FoodWise CookBook Overview

Finally a cookbook that……. Makes ¢ents Out of Your Food Storage Dollar$ Brought to you by:


Have a quick look at our food storage and everyday cooking cookbook. Whew that was a mouthful! You can order on for $19.95

Transcript of FoodWise CookBook Overview

Page 1: FoodWise CookBook Overview

Finally a cookbook that…….

Makes ¢ents Out of Your Food Storage Dollar$

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Page 2: FoodWise CookBook Overview


Making ¢ents

Out of


Food Storage Dollar$

Easy, Tasty Food Storage Cooking Change from Fast Food into Prepared Good Food FAST


Kristienne B Averett 2010

Page 3: FoodWise CookBook Overview

Making Cents with your Food Storage Dollar First Edition


I have spent my life collecting and reading cookbooks. Now I am amazed to be publishing my own. This is dedicated, first of all, to my husband. He has been through it all with me. In fact, Brent has been my best ―test kitchen‖. My favorite phrase of his is, ―Wow this is the best ________, I have ever tasted in my life!‖ Doesn’t matter what it is, he always says that. Now I expect it or I don’t remake the recipe! Next I would like to dedicate this to all my sons and their families, my friends and to my Grammar Girl, Shannon McCurdy. She is my editor and all-around fix it upper. I want all of you to know that for every cookbook you buy a portion of the proceeds will go to her college fund, so buy lots of copies!

Most importantly, I would like to thank my dear Heavenly Father, who has given me the inspiration, courage and wherewithal to plow forward in spite of all the obstacles. He has directed me, taught me and blessed me with the talents I have needed to share this knowledge with all of you. Food Storage is one of the most important elements in our directives, and yet it still remains one of the most difficult. Many books have been written, many spreadsheets have been created, and many consolidated packages have been sold, but none of them really answer the questions or provide the comfort for which we are continually searching. I have taken all the knowledge I have, coupled with prayer, fasting, hard work and lots of help from family and friends to compile the answers to the questions so many of us have iterated.

This is the easy way to make ―cents‖ of your Food Storage Dollar and I dedicate this work to all of you that have been looking for the answers. In so doing I dedicate my life to furthering the Lord’s work on this earth, and this book is just a small part of it. May the Lord bless you in your endeavors to provide for yourself and your family, and I pray that these pages may make that task just a little bit easier.

Kristienne B Averett--Author

Page 4: FoodWise CookBook Overview

Copyright Page

To purchase Blendtec mills, Blendtec blenders or Blendtec Mix and Blend II, Fagor pressure cookers, additional cookbooks, or foods and other items mentioned in

this cookbook, please contact:

FoodWise, LLC 395 E. Warner Rd, Ste. 1

Chandler, AZ 85225

[email protected]


First Edition Printed 2010

Copyright© 2010 by Kristi B Averett No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form without

the written permission of the author.

Page 5: FoodWise CookBook Overview

Where do I begin? …a note from Kristi

This was a question I asked myself at least a gazillion times. My background is in

chemistry and physics with a lifetime of sales and management, but despite all the degrees and accolades I still pride myself on the best title of all, ―Just-A-Mom‖. With that and a limited budget in hand I started learning how to cook. Nobody was more surprised than I was to discover that grains could be cooked instead of just ground for flour, or that there were more kinds of beans than just pinto, and more rice than just white rice. Feeding three growing boys became quite easy with these basics on my shelf. I did not have the money for fast food, so I learned to make good food fast. This way of cooking is fun, easy and economical, so get the family involved and start the art work for your ―chef‖ credentials. You will be surprised at how creative you become and how much your family and friends will rave over your cooking. Just read, cook and enjoy. I promise this will be a life changing experience for the better for you and your family!

How Do I Get Started? There are many important questions you must ask yourself as you start building

your food storage. What do you want? What can you store? Where will you store it? The most important question, though, is the one that you might not have even though of yet—how will you cook with it?

To address these concerns, I did quite a bit of research on nutrition and survival

foods. The wonderful, cost effective solution is what we call the BASIC 6 (please see insert for amounts per person per year). To survive we only need a year’s supply of grains, beans, rice, salt, sugar and milk (with water of course). Obviously we want to have more than the basics in our storage but the basics are a great, ECONOMICAL starting point. Next, I started investigating different types of long term storage foods.

Most food sold for food storage comes in the number ten cans, which give food

that lovely tin taste. Some cans have an epoxy liner in them to preserve taste, but the liner isn’t BPA-free and actually leaches toxins into your food. Of course, if you can get past the chemicals, you have to worry about the look and taste of the food itself. Most dehydrated foods are literally cooked at temperatures of 130° or more, which kills the enzymes and some of the nutrition, not to mention the taste. With this in mind, I decided to stay with freeze dried or air dried. These drying methods ―save the food‖ by maintaining the taste and most of the nutrition. The air drying process only uses about 105° to 110° degrees of heat, which takes longer to dry the food but definitely preserves the flavor and nutrition. Of course, even if you can find air and freeze dried food, you still have to worry about where it comes from. In my research on food storage, I learned that many of the companies who sell ―dried‖ food purchase it from farms in Mexico, India, and China.

I knew that it was time for a change. So my husband and I invested our savings

and started our own store, FoodWise. We decided that the best way to get the food we wanted was to find the right suppliers and order in quantity. That gave us an opportunity to repackage the food into various sizes and offer it to those who were also looking for GOOD food. FoodWise was born November 2009. We bought shelving from Costco, computers from auctions, and the best food and equipment we could find. We pride

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ourselves on offering organic or better than organic freeze dried or air dried food. The food items are all packaged in various sizes of BPA free PETE jars for long term storage. They are washable and reusable, so now we can all start packaging or storing our food in air tight, moisture and odor proof jars. What a novel concept! We also went to the legal department to obtain a patent pending on our sealing process! Brent and I have definitely expanded our horizons to cope with the ins and outs of the retail market. We opened our doors Jan 1, 2009 and started with some nominal food coupon advertising, and then the word started to spread. We are now in the process of trying to figure out how to expand to service all the requests coming in from our web site, partner network and RAVING fans and customers! Our thanks to all of you for making our dream come true. We feel that we have truly found an easy solution to food storage—the right food coupled with the cooking basics. The end result for us and many of our customers is a 50% savings or more on the grocery bill. That is a very welcome change in today’s market. Now, on to the story of how we started building the food supply….

After extensive detective work, I finally located American farms whose growing

standards matched my cooking standards. Today FoodWise represents over eighty different vendors nationwide, certified to organic standards more rigorous than the FDA’s, and our shelves get more crowded by the day. I’m proud to be able to introduce people to foods that taste wonderful, are great for you, and are easy to cook with. The really fun part was discovering that vine ripened freeze dried food requires only ¼ C per serving. This makes storing your fruits and vegetables an easy process—a gallon of freeze dried food provides around 60 servings! (Math: if you eat a food item once a week, then a gallon of this food is a year’s supply for one person). These healthy foods, combined with your Basic Six, are the key to great food storage.

All food storages should start with the Basic Six, your essential supplements for

survival. Once you have your basics—beans, rice, grains, sugar, salt and milk—you may find yourself wondering exactly what to do with it. While the basics are great survival tools, they do not by themselves a gourmet meal make. The secret to successfully storing food is not to think of your food as ―storage‖ but as your own, personal food store. Don’t fall into the trap of buying a year’s worth of premade meals or foods that you don’t particularly like, because when the time comes, you won’t want to eat them. Instead, buy what you cook, and cook what you buy.

Think about the meals that you and your family enjoy the most. Now, think about

the ingredients that you have in your food storage. Do you know how to make your favorite casseroles, salads and soups from your food storage basics? How about your favorite brownies, cookies and cakes? The recipes in this book are designed to do just that—make delicious, healthy, familiar foods from basic, storable ingredients.

Why Cook with a Base?

As you read through the recipes in this cookbook, you’ll notice that there’s something unique about them—all of these recipes use a base. What’s a base, you ask? A base is just what the name implies—a simple, healthful food that you use as the foundation of a dish. The foundation of your food storage, of course, should be your rice, beans and grains. One of the first steps to successful food storage cooking is learning how to effectively use basic ingredients in your favorite dishes.

