Fifth Grade Science Syllabus

Teacher Information: My name is Lauren Krueger and I will be your teacher for this course. I have been teaching Elementary school for eight years. I am certified to teach grades K-6 and ESOL students in grades K- 12. Contact Information: If you need to reach me at any time during this course I am available via email at [email protected] . You may also call me between the hours of 8am-8pm at (555-555-5555). I am also available to meet you in person via appointment as well as by Skype (‘username’) and Google Hangouts (‘username’) by OFFICE PHONE: (555-555-5555), WORK FAX (444-444-4444) EMAIL: [email protected] FIFTH GRADE SCIENCE SYLLABUS


Fifth Grade Science Syllabus

Transcript of Fifth Grade Science Syllabus

Fifth grade science Syllabus

Fifth grade science Syllabus


Teacher Information:My name is Lauren Krueger and I will be your teacher for this course. I have been teaching Elementary school for eight years. I am certified to teach grades K-6 and ESOL students in grades K-12. Contact Information:If you need to reach me at any time during this course I am available via email at [email protected]. You may also call me between the hours of 8am-8pm at (555-555-5555). I am also available to meet you in person via appointment as well as by Skype (username) and Google Hangouts (username) by appointment. If you would like to meet with me in person or online please call or email me to set up an appointment.

Course Description and Goal: This course is an online fifth grade General Science course based on the Next Generation Science Standards of Florida. Students will be expected to complete modules, written assignments, participate in discussions, and collaborate in groups, as well as complete benchmark assessments at the end of each lesson, and complete end-of-unit assessments. At the end of the course, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of general science principles. Prerequisites:Students will need access to a computer, the Internet and a printer for a minimum of 5-7 hours a week for this Fifth Grade General Science course.Required Materials:Textbook Required:You are required to use the Florida ScienceFusion textbook by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. This textbook should have been mailed to you prior to beginning the course. If it was not mailed to you please contact the teacher. The exact edition that we will be using is:Houghton Mifflin Hartcourt. (2012). Florida ScienceFusion: grade 5. Orlando, FL: Houghton Mifflin HarcourtTechnology Requirements:You will need a computer, Internet access, a printer, and a Blackboard account for this course. You should have been emailed your Blackboard login information prior to beginning this course. If you are having any difficulties accessing the course, please contact your teacher.Additional Websites and Articles Required for this Course:Throughout this course you will need to access the following websites:BrainPopJr In order to access videos you will need to login using the following: Username: lakemaryes, Password: brainpop. Please note: the username and password are ALL LOWERCASE. You will need to login each time you view the videos for each module. If you have difficulty accessing this website, please contact your teacher. PodBean During this course you will be required to make several podcasts. In order to do this you will need to create a PodBean account. Click on the link provided on this syllabus and then click on Try Podbean for Free at the top right hand side of the webpage. You need to create a username. Your username must be as follows: LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME. You will need to use your school email address and create a password of a minimum of six characters. Please note: Capitalization does matter when creating this password. It is recommended that your write down your username and password and store it in a safe place. If you have any questions or difficulties creating an account, please contact your teacher.Google Docs This course requires group collaboration via Google Docs. It is required that you create a Google Account in order to share information with your classmates. Click on the link provided on the syllabus and create your account. You will need to write down your Gmail username and password. Your Google account will allow you to access Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Hangouts. Learning Objectives for this Course:After completing this course, students will be able to: Identify that matter has two fundamental properties: matter takes up space and matter has mass. Classify objects and substances by their physical and chemical properties. Categorize changes that matter can undergo both physically and chemically. Explain that energy is involved in all physical processes of Science. Evaluate how energy exists in many forms and can cause a change. Determine that waves involve a transfer of energy without a transfer of matter. Analyze how water and sound waves transfer energy through a material. Evaluate how light waves can travel through a vacuum and matter. Identify that it takes energy to change the motion of objects. Compare and contrast energy changes in the form of pushes and pulls. Explain that some forces act through physical contact, while others act at a distance.Course Expectations:It is expected that all students: Print and review the course syllabus with a parent/guardian. Logon several times a week (at least three times) and check for course announcements, emails, and read discussion posts. Keep up with all readings, assignments, and activities. This is crucial for succeeding in an online class. Students who keep up with readings and assignments tend to do better in an online course then those who do not. Complete all online activities and