Final Legislative report June 29 2015 - Rhode Island ......2015/06/29  · {LC1544/1} 02/25/2015...

RHODE ISLAND ASSOCIATION OF FIRE CHIEFS, INC. Incorporated November 6, 1967 __________________________________________________________________________________________ Chief Richard A. Susi, Ret., RIAFC Executive Director 390 Nate Whipple Highway, Cumberland, RI 02864-3001 Ph: 401/692-0795 e-mail: [email protected] FINAL Legislative Report - June 29, 2015 RIAFC Legislative Webpage: Our legislative webpage continues to be kept as up to date as possible. Committee calendars are checked daily as well as the daily introduction of new bill is checked each day that the general assembly is in session. Bill # Bills being tracked by RIAFC action taken Stance Taken Bill Status 37 Senate Bill No. 37 (Hopkins Hill FD) passed both No Position Effective wo gov 54 Senate Bill No. 54 (open mtg fire dist) Passed Sen. Support no action 104 Senate Bill No. 104 (Budget comm.) No Position no action 108 Senate Bill No. 108 (Cov. Dist tax) HFFS Oppose no action 129 Senate Bill No. 129 (blocking highwy) HFFS Support no action 161 Senate Bill No. 161 (pmt to vol fir co's) HFFS Needs Clarification no action 177 Senate Bill No. 177 (Cumb Fire cmt) Passed Sen. No Position no action 207 Senate Bill No. 207 (hydronic htrs) No Position no action 275 Senate Bill No. 275 (airport ff) ind postpone Support no action 407 Senate Bill No. 407 (blasting /schools) HFFS Support no action 431 Senate Bill No. 431 (fireworks) HFFS No Position no action 445 Senate Bill No. 445 (airport ff) ind postpone No Position no action 531 Senate Bill No. 531 (ff interest arbitrat.) HFFS No Position no action 533 Senate Bill No. 533 (FF arbitration) HFFS No Position no action 535 Senate Bill No. 535 (gasoline nozzles) passed both Support passed both 643 Senate Bill No. 643 (Injured ff's) HFFS No Position no action 710 Senate Bill No. 710 (fire districts rpts) Changes requested no action 718 Senate Bill No. 718 (comp fire safety) Passed Sen. Support no action 719 Senate Bill No. 719 (opem meetings) Passed Sen. No Position no action 746 Senate Bill No. 746 (volunteer ff's) passed both Support passed both 961 Senate Bill No. 961 (work week hours) postponed No Position no action 991 Senate Bill No. 991 (public adjusters) HFFS Support no action 5010 House Bill No. 5010 (electricians) HFFS No Position no action 5100 House Bill No. 5100 (self serv. Nozzle) passed cmt Support no action 5163 House Bill No. 5163 (aed's in schools) HFFS Support no action 5187 House Bill No. 5187 (fireworks) Passed Hs No Position no action 5192 House Bill No. 5192 (blocking highwy) HFFS Support no action

Transcript of Final Legislative report June 29 2015 - Rhode Island ......2015/06/29  · {LC1544/1} 02/25/2015...


    Incorporated November 6, 1967    


    Chief Richard A. Susi, Ret., RIAFC Executive Director

    390 Nate Whipple Highway, Cumberland, RI 02864-3001 Ph: 401/692-0795 e-mail: [email protected]

    FINAL Legislative Report - June 29, 2015

    RIAFC Legislative Webpage: Our legislative webpage continues to be kept as up to date as possible. Committee calendars are checked daily as well as the daily introduction of new bill is checked each day that the general assembly is in session. Bill # Bills being tracked by RIAFC action taken Stance Taken Bill Status

    37 Senate Bill No. 37 (Hopkins Hill FD) passed both No Position Effective wo gov 54 Senate Bill No. 54 (open mtg fire dist) Passed Sen. Support no action

    104 Senate Bill No. 104 (Budget comm.) No Position no action 108 Senate Bill No. 108 (Cov. Dist tax) HFFS Oppose no action 129 Senate Bill No. 129 (blocking highwy) HFFS Support no action