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Cooking with a base is healthy for you and your budget. Because bases are inexpensive you won’t need to use a lot of vegetables, fruits and other ingredients when cooking with them, which means you can feed many people for far less than the cost of a traditional meal. Even better, using a base gives your dish the added nutrients. Grains contain dietary fiber, several B vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, and folate), and minerals (iron, magnesium, and selenium). Legumes are excellent sources of protein. They are also a good source of important minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, and selenium. Beans are rich in folate, a vitamin that is important for brain function, mental and emotional health, and important for the growth and development of a fetus. Rice is a rich source of dietary energy, and an excellent source of thiamine, riboflavin and niacin. Unmilled rice contains a significant amount of dietary fiber. The amino acid profile of rice shows that it is high in glutamic and aspartic acid, while lysine is the limiting amino acid, so any combination of rice, grains and beans will complete the amino acid profile.

These are the bases that comprise the majority of the recipes in our book. You

will no doubt discover that the nutrition they provide is increasingly hard to find in a world where processed, ready-to-make meals grow more common every day. When you use bases in combination with high quality, organic freeze dried foods, you can almost completely eliminate waste and unnecessary cost from your kitchen, while increasing the nutritional value of the meal.

Why Cook With Freeze-Dried Foods?

Freeze dried foods are a healthful and cost-efficient alternative to traditional

produce. During the freeze drying process, fresh-picked fruits and vegetables are subjected to temperatures that range from -40° to -80° degree temperatures, and then up to ninety eight percent of the moisture is removed. This means that, unlike traditional organic produce, freeze dried food does not lose any of its nutritional properties during shipping and does not need preservatives. In fact, freeze dried food is as healthy as you can get without growing the food organically yourself. Think about the difference between a nice red store-bought tomato and a red, freshly picked, homegrown tomato—there really is no comparison! Because there are so many nutrients still intact in freeze dried food, a quarter cup of your basic fruit or vegetables equals one serving, supplying you with all the nutrients needed from that particular food item.

You can use freeze dried food in all the same ways that you would use fresh

food, just be sure to rehydrate it first. Rehydration is the process of returning your freeze dried foods to their normal state. At Foodwise, we call this giving the food back its identity. Simply measure out the amount of food that the recipe calls for, and cover it in room temperature or cold water. Let it soak for one to fifteen minutes, or until a taste test assures you of full rehydration. Be sure to rehydrate foods separately, because otherwise they may absorb any other flavors in the water. Freeze-dried food does not expand as it rehydrates, so you never have to rehydrate more food than you plan on using. Imagine never having to throw away food again!

Once you’ve rehydrated the food, you’re ready to cook with it. Rehydrated foods

can be used in any way you would use normal foods, even in recipes that don’t call for freeze-dried foods. If you decide not to cook something just store it in an airtight jar, like one of our BPA-free PETE jars, in your fridge. Rehydrating and using freeze-dried food means that you can cook what you want, when you want it, without worrying about having other things spoil in the meantime.

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What’s the Difference?

Freeze dried foods only need a few minutes with equal amounts of cold water to rehydrate. To use it, you measure the food dry and then add the water. Once it’s rehydrated you can drain the water and then cook with the food normally. Air dried food shrinks in processing, so you use half the amount of food called for and rehydrate in twice the amount of hot water. The food will swell to at least two time its size. For example, let’s say a recipe calls for 1 C of carrots. If using air dried carrots, measure out ½ C of carrots and rehydrate in 1 C of hot water. The end result will be 1 C of rehydrated delicious carrots. Dehydrated food works the same way, but the taste and nutrition will be substantially less than with air dried or freeze dried. If you use dehydrated foods, I usually recommend that you use 1 ½ to 2 times the amount called for in a recipe to make sure you get the required amount of nutrients. Equipment

Yes the right equipment does make life easier, but it is not usually a necessity. If

you do have the budget then I highly recommend equipment from the Blendtec line. Having used every bread maker out there, I finally settled on the Blendtec Mix and Blend II for all my bread making and basic blender needs. I also use the Blendtec Kitchen Mill to grind my grains, beans and rice into fine flours. It will grind all your basics into flour for inclusion in your breads, cakes, cookies, muffins, soups, etc. Just don’t use it for seeds or nuts, as they are far too oily for basic grinding. The Mix and Blend has some wonderful features that make bread making a snap. The Autoknead feature makes a master bread maker of any novice and saves time and energy for those of us that have fussed with ―making a window‖ out of our dough and other ―expert‖ techniques. Just follow the recipes, and you will produce ―PERFECT‖ bread every time. These are recipes that have been tested by novices and experts; they work every time without fail. This machine does it all. It comes with dough hooks, cookie paddles, French whisks, Blender, 13 programs, 1000 watts of power and a Master Chef accolade to you! For those of you that really want the complete compliment then look at the Blendtec Wildside Blender…check out for a real eye opener.

If you don’t have the money for equipment, then just get the food—it is more

important anyway! Your grains, beans and rice can be cooked on the stovetop in anywhere from 20 minutes to a couple of hours. A slow cooker can also be used for overnight ease. Bread can be hand kneaded—I did it that way for years. Just cut the bread recipes in half, since 12 pounds of dough to knead can be a daunting, exhausting task. Then again if a buff arms are your thing, have at it! Get a stool so you can stand above your dough; it will make kneading a lot more forgiving on your back. Descriptions:

I thought about putting a description of each grain, each bean and each rice in the book but that’s a lot of pages. Your best URL for descriptions, nutritional values etc for these items is: Type in whatever grain, bean or rice you are curious about and it will give you a ―wise‖ answer. Besides that, it saves on the publishing costs of having to add an additional 100 pages to this cookbook. Use the internet to your advantage and build your knowledge grain by grain, bean by bean and

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rice by rice kernel. It is fun to look up the individual items as you approach a new recipe; the knowledge will be fresh in your head and it will make it interesting for your whole family to learn about what they are eating. Cooking should be fun, right? Recipes Where do the recipes come from? Well I read cookbooks, and am constantly looking for recipes on the internet. I also get a lot of suggestions and sample recipes from our friends and family. When I find something that looks like it might be tasty and nutritious I copy it and put it in my ―to be modified‖ files. Then I start creating or over hauling! I remove ―bad‖ stuff and replace it with nutritious ingredients, add different spices, change the amounts, change the cooking techniques, modify the fruits and vegetables to include freeze dried components and change most of the cheese requirements to powdered cheese amounts (powdered cheese has less calories and it only takes ½ C of powder to replace 2 C of shredded fresh cheese). So that is the main process for our recipes, on occasion I will actually make one from scratch! This book represents a compilation of totally modified and inventively created ―food storage‖ recipes. Our goal is to give you a book that you can use with all of your foods, hopefully we have achieved this goal! CookBook Rules This cookbook makes cooking very, very easy—you may substitute any grain, any bean or any rice in any of the recipes (except in the bread section)! Is that easy enough? This is your cookbook, so make notes when you try something different and everyone raves or you find yourself dishing out seconds. Let your family get involved with the preparation. I found through the years that if my boys (and now my grandsons) actually touched the food, or were involved in the preparation, they had no hesitation in eating what was served. Only when they don’t know what is in the food did they baulk. We had a rule in our house: you help with the food or you don’t get to eat. (It’s funny how seldom they went to bed without dinner.) They now all cook and their wives love it. Oh I almost forgot this book contains at least a years worth of recipes if you cook them the way they are, and if you start changing them you have a decades worth! How easy is that?

