Finding work with Social Media

#CheltCareersF air with Jonathan Pollinger @intranetfuture


Slide deck used in workshop at Cheltenham Careers Fair #CheltCareersFair on Friday 21 June 2013.

Transcript of Finding work with Social Media

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with Jonathan Pollinger @intranetfuture

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Help to categorise tweets into themes or subjects Great for events Click to follow a conversation

Examples – #GlosBiz, #bizitalk, #MandHShow

Also used for emphasis and humour.

Example - #ThankGoodnessItsFriday@intranetfuture


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How many employers screen?

Source: Reppler

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Benefits of using social media to find a job

• Reach large numbers of potential employers• Get others to SHARE your profile and your skills• Remove the gatekeeper - contact future boss• Find jobs that aren’t advertised• Quick and efficient communication• Opportunity to keep your content up to date• Demonstrate as well as display your skills• Make yourself stand out from the crowd• Create your own personal brand

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• Set up and optimise your profile• Add media to demonstrate expertise• Post regular updates• Make and obtain recommendations• Use ‘Search for jobs’• Use Advanced Search to find employers• Use LinkedIn Groups to show knowhow• Contact past colleagues for opportunities

Use LinkedIn to find work

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“Find out what’s happening, right now, with the people and organizations you care about.”

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How to use Twitter to find work

• Use TwitJobSearch to find vacancies• Search for location and job title• Follow companies you want to work for• Engage with company owners/management• Use Advanced Search to find vacancies• Download Tweet Deck and monitor key words• Find and monitor #GlosBiz for local jobs• Follow hashtags for your industry eg #farming• Network with industry professionals

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“Facebook helps you connect and

share with the people in your life.”

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Use Facebook to find work

• Add professional info onto About Me• List current and past employers• Link to all your other profiles/blogs/websites• Check your privacy settings• Set your vanity URL• Use Lists to separate friends/family/business• Follow #hashtags• Like Pages of companies you want to work for• Engage with companies eg Like and Comment• Enable Followers and Follow employers

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• Produce a video CV• Create an infographic• Write a blog and include social share buttons• Add slide deck presentations to SlideShare• Add designs, photos and videos to Pinterest• Share cutting edge content• Ask probing questions

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Handy tools

• TwitJobSearch• Reppler• TweetDeck• Facebook Search• LinkedIn Search• Twitter Search• Social Mention• Google Alerts

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Connect withJonathan Pollinger

01242 on [email protected]/

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