    161 Senate Bill No. 161 (pmt to vol fir co's) HFFS Needs Clarification no action

    177 Senate Bill No. 177 (Cumb Fire cmt) Passed Sen. No Position no action 207 Senate Bill No. 207 (hydronic htrs) No Position no action 275 Senate Bill No. 275 (airport ff) ind postpone Support no action

    407 Senate Bill No. 407 (blasting /schools) HFFS Support no action

    431 Senate Bill No. 431 (fireworks) HFFS No Position no action 445 Senate Bill No. 445 (airport ff) ind postpone No Position no action

    531 Senate Bill No. 531 (ff interest arbitrat.) HFFS No Position no action

    533 Senate Bill No. 533 (FF arbitration) HFFS No Position no action

    535 Senate Bill No. 535 (gasoline nozzles) passed both Support passed both

    643 Senate Bill No. 643 (Injured ff's) HFFS No Position no action 710 Senate Bill No. 710 (fire districts rpts) Changes requested no action 718 Senate Bill No. 718 (comp fire safety) Passed Sen. Support no action 719 Senate Bill No. 719 (opem meetings) Passed Sen. No Position no action 746 Senate Bill No. 746 (volunteer ff's) passed both Support passed both

    961 Senate Bill No. 961 (work week hours) postponed No Position no action

    991 Senate Bill No. 991 (public adjusters) HFFS Support no action

    5010 House Bill No. 5010 (electricians) HFFS No Position no action

    5100 House Bill No. 5100 (self serv. Nozzle) passed cmt Support no action

    5163 House Bill No. 5163 (aed's in schools) HFFS Support no action

    5187 House Bill No. 5187 (fireworks) Passed Hs No Position no action

    5192 House Bill No. 5192 (blocking highwy) HFFS Support no action

  • 5193 House Bill No. 5193 (blocking highwy) HFFS Support no action

    5262 House Bill No. 5262 (public adjusters) Passed Hs Support no action

    5307 House Bill No. 5307 (open mtg fire dist) HFFS Support no action

    5315 House Bill No. 5315 volunteer ff's) passed both Support passed both

    5318 House Bill No. 5318 (comp fire saf act) HFFS Support no action

    5343 House Bill No. 5343 (dist fisc stability) HFFS Oppose no action 5344 House Bill No. 5344 (dist quorum req) HFFS Oppose no action 5345 House Bill No. 5345 (dist mtg notice) HFFS Oppose no action 5353 House Bill No. 5353 (self serv nozzle) passed both Support passed both

    5390 House Bill No. 5390 (911 funding) HFFS Propose proper

    budget no action 5396 House Bill No. 5396 (airport ff) Support no action 5410 House Bill No. 5410 (fire drills) consideration no position on sub a no action

    5431 House Bill No. 5431 (pmt to vol fir co's) Needs Clarification no action

    5437 House Bill No. 5437 (relief of inj ff's) HFFS No Position no action

    5473 House Bill No. 5473 (ff's arbitration) HFFS No Position at this

    time no action

    5537 House Bill No. 5537 (fire districts) withdrawn No Position at this

    time no action

    5594 House Bill No. 5594 (mun. streetlights) HFFS Support (HHFD) no action

    5646 House Bill No. 5646 (consultants) HFFS No Position no action 5900 House Bill No. 5900 (budget) passed both Support passed both

    5908 House Bill No. 5908 (comp fire safety) HFFS Support no action

    5961 House Bill No. 5961 (Cumb FD) HFFS No Position no action 5971 House Bill No. 5971 (Fire Dist. Rpts.) Changes requested no action

    6278 House Bill No. 6278 (work week hours) postponed No Position no action

    Legislative Status Report

    Condition: {Session Year: 2015} {Bills: 108,129,161,177,207,275,431,445,531,533,535,643,718,5010,5100,5163,5187,5192,5193,5262,5307,5315,5318,5343,5344,5345,5353,5390,5396,5410,5431,5437,5473,5537,5900,5908,37,407,54,104,5646,5961,710,5594,5971,719,961,6278,746,991,6341,1018,1019}