And to answer your question—yes! We are working on the second edition for next year or decade already. Send your suggestions to [email protected]

Measurements: To half, double or change the size of any recipe, convert it to Tablespoons then proceed. Here are some simple guidelines:

3 tsp= 1 T ¼ C = 4 T ⅓ C = 6 T ½ C = 8 T

⅔ C = 12 T ¾ C = 12 T 1 C = 16 T

Food: FoodWise carries all the freeze dried, cheese powders, spices, soup bases, seasonings and mixes that are in these recipes. You can order online at or give us a call if you need something or have a question. 480-626-5277

Page 10: FoodWise CookBook Overview

Recommended Food for One person for One Year

Water (drinking and cooking)…….………………….……………….....50 Gal/Mo BASIC SIX

Grains (wheat, oats, rye, quinoa, spelt, etc)……………………….…..………..…..…400 lbs Rice (white, brown, wild, etc.)………..…………………………….………...….…...…..90 lbs Beans (pinto, black, refried, garbanzo, lentils, kidney, etc. ) …………………….…….….75 lbs Salt ………………………………………………………………….…………..…..….10 lbs Sugar ………………………………………………………………………….………...40 lbs Milk (milk, cream, buttermilk)…………………………………………………..…..…….48 lbs

EXTRAS with Variety

Pasta (enriched)……………..…………………………………….……….………….…..40 lbs Protein (TVP, meat, sprouts)………………..………………………………….…………50 lbs

Freeze Dried Fruits*3 fruits/day/52 weeks……………..………..21 PETE G Freeze Dried Vegetables* 5 vegetables/day/52 weeks……....…35 PETE G Spices …………………………………………20-30 different 8oz size for variety Honey ……………………………………………………………………………………20 lbs Dairy (eggs, cheese, etc)………………………………..…………………………………35 lbs Fats and Oils (shortening, butter, oils, lard, etc.)…………………..……….….….5 gallons Gelatin …..………………………………………………………………………….…..…..1 lb Flour ………………………………………………………………………..…………... 20 lbs

PRE-MADE MEALS Variety (breakfast, lunch, dinner) …………………………………………40-60 PETE G Hearty Beef Stew, Chicken Noodles, Spaghetti with Sauce and Meat, Chili, Macaroni and Cheese, Pasta Primavera, Chicken Teriyaki , Beef Stroganoff, Chicken Ala King, Beef Teriyaki, Sweet & Sour Pork, Potato Soup, Creamy Broccoli Soup, Seafood Chowder, Vegetable Stew Blend, Granola, Eggs and Bacon

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Table of Contents

APPETIZERS WITH BEANS ....................................................................................................................................... 1

ANASAZI BEAN TOSTADAS ............................................................................................................................................... 3 GARBANZO BEAN SPREAD ............................................................................................................................................... 3 GARBANZO DILL SPREAD ................................................................................................................................................. 4 BLACK BEAN AND ONION HUMMUS .................................................................................................................................. 4 LEMON GARLIC HUMMUS ............................................................................................................................................... 5 TOMATO BASIL HUMMUS ............................................................................................................................................... 5 KITCHEN TORTILLA WEDGES ............................................................................................................................................ 6 NUTTY GARBANZO SANDWICHES ...................................................................................................................................... 6 POWER BEAN BARS ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 RED BEAN CAKES ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 SPICY BLACK BEAN CAKES ................................................................................................................................................ 8 SWEET POTATO FALAFEL ................................................................................................................................................. 8 WHITE BEAN BRUCHETTA ................................................................................................................................................ 9

SALADS WITH BEANS ........................................................................................................................................... 11

ADZUKI AND CABBAGE SALAD ........................................................................................................................................ 13 BEAN AND BACON SALAD .............................................................................................................................................. 13 BEAN SALAD WITH BULGUR ........................................................................................................................................... 14 BLACK BEAN AND CORN SALAD ...................................................................................................................................... 14 BLACK BEAN AND MILLET SALAD .................................................................................................................................... 15 CARROT AND WHITE BEAN SALAD ................................................................................................................................... 15 CHICKPEA SALAD ......................................................................................................................................................... 16 EASY BACON BEAN SALAD ............................................................................................................................................. 16 FLAGEOLET BEANS WITH HERBS SALAD ............................................................................................................................ 17 MANGO BLACK BEAN SALAD .......................................................................................................................................... 17 MARINATED BLACK-EYED PEAS SALAD ............................................................................................................................. 18 MARINATED LIMA BEAN SALAD ...................................................................................................................................... 18 MEXICAN BEAN SALAD ................................................................................................................................................. 19 ORANGE MARINATED BEAN SALAD ................................................................................................................................. 19 RED AND WHITE BEAN SALAD ........................................................................................................................................ 20 SUMMER BEAN SALAD .................................................................................................................................................. 20 HOMEMADE PORK AND BEANS ....................................................................................................................................... 21

ENTRÉES WITH BEANS ......................................................................................................................................... 23

16 BEAN AND HAM SOUP ............................................................................................................................................. 25 BLACK BEAN AND CORN STUFFING .................................................................................................................................. 25 BLACK BEAN LASAGNA .................................................................................................................................................. 26 BLACK-EYED PEA STIR FRY ............................................................................................................................................. 27 BLENDER SPLIT PEA SOUP.............................................................................................................................................. 27 CAJUN KIDNEY BEAN CHILI ............................................................................................................................................ 28 CANNELLINI BEAN SOUP ................................................................................................................................................ 28 CRANBERRY BEAN SOUP ................................................................................................................................................ 29 HEARTY FIESTA BEAN PASTA .......................................................................................................................................... 29 BLACK AND WHITE TORTILLA STACK ................................................................................................................................ 30 BEAN, CORN, AND ZUCCHINI ENCHILADAS ........................................................................................................................ 30 CHICKEN AND BEAN CASSEROLE ...................................................................................................................................... 31 FOODWISE PRIZE WINNING CHILI ................................................................................................................................... 31 TASTY RED BEANS WITH PASTA ...................................................................................................................................... 32

DESSERTS WITH BEANS ........................................................................................................................................ 33

BEAN AND BANANA COOKIES ......................................................................................................................................... 35 BLACK BEAN BROWNIE ................................................................................................................................................. 35 CHOCOLATE BLACK BEAN CAKE ...................................................................................................................................... 36 CHOCOLATE GARBANZO BEAN CAKE ................................................................................................................................ 36

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PINTO BEAN APPLESAUCE COOKIES ................................................................................................................................. 37 PINTO BEAN FUDGE ..................................................................................................................................................... 37 PINTO FIESTA CAKE ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 SWEET BEAN PUDDING ................................................................................................................................................. 38

APPETIZERS WITH GRAINS ................................................................................................................................... 39

PEANUT BUTTER BERRY BARS......................................................................................................................................... 41 ROSEMARY CRACKERS ................................................................................................................................................... 41 SKILLET CORN BREAD.................................................................................................................................................... 42 WHEAT CHIPS ............................................................................................................................................................. 42 WHEAT CRACKERS ....................................................................................................................................................... 43 WHITE CORNBREAD ..................................................................................................................................................... 43 WHOLE WHEAT BLUE MUFFINS ..................................................................................................................................... 44

SALADS WITH GRAINS.......................................................................................................................................... 45

AMARANTH AND QUINOA SALAD .................................................................................................................................... 47 APPLE AND WHEAT BERRY SALAD ................................................................................................................................... 47 BARLEY CORN APPLE SALAD ........................................................................................................................................... 48 BEST TRITICALE SALAD .................................................................................................................................................. 48 BUCKWHEAT AND CABBAGE SLAW .................................................................................................................................. 49 CHICKEN, KAMUT AND PEACH SALAD ............................................................................................................................... 49 WHEAT BERRY CURRANT PINEAPPLE SALAD ...................................................................................................................... 50 EGG AND WHEAT DELI SALAD ........................................................................................................................................ 50 FETA, TRITICALE AND EDAMAME SALAD ........................................................................................................................... 51 FRUITY TRITICALE AND WILD RICE SALAD ......................................................................................................................... 51 MIXED GRAIN SALAD .................................................................................................................................................... 52 PINEAPPLE MARSHMALLOW WHEAT SALAD ...................................................................................................................... 52 QUINOA MANGO SALAD ............................................................................................................................................... 53 QUINOA SWEET POTATO SALAD ..................................................................................................................................... 53 RED HARVEST QUINOA SALAD ........................................................................................................................................ 54 TABOULI WITH GARBANZO BEANS ................................................................................................................................... 54 TABOULI WITH TOMATOES ............................................................................................................................................. 55 THREE GRAIN SALAD .................................................................................................................................................... 55 WHEAT BERRY CHICKEN SALAD ...................................................................................................................................... 56 WHEAT BERRY DELIGHT ................................................................................................................................................ 56 WHOLE GRAIN WALDORF SALAD .................................................................................................................................... 57

ENTRÉES WITH GRAINS ........................................................................................................................................ 59

