Framework Fi6

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Transcript of Framework Fi6

  • 8/8/2019 Framework Fi6



    Logicof intervention

    Indicators that are objectivelycontrollable

    Sources and meansof verification



    Poverty reduction of the underprivileged char dwellers ofJamuna and Brahmoputra rivers through an integrateddevelopment (healthcare, education and livelihood project)programme.

    - 50 % increased in the income ofthe target group

    - 50 % target group have 6 monthsfood stock for their families

    - 100% target children got threeyears primary education

    - 50% target group improved theircapacity and productivity.

    - 50% beneficiaries have got relief fromtheir sufferings (related to primary healthhazards and natural disasters) in thetime of their illness

    - 30% eligible couple havebecome the recipient of family planning


    A. Conducting 3 surveys- 1 eachyear:

    1. Baseline survey

    2. Mid evaluation survey carriedout externally by outsourcing

    3. Impact study conductedinternally as well as externallyby outsourcing.

    B. Continued supervision andmonitoring during project duration bya Monitoring and Supervision team.The report will include projectimplementation activityassessments, focus groupdiscussions (FGDs) withbeneficiaries and household

    observations.C. Annual reports to donors on theIntegrated Development Model

    - Natural Disaster- Financial support from donors.


    1. Increasing income sources/opportunities of Char people

    2 Increasing the productivity of existing income sources aswell as creating new income sources

    3 Increasing market access (getting competitive price) ofthe Char dwellers

    4. Increasing children enrollment into the primary education

    5. Increasing livelihood skills of the adults and adolescentsthrough functional literacy, social education andvocational training.

    6. Increasing primary healthcare and family planningservices

    - 80% target group increased the incomesources and opportunities.

    - 80% target group increased theproductivity of existing sources; 70%new sources introduced

    - 80% target group got competitive price oftheir products

    - 100% targeted childrencompleted three years the primaryschooling.

    - 80% target adult and adolescent gotfunctional literacy, social education andvocational training.

    - 70% target community receivedprimary healthcare and family planningservices;100% community medics(FCM)of Friendship got essential support fortheir livelihood development

    - Mid Evaluation Survey andImpact Study- Annual reports of project- Internal Supervision andMonitoring reports

    - Could be interrupted by Naturaldisaster

  • 8/8/2019 Framework Fi6



    1a) Increased Investments to create income sources andopportunities for char dwellers with the priority for poorest ofthe poor and Vulnerable1b) increased Capitals/ Savings1c) increased Resources of the beneficiaries

    2a) introduced Modern Technology and equipments to thetarget groups2b) Target Group received training to increase productivity2c) Introduced appropriate crops for sandy lands

    3) increased Communication and transportation systemamong the target group

    4) Ensured three years operations of the Satellite school

    5) Ensured beneficiaries training on functional literacy, socialeducation and vocational training.

    6) Ensured primary healthcare and family planning services.

    - Have the categorized result ofhousehold survey

    - 90% proposed capital invested in 6islands

    - 90% target group have savings

    - 90% target beneficiaries received capital

    and resources support.

    - 70% target beneficiaries used moderntechnology and equipments.

    - 90% target group received training.- 70% beneficiaries used appropriate


    - 70% target group used mobilecommunication and boat transportation.

    - 90 % targeted class operationcompleted

    - 90% School ManagementCommittee meeting completed

    - 90% teacher can teach well

    - 80% session of training conductedaccording to the plan of the programme

    - 80% target beneficiaries completed thefunctional literacy programme, social

    education and vocational training.

    - 80% target community received primaryhealthcare and family planning supportfrom trained FCMs.

    - Selection of FCM completed and 100%FCM received training.

    - FCMs participated in 80% healthservices through satellite clinic.

    - Baseline survey and MidEvaluation- Internal Supervision andMonitoring report

    - Savings ledger- Pass book

    - Bank statement

    - Master rolls and deeds ofhanding over supports andfunds evaluated by theSupervision and monitoringteam- Mid Evaluation study toverify progress of programmeactivities

    - Supervision and monitoringreports which will include:

    a. Focus Group Discussions(FGDs) with beneficiariesb. Classroom and SMC meetingobservations- c. Interviews of teachers andstudents. School registerverification- Training Module- Training Register of thetraining session- Training report

    - Comparison of baselinesurvey and Mid Evaluation study- Monitoring and Supervision

    reports which will includeobservations and discussionswith beneficiaries

    - Mid Evaluation and Impactstudy reports- Supervision and Monitoringreports- Training Module- Training Register of thetraining session- Training report

    - Could be interrupted by Naturaldisaster

  • 8/8/2019 Framework Fi6


    Activitiesto develop

    1a) Conducting Need assessment and household survey1b) Conducting Group meeting and collection of weekly andmonthly savings of the groups1c) Distributing technical support, resources and fund tocreate income sources and opportunities according to theneed assessment

    2a) Distributing Modern Technology and equipments to thetarget groups2b) Conducting training to increase productivity2c) Conducting hands on training sessions to Introduceappropriate crops for sandy lands

    3a) Distributing mobile and boats for Communication andtransportation system among the target group

    4a) Conducting Child Survey4b) Forming School Managing Committee4c) Conducting Teacher recruitment and training

    4d) Constructing the school building4e) Enrolling children

    5a) Conducting course on Functional Literacy and socialeducation5b) Conducting vocational training on weaving, dyeing andprinting

    6a) Conducting training for the FCMs6b) Distributing medicines and healthcare materials.

    - Household survey completed in 6islands.

    - 90% members attended to the groupmeetings and deposited their savings

    - 100% members of target group receivedtechnical support, resources and fund

    - 90% selected group members receivedequipments

    - 90% members attended the training onproductivity

    - 90% members attended the hands ontraining session on appropriate crops

    - 90% beneficiaries received boats andmobile phones

    - Child survey and School site selectioncompleted

    - Formation of School ManagingCommittee (SMC) completed

    - Teacher recruitment and TrainingCompleted- Construction of school building

    Completed- 100% targeted Child enrollment


    - 90 % selected membersparticipated in the education course

    - 90% selected members enrolledin the vocational training

    - 100% FCM participated trainingprogramme

    - 100% target community received

    medicines and other health carematerials

    - Survey report- Meeting Register and

    Ledger books- Master rolls and deeds of

    handing over supports and funds

    - Master rolls and deeds ofhanding over supports and funds

    - Training Register

    - Survey report- Meeting Register- Training Record- Deed of Construction- Assessment of school

    construction- Child Enrollment Register

    - Supervision and Monitoring Reports- Training Record- Enrollment Register- Supervision and Monitoring Reports-Training report-Distribution record

    - Could be interrupted by Naturaldisaster