Flight Planning _ Monitoring ( 629 Soru OK.b )

 Annex 033-123 67A ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001. A “current flight plan” is a ; a) filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included. b) flight plan in the course of whic h ra dio commun ication s hould be prac tised b etween aeroplane and A TC. c) filed flight plan. d) flight plan with the correct time of departure. Answer ; a) filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 002. ( For thi s question use anne !""-#$"%&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.+ A descent is planned at .&+$,! /0A1 from ",!!! ft to ,!!! ft. 2ow much fuel will be consumed during this descent 3 a) #,! 4g b) $&5 4g c) $6! 4g d) #+! 4g Answer ; a) #,! 4g ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 003. A descent is planned from &,!! ft A17 so as to arri8e at #!!! ft A17 % 9 from a :)T AC. <i th a =1 of #,% 4ts and a rate of descent of 5!! ftmin. The distance from the :)T AC when descent is started is ; a) ##.& 9 b) #,.! 9 c) "!.$ 9 d) $&.# 9 Answer ; d) $&.# 9 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATP L Flight Planning & Monito ring #

Transcript of Flight Planning _ Monitoring ( 629 Soru OK.b )

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 Annex 033-12367A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------001. A “current flight plan” is a ;

a)  filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included.b)  flight plan in the course of which radio communication should be practised between aeroplane and ATC.c)  filed flight plan.d)  flight plan with the correct time of departure.

Answer ;

a)  filed flight plan with amendments and clearance included.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------002.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"%&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.+

A descent is planned at .&+$,! /0A1 from ",!!! ft to ,!!! ft. 2ow much fuel will be consumed during this descent 3a)  #,! 4gb)  $&5 4gc)  $6! 4gd)  #+! 4g

Answer ;

a)  #,! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------003. A descent is planned from &,!! ft A17 so as to arri8e at #!!! ft A17 % 9 from a :)TAC. <ith a =1 of #,% 4ts anda rate of descent of 5!! ftmin. The distance from the :)TAC when descent is started is ;

a)  ##.& 9b)  #,.! 9c)  "!.$ 9d)  $&.# 9

Answer ;

d)  $&.# 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-4623A

004.  ( For this question use anne !""-+%$"A or Flight 'lanning anual >' # Figure "."

A flight has to be made with a multi engine piston aeroplane ( >' # . For the fuel calculations ta4e , ?1 gallons for thetai @ and an additional #" minutes at cruise condition to account for climb and descent. Calculated time from o8erhead to o8erhead is#h +&min. 'ower setting is +, @ $%!! )'. Calculated reser8e fuel is "! of the trip fuel. F7 #!!. Temperature -,BC.

Find the minimum bloc4 fuel ;a)  +&! ?1 gallons.b)  "& ?1 gallons.c)  +& ?1 gallons.d)  %! ?1 gallons.

Answer ;

c)  +& ?1 gallons.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $

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Flight Planning Manual SEP1 Figure 2.2 Table 2.2.3

008.  ( For this question use Flight 'lanning anual 1>'# Figure $.$ Table $.$."

A flight has to be made with the single engine sample aeroplane. For the fuel calculation allow #! lbs fuel for start up andtai @ " minutes and % lbs of additional fuel to allow for the climb @ #! minutes and no fuel correction for the descent. 'lanned flighttime ( o8erhead to o8erhead is !$ hours and "& minutes.)eser8e fuel "! of the trip fuel.'ower setting is $" in.2= ( or full throttle @ $"!! )' @ $!BC lean. Flight le8el is ,! and the 1tandard aD ( 01A . The minimum bloc4 fuel is ;

a)  $,% lbsb)  $%! lbsc)  $&% lbsd) $5# lbs

Answer ;

c)  $&% lbs-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %

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Flight Planning Manual SEP1 Figure 2.2 Table 2.2.3

009. ( For this question use Flight 'lanning anual 1>'# Figure $.$ Table $.$."

A flight has to be made with the single engine sample aeroplane. For the fuel calculation allow #! lbs fuel for start up andtai @ " minutes and #! lbs of additional fuel to allow for the climb @ #! minutes and no fuel correction for the descent. 'lanned flighttime ( o8erhead to o8erhead is !" hours and #$ minutes.)eser8e fuel "! of the trip fuel.'ower setting is $" in.2= ( or full throttle @ $"!! )' @ $!BC lean. Flight le8el is &! and AT is 01A E $!C. The minimum bloc4 fuel is ;

a)  $56 lbsb)  "$, lbsc)  "!% lbsd) "+6 lbs

Answer ;

b)  "$, lbs-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring &

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 Annex 033-3301A

010.  ( For this question use anne !""-""!#A or Flight 'lanning anual >'# Figure ".#

A flight is to be made from one airport ( ele8ation "!!! ft to another in a multi engine piston aeroplane ( >'# . Thecruising le8el will be F7 ##!. The temperature at F7 ##! is 01A -#!B C. The temperature at the departure aerodrome is -#B C.Calculate the fuel to climb with miture rich ;

a)  #$ ?1 gallonb)  6 ?1 gallonc)  " ?1 gallond)  % ?1 gallon

Answer ;

d)  % ?1 gallon-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-3327A

011.  ( For this question use anne !""-""$&A or Flight 'lanning anual >' # Figure ".$

A flight is to be made in a multi engine piston aeroplane ( >'# . The cruising le8el will be ##!!! ft. The outside airtemperature at F7 is -#, B C. The usable fuel is #$" ?1 gallons. The power is set to economic cruise. Find the range in 9 with +,min reser8e fuel at +, power ;

a)  5,$ 9b)  %!$ 9c)  %#! 9d)  &,$ 9

Answer ;

d)  &,$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-3302A

012.  ( For this question use anne !""-""!$A or Flight 'lanning anual >'# Figure ".%

A flight is to be made to an airport @ pressure altitude "!!! ft @ in a multi engine piston aeroplane ( >'# . The forecast ATfor the airport is -#B C. The cruising le8el will be F7 ##! @ where AT is -#!B C. Calculate the still air descent distance for ;#+, /0A1 @ )ate of descent #!!! ftmin @ =ears and flaps up ;

a)  "% 9b)  $! 9c)  $6 9d)  $, 9

Answer ;

b)  $! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------013. A Get aeroplane has a cruising fuel consumption of +!%! 4gh @ and "%6! 4gh during holding. 0f the destination is an isolatedairfield @ the aeroplane must carrD @ in addition to contingencD reser8es @ additional fuel of ;

a)  ",!! 4g.b)  #5+, 4g.c)  5#$! 4g.d)  &"5! 4g.

Answer ;

c)  5#$! 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------014. A Get aeroplane is to flD from A to H. The minimum final reser8e fuel must allow for ;

a)  #, minutes hold at #,!! ft abo8e destination aerodrome ele8ation.b)  "! minutes hold at #,!! ft abo8e mean sea le8el.c)  "! minutes hold at #,!! ft abo8e destination aerodrome ele8ation @ when no alternate is required.d)  $! minutes hold o8er alternate airfield.

Answer ;

c)  "! minutes hold at #,!! ft abo8e destination aerodrome ele8ation @ when no alternate is required.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------015. A >TA) reads I 1A#+"! ",!!$/T &!!! 1/C $#!" J0!$+ K

<hich of the following information is contained in this >TA) 3a)  runwaD in useb)  period of 8aliditDc)  temperaturedewpointd)  daDmonth

Answer ;

c)  temperaturedewpoint-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!

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016. A public transport aeroplane with reciprocating engines @ the final reser8e should be ;a) fuel to flD for # hour at holding speedb) fuel to flD for "! minutes at holding speedc) fuel to flD for $ hoursd) fuel to flD for +, minutes

Answer ;

d) fuel to flD for +, minutes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------017. A repetiti8e flight plan ( )'7 is filed for a scheduled flight @ 'aris-rlD to Angouleme @ 'aris rlD as alternate. Followinghea8D snow falls @ Angouleme airport will be closed at the epected time of arri8al. The airline decides before departure to plan arerouting of that flight to 7imoges.

a)  The pilot-in-command must ad8ise ATC of his intention to di8ert to 7imoges at least #, minutes before the planned time of arri8al.

b)  The )'7 must be cancelled for that daD and a specific flight plan has to be filed.c)  The airlineLs “perations” epartment has to transmit a change in the )'7 at the ATC office @ at least half an

hour before the planned time of departure.d)  0t is not possible to plan another destination and the flight has to be simplD cancelled that daD ( scheduled

flight and not chartered .Answer ;

b)  The )'7 must be cancelled for that daD and a specific flight plan has to be filed.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------018. A sector distance is +,! 9 long. The TA1 is +%! 4t. The wind component is ,! 4t tailwind. <hat is the still air distance 3

a)  +66 9autical Air iles ( 9A b)  ,## 9autical Air iles ( 9A c)  +!% 9autical Air iles ( 9A d)  +#+ 9autical Air iles ( 9A

Answer ;

c)  +!% 9autical Air iles ( 9A -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ##

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 Annex 033-11270A

019.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$&!A

A turboGet aeroplane flies using the following data ;flight le8el I F7 ""!flight regime “7ong )ange”( 7) mass #,% ,!! 4gtailwind component at this le8el I +! 4t

<ith a remaining flight time of # h #! min the ground distance that can be co8ered bD the aeroplane at cruising speed is ;a)  ,"6 9b)  ,#5 9c)  +&# 9d)  +6" 9

Answer ;

a)  ,"6 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11215A

020.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$#,A

A turboGet aeroplane is flDing using the following data ;optimum flight le8el @ ach !.5! @ mass of #6! !!! 4gtemperature I 01Atailwind component I #!! 4t

The fuel mileage and the fuel consumption per hour are ;a)  &# 9#!!! 4g @ ,""! 4ghb)  #!, 9#!!! 4g @ %,#, 4ghc) 5% 9#!!! 4g @ %,#, 4ghd)  #!, 9#!!! 4g @ ,""! 4gh

Answer ;

d)  #!, 9#!!! 4g @ ,""! 4gh-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #"

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 Annex 033-11216A

021.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$#%A

A turboGet aeroplane is flDing using the following data ;flight le8el F7 $,! @ 7ong )ange ( 7) cruise @ mass of #,! !!! 4gtemperature I 01Ahead wind component I #!! 4tremaining flight time I # h +! min

The ground distance that can be co8ered during the cruise flight is ;a)  ++, 9b)  %#$ 9c)  $!"# 9d)  5+# 9

Answer ;

a)  ++, 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11207A 033-11207!

022.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$!&A and !""-##$!&H

A turboGet aeroplane is prepared for a #"!! 9 flight at F7 ",! @ with a true airspeed of +%! 4t and a head wind of #%! 4t.The ta4e-off runwaD limitation is #&+ !!! 4g @ the planned departure mass is #%! !!! 4g. The departure fuel price is equal to !.6$times the arri8al fuel price ( fuel price ratio K !.6$ . 0n order for the airline to optimiMe its sa8ings @ the additional fuel quantitD thatmust be loaded on board is ;

a)  "! !!! 4gb)  #+ !!! 4gc)  +$ !!! 4gd)  #$ !!! 4g

Answer ;

b)  #+ !!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #,

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 Annex 033-1120"A

023.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$!5A

A turboGet aeroplane @ weighing $!! !!! 4g @ initiates its cruise at the optimum le8el at !.5+ ( 01A @ C= K "& @ Total Anti0ce 9 . A head wind of "! 4t is eperienced and @ after a distance of ,!! 9 @ se8ere icing is encountered and this requires animmediate descent. The aeroplane mass at start of descent is ;

a)  #6" !!! 4gb)  #6" 5!! 4gc)  #6$ ,!! 4gd)  #6" +!! 4g

Answer ;

c)  #6$ ,!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #%

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024. According to the chart the minimum obstruction clearance altitude ( CA is 5,!! ft. The meteorological data gi8es anoutside air temperature of -$!BC at F7 5,. The J92 @ gi8en bD a met. station at an ele8ation of +!!!ft @ is #!!" h'a. <hat is theminimum pressure altitude which should be flown according to the gi8en CA 3

a)  55!! ft.b)  #$5!! ft.c)  5$!! ft.d)  5,!! ft.

Answer ;

a)  55!! ft.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------025.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!+!A or )oute anual 1TA) charts for N?)0C2 (#!-$@#!-$A@#!-$H

Aeroplane arri8ing 8ia route H7 $N onlD @ should follow the following route to >/)9 int ;a)  H7 )### to =7/> int then T)A )-$+& inbound to >/)9 intb)  2C )!%& 8ia =7/> to >/)9 intc)  <07 )!#5 outbound to >/)9 intd)  T)A )$+& outbound to >/)9 int

Answer ;

a)  H7 )### to =7/> int then T)A )-$+& inbound to >/)9 int-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------026. After flDing for #% min at #!! 4t TA1 with a $! 4t tail wind component @ Dou ha8e to return to the airfield of departure. Oouwill arri8e after ;

a)  $! minb)  $+ minc)  #% mind)  #! min +! sec

Answer ;

b)  $+ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------027. An aeroplane has the following masses ;

>1T7<T I ,! !!! 4gTrip fuel I + "!! 4gContingencD fuel I $#, 4gAlternate fuel ( final reser8e included I $ #!!4gTai I ,!! 4gHloc4 fuel I & ##, 4g

Hefore departure the captain orders to ma4e the bloc4 fuel 6 !!! 4g. The trip fuel in the operational flight plan should read ;a)  % #5, 4g.b)  % +!! 4g.c)  + "!! 4g.d)  6 !!! 4g.

Answer ;

c)  + "!! 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #&

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 Annex 033-3312A

 Annex 033-3312A

028. ( For this question use anne !""-""#$A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An aeroplane has to flD from Abbe8ille ( ,!B!5.#P9 !!#B,#."P> to Higgin ( ,#B#6.5P9 !!B!!.$P> . At Higgin Dou canfind I #+#B. This is ;

a) The a8erage true course of the great circle from Higgin to Abbe8ille.b) Te radial @ referenced to true north @ of Higgin to flD inbound.c) The magnetic course from Higgin to Abbe8ille.d) The magnetic course to flD inbound to Higgin.

Answer ;

c) The magnetic course from Higgin to Abbe8ille.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------029. ( For this question use anne !""-""#$A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An aeroplane has to flD from Abbe8ille ( ,!B!5.#P9 !!#B,#."P> to Higgin ( ,#B#6.5P9 !!!B!!.$P> . <hat is the distance ofthis leg 3

a) #!! 9b) "5 9c) %$ 9d) %+ 9

Answer ;

a) #!! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-3312A

 Annex 033-3313A

030.  ( For this question use anne !""-""#$A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An aeroplane has to flD from Abbe8ille ( ,!B!5.#P9 !!#B,#."P> to Higgin ( ,#B#6.5P9 !!B!!.$P> . <hat is the first F7abo8e F7$6, that can be flown on an 0F) flight plan 3

a)  F7 "#!b)  F7 "!!c)  F7 "$!d)  F7 ""!

Answer ;

b)  F7 "!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------031. ( For this question use anne !""-""#"A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An aeroplane has to flD from 1alMburg ( +5B!!.$P9 !#$B,".%P> to /lagenfurt ( +%B"&.,P9 !#+B"".5P> . <hich statement iscorrect 3

a) The airwaD ?H, can be used for flight tofrom /lagenfurt and 1alMburg.b) The airwaD ?H, cannot be used @ there is one waD traffic to the north.c) The airwaD ?H, is closed for southboud traffic abo8e F7$!!.d) The airwaD ?H, is closed in this direction ecept during the wee4ends.

Answer ;

a) The airwaD ?H, can be used for flight tofrom /lagenfurt and 1alMburg.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

032.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&#6A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I ,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

An aeroplane is flDing :F) and approaching position TA9= :)TAC ( +5B"&P9 @ !!6B#%P> at F7 !,, and magneticcourse !6!B@ distance from :)TAC TA9= $! 9. 9ame the frequencD of the TA9= :)TAC ;

a)  +$$ 42Mb)  ##5.%! 2Mc)  ##$.,! 2Md)  ##5.5! 2M

Answer ;

c)  ##$.,! 2M-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------033. An aeroplane is on an 0F) flight. The flight is to be changed from 0F) to :F). 0s it possible 3

a)  9o @ onlD ATC can order Dou to do this.b) Oes @ but onlD with permission from ATC.c) Oes @ the pilot in command must inform ATC using the phrase “cancelling mD 0F) flight”.d)  9o @ Dou ha8e to remain 0F) in accordance to the filed flight plan.

Answer ;

c) Oes @ the pilot in command must inform ATC using the phrase “cancelling mD 0F) flight”.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------034. An aircraft flies at a TA1 of "5! 4t. 0t flies from A to H and bac4 to A. istance AH K +5! 9. <hen going from A to H @ iteperiences a headwind component K %! 4t. The wind remains constant. The duration of the flight will beI

a)  $ h ", minb)  " h !! minc)  $ h #! mind)  $ h "$ min

Answer ;

a)  $ h ", min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------035. An aircraft @ following a $#,B true trac4 @ must flD o8er a #!%!! ft obstacle with a minimum obstacle clearance of #,!! ft./nowing the J92 recei8ed from an airport close bD @ which is almost at sea-le8el @ is #!", and the temperature is 01A -#,BC @ what isthe minimum F7 the aircraft should flD at allowing for the temperature 8ariation 3

a)  #$!b)  #"!c)  #+!d)  #,!

Answer ;

c)  #+!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------036. An aircraft has a maimum certificated ta4e-off mass of #"&!!! 4g but is operating at ta4e-off mass #",!!! 4g. 0n 0tem 6 ofthe ATC flight plan its wa4e turbulence categorD is ;

a)  hea8D “2”.b)  medium “”.c)  hea8Dmedium “2”.d)  medium plus “E”.

Answer ;

a)  hea8D “2”.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-3312A

 Annex 033-3312A

037. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$ An aircraft has to flD from Aalborg ( ,&!%P9 !#!!!P> to Hottna ( ,&+,P9 !#"+5P> on airwaD ?)+%. <hat is the trac4

distance for this flight 3a) #"! 9b) $%! 9c) %! 9d) &! 9

Answer ;

a) #"! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

038.  ( For this question use anne !""-""#$A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An aircraft has to flD from Abbe8ille ( ,!B!5.#P9 !!#B,#."P> to Higgin ( ,#B#6.5P9 !!B!!.$P> . At Higgin Dou can find I#+#B. This is ;

a)  The magnetic course to flD inbound to Higgin.b)  The magnetic course from Higgin to Abbe8ille.c)  The radial @ referenced to true north @ of Higgin to flD inbound.d)  The a8erage true course of the great circle from Higgin to Abbe8ille.

Answer ;

b)  The magnetic course from Higgin to Abbe8ille.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------039.  ( For this question use anne !""-""#$A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An aircraft has to flD from Abbe8ille ( ,!B!5.#P9 !!#B,#."P> to Higgin ( ,#B#6.5P9 !!!B!!.$P>. <hat is the distance of thisleg 3

a)  %+9b)  "5 9c)  %$9d)  #!! 9

Answer ;

d)  #!! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-3313A

 Annex 033-3313A

049.  ( For this question use Anne !""-""#"A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An aircraft has to flD from 1alMburg ( +5B!!.$P9 !#$B,".%P> to /lagenfurt ( +%B"&.,P9 !#+B"".5P> . <hich statement iscorrect 3

a)  The airwaD ?H, cannot be used @ there is one waD traffic to the north.b)  The airwaD ?H, is closed in this direction ecept during the wee4ends.c)  The airwaD ?H, is closed for southbound traffic abo8e F7 $!!.d)  The airwaD ?H, can be used for flights tofrom /lagenfurt and 1alMburg.

Answer ;

d)  The airwaD ?H, can be used for flights tofrom /lagenfurt and 1alMburg.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------050.  ( For this question use Anne !""-""#"A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An aircraft has to flD from 1alMburg ( +5B!!.$P9 !#$B,".%P> to /lagenfurt ( +%B"&.,P9 !#+B"".5P> . <hich statement iscorrect 3

a) The airwaD ?H, can be used for flights tofrom /lagenfurt and 1alMburg.b) The airwaD ?H, cannot be used @ there is one waD traffic to the north.c) The airwaD ?H, is closed in this direction ecept during the wee4ends.d) The airwaD ?H, is closed for southbound traffic abo8e F7$!!.

Answer ;

a) The airwaD ?H, can be used for flights tofrom /lagenfurt and 1alMburg.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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051. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$ An aircraft has to flD from 1207709= ( ,&""P9 !#+!!P> to A7A ( ,,$,P9 !#""+P> . <hat is the minimum grid safe

altitude for this route 3a) $6!! ftb) $&!! ftc) $,!! ftd) "$!! ft

Answer ;

d) "$!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

052. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20# An aircraft has to flD from TA77A ( ,,"!P9 !!"$#P< to F09 ( ,%$$P9 !!"$5P< . >cluding ):1 @ what is the

first flight 7e8el abo8e F7+!! that can be flown on this leg on an 0F) flight 'lan 3a) F7+#!b) F7+!!c) F7+"!d) F7+$!

Answer ;

c) F7+"!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------053. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20#

An aircraft has to flD from the airport at Aberdeen ( ,&#6P9 !!$#%P< to the airport at Henbecula ( ,&$6P9 !!&$$P< .=i8en ;

Time to climb ## minTime to descend is #, minTC is at "<T is at %<TA1 $#! 4ts ( still air

Find the total GourneD time 3a) +& minb) $5 minc) #% mind) ,+ min

Answer ;

d) ,+ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------054. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

An aircraft has to flD from the beacon T9 ( ,,+%P9 !##$%P> on a direct route to the beacon 2A) ( ,&,!P9 !#$+$P> .<hat is the magnetic trac4 and distance for this flight 3

a) !!& #"# 9b) !$6 %6 9c) !#" ##& 9d) !#5 #$6 9

Answer ;

d) !#5 #$6 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------055. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20#

An aircraft has to flD from T0)>> ( ,%$6P9 !!%,"P< direct to AH>)>>9 ( ,&#6P9 !!$#%P< . <hat is the minimumgrid safe altitude for this route 3

a) ++!! ftb) ,&!! ftc) "%!! ftd) ,%!! ft

Answer ;

b) ,&!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------056. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

An aircraft has to flD on airwaDs from 09 ( ,,",P9 !#!"6P> to HTT9A ( ,&+,P9 !#"+5P> . <hich of the followingis an acceptable route for this flight 3

a) 9 ?)#,% 7A: #& C09O ?)+% HTb) 9 ?)#$?95&$ 207 ?:"! HTc) 9 ?)#$ '>) ?=, 12= ?2+$ HTd) 9 ?)#,% 1/A ?2+$ HT

Answer ;

d) 9 ?)#,% 1/A ?2+$ HT-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $,

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057. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$ An aircraft has to flD on airwaDs from 1/A)A ( ,5$"P9 !#"#,P> to 1:>A ( ,%#!P9 !#$"+P> . nce airborne @ if

appro8ed @ which of the following is an acceptable route for this flight 3a) 1/A ?2+$ HT ?:"! 207 ?)# 1:b) 1/A ?H++ HA/ ?A6 'A'>) ?2+! 1:c) 1/A ?)#,% 7A: ?H+, 1:d) 1/A CT 1:

Answer ;a) 1/A ?2+$ HT ?:"! 207 ?)# 1:

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------058. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

An aircraft has to flD on airwaDs from 1:>A (,%#!P9 !#$"+P> to 1/A)A (,5$"P9 !#"#,P>. <hich of the following isthe correct route 3

a) 1: ?2+! 'A'>) ?A6 HA/ ?)#,% 1/Ab) 1: ?2+! 'A'>) ?A6 HA/ ?H++ 1/Ac) 1: ?H+, 7A: ?)#,% 1/Ad) ?)# 207 ?:"! HT ?2+$ 1/A

Answer ;

b) 1: ?2+! 'A'>) ?A6 HA/ ?H++ 1/A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

059. An aircraft is flDing at AC2 !.5+ at F7 ""!. The static air temperature is -+5BC and the headwind component ,$ /t. At#""5 ?TC the controller requests the pilot to cross the meridian of !"!< at #,!! ?TC. =i8en the distance to go is ,&! 9 @ thereduced AC2 9o. should be ;

a)  !.5!b)  !.&5c)  !.&$d)  !.&%

Answer ;

a)  !.5!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------060. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

An aircraft is flDing from HAC/A ( ,&B""P9 !##B,6P> to HTT9A ( ,&B+,P9 !#"B+5P> on airwaD ?)+%. <hich of thefollowing would be a useful cross-reference to chec4 the aircraftLs position at C09O 3

a) HA/!&5 HT$,5b) HT %!c) 2A)#%# 7A:!6$d) 7A: #&

Answer ;

c) 2A)#%# 7A:!6$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------061. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20#

An aircraft is flDing 9orthbound on the direct route from >A9 C)11 that passes through position ,&B!!.!P9 !!"B#!.!P<.>cluding ):1 @ what is the first flight 7e8el abo8e F7+#! that can be used on an 0F) flight 'lan 3

a) F7+$!b) F7+"!c) F7++!d) F7+,!

Answer ;

d) F7+,!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------062. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20#

An aircraft is flDing towards =< ( ,,,$P9 !!+$&< on airwaD ?9%#, prior to an arri8al in the 7ondon F0). Accordingto the information on the chart @ what is the most rele8ant frequencD to recei8e the broadcast weather for 7ondon F0) ( 9orth 3

a) #"".%&b) #$%.%!c) ##,.+d) #$6.$$

Answer ;

b) #$%.%!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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066. An aircraft plans to depart 7ondon at #!!! ?TC and arri8e at unich ( > at #$#, ?TC. 0n the ATC flight plan 0tem#% ( destination>>T should be entered with ;

a)  >!$#,b)  >$2#,c)  >#+#,d)  > AT !$#,

Answer ;

a)  >!$#,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

067. An airwaD is mar4ed ",!!T $#!!a. This indicates that ;a)  the minimum enroute altitude ( >A is ",!! ft.b)  the minimum obstruction clearance altitude ( CA is ",!! ft.c)  the airwaD base is ",!! ft 17.d)  the airwaD is a low le8el lin4 route $#!! ft - ",!! ft 17.

Answer ;

b)  the minimum obstruction clearance altitude ( CA is ",!! ft.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------068. An airwaD is mar4ed ,!!! $6!!a. The notation ,!!! is the ;

a)  base of the airwaD ( A=7 b)  minimum enroute altitude ( >A c)  maimum authorised altitude ( AA d)  minimum holding altitude ( 2A

Answer ;b)  minimum enroute altitude ( >A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------069. An airwaD is mar4ed F7 5! #,!!a. This indicates that ;

a)  the airwaD base is #,!! ft 17.b) #,!! ft 17 is the minimum radio reception altitude ( )A .c)  the minimum enroute altitude ( >A is F7 5!.d)  the airwaDs etends from #,!! ft 17 to F7 5!.

Answer ;

c)  the minimum enroute altitude ( >A is F7 5!.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------070.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!"#A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An appropriate flight le8el for flight in ):1 airspace on airwaD ?=# from >)7A9=>9 >)7 ##+.6 ( +6B"6BP9 !##B!6P>

to F)A9/F?)T FF ##+.$ ( ,!B!"P9 !!5B"5P> is ;a)  F7"#!b)  F7""!c)  F7"!!d)  F7$6!

Answer ;

c)  F7"!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------071. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

An appropriate flight le8el for flight on airwaD A$ from TA77A ##".5 T7A ( ,,B"!P9 !!"B$#P< to >A9 C)11 ##,.$C1 ( ,+B+"P9 !!"B$!P< is ;

a) F7#!!b) F7,!c) F75!d) F76!

