First You Plz - Sample Chapters

21 Jai Ganesha First You Plz Nisha Thakur

Transcript of First You Plz - Sample Chapters

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Jai Ganesha

First You Plz

Nisha Thakur

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Jai Ganesha


First You Plz is a tale of immature girl, Avanti. It is a story of her struggle as she deals with worries of first love. Her journey from realization of the sweet feeling she experiences these days is called Love- her First Love. It is a tale of her secretly nurtured dream and her silent prayer that he will propose her in a very romantic way. It is a tale of her desire that she wants him to say those three magical words to her first. Although he hasn't shown much interest in her. It is Avanti’s journey of ups and downs of her first love and how she exhibits immaturity as she deals with anxieties of her first love.

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Chapter One - The Fatal Attraction

The cheerful noon welcomed the local train, which arrived to a standstill at the Kadavali railway station. As the train stopped, the commuters standing near the door got anxious to move out. Correspondingly, the commuters standing on the platform were desperate to get in. The large crowd then moved out of the train and the smaller set of people got inside. The train continued its journey ahead to its next destination. At this moment, the train was relatively empty. Avanti quickly walked to the door. Cool gentle wind met her face; her long black hair moved swiftly and her pink skirt was free in the air, and her ear danglers jazzing to the breezy tone. The day was not sunny, it was windy. Meenakshi and Rachana, her two best friends joined her near the door.

“Wow, such a cool air!” exclaimed Meenakshi clinging towards Avanti.

“Yeah! It’s cold in here. Mumbai was burning,” agreed Avanti as she joined her hands and then rubbed them gently.

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“It’s May and it’s summertime there. Mumbai is expected to be hot. We are near Matheran now, so this cool breeze is the effect of the hill station,” said Rachana.

“Wow! Thanks for the information, Rachana! You are so intelligent! We never knew that we are near Matheran now, just a few kilometers away from Mumbai,” Meenakshi said in a teasing tone.

Avanti and Meenakshi shared a good laugh. Avanti embraced Meenakshi’s arm. Further controlling her laughter, Avanti said, “Good one!”

Disapproved, Rachana stared at them and in an animated tone she said, “It is not funny!”

“Oh, really?” Meenakshi teasingly asked Rachana.

Avanti sensed that the two of her best friends were about to enter into a heated conversation. Like every time, she interrupted before the things were propelled out of proportion.

“I feel that Mumbai is no longer that hot,” said Avanti.

“Why do you think so?” asked Meenakshi.

“We, the three hottest girls of Mumbai are here, so how can Mumbai remain hot anymore?” said Avanti.

“Yeah!” agreed Meenakshi and the threesome giggled.

Their friendship was three years old. They met each other during their management graduation and were inseparable since then. They were on their way to embark a fresh journey; to pursue higher management studies, that is, MBA.

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“As the train enters Neval station, we would be able to see our college, but it is from the left side of the train,” said Rachana.

“Come, let us move to the left door,” said Avanti.

The three girls moved to the left side of the train, their eyes glued to the landscape, tall trees residing in lush land and the greenery around. Beautiful mountains behind them and the waterfall made the location even more picturesque!

“It’s heavenly gorgeous! God must be a painter,” gasped Avanti.

“No stupid, he is a photographer,” said Rachana.

“What?” asked Avanti in disgust.

“He is a photographer and he clicks when the sky thunders,” said Rachana.

The threesome burst out laughing.

“Hey look out, that’s our college,” said Rachana.

The visibility from the train was restricted to the sole glass building standing tall in the middle of the lush green land. The campus area was not visible to her. Avanti rested on her toes and then jumped to see if it was further visible but only the glass building was distinguished. Avanti gazed at it silently.

This is the place, where I am going to spend the next two years of my life, away from my family. I wonder what it has in store for me! But, I am happy about being a part of one of the most prestigious management schools. Only, one thought discomforts me. How will I stay away from mom

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and dad? All I wish is these two years should come to an end soon.

As she fixed her eyes on her new destination, her mind sparked a flash back, and thoughts about her mom and dad crept in.

