Fixated consumption behavior final

AMITY INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL FIXATED CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOR CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Submitted to: Submitted by: Prof. Dr. Kokil Jain Ankita Kapoor Aanchal Chopra Sachin Gusain Karan Godinho Harshita Baranwal



Transcript of Fixated consumption behavior final

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Submitted to: Submitted by:

Prof. Dr. Kokil Jain Ankita Kapoor

Aanchal Chopra

Sachin Gusain

Karan Godinho

Harshita Baranwal

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Fixated Consumption Behavior

Somewhere between materialism and compulsion, with respect to buying or possessing objects,

is the notion of being fixated with regard to consuming or possessing. Fixated consumption

behavior is in the realm of normal and socially acceptable behavior. Fixated consumers do not

keep their objects or purchases of interest a secret: rather they frequently display them, and their

involvement is openly shared with others who have a similar interest. In the world of serious

collectors, there are countless millions of fixated consumers pursuing their interests and trying to

add their collections.

Fixated consumers possess the following characteristics:

• a deep interest in a particular object or product category

• a willingness to go to considerable lengths to secure additional examples of the object or

product category of interest

• The dedication of a considerable amount of discretionary time and money to search out

the object or product.

This profile of the fixated consumer describes many collectors, hobbyists or enthusiasts. Thus,

the traits that portray the fixated consumer reveals person who is not only enduringly involved in

the object category itself but is also deeply involved in the process of acquiring the object.

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Literature Review

Collectors seem to share unique attitudes and personality traits when it comes to their hobby.

1. July,11

Sajjad Hussain*, Muhmmad Abbas, Khurram Shahzad and Syeda Asiya Bukhari,

“Personality and career choices, (African Journal of Business Management)”,

This paper made effort to conceptualize the importance of personality trait for matching the

career choices in new candidates. However, researchers need to validate these propositions for

the further usage and rectification of the proposed statements. Propositions presented in the

paper will help new incumbents to excel in their careers, and before choosing their career, they

will accurately assess their best match. For employers, the propositions will help them to find

their optimal choice regarding their requirements so that can prevent their wrong choice to

refrain from the future havocs. They can use personality tests to recruit their incumbents to

maximize their utility and to obtain best of their candidates to run and attain the organizational

competitive advantage.

2. Jadish N. Sheth, University of Southern California, USA. , Bruce I. Newman, DePaul

University, USA and Barbara L. Gross University of Southern California, USA.

“Why we buy what we buy: A theory of consumption values”

Deals with the field study of attitude structure and the attitude-behavior relationship, in models

of buyer behavior.

3. May,2005

Peter & Olsonetc,

Consumer Behavior Christopher (1989)

Studied the shopping habits of consumers to form an idea of whether or not the fixated concepts,

product ranges and strategies of the companies are appropriate towards consumer requirements.

He believed that consumer behaviors are unpredictable and changing continuously changing;

while trying to under try to understand how individual or group make their decision to spend

their available resources on consumption-related items. These are factors that influence the

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consumer before, during, and after a purchase (Schiffiman and Kanuk, 1997), for example,

feedback, from other customers, packing, advertising, product appearance, and price

The essence of this approach is critical for organizational success, so that they can have a better

understanding of their customer behaviors (Solomon et al., 2006). The physical action or

behavior of consumer and their buying decision every day can be measured directly by marketers

(Papanastassiu and Rouhani, 2006). For that reason many organizations these days are spending

lot of their resources to research how consumer makes their buying decision, what they buy, how

much they buy, when they buy, and where they buy (Kotler, Amstrong, 2001). To get a well

coherent result, organizations’ normally looked at these behavior base their analysis on

difference conceptions; whether customers buying behavior were measured from different

perspectives, such as product quality and better service, lower price structured etc (Papanastassiu

and Rouhani, 2006)

4. 1st march,08, vol 6

“Poor marketing and consumer arguments”

Mark Anderson, NYU & Marie Dave

The Context Argument as an Excuse for Poor Marketing Performance(Jaclyn Kayen Sun) study

shows, critics have challenged the context argument in which the emphasis on consumption

context would reduce consumer behavior to random chances, and that consumers seem to tailor

their purchases to a specific occasion. In rebuttal, mounting evidence from the literature has

suggested a possible delineation of consumer behavior. For instance, social learning theorists in

the psychology discipline have provided insight into the possible systematic effect of

consumption situations on consumer behavior. This suggests that consumer behavior is not as

“tailor-made” as one may imagine. The use of person—situation segmentation validates the fact

that a range of consumer behaviors can be recognised for a specific consumption context.

