =..o~~t::l~ Mdftll alao lpfliOI to re4.l.O

CAill llJSTII!:J:UCISill)TOfUW.."!TI'II:O~\UISPUII.J:Cio'i'fCff,

B'I'Eflt!IWLT S.CNt&q to tl• Pnd.S.nt

!1M k17 Do~t ot tho u..tW 4-e&UI llu ~ to- t.lloo.t..,. u.-mqs ot&puo6Qo f'OW'tll u. Ur:1'"- S~toN Uotro~W !IRED, p-o<'t"l~ b N.l (a;Jllslot _.y Icoeland., be4 !"McliN I po:l:rt l~t of~Jnl.oad, ::1M ... ~AZT,.S.QI~Cfl.l:l ..Sl to Iod~Ai. sz..,.. tlJirw u.. _.,..., tJAool. a.z. 16anu;7 ...... .nOUIIIIIJ.p..aiUICiet.abl>lt.

sa.. ,.. tkn <11>4 u.en att.c.clcM br t. ..,...., .. , ~V &d::lie. U...t 1t vae 1 Gt:ruz~ l~ne. t?le ..a:.z-11'11 &IUMft.WlJ' t!Hd. 1 tarpOM!o at th CRml, toll!M14 ~Wr '117 -U..r tor~ 1tt,•ct. ln ep1t<t ot lllUor•e pro~ 1\ircoa~~ 11M lnn nt..,_, &n41nl}llto ot v:O.t~bricanobttr\lc:t10011Uore-nlwt1on~J~~~¥ ~t•r to btllno , 1 toll TW- tM blllllt t~t that U. wb· I!'Arlnot tlrd rtr.e \IPOI'I thh -rl oan 4UU'010J' ltitbou.t 11Ql'n1"61 &nil. Vlth UHbln.t.o to dnkboir,

().a> tee~, n t11e u .. , ..,.. In ... w. *lcll U. ~nt ottbeU=itodSto.t.eeb&4411olU"Mto'towat<:reot•l1'­~~0~· ~WtpoiU ot.-..IC*DJII'O\oi>CUOIIIII Ulc

r.. u. lort.b, Ulltpo.-u -. .. Mft .. ta~ou..,_ b:r u.e U> IcU...,,GirMnlaDd., ~VIIIkvl'~. n.r...p.u. .. va~.enu....~...,.,IIU~or~ncoo. illqMutooi.U>ol. 0\.!Mr ftllpllu w drtlluo; &1>01. lllo7 -..r al.n:ld or.,..., fer vll1dl UM~ 01t u..UnJ.tda-.. u. ..... ·~'bsw .... or 4ollue, Ul4 llflldl, 1-1 Ccrlc;N .. s~ &;t1011, UM7 ~». .. lla<:Lond W M -11U-.l fer U. l!.efo- or \IMII' 011111 ~.

>bollhit.e4et&t.,.tf&ti'Q7111'1 ..tloln•ti4CJclt4, ,...1)rootd.-1nson • l •&ltlca.tellliodon,

lrU..4 .. U'OjC>"..,..Ti albhtol.ho~lne~U.. ""'pKo vu fln4, Ulen l.ho "tt&ek.,.. • UlJMnto &ttqt b7 Ulo III!.Ui tO illlk e clowl)-14otnt1C1t4,..,.riC41l...:rahlp. ~\IMothor han4, 1CUIII~tno......,l>.>nootb tAIIIIV.l'f-Uld.,vltb tboal4 o!ltaUattnl"64GTI.~ , fiN410 tbetiNCt1CifiOfUieltOW\d o! .._,..l..,.oknrv,-.:r vitl'.o~~t&YOJI tU;Irc: '-... tr«~l• to lOU'n ltl tok11t1t7 -- .. ~ orctctll ~ c-.J.t,. -'.4 IQ.IUc.ta -­t.Mntboattadi: .... ni!'III!•• poUc7 of 1D41eeri.-.IDO.te Tlole""" ~~ IIV ,.,, .. 1 •llllll \M Nil -­MU.Itm~llt «....,-Mlltacront.


• 1'111.. U5 ;l!roq - ~""111 -~ IIN'&lly, It •II 110\

t-.. Hnl ac:r 1..w t ... t ..e\ of 'lr,.eywM~ till J>;ot1 ~-t 11..1 •:-.\ .. ~ ~... ... Moo.-u ..... n.._ 1A W• • .,.. Ul.ado .>aafoll-••na.c,.

J.I.,....,.,\I'!IL:JI""AUr>conC.a..,•..-...t&1,), U.. ~.or..,, 1M l:.n.; bJto.liW 1._rl,.. l.A IAI o.t...:tl1of 1M ~\A J.Uoo••4, WU<;r clr-to•n·~ rlola\lft£ lon.· ... -.....a.:~J 111A~Uo.-.&11• ., .. ,.,..,. ;>rlncl;:>l~ or -.,tQ-. T• ,, .. <l....trl ,.,., ;.~w ~.....,. "'"" tor~N 1nto o.- bon• INnOrad.. ~: • -llu t.- h•"'• 111 o1lract vi.DhUoa of lnttn,.t'-1 ,.,._,.,u,t.,.wb:otJ>~,;o"'~tot\l.Jnw.l)', s,•:oohu, o>Oa\1~,:-otlonOI\.,na.,., , noollurol nj)IOtlt.IO<'OiliU c-11"01 t"' ~~•1 Qo¥ .. r·><.«n.

:n J~lr, 11141 , an .:.:.Cr1c:~t~ N.Uhtlll,) in ~orl.ll kllrl can "~·- r~ •·• ro\!oo.~J ~:' " • ..,...rl,.. <'l'\10/\ lor" lonl u .. •01141t 0:0 _,._...,v~r •~~ .. a hto • 1-o~U•on <>I ~tt, 11'* ptr:l.o~:>a ol ~.,..,. ~~l.>l."rt•• • .. s d~ulJ "'""· llo Jllltl~~ or brlc111 ~~~rl •• " ~~.-... ... to:: in !>.:n:l.,."" "' •ll•• of \Jill 'PI>' a.t U.• U....., 10 \boO onior .• u~ ol I1K. n"-rlnf tr clltlr.

Ftvc ~...r~ •,;p;;, !Jr.U,t . ., !ot.U.U .. a"f ul;:o on ,..vol plcuJ 11:0 ......., ~..n .. on or """\<Wl.._ ...r.l~ o;:oenUA& _..,.v ... JI..o;o!O">.•I.&:.c-r .... ,...blt.:cf'--"'•"·:.. So-~ . ,.,,...._,.~•~:.....~-o'>,s..._,......_,tnt\ol:.,.....-.:\

•c~..:..n• .. mU~.,.. , """'-"-'·•:oclltoi, auJ.....J.-.., wtt.U• ~.-r Itt, c.~n~~-' ;-~;>-Hu 10 ieat ...... H h •- , .. , u.. O\.,_,_.._':>onc::'><rcr.;v:,_...,_....., ___ IAvl-otU.. .. ul,lb .... _:a·-.-.=<> ur ....,......, .. -..Lwa 111 "'l&,.,

=~~:.~: ,.. ~.c ......-cJ.• =.a~\ u 1.0 Lll llllnUtJ of U..

Hve~ao,o, .not.'141r(kll.....,_a"tooo1>4'r:l ... ntllll;:o, till ~• -·1. ... t.J.F.lfu• "~' .,.n~ v.,· • 111'(:rtft l~ U. lllod ;,..a """ ! ... ~ t.o~n:.y &\UOI ~""1.11 ot !ou.aa. $.ll •u

oo"''• ao1 "" ~~i"~'"''· ;>on.

1oo.roti.;,.Y...SI-.l••·..-.korH\.t.c~tl .. t.II•AWrloan lhJ""'' ••ncl.,r\)'i ......, [,tOOl \lw .. llltpto"" H.ra•·l"' al 1.. •• .,. ..,rlU:< •~""· .n :.iloo UU .. l CaM, UM Y01Ud ~=•n' ~1url~ co.n~•J ~':. :;lL, "' ,.,--..,,

!n :. ... h.,.. ~f ;.11 \llh, ""'J.urloan.o a" -~~~our ! .• ~ ~U~ ~... ... t.cll,..w. OW' ._,.~ ot ...-nUc einlluUon llu

, O"•trro'lel '-·• ~~P~ or !'~d.~ c<>QOOl\eJ to f~t.- ol.b..r ""ll.,.. b)' r..uon of Nl7 ~U\:h pinUO&l aUaeo: .., - of O.JI' a."',:oo:. ;~o.nftOt~ll;t•~rlularlollflloor..,.•

o!·ro . .c.t!.o.>. ~rdorv,.., .. IUliAo.lA;;&ndMJ"lfi&OOca not r.lo.l.. ...,.,~ l:ool.w.._,,_ ••

l,. IAI...,, C>-JUrluaoa...I.&UfiC•lOOiif•rU~,•j)OU:t ~~ ¥1,.. ~~~ r • .,;a.r-J to cert.ln 1~11""11- 1.0 1 ... r:~o~. ot ,.....,uonl.A> ..,..on ~-.ntcll-tbo. <'OIIIIl<llndlol .noll. ­-..c.. ;>..:rt of lo.ltrlJ ~nt..m .

h """h' bto -.:~n.v or • ,,..,.t ,.uon W •uu-nto &tliW.lO\.\o"liiCi.WC:~, of i.OO.COO!<.WI-b)II'*"O'*ICt. ol YOol~ncc, ''"t a..olll:l b.itwUIIIIIbl" tollytoalnWu IIICh tnci<.t...,~ 1.n U... {,..,.. of ~v1.a<nc• •lltch •l<u it cl~•r !.hiot LloJ tncl.......,t h l'l<>t laollltw, W.t ,...rt.of • J"""ral ~lW\,

n... u.., ..... w-.e t. tl'at I..'WH •ow ot lnt.tN.Uono.l l"w)IOI:.tlo.ll••r..L£.&'11!.sW\1011Cf iOwli.VI411CIIIIU"' clnr w """ ....., ;><.o;ll~ lor a tone t~. H h u. .. ~-•t.a- 1.0 .. boHr.~ u.... r....-. or u.c ...... ano to '"'qu.ll'.l .. ·•o\JIAI oont.rol ~ft. o<&iLUon or Ulo. _. tor ~lv.o•·

fW"_,;\II.,'(.l O!Itte~ . uu-.lroo .. No!.O:., t:a~ ,..._ • .,.., bitco:.. elAocr tor t:.dr '""~ 111~ - -.1A&.Uo11 or U.•

..,,IA6 .. , e..;. t~ _u\.U"L f~:""·'"' b'.{ t ~•· ::ad co.-:hol o. U. """" • ,., xrct...-.t •·1~ « u .. Un.H.><. -U~u or o! 1.#;1 <>Ill• _,ric., ·~Je ' ""ld bot'"" W c• •"l oo Ul7:--ee!'lll ~rc<"", •~c"l1l.'il.f\h<ocond•••••><'1fl , ,...,.,r \.~~~~Attn Wid t : r ....UC:1l r-r. ""';.tlorot.., Occ&~~lil.eb ~~~ btoctl , u.4 ""leo oholllc: al.~•;.<o ~~. • t ... 01.d lrl•~l7 hi· h"57 ft'o r ~~~ ..,ul!l t.~.n b-r• & IH.C7 l:lln&ct to II•• "'""""'reo o!tllo>~t.<o.!$Ut<.s,toUII..,._tto!tl\el.tiHMI.:'.tlt .. , &n:! to t..a lnlr.r:L citi"" or u.e ~·r.1u.; ~~,h~ .

Thl !!iller c.o...,m .. tt- , 111 <M(h.Mo or tht h•c o! t~.o tNan!lot thonoe:..-ru.:cd r1 t:cuotall o!J'oor ,.,,,,,. , ~_.,

r--••-..41 to de<:l&J'11 on ..,_~,., th&1. • r.u ut .. ~r the ,, .. -­• •on b-.cloodlr.c 1 •ut I>;'U1:.<113'1llf Jr. II' .. "'" l lao~Lfh<oro •• '"'to btcle»ec, U>cl Ul:.t 110 ~it• "'·• ~,t,.., ror t..rrJ ,..-rooe, u:o.~ n ~rll o: "'w 11111k. .n~~e.lly u.e,. .,., I~<M;en..S.ll and~\.h:M:t_,am1nlr.·l:eQae;'>Lr.oi.IM!.

