Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru

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  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


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    Mr. Smith made a mistake when he gave his son

    Tom a camera, for soon Tom became so interested

    in photography that he began to neglect his school

    work. Soon, a large part of his conversation was

    about photographs. When the newspapers came,

    he examined the photographs first and said what

    was wrong with them before starting to read them.

    1. Mr. Smith gave his son a camera ----.

    A) because he had started to work for anewspaper

    B) before he was particularly interested inphotography

    C) as a reward for working well at schoolD) so that he would work harder at schoolE) lest he neglected his lessons

    2. Tom ----.

    A) read the news first and then examined thephotographs

    B) always talked about his cameraC) talked about photography more than

    anything elseD) usually took beautiful picturesE) had his pictures published in the


    3. After he was given the camera, Tom ----.

    A) became one of the best students in hisclass

    B) only read about the pictures in thenewspapers

    C) spent a lot of time on his homeworkD) began to give more importance to

    photography than to his lessonsE) stopped reading the newspapers

    Gnl comes from a big city. During the holiday she

    went to spend a week on her uncles farm. It was

    her first visit there. Her uncle, who was very pleased

    to see his niece, did his best to make her stay an

    enjoyable one. On the farm she rode a horse, fed

    chickens, ran in the fields and ate fruit fresh from

    the trees. She enjoyed her holiday so much that,

    when the day for her to return to the city came, she

    was very sad to leave.

    4. Gnls ----.

    A) holiday lasted for a week

    B) parents often sent her to the farmC) uncle left the farm and went to the cityD) greatest pleasure was to ride a horseE) life on the farm was a very sad one

    5. Gnl ----.

    A) hated the animals on the farmB) visited her uncles farm once a weekC) thought life on the farm was extremely hardD) thoroughly enjoyed her holiday on the

    farmE) worked for her uncle on the farm

    6. Aadakilerden hangisi bu paraya enuygun balk olabilir?

    A) Horses and ChickensB) A Different Sort of LifeC) Longing for the CityD) An Uncle and His Spoiled NieceE) An Unpleasant Holiday

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    John Fuller has really surprised us all. At school, he

    seemed such a boring and ordinary boy. As far as I

    can remember, he made no close friends. I dont

    think we actually disliked him, but we certainly

    ignored him. I would really like to meet him again

    now. Its clear from his wonderful films that he must

    be a most interesting man.

    7. The writer was surprised ----.

    A) that John Fuller was no longer interested inhim

    B) when he met his old school friend John

    FullerC) to see how John Fuller had changed over

    the yearsD) to learn that John Fuller had become rich

    by making filmsE) to find that at school John Fuller had

    always hated him

    8. Aadakilerden hangisi bu paraya enuygun balk olabilir?

    A) An Unexpected MeetingB) No Longer OrdinaryC) John Fullers FilmsD) My Best FriendE) John Fuller: A Failure in Life

    9. The writer ----.

    A) was at school with John FullerB) knew John Fuller would be a great manC) has always been jealous of John FullerD) is now one of John Fullers close friendsE) still believes that John Fuller has not

    changed at all

    James and I set off an hour before sunset, when it

    was getting cooler and the shadows were long. We

    took it in turns to row the little boat and moved

    slowly, rather lazily, about us for fish. We had no

    intention of catching any, but it was pleasant to

    watch them swim so close to us.

    10. In the passage ----.

    A) we are told about the adventures of acouple fishing in a lake

    B) we see that the two friends are interested

    in catching a special kind of fishC) the writers intention is to describe themovements of fish in a lake

    D) the writer describes the pleasure ofcatching fish at dawn

    E) the writer expresses a feeling ofcontentment

    11. The two friends ----.

    A) woke up early and went fishingB) got in their boat and rowed across the lakeC) took the boat out to enjoy themselves

    rather than to catch fishD) were too lazy to row the boat togetherE) stayed out in their boat until it was dark

    12. The writer and his friend enjoyed----.

    A) catching fish after it was darkB) fishing late in the afternoon on a cool dayC) watching the setting of the sun on the lakeD) observing the movements of fish around

    their boatE) rowing together when the sun was setting

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    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com3

    When the Deakins decided to move from the

    outskirts of London to central London, they both

    thought they were doing the right thing. Mr. Deakin

    looked forward to less travelling and Mrs. Deakin to

    a much more interesting life and more friends.

    Before they had been there a month, however, they

    both started to miss their old house with its garden,

    and to wish they had never left it.

    13. Soon after they had moved to centralLondon, ----.

    A) they began to enjoy a more interesting

    lifeB) Mrs. Deakin made a lot of friendsC) Mrs. Deakin gave up his job in the outskirt

    of the townD) they knew they had been right to make the

    moveE) the Deakins realized that they had made


    14. Before they moved to central London, Mr.

    Deakin ----.

    A) was perfectly content with his lifeB) was afraid he would find the city dirty and

    noisyC) had wasted a lot of time travellingD) began to travel less and lessE) thought he would miss his old house

    15. Mrs. Deakins ----.

    A) soon regretted the move but her husbanddidnt

    B) has always lived in central LondonC) has had a more interesting life than her

    husbandD) fully expected to enjoy living in central

    LondonE) has never lived in a house with a garden

    Cut your coat to suit your cloth. is an old English

    proverb. Obviously, it is not really talking about

    coats but is telling us to be content with what we

    have got. It is a good proverb because so many

    people want what they cannot have, and this makes

    them discontented. Therefore, they dont enjoy the

    things they do have.

    16. This proverb ----.

    A) teaches the real meaning of happinessB) makes greed seem attractive

    C) wants people to be discontentedD) is not very well known in EnglandE) shows us the importance of money

    17. People are happy ----.

    A) if they are richB) unless they are badly dressedC) because the proverb tells them to beD) as long as they are satisfied with the things

    they haveE) when they can learn from proverbs

    18. The passage suggests that ----.

    A) everyone is equally happyB) a lot of people who should be happy are

    notC) happiness depends upon possessionsD) proverbs are really uselessE) one should work hard to earn more

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    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com4

    James has always been a practical sort of person;

    he has worked hard but not been able to save

    much. Though he had sometimes dreamed of being

    rich, he had never really expected to be so.

    However, his dream came true when his uncle left

    him a fortune. Now that he has got so much money,

    he is going to do all the things he has always

    wanted to do. To start with, he is going to visit


    19. James can go to Japan ----.

    A) since he is a rich manB) if he saves enough moneyC) provided he continues to work hardD) where his uncle is expecting himE) but he is not anxious to go just yet

    20. James ----.

    A) has often dreamed that he was living inJapan

    B) has earned enough money to go to JapanC) never wastes his money on holidaysD) became rich after his uncles deathE) has been lazy all his life

    21. The author carefully points out that ----.

    A) everyone ought to work hardB) one shouldnt travel without a lot of moneyC) practical people are never short of moneyD) James has become rich through hard workE) James has changed since he became rich

    Dr. Maine advertised for someone to work as a

    receptionist at his dental clinic. He wanted someone

    who was cheerful and attractive and also willing to

    work on Saturdays. Several people applied for the

    job but, except for Jenny, none were suitable.

    Jenny, however, was just what he wanted.

    22. Dr. Maine felt sure that ----.

    A) nobody would want to work on SaturdaysB) Jenny would be a good dentistC) Jenny wouldnt agree to work for himD) Jenny was the right person for the jobE) all of those who applied would be suitable

    23. Dr. Maine ----.

    A) is obviously a very rich manB) doesnt get on well with peopleC) knew what sort of person he needed for his

    clinicD) works only on Saturday morningsE) is himself a cheerful and attractive person

    24. Aadakilerden hangisi bu paraya enuygun balk olabilir?

    A) Training to be a DentistB) Dr. Maine and the OthersC) The Right ReceptionistD) Working HoursE) Advertisements

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    There was no other building in sight. The trees,

    which grew along the river, completely hid the two

    other houses that shared the valley. Looking from

    the kitchen window, Mary gave a long sigh of

    contentment. She knew she would be happy here;

    much happier than she had ever been in the city.

    25. The passage is not about ----.

    A) Marys happy life in the valleyB) Mary and her new homeC) the hardships of life in the city

    D) Marys escape from the cityE) the peace and beauty of the valley

    26. Mary is quite sure that ----.

    A) the view from her kitchen is spoiled by thetwo other houses

    B) she will soon miss the life of the cityC) her neighbours will dislike herD) new houses will be built along the riverE) she will enjoy living in the valley

    27. The valley Marry is looking at ----.

    A) is very near the city

    B) overlooks a riverC) hasnt been lived in for a long timeD) is a very pleasant oneE) is completely deserted

    By the end of her first day at work, Janet was

    terribly tired. She was also very happy, for she knew

    she had made a good beginning. Mr. Taylor was

    clearly very pleased with the way she had answered

    his telephone and looked after his visitors. He had

    also praised her typing. Tomorrow, she thought

    happily, it will be much easier.