5. 3, 2012 (Fatimah Furaiji1, Małgorzata Łatuszyńska2, Agata Wawrzyniak)

“An Empirical Study of the Factors influencing Consumer Behavior in the Electric

Appliances Market”, vol 6, issue

This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the impact of different factors on

consumer buying behavior. It analyses the relationship between several independent

variables, such as cultural, social, personal, psychological and marketing mix factors, and

consumer behavior (as the dependent variable) in the electric appliances market.

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Research Methodology

The research sample includes responses from 43 subjects. It’s a quantitative research. Targeting

both males & females. Age – 18 to 25 years. Limited to college – goers only.

The research includes which object/item interests the subjects and are fond of collecting.

Questions are based on: duration of their collection hobby? What motivates to build a collection?

How do they keep updating their collection?

Also, the questionnaire revolves around following parameters:

Passion: The scale determines the level of enthusiasm for the collection.

Patience: To find the desired product takes a lot of time and efforts. It can be frustrating

as well. The level of patience is hence determined.

Ability to roll with the ups and downs: Collectors ride out the extremes when it comes to

the emotional roller coaster hunt.

Aware of Trends: Time changes and collectors seem to be one step ahead of what’s


Attitude: A new item may be the hottest thing around, but true collectors know what they

like regardless of what the rest of society thinks.

Money Involvement: Building a collection, takes a lot of efforts backed with money as

well (not applicable to all though)

This research is most interested in knowing – why do you think people collect? What motivates

them? How important is their collection to them? Collector’s personality highlights.

Regardless if they're into stamps, dishes, action figures, or lunchboxes, collectors seem to share

unique attitudes and personality traits when it comes to their hobby.

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Critical Findings

Based on the survey conducted and the responses obtained the major finding have been

1. Patients: People having the urge or passion of possession of certain commodities do not

rush into decisions, they build their collections over a period of time and it’s an ongoing

process for them. They build their collections for books, music records or any other

commodity by investing a lot of time.

2. Passion: People with passion of collecting or buying certain goods, fall under the category

of fixated consumer buying and do not think about what people think about them. As

depicted in the graph attached, 80% people would go on to buying the things to add on to

their collections without considering what others say about them.

Also the people truly passionate about collecting stuff cannot hide their excitement.

3. Ability to roll with the ups and downs: Collectors ride out the extremes when it comes to

the emotional roller coaster hunt. Certain situations where they want what they want and it

is not available, though it becomes a little frustrating but the passionate people deal with it

looking for any future possibility of having the good/item available.

Mainly disturbs people having inclination towards goods with emotional attachment.

4. Aware of Trends: While some people do not consider the trend and fashion and the

external aspects when it comes to their belongings, but a majority of people who have a

fetish or passion for certain items are well versed with the trends pertaining to the

products and constantly update their collections e.g. In case of electronics.

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5. Money Involvement: Building a collection, takes a lot of efforts backed with money as

well (not applicable to all though), but the people driven by passion towards a good or a

commodity do not delay their or cancel their purchases due to price.

In fact 72% of our respondents do not mind if they end up spending more than what they



Collecting has meanings in relation to the self

Collecting has meanings in relation to other people

Collecting as preservation, restoration, history and a sense of continuity

Collecting as financial investment

Collecting as addiction

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Secondary Data

The study of personality has been approached in many different ways. Heredity, early

childhood experiences, and other social influences have a strong effect on who you become. The

definition given here is on inner characteristics which distinguish one individual from others.

The web link on this page brings you to one of the thousands of personality tests you can find


There are some interesting findings regarding the nature of personality. First of all, personality

reflects individual differences. Because no two people are exactly the same, marketers can look

for certain similar personality traits in different consumers. These consumers can then be

grouped together based on this identified personality train. Personality is consistent and

enduring. This helps marketers predict consumer behavior over time in terms of personality.