“Avanti, let me and your father accompany you for the first day. We want to meet your teachers and see your new college.”

“Come on mom, for how many times do you want to visit my college and meet my teachers? I have taken admission there and hence, I am destined to spend the next two years there. Now, it’s my journey further on. If you accompany me, you know it very well that I will cry when you leave,” said Avanti in embarrassment.

“Oh, Avanti!” said her mother.

“Mom, I don’t want to cry when you leave the campus,” cried Avanti.

“Let her go alone, let her be strong!” exclaimed Avanti’s father.

Her mother nodded. However, she exhibited her disapproval in her heart.

Her thought went split as the train came to a halt abruptly. Her dry eyes altered moist and a small drop of tear rolled down her right cheek.


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After ending various official formalities Avanti, Meenakshi and Rachana crossed the main gate of the college and entered the college campus. The main gate ushered the way to the wide sides of the wide road, besides the muddy pathway. The muddy pathway extended to the vast meadows.

The threesome looked around silently witnessing the beauty of the nature, as maintained by the college staffs.

Rachana said, “The open spaces here make the sunrise, sunset and the moon so visible. You never get to see these in Mumbai because of the tall buildings around.”

Avanti agreed, “This place is surely a photographer’s delight.”

As the girls walked further they saw the wide road ends into two pathways, one led them to the academic block and the other to the teacher’s rest room. The girls apparently approached the academic block.

“The building we saw from the train!” exclaimed Meenakshi, pointing to the academic block.

“Yeah,” agreed Avanti.

As they entered the academic block, they saw, it had a fairly huge open space with few tables and chairs, beautifully placed around. Some were placed at the corner of the open space; some were in the center, yet placed decently away from each other in order to maintain the beauty of the academic block. Many students and parents were standing there; the students were standing along with their luggage. The walls showcased a few paintings.

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“Excuse me, where is the main office?” Avanti queried from one of the students standing in the corridor.

“The first room over there,” replied the student, pointing his finger to the room at the left corridor.

“Thanks,” said Avanti.

The three girls moved to the main office. The open space led them to several corridors. Each corridor had distinct rooms. The doors and one side of each room were made of glass. All that was happening in the room was visible from the outside. Only the main office on the academic block had a glass wall on the two sides, to make the happening in the room visible from the several corridors and the many rooms.

They all spent half an hour in the office, completing formalities. The office staff gave them the keys to the room. They moved to the hostel building. It was four in the evening.

“My room number is 202,” said Avanti.

“I hope, we three are on the same floor, if not in the same room,” said Meenakshi.

“I told you earlier that in management schools they don’t allot same rooms to students from the same place, so that they get enough opportunity to gel with the other batch mates,” said Rachana.

“Let us quickly change and meet our batch mates at the academic block. I saw someone really very hot,” said Rachana rolling her eyes.

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Avanti entered her room. She kept her luggage on the bed. There was a window in the room, next to which was a side table and the room had an attached bathroom, it had a cupboard for a girl to stock belongings. She unlocked the window and witnessed a scenic panorama. The sky was orange. The sun was about to set. She got lost in the scenic beauty.

What a beauty! For the next two years, I shall witness this beauty every day. How lucky I am!

Avanti lovingly stared at the setting sun. Suddenly, a cricket ball smacked the window of the subsequent room. Her romance with the setting sun came to an end. She saw a group of boys playing cricket in the playground in front of her window.

“Carry on the game, the window is safe,” yelled a fielder.

“Anyways, there is no one in that room,” said the batsman, past that high strike, proudly defending himself.

The batsman was at the striker's end. The bowler bowled. The batsman smacked six. Avanti clapped. Now, the bowler threw the next ball. Again the batsman stroked six. Avanti applauded loudly.

“Wow!” said Avanti.

All the boys in the field were looking at her, she felt embarrassed. The batsman removed the helmet and smiled at her.

She gazed at him and their eyes met. She further gazed at him, this time with an intense admiration. She experienced a terrible emptiness within her. Somewhere two planets

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have collided and her world has come to an end. There was no one around. There was no sound to be heard, except her heartbeats. Something told her that he was not a stranger; she wasn’t feeling him for the first time. She was unable to take her eyes off him. As if some witch had cast a spell on her. She was unable to control her eyes.

