First · Resurrection Keysborough...

“Though many we are one.” One in faith and one in the Gospel values of hospitality and welcome, compassion and justice. From the Desk of the Pastoral Associate… Please have a browse on our notice board, here are a few items that may be of interest to you… Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II Wed 14th August at Resurrection Keysborough 7.30pm “Parish Update” news for July Open Door new timetable Holy Family Doveton Dance The Breakfast Series Seminar Mackillop Heritage Centre Open Day Men Alive Retreat Missionaries of God’s Love Sisters Vocation Weekend Our Lady of the Way Kingsbury Reunion Asylum Seekers discussion forum BBQ and cuppas TODAY The Regulars: Daily Rosary after morning Mass (except Sunday) Mondays Tai Chi 2pm at Open Door Tuesdays Centering Prayer 7-8pm (at The Open Door) Saturdays Legion of Mary 10.30am First Friday of the Month ~ Exposition of the Blessed Eucharist 11.30—3.00pm Third Wednesday ~ Friendship Club lunch at Dandenong RSL Fourth Friday of the Month ~ 11.00am Anointing Mass First Sunday of the Month ~ Hospitality Sunday~Cuppa’s Second Sunday of the Month Trade Winds tea & coffee sales Third Sunday of the Month ~ Presentation of Baptism candidates at 10.30am Mass followed by Baptism preparation Fourth Sunday of the Month ~Baptism This weekend we pray for Recently Deceased: John Flynn, Shirley Senanayake, Grace Adaman, Marianne Pronk, Anniversaries: Doris Walker, Antonino Caccamo, Jorje Sam I Kui, Leslie Perera, Albino & Andrew Lago, Maria Miguel Sick: Frank Servello, Ray Watson, Frank Pigott, Rosemary Bignoux, Alistaire D’Rosario, Pedro Cabrera, Bernadette Fernandez, Brother John Mitchell, Ray Muir, Geraldine Kokoszka The privacy legislation requires us to have written permission by an au- thorised person before any name can be printed in the Marian. Parish Priest: Fr. Declan O’Brien Deacon: Rev. George Piech Meat Pastoral Associate: Mrs. Cate Kavanagh Polish Chaplain: Fr Marian Szeptak SC Telephone: 9701 6071 Parish Secretary: Ms. Maria Evans Finance Officer: Mr. Geoff Harkin Gardener /Caretaker: Mr. Kevin J McLaren A/G Centre Manager: Ms Sue Findlay St. Mary’s Parish: 160 Foster St, Dandenong Postal Address: PO Box 22, Dandenong 3175 Telephone: 9791 4611 Fax: 9791 7119 Email: [email protected] Website: Parish Office Hours Monday: 9.15 to 12 noon Tue. Wed. Thurs. 9.15 to 4.15pm Friday: 9.15 to 3.00pm If you urgently need a priest please call 9791 4611, if Father does not answer, please leave a message and he will call you back. The church will be closed on Mondays after the word and communion service and rosary. Sunday Mass Times Saturday Evening: 7.00pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.30am and 5.30pm English, 12.30pm Polish Weekday Mass Times Monday: Word and Communion Service 9.00am Tuesday, Mass 9.15 am Wednesday, Thursday: Mass 9.00am Thursday: Mass at Cardinal Knox 11.00am Friday: Word and Communion Service 8.00am Mass at 11.00am Saturday: Mass 9.00am Reconciliation: 9.30am Saturday or up- on request ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Baptism: Come to the 10.30am Mass on the first or fourth Sunday of the month and meet with Cate, to begin the reception pro- cess Marriage: please book the Church at the same time as you book your venue. As marriage preparation is an essential con- dition of marriage, you must book your prep- aration course at least 6 months prior to the wedding. Further details can be obtained from Fr. O’Brien ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. Mary’s Primary School Phone: 9791 7650 New St, Dandenong: Principal: Mr. Greg White St. John’s Regional College Phone 9791 3366 Caroline St, Dandenong: Principal: Mr. Andrew Walsh St. Mary’s Community Centre 9792 4884 New St, Dandenong: Download brochure from If you are going to Hospital and would like to be anointed please call Fr Declan. Marking the 130th Year of Saint Mary’s Parish Dandenong Urgent help needed for Bingo, Tuesday