fecftr Stbt HAWAIIAN UijJlil Mtj - University of Hawaii · 0ca. m Forr 5est sSosi antes am a....

jmuaiimi $H2tftr, Ijmtraiimr fecftr hates op atiYertiswg. Stbt "VTecaescv Homing; HAWAIIAN it. lw. Ir". ; m n. UijJlil 1 JDJi tiff Um-tb- in ') 1 (Of 4 1 a CK IMMSH a S Uwa fen.. itrra In the nwl Nlt Mtj CVUww. MOV It Of M ) aM ' K hi Seov Mtmiamn. H. L 1 TFI Orthri Man w " (a UiHfcwma.... mi !? mo ctfo OBfc a&na"am mK 'aMtaaWe cnnnrifc- - TOL. Tm-X- O. O.i HOXOLULl", AYEDXESD AY, J AX. Si. 1872. 186.00 PER YEAR )r Binrm C.K lin ) I'nitl fir mmt rsx. o BUSINESS NOTICES. "ik)r abMat fWMifCCvA. f"L WflWfct an"""aV, c.w II. AVI I ITII.L Jt O- - ro aj y J" - V ' SADDLES. HARK ESS, y A. K CliHGllOIi. A C- - aaJam. o HftkS. t h A. VT. MSIKCE CO.. jLl. c. I. una . A oa-ra- w mm 1 ii rin - ft lull Ti rm " - - II !MtlfT E mill. fcfc.MMMfc lIlllOH A: CO isirtr 4.0M ftrMh ftWMM. CkVMf SdO. VM in f ii Kmii. mi Si XJIM. 11. HifgtMOitiiijitlitli tMBii noo.v wiu das Jc XLLE. Ximi fcr tifat 2TOtui la Sat W nfci if nl Ill 111 SMJfeiaum, E. P. ADAMS, JC4I1X . nrGCBW. JT. i i r S. Memw A. JVBD, TUBS. ?. Tacui Crcsia.tlns: Uneasy, 1KA KJCM A CDSOX 53 IX 3K5. Wn Oscatnc Intel Fwtiwi.j Al. mm .ml- Wt J-- M Ill Jill ll. " ?rmVt w J8U.TH. PATV, Xaterj- - 2Mw sal of Swxla SIXXXXCniAJl A C- O- ak Fkb and 40k. an M. UACKrELD A C- O- X1IBD. C HEUCK. axt caooosszaer xzzi F. A. SCHABFEE A CO kapeeaees uad CecacatsSce Mgcgfaicts M gianrtttia. lunarian aaana. IJ1.,TQK A IICKsiJA. SAWJjni. HAWXB. ac Ohi atjiaa aar faaffaaaay ara jiaaaiaa. at ejcB a, ti k vac "t Hjn ?Sr" JOBX T. 1V.VTEUHO ITSE. EX " XM5S35HEJi-J- f Ay. yiTTT . ft. tmmmmm mm,, wmZ,, M laattj iimniftitaa, y , J. S. DlC2i0?t. Jieaee. iss a-a- c x-- : rwiiu; girtiik. aTMlQaj; MCO LCAX A JOEDOX. MERCHANT TAILORS, i aaata T Z. Sate. aT J. a. IHOHPSOX, GZSZHAi BIAG2 SwTfiC iar mtmoaa mm mmm aaat la- - aalfc ar a lanapc Tnlii a a miar af aa. Saw latent Barinaa. aaat S nt QaaaaSUa. atawaaia. K. L C AT. GEO" A CO HAWAII AK SOAP WORXS. I IS iaBsav 1 12 SaSsTX fc: w. ibaa f Saao. 3aa. Wiftnr. -- tl joxt Xa3aMrWaoiaV 0ca. m Forr 5est sSosi antes am a. rsaeirrf 7X-- TOSS. 9a yTn."'f C apsaaiia eta Sutar'a 3aaia. ggairapgaaaataca amiaia ii a ax aaot arot a initrr csaaiiBal acn aQiAatanat. itotar33&la jaaar raianwa ajaBSXSTaCBBiad.at BUSIXESS NOTICES. r'wCT'""2 Mail! J .Ztf.wi rtt XXr Tv-- . Kit UtT f lllllM I mt MK mtn-mt-mt OlHi Scs. S3 Ktcc Street. c. r.uinniu jt eo Siirctsc sac Oktssui Sfrtbvxj. aivs.rt.r. i- - r. V. L GUCK. 3eL UUOT11EE.S Ticxszrs is? W Hi iil KUli Clirrt.mt Sc. vka. i i wMiMgi jf Stair mmun rmMMK tfawfc. Tl iTTMUlB tw".iwif !lrt Stm'iit. I. KO!TKK. sop. set ci?wE x K,unam smns. i. COOPZS AXD GAUGES. i SbA--t if .i: Stuub tad J M air ww win kw M y-i- ? 1 1L. 1UUK1S. A-- Re at Law, Kcar;- - Faille AKOAG A ACUVCK- - BOUXS A CO Shir CSasd&n foisasas Xsesxts. fanntialMn it Iftirainw. QWMt Jmc, iotft Tail M. S. CUtXTJACTl A C- O- Bu ll'i llwiiitlii lairnj. 9Mmw 3ik ma3l ' xr-stun- s. - ikmsan- - 13. r. A CO c. - BAirroir. AUCTIONEER, TTOIiCA"S"0 GO . rmF JQ none ra jf . ata ami limine ananahan. j stwn aad SWQflnr wxw. iiamilint and haal J- - at. CTJJCT. X HOXGLtjLtJ" LS03T "WOE rn 30av Mciateerj c Eterj Jam JS-S- - jaa aS- - JB TPJKJE mul tan l im jucua. Tttj a, JOIiX XEIIi. Ihiaiar ax Soirsaar Canaa. 45 CA1 xi: Statin. an. luuaaa Lm CaasarS)ua. i ma aaaatiuoat WmrmOsr- -i JI. BEHTELD, Wascn znd Cssaass Btiic'er, Taan7S SjaarStPnat. Bauaa&t. fca; aJaa. jaraaaiar aeaai- - jrt 'nV- - at " jaajsaaa-a- fc StaTaJarta afTiWelH mC Errty ga kjt:n AaMaaaaaaaaaaraaat Surma. 'Tinay. Sapt mi. laiiii im J rtiaar. Carraa. t:nmmic ac Trui tttwajato A G. ."EGELKD A C-- Ok mil ii at aaaialaln aaat aaaoaa tmrnaOf tor abac Bfcaot. rnm a A mwe. nlanlr aaaiir nrataaaa B taaataai at aar aSa auaa fee Aa ran IE 3. 31 oal .TOTAET PITBLIC. i IiBi . BARTLETT SALOON, V II TJ1T1 ITCaSTlXES. Cor3r of ErfCcf aant Tars acmo. rrssE. rCS?r ss issz if alss. wiXiS I rsgaBBaaCTitfs a se Snmat ac Ok Sar ";-E- r V is I5S Fsu Sct Cc SdeeS JITSX SEEX OPEXC8 n. &aa HATETC aUtmmaT. BEisima. mmanbr anays ar c. C. SasMt a x am anjoc xil ka safe in a eac aaf Sac caar aqraa. Cast Ldsaat uiaafu f. aaaer 4aar bos II a. ai. ox ias f. 31. Sy Pay fa a IMaeas aai Ciarxr- - Sitcak asa! &aA Aiss-- aal aa ac ai; anzai aa 4aaas: Scans. 83" Caar a.-- g ramagahag Ma S. 5CL.WASX 0a Hemp and Flax Canvas I , i A- -r aaaatSM; Saaaieiav ai aaoai ar amy aaaaL. rar SS IS. CAXS- - er IzMa&vsfr uirfBT rF aVKXaXSAOm. - iSuiAZSgeti Ca7tifei.CaA. aid. rtL Xttixt Jaasfc. 5res. TunlrirTt ai tasfcr SUGAR & MOLASSES liJcwnrwr.Ww.h XSIA Sagar sac ilolssses. piROP NOW COXIXG IX, uii c ae f SiTXPASUELL PLANTATION" ; Ol tUK 0V CtXtG IX l sale i ami Crop lTl o2ay es. rv jlu ix ax ix. rs sale ix jrmiis PLAXTATIOX. vewcoxErers. ixs rrc saix e-- ax Want C ymifcifc'nri V "WAIItTJSTJ PLAXTATiOX". CSC?- - NOV OJiOXS EC KMC SALE FOREIGN NOTICES- - ?LB"T. PZA50DT & Co S!3rFiI6C9MtSSJBS SEftCHJLUS, . BOOKS & STATIONERY The Basis of Our Business. IIC Tl Erjr XK Ifiato aof :THHiii- l- limi hM ttfts 4C rpr ni ami. 3ur&. t(tinSkK&. A. t SAXCSOfT A CO i.roi. XGAZES; Y-.T- & C S:XISSI0XXHHCHA2TT-S- ! PtKttimf. Wrafao. lgii miLVniaanaawywi tt ar H''iit tonittmmt naapj. grajaja fmm, aa lama; mcaaia; m Itea. uafir- - trngif adlasSaaar Sy BcaJPa Caaa. awaawaaat aac. lacaaaaaai wflgftu pnaFi aaaTaaan laailll aaaa, j.inrainnaTainwaV itiaai laaiat. ITaaran "Triaila Sa. Jt iuir jiratiii - fSTatiafi a aair . 1 " gmn'i . . " TTafcXCaaiiiiaa aCfc. " Sawaa. 3aAarBk " ibrm . . Jai i 1 laKiHIat naiiita a. .. . . ar 31 EKCHAXTS. Izszz 2trwfc. ibezsz tf faj, 2ii : INSURANCE NOTICES. r. A. saiAEFEK, . .aaanc a Biaaaaa Burnet rf ITiaaa n iwi i. JaaaaC nr raiaua. Jaai i W TiiaVi t Jaij. CAZJFOKIA S ZS5EBAX0E G8SPA5T. Caxa. XVafcc& aaft rmuwr ' ax aarta at ateaaawanaamD. aoAaaat ' TIEZ 151 xaAas. 3tarah nrfTlia allim I Mt aJu. a Bf fac aarocauio mm ac out aifln aC aar j. A&awc t ca teUS. J.COT Pa THE BSITXS3 faa- - ajaCiaaas si fvaua rifts Knot mt WmvsEWtmt a: nasaaak aaat fa-- M rwina. aait pstttaau ginni i ac tatat Seek raft, iiaaeat Jagf 3Ht ar Jar fta, Oi ? CAXXFOrtTIA ZS51T2ASCE COX? AST. xise TxmssstacEB. asststs w the Cirp. Fralctti ana. Tnan, m azalTaarsi af aadvuasrm. DC C SjbTKma A Ot A CARD. TT1 da xa&m&md. aeaar af Jtr. Jlit3.a7"-- f Paid Titaasv , a aa zeSac 31 4i 3ns 7 taaaa swear, w aces Wa ara nuimnim- - jaaaca imri an if. fcr acat aaat aatec tiA ilwli ka- - to fenw ki aancMaa bnLaama-aas- - - aacagaaaiMaiujxBuii'aairaqarail aSasafaia--! A SWCaWrtiaWl. M Saaasr" kmC caz. ? icriiwri. Cordage, Br'IE LtLl XiSQA-Am- eai so. s. sf joaf- - Farfat? , a, am I aa it Ztmt . Urn . Witt aaaa ai ar- - frj ar a oa aaaac ai maai BaaB aHat. T4r l5?g. Tliaa Tin Hani mal llaii Main. 'aai laam fciili ffSQ- - 3osow Bja.. -- at i-- n jaBBtaTaT S aaCCI rrTSSr LSJkJttSVZXEB hjiTl- i- ta ?- -. a III nalliila ma mum amai 3iiak.Bfe A aaialli t Anna if Ota aAaaa Oejaail an ia"naAJS'C O i sk. a; trvvaiU and JlanaCictarc Cn rr. ' of a spent into a strainer, thrvwck which W indebted tollofciWtctb!k fcU k a rthrn .Kt,Vhh h - vMr . .1 .5 tcaanat me mw as vu as t my f tW recenk wi me. Tk sras to kftT first fc as "a sr k At It tras tlnm r- - Skflr. It netted tk&t a. n. llMk T SkSv. t tiK Oianat f St. Bmit, of sloe wilk its h i pcvviiblv tkat tW saarcaae nrxs DwpotxJ ao Kjkvjv it tin jvrioH of tk eruiirJv Hfe Mffrw is fc died fon tW MfenMtios of m1 weii Ayw ark ix Ikes ijt.f.iiyOtm of the jbtk5ss ot" aep&Hac e j4y4 at Am ai Tnfe. says tkt tfae CWiiUu s4Viwcs it the IJoiy IbmI. ,e sfcorcof ptuwriiom:, Wi nkj to ser-cuh- t. Krhirfc tk-- tor KiMac. Towtk-- k tfe twt leX Dmk IPwry, Ke-- rt of Poctaeal. cai the srruie ta W iMfttM ite from Sicily, stwK k swni Hi isbad. vgk tl Caaaris, sappfitd rof bWi tW smatr part of tW saear trkiek k oiw-saa- tI .tatB AMriet o&cI a &eML ioc its caMrMtom. Fckmk. tke Caaoivis it "is ) snKMrtcii iato tfc Bab, awi Jam theace arte Havtt, .rkece seral esta aam vere to nbn k ia9 is adtaateii by a kiftonu of taot me tkat sa$ar vras eaUthrated pretty extetTeIy k St. Dcaaaeo vbea Coiaatbas auie bis fc-- t espikiB. (It.) Toarl tbe iife c tke SOTeatwMk (tMtaty, tke saearssaMe tsras iatportei iato Bacbsdees &oat BnaS, tkea iato tke other iisk Wtet Ibwa Ksess ?- - iato tke Spuai-- k I&ubAs ok tke enMst of Aneriest, iato exiM, Pen aad Chite; smi feit of ill ia tke Freack, Datek aad Doafek Cok Ahoat tt sagapcane xaai ks raHeties nrv wtM. mK aaar spealc it is oar iatca . z ui - - - has a .. nial Spread irit t at seaae iirtarf taa. Xowx it b oaly rnwes-sa- rr s state skat tk laareft kaawm Ti- - nrfcuii,iawaaaw tU'lae J iato Jfmfcaia. This eaae ks ke aaaaa aaac xaaaaK?, .aaaK z. v wmj via , awt soft, ctk at aa elettiua of i.OOO . i . i i t : ro mJ,'V tkiaoaiaaK t "l VT"J Mt lhC . -- ai oeaar ot comas pnaaor- - to tke heat of the pfcwre where k .y sad jy awocft places ild There was TawirtT eadT baorn aad hrtro-- akacrd B M the Wesc aiaajy, tke and HamnVsk am an i aaockr, the Yialet, wniek was tcaas ported franc Bstark in i 7St. St arrimpraa aaafecrnV? the peogie some of the enrifiebt caaartwajacebr aad aa. .nhi. iancat fc.:am pcapr io Jolhrs- - am the snbject by rrjahar &esKrif6mm as-A- sd with itec irjaaj-- . rhafct miirahi - ie.-anw- c tke H -- sTsre aaTfe .iaiin to thaw whidk serre ta a:k apple.? in soame caVfer eTHriOs. In th ceatre of of ahamt 5ere or ufcifci. feet hi a 'renieal ktsTy wheel wne maaie to re- - rviwft mm. ks e4geg, ky aMnthiag a horse i csorrlt'Titni pmy-- t 'imu oar. it, and mifaii. in mill in i minim piiih The coafaecei were strowm on the- .re tk- - -- Mfcef ike k- -t krireK , Tne namWai kw Tatai cvfinaisr miil , C.nL. Jt T-i- i liif an i a T tS. nncaien aaKS, fiufe Taramcion eziamei ivrat. hat s a ggnerah sn- -' geEMifcd hythe-iOK-- i itfchaWTair j Snae of the raimras of xeaRssiai tbrne m Eut laahHf ay tfe nacs, or peasastg, ciilaiTate tfc nA far Ofavtsirre fcat-laca- k. Afcr tfev cat tfe caaesT thes- - ahe jnane hy oae nr other ac the . sMcmss and. html k iwii so an. a, i aaafiaxc amj- iir.myx U cfarky ; kimi k aK W aT&r to at at - t rynts. it tm Wmofi the : ami Hid of emit lwmr i at 2saaes. tae nacs amy-Ti- e asoac two fees kirk, ami. &K x saif hx Samwtsnrz of tbe mortar, so that the jokv, as jjkv3n1 trvtat the reine. raas off by means Mbr So tch it as it fell from the iofcv ? wtx o! the am et into thin $Kcs QftMI. 'IV riwW sits ou U i it tlte eunk n-- a ksp aotck. ami at ' tae sat tiwe cats off tk stiee a kmd of iwfe eiMefinr."' lit boiline ap-pac- i aa iBffvHent oh tkis. The Snpfec is a poklrcjW caity lis? ia tk tvaail, aatl eoveml vrk aa koa Wikfr. At oa oT tkis is aa o' I'ttiwvr for tkrowia m fM. sad oppo$it to tkis is aaetaer oiMuag- wkick eofaaMakatcs -- itk tfc koritmititl ttae. wbJck is ferowd ky two panIM wad walk, aboat twty ! JW loosT, two t kfck, awl ktem uKas oSstaat from cack other. A row ot aKtkea, kotkre or pot$ i plaeii oa tke$e vntttsj aad tk tatarsttoes an Sited vritk rKy. Aa riio6 is IcA. of coarse, at tk oppKk Mni to tke fitraata tor tk precss Se?ribi: eTke jaiea, as it eoas irom the mKli, is tirst pat iato tk eartbea boBer aaost Ssint trom tk fan, aad i vndaally rnaord from ooe boiler to aaothtr, aatil it reks tke iraa om, rkf tke pewess is coaipleteL Tke jake vkick eaa b prepared ia tweaty-fba- r koars by sack a fatll, witk sixtwtt Men aad treaty oxea, asaoaau to mar than IT nnaatii sml it U kMijils!k bera par of tke .Hstrfct, vkere tke people work neikt aad day, tkat tke 5aar-rori- 5 ace so ptodaetive. Ia tke aortkers stricts, wkere tke aa-tiv- es vrk only dariaer tke day, tke aaaatky of jaiee deak vrkk is maek )es. Tkis iaspfesated jaiee t$ coliKted from tke ryots by tke saar taaaa&ctarer;, tor tke baiiaess is $kared by two cbsses of pansoas. Tke boiler k eitker ot tke son spaaed, or is sunt iato a cylindrical eavkr ia the sroaad. aad skiekieil bv a shed. For each boiler two other hoases are remaned, oa in which tke enae ex- - j tract is separated by straining from the j awtasses, aaother where tke sagar k f a -- r aamhs wfli sado st tk i roaacf-ofc-a- K tov m irkick tbe Indiaa lit, .it nrtck aw ua f VF. SJ I . tL nmtU - -- About MO pomds of pot extract besag diviiied tavTA fnmr nars aala k yubt hmtA hmtr nr . coarse sackcloth, hnag over an eejaal aamber of wiSe-aaoathe- d eaitbva Tessek, j i4 hesprinUed with a little water, There dris from the about i0 lbs. of a safaetaace Ifte West Infc mobes. The teaaainderorthe bars is a kind of , . i u rrw. -- cm r had and We root. said ' proces; s , c kaU- - E . Janfies, wni t- -v , ine pat iato Loire naion with of asixtare ; sceptor. The thirteen of added, and it k ( always sot aeaiB 45 sriaates. albaGae to Hve The of stoat er w m fe erast eatacs- k fa age, ashes of uee is then k added to syrap, together two-afth- s of raw after which ??0 additionul lbs. of added, the fei IMiatostramcrs. After tkfe ' K.BE sabjectcd to a tiresome number of bcdme-- K wkh milk and withoat. Fi- - . lt k coM bv the The ;eaaiag pots are placed fiaane, which sappmta at some distance 2rom gronad. A Teseei k placed anderaeath to tke rkod finaor that theax. Ia order to draw OK tkk more awkt lecres of tke Vahunotia. sainfis ane nlnced orer the month of the -- Jasre are rem-ov- hca a cr Mil ifc rk jbrawd. yhiek reoairts s i .L-.-S- . J- - I eatc extract k k does aot reoaire to he Humgd pat into the boaer. Were tint pvoetai taSxa by aB aasierj, we Hear that : xoald not imam theprodaets of Soajtfc Wales. The Bsk bag avafed h mr If of aofa chemaeal aad scieaee. the of oar drswhnr riD be kaat a snaanB rat to Be a oi or The eadle rrv-i- d, hiih asrs faraKd of fSnar gTOoeea dmtafneer other m r T aw - - 1 ax im a anx wsy bt4 the roWi bolt i - man wan rse lauu vwki taafecf,. pfcoed horinNKalfy. dos ; t toJts. 2jw sncxeit Bar tx-- nai, in mol Kpw?atl ' wad fcwr spiral cat m opare nfr-t- kKaVKL c the acsac. is sriaes irttsaom, winch tarn one zwotber. ' TnaJbofQ swtife of the They ae sec a a stsane fnans, aad their pte fenyilMpkkraMagaaasIm ihesi. The aarar k isranaj i tsrarmd ' nml k nx one of ce wairo k he she Becdwag-- ; aad i, j ami rkck sjwinl .attention was paid to aj;ri-cahnr- w A variety of crops w.iri triod successively, but none prol as remun- erative as the sugarcane, "Xrn taken Imlia to Spain by the Saracens, as we bare seen, ami thence to the West Iadli Iskmls. In UJ1 a French trans port, having on boanl troops for the garrison of tbe colony of Louisiana, to&cked at Dominga The Jesuits located there obtained leave to send on berd lbr branch establishment at New Orleans a supply with a few Metroes to its and the maimfiicture sncpir. These wore fcvwied planted, bat for several years tke JesBtts, ami those to whom the oaiis, were equally either ia their cultivation or in the nwRfacture of bnt ahkouk they did not sawed, others dkL Sooe of oar space we eoasider it well to 11 by a jew of tbe of hus- bandry. show an excellent imphtniont Mack ased ia America tor drawing a Oae of the cords attMhetl to the end of a lever lower one is attached to some stable object, the other by a The upper plow one for paring, and fa tkis process is useful. The coulters are set in a cutting triangle, and when worked to a depth of three inches, it demolishes all weeds save knotted grasses. The great iron claw is now used a great deal in America brwOaag up the surfs of had. the is a rccest invention of Messrs. Raasome, one which answers as a subsoil as well as an plow, and a ridging plow by affixing the above in of now in work. is be a good to the HHtra-s- n combined implement. ' of onr T separated irom the treacle by a been chronic invalid from anal saek pniwalii- - nay Of .p. saacawea, wiB OtaaWitaa, amjiayed a ftcnKn-w-- ! ncv. lac ws. w ofgecnoBE ae proposeu la-th- fe sabsuaee are a boiler of the three ScaodinaviaB ?T0 lbs. The Undomf-MMle- r hb Austrian haiing stirred tor 144 minute;, ISO j Prince Badoiph, now years of this, inter are stirred has feeble and k fcr An sola-- ; Iftelr Crown Prince of half rith hs.Tg mi bars oKonmi water. beea been Ion?. from the tbe pbataia with mSk. Shimming water bciar strahv with on a them the rtcerre dradns from imapkii'ly, dar? nsdr VJwfc kk sagair .ngAi rmt Xes- - Imfiaa aec the At Iatsoax afe carter! By aaeaa53 oxen. tana ktare ipiiil each throngh a anen; gnawed, axher, nsts iato the powes fc the Tkk wed part mar from 290 Saa their cane, used canes they, gave sagar, implements is drawn horse. is very for And plow below body place breast This lkthi "JTi almost tkca the sabsoder is not in work it is raised bv the plowman, who commands it by a lever. The npper plow, it will be seen, cssts up deep a farrow as may be wanted, and leaves room for the sabsoiter to work in the space and break ap withoat inverting Fthe sahsoil beneath the plow sole. Cnowx Pbixcss or Bcbope. Few of the Crown Princes of Enrope are strong aad beakhy men. Several of tbem are not likely to live to ascend tbe thrones of tkeir ththers. Tbe Czarowhch of la nLlk TTU um -- . fcr tm. is a sickly child. The only son of baHnn I T.:nn.ln m tke nni eanitnfe of Enrone has the Crown Prince of Egypt, born in 1553, aL3 klm tu taau THo Crtmnt aT P1ait. fcrs, brother of King Leopold of Beknnm, and presamptive heir to the throne, k aeariv deaf awl sntters frow heart .liea--a. The health of Crown Prince Frederick of Demaark, too, is bv no means tod, and his nrosp-jct-s tor a short Kfe are amom; . - - , Germany k in rieorons health, bat hk friend aad comrade the Crown Prince AI- - hert of Saxony, k sickly, and the heirs to the throne of Mecklenbajre-- , Usdea and Hesse, are all feeble, Ths Emp?ror awl Empresi of BrarH, aow inaking a Saropenn toar, seem beat having only golden opinioK tehl .V TTL. X7 1 j I .li "- - ABW P " u,r Ungnkbed among resgmng Prnces for ins eafietueaed views aad hk practical inter- est m aQ Kberal $tades. Daring hk he has dkpkyed a lack of and hrtQent carnKfty otrite as nmch at variance with the habit of royal toer-kt- s. While in London he frequently aUeadants by getting sp and . . . T . 1 t. ! "f . ""r P rem.i m a i SawB boat Snddealy the helmtiaan, by ! whose side ske was fitting, lost hk bal- - aace aad fell He woe Id in sB t prokabthty have been drowned had not i ' ) - e - - i a v mg, aad iy great exertion mm max ap anta tneamvat ot awximnoe. t i 3e. Ftzlih of Bostoe, rather tnraed tables on a wntdd-h- e joker on one oc- casion. The anther oi as kaproviced rhyme aikfrd 3r. Fields qnke grarefy, where ht Sonther oeriain not very bril-Sam- c hiKs oesld be fonnd. "TsoseKnos eonld only hare been written by Sooth-ey,- " Mr. Fxbk, Habont that tarty period of hk exktenee when he was bav-m- g tbe mesA3 2nd csuieg bis Snt Uh, or near the ohk of his tKe, when hk TW rwiiM t tiw abasia period, bat the exprewon ofeariy 'Ktt?s tfe ijg r e Tbz eoaaney of k tfessttfslly ht the ezu of an aged is Wfeoannin, wfco hare teea eagzged to be aad the jmW grssed airwed auv ar inch in tkiriaw ; ia laarel to crwn sacs iew ssor-dkrtw- rk x ck&SK or ?iMKr tke k om the sarnce of tke TxAd eaa boa- -t Tbe Imfnal pany.dnr- - pc Tbii aa-- fe ii fiawr b hrok aad r- - j ir trip toXar tbe I: i as.fl weA teirt- - are refat4elly added Grto. The sea being very the cyJmvierx. tfe? eHjmTLSS a 2nd prepazed, aad j then ameeds, fiqnor coattct wide-mowtk- ed . a- - Wtaa ; aaaaW of mir.iiiiiiairiiil wnwk pocr radfers rtgalatcd by wmi a tn- - ike as tfe the the the poc tttstttf saafc Bmfconahe Calanlf of cnhivalion of uasuccessful the ordinary the ;, trav- els oteotatios the orerboard. j the eospk o fe tfcr nao a x gui- b- k cat, "fc the one at each eni. Of tmsse 28 these act' morriid for tat lia; thtrtj years, and dcr-k- a ssHeoe f i f"r?i. Zb the centre .irnf r feare the rieheat jntat ic the caw- - iag tkAt ihs: tbfcV bare CTfcr ba 7rt pf ta t tewcs atacaai. nt j'irpa- - vnA. , jdl teethe; long eaosgh to Bart tceer How Apvxwrwi.VR Oompsxs .Vrrax-nft- v. iV writer ia AK ' ia Ji&tiM i says: The truth f,fa thin world la- bor and i ml . try always make thtnwrfi-- fdt. Such a tfreSry this would Ve dear to Sir. Gariyle aa roprestatkn; sonm. thing real ami gmtdML Work, he wonhl tell us, is never thrown away. Mea who stwnd sm of Money ami of to deal e admirable When ittes natnra. as Rassia made aa nod lere keer trouble and toil, together with amok in- genious polychronmtlc vie in tUwrMt ing their names and war, are pretty ear-tai- n to rind sueb bread aa they hnve oast upon the waters returning to then. The wise who travel in tindergroand railway and see "Kit Jo's Starch staring at thee from over the hearts of their wrtwi m the carnages, or th Grabppe Sw ing Jachine" no doubt snhit those titles with some conteotptaows expfession. BaC later, as their eye wanders over the news- paper or dead-wa- or oatndMis leaifi. board, or dy-lea- f of taagaaiae, aad sees everywhere, as a nrardemr doos blood, "Kitto's Stareh" and -- Granhoppar Sew- ing faehine, a ldwl of dall, faweaBde impression is produced. when cither of these Msportant neoeworie an in demand m the render's family, and when there is an wnprnssion of doabt or ignorance, the poor aide de oamp ot con- ceit or oonsctOBS snperiorky, steps in aad aids Uio advertiser. Where all are (rop- ing in the dark, it is hard to roast the conscious sense of superiority. 44 Stareh ! Why, there is a fallow colled Khte, who seems to bo m great demand; at least hk name is everywhere. Sewing Machine '. Get the G nissHopper only fonr gnnwns." It will thus be seen that adverttMajc owed A Xkw Wat to Cook Mbat. A good wav to oook meat k to seal k in a vessel j hermitloally tigkt. Cooked tkas a long ' time in its own jaiee it k rendered very I tender, aad has a peennar ape4haag tlavor. J Take an earthen jar that wM stand heat, with tight-Suin- g corer. If beef is to he j tbe dish tor dinner, eat k ia caiareaienc j pie&, lay tham m the jar, rob each piece , with salt, pepper and a small piece of t--' gar, then pnt in a little water aad by a a piece of thick battered paper, aad prea j down the cover. If yon think it will low any steam to escape mix short or ; rye meal with water to a pMte,tba pre, strips of tins all aronod the edge of the J corer. Dake in a a mote rate oven foar r i five honrs, according to tke tenderness of the meat. Chicken or t"rrey are excel- - lent cooked in ihu way. The tai;he!t meat k rendered tender by thai proms, and none of the nutricioas matter m want ed as in many of tbe forms of cooking. Journal of CKtmdHry. WASBBforotv Pastst. A sojoaraer in Wajhwg ton jtuwb the fbilowmg: Is panicnlarly fond of lemon pie aad lee cream for doseert. At the hotel I went on peaoanhry for a coopie of week, but always eating, lemon pie nnder a silent protest, for I was a stranger and did n--t Kke to make olwBclion. Fhsnily I called t a waiter aad said: "John. I have nntiung to sar abont the iee treaat, hat what kind ofpiekthkr "What kki of pw IkJL yon order, soh V I otdered a leKia pie, bnt thk anpoars to be dried apple." "Dst's a lenon pie, aah. Yon knew Wy I has a way of mtxia dried apples in ie lemos pies kera, aah, to dnt extant it re Attires a aan of ahifity to 'atingntsh m apart sok. De lamons am , y oa koow, . and (ley has to 'cononaiM m so aa to j sake om lemon do for ixteonpie. Lt' what's do mUer, aah.' A Chicao paper says that when a nun ettti at an man ranee office to parehae a i poSey he k regarded m a dtetingntabed vithor and treated accordingly. When ' he retorns to the same eatahlkhin'jut after the fire to coHott what k Jae to him he s regarded as a poor reiataaa ; hk pieMiirna are Answered with insolence, and he m gir-- j en pretty loadly to nniiaritand that he ; a good deal of an Jatrndar anyhow. Yzzr intonpetiwl womw are seadom beantHnL The fermotiaa of thtr foatrx, aad particaJarly the fbrehatd, k more nr lees nuMntino. 3fiM Lamlon was mther pretty and fhnnMno hx the aoe, hat 3im Pardos, 3Gx Swiek, Mim Leake and the edabtMoA Anna Xarhi and Jane Pr tor, were the contrary. Oao of the latter bad a fciahoad a hank a that of aa u toBortnnl ; Wsnrzaar vTbwct a now raked to proof with oil of rftnot, to aeoomwodato the growing aaHoajam f the Wettera pofatn. The only difituk'j xpmnee4 by the dmtifiera k aaid to he when tao hVpxor k mad mtMuMij pintMart fcrtwir 0x1 Comer thoM that k hnma thrvrs the stares of the harm's. TtrK Deae DnPAJcrmx An tettt of an wwfjridaal who uAtd tha Oafaor what tine ehargo wa for iatkg a aoto of the dMh of hk wife. On being 14 thatk wenld he mvxU gratk, ho brajat freed np cwwddrnhf and ohaomd tkat "death had tm iebaad of half sU let ton." Bab3zoos. A female proaWwr of tho tiork! art oot wK mu watired mm W-ifl- ga an aoaaant af the aiw ot ' kAm thxrtr.n

