Forecasting frankfurt airport 2015

ON SPOT 2015 AIRPORT FORECASTING Date of Issue: 12 May 2015

Transcript of Forecasting frankfurt airport 2015

  1. 1. ON SPOT 2015 AIRPORT FORECASTING Date of Issue: 12 May 2015
  2. 2. Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny. Aristotle
  3. 3. Outline Note On Frankfurt Airport. Data Base. Forecasting Approach Mathematical Model Forecasting Accuracy Signal Tracking Analysis Passengers Evaluation Model Vs Actual Measuring The Error Frankfurt Airport ON SPOT Passenger Forecasting 2015 Graph Airfreight Forecasting 2015 Graph. Airfreight Forecasting 2015 Graph. Airmail Forecasting 2015 Graph. Aircraft Movement Forecasting 2015 Graph. Passenger Load Factor Forecasting 2015 Graph. Contact
  4. 4. Airport facilities now include over 100 shops and tax-free outlets, many restaurants and cafes, bureaux de change, stamp machines and executive lounges. Frankfurt Airport also features internal train and shuttle bus services which run between the terminals, and conference rooms for up to 200 delegates. Notes On Frankfurt Airport Frankfurt Airport appeared on Germany's aviation scene as far back as 1926, when it was first established as a small airfield in the Rebstock area. By 1950, commercial airline operations were well underway and in 1958, Frankfurt Airport (FRA) became in very first airport in the whole country to begin serving jetliners. In 1972, the existing Terminal 1 was opened and the airport finally gained its international status.
  5. 5. Data Base
  6. 6. Forecasting Approach Golden Rule -4 < Signal Tracking < + 4 And Coefficient of Determination > 80 % Defining the Max/Min S. T. in the control band.
  7. 7. Forecasting Approach Golden Rule -4 < Signal Tracking < + 4 And Coefficient of Determination > 80 % We will use the concept of Forecasting by Objectives to develop a fair matrix decision, so forecasting by objective ; can be either by: - Classical Method by Evaluation R2 - Setting Signal Tracking S. T. (36 ) to Zero - Defining the Max/Min S. T. in the control band. - Targeting the final results of the annual long term forecast. - Reflecting the impact of the most recent monthly data.
  8. 8. Mathematical Model Rotational Vs Displacement
  9. 9. Forecasting Accuracy (R) Coefficient of Determination Vs Signal Tracking
  10. 10. Signal Tracking Analysis Golden Rule - 4 < Signal Tracking < + 4 And R Coefficient of Determination > 80 % Max/Min S. T. in the Control Range.
  11. 11. Passengers Evaluation Frankfurt Airport Measuring errors Golden Rule - 4 < Signal Tracking < + 4 And R Coefficient of Determination > 80 % ERRORS VS PERFORMANCE
  12. 12. Passengers Evaluation Frankfurt Airport
  13. 13. Passengers Evaluation Frankfurt Airport
  14. 14. Evaluation ( Measuring The Errors)
  15. 15. Evaluation ( Measuring The Errors)
  17. 17. Forecasting 2015 Frankfurt Airport
  18. 18. Forecasting 2015 Frankfurt Airport
  19. 19. Forecasting 2015 Frankfurt Airport
  20. 20. Forecasting 2015 Frankfurt Airport
  21. 21. Forecasting 2015 Frankfurt Airport
  22. 22. Passengers FORECASTING 2015 ( For record)
  23. 23. Welcome in the Club :
  24. 24. Contact : Mohammed Salem Awad Consultant Email: [email protected] Tel: 00967736255814 P.O. Box: 6002 Kahormaksar Aden Yemen Date of Issue: 12 May 2015