FM English Budget Speech

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  • 8/7/2019 FM English Budget Speech


  • 8/7/2019 FM English Budget Speech



    Honble Speaker Sir,

    I rise before this august House to present first Budget of second decade of 21st

    century and the last one of 11th

    Five Year Plan, in the backdrop of developmental

    strategy that our Government unveiled for the years 2001-10. This is my 17thopportunity to present Budget to this House and I am happy to report that faith that

    people of Gujarat had reposed, while presenting Golden Jubilee Celebration year

    budget has been fulfilled to a very substantial extent.

    The last decade has been notable in the development saga of Gujarat and its

    genius has been recognized not only in India but internationally as well. I see clear

    distinction between our development trajectory during the last decade and the planning

    that took place in the earlier decades. There was a time when Gujarat was striving to

    provide for basic needs of its citizens. However, a glance at the developments thathave taken place during the last decade shows that the State has come out of this

    struggle and has achieved prosperity with peace, good governance, development of art

    and culture, healthy life style, high quality of education and disciplined administration.

    Through these, State has achieved a higher human development index and has been

    able to provide higher quality of life for its citizens. Our development strategy,

    inspired by Sarvodaya philosophy of Sarvajana Hitaya, Sarvajana Sukhaya aims

    at holistic development rather than frittering away energies on disjointed efforts. Our

    Government resolve is to use strong base of peoples power and resolute leadership to

    realize the mantra that development of Gujarat would lead to development of the

    nation. The resultant sense of fulfillment of the people of Gujarat is reflected in the

    festivities during the Golden Jubilee year.

    Suvarna JayantiYear has revealed tremendous strength of Peoples Power

    and one has witnessed new strides in the sphere of art and culture. During the year, we

    have made unprecedented achievements. Be it record breaking ninety nine hour long

    vocal rendition at Tana Riri festival or record of preparing five thousand six hundred

    Gujarati vegetarian dishes, Vanche Gujarat programme involving half a crore people

    or Samay Dan of five crore man-hours or record in tree plantation, SwarnimSankalp or Khel Mahakumbh; all these milestones have given a new identity to

    Global Gujarat. During this year, one lakh people have learnt to speak Sanskrit and

    more than 20,000 people participated in a chess tournament establishing a new world

    record. Presence of 101 countries and 19 States of India duringVibrant Gujarat

    Global Investors Summit: 2011 including participation by developed nations like

    Japan and Canada re-emphasizes the global identity of Gujarat.

    The credit for this goes to our financial discipline, good governance and to the

    resolute and visionary leadership of our Chief Minister and ultimately to the people ofGujarat at large. Planned and balanced development has been the basis of the success

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    that has transformed the spirit and the body of Gujarat during the last one decade.

    This is the result of balancing the development process with a futuristic vision. In this

    context, I quote the famous political thinkerEdmund Burke, The nerve that

    never relaxes, The eye that never blenches, The thought that never wanders,

    These are the masters of victory. Gujarat has presented before the country a uniquemodel of development wherein all sectors of economy i.e. agriculture, manufacturing

    and services have been given equal importance. Rather than developing one sector at

    the cost of the other, our principle has been holistic development at a steady pace.

    We have planned for greater productivity of agriculture, larger availability of land for

    farming and also tried to make farming cost effective and provide greater value for

    money. Because of tourism and medical tourism, Gujarat has made a mark for itself

    on the world map of hospitality management. This is the result of holistic


    Annual Plan of the State

    This is the last year of 11th

    Five Year Plan. During this Five year Plan, Gujarat

    will exceed the target of 1,11,111 crore and would reach a level of1,27,652.68

    crore. This is due to multi-faceted planning process. States Domestic Product (SDP)

    has grown from a level of4,29,356 crore (current prices) in 2009-10 to `3,67,745

    crore in 2008-09, thus recording a growth rate of 16.80%. During the same period

    SDP in current terms showed a growth of 10.23%, rising to `3,31,633 crore from a

    level of`

    3,00,847 crore. During the year 2011-12 size of Annual Plan has been fixedat `37,152.68 crore. This marks an increase of23.80% over the Annual Development

    Plan of 2010-11 that stood at `30,000 crore. Sector wise allocations are as under:

    Sr. No. Head Provision

    (`in crores)1. Agriculture & Allied Activities 2477.66

    2. Rural Development 1563.42

    3. Special Area Programme 134.00

    4. Irrigation & Flood Control 8910.575. Energy 1919.01

    6. Industries & Mines 1181.58

    7. Transportation 3710.76

    8. Communication 493.71

    9. Science & Technology 378.12

    10. General Economic Services 1540.27

    11. Social Services 14814.00

    12. General Services 29.58

    Total 37,152.68

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    The true essence of democracy lies in having people partnering the

    growth process. If people participate right from the planning to

    implementation of the development process, then extraordinary

    results can be obtained in the quality, speed and extent of

    Government programmes. This has been the guiding thoughtbehind the paradigm of the Panchayati Raj. I am happy to announce

    that in the Golden Jubilee year of Gujarat, as a part of decentralized

    planning, we are placing before the People the scheme of

    Apno Taluko Vibrant Taluko. Today, the development of

    nation is dependent upon States and States in turn depend on

    districts. Gujarat has taken a step further in this direction and wants

    to involve the taluka unit in the development process. In this new

    experiment every taluka will plan as per its requirement and

    challenges that it faces and would carry out the implementation and

    reap the benefits of development. It is important that every taluka

    aspires to develop faster and this sense of belonging would give a

    new stimulus to the development process. It is our goal that we

    have competition across talukas through which we will be able to

    take fruits of the development to the common man. During the

    current year, I have provided ` 600 crore for the ambitiousprogramme ofApno Taluko Vibrant Taluko.

    Accordingly, to provide infrastructure services for villages from

    taluka headquarters, `2700 crore would be spent over next fouryears.

    In this new experiment of Apno Taluko Vibrant Taluko,

    expenditure on various development schemes worth ` 11,000crores would be made from the taluka level, over next four years.




    To meet the minimum requirement of the talukas, under the

    discretionary provision 12% increase is suggested. That would

    place the allocation at ` 549 crore.Agriculture &


    A provision of2045 crore under Agriculture and Co-operation


    A provision of245 crore for National Agriculture InsuranceScheme.

    A provision of11.33 crore for increasing 135 seats at bachelorlevel and 240 seats at ITI level in the field of agriculture.

    Subsidy to agriculturists for buying tractors. Provision: ` 35crore.

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    For development of this sector, value added production and

    creating income generating assets, liberal allocations have been


    A provision of40.81 crores for acquisition of automatic milkcollection system by the milk producer co-operative societies.With a view to increase the production of milk by preventing

    scarcity of cattle feed in the area of Saurashtra and Kachchh, a

    provision of30 crore is made for scheme to accelerate the

    production of cattle feed and improve its quality.

    Co-operative activities have a significant contribution in the

    economy of Gujarat. The specific steps will be planned to

    strengthen this structure.

    A new Fisheries Training Institute will be established atJafarabad.Water


    and Kalpsar:

    A provision of 1900 crore is made under Water Resources

    and Kalpsar Department.

    Under the Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojna priority is given tointensive development of agriculture. In spite of having rich

    natural resources, same could not be used for the betterment of

    lives of our tribal brethren. The rate of growth of agriculture

    remains low. The Government of Gujarat is committed to

    overcome this challenge by making agriculture in tribal areasmodern and mechanized. To ensure that tribals living in

    upstream of irrigation dams are not deprived of irrigation

    facilities, we have made a provision of371 crores of which

    ` 34 crore would be used for Shehara, Godhra and Lunawadatalukas of Panchamahals in the works for Panam High Level

    Canal; for Ukai High Level Canal, there is a provision of 13

    crore and for Kadana High Level Canal, Check-dams

    irrigation there is a substantial provision.

    Participatory irrigation management model is a gift of Gujaratto the nation. To hand over such irrigation projects to water

    users associations, there is a provision of33.09 crore.

    Total provision of444.45 crore for the works of waterharvesting like constructing check dams, deepening of ponds etc.

    To provide water of Narmada canal in various reservoirs ofNorth Gujarat, following works worth` 142 crore would betaken up; (1) from Narmada main canal to Vatrak, Mazum and

    Meshwo and (2) Balance work of pipeline from Narmada maincanal to Dantiwada reservoir.

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    A provision of132.76 crore for extension and rejuvenation ofcanals of existing irrigation schemes.

    A provision of43.26 crore to undertake the works ofadditional structures in Sujalam SufalamYojana.

    A provision of132.17 crore for salinity ingress prevention inSaurashtra, Kachchh, Ghed area and South Gujarat and to

    prevent coastal erosion.