AMARANTH QUINOA CORN CHOWDER ............................................................................................................................ 61 AMERICAN STYLE PILAF ................................................................................................................................................. 61 BARLEY BEEF STROGANOFF ............................................................................................................................................ 62 BEEF AND BUCKWHEAT MEXICANA ................................................................................................................................. 62 BLENDER PANCAKES ..................................................................................................................................................... 63 BOSTON BAKED WHEAT ................................................................................................................................................ 63 CHICKEN ALMOND CASSEROLE ....................................................................................................................................... 64 CREAMED CHICKEN WITH QUINOA .................................................................................................................................. 64 CHILI CON WHEAT BERRIES ........................................................................................................................................... 65 GAZPACHO SOUP ......................................................................................................................................................... 65 HAM AND BARLEY BAKE ................................................................................................................................................ 66 KAMUT GREEN BEAN PASTA CASSEROLE .......................................................................................................................... 66 MILLET AND VEGETABLE SOUP ....................................................................................................................................... 67 MUSHROOM SOUP ...................................................................................................................................................... 67 ORANGE CRANBERRY RYE PILAF...................................................................................................................................... 68 RYE BERRY SOUP ......................................................................................................................................................... 68 SAUSAGE AND WHEAT CASSEROLE .................................................................................................................................. 69 TUNA AND WHEAT CASSEROLE ....................................................................................................................................... 69

DESSERTS WITH GRAINS ...................................................................................................................................... 71

6 WAY ROLLED BARS.................................................................................................................................................... 73

Page 13: FoodWise CookBook Overview

APPLE PEAR CAKE ........................................................................................................................................................ 73 APRICOT OATMEAL COOKIES .......................................................................................................................................... 74 BAKED WHEAT PUDDING .............................................................................................................................................. 74 BLACKBERRY OATMEAL CASHEW CAKE ............................................................................................................................. 75 BLUEBERRY PEAR COBBLER ............................................................................................................................................ 75 CARROT WHEAT CAKE .................................................................................................................................................. 76 CARROT COOKIES ......................................................................................................................................................... 76 CARROT RAISIN DROP COOKIES ...................................................................................................................................... 77 CHOCO-COCONUT WHEAT CANDY .................................................................................................................................. 77 COCONUT OATMEAL CAKE............................................................................................................................................. 78 HONEY CARROT SNACKING CAKE .................................................................................................................................... 78 LEMON TEFF POPPYSEED CAKE ....................................................................................................................................... 79 MONSTER WHEAT COOKIES ........................................................................................................................................... 79 PEAR CRUMBLE ........................................................................................................................................................... 80 PEARFECT CHERRY CRISP ............................................................................................................................................... 80 RASPBERRY BARLEY PUDDING ........................................................................................................................................ 81 STRAWBERRY APRICOT OAT SQUARES .............................................................................................................................. 81 WHOLE WHEAT CHOCOLATE SHEET CAKE......................................................................................................................... 82 WHOLE WHEAT DATE PECAN CAKE ................................................................................................................................. 82

APPETIZERS WITH RICE ........................................................................................................................................ 83

BROWN RICE SQUARES ................................................................................................................................................. 85 CHEESE RICE SQUARES .................................................................................................................................................. 85 GREEN RISOTTO WITH PESTO ......................................................................................................................................... 86 HAM AND CHEESE CONFETTI RICE ................................................................................................................................... 86 RICE BALLS ................................................................................................................................................................. 87 RICE CAKES ................................................................................................................................................................. 87 RICE ROLL-UPS ........................................................................................................................................................... 88 SAUSAGE RICE BALLS .................................................................................................................................................... 88

SALADS WITH RICE ............................................................................................................................................... 89

COUNTRY RICE SALAD ................................................................................................................................................... 91 CURRIED RICE SALAD WITH MANGO CHUTNEY .................................................................................................................. 91 GARDEN RICE SALAD .................................................................................................................................................... 92 LENTIL RICE SALAD ....................................................................................................................................................... 92 MEDITERRANEAN TOMATO RICE SALAD ........................................................................................................................... 93 RED RICE SALAD WITH MACADAMIA NUTS ....................................................................................................................... 93 RICE AND EGG SALAD ................................................................................................................................................... 94 RICE WITH HONEY NUT DRESSING ................................................................................................................................... 94 PINEAPPLE-PECAN SALAD .............................................................................................................................................. 95 RICE AND VEGETABLE SALAD .......................................................................................................................................... 95 BROWN RICE SALAD WITH SHRIMP .................................................................................................................................. 96 RICE SALAD WITH HAM ................................................................................................................................................. 96 SALSA RICE SALAD ....................................................................................................................................................... 97 SEAFOOD RICE SALAD ................................................................................................................................................... 97 SWEET STICKY BROWN RICE ........................................................................................................................................... 98 WILD RICE AND CRANBERRY SALAD ................................................................................................................................. 98

ENTREES WITH RICE ............................................................................................................................................. 99

ASPARAGUS RISOTTO WITH PEAS .................................................................................................................................. 101 BROWN RICE ‘N’ BROCCOLI CHICKEN ............................................................................................................................. 101 BROWN RICE CHICKEN SKILLET DINNER .......................................................................................................................... 102 RICE PAPER ROLLS ..................................................................................................................................................... 102 DOLMADES ............................................................................................................................................................... 103 ITALIAN RISOTTO ....................................................................................................................................................... 104 MEXICAN CHICKEN AND RICE CASSEROLE ....................................................................................................................... 104 MONTEREY RICE BAKE ................................................................................................................................................ 105 SAUSAGE AND RICE CASSEROLE .................................................................................................................................... 105 SKILLET CHICKEN AND RICE PILAF .................................................................................................................................. 106

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SPANISH RICE BAKE .................................................................................................................................................... 106 WHITE RICE AND RED QUINOA PILAF............................................................................................................................. 107 ZUCCHINI RICE LASAGNA ............................................................................................................................................. 107

DESSERTS WITH RICE ......................................................................................................................................... 109

APPLE CINNAMON RICE PUDDING ................................................................................................................................. 111 BANANA RICE PUDDING .............................................................................................................................................. 111 BLUEBERRY AND WILD RICE CRUMBLE ........................................................................................................................... 112 BROWN RICE COOKIES ................................................................................................................................................ 112 BROWN RICE PEACH CRISP .......................................................................................................................................... 113 BROWN RICE PUDDING ............................................................................................................................................... 113 COCONUT BLACK RICE PUDDING ................................................................................................................................... 114 FABULOUS FRUIT AND RICE LAYER CAKE ......................................................................................................................... 114 IRANIAN RICE COOKIES ............................................................................................................................................... 115 PEAR RICE PUDDING ................................................................................................................................................... 115 RICE FLOUR SUGAR COOKIES ........................................................................................................................................ 116 SWEET RICE WITH APRICOT TOPPING ............................................................................................................................. 116 TIRAMISU A LA KRISTI ................................................................................................................................................. 117 WILD RICE BLUEBERRY PEACH DESSERT ......................................................................................................................... 117 WILD RICE BUTTERMILK CAKE ...................................................................................................................................... 118

COMBO APPETIZERS .......................................................................................................................................... 119

BLACK BEAN AND CORN DIP ........................................................................................................................................ 121 CHICKPEA CROSTINI .................................................................................................................................................... 121 WHEAT BERRY SOUP WITH WHITE BEANS ...................................................................................................................... 122 RICE HUSH PUPPIES ................................................................................................................................................... 122 WILD RICE AND BEAN BITES ......................................................................................................................................... 123

COMBO SALAD .................................................................................................................................................. 125

BLACK BEAN AND MILLET SALAD .................................................................................................................................. 127 BULGUR BEAN SALAD ................................................................................................................................................. 127 FOUR BEAN AND WHEAT SALAD ................................................................................................................................... 128 SOUTHWESTERN BEAN AND BARLEY SALAD ..................................................................................................................... 128 TUNA AND WILD RICE SALAD ....................................................................................................................................... 129 WHEAT BERRY AND BLACK-EYED PEA SALAD................................................................................................................... 129

COMBO ENTREES ............................................................................................................................................... 131

CHICKEN AND BLACK BEAN CASSEROLE .......................................................................................................................... 133 HEARTY SHEPHERD’S PIE WITH LIMA BEANS .................................................................................................................... 133 ITALIAN RICE AND BEAN CASSEROLE .............................................................................................................................. 134 MEXICAN COMBO LOAF .............................................................................................................................................. 134 RICE PILAF WITH ASPARAGUS AND CASHEWS .................................................................................................................. 135 WHEAT AND BEAN CHILI ............................................................................................................................................. 135

COMBO DESSERTS ............................................................................................................................................. 137