Answer ;

d) F76!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------072.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!",A or )oute anual chart >(7$

An appropriate flight le8el for flight on airwaD H" from C2AT0779 CT7 ##&.% ( +6B!5P9 !!"B",P> to CAH)A0 CH##$.% ( ,!B#+P9 !!"B!6P> is ;

a)  F75!b)  F7%!c)  F7#&!d)  F7,!

Answer ;

c)  F7#&!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 #$ute Manual (hart E*+,4

073.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!"$A or )oute anual chart >(7, An appropriate flight le8el for flight on airwaD =6 from 1?H0 1?0 ##%.& ( ,$B$"P9 !#+B",P> to CN>'09 CN> ##+.,

( ,$B!5P9 !#%B++P> is ;a)  F7&!b)  F7%!c)  F75!d)  F7,!

Answer ;

a)  F7&!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

074.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!"&A or )oute anual chart >(7% An appropriate flight le8el for flight on airwaD )#! from 9T>O #!6.+ ( +6B$+P9 !!,B!5P> to C2AT0779

CT7 ##&.% ( +6B!5P9 !!"B",P> is ;a)  F7%!b)  F7+!c)  F7&!d)  F7,!

Answer ;

a)  F7%!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------075.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!""A or )oute anual chart >(20, CAA->dition

An appropriate flight le8el for flight on airwaD ?=, in ):1 airspace from >9>9A1H09A71 >9 ##,." ( ++B"%P9!!"B#!P> to =A077AC =A0 ##,.5 ( +"B,&P9 !!#B,!P> is ;

a)  F7$5!b)  F7"!!c)  F7"$!d)  F7$6!

Answer ;

d)  F7$6!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------076.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!"!A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

An appropriate flight le8el for flight on airwaD ?)# from )TAC ( ,!B!!P9 !!$B!!P< to 02?)1T 0 ##+.!( ,#B!"P9 !!!B"&P< is ;

a)  F7$%!b)  F7$"!c)  F7$,!d)  F7$+!

Answer ;

c)  F7$,!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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077.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!"+A or )oute anual chart >(20, CAA->dition

An appropriate flight le8el for flight on airwaD ?)$+ from 9A9T>1 9T1 ##&.$ ( +&B!6P9 !!#B"&P< to CA>9 CA9 ##,.+( +6B#!P9 !!!B$&P< is ;

a)  F7$&!b)  F7$6!c)  F7"!!d)  F7"#!

Answer ;

c)  F7"!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------078.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!"%A or )oute anual chart >(7%

An appropriate flight le8el for flight on airwaD <"& from C2>H /= ##,.& ( ,!B!+P9 !#$B$+P> to )09= )= ##+.&( +6B!$P9 !#$B"$P> is ;

a)  F75!

b)  F7&!c)  F7+!d)  F7,!

Answer ;

a)  F75!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------079. An appropriate flight le8el for 0F) flight in accordance with semi-circular height rules on a course of #5!B ( is ;

a) F76,b) F76!c) F7#!,d) F7#!!

Answer ;

d) F7#!!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------080. An 0F) flight is planned outside airwaDs on a course of $",B magnetic. The minimum safe altitude is &5!! ft. /nowing theJ92 is 66, h'a @ the temperature is 01A @ the minimum flight le8el Dou must flD is ;

a)  6!b)  5!c)  5,d)  #!!

Answer ;

d)  #!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------081. An operator shall ensure that calculation of usable fuel for an 0F)-flight with a turboGet aeroplane for which no destinationalternate is required includes @ tai fuel @ trip fuel @ contingencD fuel and fuel to flD for ;

a)  +, minutes plus #, of the flight time planned to be spent at cruising le8el or two hours whiche8er is less.b)  +, minutes at holding speed at +,! m abo8e aerodrome ele8ation in standard conditions.c)  +, minutes at holding speed at +,! m abo8e 17 in standard conditions.d)  $ hours at normal cruise consumption.

Answer ;

b)  +, minutes at holding speed at +,! m abo8e aerodrome ele8ation in standard conditions.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11207A 033-11207!

083.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$!&A and !""-##$!&H

Assuming a departuredestination fuel price ratio of !.6$ @ the commander decides to optimiMe fuel tan4ering bD using thefollowing data ;

Cruise flight le8el I F7 ",!Air distance to be co8ered I # 5"! 9'lanned ta4e-off mass I #6! !!! 4g ( with a minimum prescribed fuel quantitD of "! !!!

4g that includes a trip fuel of $$ !!! 4g aimum landing mass I #5! !!! 4gaimum ta4e-off mass I $!, !!! 4gaimum tan4 capacitD I +! !!! 4g

The additional fuel quantitD will be ;a)  #! !!! 4gb)  #$ !!! 4gc)  $! !!! 4gd)  #, !!! 4g

Answer ;

a)  #! !!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11211A 033-11211!

084.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$##A and !""-##$##H

Assuming the following data ;=round distance to be co8ered I # ,!! 9Cruise flight le8el I F7 "#!Cruising speed I ach !.5$ ( true airspeed I +&! 4t 2ead wind component I +! 4t'lanned destination landing mass I #+! !!! 4gTemperature I 01A E #,B CC= I "& Total anti-ice I 9'ac4 flow I 20

Fuel consumption for such a flight is ;a)  $# &!! 4gb)  $" ,!! 4gc)  #6 6!! 4gd)  $# ,!! 4g

Answer ;

b)  $" ,!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11211A 033-11211!

085.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$##A and !""-##$##H

Assuming the following data ;=round distance to be co8ered I $ ,!! 9Cruise flight le8el I F7 ",!Cruising speed I ach !.5$ ( true airspeed I +&! 4t Tailwind component I +! 4t'lanned destination landing mass I #,! !!! 4gTemperature I 01AC= I "&Total anti-ice I FFAir conditioning I normal

Fuel consumption for such a flight is ;a)  $5 "!! 4gb)  $& 5!! 4gc)  $6 $!! 4gd)  $& !!! 4g

Answer ;

b)  $& 5!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11211A 033-11211!

086.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$#+A and !""-##$#+H

Assuming the following data ;=round distance to be co8ered I $ %!! 9Cruise flight le8el I F7 "&!Cruising speed I ach !.5$ ( true airspeed I +&! 4t <ind I Mero wind during flight'lanned destination landing mass I #+! !!! 4gTemperature I 01A E #,B CC= I "& Total anti-ice I 9Air conditioning I normal

Fuel consumption for such a flight is ;a)  $6 #!! 4gb)  $6 +!!4gc)  "# ,!! 4gd)  $& +!! 4g

Answer ;

c)  "# ,!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11211A 033-11211!

087.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$##A and !""-##$##H

Assuming the following data ;=round distance to be co8ered I $ !!! 9Cruise flight le8el I F7 ""!Cruising speedI ach !.5$ ( true airspeed I +&! 4t 2ead wind component I "! 4t'lanned destination landing mass I #%! !!! 4gTemperature I 01AC= I "&Total anti-ice I 9'ac4 flow I 20

Time needed to carrD out such a flight is ;a)  , h !$ minb)  + h #! minc)  + h $% mind)  + h +" min

Answer ;

d)  + h +" min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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088. etermine the Ta4e-off ass for the following single engine aeroplane ;=i8en ;

1tandard >mptD ass #&%+ lbsptional >quipment ", lbs'ilot E Front seat passenger "!! lbsCargo ass ",! lbs)amp Fuel K Hloc4 Fuel %! =al.Trip Fuel ", =al.Fuel densitD % lbs=al.1tart up and TaD Fuel #! lbs

a) $5!6 lbsb) $%,6 lbsc) $&%+ lbsd) $&66 lbs

Answer ;

d) $&66 lbs-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------089. uring a flight at night a position has to be reported to ATC. The aeroplane is at a distance of &,! 9 from the groundstation and at flight le8el ",!. The frequencD to be used is ;

a)  #$".6 2M.b) #&$5% 42M.c)  ##""% 42M.d)  ,%+6 42M.

Answer ;d)  ,%+6 42M.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------090. uring a flight the fuel indicators show that the remaining amount of fuel is #!! lbs after "5 minutes. The total amount offuel at departure was #%! lbs. For the alternate fuel @ "! lbs is necessarD. The planned fuel for tai is #" lbs. Final reser8e fuel isestimated at ,! lbs. 0f the fuel flow remains the same @ how manD minutes can be flown to the destination with the remaining fuel 3

a)  #$ minutes.b)  + minutes.c)  ++ minutes.d)  %" minutes.

Answer ;

a)  #$ minutes.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------091. uring a :F) flight at a na8igational chec4point the remaining usable fuel in tan4s is %! ?1 gallons. The reser8e fuel is #$?1 gallons. According to the flight plan the remaining flight time is # h ", min. Calculate the highest acceptable rate of consumption

 possible for the rest of the trip ;a)  $#." ?1 gallonshour b)  "!." ?1 gallonshour c)  "&.6 ?1 gallonshour d)  "".! ?1 gallonshour 

Answer ;

b)  "!." ?1 gallonshour -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------092. uring an 0F) flight in a Heech HonanMa the fuel indicators show that the remaining amount of fuel is #!! lbs after "5minutes. Fuel at ta4e off is #%!l bs. For the alternate fuel @ "! lbs is necessarD. The planned fuel for tai is #" lbs. Final reser8e fuel isestimated at ,! lbs. 0f the fuel flow remains the same @ how manD minutes can be flown to the destination with the remaining fuel 3

a) ++ minutes.b) %" minutes.c) #$ minutes.d) + minutes.

Answer ;

c) #$ minutes.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------093. uring an 0F) flight TA1 and time appear to de8iate from the data in the ATC flight plan. The minimum de8iations @ thatshould be reported to ATC in order to conform to 'A91-)AC @ are ;

a)  TA1 , 4t and time , minutes.b)  TA1 , and time " minutes.c)  TA1 " and time " minutes.d)  TA1 #! 4t and time $ minutes.

Answer ;

b)  TA1 , and time " minutes.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9572A

094. >cluding ):1 an appropriate flight le8el for 0F) flight in accordance with semicircular height rules on a course of#5!B ( is ;

a)  F7#!!b) F76!c)  F76,d)  F7#!,

Answer ;

a)  F7#!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

095. >cluding ):1 an appropriate flight le8el for 0F) flight in accordance with semicircular height rules on a magnetic courseof $!!B is ;

a) F7$6!b)  F7"#!c)  F7"!!d)  F7"$!

Answer ;

b)  F7"#!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------096. ( For this question use anne !""-6,&$A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".#

Find I Air distance in 9autical Air iles ( 9A for this leg and fuel consumption ;=i8en ;

Flight time from top of climb at F7 $5! to the enroute point is +5 minutes.Cruise procedure is long range cruise.Temperature is 01A -,BC.The ta4e-off mass is ,%!!! 4g and climb fuel ##!! 4g.

a)  "+, 9A @ #66+ 4gb)  "+, 9A @ $!!! 4gc)  "+6 9A @ $!!! 4gd)  "+, 9A @ $!!% 4g

Answer ;

a)  "+, 9A @ #66+ 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9571A

097. ( For this question use anne !""-6,&#A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".#

Find I Final fuel consumption for this leg ;=i8en ;

7ong range cruiseTemperature -%"BCF7 ""!0nitial gross mass enroute ,+#!! 4g7eg flight time $6 min

a)  ##!& 4gb)  ##!! 4gc)  #!!! 4gd)  #!6" 4g

Answer ;

d)  #!6" 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------098. Find the distance from waDpoint " ( <' " to the critical point ;

=i8en ;distance from <' " to <' + I &,! 9TA1 out +"! 4tTA1 return +$, 4ttailwind component out "! 4thead wind component return +! 4t

a)  +!5 9b)  "&, 9c)  +!" 9d)  "+$ 9

Answer ;

d)  "+$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9557A

099. Find the distance to the '09T F 1AF> )>T?)9 ( '1) ;=i8en ;

maimum useable fuel #,!!! 4gminimum reser8e fuel ",!! 4gutbound I TA1 +$, 4t @ head wind component "! 4t @ fuel flow $#,! 4gh)eturn I TA1 +"! 4t @ tailwind component $! 4t @ fuel flow $#,! 4gh

a)  ##$, 9b)  ##+" 9c)  #+%" 9d)  #+6# 9

Answer ;a)  ##$, 9

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,,&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".$

Find the F?>7 F7< for the twin Get aeroplane with regard to the following data ;=i8en ;

AC2 .&+ cruiseFlight le8el "#!=ross mass I ,!!!! 4g01A conditions

a)  $"!! 4ghb)  $66+ 4ghc)  #+6& 4ghd)  ##,! 4gh

Answer ;

a)  $"!! 4gh-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9554A

101.  ( For this question use annees !""-6,,+A and !""-6,,+H or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # 'aragraph $.# and Figure+.$.#

Find the F?>7 07>A=> '>9A7TO for the twin Get aeroplane with regard to the gi8en F70=2T 7>:>7 ;=i8en ;

7ong range cruiseCruise mass I ,"!!! 4gF7 "#!

a)  ! b)  + c)  #! d)  #

Answer ;

b)  + -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring +#

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 Annex 033-9550A

102.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,,"A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.$.#

Find the 'T0? A7T0T?> for the twin Get aeroplane.=i8en ;

Cruise mass K ,!!!! 4g.&5 AC2

a)  "%$!! ftb)  "%&!! ftc)  maimum operating altituded)  ",,!! ft

Answer ;

d)  ",,!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring +$

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 Annex 033-9550A

103.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,,!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.$.#

Find the 'T0? A7T0T?> for the twin Get aeroplane ;=i8en ;

Cruise mass I ,+!!! 4g7ong range cruise or .&+ AC2

a)  ""5!! ftb)  maimum operating altitudec)  "+,!! ftd)  ","!! ft

Answer ;

c)  "+,!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring +"

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 Annex 033-9550A

104.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,,!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.$.$

Find the 12)T 01TA9C> C)?01> A7T0T?> for the twin Get aeroplane ;=i8en ;

Hra4e release mass I +!!!! 4gTemperature I 01A E $!BCTrip distance I #,! 9autical Air iles ( 9A

a)  $&,!! ftb)  "!!!! ftc)  $#!!! ftd)  $,!!! ft

Answer ;

b)  "!!!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ++

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 Annex 033-9550A

105.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,,!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.$.$

Find the 12)T 01TA9C> C)?01> A7T0T?> for the twin Get aeroplane ;=i8en ;

Hra4e release mass I +,!!! 4gTemperature I 01A E $!BCTrip distance I ,! 9autical Air iles ( 9A

a)  #$,!! ftb)  ##!!! ftc)  &,!! ftd)  #!!!! ft

Answer ;

d)  #!!!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring +,

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 Annex 033-9556A

106.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,,%A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.#+

Find the 1'>C0F0C )A9=> for the twin Get aeroplane flDing below the optimum altitude ( range loss K % and using thefollowing data ;

=i8en ;AC2 .&+ C)?01>Flight le8el I "#!=ross mass I ,!!!! 4g01A conditions

a)  $66+ 9A#!!! 4gb)  $5!& 9A#!!! 4gc)  #&% 9A#!!! 4gd)  #5& 9A#!!! 4g

Answer ;

c)  #&% 9A#!!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------107. Find the time to the 'oint of 1afe )eturn ( '1) ;

=i8en ;aimum useable fuel #,!!! 4ginimum reser8e fuel ",!! 4gTA1 out +$, 4t2ead wind component out "! 4tTA1 return +"! 4tTailwind component return $! 4tA8erage fuel flow $#,! 4gh

a)  $ h ,6 minb)  $ h +" minc)  $ h ,# mind)  " h +" min

Answer ;

c)  $ h ,# min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring +%

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 Annex 033-9564A

108.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,%+A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

Find I Time @ Fuel @ 1till Air istance and TA1 for an enroute climb $5!.&+ to F7 ",!.=i8en ;

Hra4e release mass %+!!! 4g01A E#!BCAirport ele8ation "!!! ft

a)  $, min @ #5&, 4g @ #+5 9autical Air iles ( 9A @ "6# 4tb)  $% min @ #6&, 4g @ #,& 9autical Air iles ( 9A @ "66 4tc)  $! min @ #&,! 4g @ ##& 9autical Air iles ( 9A @ $55 4td)  $% min @ $!,! 4g @ #,& 9autical Air iles ( 9A @ "66 4t

Answer ;

b)  $% min @ #6&, 4g @ #,& 9autical Air iles ( 9A @ "66 4t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring +&

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 Annex 033-955"A

109.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,,5A

Finish the >9?)A9C>F?>7 CA7C?7AT09 and determine ATC >9?)A9C> for a twin-Get aeroplane @ with thehelp of the table pro8ided. ContingencD is , of the planned trip fuel and fuel flow for etra fuel is $+!! 4gh ;

a)  ATC >9?)A9C> I !"I"&b)  ATC >9?)A9C> I !"I,$c)  ATC >9?)A9C> I !+I!&d)  ATC >9?)A9C> I !+I#$

Answer ;

c)  ATC >9?)A9C> I !+I!&-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------110. Flight planning chart for an aeroplane @ states that the time to reach F7 #6! at a gi8en gross mass is $$ minutes and thedistance tra8elled is %% 9 ( no wind . <hat will be the distance tra8elled with a a8erage head wind component of ", 4t 3

a) %# 9b) &6 9c) ," 9d) 5, 9

Answer ;

c) ," 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------111. Flight planning chart for an aircraft states that the time to reach the cruising le8el at a gi8en gross mass is "% minutes and thedistance tra8elled is #,& 9 ( Mero-wind .<hat will be the distance tra8elled with an a8erage tailwind component of %! 4t 3

a)  $$5 9b)  #$5 9c)  #6" 9d)  #,& 9

Answer ;

c)  #6" 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring +5

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

113. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing from >'* 7A0C209=>9 airport ( +5B"!P9 @ !!6B"5P> to >T >9=>9 airport ( +5B!"P9 @ !!6B$$P> . Findmagnetic course and the distance ;

a) agnetic course $!$ @ distance ++ 9b) agnetic course $!$ @ distance $5 9c) agnetic course !$$ @ distance ++ 9d) agnetic course !$$ @ distance $5 9

Answer ;

b) agnetic course $!$ @ distance $5 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ,!

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

115. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing from >1N )TT<>07 N>'F>92A9 ( +5B#$P9 @ !!5B++P> to >'* 7A0C209=>9 airport ( +5B"!P9 @ !!6B"5P> . Find magnetic course and the distance ;

a) agnetic course $+"B @ distance +# 9b) agnetic course !%"B @ distance +# 9c) agnetic course $+"B @ distance %$ 9d) agnetic course !%"B @ distance %$ 9

Answer ;

b) agnetic course !%"B @ distance +# 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ,$

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

116. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing from >1N )TT<>07 N>'F>92A9 ( +5B#$P9 @ !!5B++P> to >T >9=>9 airport ( +5B!"P9 @ !!6B$$P> .etermine the highest obstacle within a corridor , 9 left and , 9 right of the courseline ;

a) "&%! ftb) $6$! ftc) """# ftd) $%!, ft

Answer ;

a) "&%! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------117. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing from >1N )TT<>07 N>'F>92A9 ( +5B#$P9 @ !!5B++P> to >T >9=>9 airport ( +5B!"P9 @ !!6B$$P> .Find magnetic course and the distance ;

a) agnetic course $55B @ distance $& 9b) agnetic course #!5B @ distance +! 9c) agnetic course $55B @ distance +! 9d) agnetic course #!5B @ distance $& 9

Answer ;

d) agnetic course #!5B @ distance $& 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ,"

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

118. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing from >T >9=>9 airport ( +5B!"P9 @ !!6B$$P> to >'* 7A0C209=>9 airport ( +5B"!P9 @ !!6B"5P> .etermine the highest obstacle within a corridor , 9 left and , 9 right of the courseline ;

a) $,!& ftb) $#$! ftc) $5"5 ftd) $5&! ft

Answer ;

d) $5&! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ,+

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

119. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing from >T >9=>9 airport ( +5B!"P9 @ !!6B$$P> to >'* 7A0C209=>9 airport ( +5B"!P9 @ !!6B"5P> . Findmagnetic course and the distance ;

a) agnetic course !$$B @ distance $5 9b) agnetic course $!$B @ distance $5 9c) agnetic course $!$B @ distance ++ 9d) agnetic course !$$B @ distance ++ 9

Answer ;

a) agnetic course !$$B @ distance $5 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ,,

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

120. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing from >T >9=>9 airport ( +5B!"P9 @ !!6B$$P> to >1N )TT<>07 N>'F>92A9 ( +5B#$P9@ !!5B++P> .Find magnetic course and the distance ;

a) agnetic course $55B @ distance +! 9b) agnetic course #!5B @ distance $& 9c) agnetic course $55B @ distance $& 9d) agnetic course #!5B @ distance +! 9

Answer ;

c) agnetic course $55B @ distance $& 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------121.  ( For this question use Anne !""-6&$"A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing from >)HAC2 airport ( +5B$#P9 @ !!6B,,P> to '7T)09=>9 airport ( +5B""P9 @ !!5B,&P> . Find magnetic courseand the distance ;

a)  agnetic course $5&B @ distance %! 9b)  agnetic course $,$B @ distance +# 9c)  agnetic course $5&B @ distance +# 9d)  agnetic course #!5B @ distance %! 9

Answer ;

c)  agnetic course $5&B @ distance +# 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ,%

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124.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&"5A@ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing :F) from '>0T09= ( +&B+5.!P9 @ !#!B,,.,P> to 0>91TAT ( +&B"".,P9 @ !#!B#".!P> determine the distance ;a)  "% 9b)  ,5 9c)  "$ 9d)  +% 9

Answer ;

c)  "$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------125.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&"&A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing :F) from '>0T09= ( +&B+5.!P9 @ !#!B,,.,P> to 0>91TAT ( +&B"".,P9 @ !#!B#".!P> determine the magneticcourse ;

a)  $+"B

b)  !%"Bc)  $,&Bd)  !&&B

Answer ;

a)  $+"B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------126.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&"6A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing :F) from '>0T09= ( +&B+5.!P9 @ !#!B,,.,P> to 0>91TAT ( +&B"".,P9 @ !#!B#".!P> .etermine theminimum altitude within a corridor , 9 left and , 9 right of the courseline in order to staD #!!! ft clear of obstacles ;

a)  %6!! ftb) %%!! ftc)  ,,!! ftd)  ,"!! ft

Answer ;

a)  %6!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ,5

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

127.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&",A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing :F) from :07709=>9 ( +5B!".,P9 @ !!5B$&.!P> to F)>?>91TAT ( +5B$5.!P9 @ !!5B$+.!P> determine thedistance ;

a)  $5 9b)  $+ 4mc) +% 9d)  $+ 9

Answer ;

d)  $+ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ,6

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

128.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&"+A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing :F) from :07709=>9 ( +5B!".,P9 @ !!5B$&.!P> to F)>?>91TAT ( +5B$5.!P9 @ !!5B$+.!P> determine themagnetic course.

a)  #&%Bb)  !!+Bc)  ",%Bd) #5,B

Answer ;

c)  ",%B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------129.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&"%A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

FlDing :F) from :07709=>9 ( +5B!".,P9 @ !!5B$&.!P> to F)>?>91TAT ( +5B$5.!P9 @ !!5B$+.!P> .etermine theminimum altitude within a corridor , 9 left and , 9 right of the courseline in order to staD #!!! ft clear of obstacles ;

a)  #,!! ftb)  +$!! ftc)  $6!! ftd)  "6!! ft

Answer ;

d)  "6!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %!

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 Annex 033-12341A

130. Following in-flight depressurisation @ a turbine powered aeroplane is forced to di8ert to an en-route alternate airfield. 0factualflight conditions are as forecast @ the minimum quantitD of fuel remaining on arri8al at the airfield will be ;

a)  at least equi8alent to "! minutes flDing time.b)  at least equi8alent to the quantitD required to flD to another aerodrome in the e8ent that weather conditions so

require.c)  laid down bD the operator @ with the quantitD being specified in the operating manual.d)  at least equi8alent to +, minutes flDing time.

Answer ;

a)  at least equi8alent to "! minutes flDing time.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------131.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"+#A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".#C

For a flight of #6!! ground nautical miles the following applD ;2ead wind component #! 4tTemperature 01A -,BCTrip fuel a8ailable #,!!! 4g7anding mass ,!!!! 4g

<hat is the minimum cruise le8el ( pressure altitude which maD be planned 3a)  #!!!! ftb)  #+!!! ftc)  #&!!! ftd)  $$!!! ft

Answer ;

c)  #&!!! ft

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %#

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 Annex 033-12351A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------133.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$",#A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".,

For a flight of $+!! ground nautical miles the following applD ;Tail wind $, 4tTemperature 01A - #!BCHra4e release mass %%!!! 4g

The (a trip fuel and (b trip time respecti8elD are ;a)  (a #+!!! 4g @ (b , hr ", minb)  (a #,!!! 4g @ (b % hr !! minc)  (a #,5!! 4g @ (b % hr $! mind)  (a #+%!! 4g @ (b , hr +, min

Answer ;

a)  (a #+!!! 4g @ (b , hr ", min

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %"

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 Annex 033-12349A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------134.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"+6A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".#C

For a flight of $+!! ground nautical miles the following applD ;Tail wind component $, 4tTemperature 01A -#!BCCruise altitude "#!!! ft7anding mass ,$!!! 4g

The (a trip fuel and (b trip time respecti8elD are ;a)  (a #$!!! 4g @ (b , hr #, minb)  (a #"%!! 4g @ (b % hr "! minc)  (a #+$!! 4g @ (b , hr "! mind)  (a #%$!! 4g @ (b , hr +, min

Answer ;

c)  (a #+$!! 4g @ (b , hr "! min

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %+

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 Annex 033-12349A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------135.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"+6A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".#C

For a flight of $+!! ground nautical miles the following applD ;Temperature 01A -#!BCCruise altitude $6!!! ft7anding mass +,!!! 4gTrip fuel a8ailable #%!!! 4g

<hat is the maimum headwind component which maD be accepted 3a)  ", 4tb)  !c)  &! 4td)  #, 4t

Answer ;

a)  ", 4t

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %,

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 Annex 033-12339A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------136.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$""6A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".#C

For a flight of $5!! ground nautical miles the following applD ;2ead wind component #, 4tTemperature 01A E #,BCCruise altitude ",!!! ft7anding mass ,!!!! 4g

The (a trip fuel and (b trip time respecti8elD are ;a)  (a $!!!! 4g @ (b & hr !! minb)  (a #%$!! 4g @ (b % hr $! minc)  (a #&%!! 4g @ (b % hr ,! mind)  (a #&!!! 4g @ (b % hr #! min

Answer ;

c)  (a #&%!! 4g @ (b % hr ,! min

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %%

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 Annex 033-12340A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------137.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"+!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".,

For a flight of $5!! ground nautical miles the following applD ;2ead wind component $! 4tTemperature 01A E #,BCHra4e release mass %+&!! 4g

The (a trip fuel and (b trip time respecti8elD are ;a)  (a #,5!! 4g @ (b % hr #, minb)  (a #&!!! 4g @ (b % hr +, minc)  (a #%$!! 4g @ (b % hr $! mind)  (a #5+!! 4g @ (b & hr !! min

Answer ;

b)  (a #&!!! 4g @ (b % hr +, min

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %&

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 Annex 033-12346A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------138.  ( For the question use anne !""-#$"+%A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".#C

For a flight of $5!! ground nautical miles the following applD ;Tail wind component +, 4tTemperature 01A - #!BCCruise altitude $6!!! ft7anding mass ,,!!! 4g

The (a trip fuel (b trip time respecti8elD are ;a)  (a #%!!! 4g @ (b % hr $, minb)  (a #&#!! 4g @ (b % hr !& minc)  (a $!!!! 4g @ (b % hr +! mind)  (a #5!!! 4g @ (b , hr ,! min

Answer ;

b)  (a #&#!! 4g @ (b % hr !& min

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %5

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 Annex 033-12347A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------139. ( For this question use anne !""-#$"+&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure  +.".,

For a flight of ",!! ground nautical miles the following applD ;Tail wind component ,! 4tTemperature 01A E#!BCHra4e release mass %,!!! 4g

The (a trip fuel and (b trip time respecti8elD are ;a)  (a $#5!! 4g @ (b 6 hr $, minb)  (a #5#!! 4g @ (b & hr $! minc)  (a #,5!! 4g @ (b % hr !! mind)  (a #6!!! 4g @ (b & hr +,min

Answer ;

b)  (a #5#!! 4g @ (b & hr $! min

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring %6

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 Annex 033-1122"A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------140.  ( For this question use Anne !"#-##$$5A

For a long distance flight at F7 "&! @ “7ong )ange” regime @ di8ided into four flight legs with the following specifications ;- segment AH - =round distance I $ !!! 9. headwind component I ,! 4t- segment HC - =round distance I # !!! 9. headwind component I "! 4t- segment C - =round distance I ,!! 9. tailwind component I &! 4t- segment > - =round distance I # !!! 9. headwind component I $! 4t

The total air distance is approimatelD ;a)  + ,5! 9b)  + 6+! 9c)  + 5!! 9d)  + 5$! 9

Answer ;

c)  + 5!! 9

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 Annex 033-1122"A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------141.  ( For this question use Anne !""-##$$5A

For a long distance flight at F7 "6! @ “7ong )ange” regime @ di8ided into four flight legs with the following characteristics ;- segment AH - =round distance I $ !!! 9. head wind component I ,! 4t- segment HC - =round distance I # !!! 9. head wind component I "! 4t- segment C - =round distance I ,!! 9. tail wind component I #!! 4t- segment > - =round distance I # !!! 9. head wind component I &! 4t

The air distance of the entire flight is approimatelD ;a)  , !+! 9b)  , #$! 9c)  + 6!! 9d)  + %"! 9

Answer ;

c)  + 6!! 9

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142. For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows ;Flight time I " h !% minThe reser8e fuel @ at anD time @ should not be less than "! of the remaining trip fuel.Tai fuel I 5 4gHloc4 fuel I ##5 4g

2ow much fuel should remain after $ hours flight time 3a)  "6 4g trip fuel and #$ 4g reser8e fuel.b)  "! 4g trip fuel and 6 4g reser8e fuel.c)  $& 4g trip fuel and #$ 4g reser8e fuel.d)  "6 4g trip fuel and no reser8e fuel.

