Final Engineering


Transcript of Final Engineering


Product Overview 1Product Inspiration 2Target Market Analysis 3Positioning 4Creative Brief 5-6 Media Recommendation 7Creative Execution 8



Our product is all about enabling consumers to live a green lifestyle in the easiest way possible. GreenHouzz windows consist of three layers, two ESG (Essex Safety Glass) Thermics and a glass pane. The first two layers of ESG Thermics are heated glass that can transform windows from one of the main source of heat loss to a heating element. It aids in saving energy use and is capable of providing effective and controlled temperatures. It eliminates the problems we face everyday with just a single pane glass window such as condensation, dust, cold drafts etc. Between the ESG Thermic and third layer of glass, the cavity will be filled with Argon, an inert gas. Argon is used as it is the cheapest among all the other noble gases and has low thermal conductivity.


Our Solution

A digital meter is connected to our window, to keep track of the energy saved due to this new installation. Consumers can link the app with their meters to read the numbers, and share their progress to any social media platforms. Once the meter hits a certain amount, we will donate to an institute for sustainable research of their choice, on their behalf.



The engineering team worked on a number of ideas to keep improving one of the most common aspects in everyday life, the window. The window is one of the most important parts of a building. It is an opening. An opening that shows us what is happening outside. It gives us a glimpse of the weather outside or is even considered an opportunity to escape from our busy lives. A vent.The windows are a significant feature in the architectural and structural designs and are one of the key players in energy efficiency. They are one of the few outlets where we lose energy in the form of heat. As we all know, heat moves from a hotter body to a colder body. Hence, during winter in cold regions (especially East Coast and Midwest USA) we lose up to 50% of heat from our accommodation. By combining a heater into the layering of a window, GreenHouzz windows are a work of art and engineering on its own with the goal of increasing building efficiency and occupant comfort. The window stands as a heating element on its own and has the potential to eliminate the need for traditional heating systems. It aids in saving energy use and is capable of providing effective and controlled temperatures. It eliminates the problems we face everyday with just a single pane glass window such as condensation, dust, cold drafts etc. The name GreenHouzz comes from the term “Greenhouse” which is a building, room or area built mainly of glass where the temperature is maintained within a desired range, used for cultivating tenders plants or plants out of season. As windows are a common part of a building, we wanted to give it a fun, modern twist to it, hence the name “GreenHouzz”.



Mintel’s research for Green Living – U.S., February 2011 and Green Marketing – U.S., April 2011 suggested that the number of consumers who try to live a green lifestyle, and who consider the environment in their shopping decisions, continues to grow, even in the face of difficult economic times. As consumer interest in energy efficient products is growing steadily across all categories, we believe the market potential for our product is huge. According to the data we gathered, such interest seems to be driven by the combination of concerns over utility bills and the increasingly critical environmental challenges. Research shows that consumers with graduate education are significantly more concerned about their energy use than those with less education – these are our core targets. Furthermore, consumers with household incomes of at least $100K are likely to be most receptive to energy saving tips, products, and services, especially big investments like solar panels and purpose built green homes. Although they are not thinking about their electric bills, these are the consumers most likely to be able to afford the upfront costs of energy saving home improvements and energy efficient appliances. Therefore, we are targeting consumers aged between 40 and 70, with a household income of $100K+ and college level education, who live in suburbs with their families. Psychographically speaking, these consumers insist on certain living standards – they enjoy owning quality products and they won’t compromise quality for price. They also have a higher sense of morality and social responsibility compared with the general consumers; they are willing to contribute in ways they can – shopping green is only the beginning. Because of their education and income level, they are likely to have high social status and likely to be the trendsetters within their communities. They could also be effective early adopters that can help our product take on a life of its own.



“GreenHouzz windows provide you the easiest way to live sustainably with less heat loss, saving 26% of energy with no extra effort.”



What do we want the advertising to do?

To convince consumers that being environmental friendly is no longer a commitment that requires extra hard work with GreenHouzz windows.

Who’s our target?

Gary is a 45-year-old man who lives in Waltham, MA with his wife, their two girls and a boy. He currently works as a managing director at a reputed software company. He is an avid recycler and tries to live green to his ability. But when it starts to require too much effort, he can’t always keep up. For example, when it comes to commuting to work, as much as he wants to be green, he won’t choose public transportation over driving. The best he can do is to drive his 2013 Toyota Prius everyday. Since Waltham faces harsh winters, he is looking for a way to keep his family warm and comfortable by sustaining more heat in the house without wasting more gas/electricity. As a person of high social status and with a high position at work, he likes to do his research before making a purchase to ensure the product is of good quality. He takes pride in choosing quality over quantity and won’t compromise it at any cost.


What do they currently think?

The only way to save energy and be environmental friendly in winter is to sacrifice comfort and keep the heater at a lower temperature.

What would we want them to think?

With GreenHouzz windows, being warm and being green can easily go hand in hand.

What is the single most compelling promise we can make them?