He grinned at the admiration of a newly arrived girl, and then he covered his face with the helmet, only his eyes were visible. Avanti’s eyes were still fixed on him.

My heart is beating so loudly.

She wanted to have some more glimpses of him. The batsman was again at the striker’s end. The batsman stroke four and his team won the match. There was much rejoicing in the playground. Then the batsman removed his helmet and started talking to the other players on the field. Avanti’s eyes followed him and only him. Like there was no one else on the ground.

Avanti was still staring at him, unable to take her eyes off him.

Who is he? What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I take my eyes off him?


Later in the evening Avanti, Meenakshi and Rachana were walking around the campus. They came across a new management student recruit; all the three offered their introduction and received one in return. They were trying to gel in with the maximum new recruits around, talking to them.

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The evening time had passed. It was now time for dinner. The girls moved towards the canteen.

“So far so good,” said Rachana.

“We have a good mix of batch mates, from different academic backgrounds, different cultures and different work experience,” added Meenakshi.

“Hello Meenakshi,” a voice came from behind.

The three girls turned behind. Avanti saw the batsman from the field standing in front of her.

“Hi Aakash,” Meenakshi replied.

“So, how are you my friend?” Aakash asked.

“I am doing well. Meet my friends, Rachana and Avanti. He is Aakash.”

“Hello,” said Avanti and Rachana smiling at him.

A male voice from the canteen called for Aakash.

“Will talk to you girls later,” said Aakash.

Avanti’s eyes followed him, till he was seen. She felt helpless when she saw him around and was unable to take her eyes off him.

Why? Why?

“How do you know him?” quizzed Rachana.

“Two months back we met at the college entrance exam,” replied Meenakshi.

“Oh nice! Must say that he was really good looking!” exclaimed Rachana.

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“Forget him, he is committed. He is dating someone and loves her,” replied Meenakshi.

Avanti became unhappy after hearing this. She felt disappointed.

I don’t care if he has a girlfriend; I am not bothered at all. I don't even know him. I just like the way he looks and nothing more.

Avanti felt a bitter pinch and she experienced a unique emptiness and a strange sense of pain within her.

Why am I so bothered? Why is he affecting me so much? I don’t even know him.

Chapter Two - Girlfriend Or No Girlfriend

The session began in full swing. Avanti was now friends with most of her batch mates and seniors too. As she entered the third week of her new life, she realized that she has actually started liking the new place. The pollution free environment, new friends in her life, new learning, lectures, assignment, watching evening cricket, her window, the sunrise, the sunset, the moon, the library, the canteen, the post dinner walk with her friends and then retiring to her room, all was worth enjoying.

I miss you mom and dad. If today, I like this place, it is because of my new friends. They add a special meaning to this place.

Aakash had also become her new friend. In a week’s time, he was no longer only Meenakshi’s friend but also became a part of the group. Her eyes followed him wherever he

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went. She realized she should not be looking at him, but every time she felt that, a sort of helplessness had empowered her. The more she desired to be away from him, the more she was attracted. During the first week, Avanti and Aakash shared a casual talk, being good to each other. The ice broke between them, the day when…….

Avanti was in the library. The library was divided into two parts. A glass door and a glass wall worked as partitions.

The first part occupied several book racks. The second part was the sitting area, with table and chairs. Avanti was sitting in the second part, at the corner table. She sat in a way which made the entire library visible to her. She was busy with her assignment. There were books all over the table she had occupied. She was working on her laptop.

“Hi Avanti,” said Aakash with a sweet smile on his face.

Avanti looked up and saw Aakash was standing in front of her.

“Hi Aakash,” replied Avanti.

“Are you working on your HR assignment?” asked Aakash.

“Yes,” replied Avanti.

“If you don’t mind, can I complete this assignment with you?” asked Aakash.

“Sure,” said Avanti, with a charming smile on her face.

“Thanks. This assignment is so boring. I wish the submission date gets postponed or the teacher falls ill. I wish, it rains so heavily that the entire lecture gets postponed,” said Aakash in a disgusted tone.