afternoon and evening sessions and Saturday experi- ence necessary, training on the job, call the office 9791 4611 From the Parish Priest…… Over the last few days Deacon George and I attended the Annual Clergy Conference of the Archdiocese of Melbourne. We both found it a very uplifting experience and a great opportunity to get to know other clergy in the Archdiocese. Along with Bishop Elliot and Archbishop Hart we looked at the theme of “Exile; A Paradox” I am not going to bore you with the specific details of each presentation of the Conference, however, what I will say is, that like the people of Old Testament, we too are exiled; on the outer circle as it were, yearning to return to the good old days, when there was certainty, where may be things were a bit more black and white and no shades of grey…. Even fifty of them! However, that is to deny our present reality and dare I suggest The Lord also. He is pre- sent in our midst and worked in the exile of the people of Israel as he works even today in ours. As we had only six nominations to the position of Parish Pastoral Council we did not need to move to the Election pro- cess. I am very happy to accept Veronica Gislingham, Sr. Rosarii Carroll, Joy Adriaanse, Gatluak Puoch, Peter Colvin and Chris Walston- Leo as members of the St. Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council. Our St. Mary’s Primary School Principal Greg White, our Permanent Deacon George and our Pastoral Associate, Cate Kavanagh will be my nominations to also take part in this ministry. I look forward to working with all representatives to continue making our Parish a thriving faith community. The Parish Pastoral Council will be commissioned at the 10.30am Sunday Eucharist later this year. Fr D Baptism If you would like to have your child baptised, please come to the 10.30am Mass on the First or Fourth Sunday of the month and meet Cate, to begin the reception process. This weekend Vinnies Blanket Appeal with a sausage sizzle after 8.30 and 10.30am Masses all to aid the works of St Vincent De Paul Envelopes are also available if you would like to make a donation— your generosity is much appreciat- ed! First Communion will be celebrated in our Parish over the week- end of August 17th & 18th. There will be 14 Candidates at Saturday evening Mass and 28 at the 10.30am Mass. Seating will be allocated to all candidates and their families so you may need to come early to be seated. Please pray for the children, their families and teachers as they prepare for this sacrament. Rosters for Eucharistic Ministers are ready to be picked up in the church foyer . As Southern Cross Care (Vic) commences the building of their new residential home at Dan- denong, they invite the Parishioners of St Mary’s to join them for the official Blessing of the Land and Sod Turning Ceremony. To be held on Thursday 15 August, 3pm at the Southern Cross Care Dandenong Chapel, 69 Langhorne St, Dandenong. The proceedings will be officiated by The Very Reverend Tony Kerin, Episcopal Vicar for Justice and Peace, Archdiocese of Melbourne, and followed by afternoon tea. RSVP to Southern Cross Care (Vic): 8564 1800 by 9th August Invitation to Parishioners The Dandenong Deanery is holding a lecture Series Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II The second session is Wed 14th August at 7.30pm at Resurrection Keysborough Presented by Fr Paul Casterly the topic is Vatican II and the “Laity” All most welcome (supper provided) Rsvp by 12th August [email protected] or Paddy 0422 296 961 If you have not received thanksgiving envelopes please leave a message at the office. If you would like to join our thanksgiving program, please fill out a Blue thanksgiving flyer and hand it either to Fr Declan, Deacon George or Cate or you can put it in the letter slot at the front door of the parish office. The Little Sisters of the Poor will be speaking at all Masses next weekend and there will be a second collection to aid their good works.