    28. The passage describes ----.

    A) how Janet was given her jobB) why Janet is not pleased with her workC) what kind of a man Mr. Taylor isD) Janets first day at work

    E) Janets plan for the future

    29. From the passage we understand that Janet----.

    A) hates her new job

    B) is a secretaryC) works as a nurseD) is married to a businessmanE) is going to look for a new job

    30. Mr. Taylor ----.

    A) is fully satisfied with JanetB) has known Janet for a long timeC) is a difficult man to work forD) is afraid Janet will leave him soonE) has not given Janet much work to do

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


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    Fifty years ago, when I was a child, photographs

    were not of general interest. Photographs were

    taken of people on special occasions, at weddings

    and on birthdays, for instance. These pictures were

    usually kept in a box and brought out at intervals to

    show the family. Nowadays, photography is

    regarded as an art, just as painting is. Many

    photographic exhibitions are held and there are

    many magazines dealing with the art of the


    31. When the writer was young, ----.

    A) he was very interested in photographyB) people didnt think of photography as an artC) he always took photographs on his

    birthdayD) people used to go to photographic

    exhibitionsE) he took a lot of family photographs

    32. During recent years, ----.

    A) photography has become a popular form ofart

    B) a lot of people have taken photographs ofgood paintings

    C) photography has stopped being an artD) photographic exhibitions are often

    advertised in magazinesE) more and more people take photographs at


    33. The passage compares ----.

    A) public interest in painting today and fiftyyears ago

    B) photographic exhibitions and paintingexhibitions

    C) wedding photographs and birthdayphotographs

    D) photography today and photography fiftyyears ago

    E) family photographs of today and fifty yearsago

    From the end of the corridor I could hear them

    arguing. Liz said that it was the best film she had

    seen on television for over a year. Dick said it was

    dreadful. He said the story was poor and the acting

    was terrible. Liz said he couldnt recognize a good

    film when he saw one. What film are you talking

    about? I asked as I came into the room. The film

    shown last Friday said Liz. The film shown last

    Thursday. said Dick. They looked at each other and

    we all laughed.

    34. Liz and Dick were arguing about ----.

    A) a television film they had seen the previousweekB) the film they had just watchedC) whether they should watch the film that

    eveningD) which film they should watchE) whether they had seen the film on

    Thursday or Friday

    35. Liz ----.

    A) hasnt watched a film for over yearB) enjoyed the film she saw on Friday eveningC) enjoyed the film even less than DickD) said the story was very poorE) and I both enjoyed the film

    36. At the end of the passage, we understandthat ----.

    A) Dick actually enjoyed the film very muchB) there are never any good films on

    televisionC) Liz and Dick were talking about different

    filmsD) Liz and Dick dont like the same filmsE) Dick didnt want to agree with Liz

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


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    Most people do not realize how easy it is to grow

    trees from seeds. If you think about it, however, it is

    obvious. A few of our forests have been carefully

    planted with young trees; but most have grown

    naturally over the years. Growing trees from seeds

    gives great satisfaction, especially when you can

    point to a group of trees and say: I once held them

    in my hand.

    37. Growing trees from seeds ----.

    A) is a very popular hobbyB) is not as easy as you might thinkC) can give you a lot of pleasureD) needs a lot of patienceE) is not a satisfactory method

    38. A lot of people ----.

    A) think it is difficult to grow trees from seedsB) have made great forests by planting treesC) collect seeds when they go for a walkD) plant small trees in their gardensE) helped to plant the trees

    39. I once held those trees in my hand. heremeans ----.

    A) those trees have grown naturallyB) I have collected a lot of seeds from those

    treesC) I have grown those trees from seedsD) you can grow trees from seedsE) the best trees are all grown from seeds

    Mary is going to buy a birthday present for Tony.

    Tony is Marys brother and he is three years

    younger than she is. He will start school in

    September. Mary wants to buy something that he

    will use at school. She looked at school bags

    yesterday but they were all too expensive.

    40. Tony ----.

    A) didnt like the presentB) is three years oldC) will buy Mary a presentD) is Marys younger brotherE) has a very expensive school-bag

    41. Mary ----.

    A) wants a bag like TonysB) bought Tonys birthday present yesterdayC) is younger than her brotherD) wants a school-bag for her birthdayE) couldnt buy Tony a school-bag

    42. The passage is about ----.

    A) Tonys first day at schoolB) the present Mary wants to buy for her little

    brotherC) the school-bag Mary has bought for TonyD) the presents Tony hopes to get on his

    birthdayE) Tony and the present he is buying for his


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    Bobby never keeps still. So, when his aunt saw him

    standing there and not moving at all, she knew

    something unusual was happening. She moved

    quietly towards him and also began to look where

    he seemed to be looking. Just then, in the tall grass

    near the fence, she saw a little bird that was too

    small to fly. It must have fallen out of its nest.

    43. When the aunt saw the little bird, ----.

    A) she understood why Bobby had kept sostill

    B) she was very sadC) she wanted to put it back in the nest

    D) it was frightened of herE) Bobby refused to give to her

    44. The little bird ----.

    A) hid behind the fenceB) had been caught by BobbyC) tried to fly over the fenceD) was too tired to return to its nestE) fascinated Bobby greatly

    45. Bobby ----.

    A) did a lot of things his aunt dislikedB) was not very fond of his auntC) called his aunt to look at the birdD) is usually a very active childE) knew where the nest was

    When we arrived at the little hotel, the first thing we

    did was to see if it was clean. We were particularly

    interested in the kitchen, which was in the back of

    the building. There we saw large, open shelves filled

    with pots and plates. These were clean, but the

    floors were very dirty. We also noticed that the food

    was not kept covered, and there were a lot of flies

    about. So, we decided not to stay in that hotel.

    46. The kitchen ----.

    A) wasnt clean enoughB) was in a separate buildingC) had a bad smell

    D) looked neat and tidyE) was dirty except for the floors

    47. This hotel ----.

    A) is not properly taken care ofB) attracts a lot of visitorsC) serves excellent foodD) has a most interesting kitchenE) was just the place we were looking for

    48. When we saw the kitchen, ----.

    A) it had just been cleanedB) we were very pleased with the foodC) everything seemed to be in orderD) we were impressed by the variety of pots

    and pansE) we knew this wasnt the right place to stay


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    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com9

    It was a fine Sunday in April. David and his sister,

    who were going to the zoo, crossed the main road

    and joined the queue at the bus stop. There were a

    lot of empty buses waiting by the side of the road.

    The drivers were standing about in groups talking

    and smoking. In the park nearby young mothers

    were out with their children. There was someone

    selling balloons and someone else small cakes.

    49. When David and his sister got to the busstop, -----.

    A) they decided to play with the other children

    in the parkB) there were no buses in sightC) they began to talk to the driversD) there were a lot of people waiting for the

    busE) they bought some cakes

    50. In the passage, we are given ----.

    A) an account of the animals in the zooB) the reasons for the drivers strikeC) a description of a street one SundayD) a full description of the park near the bus-

    stopE) some advice on how to spend our Sundays

    51. David ----.

    A) is taking his sister to the zooB) would rather spend the afternoon in the

    parkC) is going to buy a balloon for his sisterD) wondered why the buses were emptyE) wished his mother had also come along

    with them

    This was the first time Mary was going to fly. It

    wasnt going to be a long flight; in fact, she would be

    in the air just under an hour. She got to the airport

    an hour before the plane was expected to take off.

    She was very excited and also a l ittle nervous. But

    before long, it was announced that her flight was

    going to be delayed for two hours. Suddenly she felt

    very disappointed and didnt know what to do while

    she was waiting.

