Film production presentation - re uploaded

FILM PRODUCTION Independent Vs Studio



Transcript of Film production presentation - re uploaded

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Independent Vs Studio

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Films• There are hundreds of thousands of films; whether it be short or long, black & white or colour,

not one picture is the same as the next.• This also applies to how films are produced and the technologies used in order to created them.

As a result, all films vary in looks and though they may be reproduced to look similar, no two are identical.

• Many factors come into play when deciding how a film is produced and then distributed. Independent funding or studio funding. Film or digital. Each feature plays a defining role in the overall film.

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Shorts - funding• Independent

- Organisations and charities give money to independent film makers.

£18 million (Distributed in only two areas)

£25,000 - £50,000(up to 20 short films yearly)

£20,000 to £50,000(Yearly)

• Funding can also be given locally in relation to where a film is predominantly shot.

- local people benefit most from the exposure.• Independent films usually have a minuscule budget, as money is harder to

come by, although not always the case.INDEPENDENT STUDIO

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• An example of an independently made short film is “Room 8”

• This film had a budget of £40,000 and used minimal sets, though still managed to win a BAFTA for best short film in 2013

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Shorts - funding• Studio

- Similarly, studio short films can apply for grants from organisations such as the BFI.- large company’s such as Universal Studios, which has a lot of publicity, have many investors ready to give money to new films.

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Online Funding





• Recently, the use of certain websites have allowed independent filmmakers to publicise their ideas for short and feature length movies, gaining funding.

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• Zack Braff is a notable celebrity who has used companies such as kickstarter to raise money for his film.

• “Wish I was here” needed $2,000,000 but by the end of the time period achieved $3,105,473 with 46,520 backers.

• This way Zack got to make the final cut of the film without having to compromise on certain features.

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Equipment• Independent

- As most films are now shot digitally it is easier than ever for anyone to shoot a film.- DSLR cameras are now able to shoot 1080p footage, giving a professional look without a huge price tag and many independent films have been shot using these.


- With the availability of cheap editing programs and more pricier software such as Final Cut Pro, independent filmmakers can now create high quality films, much like the quality which studios produce.

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• Studio- Although top end studios may use Final cut and cameras such as the 5D’s; other cameras, which are much more expensive, can be of preference.


RED: Shoots entirely RAW footage and gives a one of

the nearest film looks.

PANAVISION: Widely used in film, never can be bought only


• “Captain America: The winter soldier” was shot on a RED camera.

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Marketing• Independent

- Social media platforms make marketing both independent and studio films much easier.

- Much like studio produced films, independent films can be submitted to film festivals. This allows smaller filmmakers to become known, whilst increasing the chance of meeting new investors for future productions

Submissions ranging from £0 - £72


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Marketing• Studio

- Films made by a well known studio’s work in a similar way, although can release trailers and teaser off the back of other DVDs made by the same production company.

- More over, short trailers before films in cinemas target a wide audience. - Furthermore, due to a larger budget studio productions can afford

advertising on mediums such as buses, billboards, radios and TVs.

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Distribution• It much harder for independent films to be distributed, although online

platforms have made it made easier to host for free and many short films are viewed this way, such as “True Skin.”

• Independent films can be screened at cinemas, however these may need to be hired out or screeners sent to the cinemas beforehand. Although, many independent films go straight to DVD, as this is the only source of distribution available.

• Studio company’s take the same approach, although screen a film for much longer, getting the biggest box office sales possible, then releasing it to the public a few months later on DVD, making more money. They tend to stay about from free platforms such as Youtube and Vimeo as there is not much money to be made through the use of these.

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Conclusion• Both Studio and independent films have their pros and cons and what would be preferred

depends on what type of film you want to create.

• A independent film:- More control is given to the director. (“Garden state” director Zack Braff had the final say on

the look of the film.)- A film can have a smaller target audience and be created in a niche genre.- The film is based less on the money at the end but the story you are telling.- It is harder to produce as less money is involved.- It may not look as visually enticing due to the lack of money.

• A Studio film:- Much more money is able to be spent so less cut backs are made.- More people are likely to see the film and more recognition to the cast and crew is given.- The director has less say in the final look. (For instance “Blade Runner” Where a directors cut

was made.)- It is more about the money produced than the story told.