102 Contemporary circus is more and more in vogue as a new performing art. It was born out of independent theatre's need to search for new forms by reviving and using forgotten traditions, circus and street theatre skills. In the past decade festivals dedicated to con- temporary theatre have flourished in many European cities, and Rome too, enriches its cultural landscape with the second edition of Apripista inaugurated with a daring performance on the city's new Ponte della Musi- ca during which French tightrope walker Didier Pas- quette will make his way across the river Tiber. A partic- ular trait of the genre is in its narrative form of storytelling which makes use of metaphors, themes and poetic images. Thus, the first contemporary circus to grace the programme is Burencirque with an installation entitled Nord/Sud by visual artist Daniel Buren. It comes to life with clever optical effects and lighting as well as live Festival CONTEMPORARY CIRCUS ON THE SHORES OF THE TIBER “APRIPISTA” FROM 14TH TO 22ND WITH BURENCIRQUE AND UN LOUP POUR L'HOMME performances by acrobats, jugglers, contortionists and puppeteers. Then it is the turn of the two-man-show Un loup pour l'homme with its Face Nord which reflects on the relationship between the mind and the body thanks to a sophisticated use of acrobatics, contempo- rary dance, hip hop and theatre. PONTE DELLA MUSICA inauguration performance on 14th April from 6.30 pm. Free entry PARCO DELLA MUSICA Viale P. de Coubertin, cir- cus from 14th to 22nd April. Tel. 0680241281. Ibrahim piano solo Perhaps the most gifted African musician working with the fused ancestral streams of African+American music, Abdul- lah Ibrahim is a pianist, com- poser, arranger, band leader and teacher. Here in Rome he plays a solo piano recital. Jazz WrestleMania Revenge Tour If you want to watch CM Punk and John Cena come face to face in the ring, now is the moment as the RAW WrestleMania Revenge Tour returns to Italy touching on Rome on Wednesday 18th. Originally a sports entertainment television programme airing in the United States, WWE Raw is a live show with a full list of wrestling idols giv- ing it their all. Fans will be able to be right there with their heros John Cena, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, R-Truth, Kelly Kelly and many oth- ers. Described as action-packed family fun, the show features profession- al wrestling matches that involve plots, storylines and feuds. Wrestlers por- tay villains or heroes as they folllow a series of events designed to build tension that culminates in wrestling matches. Show PALALOTTOMATICA Piazzale dello Sport, EUR. Show on 18th April. Tickets from 34,50 to 69 euros. PARCO DELLA MUSICA Saturday 14th at 21.00. Tickets 18 euros. Tel. 06/80241281. THE BEST_102-104_1107_RM Gabbia8 10/04/12 16.08 Pagina 102




Contemporary circus is more and more in vogue as anew performing art. It was born out of independenttheatre's need to search for new forms by reviving andusing forgotten traditions, circus and street theatreskills. In the past decade festivals dedicated to con-temporary theatre have flourished in many Europeancities, and Rome too, enriches its cultural landscapewith the second edition of Apripista inaugurated with adaring performance on the city's new Ponte della Musi-ca during which French tightrope walker Didier Pas-quette will make his way across the river Tiber. A partic-ular trait of the genre is in its narrative form of storytellingwhich makes use of metaphors, themes and poeticimages. Thus, the first contemporary circus to grace theprogramme is Burencirque with an installation entitledNord/Sud by visual artist Daniel Buren. It comes to lifewith clever optical effects and lighting as well as live



performances by acrobats, jugglers, contortionists andpuppeteers. Then it is the turn of the two-man-showUn loup pour l'homme with its Face Nord which reflectson the relationship between the mind and the bodythanks to a sophisticated use of acrobatics, contempo-rary dance, hip hop and theatre.

● PONTE DELLA MUSICA inauguration performance on14th April from 6.30 pm. Free entry● PARCO DELLA MUSICA Viale P. de Coubertin, cir-cus from 14th to 22nd April. Tel. 0680241281.

Ibrahim piano soloPerhaps the most gifted Africanmusician working with the fusedancestral streams ofAfrican+American music, Abdul-lah Ibrahim is a pianist, com-poser, arranger, band leaderand teacher. Here in Rome heplays a solo piano recital.