Transcript of fecftr Stbt HAWAIIAN UijJlil Mtj - University of Hawaii · 0ca. m Forr 5est sSosi antes am a....

Page 1: fecftr Stbt HAWAIIAN UijJlil Mtj - University of Hawaii · 0ca. m Forr 5est sSosi antes am a. rsaeirrf 7X--TOSS. 9a yTn."'f C apsaaiia eta Sutar'a3aaia. ggairapgaaaataca amiaia ii

jmuaiimi $H2tftr, Ijmtraiimr fecftrhates op atiYertiswg.

Stbt "VTecaescv Homing; HAWAIIAN it. lw. Ir". ; m n.UijJlil 1 JDJi tiffUm-tb- in

') 1 (Of






S Uwa fen..itrra In the nwl Nlt Mtj CVUww. MOV It Of M ) a M 'K hi Seov Mtmiamn. H. L 1 TFI Orthri Man w " (aUiHfcwma....

mi !? mo ctfo

OBfc a&na"am mK 'aMtaaWe cnnnrifc- - TOL. Tm-X-O. O.i HOXOLULl", AYEDXESD AY, JAX. Si. 1872. 186.00 PER YEAR )r Binrm C.K lin ) I'nitl fir mmt




"ik)r abMat fWMifCCvA. f"L WflWfct an"""aV,

c.wII. AVI I ITII.L Jt O- -

ro ajyJ" -


A. K CliHGllOIi. A C- -

aaJam. o HftkS. t h

A. VT. MSIKCE CO..jLl. c. I. una . A

oa-ra-w mm 1 ii rin - ft lull Ti rm" - -II !MtlfT

E mill. fcfc.MMMfc

lIlllOH A: CO


4.0M ftrMh ftWMM. CkVMf SdO. VM

in f ii Kmii. mi Si

XJIM. 11.

HifgtMOitiiijitlitli tMBii


wiu das


Ximi fcr tifat 2TOtui la Sat

W nfci if nl Ill 111 SMJfeiaum,


JC4I1X . nrGCBW. JT. ii r S. Memw


TUBS. ?. TacuiCrcsia.tlns: Uneasy,


Wn Oscatnc Intel Fwtiwi.j Al. mm .ml-Wt J--M Ill Jill ll.

" ?rmVt w

J8U.TH. PATV,Xaterj- - 2Mw sal of Swxla


ak Fkb and 40k. an


X1IBD. C HEUCK.axt caooosszaer xzzi

F. A. SCHABFEE A COkapeeaees uad CecacatsSce Mgcgfaicts

M gianrtttia. lunarian aaana.



ac Ohi atjiaa aar faaffaaaay ara jiaaaiaa. at ejcB a,ti

k vac "tHjn ?Sr"



XM5S35HEJi-J- f Ay. yiTTT.

ft. tmmmmm mm,, wmZ,,M laattj iimniftitaa, y ,

J. S. DlC2i0?t.Jieaee. iss a-a- c x--:

rwiiu; girtiik. aTMlQaj;


aaata T Z. Sate. aT


SwTfiCiar mtmoaa mm mmm aaat la- - aalfc ar a lanapc Tnlii

a a miar afaa. Saw latent Barinaa. aaat


nt QaaaaSUa. atawaaia. K. L



IS iaBsav 1 12 SaSsTX

fc: w. ibaa f Saao. 3aa. Wiftnr. --tl joxtXa3aMrWaoiaV

0ca. m Forr 5est sSosi antes am a. rsaeirrf

7X-- TOSS.9a yTn."'f C apsaaiia eta Sutar'a 3aaia.

ggairapgaaaataca amiaia ii a ax aaot arot a initrrcsaaiiBal acn aQiAatanat. itotar33&la jaaar raianwaajaBSXSTaCBBiad.at



Mail! J


rtt XXr Tv-- . Kit UtT


lllllM I mt MK mtn-mt-mt OlHi

Scs. S3 Ktcc Street.

c. r.uinniu jt eoSiirctsc sac Oktssui Sfrtbvxj.

aivs.rt.r. i-- r.



Ticxszrs is?W Hi iil KUli Clirrt.mt Sc. vka.

i i wMiMgi jf Stair mmun rmMMK tfawfc.Tl iTTMUlB tw".iwif !lrt Stm'iit.

I. KO!TKK.sop. set ci?wE x K,unam smns.



i SbA--t if .i: Stuub tad J

M air ww win kw M y-i- ?

1 1L. 1UUK1S.A-- Re at Law, Kcar;- - Faille


BOUXS A COShir CSasd&n foisasas Xsesxts.

fanntialMn it Iftirainw. QWMt Jmc,

iotft TailM. S. CUtXTJACTl A C- O-

Bu ll'i llwiiitlii lairnj. 9Mmw 3ik ma3l


xr-stun- s. - ikmsan- -13. r. A CO

c. - BAirroir.AUCTIONEER,


.rmF JQ none ra jf. ata ami limine ananahan.

j stwn aad SWQflnr wxw. iiamilint andhaal J- - at. CTJJCT. XHOXGLtjLtJ" LS03T "WOE rn


Mciateerj c Eterj Jam

JS-S- -jaa

aS-- JB TPJKJE mul tan l im jucua. Tttj a,JOIiX XEIIi.

Ihiaiar ax Soirsaar Canaa.

45CA1 xi:

Statin. an. luuaaa Lm CaasarS)ua.i ma aaaatiuoat WmrmOsr- -i

JI. BEHTELD,Wascn znd Cssaass Btiic'er,

Taan7S SjaarStPnat. Bauaa&t.

fca; aJaa. jaraaaiar aeaai- - jrt 'nV- - at" jaajsaaa-a- fc

StaTaJarta afTiWelH mC Errty ga kjt:nAaMaaaaaaaaaaraaat Surma. 'Tinay. Sapt mi.laiiii im J rtiaar. Carraa. t:nmmic ac Trui tttwajato


Ok mil ii at aaaialaln aaat aaaoaatmrnaOf tor abac Bfcaot. rnm a A mwe. nlanlraaaiir nrataaaa B taaataai at aar aSa auaa fee Aa ran

IE3. 31 oal.TOTAET PITBLIC. i IiBi



Cor3r of ErfCcf aant Tars acmo.rrssE. rCS?r ss issz if alss. wiXiS

I rsgaBBaaCTitfs a se Snmat ac Ok Sar ";-E-r Vis

I5S Fsu Sct Cc SdeeSJITSX SEEX OPEXC8 n. &aaHATETC aUtmmaT. BEisima. mmanbr anays

ar c. C. SasMt a x am anjoc xil ka safe in aeac aaf Sac caar aqraa.Cast Ldsaat uiaafu f. aaaer 4aar bos II a. ai. ox iasf. 31. SyPay fa a IMaeas aai Ciarxr- - Sitcak asa!

&aA Aiss-- aal aa ac ai; anzai aa 4aaas: Scans.83" Caar a.--g ramagahagMa S. 5CL.WASX 0a

Hemp and Flax Canvas I ,i

A- -r aaaatSM; Saaaieiav ai aaoai ar amy aaaaL. rar

SS IS. CAXS-- er IzMa&vsfruirfBT rF aVKXaXSAOm.

- iSuiAZSgeti Ca7tifei.CaA. aid.


Xttixt Jaasfc. 5res. TunlrirTt ai tasfcr




Sagar sac ilolssses.piROP NOW COXIXG IX, uii c ae



Ol tUK 0V CtXtG IX l sale i

ami Crop lTlo2ay es. rv jlu ix

ax ix. rs sale ix jrmiis


vewcoxErers. ixs rrc saix e-- axWant C ymifcifc'nri V




?LB"T. PZA50DT & Co



BOOKS & STATIONERYThe Basis of Our Business.

IIC Tl Erjr XK Ifiato aof :THHiii- l-

limihM ttfts 4C rpr ni ami. 3ur&.

t(tinSkK&.A. t SAXCSOfT A CO

i.roi.XGAZES; Y-.T- & C


PtKttimf. Wrafao.lgii miLVniaanaawywi tt ar H''iit tonittmmt naapj.grajaja fmm, aa lama; mcaaia; m Itea. uafir- - trngif

adlasSaaar Sy BcaJPa Caaa. awaawaaat

aac. lacaaaaaai wflgftu pnaFi aaaTaaan laailll aaaa,j.inrainnaTainwaV itiaai laaiat.

ITaaran "Triaila Sa. Jt iuirjiratiii -fSTatiafi a aair . 1 "

gmn'i . . "TTafcXCaaiiiiaa aCfc. "Sawaa. 3aAarBk "

ibrm . . Jai i 1

laKiHIatnaiiita a. .. . . ar

31 EKCHAXTS.Izszz 2trwfc. ibezsz tf faj, 2ii :


r. A. saiAEFEK,. .aaanc a Biaaaaa Burnet rf ITiaaa n iwi i.

JaaaaC nr raiaua. Jaai i W TiiaVi t Jaij.



Caxa. XVafcc& aaft rmuwr '

ax aarta at ateaaawanaamD. aoAaaat '

TIEZ 151

xaAas. 3tarah nrfTlia allim I Mt aJu. a Bffac aarocauio mm ac out aifln aC

aar j. A&awc t ca

teUS. J.COT Pa THE BSITXS3 faa--ajaCiaaas si fvaua rifts Knot mt WmvsEWtmt

a: nasaaak aaat fa--M rwina. aaitpstttaau ginni i ac tatat Seek raft, iiaaeat

Jagf 3Ht ar Jar fta, Oi ?


xise TxmssstacEB. asststs w theCirp. Fralctti ana. Tnan, m

azalTaarsi af aadvuasrm.DC C SjbTKma A Ot


da xa&m&md. aeaaraf Jtr. Jlit3.a7"-- f Paid Titaasv ,

a aa zeSac 31 4i 3ns 7 taaaa swear, w aces

Wa ara nuimnim- - jaaaca imri an if. fcracat aaat aatec tiA ilwli ka-- to fenw ki

aancMaa bnLaama-aas- - -aacagaaaiMaiujxBuii'aairaqarail aSasafaia--!

A SWCaWrtiaWl.M Saaasr" kmCcaz. ? icriiwri.

Cordage,Br'IE LtLl XiSQA-Am- eai so. s. sfjoaf-- Farfat? ,

a, am I aa it Ztmt . Urn . Witt aaaa ai ar- -

frj ar a oa aaaac ai maai BaaB aHat. T4r

l5?g. Tliaa Tin Hani mal llaii Main. 'aai laam fciiliffSQ- - 3osow Bja.. --at i-- n jaBBtaTaT S aaCCI rrTSSr LSJkJttSVZXEB hjiTl- i- ta ?--.a III nalliila ma mum amai 3iiak.Bfe A aaialli t Anna if Ota aAaaa Oejaail an ia"naAJS'C

O i sk. a;trvvaiU and JlanaCictarc Cn rr.

' of a spent into a strainer, thrvwck whichW indebted tollofciWtctb!k fcU k a rthrn .Kt,Vhh h

- vMr

..1 .5

tcaanat me mw as vu as t myf tW recenk wi me. Tk sras

to kftT first fc as "a srk At It tras tlnm r- -

Skflr. It netted tk&t a. n. llMk

T SkSv. t tiK Oianat f St. Bmit, ofsloe wilk its

h i pcvviiblv tkat tW saarcaae nrxsDwpotxJ ao Kjkvjv it tin jvrioH of tkeruiirJv Hfe Mffrw is fc died fontW MfenMtios of m1 weii

Ayw ark ix Ikes ijt.f.iiyOtmof the jbtk5ss ot" aep&Hac e

j4y4 at Am ai Tnfe. says tkt tfae

CWiiUu s4Viwcs it the IJoiy IbmI. ,esfcorcof ptuwriiom:, Wi nkj to ser-cuh- t.

Krhirfc tk-- tor KiMac.Towtk-- k tfe twt leX Dmk IPwry, Ke-- rt

of Poctaeal. cai the srruieta W iMfttM ite from Sicily,stwK k swni Hi isbad. vgktl Caaaris, sappfitd rof bWi tW

smatr part of tW saear trkiek k oiw-saa- tI

.tatB AMriet o&cI a &eML iocits caMrMtom. Fckmk. tke Caaoivis it "is )

snKMrtcii iato tfc Bab, awi Jamtheace arte Havtt, .rkece seral estaaam vere to nbn k ia9 isadtaateii by a kiftonu of taot me tkatsa$ar vras eaUthrated pretty extetTeIyk St. Dcaaaeo vbea Coiaatbas auie bisfc--t espikiB. (It.) Toarl tbeiife c tke SOTeatwMk (tMtaty, tke

saearssaMe tsras iatportei iato Bacbsdees&oat BnaS, tkea iato tke other iiskWtet Ibwa Ksess ?- - iato tke Spuai-- k

I&ubAs ok tke enMst of Aneriest, iatoexiM, Pen aad Chite; smi feit of ill

ia tke Freack, Datek aad Doafek Cok

Ahoat tt sagapcane xaai ks raHetiesnrv wtM. mK aaar spealc it is oar iatca

. z ui - - -has a.. nialSpread irit t at seaae

iirtarf taa. Xowx it b oaly rnwes-sa- rr

s state skat tk laareft kaawm Ti--

nrfcuii,iawaaawtU'lae J iato Jfmfcaia. This eaae kskeaaaaa aaac xaaaaK?, .aaaK z. v wmj via ,

awt soft, ctk at aa elettiua of i.OOO. i . i i t :ro mJ,'VtkiaoaiaaK t"l VT"JMt lhC.

-- ai oeaar ot comas pnaaor- -

to tke heat of the pfcwre where k.y sad jy awocft places

ild There wasTawirtT eadT baorn aad hrtro--

akacrd B M the Wesc aiaajy, tkeand HamnVsk am

an i aaockr, the Yialet, wniek wastcaas ported franc Bstark in i 7St.

St arrimpraa aaafecrnV? the peogie

some of the enrifiebt caaartwajacebr aad aa.

.nhi. iancat fc.:am pcapr io Jolhrs- - am

the snbject by rrjahar &esKrif6mm as-A- sd

with itec irjaaj-- .

rhafct miirahi - ie.-anw-c

tke H --sTsre aaTfe .iaiin to thawwhidk serre ta a:k apple.? in soame caVfer

eTHriOs. In th ceatre ofof ahamt 5ere or ufcifci. feet hia 'renieal ktsTy wheel wne maaie to re--

rviwft mm. ks e4geg, ky aMnthiag a horse

i csorrlt'Titni pmy--t 'imu oar. it, andmifaii. in mill in i minim piiih The

coafaecei were strowm on the-

.re tk-- --Mfcef ike k--t

krireK, Tne

namWai kw Tatai cvfinaisr miil ,

C.nL. Jt T-i- i liif an i a T

tS. nncaien aaKS, fiufe Taramcion

eziamei ivrat. hat s a ggnerah sn- -'

geEMifcd hythe-iOK-- i itfchaWTair j

Snae of the raimras ofxeaRssiai tbrne m

Eut laahHf ay tfe nacs, or peasastg,ciilaiTate tfc nA far Ofavtsirre fcat-laca- k.

Afcr tfev cat tfe caaesT thes--

ahe jnane hy oae nr other ac the .

sMcmssand. html k iwii so an. a, i

aaafiaxc amj- iir.myx U cfarky ;

kimi k aK W aT&r toat at - t

rynts. it tm Wmofi the :

ami Hid of emit lwmr i

at 2saaes. tae nacs

amy-Ti-e asoac two fees kirk,

ami. &K x saif hx Samwtsnrz

of tbe mortar, so that the jokv, asjjkv3n1 trvtat the reine. raas off by means

Mbr So tch it as it fell from the iofcv?

wtx o! the am et into thin $Kcs

QftMI. 'IV riwW sits ou U

i it tlte eunk n-- a ksp aotck. ami at' tae sat tiwe cats off tk stiee akmd of iwfe eiMefinr."' lit boiline ap-pac-

i aa iBffvHent oh tkis. TheSnpfec is a poklrcjW caity lis? iatk tvaail, aatl eoveml vrk aa koaWikfr. At oa oT tkis is aa o' I'ttiwvr

for tkrowia m fM. sad oppo$it to tkisis aaetaer oiMuag- wkick eofaaMakatcs

--itk tfc koritmititl ttae. wbJck is ferowdky two panIM wad walk, aboat twty !