assessments before 11:59 P.M. EST of the due date. Review course schedule and deadlines with a parent/guardian at the beginning of each module. Be aware that late submissions will result in a lower grade (see Timeliness section) Students may use informal language (abbreviations and IM type language) when writing emails. However, formal language (proper grammar and complete sentences) is required when writing discussion posts and completing assignments. Everything must be written in each students own words. If students use outside sources to complete an assignment, the sources must be cited. Work with other students. You are required to work nicely with others, participate equally, and communicate effectively with group members. Use academic integrity by following the academic policies of the district. Course Overview (Instructional Strategies/Methodology): 1. ModulesEach week a module will be unlocked. Students are expected to read the content within the module, view any Power Point presentations, read/view any links that are posted, as well as read the weekly text assigned. All this should be done prior to completing any assignments or discussion posts for the week. See the schedule for due dates.2. Online AssignmentsStudents are expected to complete 1-2 assignments per module each week. Each assignment will reflect the content of each module and give students an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge acquired during each module. Assignments will be project-based to ensure that students can demonstrate and apply what they have learned. These assignments must be written using formal writing (proper grammar, correct spelling, and complete sentences). Students are expected to view the rubric for each assignment to determine the expectations of the assignment. All assignments will be submitted to Turn It In for originality. See the schedule for assignment due dates.3. Discussion ParticipationStudents are expected to participate in weekly discussion posts. Students must write a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs for their initial discussion post. Formal writing (proper grammar, correct spelling, and complete sentences) is required. Please follow the discussion rubric to understand the grading criteria for discussion posts. Additionally, it will be required that each student respond to a minimum of two peer postings. Responses are to be a minimum of 3 sentences. Formal writing again is required (proper grammar, correct spelling, complete sentences). Students who respond with an I agree or I disagree without further elaborating, will not receive full credit. See the schedule for due dates.4. Group CollaborationThe course requires group collaboration methods of learning in which students work together and individually as a group. Each student will engage in synchronous, asynchronous discussions and activities designed to enhance the learning experience through discussions, text, web resources, readings, and videos.5. QuizzesThere will be a quiz at the end of each module. The purpose of the quizzes is for students to demonstrate that they have read the required readings and understand the content in each module. The quizzes will be timed. Students will be given 60 minutes to complete each quiz. Each quiz will have 10 questions. Quizzes are open book, however students may not work with anyone else or help anyone else during a quiz. You will have three attempts to take each quiz. Only the highest grade will count. See schedule for due dates for each quiz.6. Final ExamThe final exam will be given during the last week of the course. The purpose of the final exam is for students to measure what they have learned throughout this course. It will be open book. Again, students are to complete the final exam individually. Students will be given 3 hours to complete the final exam, and only be given one opportunity to take the final exam. See schedule for final exam period.7. Live Lesson Session At the end of the course you will be required to attend a Live Lesson Session hosted by your teacher. During this session, your teacher will review important information for the final exam, as well as answer any questions students may have regarding the final exam. There will be three sessions for students to choose from to attend. Each session will be relatively the same. You only have to choose one session to attend, however, if you want to attend more then one, you may. You will need to sign up for the Live Lesson using the course calendar. Please make sure to write down the time and date that you choose to attend. Attendance will be taken so be sure to choose a time that you will be able to attend.Online Classroom Format and Procedures: Schedule: Each week, class begins on a Monday and ends on a Tuesday. Please print and review the schedule weekly with your parent/guardian. Announcements Area: This is where you will see important information from your teacher that may include reminders about assignments, helpful tips about assignments, and class news.Modules: Each week you will be assigned a module to complete. Each module will contain the weeks course content and provide directions for how to complete each assignment, discussion and/or quiz.Discussion Area: This is where you can access each modules discussion forum and post your responses and replies before the due date. There is a forum labeled Student Chat where you can have casual, non-graded conversations with your peers about the subject matter. The forum labeled Krueger Questions is where you can ask questions or make comments about the course and I will respond to them on a bi-weekly basis. Please do not post personal questions in this area. This is only for questions pertaining to the course.Assignment Dropbox: This area is where you submit all of your assignments.