::;:, bol.h di.:,Jn •~ far <IU\I:ld. 0: \. H h,...OM" ,.....t.ene:td

'l':l!: r.u1 attc. --. LO ... ~.._ ODr.t n.l ur ~~ .. oc:'"''" 1 t bo.ot a c .. ..m.-port o: ~~ .. 1:u1 rlou "". "t.t-111,• c'll"rito:. or. U'""'<)>oolt u.. ... :wrnfo~~::n-..- •U dfHo,..._tooan:t.':l •-e>ol. f"t.rf.!tl...J"'I'L.w ... catufo'""••ft.>tonl.Thbt.-.C: t.;w,h b10t o.hv .·.h ("~" _,...,'t I& - ~~;..,.. IOO<olrl ~ Mlol rc>M) (:or ~La .ooU,c>:.C~ .,._ trt"'~'"''' in "'• Jcoo K>rU, to WwC.C: u ..,..,._a:h.o: U.~ rd"•• ur.tru: oi l..voH.,.,.,

Kb ir.t!'l._ueo, .oil rluo, l•lr ·cl!!nrUo,..,, II• uboto,_ot intl .. u : ~ .. . \Ode"""' I-ll ....... ., t.o t no Gor.-t>o.wot of the L'll1t.l<: ;otatu , Col:c~J•q· i.t.l ~Uo...:' c~r.l.;clroq.

l.ut 1'JUI plot :o nt~• UlU aov.- ~~.-.,, of u..-...,-w.y .. , oNa!ta<:h;r tbo prc»;:t ~con~~ th.~t coo.:n\r:, , >:hlct .-u luf-porl...<! in l'.;ll tyh<r A.~r:c.,, '"-'i~tl'uor, . t 1:1111 r l ot •u. U..n l .. U:bl!"<(; 1n • ..r ~l>f'A, &!.~ 1/ It C..Ycrr.n.nt I•U cr~hll7 rnrll.10'0l7Lbc:.....,_ lt a.t d-...ry:;-.lnt. 1-,,..,.. .. ~,._1.7, a.n ~nc!.nor >-"al -::a4;1 to s-~b•trl. tho ..,.,.r.-t of lk>lbh.

lt-14.11 U\01-<-•t !n· ... d-.! tl'll.c..triiOW<rJW&I W.-o~I<C:""t ~r llndin- !itl•·t 1n &.::lcrtJb, nu 1n ~~) "*'1' or u..-r ... -!:MaJ.. :.,.,.,l,~U!;l,; L.&tu•:.a.

":\> t.. :.lti-=-t<1y ...:c~un.l u 1t0l'l( l'll.t~ry, Htlt. r _.. U><-t ltv , .... t :<-t """'"'1 .,c ,,.._ ...... I!~ ••tt :lr~t ~t\1'07 Ull~ l~<..rt ot d1~ ,..,k -. -. ,,.. lal~'l<OI<II tcl'Ju t.l!e AU ... uc , o_. .,m, "'- •ull co~.ur .... to I'C>ll u.o t.-~t.,..,nu

0: "IV \0 hd;- rknro,-bt.-.u-.· &ll ~h..,,;. ln U!t.> """' H. ,.,._t,~p.o .. ~c•r rotrclc..••-• ~int"'- .s.r. Ht-t Lllir..cO U'>C "r~\.im h..,-.

It ,.,.,t b.:r u:rla1r»d ,...,,1:< ••-~ ,,,in to ;>o~odo ollo llkc to U.tr_., of th~ .lh!~..: t.t.._t-.;., ~.,.,. n .., 1t.wlnc1bl~ p-ot~ction,

tl\!,\ t.lll CUI t« tN.C Wily Itt)>~ 0·r1tb), ~~Y)' CUrYiv.l, 7h11t lt til>plL n !u ..... w.c .


ror 1f 1.'\.G. u:.rl(. c~h1(~ u-~ ~r1cu hllt ur.("Lr ..xil do!o111t U on, th., K.1pb\Ul.e1": fac-111U~I ""1~ th• .• .x11 ~·" -.o..;..,: U>..:1 rou~~~ 1n <.11 ot - ...opo., 1n U; ~rith.r. Itho, llll~1ntboFtr E;,:;t ..,llldbol'~ 1 ret:t.• rU...nall. UK tnipb<dldi.JC t.cil!Uct u.d ;>ot.nthJ.IUu of &1.1 Uur .AZ"leq - , 110\ onl.J'cr..l<t-...-, but uo c.r u.r .... u,.. r ..... wr. 1t \.!10! ttdt..d :.~.&o~ L'~·.:• <.11 ih r~tow-ctt in\0 n eh 1. cit-u.aUoa, -~to CII>QtJ."uod"_r._.obbU..: t h tof _.Jav, U.. .ut11 :o. ... n , In oonti'C>l ot """t~tt otU•- ooc rl<!, >Ou.ld ht"N u .. _,....._r ..C U.C. pl\)'~o.l. ...,.,_......., to tllt ':o.tlld .,. nY.Ntl u-·-•·

U h tt. tor all ...... , ..,.. ot .U IM ..,_rt~u w •to,~~oet.,_ot-..b7U...........,uo ... t\.,.t,.t"••"•:.r1"" =~~ ooo thLB,s: ~otpptl.r ... ~ ,......rua,. ta • ~.&t.-.t ... t .,.d.

O....nUoa anor 1 _,..Uoa , .t...oriM Ml a utM tor ,.,. ,..,..,.l JI(Ille7oftllt~ort,.._~. ,._.I;IOUC7 1. 11 "'~ •~• 01:0 •• 1:1<1\ 1 lout c , t.-:~tol - · I\ ,....,., "'"t "" .,.tloa ~~~~ t"o rtc..t til .U. tiM lu•oo~ ~...,... or tl••worU•t ....,., 4htNICiu r ....... t hoout..a.l t U .. t ... or h~1w.r,•mMf•l'ortl>oe-Noototlllro ,

'l' •• t llf,o-noupoliG1, ~N•uJtU.,.ML tiau".,.lft , lft a llouthl8tol'1,

\llonrtrlctM.""'ll&ttr1tA1.,.r:"'o..,.i."l9oll ""~ltlhtol •.totlu~ -- uaetot..,~ll:.a·-'\\crto

Ao>Ortua ..oUC7·

lt!I-C! ..... tin.tll!U ... _..11o.,_l\tlt-IOOW ooatrol tt. -~ ~7 r tll!oJ.- iorco ..,~ b7 1~1111> o~t ,.,..., ._t\IIOf llltlniSHOII0\1 h\lv.;!l.~~nUit7•

na ~r,.,, .!'~!.:~~:!~~~!;:;,:':"w':' u~lm. n.. A:-Aric.a p.o,-,h

t:O Ull<!n w.u;•ut~~o:a or &)i)M..or• ~t .. , l:ltl<~ to ""'' tnuruud 111 tllot ·~uum l*.&la~M..., , 110 CpllOnrto l\llla~tu 1~\t 1 .-ldt oena P~teeu "'" ."r"!l« Mil •• 0".11 le>ot: ~o•• .. '17 •tt ... t 011 tilt ~~~~-ll"odeo , ru .... ~\ft.t•~ 111·0 r.UIIt \ o :.n.rao.u P~<>rh .

a...,..,,. <of tkM optOO<l~•. k~au'.e or ~h• ,..,~.....,au ~~~~ O:>f"'UM• ot ~,.,....,,. """"""'~• · ..,,;t,.. or tho el~~~ • ..-,.atodiJ'OIIftllo.1-Cit :.on.MMGo"''..,.'" otGton&l1)'b&lno

~.!='~~~t~5!:::~,.,!~,-~;,~~!!o":! ~~.~~~~~~-~~ ~ 110

~C&r-' .,.. ,_ t>eo w reo ..c.t W!Ut ~~rtl"'lct Uo~r\el b~t

wulr. cr·Hl , ... leut~•~ :'\let~.

'I'll\~ "-lt'><'t QD ~)>.,;. ... , 100 lo>e" tt-ot •J~U:LJ7 o.,.....,tto.r;\Btl>•""r'.lo.l.•lutlc. T1oi<...,IIOO-r. 1'1-IJI a otr~ lkt--. no ... u..., • • 'i'bi1 ·~- ,.,"'-"-',..~ atq !::0~ ~":!!:.·,.~ ,_~t -o;-H M•ol o;. to"""•

M4 I !¥'< ..,,.., t:.O.t tYOII U... \11 ;.nU :u"' WIIIUIL' Ul

- •'tlct~r t!U CCHA St~hl .111\ bJ 1Uu11u tl"' U-tile r"""allr11\to"O~•"·oatbl• I"'·tl'lor ltl';IOit\yll,

'nil ~<ut d~;- «> cur ·~·~t~;, worl~ II~• l<>>,. cco.<wd w lit ~ ,..,.. pO~II~IlH;r, Tll <l.v.c~r II ~uN 110\1 •• I>Cit ~o.l7

troa a01llltn7 un<n~ b<~t rro:t M """'11or dllo" , ll.llllburty , a11 &:>1'1\llty , a ll r~ll.slcn.

r: .. N li.U DOW C:>IIO a t\ .... •ot .. a 70~ llli1 I"'''' - t b• «14 t~l'llbl • ..-s.lty or a.~l!lft to tho.• l rolt.ltnn, t&Nitn.l!\14 -t~u of worl<l. -"""' 1;111<1 .,.._Lt world -..tnlUIHI b7 U•• .....,n -- "l'ou -t to tllrov oou e~ll~""' .,.&wrU.IlU..' tcliUUU tato )'OIU' f<o:.ottoi'I'Ori •Uid :!"~,!~ ll!!« IIOW uuc~ .,,... ....., ... r .. tr. You ""'Ul e;o

Mo~l ~.,.cu ..... or <llpl-7 .. ""' " VJ"'U.o.t -- .,.. or ... paulbh-.lad.Ali~W:"V\tlllat·.no.tlo""lo~tl·-wtoo llatou.r*l~oaOII.Ill ourcttt......,,,


an. _.:.t\11 ~ .. uon atwr anoU.r hQ .. , ol.., '*'·- MCfl nJ\IHO ltl lo""' \M lAd lq<MffiJ' iA Ill• "1•..,tUU.•ct-.J•llJ'~Ih<>ob7""'U.roU.

Tt.- lh:.t.e.l .>tau. •Ul 1'10~ Mk• U.t ta\al altl.&l!e.

Mel acto! \'lolc'leeor l.tu.l.•l"'•Uon•Ul •HPYI ,,.. M!n',..\1\1.1'1.1 In"'~' :...:. Wl•rkl ot O.hftl•• Hr" , .. ..,. liM or •·Jp; 1.1 ol ~!Air\d t.o tn• ~,_,.., or llhlu, ...,.., ,_,

tJ .. 1r1...- ol our •~loll'lnt; on 11'1• ht.l~ '"''·

:Jo ... \tAr wl\a.t h wk, .. , no auter _, H oott.l, • •

':!:!n.~~ :::-~,.~:• 11M of hoiJU-"''o\.11 oc..-rca Ul UIIIH

'feha ... ~tPO•hooUAG•Irrii.IIIUI,hr. leclono\ -:<1\,_, II:J.t,.I.U'Mrr.A-'110<1\,....eeH•=• \AU ... "'"' dll1r<l to~ for .t 'ty ~r-tu.l...., ll.l& 1t1 u~.ack ow no.• .. t """' "",.,_.,._,, ~t.l.- ..-• .u.. \h., ..,._ on h*hi.Mte klll•lne ...

I .. ,....., W.t l.~:le",....tu ......... ..., I'IOL"'"Pl;t _,:.r.>t<i bJ .-~ .. , ••-,.,_ ,.., or l"'l:hM .~ .. t \.~-.

-. etnoO\ trln.,. •:.OJ\ :.. .. """'->Ull ol lo.llM 1q u... •• ot h•-c-• .. -...•1lm.ct•Y<J·

l!loltwber.7fXJ •nanotl.l.e•!oJpol,..;tloOa1.<'lloi,'}OU olooi'>Ot"•h .... Ullto.!>o.:c:'""''*b.tcr.J'O.lCraulll.a.

n.~s.. .;..~1. n'-rl""'' .,,.,•n •no 1.1>o ruU .. nakeo ott..,.,Hl""•ti~. 'l!>o-r...-.•-c•totl>ool,...•patJW-. ... or tlw:ll,;hs .. :~<> . ';'!'W.;,....1e~H• ....... t.o01t1 nw.-.l:oni.J. Tl~r ~ .... n ~~r .-.~t j)N-dOIII rlt)>t.o .ot..n ~r 1tt.aek ahl~ oflho"""rleoonn&,~ --:o)'l'bollcfc..rlnJopono~rr~coo,our ti'H'Jt.,, o .. r .,....., li.!~.