APPLE CRISP ............................................................................................................................................................. 139 BANANA BEAN WHOLE WHEAT MUFFINS ...................................................................................................................... 139 BLUEBERRY BROWN RICE CRISP .................................................................................................................................... 140 BUTTERMILK RICE WHOLE WHEAT CAKE ........................................................................................................................ 140 MAPLE PECAN GRANOLA BEAN BARS ............................................................................................................................ 141 TEFF AND RICE BROWNIES (GLUTEN FREE!) .................................................................................................................... 141 WHOLE WHEAT BEAN POUND CAKE ............................................................................................................................. 142

BREAD BASICS .................................................................................................................................................... 143

16 GRAIN BREAD ....................................................................................................................................................... 145 BASIC WHOLE WHEAT BREAD ...................................................................................................................................... 146 BISCUIT MIX ............................................................................................................................................................. 147 BLUE CORNMEAL MUFFINS .......................................................................................................................................... 148 BUTTERMILK QUINOA ROLLS ........................................................................................................................................ 148

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EZEKIEL BREAD .......................................................................................................................................................... 149 LOW GLUTEN SPELT BREAD ......................................................................................................................................... 149 GLUTEN-FREE PIZZA CRUST ......................................................................................................................................... 150 HOT CROSS BUNS ...................................................................................................................................................... 150 WHOLE WHEAT LION HOUSE DINNER ROLLS .................................................................................................................. 151 RYE BREAD ............................................................................................................................................................... 152 TRITICALE CORN BREAD .............................................................................................................................................. 153 WHOLE WHEAT PRETZELS ........................................................................................................................................... 153

SAVORY BREADS ................................................................................................................................................ 155

ARMENIAN CRACKER BREAD ........................................................................................................................................ 157 BLACK RUSSIAN RYE BREAD ......................................................................................................................................... 158 BRAIDED 9 GRAIN NUT BREAD ..................................................................................................................................... 159 CRACKER BREAD WITH SEEDS ....................................................................................................................................... 160 FOCACCIA BREAD ....................................................................................................................................................... 161 JALAPENO BEAN BREAD .............................................................................................................................................. 162 JALAPENO CORN CHEESE BREAD ................................................................................................................................... 163 KRISTI’S CLASSIC BASIL TOMATO BREAD ......................................................................................................................... 163 LEMON FENNEL BREAD ............................................................................................................................................... 164 LEMONY CITRUS BEAN BREAD ...................................................................................................................................... 164 ONION DILL ROLLS ..................................................................................................................................................... 165 PINTO BEAN BREAD ................................................................................................................................................... 165 POTATO AND GREEN ONION SOURDOUGH...................................................................................................................... 166 ROSEMARY BREADSTICKS ............................................................................................................................................. 167 ROSEMARY ORANGE BREAD ......................................................................................................................................... 167 SOURDOUGH BAGUETTES ............................................................................................................................................ 168 SPINACH FETA BREAD ................................................................................................................................................. 169 WILD RICE HERB BREAD.............................................................................................................................................. 169

SWEET BREADS .................................................................................................................................................. 171

APPLE BREAD ............................................................................................................................................................ 173 APRICOT CRAISIN BREAD ............................................................................................................................................. 173 CINNAMON SUNFLOWER CURRANT BREAD ..................................................................................................................... 174 CRANBERRY VANILLA SEED BREAD ................................................................................................................................ 174 FRESH PUMPKIN SEED BREAD ...................................................................................................................................... 175 MOLASSES WILD RICE BREAD ...................................................................................................................................... 175 ORANGE CRAISIN BREAD ............................................................................................................................................. 176 PUMPKIN CHOCOLATE CHIP MUFFINS ............................................................................................................................ 176 RICE FLOUR PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES ........................................................................................................................... 177 SWEET POTATO SOURDOUGH BREAD ............................................................................................................................. 178

BREAKFAST BREADS ........................................................................................................................................... 179

KRISTI’S CINNAMON ROLLS .......................................................................................................................................... 181 SCONES.................................................................................................................................................................... 182 WHOLE WHEAT BAGELS ............................................................................................................................................. 182

PASTRIES ........................................................................................................................................................... 183

BEAR CLAWS WITH SOFT WHITE WHEAT ........................................................................................................................ 185 CHERRY BISCOTTI ....................................................................................................................................................... 186 CHERRY WREATH ....................................................................................................................................................... 187 CRANBERRY BISCOTTI ................................................................................................................................................. 188 PECAN CINNAMON TWIST ........................................................................................................................................... 188 SWEET DAISY RING .................................................................................................................................................... 189

FROSTING AND ICE CREAM ................................................................................................................................ 191

CHOCOLATE BUTTERCREAM FROSTING ........................................................................................................................... 193 CREAM CHEESE FROSTING ........................................................................................................................................... 193 ORANGE CREAM FROSTING.......................................................................................................................................... 194 STRAWBERRY WHIPPED TOPPING ................................................................................................................................. 194

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BLUEBERRY ICE CREAM ............................................................................................................................................... 195 CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM .............................................................................................................................................. 195 ORANGE TANG ICE CREAM .......................................................................................................................................... 196 VANILLA ICE CREAM ................................................................................................................................................... 196

SALAD DRESSINGS ............................................................................................................................................. 197

FRENCH DRESSING ..................................................................................................................................................... 199 HONEY MUSTARD DRESSING ........................................................................................................................................ 199 ITALIAN DRESSING MIX ............................................................................................................................................... 200 MUSTARD DRESSING .................................................................................................................................................. 200 RANCH DRESSING ...................................................................................................................................................... 201 RASPBERRY VINAIGRETTE ............................................................................................................................................ 201 RASPBERRY VINEGAR .................................................................................................................................................. 202 STRAWBERRY DRESSING .............................................................................................................................................. 202 THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING ...................................................................................................................................... 203 SWEET RED ONION DRESSING ...................................................................................................................................... 203

SALSAS AND DIPS ............................................................................................................................................... 205

DILL CUCUMBER DIP .................................................................................................................................................. 207 FRESH BASIL PESTO RECIPE .......................................................................................................................................... 207 GUACAMOLE PERFECT RECIPE ..................................................................................................................................... 208 KRISTI’S RED SALSA .................................................................................................................................................... 208 SALSA VERDE ............................................................................................................................................................ 209 SPICY BEAN SALSA ..................................................................................................................................................... 209

SAUCES, SOUPS AND SEASONINGS .................................................................................................................... 211

APRICOT DIPPING SAUCE ............................................................................................................................................. 213 BEAN SOUP SEASONING MIX ....................................................................................................................................... 213 BEAN SPICE MIX ........................................................................................................................................................ 214 BLACK BEAN SEASONING ............................................................................................................................................. 214 CREAM SOUP MIX ..................................................................................................................................................... 215 ENCHILADA SAUCE ..................................................................................................................................................... 215 GLUTEN FREE ONION SOUP MIX #1 .............................................................................................................................. 216 GLUTEN FREE ONION SOUP MIX #2 .............................................................................................................................. 216 HOMEMADE MANGO CHUTNEY .................................................................................................................................... 217 HOME MADE KETCHUP ............................................................................................................................................... 217 POWDERED CHEESE SAUCE .......................................................................................................................................... 218 TOFU MAYONNAISE ................................................................................................................................................... 218

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Appetizers with Beans

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Anasazi Bean Tostadas


4 medium crisp tortillas or small ones for appetizers

1-2 tsp grapeseed oil for brushing

2 T grapeseed oil

1 C freeze dried onion, rehydrated

4 tsp freeze dried garlic, rehydrated

3 C cooked and drained Anasazi beans

1 tsp fine sea salt

¼ teaspoon finely ground white pepper

½ teaspoon chili powder

½ C taco TVP, rehydrated

½ C peeled, seeded, and chopped tomato

1 C shredded iceberg lettuce

¼ C sliced olives

Cheese blend

Brush tortillas with grapeseed oil and place on baking sheet. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. In a skillet, heat oil or butter and sauté the onion and garlic. Add Anasazi beans, mix well, and season with sea salt, pepper, and chili powder. Layer all other ingredients on each tortilla with the bean mixture, taco TVP, tomatoes, lettuce, and olives. Sprinkle with cheese blend and bake for 10 minutes. Arrange on heated plates and pass the salsa!