  • Senate Bill No. 37 Act 60 BY Raptakis, Kettle, Morgan ENTITLED, AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE HOPKINS HILL ROAD FIRE DISTRICT {LC331/1} 01/13/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government 02/09/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/11/2015) 02/11/2015 Committee recommends passage 02/12/2015 Placed on Senate Calendar (02/25/2015) 02/25/2015 Senate read and passed 02/26/2015 Referred to House Municipal Government 03/24/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/26/2015) 03/26/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 04/03/2015 Scheduled for consideration (04/09/2015) 04/09/2015 Committee recommends passage in concurrence 04/27/2015 Placed on House Calendar (04/29/2015) 04/29/2015 House passed in concurrence 04/29/2015 Transmitted to Governor 05/07/2015 Effective without Governor's signature Senate Bill No. 54 as amended BY Pearson, Felag, Sosnowski, Ottiano ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- OPEN MEETINGS (Exempts fire districts with no tax and/or policy making authority from certain posting requirements of the open meetings act.) {LC462/1} 01/13/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary 02/06/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/10/2015) 02/10/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 05/08/2015 Scheduled for consideration (05/12/2015) 05/12/2015 Committee recommends passage 05/19/2015 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/03/2015) 06/03/2015 Senate passed as amended (floor amendment) 06/04/2015 Referred to House Judiciary Senate Bill No. 104 BY Picard, Cote ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - BUDGET COMMISSIONS (Prohibits a budget commission from selecting hiring and/or firing specific city, town, educational, police and/or fire district employees.) {LC242/1} 01/22/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance

  • Senate Bill No. 108 BY Raptakis, Kettle ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - FIRE DISTRICTS LOCATED IN COVENTRY (Would gradually make fire districts in Coventry subject to the maximum levy.) {LC142/1} 01/22/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance 05/29/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/02/2015) 06/02/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study Senate Bill No. 129 BY Raptakis, Lombardo, McCaffrey, Lombardi, Jabour ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES - DISORDERLY CONDUCT - UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFIC (Criminalizes and sets mandatory minimum sentences for the unlawful interference with traffic upon the federal and state highways of this state.) {LC695/1} 01/22/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary 02/18/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/24/2015) 02/24/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study Senate Bill No. 161 BY Raptakis, Morgan, Kettle, Archambault, Algiere ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- PAYMENTS TO FIRE COMPANIES (Requires reimbursement payments from the general fund to volunteer fire departments responding to emergencies on or along Route 95.) {LC792/1} 02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance 05/29/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/02/2015) 06/02/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study Senate Bill No. 177 as amended BY Pearson, Picard ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO THE CUMBERLAND FIRE DISTRICT (Establishes that membership on the Cumberland Fire District Fire Committee constitutes holding a public office and that the elections of the Fire Committee are governed by state election laws.) {LC740/1} 02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary 02/10/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/12/2015) 02/12/2015 Committee recommends passage 02/26/2015 Placed on Senate Calendar (03/12/2015) 03/12/2015 Senate held on desk 04/16/2015 Placed on Senate Calendar (04/29/2015) 04/29/2015 Senate passed as amended (floor amendment)