JW loosT, two t kfck, awl ktemuKas oSstaat from cack other. A row otaKtkea, kotkre or pot$ i plaeii oa tke$evntttsj aad tk tatarsttoes an Sited vritkrKy. Aa riio6 is IcA. of coarse, at tkoppKk Mni to tke fitraata tor tk

precssSe?ribi: eTke jaiea, as it eoas iromthe mKli, is tirst pat iato tk eartbeaboBer aaost Ssint trom tk fan, aad ivndaally rnaord from ooe boiler toaaothtr, aatil it reks tke iraa om,rkf tke pewess is coaipleteL Tke

jake vkick eaa b prepared iatweaty-fba- r koars by sack a fatll, witksixtwtt Men aad treaty oxea, asaoaauto mar than IT nnaatii sml it U

kMijils!k bera par of tke .Hstrfct,vkere tke people work neikt aad day,tkat tke 5aar-rori- 5 ace so ptodaetive.Ia tke aortkers stricts, wkere tke aa-tiv- es

vrk only dariaer tke day, tkeaaaatky of jaiee deak vrkk is maek )es.Tkis iaspfesated jaiee t$ coliKted from

tke ryots by tke saar taaaa&ctarer;, tortke baiiaess is $kared by two cbsses ofpansoas. Tke boiler k eitker ot tke sonspaaed, or is sunt iato a cylindricaleavkr ia the sroaad. aad skiekieil bv ashed. For each boiler two other hoasesare remaned, oa in which tke enae ex- - j

tract is separated by straining from the j

awtasses, aaother where tke sagar k

f a --r aamhs wfli sado st tk i

roaacf-ofc-a- K tov m irkick tbe Indiaalit, .it nrtck aw ua f VF. SJ I

. tL nmtU - -- AboutMO pomds of pot extract besag diviiiedtavTA fnmr nars aala k yubt hmtA hmtr nr .

coarse sackcloth, hnag over an eejaalaamber of wiSe-aaoathe- d eaitbva Tessek, j

i4 hesprinUed with a little water,There dris from the about i0 lbs.of a safaetaace Ifte West Infc mobes.The teaaainderorthe bars is a kind of ,. iu rrw. --cm r





' proces;s , c kaU- -




wni t- -v , inepat iato Loire naion

with of asixtare ; sceptor. Thethirteen

of added, and it k ( always sotaeaiB 45 sriaates. albaGae to Hve The

of stoat er w

mfe erast





ashes ofuee is then k added to

syrap, together two-afth- s ofraw

after which ??0 additionul lbs.of added, the fei

IMiatostramcrs. After tkfe'

K.BE sabjectcd to a tiresome numberof bcdme--K wkh milk and withoat. Fi- -


lt k coM bv theThe ;eaaiag pots are placed

fiaane, which sappmta at somedistance 2rom gronad. A

Teseei k placed anderaeath totke rkod finaor that

theax. Ia order to draw OK tkk moreawkt lecres of tke Vahunotia.

sainfis ane nlnced orer the month of the

--Jasre are rem-ov- hca a cr

Mil ifc r k jbrawd. yhiek reoairts s

i .L-.-S-. J- - I

eatc extract k k does aot reoaireto he Humgd pat into theboaer. Were tint pvoetaitaSxa by aB aasierj, we Hear that :

xoald not imam theprodaetsof Soajtfc Wales. The Bsk

bag avafed h mr If of aofa

chemaeal aad scieaee.the of oar drswhnr riD be

kaat a snaanB rat to Be

a oi orThe eadle rrv-i-d,

hiih asrs faraKd of fSnar gTOoeea

dmtafneer other mr T aw - - 1ax im a anx

wsy bt4 the roWi bolt i -

man wan rse lauu vwkitaafecf,. pfcoed horinNKalfy. dos ;

t toJts. 2jw sncxeit Bar tx-- nai,

in mol Kpw?atl ' wad fcwr spiral cat m opare nfr-t-

kKaVKL c the acsac. is sriaes irttsaom, winch tarn one zwotber.'

TnaJbofQ swtife of the They ae sec a a stsane fnans, aad their

ptefenyilMpkkraMagaaasImihesi. The aarar k isranaj i tsrarmd ' nml k nx one ofce wairo k he she Becdwag-- ; aad i, j


rkck sjwinl .attention was paid to aj;ri-cahnr- w

A variety of crops w.iri triodsuccessively, but none prol as remun-erative as the sugarcane, "Xrntaken Imlia to Spain by the Saracens,as we bare seen, ami thence to the WestIadli Iskmls. In UJ1 a French transport, having on boanl troops for thegarrison of tbe colony of Louisiana,to&cked at Dominga The Jesuitslocated there obtained leave to send onberd lbr branch establishment atNew Orleans a supply with a few

Metroes to its and themaimfiicture sncpir. These worefcvwied planted, bat for several yearstke JesBtts, ami those to whomthe oaiis, were equally eitheria their cultivation or in the nwRfactureof bnt ahkouk they did notsawed, others dkL

Sooe of oar space we eoasider it wellto 11 by a jew of tbe of hus-

bandry. show an excellent imphtniontMack ased ia America tor drawing aOae of the cords attMhetl to the end of alever lower one is attached to somestable object, the other by a

The upper plow one for paring,and fa tkis process is useful. Thecoulters are set in a cutting triangle, andwhen worked to a depth of three inches,it demolishes all weeds save knottedgrasses. The great iron claw is now useda great deal in America brwOaag upthe surfs of had. theis a rccest invention of Messrs. Raasome,one which answers as a subsoil as well asan plow, and a ridging plow byaffixing the above in of

now in work. is be a good to the HHtra-s- n

combined implement. ' of onr

T separated irom the treacle by a been chronic invalid fromanal saek pniwalii- - nay Of .p.saacawea,






ncv. lac ws. w ofgecnoBE ae proposeu la-th- fe

sabsuaee are a boiler of the three ScaodinaviaB?T0 lbs. The Undomf-MMle- r hb Austrian

haiing stirred tor 144 minute;, ISO j Prince Badoiph, now years ofthis, inter are stirred has feeble and k

fcr An sola-- ; Iftelr Crown Prince of



hs.Tg mi





from the tbe pbataia

withmSk. Shimming

water bciarstrahv


a themthe

rtcerre dradns from



nsdrVJwfc k k

sagair.ngAi rmt

Xes-- Imfiaaaec the

At Iatsoaxafe carter!

By aaeaa53 oxen.tana ktare




a anen;



the powes fc


Tkk wed partmar






they, gave



is drawnhorse. is


forAnd plow below

body placebreast This lkthi

"JTi almost


the sabsoder is not in work it is raised bvthe plowman, who commands it by a lever.The npper plow, it will be seen, cssts up

deep a farrow as may be wanted, andleaves room for the sabsoiter to work inthe space and break ap withoat inverting

Fthe sahsoil beneath the plow sole.

Cnowx Pbixcss or Bcbope. Few ofthe Crown Princes of Enrope are strongaad beakhy men. Several of tbem arenot likely to live to ascend tbe thrones oftkeir ththers. Tbe Czarowhch of

la nLlk TTU um -- . fcr tm.is a sickly child. The only son of baHnnI T.:nn.ln

m tke nni eanitnfe of Enrone hasthe Crown Prince of Egypt, born in 1553,aL3 klm tu taau THo Crtmnt aT P1ait.

fcrs, brother of King Leopold of Beknnm,and presamptive heir to the throne, kaeariv deaf awl sntters frow heart .liea--a.

The health of Crown Prince Frederick ofDemaark, too, is bv no means tod, andhis nrosp-jct-s tor a short Kfe are amom;. - - ,

Germany k in rieorons health, bat hkfriend aad comrade the Crown Prince AI- -hert of Saxony, k sickly, and the heirs tothe throne of Mecklenbajre-- , Usdea andHesse, are all feeble,

Ths Emp?ror awl Empresi of BrarH,aow inaking a Saropenn toar, seem beat

having only golden opinioK tehl.V TTL. X7 1 j I .li"- - ABW P" u,rUngnkbed among resgmng Prnces for inseafietueaed views aad hk practical inter-

est m aQ Kberal $tades. Daring hkhe has dkpkyed a lack of

and hrtQent carnKfty otrite as nmchat variance with the habit of royal toer-kt- s.

While in London he frequentlyaUeadants by getting sp and

. . . T . 1 t.!"f.

""r P rem.i m ai

SawB boat Snddealy the helmtiaan, by!

whose side ske was fitting, lost hk bal--

aace aad fell He woe Id in sBt

prokabthty have been drowned had not i

' )- e - - i a v

mg, aad iy great exertion mm max apanta tneamvat ot awximnoe. t


3e. Ftzlih of Bostoe, rather tnraedtables on a wntdd-h- e joker on one oc-

casion. The anther oi as kaprovicedrhyme aikfrd 3r. Fields qnke grarefy,where ht Sonther oeriain not very bril-Sam- c

hiKs oesld be fonnd. "TsoseKnoseonld only hare been written by Sooth-ey,- "

Mr. Fxbk, Habont that tartyperiod of hk exktenee when he was bav-m- g

tbe mesA3 2nd csuieg bis Snt Uh,or near the ohk of his tKe, when hk

TW rwiiM t tiwabasia period, bat the exprewon ofeariy

'Ktt?s tfe ijg re

Tbz eoaaney of k tfessttfsllyht the ezu of an aged is

Wfeoannin, wfco hare teea eagzged to be

aad the jmW grssed airwed auv ar inch in tkiriaw ; i a laarel to crwn sacs iew ssor-dkrtw- rk

x ck&SK or ?iMKr tke k om the sarnce of tke TxAd eaa boa- -t Tbe Imfnal pany.dnr- -

pc Tbii aa-- fe ii fiawr b hrok aad r- - j ir trip toXar tbe

I: i as.fl weA teirt-- are refat4elly added Grto. The sea being very





a 2nd

prepazed, aadj




wide-mowtk- ed

. a- - Wtaa



of mir.iiiiiiairiiil

wnwk pocrradfers

rtgalatcd by




tfe the




tttstttf saafc Bmfconahe Calanlf








els oteotatios








tfcr nao a x gui- b- k cat, "fc the one at each eni. Of tmsse 28 these act' morriid for tat lia; thtrtj years, and dcr-k- a

ssHeoe f i f"r?i. Zb the centre .irnf r feare the rieheat jntat ic the caw- - iag tkAt ihs: tbfcV bare CTfcr ba 7rt pfta t tewcs atacaai. nt j'irpa-- vnA. , jdl teethe; long eaosgh to Bart tceer

How Apvxwrwi.VR Oompsxs .Vrrax-nft- v.

iV writer ia AK ' ia Ji&tiM i

says: The truth f,fa thin world la-

bor and iml . try always make thtnwrfi--

fdt. Such a tfreSry this would Ve

dear to Sir. Gariyle aa roprestatkn; sonm.thing real ami gmtdML Work, he wonhltell us, is never thrown away. Meawho stwnd sm of Money ami of

to deal e

admirable When ittes natnra.








trouble and toil, together with amok in-

genious polychronmtlc vie in tUwrMt

ing their names and war, are pretty ear-tai-n

to rind sueb bread aa they hnve oastupon the waters returning to then. Thewise who travel in tindergroand railwayand see "Kit Jo's Starch staring at theefrom over the hearts of their wrtwi mthe carnages, or th Grabppe Swing Jachine" no doubt snhit those titleswith some conteotptaows expfession. BaC

later, as their eye wanders over the news-

paper or dead-wa- or oatndMis leaifi.

board, or dy-lea- f of taagaaiae, aad seeseverywhere, as a nrardemr doos blood,"Kitto's Stareh" and -- Granhoppar Sew-

ing faehine, a ldwl of dall, faweaBde

impression is produced. whencither of these Msportant neoeworie anin demand m the render's family, andwhen there is an wnprnssion of doabt orignorance, the poor aide de oamp ot con-

ceit or oonsctOBS snperiorky, steps in aadaids Uio advertiser. Where all are (rop-

ing in the dark, it is hard to roast theconscious sense of superiority. 44 Stareh !

Why, there is a fallow colled Khte, whoseems to bo m great demand; at least hkname is everywhere. Sewing Machine '.

Get the G nissHopper only fonr gnnwns."It will thus be seen that adverttMajc owed

A Xkw Wat to Cook Mbat. A goodwav to oook meat k to seal k in a vessel

j hermitloally tigkt. Cooked tkas a long' time in its own jaiee it k rendered veryI tender, aad has a peennar ape4haag tlavor.J Take an earthen jar that wM stand heat,

with tight-Suin- g corer. If beef is to he

j tbe dish tor dinner, eat k ia caiareaiencj pie&, lay tham m the jar, rob each piece

, with salt, pepper and a small piece of t- -'

gar, then pnt in a little water aad by aa piece of thick battered paper, aad prea

j down the cover. If yon think it willlow any steam to escape mix short or

; rye meal with water to a pMte,tba pre,strips of tins all aronod the edge of the

J corer. Dake in a a mote rate oven foar ri five honrs, according to tke tenderness ofthe meat. Chicken or t"rrey are excel- -

lent cooked in ihu way. The tai;he!tmeat k rendered tender by thai proms,and none of the nutricioas matter m want

ed as in many of tbe forms of cooking.Journal of CKtmdHry.

WASBBforotv Pastst. A sojoaraer inWajhwg ton jtuwb the fbilowmg: I spanicnlarly fond of lemon pie aad leecream for doseert. At the hotel I wenton peaoanhry for a coopie of week, butalways eating, lemon pie nnder a silentprotest, for I was a stranger and did n--t

Kke to make olwBclion. Fhsnily I calledt a waiter aad said: "John. I have nntiungto sar abont the iee treaat, hat what kindofpiekthkr "What kki of pw IkJL

yon order, soh V I otdered a leKia pie,bnt thk anpoars to be dried apple.""Dst's a lenon pie, aah. Yon knew Wy

I has a way of mtxia dried apples in ielemos pies kera, aah, to dnt extant it reAttires a aan of ahifity to 'atingntsh mapart sok. De lamons am , yoa koow,

. and (ley has to 'cononaiM m so aa toj sake om lemon do for ixteonpie. Lt'what's do mUer, aah.'

A Chicao paper says that when a nunettti at an man ranee office to parehae a

i poSey he k regarded m a dtetingntabedvithor and treated accordingly. When

' he retorns to the same eatahlkhin'jut afterthe fire to coHott what k Jae to him he sregarded as a poor reiataaa ; hk pieMiirna

are Answered with insolence, and he m gir-- j

en pretty loadly to nniiaritand that he ;

a good deal of an Jatrndar anyhow.

Yzzr intonpetiwl womw are seadombeantHnL The fermotiaa of thtr foatrx,aad particaJarly the fbrehatd, k more nrlees nuMntino. 3fiM Lamlon was mtherpretty and fhnnMno hx the aoe, hat 3imPardos, 3Gx Swiek, Mim Leake andthe edabtMoA Anna Xarhi and Jane Prtor, were the contrary. Oao of the latterbad a fciahoad a hank a that of aa utoBortnnl ;

Wsnrzaar vTbwct a now raked toproof with oil of rftnot, to aeoomwodatothe growing aaHoajam f the Wetterapofatn. The only difituk'j xpmnee4by the dmtifiera k aaid to he when taohVpxor k mad mtMuMij pintMart fcrtwir0x1 Comer thoM that k hnma thrvrsthe stares of the harm's.

TtrK Deae DnPAJcrmx Antettt of an wwfjridaal who uAtd tha Oafaor

what tine ehargo wa for iatkg a aotoof the dMh of hk wife. On being 14thatk wenld he mvxU gratk, ho brajatfreed np cwwddrnhf and ohaomd tkat"death had tm iebaad of half sU letton."

Bab3zoos. A female proaWwr of tho

tiork! art oot wK mu watired mm W-ifl- ga

an aoaaant af the aiw ot ' kAmthxrtr.n

Page 2: fecftr Stbt HAWAIIAN UijJlil Mtj - University of Hawaii · 0ca. m Forr 5est sSosi antes am a. rsaeirrf 7X--TOSS. 9a yTn."'f C apsaaiia eta Sutar'a3aaia. ggairapgaaaataca amiaia ii



ss - .


n viTHOKm.

. 1 itrt trtitrl OtarerJ IV Hta. Ik EiutmH at TTrt t i lU; h Oiii itrof;

. -

ml)WlVp'Aa&MliirrT- - t 5 Krfcr- -

uit.riMuSMuh,AHr.fcnK. x. xr. Svrcaw.

IjrMr mn. Jtswur MLSVnesfa fem pirn. 1 ix wniu vlfe.


tWCwwd Steles, Wt SWt tktWr ,Ofc ssMWet Ar . IB

innnm;nfK Bkcn t tS cvaixj rirrtira ! iCe tfco arM STBciuMHi mtarW-fntXirmeaUlir- a

Jt Lr$vlilm AkmtkMt. fa vatMBS M llttt eWMBTT. Mt Wnm?M. rf HAuldaa H xic .-

-, XorW IfStk. 7 1.000,M OMI

ikmMRanml,UA.m: : rftWr(SaPwaatofc.TeVeitinKesctW. , kia tie wabbc. 1,0 ds3v

JLb.waV Srtntraf SixmM. rf Suit. . Aj- -j pvfivj,3w3 MO iTL

lmj fic i.:iimir fcr a bprmtein frtss t , ...Xmomc f t laaw. i ot"eecf3Bfcic nsxws is e f tke

Eeest . JaaV i. lfr



Tix Otcmc wt frstuVra t aa xt Lii-- i jiarabli AVetca ckie Htk iafooaalKMt ofUaVr J.sHr. i ! tie rfc sad Salt of riress sd to siw tie

f--' rf Skf" !a-rk- dna dttrici srtiiet Ke-fUn-s

KJiwta semct It is tfcoasfct AsfK-KJlva- u.

in ialfT-iit-i fcr bMtr it tnu :aUe to itailfei st Sta, a3, oc

K Cr:-- i fc: :W Hswaa sad Weft Iadia LJaa&v

ITdsta. a

Kras C 3nk Saa gAnl tui, Saatea.

Miaritt f Paa Bijregu.3AtX

M all r ( atiaasp -- itoiiin'. Hyuan9ifanrt r Vaaals Cmz-1- Xaaalz. mi

&lVw tm. rhftwa.Mtr tC Su-Oral4- HN, Sxzj.;

iKN,'SHi a Awl Xiabx. uift,PxkM3IM3i: Sak.--a iu SwbL IsaaL

iMKaf Vahict SdMUKK, Xatsa.ItoaM t iNlwaw'ai at Ws. Baada.


Mtaaai C Past ?ikit.Sm. Ukmt;bw.akM.

mailt " ktfiVi Ciam ta i ' . gaaaWi.

noK.'ar. lianaw;Tiaa ar af faatnac.

btMK . - Y. 15X1.

. Election l3y.TVe rsaaiai aar raaaets that Maoesy

saxtEletfiaaioky. OttaxtyajtT-eh- tKaprvv watati to chorea ta the Iegt-at- kr

liaaktT. fcax an? to ke ekeitriaesihisDistiacc Tae pAi. ietii-io- c

tathe aalict riveat by she 3haber ot"

Iatatiaav aB W opeatoi at e CoanHaase oae at tie fiaaX aai the other at

spet the imwag, asI a ataa tit the TOturs hygmag

easy somss t tie haatot-k-aves- , saalihaj mr - my .itaaj, ttoet to kmearaoae-a- s

Ha the Kst of roaers aireaay yaik

via hai paaitiar tames oa or keaarc the kst okr otTkkaAMaAMa- -. kaaaaaT threeXaBNaVaaaSSaia "t. a. ao - j j .mmaaW nf --ka'r. . j ji i :iwbh -- Ban. taaa. aar ac bosk. k aue., . , , -

anth t rjeuipt eacaar ta vcs val--

iSe toa3aal Aosa wk apaBti totk laraars at ar saeeaiacs bs:jar the aarrwriaa ofaaasaoas or errors ia:

Aolst. Awr fcg has Wea paMLhoii ioraf to la-faa- rs oa eOfVM: aiiy.

tit. wjm W-t- -J Bjawie? mL is vm

ahelhar Ae tonars aait have thelast aaaitr revtsaoa asaoa teaore the apa-tite fthe p. s as w aAaa-- uautataapsMC3saaaKaalttaEtsstJaltoKrapxaakT to pet their asses apes, theHs. Uaaer the kir, kterv ks nniiioc isIS? SO Iat;Ktocs r? raaarei to Micssfsiaiortafarfse as the pafc Mrachaarpciaas to the Ofaaar of tieeeoa; W thepxfcoartires

esc ta boi tvo sfsoa. aoc ore taaa:less- thaa sck akxs

a towaoa. Tiesetar3essaotkS


THmeL -".toVtW, aatlaOr 3M "art Ware

TaW W ah Asssc- - a aauSSea ta avaae saaaber y i

i Ml ajhe aat ii sssesetr cpJttax is X,ita. sikG tfers an.iaaaaat irtiaa laalii ii hrtra astrvt aiUair saae aavadar

atl,-- t ,

Ic iM k xataWaaixtace Oat. - , .. oa

rectapts tie jaiBs l3avce tfet Issscc$. . . . ,

new -tkltspMKftt ferecaps, zm. asiss k atofeicy ee

i- t I,-

- Tiir r rarrfr ifSstSStsIf T5tiq&Sse-E8t$KSi.l&- -

Eea3fssrr tax scat,lr"'' '


C -


DK afssr to isne crgtted s?g?


elacniatioe ofthe of JWe caartklsJoikar iot tws th erfw of the day,


there has Kk NKUtnW activity dis--' Pwl the tsaavass, sn there has beea

txva astros the caaatttates lhBSMnes, aiW swv f p-x-

al pikHty. Sewhaco; ti.-ift-s. tt har. are Kect tojfj aal if thev are all presi-e- ispao the votersoritk the aroor that has carartiwvi for--

mr ctotfMt teys, ve my satktfute thattu.t Mwatrsv vriH Iv a Tory lively Vay.

Storm Sljrnal." Oae of the aKt asetal srrk--s tOvWok

a ti Tiesmfk ia Kv pwt is ltoJ traB5asskw fstc ieaU. TW siaal

K-uO-k W W Ervu MMiBtrtes aiitros te ajcy ot

i 'J rto 34 vy tIS, are 7eORl tkroock tW wkcra pb, slKXt--

of fines SmI VXt umnts of J'Wf--

kt kave Vm sved vnb s;rcto.Gfun! Mver, Chief Oakvc of

aad sn take

to prepare Kfons.It ii cocky ot raark tkat of tie pak-S- kI

arokakSti$ of Mna trlwA kareappeared ia tie faiti States. sixty-Sfr-e

per eeat. kare We reriSecL Tae CkiefSeaal Oacs K of te opaaioe tka: crhktie xtevN of tie teferaplac syteaa,;ke wraatiker raports aaickt W Baae avaS-sal- e


aad aseM ;kroa?aoaC tke kutv ssirett as a siade

npmac Court. JaaV Term, 1ST

joms xoxweoiestr rs . c mccst.

Mr, frft far Pat

leaattf fa as. attaiaer-at-k- aat! FofcjJasae.aati nis5 ssi seaV grass cc kar.hra tifti. aai eateriag at a iaai af akreS: taeaaaes f fersaai to wkom ke aVfefws ktf, witk

dues sat aaoaats. Tbas was fuj icjewitacj to skow tke aeeararrof tke pwiataT

bat reafccg4 bat was atyetei to as aaaaafasM.7f eatri are aw&ieaa nrtirn agvte.TMt;fctaa.aeac;aaat ajaaast Ae ifciiiat aapania;c toe kst ly-fei- f, aa cabies agues atker


jecsiaKxt yati::ifnat Adet tuaa: aae ie wtdfec

tires. Tkis etakatu. vas laaafl'i. kavofar,

vkl toe iriim hit's s ayoeewc r aast aj-- taastfcff are acvaad eatries mi&i kw kaaself af tteartaal aawaat of bar $ki aaj rr?i at tkfefcHaaseil. Tae ajai :8a af tbe hii

tab grnavatfj ws 3sjrwi fcc ta:aVn.Oacof toe fal Oaa.

Tie iliiaraf afca atrf at tiai.-ae- e toe bat beW rcaaxorf to toe aVrfeaai at. waiA toc:a wair ;

vak tke eatais ia :kaiair Slli las. af bar (

to tae iifcaaiat aas Macs t Jmme I

last, tkas biS aaj wtara witkbw tbe i'ftaamc to tae eaees toafaewaaatTin that tke akarfaf W beec iiaa.iiii.av. sack

ax aawaat of kaf to kaav bat laaf oc:i it Tasaarelr iir aMItiajii it emaoace far snkt; j

aaaxe wkask tke aaaatat s tabag krem tke

ttnJiat' aeaaaaa. Tbe artker eifcacit- w sae awataaiai ay ae .

ac as a iaCK inn. aaw loaae av---stxaees at tb af tke ijj'fcniiiat s

ia tie ba aar af i areeeKat skatit fiobl ai k Trfa.re fccter. Tfcebsrjj saotokewartkaceotaaakarapaaai.'

Oc cassex wjik. saear Baaacs to Cbaef

Jastita aa Sa4 Asseciaae Jistan, I as ic--ca r sfaat tkat tker eoacs witk k e

b yftiialiir beafcaf aeaie- -ifectrviifecEtii tiw featt Sa v- - w tisi, 'Ms. tke

aaeaatis aaltsartoasitis, fcc.lascaae sidsburrfc eiuBH it fa ajaatW kov 4lt sa h3jfc s4bb swe ka ix b: wafeeic th aecasaaba: toot a aEerr

of sew baf i atkenriM jrwi c tiat j-- Sj

saaareaf toe esse tksre eaaK kea bs-n- r

skwaw tk xesanar of toe k Ofeesi if aiatovi a, ala. to Kra--- 1

tfat at at oSarsi kf tk fazsr at attersst.. . ww

far Saj rraafei to bas at aa resist of bar

mWjforhfaiacses. it tit aSseetg- of

'" ' -r nliSM bar At eofysr- - Tbere at f

,,UW,baaW tm. Air A,c - fItl.w.tssi raSm in- - rac iac &e bay. JSbm- -es fer tt jakaataf it aafewi.