Garbanzo Bean Spread


1 ½ C carrots (use ¾ C air dried, rehydrated )

½ C green onion freeze dried, don’t rehydrate!

2 T freeze dried red bell pepper, don’t rehydrate!

2 T freeze dried green bell pepper, don’t rehydrate!

2 tsp onion powder

2 tsp garlic powder

2 tsp cumin

3 T extra virgin olive oil

2 C garbanzo beans cooked

2 tsp mustard

3 T sliced black olives

White pepper and sea salt to taste

Mash garbanzos with fork, leaving some chunks. Mix all ingredients together and season to taste. Use with pita bread or crackers, then add chopped tomatoes and lettuce garnish.

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Salads with Grains

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Amaranth and Quinoa Salad


1 ½ C quinoa, roasted until slightly brown

½ C amaranth, roasted until slightly brown

⅓ C dried spearmint leaf

½ T each of cumin, coriander, sea salt, onion powder

2 C diced carrots

⅓ C celery

⅓ C red onion or regular onion

⅓ C dried or fresh parsley

1 C sunflower seeds

3 C chicken stock (use 1 ½ tsp chicken soup base to 3 C water or to taste)

2 T lime juice reconstituted When cooled add:

2 C freeze dried peas, rehydrated

1 C celery, finely chopped

Use the widest pan you have. If the mixture cooks in a narrow deep pan it tends to clump up. Add all ingredients (except lime juice) into the pan and simmer until all moisture is absorbed. Add the lime juice at the end and refrigerate uncovered. Serve and enjoy!

Apple and Wheat Berry Salad


3 C cooked wheat berries

1 C diced celery

2 large red apples, cored and diced

1 C raisins

¾ C mayonnaise (Pg. 218)

3 T sugar or agave

1 ½ Tsp fresh lemon juice

½ tsp. nutmeg

1 C slivered almonds

Combine all ingredients in a large bowl and mix well. Refrigerate for 2 to 3 hours. To serve place on a bed of lettuce and sprinkle with nutmeg if desired. Makes 6-8 servings.

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Entrees with Rice

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Brown Rice Chicken Skillet Dinner Ingredients

1 T grapeseed oil

1 large onion, chopped

1 tsp freeze dried garlic, rehydrated

2 C chicken chunks TVP in chicken soup base

1 can (14.5 oz.) diced tomatoes

½ C tomato powder with ½ C water

½ C water

2 tsp dried Italian seasonings

¼ tsp crushed red pepper flakes

3 cups hot cooked brown rice

2 C freeze dried spinach, rehydrated

½ C grated Parmesan cheese, divided

Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic; cook 2-3 minutes, or until onion is tender. Add chicken and tomatoes, tomato paste, water, Italian seasonings and pepper flakes. Bring to a boil; reduce heat and simmer uncovered 5 minutes. Stir in rice, spinach and 1/4 cup cheese; heat thoroughly. Sprinkle with remaining 1/4 cup cheese just before serving. Helpful Hint: To rehydrate freeze dried spinach, just sprinkle it with water until the water is absorbed

Rice Paper Rolls Ingredients

1 C cabbage

1 C cooked, cooled white rice

½ C air dried carrots, rehydrated

1 T cilantro, finely chopped

½ C freeze dried green onion

½ C chicken TVP, rehydrated

1 oz package vermicelli noodles Dressing:

1 T rice vinegar

1 T water

1 tsp sugar

½ tsp sea salt

1 tsp garlic, minced

apricot dipping sauce (Pg. 213)

Soak 1 oz (30g) dried rice vermicelli noodles in boiling water for 5 minutes. Then rinse noodles under cold water, drain well and cut into 3 inch lengths. Mix the noodles, prepared dressing and vegetables together in a bowl until thoroughly combined. Soak a sheet of rice paper in a large shallow dish of hot water for about 5 seconds, then drain well. Delicately place the sheet of rice paper out on top of a clean dry dish cloth. Place 2 tablespoons of vegetable and noodle mixture towards the lower edge of the rice paper. Roll up the rice paper roll to form a neatly packed cylinder (like a fat cigar). Repeat the above process until you have made 8 rolls, or enough to serve 4 as an appetizer. Arrange the rice paper rolls on a plate with Apricot dipping sauce.

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Combo Desserts

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Apple Crisp Ingredients

2 C cold cooked Arborio white rice

2 C freeze dried apple cinnamon slices, rehydrated (measure dry then add minimal water)

¼ C packed brown sugar


½ C fresh ground soft white wheat flour

½ C packed brown sugar

½ tsp Saigon cinnamon

¼ C butter ½ C pecan pieces

Heat oven to 375F. Spray 1.5-quart casserole dish with cooking spray. In medium bowl, combine rice, apples and ¼ C brown sugar; mix well. Spoon into prepared dish. In medium bowl, combine flour, ½ C brown sugar and Saigon cinnamon; mix well. Using pastry blender or fork, cut in butter until crumbly. Stir in nuts. Sprinkle topping mixture evenly over fruit. Bake 15-20 minutes or until top is brown.

Banana Bean Whole Wheat Muffins


3 C cooked beans (use pinto, kidney, pink or Anazasi)

1/3 C powdered milk (use 1/3 C water with 2 T powdered milk)

1 C sugar

¼ C butter, softened

3 powdered eggs (use 3 heaping T eggs with ½ c water)

2 tsp vanilla

1 ½ C fresh ground hard white wheat flour

1 tsp baking soda

½ tsp sea salt

1 tsp Saigon cinnamon

½ tsp allspice, ground

½ tsp cloves, ground

1 C freeze dried banana dices rehydrated (can use any fruit with this recipe)

¾ C pecan pieces

Grind 1 ½ C beans into flour. Mix with 1 ½ C cold water. Then boil 1 ½ C water on stove. Add bean flour water mixture to the boiling water and stir for 4 minutes. Let cool and then measure about 2 to 2 ½ of bean puree to use with recipe. Process beans and milk in Blendtec blender until smooth. Mix sugar and butter in Blendtec bowl; beat in eggs and vanilla. Add bean mixture, mixing until well blended. Mix in combined flours, baking soda, salt and spices. Gently mix in bananas. Spoon mixture into 12 greased or paper-lined muffin cups; sprinkle with pecans. Bake muffins in preheated 375-degree oven until toothpicks inserted in centers come out clean, 20 to 25 minutes. Cool in pans on wire racks 5 minutes; remove from pans and cool.

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Bread Basics

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Basic Whole Wheat Bread Ingredients

6 C hot water

⅔ C grapeseed oil

⅔ C honey

2 T sea salt

3 T dough enhancer

3 T vital gluten

6 C whole wheat fresh ground flour, heaping

6 C more fresh whole-wheat flour, heaping

3 T yeast on top of wheat

2-4 C high gluten flour (use as filler to bind bread)

In Blendtec bowl add hot water, oil, honey, dough enhancer, vital gluten, sea salt, and 6 Cs of fresh ground flour. Blend until moist with whisk attachment. Add 6 more Cs of flour with yeast on top, replace with kneading arm and dough hook , place cover on and start kneading. Add additional high gluten flour until the dough pulls away from the sides of the mixer bowl. (Do not add additional wheat flour!) Set Blendtec mixer to Autoknead (will knead for about 2-3 minutes). Form the dough into 5-6 8x4.5 loaves. Or 12 small loaves. Allow to rise in a slightly warm place until doubled in size (about 30-60 minutes). Preheat oven to 425°, place loafs in oven, shut door and lower temperature to 335°. After 15 minutes insert thermometer probe into center of bread. Bake loaves until thermometer reads 185° degrees internally (about 25-35 minutes). Enjoy! It's great toasted!

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Sweet Breads

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Fresh Pumpkin Seed Bread


2 C fresh hard white wheat flour

2 C soft white wheat flour

4 tsp Saigon cinnamon

2 tsp baking soda

½ tsp baking powder

1 tsp sea salt

3 C sugar

1 ½ C grapeseed oil

6 T powdered eggs (heaping) + 1C water + 2 T water

2 tsp vanilla extract

6 C shredded fresh pumpkin

2 C toasted pumpkin seeds

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Sift the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, and salt together. In a Blendtec bowl, mix the sugar, grapeseed oil, eggs, and vanilla. Combine both mixtures and fold in the shredded pumpkin and pumpkin seeds. Then add pecan pieces. Once the ingredients are all incorporated pour into greased 3 (8x4) loaf pan or 6 (5x3) pans or into 2 12 muffin pans. Bake for 1 hour in larger pans, 45 minutes in 5x3 or 30 minutes in muffin pans . At this point a knife inserted into the middle of the loaf should come out clean. Cool for 15 minutes and turn out onto a cooling rack. Cool completely.