  • 04/30/2015 Referred to House Judiciary Senate Bill No. 207 BY Walaska ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - OUTDOOR WOOD-FIRED HYDRONIC HEATERS (Regulates the sale and installation of outdoor wood-fired hydronic heaters.) {LC150/1} 02/11/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Environment and Agriculture Senate Bill No. 275 BY Fogarty, Ciccone, Ruggerio, Goodwin, McCaffrey ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - INJURED AIRPORT FIREFIGHTERS (Entitles the Rhode Island airport corporation rescue, firefighters, and the executive military staff to obtain injured in the line of duty benefits.) {LC945/1} 02/11/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor 03/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/25/2015) 03/25/2015 Committee recommended indefinite postponement Senate Bill No. 407 (by request) BY Algiere, Morgan ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- RESIDENTIAL MINING SAFETY (Directs the department of environmental management and the state fire marshal to regulate mining and blasting near residential areas and schools.) {LC359/1} 02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Environment and Agriculture 05/18/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/20/2015) 05/20/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study Senate Bill No. 431 BY Nesselbush, Ciccone ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES - EXPLOSIVES AND FIREWORKS; HEALTH AND SAFETY - FIREWORKS AND PYROTECHNICS (Amends and repeals certain provisions of the Rhode Island general laws so as to prohibit the sale of consumer fireworks to the general public.) {LC1544/1} 02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary 04/03/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/07/2015) 04/07/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study Senate Bill No. 445

  • BY Fogarty, Ciccone, Lombardi, Satchell ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - INJURED AIRPORT FIREFIGHTERS (Entitles airport corporation rescue and firefighters to obtain injured in the line of duty benefits, if so qualified and would include injuries sustained while performing services for the executive military staff.) {LC1714/1} 02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor 03/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/25/2015) 03/25/2015 Committee recommended indefinite postponement Senate Bill No. 531 BY Archambault ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS - INTEREST ARBITRATION POLICE AND FIRE (Extends any existing collective bargaining agreements for firefighters and municipal police until a successor agreement has been reached or an interest arbitration award has been rendered.) {LC1570/1} 02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor 03/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/25/2015) 03/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study Senate Bill No. 533 BY Lombardi, Jabour, Doyle, Archambault, Ciccone ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS - FIREFIGHTERS' ARBITRATION (Includes platoon structure and/or shift schedule as items covered by collective bargaining for firefighters.) {LC1567/1} 02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor 03/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/25/2015) 03/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study Senate Bill No. 535 BY Picard ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS (Allows self service gas stations to use delivery nozzles with latch-open device when equipped with safeguards.) {LC2012/1} 03/03/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Commerce 03/06/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/12/2015) 03/12/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 06/12/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/16/2015) 06/16/2015 Committee recommends passage 06/17/2015 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/23/2015) 06/23/2015 Senate read and passed 06/24/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/24/2015)

  • 06/24/2015 House passed in concurrence Senate Bill No. 643 (by request) BY Archambault ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - RELIEF OF INJURED AND DECEASED FIRE FIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS (Redefines the method by which a police officer will be considered "totally and permanently disabled" under this section.) {LC339/1} 03/05/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor 03/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/25/2015) 03/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study Senate Bill No. 710 (Revenue) BY Ruggerio, Pearson, Lombardi ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - LEVY AND ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL TAXES (Amends the time period for fire districts to certify tax rolls and adopt budgets and requires quarterly and semi-annual budgets be submitted to the fire district clerk.) {LC1784/1} 03/18/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Finance Senate Bill No. 718 (State Police) BY Goodwin ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- COMPREHENSIVE FIRE SAFETY ACT (Brings various sections of the general laws relative to fire safety up-to-date to conform to the National Fire Prevention Act standards.) {LC1794/1} 03/18/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary 03/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/24/2015) 03/24/2015 Committee recommends passage 03/31/2015 Placed on Senate Calendar (04/07/2015) 04/07/2015 Senate read and passed 04/08/2015 Referred to House Municipal Government Senate Bill No. 719 as amended BY McCaffrey ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT - OPEN MEETINGS (Excludes weekends/state holidays from the 48 hour calculation of public notices and requires audio recordings of all open/closed meetings of public bodies.) {LC1875/1}

