Film poster research


Transcript of Film poster research

Page 1: Film poster research
Page 2: Film poster research

Key ImageThe key image of this movie poster is of all the main characters of the film ‘Hunger Games’. This is done to appeal to a bigger target audience, in many other posters the key image is of Katniss and would attract more girls however this one appeals to a wider range. This is also a teaser poster which is released before the actual film to give the audience a hint of what to expect.

LogoThe logo of this movie is of a Mocking jay which symbolizes the ‘Hunger Games’. In every poster, trailer and anything that advertises the movie, this logo would always be put in. This is because after seeing this logo the audience is able to recognise what film it is from.

TitleJust like the logo the audience is able to recognise what the film is. In every poster the title will always be there, in the same colour and font.

Tag LineThe tag line is a quote from the movie so for example, ‘May the odds be ever in your favour’ or ‘The world will be watching’. However as this is a teaser poster is will released before anyone knew the film so this poster was only to give a hint of what it was about, if they had put the tag line on the audience would not know what it meant.

DateAs this is a teaser poster it does not have the date revealed as the movie is not expected to be released yet, this is only designed to give the audience a hint of what is to come.

Target AudienceThe target audience for ‘The Hunger Games’ is unisex so girls and boys aged 16-23. This is because there is a lot of violence in the film that would appeal to teenagers not children or adults as most of them don’t like to get scared. Although it is targeted for both genders more females tend to watch it as the main character is a female and seems to attract for women. The males watch it for the violence and the idea of the film.

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Key ImageThe key image of this movie poster is of the main character of the film ‘The Amazing Spider Man’. This image shows New York City which is where the movie is based in, the main image of the character ‘Peter Parker’ in his Spiderman costume with his mask missing. As there was a movie before already about Spiderman they are revealing his face to show a new Spiderman.

LogoIn this movie there isn’t really a logo but in many of the movie posters have the image of the spider on his costume/suit. This could be interpreted as the logo however it is not in all posters like other films.

TitleThis movie has the title as ‘The Amazing Spider Man’, this is because the movie they did before with another cast was named ‘Spiderman’ so to get an audience they would have to change the name.

Tag LineThe tag line in this movie is mostly ‘The untold story’ this gives a hint about what the storyline is. For this one for example, as there was a movie before this with a different cast the tag line makes the audience know that it is about a story that has not happened yet in spider man. This also makes the audience wonder what will happen.

DateAs this is not a teaser poster it has the date on the bottom of the poster, so for this movie it is 7th March 2012. This lets the audience know when the movie is expected to come out in cinemas.

Target AudienceThe target audience for ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ is males aged 13-21. This is because the movie is based on a superhero that appeals to younger boys however this isn’t targeted to 3 year olds as they wouldn’t understand what it was about. Although this is targeted at boys, girls also watch it for the small romance between the main character and the ‘girl’.

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Katniss Everdeen

The main character in ‘The Hunger Games’ is a young woman called ‘Katniss Everdeen’ played by Jennifer Lawrence. This character would appeal to the target audience as it shows a young strong heroine, this would attract young girls as its different to all the other violent movies that have the main character as a male. With the main character as a female it shows women are just as capable as men are in these situations. With her holding her bow and arrow in her hand proves her strength and courage with this weapon. This character appeals to the male audience as the bow and arrow suggests that the film and the characters are all linked to violence. If this was not involved in the picture then there would be no male audience interested without watching the trailer. With this particular photo the audience is able to see that she is not a typical girl that loves pink and boys but a young teenager who looks after everyone she cares about due to her choice of clothing and overall appearance. The uniform informs the audience that she is about to do something active as they are quite sport clothes, they also look like something that can keep her warm in colder conditions. Her hair is pulled back into a side French braid suggesting that she is about to participate in a serious ‘game’, this is because her hair is out of her face so it is not bothering her. Overall, with a female as the main character sparks an interest in the audience making this different from the typical male hero in the other films.

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Peter Parker

The main character in ‘The Amazing Spider-Man’ is ‘Peter Parker’ played by Andrew Garfield. This character would appeal to the target audience has he shows a strong and muscular young guy appealing to mostly guys. The only reason girls watch this film is because of the romance involved with the character ‘Gwen Stacey’.