Finally, personality can change due to major life events, such as marriage. You may notice

personally that your personality has changed somewhat as you have grown – certainly your

personality now is somewhat different then from when you were 7 years old.

Personality is defined as those inner psychological characteristics that both determine and

reflect how a person responds to his or her environment.

The emphasis in this definition is on inner characteristics—those specific qualities, attributes,

traits, factors, and mannerisms that distinguish one individual from other individuals.

The identification of specific personality characteristics associated with consumer behavior has

proven to be highly useful in the development of a firm’s market segmentation strategies.

These are the three major theories of personalities. There are many more but these three have

been chosen because they are important to the relationship between personality and consumer


• Freudian theory

– Unconscious needs or drives are at the heart of human motivation

• Neo-Freudian personality theory

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– Social relationships are fundamental to the formation and development of


• Trait theory

– Quantitative approach to personality as a set of psychological traits

Freudian Theory

Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality is one of the cornerstones of modern


This theory was built on the premise that unconscious needs or drives, especially biological and

sexual drives, are at the heart of human motivation and personality.

Sigmund Freud was one of the most important and influential psychiatrists of all time. There are

many web sited devoted to him and his theories. The web link on this page will take you to one

such site.

Freudian theory itself is based on the existence of unconscious needs or drives as the heart of

human motivation and personality. According to Freud, human personality consists of these

three systems, the id, super ego and the ego. The Id is the “warehouse” of primitive drives, basic

physiological needs such as hunger, thirst, and sex. The superego drives the individual to fulfill

their needs in a socially acceptable function. Finally, the ego is the internal monitor that

balances the needs of the id and the superego.

Freudian Theory and Product Personality

Those stressing Freud’s theories see that human drives are largely unconscious, and that

consumers are primarily unaware of their true reasons for buying what they buy.

These researchers focus on consumer purchases and/or consumption situations, treating them as

an extension of the consumer’s personality.

Can certain foods be a reflection of your personality? This table shows the results of a study of

19,000 consumers which examined the link between snack food perceptions and personality

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types. The table shows, for example, that nuts are associated with a personality that is take

charge, pitches in often, modest, self-confident but not a show-off.

Snack Foods Personality Traits

Potato chips Ambitious, successful, high achiever, impatient with less than the best.

Tortilla chips Perfectionist, high expectations, punctual, conservative, responsible.

Pretzels Lively, easily bored with same old routine, flirtatious, intuitive, may over

commit to projects.


crackers Rational, logical, contemplative, shy, prefers time alone.

Cheese curls Conscientious, principled, proper, fair, may appear rigid but has great

integrity, plans ahead, loves order.

Neo-Freudian Personality Theory

As opposed to Freud’s theories which were based heavily on development, Neo-Freudian’s are

concerned with social relationships. These relationships are formed to reduce feelings of

inferiority or tension. Furthermore, people can be classified as to how they interact with others –

are they compliant, aggressive, or detached. A compliant individual desires attention, an

aggressive desires admiration, and a detached person desires independence and freedom from

obligation. What is particularly interesting is how research has shown that these different

personality groups differ in their brand usage.

Several of Freud’s colleagues disagreed with his contention that personality is primarily

instinctual and sexual in nature.

They argued that social relations are fundamental to personality development.

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• Alfred Adler viewed human beings as seeking to attain various rational goals, which he

called style of life, placing emphasis on the individual’s efforts to overcome feelings of


• Harry Stack Sullivan stressed that people continuously attempt to establish significant

and rewarding relationships with others, placing emphasis on efforts to reduce tensions.

• Karen Horney focused on the impact of child-parent relationships, especially the

individual’s desire to conquer feelings of anxiety. She proposed three personality groups:

compliant, aggressive, and detached.

Compliant individuals are those who move toward others—they desire to be loved, wanted,

and appreciated.

Aggressive individuals move against others—they desire to excel and win admiration.

Detached individuals move away from others—they desire independence, self-sufficiency,

and freedom from obligations.