  • 03/18/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary 04/28/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/30/2015) 04/30/2015 Committee recommends passage 05/12/2015 Placed on Senate Calendar (05/21/2015) 05/21/2015 Senate passed as amended (floor amendment) 05/22/2015 Referred to House Judiciary Senate Bill No. 746 BY Sosnowski ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS - FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES (Prohibits an employer from terminating an employee for failing to report to regularly scheduled work when employee is responding to an emergency in his or her capacity as a volunteer firefighter or ambulance technician.) {LC2234/1} 03/19/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor 03/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/25/2015) 03/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 05/29/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/03/2015) 06/03/2015 Committee recommends passage 06/04/2015 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/16/2015) 06/16/2015 Senate read and passed 06/17/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/18/2015) 06/18/2015 House passed in concurrence Senate Bill No. 961 SUB A BY Lombardi, Goodwin, Ruggerio, Jabour, Ciccone ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- MINIMUM WAGES (Establishes a forty-two (42) hour workweek for firefighters and rescue service personnel and a forty (40) hour workweek for municipal police officers unless otherwise agreed upon by the parties with regard to the payment of overtime.) {LC2803/A/1} 06/02/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Labor 06/05/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/09/2015) 06/09/2015 Committee recommended indefinite postponement 06/09/2015 Committee recommended Substitute A be held for further study 06/09/2015 Scheduled for consideration 06/11/2015 Meeting postponed (06/11/2015) Senate Bill No. 991 BY Fogarty, Nesselbush, Metts ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- DIVISION OF FIRE SAFETY (Authorizes state fire marshals to prohibit public adjusters from physical presence on and solicitation or inspection of the premises under investigation until twenty-four (24) hours after control of the premises is

  • released to its owner or occupant.) {LC2686/1} 06/11/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Judiciary 06/12/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/16/2015) 06/16/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study Senate Resolution No. 1018 BY Raptakis, Kettle ENTITLED, JOINT RESOLUTION CREATING A SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION TO STUDY THE CREATION AND ESTABLISHMENT OF ONE INDEPENDENT OR MUNICIPAL FIRE DISTRICT IN COVENTRY (Creates a 23 member commission to study the creation and establishment of one independent or municipal fire district in Coventry, and who would report back by March 1, 2016, and expire on June 1, 2016.) {LC140/1} 06/24/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government Senate Resolution No. 1019 BY Raptakis, Kettle ENTITLED, JOINT RESOLUTION CREATING A SPECIAL LEGISLATIVE COMMISSION TO STUDY THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE COVENTRY FIRE DISTRICT AND THE CENTRAL COVENTRY FIRE DISTRICT {LC2876/1} 06/24/2015 Introduced, referred to Senate Housing and Municipal Government House Bill No. 5010 BY Lombardi ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO BUSINESSES AND PROFESSIONS - ELECTRICIANS (Includes the maintenance of certain electrical components within the purview of this chapter.) {LC25/1} 01/08/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations 01/16/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (01/20/2015) 01/20/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5100 BY Keable, Ackerman, Amore, Kazarian, Fogarty ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS (Allows self service gas stations to use delivery nozzles with latch-open device when equipped with safeguards.) {LC338/1} 01/15/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations 01/16/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (01/20/2015) 01/20/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

  • 03/27/2015 Scheduled for consideration (03/31/2015) 03/31/2015 Committee recommends passage 03/31/2015 Placed on House Calendar (04/02/2015) 04/02/2015 House read and passed 04/09/2015 Referred to Senate Commerce 06/12/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/16/2015) 06/16/2015 Committee recommends passage in concurrence House Bill No. 5163 BY Malik, Corvese, Winfield, Hull, Bennett ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION -- HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PUPILS (Mandates that all high schools and middle schools and all athletic fields or other locations where high school or middle schools compete in sporting events, have a functional Automated External Defibrillator (AED) on site at all times.) {LC644/1} 01/21/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W. 02/18/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/25/2015) 02/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5187 SUB A BY Corvese, O'Brien, Costantino, Shekarchi ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES - EXPLOSIVES AND FIREWORKS; HEALTH AND SAFETY - FIREWORKS AND PYROTECHNICS (Amends and repeals certain provisions of the Rhode Island general laws so as to prohibit the sale of consumer fireworks to the general public.) {LC9/A/1} 01/21/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary 02/18/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/24/2015) 02/24/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 06/05/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/09/2015) 06/09/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A 06/09/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/11/2015) 06/11/2015 House passed Sub A 06/11/2015 Referred to Senate Judiciary House Bill No. 5192 BY Hull, Serpa, Casey, Keable, Chippendale ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES - DISORDERLY CONDUCT - UNLAWFUL INTERFERENCE WITH TRAFFIC (Criminalizes and sets mandatory minimum sentences for the unlawful interference with traffic upon the federal and state highways of this state.) {LC719/1} 01/21/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary 01/30/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/04/2015) 02/04/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study