IBteakrfc. Jta. ac ISS.



lax rotitsT5 raptaaa, oc 3. tar--,

tiotoS - Taataiiai -C



-- XI ti Ptttt ETcr Fsae tieccrrmataimtc-tV-aas- rcfrrcuif ar CxiiCtfPiss. TberaaQarerEtsatiitfecssrapatamts AkattfeatBairBi

oBErtlsiatteaask I&.B&HsdL Tkit t

GS3CS3li7Zsamixstcaes,aai aaaa tats rereaat-ita- aaawoa. lie (

bcaaagtfTs bes of tbta&ssc rTit agcsuBaxv gnrm, aKa.caiu. aaa. aaeii. uursaj

&c&jss apsoSi ay 13 a.i.pua pywer an'-- - . tie Ec- -

er. (Mr tKcifCj a? feaerakc? of strata is

aboat ot4ilf ; that is to sir. tke rc

Ka--s barrty ht WWwtm F"-- T

aaeaat of vac- -' csisefsctaroi is abct fifteen

teas jwJ--( ae kars:tl tbe wajie el

aaitaal catron! abeat lalteea tMi atssn.Sixtree cralrarafab are astJ. eHrea by two K

Tta Usta. wbieh is net e a

kK joik. i$fcbr ra of Kt six raiki



rSir; six-- ruts t:li aKc". 25 Hvs. ihryjrvj; I lUrinf Twit cor statioa oa tktk ja fe Sh- Siitr cmw tjotm s i aswt in it wor of tbe Sarwr,

annriK 11 Iff S Vr St ck I Dettsiber. I toek gtxMt pikt to deltrraiti

ojatk ft aenrxmc start SW casts, aad its Jntko. Heerir obswratiow were

fet m H vfcirk ar i Sre iktjs oo two hruiflerj. cse oa th jom-tr--gi

tk aft jaiaiiU. aut. aad th otbr at a station io MiVitno. tbTV ft f k trias war, per BiK is aa I k?fckt kad Nwa prerkolr (3trmhxi

iMMkr to Itw NauHsas, j TV cwaa f cb.Hmtk$ pw 10.030 ftatart TlXI tMi. ts" aril : M )rl U&1 tbs - i fee tk fcckt of ikf saomit thK Itps r Mtwls J3 iWf. jvr Tkr

tV--w K nil tk raiW.

ta baktete tkr ifcokt-p-; ef tk waj&s. Ttca oe tl tcaisi a kiulcd by tfe

ease wve$, Kat tWr Wr aotkm to whatfce irK f tridiea; e tke tienr, er tk

tj of hriac it iwm i rfarac K. Fnva tlxtlt au$ is nrr?si kr a wb te a rilftc--

1L tk rrsi ; pbtfcra is;

k --tah. jir. KmtM i a Veicit ofaMt Sit. cxcft . wre :W veto ifcctrs3 tk

I awciSS at to ad Ike pfetfena OffoH Ute

i fccangiae , cc Se kt Sag tSrect ta; Sk ftaatL atea&s of toe boikes, at as ef'aoat3kv- - TV awsrafs is skoreiiato tkeI feic br tke stobrr, wttk fifci.at cm to eox-- I

Vie k to bva irr. TV kore coataia &imb

13a to 13 takas 3k. at aaa'Ur k;i4. aajaaatlSft.lmc:. TV grjte ;t i jb5: 4 Vft.f SK to caiiai if is TNt bj-- tkiw t:

ic aaatetor. aa of ikeH m Bck KjAk-- kas, a fatc tkwaatr. TV Ae te bjakr ar' ast eeatoi wit aar a? H kas ba

femmi toat toe aaafc cai to tke bomVr kr tkoataat rf it nctitoc aW ar Vnirtr? taatSMf ak ii aot ciiapa$it-- i tor bf tks

kat wakk waU Otkcwi5 N lost kr n- -


Me BorroK Is it wise ? Is wbat wise! Totoeroaar. stroag. d, caated

aea of tke auiot to eafige ia wbtek aaast

aeeessariar exifc toes fraai toe kai toetrkartbaad serer tkom lrt tke assaitiaas of kiaw. -

faaar,oaatrr aad ckawk. Lakac fa tke oaetbaag the waat wakk aas aad wai actiatrippW tke taetgw: of aM occapatooa:. Weseadto Ckaaa: taalar Jaaaaese: sees ior labor iatoe fctiadi of tke Sowtk paeate. aad ret eecear-ag-e

toe aanaplayti hoar taaaag- oarsehes toset tapkraia. oat of toe had. Is thiswise!Is it soaad daseretiaa to inac tbe esergies af a aaow ftft decreasiac bf traaspeeaag toother saatieas aad hawis tbase wko aegkt totke fttaers of tke aatioa! VTbes toe ceasesihal betoitecaad tke pKratage of the decrease

ia toe aopahtwa, is caaeabted. a err ef sadaesswai ga ap from eterr kiaiVr. toe feopk arediijaafa.. are sooa to fc jiawae extiaet. Yet sw

these wko aim m caase aa iacrease af toe; ililiia ace eacoeraced to shia as bMri ofwkahshias,aiBa to toe gaaao shads

laskaboMfs. Is ttas sabiaoas T Osa toe aattaaaaW tke arak : iy as fetors of tke fiiwaaaarace. Hawmiux.

Tie shore oatftioa is frotm oae of oaraaost irortky ciaaeas, bat ooes aot asto safest aay aew idea. potat of oareaeoajaeeaaeax sanoatea so oar oeovK to

'abroad is aot oaate dear, yohody ea--coarasws theat to o except those iHtoa-a- their labor, aai' tihi& to rSike a ia

proat oat ot it ; aad k t5 not to be exp.vtelthey sioaM retina traat sack eaeoarage- -'

MK'at. Larse aalraaees, aad the tocc thatafter s cotviderable ahsettoe tier are ableso aetata, at the eai oc the eagagoaaeat,ritk a cjavaierable saat it iaacL with

viiei to eajoy Ac a iesr dxys tie fctxacyof tee&ar tari. are the priacipsl haiece- -

to oar TOaarr taee to 90 abroad " TXthe laiaair aBadcd to by oar eorrespoad' X

eat It tkere are lay ko skip or k-r-I

Baetr-afw- ar isxe have aoc kesrA of k. aad'

it aaa:t be Terr rare, ior the eaptaia of attotof-wa- r

to letant theaa. Hov, therefore, shippiiigOK boani wjlr-hip- ? or rotag to gaaaoisl&tals eaa be aar aaore iiseoaraceei tias. .k s at presesC j aot fJear, e&eept iy ea--

ataaeas wriiei roald so wateraaBr nter--; 14"

Sere srki persoasl ltkerry to detest-

iaaag Ofjaretj. (

" rT 7Z : . . &rWikT!Wiiiitt falawaar expeetoaa ftht tiTS of 3r. ljats, wkitk TV iassrt for tke

af uttk f?j.Eaaros: GMrrt : As there has feeec stoe

of tht tuiHil .a bare as

." "- - .r"-"-1 aai trz I Ik Jjr- -tne tittliat. I wax Ttataie. toe risS: of as ex-- cr.)

Oarsesif slersoa, to proxce a ssaae. as fihi is:

"Vit4 rCt tatbe H4l aiftarS. waits ae--s to k t 3iLs to

groniriv to py baa already beeg aae witbawtlailiaai T tai - riitf it -- 1 tTtwoeii3aascaaatr whiek. it S be oaie j

to taaiaitt at.t aal&.Watk rtspsst ta tke sataaaskip saasafy, I tbiak:

the Cam wa tat tkaaai here at toear aasfOsU asarSajeat initwl.toke aaat orer if Kcgssarr.ai

w aft. to la 11 jgtaJ. . tp-- 1 tiraaaaa ar a. aa taa ir W aa I Wr--t-



Ktafk,Jos. 3. ISTi. CJ-Liaa- a.

JtautTja. laamrr Zl, izTZ.'im avr jtmtr mf tor fnaiuraai Gaselt .-


IteixSaar Iksasrabe ttte &aaaatucaw&aei.vsj tj e rhaf iffeaC. I irrCi rart tfaif tase to a tbaorsi rrtCTlitare cf ti fcjfcr

etficse of jKBttt 5th. Str tbe LuaVoir ,

taadtodeaf Patter's OtexwmcT at BoaaMc. j

t&i taat ttis aacat rrawdf h twssaiers4as oae of tke date?? of tbe Gmmaeat Strrer, '

is tkat tke zesaJu aacit ke ef iattrsit te taase!eT tbe rtaisi af tbe i

Tie at xKttrjac orattec af tfc taa i

taruriai-t.-t-ti.rjt,H-- :

baaxassis taat. Tbat tssr ef rrrttrfttoaiaal be itittt kscC. Aasnrit fcr&et&ct Xaf ie grr wai tet at Sb. KJi'at. ?Jt,

iKjMuoiiniEK.i. tic

eakese wai be Sm rartal bare, tad ssitber '

I.fisrfesaisitf Beaakar. Tie atastoieef tbs i

u tae sxu aaaat at tTrgranrg-- .:

TaTrrofeM list areesL aast are saprrss as gajpgee tkat tbe groan was aaKaackagaaf ta i tcfer toseoare acafaaaftraf stog CaSBBajaa-aTtg- rs

aktir n jalt iaj ia tie saattec. akt i it tb bay, ae tkat toe yjeaat gaky i ; n ran watb etaec gaaacaes.

Tie rjjTrttiiwi dbts isr cawsacise; ttaiaei to ssett Ttmtars kasseK Sass tkax j Wat rtspC to th hat- atestaw. I wAiikiMC w- --agmV ka aay was feaa-be- i aai agad. aai Ass, toe a af tke tjate to awM-yt- g. cag-r- atyrTT arBT-- ' t rr rrr-ii-

g3180 reyssaat at tot aroasbea. are yarnc taeta, watt tteakitaaaac. af the ar astetia extraof ajtc ttct cilCtTT. Tatt --jaarii tti rrIc

SafC aaSe

cie raa3iUlt

Thearaa alft?

Uur Zstm







te X5?





I see tfcat wee slalt taenls hire Kva peWiibeJVatrlr in rrpird to tbe tie bttgbta ol llaleabakasaA YVtt Mau Tie raeasurene ct of tbe latter,

5,50 feel, is col a final oae, bttt only alo&TiNr cJoj aprroxit-slk- o. In regard tolUkitth, Messrs. rkkeriar nsd BnxkinrMsw.of tke IT. S-- Kxptericg KipeJhfoo. rttiented Hibeirbt to be 11X217 ft, froa a

to cvxajJca toKs Gtrraant

Mf)TL f'sof taaJe

dk for

illicit te JsaKcT wc4ca

soMktMtcoMMrr it tko4aboro half


abt aKare


















f with a JiaJ btroe(er.

wsj alio KMStrci hr triaapktoa. fron threftiJ.-v-: stalius boi-- . with tka 13-ic- k tkodo-- 1

fit by Tro4toB ,t Simas. Tbe foar Ewsiartyaati gire jcbtaBtiittT tb sao rait, no oftkeat tMrtfktr ew tkro fwt froa tke crsaborn--

I reEBMa, roars vnt tralr.

Ltacx, Kicii, Drc Mh, UTi.. . .. s. iiSHtm : ua tae ar6t ot iitantiy kut, ,

tbe Ssk itiBU tke ickcoaer Hattie wai aearir

WW. Sb waj JlvlDfy Goods, Groceries, Earthenware,

str below aad cttUe asl passeagera oodedr. As ike tsa4e m8. tka wm3 wkica insbfewta? qsite strja ires tke we$twanl. carriedkerajaiast tbe roctr peiat at tbe eatraace cttke kariw. Her aaebors were let gw, bat w io

tise ta prereat ber fros stritia oa tke rocij.laforsBtioa wai jeot to tke riHuje of tbe daagerwkick tkredteaed tbe reiieL aad aawae the Srslwko ctaae te tbe rescae were Mr. G. X. WBeoxaal a satire sxated PiiSm, kotk of wkoat beta?expert iwnsseri. plaared ioto tka fcowioc $ea

al reacbed tbe icbcoaer ia safety. Tbervttk tke aid ot ierenl otkers, ia rvamac

oct a ki,aad alter great exertioa got tbe ves-

sel oC aad assisted io mjiiay sail oc ker.Tke result aai ker caro, valaed at keiweee

ioar astl re tkaesaaj doibrs, were sated tatoacbtke aoble eoru of Mr. Wifeax aad Pakoa.

Hoaor to wfcoat kooor i .

Emroc HAwiituc G.usrrs Sis:Tke issaeof Tkarsoar week, of tke sm- - WrMy

P. C --4. ii aa eJitoritl wHk tbe csptioa - TbeVeil Tax a Misaoater.' wbtek gees oa to set

fortk tke reasoas wbr H fa so.ITpoa rvfereace to bit cjar af Webster's

Sat tke tfcowtwo of - Poll tax" tobe. "a tax letwd bf tie kead or poll ; a capitationtax."

i'oi, a aaoa,atoa3 ketv; aad "to poR" itsotaer aesaaags aaite as atigiaal as tbe register of

TOte. Years. i--

Verj-- llih Sort:To Ae ikktar af" Ae IfmmSoK G.-ar.--

Dcaa Star Oa Sitardar sight of tke 13tklast, was tbe bcrbest hmh- -, or bearr groaad

tkat kas beea kaowa for orer forty years.Tbe oad taW-r- s raaVd foto barkor (VTatahaj oaealter tie otber as if tker woahi overwMai as,iaooiiac dowa tke fish-poo-d wan, aad tkmtec-- r

to aVeeCsb tbe feot-bodg- wfcsdb spaas tberiferaoar tke sea.

Moadar. tke sea was caha, aad tke sfoap Wal-lel- e

case ia aad lLadd ber tmebe Bet tkeaext areata? tke sari rose agaia. ahaost as kigk

ae baaaaj-- ay.ua;. Ktd toeaset taatKreir Kuts paeit vM ke swap: froes ker

- - - nv .a .t-- - i

tor pta--e atre aar pateraat Gwncaaitat,aadafrweois of roceobtaiaed from toe stores

tke piue, ske rce oat tke Jfatiso it perfcetsafetj.

Toars, traly. X. Enasoer.



Not THIS, but the Other One !

Queer I Terr Queer!SY ADVERTISING COLUJIX, mj- -

AstaCT aa4 Caaiaf tar nSt ar uaafcat aat aat

,ie!4W., rrr rarJp.

Yaaa j- - Verr Fnnnv :ixsj Ajnr&Bm? Caitan. ar Sir Tn,i. BtviS& tZlmas, rej ttn?.

Qur: Trrj-Qnrtr- :

--lT P9b-BH- ar-, SMax'f at CarUe'i arscrrv-ea- i ac tat arr aaaalci ia se af aiu -

IrK, au t ycrt Facaaar, kack I2iokf45 3aA U" ,fci "ia

eaatr 3?rr.Tke Kaaauest of All I 3rwCiiiailatTelacsatf. ajaliijiraf arfirit. aad raaraaifrf af

aalirr. at JO fr teat km taaa tae Cufet farSew Haasi eat ar 5s frasaiMa. VeiaaM vaark.

JtmHk. itT ta tfci SiaFraaassea eaet. Is 'tnM ixki i itaraiwii: U...... , .- a i 2 tcaaraaae ss Aim wj ansuai s.x.


ZVot Qaeer or Very Qncer!Ti-- Siezarr ESacra b a $tilt-- i twtetjt aat a

.uJai ,mi .1, rataat taajaar ia auimc r i ia. r.ja.j a( ta ajar-Mez- . (6ru.Mcfi icatairtiH :i--

Tbe ?fe-r- ITotel.Xltrs aai Vtea a tSIa-iaa- g af af Uia- - is cacf- - !

taen af OafJatisx. I aai aaraHr cartiis st a W .

rr?TTf fc; jcatnat&r r aMacrjtt af tfct?!

znivMa. "ia mt. ic ifcaj- - kara ekair i&ir traatltn ladtn af rfciaad U f r Tccn af rMi

Eatf-aica- .

Taai Hatal, ari zttisl tar ti ap--luBiSiy af rrr Stttt Was, araa. ta extxctias

tt:. jafci fegyrraaaaaata aaaa W aarSaacra- -neat, is9ru&r aVe rnrs af Kxrataxxx rz.Dasr at i art as-- l rajx.



THE ry&EBslSJTKD EETTE55aza&b t al ratmt fe- aait iaran, fanKaBiac firtatrcaaxaaib.

Aaj 3fH frarieriT afevtatr ta tVt Jut Baeao--

fV.KTI.fer -.iar, ttM aiaaat aar fareat- -j & ix ukiii jerfrrt

M. W aiiata. fc.Hi, fprr, to, rtM J iWH la

L U a, ht tifair, taifcr aJraitr af ralTHOMAS WATESHOCsE.

jj. If put aaax. b wB bare a be U tieaaaasr c mqz raw rasa rat catesaru-- s ssaawaa.sac rva-t- r arera aatt.

Iit2 tTO LET.


3faaxaia; aa lac viak. aA aara-aai-a raar aVraatfrrra--auatr aa nxa at tarxa aat ttaji trttf.

Aha a Stbott HM ar Exact. At taJOBS THO- - WATEEHOrSS.

JaAaarj 21. JS7Z tExecutor's Notice.

rpiTE T7XDEBSICSED, Eirrwlor af tbeVat af Eujrri JuIh. bat af Eaxziaka.

Iitaal af 6atm, itttmei. Itrrray pm zatice ta al;thixj kaxaa; ctaixca araaaat ta aa af SassatJarau t jiaut taar taat : sxa tavaaa-- as4stel ta

Xatsat art rarstatei U nxla ksaui&a! tarauacJ. W. AfcTlS-Si-i- t

Ertetasr..v. wva 'rr---- r

- rw- -rJarT- -i m

p F""" qoessaaa sa tbaacftatscarftptroesgj-- EOLLii i CO.






Jttt rtttnsEs his o ir.v ssysrrCfA hiv.w to its r."rrs.nip on.i h hn kuU ibWk",t

Ilardvrare, Cuilery, Saddltry,

Glassware, Leather Goods,

Fnisita, Oils, Colors, ctoo,KTTH


DENIMS, TICKINGS, BROWN COnONS,5irti( aMiu. Isanti ia ctmI ruMr,Auatottr Itafs. Cvtxi, Tw4s JMhHh,

CViWrpi. FlfKi Mnii u' nhn, Atruu,Bmtkfu. Gm. Sri ad atnka MmW Maatlto u4 jtlxr miMIm, OMWaTatUA Saxo m Twnt. kit ta fnj Mm axtlf,Hon Baultto, 4itc fnf. Mh. grtM Mi MfM Oft.

r miw nwlfciM. Hna' Lew; Ootk,

twwt nrf tv tot aaifr (taat,Um Mt, SWrttoft aat Skater. Baiwa, tta.Mm rtuMl. SouM aat VTail Ox SBt glial H,V a(. Mack, wklu ut km liM Tkrua,Sraskt' ul gaaw Sr CMmo. Qwtn OMmx,

h ariaac, Kait OarOunj. Aantu Fiatui,Taf Cfcl, CwWn, Sihcau. lHmt 0wxtt,ttltatultrinlirsMKk SOa atwlkv

Gents' Hats of Christy Son's make.LaW H.U taHb, CklVarfaS HaU, .M ul aTf Swrior 11,1U4m. CatffcM aa4 6oU' Gt-- ta wMr,WtSt Kr. Sttt twl (Vow rtrU.Ims mat Frw Ojfan, A nn Im Mm af ShilU

XfCkOr. .' atravtf im T.vi aaii cuncw,1x5m nfvtfcc wait aat fcrvwa rtoctari.

A Complete Arctic Outfit!COXMUStXS .ILL


Mxtat rastnatm mat Dnvm. LiM ul Uw JUifGkrft Sms. Mra'l ut 'i 0 ot sU ti milin,Mal-c- Cmtt tkat euaot W nmMt BtMt OakS4v Onkawrr Switv T.rJ Swu. Ha nuasl utOm.

aja raaK ta-- an. xta aat boj. ataaiaa Sahu.JaaaTaraCTSa1JcaatmaataaiiatlU.Iar CaKK Orrten aaa Gar OKa. Tar OR Catt f

tarr rVrtu pattwwi. Bartaa Sttrw. TiOarta UsatKt twaaa Baailt StriaM. TaarCaMti.Cuaartn. IhkOalCWU sluat Jicnail 4 act,SB TiraH. TinT4(M( T af vartaat ealara.TMtataat, cra Barfar. Enctuoac

Xaraaa CMlan, Jamaat Sv DM Sail.tAaaa Saca. Uca Ttaa. laaartiaa. JtCDaat SToBafa,

laafi rrart. Wj.Bia. Otaaric SUlta,aoraaaarat atizts. Trar taar) .

A Pine Selection for Leap Year !

Sflk HaaaRiitMafi. Uaaa aat Cnan rriatat HaaTb,Taat Own aai paaa Cam af an taaa, Aaaa Carsrtiara af Tala. Ca A raavvam. N'afra rafa.Afeata atnilK siS fan aSaat Snaaiaiti ,Akjaaa aat Cxtaa Vx tHaa TVaia. Waal aaaaa4.,lalata' raaar aja. Wot Baacaa. Waal Cliafi,Lafiaa' Faacj Vdtaul Scaifa. AOiraiaa Haat aat

Bab! Il.aa, ViKtan fcalf kuaa. aafrtajaat aaraaa.Black 0k cart aai taK aaa- - fnafc. rkaaflK aaaalaaca; aflfca. Oarr n triaaaiir at alt aha.Swtaaaa af aB aiaaX .a-- a it alt karfs taea faawta.Plat .iaajaaaii S-- t t, r. tartar rat aat rata,Tart rastrac. uriaat aat paM Haaa aVOV,Cattaa. JM4 aat aaaaa rocaa tcaaK Satia cart, at.

VERY CHOICE GROCERIES!If irsH. partlK nrtctsu is. ptfX pmtKOtawn 4 Wasp wi. ;e VfitM, Torkafcir iMm,"Kntfhaim baa. fcitaa-fc- ptajrer jrrar4 ptiiaitvIfN SaJti. frvumi rVrtav mixrt if, trmwi fJhfpr.Qrmmi Mack fffr 'tT fffmr. ujnie piaytr,1SH irBBt. Mt aJkai WtoOtt kal ajH IrtTa.l V,(atmattN ntfV athrt. balk ppaia aTatVaral,Ctnm cwtar. mitcixmmfan 4 bttl, ittM ilmjtCMS Tttf-a- r. htm m4 frrnm t aamrc, ttimf mk,Stasv w Jte WmH tut. MiMk mmm.


Unraaat aak Vy taa ta$ m taa. aanbi at aatt.Caratr aat la aaarta, laaa aat J4aa, Taaa taar a

aargaaaaiaau i.waaiijSaca aat Maar aria aaa.

I aaaaarf. vattfd !. kaa. aaaaa. laaaaa.Oat mala He Uaa. taa laJI War. raaar aaMftaataa

aaxarrarBaatWa aai fataar. aha OaWraa II WO I.Iaalinaai. aaaaia taacaaa, atlaartia MiiaO..WaM laaa aaai iiyli ta aaraa. aarataaa. ilaaat a.ai i.A rraal Tartaty of KayV-cjr- - s raaaafa aaaa aa a aaVtr

aat taM aMaa aawai. wttk


5l4 dfl. Mat OKtlKS aafcrVkt aVTTtf.

Ifxamk taetM- im r:i. stvne Ml a A Cha

s ii facrxha-r-- t. rrre tamfstrt. fn afc Vorritofp.t wm nM mr msA efiWr Hmta it Win, vttt.NtTfarClXaTtf CiteZ If tthavv


a karrab aa4 kajf karraU.

Wiltshire Chete, Snnlinea In tln.Chocolate, Confectlonerx, Arc.

BASS' ALE, Pints & Quarts,


BaRiar t rVaat'l rartar aarraataa! a ant naa anfelaaat wy fadtaata ta-- aai aar aeratra

Jarar aat la4 t Oaaya a la, pau. aat aaaru,Baac Siaaa Ah at paxts aat faara.

CBAJIPAGXE, aaa aat taana.CLAHET, B aaa aaraa caan.


Sold by the Original Packnce!ta-S-M ara aaat Va taa eaat eaaa aaij ia ulalaal aatk--

raaat Saaft. yagga- rat aai a.-- Brawa Waawar aatCuO. Sua, Pa Xaaati CaaatM. Ic


tS la nprt a akark taara i, J JZCSIX aat I aaawirraat aaaa a mat atn aaaa crtar aflltrart TaaauXr Taram taraarat that ha waaM raCaar taaa aaa rak afXTOWS iXTVBTAlIOS aaaa taa aafta at Oka atarara

Cases Downer's Best Kerosene Oil!eat lairaia cart airrl i a ini nViia taia m ii ii 1 ii 1

Watta Sac. aaa aM. kal rraaa aaaat. aUrt paiat,

rlarsrr rala. ara ra la lawraa rary allai.I--aW aat Oaaa aaaBaa af afl MaltZ-aaa- l(aZraVa iiaa n Maaaaa aai Xra Tulial avapa.WHra akfa Wka aaty aat a taa aaartaa. i pi i. rasa,Ptaaata. ,ua rapa aartrttfaa. arwafj Inatatl.Kaal Ckaaa. bra urta. aar aab aat tnatiiat Mta.