Course Requirements:Each module will include one written assignment, one quiz, and one discussion post assignment. Each assignment will be graded using an Assignment Rubric (see individual module for each Assignment Rubric). Additionally, each discussion post will be graded using the Discussion Post Rubric. Module 1- Getting Started and Course Introduction: This module contains an introduction to the course in order for students to familiarize themselves with the online classroom format. Assignment: No assignment for this module.Discussion Post: Introduction The purpose of this discussion post is to introduce yourself to your classmates. It is important that you get to know your classmates in this course as you will be required to work together in groups at various times throughout the course. In your discussion post you need to include the following information: your name, where you are from, why you are taking this online class, any hobbies that you have, and what you want to learn most in this course. You are required to reply to two students posts. This discussion is worth 10 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: Syllabus Quiz The purpose of this quiz is to ensure that you have read and understand the course syllabus and the requirements of this course. This quiz will be worth 20 points. You will have three attempts to get a 100% on this quiz. See the schedule for due date.Module 2- Introducing Solids, Liquids and Gasses and Their Properties: Assignment-Podcast: For this module you will create a podcast discussion about matter. The purpose of this assignment is to define the three properties of matter, explain the differences between each property of matter, and discuss the characteristics of each property of matter including: Mass, Volume, Color, Texture, and Temperature. You will also need to state 3-5 real world examples of solids, liquids and gases. Follow your script that you made for your discussion post this week when making your podcast. Your podcast should be 3-5 minutes in length. Read this article about making a Podcast: You will also need to upload your podcast to and submit the RSS Feed link to me in the assignment drop box. This assignment will be worth 50 points. See Assignment Rubric for grading guidelines.Discussion Post- Podcast Script: For this weeks assignment you will be writing a podcast. For your discussion post, you will need to write your script for your podcast and post it in the discussion area. The purpose of this discussion post is to get feedback from your peers about your script. Your script will need to: identify the three properties of matter, compare and contrast each propertys characteristics including: mass, volume, color, texture and temperature. Your script will also need to include three to five real-world examples of each property of matter. Reply to at least two other peers posts. This discussion is worth 10 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: At the end of this module you will be tested on your knowledge of the three properties of matter and their properties. The quiz will be 10 questions (2 points each) and worth a total of 20 points. You will have three attempts to take this quiz. The quiz will be open book. See the schedule for due date. Module 3- Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter: Assignment-Physical and Chemical Changes Menu: Create a menu in a word document that includes a minimum of five items. The purpose of this assignment is for students to apply what they have learned about physical and chemical changes using real world applications, such as cooking food. For each foods description, include the physical and chemical changes that occur when making and/or preparing each food. Be sure to include images of each item and cite your images appropriately. This assignment is worth 50 points. See Assignment Rubric for grading guidelines.Discussion Post- Class Email: Recall a time that you cooked or baked something. Write an email to the class discussing what you cooked and the physical and chemical changes that occurred while you were cooking. The purpose of this discussion post is to apply your knowledge learned about physical and chemical changes using a real life experience. Respond to 2 students posts. This discussion is worth 10 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: At the end of this module you will be tested on your knowledge of the physical and chemical changes in matter. The quiz will be 10 questions (2 points each) and worth a total of 20 points. You will have three attempts to take this quiz. The quiz will be open book. See the schedule for due date.