GreenHouzz windows provide you the easiest way to live sustainably with less heat loss, saving 26% of energy with no extra effort.

How do we make it believable?

-By using the combination of vacuum and heated layers between the glasses, we can effectively decelerate heat loss, which will result in a higher interior window temperature in winter that brings greater comfort.

-Warmer interior glass surfaces can also reduce frost and condensation.





To build brand awareness among consumers and thus drive sales for the product.

Media Types:Simmons data indicated that Internet and magazines have become a primary source of entertainment for our target audience, with the index of 117 and 118 respectively when compared to other media, such as Television (Index: 69), and Radio (Index: 82) Since our target audience are highly educated, they are more likely to spend time reading, thus magazine would be an ideal platform for them. In addition, they are people with high income and a fast paced lifestyle, hence their go to place for information is the internet. In conclusion, magazines (including consumer and B2B publications) and internet will be the primary media choices for our campaign.

Specific Media:• Print ad: Magazine: 1) Home Improvement: Better Home &Gardens, This Old House, HGTV magazine2) Trade Magazine: Construcutor, Retrofit Magazine3) News and Variety: FamilyFun, Times, Vanity Fair• Conference Poster:Other than consumers, Greenhouzz also targets the constrators. By using a conference poster, it will promote the brand in a B2B mode.• Outdoor:In order to attract passangers to get into and experience the Glasshouse, a poster will be used to promote the Glasshouse outdoor event.



Our Theme: Effortlessly Green.

Tagline:The Window to Sustainable Living

Our idea is to show that being sustainable does not require extra effort. When people think about going green, they think about the extra, additional work (including sometimes paying more money) they need to put in or the sacrifice of comfort they have to make. In harsh winter days, this is not exactly the trade off they want to make. So we are presenting an easy solution for them. GreenHouzz makes it effortless for you to save energy and money because our windows keep you warm by reducing heat loss in your house. This is where our theme “Effortlessly Green” comes into play. It ties the emotional and the practical superiority of the product together.



Execution #1: The Glass House

Poster/PR Message: Losing energy in this weather? We have hot beverages and a secret tip for you to cut your utility bills by 30%!

In order to raise awareness about GreenHouzz windows in the Midwest and Northeastern part of the United States, we plan to set up glass cafes (with GreenHouzz material) in the busy downtown areas for two weeks between December and February. When GreenHouzz windows are in use, the average usage of energy for heat is approximately 50 therms in a day as opposed to 85 therms with regular glasses.

We’ll use Armory Square as an example for Syracuse, NY as it is a university town that faces harsh winters and feet of snow.

In the middle of Armory Square, we are planning on building a glass house cafe with GreenHouzz window materials all around with an electric room heater inside. In the café, people can come over for free hot beverages. Every table in the cafe will have an interactive display showcasing our product information and demo. It will describe in detail how much energy we save by using the GreenHouzz windows and how the cafe uses only energy saving instruments (including locally-sourced beverage & snacks).

Our menu will have beverages with sustainable puns. A few examples are:Sustainabilitea

Espresso NRG shotCafe Fuel Latte







Execution #2: Print Ad

This is a print ad that will be put on both B2C and B2B magazines. We plan to provoke the readers by letting them see the possible future. The two images represent two different versions of our future, and they can choose what they want to do, because what they need to do is just to start changing their window with us.


The choice is yours.

Subheading: By cutting your household energy use by 30% every month, you are moving towards a greener future.

Body copy:

We rely on coal, oil and gas for over 80% of our current energy needs – and the demand is expected to grow by almost 50% over the next two decades. Meanwhile, the carbon dioxide emission (primarily as a result of energy footprint) is accelerating the process of global warming. For the first time in history we face an energy crisis not because we might run out of energy, but because we are using it in the wrong way. A plan for improving energy efficiency is in urgent need. That is what we are here for.

GreenHouzz windows use the combination of vacuum and heated layers between glasses to effectively reduce heat loss, resulting in a higher room temperature in winter that brings greater comfort with less energy use.We have a choice to live in a world we want. We just need to act on it fast. By simply changing your windows, you are already halfway there.





Execution #3: B2B Poster


The Future Is In Your Hand.

This is a B2B poster targeted at contractors at the industry conference to showcase that the Greenhouzz windows can bring life back to the earth. This poster will only be used to entice people, intrigue them into knowing more about our product and how the design is a big breakthrough with the rest of our exhibits.What people will first see when they approach our booth is a dead earth of grey scale. It looks so hopeless and lifeless. But when they pull the glass filter down from atop, the earth will change into a colorful and blooming planet that we are so familiar with right now – and can be easily gone if we don’t take it seriously.






[1] Mintel report: Attitudes Toward Energy Savings - US - May 2011 - Energy Use in the Home

[2] Mintel report: Shopping Green - US - May 2015

[3] Global Economic Symposium Report: The Energy Crisis and Climate Change

[4] Efficient Window Collaborative: Benefits and Costs

[5] U.S Department of Energy: Selecting Window for Efficiency

[6]Simmons OneView Consumer Attitude Data