Answer ;

b)  "! 4g trip fuel and 6 4g reser8e fuel.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------143. For a planned flight the calculated fuel is as follows ;

Flight time I $ h +$ minThe reser8e fuel @ at anD time @ should not be less than "! of the remaining trip fuel.Tai fuel I 6 4gHloc4 fuel I #"% 4g

2ow much fuel should remain after $ hours flight time 3a)  $, 4g trip fuel and 5 4g reser8e fuel.b)  "" 4g trip fuel and no reser8e fuel.c)  "" 4g trip fuel and #! 4g reser8e fuel.d)  $" 4g trip fuel and #! 4g reser8e fuel.

Answer ;

a)  $, 4g trip fuel and 5 4g reser8e fuel.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------144. For a repetiti8e ATC flight plan ( )'7 to be used @ flights must ta4e place on a regular basis on at least ;

a)  "! occasions.b)  ,! occasions.c)  $! occasions.d)  #! occasions.

Answer ;

d)  #! occasions.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring &$

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 Annex 033-11229A

145.  ( For this question use anne !"#-##$$6A

For a turboGet aeroplane flDing with a mass of #6! !!! 4g @ at ach !.5$ @ and 4nowing that the temperature at flight le8elF7 "&! is - ",B C @ the optimum flight altitude calculated using the anne is ;

a) "&+!! ftb)  "5%!! ftc)  "+%!! ftd)  "&5!! ft

Answer ;

a) "&+!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------146. For an ATC flight plan filed before the flight @ the indicated time of departure is ;

a)  the time at which the flight plan is filed.b)  the time o8erhead the first reporting point after ta4e-off.c)  the estimated off-bloc4 time.d)  the time of ta4e-off.

Answer ;

c)  the estimated off-bloc4 time.

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 Annex 033-11045A


147. For flight planning purposes the landing mass at alternate is ta4en as ;

a)  Nero Fuel ass plus Final )eser8e Fuel and Alternate Fuel.b)  Nero Fuel ass plus Final )eser8e Fuel and ContingencD Fuel.c)  7anding ass at destination plus Alternate Fuel.d)  Nero Fuel ass plus Final )eser8e Fuel.

Answer ;

b)  Nero Fuel ass plus Final )eser8e Fuel and ContingencD Fuel.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------148.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!+,A or )oute anual 1TA) chart for A)0 HA)A*A1 (#!-$A@H

For runwaD "" arri8als from the east and south @ the 0nitial Approach Fi ( 0AF inbound from airwaD ?)#! is ;a)  C*9b)  T07c)  C>9TAd)  :TH

Answer ;

d)  :TH-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12364A

149.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"%+A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.&.$

For the purpose of planning an etended range flight it is required that with a start of di8ersion mass of ,,!!! 4g a di8ersionof %!! nautical miles should be achie8ed in 6! minutes. ?sing the abo8e table @ the onlD listed cruise technique to meet thatrequirement is ;

a)  7)Cb)  /0A1 .&+$6!c)  /0A1 .&+""!d)  /0A1 .&!$5!

Answer ;

c)  /0A1 .&+""!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------150. For the purposes of 0tem 6 ( <a4e turbulence categorD of the ATC flight plan @ an aircraft with a maimum certificatedta4e-off mass of %$!!! 4g is ;

a)  unclassified “?”b)  hea8D “2”c)  light “7”d)  medium “”

Answer ;

d)  medium “”-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------151. For turboGet engine dri8en aeroplane @ gi8en ;

Tai fuel %!! 4gFuel flow for cruise #! !!! 4ghFuel flow for holding 5 !!! 4ghAlternate fuel #! $!! 4g'lanned flight time to destination % hForecast 8isibilitD at destination $!!! m

The minimum ramp fuel required is ;a)  && 5!! 4gb)  &% #!! 4gc)  &6 $!! 4gd)  5! ,!! 4g

Answer ;

a)  && 5!! 4g

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152. From the options gi8en below select those flights which require ATC flight plan notification ;#. AnD 'ublic Transport flight.$. AnD 0F) flight". AnD flight which is to be carried out in regions which are designated to ease the pro8ision of the

Alerting 1er8ice or the operations of 1earch and )escue.

+. AnD cross-border flights,. AnD flight which in8ol8es o8erflDing water 

a)  # @ ,b)  $ @ +c)  " @ + @ ,d)  # @ $ @ "

Answer ;

b)  $ @ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------153. From which of the following would Dou epect to find details of the 1earch and )escue organisation and procedures( 1A) 3

a)  9TAb)  A0'

c) 10=>Td)  ATCC broadcasts

Answer ;

b)  A0'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------154. From which of the following would Dou epect to find facilitation information regarding customs and health formalities 3

a)  9A:)A chartsb)  A0'c)  ATCCd)  9TA

Answer ;

b)  A0'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------155. From which of the following would Dou epect to find information regarding 4nown short unser8iceabilitD of :) @ TACA9@ and 9H 3

a)  ATCC broadcastsb)  A0'c)  10=>Td)  9TA

Answer ;

d)  9TA-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------156. From which of the following would Dou epect to find the dates and times when temporarD danger areas are acti8e 3

a)  10=>Tb)  9TA and A0'c)  )A9A: chartsd)  nlD A0'

Answer ;

b)  9TA and A0'-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------157.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&$#A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

=i8e the frequencD of 1T?TT=A)T AT01 ;a)  ##$.$,! 2Mb)  #",.&&, 2Mc)  #$%.#$, 2Md)  #$%.#$, 42M

Answer ;

c)  #$%.#$, 2M-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9716A

158.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&$#A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

=i8e the frequencD of NQ)0C2 :7>T ;a)  #$&.$! 2Mb)  #$&.$! 42Mc)  #$5.,$, 2Md)  ##5.#! 2M

Answer ;

a)  #$&.$! 2M

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------159.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&$#A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

=i8e the name and frequencD of the Flight 0nformation 1er8ice for an aeroplane in position ( +&B,6P9 @ !#!B#+P> ;a) F)A9/F?)T 09F)AT09 #$5.6, 2Mb) >09=>9 09F)AT09 #$$.# 2Mc)  Q9C2>9 09F)AT09 #$%.6, 2Md)  Q9C2>9 09F)AT09 #$!.%, 2M

Answer ;

c)  Q9C2>9 09F)AT09 #$%.6, 2M-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------160.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&#%A or Flight 'lanning anual 1>' # Figure $.+

=i8en ;Aeroplane mass at start-up "%%" lbsA8iation gasoline ( densitD % lbsgal -fuel load &+ galTa4e-off altitude sea le8el2eadwind +! 4tCruising altitude 5!!! ft'ower setting full throttle $"!! )' $!BC lean of pea4 >=T

Calculate the ground range ;a)  %"" 9b)  ,+&., 9c) &"! 9d)  5++ 9

Answer ;

a)  %"" 9

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring &&

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 Annex 033-3307A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------161.  ( For this question use annees !""-##$$"A@ !""-##$$"H and !""-##$$"C

=i8en ;Ta4e-off mass I #,! !!! 4g'lanned cruise at F7 ",!7ong range AC21tandard Atmosphere ( 01A C= I "&

Co8ering an air distance of $ !!! 9 @ Dour trip fuel from ta4e-off to landing will be ;a)  #6 %%! 4g

b)  $! $%! 4gc)  $$ "%! 4gd)  $# &%! 4g

Answer ;

c)  $$ "%! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------162.  ( For this question use anne !""-""!6A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

=i8en ;mass at bra4e release ,& ,!! 4gtemperature 01A -#!BCa8erage head wind component #% 4tinitial cruise F7 $5!

Find I Climb fuel ;a)  #!+! 4gb)  #$"5 4gc)  #"5& 4gd)  ##"5 4g

Answer ;

d)  ##"5 4g

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 Annex 033-3307A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------163.  ( For this question use anne !""-""!&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

=i8en ;Hra4e release mass ,&,!! 4gTemperature 01A -#!BCA8erage headwind component #% 4t0nitial F7 $5!

Find I Climb fuel for enroute climb $5!.&+ ;a) #!+! 4gb)  #$"5 4gc)  ##"5 4gd)  #"5& 4g

Answer ;

c)  ##"5 4g

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 Annex 033-3307A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------164.  ( For this question use anne !""-""!&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

=i8en ;estimated ta4e-off mass ,& ,!! 4ginitial cruise F7 $5!a8erage temperature during climb 01A -#!BC;a8erage head wind component #5 4t

Find I Climb time ;a)  #, minb)  #" minc)  ## mind)  #+ min

Answer ;

b)  #" min

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 Annex 033-3307A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------165.  ( For this question use anne !""-""!&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

=i8en ;Hra4e release mass ,&,!! 4g0nitial F7 $5!A8erage temperature during climb 01A -#!BCA8erage head wind component #5 4t

Find I Climb time for enroute climb $5!.&+ ;a)  ## minb)  #" minc)  #, mind)  #+ min

Answer ;

b)  #" min

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 Annexe 033-3320A 033-3320! 033-3320/ 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------166.  ( For this question use annees !""-""$!A @ !""-""$!H and !""-""$!C or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figures +.$.# @ +.$.$ and +.,.".$

=i8en ;>stimated ta4e-off mass ,&!!! 4g=round distance #,! 9Temperature 01A -#!BCCruise at .&+ ach

Find I Cruise altitude and epected true air speed ;a)  ""6!! ft @ +$! 4tb)  $+!!! ft @ ++, 4tc)  "",!! ft @ +"! 4td) $,!!! ft @ +", 4t

Answer ;

d) $,!!! ft @ +", 4t

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 Annexe 033-3320A 033-3320! 033-3320/ 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------167.  ( For this question use annees !""-""$!A @ !""-""$!H and !""-""$!C or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figures +.$.# @ +.$.$ and +.,.".$

=i8en ;>stimated ta4e-off mass ,& !!! 4g1till air distance #,! 9Autside air temperature ( AT 01A -#!/ Cruise at !.&+ ach.

Find I Cruise altitude and epected true airspeed ;a)  $$ !!! ft @ +,# 4tb)  $, !!! ft @ +", 4tc)  $, !!! ft @ ++, 4td)  $$ !!! ft @ ++# 4t

Answer ;

b)  $, !!! ft @ +", 4t

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 Annex 033-4735A

169.  ( For this question use anne !""-+&",A or Flight 'lanning anual 1>' # Figure $.,

=i8en ;F7 &,7ean mitureFull throttle$"!! )'Ta4e-off fuel I +++ lbsTa4e-off from 17

Find I >ndurance in hours and minutes ;a)  !,I$!b)  !,I#$c)  !+I+$d)  !,I$"

Answer ;

b)  !,I#$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-3321A

170.  ( For this question use anne !""-""$#A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".#.H

=i8en ;estimated Mero fuel mass ,! testimated landing mass at alternate ,$ tfinal reser8e fuel $ talternate fuel # tflight to destination @ distance &$! 9 @ true course ( TC !"! @ <: "+!"!cruise I long range F7 ""!outside air temperature -"! B C.

Find I >stimated trip fuel and time ;a)  + &,! 4g @ !$I !!b)  + 5!! 4g @ !#I +,c)  + %!! 4g @ !$I !,d)  + +!! 4g @ !$I !,

Answer ;

b)  $, !!! ft @ +", 4t

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 Annexe 033-9694A 033-9694!


171. ( For this question use annees !""-6%6+A and !""-6%6+H or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".# and Figure+.".#H

=i8en ;Twin Get aeroplaneNero fuel mass ,!!!! 4g7anding mass at alternate ,$!!! 4gFinal reser8e fuel $!!! 4gAlternate fuel #!!! 4gFlight to destination Iistance &$! 9 @ True course !"!B@ <: "+!B"! 4t7ong range cruise @ F7 ""!utside air temperature -"!BC

Find I >stimated trip fuel and time with simplified flight planning ;a)  ++!! 4g @ !$ h !, minb)  +5!! 4g @ !# h ,# minc)  +&,! 4g @ !$ h !! mind)  +%!! 4g @ !$ h !, min

Answer ;

b)  +5!! 4g @ !# h ,# min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9697A

 Annex 033-9697A

172.  ( For this question use anne !""-6%6&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.+

=i8en ;Twin Get aeroplane>stimated mass on arri8al at the alternate ,!!!! 4g

>le8ation at destination aerodrome ",!! ft>le8ation at alternate aerodrome "! ft

Find I Final reser8e fuel ;a)  ##,! 4gb)  ##5! 4gc)  $"!! 4gd)  $"%! 4g

Answer ;

b)  ##5! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------173. ( For this question use anne !""-6%6&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.+

=i8en ;Twin Get aeroplane>stimated mass on arri8al at the alternate ,!!!! 4g>stimated mass on arri8al at the destination ,$,$, 4gAlternate ele8ation 17estination ele8ation #,!! ft

Find I Final reser8e fuel and corresponding time ;a)  ##5! 4g @ +, minb)  ##5! 4g @ "! minc)  $"%! 4g @ "! mind)  $"%! 4g @ !# h !! min

Answer ;

b)  ##5! 4g @ "! min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9697A

174.  ( For this question use anne !""-6%6&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.+

=i8en ;rD operating mass ", ,!! 4g>stimated load #$ !!! 4gContingencD approach and landing fuel $ ,!! 4g>le8ation at departure aerodrome ,!! ft>le8ation at alternate aerodrome "! ft

Find I Final reser8e fuel for a Get aeroplane ( holding and gi8e the ele8ation which is rele8ant ;a)  $ "%! 4g @ destination ele8ationb)  # #5! 4g @ alternate ele8ationc)  # #5! 4g @ destination ele8ationd)  $ "%! 4g @ alternate ele8ation

Answer ;b)  # #5! 4g @ alternate ele8ation


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 Annex 033-3322A

175.  ( For this question use anne !""-""$$A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".%

=i8en ;>stimated drD operation mass ", ,!! 4g>stimated load #+ ,!! 4gFinal reser8e fuel #$!! 4gistance to alternate 6, 9A8erage true trac4 $#6B2ead wind component #! 4t

Find I Fuel and time to alternate ;a)  5!! 4g @ $+ minb)  # #!! 4g @ ++ minc)  # #!! 4g @ $, mind)  5!! 4g @ +! min

Answer ;

c)  # #!! 4g @ $, min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-4736A

177.  ( For this question use anne !""-+&"%A or Flight 'lanning anual 1>' # Table $.$."

=i8en ;F7 &!AT -#6BC7ean miture$"!! )'

Find I Fuel flow in gallons per hour ( ='2 and TA1 ;a)  #$.", ='2 @ TA1 I #,# 4tb)  &".6! ='2 @ TA1 I #,6 4tc)  ##.6, ='2 @ TA1 I #%! 4td)  #$.", ='2 @ TA1 I #,6 4t

Answer ;

d)  #$.", ='2 @ TA1 I #,6 4t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9696A

179.  ( For this question use anne !""-6%6%A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".%

=i8en ;Twin Get aeroplanerD operating mass ",,!! 4gTraffic load #+,!! 4gFinal reser8e fuel #$!! 4gistance to alternate 6, 9Tailwind component #! 4t

Find I Fuel required and trip time to alternate with simplified flight planning ( A7T>)9AT> '7A9909= ;a) #!!! 4g @ $+ minb)  5!! 4g @ !.+ hr c)  #!!! 4g @ +! mind)  5!! 4g @ $+ min

Answer ;

a) #!!! 4g @ $+ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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181. =i8en ;aimum allowable ta4e-off mass %++!! 4gaimum landing mass ,%$!! 4gaimum Mero fuel mass ,"!!! 4grD operating mass ",,!! 4gTraffic load #+,!! 4gTrip fuel +6!! 4gTa4e-off fuel &+!! 4g

Find I aimum additional load ;a) &!!! 4gb)  "!!! 4gc)  ,%!! 4g

d)  +!!! 4gAnswer ;

b)  "!!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------182. =i8en ;

aimum allowable ta4e-off mass %++!! 4gaimum landing mass ,%$!! 4gaimum Mero fuel mass ,"!!! 4grD operating mass ",,!! 4gTraffic load #+,!! 4gTrip fuel +6!! 4ginimum Ta4e-off Fuel &+!! 4g

Find I aimum allowable ta4e-off fuel ;a)  #++!! 4gb)  ##+!! 4gc)  5%!! 4gd)  ###!! 4g

Answer ;

d)  ###!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------183.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,&%A or )oute anual chart >(20, CAA->dition

=i8en ;7eg oulins ( 9+% +$.+ >!!" "5.! iGon ( 9+& #%." >!!, !,.6 .

Find I )oute designator and total distance ;a)  ?= $# @ $% 9b) ?= $# @ %6 9c)  irect route @ %6 9d)  @ ++ 9

Answer ;

c)  irect route @ %6 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring 6%

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 Annex 033-3323A

184.  ( For this question use anne !""-""$"A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +."."C

=i8en ;ground distance to destination aerodrome # %!! 9headwind component ,! 4tF7 ""!cruise !.&5 ach01A E $! B Cestimated landing weight ,,!!! 4g .

Find I 1implified flight planning to determine estimated trip fuel and trip time ;a)  #$ +!! 4g @ !+ h #$ minb)  #$ +!! 4g @ !" h ,, minc) ## +!! 4g @ !+ h #$ mind)  ## +!! 4g @ !" h ,, min

Answer ;

b)  #$ +!! 4g @ !" h ,, min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring 6&

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 Annex 033-3307A

185.  ( For this question use annees !""-""!&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

=i8en ; bra4e release mass ,& ,!! 4gtemperature 01A -#!BChead wind component #% 4tinitial F7 $5!

Find I 1till air distance ( 9A and ground distance ( 9 for the climb ;a)  %& 9A @ &# 9b)  %$ 9A @ ,6 9c)  &# 9A @ %& 9d)  ,6 9A @ %$ 9

Answer ;

b)  %$ 9A @ ,6 9

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 Annex 033-3307A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------186.  ( For this question use anne !""-""!&A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

=i8en ;Hra4e release mass ,&,!! 4gTemperature 01A -#!BC2eadwind component #% 4t0nitial F7 $5!

Find I 1till air distance ( 9A and ground distance ( 9 for the enroute climb $5!.&+ ;a)  ,6 9A @ %$ 9b)  %$ 9A @ ,6 9c)  %$ 9A @ &# 9d)  &# 9A @ %& 9

Answer ;

b)  %$ 9A @ ,6 9

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 Annex 033-4737A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------187.  ( For this question use anne !""-+&"&A or Flight 'lanning anual 1>' # Figure $.#

=i8en ;F7 &,AT E,BCuring climb a8erage head wind component $! 4tTa4e-off from 17 with the initial mass of " %,! lbs.

Find I 1till air distance ( 9A and ground distance ( 9 using the graph “time @ fuel @ distance to climb” ;a)  #% 9A. @ #5 9.b)  #+ 9A. @ #5 9.c)  #5 9A. @ #" 9.d)  #5 9A. @ #, 9.

Answer ;

d)  #5 9A. @ #, 9.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------188. =i8en ;

maimum allowable ta4e-off mass %+ +!! 4gmaimum landing mass ,% $!! 4gmaimum Mero fuel mass ," !!! 4gdrD operating mass ", ,!! 4gestimated load #+ ,!! 4gestimated trip fuel + 6!!4gminimum ta4e-off fuel & +!! 4g

Find the maimum allowable ta4e-off fuel ;a) #+ +!! 4gb) 5 %!! 4gc) ## +!! 4gd) ## #!! 4g

Answer ;

d) ## #!! 4g

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!!

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 Annex 033-4737A


191.  ( For this question use anne !""-+&"&A or Flight 'lanning anual 1>' # Figure $.#

=i8en ;F7 &,AT E,BCuring climb a8erage head wind component $! 4tTa4e-off from 17 with the initial mass of "%,! lbs.

Find I Time and fuel to climb ;a)  6 min. @ $.& ?1=b)  & min. @ $.% ?1=c) 6 min. @ "." ?1=d)  #! min @ ".% ?1=

Answer ;

c) 6 min. @ "." ?1=-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!$

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 Annex 033-3305A

192.  ( For this question use anne !""-""!,A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".#

=i8en ;F7 ""!7ong range cruiseAT -%"BC=ross mass ,! ,!! 4g

Find I True airspeed ( TA1 a)  +"# 4tb)  +$! 4tc)  +#5 4td)  +"" 4t

Answer ;

b)  +$! 4t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!"

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 Annex 033-9691A

193.  ( For this question use anne !""-6%6#A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".#

=i8en ;Twin Get aeroplaneF7 ""!7ong range cruiseutside air temperature -%"BC=ross mass ,!,!! 4g

Find I True air speed ( TA1 ;a)  +"# 4tb)  +#5 4tc)  +"" 4td)  +$! 4t

Answer ;

d)  +$! 4t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!+

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 Annex 033-957"A

194.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,&5A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".#

=i8en ;7ong range cruiseAT -+,BC at F7 ",!=ross mass at the beginning of the leg +!!!! 4g=ross mass at the end of the leg "6!!! 4g

Find I True air speed ( TA1 and cruise distance ( 9A for a twin Get aeroplane ;a)  TA1 +$" 4t @ $$& 9Ab)  TA1 +"" 4t @ $$& 9Ac)  TA1 +"" 4t @ ##%" 9Ad)  TA1 +$" 4t @ 6"% 9A

Answer ;

b)  TA1 +"" 4t @ $$& 9A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!,

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 Annex 033-331"A

195.  ( For this question use anne !""-""#5A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".#

=i8en ;long range cruiseoutside air temperature ( AT -+, B C in F7 ",!mass at the beginning of the leg +! !!! 4gmass at the end of the leg "6 !!! 4g.

Find I True airspeed ( TA1 at the end of the leg and the distance ( 9A ;a)  TA1 +"# 4t @ ##%" 9Ab)  TA1 +$" 4t @ $$& 9Ac)  TA1 +"# 4t @ $$& 9Ad)  TA1 +$" 4t @ 6"% 9A

Answer ;

c)  TA1 +"# 4t @ $$& 9A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------196. =i8en ;

True course ( TC !#&B<: "+!B"! 4tTrue air speed ( TA1 +$! 4t

Find I <ind correction angle ( <CA and ground speed ( =1 ;a)  <CA E$B @ =1 "6% 4tb)  <CA -$B @ =1 +$% 4tc)  <CA E$B @ =1 +#% 4td)  <CA -$B @ =1 "6% 4t

Answer ;

d)  <CA -$B @ =1 "6% 4t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!%

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 ,age 13

 ,age 43

197. ( For this question use 0mage #"

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Actual =round 1peed ( =1 on the leg H>TA to =AA will

 be #!! /T. 0f all other flight parameters remain unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint =AA 3a) $%!! 4gb) $&&! 4gc) $5$! 4gd) $%5+ 4g

Answer ;

a) $%!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------198. ( For this question use 0mage +"

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Actual =round 1peed ( =1 on the leg H>TA to =AA will

 be #!! /T. 0f all other flight parameters remain unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint =AA 3a) "#!6 4gb) ""6! 4gc) "!5! 4gd) $6,! 4g

Answer ;

d) $6,! 4g

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!&

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 ,age 40

 ,age 44


199. ( For this question use 0mage ++

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Actual =round 1peed ( =1 on the leg H>TA to =AA will

 be #!, /T. 0f all other flight parameters remain unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint =AA 3a) "+"! 4gb) "+5! 4gc) "$%! 4gd) ""#5 4g

Answer ;

c) "$%! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------200. ( For this question use 0mage +!