    An additional provision of38 crore for flood protection onTapi at Surat city.

    An additional provision of46.82 crore for acceleratedplanning of Kalpsar Yojana.



    During the Golden Jubilee year, Mahatma Mandir was built in

    Gandhinagar city named after Father of the Nation. Now, in order

    to pay our homage to the maker of modern India,

    Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, it is proposed to erect tallest statue in

    the world at Sadhu Bet near Sardar Sarovar Dam. This would be

    called, Statue of Unity. For this, primary studies, survey,

    geological studies, seismological surveys, model building and

    studies related to environmental issues are being undertaken.

    Developments in agriculture sector in Gujarat has attracted

    attention of the nation. To further this successful experiment and

    give primacy to irrigation, it has been decided to almost double theinvestment in Sardar Sarovar from 3500 crore to ` 7010 crore.The giant stride in the provision in the budget indicates

    commitment of the Government towards farmers.

    Under Sardar Sarovar Yojna the works of branch canals,distributaries and minor canals will be undertaken at the cost of

    `3500 crore in Kachchh district. Also, works of three

    pumping stations will be undertaken at the cost of more than `

    515 crore in Kachchh district.

    It has been planned to provide `2400 crore for the work of 470km length of branch canal in Saurashtra region, distributaries

    and work of minor canal, out of which work of Morbi, Botad,

    Limbdi and Dhrangdhra branch canal will be undertaken.

    Work will be undertaken at a cost of1500 crore for the workof Branch canal of 135 km length for Rajpur, Amarapura,

    Dhhima and Gadhsisa branches in Patan and Banaskantha

    district of North Gujarat. Works of distributery and minor

    canals will also be undertaken.

    A provision of175 crore for micro irrigation scheme,sprinkler and spray irrigation scheme.

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    Water Supply

    A provision of 1822 crore under Water Supply Department

    to accelerate the work of State wide water supply grid.

    A provision of1037.70 crore under Sardar Sarovar CanalScheme, Sujalam Sufalam Yojana and other rural group

    schemes based water supply grid scheme.

    A provision of50 crore to promote Water Committees of theState, which have also been awarded by United Nations.

    A provision of325 crore has been made for the works ofwater supply under Van Bandhu Kalyan Yojna for providing

    drinking water in 43 talukas in 12 districts. It would cover 500

    villages / faliyas in 15 pockets and four clusters.

    A provision of200 crore under Sagarkhedu Sarwangi VikasYojna is made to provide adequate and drinking water to the

    200 villages and hamlets under water supply scheme covering

    38 talukas in 12 districts located along 1600 km long coastal



    A provision of2553 crore under the Education Department.

    Importance of education in life is well understood. However,to achieve new heights in education, quality education is must.To ensure that children in backward and interior areas get

    quality education which will include, inter-alia; setting up of

    day-time school, which will have transportation facility for

    children, facilities for food, education materials and other

    modern facilities. Teachers would also be provided residential

    quarters within the complex. To set up such ten modern

    education complex on pilot basis in the backward and interior

    places, a provision of20 crore has been made.

    To improve administration in primary schools and to ensurethat quality of education is not affected, a new cadre of

    Principal will be created for which a provision of 59.50

    crore is made.

    A provision of170 crore is made to create ancillary facilitiesin the Primary Schools.

    A provision of33 crore is made to equip all the granted andGovernment schools with computers, LCD screens and


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    A provision of7 crore to establish centre of excellence instem cell research, genetic medicine and other related fields.

    A provision of14.50 crore to start a new dental college atSidhapur in North Gujarat.

    A provision of12 crore for upgradation of medical collegesand hospital campus at Rajkot, Bhavnagar and Jamnagar.

    A provision of102 crore for infrastructure facilities fordevelopment of Indian system of medicines and Homeopathy


    Women &



    A provision of 1264 crore for Women & Child Development


    Gujarat has pioneered in providing supplementary nutrition tothe adolescent girls. Government of Gujarat, committed to the

    welfare of women and children, has taken initiative in

    providing fortified food having micro nutrients for children,

    adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating mothers A provision of

    `589 crore has been made for this purpose.

    Pre-mix packets of ready-to-cooksukhadi, sheero, upama andBalbhoghaving micro nutrients are provided free of cost at

    Anganwadi centres. A provision of`110 crore has been madeto construct Nandghar new buildings for 3100 such


    Panchayat &



    A provision of1627 crore for Panchayat and Rural Housing


    A provision of128.89 crore to construct 28,642 houses underSardar Patel Awas Yojna.