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Avanti was amused and burst into laughter, “Do boys always talk like that? I thought cribbing and crying over assignments were girlish.”

Aakash moved his chair closer to Avanti’s chair. Aakash gazed at her, directly into her eyes. Avanti got uncomfortable as he came near.

Aakash shuttered in whispering tone, “I like your pink earrings.”

Avanti was confused with Aakash’s changed behavior. Her charming smile faded, fumbling she said, “Tha..Thanks.”

Aakash came closer to her, “I like when girls’ color coordinates their stuffs, like the color of your lips matches exactly with the color of your earrings.”

Avanti was speechless, but replied, “Okay.”

Aakash moved his chair further close, “Your lips are beautiful, lovely pink. You are a beauty. You have an awesome complexion.”

Avanti became speechless and it was impossible for her to answer him.

She ignored his comment and opened one of the books kept on the table. She started reading.

Why is Aakash behaving so weirdly? Has he noticed that I keep on looking at him? What will I answer if he asks me about my staring acts, when I myself don’t have any answers.

“I thought we were doing an HR assignment,” said Aakash.

“Yes, you are right,” replied Avanti.

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“Then why do you have to open a Business Management book?” asked Aakash.

Avanti on the spur of the moment, closed the book and looked at him in confusion.

“So Ms. Avanti, do boys talk like this?” asked Aakash.

Aakash burst out laughing.

“Were you joking all this while?” asked Avanti with a straight face.

“What? You thought I would flirt with you, no ways,” said Aakash laughing.

“You are so mean. You scared me. And for heaven's sake pull your chair back, right now,” said Avanti in an embarrassing tone.

Aakash laughed and in an animated tone teased her, “Do boys talk like that? I always thought cribbing and crying over assignments were girlish.”

Avanti lightly smacked him with her book.


The other day near the lake…

“So you come here every day, just to feed fishes?” Avanti asked.

“Yes, poor fishes, they don’t get anything to eat,” said Aakash, holding a packet of bread in his hand. He was tearing bread into small pieces and feeding.

Avanti was admiring his innocence and then she looked at him in awe while he continued to feed.

Aakash is so caring...

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Aakash looked at her, she was embarrassed and then she pretended to cover her glancing act and played with her bangles.

Damn! He caught me. What will he think about me? Why this girl has to always stare at me?

Avanti was deeply lost in her thoughts. He splashed water on her face. She was astonished with water droplets hitting her face, her mouth was open.

“No! You are so mean!” she wiped her face with her duppatta.

“Welcome back!” said Aakash making fun of Avanti.

“Oh! Please,” she walked off angrily and accidentally smacked her leg to a huge stone lying there.

“Ouch,” cried Avanti in pain.

“Hey Avanti! Watch out,” said Aakash.

“AAA..” cried Avanti.

“Are you all right? Is it paining?” asked Aakash scrutinizing her feet, checking whether she was hurt.

“I am fine.. Am fine,” Avanti said in a low tone.

God what's wrong with me? What am I blushing for? Please help God!

The other day in the academic block …

“This is for you,” Aakash offered a chocolate to Avanti.

“Wow! A chocolate!” exclaimed Avanti in joy.

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“I got chocolates for all my friends and this is for you,” said Aakash.

Avanti answered casually, trying her best to conceal how happy she was on receiving the chocolate, “Thanks.”

Why am I so happy? Just for a piece of chocolate! God help me! Why am I behaving this way? Oh, yeah! Now I know why I am so happy. I am happy for the chocolate irrespective of the fact who has given it to me. Yeah, girl you are right!


The other day in the canteen..

“Where were you the last evening? I missed you,” said Aakash to Avanti.

Missed me..

Avanti answered him, “In library.”

Aakash said further, “I missed you so much. Last evening when you were not seen at your window, there was no one to applaud. I just didn’t feel like playing.”

Avanti smiled and tried her best to conceal her happiness.

Missed me..

Now as they entered the third week of the college. Meenakshi, Rachana, Avanti, Aakash along with their college friends planned a day trip to Matheran.