    52. It is obvious from the passage that Mary ----.

    A) was pleased the flight had been postponed

    B) was used to travelling by airC) nearly missed her planeD) was afraid her flight would last for hoursE) began her first flight with a disappointment

    53. Marys flight ----.

    A) left an hour earlyB) was delayed for two hoursC) suddenly had to be cancelledD) was enjoyable from the beginning to the

    endE) was over far too quickly

    54. On arrival at the airport, Mary ----.

    A) was calm and confidentB) expected the plane to take off in an hourC) had to hurry to catch the planeD) found out that her plane would take off in

    less than an hourE) didnt know how long the flight would take

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com10

    As Molly left the house she looked at her watch. It

    was 3:45. Good, she thought,I have plenty of

    time. She was going to the library, and on

    Saturdays the library is open until 5 oclock. She

    walked along fairly slowly, stopping from time to

    time to look at shop windows. When she finally got

    to the library it was closed. She was surprised and

    looked at her watch again. It was still 3:45. It had


    55. On Saturday afternoon Molly ----.

    A) lost her watch on her way to the libraryB) spent an hour looking at shop windows

    C) worked in the libraryD) decided to go shoppingE) wanted to go to the library

    56. When Molly got to the library----.

    A) it was exactly 5 oclock by her watchB) it was still openC) she was very tiredD) it was 3:45 by her watchE) she found that it was just closing

    57. On Saturdays ----.

    A) the library doesnt open till 5 oclockB) the library closes at 5 oclockC) Molly goes to the library before 3.45D) it takes Molly a long time to get to the

    libraryE) the library sometimes closes early

    After a hard week in the office, everyone needs a

    change at the weekend. People living in cities love

    to get away from the noise there and find some

    clean air in the country. If we sometimes can spend

    a weekend walking in a forest or fishing in a lake

    and eating in the open air, we feel so much better.

    We can even work better.

    58. After a weekend in the country ----.

    A) one usually feels very tiredB) no one wants to return to the city

    C) people can do their work betterD) the city seems much noisierE) one doesnt want to go back to work

    59. Everybody ----.

    A) likes eatingB) has to work hard in the officeC) needs a change sometimesD) stays in the city at the weekendsE) knows how to fish

    60. At weekends it is pleasant to ----.

    A) read newspapers and magazinesB) stay in the cityC) work in the officeD) go walking and fishing in the countryE) stay at home doing nothing

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


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    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozarts world was a world of

    music from the moment he was born. His father,

    who was a fine musician, was teaching his daughter

    to play the piano. Little Wolfgang used to listen to

    his sister as she practised. He quickly learned the

    pieces she played. One day he said he wanted to

    play too. But he was only three years old then, and

    his father thought that his hands were too small.

    However, that evening, alone and in the dark, he

    played the pieces his sister had been practising and

    he played them much better than her.

    1. As a child, Mozart ----.

    A) was hated by his fatherB) was taught by his sister to play the pianoC) rarely listened to any musicD) had a great talent for musicE) used to play for his sister

    2. While his sister was practising, Mozart ----.

    A) usually made a lot of noiseB) used to play himselfC) used to feel very boredD) and his father talked about musicE) learned how to play the piano

    3. Mozarts father didnt believe that ----.

    A) his daughter practised often enoughB) a child of three could possibly play the

    pianoC) his children would ever learn to play wellD) music could be regarded as a professionE) children could understand music well

    The voyage began well in calm, clear weather. As

    usual, the ship was crowded; most of the

    passengers were tourists, who after their holiday in

    Turkey, were now returning home. There was a

    great deal of fun and entertainment on board the

    ship. People were eating, dancing, singing and

    enjoying themselves. But after the sun set, the

    weather began to change, and the sea got rougher

    and rougher. Soon nearly everyone was feeling ill.

    4. At the start of the voyage ----.

    A) everyone was feeling happyB) a lot of people were already seasickC) everyone was looking forward to the

    holiday in TurkeyD) the weather was cool and windyE) most of the tourists were complaining

    about the weather

    5. Most of the passengers on board the ship----.

    A) didnt want to return homeB) hated the food they were servedC) got very sick when the storm broke outD) knew the weather would turn so bad in the

    eveningE) enjoyed themselves by singing and

    dancing all night

    6. The passage is about ----.

    A) holidays by the seaB) a terrible storm at seaC) the dangers of a sea-voyageD) the first day on board the shipE) tourists in Turkey

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    Elephants are not really very savage animals, but

    occasionally they can be in a very bad temper. Their

    most dangerous habit at such moments is to pick

    up, with the trunk, a large stick or stone, and throw it

    with great force at someone standing nearby. When

    this happens the only thing anyone can do is to

    jump quickly out of the way.

    7. It is not very often that ----.

    A) anyone can get close to an elephantB) an elephant behaves in a savage manner

    C) one can jump out of the way of an elephantD) an elephant picks something up with his

    trunkE) an elephant is frightened

    8. When an elephant is in a bad temper, ----.

    A) it may try to hurt someoneB) it moves its trunk from side to sideC) one shouldnt throw stones at itD) one should keep perfectly stillE) it never shows it

    9. The worst thing an elephant does is to ---.

    A) attack other savage animalsB) destroy everything nearbyC) use its trunk with great forceD) move dangerously fastE) throw things at anyone close to it

    It was a misty morning, and there was a soft rain

    falling. There were only a few leaves left on the

    trees, but on the ground was a thick carpet of brown

    and yellow leaves. This was the time of year the old

    gardener loved best. Since he was too old to work,

    he used to spend his days by the window, looking

    out to the garden. It was no longer what it had been

    under his care, but still it was lovely.

    10. The garden had looked much nicer ----.

    A) when he first began to work in itB) during the summer monthsC) before the winter had come

    D) from the other windowE) when the old man had been looking after it

    11. It is obvious that ----.

    A) no one cared any longer for the oldgardener

    B) the old gardener disliked staying indoorsC) the old gardener was as fond of his garden

    as everD) it always rained heavily there in the springE) the old gardener was no longer interested

    in gardening

    12. The passage gives a description of ----.

    A) the old gardeners dislike of rainB) the old gardeners houseC) the change of the seasonsD) a wet morning in autumnE) the weather in winter

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    Once a year Mary goes to spend a week with her

    Aunt Sarah who lives in a small seaside town.

    Usually she goes in the spring. It all began when

    Marys mother had to go into hospital for an

    operation and Mary was sent to stay with her aunt.

    Mary and her aunt enjoyed being together, and,

    before she left, Mary promised to go back again for

    another holiday for the following year. These visits

    have been going on for six years now.

    13. Marys visit to her aunt ----.

    A) made her very happyB) came after six yearsC) was postponed until the following yearD) lasted several weeksE) generally takes place in the spring

    14. Mary and her aunt ----.

    A) usually go on holiday together in the springB) have lived together for six years nowC) have become very fond of each otherD) have promised to go to the hospitalE) have gone away to a small town

    15. The first time Mary stayed with her aunt ----.

    A) she wished she hadnt goneB) she had to have an operationC) was when her mother was illD) was not very enjoyableE) was the year following her mothers


    People are very much influenced by the climate in

    which they live. For example, those who live in the

    sunny Mediterranean countries are more friendly

    and warmer than those living in the cold northern

    parts of the world. It is in the north, however, that

    the value of the sun is really understood. This is why

    the Scandinavian people hold, in the middle of the

    summer, one of the biggest festivals of the year,

    known as The Midnight Sun Festival.

    16. One reason why people of theMediterranean countries are warm and

    friendly ----.

    A) is the number of festivals they haveB) is the sunny climateC) could be the change in climateD) seems to be that they do not value the sunE) may be that they have never been to the


    17. The Midnight Sun Festival shows that ----.

    A) the summer season has just startedB) the northern parts are not as cold as we

    thinkC) the Scandinavian people are really very

    friendlyD) the Scandinavian countries have a very

    sunny climateE) the Scandinavian people give great

    importance to the sun

    18. The main idea of the passage is that ----.

    A) in the Mediterranean countries no summerfestival is held

    B) the Scandinavian people are very fond ofholding festivals

    C) there is a close relationship between theclimate of a place and the people livingthere

    D) the people of the north and the people ofthe south dont like each other

    E) the sun is necessary for the life

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com14

    It is a mistake to assume that educational

    programmes on television are likely to be boring. In

    fact, as long as these programmes are made in a

    rich and creative manner, there is no doubt that can

    and does draw the attention of people, especially

    young people. Perhaps some of the best examples

    of successful educational programmes are those

    which deal, for instance, with ancient historical sites,

    environmental problems, wild life, geography or the

    strange world at the bottom of the sea.