Module 4- How Temperature Can Change Matter: Assignment-Google Document Collaboration: The purpose of this assignment is to have students work together to categorize changes in matter caused by temperature changes. Students will be assigned to a group of 3 students. Each group will create a T-Chart for Physical vs. Chemical Changes Affected by Temperature. In order for students to gather pictures, they will create a Pinterest account and share their photos with the class. Students will be expected to follow their own group members. It will not be required to follow classmates not assigned to their group, but the choice will be optional. Students will need to notify their teacher of their Pinterest account so the instructor can also follow them on Pinterest. The T-Chart created in Google Docs needs to contain a minimum of six images found via Pinterest. Each image is to place in each category that illustrates a physical or chemical change by temperature (physical example: an image of a marshmallow roasting over an open flame, chemical example: a nail rusting). Together the group will write 1-2 paragraphs under your T-Chart explaining which images you placed in each category. You will also need to include documentation of when each group met. This assignment is worth 50 points. See Assignment Rubric for grading guidelines.Discussion Post-Changes in Balloon Matter: The purpose of this discussion post is to problem solve using the knowledge you have gained about temperate changes and its affect on matter. Given the following scenario, write a 1-3 paragraph discussion post: You want to have a water balloon fight with you friends. One of your friends suggests that if you put sugar and yeast into the balloons, the chemical reaction might make the balloons bigger. You decide to fill the balloons with different temperatures of water to see if that will help the balloons expand. Some of your balloons are filled with hot water, some ice water, and some room-temperature water. Discuss how the three temperature changes might affect the balloons matter. Reply to two students posts. This discussion is worth 10 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: At the end of this module you will be tested on your knowledge of how temperature can change matter. The quiz will be 10 questions (2 points each) and worth a total of 20 points. You will have three attempts to take this quiz. The quiz will be open book. See the schedule for due date. Module 5 Mixtures and Solutions:Assignment-Mixtures and Solutions Brochure: The purpose of this assignment is to identify mixtures and solutions as we as explain the differences between mixtures and solutions using real-life applications. Your assignment is as follows: Imagine that you are your family have decided to take a tropical vacation to an Oceanside resort. Your family would like you to decide where to go. Create a brochure of a made-up resort in a word processing software or publishing software (such as Microsoft Publisher). In order to convince your family where to go, you will need to feature three mixtures and three solutions that the resort has for your to enjoy (examples, refreshing lemonade, salt water pool etc.). Your brochure will need to include description about each mixture and solution as well. Lastly, include a paragraph in which you compare and contrast your mixtures and solutions and state which mixtures can be dissolved in water. You will need to include images/graphics. This assignment is worth 50 points. See Assignment Rubric for grading guidelines.Discussion Post-Vitamin Research: Many people take vitamins, minerals and supplements to stay healthy. The purpose of this discussion is to identify mixtures and solutions in supplements. Supplements are considered a mixture as they contain a mix of vitamins and minerals. This week you are to research one supplement label and list the vitamins and minerals that are mixed together in the supplement. In your discussion post you will need to document where you found the label on the Internet and take a screen shot of the label. Cite this appropriately. Add the picture to your discussion. Next, you are then to choose one vitamin or mineral to research about and write a 3-4-paragraph discussion about what you learned about that vitamin. Post your label image, ingredients listed in your supplements mixture, and your vitamin/mineral research in this weeks discussion board. Reply to two peers posts. This discussion is worth 25 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: At the end of this module you will be tested on your knowledge of mixtures and solutions. The quiz will be 10 questions (2 points each) and worth a total of 20 points. You will have three attempts to take this quiz. The quiz will be open book. See the schedule for due date. Module 6- Energy:Assignment-Sports and Energy Graphic Organizer: The purpose of this assignment is to apply your knowledge of energy to the real world. You will need to make a graphic organizer using a word processing document. You will need to choose a sport that you play/have played or like to watch. In the center of your graphic organizer, make a circle and place the sport title inside of the circle. Write the types of energy that are used while playing that sport in boxes around in the circle connected the boxes with lines to the circle. Each box should also include an explanation of how that type of energy is used. You will need a minimum of 4 types of energy (including potential, kinesthetic, and mechanical, as well as specific energies). You also need to include one image of the sport within your graphic organizer. This assignment is worth 50 points. See Assignment Rubric for grading guidelines.Discussion Post-Scientist Contributions to Energy: After learning about energy in this module, the purpose of this discussion post is to identify scientists contributions to energy. Choose one of the following scientists: Benjamin Franklin, Luigi Galvani, or Alessandro Volta and write a 2-5-paragraph discussion post about their contributions to energy and science. Reply to two peers posts. This discussion is worth 25 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: At the end of this module you will be tested on your knowledge of energy. The quiz will be 10 questions (2 points each) and worth a total of 20 points. You will have three attempts to take this quiz. The quiz will be open book. See the schedule for due date. Module 7- Changes Energy Can Cause:Assignment- Recipe Conducted with Thermal Energy: You will need to write a recipe and in the cooking instructions include a thermal energy cooking process. The purpose of this assignment is to apply the changes that energy can cause using a real life example. In a word document include a recipe and a thermal cooking method in the instructions. You will need to include an image of the finished product, a list of ingredients and step by step instructions on how to cook your meal using a thermal energy method of cooking (convection, oven, microwave, toaster etc.) and explain why that method of cooking uses thermal energy. This assignment is worth 50 points. See Assignment Rubric for grading guidelines.Discussion Post- Solar Energy Research: The purpose of this discussion post is to research solar energy. You will need to write a 2-5-paragraph post about what you have learned about solar energy and why solar energy is important. You will need to write your research in your own words. Include two links to outside websites that you found about solar energy. Reply to two peers posts. This discussion is worth 25 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: At the end of this module you will be tested on your knowledge of changes that energy can cause. The quiz will be 10 questions (2 points each) and worth a total of 20 points. You will have three attempts to take this quiz. The quiz will be open book. See the schedule for due date.