Transcript of First · Resurrection Keysborough...

Page 1: First · Resurrection Keysborough Presented by Fr Paul Casterly the topic is Vatican II and the “Laity” All most welcome

“Though many we are one.” One in faith


one in the Gospel values


hospitality and welcome, compassion and justice.

From the Desk of the Pastoral Associate… Please have a browse on our notice board, here are a few items that may be of interest to you…

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II Wed 14th August at Resurrection Keysborough 7.30pm

“Parish Update” news for July Open Door new timetable Holy Family Doveton Dance The Breakfast Series Seminar Mackillop Heritage Centre Open Day Men Alive Retreat Missionaries of God’s Love Sisters Vocation Weekend Our Lady of the Way Kingsbury Reunion Asylum Seekers discussion forum

BBQ and cuppas TODAY The Regulars:

Daily Rosary after morning Mass (except Sunday) Mondays Tai Chi 2pm at Open Door Tuesdays Centering Prayer 7-8pm (at The Open Door) Saturdays Legion of Mary 10.30am First Friday of the Month ~ Exposition of the Blessed Eucharist 11.30—3.00pm Third Wednesday ~ Friendship Club lunch at Dandenong RSL Fourth Friday of the Month ~ 11.00am Anointing Mass First Sunday of the Month ~ Hospitality Sunday~Cuppa’s Second Sunday of the Month Trade Winds tea & coffee sales Third Sunday of the Month ~ Presentation of Baptism candidates at 10.30am Mass followed by Baptism preparation Fourth Sunday of the Month ~Baptism

This weekend we pray for Recently Deceased: John Flynn, Shirley Senanayake, Grace Adaman, Marianne Pronk,

Anniversaries: Doris Walker, Antonino Caccamo, Jorje Sam I Kui, Leslie Perera, Albino & Andrew Lago, Maria Miguel Sick: Frank Servello, Ray Watson, Frank Pigott, Rosemary Bignoux, Alistaire D’Rosario, Pedro Cabrera, Bernadette Fernandez, Brother John Mitchell, Ray Muir, Geraldine Kokoszka The privacy legislation requires us to have written permission by an au-thorised person before any name can be printed in the Marian.

Parish Priest: Fr. Declan O’Brien Deacon: Rev. George Piech Meat Pastoral Associate: Mrs. Cate Kavanagh Polish Chaplain: Fr Marian Szeptak SC Telephone: 9701 6071

Parish Secretary: Ms. Maria Evans Finance Officer: Mr. Geoff Harkin Gardener /Caretaker: Mr. Kevin J McLaren A/G Centre Manager: Ms Sue Findlay

St. Mary’s Parish: 160 Foster St, Dandenong Postal Address: PO Box 22, Dandenong 3175 Telephone: 9791 4611 Fax: 9791 7119 Email: [email protected] Website:

Parish Office Hours Monday: 9.15 to 12 noon Tue. Wed. Thurs. 9.15 to 4.15pm Friday: 9.15 to 3.00pm If you urgently need a priest please call 9791 4611, if Father does not answer, please leave a message and he will call you back. The church will be closed on Mondays after the word and communion service and rosary.

Sunday Mass Times Saturday Evening: 7.00pm Sunday: 8.30am, 10.30am and 5.30pm English, 12.30pm Polish

Weekday Mass Times Monday: Word and Communion Service 9.00am Tuesday, Mass 9.15 am Wednesday, Thursday: Mass 9.00am Thursday: Mass at Cardinal Knox 11.00am Friday: Word and Communion Service 8.00am Mass at 11.00am Saturday: Mass 9.00 am Reconciliation: 9.30am Saturday or up-on request ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Baptism: Come to the 10.30am Mass on the first or fourth Sunday of the month and meet with Cate, to begin the reception pro-cess

Marriage: please book the Church at the same time as you book your venue. As marriage preparation is an essential con-dition of marriage, you must book your prep-aration course at least 6 months prior to the wedding. Further details can be obtained from Fr. O’Brien ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ St. Mary’s Primary School Phone: 9791 7650 New St, Dandenong: Principal: Mr. Greg White St. John’s Regional College Phone 9791 3366 Caroline St, Dandenong: Principal: Mr. Andrew Walsh

St. Mary’s Community Centre 9792 4884

New St, Dandenong: Download brochure from

If you are going to Hospital and would like to be anointed please call Fr Declan.