Trait Theory

Unlike Freudian and Neo-Freudian theories, trait theory is less qualitative and more focused on

measurement of personality. Tests can be done to measure single traits in consumers such as

how receptive they are to new experiences (innovativeness), their attachment to worldly

possessions (materialism), and their likelihood to accept or reject foreign-made products


Trait theory is a significant departure from the earlier qualitative measures that are typical of

Freudian and neo-Freudian theory.

It is primarily quantitative or empirical, focusing on the measurement of personality in terms of

specific psychological characteristics called traits.

A trait is defined as any distinguishing, relatively enduring way in which one individual differs

from another.

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• Selected single-trait personality tests increasingly are being developed specifically for use

in consumer behavior studies. Types of traits measured include:

– Consumer innovativeness—how receptive a person is to new experiences

– Consumer materialism—the degree of the consumer’s attachment to “worldly


– Consumer ethnocentrism—the consumer’s likelihood to accept or reject

foreign-made products

• Researchers have found that traits are more tied to general product categories then

specific brands. For instance, in this chart we see the type of soup a consumer prefers but

not necessarily the brands they would purchase.

Marketers are interested in understanding how personality influences consumption behavior

because such knowledge enables them to better understand consumers and to segment and target

those consumers who are likely to respond positively to their product or service communications.

Consumer Innovativeness and Related Personality Traits

Marketing practitioners must learn all they can about consumer innovators—those who are

open to new ideas and likely to try new products, services, or practices. Those innovators are

often crucial to the success of new products.

Personality traits have proved useful in differentiating between consumer innovators and non-


Consumer innovators are the group of consumers that are very open to new ideas and are usually

the first to purchase products. Innovativeness is the underlying trait that describes a consumer’s

willingness to try new products. Companies have found this very important when introducing

brand extensions because it is a key factor in the consumer’s likelihood to try the new product.

For hi-tech products, we see that innovativeness can be explained at three levels. The first,

global innovativeness is the overall innovative level of the consumer. Drilling down further,

domain-specific innovativeness has to do with the particular product category, and finally, the

innovative behavior is the actual purchase of the new product.

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Consumer innovators are the group of consumers that are very open to new ideas and are usually

the first to purchase products.

Innovativeness is the underlying trait that describes a consumer’s willingness to try new

products. Companies have found this very important when introducing brand extensions because

it is a key factor in the consumer’s likelihood to try the new product.

Dogmatic is a personality trait that describes how rigid or open a person is to new and unfamiliar

ideas and products. A person who is highly dogmatic approaches the unfamiliar defensively and

with discomfort. They will rarely consider the unfamiliar and tend to be very close minded.

Marketers have realized this type of customer appreciates advertising appeals with celebrities

and other experts.

Dogmatic is a personality trait that describes how rigid or open a person is to new and unfamiliar

ideas and products.

A person who is highly dogmatic approaches the unfamiliar defensively and with discomfort.

They will rarely consider the unfamiliar and tend to be very close minded..

A person who is low dogmatic will readily consider the unfamiliar or opposing beliefs.

• Consumers low in dogmatism (open-minded) are more likely to prefer innovative

products to established ones and tend to be more receptive to messages that stress factual

differences, product benefits, and other forms of product-usage information.

• Consumers high in dogmatism (closed-minded) are more likely to choose established

product innovations and tend to be more receptive to ads for new products or services

that contain an appeal from an authoritative figure.

Social Character

• Ranges on a continuum for inner-directedness to other-directedness

• Inner-directedness

– rely on own values when evaluating products

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– Innovators

• Other-directedness

– look to others

– less likely to be innovators

This personality trait has its origins in sociological research but it is of great interest to marketers

because it differentiates the type of advertising that influences these customers. Inner-directed

people prefer ads that stress product features. Other-directed individuals gravitate to ads that

that show approving social environment rather than product information – they want to look to

others to understand how to act or be accepted, and the ads give an example of this.

Need for Uniqueness

You may be able to identify friends with greater need for uniqueness. You can see it in their

clothes and hairstyles. Similarly to the other personality traits we have been discussing, there is

a measurement scale that researchers use to quantify an individual’s need for uniqueness. If the

respondent scores high on this scale, then they have a higher need for uniqueness.