  • House Bill No. 5193 BY Canario, Edwards, Hull, Almeida, Shekarchi ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO CRIMINAL OFFENSES - DISORDERLY CONDUCT (Defines the act of obstruction of a freeway as a person who intentionally restricts traffic flow of a freeway, and would make it a misdemeanor.) {LC681/1} 01/21/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary 01/30/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/04/2015) 02/04/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5262 SUB A as amended BY Winfield, Casey, Costantino, Hull, Morin ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- DIVISION OF FIRE SAFETY (Authorizes state fire marshals to prohibit public adjusters from physical presence on and solicitation or inspection of the premises under investigation until twenty-four (24) hours after control of the premises is released to its owner or occupant.) {LC805/A/1} 01/29/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary 02/18/2015 Committee transferred to House Corporations 03/05/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/10/2015) 03/10/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 03/27/2015 Scheduled for consideration (03/31/2015) 03/31/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 05/22/2015 Scheduled for consideration (05/26/2015) 05/26/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 06/19/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/23/2015) 06/23/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A 06/23/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/24/2015) 06/24/2015 House passed Sub A as amended (floor amendment) House Bill No. 5307 BY Gallison, Malik, Marshall, Winfield, Keable ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO STATE AFFAIRS AND GOVERNMENT -- OPEN MEETINGS (Exempts fire districts with no tax and/or policy making authority from certain posting requirements of the open meetings act.) {LC510/1} 02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary 03/13/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/17/2015) 03/17/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5315 SUB A

  • BY Gallison, Fogarty, Marshall, Winfield, Costantino ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS - FAIR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES (Prohibits an employer from terminating an employee for failing to report to regularly scheduled work when employee is responding to an emergency in his or her capacity as a volunteer firefighter or ambulance technician.) {LC507/A/2} 02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Labor 02/18/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/26/2015) 02/26/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 06/02/2015 Scheduled for consideration 06/04/2015 Meeting postponed (06/04/2015) 06/05/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/09/2015) 06/09/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A 06/09/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/11/2015) 06/11/2015 House voted to recommit to House Labor 06/14/2015 Scheduled for reconsideration (06/16/2015) 06/16/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A 06/16/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/18/2015) 06/18/2015 House passed Sub A 06/18/2015 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (06/23/2015) 06/23/2015 Senate passed Sub A in concurrence House Bill No. 5318 (by request) BY Morin, Craven, Johnston, Ackerman, Lombardi ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY - COMPREHENSIVE FIRE SAFETY ACT (Changes various dates pertaining to safety code editions, would make word substitutions, alarm for detector, and would require delivery nozzles to comply with the Rhode Island Fire Code.) {LC642/1} 02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government 03/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/26/2015) 03/26/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5343 BY Morgan, Nardolillo ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - FIRE DISTRICT FISCAL STABILITY (Establishes fiscal stability guidelines for fire districts.) {LC865/1} 02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance 03/06/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/11/2015) 03/11/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5344