    A provision of40 crore under e-Gram-Vishwa-Gram Yojna.This would make information easily available to the citizens atthe talukas of the State.

    A provision of34.50 crore to impart training to Talati,Panchayaat Sahayak and the elected representatives of the


    A provision of 80 crore for RURBAN Infrastructurefacilities.

    A provision of89 crore for Seed-Money Scheme. Thiswould incentivize competition among gram-panchayats foroverall development.

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    A provision of` 722 crore under Rural DevelopmentDepartment.

    There has been thought process that nobody should be belowthe poverty line and nobody should suffer from the clutches of

    money-lender. Mission Mangalam is born embodying

    empowerment of women, economic empowerment, self

    employment and self sufficiency. To ensure that fruits of

    development reach the last man and also economic

    empowerment of women takes place, Government of Gujarat

    has brought in scheme ofMission Mangalam. This scheme

    proposes to uplift the rural women and accordingly, a provision

    of200 crore has been made.

    In the recently concluded Vibrant Gujarat Global Investors

    Summit: 2011, MoUs worth ` 21,000 crore were signed withtop companies and banks whose direct benefit would accrue to

    Sakhi Mandals.

    As a part of target to provide residences to 1,65,000 BPL

    families and for Indira Awas Yojana in Rural Housing a

    provision of185.62 crore has been made.

    A provision of 167 crore under Sampoorna SwachchhataAbhiyan and Nirmal Gujarat Abhiyan.



    and Urban


    A provision of 3030 for under Urban Development and

    Urban Housing Department

    A provision of` 1579 crores forSwarnim JayantiMukhyamantri Shaheri Vikas Yojana.

    A provision of16 crore to create housing for the urban poor.A provision of 564 crore to provide various infrastructure

    facilities in five municipal corporations (mission cities) of theState.

    A provision of 75 crore for granting subsidy of4500 pertoilet to the urban poor to construct their own toilets.

    A provision of 50 crore for the share capital of the company Metro-link Express for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad

    (MEGA) which has been established for constructing metro

    railway line joining Ahmedabad to Gandhinagar.

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    Roads &


    AProvision of 3341 crore under Roads & Buildings


    In order to ensure that Gujarat makes rapid strides in providing

    infrastructure facilities of world class, following schemes are being

    taken up;

    The construction of the first express highway of the State of117 km. (approx.) of length joining Ahmedabad to SIR

    Dholera, to be taken up at the cost of2200 crore.

    The 151 km. long road between Rajkot-Bhavnagar will beconverted into four-lane.

    Roads joining major ports and industrial areas of Gujarat willbe taken up on PPP basis at a cost of746 crore.

    A provision of 100 crore for linking villages or suburbshaving population of less than 500 through pucca roads.

    A provision of121crore for Kisanpath Yojna.A provision of80 crore for Pragati Path.A provision of47 crore for Vikas Path Yojna.A provision of98 crore for construction of 10 metre wide

    roads joining district headquarters to neighboring districts.

    A provision of 10 crore for recruitment of AssistantEngineers in Roads & Building department.

    A provision of30 crore for construction of pucca roadsnecessary to facilitate movement of workers engaged in salt


    Ports &


    A provision of` 600 crore under Ports & Transport


    A provision of425 crore for purchasing new 3000 buses toincrease facility to citizens.

    Modernization of 21 bus stations for enhancing the facilities tothe public.

    Roll-On-Roll-Off (Ferry Service) from Ghogha to Dahej at acost of296 crore.

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    Energy &


    Energy is an important factor for the industrial, economic and

    social development. The Government salutes the tricolor of India

    by making a provision of1900 crore to make Gujarat energy hub

    of India, thus ushering in saffron revolution in the field of

    energy. This would complementwhite revolution in the field ofmilk production and greenrevolution in the field of agriculture in

    the State.

    A landmark achievement in the history of power generation byachieving generation capacity of 18000 MW through a record

    increase of 36% i.e. 4742 MW over the current installed power

    generation capacity of Gujarat.

    Planning for creating new 105 sub-stations to improve qualityof power distribution.A provision of248 crore to provide electric supply at proper

    voltage for agricultural use to the farmers through the scheme

    of Kisan Hit Urja Shakti Yojna (KHUSHY).