Module 8- Forces: Assignment- Weightlessness Report: Weightlessness is a type of force that occurs with zero gravity. Astronauts experience weightlessness in outer space. If you have ever been on a roller coaster, you may have experienced this feeling at times throughout the ride. For this assignment you will write a two page expository paper (using a word processing document) explaining what weightlessness is, why astronauts experience weightlessness in outer space, and why you can feel weightlessness on certain amusement park rides. The purpose of this assignment is to research a force that we do not experience every day. This assignment is worth 50 points. See Assignment Rubric for grading guidelines.Discussion Post- Sir Isaac Newtons 3 Laws: Sir Isaac Newton created three laws of physics, which further define forces. For this discussion post you will define his three laws and summarize this laws of motion. The purpose of this discussion post is to give you background knowledge of force and motion. Reply to two other peers postings. This discussion is worth 25 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: At the end of this module you will be tested on your knowledge of forces. The quiz will be 10 questions (2 points each) and worth a total of 20 points. You will have three attempts to take this quiz. The quiz will be open book. See the schedule for due date. Module 9- How Forces Affect Motion:Assignment-Report of How Forces Affect Motion in Sports: For this assignment you will analyze the effects force has on motion and sports. You will need to create a word processing document, which identifies five sports of your choosing. For each sport you will need to identify the object(s) that change motion in the sport or object(s) that exert force that causes a change in motion. You will need to include images of forces being exerted for each of your five sports. Cite images appropriately. This assignment is worth 50 points. See Assignment Rubric for grading guidelines.Discussion Post-Forces Affect Motion: Write a paragraph listing how forces affect motion. The purpose of this discussion post is to help students identify how forces affect motion. Include at least three examples in your post. Reply to two other peers postings. This discussion is worth 25 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: At the end of this module you will be tested on your knowledge of how forces affect motion. The quiz will be 10 questions (2 points each) and worth a total of 20 points. You will have three attempts to take this quiz. The quiz will be open book. See the schedule for due date. Module 10- Balanced and Unbalanced Forces: Assignment- Balanced and Unbalanced Scientific Method Report: This assignment will require you to use the scientific method to create a draft of an experiment using balanced and unbalanced forces. You will need to research ideas of experiments that you could possibly conduct. The purpose of this assignment is to use the scientific method to predict and identify balanced and unbalanced forces. For your assignment, you will need to create a word processing document and include the following scientific method procedures: The Purpose of the Experiment, Your Hypothesis, The Procedure, Your Predictions of What Will Happen. This assignment is worth 50 points. See Assignment Rubric for grading guidelines.Discussion Post- Feedback on Scientific Method Report: You will be posting a summary of your experiment as your discussion post this week. The purpose of this discussion post is to share ideas and gain feedback from peers about your experiment. You will need to write a 1-2 paragraph summary of your experiment. Reply to two other peers postings. This discussion is worth 25 points. See Discussion Post Rubric for grading guidelines.Quiz: At the end of this module you will be tested on your knowledge of balanced and unbalanced forces. The quiz will be 10 questions (2 points each) and worth a total of 20 points. You will have three attempts to take this quiz. The quiz will be open book. See the schedule for due date. Module 11- Live Lesson Review and Final Exam: Assignment: No assignment this week. Instead, you will be required to attend a Live Lesson session to review for the final exam. During this session, your teacher will review important information for the final exam, as well as answer any questions students may have regarding the final exam. There will be three sessions for students to choose from to attend. Each session will be relatively the same. You only have to choose one session to attend, however, if you want to attend more then one, you may. You will need to sign up for the Live Lesson using the course calendar. Please make sure to write down the time and date that you choose to attend. Attendance will be taken so be sure to choose a time that you will be able to attend.Discussion Post: No Discussion Post for this module.Final Exam: The purpose of the final exam is to measure how much you have learned throughout this course. There will be multiple-choice and include one essay question. The multiple-choice portion of this exam is worth 200 points. It will contain 50 questions, each worth 4 points. The essay will be worth 50 points. The total exam grade is worth 250 points (200 points for the multiple choice portion and 50 points for the essay portion). You will only be given ONE chance to take this exam. You will have three hours to complete the exam. The exam is open book. You must complete this exam before 11:59PM on the day it is due. No late submissions will be accepted. See schedule for dates.