  • BY Morgan, Roberts, Nardolillo ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- LOCAL FIRE DISTRICTS (Requires that a quorum for all local fire district financial meetings be at least two percent (2%) of the total registered and qualified voting members of the fire district.) {LC864/1} 02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance 03/06/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/11/2015) 03/11/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5345 BY Morgan, Roberts, Nardolillo ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO OPEN MEETINGS -- FIRE DISTRICT MEETING NOTICES (Establishes additional ways by which local fire districts would be required to notify their members of future meetings.) {LC862/1} 02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance 03/06/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/11/2015) 03/11/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5353 SUB A BY Trillo, Chippendale, Roberts, Malik ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS (Allows self service gas stations to use delivery nozzles with latch-open device when equipped with safeguards.) {LC728/A/1} 02/05/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations 02/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/03/2015) 03/03/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 06/24/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/24/2015) 06/24/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A 06/24/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/24/2015) 06/24/2015 House passed Sub A 06/25/2015 Placed on the Senate Consent Calendar (06/25/2015) 06/25/2015 Senate passed Sub A in concurrence House Bill No. 5390 BY Lancia, Trillo, Morgan, Newberry, Filippi ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS (Requires that all charges collected by telecommunications and prepaid wireless providers in connection with the E-911 system be deposited into a restricted receipt account for the sole purpose of administering the system.) {LC866/1} 02/11/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance 05/11/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (05/13/2015)

  • 05/13/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5396 BY Keable, Casey, O'Brien, Carnevale, McKiernan ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - INJURED AIRPORT FIREFIGHTERS (Entitles airport corporation rescue and firefighters to obtain injured in the line of duty benefits, if so qualified and would include injuries sustained while performing services for the executive military staff.) {LC1070/1} 02/11/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance 06/08/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/10/2015) 06/10/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5410 SUB A BY MacBeth, McLaughlin, Messier ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO EDUCATION - HEALTH AND SAFETY OF PUPILS - FIRE DRILLS (Permits school building principals to delay holding fire and emergency egress evacuation drills in the months of December, January, and February due to severe inclement weather.) {LC1402/A/2} 02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House H.E.W. 02/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (02/25/2015) 02/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 05/11/2015 Scheduled for consideration (05/13/2015) 05/13/2015 Committee recommended Substitute A be held for further study 05/15/2015 Scheduled for consideration (05/20/2015) 05/20/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A 05/22/2015 Placed on House Calendar (05/26/2015) 05/26/2015 House passed Sub A 05/26/2015 Referred to Senate Education 06/08/2015 Scheduled for hearing (06/10/2015) 06/10/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 06/22/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/24/2015) 06/23/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/25/2015) 06/24/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 06/25/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5431 BY Kennedy, Filippi, Azzinaro, Price, Roberts ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- PAYMENTS TO FIRE COMPANIES (Requires reimbursement payments from the general fund to volunteer fire departments responding to emergencies on or along Route 95.) {LC1271/1} 02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance

  • House Bill No. 5437 BY Almeida, Carnevale, Morin, Canario, Johnston ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - RELIEF OF INJURED AND DECEASED FIREFIGHTERS AND POLICE OFFICERS (Includes campus police officers appointed by the Rhode Island Board of Education for purposes of injured on duty benefits.) {LC1169/1} 02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance 03/17/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/19/2015) 03/19/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5473 BY Carnevale, Johnston, Hull, Almeida, McKiernan ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS - FIREFIGHTERS' ARBITRATION (Includes platoon structure and/or shift schedule as items covered by collective bargaining for firefighters.) {LC1507/1} 02/12/2015 Introduced, referred to House Labor 02/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/05/2015) 03/05/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5537 BY Morgan, Nardolillo, Roberts, Chippendale ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES -- BUDGET COMMISSION (Exempts fire districts from the provisions of the budget commission chapter.) {LC1141/1} 02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance 03/17/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration 03/19/2015 Withdrawn at sponsor's request (03/19/2015) House Bill No. 5594 BY Ruggiero, Handy, McKiernan, Marshall, O`Grady ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO PUBLIC UTILITIES AND CARRIERS - MUNICIPAL STREETLIGHT INVESTMENT ACT (Amends the provisions of the general laws related to conversion charges for municipality service, from a subject tariff rate to an alternative tariff rate, for delivery service of electric energy.) {LC1609/1} 02/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Corporations 04/02/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/08/2015) 04/08/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5646