    19. In the passage it is emphasized that a goodeducational programme ----.

    A) has more influence on people if it is shownon television

    B) should in the first place be concerned withhistory and biology

    C) should involve young people andencourage them to study the natural world

    D) can contribute a great deal to peoplesawareness of environmental problems

    E) is one which is made creatively andcontains a great deal of interesting material

    20. In the passage, the term wild life ----.

    A) is used to indicate the behaviour of theyoung people

    B) refers to animals, birds and other l ivingbeings in nature

    C) signifies the living conditions o primitivepeople

    D) means a large unused place of landE) refers to pre-historical times

    21. Some people seem to think that ----.

    A) only those programmes concerned withhistorical and geographical subjects can befascinating

    B) television doesnt give enough importanceto the problems of the youth

    C) educational programmes on television areof little interest

    D) a lot of money is needed to make a goodeducational programme

    E) young people are more interested ineducational programmes than their elders

    Nowadays, in England, tea is quite the most

    popular, and also the cheapest, of all drinks. People

    drink their tea in different ways. Some like it with

    sugar, some without. Some drink it with milk, some

    with lemon; yet, one way or another just about

    everyone drinks tea. This, however, has not always

    been the case. During the last century, when tea

    was very expensive, it was kept locked up, and the

    lady of the house had the key. Tea drinking was

    quite a ceremony, reserved for the evenings. At

    breakfast everyone drank beer!

    22. In the passage it is explained that ----.

    A) in England today people have differenthabits of tea drinking

    B) in the passage in England only thewealthy were able to drink tea

    C) at breakfast England people also like todrink beer

    D) English people mostly prefer to have theirtea in the evening

    E) in England usually a ceremony is held inthe family before tea is served

    23. Compared with the past, in England today


    A) more and more people prefer tea to beerB) tea is regarded as a luxuryC) tea is very cheap and commonly availableD) sugar is becoming less and less popularE) people do not care about the quality of tea

    24. It is obvious from the passage that ----.

    A) English people have always regarded teaas better than beer

    B) over the years the popularity of tea inEngland has increased tremendously

    C) drinking tea with lemon is only a recenthabit in England

    D) like tea, beer is also an extremely populardrink

    E) English people are no longer fond ofceremonies

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    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com15

    Elizabeth parked the car and then went into the

    busy station to meet Jane who was going to spend

    the weekend with her. Elizabeths friends often

    came for the weekend, but there was something a

    little different about Janes visit. She and Jane

    hadnt seen each other for 15 years. While at

    university, they shared a flat together for 2 years but

    then each had married and Jane and her husband

    had lived abroad a great deal. Elizabeth began to

    ask herself: Will we even be able to recognize each

    other after all these years? Right then she saw

    Jane walking towards her and smiling straight at her

    with the old, unforgettable smile quite unchanged.

    25. Elizabeth is worried ----.

    A) because Janes may have changed a greatdeal after all these years

    B) in case she wont be able to find a place topark in the car

    C) about Jane and her husband who aregoing to live abroad

    D) in case Jane will change her mind aboutcoming for the weekend

    E) in case after a separation of so many yearsthey may both fail to recognize each other

    26. The first thing Elizabeth noticed about Janewhen they met at the station was ----.

    A) that she had become quite oldB) how well she was lookingC) that she had not forgotten how to smileD) her smile which had not changed at allE) that she had already been married

    27. Elizabeths friendship with Jane ----.

    A) went back to their university yearsB) lasted only for two years when they were at

    universityC) ended soon after they had each marriedD) has always been envied by all their friendsE) found its best expression in their weekend

    visits to each other

    There was silence. Neither Mr. Mayne nor Mr.

    Bridge spoke. Mr. Mayne looked across at Mr.

    Bridge and waited. Both wanted the other to speak.

    Neither spoke. It was as if each felt that whoever

    spoke first would lose. Presently, they rose together

    and together said: Well, I must be going. Then they

    nodded slightly to each other and did indeed go. So

    they agreed to separate, but on both sides there

    was regret, for each was deeply convinced that they

    could have formed a business partnership that

    would have given them fame and wealth.

    28. When Mr. Mayne and Mr. Bridge separated----.

    A) each was confident that the partnershipwould flourish

    B) they both seemed relievedC) they agreed to meet again soonD) both were feeling disappointedE) they were equally pleased with themselves

    29. Mr. Mayne and Mr. Bridge scarcely spoke toeach other because ----.

    A) they hated each otherB) they didnt think it was necessaryC) there was nothing to sayD) each wanted the other to startE) they didnt want to work together

    30. When Mr. Mayne and Mr. Bridge met, they----.

    A) were anxious to talk about their wealthB) hoped to solve their financial problemsC) were both sure that they could have been

    successful partners in businessD) found they had nothing to sayE) disliked each other immediately

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    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com16

    On the day of my first piano recital, I became more

    and more nervous. To help me calm down, my

    piano teacher told me to place several cabbages in

    the room where I practised. If I could play for them,

    he said, I could play for a real audience. I was so

    eager to get over my nerves that I was willing to try

    anything. For the next few hours, I played to an

    audience of cabbages. When the time of the recital

    finally arrived, I was still terribly nervous. My hands

    felt like ice. When I finally walked across the stage, I

    looked out into the dark audience. I couldnt see

    anyone! All those people out there could just as

    easily have been cabbages! As I sat down to play,

    my hands relaxed. Before I knew it, I had played all

    my pieces without a mistake. For the first time, thecabbage heads were applauding!

    31. On the day of the recital the music teacher


    A) advised the writer to put cabbages in theroom where he practised and play for them

    B) warned the writer not to look at theaudience

    C) had no patience with the writer because hewas nervous too

    D) felt nearly as nervous about the recital asthe writer did

    E) couldnt think of a way of helping the writerto stay calm

    32. The writer stopped feeling nervous ----.

    A) because he had practised a great dealB) when the audience began to applaudC) before he walked onto the stageD) as soon as the concert was overE) when he found he couldnt see the


    33. In the passage it is explained that ----.

    A) the writer was always nervous on the dayof the concert

    B) the writer played to some cabbagesbecause there was no real audience

    C) the writer finally began to relax just beforehe began his recital

    D) the room was so cold that the writershands felt like ice

    E) the writer always practised in a roomwhere there were cabbages

    Mountaineering has this advantage over most other

    sports; enjoyment depends very little indeed on

    natural ability or technical skill; it is a sport without

    winners and without losers. By all means study the

    technique of climbing if it interests you. But, believe

    me, provided you go to really good mountain

    country, it doesnt much matter how you climb or

    what you climb. There are three things that matter;

    look up frequently to see the way ahead; dont leave

    the holds you have until you have tested new ones;

    do all you can to help those climbing with you.

    34. As it is pointed out in the passage,mountaineering is a sport ----.

    A) in which nobody wins and nobody losesB) that is not suitable for the oldC) in which technique is not easy to learnD) which can be enjoyed anywhere in the

    countryE) that most people are interested in

    35. When climbing, one must ----.

    A) always follow the good climbersB) be careful to check that new holds are safe

    before leaving old onesC) always keep to known routesD) never look backE) try to develop ones natural abilities

    36. The passage emphasizes the fact that ----.

    A) the techniques of climbing are of greatimportance

    B) there is actually not much really goodclimbing country

    C) climbing is not a team sportD) one climber should always help anotherE) few people really enjoy climbing

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com17

    The desires of a child were naturally rather limited in

    the Victorian era. Toys were simple and

    comparatively few. There were no bicycles or

    mechanical models. The average child made his

    own fun from very cheap materials. Really the only

    shop the child dreamed of entering for his own

    purposes was the sweetshop. Nowadays, a

    bewildering variety of toys, magazines and

    entertainments are competing for his interest and

    money. The boredom of having everything ready-

    made leads to a constant desire for something new.

    37. It is suggested in the passage that the

    modern child ----.

    A) wishes he had been born in the Victorianera

    B) suffers from boredom in spite of all the toysC) develops his abilities by playing with toysD) is well able to amuse himselfE) is allowed to eat too much

    38. According to the passage ----.

    A) mechanical toys are essential to a childshappiness

    B) a child should not be left to make his ownfun

    C) home-made toys give more pleasure thanready-made ones

    D) a constant desire for something new wasencouraged in children in Victorian times

    E) simple toys slow down a childsdevelopment

    39. The passage emphasizes ----.

    A) a child should have money to spend ontoys

    B) the importance, in childhood, of a largechoice of toys

    C) how lucky the modern child isD) that sweets are not good for the healthE) the difference between a Victorian child

    and a present-day one

    Most people werent impressed when, in 1913, the

    Daily Mail newspaper offered 10,000 to the first

    pilot to fly across the Atlantic in under 72 hours. The

    majority of scientists, even, said it could not be

    done. Certainly the problems involved were many

    and far-ranging. Obviously, the design of the

    aeroplane was of great importance, but so too were

    the skill and courage of the pilot and the navigator;

    weather conditions also had to be taken into

    consideration. A very few enthusiasts thought it

    might be possible ten years later. They were wrong.