Marking the 130th Year of Saint Mary’s Parish Dandenong

Urgent help needed for Bingo, Tuesday afternoon

and evening sessions and Saturday experi-ence necessary, training on the job, call the office 9791 4611

Trade Winds Tea & Coffee will be for sale in the Church foyer after all Masses this weekend.

Please support these sales that aid

farmers in developing countries.

From the Parish Priest……

Over the last few days Deacon George and I attended the Annual Clergy Conference of the Archdiocese of Melbourne. We both found it a very uplifting experience and a great opportunity to get to know other clergy in the Archdiocese. Along with Bishop Elliot and Archbishop Hart we looked at the theme of “Exile;

A Paradox” I am not going to bore you with the specific details of each presentation of the Conference, however, what I will say is, that like the people of Old Testament, we too are exiled; on the outer circle as it were, yearning to return to the good old days, when there was certainty, where may be things were a bit more black and white and no shades of grey…. Even fifty of them! However, that is to deny our present reality and dare I suggest The Lord also. He is pre-sent in our midst and worked in the exile of the people of Israel as he works even today in ours.

As we had only six nominations to the position of Parish Pastoral Council we did not need to move to the Election pro-cess. I am very happy to accept Veronica Gislingham, Sr. Rosarii Carroll, Joy Adriaanse, Gatluak Puoch, Peter Colvin and Chris Walston- Leo as members of the St. Mary’s Parish Pastoral Council. Our St. Mary’s Primary School Principal Greg White, our Permanent Deacon George and our Pastoral Associate, Cate Kavanagh will be my nominations to also take part in this ministry. I look forward to working with all representatives to continue making our Parish a thriving faith community. The Parish Pastoral Council will be commissioned at the 10.30am Sunday Eucharist later this year.

Fr D


If you would like to have your child baptised, please come to the 10.30am Mass on the First or Fourth Sunday of the month and meet Cate, to begin the reception process.

This weekend

Vinnies Blanket Appeal

with a sausage sizzle after 8.30 and 10.30am Masses all to aid the

works of St Vincent De Paul Envelopes are also available if you would like to make a donation—your generosity is much appreciat-ed!

First Communion

will be celebrated in our Parish over the week-end of August 17th & 18th. There will be 14 Candidates at Saturday evening Mass and 28 at the 10.30am Mass. Seating will be allocated to all candidates and their families so you may need to come early to be seated. Please pray for the children, their families and teachers as they prepare for this sacrament.

Rosters for Eucharistic Ministers are ready to be picked up in the church foyer.

As Southern Cross Care (Vic) commences the building of their new residential home at Dan-denong, they invite the Parishioners of St Mary’s to join them for the official Blessing of the Land and Sod Turning Ceremony. To be held on Thursday 15 August, 3pm at the Southern Cross Care Dandenong Chapel, 69 Langhorne St, Dandenong. The proceedings will be officiated by The Very Reverend Tony Kerin, Episcopal Vicar for Justice and Peace, Archdiocese of Melbourne, and followed by afternoon tea. RSVP to Southern Cross Care (Vic): 8564 1800 by 9th August

Invitation to Parishioners

The Dandenong Deanery is holding a lecture Series Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Vatican II The second session is Wed 14th August at 7.30pm at Resurrection Keysborough

Presented by Fr Paul Casterly the topic is Vatican II and the “Laity” All most welcome (supper provided)

Rsvp by 12th August [email protected] or Paddy 0422 296 961

If you have not received thanksgiving envelopes please leave a message at the office. If you would like to join our thanksgiving program, please fill out a Blue thanksgiving flyer and hand it either to Fr Declan, Deacon George or Cate or you can put it in the letter slot at the front door of the parish office.

The Little Sisters of the Poor will be speaking at all Masses

next weekend and there will be a second collection to aid

their good works.