Optimum Stimulation Level

Optimum stimulation levels are related to how a consumer tends to like or dislike novel,

complex, and unusual experiences and products. High optimum stimulation levels lead

consumers to take risks and try new products. Similar to a person with high innovativeness,

these consumers are important to marketers of new products.

A personality trait that measures the level or amount of novelty or complexity that individuals

seek in their personal experiences

High OSL consumers tend to accept risky and novel products more readily than low OSL


Sensation Seeking

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The need for varied, novel, and complex sensations and experience. And the willingness to take

social and physical risks for the sensations.

Sensation-seeking traits tie to the need to take risks to fulfill the sensations of experiences which

are different and extreme.

Variety-Novelty Seeking

Consumers seek variety in many ways. Some exhibit exploratory purchase behavior where

they switch brands often to experience new products. Other consumers display variety by use

innovativeness, using an existing product in a new way. Finally, vicarious exploration, which

often does not involve actual purchase about the product, refers to daydreaming or thinking often

about a new product. Ask yourself, for product categories, how do you exhibit variety-novelty


From Consumer Materialism to Compulsive Consumption

Consumer researchers are interested in possession traits and their relationship to consumption.

The first, consumer materialism, is a personality-like trait that describes how essential a person

finds possessions in relation to their identities and their lives. Think of people you know – do

some seem to have more possessions and find them more important.

• Materialistic People

• Acquire and show off possessions

• Self-centered and selfish

• Seek lifestyle full of possessions

• Do not get greater personal satisfaction from possessions

• Fixated consumption behavior

• Consumers fixated on certain products or categories of products

• Characteristics

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• Passionate interest in a product category

• Willingness to go to great lengths to secure objects

• Dedication of time and money to collecting

• Compulsive consumption behavior

• “Addicted” or “out-of-control” consumers

Consumer researchers are interested in possession traits and their relationship to consumption.

Fixated consumption behavior is displayed by a consumer who seems “fixated” in consuming

in a certain product category. For instance, people who collect Star Trek memorabilia from the

original television series or comic books would display fixated consumption behavior.

Compulsive consumption behavior begins to enter the area of abnormal behavior. These

individuals are somewhat out of control with their purchasing and suffer from a shopping

addiction called oniomania.

The Big Five Model

The Big Five traits are Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness,

and Neuroticism or OCEAN:

Openness - People who like to learn new things and enjoy new experiences usually score

high in openness. Openness includes traits like being insightful and imaginative and

having a wide variety of interests.

Conscientiousness - People that have a high degree of conscientiousness are reliable and

prompt. Traits include being organized, methodic, and thorough.

Extraversion - Extraverts get their energy from interacting with others, while introverts

get their energy from within themselves. Extraversion includes the traits of energetic,

talkative, and assertive.

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Agreeableness - These individuals are friendly, cooperative, and compassionate. People

with low agreeableness may be more distant. Traits include being kind, affectionate, and


Neuroticism - Neuroticism is also sometimes called Emotional Stability. This dimension

relates to one’s emotional stability and degree of negative emotions. People that score

high on neuroticism often experience emotional instability and negative emotions. Traits

include being moody and tense.

How to use results from the Big Five personality test

The Big Five personality test gives you more insight into how you react in different situations,

which can help you choose an occupation. Career professionals and psychologists use this

information in a personality career test for recruitment and candidate assessment.

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Gender: M/F

Age *

Below 18 years

18 - 21

22 - 25

Above 25 years

Which is that one item/object that you are fond of collecting? (Example Sharad Pawar is fond of

collecting pens) *

Since when have you been collecting this item? *

Since Childhood

During school

During college


What got you started on collecting it? *

How do you increase your collection? *

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Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither were the best collections. I don't give up or behave rashly

when it comes to my compilations. *

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree

Select a value from a range of 1,Strongly Disagree, to

5,Strongly Agree,.



Collecting can be enjoyable and at times, frustrating. I possess the ability to roll with the ups and

downs. *

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree

Select a value from a range of 1,Strongly Disagree, to

5,Strongly Agree,.



I am aware of the trends of my collectibles. *

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Strongly

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Select a value from a range of 1,Strongly Disagree, to

5,Strongly Agree,.