    New transmission line with the length of 4822 circuitkilometres will be installed at a cost of1382.91 crores.

    Oil & GasA provision of50 crore to establish gas distribution system in

    tribal areas.

    In the next year, more than one lakh consumers will be issuedgas connections besides linking 84 cities and 100 villages

    through gas pipelines. Gujarat is the only State providing gas

    connection upto villages.

    Planning for installation of additional 31 CNG stations as apart of environment safety.

    Industries &


    A provision of 1515 crore under Industries & Mines


    Gujarat has emerged as the centre of attraction for investments not

    only within the country but to the entire community of global

    investors after unprecedented success of Vibrant Gujarat Global

    Investors Summit: 2011. Dahej and Dholera SIRs have been

    created to maintain this flow of investment and provide benefit of

    world-class infrastructure facilities to the projects established in


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    Small and Medium enterprises are important in creatingemployment opportunities. A provision of140 crore for

    Interest Subsidy scheme.

    A provision of180 crore to create infrastructure facilities forindustrial development.A provision of36 crore for preservation of environment.A provision of55.80 crore for the incentivizing industries.A provision of50 crore for Skill Development Anchor


    A provision of45 crore for the development of Salt industry.A provision of55 crore for the development of Civil


    Planning to develop international level airport and alliedfacilities at Dholera.

    A provision of55.50 crore for creation ofGolden GujaratGrowth Fund.

    Cottage &



    Small and Cottage industries have a significant role in the

    economic development of Gujarat. For the development of these

    industries a provision of155 crore has been made.

    Geology &


    By linking all the works related to development of mining, i.e. e-

    payment e-royalty and return into modern system; entire procedure

    has been made more transparent and exact.

    Tourism and



    A new chapter of tourism in Gujarat commenced after a unique

    campaign, which has earned Gujarat prestigious place on the

    tourism map of the world. The concrete results of the same are

    now being observed. A provision of200 crore has been made

    to further develop tourism.

    A provision of10 crore has been made to make amenitiesavailable at tourist places on seashore.

    An equity fund of100 crore will be raised. Gujarat TourismDevelopment Company will be started. Its share capital will be

    paid over two years and for the same a provision of21 crore

    has been made.

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    To promote the tourism development in the State, theinvestment of50,000 crore has been estimated in the State

    to organize peoples fairs (lok mela) and festivals, religious

    tourism, Mahatma Gandhi circuit, Buddhist circuit, North

    Gujarat circuit, development of coastal places, eco-tourism,heritage, roads and railway connectivity and development of

    infrastructure facilities.

    Sports, Youth

    & Cultural


    A provision of250 crore for the development of Sports Youth

    & Cultural Activities Department.

    A provision of67.77 crore to further pursue unparallelsuccess ofKhel Mahakumbh.

    A provision of10 crore to establish Sports University as apart of developing Sports Infrastructure facilities.




    A provision of4848 crore for the Vanbandhu Kalyan Yojana

    under tribal area sub-plan.

    A provision of15.50 crore to provide basic amenities forwelfare of Halpati caste.

    In the Dang district, five Ashram Schools functioning there willbe upgraded to a level of Eklavya like residential schools.

    Rates of assistance will be improved for schemes like stipend,uniform etc.

    Rate of pre-matric scholarship will be increased to `150 forStandard 1 to 7 and `300 for Standard 8 to 10.

    The rate of special scholarship for primitive group and Halpatistudents will be increased from `300 to `650.

    The rate of assistance for uniform to the Scheduled Tribesstudents will be increased to `200 per student, whereas the rate

    of uniform for Adarsh Nivasi Schools will be increased from

    `250 to `300.

    The limit of tool assistance to medical and engineering studentswill be increased from `2000 to `3000.

    The stipend rate of ITI students will be increased to `250 permonth.

    To provide irrigation facilities in the talukas bordering largedams.

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    Plan to double numbers of beneficiaries under Jivika andSunshine projects.

    Intensive livelihood project in 401 interior villages.Establishment of four new institutes for high level skill

    development in tribal areas.


    Caste Welfare

    A provision of2030crore under Scheduled Caste Welfare.

    Increasing the rate of pre-matric scholarship, scholarship to` 150 for Standard 1 to 7 and ` 300 for Standard 8 to 10.

    The present rate of scholarship given to the students of mostbackward classes will be increased and all the students of Std 1

    to 10 will be given scholarship of650.