H l.l clur t.oal.l -r1<*11 th.o~thl ~hu­-~n u~-. A.t>o.rl.e~• t.:~dv..~ .,.It ...,. b!l ck.t..:I.-J. A ..... u.. ... u:.ncf•> LlCI'.ao;wn•~~.oor• , crl.Jiw:;~.w:n -.til«> c.,..}~ boo ~~~ tor hr1.....:;r..,.... ,.. .. wr Gtuel.l en,..., 1ill tA.dl.&:>lyl .. a.l<,n....,._tiC><l&btllt7U "";>tlll1tlcr1•.

""ft<>tl•\ILSS,>lltb:I1J"I. t....tlllftat•ti<OOU" .. h d .,.,.1.....,rt""-"""''lc,..t.l>o:llo""'6Lolo0<>uf-tll~""'..r~.«r ~ tltU. .tt.&e;(, o r 1.1>.. kilt.\ ltt.Klc, or tA. ~U..tll at\...U.


.00 ""t l•tU::O 1-~llt IIO.if'l, l..tiQ ft<>tU¥- ... .till ,'0\l.y ii:o.!•m CIUN~h<.l 11 '-''" t.o~ o.u<JC...U 1n ••t""-l '-• or U \a• ,,..,... .,.., Ul• pco.;....,~,.. .roo clro-• .

It allbol<.rl.t•u orr'>l.~riUWckii\GJ.II ... It llltorl, U..y c..n UWck ...qu.olly ""ll•ltllln li~t ot ow-'"'" ahoona. rtwir ""<'I pn.hnea in wy -to.•·• "htch J.n.r1c~ ~~ •tUl t.o 111 .hot .. ,...., ooru.tiw~a :;~.n •,

ln WI<> wauono whldo ~~~ ...._ n~c~111'7 tor owr uci..,M1

l.t>.rtcan n..'l'<ll •~N•h .. nJ ~riclll pl..,.• ·.tU no lOI'Io1fir ..Ut wnu A.<is C~~bio.:.rtn..a lurllilll IKdu ~.& ••t.c-r, or .u1s r...iJen cnUI•.,I'f'~«<ot U..s.a,nrlk• G.....U)'olooo -·!lnt.


H~l ~ ee: -.;8'~· ~tz:~ a~~~~ l ~I" j ~ §:t~IO [r:i~ 7~~~~

~i~:~ •"·~· ·•·i! I~~ s ,.,. "7!-f

[il :;j [,.~

'i!r ~ff ;:; ~i~ .. d ·

~n ~1i i~j

ze . " t;:!; , .. rH s ' <f"l . ~ ·~~ •• ,,

H :>>: ~ ~ Bl


-.~- 21" ,

i~!i ~·· ' ~~i~- !~~~ ~~ ,,fi ~ ' ;: •. '•·· ·~· . ~" r ,..,. r. ... s.a :::" ~~~~ ~>r 1!l d m1 ~~~r ~~ i'::, ;::~: ~g ;,(~ .. _ ;r~; fz ~;.?! f~S'~ :: la·~-;;.:1

iJ:::~ r:~:-1:. t~

~~H Hf· "~ ~~ ar c.. ~ .. ~ ~~

;: t! ; ;,~ i£ a.. ... !h! .; r-~r" ~~ ~:.~ ~ ~ = ~ & ~ li lr: ;d;t~ '"· -.. "" ,~. ~~~ ~~a . r ~i~ ""! ;• : .H '"~ ~.a • ~" !~; ~~; I i ;~~ J¥: ;~~ i !:[ !!i ~~; I f; ~·~ !~~~r~ :: ;~!' ~i~ ,~ ; ~~r

~ il'

f!li~ i"'l-~ ~l ~ < ,.,.re ~ir£; :i~i~ if,, g

Hif• . ~~:. ~ lit~ '~; .•. ... WJf


i!•HHvi ~~i~1it3 . '"d"~f tm,~!. i:: r;~ ds: ~ '"•~••u tm~¥· 1 . .. ~ ... ~ . "?i!' ~·· }~!!:~~~ ~li;~~! .. ;• lihca~l :?~ri~H i !~·-·~ .. l;lr~l~,• ~!:: ;!<'! .i ~i~a~>;~" i ;'


~dettro:rw -..:, proeMdl.nc1nAI.UdaJl.icbtto•N'Ciei""land,

.M•" bd .....,hN_;laUtlldoo -.d_klcrCU,...,.,

11 aJ0 .U.I .,~tbtl .. t

Ln.: ~opa ot V>• ~\14 Stu .. •• vp tM.I.r a144.11 ....q

-u.. aca \Ill\ 111.1 ... •• obrlo .. 1:111'11\ &plAit Ullllrlihd. .statee,

thiJI«Io ttlootirot wMto l .. d tothe • U.ONIHiiiUI'IKiUer, l¥'1'7

~ l.lld Min~ -po•u or Mr-• rw o'lt. 1a u. ,u.l ... t~ ho•

~ ;! • • ./ 'lftiohto •ot~ otl.aet bot"aNH.....a..ol-obi>Nio

\Moll w•t.w• u.e ... ""' Mdl.HI 11n10or 1h.1 pe, bMriQC the a&ol'ioJ. or

ordoll••~M •Id dt , bJ to.-1 eo.,. ..... i.o....t ooti.oa, u..,. hi-.._

IM<tl"' -I ~$ ai.Mioa thNvcta t iwHI .... 7 -..twe, -­

~ oV!olr -riCM 111.1~ .. c: plltlt:;::.::::~ tilHt - Wl~rt -# ...

pro\1"\i"t hll l lliPPifl:)-11 Ull 1n\lr.U or 1111 ... r ..... o t \.ht

. .,...

-,r- r~ ·' •' i'rrla act. or plrACJ a a.o~ liMo fin~·~;; i...:f,q,., . .( pt/t!.tt{'

Go'fa~t. 11,.. -.1u""' •itoi•t. u.. £Mrt- u ... '1 . r- -u..

.., • .-n..-.•rdoult.•!lit>,Ute "'*llolo.OOii, .... alllllrb7&S&I.1

- r · ctam f"

n.::.nliT L

rhostlay1&6~~ponpdrolpl•ke4up tllrtll allr'I'1Yor• or aa herlellll--d 1h.t: o~~n~~er \Ill

tl&e or our t11ter P.epublio ot h-)~ :~b~~..,_ f • \orP«JOW n•r Creellli.Ad on A~\ 17tll.1 It h t ... Nd t bl.t .l(.l.

Ylolnh)', there cenbe no re10110nabh d011bt 11 to \be 14ent1t)'

o ttheettuoke r.

~. anotber u . s./uohant 1111v , \ he

~sud s ... rarer~ -• sunk 1n the Red Sn two hundred and

ot tll11e ahlp1 were -nlllpa or the Aaerl un tin)'. In the

tl~b 0111, ttr.• •uael 1\lllk olearl y on r114 the tlag or PaiiiUll.


..-! ~Uon ot U. .... tor "'-"1.,...

....,.ricanReJ)IIt>lJ.cwoulr>.tHofNeloOe.,...,. o. Wl.ypw.cellol-rce.l

-~~ b7 Ill• ~~ crace of W• lonl.&n lin" 11011T1~ IUid

•• rMQ;F ! Otf' Uio roo~.;e ..-:lb~ 1a UleioWIJorl.\1,1.0


thillkotth•U.S.NaY)'asanlrl'l'lnolblcl""""'~ tk . '

~t.rue1tt.haBr1tUhlit.'I'Y"'M'hel ....... el')'Oillfth01.1ld

~ f.i!. ,_,., ..-. ~bar that tr the worl.4 oo.:.ul4a Anerlo .. ~

.14 : .t;;. ,.( ~ ,,-!;.J fl.. ,.....v 4 ~ tM A£. pow.ra , ~ *hlpbul\diGC raolllUe\ ta alA or ll~""

Kll."'pe, hr t.ha Brlt.lah I ahj elld IQ the far hat "WOU14 be

cree.ter dl the sblpbulldln& r.cntuaa alld potent1allt.183

ot' the Al:lor1cu - - not ~Y trMte) .... but three or tour

or evan t1Tt s rooter . ZYen lr uur Unl\~ Statu :1-'Vt £ . .,..... -dl I tt reao\Lrces .. ~ 11J.Ch a a1t~.~at!on ~(!.oubllhc"'.;{re.l.o,.blln&

'" the aha or our l'al'}' , An• pow<>rs ln oootrol et tht re.- t or

.,., _. /~-' _,c_Jf"'w-C the W<~rl~ ..auld. ba .. the ~ al:ld l.ll;rre.o.:fc .. to

outb\1114 ua ae-...n.l U ,;es mer .

toacceptdhlll,.lollll:entor the r c:a.nt.lo notion that the

J.l:.arlC18 oan u .. happily and ,,..,url.lll7 r or ceuerut.lona to


toua- eon.p1rfoC1. ~- ~,,.....-...,..,.~-.;o· ..,,0~-L,.....A

~ ~-

?_"""'"....,_,,A .. llo

o-,..UOil atwr c-,.u.oo, ... r1oe. 11M Nul• tor W

., ;.oliCT or tile~ of 1M-... i'M\ .ollq h •.....,.

<Nr poUc7 1>u ~,>lt.G rr- u-~rl~~,.l~;~~ .. l'rv ,."7

'WU"' - not • .-.q t.o W J.t.lan\.1~ tNt 1o0 the hoi!1o ..... u . A

:rt\ pooiiUcl¥ t..•- ._. ro.-t "..,lara~ of ulia1~ ac\.1 ~f / , ..... .,.. I

...,....u.on. !!lilt ~~~-w-1\t.....-.rtt ~a ' · 110\ with abtok~ U.odN bla\ od.U. ~..,al, nlanu ....

/ Md I-....-• U>.t.-- UI&Jub u-. -.iUte 1.0 tM

,. •~'1 4.l'"f;ardi , .._ __ ._ en4 ox~n

awnany •• Ml.a<; ~ or tM oon.1~r--uon or

ttl'lwa peo:J •·

t'ut. .. t. Uttl'OJ the 1nti.I'NM ot

u. -~' U c,aU011 on u to •tru&

~r--••· '!'be • k an t.ha 6totro)'w'

O~oout, .,u. ~l.DC o.,,._,,... lt. \hal tM

o.,..lp a.,:a.tnat '""" •fo:1 a.ratJ;. alrt&4J btUI,a:

o. .. tlopK, It _,.)(a , ractr MelMIA,s or a dfot•,.

to o 7 0\ll • plan wh1 l~ Me:~ known t o ~.

a unqud or t.he


... ~J-.. .-.he4 by u. ~t .. uoa ot that oCM~otr"J,

-.Mob ... ~ 1D t\.111 by hN -~··

" lU. plo. -- u.- lw.tehtll,l 1n .&.r~tlna, uv:t that

to\to~t bN ..,..1'\llly .,.. d•l7 -J.o.lled 1\ at __,

pollot • ....,. ,.-.u,., an.,....... .. _ -• -.4e ~ IIUitvort

.... ,, t o " ' tlaoovcb ~. •1toh14 u. pq_t t ..

"oko tbt 4hoo•G'7 waa ot .. ,,.., at.JO ~ tlold.lo

1n ColoiS1a, fl.th1D. ~ ot \be , _ C--.1, • • 10\W!.

-..!Upl7 l,..~o.

tll." O'lnopbw.oloo -<ku~'"''"'•'""',_.,.._.,, .. .,,...,,...,,.. .. ·· _. plaln17 CI.M'1.0 OQ 1n - J\III.It.lotl •1 t.b 0 4e01t;n

~ lnt1A1A1at10111 or othtrwl" to oUu U. ooa tor

II"U111A .. ot ooi:II::UllooUW!IInd ~at. Oil l&.Q41 ''"*"" ~- ot oaJol.u7,ot> _,., .,. ,, at r .. t..

Mea -.;~~ to acqv.t... tt. ~- .. ru ter• ' .-11. At ... ,


lt thl a way ln a letter hooe the other da)' , "I aa afraid a011e

how bl and Tl tal the a tekoa are l n the protaotlon of A.aerl ca' •

f\lture. E -ru pecptt are auttertrw troe a oa.placent

lethal'C7· I he.•e dol'lollauc!l thlnk1111!'latd1&• toeuct17

~tarethe .. •tto:alet.akea . • I beUeTet3/Ne al!d the othn

natlona oppoal nc Hltlerhlll an tr7ln&; to u teguard & world

l)'lte,ln11h1chfraeanc:leq\l.tll opportun1tleew1llbaatrorde4

to all nat1ona. tbl a whoh prlncl pt. le aer1l 7 the world

for \helr own benent. We ••• thll •.:;,:\ 1) "'~. w~:17"tl•A..fG

&11 b~o~t the Oon::aana a re atarTlnjli , and1

,_.._,. I PP n~

1~bywh1chthe1rayatP 11u1ntatned.

enou(h to have known the o141

and J'O\IJ\1 enourh \Q lh'e alertlr d. J.... {;;:;,~ J. acuu ~rt ln the t or.aauon ot the M•. But

--"' ..... :/.~ ............. -~ ~t- -~~ ... the ,... o~·A·u:(. be band ."L ..... :,.~t&lW eql>al

ooportun.1t7 tor11nd1YI<Iu.all an4 ,.:::1; an4 on the ttnar

~orfl01iaplnet -r. '!'herare l~ lllolnetwar, Juet

j,_..,.,_ lj -.,.,L.~·/ ~ ~ · . • • J:::-....flut ther•x:~.z; t1ae ..tlen rou anll I •uet....-. J,(_f,-

~ theooldlnexo!"'lbhnece .. lt7ofN7lllltolnh-n,

and our chlldr.n' • chUdren Into rour reno ot terror1-

ai'W! tla1'1r1. l ou hAT~tlooke4 ourj:;;;;. lou ehall go

noturther• .