“Is this your first trip to Matheran?” asked Meenakshi.

“Yes, as you know I am from Bangalore. I never got a chance to visit this side of the country. This would be my first trip to Matheran,” replied Aakash.

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Aakash and the group explored various hill points, shopping, and relishing the local food of Matheran. Avanti noticed that she did not get a chance to speak to Aakash since the morning. Aakash too was so occupied with the others that he had no time for Avanti.

In the morning at 8 a.m. he said hello to me and that was the last time we spoke. Since then, he has been speaking to everyone except me. Is he ignoring me?

“Avanti, come here,” called Meenakshi.

Avanti was in her own world, away from the trip, college and her friends.

Is he ignoring me? Why is he doing so? Has he noticed that I keep on staring at him and that’s why he is no longer interested in being friends? I think he will never ever talk to me. He will never talk to me.

“Avanti, what are you thinking so much about? I called you thrice. What happened?” asked Meenakshi expressing concern on Avanti’s behavior.

Avanti’s eyes were full of tears, water streamed down her pink cheeks. She was crying wildly, finding hard to breathe, “I don’t know. I don’t like this.”

“What is it that you don’t like?” asked Meenakshi.

“I don’t like.. when people.. I call my friends, ignore me,” said Avanti controlling her tears.

“Who ignored you?” asked Meenakshi.

“No-one,” said Avanti in an embarrassed tone.

Meenakshi gave her a puzzled look, “Someone ignored you and you are so affected that you are crying like a baby, and

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now, you don’t even want to share the whole thing! Fine, even I don’t care.”

Meenakshi walked off angrily.

Avanti was surprised at her own behavior. Meenakshi’s words were echoing all over.

Someone ignored you and you are so affected that you cry like a baby.

Meenakshi, Rachana and Avanti were in Avanti’s room. Avanti’s bed showcased the entire day’s shopping goodies of the three girls. Avanti was still disappointed with Aakash’s behavior, but now she wanted her mind to stay away from his thoughts, engaging herself with her two best friends.

Meenakshi had noticed changes in Avanti’s behavior and knew something was bothering her, but she preferred giving Avanti the desired time.

Avanti is my friend; sooner or later she will tell me about the matter.

Rachana stood in front of the mirror to test out how she looked in her latest addition to the wardrobe while Avanti and Meenakshi lazed in bed, after a tiresome day.

“I like your T-shirt,” said Avanti.

“Thanks. By the way do you girls know the latest gossip in the college?” asked Rachana.

“NO!” replied Meenakshi and Avanti, unanimously.

“Priyanka, the hot babe is interested in girls,” said Rachana.

“OMG! Poor Aakash,” said Meenakshi.

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“What’s with Aakash now?” asked Avanti.

“Poor Aakash. He finds Priyanka hot, this news will disappoint him,” added Meenakshi teasingly.

“But he has a girlfriend, right?” asked Avanti.

Meenakshi replied, “Yes, he has a girlfriend. They both really like each other. Aakash is committed to her. They plan to get marr..”

Meenakshi’s words were interrupted by Avanti, “Please stop it Meenakshi. I can’t hear this. Girlfriend! Girlfriend! Who is she? I hate her. Why does he have a girlfriend? I hate her. I don’t like her,” said Avanti crying uncontrollably.

Meenakshi and Rachana were speechless on seeing Avanti cry and her words echoed in the room. They had just witnessed something unbelievable. Meenakshi and Rachana looked at each other with their mouth wide open. They looked at Avanti in disbelief. They did not know how to react.

Chapter Three - Talk To Me

“OMG! I can’t believe. You are crying for a boy,” said Meenakshi with her mouth wide open.

Avanti covered her face with her hands; tears travelled down her swollen red eyes to her red cheeks.

“I think you are in love,” said Rachana.

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“What do you mean; you think she is in love? It is so evident that she is in love. Now, I know why you cried during the trip,” said Meenakshi.

“She cried in the Matheran trip too? When?” asked Rachana expressing her concern.

“She thought Aakash is ignoring her,” replied Meenakshi.