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Actual =round 1peed ( =1 on the leg H>TA to =AA will

 be ##! /T. 0f all other flight parameters remain unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint =AA 3a) $#%! 4gb) $!!! 4gc) $"#! 4gd) $!%$ 4g

Answer ;

b) $!!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!5

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 ,age 41

 ,age 42

201. ( For this question use 0mage +$

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Actual =round 1peed ( =1 on the leg H>TA to =AA will

 be ##! /T. 0f all other flight parameters remain unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint =AA 3a) $6!! 4gb) $%$, 4gc) $5$! 4gd) $&$" 4g

Answer ;

b) $%$, 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------202. ( For this question use 0mage +#

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Actual =round 1peed ( =1 on the leg H>TA to =AA will

 be ##, /T. 0f all other flight parameters remain unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint =AA 3a) $+!! 4gb) $$"! 4gc) $,"! 4gd) $$&+ 4g

Answer ;

b) $$"! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #!6

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 ,age 3

 ,age 4

205. ( For this question use 0mage "

=i8en ;

'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Arri8ing o8erhead =AA Dou are cleared for direct routing to0/>. The flight time for direct flight =AA to 0/> will be # hr #! mins @ assuming other flight data remains constant @ whatfuel will be epected on arri8al o8erhead 0/> 3

a) #,#! 4gb) "5! 4gc) $6#! 4gd) #"!! 4g

Answer ;

d) #"!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------206. ( For this question use 0mage +

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Arri8ing o8erhead =AA Dou are cleared for direct routing to

0/>. The flight time for direct flight =AA to 0/> will be +! minutes @ assuming other flight data remains constant @ what fuelwill be epected on arri8al o8erhead 0/> 3

a) #5,$ 4gb) #$%5 4gc) $%,$ 4gd) #6!! 4g

Answer ;

d) #6!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ###

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 ,age 7 

 ,age 9

207. ( For this question use 0mage 6

=i8en ;

'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Arri8ing o8erhead =AA Dou are cleared for direct routing to0/>. The flight time for direct flight =AA to 0/> will be +$ minutes @ assuming other flight data remains constant @ what fuelwill be epected on arri8al o8erhead 0/> 3

a) #+&, 4gb) $$+, 4gc) ##6, 4gd) %&! 4g

Answer ;

a) #+&, 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------208. ( For this question use 0mage &

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Arri8ing o8erhead =AA Dou are cleared for direct routing to

0/>. The flight time for direct flight =AA to 0/> will be +, minutes @ assuming other flight data remains constant @ what fuelwill be epected on arri8al o8erhead 0/> 3

a) #"5+ 4gb) $,$ 4gc) #!!$ 4gd) $!5$ 4g

Answer ;

a) #"5+ 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ##$

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 ,age 5

 ,age 45

209. ( For this question use 0mage ,

=i8en ;

'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Arri8ing o8erhead =AA Dou are cleared for direct routing to0/>. The flight time for direct flight =AA to 0/> will be ,& minutes @ assuming other flight data remains constant @ what fuelwill be epected on arri8al o8erhead 0/> 3

a) $"!, 4gb) #&$! 4gc) #+,! 4gd) &6! 4g

Answer ;

b) #&$! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------210. ( For this question use 0mage +,

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. 'ro8ided that flight conditions on the leg =AA to >7TA

remain unchanged and fuel consumption remains unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint >7TA 3a) +$$! 4gb) ++"! 4gc) "5!! 4gd) +"+! 4g

Answer ;

a) +$$! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ##"

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 ,age 46 

 ,age 47 

211. ( For this question use 0mage +%

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. 'ro8ided that flight conditions on the leg =AA to >7TA

remain unchanged and fuel consumption remains unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint >7TA 3a) +++! 4gb) +,#! 4gc) +%6! 4gd) +#%! 4g

Answer ;

c) +%6! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------212. ( For this question use 0mage +&

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. 'ro8ided that flight conditions on the leg =AA to >7TA

remain unchanged and fuel consumption remains unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint >7TA 3a) +#+! 4gb) +&+! 4gc) +%+! 4gd) +,,! 4g

Answer ;

d) +,,! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ##+

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 ,age 4"

 ,age 49

213. ( For this question use 0mage +5

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. 'ro8ided that flight conditions on the leg =AA to >7TA

remain unchanged and fuel consumption remains unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint >7TA 3a) +$,! 4gb) +&+, 4gc) ++&, 4gd) +%", 4g

Answer ;

c) ++&, 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------214. ( For this question use 0mage +6

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. 'ro8ided that flight conditions on the leg =AA to >7TA

remain unchanged and fuel consumption remains unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint >7TA 3a) +5,! 4gb) +%+! 4gc) +&6! 4gd) +,,! 4g

Answer ;

b) +%+! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 ,age 50

 ,age 55

215. ( For this question use 0mage ,!

=i8en ;'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. 'ro8ided that flight conditions on the leg =AA to >7TA

remain unchanged and fuel consumption remains unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint >7TA 3a) ,!6! 4gb) ,!#! 4gc) +6+! 4gd) +%6! 4g

Answer ;

c) +6+! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------216. ( For this question use 0mage ,,

=i8en ;'lanning data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt ( Fuel 'lanning 1ection . After a bal4ed landing at the destination airport @

Dou ha8e to di8ert to the alternate airport with the gear etended. The re-calculated flight time to the alternate airport with the gearetended. The re-calculated flight time to the alternate due to the reduced speed is # h ,! min and the fuel flow will be 5+! 4gh. Final)eser8e Fuel remains unchanged. <hat will be the estimated landing mass at the alternate airport 3

a) %,"! 4gb) ,,"! 4gc) &"6! 4gd) ,56! 4g

Answer ;

d) ,56! 4g

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ##%

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 ,age 12

 ,age 54

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------217. ( For this question use 0mage ,+

=i8en ;'lanning data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt ( Fuel 'lanning 1ection . After a bal4ed landing at the destination airport @

Dou ha8e to di8ert to the alternate airport with the gear etended. The re-calculated flight time to the alternate due to the reducedspeed is # h #! min and the fuel flow will be %!! 4gh. Final )eser8e Fuel remains unchanged. <hat will be the estimated landingmass at the alternate airport 3

a) ,5+6 4gb) %#,& 4gc) %%56 4gd) ,+,& 4g

Answer ;

a) ,5+6 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------218. ( For this question use 0mage #$

=i8en ;'lanning data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt ( Fuel 'lanning 1ection . After a bal4ed landing at the destination airport @

Dou ha8e to di8ert to the alternate airport with the gear etended. The re-calculated flight time to the alternate due to the reducedspeed is # h #! min and the fuel flow will be 6!! 4gh. Final )eser8e Fuel remains unchanged. <hat will be the estimated landingmass at the alternate airport 3

a) ,65& 4gb) &+$& 4gc) ,,#! 4gd) %+&! 4g

Answer ;

a) ,65& 4g

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring ##&

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 ,age 52

 ,age 53

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------219. ( For this question use 0mage ,$

=i8en ;

'lanning data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt ( Fuel 'lanning 1ection . After a bal4ed landing at the destination airport @Dou ha8e to di8ert to the alternate airport with the gear etended. The re-calculated flight time to the alternate due to the reducedspeed is # h $! min and the fuel flow will be &$! 4gh. Final )eser8e Fuel remains unchanged. <hat will be the estimated landingmass at the alternate airport 3

a) ,5&+ 4gb) &!&+ 4gc) %#&! 4gd) ,$6! 4g

Answer ;

a) ,5&+ 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------220. ( For this question use 0mage ,"

=i8en ;'lanning data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt ( Fuel 'lanning 1ection . After a bal4ed landing at the destination airport @

Dou ha8e to di8ert to the alternate airport with the gear etended. The re-calculated flight time to the alternate due to the reducedspeed is # h $! min and the fuel flow will be &$! 4gh. Final )eser8e Fuel remains unchanged. <hat will be the estimated landingmass at the alternate airport 3

a) ,%%6 4gb) %#&, 4gc) ,"$! 4gd) %&+6 4g

Answer ;

a) ,%%6 4g

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 ,age 10

 ,age 51

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------221. ( For this question use 0mage ,#

=i8en ;'lanning data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt ( Fuel 'lanning 1ection . After a bal4ed landing at the destination airport @

Dou ha8e to di8ert to the alternate airport with the gear etended. The re-calculated flight time to the alternate due to the reducedspeed is # h "! min and the fuel flow will be %!! 4gh. Final )eser8e Fuel remains unchanged. <hat will be the estimated landingmass at the alternate airport 3

a) &%&$ 4gb) ,#&& 4gc) ,%+$ 4gd) %!#& 4g

Answer ;

c) ,%+$ 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------222. ( For this question use 0mage #!

=i8en ;'lanning data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt ( Fuel 'lanning 1ection . After a bal4ed landing at the destination airport @

Dou ha8e to di8ert to the alternate airport with the gear etended. The re-calculated flight time to the alternate due to the reducedspeed is $ h $! min and the fuel flow will be &5! 4gh. Final )eser8e Fuel remains unchanged. <hat will be the estimated landingmass at the alternate airport 3

a) %!&! 4gb) ,!5! 4gc) ,++! 4gd) &$+! 4g

Answer ;

c) ,++! 4g

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 Annex 033-12312A


224.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#$A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".%

=i8en ;istance to Alternate I +!! 97anding mass at Alternate I ,! !!! 4g2eadwind component I $, 4t

The Alternate fuel required is ;a)  $5!! 4gb)  $,,! 4gc)  $6!! 4gd)  $%,! 4g

Answer ;

a)  $5!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #$#

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 Annex 033-12312A

225.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#$A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".%

=i8en ;istance to Alternate +,! 97anding mass at Alternate I +, !!! 4gTailwind component I ,! 4t

The Alternate fuel required is ;a)  "!,! 4gb)  $&,! 4gc)  $6!! 4gd)  $,!! 4g

Answer ;

d)  $,!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------226. =i8en ;

istance R to O $&!! 9ach 9umber !.&,Temperature -+,BCean wind component “on” #! 4t tailwindean wind component “bac4” ", 4t tailwind

The distance from R to the point of equal time ( '>T between R and O is ;a)  #",! 9b)  #"5% 9c)  #+$, 9d)  #"#" 9

Answer ;

b)  #"5% 9

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #$$

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Flight Planning Manual M#T 1 Figure 4.7.3

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------227. =i8en ;

istance A to H $!,! 9ean groundspeed “on” ++! 4tean groundspeed “bac4” ,+! 4t

The distance to the point of equal time ( '>T between A and H is ;a)  6$! 9b)  #!$, 9c)  ##"! 9d)  ##," 9

Answer ;c)  ##"! 9

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------228. ( For this question use Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.&."

=i8en ;i8ersion distance %,! 9i8ersion pressure altitude #% !!! ftass at point of di8ersion ,& !!! 4g2ead wind component $! 4tTemperature 01A E #,BC

The di8ersion (a fuel required and (b time are approimatelD ;a)  (a %$!! 4g @ (b $ h #! minb)  (a ++!! 4g @ (b # h ", minc)  (a +5!! 4g @ (b $ h !" mind)  (a "6!! 4g @ (b # h +, min

Answer ;

c)  (a +5!! 4g @ (b $ h !" min

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #$"

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229. =i8enIrD operating mass ( I "",#! 4g

Traffic 7oad I &%!! 4gFinal reser8e fuel I 65" 4gAlternate fuel I ##!! 4gContingencD fuel I #!$ 4g

The estimated landing mass at alternate should be ;a)  +$"#$ 4g.b)  +$$#! 4g.c)  +$!6" 4g.d)  +$#6, 4g.

Answer ;

d)  +$#6, 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------230. =i8en ;

rD operating mass ( I ""!!! 4gTraffic 7oad I 5##! 4gFinal reser8e fuel I 65" 4gAlternate fuel I ##!! 4gContingencD fuel I #!$ 4g

The estimated landing mass at alternate should be ;a)  +###! 4g.b)  +$$#! 4g.c)  +$#6, 4g.d)  +$"#$ 4g.

Answer ;

c)  +$#6, 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------231. =i8en ;

R K istance A to point of equal time ( '>T between A and H> K >ndurance K istance A to H K =roundspeed “on”2 K =roundspeed “bac4”

The formula for calculating the distance R to point of equal time ( '>T is ;a) R K 2 ( E 2 b) R K > 2 ( E 2 c) R K ( E 2 d) R K 2 ( E 2

Answer ;

a) R K 2 ( E 2 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12305A

232.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"!,A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

=i8en ;Hra4e release mass I %$ !!! 4gTemperature I 01A E #,BC

The fuel required for a climb from 1ea 7e8el to F7""! is ;a)  #&!! 4gb)  #&,! 4gc)  #5!! 4gd)  #%,! 4g

Answer ;

a)  #&!! 4g

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #$,

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 Annexe 033-12306A 033-12306!


233.  ( For this question use annees !""-#$"!%A and !""-#$"!%H or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.$ and +.,."."

=i8en ;Cruise ach !.&5 at F7"!!istance H - C I 5!! 9Temperature I - ,,BC2eadwind component I ,! 4t=ross mass at H I %+ ,!! 4g

The fuel required from H - C is ;a)  %!6! 4gb)  +6&, 4gc)  %#$, 4gd)  +6+, 4g

Answer ;

a)  %!6! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annexe 033-1230"A 033-1230"!

234.  ( For this question use annees !""-#$"!5A and !""-#$"!5H or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.$ and +.,.".+

=i8en ;istance H - C I ",! 9Cruise "!! /0A1 at F7 $#!Temperature I - +!BCTailwind component I &! 4t=ross mass at H I ," $!! 4g

The fuel required from H - C is ;a)  #6+! 4gb)  $5!! 4gc)  $%&! 4gd)  #5#! 4g

Answer ;

a)  #6+! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annexe 033-12307A 033-12307!

235.  ( For this question use annees !""-#$"!&A and !""-#$"!&H or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.$ and +.,."."

=i8en ;istance H - C I #$!! 9Cruise ach !.&5 at F7"!!Temperature e8iation from 01A I -#+BCTailwind component I +! 4t=ross mass at H I ,! $!! 4g

The fuel required from H - C is ;a)  ,5,! 4gb)  %#,! 4gc)  &!,! 4gd)  &"!! 4g

Answer ;

b)  %#,! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annexe 033-12302A 033-12302!

236.  ( For this question use annees !""-#$"!$A and !""-#$"!$H or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.$ and +.,.".#

=i8en ;istance C - I %5! 97ong )ange Cruise at F7"+!Temperature e8iation from 01A I !B C2eadwind component I %! 4t=ross mass at C I ++ &!! 4g

The fuel required from C - is ;a)  "#!! 4gb)  "+!! 4gc)  "&!! 4gd)  +!!! 4g

Answer ;

c)  "&!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annexe 033-12302A 033-12302!

237.  ( For this question use Annees !""-#$"!$A and !""-#$"!$H or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.$ and +.,.".#

=i8en ;istance C - I "$!! 97ong )ange Cruise at F7 "+!Temperature e8iation from 01A I E#$BCTailwind component I ,! 4t=ross mass at C I ,, !!! 4g

The fuel required from C - is ;a)  #+ ,!! 4gb) #& ,!! 4gc) #& 5!! 4gd) #+ $!! 4g

Answer ;

a)  #+ ,!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #"!

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 Annexe 033-1230"A 033-1230"!

238.  ( For this question use annees !""-#$"!5A and !""-#$"!5H or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.$ and +.,.".+

=i8en ;istance C - I ,+! 9Cruise "!! /0A1 at F7 $#!Temperature e8iation from 01A I E$!BC2eadwind component I ,! 4t=ross mass at C I %! !!! 4g

The fuel required from C to is ;a)  "",! 4gb)  "%5! 4gc)  +$!! 4gd)  +%$! 4g

Answer ;

c)  +$!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12304A

239.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"!+A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

=i8en ;Hra4e release mass I ,5 !!! 4gTemperature I 01A E #,

The fuel required to climb from an aerodrome at ele8ation +!!! ft to F7"!! is ;a)  #+,! 4gb)  #$,! 4gc)  #",! 4gd)  #+!! 4g

Answer ;

b)  #$,! 4g

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #"$

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242. =i8en ;F7 "&! K !.&+AT K -+&BC

The TA1 is ;a) +#, 4tb) +"+ 4tc) +$5 4t

d) +$+ 4tAnswer ;

b) +"+ 4t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------243. =i8en ;

Course A to H !55B ( T istance #$,! 9ean TA1 ""! 4tean <: "+!B%! 4t

The time from A to the '>T between A and H is ;a)  $ hours !$ minutesb)  # hour ,+ minutesc)  # hour "6 minutes

d)  # hour +" minutesAnswer ;

d)  # hour +" minutes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------244. =i8en ;

istance A to H "!%! 9ean groundspeed “out” ++! 4tean groundspeed “bac4” ,+! 4t1afe >ndurance #! hours

The time to the 'oint of 1afe )eturn ( '1) is ;a)  , hours $! minutesb)  " hours ,, minutesc)  , hours +, minutesd)  , hours "# minutes

Answer ;

d)  , hours "# minutes-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------245. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination $&! 9True trac4 !"!<: #$!",TA1 #$, 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '>T from the departure point 3a) istance I #+# 9 Time I %5 minb)  istance I #+# 9 Time I %, minc)  istance I #"! 9 Time I %5 mind)  istance I #", 9 Time I %5 min

Answer ;

d)  istance I #", 9 Time I %5 min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------246. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination ""5 9True trac4 !+,<: $$,",TA1 #$! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  istance I #5, 9 Time I &$ minb)  istance I #$! 9 Time I +% minc)  istance I $#5 9 Time I 5, mind)  istance I #%6 9 Time I 5, min

Answer ;

b)  istance I #$! 9 Time I +% min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #"+

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247. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination ",! 9True trac4 "$!<: ",!"!TA1 #"! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  istance I $#! 9 Time I #$$ minb)  istance I #"6 9 Time I ,+ minc)  istance I #"6 9 Time I 5# min

d)  istance I #$" 9 Time I &+ minAnswer ;

a)  istance I $#! 9 Time I #$$ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------248. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination ,!! 9True trac4 !6!<: !6!$!TA1 #,! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  istance I $,! 9 Time I 55 minb)  istance I $5" 9 Time I #"# minc)  istance I "5$ 9 Time I #&%min

d)  istance I $#& 9 Time I #!! minAnswer ;

b)  istance I $5" 9 Time I #"# min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------249. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination 5&, 9True trac4 $+!<: !%!,!TA1 ,!! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  istance I &#% 9 Time I &5 minb)  istance I +5# 9 Time I %+ minc)  istance I "6+ 9 Time I +" mind)  istance I +"5 9 Time I ," min

Answer ;

c)  istance I "6+ 9 Time I +" min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------250. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination ##!! 9True trac4 $5!<: #!!5!TA1 ++! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  istance I +,! 9 Time I ,$ minb)  istance I %,! 9 Time I &, minc)  istance I ,,! 9 Time I &, mind)  istance I %,! 9 Time I #!5 min

Answer ;

a)  istance I +,! 9 Time I ,$ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------251. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination $$!! 9True trac4 #,!<: ""!,!TA1 +%! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  istance I 65! 9 Time I #++ minb)  istance I ##!! 9 Time I #&6 minc)  istance I ##$! 9 Time I #&6 mind)  istance I 65! 9 Time I ##, min

Answer ;

d)  istance I 65! 9 Time I ##, min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #",

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252. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination $5!! 9True trac4 #+!<: #+!#!!

TA1 ,!! 4t<hat is the distance and time of the '>T from the departure point 3

a)  istance I ##$! 9 Time I #"+ minb)  istance I #+!! 9 Time I #%5 minc)  istance I #%5! 9 Time I $,$ mind)  istance I ##$! 9 Time I ##$ min

Answer ;

c)  istance I #%5! 9 Time I $,$ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------253. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I #,! 91afe >ndurance I ".$ hTA1 I 6! 4t

=round 1peed ut I #!! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I 5! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  istance I &# 9 Time I +& minb)  istance I 5 9 Time I , minc)  istance I %& 9 Time I ,! mind)  istance I #+$ 9 Time I 5, min

Answer ;

d)  istance I #+$ 9 Time I 5, min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------254. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I #5! 9>ndurance I $ h

TA1 I #$! 4t=round 1peed ut I #", 4t=round 1peed 2ome I #!, 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  istance I &6 9 Time I +, minb)  istance I ##5 9 Time I ," minc)  istance I ,6 9 Time I "! mind)  istance I %$ 9 Time I $5 min

Answer ;

b)  istance I ##5 9 Time I ," min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------255. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I $+! 91afe >ndurance I "., hTA1 I #$, 4t=round 1peed ut I ##! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I #+! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  istance I #!5 9 Time I ,$ minb)  istance I #"+ 9 Time I ,5 minc)  istance I $#% 9 Time I ##5 mind)  istance I $+ 9 Time I #" min

Answer ;

c)  istance I $#% 9 Time I ##5 min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #"%

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256. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination I ,!! 91afe >ndurance I + hTA1 I #+! 4t=round 1peed ut I #,! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I #"! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  istance I $"$ 9 Time I #!& minb)  istance I $$# 9 Time I 56 min

c)  istance I $&6 9 Time I ### mind)  istance I #"6 9 Time I %! min

Answer ;

c)  istance I $&6 9 Time I ### min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------257. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I 6,! 91afe >ndurance I "., hTA1 I "%! 4t=round 1peed ut I "$! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I +!! 4t

<hat is the distance and time of the '1) from the departure point 3a) istance I "## 9 Time I ,$ min

b)  istance I %$$ 9 Time I ##& minc)  istance I "$5 9 Time I %$ mind)  istance I ,$5 9 Time I &6 min

Answer ;

b)  istance I %$$ 9 Time I ##& min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------258. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination 6, 9True trac4 #!,<: !%!#,TA1 #+! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  ,# 9b)  +&., 9c)  5$ 9d)  ++ 9

Answer ;

a)  ,# 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------259. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination #+! 9=1 ut 6! 4t=1 2ome 5! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #$+ 9b)  %% 9c) &! 9d)  &+ 9

Answer ;

b)  %% 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------260. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination #,! 9True trac4 #+$<: $!!#,TA1 #"$ 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  &6 9b)  #"+ 9c)  &, 9d)  &# 9

Answer ;

a)  &6 9

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261. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination #,! 9True trac4 !$!<: #5!"!TA1 #"! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  6# 9b)  ,6 9

c)  &, 9d)  %, 9

Answer ;

b)  ,6 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------262. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination #%, 9True trac4 !,,<: "%!$!TA1 #!, 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  &" 9b)  5" 9

c)  6$ 9d)  #"$ 9

Answer ;

c)  6$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------263. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination #5! 9True trac4 "#!<: !#!$!TA1 ##, 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  6$ 9b)  5$ 9c) 6! 9d)  65 9

Answer ;

d)  65 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------264. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination $$! 9True trac4 #&,<: $$!#!TA1 #", 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #!" 9b)  #"% 9c)  ##% 9d)  ##! 9

Answer ;

c)  ##% 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------265. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination $,! 9=1 ut #"! 4t=1 2ome #!! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #6$ 9b)  #!6 9c)  #+# 9d)  #$, 9

Answer ;

b)  #!6 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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266. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination $,% 9=1 ut #%! 4t=1 2ome ##! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #&% 9b)  #!+ 9c)  #$5 9

d)  #,$ 9Answer ;

b)  #!+ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------267. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination $5, 9True trac4 "+5<: $5!$,TA1 #$5 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #," 9b)  #$" 9c)  #"# 9

d)  #+" 9Answer ;

a)  #," 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------268. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination "#, 9True trac4 "+"<: !#,#,TA1 #!! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #&% 9b)  #+5 9c)  #"6 9d)  #%& 9

Answer ;

a)  #&% 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------269. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination "+! 9True trac4 "$!<: #%!+!TA1 ##! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  $#6 9b)  #$# 9c)  $$5 9d)  ##$ 9

Answer ;

d)  ##$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------270. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination "+! 9=1 ut #,! 4t=1 2ome #$! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #56 9b)  #,# 9c)  #&! 9d)  $&$ 9

Answer ;

b)  #,# 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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271. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination +", 9=1 ut ##! 4t=1 2ome #"! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #66 9b)  $"% 9c)  $#5 9d)  "%5 9

Answer ;b)  $"% 9

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------272. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination +&! 9True trac4 $"&<: "!!$,TA1 #$, 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  $", 9b)  $#+ 9c)  $,% 9d)  $!, 9

Answer ;c)  $,% 9

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------273. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination ,!! 9=1 ut 6, 4t=1 2ome #$, 4t

<hat is the distance of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  $#% 9b)  "5! 9c)  $5+ 9d)  $,! 9

Answer ;

c)  $5+ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------274. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I #,! 91afe >ndurance I $.+ hTrue Trac4 I $,!<: I $5!#,TA1 I #$! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  65 9b)  5" 9c)  #+$ 9d)  &# 9

Answer ;

c)  #+$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------275. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I #5! 91afe >ndurance I $.5 hTrue Trac4 I !%,<: I $+,$,TA1 I #!! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  +6 9b)  %5 9c)  %% 9d)  #"# 9

Answer ;

d)  #"# 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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276. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination I #6! 91afe >ndurance I $.+ hTrue Trac4 I #$!<: I !"!+!

TA1 I #"! 4t<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3

a)  ++ 9b)  &" 9c)  #+5 9d)  6, 9

Answer ;

c)  #+5 9----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------277. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I $!! 91afe >ndurance I " hTA1 I #"! 4t

=round 1peed ut I #,! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I ##! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  5, 9b)  6, 9c)  #6! 9d)  #! 9

Answer ;

c)  #6! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------278. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I $#! 91afe >ndurance I $., h

True Trac4 I !",<: I $,!$!TA1 I #!, 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  #&$ 9b)  %+ 9c)  55 9d)  #$& 9

Answer ;

d)  #$& 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------279. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I $#! 91afe >ndurance I "., hTrue Trac4 I "#!<: I $&!"!TA1 I #$! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  #! 9b)  $!! 9c)  #$, 9d)  #!! 9

Answer ;

b)  $!! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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280. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination I $#, 91afe >ndurance I "." hTrue Trac4 I !!,

<: I $6!#,TA1 I #$, 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  ##$ 9b)  #!" 9c)  $!, 9d)  6 9

Answer ;

c)  $!, 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------281. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I $%! 91afe >ndurance I +.# h

True Trac4 I#,!<: I #!!"!TA1 I ##! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  #!& 9b)  +& 9c)  $#" 9d)  #,+ 9

Answer ;

c)  $#" 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------282. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I "!! 9

1afe >ndurance I + hTA1 I ##! 4t=round 1peed ut I #$! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I #!! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  #"% 9b)  #!6 9c) $#5 9d)  5$ 9

Answer ;

c) $#5 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------283. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I "$! 91afe >ndurance I +." hTrue Trac4 I #$!<: I #5!+!TA1 I #"! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  #5, 9b)  $%$ 9c)  #"#9d)  ,6 9

Answer ;

b)  $%$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #+$

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288. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination I +5! 91afe >ndurance I , hTrue Trac4 I "#,

<: I #!!$!TA1 I ##, 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  $!, 9b)  #66 9c)  #+# 9d)  $5! 9

Answer ;

d)  $5! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------289. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I ,,! 9>ndurance I ".% h

True Trac4 I $!!<: I $$!#,TA1 I #"! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  "#6 9b)  ##% 9c)  $"# 9d)  "!, 9

Answer ;

c)  $"# 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------290. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I #!!! 9

1afe >ndurance I + hTA1 I ,!! 4t=round 1peed ut I ,,! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I +,! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  +,! 9b)  66! 9c)  #! 9d)  +6, 9

Answer ;

b)  66! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------291. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I $!!! 9>ndurance I , hTA1 I ,!! 4t=round 1peed ut I +5! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I ,$! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  &,$ 9b)  %$+ 9c)  #!+! 9d)  #$+5 9

Answer ;

d)  #$+5 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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292. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination I "&,! 91afe >ndurance I 6., hTrue Trac4 I "%!