  • BY Nunes, Hearn ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TOWNS AND CITIES - DISCLOSURE OF NAMES OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT CONSULTANTS (Requires that the names and compensation of those providing professional services to municipal agencies and fire districts be made public.) {LC1891/1} 02/26/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary 03/13/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/17/2015) 03/17/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5900 SUB A as amended BY Gallison ENTITLED, AN ACT MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT OF THE STATE FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 {LC2168/A/1} 03/13/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance 06/05/2015 Scheduled for consideration (06/09/2015) 06/09/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A 06/09/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/16/2015) 06/15/2015 Scheduled to be heard and /or considered in anticipation of House passage (06/17/2015) 06/16/2015 House passed Sub A as amended (floor amendment) 06/16/2015 Referred to Senate Finance 06/17/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A as amended in concurrence 06/17/2015 Placed on Senate Calendar (06/23/2015) 06/23/2015 Senate passed Sub A as amended in concurrence 06/25/2015 Transmitted to Governor House Bill No. 5908 (State Police) BY Morin, Canario, Lombardi, Carson, Phillips ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO HEALTH AND SAFETY -- COMPREHENSIVE FIRE SAFETY ACT (Brings various sections of the general laws relative to fire safety up-to-date to conform to the National Fire Prevention Act standards.) {LC1792/1} 03/13/2015 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government 03/20/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (03/26/2015) 03/26/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5961 BY Ackerman, MacBeth, McLaughlin, Phillips ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO THE CUMBERLAND FIRE DISTRICT (Establishes that membership on the Cumberland Fire District Fire Committee constitutes holding a public office and that the elections of the Fire Committee are governed by state election laws.) {LC1231/1}

  • 03/20/2015 Introduced, referred to House Judiciary 03/27/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (04/01/2015) 04/01/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study House Bill No. 5971 BY Gallison ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO TAXATION - LEVY AND ASSESSMENT OF LOCAL TAXES (Amends the time period for fire districts to certify tax rolls and adopt budgets and requires quarterly and semi-annual budgets be submitted to the fire district clerk.) {LC1783/1} 03/25/2015 Introduced, referred to House Finance House Bill No. 6278 BY Edwards ENTITLED, AN ACT RELATING TO LABOR AND LABOR RELATIONS -- MINIMUM WAGES (Prevents municipal firefighters and rescue service personnel from working a regular workweek that exceeds 42 hours and municipal police officers from working a regular workweek that exceeds 40 hours unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.) {LC2801/1} 06/04/2015 Introduced, referred to House Labor 06/05/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/09/2015) 06/09/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 06/09/2015 Scheduled for consideration 06/11/2015 Meeting postponed (06/11/2015) House Bill No. 6341 SUB A BY MacBeth, McLaughlin, Phillips, Ackerman ENTITLED, AN ACT AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF CHAPTER 505 OF THE PUBLIC LAWS OF 2013 ENTITLED "AN ACT RELATING TO THE CONSOLIDATION OF THE CUMBERLAND, NORTH CUMBERLAND, CUMBERLAND HILL, AND VALLEY FALLS FIRE DISTRICTS INTO THE CUMBERLAND FIRE DISTRICT" (Provides all tax bills issued by the Cumberland fire district due on or after July 1, 2016, would be paid in quarterly installments.) {LC2942/A/1} 06/24/2015 Introduced, referred to House Municipal Government 06/24/2015 Scheduled for hearing and/or consideration (06/24/2015) 06/24/2015 Committee recommended measure be held for further study 06/25/2015 Scheduled for consideration 06/25/2015 Committee recommends passage of Sub A 06/25/2015 Placed on House Calendar (06/25/2015) 06/25/2015 House passed Sub A

  • Total Bills: 53

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