I am very passionate about my collection and I cannot fake excitement. *

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree

Select a value from a range of 1,Strongly Disagree, to

5,Strongly Agree,.



I like what I like, no matter what anyone else thinks. *

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree

Select a value from a range of 1,Strongly Disagree, to

5,Strongly Agree,.



When do you feel you want to add items to your collection? *

When your life feels busy and full?

When you are feeling a bit low?

When you have lots of time?


Do you worry that your urge to collect may get out of control and that you will spend too much

money? *



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0 0






Since Childhood During School During College Others

Duration of Collection

Since when have you been collecting this item?

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1 0 0 1

Mode of building collection















1 2 3 4 5

1 1

14 14 13


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1 2

3 4


The ability to roll with the ups and downs.










no yes

Money Involvement & Control

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I am aware of the trends of my collectibles.

I am very passionate about my collection and I cannot fake excitement.











1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th

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I like what I like, no matter what anyone else thinks









1 2 3 4 5

Level of Social Acceptance








When your life feels busy and


When you are feeling a bit


When you have lots of



Best Time to build and add to collection

When do you feel you want to add items to your collection?

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Sno Name Gender Age

Which is that one

item/object that you

are fond of collecting?

(Example Sharad Pawar

is fond of collecting


Since when have you

been collecting this


What got you started

on collecting it?

How do you increase

your collection?

1 Harshita Baranwal Female 22 - 25Business and

marketing articlesDuring college

The need to stay

updated and for

knowledge, of course.




3 Geetanjali Goel Female 22 - 25 stationary During school

i have always liked

using good stationary ,

and hence , i like to

collect it now even if i

end up not putting

them to use.


4 Anup Male 22 - 25 watch During schoolMY attraction towards


5 padma raj keshri Male 18 - 21 apple products During college quality, color Buy

6 ud Male 22 - 25 music During school I like listening to it. internet

7 Aditi Female 22 - 25 coins During school

luv 2 to about diff.

countries history, frm

the images which r

there on coins


8 kavita bahl Female 22 - 25 mobile phone covers During college Its make me feel happy Buy

9 Rishabh Arora Male 22 - 25 Gadgets During school Likliness towards them Buy

10 NAKUL Male 22 - 25 SHOES Since Childhoodthe liking of different

brand of shoesBuy

11 Pritesh Pandey Male 18 - 21 Books During school Passion of reading Buy

12 Anirban Bose Male 18 - 21 CDs During schoolLove for Music and


13 garima Female 22 - 25 designer papers During school

my hobby to make

craft products made

me collect papers


14 Niha Female 22 - 25colour pens,hair clips

and fashion accesoriesSince Childhood makes me happy !! Buy

15 Isha Sharma Female 22 - 25 price tags During college

Just randomly started

collecting price tags of

anything I used to



16 Pratik Male 22 - 25 Costumes Since Childhood Passion for it Buy

17 Prarthana Bajaj Female 22 - 25 Clothes During collegeI'm a girl , I like to


18 Shruti Chandra Female 22 - 25 Books During school i like reading books. Buy

19 Madhvi sood Female 22 - 25 Junk Jewelry Since Childhood Interest Buy

20 Kunal Chopra Male 22 - 25collecting foreign

currenciesDuring school

My interest in foreign

currencies and high

exchange rates.


21 akhil dawer Male 22 - 25 new currency notes Since Childhood

The smell of new

notes,their texture

fascinates me..


22 Insha Female 22 - 25 books During school fond of reading Buy

23 Harshit Baranwal Male 18 - 21Trance Tracks in 320

kbps.Since 11th Standard

Melody. The Feel. The

technology used to

produce such tracks.

Sophisticated music.