Musical liistTiiments. ToyH, &c.XaaVat lama, fiaoirrliiai mwtiai. rMaaaTru n-- asraapt. xa W Ua4a. erakar taASrt,

aaaa. aayap a rraai m uawa. m aaaaaava. aaTtorM aMMrneK tain aT tbfl u. tiMttaiii.0ms4 trm tbrrm. inm ftftmf. fer trieic

CARPENTERS' IMPLEMENTS.Baar Lark. aVat lark, tararr'i tka. laatill.

iaHaam aafarta. nrnMatmrn. aat aaaa.Tljka. flaaaa. aaa fat aaaa. acfc aaaf aaaaasaa( ataaaa

rj inaa aaaaaa.aar;atta.Tujai. Kar,n aaatarn r. aaataa, ika.af., aaa, aaaa,SitaratTit tiaatai. lata, ujrai aat aara Arm.taaaloaaa, aaaaa traaa. rat raaaC eu arafa, ba trap;ltaa Trxja. aaasaa traa aat aaat trsx.

Doable aad glngrle Unrneaa,Ezpreaa ITarateaa.

Irk afeta at aaaka. agnn atataf aara,Xardaaa rfara, aaraat taara, aaraaatot fcaaa.Taa Aim. nt aat laMa taV-- t asaarata(Ins faa was t a raOaaa. ral baa tfracti,Tr OaaW. aaaTkaaVra. ataVa aat Utaaeaa. --Sir.leata, tiea teat. an. tart txra. arfkaa. tlutaaja,ftaJraarxai XraVra, ratOaa. tVaar aat tra. traJaan,tfacSara rt Ircekx kaa Il9 yxlt aW esar

trofa aaaaa aa taaaa a tka atrara. akaatlraa.a aai aarf alaa traefar; lat ftU In

tasaaaUaafkMtaaTircataaaraaaaL p






Will DBe Sola Lov !


Close Consignments.ax chors,

An Ilaadlti,Axlri anJ Betet,

.tarHa.jJF.r.TING, Rnbbcr and Leather,

BtHtwf, HrMlf.13qdc, 1) ft 31 tseb.

BtacttO. TltA$ ifrCBatta, Bnitna,BoHtn . (firacn) 3 eatef.

Barn Carer!. Dfft Yarn,BaVlac rawilrn,

Botttr In kl,Bratbrt aMerttd,

Bari bntlapa awl raaj.Broorat cam anJ barth,

Beati wiale aad iVare,BaitVii MsartrJ,

Babbitt ilftall, Betab Uml ,B4a4aae-.Ma-

BftttatBtftti, BraJ.Urralbatl,

Bait BrJ.BrraJ.

JAXE KMTES,Chttni.ar aad eaVte.

CatUratan aad Trath,tautafc aad wlaVa.

Caaffr Wti, Cttobi.Cuklaw and eft,

0a5wI1kr Oraabara.Cbn..OJ-p-tr- ai.,

CiStl, Batltl,OtrnSlanb,

Cartr Car Ijinfi, nwlra aat har?af ,CMtaaa-oarm- , Slap atfat,

Oafift TahU,Cjraij Ssaau,

CaiUriiarMahf,ChKatate, Cttm,

Caaal Barrawi,Catting FaHj,

dn-g- mo,

Cabaaia;,CeEtrlforil IiafnjC,

0al Steam aad GnWrlaad.Ctaat Uttta

Crmcat Raaaadala.RILLS and Denims,

Dack briar, fram ta 8,Daet catam. fram 1 ta It.

DhI-W- ih, sew iIjIm,Bweb raw, saw itila.

JltBOWS and Tt,Eir-rri-i Btwf, Bte. Etc

jpiRXITUUE, Filters,Faa MMi. FrnaJar Wire.

Fin 5aatl, Firs OiaT,Fait EaWj, Daaaatj.

J. LASS tVA U E ,Girt tint, aad 1 cark'o,

Crata Crat,Orfad Siaaai,

Saaar Bart.Grata Ban.

JJOOP IROX, Handtpitci,HatebtU far tatacaaf, aad Aaaf,

Hlrta Tawtn.-- lliVIlaaitMa

Haaa RaWar,Banaa, Mir araad aad atataaf ,

Hatt tilltori.IlimtaaV aik.

lifdrasi atari.HUM,

Ilnao Fatalae.. ntti 'fJtaateri,UtrV-iaat'- tC,

IllflHarsa.'t baffj-- ,

Haraais .aafa,lTHc Paiiaa.

JRO.V--UolI- rr and Hoop, j

JAMS Anatrnllan, 1 aad 3&,

JV Oirrlarf.

A OLI5.JjOG c'nAix,

Lead Ftfa.LEaa Srrap,



llktnl BtfatfaMale Oalari.


Matt.iy.ll L aVaarfad,

yjj .aaaa,al rat,

Jali rail.Q I L Kerosene,

Oyitcn. taVei taji trwb,oa Hwri,

Ox Yaker,tTrBa-- r,

WaaWbi,0b rtaaV.


JlLOWS.-al- ! itjlei,Paab. tkrre baa I. rwtj.

Flaw rabakf.Fa Axtj.PatMa; IWIViu Pi-tf- ar,

Patatsr; UiW raWtat,Pfea Hr.fcr.

I'?aff. Pan jre,Fljat Plasaav

Ftffw ?iaa,Priaaa Park,

11 HUJgITETS, Robber Beltinr,

P.aat.n fir karatten,Ef MaaSaaf a tlur,

Bas2. Ban Haarrf,BafJtsr Vhn.

Kafir, a.i'd, Baafa,Baa raj.

Kabtf.gTOTES, atiorted itrlet,

Sorar Battao eraibcd,Mrrt, 5iwi,


ErarBrtam,Etafa aHarteJ.

Ejraifrt. a&arrlr,&taafar.SfDK.

3att-B- arr,

Stei , trta aa4 (OaMwMaa,Sate-T-srl'f Irlaal aaH Talk. San,

EhaaVf , kr aad karnt,Eit; Sit Uibtr, 5ap tr,a,Erjtbn, ?frtT Fbia. SoHt,

Fpraee Patrt, Satdcr,Ekapaa Jfaraaj,

Eacrkaiia Wajan.JtHERaOMETEHS,

Tkraabarr. Tactr,Twfet aaiatJ.4t tat in,

Tbrtad. Tta Pfctn.nWaaj,Tafa&

Tarpajrtfaa, Tar,Ttx4 li."TE?fETIA?f nED,

Tarsbb Caaeb,Varilik Jarax.--,

Varatit DiaMr,Varotit Fanara,

Vtaarar, Vbf ."TTASniXG flACIII.fES,

VTarmi GeseaH. SaMata-tv- aad Babjr,trtaa! Jal i, Tfadraa

WHta UtA, VMtfcr,Wlrt.aVatS. tffetfar.

trih Bffardi, tfavj Eawr,WatarfllaarU,

Wtxla 2t,Wtttt Waal.

TrSsw i!tl,Tttrt Ptvifrf.

rglirc. Ac.C. BEE WEB & CO.


a7 aba. taaaa aaaaBaA BBBabaaaatM.14 IX rM.TlC. ara aaaar aaaawaaaaf- bbj aaaaa aaarajawa

SJMfKL JA0A f KiaMjMtf fcj Haaa (Paralaaa aaa aVajaattffavkja 4jf JaaMCtaaf 9 f4rr'a aa

On aat' ftOaiHaNe, arUt Wat af jnw J..alaf ., Qaaa.yrartut kt aa faeataiaf ,.nala .aMa laai fWa'a

lMM.HaIMaKaia wMi Itftl wainmaM4 teaa aalal ihnalM aOtoM)ft U WrHHT aaaVcia, Mafkl

a4lafaaal aa) Nrf flarH aHkrabiaV aW awAajaaj h

IttOAT. a mal. 'i --t i.aaaetvWk A. M at aWCaaM aaiaa Ma

aaa44 ar aW aala af laifc ..lafcaAt4 a a awaVr aeaieaa. lOa a aaJIi' jSP

t.artac, la W Baaaaaa OaiiHit i.iiil tti.aTVia

OaMt H.aataK H 1 Jaaaary aa,aaaaSlVHaV M, Mait

4OakaVaa Jaaaaaaa aVaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaaVWVaaTW aavaBBav taa aaaW aaaaaaBaaaaaaaaXTiJa a , aaaOa,d

SnrnKJtK coort or xtta: ttitmrri.rrfa natal... a aV ajaajaaa? aa. Oa.aa.rfCRAS K. MIInI aajaWaiam aaOaf

aVa BHataat ltAaV.tw iti 4etoaa.liiaiMf. JaiMa irniawa,

afaaa aaaaai Baaaaaaa aaaaa aaBBBaaaaad aaaat1 aBaaaMakafeaO aaafr aaatUH raaaaaaaaj aWaar Maar taaar mnwKC ava aaaaajiaBr aaa.

T. JCaa oavaVa af CMaaal K MCM aa mnitre itu. ar ce.v. aa. a ta itriia.

aa aan iay aaa Ta; ta, aaa

aa aaa af ajaTJOA, fIt Ifl aw"arf"a attar1 WaavMttbaMaVYa (arO (VHa aafawa.Pr, a. m

ana. a aa caaa am a aaajaaaa, aa i laitah aM O aaaaa aaaLafeaaAaaaau aaAaaaiaataaaaa aaaaHhaaaV aaafw aaaBBBBaj aaa aajpa alawaaaraBBfvaaaaaa aaaaiaBBaar'

ttahaaa,,,,! taWo-i- ld

MtWt laaaWafaaff! pattPa aaatpaMllaal' (t aVaaffMattNHal aa

llataWlallaW-pll.lal- l fc. H l I ! I I Ifoi aiato-- a.

rkai'toal aVt llaaaataalaVikaV, R. L. aaafak SaMfAa,9? 9$ a

Ml M.

lihall .aaaaaaaaataaa! waaa aaaaaaam.aBBfaJaa. a Bamaa. Pawa ato


aaat1aaaaaaaj aattT aaa 4af atah aa aaaMal aafAaaaafa,

(a raaaaaraaa aaaaraanaa ofaaa CH.(Mje KAJMISM, awOaaat aaaafta aaaaaaMaal)

atajarttat'l C U lala aaaaaa Or a aaaaal.a Ual I Maaayaaf i ata afcc;laaHcW OaJaJaVtai WtPMaaM:

INl felwlklwa aaaafc taVH.aaakaaaaaaV aaaaahaaaa aaAaBak, taaaaaaraaaaaat aaaV TaBaaaaaaaaaaW llalVaBaaaaaUaaaaavaa aaaaaaaar vaaaaara aaaraj Vaaaaaaaraa awaaaa' aaaaajpaaaar7

if in'rT2ri'C TT

m-- f,mmK y--r.

MtW Wft M Mill OtWavM fjot WftpMMat W Hll lfcatftaaj

AatJal tt It aaMfaaaaf flaVotWVak taaf&t 10 aaatal SaVa1aaaMaS fcaataaj aaaaaaaa eaaaamejaaafVa) ajpaafi apap ffeVSfllBB aaaf

Wjtli WiMa. R. I . Jaaa.ra atak. aata .tTTwaaaiiaaii.

AMaat: a, im at a nan eitaa, Z. Banaaa, , (aat. SaS)

QLTHJUtrl COORT at ttta Haw.Haa tat.aa aM.i ataaa aaaa. at 1

Oay at aaaaaa.a. a. a OTt. aaa aaaaat aBtaaaaaaa.taaaa. aaaaaaaaaaa aa. paaaaaa aaawaarafcaayasii ,

aaaaclMtaaaa'w i'ttyaa.Itti , aaana. avu WaaatofOa. aWaat aay at

Aar. A. S aa. at a a. a.. aaMaam alOV, Caattaaaaiataaalaaa.aJlail a . a a atl aafitWl tataat aaaaa-- a. taaaay a, linn aaa aaaa aa , aa..

aalt W aaa r i.tt aaaataa aOaa aat aaaaa!TitirrajaT?.arr!iTanT "I laa.aer ain iaai It aaaaa. aatoaaaaaaaaaaataa.a aaaahJtaaaaaaa aaaar ajttaawaaal la aawaaftaaaaattakJjjjj

awlaa2aaaaraaaPaaaaaaaV aaVat aV (Vjaf aValaaallMaa

fcaaaftt ttr aajppPla aaaaai aMataWarl takat PaaaaaW1 4a? WaW (aH tittTiuTnTtitii. iti.i iii aaaajBtai

A4akaa) Caaahraaara4aaaar aaftp aapawaaaJa4JaJ

PACKET U2imUnited Statea. Sew ZeakuHL aat AruaraSa

Ken SltMaMMp liae.

For San Francisco.THE STttAJIStlt

'moses mim;Will sail on cr about Fob. rOtru.

For AucWairi. H.Z I Syttey, 1 S. W.



At Sjdaej ffllJ, Slas far ftt)nKTHE aTKAJtalllP

WHI Sail Tebruary lOtrt.Or laarxaVaVra; anna i. a n.f I

y taa KaaZa.

Tixtao - Trttol etaaaaf lip ijaiiaaataa tfaaaaraaaaaaaaaa,

arWBrtia ttV aaaaaamaaaarV aatTaaf aWAaaWal aaka ftaaV aaMHftaaBaa Jr. Baaaat aat ( tar para a aa-aaaa- aaiijSfrw.ta,a. . aaaa g. taa awaaiS

aatawat BaV pWaB att SaaaawVaatBal aaaawar- ! aaftritHaattaHaV

Far fi ikjll ar aa aat a aaaaBar atoaaaaaa,aaatata

S. ItCUaU a aX,ti If akaaato- -

For San F ran Cils'cto.

a&j2L. DEP. frLaacLJa. b. rnutT.


For Kohala, Hawalfl,

fi Schr. Active,PBTBR J. 3IBLLMH,

WHaaai aFar fraarat rdaa4 4IXaW, tapa

Regular Packet fer MEatSia Schr. Pauahr,it. nBT.ioi,B, ....

ftai aM aP9aaaaM paaaaatoa aaMrakIHl

Far awlffct ar a raaaa aaattr

I a n

Tobaco and Cfgar Store!Xo. XI Part .Street.

05 ir.taH a ibMCiofSTAjrrtr aaa Burnt 1STataral Laaf aaat rta. Oatl

Chewfog air. Mg Tsfei,laaaraVaaaaVf VaTwaataaaal MaVafll 34waaaawftat 4lapftla

7aWavll aMSMaraHl MVal JPVVwMaTk aaaaaJpWaVi4t CJftpfCaakt af Xa7 taar. (la aaaaVi


ia. Am

A ISO,Eilanea Smoking Tia--t- i

e wS kavws far at faeNg

FtoaWakr M.l


TIIE TAX COt.a.BtTrORwiu. we

Open for a few Days LjclFrom Wednesday, the I Oth k9t.

ABO. H. svten.Xlt CaBrttar.

Utatttta. Jiastr M., 111 K

Page 3: fecftr Stbt HAWAIIAN UijJlil Mtj - University of Hawaii · 0ca. m Forr 5est sSosi antes am a. rsaeirrf 7X--TOSS. 9a yTn."'f C apsaaiia eta Sutar'a3aaia. ggairapgaaaataca amiaia ii


fvUH cl thc'Upc- - Ic- - tic Sfestk of Jas 1S73.

ramus sr ears, km sarrs.


MS"Sack. Xe Mealira, - - -

tnifitN s .

MShBm .... Ma.....:jee5tt rS.$aeM . ... eaie. tat ..lack. Mo Ktwa ?J oe?s .Jsa. in Mm M Sw$ .. .

an. -- a KtM . ..SseSaH .. . .

n s. 5 Sett . .

Tsiuliu)tRr(MMnnnnVrlrii. ... - ... - - ik, letrr

no Teseer aert tor K aod the week MetecHill stake a trip to KmL

Tk KomMi lee Mtnsrfsrtory hat beea coa-pet-

teoespeafl efanaAtett h ceeeeeaepct ef tbetsrpBty ot tuiuaoola, which area expected by the lattllwn, m( hartec lertved.

At tow SaBC Barww mB. t tbe Mre

'"jLf 'Hsu. Hrn: Sitr. A 44nWc jfcet af rrl

boos, at the AaeWaaicBDi at HT. AAmbs. Aba,mheiiii tin aa yhree, the jaflltWit ttf elat at Keeaeak.

Maw AwFBRnEKE9i. Wc aahl lartte rpeehtlattcatlaa tathaiull.aw1i la ta-cr- 'i bsae, atMam. C. Swwcr Jfc Mr. Jaha TW "STrter-hnai- r,

whaaraahlc ta I v adarticle aa the na$f MMItaNftarT tenB

Tw mst tbcl ha Sa TraaeWea proa--

b(T he the liiuc SealhMa. Traai prtnteartr? tuniia hr the lHar, e t ner -

tfattaa r h facui- far her parctax far themiihi., 1 ill, mlthil ihi li lnlrTf iflf Hflo

Tbe XtooTA. T tec alf Mt TtsteraiT farOaatral Aaiilm tht raTitfiirLaai- - Shehxhut mini JuaatehlafctlBUjijrharlMf.ctiga,

akA tth her gaiety" ff--e &aa Loadu nCherSaetalKBC qaaUtks pirr j'easbeef xaett

Aaaxx?t Sasx. Theaacalac uSt afhertesuCcanie. hr araer of the Acaee of the Ute of

T XI W L. . - . t,,in .v

dock, aAhTTuia7wtuJL tu.vu--

itx.wf.ym fren w. tae imr;ac3i

Bt aaoaaetiaat la mhu tahxaw It wfl be teesthat Mr Herhcrt, the jaoattetor, iateaos opealacthe BavaHaa Hotel, far the rerentiac of feoaie nsate thewelvK far aoaHa-ahoa- t

the Mtfe ef next aiaaak. We tre lafnati I Hoc. It veafci tape; that, saceastcfoeaof these neetiags UI who to ftBed to

to ke It x far to pot op it Ae qadaV htrc ealj tbetarjrrs to kUeK.MmL"

BcaauET. Oa Soaaay aacat a. the haase efAir. rleraert. aeor iatai sireec, o eawerra rhiiLhui aad two haooiit aalhii. ta eaia ttaata.The tola a takea frooa a anaer h: " asmbo a oaaotJly of Twhaahot uh.i. aaae ot whictwa takea hy the raahers. A Baas, farsork; a tar-- ! atnet of Hr. Herbert's was artweet oa sa.foUeaef


bene CMaatelicl wh the ttebaery. Aaether puty, 'aaoht litaoer. b afea aaoer tafoaeioaL ,

QNT-iatk- ro FTr-ia- v The Cttaese oaar-- .

tote aa the Balaav neatattoa taok See aox air Ks;Tree, atawiwc the taa hoax, whale the fleeter factof the haoot were at alaarr. The Saaaes were

Jest at they were tiaaoaii itlac tth the '

ttath hoate. which wat adj bet Ihreaft theTaaantf cxertkxt of frrreral loaazuei-- ' eaap-gr-J aa the ,

fdaatettaa, the toe was estiaeoMntl wjthoat tarTerr oerioot saMge neekiap Tbe ChtoL.r oahor-e- e

are prehob the aooet aaerteti by the teeters,it the gmlif part of their pen-oo- eJexat were

The trets iayriiii. to ha ye atartaaledt aaefeer. '

Ncar Tos CvOaf. 3eset- - J9apley tai, vitk as essoleat caeca traaae. aj:ind

lraamIiaatii bt Tarnvdar b Ui 1 P. Fes-le-r.

The eaoafaay b aaoVer the atuaxraaeat af .Vr.

Jaha WBtaa. who hat xfcetei HoaoMc oc twofatal wr occa ijoos wrath e. ekeat eoeapaay. Sennief the perioral rrs are beoeohfy kaax. hrooa their ' It

i wfet other Uaoa.J that Mac apfearecThe drrws iThoholi ec the Sfeaaoatto, aae ooe

i iiehai. tar the ant tmt heaorr is aac aatttatt, aj. of wheat were diAUhlta y.k

tbe aar put anaace. The

Aaemasa or Tax Flax IbapaniEsxr. y

am. Feb. Si. heaac tbe aarersary ef tbeleoecar iriaoot taeHontaai Fire Flo wg

aaekhe eehraaralea. hi tbe w.laniy nair by oar FSre- -waea, "Wt aoiu itaat that the Toriami eaaaapaaoes,

wftk the--- ampaF itat, wfE ascot bt tbe teat re aaarthe taciltawer la the etrtr pr: of the oar. aet! areastheaee pause threock tbe paoatiaal slreeas. alaerwhaeh they arg eajoy thajoa tKts. wjtt i ami i at -

t their itaytxt In '.twii Tbe thatSacbje Co, "a, 1 will .riKuua past,

Tceeor; bal ha tbe i naioc at Itaawaa'l Ha&.

Ok SataBsay atoaraaoa. a batve aad hej wbic-b- ad

bees ahjetejea bi frost of x. ivsafesjce aa rtBhaiStreet bSe the oower aaaoe aeag, wet iaalraay Hpi

Taa'Od. tad aa trace ef it was tSsewrerett far ter-er-

bean. A sattror who bat tiiea It tmt. adraatn Cbaeaeaa awi Xaaiwc Eoad. erorejunaaf

- offar i tup i thai to ff.osasc tbe ewaer. wbea tbe xad-a- a,

thatof lat owe armed, taraed iane tbe jaisiiwbare it aeaoacea. It b saiiaail that tbe Cseat-aa- s

- thfatook tbe teaat boat wberr k bad N lefttlaadlec. a K s teceraly oasteaee!. caaof sot past


' "J "TT .fjilinL i

occarred at Sreai, kw Thardar. tie rietiakeiar a aatite hey. fc fart taatt-yo- f

ra: pevatoa, ia the shape at teaeX cakes, hid tjcectvcatterethxoowAaojeed thecalN car aeroyiac the Tenaar wbach Wetted thacloeafcy. The boy packed ap sever: i hi .ThliTit wa food that sow oae d throws tnar. taf , aate port, gteieg the rest to a aotfrrc aaas wrkaet kaaaet. The Maar weeaand area, fee ett of K. rtee.be the bey Mtfe taste acht.

g.Foe S Fascj&oa. She tAeoeerA. P. ocfe Ta

ta c oa oaeaea.i amaaamaoa -- a a saiw oaworataee at trv, truly tae

a boh. of waerh at dliutte yredaee, aWhOErk re- -pcrtad la the eoaa eae teal coteaat of "ooe of oar

local Jaet aili" of attt areri at - AsMac "part or the Aastm ta freest leak erer byJteoet Tayaor." Ike BtaaStt bari S. T VTeei MeaHM-tbiMK- BKta 31 nslay ttoaoac wtth ajea nataa at pLttear aad Mat ea a aaksed aisheet feVASa; af wrMek tlOttit. It dstaetSe, ,

the raBBhaAer bcaar x ttlasrr of the Attnlii- - j

"" waoca arrrree: ajr tae -- eeaB- j

FarCTroatTi asoi. Oh a aretf m ar.3dr. Fra oratoat tatiuslid ta has isJIeatu a seed

t CTsrti Dgkeas. tttiiam. kst afce eri ih c i

Is eoraraca he rare the kt of Xeeetse, a f

Seoaearoi a Saaeoaei e& te x ,

aeaosori3Lea. Ike 4rt an reaierei wife j ,z,e-9r.aaataawt- wMi

aaroaaoa. TWdrtE&biaad !aaetyltttaoyooae trfthe jeahtet ehaers tfat erg j

abweto fce-- Casarck asd Ska-- Sis sjrrtT isd 1

eesac4Brkatt2taLaB has aeMe bearasr aa .

factksee at tke tkse of has eretLsaet, art fratk- -! Sfekadhy aad tiatkMh sttrace Ike teese fia - WCE

taaat Jaet aShrieel aa aeractaaty Sec Xr. tkre

tavMrim be was faCTEct-sfcc- ihr i 43e4acWQo V ttrertrfXeraWwjs ' Sesl

a pese 4e a C. tke vktse Kee iras jrrs'csleiiarfck I

rjreat ixz.atte raarer. Tke hasssrycf isyllri--' kr4ec ieTtoy rr wt taT.acr-fe- a; j

tssf.'sK tse uasats ot Tae ' 2 --I

afesasar edace cseaeet of ... - pS1

Sc tke Masse ee tSpcn. kcic- -. asd riert .chrricaayeseti se 'R"clcrtfci;3Cr. Ps--- --, t'sset reafes: a he ess TSssaity erajfc wr,wh ka KiecXKCt wm it w taasa ar

ias 3ey xoi Ssffi . t SssissrT cc Sre ?a seiioaXey Ee se oa iscrtt tleccteT,t.'t artWf w.wiVS-- a. mff. artfaa

Xatjlu The Trerjcfc frlirate Li Flore H erprctrdIrom Papeete, TaW!L 1b a moats cr tlx weeks. She I

U toe tc-tbl- of Admiral de LaprHa, COBuaasder- - I

tacMrfonbeXTsirmHIOECtftbePaclSc. AdmV- - ,

ral de Tisltoi nemetata ataet twenty one.year co ostler; been Centra twjrr of tbe Se- -

lieate MciiTtM arrived, Iec. ISh, ISM, bsrinr; I

ee rxxrd tbe late M. PrtTin. La Flewx h a wchni i

pvettt, tearrthereiare

ThathawMijia.Batcaaaialt3jfolatafTlew.ahut i uMtalt


I 1








frlsste of thcltrrrsl class, enr earrylss; only alxtreapHahber trierr 1 rstcl-slir- y rirra. Shedrtsrs 51 H' ft ofsrater tei tetrefertftwr tt toeater ear hajtw with safety.