JazzWrestleManiaRevenge TourIf you want to watch CM Punk andJohn Cena come face to face inthe ring, now is the moment as theRAW WrestleMania Revenge Tourreturns to Italy touching on Romeon Wednesday 18th. Originally asports entertainment televisionprogramme airing in the UnitedStates, WWE Raw is a live showwith a full list of wrestling idols giv-ing it their all. Fans will be able tobe right there with their heros John

Cena, CM Punk, Alberto Del Rio, The Miz, R-Truth, Kelly Kelly and many oth-ers. Described as action-packed family fun, the show features profession-al wrestling matches that involve plots, storylines and feuds. Wrestlers por-tay villains or heroes as they folllow a series of events designed to buildtension that culminates in wrestling matches.


● PALALOTTOMATICA Piazzale dello Sport, EUR. Show on 18th April.Tickets from 34,50 to 69 euros.

● PARCO DELLA MUSICASaturday 14th at 21.00. Tickets18 euros. Tel. 06/80241281.

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Carl Palmer King of DrummersIn Rome and appearing within the programme ofthe “Progressivamente Festival”, Carl Palmer showshis percussive talents. Baptized by critics as “TheKing of Drummers”, his talent came to light during the‘70s as a member of the progressive rock trio Emer-son, Lake and Palmer, placing him in at the top of thedrum pantheon alongside Rush’s Neil Peart. For thepast few years, Palmer has been touring Europe,recreating the music of ELP with a guitar replacingEmerson’s keyboards. In Rome he is joined in hisELP celebration by two talented young musicians:bassist Stuart Clayton and guitarist Paul Bielatowicz.


RUSSIAN AVANT-GARDE A selection of works by great Russian masters of theearly 20th century aims to highlight the singular cha-racteristics of Russian Avant-garde art. The exhibitionfeatures 60 paintings and architectural models of Rus-sian art on loan from the Tretyakov State Gallery andRussian regional museums.● MUSEO DELL' ARA PACIS Lungotevere in Augusta.Info tel. 060608. Open from 9am to 7pm. Mon clo-sed. Tickets 7.50 euros. Until 2nd September

JOAN MIRÒ: POETRY AND LIGHT Over eighty works have been selected to celebrate theart of Juan Miro’, the Catalan artist born in 1893. The-re are oil paintings, watercolours, ceramics and bron-ze sculptures, all of them from the Pilar and Joan Miro’Foundation in Palma de Mallorca which owns most ofhis patrimony. ● CHIOSTRO DEL BRAMANTE Arco della Pace 5, tel.0668809036. Open from 10am to 8pm. Saturdaysand Sundays from 10am to 9pm. Online tickets atwww.mostramiro.it. Until 10th June.

THE MEANING OF LIFETe Meaning of Life is a new exhibition by National Geo-graphic featuring works by the Society's finest photo-graphers. Following in the footsteps of Water, Air, Fireand Earth, this photographic journey highlights fourthemes: Love. ● PALAZZO DELLE ESPOSIZIONI Via Nazionale 194,

Saddle up withRomaCavalliNow in its third year, RomaCaval-li, the city's international Eques-trian and Horse Racing Exhibition,takes place with a calendar filledwith events, competitions, “horsey”ideas and special initiatives. All inall, four days devoted to the worldof horses with events, shows andcommercial areas that aim to pro-vide a platform of exchange foramateurs and for professionals ofthe sector. For the occasion, the

sprawling spaces of Rome's new Fair host pavilions, out-door paddocksand show-jumping arenas as well as stalls for exhibitors, restaurants andbars. Organisers reveal that there will be over 2000 horses of all breedsand nationalities, many of them involved in show-jumping competitionsand other disciplines.


● NUOVA FIERA DI ROMAVia Portuense 1645/1647. Fair from 12th to15th April. For information tel. 02 75281879, www.romacavalli.com

● JAILBREAK LIVE CLUB Via Tiburtina 870. Con-cert on Sunday 15th April at10.30pm. Informationtel. 3275697834, 0640801376.

The Undertonespunk & wave

Formed in the late ‘70s inNorthern Ireland, the Under-tones are one of the most influ-ential protagonists of punkwave. Thanks in part to the sup-port of DJ John Peel, they sharedlabels and tour dates with thetop acts Ramones and TheClash. The Undertones stop offin Rome as part of their first Ital-ian tour in their original forma-tion: John and Damian O'Neill,Michael Bradley, Billy Doherty,and Paul McLoone.


● CIRCOLO DEGLI ARTISTIViaCasilina Vecchia 42. Saturday14th April. Tickets 18 euros. Tel.0670305684.