<: I "%!,!TA1 I +5! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  $!&! 9b)  ##$5 9c)  $$,, 9d)  #+6, 9

Answer ;

c)  $$,, 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------293. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I +%"! 91afe >ndurance I #$.+ h

True Trac4 I $+!<: I !%!5!TA1 I ,"! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  #+#6 9b)  "$## 9c)  %#!% 9d)  #6%% 9

Answer ;

b)  "$## 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------294. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I ,!!! 9

1afe >ndurance I #! hTA1 I +,! 4t=round 1peed ut I ,!! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I +!! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  $,!! 9b)  #### 9c)  $&&5 9d)  $$$$ 9

Answer ;

d)  $$$$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------295. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I %"+! 91afe >ndurance I #, hTrue Trac4 I !6!<: I $&!#!!TA1 I ,$! 4t

<hat is the distance of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  #5&5 9b)  "&,% 9c)  $,5+ 9d)  $,%! 9

Answer ;


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297. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination 6,! 9=1 ut $&, 4t=1 2ome $$, 4t

<hat is the time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  "6 min

b)  #"6 minc)  6" mind)  ##+ min

Answer ;

c)  6" min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------298. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination #"+, 9=1 ut +5! 4t=1 2ome "%! 4t

<hat is the time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #$5 minb)  ,! min

c)  &$ mind)  6% min

Answer ;

c)  &$ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------299. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination #5%! 9=1 ut "%! 4t=1 2ome +!! 4t

<hat is the time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #"$ minb)  $$ minc)  #+& mind)  #%" min

Answer ;

d)  #%" min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------300. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination #6,! 9=1 ut +!! 4t=1 2ome "!! 4t

<hat is the time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #$, minb)  $$" minc)  #%& mind)  $6 min

Answer ;

a)  #$, min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------301. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination $"5! 9=1 ut +$! 4t=1 2ome ,$! 4t

<hat is the time of the '>T from the departure point 3a)  #6 minb)  #55 minc)  #,$ mind)  #$" min

Answer ;

b)  #55 min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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302. =i8en ;istance from departure to destination $,!! 9=1 ut ,+! 4t

=1 2ome +&! 4t<hat is the time of the '>T from the departure point 3

a)  #$6 minb)  #&# minc)  #+6 mind)  $5 min

Answer ;

a)  #$6 min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------303. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I #,!! 91afe >ndurance I +., hTA1 I +,! 4t

=round 1peed ut I +5! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I +#! 4t

<hat is the time of the '1) from the departure point 3a) #!# minb)  #$+ minc)  %" mind)  %% min

Answer ;

b)  #$+ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------304. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I $+,! 91afe >ndurance I &., h

TA1 I +#! 4t=round 1peed ut I "%! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I +%! 4t

<hat is the time of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  ### minb)  $,$ minc)  #,% mind)  #65 min

Answer ;

b)  $,$ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------305. =i8en ;

istance from departure to destination I "!!! 91afe >ndurance I 5 hTA1 I ,$! 4t=round 1peed ut I %!! 4t=round 1peed 2ome I ++! 4t

<hat is the time of the '1) from the departure point 3a)  $&& minb)  ##& minc)  $!" mind)  #&" min

Answer ;

c)  $!" min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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306. =i8en ;rD operating mass ( I "",#! 4gTraffic 7oad I &%!! 4gTrip fuel ( TF I $!+! 4g

Final reser8e fuel I 65" 4gAlternate fuel I ##!! 4gContingencD fuel I , of trip fuel

<hich of the listed estimated masses is correct 3a)  >stimated ta4e-off mass K +,$"" 4g.b)  >stimated landing mass at destination K +"#6" 4g.c)  >stimated landing mass at destination K +"$6, 4g.d)  >stimated ta4e-off mass K +"$6, 4g.

Answer ;

c)  >stimated landing mass at destination K +"$6, 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annexe 033-11224A 033-11224! 033-11224/ 

307.  ( For this question use annees !""-##$$+A @ !""-##$$+H and !""-##$$+C

=i8en ;Ta4e-off mass I #,! !!! 4g'lanned cruise at F7 ",!7ong range AC21tandard Atmosphere ( 01A C= I "&

Oou ha8e to co8er an air distance of $ !!! 9. Oour flight time will be ;a)  $65 minutesb)  "!+ minutesc)  ",6 minutesd)  $55 minutes

Answer ;

b)  "!+ minutes

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 Annex 033-12345A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------308.  ( For this question use Anne !""-#$"+,A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".,

=i8en a trip time of about 6 hours @ within the limits of the data gi8en @ a temperature decrease of "!BC will affect the triptime bD approimatelD ;

a)  E"b)  E &c)  -+d)  -#!

Answer ;

b)  E &

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 Annex 033-12342A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------309. =i8en the following ;

K flight distanceR K distance to 'oint of >qual Time=1o K groundspeed out=1r K groundspeed return

The correct formula to find distance to 'oint of >qual Time is ;a)  R K =1r ( =1o E =1r b)  R K ( $ =1o ( =1o E =1r c)  R K ( $ E =1r ( =1o E =1r

d)  R K =1o ( =1o E =1r Answer ;

a)  R K =1r ( =1o E =1r -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------310.  ( For this question use anne.!""-#$"+$A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".,

=i8en the following ;2ead wind component ,! 4tTemperature 01A E #!BCHra4e release mass %,!!! 4gTrip fuel a8ailable #5!!! 4g

<hat is the maimum possible trip distance 3a)  "+5! 9b)  $&+! 9c)  $,+! 9d)  "#!! 9

Answer ;

b)  $&+! 9

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 Annex 033-12310A

 Annex 033-12310A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------311.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.+

2709= '7A9909= ;The fuel required for "! minutes holding @ in a racetrac4 pattern @ at 'A #,!! ft @ mean gross mass +, !!! 4g @ is ;

a)  #"#! 4gb)  #!6! 4gc)  #!#! 4gd)  $#5! 4g

Answer ;

b)  #!6! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

312.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.+

2709= '7A9909= ;

The fuel required for +, minutes holding @ in a racetrac4 pattern @ at 'A ,!!! ft @ mean gross mass +& !!! 4g @ is ;a)  #!6! 4gb)  #%", 4gc)  ##$, 4gd)  #%6! 4g

Answer ;

b)  #%", 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------313. 2ow manD feet Dou ha8e to climb to reach F7 &, 3

=i8en ;F7 &,eparture aerodrome ele8ation #,!! ftJ92 K #!$" h'aTemperature K 01A# h'a K "! ft

a) %"!! ft.b)  %%!! ft.c)  &5!! ft.d)  %!!! ft.

Answer ;

a) %"!! ft.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------314. 2ow manD hours in ad8ance of >HT should a ATC flight plan be filed in the case of flights into areas subGect to air trafficflow management ( ATF 3

a)  #I!! hour.b)  "I!! hours.c)  !I"! hours.d)  $ hours.

Answer ;

b)  "I!! hours.

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-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------315. 0f a pilot lands at an aerodrome other than the destination aerodrome specified in the flight plan @ he must ensure that the AT1unit at the destination aerodrome is informed within a certain number of minutes of his planned >TA at destination. This number ofminutes is ;

a) #!b)  "!c)  #,d)  +,

Answer ;

b)  "!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------316. 0f CA1 is #6! 4ts @ Altitude 6!!! ft. Temp. 01A -#!BC @ True Course ( TC ",!B @ <: "$!+! @ distance from departure todestination is ",! 9 @ endurance " hours @ and actual time of departure is ##!, ?TC. The distance from departure to 'oint of >qualTime ( '>T is ;

a)  #%& 9b)  $!" 9c)  #5" 9d)  #+& 9

Answer ;

b)  $!" 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------317. 0f CA1 is #6! 4ts @ Altitude 6!!! ft. Temp. 01A -#!BC @ True Course ( TC ",!B @ <: "$!+! @ distance from departure todestination is ",! 9 @ endurance " hours @ and actual time of departure is ##!, ?TC. The 'oint of >qual Time ( '>T is reached at ;

a)  #$!" ?TCb)  #$$# ?TCc)  #$"" ?TCd)  #$#" ?TC

Answer ;

d)  #$#" ?TC-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------318. ( For this question use T) @ Harcelona Area chart (#!-#:

0f routeing along the Harcelona :F) corridors from )eus )>' to 1A9 C>790 @ what is the maimum altitude a8ailablewithout changing 3

a) "!!! ftb) $!!! ftc) ",!! ftd) +,!! ft

Answer ;

b) $!!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------319. 0f Dour destination airport has no 0CA indicator @ in the appropriate bo of Dour ATC flight plan @ Dou write ;

a) RRRRb)  NNNNc)  AAAAd) 

Answer ;

b)  NNNN-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------320. 0n a flight plan when the destination aerodrome is A and the alternate aerodrome is H @ the final reser8e fuel for a turboGetengine aeroplane corresponds to ;

a) "! minutes holding #.,!! feet abo8e aerodrome Hb) "! minutes holding $.!!! feet abo8e aerodrome Hc) #, minutes holding $.!!! feet abo8e aerodrome Ad) "! minutes holding #.,!! feet abo8e aerodrome A

Answer ;

a) "! minutes holding #.,!! feet abo8e aerodrome H-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------321. 0n an ATC flight plan 0tem #, @ in order to define a position as a bearing and distance from a :) @ the group of figuresshould consist of ;

a)  full name of :) @ true bearing and distance in 4ilometres.b)  :) ident @ magnetic bearing and distance in 4ilometres.c)  :) ident @ magnetic bearing and distance in nautical miles.d)  :) ident @ true bearing and distance in 4ilometres.

Answer ;

c)  :) ident @ magnetic bearing and distance in nautical miles.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-4616A

322. 0n an ATC flight plan 0tem #, ( route @ a cruising pressure altitude of "$!!! feet would be entered as ;a)  1"$!!b)  F7"$!c)  F"$!d)  "$!!!

Answer ;

c)  F"$!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------323. 0n an ATC flight plan 0tem #, ( route @ in terms of latitude and longitude@ a significant point at +#B",P north +B#,P east

should be entered as ;a)  +#B",P 9 !+B #,P>b)  +#",9!!+#,>c)  9+#", >!!+#,d)  9!+#",>!+#,

Answer ;

b)  +#",9!!+#,>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------324.  ( For this question use anne !""-+%#%A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".%

0n order to find A7T>)9AT> F?>7 and T0> T A7T>)9AT> @ the A>)'7A9> '>)AT09= A9?A7 shall beentered with ;

a)  distance in nautical miles ( 9 @ wind component @ Mero fuel mass.b)  distance in nautical air miles ( 9A @ wind component @ landing mass at alternate.c)  distance in nautical miles ( 9 @ wind component @ drD operating mass plus holding fuel.d)  distance in nautical miles ( 9 @ wind component @ landing mass at alternate.

Answer ;

d)  distance in nautical miles ( 9 @ wind component @ landing mass at alternate.

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 Annex 033-4616A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------325.  ( For this question use anne !""-##&!$ A

The true course is !+$B.The 8ariation in the area is %B < and the wind is calm.The de8iation card is reproduced in the anne.

0n order to follow this course @ the pilot must flD a compass heading of ;a)  !,$Bb)  !++Bc)  !+!Bd)  !,5B

Answer ;a)  !,$B

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------326.  ( For this question use anne !""-+%#%A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".%

0n order to get alternate fuel and time @ the twin-Get aeroplane operations manual graph shall be entered with ;a) Flight time @ wind component @ landing mass at alternate.b) 1till air distance @ wind component @ Mero fuel mass.c) istance ( 9 @ wind component @ Mero fuel mass.d) istance ( 9 @ wind component @ landing mass at alternate.

Answer ;

d) istance ( 9 @ wind component @ landing mass at alternate.

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 Annexe 033-11226A 033-11226!


327.  ( For this question use annees !""-##$$%A and !""-##$$%H

0n standard atmosphere @ assuming a mass of #6& !!! 4g @ in order to flD at F7 "&! and to be at the optimum altitude @ Dourach number should be ;

a)  !.5!b)  !.5+c)  the same as for 7)C (7ong )ange Cruised)  !.5$

Answer ;

d)  !.5$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------328. 0n the appropriate bo of an ATC flight plan @ for endurance @ one must indicate the time corresponding to ;

a)  the required fuel for the flight plus the alternate and +, minutes.b)  the total usable fuel on board.c)  the total usable fuel on board minus reser8e fuel.d)  the required fuel for the flight.

Answer ;

b)  the total usable fuel on board.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------329. 0n the appropriate bo of an ATC flight plan form @ concerning equipment @ the letter to be used to indicate that the aircraft isequipped with a mode A +!6% codes transponder with altitude reporting capabilitD is ;

a)  1b)  Cc)  Ad)  '

Answer ;

b)  C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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330. 0n the appropriate bo of an ATC flight plan form @ corresponding to the estimated time of departure @ the time indicated isthat at which the aircraft intends to ;

a)  go off bloc4s.b)  pass the departure beacon.c)  start-up.d)  ta4e-off.

Answer ;a)  go off bloc4s.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------331. 0n the ATC flight plan 0tem #! ( equipment @ the letter to indicate the carriage of a ser8iceable transponder - mode A( + digits-+!6% codes and mode C @ is ;

a)  'b)  Cc) Hd)  A

Answer ;

b)  C-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------332.  0n the ATC flight plan 0tem #! @ “standard equipment” is considered to be ;

a)  :2F )TF @ AF @ :) and 071b)  :2F )TF @ AF @ :) and transponder c)  :2F )TF @ :) @ 091 and transponder d)  :2F )TF @ :) @ 071 and transponder 

Answer ;

a)  :2F )TF @ AF @ :) and 071-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------333. 0n the ATC flight plan 0tem #" @ in a flight plan submitted before departure @ the departure time entered is the ;

a)  estimated time o8er the first point en route.b)  estimated ta4e-off time.c)  estimated off-bloc4 time.d)  allocated slot time.

Answer ;

c)  estimated off-bloc4 time.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------334. 0n the ATC flight plan 0tem #, @ a cruising speed of +&! 4nots will be entered as ;

a)  /9+&!b)  9!+&!c)  !+&!/ d)  9+&!

Answer ;

b)  9!+&!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------335. 0n the ATC flight plan 0tem #, ( Cruising speed @ when not epressed as a ach number @ cruising speed is epressed as ;

a)  CA1b)  =roundspeedc)  TA1d)  0A1

Answer ;

c)  TA1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------336.  0n the ATC flight plan 0tem #, @ for a flight along a designated route @ where the departure aerodrome is not on or connectedto that route ;

a)  it is not necessarD to indicate the point of Goining that route as it will be ob8ious to theAT1 unit.

b)  the letters “CT” should be entered @ followed bD the point of Goining the AT1 routec)  the words “as cleared” should be enteredd)  it is necessarD onlD to gi8e the first reporting point on that route

Answer ;

b)  the letters “CT” should be entered @ followed bD the point of Goining the AT1 route-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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337. 0n the ATC flight plan item #, @ it is necessarD to enter anD point at which a change of cruising speed ta4es place. For this purpose a “change of speed” is defined as ;

a)  #! TA1 or !.!, ach or more.b)  $! 4m per hour or !.# ach or more.c)  , TA1 or !.!# ach or more.d)  $! 4nots or !.!, ach or more.

Answer ;

c)  , TA1 or !.!# ach or more.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------338. 0n the ATC flight plan item #, @ when entering a route for which standard departure ( 10 and standard arri8al ( 1TA)

 procedures eist ;a)  neither 10 nor 1TA) should be entered.b)  both should be entered in the ATC plan where appropriate.c)  10s should be entered but not 1TA)s.d)  1TA)1 should be entered but not 10s.

Answer ;

b)  both should be entered in the ATC plan where appropriate.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------339. 0n the ATC flight plan 0tem #6 @ if the number of passengers to be carried is not 4nown when the plan is readD for filing ;

a)  “TH9” ( to be notified maD be entered in the rele8ant bo.

b)  the plan maD not be filed until the information is a8ailable.c)  an estimate maD be entered but that number maD not subsequentlD be eceeded.d)  the plan should be filed with the rele8ant bo blan4.

Answer ;

a)  “TH9” ( to be notified maD be entered in the rele8ant bo.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------340. 0n the AT1 flight plan @ for a non-scheduled flight which of the following letters should be entered in 0tem 5 ( TDpe ofFlight ;

a)  =b)  Rc)  9d)  91

Answer ;

c)  9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------341.  0n the AT1 flight plan item & @ for a radio equipped aircraft @ the identifier must alwaDs ;

a)  be the )TF callsign to be usedb)  include an indication of the aircraft tDpec)  include the aircraft registration mar4ingd)  include the operating agencD designator 

Answer ;

a)  be the )TF callsign to be used-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------342.  0n the AT1 flight plan 0tem #6 @ emergencD and sur8i8al equipment carried on the flight should be indicated bD ;

a)  placing a tic4 in the rele8ant bob)  crossing out the bo rele8ant to anD equipment not carriedc)  listing the items carried on the “)>A)/1” lined)  circling the rele8ant bo

Answer ;

b)  crossing out the bo rele8ant to anD equipment not carried-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------343. 0n the cruise at F7 #,, at $%! 4t TA1 @ the pilot plans for a ,!! feetmin descent in order to flD o8erhead A9 :) at $ !!!feet ( J92 #!"! . TA1 will remain constant during descent @ wind is negligible @ temperature is standard. The pilot must start thedescent at a distance from A9 of ;

a)  #"! 9b)  ##! 9c)  #$! 9d)  #+! 9

Answer ;

c)  #$! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-111"1A

344.  0n the e8ent that 1>7CA7 @ is prescribed bD an appropriate authoritD @ in which section of the ATC flight plan will the1>7CA7 code be entered 3

a)  T2>) 09F)AT09b)  )?T>

c)  >J?0'>9Td)  A0)C)AFT 0>9T0F0CAT09

Answer ;

a)  T2>) 09F)AT09-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------345.  ( For this question use anne !""-###5"A

0n the 8icinitD of 'A)01 ( +6B9 !!"B> the tropopause is at about ;a)  F7+!!b)  F7",!c)  F7"+!d)  F7"5!

Answer ;

d)  F7"5!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11253A 033-11253! 033-11253/ 033-11253)

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------349.  0tem 6 of the ATC flight plan includes “9?H>) A9 TO'> F A0)C)AFT”. 0n this case “9?H>)” means ;

a)  the number of aircraft flDing in a groupb)  the registration number of the aircraftc)  the number of aircraft which will separatelD be using a repetiti8e flight plan ( )'7 d)  the 0CA tDpe designator number as set out in 0CA oc 5%+"

Answer ;

a)  the number of aircraft flDing in a group-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------350.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$,"A @ !""-##$,"H @ !""-##$,"C and !""-##$,"

/nowing that ;ass at bra4e release I #6! !!! 4g1elected cruise speed I !.5$ achFlight leg distance I # ,!! 9Cruise le8el I optimumAir conditioning I standardAnti-icing I FFTemperature I 01AC= I "&

Assuming Mero wind @ the planned flight time from ta4e-off to landing needed to complete this flight will be ;a)  $!" minutesb)  #65 minutesc)  $!6 minutesd)  #6$ minutes

Answer ;

c)  $!6 minutes

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 Annex 033-11252A 033-11252! 033-11252/ 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------351.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$,$A @ !""-##$,$H and !""-##$,$C

/nowing that ;ass at bra4e release I $#! !!! 4g1elected cruise speed I !.5$ achAir distance I " !!! 9Cruise le8el I optimumAir conditioning I standardAnti-icing I FFTemperature I 01AC= I "&

Assuming Mero wind @ the planned flight time from ta4e-off to landing needed to complete this flight will be ;a)  "6+ minutesb)  +!! minutesc)  "56 minutesd)  "5" minutes

Answer ;

b)  +!! minutes

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #%"

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 Annex 033-11252A 033-11252! 033-11252/ 

353.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$,$A @ !""-##$,$H @ and !""-##$,$C

/nowing that ;ass at bra4e release I $#! !!! 4g1elected cruise speed I !.5$ achFlight leg distance I " !!! 9Cruise le8el I optimumAir conditioning I standardAnti-icing I FFTemperature I 01AC= I "&

Assuming Mero wind @ the planned landing mass at destination will be ;a)  #&$ "!! 4gb)  #&! +!! 4gc)  #&# "!! 4gd)  #&% #!! 4g

Answer ;

a)  #&$ "!! 4g

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #%,

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354. ar4 the correct statement ;0f a decision point procedure is applied for flight planning ;

a)  the trip fuel to the destination aerodrome is to be calculated 8ia the suitable enroute alternate.b)  the trip fuel to the destination aerodrome is to be calculated 8ia the decision point.c)  the fuel calculation is based on a contingencD fuel from departure aerodrome to the decision point.

d)  a destination alternate is not required.Answer ;

b)  the trip fuel to the destination aerodrome is to be calculated 8ia the decision point.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------355. inimum planned ta4e-off fuel is #%! 4g ( "! total reser8e fuel is included .Assume the groundspeed on this trip isconstant. <hen the aircraft has done half the distance the remaining fuel is &! 4g. 0s di8ersion to a nearbD alternate necessarD 3

a)  i8ersion to a nearbD alternate is not necessarD @ because it is allowed to calculate without reser8e fuel.b)  i8ersion to a nearbD alternate is necessarD @ because the remaining fuel is not sufficient.c)  i8ersion to a nearbD alternate is necessarD @ unless the captain decides to continue on his own responsibilitD.d) i8ersion to a nearbD alternate is not necessarD @ because the reser8e fuel has not been used completelD.

Answer ;

b)  i8ersion to a nearbD alternate is necessarD @ because the remaining fuel is not sufficient.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

356.  ( For this question use anne !""-#!66#A or )oute anual chart >(20, CAA->dition f the following @ the preferred airwaDs routing from AH01> AH ##".& ( +&B$%P9 !!#B!+P> to A=>9 A=9

( +"B,"BP9 !!!B,$P> abo8e F7$!! is ;a)  ?2+! F?C ?2$! '>)0C ?A"+b)  ?H#6 C=C ?A$,c)  ?H#6 '0 ?H#6,d)  ?A"+

Answer ;

d)  ?A"+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------357.  ( For this question use anne !""-#!66$A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

f the following @ the preferred airwaDs routing from C7ACT9 C79 ##+.,, ( ,#B,#P9 !!#B!6P> to 09A) 09 ##+."( +5B",P9 !!$B!,P< abo8e F7$+, is ;

a)  ?)#$ 0 ?A+& '> ?A+&, 1/? ?2###b)  ?)#$ 0 ?)5 1A ?H## HA)7? ?<##,c)  ?H$6 7A ?)# 0 ?A"+ 707A9 ?)6d)  ?H$6 7A ?)# )TAC ?)#+

Answer ;

d)  ?H$6 7A ?)# )TAC ?)#+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------358.  ( For this question use anne !""-#!656A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

f the following @ the preferred airwaDs routing from F)A9/F?)T FF ##+.$ ( ,!B!"P9 !!5B"5P> to //1O ( ,#B!%P9!!$B"6P> abo8e F7$+, @ on a <ednesdaD is ;

a)  ?=#b)  ?)#! 9T ?H% H?H AT1c)  ?H%6 09/0 ?H% H?H AT1d) ?=#!5 1'0 ?=#

Answer ;

b)  ?)#! 9T ?H% H?H AT1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------359.  ( For this question use anne !""-#!66!A or )oute anual chart >(20, CAA->dition

f the following @ the preferred airwaDs routing from A)T0=?>1 T= ##&." ( +"B$"P9 !!,B!,P> to 1T ')>R 1')##".6 ( +%B$5P9 !!%B$&P> abo8e F7$+, is ;

a)  ?H$5+ :07A) ?H$5b)  ?A% 71A ?=,$c)  ?H$5d)  ?H$5$ =9 ?H+%

Answer ;

d)  ?H$5$ =9 ?H+%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #%%

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d)  0F) followed bD :F) 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------367. n an ATC flight plan @ to indicate that Dou will o8erflD the waDpoint )> at #$! 4t at flight le8el !5, @ Dou will write ;

a)  )>F7!5,9!#$!b)  )>/!#$!F7!5,c)  )>F!5,9!#$!d)  )>9!#$!F!5,

Answer ;

d)  )>9!#$!F!5,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------368. n an ATC flight plan @ to indicate that Dou will o8erflD the waD-point TA9= at ",! 4ts at flight le8el $5! @ Dou write ;

a) TA9=9!",!F$5!b) TA9=T",!F$5!

c) TA9=/!",!F7$5!d) TA9=F7$5!9!",!

Answer ;

a) TA9=9!",!F$5!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------369. n an ATC flight plan @ Dou are required to indicate in the bo mar4ed “speed” the planned speed for the first part of thecruise or for the entire cruise.This speed is ;

a)  The estimated ground speed.b)  The indicated airspeed.c)  The equi8alent airspeed.d)  The true airspeed.

Answer ;

d)  The true airspeed.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------370. n an 0F) na8igation chart @ in a #B quadrant of longitude and latitude @ appears the following information “5!”. This meansthat within this quadrant ;

a)  the minimum safe altitude is 5!!! ftb)  the minimum flight le8el is F7 5!c)  the altitude of the highest obstacle is 5!!! ftd)  the floor of the airwaD is at 5!!! ft

Answer ;

a)  the minimum safe altitude is 5!!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------371. n an instrument approach chart @ a minimum sector altitude ( 1A is defined in relation to a radio na8igation facilitD.<ithout anD particular specification on distance @ this altitude is 8alid to ;

a)  #, 9b)  $, 9c)  #! 9d)  $! 9

Answer ;

b)  $, 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #%5

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 ,age 11


374. ( For this question use 0mage ##

'lanned and actual data as shown in the Flight 7og ecerpt. Actual =round 1peed ( =1 on the leg H>TA to =AA will be ##! /T. 0f all other flight parameters remain unchanged @ what fuel remaining should be epected at waDpoint =AA 3

a) $%$, 4gb) $6!! 4gc) $5$! 4gd) $&$" 4g

Answer ;

a) $%$, 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------375. 'lanning a flight from 'aris ( Charles de =aulle to 7ondon (2eathrow for a twin S Get aeroplane.

'replanning ;

aimum Ta4e-off ass I %$ 5!! 4gaimum Nero Fuel ass I ,# $,! 4gaimum 7anding ass I ,+ 6!! 4gaimum Tai ass I %" !,! 4g

Assume the following preplanning results ;Trip fuel I # 5!! 4gAlternate fuel I # +!! 4g2olding fuel ( final reser8e I # $$, 4grD perating ass I "+ !!! 4gTraffic 7oad I #" !!! 4gCatering I &,! 4gHaggage I " ,!! 4g

Find the Ta4e-off ass ( T ;a)  ,, &%, 4g.b)  ,$ $%, 4g.c)  ,# +$, 4g.d)  ,# ,#, 4g.

Answer ;

d)  ,# ,#, 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #&!

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 Annex 033-3910A

376.  ( For this question use anne !""-"6#!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.+

'lanning a flight from 'aris Charles de =aulle to 7ondon 2eathrow for a twin-Get aeroplane.'replanning ;

rD perating ass ( I "+ !!! 4gTraffic 7oad I #" !!! 4gThe holding is planned at # ,!! ft abo8e alternate ele8ation.

The alternate ele8ation is $,% ft.The holding is planned for "! minutes with no reductions.

etermine the >stimated 7anding ass at alternate anchester ;a) $ $,! 4g.b)  +5 #$, 4g.c)  +6 $,! 4g.d)  +5 %&, 4g.

Answer ;

b)  +5 #$, 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------377.  ( For this question use annees !""-"6#$A and !""-"6#$H or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition and Flight planningmanual Figure +.".$A

'lanning a flight from 'aris Charles de =aulle ( 9+6 !!.6 >!!$ "%.6 to 7ondon 2eathrow ( 9,# $6.$ <!!! $&.6 for a

twin-Get aeroplane.'replanning ;

'ower setting I ach !.&+'lanned flight le8el F7 $5!The 7anding ass in the fuel graph is ,! !!! 4gThe trip distance used for calculation is $!! 9The wind from 'aris to 7ondon is $5!B+! 4t

Find the estimated trip fuel ;a)  # ,,! 4g.b)  # &+! 4g.c)  # 6!! 4g.d)  # +,! 4g.

Answer ;

b)  # &+! 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------378.  ( For this question use annees !""-"6##A and !""-"6##H or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition and Flight planningmanual Figure +.".%

'lanning a flight from 'aris Charles de =aulle ( 9+6 !!.6 >!!$ "%.6 to 7ondon 2eathrow ( 9,# $6.$ <!!! $&.6 for atwin-Get aeroplane. The alternate airport is anchester ( 9," $#.+ <!!$ #,.& .