    A pilot received the prize six years later.

    40. When the Daily Mail offered a prize in 1913,for flying across the Atlantic ----.

    A) there were few aeroplanes that could stayin the air for more than 72 hours

    B) many enthusiastic amateurs were eager totry

    C) the majority of scientists thought it could bedone

    D) almost no one believed it was possible todo this within the next ten years

    E) the general public were very interested inthe scheme

    41. The 10,000 prize offered by the Daily Mailin 1913 ----.

    A) was shared by pilot and navigatorB) was never wonC) was won ten years laterD) was received even earlier than some

    enthusiasts expectedE) aimed at encouraging better aircraft design

    42. The passage points out that ----.

    A) before the Atlantic could be crossed byplane, many factors had to be considered

    B) the prize of 10,000 was actually notworth very much

    C) the majority of scientists were extremelyinterested in the project

    D) the Daily Mail was impressed by thecourage of the pilot who received the prize

    E) weather conditions were favourable on the

    day of the flight

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com18

    Every summer many people, girls and boys and

    men, try to swim from England to France or from

    France to England. The distance at the nearest

    points is only about twenty miles, but because of the

    strong currents the distance that must be swum is

    usually more than twice as far. The f irst man to

    succeed in swimming across the Channel was

    Captain Webb, an English man. This was in August

    1875. He landed in France 21 hours 45 minutes

    after entering the water at Dover. Since then, there

    have been many successful swims and the time has

    been shortened. One French swimmer crossed in

    11 hours and 5 minutes.

    43. Swimming the Channel is not as easy as itmight seem ----.

    A) as the distance between the two countriesis far too much

    B) and it always takes more or less 20 hoursC) and only two people have managed to do it

    so farD) so few people even try to swim itE) for there are very strong currents

    44. The first time anyone swam across thechannel ----.

    A) was two centuries agoB) was when England and France organized

    a swimming competitionC) no one really believed himD) he was helped by favourable currentsE) he reached Dover just before 10 in the


    45. The time Captain Webb needed to swimacross the Channel ----.

    A) was unbelievably shortB) has since been nearly reduced to halfC) still remains a recordD) was thought to be far too longE) hasnt been equalled by any French


    A new discovery of a dinosaur fossil in Antarctica

    has confirmed the idea that dinosaurs lived not only

    in the Northern Hemisphere but also in the Southern

    Hemisphere as well. Up until this discovery,

    scientists had found dinosaur remains on every

    continent except for Antarctica. This new discovery

    now confirms the idea that dinosaurs were

    distributed worldwide. If the dinosaur fossil is shown

    to be related to other dinosaurs of the same period

    in South America, it will also support the idea that

    South America and Antarctica were once linked


    46. It is only recently that ----.

    A) important scientific studies about theSouthern Hemisphere have been carriedout

    B) scientists have been seriously interested infossils

    C) a dinosaur fossil has been discovered inAntarctica

    D) some new facts about the NorthernHemisphere have come to light

    E) Antarctica has been discovered

    47. One can understand from the passage that----.

    A) dinosaurs, at one time in the past, lived inboth hemispheres

    B) dinosaurs were in fact, more commonlyfound in the Southern Hemisphere

    C) scientists had long since realized thatdinosaurs had actually lived in Antarctica

    D) the dinosaur fossil, discovered inAntarctica, was significantly different fromthose found in other continents

    E) the discovery of a dinosaur fossil inAntarctica was actually of little importanceto scientists

    48. It is hoped that the discovery of thedinosaur fossil in Antarctica ----.

    A) would contribute significantly to ourknowledge of the Northern Hemisphere

    B) will throw further light on the existence ofdinosaurs in the past

    C) would lead to further similar discoveries inthe Southern Hemisphere

    D) could answer the question whether SouthAmerica and Antarctica were originallyconnected

    E) will attract more scientists to this type ofwork

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com19

    A popular method of treating frozen fingers and toes

    in very cold, even freezing weather is to slowly

    rewarm them or rub them with snow. The best

    treatment, however, is not slow rewarming. Putting

    the frozen fingers or toes in a warm bath or using a

    hot water bottle are both good ways to treat them.

    Hot drinks to warm the body from within are also

    helpful. One must be careful about burning the skin,

    however. The temperature of any heat applied

    should not be greater than 43 C.

    49. The main concern of the passage is ----.

    A) why frozen fingers and toes should beslowly re-warmedB) how to keep adequately warm in winterC) how to treat fingers and toes that have

    been frozenD) the dangers of freezing weather for the

    bodyE) why one should have plenty of hot drinks in


    50. It is pointed out in the passage that ----.

    A) the use of hot water bottles to rewarm thebody in not advisable

    B) one should try to rewarm frozen fingersand toes fairly rapidly

    C) in rewarming the body the higher thetemperature, the better the result is

    D) people should be warned not to go out infreezing cold weather

    E) one should take a hot bath as soon aspossible in winter

    51. The author warns that ----.

    A) the minimum temperature required is 43 CB) in rewarming the body, care must be taken

    not to burn the skinC) one should never rub frozen fingers and

    toes with snowD) hot drinks must not be taken in

    immediatelyE) recovery cannot be as rapid as one would


    Bicycling in America has been growing at an

    amazing rate. Bicycles used to be sold to parents

    for their children. Now those same parents are

    buying them for themselves, as well as for their

    children. And grandparents are cycling, too.

    Moreover, people dont simply cycle for fun and for

    the exercise. Many young executives ride bikes to

    work as an alternative to adding to the pollution of

    cities, and to fighting traffic jams, while college and

    high school students find bikes an economical

    alternative to cars or buses.

    52. In the passage it is emphasized that, inAmerica ----.

    A) more and more people of all ages are nowusing bicycles

    B) few collage can afford to run a carC) no executive feels he can cycle to workD) most parents feel it is dangerous for

    children to cycle to schoolE) a great many traffic jams are being caused

    by cyclists

    53. Cycling is also a hobby that ----.

    A) attracts fewer and fewer peopleB) is getting increasingly more expensiveC) only appeals to the youngD) has a high-accident rateE) the whole family can enjoy

    54. From the passage we can infer that ----.

    A) different people have different reasons forpreferring a bicycle to a car

    B) most Americans can no longer afford to runa car

    C) young children should not be allowed tocycle on main roads

    D) a lot of parents are borrowing theirchildrens bicycles

    E) cycling is fun in the country but not in a city

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    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com20

    It is easy enough to understand why birds should

    migrate, and one can understand how they time

    their migrations according to changing day length or

    temperature. The real mystery is, how do they know

    which way to go? Human navigators, even with the

    help of all kinds of modern instruments, still make

    mistakes. So how do birds manage to find their way

    without making any mistake?

    55. The most puzzling thing about the migrationof the birds is ----.

    A) why they always leave at the end of thesummerB) how they know what route to followC) that they are less skilful than human beings

    at navigationD) why they feel the need to migrateE) the timing of their departure

    56. According the passage, the change in the

    length of the days and the temperature ----.

    A) help birds to find their way with greataccuracy

    B) hardly affect the migration of the birdsC) can be measured accurately to aid

    navigationD) play a vital role in timing their migrationE) have always been a mystery to man

    57. From the passage we realize that, in spite of

    high technology, man ----.

    A) cannot make birds change their migrationhabits

    B) is still unable to explain the reasons for themigration of birds

    C) cannot measure changes in day length andtemperature with any accuracy

    D) has failed to improve navigation techniquesE) is not efficient as birds at navigation

    In an interview yesterday Mr. Wilson was

    questioned about the harmful effects of horror

    movies on teenagers. He argued that such effects

    were often exaggerated, and claimed that other

    types of film were far more dangerous for young

    people. When asked to prove these, he pointed out

    that horror films were often set in unreal situations

    and were clearly not to be taken seriously. In

    contrast, he claimed that films showing violent crime

    often set in everyday life, and were therefore more


    58. In Mr. Wilsons opinion, horror films ----.

    A) cost more than other kinds of filmB) are more popular among the elderly than

    among the youngC) should be banned altogetherD) are less damaging to young people than

    films of violent crimeE) have recently ceased to appeal to the


    59. For Mr. Wilson the main difference betweena horror film and one showing violent crime

    is that the former ----.