Molasses Wild Rice Bread


2 ½ C warm water

½ C powder milk with 1 T sweet cream powder

¼ C walnut oil

¼ C grapeseed oil

¼ C molasses

¼ C honey

1 ½ C cooked wild rice

2 ½ tsp sea salt

½ tsp brown sugar

4 C fresh ground wheat flour

3 C high gluten bread flour

1 T vital gluten

1 T dough enhancer

2 T yeast

Preheat oven to 400°. Combine ingredients, except for yeast, in Blendtec bowl with dough hook, use only half of flour. Mix until wet. Then add the rest of the flour with yeast on top. Begin kneading until dough pulls away from side of bowl, use additional high gluten flour to incorporate if needed. Press autoknead. Remove from bowl and form into 4 (2 lb) loaf or into 6 (12 oz) small loafs, or you can free form 2 to 4 round loafs. Let rise to double. Place in oven and lower temp to 325°. Bake until internal temperature is 180°.

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Adzuki, 13 Amaranth, 47, 61 Anasazi, 3 Apple, 47, 48, 73, 111, 139, 173, 185 Applesauce, 37 Apricot, 74, 81, 102, 116, 173, 189, 213 Asparagus, 101


Bacon, 13, 16 Bagels, 182 Baguettes, 168 Banana, 35, 111, 139 Barley, 48, 62, 66, 81, 128 Bars, 7, 41, 73, 141

6 Way Rolled, 73 Maple Pecan Granola, 141 Power Bean, 7 Strawberry Apricot Oat, 81

Basil, 5, 163, 207 Bean, 3, 7, 13, 139, 141, 142, 162, 164, 165, 209 Bean Cakes, 7 Beef, 62 Best Triticale Salad, 48 Biscotti, 186, 188 Black Bean, 4, 8, 14, 15, 17, 25, 26, 35, 36, 121, 127, 133 Blackberry, 75 Black-Eyed Pea, 18, 27 Blue Corn, 44, 148 Blueberry, 75, 112, 117, 140, 195 Bread

Basic 16 Grain, 145 Biscuits, 147 Blue Corn Muffins, 148 Buttermilk Quinoa Rolls, 148 Ezekiel Bread, 149 Gluten-Free Pizza Crust, 150 Hot Cross Buns, 150 Low-Gluten Spelt, 149 Rye, 152 Triticale Cornbread, 153 Whole Wheat, 146 Whole Wheat Lion House Dinner Rolls, 151

Breakfast Cinnamon Rolls, 181 Scones, 182 Whole Wheat Bagels, 182

Fresh Pumpkin Seed, 175 Pastries

Bear Claws, 184 Biscotti, 186 Cherry Wreath, 187 Cranberry Biscotti, 188 Pecan Cinnamon Twist, 188 Sweet Daisy Ring, 189

Savory Black Russian Rye, 158 Braided 9 Grain, 159

Classic Tomato Basil, 163 Cracker Bread with Seeds, 160 Focaccia, 161 Jalapeno Bean, 162 Jalapeno Cornbread, 163 Lemon Bean, 164 Lemon Fennel, 164 Onion Dill, 165 Pinto Bean, 165 Potato and Green Onion Sourdough, 166 Rosemary Breadsticks, 167 Rosemary Orange, 167 Sourdough Baguettes, 168 Spinach Feta, 169 Wild Rice and Herb, 169

Sweet Apple, 173 Apricot Craisin, 173 Cinnamon Sunflower Currant, 174 Cranberry Vanilla Seed, 174 Molasses Wild Rice, 175 Orange Craisin, 176 Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Muffins, 176 Rice Flour Peanut Butter, 177 Sweet Potato Sourdough, 178

Breadsticks, 167 Rosemary, 167

Broccoli, 101 Brown Rice, 85, 96, 98, 101, 102, 112, 113, 140 Brownie, 35

Black Bean, 35 Brownies, 141

Gluten Free Teff and Rice, 141 Bruchetta, 9

White Bean, 9 Buckwheat, 49, 62 Bulgur, 14, 127 Buns, 150

Hot Cross Buns, 150


Cabbage, 13, 49 Cake, 36, 38, 73, 75, 76, 78, 79, 82, 87, 118, 140, 142

Apple and Pear, 73 Blackberry and Oatmeal with Cashews, 75 Buttermilk Rice Whole Wheat, 140 Carrot and Wheat, 76 Chocolate Black Bean, 36 Chocolate Garbanzo, 36 Coconut Oatmeal, 78 Fabulous Fruit and Rice Layer, 114 Honey Carrot Snacking Cake, 78 Lemon-Teff Poppyseed, 79 Pinto Fiesta, 38 Tiramisu, 117 Whole Wheat and Bean Pound Cake, 142 Whole Wheat Chocolate Sheet Cake, 82 Whole Wheat Date Pecan, 82 Wild Rice Buttermilk, 118

Cakes Red Bean, 7 Spicy Black Bean, 8

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Candy, 77

Choco-Coconut Wheat, 77 Cannellini Bean, 28 Carrot, 15, 76, 77, 78 Casserole, 31, 64, 69, 104, 105, 133, 134

Beef and Buckwheat Mexicana, 62 Boston Baked Wheat, 63 Brown Rice and Chicken, 101 Brown Rice and Chicken Skillet, 102 Chicken and Almond, 64 Chicken and Bean, 31 Chicken and Black Bean, 133 Creamed Chicken and Almond, 64 Ham and Barley, 66 Italian Rice and Bean, 134 Mexican Chicken and Rice, 104 Monterey Rice Bake, 105 Sausage and Rice, 105 Sausage and Wheat, 69 Spanish Chicken and Rice Bake, 106 Tuna and Wheat, 69

Cherry, 80, 91, 186, 187 Chicken, 28, 31, 49, 56, 64, 101, 102, 104, 106, 133 Chickpea, 16, 121 Chili, 28, 31, 65, 135

Cajun Kidney Bean, 28 Chili Con Wheat Berries, 65 FoodWise Prize Winning, 31 Wheat and Bean, 135

Chips, 42, 209 Wheat Chips, 42

Chocolate, 35, 36, 82, 141, 176, 193, 195 Chowder, 61

Amaranth and Quinoa, 61 Chutney

Mango, 217 Cobbler, 75

Blueberry Pear, 75 Coconut, 77, 78, 114 Cookies, 35, 37, 74, 76, 77, 79, 112, 115, 116, 177

Apricot Oatmeal, 74 Bean and Banana, 35 Brown Rice, 112 Carrot, 76 Carrot Raisin Drops, 77 Iranian Rice, 115 Monster Cookies, 79 Pinto Bean and Applesauce, 37 Rice Flour Peanut Butter, 177 Rice-Flour Sugar, 116

Corn, 14, 25, 30, 61, 121, 153, 163 Cornbread, 42, 43

Jalapeno Cornbread, 163 Skillet, 42 Triticale Cornbread, 153 White Cornbread, 43

Cracker, 157, 160 Armenian Crackers, 157 Crackers with Seeds, 160

Crackers, 41, 43 Rosemary, 41 Wheat, 43

Cranberry, 68, 98, 174, 188 Cranberry Bean, 29

Crisp Apple, 139 Blueberry Brown Rice, 140 Brown Rice and Peach, 113 Pearfect Cherry, 80

Crostini Chickpea (Garbanzo), 121

Crumble Blueberry and Wild Rice, 112 Pear, 80 Wild Rice and Blueberry Peach, 117

Currant, 50, 174


Dinner Rolls Buttermilk Quinoa, 148 Onion Dill Rolls, 165 Whole Wheat Lion House, 151

Dip Apricot Dipping Sauce, 213 Black Bean and Corn, 121 Dill Cucumber, 207 Guacamole, 208 Ketchup, 217 Tofu-Mayonnaise, 218

Dressing Italian, 199 Ranch, 200 Raspberry Vinaigrette, 200 Strawberry, 202 Sweet Red Onion, 202 Thousand Island, 202