'replanning ;The wind from 7ondon to anchester is $,!B"! 4tThe distance from 7ondon to anchester is #%! 9.Assume the >stimated 7anding ass at alternate is about ,! !!! 4g.

Find the alternate fuel and the according time ;a)  # "!! 4g and $5 minutes.b) # $!! 4g and $% minutes.c)  # +,! 4g and "$ minutes.d)  # %!! 4g and "% minutes.

Answer ;

c)  # +,! 4g and "$ minutes.

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 Annex 033-11073A Annex 033-11073!


379.  ( For this question use annees !""-##!&"A @ !""-##!&"H @ !""-##!&"C and !""-##!&"

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #&$

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 Annex 033-11073/ 

 Annex 033-11073)

'lanning a AC2 !.5$ cruise at F7 "6! @ the estimated landing mass is #%! !!! 4g @ the ground distance is $ 5!! 9 andthe mean tailwind is #!! 4t @ 01A conditions. Fuel consumption will be ;

a)  $% 6,! 4gb)  $$ 5%! 4gc)  "! ##& 4gd)  $+ 6!! 4g

Answer ;

a)  $% 6,! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #&"

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 Annex 033-11073A Annex 033-11073!

380.  ( For this question use annees !""-##!&"A @ !""-##!&"H @ !""-##!&"C and !""-##!&"

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #&+

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 Annex 033-11073/  Annex 033-11073)

'lanning a AC2 !.5$ cruise at F7 "6! @ the estimated landing mass is #%! !!! 4g. The ground distance is $ 5!! 9 andthe mean wind is equal to Mero. 01A conditions. Fuel consumption will be ;

a)  "! ##& 4gb)  $& ,&& 4gc)  "! "&# 4gd)  "$ %,& 4g

Answer ;

d)  "$ %,& 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #&,

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 Annex 033-9703A

381.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&!"A or )oute anual 10 chart $!-" for 'A)01 Charles-de-=aulle

'lanning an 0F)-flight from 'aris ( Charles de =aulle )<O $& to 7ondon.=i8en ;

istance from 'A)01 Charles-de-=aulle to top of climb ,! 9etermine the distance from the top of climb ( TC to AHH ##%.% ;

a)  "# 9b)  $+., 9c)  "" 9d)  "%., 9

Answer ;

b)  $+., 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9703A

382.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&!"A or )oute anual chart 10 'A)01 Charles-e-=aulle ($!-"

'lanning an 0F) flight from 'aris ( Charles de =aulle to 7ondon ( 2eathrow . Find the ele8ation of the departureaerodrome ;

a)  $#& ft.b)  $ ft.c)  $%5 ft.d)  "5& ft.

Answer ;

d)  "5& ft.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #&&

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 Annex 033-9710!

383.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&#!H or )oute anual chart 1TA) 799 2eathrow (#!-$

'lanning an 0F) flight from 'aris ( Charles de =aulle to 7ondon ( 2eathrow . Find the ele8ation of the destinationaerodrome ;

a)  #!! ft.b)  5! ft.c)  && ft.d)  #&& ft.

Answer ;

b)  5! ft.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9700A

384.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&!!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

'lanning an 0F)-flight from 'aris ( Charles de =aulle to 7ondon ( 2eathrow for the twin Get aeroplane.=i8en ;

>stimated Ta4e-off ass ( T ,$!!! 4gAirport ele8ation "5& ftF7 $5!<: $5!B+! 4t01A e8iation -#!BCA8erage True Course "+!B

Find I Time to the top of climb ( TC ;a)  #, minb)  " minc)  #$ mind)  ## min

Answer ;

d)  ## min

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 Annex 033-9706A

390.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&!%A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.+

'lanning an 0F)-flight from 'aris to 7ondon for the twin Get aeroplane.=i8en ;

>stimated 7anding ass +6&!! 4gF7 $5!<: $5!B+! 4tA8erage True Course "$!B'rocedure for descent .&+ $,! /0A1

etermine the fuel consumption from the top of descent to 7ondon ( ele8ation 5! ft ;a)  "$! 4gb) $%" 4gc)  $#! 4gd)  $&" 4g

Answer ;

d)  $&" 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #5$

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 Annex 033-970"A

391.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&!5A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".$

'lanning an 0F)-flight from 'aris to 7ondon for the twin Get aeroplane.=i8en ;

=ross mass ,!!!! 4gF7 $5!01A e8iation -#!BCCruise procedure ach !.&+

etermine the TA1 ;a)  +$& 4tb)  +"! 4tc)  ++! 4td)  +#& 4t

Answer ;

b)  +"! 4t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #5"

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 Annex 033-9700A

393.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&!!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.#

'lanning an 0F)-flight from 'aris to 7ondon for the twin Get aeroplane.=i8en ;

>stimated Ta4e-off ass ( T ,$!!! 4gAirport ele8ation "5& ftF7 $5!<: $5!B+! 4t01A e8iation -#!BCA8erage True Course "+!B

Find I Fuel to the top of climb ( TC ;a)  #,!! lbsb)  ##!! 4gc)  #!!! lbsd)  #!!! 4g

Answer ;

d)  #!!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9699A 033-9699!

394.  ( For this question use anne !""-6%66A and !""-6%66H or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # 'aragraph ,.# and Figure+.,.#

'lanning an 0F)-flight from 'aris to 7ondon for a twin Get aeroplane.=i8en ;

>stimated Ta4e-off ass ( T ,$!!! 4gAirport ele8ation "5& ftF7 $5!<: $5!B+! 4t01A-e8iation -#!BCA8erage True Course "+!B

Find I =round distance to the top of climb ( TC ;a)  ," 9b)  ,% 9c)  +& 9d)  ,! 9

Answer ;

d)  ,! 9

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 Annex 033-3301A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------395.  ( For this question use annees !""-"6!5A @ !""-6&#!H and !""-6&#!C or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition @ 1TA) #!-$ and 0nstrument approach chart ##-+ 071 > )wD $&) for 7ondon 2eathrow

'lanning an 0F)-flight from 'aris to 7ondon ( 2eathrow .Assume ;

1TA) is H0= $A:ariation ,B <>n-route TA1 +"! 4ts<: $5!+!escent distance &%9

etermine the magnetic course @ ground speed and wind correction angle from AHH ##%.% ( 9,! !5.# >!!# ,#." to top ofdescent ;

a)  C #+#B @ =1 "6% 4t @ <CA -"Bb)  C #+#B @ =1 "6% 4t @ <CA E"Bc) C "#6B @ =1 "6% 4t @ <CA -"Bd)  C "$#B @ =1 "6% 4t @ <CA -"B

Answer ;

d)  C "$#B @ =1 "6% 4t @ <CA -"B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------396.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&#$A and !""-6&#$ H or )oute anual 1TA) #!-$ and 0nstrument approach chart ##-+071> )wD $&) for 7ondon (2eathrow

'lanning an 0F)-flight from 'aris to 7ondon ( 2eathrow .9ame the identifier and frequencD of the initial approach fi( 0AF of the H0= $A arri8al route ;

a)  H0= ##,.# 42Mb)  >' "#% 42Mc)  C/ ##,." 2Md)  H0= ##,.# 2M

Answer ;

d)  H0= ##,.# 2M

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #5&

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 Annex 033-11262A


397. ( For this question use anne !""-##$%$A

'rior to an 0F) flight @ when filling in the 0CA flight plan @ the time information which should be entered in bo #" I“Time” is ;

a)  planned ta4e-off time.b) the time of flight plan filing.c) estimated off-bloc4 time.d)  planned engine start time.

Answer ;

c) estimated off-bloc4 time.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11262A

398.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$%$A

'rior to an 0F) flight @ when filling in the 0CA flight plan @ the time information which should be entered in bo #% I “Totalestimated time” is the time elapsed from ;

a)  ta4e-off until reaching the 0AF ( 0nitial Approach Fi of the destination aerodrome.b)  ta4e-off until landing.c)  tai-out prior to ta4e-off until taiing completion after landing.d)  taiing until the 0AF ( 0nitial Approach Fi of the destination aerodrome.

Answer ;

a)  ta4e-off until reaching the 0AF ( 0nitial Approach Fi of the destination aerodrome.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-9562A

399.  ( For this question use anne !""-6,%$A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.,.".#

The aeroplane gross mass at top of climb is %#,!! 4g. The distance to be flown is "5, 9 at F7 ",! and AT -,+." BC. Thewind component is +! 4t tailwind. ?sing long range cruise procedure what fuel is required 3

a)  $!,! 4gb)  $$,! 4gc)  $",! 4gd)  $#,! 4g

Answer ;

d)  $#,! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------400. ( For this question use anne !""- ##!#%A or )oute anual chart >(7,

The airwaD intersection at )99>HO ( ,%B#5P9 !#,B#%P> is mar4ed bD ;a)  a TACA9 callsign )9b)  a fan mar4er callsign 7'c)  an 9H callisign 9d)  an 9H callsign 7F

Answer ;

c)  an 9H callisign 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #6!

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 Annex 033-12314A

401.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#6A

The approimate mean wind component ( 4t along true course #5!B from ,!B9 to +!B9 at !!,B < is ;a)  tail wind ,, 4tb)  tail wind &! 4tc)  tail wind +! 4td)  headwind ,, 4t

Answer ;

a)  tail wind ,, 4t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #6#

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 Annex 033-11190A

402.  ( For this question use anne !""-###6$A

The approimate mean wind component ( 4t at ach !.&5 along true course $&!B at ,!B9 from !!!B to !#!B< is ;a)  +! 4t headwind componentb)  ", 4t tailwind componentc)  $, 4t tailwind componentd)  ,, 4t headwind component

Answer ;

a)  +! 4t headwind component-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------403.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"&"A or )oute anual chart 9A'

The a8erage magnetic course from A ( %+B9 !!%B> to C ( %$B9 !$!B< is ;a) $&6Bb)  $&#Bc)  $+&Bd)  $,6B

Answer ;

b)  $&#B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------404.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"%5A or )oute anual chart 9A'

The a8erage magnetic course from C ( %$B9 !$!B< to H ( ,5B9 !!+B> is ;a)  ##6Bb)  ##5Bc)  !66Bd)  #!6B

Answer ;

a)  ##6B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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405. ( For this question use anne !""-#$"&+A or )oute anual chart 9A' The a8erage true course from A ( %+B9 !!%B> to C ( %$B9 !$!B< is ;

a)  !&6Bb)  $&#Bc)  $+&Bd)  $,6B

Answer ;

d)  $,6B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------406.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"%6A or )oute anual chart 9A'

The a8erage true course from C ( %$B9 !$!B< to H ( ,5B9 !!+B> is ;

a)  #!6Bb)  ##6Bc)  #$!Bd)  !66B

Answer ;

a)  #!6B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------407. ( For this question use T) @ Athinai (2ellini4on Approach chart ($6-#

The callsign and frequencD to use to obtain start up clearance is ;a) Approach ##6.#!b) Tower ##5.#!c) =round #$#.&!d) AT01 #$".+!

Answer ;c) =round #$#.&!


 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #6"

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 Annex 033-11049A

408.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!+6A or )oute anual 1TA) charts for ?90C2 (#!-$A@H

The correct arri8al route and 0nitial Approach Fi ( 0AF for an arri8al from the west 8ia TA9= for runwaD !5 7) is ;a)  9= #T @ 0AF )/07b)  /H #T @ 0AF )/07c)  AA7>9 #T @ 0AF )/07d)  AA7>9 #T @ 0AF H=

Answer ;

c)  AA7>9 #T @ 0AF )/07

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 Annex 033-11063A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------409.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!%"A or )oute anual chart 'A)01 C2A)7>1 > =A?77> 071 )wD $& ($#-$

The crossing altitude and descent instruction for a propeller aircraft at C?70>)1 ( C7 are ;a)  Cross at F7&! descend to +!!! ftb)  Cross at F7%! and maintainc)  Cross at F7%! descend to +!!! ftd)  Cross at F75! descend to F7&!

Answer ;

c)  Cross at F7%! descend to +!!! ft

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 Annex 033-1105"A


410. The cruising speed to write in the appropriate bo of an ATC flight plan is ;a)  calibrated air speed.b)  true air speed.c)  ground speed.d)  indicated air speed.

Answer ;

b)  true air speed.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------411.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!,5A or )oute anual chart 799 2>AT2)< 071 > )wD !67 (##-$

The ecision Altitude ( A for a 071 straight-in landing is ;a)  +!! ftb)  $!! ftc)  +5! ftd)  $5! ft

Answer ;

d)  $5! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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412. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20# The direct distance from T0)>> ##&.& T0) ( ,%B"!P9 !!%B,"P< to 09:>)9>11 #!6.$ 091 ( ,&B"$P9 !!+B!"P< is ;

a) $!+ 9b) ##$ 9c) #6$ 9d) "%! 4m

Answer ;a) $!+ 9

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------413.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"&$A or )oute anual chart 9A'

The distance ( 9 from A ( %+B9 !!%B> to C ( %$B9 !$!B< is ;a)  &$!b)  %6!c)  #,6!d)  #++!

Answer ;

a)  &$!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------414. ( For this question use Anne !""-#$"&&A or )oute anual chart 9A'

The distance ( 9 from C ( %$B9 !$!B< to H ( ,5B9 !!+B> is ;a)  &%!b)  &&,c)  &$,d)  &!!

Answer ;

a)  &%!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------415. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

The distance on airwaD H+ from '7> 2077 ##$.# '7 to 12A'' ( ,+B"!P9 !!$B"5P< is ;a) "! 9b) ,# 9c) "# 9d) +6 9

Answer ;

d) +6 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------416. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen 0nformation 'age (#6-"

The >ast Apron and >astern TwD ha8e restricted access. The maimum permitted wingspan ;a) is $! ft.b) is the same as a Heech $!!.c) does not applD to helicopters.d) is $! m.

Answer ;

d) is $! m.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------417. The final reser8e fuel for aeroplanes with turbine engines is ;

a)  fuel to flD for +, minutes at holding speed at #!!! ft ( "!! m abo8e aerodrome ele8ation in standardconditions.

b)  fuel to flD for "! minutes at holding speed at #,!! ft ( +,! m abo8e aerodrome ele8ation in standardconditions.

c)  fuel to flD for +, minutes at holding speed at #,!! ft ( +,! m abo8e aerodrome ele8ation in standardconditions.

d)  fuel to flD for %! minutes at holding speed at #,!! ft ( +,! m abo8e aerodrome ele8ation in standardconditions.

Answer ;

b)  fuel to flD for "! minutes at holding speed at #,!! ft ( +,! m abo8e aerodrome ele8ation in standardconditions.


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 Annexe 033-11239A 031-11239!

421.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$"6A and !"#-##$"6H

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data ;Flight leg distance I " ,!! 9Flight le8el F7 "#! @ true airspeed I +,! 4t2eadwind component at this le8el I ,, 4t0nitiallD planned ta4e-off mass ( without etra fuel on board I #5! !!! 4gFuel price I !."! l at departure

The commander maD carrD a fuel quantitD of 5 !!! 4g in addition to that which is necessarD. For this fuel transport operationto be cost effecti8e@ the maimum fuel price at arri8al must be ;

a)  !.$5 lb)  !.$& lc) !.$% ld)  !."" l

Answer ;

b)  !.$& l-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring #66

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 Annexe 033-11239A 031-11239!

422.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$"6A and !"#-##$"6H

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data ;Flight leg distance I " ,!! 9Flight le8el F7 "#! @ true airspeed I +,! 4t2eadwind component at this le8el I ,, 4t0nitiallD planned ta4e-off mass ( without etra fuel on board I #5! !!! 4gFuel price I !.$& l at destination

The commander maD carrD on board 5 !!! 4g more fuel than that which is necessarD. For this fuel transport operation to becost effecti8e @ the maimum fuel price at departure must be ;

a)  !.$5 lb)  !."! lc) !.$6 ld)  !.$+ l

Answer ;

b)  !."! l-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $!!

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 Annexe 033-11204A 033-11204! 033-11204/ 

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------424.  ( For this question use annees !""-##$!+A @ !""-##$!+H and !""-##$!+C

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using thefollowing data ;

Flight leg ground distance I + !!! 9Flight le8el F7 "&! I “7ong range” flight regime>ffecti8e wind at this le8el I head wind of ,! 4tTemperature I 01ACentre of gra8itD ( C= I "& 'ac4 flow I 7< ( 7 Anti ice I FF)eference landing mass I #+! !!! 4gTai fuel I ,!! 4gFinal reser8e fuel I $ +!! 4g

The fuel quantitD which must be loaded on board the aircraft is ;a)  ,# 5%! 4gb)  +# 6,! 4gc)  ,$ !%! 4gd)  +% "+! 4g

Answer ;

a)  ,# 5%! 4g

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 Annex 033-1123"A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------425.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$"5A

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data ;Flight le8el F7 "&! at “7ong )ange” ( 7) cruise regime( 'rescribed mass at bra4e release I $!+ ,!! 4gFlight leg ground distance I $ !!! 9Temperatures I 01A2eadwind component I &! 4t“Total anti-ice” set on “9” for the entire flight

 9o requested climb and descent correction of the fuel consumptionThe fuel required from ta4e-off to landing is ;

a)  $& &&! 4gb)  $$ #%! 4gc)  $! 6!! 4gd)  $6 ++! 4g

Answer ;

d)  $6 ++! 4g

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $!"

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 Annex 033-11272A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------426.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$&$A

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data ;Ta4e-off mass I #%5 ,!! 4gFlight leg ground distance I $ !!! 9Flight le8el F7 "&! @ “7ong )ange” flight regimeTailwind component at this le8el I "! 4tTotal anti-ice set on “9”Fied tai fuel I ,!! 4g @ final reser8e I $ !!! 4g0gnore alternate fuel.The effects of climb and descent are not corrected for consumption.

The prescribed quantitD of trip fuel for the flight leg is ;a)  $" !!! 4gb)  $" "!! 4gc)  $! ,!! 4gd)  $$ ,!! 4g

Answer ;

c)  $! ,!! 4g

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $!+

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 Annex 033-11245A 033-11245!


428.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$+,A and !""-##$+,H

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data ;Flight leg air distance I $ &!! 9Flight le8el F7 "#! @ true airspeed I +&! 4tTailwind component at this le8el I ", 4t0nitiallD planned ta4e-off mass ( without etra fuel on board I #5! !!! 4gFuel price I !.$5 >urol at departure @ !.$% >urol at destination

To maimiMe sa8ings @ the commander chooses to carrD etra fuel in addition to that which is necessarD. The optimumquantitD of fuel which should be carried in addition to the prescribed quantitD is ;

a)  The fuel transport operation is not recommended in this case.b)  % !!! 4g.c)  #! !!! 4g.d)  + !!! 4g.

Answer ;

a)  The fuel transport operation is not recommended in this case.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11245A 033-11245!

429.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$+,A and !""-##$+,H

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data ;Flight leg air distance I $ &!! 9Flight le8el F7 "#! @ true airspeed I +&! 4tTailwind component at this le8el I ", 4t0nitiallD planned ta4e-off mass ( without etra fuel on board I #6, !!! 4gFuel price I !.$5 >urol at departure @ !.$% >urol at destination

To maimiMe sa8ings @ the commander chooses to carrD etra fuel in addition to that which is necessarD. The optimumquantitD of fuel which should be carried in addition to the prescribed quantitD is ;

a)  , !!! 4g.b)  #! !!! 4g.c)  5 !!! 4g.d)  The fuel transport operation is not recommended in this case.

Answer ;

d)  The fuel transport operation is not recommended in this case.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11245A 033-11245!

430.  ( For this question use Anne !""-##$+,A and !""-##$+,H

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data ;Flight leg distance I " ,!! 9Flight le8el F7 "#! @ true airspeed I +,! 4t2eadwind component at this le8el I -,, 4t0nitiallD planned ta4e-off mass ( without etra fuel on board I #5! !!! 4gFuel price I !."! >urol at departure @ !.$& >urol at destination

To maimiMe sa8ings @ the commander chooses to carrD etra fuel in addition to that which is necessarD. ?sing the appendedanne @ the optimum quantitD of fuel which should be carried in addition to the prescribed quantitD is ;

a)  The fuel transport operation is not recommended in this case.b)  $$ !!! 4g.c)  #, !!! 4g.d)  5 !!! 4g.

Answer ;

a)  The fuel transport operation is not recommended in this case.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11245A 033-11245!

432.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$+,A and !""-##$+,H

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data ;Flight leg distance I + !!! 9Flight le8el F7 "#! @ true airspeed I +,! 4t2eadwind component at this le8el I ,! 4t0nitiallD planned ta4e-off mass ( without etra fuel on board I #&! !!! 4gFuel price I !.$& >urol at departure @ !."! >urol at destination

To maimiMe sa8ings @ the commander chooses to carrD etra fuel in addition to that which is necessarD. ?sing the appendedanne @ the optimum quantitD of fuel which should be carried in addition to the prescribed quantitD is ;

a)  #5 !!! 4g.b)  5 !!! 4g.c)  The fuel transport operation is not recommended in this case.d)  "$ !!! 4g.

Answer ;

b)  5 !!! 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $#!

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 Annex 033-11245A 033-11245!

433.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$+,A and !""-##$+,H

The flight crew of a turboGet aeroplane prepares a flight using the following data ;Flight leg distance I " ,!! 9Flight le8el F7 "#! @ true airspeed I +,! 4t2eadwind component at this le8el I - ,, 4t0nitiallD planned ta4e-off mass ( without etra fuel on board I #5! !!! 4gFuel price I !."! >urol at departure @ !.$& >urol at destination

To maimiMe sa8ings @ the commander decides to carrD etra fuel in addition to that which is necessarD. ?sing the appendedanne @ the optimum quantitD of fuel which should be carried in addition to the prescribed quantitD is ;

a)  #, !!! 4gb)  $$ !!! 4gc)  The fuel transport operation is not recommended in this case.d)  5 !!! 4g

Answer ;

c)  The fuel transport operation is not recommended in this case.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12350A

434.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$",!A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".,

The following applD ;Tail wind component #! 4tTemperature 01A E#!BCHra4e release mass %"!!! 4gTrip fuel a8ailable $!!!! 4g

<hat is the maimum possible trip distance 3a)  "&+! 9b)  "$,! 9c)  ",!! 9d)  "%+! 9

Answer ;

a)  "&+! 9

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 Annex 033-1234"A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------435. ( For this question use anne !""-#$"+5A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure  +.".,

The following applD ;Temperature 01A E#,BCHra4e release mass %$!!! 4gTrip time , hr $! min

<hat is the trip fuel 3a)  #"5!! 4gb)  #"!!! 4gc)  #"$!! 4gd)  #",!! 4g

Answer ; 

d)  #",!! 4g

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 Annex 033-12330A


436. The following fuel consumption figures are gi8en for a Get aeroplane1tandard tai fuel I %!! 4g.A8erage cruise consumption I #! !!! 4gh.2olding fuel consumption at #,!! ft abo8e alternate airfield ele8ation I 5!!! 4gh.Flight time from departure to destination I % hoursFuel for di8ersion to alternate I #! $!! 4g.

The minimum ramp fuel load is ;a)  &6 5!! 4g.b)  && $!! 4g.c)  &+ 5!! 4g.

d)  && 5!! 4g.Answer ;

d)  && 5!! 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------437.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$""!A

The forecast period co8ered bD the 'A)01C2A)7>1->-=A?77> TAFs totals ( hours ;a) $&b)  $!c)  #5d)  6

Answer ;

a) $&-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11067A

438.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!%&A or )oute anual chart ?90C2 9H > )wD $%7 approach (#%-"

The frequencD and identifier of the 9H for the published approaches are ;a)  ##$." ?9b)  +!! 1<c)  ""5 9<d)  #!5.% 1

Answer ;

b)  +!! 1<

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $#,

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439. The fuel burn of an aircraft turbine engine is $$! lh with a fuel densitD of !.5! .0f the densitD is !.&, @ the fuel burn will beIa)  $!% lh

b)  #&% lhc)  $$! lhd)  $", lh

Answer ;

d)  $", lh-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------440. The fuel burn off is $!! 4gh with a relati8e fuel densitD of !.5 .0f the relati8e densitD is !.&, @ the fuel burn will be ;

a)  #55 4ghb)  $%& 4ghc)  $#" 4ghd)  $!! 4gh

Answer ;

d)  $!! 4gh

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------441. The fuel plan gi8es a trip fuel of %, ?1 gallons. The alternate fuel @ final reser8e included @ is #& ?1 gallons. ContingencDfuel is , of the trip fuel. The usable fuel at departure is 6" ?1 gallons. At a certain moment the fuel consumed according to the fuelgauges is +! ?1 gallons and the distance flown is half of the total distance. Assume that fuel consumption doesnLt change. <hichstatement is right 3

a)  The remaining fuel is not sufficient to reach the destination with reser8es intact.b)  At departure the reser8e fuel was $5 ?1 gallons.c)  At destination the required reser8es remain intact.d)  At the destination there will still be "! ?1 gallons in the tan4s.

Answer ;

a)  The remaining fuel is not sufficient to reach the destination with reser8es intact.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------442. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

The identifier of the radio na8igation aid at ( ,%B!%P9 !#$B#,P> is ;a)  9)Ab)  9Ac) 1:!+d) <R

Answer ;

b)  9A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------443. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

The identifier of the radio na8igation aid at ( ,%B!&P9 !#$B,5P> is ;a) A) b) 1:!"c) 1:d) A1T) 

Answer ;

a) A) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11064A

444.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!%+A or )oute anual chart ?90C2 071 )wD $%) (##-+

The 071 frequencD and identifier are ;a)  #!5." 09<b)  #!5.& 01<c)  #!5." 01<d)  #!5.& 09<

Answer ;

d)  #!5.& 09<

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $#&

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 Annex 033-11065A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------445.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!%,A or )oute anual chart 'A)01 C2A)7>1 > =A?77> 071 )wD #! ($#-5

The 071 localiMer course is ;a)  !55Bb)  ##5Bc)  $%5Bd)  #!!B

Answer ;

a)  !55B

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $#5

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446.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$",%A or )oute anual chart , AT(20 The initial great circle course from position A ( 5!B!!P9 #&!B!!P> to position H ( &,B!!P9 !##B> is #&&B ( = . The final

grid course at position H will be ;a)  #&$B ( = b)  ","B ( =

c)  #&&B ( = d)  #6+B ( =

Answer ;

c)  #&&B ( = -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------447.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$",,A or )oute anual chart , AT(20

The initial great circle true course from /efla8i4 ( %+B!!P9 !$$B"%P < to :igra ( %$B""P9 !!%B!$P> measures !5+B. n a polar enroute chart where the grid is aligned with the !!!B meridian the initial grid course will be ;

a)  #!%Bb)  !5!Bc)  !%%Bd)  !6%B

Answer ;

a)  #!%B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------448.  ( For this question use anne !""- #!66%A or )oute anual chart >(7,

The initial magnetic coursedistance from >>7> >>7 ##$.+ ( ,"B#!P9 !!%B+!P> to <>7= ( ,+B#5P9 !!&B$,P> onairwaD A& is ;

a)  !$"B +& 9b)  !$"B #,& 9c)  !$+B $! 9d)  !$+B &" 9

Answer ;

d)  !$+B &" 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------449. ( For this question use anne !""-#$"&,A or )oute anual chart 9A'

The initial magnetic course from A ( %+B9 !!%B> to C ( %$B9 !$!B< is ;a)  $&,Bb)  $%&Bc)  $%$Bd)  $&#B

Answer ;

a)  $&,B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------450.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"&!A or )oute anual chart 9A'

The initial magnetic course from C ( %$B9 !$!B< to H ( ,5B9 !!+B> is ;a)  ##"Bb)  !5!Bc)  !65Bd)  ##%B

Answer ;

d)  ##%B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------451. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20#

The initial magnetic course from 09:>)9>11 #!6.$ 091 ( ,&B"$P9! !+B!"P< direct to T0)>> ##&.& T0) ( ,%B"!P9!!%B,"P< is ;

a) $"!Bb) $#5Bc) $++Bd) $"&B

Answer ;

c) $++B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12331A

458. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20# The initial true course from T0)>> ##&.& T0) ( ,%B"!P9 !!%B,"P< direct to 1T)9<AO ##,.# 1T9 ( ,5B#$P9 !!%B##P<

is ;a) !#6Bb) !!"Bc) !##Bd) #6$B

Answer ;

c) !##B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

459.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$""#A

The lowest cloud conditions ( o4tasft at H)>A?R>)0=9AC at #""! ?TC were ;a)  # to $ at "!!!b)  " to + at $!!!c)  " to + at 5!!d)  # to + at "!!!