)1M IMVitf ol \111 0.1Wm "-i~.:J n,. IICrul praet.icl ol otiplo.C)' pltbt.p~; ~'llol.d h.aft bMII

- •IAk -•IL1P'-kUlovdt.iurlaclo- •t., _. c• U..,.,.

[,.), t.&liWlciAt.act ...... twobul...-b or~t••••v••U...or ... ppqor //

-d·r1~ to~ tl~.uof H1Uer, -{..;...;::-~;,' ;}fit~' Olw:&4 'U""'IL i.;/ eo t.e.. J,

.. nu 110t Jo~~ to~- dow.. •

I • .s»rr D 1/0 --t~ersn1. wlckedneu or t.he Ce:-..&.z~lee.derchlp . I- not.

CJ"'*.tly ~ I)O~on:ed die• eeoh •hY 1.het peuee I

_,.,,·(_ .-..c the re.1.her h)'st.er1cel -• M1t1oh U.e)l +--e-M ...

d&il)l ;~naa·, and. I auoce thet the Oemon lNdere are not

.1..4'!/-dee~pl)' ooncel'ned,Ab)' •<hat 1-.o A:llcrlc,nu• ••Y Cl' pubUth a bout

tl:• · ll'e cenno:.. brl::~B about. the 40'/mfdl or lletha by 1.he

Ute Ot lo~U" -r .. z:ee lr.teet.he.

• ' r. •

( ~ '<.J..,

Itltclea rtodl.\llltrlcanethll,thtbtrlcat,.•u•t

t1nuat1on of a ttaoke ln our own w.tare o r tn •tere11h1c::h

!,<. ... , " y fr\.• ... 00\114 _ , t\l.rther and greater atU.oU

11 •1.11 lnt•ltabl:r

Donotlnuesp\1thll1re. Donotaek:rourael"'""

4 . .J. (W\.• .... -t ntthe r tM A:lt rlcae ~ ~efend th•eel'lu aner the ttfth

aU•olt, or the tenth att.-.~lr., or the t "nUUh attaek.

,.......,r r

Aotl'l'e detenu/\etartfnow,

Do not l e t ue epl1t hdre. 00 not let ue u:r --

•we •111 onl:r 4e tend our .. hu t f tM ~I'P~CJI= :J:~ "4>71..,, V• ;;r.-

or U.t ere• and the pa.aeet~~eu erl dro•rwd. " ~j'\tlr;e

tor ~~Jt).-J.,r,; .. ; 'hlo~t·., t:..

It """'"'"':f:·.:.::::·,t"" '"'"~/"'' U\ercan~Attaok1etth1n.tltltofour .. r:rehoru.

Tht1r 'fU'7 P"'':::Jconetitutte an a t t.t.ok.

f.'~' ~'" -)/'r

loOt t•h• U W r 1Nl7 or HlbU7, 1t h U.o "wlt ot ~tho aul

-u• ot . .... ,.,.. u.ooapt .U ...., V".,.r.p 7{. j1111f1 J::.. 'J 0JI'•o\ ~:"~.:.ft..;.l:h~;;;,.~~t:~:·~~•t tr~~~ ~~:~~;A.,/ ,

"·''""' t F f-'1 ,_,....

Und e r the t 1.1tlon ot tho Unlte4 St otee , I Ul

,\JJf ~ ~ ea Prcdd.enten<lee C~ndt:r lnC!lteror t.beAr=y

"{! .), ..... './

elld N&1'y ~ A:llari Of> . The Co:wtltut.lon <IO.I not -..;- .f' -..E..

t l'..,t thleobllt; .. tlon ~ becerrl..,outonlylf'oW'-D

t,,,.,... ''· oonUnen1.&1 aoll h lJITa.d,.:l . ~the eecooll Pre.ld.ent of the

~I 1 , ....,._.. Uott.~ Stetee, Jo1:!11 "4Ufj

1 ordered the/NaY)' to oleun out

ruroPMn prh•ot eer a and "ln'OPMII tbl ;>e ot nr 'lltllell were

...._, 1ntettlf16theCe:rlbbee.~andd. .. troylqA.Ilorlobllll~erce .

The t~lro:l. Preeldent ot tho Unlte4 Stuue, ThOLlee htter~~<>n ,

ordert<i ~~ ... ~.,.~·-t~ eDd tl:e Ut;':k; ~ :..~~~n e!\1:11 ~7) ,, ,... ~

\, t he COR:.u.IRS nod b)' the natlona or Nonh J.frlc~ on thelr ,..,.

t: elllll Cl"CCII: tho 1Ae41t•rn.DfMlll~ ~ connttuUond obll&eUoo

• .LA' j II .,.c "<#

,,,[~ ... ----- ... 1.1~1 .. ,.., .,ft,.,{., I(

t~act or ""ron our p~~.rt -.~ ,:,..,,; ~ •• ::"'"'

.tlloh 11re vlt.t t o ...,.,.r1can derr • . The •8fTI.III.lon 1• not ._,..__ oure. oure h eoletr detenu . Ir O.rwan or I tall~ ve .. ela

ror Allartc~ deten .. , t her 4:;~ eo at their I,. own;;::::;: <tv..

./ ,, • ~ /.?7-- --4-.JV Tha •'\t o theUnlte4 Staue llt.Y~~

'~' "\ 1 "'"' """' Tho ••" .,,..,.,.,,, "'" "'"' .,_,_

There wlllbenollhootlngunle .. Ge~nre•k•rorlt.


Tho Nll'l')l Otope. rt.r::o~ nt or t he tJntUd St u.tee mae r eported

UD.l t .-1 But" denro)'er GRUll, proo.ed l tts 1n 1\lll bylll!.ht;

/1. h~f

pepll4e Bu.Niau h.,.. innnted , end 11• eptu ot whlot -• ~rtca~~

•·' ,f. A orp.ntuuo;~ prefer to bellne, I tell )'0\1 bl\ltlt. teet

t.hllt t.he Gen~eo eubllarlne tlr j ~;,n t.hh Aaerte ... n de. tt-oyer7Pi:_, ~ . ~

tthoutYiernl ll(l , endwltll de llberau deatentodnkher-& cl•'

8u * ,.til Mil ilb C 11 I OQii t tP, .. d=: =::;war : n

tob<t•tereoteelr-<ief'ense -- outpoaUoti.M.r lc.anprot eoU on

""""" !':'~i, Nt·T - ' - t.- t7

.. : ••.

';)-:::::; /lht: t:.';l~"; .. _;lj;; ~ ;.~:!j;t_'~il~he4~ -. l()ela~ Thf'OUVI these •tt~ten there pen endleu llnn or

/ lhl p• , "D .. rtne thfl liatflrlfll of'..,,, tor Whloh the p,eoole or

t he UAtted. Btat e•ar-eependlllfi"Dlllloneot4ollere , an4w:t1ch ,

.. 1e11Uel ror llletcu•• ot thelr ~ 11111111 , .....__._,

The Unltec1St~:.tee4eetroyer, ..t~en Jt -•ntaeted ,

q•proo .. Gtnaonaht:ltt.ltelllM lon,.~

~. Me.ny other "-!or1c$n t!ll))ll au4 planea are no\'J j:*trolll lll!:

r,; ~ (,f,.·,, ~...., l'at.:-11 -- proU()tiD& ledU ... te lhlppt~ other a tn

b)' t.hellede to dnka elurly lclentltled,..rlcanW;nblp.

On the other hand , 1t the 1ubl"..&l"~ne "' beoaath the •urtaca

f1tr ... , ln4,wtththealclotlt.D~ (In1oll , tln~<llntheHroct1on

ot theao~:nG otthal.llerioanclanro)'erV1.thout. e<ralltt.kllll!: tha

trouble to loa.rn 1ta Uentlty - - •• the otrtolel C.n:an

outr~~c.o.a. For it lnHcotea a pOlloy ot lncllao:-l r' ln.te

'l'lollnoa aeolJM;t e.nynsaol aaUtng tha ... , -- blllll1&et"ent

or non-bellts•7;~ _ iJ.,,_ ~ <tVJ_ AN ,-.J}'/. /

~~J, ,J I' ;la ___. ptrao.J\J,oo DOt t e tlrtt~o:- tbe leat

,..:11\ lob the' tint Gotrer~nt. b .. ooe.<ltted e,ae.ln.t tbe Jaerlean

tl~'- r::~.:k ";.:. tolloweot atU.ok. ~A t .. •ontha ~ an . karhanl.a~nlbe.nt llhlr, the ROb!!; IOOOR , we.• aunk by a Ku.l

"'""',!. 1• .JJ +J /,, • Vt 1

aulae.rlnal'\u.ndarolr cwutallOU ,.1olat1118 lonc-aet.ab\lahed

lnta rnatlonnllawaDd ever y prl nolplo of h~nlt )' . Tho

ot a ll .. f"l'OII l e.nd • .,..,._ • ._.,., .U" "'' _..._._,,UGMod"'o"Jo .. eo•",.,.

Illluly, l9U, an Aaarlo•n bllttl .. hl:• in !lorth

Mtrloan "'f.t e r e -• followed by 1 lubllarlne Wh ich for hour

aftrhou.raoll&ht toceneu'l'llr lteelf lntoap011Uonof attllck,

Tht parlaeopa of" tha aubu.rlna -• olaarly .. an . NoJirltlth


or t hl••votattlletlre, •othen.ationalltyortheaub:mllrl ne

or the ettloblhb~ w-eeenoe or 0el'lllln tubnt.rlnee in this "~tMl s .. rarer• _, eWlkfA the R..S : .. two hundred arA

twenty .u .. eout.b or Sue:: by a Gtraan. a1rc3 She .. ,

boulll!. ror an :t:Qpf.lan po::-t..

four or t he 't'tUele to.ulk or Utlooket rl.,., the "'lltrloan.


_,_ f'ltth oua , tho naul au Ilk oleu•ly earrhd the rhs or

In tba f'aoe of' aU tbh , n ,._rlcana are k .. ;~lp,g

ov teat on the sro\1:14, Our t JJHo ot t•ooraUo ehllt~atlon

baa outpvwn the"6bt or 3 .. ua, -palled to t1gbt. 1o..a

otUr .-Uoll b1 naaon or an)' a tll,lla ptn.thal atUek on one\klnc and a~iD,S does not Nlata only to thua a:;~p•u•ently


Iuteod , we ...._ricUI.a an tillkl~~Calons-raaee point.

or ..,.anu on laM all<! on au 'lllltcJI au.t M OOMlda!"'ld aa a

wtr.oh -- aa a part. or a worl4 l'f;Uan.

~n. laportaDt truth t a that Ulaaa uu or 1Dur-

national hwluanua an a.antt .. utton ofadulp'lltllch

hu be an .ada olaar to the Alaertca.n people tor a l ongtl-.

It ta tba Hezl dadgA to aboUall Ula tne4011 of tba aeaa,

andtoaoqu1nabtoluteeontrolalld 4o~DatlooottbaaHa

It -.ud be ~h1 or • &rMt. •ttoa to •:DA•"'-te

All \eolllttd tDoldeDt., or to bee- lntl...,_ b)' eoae one

ut. or dolence. But lt. 1010\lld be lnezou111ble toUr to

•1n1&l~.e euch tncldenu ---------..-


t.M llloto:lent b notleolttt..S , bllt)Wir'totepaeralplaD.


J'orwlthcontrolotthe '"' hthelrownhe.nds,

tile 1rll.)' cu becor.e clear tor t.bdr next etep -- dc.lne.tlon

of the UDited Statee IUI4 the WeatemH•lephere b)' torce.