    The assistance for uniform given to the primary school studentswill be increased from `150 to `200.

    The rate of stipend for ITI students will be revised nowupwards to ` 250 per month.

    Welfare of



    A provision of360 crore for Welfare of Developing Castes

    Increase in rate of pre-matric scholarship, scholarship to `150will be given for Standard 1 to 7 and `300 for Standard 8 to 10.

    The assistance for uniform given to primary school studentswill be increased from150 to ` 200.

    The rate of stipend for ITI students will be revised upwards to `250 per month.

    A provision of11.45 crore for construction of buildings ofGovernment Hostels at Visnagar, Dhandhuka, Rajula, Morbi

    and Vadodara.


    A provision of` 5.47 crore for starting social security complex

    at Ahmedabad, Vadodara, Rajkot and Surat.

    A provision of6.65 crore under Integrated Child SecurityScheme.

    Science &


    A provision of200 crore under Science & Technology


    A provision of80.32 crore for further strengthening ofGSWAN Worlds most elaborate civilian IT Network.

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    A provision of26.15 crore to expedite activities of GujaratBiotechnology Mission.

    Planning to strengthen Institute of Seismological Research the only institute in India established by Gujarat in the field of

    comprehensive research.




    To strengthen the system to ensure the reach of information related

    to developmental programme to common people, provision for

    Information & Broadcasting Department: ` 50 crore.Revenue


    A provision of758 crore under Revenue Department

    With a view to decentralizing administration and making thenew scheme ofApno Taluko Vibrant Taluko a success, the

    Government has taken historic decision to strengthen theadministrative structure. I have the pleasure to announce that

    number of Prant Offices will be doubled from the present

    level of fifty five.

    The Government is constantly active in the direction of full useof e-Governance technology in development schemes so that

    the citizens may avail benefit of the Government scheme meant

    for peoples welfare. Janseva centres have been a blessing for

    the common man. A provision of 180 crore has been made

    for equipping Prant Offices and Aapano Taluko Vibrant

    Taluko, Jan Seva Kendra with best facilities so that they

    become more efficient.

    An ambitious plan for making e-stamping arrangementavailable at e-Dhara Centres of all the talukas of the State.

    New Sub-registrar offices will be started in the remaining 89talukas to increase facilities for people by covering all the

    transactions related to property transfers.The present 151 Sub-registrar offices will be renovated.A provision of13.59 crore to expand re-survey work in

    additional eight districts for updating property and land records

    prepared before 100 years.

    The posts ofData-Entry Operator, Deputy Mamlatdar andCircle Officer will be filled up for further strengthening of

    revenue functioning.

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    A provision of804 crore for making effective administration

    of the services under Home Department.

    A provision of22 crore to create 20 new quick responseteams for making security arrangement more modern.

    A provision of68 crore for modernization and expansion oftraining arrangement for the police force and commandos.

    A provision of81.29 crore for traffic regulation andarrangement, creation of new jails, increase of facilities in the

    present jails and equipping police machinery.

    A provision of `40 crore to establish e-Governance byequipping Home Department, various offices under it and

    police stations through Information Technology.

    A provision of33 crore for border area developmentmodernization of police machinery and equipping them by

    modern weapons.



    A provision of462 crore under Legal Department

    A provision of40.92 crore for construction of new courtbuildings in various districts and talukas.

    A provision of`5.55 crore for the works of Solar System andmodernization of Gujarat High Court complex.A provision of 184.90 crore for repairing works in various

    court buildings and construction of residences of Judicial


    Planning for establishment of District & Sessions Judge, ChiefSenior Civil Judge and Chief Judicial Magistrate Courts in Tapi


    Planning for establishing new Courts at Una, Dhoraji andViramgam.

    Forests &



    A provision of508 crore under Forests & Environment.

    A provision of4 crore for production of good quality grass inKuchchh and Saurashtra areas under Banni Ghas Vikas


    A provision of15.21 crore for mangrove plantation over16,830 hectare, for conservation of coastal areas and marine


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    A provision of100 crore for Climate Change Department.

    Energy is the basic requirement for development. However, itis essential to ensure that this process of change is not at the

    cost of environment. Gujarat fully understands its

    responsibility and therefore Suryatirth a Solar Park a

    first in the country, is being set up at Charanka at Santalpur.