Answer ;

a)  # to $ at "!!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11066A

460.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!%%A or )oute anual chart N?)0C2 071 )wD #% (##-$

The lowest published authorised ):) for an 071 approach glide slope out @ all other aids ser8iceable @ aircraft categorD A is ;a)  &$!mb)  5!!mc)  #,!!md)  %!!m

Answer ;

a)  &$!m

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461.  ( For this question use anne !""- #!66&A or )oute anual chart >(7$ The magnetic coursedistance from CAH)A0 CH ##$.% ( ,!B#+P9 !!"B!6P> to TA7?9 ( +6B""P9 !!"B$,P> on airwaD

H" is ;a)  "+6B $% 9b)  #%6B %5 9c)  #%6B +$ 9

d)  "+6B +$ 9Answer ;

c)  #%6B +$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------462. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

The magnetic coursedistance from >A9 C)11 ##,.$ C1 ( ,+B+"P9 !!"B$!P<B to '7> 2077 ##$.# '7 ( ,"B+,P9!!$B!%P< on airwaD A$ is ;

a) #+6 &" 9b) #,, &" 9c) "$6 ," 9d) #+" ," 9

Answer ;

a) #+6 &" 9

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------463.  ( For this question use anne !""- #!66"A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

The magnetic coursedistance from 09/>71H?27 /H ##&.5 ( +6B!6P9 !#!B#+P> to >)7A9=>9 >)7 ##+.6( +6B"6P9 !##B!6P> on airwaD ?)## is ;

a)  !,!B +& 9b)  $"!B 6&9c)  !,$B 6& 9d)  #""B 5, 9

Answer ;

a)  !,!B +& 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------464.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!!"A or )oute anual chart >(20, CAA->dition

The magnetic coursedistance from >7HA >7H ##+.& ( +$B++P9 !#!B$+P> to 1'>N0 ( +"B+6P9 !!6B"+P> on airwaD ?A",

is ;a)  ""$B &% 9b)  ""$B ##5 9c)  "$$B %! 9d)  #,$B +$ 9

Answer ;

a)  ""$B &% 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------465.  ( For this question use anne !""- #!66,A or )oute anual chart >(7,

The magnetic coursedistance from >7H> 7H> ##,.# ( ,"B"6P9 !!6B"%P> to 7?9? ( ,+B,!P9 !!6B#6P> on airwaD 2#$is ;

a)  ",$B &$ 9b)  ""6B 5! 9c)  ""6B #$, 9d)  ",$B 6% 9

Answer ;

a)  ",$B &$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------466.  ( For this question use anne !""- #!66+A or )oute anual chart >(7%

The magnetic coursedistance from =)1T>9J?09 =TJ ###.$, ( +6B!!P9 !!%B+"P> to 7099A ( +6B+#P9 !!%B#,P> onairwaD )& is ;

a)  #,&B ,5 9b)  ""&B +% 9c)  ""&B ,5 9d)  ""&B "# 9

Answer ;

b)  ""&B +% 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $$"

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467.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!!+A or )oute anual chart >(20, CAA->dition The magnetic coursedistance from 70=>1 7= ##+., ( +,B+6P9 !!#B!$P> to C7>)9T F>))A9 CF ##&.,

( +,B+&P9 !!"B##P> on airwaD ?=$$ is ;a)  !+%B &! 9b)  ##"B #+$ 9c)  !%&B #$$ 9

d)  !6+B 6! 9Answer ;

d)  !6+B 6! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------468. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

The magnetic coursedistance from '7> 2077 ##$.# '7 ( ,"B++P9 !!$B!%P< to TA77A ##".5 T7A ( ,,B"!P9!!"B$#P< on airwaD H+ is ;

a) "+" ##+ 9b) ""& ##+ 9c) #,& #!% 9d) #%" #!% 9

Answer ;

a) "+" ##+ 9

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------469.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!!$A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

The magnetic coursedistance from 1A7NH?)= 1H= ##".5 ( +5B!!P9 !#$B,+P> to 1TA?H ( +5B++P9 !#$B"5P> onairwaD ?H, is ;

a)  "+%B +" 9b)  #%%B %+ 9c)  "+%B +, 9d)  "+%B %+ 9

Answer ;

c)  "+%B +, 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------470.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!!#A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

The magnetic coursedistance from 1T ')>R 1') ##".6 ( +%B$5P9 !!%B$&P> to F)0H?)= F)0 ##,.# ( +%B+&P9

!!&B#+P> on airwaD ?=%! is ;a)  !+5B +% 9b)  !+#B &5 9c)  !%#B $5 9d)  !%#B "& 9

Answer ;

d)  !%#B "& 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------471. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

The magnetic coursedistance from TA77A ##".5 T7A ( ,,B"!P9 !!"B$#P< to >A9 C)11 ##,.$ C1 ( ,+B+"P9!!"B$!P< on airwaD A$ is ;

a) #5,B #5 9b) !!,B #5 9c) #5,B +& 9d) !!,B +& 9

Answer ;

c) #5,B +& 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------472.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!!!A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

The magnetic coursedistance from TA9= T= ##$., ( +5B"&P9 !!6B#%P> to 09/>71H?27 /H ##&.5 ( +6B!6P9!#!B#+> on airwaD ?)## is ;

a)  #"$B +" 9b)  #!,B #!, 9c)  !,$B ,! 9d)  !!&B %! 9

Answer ;

c)  !,$B ,! 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $$+

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473.  ( For this question use anne !""- #!666A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition The magnetic coursedistance from T)>9T T9T ##,.& ( ,"B!"P9 !!#B+!P< to <A77A1>O <A7 ##+.# ( ,"B$"P9

!!"B!5< on airwaD :)" is ;a)  ##&B &# 9b)  $6&B ,& 9c)  $6&B &! 9d)  ##&B ,& 9

Answer ;

b)  $6&B ,& 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------474.  ( For this question use Anne !""- #!665A or )oute anual chart >(7#

The magnetic coursedistance from <A77A1>O <A7 ##+.# ( ,"B$"9 !!"B$5P< to 70FFO ( ,"B$6P9 !!,B"!P< onairwaD H# is ;

a)  $&6B 5, 9b)  $&6B ##+ 9

c)  "##B 5, 9d)  "##B ##+ 9

Answer ;

a)  $&6B 5, 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------475. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

The magnetic course from >A9 C)11 ##,.$ C1 ( ,+B+"P9 !!"B$!P<B to 9><CA1T7> ##+.$, 9>< ( ,,B!$P9!!#B+#P< on airwaD <6## is ;

a) !5"b) $%"c) !&&d) $,&

Answer ;

c) !&&-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------476. ( For this question use T) @ Harcelona Area chart (#!-#:

The maimum altitude that maD be used to transit the whole :F) corridor from )>?1 to 1A9 C>790 is ;a) $!!! ftb) +,!! ftc) "!!! ftd) ",!! ft

Answer ;

a) $!!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------477. The maimum permissible ta4e-off mass of an aircraft for the 7 wa4e turbulence categorD on an ATC flight plan is ;

a)  $ &!! 4gb)  & !!! 4gc)  , &!! 4gd)  #! !!! 4g

Answer ;

b)  & !!! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $$,

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 Annex 033-12320A

478.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"$!A

The maimum wind 8elocitD ( B 4t immediatelD north of T?901 ( "%B9 !#!B> is ;a)  $,!5,b)  $5!##!c)  #5!#!,d)  #6!6,

Answer ;

d)  #6!6,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-111"1A

479.  ( For this question use anne !""-###5#A

The maimum wind 8elocitD ( B 4t shown in the 8icinitD of ?90C2 ( +5B9 !#$B> is ;a)  "!!#!!b)  "!!#%!c)  "!!#+!d)  $6!##!

Answer ;

c)  "!!#+!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $$&

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 Annex 033-11062A

480.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!%$A or )oute anual chart 799 2>AT2)< 071 > )wD !6) (##-#

The inimum escent Altitude ( A for an 071 glide slope out @ is ;a)  +5! ftb)  +!, ftc)  $&, ftd)  $!! ft

Answer ;

a)  +5! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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481.  ( For this question use anne !""-##!$"A or )oute anual chart >(20, CAA->dition The minimum enroute altitude a8ailable on airwaD ?)#%! from 90C> 90N ##$.+ ( +"B+%P9 !!&B#,P> to HA1T0A HTA

##%.$ ( +$B"$P9 !!6B$6P> is ;a)  F7$%!b)  F7$#!c)  F7$,!

d)  F7$!!Answer ;

c)  F7$,!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------482. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

The minimum enroute altitude ( >A that can be maintained continuouslD on ad8isorD route <6## from 9><CA1T7>##+.$, 9>< ( ,,B!$P9 !!#B$+P< to >A9 C)11 ##,.$ C1 ( ,+B+"P9 !!"B$!P< is ;

a) +&!! ftb) F7#,!c) +,$! ftd) F7,!

Answer ;

d) F7,!

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------483. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

The minimum enroute altitude ( >A that can be maintained continuouslD on airwaD H$$% from TA77A ##".5 T7A( ,,B"! 9!!"B$#P< to reporting point A9=?1 ( ,%B+$P9!!"B!"P< is ;

a) ,!!! ftb) F75!c) F7&!d) ,,!! ft

Answer ;

c) F7&!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------484.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!$&A or )oute anual chart >(7$

The minimum enroute altitude ( >A that can be maintained continuouslD on airwaD =+ from *>)1>O *1O ##$.$

( +6B#"P9 !!$B!"P< to 70NA ( +6B",P9 !!+B$!P< is ;a)  $5!! ft 17b)  #!!! ft 17c)  F7%!d)  F7#+!

Answer ;

d)  F7#+!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------485. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

The minimum enroute altitude ( >A that can be maintained continuouslD on airwaD 7%!$ from TA77A ##".5 T7A( ,,B"!9 !!"B$#P< to 9><CA1T7> ##+.$, 9>< ( ,,B!$P9!!#B$+P< is ;

a) F7$!!b) "6!! ftc) "#!! ftd) F7#!!

Answer ;

a) F7$!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------486. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7,

The minimum enroute altitude that can be maintained continuouslD on airwaD H%,2%, from R9 ( ,,B$&P9 !#5B#!P> to )99> )> ##$.! ( ,,B!+P9 !#+B+%P> is ;

a) #!!! ftb) F7%!c) F7#!!d) $,!! ft

Answer ;

c) F7#!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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487.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!$,A or )oute anual chart >(7# The minimum enroute altitude that can be maintained continuouslD on airwaD =# from 1T)?H7> 1T? ##".# ( ,$B!!P9

!!,B!$P< to H)>C9 HC9 ##&.+, ( ,#B+"P9 !!"B#%P< is ;a)  +#!!ft 17b)  F75!c)  F7##!d)  $6!! ft 17

Answer ;

c)  F7##!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------488.  ( For this question use anne !""-##!$6A or )oute anual chart >(7,

The minimum enroute altitude that can be maintained continuouslD on airwaD =$+ from /7*A ( ,%B !!P9 !#%B+6P> to)99> )> ##$.! ( ,,B!+P9 !#+B+%P> is ;

a)  F7#!!b)  #!!!ftc)  $,!! ftd)  F7%!

Answer ;

a)  F7#!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------489.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!$+A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

The minimum enroute altitude that can be maintained continuouslD on airwaD ?A"+ from <A77A1>O <A7 ##+.#( ,"B$"P9 !!"B!5P< to 02?)1T 0 ##+.! ( ,#B!"P9 !!!B"&P< is ;

a)  F7$6!b)  F7$,!c)  F7""!d)  F7$+,

Answer ;

a)  F7$6!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11042A

491.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!+$A or )oute anual 1TA) chart for 799 2>AT2)< (#!-$

The minimum holding altitude ( 2A and maimum holding speed ( 0A1 at 2A at C/2A C/ ##,." are ;a)  6!!!ft and $,!4tb)  &!!!ft and $,!4tc)  &!!! ft and $$!4td)  6!!!ft and $$!4t

Answer ;

c)  &!!! ft and $$!4t-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11059A

492.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!,6A or )oute anual chart A1T>)A 1C20'27 071 > )wD $$ (##-%

The issed Approach procedure is to climb to an altitude of (i .................... on a trac4 of (ii .....................a)  (i "!!! ft @ (ii #%!Bb)  (i $!! ft @ (ii $$"Bc)  (i "!!! ft @ (ii $$"Bd)  (i $!!! ft @ (ii #%!B

Answer ;

d)  (i $!!! ft @ (ii #%!B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $""

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 Annex 033-11717A

493. The na8igation plan reads ;Trip fuel I #!! 4gFlight time I # h ", minTai fuel I " 4gHloc4 fuel I #5# 4g

The endurance on the 0CA flight plan should read ;a) $ h !+ minb) # h ", minc) $ h +6 min

d) $ h ,$ minAnswer ;

c) $ h +6 min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------494. The na8igation plan reads ;

Trip fuel I #"% 4gFlight time I $ h +, minCalculated reser8e fuel I "! of trip fuelFuel in tan4 is minimum ( no etra fuel on board Tai fuel I " 4g

The endurance on the 0CA flight plan should read ;a)  " h "5 minb)  " h "+ min

c)  $ h +6 mind) $ h +, min

Answer ;

b)  " h "+ min-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------495.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!#,A or )oute anual chart >(7,

The 9H at >9/ ( ,$B+6P9 !#,B,!P> can be identified on ;a)  Channel ++! @ HF off b)  FrequencD ++! 42M @ HF off c) FrequencD ++! 42M @ HF ond)  Channel ++! @ HF on

Answer ;

c) FrequencD ++! 42M @ HF on

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------496. The planned departure time from the par4ing area is #5#, ?TC. The estimated ta4e-off time is #5$, ?TC. The flight planmust be filed with ATC at the latest at ;

a)  #&,, ?TCb)  #&$, ?TCc)  #&#, ?TCd)  #&+, ?TC

Answer ;

c)  #&#, ?TC-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------497.  ( For this question use anne !""-##&#&A

The planned flight is o8er a distance of ++! 9. Hased on the wind charts at altitude the following components are found ;F7,! I -"! 4t @ F7#!! I -,! 4t @ F7#5! I -&! 4t

The perations anual in appendi details the aircraftLs performances. <hich of the following flight le8els ( F7 gi8es the best range performance ;

a)  >ither F7 !,! or F7 #!!b)  F7 #5!c)  F7 !,!d)  F7 #!!

Answer ;

b)  F7 #5!

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498. The purpose of the decision point procedure is ;

a)  to increase the safetD of the flight.b)  to reduce the landing weight and thus reduce the structural stress on the aircraft.c)  to reduce the minimum required fuel and therefore be able to increase the traffic load.d)  to increase the amount of etra fuel.

Answer ;

c)  to reduce the minimum required fuel and therefore be able to increase the traffic load.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------499. The quantitD of fuel which is calculated to be necessarD for a Get aeroplane to flD 0F) from departure aerodrome to thedestination aerodrome is ,",$ 4g. Fuel consumption in holding mode is %!!! 4gh. Alternate fuel is +"5! 4g. ContingencD should be, of trip fuel. <hat is the minimum required quantitD of fuel which should be on board at ta4e-off 3

a)  #""&! 4g.b)  #+,!! 4g.c)  #"!!! 4g.

d)  #"$$! 4g.Answer ;

c)  #"!!! 4g.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $",

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 Annex 033-11061A

500.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!%#A or )oute anual chart A1T>)A *AA 090?1 (#!-

The )adio Altimeter minimum altitude for a CAT $ 071 > approach to )wD !#7 is ;a)  "!! ftb)  #!! ftc)  #55 ftd)  55 ft

Answer ;

b)  #!! ft

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508. ( For this question use anne !""- ##!!5A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition The radio na8igation aid at T'C70FF> ( ,+B#$P9 !!#B$$P< is a ;

a) :)TAC @ frequencD ##".& 2M @ and an 9H frequencD 6$ 42M.b) TACA9 onlD @ channel 5+ @ ( frequencD ##".& 2M c)  TACA9 @ channel 5+ @ and a :) frequencD ##".& 2M onlD.d) TACA9 @ channel 5+ @ and an 9H frequencD 6$ 42M onlD.

Answer ;

b) TACA9 onlD @ channel 5+ @ ( frequencD ##".& 2M

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------509.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!!5A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

The radio na8igation aid at N?)0C2 ( +&B"%P9 !!5B+6P> is ;a)  a :) onlD @ frequencD ##,.! 2Mb)  an 9H onlD @ frequencD ##,.! 42Mc)  a TACA9 @ frequencD ##,.! 2Md)  a :)> @ frequencD ##,.!2M

Answer ;

a)  a :) onlD @ frequencD ##,.! 2M-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------510.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!##A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

The radio na8igation aid on airwaD ?=+ at 7?R>?07 ( +&B+#P9 !!%B#5P> is a ;a)  :)> onlD @ identifier 7?7

b)  :) onlD @ identifier 7?7c)  :) @ identifier 7?7 @ frequencD paired with TACA9 identifier 7R0d)  :)> and 9H @ identifier 7R0

Answer ;

b)  :) onlD @ identifier 7?7-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------511.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!!%A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

The radio na8igation aid ser8ing 1T)A1H?)= ( +5B"!P9 !!&B"+P> is a ;a)  :) onlD @ frequencD ##,.% 2Mb)  > onlD @ channel ##,.%c)  :)TACA9 @ frequencD ##,.% 2Md)  TACA9 onlD @ frequencD ##,.% 2M

Answer ;

c)  :)TACA9 @ frequencD ##,.% 2M-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------512.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!!6A or )oute anual chart >(20+ CAA->dition

The radio na8igation aid 1TA ( ,#B+,P9 !!+B#,P> is ;a)  a :)> @ on channel "5%b)  a TACA9 @ on channel "5%c)  a :) @ frequencD "5% 2Md)  an 9H @ frequencD "5% 42M

Answer ;

d)  an 9H @ frequencD "5% 42M-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------513. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

The radio na8igation aid(s at ( ,,B$%P9 !##B"5P> isare ;a) :)> @ frequencD #$5.&, 2M.b)  9H @ frequencD ##$.5 42M.c) :)> @ frequencD ##$.5 2M.d) :)> @ frequencD #$5.#, 2M.

Answer ;

c) :)> @ frequencD ##$.5 2M.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------514. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

The radio na8igation aid(s at ( ,,B,6P9 !#+B!%P> isare ;a) :)> @ frequencD ##%.6 2M.b)  9H @ frequencD ##%.6 42M.c)  9H @ frequencD "%" 42M.d) :) @ frequencD "%" 42M.

Answer ;

c)  9H @ frequencD "%" 42M.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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515. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$ The radio na8igation aid(s at ( ,%B!6P9 !#"B#+P> isare ;

a) :)> @ frequencD ##%.6 2M.b) :) @ frequencD ##%.$ 2M.c) :) @ frequencD ##%.6 2M.d) :)> @ frequencD ##%.$ 2M.

Answer ;

c) :) @ frequencD ##%.6 2M.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

516. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$ The radio na8igation aid(s at ( ,%B#&P9 !#!B+&P> isare ;

a) :) @ frequencD "&+ 2M.b) :)> @ frequencD "&+ 42M.c)  9H@ frequencD "&+ 42M @ for TemporarD ?se ( T? .d)  9H @ frequencD "&+ 42M.

Answer ;

d)  9H @ frequencD "&+ 42M.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------517. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20#

The radio na8igation aid(s at ( ,&B"$P9 !!+B!"P< isare ;a) :)> @ frequencD #!6.$ 2M.b) :)> @ frequencD #!6.$ 42M.c) :) @ frequencD #!6.$ 2M @ no > a8ailable.d) :) @ frequencD #!6.$ 2M @ for 091 update onlD.

Answer ;

a) :)> @ frequencD #!6.$ 2M.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------518. The required time for final reser8e fuel for turboGet aeroplane is ;

a)  :ariable with wind 8elocitD.b)  %! min.c)  +, min.d)  "! min.

Answer ;

d)  "! min.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11043A

519.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!+"A or )oute anual 1TA) charts for 'A)01 C2A)7>1 > =A?77> ($!-$

The route distance from C20>:)>1 ( C0: to H?)199> ( H19 is ;a)  55 9b)  5" 9c)  &" 9d)  6% 9

Answer ;

d)  6% 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11047A

520.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!+&A or )oute anual 10 chart for A1T>)A 1C20'27 (#!-"H

The route distance from runwaD $& to A)9> is ;a)  ", 9b)  ,6 9c)  ,$ 9d)  %& 9

Answer ;

d)  %& 9

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 Annex 033-12320A


521. The still air distance in the climb is #56 9autical Air iles ( 9A and time "! minutes. <hat ground distance would beco8ered in a "! 4t head wind 3

a) #6" 9b)  #&+ 9c)  #55 9

d) $!" 9Answer ;

b)  #&+ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------522.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"$!A

The surface sDstem o8er :0>99A ( +5B9 !#%B> is a ;a)  cold front mo8ing westb)  cold front mo8ing eastc)  warm front mo8ing northd)  stationarD occluded front

Answer ;

b)  cold front mo8ing east-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $+$

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 Annex 033-111"1A

 Annex 033-12332A

523.  ( For this question use anne !""-###5#A

The surface weather sDstem o8er >ngland ( ,"B9 !!$B< is ;a)  a cold front mo8ing eastb)  a warm front mo8ing southeastc)  an occluded front mo8ing eastd)  a depression mo8ing north

Answer ;

c)  an occluded front mo8ing east-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------524.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$""$A

The surface wind 8elocitD ( B 4t at 'A)01C2A)7>1->-=A?77> at #""! ?TC was ;a)  #5!#$b)  "!!!,c)  $&!!+d)  $&!!5

Answer ;

c)  $&!!+

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $+"

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 ,age 1


525.  ( For this question use anne !""-##&!+A True Air speed I #&! 4t<ind in the area I $&!B+! 4tAccording to the attached the na8igation log @ an aircraft performs a turn o8erhead H?7>9 to

re-route to A) 8ia T=*.The gi8en wind conditions remaining constant.The fuel consumption during the turn is $! litres.

The total fuel consumption at position o8erhead A) will be ;a) # "$% litresb)  # #5$ litresc)  # %!! litresd)  # ,+, litres

Answer ;

d)  # ,+, litres-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------526. The Trip Fuel for a Get aeroplane to flD from the departure aerodrome to the destination aerodrome is ,",! 4g. Fuelconsumption in holding mode is %!!! 4gh. The quantitD of fuel which is needed to carrD out one go-around and land on the alternate

airfield is +"5! 4g. The destination aerodrome has a single runwaD. <hat is the minimum quantitD of fuel which should be on board atta4e-off 3

a) #" !!! 4gb) #" $"! 4gc) #+ &"! 4gd) ## &"! 4g

Answer ;

b) #" $"! 4g-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------527. ( For this question refer to 0mage #

The true course is !+$B. The 8ariation in the area is %B < and the wind is calm. The de8iation card is reproduced in theanne. 0n order to follow this course@ the pilot must flD a compass heading of ;

a) !,$b) !+!c) !++d) !,5

Answer ;

a) !,$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------528.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!#+A or )oute anual chart >(7,

The :) and TACA9 on airwaD =6 at 19AH)?C/ ( ,$B#$P9 !!5B#&P> are ;a)  frequencD paired @ and ha8e different identifiersb)  9T frequencD paired @ and ha8e different identifiersc)  9T frequencD paired @ and ha8e the same identifier d)  frequencD paired @ and ha8e the same identifier 

Answer ;

b)  9T frequencD paired @ and ha8e different identifiers-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11190A

529.  ( For this question use anne !""-###6!A

The wind direction and 8elocitD ( B 4t at +!B9 !+!B> is ;a)  "!!&,b)  ""!5,c)  ""!&,d)  #,!&,

Answer ;

c)  ""!&,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11190A

530.  ( For this question use anne !""-###6!A

The wind direction and 8elocitD ( B 4t at ,!B9 !+!B> is ;a)  $!!&!b)  !$!&!c)  !$!5!d)  ",!&!

Answer ;

b)  !$!&!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11190A

531.  ( For this question use anne !""-###6!A

The wind direction and 8elocitD ( B 4t at %!B9 !#,B< is ;a)  $6!#,,b)  $6!#5,c)  ##!#,,d)  "$!#,,

Answer ;

a)  $6!#,,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12314A

533.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#+A

The <: ( B 4t at +!B9 !$!B< is ;a)  #,,+!b)  ""++!c)  #",+!d)  "#!+!

Answer ;

d)  "#!+!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12314A

534.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#+A

The <: ( B 4t at ,!B9!#,B< is ;a)  "#!5,b)  "#!&,c)  $6!&,d)  #!!&,

Answer ;

c)  $6!&,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 ,age 2

 Annex 033-12314A

535.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#+A

The <: ( B 4t at %!B 9!#,B < is ;a)  "!!%!b)  ##,%!c)  "$!%!d)  "!!&!

Answer ;

a)  "!!%!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------536. ( For this question refer to 0mage $

True Air speed I#&! 4t @ <ind in the area I $&!B+! 4t. According to the attached the na8igation log @ an aircraft performs aturn o8erhead H?7>9 to re-route to A) 8ia T=*. The gi8en wind conditions remaining constant. The fuel consumption during theturn is $! litres. The total fuel consumption at position o8erhead A) will be ;

a) # %!! litresb) # #5$ litresc) # ,+, litresd) # "$% litres

Answer ;

c) # ,+, litres

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Flight Planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.3 Table 2.3.1

539. ( For this question use Flight 'lanning anual 1>' # Figure $." Table $.".#

?sing the 'ower 1etting Table @ for the single engine aeroplane@ determine the cruise TA1 and fuel flow ( lbshr with fullthrottle and cruise lean miture in the following conditions ;

=i8en ;AT I "BC'ressure altitude I %!!! ft'ower I Full throttle $#.! in2g $#!! )'

a) #"% 4t and ,%.6 lbshr b) #"# 4t and ,%.6 lbshr c) #$, 4t and ,,.& lbshr d) #"+ 4t and ,,.& lbshr 

Answer ;

d) #"+ 4t and ,,.& lbshr -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Flight Planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.2 Table 2.2.3

540. ( For this question use Flight 'lanning anual 1>' # Figure $.$ Table $.$."

?sing the 'ower 1etting Table @ for the single engine aeroplane @ determine the cruise TA1 and fuel flow ( lbshr with fullthrottle and cruise lean miture in the following conditions ;

=i8en ;AT I #"BC'ressure altitude I 5!!! ft)' I $"!!

a) #%! 4t and &#.# lbshr b) #%! 4t and %6." lbshr c) #,6 4t and &#.& lbshr d) #,5 4t and &+.+ lbshr 

Answer ;

b) #%! 4t and %6." lbshr -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $,+

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Flight Planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.2 Table 2.2.3

541. ( For this question use Flight 'lanning anual 1>' # Figure $.$ Table $.$."