UQderMezl colltrol or '"'• ftOMrcbent Bl!.lp ot the


~\:r:. ... .t • .' ,. ~81'•ceofthhtoro1en~"ndtrnnn1cs.l

)OOI'er . The J.tlenttcOeea i!Whlehhubeen, andWhlch•hov.ld

totbe-euotUI.eUnitedSt•t .. , endt.otb.e ln.leDd clth •

Tb.h Kaz1 attcpt to ••h• oontrol ot tbe OCNM

h but e 001J.II;hrpert ot Nazi plote - be1116 ~;~arrled on

the, .... •114 ot d0111lnation and control. Tor Hitler' •

tootbolde aDd. brldSeb"d' in the •ew World , to be uaecl

, .. ,'\ar. u be olo•ed, an4 that ftO .tllp• ~ .nhr t.h•

tor pv.rpo••• e:~<oept at per1l ot be1ftl ltUAII:. AohallJ


tne;us .

~eWeehl'nlltmleph~ Conafllr~ooyh .. rollO'Ife4c-.n.plre.ey .

Lnat. ye.-r a plot to e.elz:e the OovorJW.ent or Uruguay

,.,.-ehedby t hepTOIQpt.aotlonort.butoountn , Wblch-•

-• theu batohlll(; 111 ~t.l~, elld t.hU Gcwernaent. hae

ot "ont elr lemlolfl6 tleldl ln Col0111bh, wltlltn r11age or

t.he Penu;a Ct.nt.l . f oould aulUply liUito.ncel,

~wlth _, _ ___ IIW! lntllidllt.\On~

to oleertheeM ror Nazllln•• or o~unlo11ti<mond oonque&t.

ot r .. r h .. been ~loyed to eoqutre the N ... World ten:..l.llala .

At , .. , the ~l&n to cont.!'Dl tl'lroucta >li"'IOJ' , -•nelug

t.,,~ to"'' At.hntlc , b .. r;....., .....,. o;.eaed.

i.,., ..._..,.tJ """"TC:=•t 'l'o be ultlc:et.ely eucceett'ul ~. littler~

t ·l. uuu 11et oontrol or tto •••· He •un rtnt denroy the

bridge or thl 1•1 wt.lch we '" buildl i!OJ acrou the Ath.ntlc,

ov.r'•lb leh weebdl\Le to roll the ~ule~:~enta or ..-ar

'·"- L...,.,t, .~ _.j , ~ to~d\st:roy hiD -.nd. dl olrl-c. C!tl . ... .u"llli.o

H:-:at a llenca the 8rl t hb ~ lie Kout. d .. troy our ~trol on tM. and lc the atr ."\flot"<ll ee the trlelldly .. .,..-or

C(re .t. &l'lt.aln and ow- aw. oo-n '*t:rol et.D4 In the ..-y -

~rot.eottug tlle'" ehlge ln our nl!'feneh•e ~'"' - 1t11:r.1 p i •M

rO'Il,._~ll4t.taa1PII"ti-on ell.llJ'tM)--pre..-a~ It JIIU&t be explained aeetn lln4 e eatn to people who

like to thlllk or the Ullit od. Str.tee ?leY)' u ell \m-tnclble

,._I -9-protectton,that ~"c•nbatl'\leonlyttth•Bl'lu .• ~:~ua.~

-rr~ ;, r..;: •• rJl• ~ -4.t'.i/1 . "" aurTlna .~ • ~ · a

17~ Cit o lt the world out-

llltletheAIIerlc .. relle

~ the alllpbu1ldlll8 racllltlea wbloh ~ ~~~ t~ec

O'WDlneUotE\u'Ope,lct.lleBrltlebtalee , a~lnthe Far

l .. t M:~llltl r~ter then all the ablpbll11dllll tao1Utl•a


but thrae or to11r or eoec tlYe tl•e• crater. El'en lt the

Uni ted Stet .. threw a ll lta reaow-cea ln~ aueh • attuo.tlo')

rcr4oubl1na aad:r<ldoubl1nethe aJyo,\·rl!o.'V)' , l.ho.'.;;c!G

VO"'eta , !:a oootrol o!' th• or t.he wor ld. , woultl h!t.YO tho

h 1s tlae tor o.ll ._.rioa11a ot all tile J.Qrlc ..

;;t;.;. ,,.. r/-1..,/...l t.. • toidleoapt &httfM'I at tbero..Dtlo 110tlo11tlla t the

A:r.erh" oan. lho hoppUy .ntl ;tfi&Oot\llly tor cen.or a tlons

to ooa.e 111 • ltazl-doa.lnsted worltl.

tor the aeneral polley ot tile t~MOIIII or the'"'· Tll.u

one.It aoe.ntth~ttlo nal<lonhn•tht rl&ht~

~~tdbUno .. t~t.bee~

~-1·~~-lltOf tht ..o?l~tt tor~C:-•~•1-~ ,,Z(::: .

Tb•t. ,.., our polle)' ln FNaoll. Wtl' 111 1'1'99; ln

\Ia S.riM.ry wara 111. 180~ ; ln the • r ot 1112 -- u :1 in



l Um-.strl~te4 s ut..rlM ws.rtsr• la 1941 110n.tit1Jtn

a d•tbn~• -- 1111 •et or aggre .. lon -- sph u t that hl11torto

All•rhs n poUoy tl)(lay , J1111t • • Gtrz~~n unreatrl~h4 s ut.orlnt

r:rtlr•4141n .bnue.ry 1917.

etlll epj)H .. -- :lot ceroly to the At.lentto but to t he Paolficl

end t o lllll other ooeal1$ u welt. )w.,.wt C, ,_ll-4 ~L.J. • L,f.,, ... <. .

tt 11 no· .. clear ~hat Hitlerff;"oaa>alS.C to oollt.rol

the, ... , by ruthh .. 1'orca aDd by wiplll,': out nerr ... uce

or touroauo .. llaw eDd !1-.nlty.~ ~zl 0.0..1"!1-

Hv. ~thr3 tntention hat be.Jn uda de:tr. The All'!e:-le~

~ple oaD ban DO turtbar Ulu.l- ebou<t. u . .

t batH ouaJI.Hilrot eo!.fu. t roclll..m -conhll'l

anrerr eot Otl tba hard-haad od., tar- tlehtlld. ttnd r.albtio


aM ope,rat.lon.. or Qenr.e.n ,..rlht.P• , ·~ btoa~u& or tl'te elear ,

rap"t""' proot the pre•ent 00forraent or OenMn:r hal no

... ,,.ot tor .. or tor lntomatlo~~t.l 1&'11', tMt tt haa no

N:lerloau '" 1100' t eoa t.o race not it!! abatnot tlleorlea

blitrr\thoru.t, r.~nt.leu taou.

'rhla attack on the Cret r 'll'la no loclllhed alltteey

optratlon in tht Nort!l AtlGntlc . Thh "''no l!:o:or a aphOI!:e

1n&atJ"'..v,hbet1'1ocnt\ronatlona. Tllla,.,.aonedetemlntd

atap toward& cre.atln,g a ponu.nont ·o:orld •1•t• baaed on torce,

u-rror and aun'ler& • waa pll'U1 on \he part or \!:ta tar~at

e!14Q1 ot the h\allll n.ce - - DOt aertl.J'e ell~~~~ an~'G! all l.a.• , •11. llbert.:r, d1.5J:.rft'Y, all rell~

•~ I • awe that eYr.liiOOJ the t;u;l& are 'll'lltl;!i: to

aae wtltthn the Unltt<l " W1ll ;':z f~1:;:R; h n



8~COtoD D!l.l.n - 1)-

The Mll'lll d.all6al' to oul' -st.u·nworld. has lone oe.o.sed.

put thle ny lll l let.terhce~theotherd.ut. •taa f"rald.

tut.ura. Wa a t.~e other natton. opp0111:V IU erl• are

op·ort.lnltl .. wtll ef"rord.ed.toallno on1. Tht.whole

prtnolpla 11 •rely t h" :rld uten11 ot our South k:lerleen

t~la ln Europe We all but tbe Oer.AA~ are etarrlna

ot t.h11161, but w or the 10\Ill6eraenereUonare d enouah to

old. , and.J'O~eool.l&btolhellertl

ron~~~.J'IS t an act he pert 1tl tonu.t1011 or the

- 14 -

Butt lleworder-- aaweAIIIariaanleea tt. -- r~u t ba

~...,:;:;;;, hllll;~ 1 ~tae wtlan you end I •ust ~ ,4.1:cc..

t ...... ...., the ~:old inuorabla aeoalelty ot' laylne; t~lnhWIIIIn, un-

f'altralned .e•kars of' ft0r l4 oonq,ueut and panoenent world

4oalnatlon by tbe swoN -- • You aaek to Ulrow our children

llld our cb114ren'e o!lll4re11nto )'O\Ir t'om of' terror!-

aDd alaYITJ'• You be.Ya 11011' ethell:ed our OWJI eat'etJ. You

nof' s · n • ..,._~_...r, U repfiiiJtltnea ~

111 ~~~• •:r• until l t aot ually had tile• by tho throat .

/ our llne M aupplJ o~ •terlal to ~~~• aualaa or Hitler,

lad leOOnd ,#O\Irlh:;~~~ the hiSll .. u . 1\

Ho-tter ulr.~>t 1t U.ku, no lllllttOJ' whet lt coata, we will

ll:•ap opart the Una or legit~tt<~a In tllua dataniiTe

Wlit.eN . &t b wtl'lt our Aaeri- air a lid •Tar l*t TOl hu

~ do111S. ~t l rwlwt tt. Y1H oor&Jn..-!0 do.

-f. "*IT ,. ~-• Wa -

1DOahoot1D<; -r ..S.tbtllt.lar.

1BIIt u1Ur.or do

pu'llittlnc hlJI t.o attack our n.ud aD4 raerob •Dt fb l pa -..t~Ua

!/ tlloy '" a bualna ... I aanot golne; to hUt




oaU Jilt penonall:y a nd. tht lkllte4 3h.Ua •• a whole , in

do not n it u.atll b.o h&a before you al"Uah hla.

WbiD Ul.,. attack alll _pa or the ..._rlou tl ... -- tJl:lbOh or

When the AMrloaa tb-tlY .. ID.Ut DOW be dareaded . ~h

1 t tortheoharreaeont:Jitoont11\lol(l.tlOnor a thck•

1nourO"If'!l -ten1or tn-tera..ttloh oould be 111..:1 tor


- \1-

..._rioe.a e.bUUr t.o re;>e.l Hlthrlta.

Do not let ua "~lit haira. Oo not ._.k r ouraelvea

t .. auet.b e.ttaolt. ,_. /l r Aotl<t"edetea••~-.

Tbh lll tllet llllator pruontlon,not~ Derely

naponalble os P:-.ddent o nd u C-.a~~d•r- 1n-CII1et or tho

... '"' AnQ" ond Nary tor the ~ dat.n.• ot '--rlc'>'i 'l'ha

t!l• Un1ttd. Stat"' Knry to ol .. n out IW"'petan prlYateon and

'·'' \ ... J:liro,t<on allll'a or ... r whtcb we!'t 1nt"'t1116 tho C~~orlbbM.n -.

~r: '-" d•atroyl~ Allartoan ooraroa . 'I'll• tlllri!. Pruldallt or

tii•Unltad.Stotea, Tllorlllehttar110n , orda:rtd the Unlt.edStatu

NaY)' to and tho attacks bal!li u.da upon Alla:rloan ahlpa on

th•lr ... )' to and fl'(ll;lth•Ktdltel'l"t.DM.Db)' tilt~(~

" i!fi th• lllltlona of Jlo-tb. Af:riaa, ": IIOD8t\tutlo-.l obll.catlon /J

(J,""'' J1a ol .. :r; lt 1a I

It ta no act or ,..r on our p&!'t wb•n .,. d•ou., to protect

otoaaaoryto:rA&a:rloondotonao,th•ydoa~tholr OW'llparll

fTOa-01'1 . J


- 19 -

to Tille United Statu No"y and .lnay are to Olrl')' out tha t


The IDle Hlpol!.llbillty ~IIU IIJ)OD 0&ftiii.IIJ' • There

olMr riiCht or tbla .., .. ,~len nauoo . 'rhtt. 11 the only ate;>

po .. lble , tr - would keep tl&bt ~he .. 11 or deren.e 111'11ch

'" are pledeed to • lntllln nound thla Wettern Kem.taphtr-t .

thue no1llua1onaaboutthee;ra'l'ltyorth1aatep.

I htTt not tlken lt hurrle<:!ly or lightly. It h the reault.

prtorer . Iot.!!.eprottctlonor~rn.ttone.od ldne tt ca11-:ot

Tiley will do no ltll today . ,, .• ;." "' ' Theyknowt.hcactualtt1es orthtt(CI"I' h 'l!

81CO~ DIW'r /1 it~ { ' 4atall .. aptnn tllt-t~ Tbay lr:l\CM' tb•t tha ttaas

p.opla oon.aotoua ot tbelr duty a.n4 ot tba rtpt eownw. ..