A TCesr. or Axr. We tare s n a aMtter: por-In- k

of Ctrteieilai, rotated r foreciala hrMr. LtTreafthfe ety. ItbiirtDmi'"Pf lwa foMhfBl tll,fr K

- Te atrasesy b par--

Ucalrf eaiil Mtec itc vkW nirjr is

ttm U Mr. Ckffe. The aUhtBre b to e ic5tttiz Otv't Drcp Stare

r. S. S. Nitti8o;rrr. TWij bt ttlprvir

i mule the rrttl of Ibc nafl tietsrrj eaateKTMtaaMBaacr irMefe fke MiM, tac iS

t bMfe la the wtSTOi, tts wit si Mat& ri!Hh-- Iattor. sg eaapMlac Thiet, bc fllvtsk AanHi. At fir t a be uwrttisedit pmeat, there b sa cerudatr irhee vlAw&e uother ndt ta hat heM hemtara to Tnaebea from AatnHi h if pJWche Bnj esB here. The tUk af the 2CmrBett

heea a Terr 4ei$u( oec ta thoe ef ar rwj-ea-

who eajayet the maitattaceaf herajmhfa' et af aaterrs, le attiaail twf htoe teit' atare tnf reeahctiaes T their titttt ttic thb. vneL

VTx CBeerstud Jki'. dfesitbfcetiae b expressed )cj MW aarters fs the lreetXeaethe lapectan

of Qectioa do sat hrtea to hoW aar HMiae far theailHLLMa of eleetors Vefere the eoadac Deetiac,

I husaaeh u at who xre cstMed ta be sMaed! feefrftn!tc!reat theeudrsteitaereittetHts abe4 y fceM. A refrreaee ta the litatejwiahavtla:ikeB5ecto kre bo paver uaih.

f The attcted jcarkioM fw teujaas of iKpecton afElectieeta qcrfHy r:rs : Vr tr Art na:Itceaer, ISSt, hieh prorioni for Kutea ee theajcalac afdeetioa, hat that Aet 5 wtnay repeil--frjtrr.c!!t,Tirkv Vrncaii4ritk,oae iociHTiar beechtU o Maaetr. the 23a tost, tai the ether eeThartdrr, the tStk. At the litter lest Vkis

I ec ttito tarn tram the fefeeet tfii Gaaao Coeapoay dariax the pas; jeavr

teec lar crater thwc b rraerxHr aa : Hi hythose who tee atei ilooaUr a ael toaeatwc heraoeL nil to be rhartrrw: to taie a carco -- 5o Corkfaroreer yertc hetair x Set of refe toaaei

How haai't atartK: the aK Tear:Gutaaa harftTHhilr Stoa&SasaaGeifce-- . KS "EiinVrtc 33Seac Xeade 1M "TubhOK "Of 4oc 153 -Fraoeea K2SMtUac la aat fraee that bbi leaf. Mack

aore. raeatai LfHeaj, ha two shahyyed fcaat Stlrr'saad Jarrb Ioi, BaUatt the tootd soipaaeats faBy3,(VI teas. It b worthy of reoaari: that the seretoil laoaW at Hohoor Waai ortac JSn, aolyoccaooei t weraterobyt altogether.

TSI BaSX Ooxet. CpC Fatter, arrlrod ecear aaes. Aer a tesraar at" tweaay-tl-

aayt, baeaaj; aees aOe-e- eayt oa tbe ,

oaes1 Irbv She wet btala is Saa FioarJ.ro tea '

soys one the aieel taste oarbgte tooere weather. ;

wMek rmtrr bmeferoi wfck .fittrswr aatf rtettaaj treecac The whether exaaibi nx by the'Coin ac the rearx trie yrcabahry the aoo?4 rnrr

:thaaar of the ei;es hare sset wlthhiaaa yvexr?.b tsseotea by mosy that tbe at: trip b the

loscrst eae tw aoaae by tbe Coaaet. She tsaoV ta Jew yeart tlatt abac o..-l- kt twesty-tCTe- c ;

days bet tbe weather ea that trip wat the TerropooilM luht aatt coaas tbe estbt Cfc-- oce. j

2aeaa Eaaeai left bete Bee. SSth. three aay !

before tbe Ooatet left Sao Frtoefeeo, tad the D C t

amf Jtav Sc. xai tbeebC tbor ateet wiu the :

taete weather, waie it osite arohoMe. they ale seed! aattapet erer. at the wfsdW bare hees ha i

taearbooc The Coaaet wBl seee far Sic Frtaefcothoat Meaear aext.

Tsi Arxosjstmr. "We she aw theperwrere forseooral yt past, at rcceodiet bf Copt.9--1 SMl Tee ittotele rkal ehserratiaet of

reatiecnaa, ahach carer a loos: series of yearttae! here hees mutt itk t taj sanity tad to

carter thaK eesht oary hare bees nacsei tkroerk aspxmi ffaaryaerrbe work, by the ohutraer.arg r3Q

Trjaable, xaC are, a are hatppec to kaew. hirhiT

tifciod. aad hare hees eirraty Joacht tar orla thee daytv wOjob tack '

e4cerTatMa are beaac pat to a pracrJcaa ze far theyretlkttoa ef ttera g asd tbe JstMatiios of the ha ;

the ataaei'phtrc. eeea the palkir adad eas teethe record of Pert i aar nitwo, ahaat, aatt rtaa ,

cyUHirtti ks tfcire to the r tea! fcaowteafce of '

tetrieate tleace. The lir irire of She :

week: ka aees Terr cool Jar oar lilted',theect k rft! haratr cose ap to the ear- -'

of a -- cood sane" aa the xiew oC Ilotr f

1rfcs ta iBr 1f F tkefafehu hare beer, ta the restore!, here eejeerr of .

awrletrrtoet. Ithai bees ac azrreahle chaagc. aael !

eoshi we hare store ef K thrwrhoel the rear, Kt I

aorht tera that ewstite--

haio cf wck are arc sec by oard Tfcators wko erop it epos u Iro j

aot. The coed iitaer raaae oax a weei tra hut :

Vtodiy, wtk a sgth--E-K ra aad raia. At tss-- i

3t Jtwrzaceter varied, oc that aar. the Sit. ,

: ec e3M.5; SSk, ; fSk.- - : aak, j

c - SUh.ea'- -- iSfik.4--. T a f t--r the 2ia, 3- -.

amesrr ir the VaSey, ii the redeeaee ef Xr.aJtary. OS the SCXOaaC cat the 3. WSJ rtpOOefi f

tf3o. fit: kefieee that fe abcoat Ike leaetitesaatratare that it reae jeet oartseiTeiof theyjpiKaoKvvKsa-rfee.- ts wa.

eK correi. dtec who wrttet to xt tract XewTort, seder daae of luteal sber, ill' 'iili the

of trtawial eoid Btrett ay yiar, --Xy aocersaetaJrr aeeah vfct cottt. It ilo ti MoT

Xarck, 155g.ataotat.il. theth nom'tar aS'T liiiia alli kn r TfcsTTtT "

Tsi TTsaUoos a Dxeasrax 1SD rat Oar.

The fain if ireec ttW Yoti earrei- -

pwieat af tie Tier Tiin'i. ic regctl h tee s- iTfiai Tinw VV ar wW , Ba

erwia - r, w h aattaar te oar --TMirrs. We

rft, efro tfeTCalfets"areoK ta--

- .f fca

k fe .

Tb? creiter rr: rf tie less by Ae wr-- i ofArcOC wMsar &t ac Xea-- BnMtri.

ti Hie Ct w

tise bfcw w t tec sol hke tz tjea

ere:? ias -- T Bedfci w

tii-br-. io enci ef ti tweaty tiors fe- -.

J3-- arxs tnscti. aro i 2179.2 aceiijCfcar btcsis. Ii waS be two tari beSore

iaotir Sti: ciz be rated ea-ss- c &oe skolT-- a ta4ai!4 ?! ?Jt I

Tbe sit cs r rtsd Essaf is a '

mslfcrta ta esr kt&z twan-U.-- at

5rw 5lt Is $15 Tr WiC xS lOitbf w cre ScptT ie tlsrr par- -'

j, n.aiaiitkieiTs trait cesszss ttc bsr! c co-'- j



TV iire HtUe rotiMe er the taI AaeUes SWjxsi trreUr leeal tri to rrfart Jcrin lit rt.t V.

"We rejyirt u ivic rrirei, frrirrs tekr C MtTard. c tbe th fnna lit Caie IfttsJ; ; Irir T,

P Fatter, o tbt n dir froa MttiHia ; VttkOniet tie frni Sn Tnaettea. tTe aete thedeputcre ef Teneti tt tKrira prt at Mhi :

?tk Stier Mt Tirlar fr $ Fneefee.mt Stir A F Je-rat- fr S Fnaeite tt4

Vark Candrs (rTaret 5ea4.rJtWIUrt R XT AVaei far S, Frxoebea. -

5th Sib Xi.ti far ChU Kica.Tbe bark Ooet it halhi far Sb TraBeitc aaiIB tal tke exHv fart af xt week. Sekr. Serer-eig- a

u exreetrJ to, Ml lJT far Kavataw wttretbe S Iwd villi eatsle fr Fareete. BarkteatiaFree Trait rttsret U Ft Twieei in fcaHau acdit trfevlej U ulki day or twa. Erif KtbettOewaa St tfaoia; ftrTieOrU aci it exrecteJ ta taBtut Snr4tT ar Xleriar. Sehr. C, X. tTarl SB

relsra to tie Gum Itlaoit darisc crff week.The detUaatHa f the Vrir Saaa it at pit 'eat ttaeer-ta!- s.

althecra A H rcaerei that the tsar be KM e&

far Tiifti the Xavtrakar't. Brig L. P. Fatter wBI

reaaia in ptrt teeeral veekt aad thee eitherto Saa !ero ar Saa Fraaeite. Brif Alarniag Starau searrJ ttbettrrasaa4v9reBam iafatt srt3the earhr jrt af AprO. Bark Atalaata hat eefB'edrrpairt aa4itav recerriagaaev (ereaatt; the

9t be rrxir fa-- mi etrirr the latter part af aeiteek. Ship IVreatVire tat otttfcarrej abeat twa-thir- it

af her earr aa it aet lea) icr t freer tiseethe luifc Krhtraei. ShifiMtara raHeJ TesIeritTaftrraeoa la ballat: far Catu Kka to hud far

Bark 3arttaa: (hieh ta32 from Xocattfe,ar the taae date that the biter taSeJ frem Lea-d- s

it sev ltt 4xrt eat. Bark Easai it 1SS dirteat frs Sreaira, aa4 hark Nabriaa frwa the tasepartbtll$dart. Ship Sjrea b IS dart aet freeBattea, aad bark Aaretb tl aiajt frs ewrattie, X.S.tr.

Tie Wkc ktrrettiairttatbtiet are frea Metsrs.tnKat, BUschars i C'i Sarar Ctrrclix ef thbcate :

" Sis Ftajttsaa, PoreaAer 3. 1S71. TTe ia-r-

Tcr careM attettieo la the UMet riree be-le-

thevis the emparatke icsfartatieEtiBiaf Scrart is thb taarket far the jeart

lr asJis.Sarar Ceatagptit ,. I1,aaataf 45.oea.eeo


XeTerkFrfaei t7t. ir.tsXaaib .7i:,t; ?.f57.S5IHawaiax. -- H.ira.-en 14.etf.lltFerarias. lhjta.twrCheaa t,mjsiTahiti

Btaria 4.l4.ae s.rnsfCraaral Aaaerba Z.K 0iCiWaiTiiBeet fT.e

Stock ofEaws oahasd Jar. 1. 19.set.aat t.se.mMOl.r( iJaj.toi. Taa.oot s.fef rto

--45I.;4 X.e.MiGoEraa oc

"TxeopeafcarprMeof Eawaaac eheice 5 2ran watlwlc-.wha- wat aieaaed ia Fehraary. Oa the .

4eh af arek. as lorbec hV af HawaSaa firoeoryrraies broke the aarket ta loa aad asother aaetiec ;

tale ia April, (whaeh was the last far the year.) ex- - ,

cried a still farther eeeressiar iaceeee cpoa the '

taarket. as May the price adraaeed ta Me., wMek

was - i till 1, at Jaae. adraacias to lie. ia Jaly,and coasier. at 11;- - at tbe eed af the year.

"Te eetaataot ic hark rradet of HawaSta Sc- - .

ran hare act heea eaaeed hy ay aOji- -r hr the pri-- '

ret of the YeSew Safari t the Reeetries : the praeet I

of thete prodattt were Tiajfir'L aad aoeaaared froat '

nt af Jaaaary to the lrs week ia Aaratt of this '

jtear. Tata I far reagalar t.'ialfaa C, aad ltc. far i'Extra, ic aarrrb of aVoat Iht. : far halfVarreb,

e. per Ih. asare. Xa Aavrast the price wat adraaeed .

e. per lb. i

Werr the istereitt af the Bawabas plaaeert coreeoseestnted. m ritb - ia tales told t aroHed.aad a axMat aad miifaiootj reedt waaK be

Tie thor: erap of Seet Sarar bt Barape, hastlhLolaotd the prirei of Case Sarars at tie rarsee! -

toarett of ! apply ; aad. watk the atioa ia shot aaarket, we larkifile tal prices ir S- -

ran is ISri." i


KX10 KTS. --

Par Saa Fraocassa. per Mokj laptir. 3x1 1

ymintah i 3B nifiwt.et 'Uaa il Uataa axx t facar. tecsOaeV.krs t I ;

Talas Iteesac.Ia !

tors 9s M.cs 'MkM!wer.Mb ( aaaevOOht :

1P X : leji tewstg. pantas ttaa

Per faa Iraaoisea, per A t JOrdaa, JaaSSmW Pwday.hari w;

f St, pet S I t. f

!S Baow. tHM.ory.po IS Bare.. ii i

Umt Jaato,. M I eaar;Mjwowl.a, stwwb IS C iaia bt I

art -- iaa . air. BTale 3wu ; rni-..- . $aea.

rTT.' ".'" . j

SSlIP tlga.. 1K'38Sj!Taker najwOtV; Toeaira. SXHsKt

Tec iii rruKt-e- a, wis Vcuaaauvica II htniia. pa W j

ooit iwaa. to acwr. aaa m

fe iHKrVlvs 31 7aarr.ltrs o)ret Idrw.hMs 3(

bWarti. btjt $4 'S'waa.baael Hiaacx.ts3

Taloa daw HaVU;jl.

I?IPOktX.i.Tt i Itaaaabx, per L ? TWeer. Ja SI IT Borers

a iiuat. toaatl ofOkces Onaiiay.

Tnc aVaaao Ittaaaa. par C It 'Card. Jta St TaEaaerPwi 2arre. I baa fta3 TrSttai IrCA. saa Ok a has Tie seaao Jao Btaa.

Ir lraia!oa,pccOaeaet. Jaa SI

i ; j

it lsa-- ,1 aaaa.bvrs

aew.hacl i iMa.pc tllSaW.talet K

JVwi aa 3ti aa nj.cM CskdraatM oiaoa.ea

IS e.ak teagatr.fc

1KUK) .tia la.rotMMi. bars


ARRIVED.x3S laaarCXfart, tiemx.V$:mtm Bswr-l- i'a

Mead. Sjx brir L P rtr. Jea. Serr, 2 ainaai. Jfaaaoa. chn Warww aa xtmtxk asd

aaV Stearas Ktmta.I.Or. SfaM fertt Saa Ira-rte-

tera Xtaa.aafJeo ana Kaa aa.

w TazxeetnB

SAILED.as( AxrttsrX rjar. leasee . atrSasPraseitat,

AeaastXirr B far Sawaa. Hakotiti. Xat- -aJi aat Seaao HtrT tar X i. aat as

cai. jS cehnaUxuteavas. tramek fee KeitTi'. asd :

. 3tw. far Xawteaaar.Z4i. As sir A r 7 tt l. aver j. far u raa.case, aoa as oa aaiTTrnin. a laanniii. Sf raet asaa--Vica TfeaerSa.

3 BrrbkE 7Tr. Vtra. tVr s Praxcifcav aci-- aw ar. a firtfaarTrrjAt,aarfBtfarSa. Xwrtnlj astaap

lire Taakee If Xaaa, aad trie tk Seorra, Joaea,r Grata ca.

i ks r:tGr.R.For Traaearclrsa per tear Sawa. Jax2t TICM,.JSaa.istwwa wtwdt.Cuc aa Xata. 3 t. Xra 6 aTBfcr. Xr JtaSukiai aad wife eaCd. aa

:ierraata.BJaaar. 7 AJrxaa rr. Xrt Soder tad rkoM, ,

TrazaiXiasXZeCFSwh. Cull Iiaa. XrAXaar.- ra ..t . jf t ,n 'aaaaa .Tif r wr C 3Er twWa. at K Caa-- ?

1. jEacneis. X f Sratao. Br, aad Xia ISckiaeEC. fearyXariaiii.X'rca Xwa Etsa IcTiaxiar. Enej i

HjeSs. Xrt t ..aiT 2 Er-j- -r 1 H Tw , a.. I

taisaoac. .

le aliprCXt-cCJaS-MixZw-.,

WriiiTtr, CJ Xass, Jao Ttactae. LTaUara. tad 14S i -

-w. BZ..2Waf Cr Ja-- aryta. I. se 5rar wLee,ataacar Xaaeer aayCaqaa. Tra smrrar. Xr Jxxta,X ara. SSa2 caar. Oasea Pwcalc, Chaw p,xa j

Fteai $aa FrudsM fee Ctatt, Jaa if Vr (raaUt niaw.

re ya rrrt.NK pe K tr Jam St1 IVattr,XiMltltm, K I.Tm;le, CLat Ktntaa. JXniUul

Fee IVn tH TVt-x-i. rr Caa, Jtrt sjii rtrreUra, vtteasaithtMna.

ScaeoTXxti. M. Waw. Leftthlt port Dee. 16th:had Hrht wiadt frcta S.K. ta W. to lat. 16 X.. Uvg.1JS M W.. tfcesce TariaVh to lat. If, bar. lif . aritvek the trajrt : arritri at Fhaaix Wani at aoeaen the tlh : left aext day at S r. v. with a taeorinrVaoy 5a tow, far KadtrbKrj'j, arririagat t r.Frem theaee preJeJ to Baker't Itlaaj, Jan. Zi.Qae ef the erew, aaaed Ma&ael tntaait,a aatire efthe Westtra I'lio is. died ef eoennpttea the cextday, aad wat Varied at tea. Arrired at Baktr't 111- -

, Vod the aflerooea ef the Jlh. aad left th atxt day at6 r. x. f'r Howlaad't, arriTinr there at 10 r. x. eatie Inh. Had i pastecrert heaee,aae efwhen watlaaded at Kedtrhcry't , three at lUwbai't , aad theethert at Baler't Itl.sd. Bad fire fareiraen aad M

lUwagaat c rrtnra trip frea the nmti itlaadi.Left lliwlaa't at 4.j r x. ea the Slh far Hraolala;had Kfht teatherly aad westerly wiadt Srtt part fthe pattare, thea tirht frem X.E. matQ the aitht efthe Nth ; teek a ttreag westerly pale, which eeatio-ae- d

ta ieereate, haaliar to X.W until the ?d, withheary icll aod rata Jtilli. Ceomeaced to coder-at- e

ea the -- W, after which had Itrht baStag wiadt topert, arririar the sioraiar ef the lith iatt.

flit L. P. Fostis. Left Saa Diego Xor. ISth,

aad pjweeeded to Maiatiao, arritiar there Dee. 4th.,

aaea xreca teace tae .a ua cxpenescva pieataat t

wealher. wiad fra X. to X.VT. aatit Jaa. Slh. ia

lat. ItJ X.,bcr. 1S.1 teekthoX.E. j

trades Itcht aad rariable, which eatiaaed Bali! the

rth after tlrhtiar Jlaai, thco took a ftrcre rIefrea the wettward, acceaipaaied with a Terr htrhtea aad heary rata sqaaMs, which lasted aatit the

ceretac af the Sh. the rale briar, the nest teterttat-- . ?9 I an the nirht ef the ?5d.From theaee Rrht eerthcrly wiadt to pert, tmragat aaott e the Kth. j

I5.ec Pwrr Left tiit pert Xar. !5th : tthreedays had Urat wiadt froat E.E-;aex- t Ire daytVaSsrr tro ?.t-- to 5.W., and a rsefetibc of ralesaad eabst, with heary eeafaed tweB froo S.E. toX.W. aad thick weather latter part jf the passare ;

the last three diet wat becalmed wiihia 50 9et ofpert, aad arrived Deeeher loth. Experienced eerytteray weather dariep the whole tiae the restel laHic Saa Fraaeitce, which prereated her eeetiar whht&e ctaal dbpabh. Oa the afteraooa of the iilheroceeded dews the bay ia tow ef tteaa-ta- r. thewt&d aafarorable a&d toaally: befare rraestor;thebar the hawter parted, ard the weather kiricr attor y aapearxace. retaraed to port. Started araiathe afteraoac of the Sltt. aad eeeeeatered a hearyhead tweil oa the bar, eceasioaally Ireikis r ekaaerer the Teste! : wat eoapelred to cast of fro thetar, ewiar, to the tow-Vn- hariar started, aad theaaude tail ; had a reecesstoB of irrtre rakt fromSJS-- to S.W. the rst 1 dayt, with VeaTy raiataaaab. thea Krht wiadt fro X.E. to E.S-- fosrayt. Taok asother terere rale Jaa.Sltt free S.S.E.

to W.S.tT with heary raia. which lasted cats' the!4tk; had the heariest part of the rale whee H

reaehed S.W.. codrratia; at k hieVed kU IV.; hidtae wiad X. IT. ta where it reaa-- ed aatilsiraetec; Xaxi the aiteraeoa of the -- Hh, aad theaeeto part hM fro i X.W arririsr the fotbjaUr dayat boos of Dixsaed Head.

rTiauat Buosrsa. Frera Xestrt. C A. Wil-

lie tl A Go., areett of the Aserieaa Saaso Co., we

bare that the whabar. hark Laroea, hoaee Xor. ISth,tooehed at liedrrVcry'i Istaad eteas. Dee. Stfc. She

exitettd a heary weseerty rab 14 datt aat frotaHoeedalc, aad tarsar her fares ait. Bark Prerress,heeee Xor. 1 Jth. reached there Dee. ISth. hariar ta-

kes three tpers whales is tirht of the bbsd, whichside 100 barreb. use oa tae ooatt watea za,xcc 't a fewrth whale, rot badly St re aad hadtoeetadd. The Irarrrst tailed oa the i ta eradte tothe wettward, aad frea theaee woaM proceed to theEiac Mill (Sraap tor reeraots. !

VEtsrii. Btitithbark Kaie Corert arriredat QaeeestewB IVc. lSth.fros BaktVt-IslaB- Am.ilai l harkt Alary E. Packer. Haiti-way- , aed A rate. .

Brow i, arrired at the tae port froat Jarrfe Ijeird'

the farser Bee. list ia 11 days, asd tie latter Jaa.lit is III dayt, eec day lets thaa her prerieat pats-s- rt

frea the itae isiasd. Xarweriaa hark Alias.Larsea. Ie& Ltrerpool Xor. 1S for thit port, enroate for the ticaaa Itlasdt.

Foaaacs Xaarja BttatTtat. British hark TaaDfeaas. at Saa Fraseiteo fro Lrrin-ool- . reported

."terete haimaaet of Cape Here. Her deekt weretheiit oaeaaletely aaaer waeer Jar Bftees dayt, ia al- -

lataea to whack the wat throws os her beam eads,had hafwark! store ia, tteeriaf apparatat carriedIway. aad lost a aa her af taSt, whark eestrec'edher ta pat hack ta the FaKlaad IsVaads far repairs.Shop BepeeBe. from Xewporu Bar., for Saa Fraa- -

eitea, pat lata the FaiUasdt ia September, hariartun iwim) t B.i ii t . i it.. .. tbark Cea, froa Xew Tori ssrSaa Fraaeitca. pat ista i

the Falkkaat the Fee d that ia Seeteaher, airiorbees auaared ef Cape Hera Vyeafiaios. Brit, thapC&aard, from Xcweatde, Esc-- , Sor Saa. Fraeeaseo, itreeerM a wtat aott r cape uers. care AartoSaxes, of Stc Fraaeitea. CapC Jaset Fatter, leaadta that vert from Ssedertasd, Ear., wat streek he atea afCofe Hora is Seetesher. whack hroke raoHer,

toote is He aad washed part af tie crew arerhoaH.Pat hack for Hoateraiea the seeaad" thae, aad was

reforte a total hot ox Oape Sasta Maria is Xerets--her. Brici?e. ship Sworratk, lor--4 iota (Jhtmbiiv- .c. j ; a i- - r .'" " "tor, parted the hawser asd west steere, l h reported Rely to prere a tatat ht?l.