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Classical musicLisa Batiashvili's violinStar violinist Lisa Batiashvili says the sound of Shostakovich belongs toher earliest memories. In her childhood, she often heard her father’sstring quartet rehearse Shostakovich’s music. And when she and her fam-ily left their Georgian homeland, the music of Shostakovich travelledwith them. Mark Lubotsky, her teacher in Hamburg, was a student ofDavid Oistrakh, for whom Shostakovich wrote his violin concertos, and tothe young Lisa Batiashvili, this felt like a direct line to the source. Con-ducted by Yuri Temirkanov, she plays Shostakovich's Concert for violinand orchestra with the Santa Cecilia Orchestra.

● PARCO DELLA MUSICA Viale P. de Coubertin. Concert on 14thApril at 6pm, on 16th April at 9pm, and on 17th April at 7.30pm. Forinformation tel. 068082058, www.santacecilia.it

tel. 0639967500. From 10am to 8pm. Fridays andSaturdays from 10am to 10.30pm. Mondays closed.Until 13th May.

SALVADOR DALI'This exhibition investigates the artist's complex perso-nality and his relationship with Italy giving insight intosome aspects of Dali's art which have not been highli-ghted before. Featuring a vast selection of paintings, aswell as a series of other items, including objects, illu-strations, and theatre and cinema costumes, the exhi-bition examines every aspect of the Spanish painter'sactivities. ● COMPLESSO DEL VITTORIANO Via San Pietro in Car-cere, tel. 066780664, 066780363. From 9.30am to7.30pm. Fridays and Saturdays from 9.30am to11.30pm. Sundays from 9.30.am to 8.30pm. Until30th June.

TINTORETTOA major art event focusing on the three main themesthat distinguish Tintoretto's work: religion, mythologyand portraiture. The deliberately small exhibition com-prises some 40 paintings on loan from leading interna-tional museums and collections. ● SCUDERIE DEL QUIRINALE Via XXIV Maggio 16.Info tel. 0639967500. From 10am to 8pm, Fridaysand Saturdays from 10am to 10.30pm. Until 10thJune.

MASTERPIECES FROM THEGUGGENHEIM. GREAT ART COLLECTIONFROM RENOIR TO WARHOLHosted by Rome’s Palazzo delle Esposizioni, the Gug-genheim Foundation is showing a selection of itsmasterpieces from New York and Venice. Guggenheimcurator, Lauren Hinkson, has chosen the paintings andsculptures on display according to a diachronic andsequential criterion, dividing the works into differentsections. ● PALAZZO DELLE ESPOSIZIONI Via Nazionale 194.

Booking and info tel. 0639967500. From 10am to8pm. Friday and Saturday 10am to 10.30pm. Sunday10am to 8pm. Monday closed. Tickets 12,50 euros.Open until 6th May.

LUX IN ARCANA“Lux In Arcana. The Vatican’s Secret Archive RevealsItself” is the title of an event celebrating four hundredyears from the foundation of the papal secret archiveitself. The exhibition features more than one hundredoriginal documents revealing them for the first time tothe public. ● CAPITOLINE MUSEUMS Piazza del Campidoglio 1.For information tel. 060608, 09.00-20.00. Mondaysclosed. Until 9th September.

GUERCINO 1591-1666. MASTERPIECESFROM CENTO AND FROM ROMEOn display a selection of precious works highlighting themilestones of the life and career of Francesco Barbie-ri, known as “Guercino”, born in the city of Cento andone of the most significant protagonists of 17th centu-ry Italian art. ● PALAZZO BARBERINI Open from 9am to 7pm. Clo-sed on Mondays. Info and booking tel. 0632810,www.mostraguercino.it. Until 29th April.

MYTHOLOGY IN ART FROM ANTIQUITY TO CANOVAAs revealed by the title, the exhibition illustrates thetale of Eros and Psyche and its influence on artistsfrom antiquity to Antonio Canova. Some one hundredpaintings, sculptures, ceramics, etchings and drawingstell the story narrated by Apuleius, with its charactersspringing to life through an itinerary which is divided intothematic sections. ● CASTEL SANT’ANGELO Lungotevere Castello 50. Infoand booking tel. 0632810, 066819111. From 9am to7.30pm. Mondays closed. Entry 10 euros. Until 10thJune.

con la collaborazione di Linda Bordoni

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