-1'1-/,;;:."/c:-:::::.~.":' ........ ftl&ll&<oJo.p..otoo.,tol\1\&~t&dSt.&\uh&eriiPOf't.ed.

""'td.Uidtlil>erahcl&&i&nt.o•il*.,.r •

• ·f . OILr ciM\roJ~I .,.. ill .,.tua •1111111 Ula CO".,._ o1 t.ll.e

lbiucl Statu ho.a deol&Z"&CC to~ waura or a.U-cl.t.," ;·~o.;:.· I


•FILt!!\'PS,.,, ., h'Pf'l h "Cbahi "1 l btt'!I'A--

wu..u...,._.tor<i*tiato..,_booo.._......Uot.U•tn>a (./...fl. '" ,t,,,,r.-.tolr. ... ._.}_ . .,f, .. f.,.. ~I 4, •~ r.~·f-~ 1...<-•~ .... • I

l.MIV" .. ~,IIOfJ.l-c&d'o.ot.t•Wb,DOofflr<4Npan.u- ~~-,..j,

l.Jt .1114, lNl, an -.U.-t "-lU.M~ ill *'"ll M.ric.,

A.. /, .. , r; .... •wn- tou-d b)"• 111t.riM W.:L.oh tor~ -at>t



tt..cotowflrt.r&op;t.ti<:orr..--u.s.s.usu.. OD

..... ~ _..,, lbt 11M b.- t1rn \0~, ....s ''*' ~-.:~. MN' ~~. 'llbile c~ d..Ulan •ppli.N to Io.laDd. U.



• -/(

_, _

pu1. ot a ""rl4 pt.ttwn,

1nc1tl.,~ U DO\ hohY<I, l:Nt pu1. of a ,.,,rtJ. ~.

IM1\M sw.w..- \bt _.,.m HMU;NN b1 tone. llllclel' .. &1

-~lot u.oa ... , roowrchllnt.a.1pat~ \llli....,.SW\-tll ...

of r.q'oUier_.k.,.hpoabUc-tdbe freet.o OU"r7-IIIV


!M Hi\ln Oo...,._t, Sa~ ol U.. I.e.-.. ot Ulo

-MOl oL U.. rec:opd.Md rlfbW IlL all oWr •Uoal, baa .........

SMlDI!iJol; ....... ~· ~ 111- ... 14"' hld.apheH- ..... 1.0

be elo .. .s, ...s that. .., abi~ ~ tllt.u U.. tw IIIV pwpoH , uc•

ot.perUotbetnc....W.. Aet.ll&ll7U..:raroo1nk1neoh!.pot.'O'ill


I ?

~ .... t.m H-apl>o,..~ thl- end, . _)

~ m . FOr lliU.r11~pN'ISII-DOt.ol\l¥

""~· .u . ...:u..~ to "'"'1 *"""" pU.,.,­

~;ltlant.1t:0 bu-loNo!.

to UWIII o~ u. ~led !1\atow .. ..,. M • inri11111bl.o prot.Muo .. ,

' u.~ • - 11o " '"" Oft17 1r u. JI!'U UII....,.,wrl ..... .., u

•apl• arUM•~1<:. }if;: li u. world ovhido u. -n.u t..U..

11./'dll' ~ doom:w.t~,t.N tll1pbldl41ac t..,U1Uu 1111lcrlio U. ~ , ........ . JIO""".,ulciU... - , 1AallotDLniPio !nthe l l"iUIIIIllll .. ,lltd

tNiUUM M1:1 pot...UII11UII ot IJ.l tM MerioN - no~ onl;r

lwrtV an&t4r, t...t.~t.h,... _. ____ u- p·•nn. b.., 11

u.. U.l\Oid u.nw .u it.• ~""' ~ •11ob • .u ... uot~, .:~ ~~ / -t

'· ,...... ~ 1i6w ~~ --~ Ndocbl* U.• •1 .. ot _,. ~:....,, UM ~ ,.....",

111-uol ot U.! tb-. .,,.ld, ...U ha.,.. !.be ~r .,d.

'Jt' 6 ~ bdftl del-*1 br u.. ~ion~' !.be ..... 1e .. -"u',_"7 ......,. "".-~·-j~ /!t't't t Vit"l"' •••• .....,. ... .... u.

otot'-"· lr.;f>~~., ~.~~~(,r,::, .jll •"l_ TM~ - .,.... polla~t:J':M • ,. m Jo ~UJ Hrcn.->

,. .., ll0i1 • of"'i" _. ' all ow Jot,Mp..... .t,.,./1'-. ),

~~ ill u. w .. \a'a 11-.11;111••• no eoponn.. lllllabte1

f.-.J ~t • -.1.4• ocMn Pf'OU<:h .. troah.l.a- • .,~,...,..,., ett.:t..,

a ....... of u. ... ophod .. , Me- or u.. -u ...s

prootu...I.U>o prooa>t.(;o)n~ol(lel'alrl)'hunol'e•poct.lor

Uoa1nU.. • , fhh-•no•N~inolltrugl.t

o~t.worl<l l)'t\ .. bu ... ontoroo,,

i.n4 I ....... U.K- -t.ho ll ... haN'IIIIitill&to-

n- •....S.~-=-\Oov_l.anl_,l"1411t.alqc....,\o

loa • ~~ ..,~~~~ .. 4-:c.., h - · '* enJ.1 '-• .u.u . ...,.



·~ Honal pnctSUI Ot - DOU wriUIII - • of

•hul III.IPI < 1baoJ' &N Clll Uc1tlaU4 boaiMM.

M .... .,:r- ... •r•tU•...U:•polltld'-O•trib, ,.,

·"·""" QDl •.it Wlt.U h• hu ... bd'c:r• ,_ 111'\ilh ""-

.. ...,w •.

7/, , .... ~t'o AO\hedoet_ta ..__,

. .f,,.. •. , Do""' le\ ... "Pli\hi.U., .... -~ ·q - ... .ul


Ult ~...., -.d tile pLIHIII!en &N d..--.1,0 fj,J~flt,,f '

1'h1a 1a W U.. tor prnoent.ion ............

l> ••'l.. 1\IMlc~'llllll 'CU.hialilh\~t-~ --·

--u-\al ..U11111-

n;~ .,r.""''- # • ., • • r ,_~ ,v. ~"'):b • ...,..nd Pr<M.IdM\ ot U.. Uni~tod a.~ ...

k IIJ~abltp\~1tll1tt.or1tJit1telauJ

l\ U no act et .,- o n o11r p&rt ,..., • Holde too\

tM arder-1 ol!:l.dl 1 ._.,. 11•• .. c-.der-l.l>-dl1tt to

A ... ~""t"·-' t1w 1)1.1\ed sw.~ h"7 .-.... .... 1.0 eu17 011t. u.o.t. pellq-

!two oole NSpoMiblll~ NIIA upon (M......,,

c, .... t; ... , .. 1, 'Jh /;1 ,;-~oo .... - t.iacW'll• .. o.r-.:rt\~

!Nt. u 11fT ..on.ou drtJ ill """- crleU.

'~ (_

t11o1 J.Mrlcan ~· '-" t....S oUie.- '"'"on. .. ill

t.MiT llt.tory- ..,t.b. -.rlcan o:o\ll'ap -.4 .IMrhan Z"NOluUon.

!'be)' .uJ. do QIOleU todq,

The)" know U.. .ocwal.Ui£1 ot \hit 1.\.Uca v.gon u .

~.a:rw u.. -su .. at • bold. ..,_ "'*""" u..M ott.KD. tt.7

kloo!r U..\ \llo U.. e.U. tOll' cl.Mr hNU W fMrltoN '-rU.


-·~ ot W1r dut.7 -.d or u. np-.... ot 'llbe.\ u...r do,

, ..



..,_t I .., s:o11'16 to .a.r to 70u tonlrht wlll not t.

ret:•rdad by anr Marl can el U Ul'l at a balllooH or agr .. h e

IU.t-nt. 'lh•t I -.:::1 M71118 ~~~~'ii\'-l.'i~a topllo41 of a claarl7 eat.abllat'Ad attack b)' a O.rwan ---­

~..,~MIMI a raw c!&J• ago on the UroHN Statu ./:,Tr:7h

- othtor nat1o~ b)' Naaon o r a tlnt:ll pl.,..tloal. a t tacit

h)'aterlc.l or lod~ our unu or proporuon.

Inat•o!;, we are t.altlng the lo,. l'allfll polnt of

'· n aw ln rilfl'&n\ oertdn run,..entala and,.. a aarlu or ••enta

e;tneNl pollolal or tt•.ia nauon tor .ora than 0111 h\lndred


II -2-

l'or t l , lt l a ol .. rtMt, pnaranonart• r

ttl'ltrltlon, n hlu 1tood. ror ttla s•n•~~:~·/· tht t rtedo.or ttltteu --••ntnsbrtn.tthatnonat1on

th• ttl .. t::;:: ,--;· t~ .IIA4 -0' b~.:·;· ;;;r:_. '~· ~~~ ror-•rc.. Unreltr1ot..Saubllar1Mwarr•rtoon.t1tuttt •.'-'· ••

Marloan,olloy t~J,lnli4ol, JIIIttaauoha•••thl

ln tht •orld ln J 41.n,._ry, 191?,

Pac1t1c •• Will.

pu•cntoooncl uda tMt auchapclloyht.lbttn.Oopttd

trr, J •• /7:

'''·. I II 1-;;

/ ~/.

4 ;; ;..x.. .,.

b,- thll, , .. ,n though lt h.aa !'lot b"n orrtolallJ al'lnounood.


lll .. r th•t 1t h the .ltoerloan pollcr to oppon what uounh

toplrt1c7ontheh1r;h"""• andupt<~lallrtopreventware

lltlddlt or theeouU!ampart o r tha4t bntlo oe ... n. the

pfleltllllrt and the o re• .. .,,.. toroK i nto open boate

ln JlllJ an M t rlcan battltehlp, ln ltorth ..._rloan

.... u rt, ... , rouo .. d b:,- a eu.t.arlne Whloh tor e011e t1•1 ~-.oughtto .. noeu vt rlnto a poeltlon otattaok. Tht J>

or the epotattba u ...

1!- }



al'ldnottarfJ'0110NOenland,watattaokedln4a;fllght ae•eral

U••• b)" 1 eut.arlne. By good fortune the torpado1

flr.O at har -oe no hit•, In .,t ... or the repltltlon o r

U.. eut.arlne •• l.o tha natlonallty or the ,.. .. ,1 att.aok.O

U the ~o ~r perl•009' abo•• ••Ur at aiU' Uae.

the athohwereequall)"reprehenl lbleln t~ttlley•ere

.,.oeagaln•t•"""lmo .. natlonallt)"hl.dnotbe~•

tlte.blhhed. A­In althar ca .. ~ attaoka oan •ell belabeltd

pl ..,.UOIJ. ,,_ tha 1t.a~tnt of lnUfftltlonal la• and

~olflolnte....,.UonaloonYentlone •

.... "'~ '"j:" ''" ......... ~. . .. hl.•e been 0. nor ltellan bee 11 It te • •ll •• llehad

thatnollrllehandnoAIIerloa eu~rlnea•erea1fhare

nae.rthe laoeofatt.ack.

andbeo•unotthe unrortunateoonolullcn,bletdcnecoNe

• A Ia~ J'O\UifUIP, l l "li!C oft-11101"1 011 tiM S*trol, pd

u Ud.e _, h a hnn ~a-. u.. ,.....,.. ..,, •t u •I'M1• -pMple la drtll&a llta baelt ..._.Jut plala loa1t .... .uu

•• ~ .... rtt&l u. ,..._, ... •• a.. ,,.., .. uoe or ..,.""•'•

,......, I'M ..,. PMPh "" .. rr.n"' ,_ a ~ . .. at

leu...,, I ••• •- ..,. Ulll'lkl• latelr •• to uuUy

._, '" a. .. '11'-l 1'-MI. I MUa•a ta.t .. a nd. tM otlle?

.u ... oppod., a1um • .,.. •m• to .. , .. ,.. a wor'14

qet• 111 •toll ,.. alllll ~-.1 .,IIOPMl'lha will H aftoJ'UI

- all aauo... ftlll • o1• prl .. bla 11 .... 1, tM woPll

_,_,.,1 .. a f - ......... rl_ 1'004 Mt.pbop pollq, U

....... 1o -.s.a, " .. .,.title,.. , ..._. at a .. f'l& r .... u •

............ .. , ,.lle4 ~ lu1 ~ ... .,. ....... •1-.17

,... .. , ,,. •• "MMnt. •• ••• * • all"'llt47 •• ...,... .....