Grading Policy:Course Grading:AssignmentsPoints

Online Assignments (45% of your grade)450

Discussion Participation (10% of your grade)100

10 quizzes (20 points each, totally 20% of your grade)200

Final Exam (25% 0f your grade)250

Total Points1000

This course has a total of 1000 points and final grades are based on the following scale:900-1000 = A800-890 = B700-790 = C600-690 = DBelow 599 = FNote: Mastery of skills is required for this course and assignments may be resubmitted if you receive a D or an F on an assignment or discussion posting. The final exam cannot be resubmitted and you must get a grade of a 70 or higher to pass this course. You will also receive 3 attempts to take each quiz, and only the highest grade will be counted.

Course Schedule:TENTATIVE SCHEDULE FALL 2014(Be sure to check the schedule each week subject to change)SessionTopicsDue Dates/Assignments

Classes start and Course opens August 11th ALL ASSIGNMENTS ARE DUE BY 11:59 PM ON THE DUE DATE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.

Module 1Getting Started and IntroductionsDue DateTuesday, August 19Time Requirement1-2 hours Reading & Web Assignments1. Module 12. SyllabusWritten Assignments1. Syllabus Quiz2. Discussion Post: IntroductionsAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric

Module 2Introducing Solids, Liquids and Gases and Their PropertiesDue DateTuesday, September 2Time Requirement3-5 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. Module 2 and assigned websites2. ScienceFusion Textbook: Pages 160-1783. PowerPoint LectureWritten Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Podcast Assignment2. Discussion Post: Podcast Script 3. Module 2 QuizAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric2. Podcast Rubric

Module 3Physical and Chemical Changes in MatterDue DateTuesday, September 9Time Requirement3-5 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. Module 3 and assigned websites2. ScienceFusion Textbook: Pages 179-1923. PowerPoint LectureWritten Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Physical and Chemical Changes Menu2. Discussion Post: Class Email3. Module 3 QuizAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric2. Menu Assignment Rubric

Module 4How Temperature Can Change MatterDue DateTuesday, September 23Time Requirement3-5 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. Module 4 and assigned websites2. ScienceFusion Textbook: Pages 193-2003. PowerPoint LectureWritten Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Google Doc Collaboration2. Discussion Post: Changes in Balloon Matter3. Module 4 QuizAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric2. Google Doc Collaboration Assignment Rubric

Module 5Mixtures and SolutionsDue DateTuesday, October 7Time Requirement3-5 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. Module 5 and assigned websites2. ScienceFusion Textbook: Pages 201-2123. PowerPoint LectureWritten Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Mixtures and Solution Brochure2. Discussion Post: Vitamin Research3. Module 5 QuizAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric2. Mixtures and Solutions Brochure Assignment Rubric