    A) is mainly concerned with everydaysituations

    B) is liked by the young, and the latter by theold

    C) is unrelated to life, whereas the latter isD) is less expensive to produce than the latterE) rarely receives any attention from the


    60. The interviewer wanted to find out whether----.

    A) young people were being harmed by horrorfilms

    B) Mr. Wilson had himself been affected byhorror films

    C) Mr. Wilson preferred horror films to films ofviolence

    D) people were seriously objecting to horrorfilms

    E) the affect of films were being exaggerated

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com21


    The famous tower of London was built as a fortress

    by William the Conqueror. Early in the Middle Ages

    the kings used it as a palace. Later on, it was turned

    into a prison, but only distinguished prisoners,

    including statesmen and princes, were held there.

    Today the tower is a national museum, where

    among other things; the jewellery of the English

    kings and queens is on display.

    1. It is obvious from the passage that thefunctions of the Tower of London ----.

    A) were all established by William theConqueror

    B) have always been controlled by the kingsC) have varied greatly over the centuriesD) are all of military natureE) have not changed at all since the Middle


    2. We learn from the passage that the Tower----.

    A) was not originally intended to be fortressB) was never a prison for ordinary peopleC) is still unique example of medieval

    architectureD) was never a residence of English kingsE) functions today only as a jewellery


    3. William the Conquerors original purpose inbuilding the Tower London ----.

    A) was one of defenceB) was to exhibit his valuable jewelleryC) was strongly criticized later in the Middle

    AgesD) remains unknown even nowE) is still being debated among historians

    Never before in history have people been so aware

    of what is going on in the world. Television,

    newspapers and radio keep us continually informed

    and stimulate our interest. The sociologists interest

    in the world around him is intense, for society is his

    field of study. Indeed, he needs to know what is

    happening in society; he wants to know what makes

    the social world what it is, how it is organized, why it

    changes in the way that it does. Such knowledge is

    valuable not only for those who make great

    decisions, but also for you, since this is the world in

    which you live in your way.

    4. The passage emphasizes that whatever

    goes on in the world today ----.

    A) is quickly forgotten by the majorityB) only concerns the sociologistC) first makes the headlines in the passageD) is of great interest to everyoneE) can easily be ignored by people in power

    5. It is pointed out in the passage that, amongother things, sociologists are very much

    interested in ----.

    A) our reaction to their studiesB) the effect of television on educationC) the reasons for social changesD) how people make a living in the worldE) environmental problems

    6. One may conclude from the passage thatthe studies made by sociologists ----.

    A) are extremely useful both to decisionmakers and to ordinary people

    B) are of little interestC) receive a lot of attention from the mediaD) are primarily intended for students of

    sociologyE) do not adequately reflect real conditions in

    the world

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com22

    Good students usually have good study habits and

    know how to plan their time efficiently. Some find it

    helpful to draw up a five or six day programme each

    week and plan what they will do and when. Of

    course, one cannot always keep to such a plan.

    Unexpected things often happen but even the

    making of such a plan forces us to think about what

    we ought to do during the week and this is the first

    step towards doing it.

    7. A week study programme can be very useful----.

    A) after good study habits have beenestablished

    B) but doesnt lead to better study habitsC) so long as it is not very detailedD) even if one doesnt keep to it exactlyE) if one knows it cant be changed

    8. Good students ----.

    A) only do what they ought to do and not what

    they want to doB) waste a lot of time thinking about what they

    ought to doC) owe their success to good study habits and

    careful planning of their timeD) take five or six days to do what they could

    do in two or three daysE) cant plan their time efficiently without

    someone to help them

    9. One advantage of drawing up a work plan

    every week is that ----.

    A) we realize that a lot of the work we do isunnecessary

    B) unexpected problems can be avoidedC) we can give ourselves two whole free daysD) it reminds us of what we have to do during

    the weekE) we soon grow used to working at regular


    Many people who have to start the day early find it

    difficult to wake up properly. For some of them, the

    solution is very straight-forward: they drink two cups

    of coffee and the feelings of the fatigue disappear.

    This is the effect of caffeine, which is a family of

    stimulants found not only in coffee but also in such

    drinks as tea, cola and cocoa. Taken in reasonable

    amounts, the stimulating chemical may help some

    people to work more efficiently. However, excessive

    quantities of caffeine can cause several irritating,

    unhealthy side effects. Studies show, in fact, that

    more than two cups of tea a day can cause

    unpleasant symptoms such as nervousness,

    irritability, stomach pain and insomnia.

    10. The passage suggests that it is inadvisablefor one to ----.

    A) drink any tea, coffee or cocoa at allB) drink more than two cups of tea a dayC) start the day without a stimulant of some

    sortD) use any other stimulant but caffeineE) drink coffee late in the day

    11. Caffeine and other similar stimulants----.

    A) can produce certain unpleasant sideeffects if large doses are taken

    B) are completely harmlessC) always have a negative effect upon peopleD) actually never lead to improved

    performanceE) are only to be found in tea, coffee and cola

    12. The passage points out that many peoplebegin the day with two cups of coffee ----.

    A) even when they dont feel sleepyB) because, by doing so, they soon feel wide

    awakeC) because there is less caffeine in coffee

    than in teaD) if they know the day ahead is likely to be

    an irritating oneE) as this is the best way to cure certain

    stomach pains and insomnia

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com23

    Like so many other materials in Japan, paper too

    has come in for many hundreds of years of artistic

    consideration. At one period of the countrys history,

    the paper on which a poem was written was as

    important as the poem itself. A thousand years ago

    there were whole towns actively engaged in making

    paper. Such towns still exist, but there were also

    many farming villages which then, as they do today,

    made paper to earn extra income during the winter.

    At present, about half of Japans farmers must add

    to their incomes with winter jobs. Although a large

    amount of winter employment is provided by

    construction companies, some farmers continue to

    work at such cottage industries as paper-making.

    13. It is obvious from the passage that the art ofpaper-making in Japan ----.

    A) is still the most important source of incomefor a large part of the population

    B) has disappeared owing to industrializationC) was of no economic value at all in the pastD) was only practised by the peasants in the

    countryE) has a long history

    14. The passage emphasizes that approximatelyfifty per cent of the farming population inJapan ----.

    A) is not satisfied with current farming policiesB) prefers town life to village lifeC) engages in a secondary occupation in the

    winterD) plans to give up farming and go into

    construction workE) has no concept of the national history

    15. It is suggested that paper-making ---.

    A) encouraged the development of poetry inB) is still one of Japans cottage industriesC) has never been a significant commercial

    interest in JapanD) has seldom been regarded as an art by the

    JapaneseE) and construction are the two major areas

    of employment in Japan

    One tends to assume that Iceland must be very

    cold. In fact it isnt. The Gulf Stream warms it and so

    do hot springs. The whole city of Reykjavik, the

    capital of Iceland, is heated by hot water pumped

    from springs. These waters also warm a great many

    city swimming pools. There are greenhouses in

    almost every backyard in Reykjavik. Heat for the

    greenhouses also comes from the hot springs.

    Tomatoes, peppers and melons are grown at all

    times of the year. Flowers like tulips and pinks are

    also grown.

    16. The passage paints a picture of Reykjavikthat ----.

    A) ignores geographical factorsB) emphasises how cold and barren it isC) implies that the level of civilization is lowD) is distinctly unpleasantE) is both surprising and attractive

    17. The people of Reykjavik ----.

    A) lead primitive, uncomfortable livesB) suffer greatly from the cold climateC) make very good use of the hot springsD) cannot afford to heat their houses properlyE) have done nothing to make life in the

    capital pleasant

    18. Tomatoes, peppers and melons ----.

    A) are the only food produced in IcelandB) are some of the chief imports of IcelandC) are naturally great luxuries in IcelandD) grow all the year round in IcelandE) have only recently been introduced into


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    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com24

    When Queen Victoria died in 1901, the world was

    entering a new and exciting period of change. For

    instance, in that year, for the first time, wireless

    signals had crossed the Atlantic and, in the following

    year, an airship flew from Europe to America.

    Already the motor car had come into use and was

    making life much easier. Telephones also were

    becoming fairly common. Politically and

    economically, people looked forward to a time of

    peace, wealth and progress. In fact, nothing

    seemed to stand in the way of such a future.