Batx Sax. Seers of FalrhiTes, Cap. Titer, tortke Xertk Paee. wat reverted at Cape oe TersetIVjC. 23d, att It ef ifera ibeeleariaraeefc Jaselast.

Xotlcc ta jZartnert.Tke foBowisr cotace to taarisert Tetpecsarr the

of a sew firht os the coast of fl.

hat keea is fael hy order ef the Srttasaa Got errBts.it The Xiaaster of Xare makes is pwaaaclTi--T that e; tie --trie ef :i"c Teh af Septee ter.1:TI. the ackt-ioat- e of Saata It. is the preriseeof wat Erhted ap, aad that tie Krht wtHhf.wiaoi 71, coat ae to hcra frta tastet to taartte.The bfht-hoat- wkaek fa s tSofCrk ose af :ir Jnrtk. . . ... . ... .orzer, taowt a aaoa wane araiwaara auetrrsaies taewhole batiioc wathaa a zxcki af II 5et. It it eit- -aated ea tie Saata Laxia Bal, at the eatzaare af theBay of Ercerfee Si Tea, aa the S. tide, at sear at pot--nKe is taa. 3 dfr. 17 ta , 3 tee. S- -, aad loac.&tg. IT sis. tt tee. V. Sreeswirh. asd the Brieferaartaraaat is at S&a. aboee the seaa acre! of the tea.


GrsroA-- Slio-cc- - of 1872 !


Tl rt Clstas Hrofetsiiioti I Talent I

Exrb ee r rer: far tieir i8--iiia! rrrrio. eiaile the aaasarrsrxt ta prodace


The Finest Stud of Trained

Educated Horses and PoniesIX THE W02LD.

p3 That ssetjaaBel Cospasy w rerftrs :

Etc j-- Ereniosr Tbl We-e-L- t IAdairnis theft Csae ese dsBar, Zi Cirri frty

testt, Ecs-rr- rd Chairs $1.JT.nl nee oa SaXtxx-tiaw- - Aflem noon !Dierj cpee at I p. ta terftt

Ati--- M in TOaT a"rl

A P20POF.TI05AL CHAHSK ef tie e uaryCX exxeste tsearred for xJmai Aarra 5a!e

as " . ati fxi a, be ekarred ta a& CMetissc cfXrrriasdbe to be taU ax Arrows, racexred befare axasgsBss xrcrUiexrTrt are ttrxot. i

Axnrrrt.Mst .?.ASAX,



GKOmSK PAI'XCKFOlaT,Thursday Evening, - - Feb. 1,


Whto he will hire the honor of presenting a Do-

mestic and Interesting nittory of

IjIXTXiES DOM HJbJ 3t. ,Front the popnlar work of Dombey and Son.

To eonclnde with the History or

Molly Muldoon.


TUK XK1V TIOTF.I. will beopeaed f.r the re.ptia of raetttAbout tho IBth of February

The Propria Lor will spare no painlto makethit KlrrantlMtl FIRST CLASSirt ereryparticahr. lletstradt to mate the charrrtferrooaiaad board especially reatenahle.


NOTICE.Mrmbfrl of Prateellon Iloatc Ja ladder

OwpaaT Na. I r wrrealte TeaMtfd I octet at theirLvq a,' Valna Stmt, at 19 A. M. oa the 3rd cf rbraary,hi fan tnttrs. toatttod rarade.

IVe ertitr tftbe Ftwsu.T. J. II tT?ELDKS. 5trury.

iiocwivwt a At the Shop of TlU CxrrtfT aad EPiiatmr. fl il.BLinua, IIII waeru ft TtatsKlotst..aw 11 UraUala. U

fffOZLSS nnoEiiro !IB It.Tiag prvenred tb, V Ordtra hi that Haeta a tare--

trro of a tnt-Ha- u rlccauaner aad at Btwctdg B Hmt Stor. 1 an Mwaf Ran. M. BCnKlt,t&frtftvrrd t eatcate alltV It aad T6 Klar tlnel,' Ti ItetMilala

House to Let-Furnishe- d.

t!r txn, ta tt J a luth-he- o ttrW Kratrra.ecat4e. taeahe at tb atttM bies bUod Xe. 10, tip !h.tataHroad that pH Into Ftet street. 3tf

An English GoVeiTieSS,wrsrT-iio HAS II AD SU3tE F.WKItlF.XCF.

.wT??c,iiW cVairtt a reeorarteirRL Address, fall partaraUrs, " F' Pnt OSka, llcoolaltt.

1 laNotice !

PA11T1KS II.VV1XO IX THEIRALL aar rrvpwtv brfc'wrilar to tt tat O f.J. Holt, are hefrhy aaaiSed U dtttTer ep the aaaie haaiedl-atel- y

to J. L. RICIURKON", I--)., or to the Cadentoed.V. U. HARMS,

t- - a AtHraw ot th Eatale of Own J. Holt.

Notice."mjrrt, SAMrKt t. hEWIS la my daly an.

twaa nra AtoiawnegaiT ateoo iron law Ktaroam.n jaa. n. is:

Wanted.A ?tATUtIKD CtfPE, fno children.)BT streata'a as Heasektaer aad 6roertl Serraata . Ivr

rartkcoUn taaoire at rCt)U3AX t JHINS0.,5.rwiturret.

Or iwt OeVe B lit

SUIU Set. 16, 17 d 18, Fiti Hxrket,qcEEx sntcrr.

THK rXDEIlMOXED HAYIN6 aaeoed a aaartM tar tbe no IrMeats ct alt kia ds. Pea Hr,. Tubtea.

two. toe-- toe. at wrcfarM a aa aar orshore lajUoa that he awrae taneed wtth prreopclj aodwah if alrt. He tees to rail aUeatKva to the fwrt that hbBaofb hwa th Parker Kaach, th aaeritt cf whach aeed DO

eauaalom. 1 4tl J. UOAAUIX

IMOTICE.AeurT or PaciTic Ittraiwrt Ooanxr.1

llo4ala. jMnn 31. ltra fTTTOLIIERS OF POLICIES tnm the PaetfleJLJa Intnrance Company of Saa Praocew are hete-V- t

a tlaid that tech JarM will be caaceOed aad thoaw tae aaexparw4 teraa retaaoad. Taw batdm are

to pre cot tbetr pcCcsc aw caoceBarkm wtttvotietar. at war oCSce.a ttiMtp t m itwji

Notice Of Assignment.STEAVAtlT HAMILTONWIIEUKAS, HcwotwJa. aVI ea the aorhek asp of Jaa.

ware. A B. ceonj- asi anJa to ta aoail ahead aRhas "tirate ia tais Kraci. a.ek nail aod tanaaat ka uaetfsr the baaelt ef hi, enahtm; aH penoas Brrnaaaaaarwsaet ttei Estate are aotided at farwnk the maa to taeaadiiaa.d.aodatl parties laUd ta th MM SOwaltIl.atftUv, CXwm are iLajobtd a aaak teMtmate paraaeotcf taeiaooatsdoehftae to the aoikiiilaa' U

W. L. URELN, Asstroe.HeaatoK. Jaaaary ! ISTi. 1

To Let !

THE PHEMISES LATELY ocenplrd'I'lSLbr MR. J. PICKFORD aa the Crrterloo " 0SVBcmf xmi BiUur--i IUwo. ooraer c Qweeo aod Fort StTrwU.The are Ttry r.rtMe Fw a retail tree or oke.

ALSO aforaasbed rnctart at Waititl EeKh.Appfr w W. L 9REZX.

jaa y Ota. lTi M-t-f


IVIIHOCT CALLING TO KI.UII.VE tneT T IM M Teoarlea eter ia ta ROaa

Bartat: oaaaetr. m Brst-cta-s Lrbt Itaai I taaay. oa 1

da Xiat.a Kowl Bvoy. aaae nriadhmd Baury. oaeTwe Bwxzt. oa Heart Etpreta Watse, aee thna-- irr ,a tau r. BaV fa n aaa

M rtnao aod twv ftaawbe-ea- p CarravrnAlio Two Fto Carratr Bones.rwiltn won s rat at wrfcr ta saot 'Ve ttaaes.afflya H tXHHA

i a aaa uc nrm . iiiiii.i.


Offer for Sale




Floxvc c&2 Bread. !

Lime and Cement,

California Hay,

-- AXD-

By Steaser from San Francisco,

Potatoes, Onions, &c.

Bra d's Borsb T.rnirex,

Perry Ditit' PafnTnTlrT,

Pcnlc SaltWorks.iij

To be Let.The Hosie JIakai of Dr.

Saaarrswald'j retifracc, Xrraxa Ato-rs-e.

Af-l-w at the Ozaca of till Safer.tf




THIS DAY !Jnn . Slat. . . . nt lO A. TI.


At the Store ofHYMAN BROTHERS,

Will be oCered a Larre Attortmeat of


ContJomon's Furnishing Coods I

New styles of fine Fancy Overshirts,Superior "White Shirts,

Undershirts and Drawers, Hosiery.AX ASSORTMENT OF


Fashionable American Clothing !

Fi& CoUiimcra Salts. Catslatr Pd.ot.iaMn and Boj' Linro Suit,


BOOTS AND SHOES!Ladies' Shoes, of rariont atyles.

Various brands of Stqyerior Tobacco.

t7 The abOTO OooJi an of recent importationand of tnperier maaufaetnre.

C. S. BAKTOW, Anct.

ON FRIDAY,Feb. Sd, ... - At 10 A. 31.

a.-f-c Sales RoomA SELECTION" OF

DRY GOODSOf Recent Arrirala.

Cflttons and Denims,ifanila Cigars, &c.t fccC. S. BAT.T0W, Auctr.

l!AbolLriN JLiiiii o bAJLHj !


I am instructed by F. II. Harris, Esq.. Assigneeof the KsUte of Owen J- - Holt, to sell at

pnUic auction.On Saturday, - - - - February 3d,

At 10 a. M..

Ax Smitli'o Pnililoclr. IVuuattu ValleyOppotite Woodt Flaataton,

A Lot of Cattle and HorsesFarther particulars by potters.

C S BARTOW. Aoet'r.


Brit. Bark "Carstang"From 2tKC(i3tlc-upon-Tyn-


"VTEtVCASTLE Stnithr Conl,1 l,tM Raatay't Sqaaro Fir Bricks.

2,Oat) da Arch do11 tost Fire Clay,Sb Xrweaitfe i,

Zi tons Ffr Iroo,1M tint Baited Ubseed 08,II easki IMaek Varntti,

S tie White Lead,ro ties White Ztm ,

1 Out VeHow Paiet,IS tiat Ltght-rm- n PaTnt,t tiat Mac Paint.

10 Hat Venetian Red,S tlBl Vest Red Lead,

IS tiat M. S. recti Paint,H ttat Black Pafat.

S tJet Chrome VreViw,IS eases Oalraanod 0hmrate4 Ins,Zi hoxof Cam PaVtr,It eases Lime Jefe Okrital,2 eaaet Mixed Pleklti,S eases i'aist,

1H rreea oases Seaera,M eatet eest Scotch Whitley,It hhdt Geeeea,ll-- aaikt OH Scotch Whftkey,If (jr ealti Marett't Brandy,i T casks DaarlVe't OM Irish Whlskty,S ajr easts Sao Pale Sherry,i mr casks rery Sac dtS hhdt HeaeeMy't Braady,S areatkt Marteil'i da

1M caiel Pal and India AI, in qt bottlet,tt do do do iapiett,

Also, per Bark " Malvina,"FROM BREMER tlAVES",

To iiri "o SliortlyiIM eatet St. Jo Ken Claret,

41 kbit Later Beer, " Aad. Mailer." la qtl.It bbtt do do a piatt,II belt Pale Ale, "H. Irietjea," qnartl,llbhlt do do piatt,75 eatet Barclay! Porter, qnartl asd pfsU,

US oatkl Bali' Pal Alt,!t eatet Swedish Ah,

IN eatet, 1 dot each, OH Cersae,St eatet Kaamel, 1 dot eaeh,tt eatet Xordbaater Whiskey,

12S rreea eases Hollaad'i Ola,IMbtaeeaiei da do while bottles.IM hukett Sst Holland Gfs, ia ttoso bottlet,

larr tuc,Zi eatet Brandy,

IM demijehss Stronr Alcohol,rO eases Xordhaoter Wfalskty,II bhlt Stroar Demerara Haa,2S eatet tae Ooraae,St eatet Rodethetmer,31 eases LichfraamaVk,

3 cases Boosekamp Bitters;11 eatet Pale Sherry,12 eatet Port Wire.


A Choice Assortment of Dry Goods.

52 W. L. GREEN.To Let or Lease.

Those rerr Desirable Premliesoa the Plaisi, known at CLt'LASI. at pret-est aeeapied by Mr. E. B. Dole. Th DwtB-ie- z

HosieeOEsiits ef a larzc Parkr. Dsn tacEtra, three Bed Roost, and Pastry, two larrStar Roe t oa batcstst ; Here it alto oa th tada Cottage eostaurar two reoot, detached Kltcbs,SertaaU' Boot. Stables, Ac, Ac--, with a weB ofrood witer. Alto a Cellar is Xaaasa Vsflcy.Iiapplied for is tt ciiately. For farther paniealart ap-ply to I? 3. 6. LE1I0X.

Notice !

THE DXDE1TSIGXED hare this daya ts enhip to carry ca th haii-se- tt

ef Saddle asd Hare cts caking, and CarrianTriesniar is ail its braoehee, at tho old Etaad. Ko,3, Klsp; Sl. sira of tho Horto. asder tho sas aad

ttyle of E, WHITMAX i CO.P.. WHTTMAIf.a W. GELETT.

Heoolsla, Jan. 1,I5T5. a

"FIycTi ange, cfco.THE UXDERSICfKn, fro and after

date, wHB itrio EHit ef Exthxnrt asi Let-ters ef Credit eaSAS FEAXCISCO. 3TEW TOBST,

HAMECRC asi 2EE1E5(ia rasts to rati at lowtrt rates.

Eett Coaiierjial Paper difeoasted, asd MosSetos Mcrtrarcs ss the sssrt faTorabr trral.

Cash xAxxstmt sad on eossirstsesti of Iila&dpredaco at the rate tf eest. rsterest per assast.

li. OACUgVLO A CO.Eesohis, Xor. 4, 1J71. IJ-t- f

SALOOM, Pilot asd Medina Bread, faboxes aval quarters. Alto,

A Full Aaaor-txtter- or Craclcerr m.PerCOHET-ForEaJ- sVr

E0LLE5 A Cs.


Br E. P. ADAiHS.

SLOOP FOR SALEOn Saturday, - - - - Feb. 33,

At IX rYtyra nt Srala-wroora-v. ?


E. P. mUIS, Aat.


SATITRDAY, r : : : YES. 3d;At 13 rVoon. at Snleat euni.

trot ho Olerod

That Desirahle Picco of LandSituatod Sri Kukanakn.

On tho TTt ,W, of Ufta 3mt. attfHahr rhoproperty of Manual Joarp. wHk a froatara of fifeet oa Llttha Street, aad M) fret depth.

Containinc aa Area of 218 3-- FatSs-s- .

SU Then it a rood Strraat of Water oa tho Betand a saw Picket Fence all araead.

TITLE PERFECT. A ptaa of tho f reparty maybo teoa at tho aaetba roota.

E. P. ADA3I3, AaeC


At 18 ?foon at ftalearooaswW ho SoM


CERTAIN PIECE OF LAJtDtSituatod In Koonaula,

Jloaolulo, Island or Oaha. and rraatad ta K.VLI--a fr,.,tfe K,'u nt -

letlbed u foitowi :

"E hoonaka aaa ma k. k&l Hiktaa e pM aaaatoka ala otoli. a o hoto Aka 41 3 Kosa. Hi 2-- ksa.aa ko Lipoa. a hlkl I ka pa i oMeU aa X. HooNHa- -tsana hlhl, aliiU Hotaa W Kik. lir bZ Up.ma ko Kapoaa klhl. alalia. Akaa M Hfk. 1M J--

tap. ma ka sal. Akaa. a ala oloH l heekaaaaleio aaketa aaa aina a hiki t ka hoootaka aaa. JBa ka atalna J1S S taaaa oia a eei iki paha."

oToeother wnh oee-ha- lf of tho tea earats,aad Apparteaaaee thereta Mneat--

E. P. ADAMS. AaetV." '



"HCWylie" and other late ArmalSp

A Large Aiuortsoeat of Caoieo

Havana, Corman,and Manila C1CAR3 1



HEER8HAUH PIPES!The Bert trer OSertd is Hat Market,


Comtaatly on hand, the Celebrated

Croon Seal and Diamond HeadSMOKING TOBACCO IFor Sale at tho Cafeo Saiooa. ownsor of Saa-aa-a

aad Qaeea Streets. It





Fktlt Wkbso aQ Wool i--4 Flaaaei.FfaettWkrto aH Wool A Aarota Whote tTaaooit.Seed Oroy aad WW ail Wool

TkastMea't Blato-yiHl- Cot to,Aototkcae Beoems. Jeaaa. ltiHti aadBleaofced aad gahloaokod CoVe.

A Snp'r Ass't of Statit8i7.Water Lie id Xato Ftpor.WMta Rated Koto Paper,WMI Baled Laid Leaf. Looter lad Bit Paper.White. OtS sad Amber aad Letter aad Xot

Saetorpes,Fsytoa't IadeMWe.aed Carter'l Sok,

"ArttHi' t PtOxlei lm,BmHh A Wwtooe's PhMott a Osrawir.Hair Otrtai, glillapa a Leathers.

Trees, Csooasrs aad Mihlti,Oak BMbz Street Broom,.Wood Faeettt , Laaip Bloek.

Italian PaeUIas 1 tee Leatar,Paints Oils, &c

Whfc Zhst i Lead, ta 1, 2 a )5 3 ooataioecParis atvd Ckroao Srsea.Chrome TeRow. tfaher. tficaaor.Fatost Drier, YstaHou,Ghetto r Frattiaa. Mm, BtatUeft of Paety.

Carriag's and Coach Varsisfr,Brtrkt, Oapal aad ForaStaro Tarauk.Boiled Llatood OS. Tarpeatla.Xatoa's Blaektar. Coffea MIS,Azt. Fkk, Ssodro, A, Hoe. Oa,Haaser A Chisel 3aadU.Wool Carls, gaddlet. osotdV TraaAS,

Coopers' TooIsrCnxers, HwU. aad Ckaapesfee XCasros.

Carpenters FlaQee.Fort, Savaoth, Joolr A Josaters.Cat Salt, t. 4, (, S, . 12, tt, M. at, tt tadU4, Boat aOt, 1. I, 1 a 2 htek.Prstiod Vag,. Ta 2 iaofc.Oooper' Blstat, . T a SVs,

Copper Eirett a Bon. . ,i fael, (JlaipTaekt,Iran a Copper Taok of all the.Eott Sahier Hose, 1. 1, 1. li 2 iaek.Ceatritaxil. Tarauk. Ptiat, ThHo-W.j- k

sad Sena Brit. CoVd Ha Vxii.i. 1, 2, J. 4. . I, 1 a 12 araaria.Corered Slop Fails, IXpport,Mih tad Milk Fast.J3sfet'-- t, tolimsr bow, ? hasn.r!nit,Hastswrs, Oaarn, sVpaarss. stasis,A(rt,aVrss. List 8strs,Ts TJaieafs, Base Siarttn. Ater,Shores, Spaat, Oss. Laalrrat.Zoclo ittrae. A asd 0 Flaws aad7is,7ari Flows, extra hoary asi terjsivFrsiexUt of Iron. Paa KTXrr,Pttasd't WhiU Pis ttuap adr7a8s,Tshs, Brooas. Hu Bte,

DOWNER'S KESQSEfatt Oi-l-Xros th Sostea oasa.

And Many Other ArticlesALL TO BE ChVa MW. Sat

SIwp ChaMlsry an. Slip SmnlrruiE lahuest AssoxTXETr aacJ. KaaJ,hspt by any Hoaaa oasaose Talaad., aafJa tlti. r,tttso. friotj

Page 4: fecftr Stbt HAWAIIAN UijJlil Mtj - University of Hawaii · 0ca. m Forr 5est sSosi antes am a. rsaeirrf 7X--TOSS. 9a yTn."'f C apsaaiia eta Sutar'a3aaia. ggairapgaaaataca amiaia ii

The Had 'E0Vcl of Trndcs-tlnlo- n.

We ooj--v the foHcwing common sense i

view of a very imjortant question from

ti jWacJittttfe' Aiconi, an excellent,

paper, edited and pttMisried by bona-fid- e

lnecSianics, and not, as is so often the esse5lth srorkiBCTen's joornals, hv noisy

demagogues rlso never diJt a day's honestwxJjkbT any land :

Rife Chtcsjro Triimtn has an energeticankle on tbe snltjert of the stringentrtikss in regard to apiwentrces adopted bytike tradts-nnioH- It xiks of the

by the boys of Chicagoin rwiMKr It says therearc hundreds of lovs in that oity, fromSfieoti to eighteen years of age. whodnilv- - j from store to store. Ami otSee to

Mxrosly nod ofti teonsly seeTc- - j

iwg etjloywoMt. Annriiig that thereare five torotisand loys in that city, of ajare-at-

r age to learn a wechaakal trade,the TWrnrn says if they n etv all pre-31-ic- tl

(o eiHfiloyors it is not likely thatbhkq thfiR obc ia a thoasaad, or five mlof the five thoHsaad, coved find an em- -'

dvar who "oW dare give him a daeo,ani;why! Tie Triiunt thas answers:" The rfert to ttreiHeco ose's self sad tolearn a trade is ho longer recognised inthe United States. Boys may presenttheaisoives by legions, employers can nottake thorn except at the risk of closingSiRiirisheps r bo other wontffca."Tiic 7H8uii; add.. i

r' The trades-aokw- s of the ooaattr haweHd kws which exdade alleieejvt a

. ,ftmHod wuaoer of bors from the meehan -- j

iA trades. Each trade has a prescribed !

nomberwf apprentices who shall -- be per- -

BMUod to wk. Tims, in one trade, tbeattawaBce '""ill be one apprentice to fivejBttraeymon; in others, oe apprentice totea jajarneyraefi; and this Hmitatatkm is Jst)recaktod bv the a:nt?cate msitoof

'M.aay oae shop or by any one master.Tkms, where the regafeuoo is that oneprreUee shall be allowed to every five

jaroyBe, if there be six, sevea, eight j

Wsiae joareyen in that slroji, only one !

aiyreutioe cas be eloyed. If the em--

leaver have tea joareermer,, aad thns beetklet to take two apprentices, and, forwaat ef work. er other reason, sboshi ;

'. i

Asaharge ee joftraeyTaan, be anst also ;

hstiwrse eae appreeuoe. Ordinarily,rfe- - that liaikatMB, where there are '

t hBdre4 TvorlaaeB of a partieakr ,

tnede eagaged in a city, there oaght tobe fortr hvs tearnio the bsiess : but.SaifiwL, ihse tmim bec distribated i

n kroadar numb cr is thirtv or forv, r , . - i

i8! PpaB'eas,:, nuaiber of apprentices does

Ot exceed twenty. In all shops emislov- -

than the regular liamber of jour- -

no apprentice is allowed ; arxt stdatt ! teat shoes efflidovinir four ioaraev- -A w r i

ae?ai, aot am aypreatiee cab be Tounrl,isaar vuald one be tohvated."

AVe oAea hear exhortatiotis from tire sepress aed othu soarcfe to the --wth ofthe.eouato-- , " Learn a 5eftil trade." It l

is W advice, ibr every commontty Uavwith idle bovs, and those who

at aot idle hat caa aot aad approprkteThus it is not so easv to

eaipia tri as is sajael. The tmles-h-e

crav ef tae voath ofthe oaaatry so uiafwl arocataoas. In the

- pafesaas aad other aarsaits, the barsart tlowa, aad anyoee who wttl aatv

It is trae, the coasoqaence is thattfcty are vatokd, bat no oae saierstitarday exeet the nmaiMpeteat aad the of

aawocthy. The tndeaawas, howver,.! i.u flu, ; ri.l am

eies af the ex aaky, sad aahiplyfee iiawhiiL- - f idlers aad droees, aad

aaakkaaias of rah art yoaths are jrrowinj: ' an

vj aothitar to do. exposed to the .

igaMttcriaas aiieat t idkaess. aad des--1

taaedC ietas, to prey apoa the com-- !

ia soaae wav, evea if it he bv '.

their days.--

the peaiteatiary. fThere is no jaore anj-ufis- he aad detaor- -

aatafg --aOtaBji oly thaa that of the nghtw a trade. ,

' isA ax aat vet havia?: read that dry


j""-- hed of aats roaid taoaasa Jhrn. lo ieave. --aat sotae iate his :

iaalaa-,4-ajaw-'a hed ia haifes that k woaldaeve tae sase eaect, bt at last soeoaats : thetht? aM iaiy did aot aaijear ia any hurry j be

lanhna- - r hrrn idrnrr jI the

Ir is eaaMaoa to spealc of those whoai j

n t3irt hrs jxhWM. 5ls her victi-a- s. Her reala, a a a a r - a .aa

15 tae al sae "teeif. A eo-- ;

. . 1 .i,'a rase troaa rttoai everv tover ta leaf: the thorn resaains Jor her bK'


Me3,ev nresides over the past, action tire

jtge3dc; over the The- - fint is s he

rieh teatrjle jmb jrtorioojs trophiesaai laed with Uttrrte; the oaer has soshake aat aaty, aad k vrdks tae earthBke a srnaik. is

Ix s fette Vieaiioei ktter, Heary 'WardBeeohor eaMmerates as xneac the deiight,of sasataer rest, the privilege ef we&riac

oMthes. That is a privilege tvhich a tieood nsaay ciea-gyse- a have aH the year her

Ax indtvidaal who obtaiaeui eatr-tae- e

to the sdi of s noted yosajr lady sct4-to- r,

states thai cshe wslS at urork iritfcice

h- - sims hare to the siMlelers, sad her ofasides Ekjewise." Goodaess rrseioas !