&11 Mt .,. o.-.a.,.. al&nt•, ...... Uo- tbe """"1"

-· _, *ltlli D l lP IJ'It• 11 Mln .. l ... ,

order or tM.act , '"'' " or u.. roiiiiC•" , ...... u - '" olf.

Ute •• o1'dt J' ... , , be be.eed. oa tilt o14 Na4taentale or ..-1

-""' tllt oo14 ln .. o ... bl• ,.., , .. u, or M11 11C t o 1u-..o,

...,..,~ , .. lton or 1101'14 ootq• .. t aft4 ,.,,..._, li'OI'lf.

- fWtMpl.

• ->-

1\ h oll ll' '-' lt.ll AIIU1.t.alll u..,, tlM Aa.rlMI ..,.,,

MY M «ere.-.. !tilt 11 f'ar UM olM.r NaiOII ._, a H.,.

u-uoa of aUaoU 111 IMP' 01111 •'-" or ln ... ,.. .cteb

~4 .. "' f'llr1hn aM .,...,.,. at'-OU ..Ul lh'I'I.MblJ'

.. ~bn ¥1!'1.0&11 abll1\7 to r.pel Jtll1• ri • ·

Do M t bt 111 ~Ut balr., Do Mt )'OIII' .. lY'"

• • U. MtrS.oae rill 41flft4 Ul•etl••• ethr 1ib1 tlnb

aUaoll, or the t e aUiatu.ok, or \he t"I''-tlE,

4oUn dt hllll ' '-"'' ...,, ,

Do aot let •• -stlll balN . Do Mt h1i •• M1 -

"•• .t-11 onl7 defe!MI o.r"tlh'" tt tM \of'IM'41 p te boQ

Of' Ult INI an4 U!-1 p&II"Ci n IN .._., 1

tor 4et eaee l e aae.

lt ,..,_1"1"'' or " " ''" auau. h 4h t&at _,,,..,

tbtJ..,n.,quallJatU.U.w1UI1a i1P,tot wf'"l"7 ....,.., ,

!MlPIIfTPN"IIOI oo~t1tv.tiiii\ 1Udll:,

" " · O.N b 10111.1 ... It ....... o•-1-~ •••tilt

orw.r e~~ttrUieoat.n,Uitpf'OteoUollot elaflhnecttMI'1

Tht,.. wlll bt DO lhoo U n,a utllt,. 0.1'11&1\1 "It' tor u.

Att•ntlon: lr.:r . :&eirly

UJ.ti'R..I'iitl.l TO r..Jl, 110l't..L~ :

Tfi! i'R~ll>};tr'S RAUlO ~<llliJU..:..<.

\\bat I u;. phi( to H)' to ,I<IKI tonlr;bt will

Mt be reetrded by aoy ..... ~cara cltla.ra •• • belUcoae

or a.;trN~aiTe a~e.tecr.c;;t . lt.bat I • Mylnc d-• 110t

r.late ju.t to tl:.e si:115la ephoda ot a cleurly e;!Ubltahed

athck by • Cel'!SSn ~n~.t.arla. a t .. d11711 aao on the u. s, t..atroy•r ~~~ .•• Al::arlcunl '" keepl1J6 our reet on

the &roWid, aBdbeceUIIewe,lnourtypaotcler.ocntlc

ci1'lllutlon he1'e outgrown the tho~ht ot <laolarlng

war on •cr•otller n•tlon oyreeaon ot' • lhch piratical

atteclo:ononeorour llhlpll , weare~tdeclde<!lynot

becD~"lJ:18 by•terlcal or lollnr our 1en1e or propcrUon.

I11111tead, .. •re t 1tlrl& the loac-rwZ~&e ;>oi nt

or 1'1ew hi ret;ard to ce!'U.lD t\and-nt•h 111111 to e aerlu

ot ,,.,nu -.tcb a be conaldered •• • -.bole lo rehtl

to the seoenoJ polloi .. ot tc.b nation tor .ore tbell o De

• .. ... 2

l'oreX&IIIple , ttl• char, ganare.tlon a cenel"tltlon ,

.-. have atood tor the genare1 ..,.erlollln polloy ot the treedoc

ot tha ••a• -- 11\ec.ntnc by th111t thet. 1\Q nauon hu tha l"I.Oht. ,

n-•o tn .. rt.l.&a and at lol16 4htanoaa troao th• t.boe.t.l"e ot

Tt:n -• 111 tho FreDell liar 111 1799, I D t.h• Bourbon

!Oal" l o l etiS, •lldlntbe1i"ard 1812, aDd IDall our

bhtoey. l!nn•trlcted •ut..l"ia .. rrara oonet1t11tea a

detlaMe -- an a ct or aet;n~adon -- apl nat ou,. bl.ltOl"lc

Al:larlcan policy tode:r , to 1941, J aa awl! •• -• the

Oan~ap peUo:r o r Ullres tl"toted o:ubMrlna .. rtare anywher e

In the wor ld In Januel"y 191?.

Our policy haa a pvl1•4 tl"OIII tl•• ln~e~~~ol"ial , not

~<el"•11 to the At.lentto bllt to th• .,..tara of the

l'acttto ao wall..

TOC!e.y, t.h• GenuA OoYarnr•m. bu t•aued 1\Q ror-1

dtelantloo or Wl.llaited eou cl aanta!GII, but. • •erle~

apollo:rllaaoeeaedo;atedo:rtb•, •"'•otbout,httt .. not

Nea otnelall:raonounced .

lt. d•artbet. lt b t ii•J.J!Iel"lo•npoUc:r tooppea..,wllat.

uounta to piracy on th• hlth ..,., an4 tep•ota1ly to pr event

... ra ln l:uro;le , orlQ Atrloe, orlnAeletro.~ extendlngto


rehUonahlp to tile " t•tr ot W• • tern H•hphere.

DW't~ the pa:ot ab IIOntlla , an att a t k on tllol e.raty

pollt)' llae roUowe4 ettao:>ke . An Qarhl n Pl ag l.:ertllant

lllllp waa a \IDk by a German aubcwlrl ne In tha Middle of' the

eouthern part or the Atlantlo Oeean . T!w paa.-enser a and

tlleor-~re toree41ntoo...-n boaUIIW'IIredlotdl81

rro. l and . Prc..-tdentlell)', aDd w11.h the Dddl '3&lnat

t h• , th.,. were relcue4 1rter •:<1 daya or anere haro:l­

aiiiJNI , No lpolOSJ' , DO all-cotton of ~S.t1t. , no otter

or reparation~ h** ooce 1'~ the C•~n Goore~nt.

In lul)· , an .Azer lc u battlelblp, In NOI'tb M>Brl~•n

wt.t8TI , .. , rolloored by ii eut..rlne Wfltob tor ac.:e tim•

aol.l$ht to ~~&nuever Into • po11l tlou or atholo: . '!'he

perltoope o!' t ilt aubcarlne-• ol aarly eeen . NoBrHlsh

orh!erlou.nlllbme.rlnuwere w ltlltn •nybl.ond~ e ot-.Uu

or the apot at the t h:e .

IoelaDd , aDd not rar r~ Creal11and , ,., auaete(l In

4arll&ht anera.l u ... by • 1\lt.&rlne. By grwa\ £ood

rort\llla, \he torpedoea tired ether JUo4e DO btu. In

"'""tit the rep8U\1on or 1tt.1ota, tbore could hne bftn

DO •Ut.ak• on the pe.rt or the aubelarlne aa to the,..ltt y

of the . .,. .. , 1 attAcked 1t the aub-.rtne lle4 her perheope

abo-1'"'-•r a t any t lae . Ifthtperhoope,..allot t b01'e

W8Urand lrthe torpedouwere rl.nod by tound sretbodl

r ather tba11 vhual/ methode , tha atU.Okl were e~~;uelly

reprehenelblt In tha t they were .ada lf!t1nlt • 'feutl wboee

nat1onaUt y bed DOt been altebllahe4.

l ll11Hh 111'01l .. , thll 11tt110k11 Gllll WIIll btlllblll tl4

pln t hd t"l'OI:I tl'le $t aDdpOl ht ot lnUrnatlonlll hw

111\11 lpt~ott"lo l nto:rnetlont.l ooll'l'sntlont .

BIIOII .... IIot thii&Sephod.lll , biiCIIIUIIIIOfthe IICtlODI ,

tbll .-.oY-EIU, and t bs op•ratlOI!.I ot" o,,...n -r•hl~,

s.lll!. JH.oa\lllll ot"the Wltort.u..n~~ttcoAclutonbutl4on

•cor.• ot •pho4et tM Oor• nu::•nt. ot a. ... IQ' 11111

DOrtiJ>'(It. tor tnocth$, t"or 1DL•n~atl-ll••ortbs

4•o•nt """'"""~'~"or neutnllllltlotllorb,_llltt"e, -.


'1'~70-• .aKI-1


-- WUto I • •Lac \o MJ to JOIIl u.lpt; 'll'lll

_ ..,. M ........,. .. ~..,. ....n- etn- •• • N111-

• ....,...t.n atat;-a. ~ I - N¥b1 U.. .n

...... ~,, .t•• '' t.tla •tacl• .,s.oe.a ot a tl~l,. aat.blhtt ..

''"" ~ a ~- .. -.n .. a t• •• ,.. ..., oa Ua• o. •·

....... .. .-.n .... '" ~~: .. ,s .. o\11' t• • oa

tM ~. aA4 "-•• ,., to Olll' ' '" ot•-n.uo

oh'UlMUOio bon 0\ltP'O'Q tll.t tb.O\!Cbt ot .... lal'hC

-waJ" oa ••• """l' aaUoa bJ I'MIOII ot a 1111111 plnUMl

_., .. ,11 on oae ot cnll' .t~.lpa, .. '" -• •tt.u,. aoc

- .............. t.o:rb&l or l08111C ov - fit J"'POt"UOIIo

I•1.M4, ft an klllQC \ho loat:·NAC• polat

-•t "''" La recan t.o oonata ,...,_,au aM •• a oartoa - fl -"'' 'lltl1411l _, IN eoMllo ... •• a ~ 1z1 nuu~

_ .,. ""'' 1-l'lll polldH ot t;ht. aaUoa tor -• 1oM.D , ..

._,_.....s. ... ttnry-.


.... a

....., rOll' -ph, U 1e 11Mr 0 a~an.Uoa &fhl' aanon~lon,

we ban ltood tor VI• ,.11nll AMrhaa polhy ot tho tr .. 4c.

ot VIa IMO ·- by that; t hat; no 111tlo11 baa ~ho richt,

an11 11 want.. Ull It lOA& 4l.tii11H t..- toba t.l!Mtn ot

- laM ._,, ~o -.Ito tiM bro.« OOM U -.!1 tlllr •-an a,

'ftltot •• """' 1a ~h• rnMta War 111 1799, tD thl acnar.o. W.Z 1a l .. h lUll!. 1a tllo War fl 111:10 lUll!. hi all 0111' LU11'

... b1norr. lflli"Ntrllt ... au-.rt.a. .... rtan aouthutao a

--.tltn ..... -- a.a aot or ~N1ca -· ... 1~~ou our h'-to:r1o

.-1"1, .. polloy to4ay, 1• l9U, Ju" •• aub a• •• tlla

Oo~ polloJ' ot WU'Utrlot~ aut.artao •rl'an &ll)"ttllboro

1atbt-orlt1ala.a~ l917.

~ polloy llaa t.ppllod t:I'IM U a o .__rtal, IKlt

- ••nlr to tba 4tlant1o .. ten tNt to tba .... tel'a ot t ba


~11'1 U:IO 0.-11 Qo ... n.aat bat l.on ... DO t-.1

-1HlantloD ot Ulallaltod .. u t1 .._ ..... t oD, tNt. a aarlaa

- t I'I'IAU lMiill UQ' N I.OODt.bll PII'IOD tO -loada \hat OliOh

- • poUay baa 1N4a ollloptolll 'tJ' n-, ...-aD lobO\I&b 1t no

~- OIU" part, tor OYor two ,. ..... , we !laTa •••

It ol .. r tbt.t It l.a t.ho AaorlMil polity to oppo .. oobat

-'a to JlnOJ' 011 tllo hlp . ... f..M NpHlally to pZOTtllt

..,, 111 ~,., or 111 Atrtoa, Ol' 111 .Uh r..- .n.-1111 ''

tbt l tntn H-.ltpbon or to tbo •••l'o 'OblU hno lllttli1Uo

nhtloa.Nlp to tho .. roty or tho Wt att1'11 &-1opbar..