?sing the 'ower 1etting Table @ for the single engine aeroplane @ determine the manifold pressure and fuel flow ( lbshr withfull throttle and cruise lean miture in the following conditions ;

=i8en ;AT I #"BC'ressure altitude I 5!!! ft)' I $"!!

a) $$.+ in.2g and %6." lbshr b) $$.+ in.2g and &#.# lbshr c) $$.+ in.2g and &".5 lbshr d) $".! in.2g and %6.! lbshr 

Answer ;

a) $$.+ in.2g and %6." lbshr -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Flight Planning Manual SEP 1 Figure 2.4 Table 2.4

542. ( For this question use Flight 'lanning anual 1>' # Figure $.+ Table $.+

?sing the )ange 'rofile iagramm @ for the single engine aeroplane @ determine the range@ with +, minutes reser8e @ in thefollowing conditions ;

=i8en ;.A.T. I 01A E#%BC'ressure altitude I +!!! ft'ower I Full throttle $,.! in2g $#!! )'

a) 5%, 9b) &"6 9c) 6## 9d) 5,# 9

Answer ;

a) 5%, 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------543. :F) flights shall not be flown o8er the congested areas of cities at a height less than ;

a)  #!!! ft abo8e the highest obstacle within a radius of %!! m from the aircraft.b)  the highest obstacle.c)  $!!! ft abo8e the highest obstacle within a radius of %!! ft from the aircraft.d)  ,!! ft abo8e the highest obstacle.

Answer ;

a)  #!!! ft abo8e the highest obstacle within a radius of %!! m from the aircraft.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------544. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

<hat are the applicable =)0 )As for a flight from >A9 C)11 ##,.$ C1 ( ,+B+"P9 !!"B$!P< to TA77A ##".5T7A ( ,,B"!P9 !!"B$#P< on airwaD A$ 3

a) +, and "6b) +, and +!c) +$ and +!d) +$ and "6

Answer ;

b) +, and +!

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $,%

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545. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen (Dce 0nformation 'age (#6-% <hat are the designated departure routes when using (i )wD "+ and (ii )wD !, 3

a) (i 2# @ (ii 2"b) (i 2% @ (ii 2$c) (i 2, @ (ii 2#d) (i 2$ @ (ii 2+

Answer ;

d) (i 2$ @ (ii 2+

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------546. ( For this question use T) @ >sbGerg Aerodrome chart (#6-$

<hat are the dimensions of runwaD !5"% at >sbGerg 3a) 5,"! ft +, ftb) 5,"! m +, mc) $%!! ft #+5 ftd) $%!! m +, m

Answer ;

d) $%!! m +, m-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------547. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

<hat are the magnetic course and distance when flDing on airwaD H+ from the reporting point 12A'' ( ,+B"!P9 !!$B"5< to the reporting point >1/ ( ,,B#5P9 !!"B#$P< 3

a) #%" "6 9b) "+" ,$ 9c) "+" ##+ 9d) #%" ,$ 9

Answer ;

b) "+" ,$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------548. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen (Dce Area chart (#6-,

<hat AT01 frequencD(ies isare a8ailable when on the ground 3a) ##+."! or #$#.5,b) #$#.5, onlDc) #$#.&! or #$#.5,d) #$#.&! onlD

Answer ;a) ##+."! or #$#.5,

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------549. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

<hat is ele8ation of 71N2 N?)0C2 /7T2>9 airport ( +&B$5P9 @ !!5B""P> 3a) #,&$ ftb) #+#% ftc) #!!! md) #+$# ft

Answer ;

b) #+#% ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------550. ( For this question use T) @ e /ooD Area chart (#6-#

<hat is (i the frequencD and (ii J of the 071 at e /ooD Aerodrome 3a) (i #$"."! @ (ii $$!Tb) (i #$"."! @ (ii $$!c) (i #!6.&! @ (ii $#%d) (i #!6.&! @ (ii $#+T

Answer ;

c) (i #!6.&! @ (ii $#%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------551. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen (Dce Area chart (#6-,

<hat is the AT01 frequencD that maD not be used when in flight 3a) #$#.&!b) ##+."!c) #$#.5,d) ##5.#!

Answer ;

c) #$#.5,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12334A

552. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20# <hat is the a8erage magnetic course from AH>)>>9 ( ,&#6P9 !!$#%P< to T0)>> ( ,%"!P9 !!%,"P< 3

a) $+&b) $%!c) $,"d) $%&

Answer ;

b) $%!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

553. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen (Dce Area chart (#!-#: <hat is the correct frequencD to contact 1cottish 0nformation when o8erhead reporting point “HA9C2)O” to the

southwest of Aberdeen Airport 3a) #$%.$,b) #",.#&c) #"+.#!d) ##6.5&

Answer ;

d) ##6.5&-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------554. ( For this question use T) @ >sbGerg Area chart (#6-#

<hat is the course and distance from 7ocator 2' to the threshold of )unwaD !5 3a) !5! (T +.$ /m

b) !5! ( +.$ 9c) !5! ( +.$ /md) !5! (T +.$ 9

Answer ;

b) !5! ( +.$ 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------555. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen (Dce 0nformation 'age (#6-%

<hat is the designated departure route when using )unwaD $" in bad weather andor low 8isibilitD 3a) 2#b) 2"c) 2,d) 2%

Answer ;

d) 2%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------556.  ( For this question use anne !""-###65A

<hat is the earliest time ( ?TC @ if anD@ that thunderstorms are forecast for 2A ( TH 3a)  !5!!b)  9il forecastc)  #!!!d)  !%!!

Answer ;

c)  #!!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------557.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$""+A

<hat is the earliest time ( ?TC @ if anD @ that thunderstorms are forecast for T?901CA)T2A=> 3a)  nilb)  #5!!c)  !5!!d)  #"!!

Answer ;

b)  #5!!

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558. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen (Dce Area chart (#!-#: <hat is the ele8ation of the highest ground within the boundarD of Aberdeen Control None 3

a) $!$, ftb) $#!, ftc) #$+, ftd) #&"" ft

Answer ;

d) #&"" ft

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------559. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen (Dce Area chart (#!-#:

<hat is the ele8ation of the highest obstacle within the boundarD of Aberdeen Control Area 3a) $!$, ftb) $#!, ftc) #$+, ftd) #&"" ft

Answer ;

b) $#!, ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------560. ( For this question use T) @ Athinai (2ellini4on Approach chart ($6-#

<hat is the frequencD and ident of the :)> shown at the northern end of 2ellini4on airfield 3a) $6+ 29

b) ",& /:) c) ##+.+! AT2d) $&, 2/ 

Answer ;

c) ##+.+! AT2-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------561. ( For this question use T) @ :F) directorD for =reece (&-"

<hat is the local time ( 7T in =reece in (i <inter and (ii 1ummer 3a) (i 7T E $ 2ours K ?TC @ (ii 7T E " 2ours K ?TCb) (i 7T S " 2ours K ?TC @ (ii 7T S $ 2ours K ?TCc) (i 7T K ?TC S $ 2ours @ (ii 7T K ?TC S " 2oursd) (i 7T K ?TC E $ 2ours @ (ii 7T K ?TC E " 2ours

Answer ;

d) (i 7T K ?TC E $ 2ours @ (ii 7T K ?TC E " 2ours-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------562. ( For this question use T) @ :F) directorD for 9etherlands (&-"

<hat is the local time ( 7T in the 9etherlands in (i <inter and (ii 1ummer 3a) (i 7T K ?TC S # 2our @ (ii 7T K ?TC S $ 2oursb) (i 7T K ?TC E $ 2ours @ (ii 7T K ?TC E # 2our c) (i 7T S # 2our K ?TC @ (ii 7T S $ 2ours K ?TCd) (i 7T S $ 2ours K ?TC @ (ii 7T S # 2our K ?TC

Answer ;

c) (i 7T S # 2our K ?TC @ (ii 7T S $ 2ours K ?TC-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------563. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

<hat is the aimum Authorised Altitude ( AA on airwaD <6## from >A9 C)11 ##,.$ C1 ( ,+B+"P9!!"B$!P<B to 9><CA1T7> ##+.$, 9>< ( ,,B!$P9 !!#B+#P< 3

a) F7,!b) F7#,!c) +$!! ftd) +&!! ft

Answer ;

b) F7#,!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------564. ( For this question use T) @ Athinai (2ellini4on Area chart ($6-#

<hat is the maimum permitted altitude if routeing inbound from “Abeam 'atro4los” to 2ellini4on 3a) #.,!! ftb) "!! ftc) "$$ ftd) +.!!! ft

Answer ;

b) "!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11190A

565.  ( For this question use anne !""-###6!A

<hat is the mean temperature de8iation ( BC from the 01A o8er ,!B9 !#!B< 3a)  -$b)  E6c)  E$d)  E#"

Answer ;

a)  -$-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------566. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

<hat is the meaning of the chart information for the beacon(s at position ,,,6P9 !#+!%P> 3a) oppler :) @ ident 1?' and 9H @ ident >b)  9H @ ident > and :) @ ident :>Oc)  9H onlD @ ident >d) :) onlD @ ident :>O

Answer ;

c)  9H onlD @ ident >-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------567. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(20$

<hat is the meaning of the chart information for the na8aid(s 7A9:>TT>) (,&"6P9 !#$#&P> 3a) oppler :) onlD with identification 7A: a8ailable on frequencD ##+.% 2M.b) :)> and 9H with identification 7A: a8ailable on frequencD ##+.% 2M.c) > onlD with identification 7A: a8ailable on frequencD ##+.% 2M.d) :)> with identification 7A: a8ailable on frequencD ##+.% 2M.

Answer ;

d) :)> with identification 7A: a8ailable on frequencD ##+.% 2M.

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568. ( For this question use T) @ e /ooD Area chart (#6-# <hat is the minimum altitude it is permissible to flD o8er the “Juiet None” in the 8icinitD of > /O 3

a) ".,!! ftb) #.,!! ft

c) ".!!! ftd) "$.5!! ft

Answer ;

b) #.,!! ft-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------569. ( For this question use )oute anual chart >(7#

<hat is the inimum >nroute Altitude ( >A on airwaD <6## from >A9 C)11 ##,.$ C1 ( ,+B+"P9 !!"B$!P<B to 9><CA1T7> ##+.$, 9>< ( ,,B!$P9 !!#B+#P< 3

a) F7#,!b) +&!! ftc) F7,!d) +$!! ft

Answer ;

c) F7,!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------570. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen (Dce 0nformation 'age (#6-%

<hat is the minimum flight 8isibilitD required when landing at Aberdeen ( Dce Airport other than when using )oute 2% 3a) + /mb) " /mc) $ /md) , /m

Answer ;

c) $ /m-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------571. ( For this question use T) @ Athinai (2ellini4on 7anding Chart ($6-$

<hat is the position of the Aerodrome )eference 'oint 3a) "&B,".$P9 $"B+"."P>b) "&B,".5P9 $"B+".&P>c) "&B,+.5P9 $"B++.&P>d) "&B,+.$P9 $"B++."P>

Answer ;

b) "&B,".5P9 $"B+".&P>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------572. ( For this question use T) @ >sbGerg Aerodrome chart (#6-$

<hat is the position of the Aerodrome )eference 'oint at >sbGerg 3a) ,,B"$.+P9 !!5B"+.6P<b) ,,B"$.+P9 !!5B"+.6P>c) ,,B"#.%P9 !!5B"".#P<d) ,,B"#.%P9 !!5B"".#P>

Answer ;

d) ,,B"#.%P9 !!5B"".#P>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------573. ( For this question use or T) @ 1abadell Area chart (#6-#

<hat is the published frequencD for Harcelona AT01 3a) ##5.%,b) #$+.&!c) ##%.#!d) ##6.#!

Answer ;

a) ##5.%,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12314A

574.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#+A

<hat is the temperature de8iation ( BC from 01A o8er ,!B 9 !#!B> 3a)  -#!b)  E$c)  -,,d)  E#!

Answer ;

a)  -#!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------575. ( For this question use T) @ Athinai (2ellini4on Approach chart ($6-#

<hat is the total distance when following the :F) routeing from “Abeam 'atro4los” to 2ellini4on 3a) #+ 9b) #% 9c) #6 9d) #6 4m

Answer ;

c) #6 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------576. ( For this question use T) @ >sbGerg Area chart (#6-#

<hat is the trac4 and distance shown on the chart from :)> 1/) to o8erhead >sbGerg 3a) "!5 ( $6 9b) "!5 ( $6 /mc) "!5 (T $6 9d) "!5 (T $6 /m

Answer ;

a) "!5 ( $6 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Athinai * +ellini$n Ar$a(h (hart * 29-1

577. ( For this question use T) @ Athinai (2ellini4on Approach chart ($6-#

<hat is the 8ariation shown on the chart 3a) ,>b) ">c) "<d) ,<

Answer ;

b) ">

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $%"

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 Annex 033-11195A

 Annex 033-12329A

 Annex 033-12336A


578.  ( For this question use anne !""-###6,A

<hat lowest cloud conditions ( o4tasft are forecast for #6!! ?TC at 2AH?)= ( >2 3a)  " to + at ,!!b) , to & at #$!!c)  , to & at ,!!d)  , to & at $!!!

Answer ;

c)  , to & at ,!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------579.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"$6A

<hat lowest cloud conditions ( o4tasft are forecast for *2A99>1H?)=*A9 1?T1 at !"!! ?TC 3a)  " to + at 5!!b)  " to + at +!!c)  , to & at 5!!d)  , to & at +!!

Answer ;

d)  , to & at +!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------580.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$""%A

<hat maimum surface windspeed ( 4t is forecast for H)>A?R>)0=9AC at #%!! ?TC 3a)  "!b)  ,c)  $,d)  #!

Answer ;

a)  "!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-12314A

581.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"#+A

<hat mean temperature ( BC is li4elD on a true course of $&!B from !$,B > to !#!B> at +,B9 3a) -,!b)  -,+c)  -,$d)  -+5

Answer ;

a) -,!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $%,

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 Annex 033-11190A

582.  ( For this question use anne !""-###6!A

<hat mean temperature ( BC is li4elD on a course of "%!B ( T from +!B9 to ,!B9 at !+!B> 3a)  -+&b)  -+%c)  -+6d)  -,!

Answer ;

a)  -+&-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $%%

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 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

583. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

<hat minimum grid area altitude is applicable for >'* 7A0C209=>9 airport ( +5B"!P9 @ !!6B"5P> 3a) +"b) +%c) +!$ md) $+"+ ft

Answer ;

a) +"-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------584. ( For this question use )oute anual :F)E='1 chart >-%

<hat minimum grid area altitude is applicable for >T >9=>9 airport ( +5B!"P9 @ !!6B$$P> 3a) +%b) ##$! mc) +"d) #5#6 ft

Answer ;

a) +%

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 Annex 033-11196A

 Annex 033-12332A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------585.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$""$A

<hat minimum 8isibilitD is forecast for 'A)01C2A)7>1->-=A?77> at $#!! ?TC 3a)  5!!! mb)  %!!! mc)  #! 4md)  $!!! m

Answer ;

b)  %!!! m-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

586.  ( For this question use anne !""-###6%A

<hat minimum 8isibilitD ( m is forecast for !%!! ?TC at 799 72) ( >=77 3a)  #,!!b)  #!!!!c)  ,!!!d)  $$!!

Answer ;

a)  #,!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------587. ( ?se )oute anual chart >(20#

<hat na8igation aid(s isare a8ailable to ci8il aircraft at the militarD airfield of /inloss ( ,&+!P9 !!""$P< 3a) The bearing element onlD of TACA9 on :) frequencD #!6.5 2M.b) The range element onlD of TACA9 on > frequencD #!6.5 2M.c) :) and > on frequencD #!6.5.d) TACA9 range and bearing on Channel ",.

Answer ;

b) The range element onlD of TACA9 on > frequencD #!6.5 2M.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------588. <hen a pilot fills in an ATC flight plan @ he must indicate the wa4e turbulence categorD. This categorD is a function of whichmass 3

a)  aimum certified landing massb)  Actual ta4e-off massc)  >stimated ta4e-off massd)  aimum certified ta4e-off mass

Answer ;

d)  aimum certified ta4e-off mass-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------589. <hen an ATC flight plan has been submitted for a controlled flight @ the flight plan should be amended or cancelled in thee8ent of the off-bloc4 time being delaDed bD ;

a)  6! minutes or more.b)  "! minutes or more.c)  %! minutes or more.d)  +, minutes or more.

Answer ;

b)  "! minutes or more.

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $%5

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590. <hen an ATC flight plan is submitted for a flight outside designated AT1 routes @ points included in 0tem #, ( route shouldnot normallD be at inter8als of more than ;

a) #, minutes flDing time or #!! 4m.b)  # hour flDing time or ,!! 4m.c)  "! minutes flDing time or "&! 4m.d)  $! minutes flDing time or #,! 4m.

Answer ;

c)  "! minutes flDing time or "&! 4m.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------591. <hen calculating the fuel required to carrD out a gi8en flight @ one must ta4e into account ;

#. the wind$. foreseeable airborne delaDs". other weather forecasts+. anD foreseeable conditions which maD delaD landing

The combination which pro8ides the correct statement is ;a)  # @ $ @ " @ +.b)  # @ $ @ ".c)  # @ ".d)  $ @ +.

Answer ;

a)  # @ $ @ " @ +.

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------592. <hen completing an ATC flight plan @ an elapsed time ( 0tem #% of # hour ,, minutes should be entered as ;

a)  !##,b)  #2,,c)  ##,d)  !#,,

Answer ;

d)  !#,,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------593. <hen completing an ATC flight plan for a >uropean destination @ cloc4 times are to be epressed in ;

a)  7ocal mean timeb)  7ocal standard timec)  Central >uropean Timed)  ?TC

Answer ;

d)  ?TC-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------594. <hen completing an ATC flight plan for a flight commencing under 0F) but possiblD changing to :F) @ the letters entered in0tem 5 ( F70=2T )?7>1 would be ;

a)  Rb)  =c)  91d)  O

Answer ;

d)  O-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------595.  <hen completing 0tem 6 of the ATC flight plan @ if there is no appropriate aircraft designator @ the following should beentered ;

a)  the most descripti8e abbre8iationb)  “RRRR” followed bD an entrD in 0tem #5c)  “99>”d)  “NNNN” followed bD an entrD in 0tem #5

Answer ;

d)  “NNNN” followed bD an entrD in 0tem #5-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------596.  <hen filling in an ATC flight plan before departure @ the time information which should be entered in item #" I “Time” is ;

a)  planned ta4e-off time.b)  the time of flight plan filing.c)  planned engine start time.d)  estimated off-bloc4 time.

Answer ;

d)  estimated off-bloc4 time.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $%6

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 Annex 033-111"1A

597. <hen using decision point procedure @ Dou reduce the ;a)  reser8e fuel from #! down to ,.

b)  holding fuel bD "!.c)  contingencD fuel bD adding contingencD onlD from the burnoff between decision point and destination.d)  contingencD fuel bD adding contingencD onlD from the burnoff between the decision airport and destination.

Answer ;

c)  contingencD fuel bD adding contingencD onlD from the burnoff between decision point and destination.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------598.  ( For this question use anne !""-###5#A

<hich best describes the maimum intensitD of CAT @ if anD @ forecast for F7""! o8er H>9=2AN0 ( "$B9 !$!B> 3a)  7ightb)  9ilc)  1e8ered)  oderate

Answer ;

b)  9il-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $&!

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 Annex 033-111"1A

599.  ( For this question use anne !""-###5#A

<hich best describes the maimum intensitD of icing @ if anD @ at F7#,! in the 8icinitD of H?C2A)>1T ( +,B9 !$%B> 3a)  1e8ereb)  9ilc)  oderated)  7ight

Answer ;

c)  oderate-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $&#

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 Annex 033-12320A

600.  ( For this question use anne.!""-#$"$!A

<hich best describes the maimum intensitD of icing @ if anD @ at F7#%! in the 8icinitD of H>)709 ( ,"B 9 !#"B> 3a)  se8ereb)  nilc)  moderated)  light

Answer ;

c)  moderate-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $&$

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 Annex 033-12320A

601.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"$!A

<hich best describes the significant cloud forecast for the area east of Tunis ( "%B9 !#!B> 3a)  , to & o4tas C? and AC base F7#!! tops F7#5!b)  " to + o4tas C? and AC base F7#!! tops F7#%!c)  " to + o4tas C? and AC base below F7#!! tops F7#5!d)  , to & o4tas C? and AC base below F7#!! tops F7#5!

Answer ;

d)  , to & o4tas C? and AC base below F7#!! tops F7#5!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-111"1A

 Annex 033-12333A

603.  ( For this question use anne !""-###5#A

<hich best describes the significant cloud @ if anD @ forecast for the area southwest of H ( %&B9 !#+B> ;a)  , to & o4tas C? and CH base below F7#!! @ tops F7#5!b)  9ilc)  " to & o4tas C? and CH base below F7#!! @ tops F7#5!d)  , to & o4tas C? and CH base F7#!! @ tops F7#5!

Answer ;

a)  , to & o4tas C? and CH base below F7#!! @ tops F7#5!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------604.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"""A

<hich best describes the weather @ if anD @ at 7O91AT7A1 at #""! ?TC 3a)  frequent rain showersb)  nilc)  fogd)  light rain associated with thunderstorms

Answer ;

d)  light rain associated with thunderstorms

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 Annex 033-12329A

 Annex 033-12320A

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------605.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"$6A

<hich best describes the weather @ if anD @ forecast for *2A99>1H?)=*A9 1?T1 at !+!! ?TC 3a)  CA:/ b)  rain associated with thunderstormsc)  patches of fogd) mist andor fog

Answer ;

c)  patches of fog---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------606.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"$!A

<hich describes the intensitD of icing @ if anD @ at F7 #,! in the 8icinitD of T?7?1> ( ++B 9 !#B> 3a)  moderateb)  moderate or se8erec)  lightd)  nil

Answer ;

b)  moderate or se8ere-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $&%

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 Annex 033-111"1A

607.  ( For this question use anne !""-###5#A

<hich describes the maimum intensitD of icing @ if anD @ at F7#5! in the 8icinitD of CA1AH7A9CA ( ""B9 !!5B< 3a)  oderateb)  9ilc)  7ightd)  1e8ere

Answer ;

d)  1e8ere-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $&&

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 Annex 033-12320A

608.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"$%A

<hich describes the maimum intensitD of turbulence @ if anD @ forecast for F7$%! o8er T?7?1> ( ++B9 !!#B> 3a)  moderateb)  se8erec)  lightd)  nil

Answer ;

b)  se8ere-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-111"1A

609.  ( For this question use anne !""-###5#A

<hich describes the worst haMard @ if anD @ that could be associated with the tDpe of feature at "5B9 !#,B> 3a)  1e8ere attenuation in the 2F )T bandb)  )educed 8isibilitDc)  >ngine flame out and windscreen damaged)  There is no haMard

Answer ;

c)  >ngine flame out and windscreen damage-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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 Annex 033-11046A

610.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!+%A or )oute anual 10 charts for N?)0C2 (#!-"

<hich is the correct A7H0R departure 8ia AA)A? for runwaD #% 3a)  A7H0R %>b)  A7H0R %2c)  A7H0R &Ad)  A7H0R &1

Answer ;

d)  A7H0R &1-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------611.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!+#A or )oute anual 10 chart for ?90C2(#!-"C @#!-"

<hich is the correct departure 8ia />'T>9 from runwaD $%7 3a)  />'T>9 T2)>> J?>H>Cb)  />'T>9 T2)>> 9:>H>) c)  />'T>9 T2)>> >C2d)  />'T>9 F0:> 10>))A

Answer ;

d)  />'T>9 F0:> 10>))A-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $5!

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 Annex 033-12335A

 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

612.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"",A

<hich is the hea8iest tDpe of precipitation @ if anD @ forecast for H)>A?R>)0=9AC at #!!! ?TC 3a)  hea8D rain associated with thunderstormsb)  nilc)  light raind)  rain showers

Answer ;

c)  light rain

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------613.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&$6A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

<hich na8igation aid is located in position +5B$"P9 @ !!5B"6P> 3a)  :)TACb)  9Hc)  :) d)  :)>

Answer ;

c)  :) 

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $5#

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614.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&$6A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

<hich na8igation aid is located in position +5B"!P9 @ !!&B"+P> 3a)  :) b)  :)>c)  TACA9d)  9H

Answer ;b)  :)>

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------615.  ( For this question use anne !""-6&#6A @ A>)9A?T0CA7 C2A)T 0CA #I,!! !!! 1T?TT=A)T (9 +&% or )outeanual :F)E='1 chart >-%

<hich na8igation aid is located in position +5B,,P9 @ !!6B$!P> 3a)  :)>b)  9Hc)  TACA9d)  :) 

Answer ;

a)  :)>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $5$

 #$ute Manual %F#&'PS (hart E)-6 

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 Annex 033-111"1A

616.  ( For this question use anne !""-##$!$A

<hich of the following flight le8els @ if anD@ is forecast to be clear of significant cloud @ icing and CAT along the mar4edroute from 12A999 ( ,"B9 #!B< to H>)709 ( ,"B9 #"B> 3

a)  9oneb)  F7$6!c)  F7 $#!d)  F7$,!

Answer ;

d)  F7$,!-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------617. ( For this question use T) (:F) @ Aberdeen (Dce Area chart (#!-#:

<hich of the following frequencies is listed as a8ailable for contact with Aberdeen AT1? 3a) #$%.$,b) ##6.5&c) ##+."!d) #",.#&

Answer ;

d) #",.#&-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $5"

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 Annex 033-11044A

618.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!++A or )oute anual 10 chart for 799 2>AT2)< (#!-"

<hich of the following is a correct inimum 1afe Altitude ( 1A for the Airport 3a)  >ast sector $#!! ft within ,! 9b)  >ast sector $"!! ft within ,! 9c)  <est sector $"!! ft within $, 9d) <est sector $#!! ft within $, 9

Answer ;

d) <est sector $#!! ft within $, 9-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $5+

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 Annex 033-1104"A

619.  ( For this question use anne !""- ##!+5A or )oute anual 10 chart for A1T>)A 1C20'27 (#!-"

<hich of the following statements is correct for A90/ departures from runwaD #67 3a)  The distance to A90/ is $, 9b)  Cross A90/ below F7%!c)  Contact 1C20'7 >'A)T?)> ##6.!, passing $!!! ft and report altituded)  aimum 0A1 $,!4t turning left at 1'7 ".# >

Answer ;

c)  Contact 1C20'7 >'A)T?)> ##6.!, passing $!!! ft and report altitude

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $5,

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 Annex 033-12343A

625.  ( For this question use anne !""-#$"+"A or Flight 'lanning anual )*T # Figure +.".#C

<ithin the limits of the data gi8en @ a mean temperature increase of "!BC will affect the trip time bD approimatelD ;a)  E,b)  -,c)  -&d)  E5

Answer ;

b)  -,-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------626. Oou are flDing a constant compass heading of $,$B. :ariation is $$B> @ de8iation is "B< and Dour 091 is showing a drift of6B right. True trac4 is 3

a)  $%$Bb)  $$+Bc)  $+$Bd)  $5!B

Answer ;

d)  $5!B-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 Ateş Murat Üstünbıçak , ATPL Flight Planning & Monitoring $5&

8/17/2019 Flight Planning _ Monitoring ( 629 Soru OK.b )

http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/flight-planning-monitoring-629-soru-okb- 288/288

627. Oou are to determine the maimum fuel load which can be carried in the following conditions ;- drD operating mass I $5!! 4g- trip fuel I "!! 4g- traffic load I +!! 4g

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