Edamame, 51 Egg, 50, 94 Enchilada, 30

Corn and Zucchini, 30 Enchiladas, 215


Falafel, 8 Sweet Potato, 8

Feta, 51, 129, 169 Fiesta Bean, 29 Flageolet, 17 Focaccia, 161 Frosting, 35, 77, 191, 192, 193, 194

Chocolate Buttercream, 193 Cream Cheese, 193 Orange Cream, 194 Strawberry Whipped Topping, 194

Fruit, 114 Fruity Triticale and Wild Rice Salad, 51 Fudge, 37

Pinto Bean, 37


Garbanzo, 3, 4, 6, 36, 54 Gluten Free

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Onion Soup Mix #1, 216 Onion Soup Mix #2, 216 Pizza Crust, 150

Granola, 141 Guacamole, 6, 208


Ham, 66, 86, 96 Hummus, 4, 5

Lemon Garlic, 5 Tomato Basil, 4, 5


Ice Cream, 195, 196 Blueberry, 195 Chocolate, 195 Orange Tang, 196 Vanilla, 196


Jalapeno, 97, 162, 163


Kidney Bean, 28


Lasagna, 26, 107 Black Bean, 26 Zucchini and Rice, 107

Lentil, 92 Lima Bean, 18


Mango, 17, 53, 91, 217 Marshmallow, 52 Meatloaf

Mexican Combo Loaf, 134 Mexican, 19, 26, 30, 42, 85, 88, 104, 105, 134 Millet, 15, 66, 127 Muffins, 44, 139, 148, 176

Blue Corn, 148 Pumpkin Chocolate Chip, 176 Whole Wheat Banana Bean, 139 Whole Wheat Blue Corn, 44

Mushroom, 67


Oatmeal, 74, 75, 78 Orange, 19, 68, 167, 176, 194, 196


Pancakes, 63 Blender Pancakes, 63

Pasta, 13, 29 Hearty Fiesta Bean, 29

Peach, 49, 113, 117 Peanut Butter, 41, 177 Pear, 73, 75, 80, 115 Peas, 101 Pesto, 86, 207

Fresh Basil, 207 Pilaf, 61, 68, 106, 107, 135

American Style, 61 Asparagus Cashew Rice, 135 Orange Cranberry and Rye, 68 Skillet Chicken and Rice, 106 White Rice and Red Quinoa, 107

Pineapple, 50, 52, 95 Pinto Bean, 31, 37, 38, 165 Pizza

Gluten-Free Pizza Crust, 150 Poppyseed, 79 Pork and Beans, 21 Pretzels, 153 Pudding, 38, 74, 81, 111, 113, 114, 115

Apple Cinnamon Rice, 111 Baked Wheat, 74 Banana Rice, 111 Brown Rice, 113 Coconut Black Rice, 114 Pear and Rice, 115 Raspberry Barley, 81 Sweet Bean, 38


Quinoa, 47, 53, 54, 61, 64, 107, 148


Raspberry, 81, 200, 202 Red Bean, 7 Red Beans

Tasty Red Bean Pasta, 32 red kidney beans

Beans, 14 Rice, 114 Rice Balls

Arborio, 87 Hush Puppies, 122 Sausage Rice, 88

Risotto, 66, 86, 101, 104 Asparagus, 66 Asparagus and Peas, 101 Green, with Pesto, 86 Italian, 104

Rolls, 102, 148, 151, 165, 181 Dolmades, 103 Rice Paper Rolls, 102 Rice Roll-Ups, 88

Rosemary, 41, 167 Rye, 68, 152, 158


Salad Beans

Adzuki and Cabbage, 13 Bean and Bacon, 13

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Bean with Bulgur, 14 Black Bean and Corn, 14 Black Bean and Millet, 15 Black Bean Millet, 127 Black Eyed Peas with Vegetables, 18 Carrot and White Bean, 15 Chickpea (Garbanzo), 16 Easy Bacon, 16 Flageolet with Herbs, 17 Lima Beans with Green Beans, 18 Mango and Black Beans, 17 Mexican Bean, 19 Orange Marinated, 19 Red and White Bean, 20 Southwestern Bean and Barley, 128 Summer Kidney and Great Northern, 20

Combo Cranberry Wheatberry, 129

Grain Best Triticale Salad, 48 Fruity Triticale Salad with Wild Rice, 51 Amaranth and Quinoa, 47 Chicken and Peach, 49 Currant and Pineapple, 50 Egg and Wheat Deli Salad, 50 Feta and Edamame, 51 Mixed Grain, 52 Pineapple and Marshmallow, 52 Quinoa and Sweet Potato, 53 Red Harvest Quinoa, 54 Three Grain, 55 Wheat Berry and Chicken, 56 Wheat Berry Delight, 56 Waldorf, 57 Black Bean Millet, 127 Bulgur, 127 Four Bean and Wheat, 128 Southwestern Bean and Barley, 128 Tuna and Wild Rice, 129

Rice Brown Rice with Shrimp, 96 Country Rice, 91 Curried Rice with Mango Chutney, 91 Garden Rice, 92 Lentil and Rice, 92 Mediterranean Tomato, 93 Pineapple Pecan, 95 Red Rice with Macadamias, 93 Rice and Egg, 94 Rice and Ham, 96 Rice and Vegetable, 95 Rice with Honey-Nut Dressing, 94 Salsa Rice, 97 Seafood Rice, 97 Sweet Sticky Brown Rice, 98 Tuna and Wild Rice, 129 Wild Rice and Cranberry, 98

Salsa, 8, 88, 97, 208, 209 Kristi’s Red Salsa, 208 Salsa Verde, 209 Spicy Bean, 209

Sandwiches, 6 Nutty Garbanzo, 6

Sauce, 217

Creamy Almond Sauce, 213, 214, 215 Enchilada, 215 Powdered Cheese, 217

Sausage, 69, 88, 105 Scones, 182 Seafood, 97 Shepherd’s Pie

Lima Bean, 133 Shrimp, 96 Sixteen Bean, 25 Slaw

Buckwheat and Cabbage, 49 Soup, 25, 27, 28, 29, 65, 66, 67, 68, 216

Cannellini Bean, 28 Cranberry Bean, 29 Gazpacho Soup, 65 Ham and 16 Bean, 25 Millet and Vegetable, 66 Mushroom, 67 Split Pea Blender, 27

Sourdough, 166, 168, 178 Baguettes, 168 Potato and Green Onion, 166 Sweet Potato, 178

Spinach, 169 Split Pea, 27 Spread, 3, 4, 6, 7, 26, 30, 36, 42, 81, 88, 107, 123, 141, 147,

150, 187, 194 Garbanzo Bean Spread, 3 Garbanzo Dill Spread, 4

Squares Brown Rice, 85 Cheese Rice, 85 Ham and Cheese Confetti, 86 Rice Cakes, 87 Zucchini and Brown Rice, 44

Stir Fry, 27 Black Eyed Pea, 27

Strawberry, 52, 81, 194 Stroganoff, 62

Barley and Beef, 62 Stuffing, 25

Black Bean and Corn, 25 Sweet Potato, 8, 53, 178


Tabouli, 54, 55 Bulgur with Garbanzo Beans, 54 Tabouli with Tomatoes, 55

Tasty Red Beans with Pasta, 32 Teff, 79, 141 Tiramisu, 117 Tomato, 5, 13, 31, 55, 93, 163 Tortilla, 6, 30, 209

Black and White Stack, 30 Tostadas, 3

Anasazi Bean Tostadas, 3 Triticale

Best Triticale Salad, 48 Fruity Triticale and Wild Rice Salad, 51

Tuna, 69, 129

Page 33: FoodWise CookBook Overview

P a g e | 225


Vanilla, 174, 189, 196 Vinegar

Raspberry, 202


Waldorf Salad, 57 Wheat, 42, 43, 44, 47, 50, 55, 56, 65, 69, 74, 76, 77, 82,

128, 129, 135, 139, 140, 142, 146, 151, 153, 182 Wheat Berries

Soup with White Beans, 122

Wheat Berry, 47, 56, 129 Wheat Berry Soup with White Beans, 122 White Bean, 9, 15, 20 White Beans

Wheat Berry Soup with, 122 White Corn, 3, 9, 30, 43, 107, 123, 129, 148 Wild Rice, 98, 112, 117, 118, 123, 129, 169, 175

Fruity Triticale and Wild Rice Salad, 51


Zucchini, 30, 107