, ... , DvlQC t.ho pe.n ot:c .ODtbo, a11 a n .. k oo tt. oately

polio)' h" tollowe4 ath.ot.., "-a ¥ uioo11 J'l~ Moro!la=

Slllp • • ouU: b7 1 O.mUI • • --l'IMI hi \llo •14dh or tho

Nll\bors pe.Tt; of the AUaath OoN.G, fM I)IIII HI£1rl oA4 er.w .. ,.. toro.o lato o.,on bcNou luml. ""' or alloo

n- kAI! o PrortC•tlallJ0 &114 v1t.b ~ o44o q;dut

tt-, th"7 wo=-e othl' .. IU' a.yo ot ,, .. ,,.. bent.

oblpe . lfo apOlocr, DO ollep.Uoa or a a U.ko, 110 orr or

or ,..,.nUoc.t too ocn:.e hoa tbo Oo-ll Oaorof*ant.

b:o l uly, &II Azlorl ooa b&Uloahlp, Ia llortll ._rlo&D

-un, ... , toUowM by a lu...,rt~~e 'IOb.tob. tor aoa.o !t..o

oOIIC}It to --•-:- l<~to • podt1o11 or nuok. Tho

porllool)ll ot tho out.arlno -• oloul y lOIII· Xo Jlrltlob

or Morlo-..a:~ ~~-riua .,.,.. wl\b l 11 -D.Y hWI4r.4o ot a ll"

ot tho opot. at tho tl~o .

[L&n WHit, .. Allorhu 4H troyor on hor .... ,. to

Ioola.Q4 0 IUid AOt tar~ , •• a~hokl4 I n

~l""'t orroi'Ll t!aM by o ..,_-.rt~. IJ' '""' &004

tort~~.:~o,tboto~oeorlJ'Idat. tor-.4o 110blto. I11

- Yio• ot t~ n?otltloa or anaokt, t.t.ero ooul4 bt.Yo ~a.

ao •~Ute oo tho .,.~ ot U.• eubcl&rl~~ot •• to t~ IIA\lOMUty

- o t U!.e ,., .. •l attaoh4 l t tb• • ...-.n~~e tr.a(t btr p•rleoope

•MT•-t•rat u.y t laa . 'Ittbtperleoop• -•-•bO'I'a

•tar aDil 1t tbt to1'1!..:10tt wou t l r-.4 by eoWI4 a::•tbod.•

-._ tht.a 1'h w.l/ .. thod.t, tht attatkt ... , •

"''l'll:lau1b1•111tlle.tth• Y••:re...,.,._.lD,t a1'tutl W!Io.a

MtlODalUy IIOt bH11 •tt.abl1tbt o1.


•••• 4

lD il~ern••· belabale4

plra u ... l l'f'CIIII tbe aW.DIIIpOhti ot 1Dhl'llf,Uonal h.w

'm-~• ot \hue eplao4at, beoau.ta or Uw uUooa,

\he 110'1'-llta, &114 t ba opar.U~ ot O..r.llll!l -reb1pa,

..- Moaua of tiM unfwtua.ta ooadua1oa be.all4 OD

aoo:"ett fll a, ltoot .. that t~ Oo•nra&INII. fll Oa::-sac;J bu

a=o r.a,.ot tor treat.laa, tor 1sanaaUoaalla• or tile

-......daoaat ti'MtJ:.ant. fll lM11t.Nl Mttoaa or !J,..II Uta, ,.



~n•IJing!mt ... ~llMl

.... tor the ,...1-.t

''-"..., ,...t -u-....., ..-. :a: M• ,...,.Mi..n,-~

.... ~ ., ..>H ...__ u. ~ tMte .. tM)' ........

1 ...... .t ....... ...,.. w -• .1 .... thelr s..,u .. tt.-.

!M .. ...,. ~ ~ that- the -u.c ot lept..ber ,_til U.. Oait.t ltatM OM.....,_. ~ .. , proe..tiac lD twll A711Pt ~4a

I .. ,._.. a.. ... .......,.uc -.n- .. u. _, -. n,; u..e ,_1 ...

nee • .t. G- "'-"• at.tMhf; Mr b7 nrt-c • ~ ot ~

l e-.1 -* •c• the rhlAc ~ to the W.ty or t.hh

s-tepbere .....,u..s. u. 'C•lted It&t.~ utd. the othw ..._te-a utl­

t. -'-' tbl ~ ot z..s..,._.,, .. ,_ tv lato the .l.tlaatto.

IIlia .. u .... 11eU.tiM. ll7 U. e-.14erat.1_. et th olMr r1~t of

_. -u- te ,......, lt.Mlt ap.l.ut ..w'l tllrw.t. of ~. !M

!!:!!" ._. pr....a..c ~P • ,..Uc.~ of U.. AU.otle oe ... bel~

u 1:M NMph .. .,.. et Nlt.,.t_. o. lecttt-t. .t. .. t. .. te -u­

.ttlt U. _,_ ot the ... t.r. "-lepMn.


'mile ~!life lhiouse ~a•ltu•stm•

1lMw tM d.._~. U' tbe OrMr -. Yld.blo te tM nt.ari.M

...._ lt ·~ t. terpMo Mr. tN att.Mit •.t lla.,. bMa • .. UMrat.

attillllpt bJ • r-tp -...a1 -1 to dok u ._,lou wr1lllp. It the

n~rt .. -. 'bon!MUI the l'llrtaeto. ad ba~ohed lt. ~ la tM

d·• of tM • ov•ul of tM prepell.ra of tho .._,.leu dNt:reoJ"w.

attaekM. 1t t1 t.rrtbl:r pl&b tllat VIe attaet -. u Mt of _. .. trtot.M.

Tlol- l i'IIMh .. bd.horiaSll&tel:r aplut .,.,,.11. Mtu, o,...t or -

1'be W•"J' Ubwlao repc~rt. that t ho o~hlp!!!!! • of ,_rtou

-•hlp proo..ttac to le•lllD4 ur1"'fit141: d'f1.lh.a nppu ... t~u b..a

aak wltkh tho put t• _,... ao r.,. -.11 u.r.. of Mr • r•.,..

.tt!wr wltll a .. Ubente Mt of batl.S.datloa ~ut the thattd ltotoo,

or Yltb U. Mct..mlq et a ~al Nip of -triot.M ten•t• oa

'tM 11.1p. ... lib the s-at poll.,. of trt~ttu~o •t•b baa al,...dJ

t~M.- •t:r "te.t ..... 1 .... n 11111 " ..-u •• u.t •t:r .. r ...

~ ~ U .a..rt- 1b1p• U.o , o'bla ...... ._. MW.ll7 nDit bJ a

o.r- -r ..... 1 1llll6w 1-1 ... Nll4 tu- etr-ten.M.


'(IT()£ ~()ifC ~OllSC


11U7 or ... ~ ~t • ftl'7 dllil&r a t.. tM P""t••

World ...,. ... • - toll_. bJ a P*'r•l aa4 ottaoll: • all

-"lltcer-t - .. t.. N.llhc tM hlp ..._ b theo Mlhf - Ute

pu-t of 1 t. , ..,_.,., that fr'l&htr.~o .t: - -14•t. \he

Vatted ltat.J hte t.rwl•tt-c bw lot.we..,. .. .t.U. trteM17 -tri"•

Wo N.'N 1_,; a-, ... I ho'N pr~O'IIdJ r.,ortH tel >""• that

the~ ... ,_.....or llltlw-- te ...... e.ll lud ~ , . .. tblo.

~ hl...S.-c '- 10• to ..-h ... -- 1011Wol of ~ h1C)I ..... l

haw pel•t.M out U.t tt tM.o pl .. - • .., ""'' .. bto ....,""••

*' oMp ot u... Uolta4 ltat.e owld ootl tho e.u, '''" bJ ~ en•• of

o r-tp ..t af'rl-'17 ,-. u.- U.. o:u.v.tioa of UMo plu, U..

£tluth ooeu, wMoh bu "-' .U ehould bra o fair a~~4 tree M4 tr1enfly

MP-o". -~• ...._ u .,... nu .. wtu. ~7 ,..-11 te u.. ·-·

the •-te. _. the oltloo of the Un1tM: ! tate..

"-riou ,..,.bu .. No .. M.- ..... t.-17 ~. ••• •-bat.._ btrlfOII"

uut plot. • tlltl eU• of U.. ..... wMoh _,. ... tpH te _st-.. to 11tlw'o

,._ brt~ ill thl ._ ... u , .. -·~he u .. u "-'" pl ...

bert .. ~· e.qs,...,. llu ton.-.,...,.. ·~ ,___ of .. J<flM'J'o w _,., w plutl.,; of trtV hu "- ~1.,... All of theN


'(!lite ;IJITiie tr''}uuse ;rn .. ltinglrut

-. .. bwa •test• to Mq~;~lro teralull h tM ... ••rld ~t .. t tho

tn. wh• tlMoy oo.U M o-.ete4 with tM ~r of Wltl•'•

,_,- ttlr~t -vol or u- -· or. _. tkb ...-s,p -tht.c ,._._. ht to becl• the o...., tot ••trol tllo o-.. •-l-.:

ri\h the J.tlutlo.

h t.A - tuM o1t.h -tdeM4 that tM.t ~1•1"1 h MIGC -....

1M polio)' or -u o~t b7 r-. •l•h hu Ill,._.,. ..,_w,_,

ot Ma ,..,._t UW!lt to tto.!Mt.• aot 01117 tM o011U....U od,.....t

te ~urc~pe. bvt abo U.. U&)l - of U. ...,.UI. 1 n.._ Jl"'"i-.17 toU

J'W tM.t - -re - ... 1 .... that hh ,.u.,. wu Mt _,..1,. to .....-r lvo,. Wt to ooaqMr tM -u. t~ 1 - ·~11M to brtnc to ,_,.

att•nti011 - proof. tMe- ..n...._.., w1.tb u...e -lac•. •• wiU. u.. lH! ... tt•o

et l'ollJ' t or 1111• ,-oplM -t ,.et br .... ~ht _....,. the h•l of thh

-111-be o~eror0 te r.n tot tab !'wll oott ... Tho •17 owr .. loft

~ rw ,.._J*I'PlM0 otwtllek .... h t. ~ h ,_,.~

t. der-4 ~ .... ,..__. U., tn. .... l tbe "'P -· w la tb ...

~ ,....,:. lhlw b Ia -u-.1 or ... n to .... ,,. o•trol. l.nJ ,_.._,

• wt..r .,. ea lN14 lAJwd Ulh s..ioph_.. •-' - •- • jou,._,


'l!rl1e ~l1ife ~ouse :Wn•ltington

_,_ .. ..,.. mth ... - tMt. th1 poUcy or IOQ\IIrloc eoetrol by toreo

aM ~ ... tto. by terr ... •t '" ud l"rtcb\hla••• 0111 1&44 t. " lo.c•r

• ~t -•lJ' 1a a td ot looalhld. at.Utar,. open.tlou, h aot -•lJ

- ·~ to er .. te a ,.--at world .,..~ ball" on toru by ~noor,

by -der or b7 ...... ,.., bJ thre&t or b)' t'aet ot' pt~. litlw ~

the ....,. or 1-. the--.;, or Nlt.ct.oe, Ute • ...,. ot -nU.t.t, . tM

eat1111J of lSbertJ, tllo -~~be oon, tm"or or all other peoplM. !17 ~h ...

of 'orlltallt)' .ad. lllhu.aity wlthovt parallol t. ch:llhld llhtGry, tho

lad re~- M 1 propo1 .. to dMtror •nryt."tbl wort!::.tlllo la U.. t o'brh

of or~ ... 1Ml"'7 thrtftl(:tlout th1 W'OI"lllo !hh h Bithr'• -bout,

!ta. t.U. -. ,., ... tor t t. .. udn u to -'te~r bter""- or the

Crdted Stat.& ~ la_l,_. b th.11 booll•11• It hu _, .. to M n. to _,_. Mrl0Ql7 the .. .-1 etate..nte of Jut propapad.hW,

•-t1••• r.,_.te.l by .. u-1..,; w,.- 111 thh e-t17, that It tler

hu .. Mete- oe the Vatt1d ltat... !'M ~1' b-. •-• to M -.1,.

,..,nh, or ..- pr..,_ble. It h u-.


~rljt ~f)ite ~oust ~u•ltiltg!ott -·-

!!!!I and ltb tM olllkbc ot t)!.o .!!!.!!. • 1t be.- - "•U'J' r_.

__.,. eouatr," pr-.tlJ te ,...r .. t Ht-.. tor lta ,.oplo • tho htp...y.

of tbo world• &Dd M pMlOll)' Ia tho ~tlontto.

Jt IMCOIIIU'llJ f ollOWI tht '"FJ ... rte-.n .. ooool .uat "'OYI ho~ ....

~• ...,. !.-pro .... ..U.~ or -~- os-t•t the hor.uH dqpn u f

~t. of 4UG01' wMoh han "- poS.tod eat. th.r. h ao ot.bor -to