    A provision of25 crore for making Gandhinagar a solar city.Labour &



    A provision of 334 crore under Labour & Employment


    It has been planned to start 36 new ITIs during the next year.It will provide facility of ITI in all the talukas of Gujarat.

    Plan to increase capacity of 1,000 seats in the existing IITs.Planning to impart training to one lakh trainees in rural areas by

    establishing 150 new Kaushalya Vardhan Kendras in the

    next year.

    Food & Civil


    A provision of235 crore under Food & Civil Supplies


    To provide essential commodities to the common man, aprovision of

    `115 crore has been made, out of which

    `72crore is for tribal areas.

    Plan to issue bar-coded ration card to the cardholders formaking entire system of ration card more accurate and




    Gujarats economy continues to accelerate at a very high pace and

    does not require any additional fiscal stimulus. It gives me great

    pleasure to inform this august House that the Government has

    constantly tried to keep up the pace of development which reflectsin the development oriented planning. At the same time, we have

    retained the fiscal balance which reflects prudent financial

    management of our Government. There have been many hurdles

    in our path of growth through holistic development, but our

    economy has continued to register quantum growth. This is

    ample proof of our good administration and effective financial

    management. Our Government is committed to retain the fiscal

    financial discipline, as envisaged in the Report of 13th Finance

    Commission. Accordingly, in this session, the Government would

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    bring the legislation encapsulating revised roadmap for fiscal

    consolidation. Despite the challenges in expenditure control on

    account of implementation of 6th Pay Commission

    recommendations and increase in costs on account of back-

    breaking nation-wide inflation, the Government has tried tomaintain fiscal discipline through a revenue surplus budget.

    Accounts for the year 2009-10:

    Now, I will review the actual receipts and expenditure for the year 2009-10. It

    was expected that there would be surplus of136.69 crore due to net transactions

    during the year, but the accounts for the year 2009-10 show that there is deficit of

    225.10 crore due to net transactions.

    (`in crore)


    Estimates for

    the year


    Accounts for

    the year


    (1) Consolidated Fund

    Revenue Receipts 43448.91 41672.36

    Revenue Expenditure 47805.41 48638.27

    Deficit on Revenue Account (-) 4356.50 (-) 6965.91

    Capital Receipts 14990.81 14531.65

    Capital Expenditure including loans &


    11747.62 11719.41

    Surplus on Capital Account (+) 3243.19 (+) 2812.24

    Total (1) Consolidated Fund (-) 1113.31 (-) 4153.67

    (2) Contingency Fund (Net) ------ (-) 13.15

    (3) Public Accounts (Net) (+) 1250.00 (+) 3941.72

    Total: Net transactions (1+2+3) (+) 136.69 (-) 225.10

  • 8/7/2019 FM English Budget Speech



    Revised estimates for the year 2010-11:

    It was expected that there would be deficit of558.44 crore in the estimates for

    the year 2010-11, but now the surplus of1598.13 crore is expected in the revised

    estimates by the end of the year due to net transactions.

    (`in crore)

    Estimates for

    the year



    Estimates for the



    (1) Consolidated Fund

    Revenue receipts 49476.53 52453.64

    Revenue expenditure 53978.55 58014.83

    Deficit on revenue accounts (-) 4502.02 (-) 5561.19

    Capital receipt 18020.94 19182.71

    Capital expenditure including loans and


    14727.36 14523.39

    Surplus on capital account (+) 3293.58 (+) 4659.32

    Total (1) Consolidated Fund (Net) (-) 1208.44 (-) 901.87

    (2) Contingency Fund (net) ------ ----

    (3) Public Accounts (net) (+) 650.00 (+) 2500.00

    Total Net transactions (1+2+3) (-) 558.44 (+) 1598.13

  • 8/7/2019 FM English Budget Speech



    Estimates for the year 2011-12:

    Estimates for the year 2011-12 show the surplus of 49.69 crore as follows:

    (`in crore)

    Estimates for the



    (1) Consolidated Fund

    Revenue receipts 59885.75

    Revenue expenditure 59442.31

    Surplus on revenue accounts (+) 443.44

    Capital receipts 21394.23

    Capital expenditure including loans and advances 19794.98

    Surplus on capital account (+) 1599.25

    Total (1) Consolidated Fund (net) (+) 2042.69

    (2) Contingency fund (net) -----

    (3) Public accounts (net) (-) 1993.00

    Total: Net transactions (1+2+3) (+) 49.69

    Now I will present Part-B of my budget speech.