    19. It is obvious from the passage that thetwentieth century ----.

    A) opened with a decline in industrial andeconomic activity

    B) inherited, from the previous century, verymany serious social and political problems

    C) began in a spirit of hope and confidencewhich was more or less world-wide

    D) was ushered in by a wave of despair anddiscontent

    E) introduced a period of economic andpolitical unrest

    20. At the beginning of the twentieth century,people ----.

    A) were still not fully aware of the benefits orthe telephone

    B) believed that technological and economicprogress could not be halted

    C) preferred to make their long distancejourneys by airship

    D) were extremely upset by the death ofQueen Victoria

    E) felt ill at ease in the face of so muchchange

    21. From the passage one can conclude that atthe turn of the new century ----.

    A) the drawbacks of industrialization becameevident

    B) it seemed that nothing more could beinvented

    C) progress and change were to be seen onevery side

    D) technological progress was hampered byan economic crisis

    E) the main emphasis was on improvedcommunications

    There can be few more depressing stories in the

    entire history of mans exploitation of nature than

    the wide-spread destruction of whales. Whales have

    not only suffered untold cruelty but now face total

    extermination. Already entire populations have been

    wiped out, and the only reason why no species has

    yet been finished off is due to the vastness and

    inaccessibility of the oceans. Hence, a few have

    always managed to escape, but how much longer

    can this go on?

    22. The author points out that, of all the animalsin nature, it is probably the whales that ----.

    A) have aroused most sympathy amongordinary peopleB) have attracted the least scientific attentionC) alone can survive mans hunting instinctD) have suffered most from mans crueltyE) can finally avoid total extinction

    23. According to the passage, if whales have sofar survived, it is because ----.

    A) they have taken refuge in the vast

    expanses of the oceansB) they breed fast an are difficult to catchC) modern man has recognised the need to

    preserve themD) various measures have been taken to save

    them from total exterminationE) man has finally realized that nature must

    not be exploited

    24. In the passage the author expresses hisdoubts about whether ----.

    A) many species of whales ought to bepreserved

    B) the exploitation of nature can be justifiedC) whales can actually survive in the futureD) many really is a cruel to whales as some

    people have claimedE) there is any point in trying to preserve all

    species of animals

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  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com26

    England is famous for its gardens, and most people

    like gardening. This is probably one reason why so

    many people prefer to live in houses rather than in

    flats. Particularly in suburban areas it is possible to

    pass row after row of ordinary small houses, each

    one with its neatly kept patch of grass surrounded

    by a great variety of flowers and shrubs. Enthusiasts

    of gardening get a great deal of helpful advice from

    television and magazines.

    31. The passage points out, because manyEnglish people are fond of gardening,----.

    A) they dont want to live suburban areasB) houses are more popular than flatsC) they can spare little time for televisionD) the price of land is constantly going upE) they grow flowers but not grass and fruit


    32. The passage stresses that people interestedin gardening ----.

    A) find it necessary to move out to distantrural areas

    B) need large gardens in order to derivesatisfaction

    C) are in a minority in EnglandD) get very little encouragement from the

    mediaE) are supplied with information and guidance

    by both television and the press

    33. The passage is concerned with ----.

    A) the increasing demand for new varieties offlowers and shrubs

    B) the problems of gardening in suburbanareas

    C) the new techniques in gardeningD) the enthusiasm of people in England for

    gardens and gardeningE) how to look after the grass in gardens

    Public libraries, maintained by the local authorities,

    are well developed and progressive, and

    everywhere allow people to borrow books without

    charge. The books in the lending section are always

    kept on open shelves, and library staffs are very

    helpful in getting books on request from other

    libraries through the exchange system. Most

    libraries report an increase in borrowing over the

    past few years, so television does not seem to be

    stopping people from reading, as it was feared that

    it would.

    34. It is explained in the passage that any bookwhich is not available in one library ----.

    A) wont be available at any libraryB) can be brought from anotherC) discourages people from using librariesD) spoils the whole lending system of the

    public librariesE) should be reported to the librarian

    35. As pointed out in the passage, peoplenowadays ----.

    A) prefer entertaining television programmesto reading

    B) are using public libraries more than theyused to in the past

    C) read a lot but dont use the libraries muchD) complain a great deal about the poor

    services the libraries are offeringE) are using the exchange system less and

    less frequently

    36. The passage gives us the impression thatpublic libraries ----.

    A) charge more than is necessary for theservices given

    B) are no longer receiving any financialsupport from local authorities

    C) are working extremely efficiently at presentD) do not cooperate with each other at allE) are understaffed and poorly equipped

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    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com27

    Fahrenheit is the system of measuring the

    temperature, how hot or cold something is, used by

    many people in Britain. The freezing point of

    Fahrenheit is 32 degrees. So a cold winters day in

    Britain would have a temperature of 38 F (3

    centigrade), and a hot summers day would have

    temperature of 90 F (32 centigrade). The Fahrenheit

    scale was invented by the German scientist Gabriel

    Fahrenheit in 1710. Today in Britain most people

    over twenty-five know the Fahrenheit scale but the

    centigrade system (Celsius) is being used more and

    more. Weather forecasts on television and

    newspapers show temperature in both scales.

    37. It is explained in the passage that the term Fahrenheit ----.

    A) has retained its popularity among youngpeople

    B) is very rarely used in Britain todayC) refers to the scale of temperature between

    32 and 90D) is never used in weather forecastsE) derives from the name of a German


    38. It is implied in the passage that in the longrun, the Celsius system ----.

    A) will be remembered only by the elderlyB) will soon fall into disuseC) seems likely to be favoured by

    newspapers but not only by the televisionD) will replace the FahrenheitE) will improve and become more reliable

    39. The passage deals with ----.

    A) two different systems of measuring thetemperature

    B) the advantages of the Fahrenheit scaleover the Celsius scale

    C) the scientific research carried out byGabriel Fahrenheit

    D) the range in temperature to be found in theBritish Isles

    E) the declining popularity of the Celsius scalein Britain

    The Falklands are a group of islands in the South

    Atlantic close to Argentina, with a population of

    1,200 British citizens. They have been British

    territory since 1892. Disputes about who owns the

    islands go back to the eighteenth century. Argentina

    has long claimed that these islands, which they call

    the Malvinas, belong to them. They occupied the

    islands in April 1982 and the Falklands War lasted

    until July 1982, when British forces won them back.

    The Falklands War had an enormous impact on

    Britain and is still controversial. Some people see it

    as a restoration of Britains old imperial power.

    40. It is pointed out in the passage that bothBritain and Argentina ----.

    A) were reluctant to start the Falklands WarB) regard the Falklands as their own territoryC) realize that these islands are of no

    importance to anyoneD) prefer to use the name Malvinas for these

    islandsE) only laid claim to the islands after 1982

    41. According to passage, the Falklands War


    A) was being fought, on and off, between1892 and 1982

    B) was largely ignored by the British publicC) showed how right Argentina was in

    claiming the islandsD) was followed by a withdrawal of most

    British citizens from the islandsE) broke out when the islands were invaded

    by Argentina

    42. One may conclude from the passage that,even today, Britishs hold over the FalklandsIsland ----.

    A) is regarded as politically and economicallyunnecessary by everyone in Britain

    B) could, in all likelihood, lead to another warbetween Britain and other powers

    C) causes more problems than benefits to theBritish public

    D) is felt by some people to be a continuationof the British imperial rule

    E) has not been accepted anywhere but inArgentina

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com28

    The beauty of bread lies in its simplicity. Flour and

    liquid are the main ingredients, along with yeast and

    sometimes salt. From these basics we get a

    nourishing and tasty food that gives us

    carbohydrates, protein, and B vitamins, textures,

    and flavours. Practically every culture has its own

    type of bread, and many have more than one. For

    centuries it was the white bread that was popular;

    but nowadays more and more people rightly prefer

    the brown, village type of bread which contains far

    more vitamins and is also much tastier.

    43. As it is pointed out in the passage, theingredients of bread ----.

    A) dont allow for much originality in themanner of cooking

    B) vary greatly in different parts of the worldC) are few and simple but there is much

    variety in the type of bread producedD) are low in food valueE) are now very different from what they were

    a few centuries ago

    44. The passage stresses that bread is a useful

    item in our diet ----.

    A) even though most people dont really likethe taste

    B) but should only be eaten in small quantitiesC) especially if we confine ourselves to the

    white varietiesD) on account of both its flavour and the

    nourishment it providesE) so long as it is eaten with foods containing

    protein and carbohydrates

    45. According to the passage, the present daytrend in favour of the brown bread ----.

    A) is understandable and to be encouragedB) is not a healthy trendC) cannot be expected to continueD) is to be found only in the villagesE) has nothing to do with quality or

    nourishment, but only with appearance

    Many of us enjoy a visit to a zoo and for those

    seeing lions and tigers for the first time it is surely a

    most thrilling experience. But how many people stop

    to wonder how the animals are feeling in their often

    unsuitable surroundings? Most zoos cannot afford

    to provide all the separate species with the right

    environment. The animals in zoos may be well-fed,

    but a hunting animal wants to hunt for its own food.