24 Komal Dhaliwal Female 22 - 25 Perfumes During college dont know Buy

25 sahil Male 22 - 25 condoms Since Childhood Too much use of it Gifts

26 Isha Sharma Female 22 - 25 price tags During college

Just randomly started

collecting price tags of

anything I used to



27 kanishk Male 22 - 25 camera's During collegePassion for


28 Neha Khanna Female 22 - 25 hand bags During schoolA good hand bag

completes the look.Buy

29 astha baranwal Female 18 - 21 branded polybags During school its good looks Find

30 NEETU VERMA Female 22 - 25 FOOTWEARS Since ChildhoodVARITIES.....FOR


31 Rishibha Rai Female 22 - 25 Bags Since ChildhoodObserving variety


32 aanchal chopra Female 22 - 25 currency During schoolwhen i went abroad for

the first time.Find

33 arpana Female 22 - 25 shoes During school bollywood actresses Buy

34 Udit Male Below 18 years Pens Since Childhood no specific reason Find

35 kabir Male 22 - 25 lighters During college when i started smoking Buy

36 tushant Male 22 - 25 watches During school

Different shapes of the

dial and colours of the



37 kavita Female 22 - 25 perfumes During collegethe shape of the


38 priyanka Female 22 - 25 perfumes During school i like perfumes Buy

39 chandni Female 22 - 25 clothes During school love for clothes Buy

40 shobhit ghau Male 22 - 25 watches During college

my dad has a good

collection of watches

therefore it got

inherited into me and i

also started doing the



41 Sirisha Female 22 - 25 light fixtures During school

Aesthetic quality,

artistry, Uniqueness Buy

42 Alka Female Above 25 years bangles During college

i love collectiing

different designs and

material for the wrist

be it bangles bracelets

etc. i dont know what

got me started i think i

luv the sound they



43 yogesh Male 22 - 25collecting old currency

coinSince Childhood only my interest. Find

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Rome wasn't built in a

day, and neither were

the best collections. I

don't give up or

behave rashly when it

comes to my


Collecting can be

enjoyable and at

times, frustrating. I

possess the ability to

roll with the ups and


I am aware of the

trends of my


I am very passionate

about my collection

and I cannot fake


I like what I like, no

matter what anyone

else thinks.

When do you feel you

want to add items to

your collection?

Do you worry that your

urge to collect may get

out of control and that

you will spend too

much money?

4 4 4 3 4When you have lots of


4 4 5 5 4When your life feels

busy and full?Yes

4 3 5 4 5When you are feeling a

bit low?No

5 4 5 5 5When you have lots of


3 3 3 3 3when something is


5 5 3 3 4When you have lots of


5 3 3 3 3When you have lots of


1 3 5 5 5When you have lots of


2 3 3 3 3When you have lots of


4 3 3 3 3When you have lots of


4 5 5 5 5When you are feeling a

bit low?No

5 5 5 5 5When you have lots of


4 3 5 5 5When you are feeling a

bit low?Yes

3 4 4 4 4whenever i find

anything excitingNo

5 3 4 4 5whenever I buy new


4 3 5 5 5When you have lots of


3 3 3 4 3When you have lots of


4 3 4 4 5When you have lots of


3 1 4 1 5 I just keep adding No

3 3 4 4 5When you have lots of


4 4 5 4 5When you have lots of


3 3 4 4 4whenever I get an

opportunity No

5 5 5 5 5

Whenever there is

something new

available which is

updated almost

everyday on various

internet forums.


3 3 3 4 5When you are feeling a

bit low?Yes

4 4 5 5 5when one remains

unused..the girl tires..Yes

5 3 4 4 5whenever I buy new


5 4 3 2 5When you are feeling a

bit low?Yes

5 3 5 5 5

when I feel tht item is

worth adding into my



5 3 5 5 5When you have lots of


3 2 3 3 5When you have lots of


4 3 3 4 4When you have lots of


3 4 5 4 5When you have lots of


5 5 5 5 5When you are feeling a

bit low?No

4 4 5 5 5When you have lots of


5 4 5 3 5When you are feeling a

bit low?Yes

5 4 5 5 5When you are feeling a

bit low?No

4 4 5 5 5When you are feeling a

bit low?No

3 4 4 4 4When you have lots of


3 4 4 5 5when i have the


3 3 4 4 4When you have lots of


3 3 4 5 4when I find something

unique and intriguing No

4 5 4 4 5When you have lots of


3 2 5 5 4When you have lots of


Page 28: Fixated consumption behavior final



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Available on : [Accessed on 15-02-2013]

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Available on: [Accessed on 15-02-2013]

PCB (2000). Personality and Consumer Behavior.

Available on: [Accessed on 14-02-2013]