Module 6Energy Due DateTuesday, October 14Time Requirement3-5 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. Module 6 and assigned websites2. ScienceFusion Textbook: Pages 229-244Written Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Sports and Energy Graphic Organizer2. Discussion Post: Scientist Contributions to Energy Research Post3. Module 6 QuizAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric2. Sports and Energy Graphic Organizer Checklist

Module 7Changes Energy Can CauseDue DateTuesday, October 28Time Requirement3-5 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. Module 7 and assigned websites2. ScienceFusion Textbook: Pages 245-260Written Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Recipe Conducted with Thermal Energy2. Discussion Post: Solar Energy Research3. Module 7 QuizAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric2. Recipe Conducted with Thermal Energy Rubric

Module 8ForcesDue DateTuesday, November 4Time Requirement3-5 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. Module 8 and assigned websites2. ScienceFusion Textbook: Pages 305-320Written Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Weightlessness Report2. Discussion Post: Newtons 3 Laws Discussion3. Module 8 QuizAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric2. Weightlessness Report Rubric

Module 9How Forces Affect MotionDue DateTuesday, November 18Time Requirement3-5 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. Module 9 and assigned websites2. ScienceFusion Textbook: Pages 321-326Written Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Report of How Forces Affect Motion in Sports2. Discussion Post: Force Affects on Motion Discussion3. Module 9 QuizAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric2. Report of How Force Affects Motion in Sports Rubric

Thanksgiving Break Thanksgiving Break November 24-30No assignments this week, students are on break.

Module 10Balanced and Unbalanced ForcesDue DateTuesday, December 9Time Requirement3-5 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. Module 10 and assigned websites2. ScienceFusion Textbook: Pages 327-335Written Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Balance and Unbalanced Scientific Method Report2. Discussion Post: Feedback on Scientific Method Report3. Module 10 QuizAssessment Rubrics1. Discussion Post Rubric2. Balanced and Unbalanced Report Rubric

Module 11Live Lesson Review and Final ExamDue DateTuesday, December 16Time Requirement3 hoursReading & Web Assignments1. There will be no required reading this week, however you must sign up for a Live Lesson Session. This is required. Please sign up using the course calendar.Written Assignments1. Apply your Knowledge: Final Exam Dec 16 no late exceptions2. Discussion Post: None this week

Course Feedback:Your teacher will provide a response to emails within one business day (Monday-Friday) of sending an email or phone call. Students should receive feedback on assignments within 48 hours of submitting their assignment. Quizzes will be graded automatically once submitted. Timeliness and Late Policy:All discussion posts and responses must be completed within the week that the discussions are assigned, and no later then 11:59 P.M. EST. on the day it is due. This includes responding to peers. All discussion posts and responses are to be submitted within the designated discussion forum.Other assignments are due by the date posted and no later then 11:59 P.M. EST. Assignments will be submitted via the assignment dropbox, unless otherwise noted. Late assignments will receive a five-point deduction for each day that an assignment/discussion post is late. An assignment/discussion post is considered late if it is posted any time after 11:59 P.M EST. of the due date.Academic Misconduct and Plagiarism:Students are required to adhere to the districts policy on cheating, bullying/cyber bullying, and academic dishonesty. Additionally, plagiarism of any kind is not accepted. You will be required to turn in your assignments to which checks for plagiarism. Any student who is in violation of these any of these acts will face consequences according to the districts guidelines, located in the student handbook.Attendance:This class is a fully online course. Therefore, no face-to-face sessions are required. However, your teacher will be monitoring remotely when, how long, and how often you access this course. You are expected to logon at least three times per week, Monday through Friday. Additionally, as previously mentioned, the Live Lesson Session is required and attendance will be taken during that session. For more information about the Live Lesson Session review the Course Overview Section.

Other Resources and References:Other resources and materials will be provided for you within each module that will help you complete each module. Students will be required to read and understand any additional materials that are associated with each module as determined by the teacher. Additionally, here are a few resources that you may wish to use during this course: Search Engine- a kid-friendly and safe Google-based search engine Image Search Engine a kid-friendly and safe image search engine OWL Purdue a resource for properly citing images and references in APA format