    46. It is pointed out in the passage that, comingclose to such wild animals as tigers andlions ----.

    A) can only be possible in large zoosB) gives some people a strong sense of

    excitementC) can make them very aggressive towards

    peopleD) is unsettling for young childrenE) is the only way to understand their eating


    47. The writer feels that few people ----.

    A) visit a zoo in order to see the animals thereB) are indifferent to the feelings of zoo

    animalsC) are interested in any of the animal speciesD) are sufficiently sensitive to the conditions

    of animals kept in zoosE) really want to see a living lion or tiger

    48. It is emphasized in the passage that, theliving conditions of most animals in zoos----.

    A) are carefully designed to make the animalshappy

    B) have recently improved greatlyC) could easily be improved at little costD) tell us a lot about the natural environmentE) are very different from those of their natural


  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com29

    Born in January 30th 1951, Phil Collins seemed

    destined for a life on the stage. While his father was

    in charge of an insurance office, his mother

    managed a theatre school in London. All three of

    her children had parts in films. When Phil got a part

    in the London production of Oliver, he left school

    for a career in acting. Meanwhile, he was already

    playing drums at parties and clubs and had begun

    to write his own songs, secretly hoping that one day

    this would be his full-time job. Then, in 1975,

    something happened that changed his life. He

    became the drummer of the Genesis group.

    49. As the passage points out, the pop musicsinger Phil Collins ----.

    A) originally wanted to work alongside hisfather

    B) was introduced early in his life to the worldof entertainment

    C) got little encouragement from his familyD) was the first in his family to go on stageE) continued his schooling even after he took

    a part in the musical Oliver

    50. According to the passage, although PhilCollins began his career in the theatre, ----.

    A) his real interest lay in musicB) he always dreamed of being a successful

    businessman like his fatherC) his real talent was in film-makingD) he did so very unwillinglyE) he has always disliked being in the public


    51. The passage tells us that the year 1975 ----.

    A) was when Phil Collins first had a songaccepted by Genesis

    B) was the year in which Phil Collins left theGenesis group

    C) was a turning point in Phil Collinss lifeD) was one of great disappointments for Phil

    CollinsE) saw the end of Phil Collinss career as a


    British towns suffer from the same traffic

    congestion, noise and polluting fumes as all towns

    in the western world. However, as yet, only London,

    Newcastle, Glasgow and to a small extent Liverpool,

    have useful railways going underground through the

    central areas. Elsewhere there are plans for building

    underground railways but they have little hope of

    making any progress with them so long as public

    expenditure is restricted. In general, the north has

    better public transport than the south, with cheap

    and frequent bus services using better roads shared

    with fewer cars.

    52. As it is pointed out in the passage, mostBritish towns have no underground railway

    system ----.

    A) as the system is felt to cause a great dealof pollution

    B) since the majority of people have their ownprivate means of transport

    C) as this is not felt to be a practical systemoutside London

    D) because there is not sufficient publicmoney available for such projects

    E) simply because the people feel no need forone

    53. We can understand from the passage that


    A) Liverpool has the most developedunderground train system in Britain

    B) more people drive their own cars in thenorth than in the south

    C) the north of the Britain suffers less fromtraffic problems than the south does

    D) the south of Britain enjoys cheap andhighly efficient bus services

    E) British cities have much less air pollutionthan cities in the west

    54. The author suggests that undergroundrailways are an excellent means of transportsince ----.

    A) they are a much cheaper means oftransport than buses

    B) they do not pollute the streets of a city withnoise and petrol fumes

    C) the building and maintenance of them ascomparatively cheap

    D) the numbers who use them can easily berestricted

    E) the services offered on them are constantlybeing improved

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com30

    The famous English detective Thomas Wilson was

    actually a great lover of music; he often played the

    violin and even composed some music. He would

    sometimes spend a whole afternoon listening to

    music, and this would make him extremely happy.

    On such occasions he grew gentle and dreamy,

    quite unlike the sharp, clever and rather frightening

    detective that everybody knew him to be. But such a

    mood rarely lasted long; and when it left him, he

    was more alert and businesslike than ever.

    55. The writer describes a side of DetectiveWilsons character which ----.

    A) he thinks is unsuitable for a detectiveB) is referred to as a major defectC) was little known by the general publicD) had a bad effect upon his workE) eventually led to his downfall

    56. The writer points out that, after a quietafternoon spent in listening to music,Wilson ----.

    A) went back to his detective work withgreater efficiency

    B) would lose interest in his professional workC) found himself behaving in an aggressive

    mannerD) wished he didnt have to work in an

    aggressive mannerE) would take up his violin and play some of

    his own works

    57. We can understand from the passage thatWilson was generally regarded as ----.

    A) being rather unreliable as detectivesB) a man of many and varied talentsC) rather a cruel person, even a wicked oneD) an extremely intelligent detective, and one

    to be fearedE) someone whose behaviour was disliked by

    many people

    During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale

    showed extraordinary qualities of determination and

    organizing ability. In the English hospital where she

    worked, conditions at first were terrible; dirt and

    disease probably caused more deaths among the

    soldiers than did the wounds received in battle. Still,

    under these circumstances, Florence Nightingale

    gradually built up a highly disciplined nursing staff

    and, together with more adequate medical supplies,

    she was able to improve conditions and be of real

    service to the soldiers. However, the work was hard,

    and as a result, her own health suffered.

    58. One important point the passage makes is

    that Florence Nightingale ----.

    A) would have been more efficient if she hadhad a more qualified nursing staff

    B) was not liked by the nursing staff becauseof her harsh disciplines

    C) hated the terrible conditions in the hospitalas she herself had poor health

    D) failed to improve conditions in the hospitalas she herself had poor health

    E) overcame, with great efficiency, theproblems she faced in a military hospital

    59. It is clear from the passage that, becauseFlorence Nightingale was a determined

    person with a gift for organizing, she ----.

    A) volunteered to serve in the Crimean WarB) was widely criticised by her staffC) did little nursing herselfD) was able to succeed in her workE) was selected by the army to work as a

    nurse in the hospital

    60. As the writer points out in the passage,

    conditions in the military hospital were atthe beginning so bad that ----.

    A) they accounted for more deaths among thesoldiers than war itself

    B) little could be done to improveC) Florence Nightingale felt she had little

    chance of successD) many of the nursing staff fell illE) medical supplies soon ran out

  • 7/30/2019 Reading Comprehension 1 300 Soru


    READING COMPREHENSION www.ziyayurttapan.com31


    Skiing is a popular sport, enjoyed by people of all

    ages. The best skiers, that is, the professionals,

    have until recently been Europeans. The Austrian,

    the French, and the Italian have generally been the

    fastest in international competitions. Recently,

    however, skiers from other countries have also

    come to the fore and demonstrated their skills. As a

    result, interest in a sport has become worldwide,

    and this has led to highly competitive ski industry.

    1. It is clear from the passage that theEuropean ----.

    A) are determined to improve their skiing skillsB) are now losing their head lead in skiing

    sportsC) will soon dominate the ski industry in the

    worldD) regard skiing as the worlds most popular

    sportE) regret having invested so heavily in the sky


    2. The writer emphasizes that the developmentof the ski industry in the world ----.

    A) owes little to the growing internationalinterest in this sport

    B) has been fastest in countries outsidesEurope

    C) has been the result of the efforts made bythe European professionals

    D) has been to the benefit of the Europeancountries

    E) is due to the growing internationalpopularity of skiing as a sport

    3. According to the passage, as a sport, skiing----.

    A) arouses little interest outside EuropeB) is in the hands of professionals onlyC) is not confined to any special age groupD) is rapidly becoming too expensive for most

    peopleE) originally came into being in Austria

    The Amazon basin is a huge area in Brazil. It has

    always attracted businessmen on account of its

    valuable and rich resources such as rubber, coffee

    and cocoa. However, it is not easy to make money

    by starting an enterprise there. As the Brazilian say

    If you want to succeed, you must believe in the

    Amazon, and you must be young. Many rich men,

    including Henry Ford, have poured money into the

    area and gone away with nothing.

    4. The writer points out that manybusinessmen----.

    A) have expected to make their fortune in theAmazon basin, but most of them have