TEEsaase vssitv which leads as to ss--'

deirfortnne or eoadtset to otheis, J. I""!-. -- , .j- -protapxsns to --lurwaie an t'i.y caaaces ;

to osr own takat, pradeBce aad fore-- 1

thoasht. r

rnvrvTTN; d aot loot as thooh thev 1 Tii

. lorere la a lurry, althongh it is ceriainJtaat ttey were oo.ee pressed tor tuae.

SoJiXEODr proposes that lold-heade- d

laea have their noaograms paiatedoa the eit5ctposeSspot.

The Rival Powers.

The relations between Eoirfa ana Germany,

tbench not so bad as some alarmists representthem to be, are. if we accept the presentationsas a trae one, far from friendly and cordial. Ajealousy has been awakened between the two

great powers, which, some Jay or other, will pro-- ,

babSy lead to a seltleaeot Of their rival prelen- -j

sions on the Cell of hattl. The only qoestions j

now are, when will that giant wrestle for the j

mastery of Ha rope begin, and what combatantsbesides the priacipals wHt take fart in it, and on j

what sides wiH they raag themselresT Specnk- -

ties eetrld easily ran rasd in seeking to anticipate the snktion of these problems of the future.

We leave those wiseacres who onjoy borrowing

trot-H-e (lor others) asd discounting cor-wa- g;

evests, to cudgej their brains over sacl osetess

OMtectares. As to the atHaaces to be made on

both sides, those will be a matter of diplomacy j

a safes iriU be aad, the friends of


the latest moment, no one can definitely say whowM be coasted in or oat for the next great "Eu

ropean war. It ts ear parpose sow owy to cau

tion readers aBs.t ascribing too ranch iasport

aaee to that cable gossip from Berope which oar i

oocrespoadeats faitMally coUect and seed, lettingKstaBd for what it is worth. These hints are in- -

teevstiac: as showing the drift ofdisagreeateot be-- I

twees tbegaverBmetit and the people of Hissiaami those of Genmay, and also what Eoropeasobservers thiak of then, bet their real valeemust j

sot be exaggerated. Let ns aaalyse sow of tbe j

latest bits of sews, and see how easily a forced i

eoestractioc coeld he pet spoo theei. The Mos- - j

cow IrOftHe foot tfce ottcnl paper) la Ices tire

libertr of ziritite; Ito-s- k to the neetrs

Btk.ofloarkad therestorauonof Xorth- -

- SObnis - cwintI7 35 3 raeiD5 efcc PrSii iaffeeace k the BaWc.

ShoeM toe Eass-a- s coraaot de-aa- this,i.there wootd be war. Germany wocM net pot rp

a tbwt it frwa tbeMoxow Gat, which, lite tl pressor Prcssia,toa of all Earopeen ootjiitrfes, erec those w&ere

newspapers are coder rferid ceasorsfeip, now arid

theo specks oatiu own mind, withoct fear of orcare for the goveraweot Ofiuetf, the ateaaceis aificaBt. Wheo the Enssi: Foreign '

that directoo, it will thee be titae eoocch to i

& ftorv awB3i-- '- E85$itili- - ! Baltic provieces.bvde-- 1

dariag the Kassiaa to he the only o&cta! hw--

gMge ia pebhc decrees, coerts aad cacrehes, is .

aa oM aae. It iaipUes so chance of poKey oo

Bassia's part, asd gives Genaany no aew caaseefeflfea5e- - has parsoed the phn

tiaZ tbe ,aB:L5e 01 1,51 01

her people the aediaa oi otSeral ooamcstc&lioQ,. .

aao has tn everv other way given it tbe prefcreoce.y a ;

tiSt siod, noless Germany shoeld seek a caase ofqcarrel, as she does aot, she will aot object to itaplematicaUy. Uader the head f "A CoertStraw," we are teU tbat Ooeot Andrassy, tbe

Mr Aastrkn Preauer, cod the Ka?;ian Minister .

at A"Mofi kTe diBd together and eiehaaged"siti e'-- " tiwes, and a e are Wt to aete what ;

starthasr iafereece we please from soch hobeob-- 1

QemcswhowishtoBMikeanchoatof i

okies wM gaess that the Resska was at,,V in tbo AicL-a-nunri-ii. !

frosa the hte good BBderstaadiog wkh GeracoyU&steta, and reader feer aeatral to tee coanoc

ooaftet, siaee her aftnoce with Rsss" cannot be.t l.li.levRra vpou as pnmne or pass.9ie. 1 aai

the iaterastieg aad startlioc view of the case.Bat the eheaces are even that the eosrtesis were

saore then ordinary diptoaatie frieedshipwoaid dictate oa the aceessiaa of a aew preaiier,aad that the tickhsa Bwooeaa oaestioa of the

not toaehed apoa. We shal have atreat aaov of these "straws" Mows to as bv

the wiaos &ota the other sUe. Let the

re1' bat aot pat apoo taetaatore thaa their tatriasic valae as ndieatioas of

(tare fieaities hetweea Gecataey aad Bessia.Those who wish to be ooasidered more profoaadthan their aeisbors aaay dire beneath aB thisshow of a xedoas resrard far separate aatiooal ia- -

tetests. and see ia the whole awroaiaat hat apba eaaeeeted betwea the ralers of tbese great !

eaaares to throw dast. ia the eyes of the rest of j

Barape, aad bind other peoples to iaactioa, j

wfcie tWy work o.t ibeir fiute gaaes wrtheot j

aavactaat tatectareace wa eaea otaer. journalI

Paorossa Srcax Canal Mmrscc Livaxroot. .

acaBsrsat. A project of a hichlr raaport- - j

at character, as aecoac the rehatadtse traSc i

Everpool aad Maaehestec, has jest heeab 5 co---ht" !

'Tate hat It is proposed to ooasbact a eaaal,

k, ltwo t Lshirr tow.; ' tie Veerth of whichwoaK be 3 aifes, o-1 be nlao-- t direct as thepreseot lirarpool sad Maactester Kailwav. which

31 ,V Bties looc. "With oae ejecepthw, the eo- -

giaotiai: toatares of the seheae are said to beht wocid be a deeo eat tin" aboat two

iw - u, tkw MaaWaAad' tta.at.-- n

wttick is Brae sales froa Uve.-poa-l, that beaog-- i

oaty portjoe ot tae bae where the workof tay e. This excaratiot. woaU ,

etirely thr-c-- h ike red foaditotK; bed. and !

whole of the stone takes oat weeid be csdihe coasttractioci of the wafts of the caaal, the

laat&LW--l: eidTated b-- tbas turned to --. profit- -..r a ya ioe aeeottai. ;r. iraatee. i . r, refwrii wror--r.v. V V- - .... r -

- kr .arco are

"--d ei'?" 1)0 t-- He advises!cavvwwctto. ot a ooci at uverpoei is cos-- ;

acetioc with the project, aad estiaates the ee--(

al CSOQ.0-?. The caaal woald

ie fireet waaaaicatioB with the Mersey,otrlward bond roods aad n:rthiedise arnriftr(rea Maachester sad the interior ef the aaae--

fesiariac districts theate shippedred. It is staled teat the proposed CDGfrtitiac:

praaoted ie cosiieqaeece of tbe aetiea ef theLeadei sad Xorthwesteta Railway Coapeay

foods traSe troci Liverpool in order topraoote their iaterests ss t Fleet-u-eo- d

aad other ports. The projeet is sea' aader ,csssideratio! of the Mersey Docks asd Usr- - ;

Board, asd it is expected that this body will j

cestribcte tawsrds the cost af the necessary ap--'

rjckatioa ia Parfiaaest. MbrgoKt Trade Jottr. i

A xjtt-l- e girl recaarked to her mawi, oa go--

to bed; -- 1 ara coi tSzzii of tie dtrk." Xo,

costs yo-- ire net," replied the raT-m-y for '

itcsaltdjt)!-- " " Bit, m-a-r- t, I was a Ettie

tiati racs-lrt!e- s L e- - to P7 " e .

M1Set "wereywaJradofluked her i. I was afraid I codd not


"How woaderfcl," exrlains soce crkEOwc

-oiopher. - are tbe laws goreng fctsan ex--

isteace. Were it not for tigit UtiagalcivSiedcoastries wedd be oitaiua with woisea." I

A rents, CcriUr the exodai iron Edea; - Tte cevjj drare wo-:;- -i cct of EtratHse, (

fcifte cedd act dnre Ptrtdiie est of woaaa.

The Ccrrents or Hrvixrrv t.v Xkw Yori;.

Xcw Tork is a treat heart with a pulsation once

in'twenty-fou- r hours. About Eve in the morning

the human corpuscles begin to flow in. A few

workiagmcn with tin pails, pnshinc; through themisty tnorniog air, across the ferries. They are

the arant couriers of a mighty throng, for by six

the sidewalks, the street cars, are fall of the dinne-

r-pail people and the young shopgirls, the

printers, the paper-bo- x makers, the folders, the

feather curlers. The streets are never so interest-

ing to cs as when fall of these busy people, greet-

ing one another cheerily, and harrying to theirwork eagerly. By seven there are fewer tin

pails and more colored cravats. For now comes

the rash of derks, salesmen and sales ladies, who

dress better, though they do not always get bet

ter rar. than tbe mechanics. At eight the me- -

cbanfcs disappeared from the streets, but

tbe rnsh of tbe mercantile class is at its height.

Kvery street-car- , every ferry-boa- t, every sidewalk,

is Hack with people. Merchants and business

men are foltowmg their clerks. By nine the

createst rush is over, bat the more leisurely busi-

ness men fill the cars. There is, or was, a saying

in Chicago that ares go to business in three class-

es : 6rst tbe works, then the derks, and then the

soirKs. At teB a tke hrffes - The stares and

streetars and sidewalks are gay w,th bright co-

tors ; tlrrrooo stores arecrowaeu. iiroauway is. .. .i a i .f i

chocked witn vewetes,aau taegreairosao. uux- -

ness keeps up unlil three, when the ventricles of

the great heart seed back the human current

throagh the arteries to the extremities, tbe sev-

eral classes return in reverse order until the lasttin pail has crossed at seven, and the last theatre-

goer at eleven. Tbe city and its. suburbs sleep ;

the watchman strikes bis dab on the curbstones,and starts tbe lonesome echoes nntil tbe firstMilk-ca- wakens the metropolis to another dayof toil, of banger, of straggle and of suffering.

Facts Aboct Lite. It is singular how ranch

method has been discovered in the seeming irregnhrhies of Kfe. Things that appear tbe mostcasual occur with wonderful order when the ag-

gregate is taken into account. Take, for

the height of raea. What influence has

it oo toacevity! How can we know whether we

are fortaoate or nafortnnete in this respect T

Facts show that one's height does affect theleogth ot one's days, and tall men live longer

than short oaes. Marriage, too, affects lon-

gevity. Favorably? Yes ; married men Kve long- -

er than Steele men. One's profession has an im- -

?T,!r each, of 1 Jas professions,hZ

somber of those who attain their seventieth yearis : ataoeg clergy men. 42 ; farmers. 40 ; tradersaad suae&ctBretS, 33 ; soldiers and clerks, 32 ;

lawyers, 2S ; artists, 2S ; pttifessors, 27 ; physi-

cians. 24. Tbas. it appears that those who healss kill raore rapidly than others. The average

daratioa of life is 33 years. One-foor- th of tbebora die before they reach the age of 7 years,and the half before the 17th vear. Out of 100

persoes only 6 tbe ace 60 years, HOLLO WAY'S PILLS,1.0M reaches tbe of years. Oat affecting the Stom-o- f

500 1 SO Oat of000 fiviec persoas 33M00.000 die annually. SI.006 daily, 3,730 every hoar, aad 60 every minute;sad stiK the popehuioa of the earthThe knewe tonnes which sea speak amount to3,04. It seeais froat these feets tbat the twonstt eranU of fife are baar bom and dvin.We appear here ear brief day. and thee oar name

ados oae U tae aaiutade ot tae oead. tlappyis he who bavin? doae hie's work. Sods joy ia thethoeght of the sfleoce aad peacefalaess of thecrave. After the tanaofl. rest. i

Texmx Itixexe ixa Kvkbov. I haveaotioad. AVashiatoe IrriK. that a asarried

amiaftwiatomsfortBaeis uore apt to retrievehis filiation is tbe world than a siojie oae, chief-

ly becaase his spirits are soothed relieved bydoaaestic eadearaieat. aad self respect kept aliveby aodior: that, althoach all abroad be darknessaad haaiihatioQ. yet there is stiK a little world ofWe at hoae. of which he is a auwarca.as, a siade ataa is apt to rsa to waste

to rail te rams, like soae deserted msn-sia- a,

ibr waat of an iaaabitant. Ihareofteehadoeeasioa to resaark the fbrtitode with which wo-a-

sastaia the nost orerwfaelauag reverse of

fortaae. Those disasters whiefa break down thesahit of ana, aad prostrate hia ia the dast, seeato can forth all the eaer-i-es of the softer sex. aad t

give sack latreptdity aad eientioa to Ueeir cha-- 1

ratter, that at tiaes it aoproaehes to snhahiitv.ToLluac- - caa bp taorA rnaa-'liT- tkaa tn IwJuild a

soit aad leader female, who had been alt weak-aes-s

aaddepeedeoce, aad alire to all trivialwhile IreaSssc the prospetoss path of Bfe.

saddeaiy risiac ia aseotal force to be thecoatiort-e- r

aad sapporter ofherhasbaad aader aisfartaae,caidiac with eashriakiag Snsness the bitterestbkst of adversitv. As the vine which has loo;twiaed its foba-- e aboat the oak, sad has beealifted byitiasasshiae, will, wheo the hardy pUnt !

ts nKec ay tae laoawertpoic, eaasr roaau tt wits"ts caressios tetadrils, aad biad up its shattered '

UQri ; so, too, it is heaatifeBr oriaioed by Providence that woaaa, who is the oraaaeot aaddepeadeat of aaas ia his happiest hoars, sboatd

be his star aad solace when smitten with saddencdaawHy;wiarSa; herself iato. the recesses of hisrjalare. toad arty sapportta-- r tae droopttg bead,

btedioc ap the broke, heart.

A Gbkb's Fxim. la the HirbUrs of Scot-aa- d

there is a awaat-d- a gorge 23 feet ia widthaad 309 feet ie depth. Its perpoadicalar waitsare bare of save'la the crevices, inwhich grow niaeroas wid lowers of rare beaaty.Desiroas of obtaiaiag sfcciaeas of these aoea-lat- a

beauties, seae 5cetiSc toarists eace eaereda d boy a haadsoae gift if he woaid coe- -

seatto be lowered dowothedtK' bv a rope, and !

-woahl gather a IK tie basket fall of thea. Iffre

boy looked wistfaoy at the caooer. for his pereaUwere poor, bat wbes be gazed at the yawningchasai he skraak bsck aad dechiied ;

bst Sha! love was stroo within hia:. Afterat the gift aad at the terrible tsssre,

his heart grew sroag, aad his eye sashed, aad besaid. I wiB go if ay father will bold the rope.''Asd thee, with siuhriekis-r serves asd heartfir-ai-r sUoag, he seSered his father to pat tbe j

rope sboct hi-- fewer hiei ieto the abyss, and tohia there whale he Bed fats basket with

the coveted iowe-s- . , It was a dirjag deed, batthe faith ie the streagth of bis lather's tm, asdthe love of his father's heart, cave him cozizsetad power to perra it.

Theee are two reasoes why soce people doa't

aiad their besiaess. Oae is that they bsves't

jtay hesicess, aad tie other is tier harea't j


Th; miTiaf which are seglected assstithaegs, are oftea those wHch decide sea fsr or--xriiisit yoc.

Irjs-dways.- ia osr power to naie a friend byssates ; whii a fatly, thea, to make ta eaeny byfrowes

Tex rasa who popped the qcestioa by " sttr- -

Erbt" sot hii fnreethein s coaseat in a twrnklin-r- .

Tez cilia; of tzbit are gfieraHy too E2 tobe fell y ire too tr5yto betaskea.

Prof. Aoassiz, before departing on tbo deep-se- a

expedition sent out by the U. S. Coast Sur-

vey, indited a letter to Prof. Tierce, in which ho

definitely contradicts the report lhat ho had ac-

cepted Darwin's theory, plainly statin? his con-

viction that the world, being the work of intelli-

gence and not merely the product of' force nnd

matter, has been designed and modeled for tho

cse of organized beings, and that the ofanimals ha3 not followed the changes in the inor-

ganic world according to the theory of develop-

ment. Premising that thi3 theory is correct.

Prof. Agassiz claims that the "human should

so chime with it, that from what is known it may

reach the unknown." Ho expects to find in theat depths whirh neither hook nor net has

reached, living organisms that have not yet been

described, and to establish their identity with

genera long supposed to be extinct. He proposes

also to obtain positive data on the question of tho

greatest depth at which fishes can live, nnd totrace the differences between the deep-se- a fauna

of the northern and southern hemispheres, with

incidental applications of his favorite theory ofglacial action.

re of and on- -

lyl in age 100 Eisorders liver.oalv attains veers. 1.000,000.--





roegh-ses- s,





TnK First Fomkd Bask Xotk.- Sixty-fou- r

j years after the establishment of the Bank of Eng- -

uda the first forced note was nresented for pav- -

j m(?nU amUo ntebud William Vaughan.a Staf--

ford linen draper, beloncs the melancholy cele--i . . . . . ' , . , ., tU;I . 3

crime, in tbe vear 175S. The records of his life

do not show want, beggary, or starvation urging

him, bat a simple desire to seem greater than hewas. By one Of the artists employed (and therewere several engaged in different parts of thenotes) tho discovery was made. Tho criminal

had filled op to the number of twenty and de-

posited them in tbe hands of a yonng lady to

whom ha was attached, as a proof of his wealth.

There is no calculating how ranch longer bank

notes might have been free from imitation had

this man not shown with what ease they mightbe counterfeited. From this period forged notesbecame common. His execution did not deterothers from the offence, and many a neck was

forfeited to the halter before the late abolition of

capital punishment for tbat crime.

Miking light of your troubles, -- Burning yourtradesmen's bills.

Conclusive Pnoor of a narrow understanding.Tfcht boots.

The Sufferer's Best Friend!

ach and Bowels.

Tfce Tills cn be eoa&taiUj rccecaatemled' as tfee ramtftsaple and certain reaaiJr for icdifnotioe. flituVfdct, colic.acMtr. VeartawB, cowtlratiw. and alt Ike rainy atMnIflllwt. aat eiwcoirtd tteeoaefcs or bowets. In all Jbiajwit It T yrsaftarr taafwrtaace lo tet tb itiaaath right. TberWt are partfitrs, aherarjTe. aa4 treotbeers cf thestosauk. Taj awT t taken r nay tiii'inwaacei.Tkowk roverfaJlr tonic, aad aperint. tat;arc aM an tfcear ervrarJaa, aad beneadal to ta vhose sj steea.


Weakness, and Debility, Kervons Irrita-bilit- y.


Th mM'ttmt efect enerriped by tbeM admirable TflUvnr tb bbwi aad SaU, cteeraUr fa lite a cbarai ia mt--Mac low Tvirtu. aad rexbriai; ekeertalaew. Tbefr genenaaMtaatoafities eB a, ttw fx a ooaanrk aaseirlnjar- -itcotartr Ur fttaales of an w aad fTtoi of ttfc. TWy

ever IwtrftT aav 4iMrtiaSjle ItritaHos: aaUnes: Imtrfaiekly r all MfariUil froa. lb .r,! aadrrr faaetiaa rl tbe boaV. ririaf uuuiiiai (ntm ww

gy to weak aad tiiatuted perseen. vbOe rbty brice aadtmacttKO tbe Btmcs iftieat is a most eitnerdieary

TO Regain Health, Strength and Vigor. I

Wbeeetw lwscas Sad tbeamlm in tbat state tented a" link oat of beaitk." aad tbere are so amy caww at ekto a UK H W aeorory tbat Honoway-- t TOfa, tbe Sa- -

r--t rmif rk, ,TTrV-- .t oc. tlr,m tker aot oaly rid b.k soUdt and Boris of all aaarbid aaat--trrK kat rrywUl, 11 ir,Kl artks ad .treagtaea toefti..textr.i-ar,..- .Old Coughs, Colds and Ashmahcal Attec

tions.Tbcse nils.as9letJlatwiracfieat?rwaWfc IlaBewry'i

Oiatairat Terr ejuiaalry twice a dar apoa tb throat aadcktet. aad keeaeac; those oarts eoreerd wttb tbe wnoaritfaa,

1 belaaadtbeaaarteaMtjTe Maedy far iitban, uni,mUi, brawrbitK aad raeaeaaa. ttM u ail all I tnaaBtttbe bwrfed ferMtbin. aootb tbe krttated aad as- -

t la auiMciactaefamrai am Hope itiiiurfwiOT.Ibis tnataHat has fawred woaderrally itarliat at aat aalyrartar. m swm nrb, aad eoM.W iban r amy-- tu, ,, u it, . ttr ti. vt tw .iowHtbllctb.l MItt.

Derargeaent and Distension of theBowels, Flatulency, LLtrrhoea

and DysenteryAay sysrOan ef tbe aaore enaplatatj taoaM be bane! i

atoty atet ay aatawfwtaaee owe tn am, aonwaag imtb priated dtmrtioM: aetay ay be adlowed by dbaHroatcaaiaaiafiL. Tbos PW, are a certain ritaidr for a tbealtaiiaf at tbe alliacalarr caaal. taer pmn tb tbarwachdicntiwa of tb feed, aad art art kiadly a tb tweMcb,Ittw, kwlaey. aad WwwK As a boavboM wdtdat tbyart aarirUled, aad tkoaM always be oa kaad.

Very Important, Of Costireness Beware.

..rrii: ,.v. . ji. ,iT v.. l,,' lu .L,rT? TTr?T..rr;- - rrj'rt' iMBUT aaa 2?lZ!!!fiL?Ltb beai, a naiM Tta ts raatand a tb braia, aad w knewtbe mL LK arm coaaiit tWar hatbaaas, aad kasaaadttbrwiTrs.aTr to r to bed a saeaad aiiat, if the bowelSmtc aot ra HofeiO rd dariac ta day. pattrlrty iftbey feet bcary aad drowsy. X Hw aatj 4e f tbefa HSs win nroHl tb ctrroluias f tb Mood, aad

a daaereas ,t iau.ioB.aoy's PMt art Ot Uti rraWy tmm fa th

voria or tit JUvif Dbtaa :

Jtra rM IrTfUri-tsr- s SerwfoU, or Kisg'tA.tbaaa Eani 1 "i merafaBkisaj SorTrUBbMckea e th RU Stoa aad Orar!,

ikia SoatSwt CtaaaUfatj UMlara TicDaWeax

IaaretBtiltirlaii af tb rtcars

Tiaitial AS fllaaIVwm, of U timil

pStr,' ' wwalertreae.Jrywauay I ITbiaaiiHw it, i.c

' Etliuttaaaf Criaer ritorESSOR hollawat.. 1 .irf Im tur.i laarna: hohhihimi- -

aot israaza- - aa tMMi aa jai wfia.t wiwmm lb ki.tHd wortt M tb fabi: rtce:--J.

-, l.SU.OL,"3,.. u 3St ewh l.Tfcr-- M a r. mmkttnhU Mm; OJ txliac ta UJTW JIM.

S. a. Pu Mllaej. tir tb gabUac cf paGU la nryaXxal t rack box.



THIS House is now Open andrexdT fsr the reception of Trarelert- aadPIeuaresetkcri. Bcisgloeated

at the eslrasce of KALIHI t ALLEY, one ef therichest aad best ecltiraied TaUeyt s the group, itbatds forth erery isdeceraest fsr a ritit from the ior-e-rt

af tie Pietsreiict. The broad um of the Val-ley are teitily ladea with the Basaaa, Piseapple,Orange. lraaQ,GnaTa and Gbia fruits ; Us aeuntatnaides duster with ercry ceseeirable shade f Erer-gree- E,

Vines aad Flowers : sweet seisdy froa thefifj af lovely tstHtzt awakes ta fife the Saaery deflfat early dawu.

m to would sua a nattsnat cl --M-tore, wbca so easily obtained ?

--o. :n 1 t,v ,1. TJM.l U.ii,a"a EE?TSETr.to Eike tie What Cieer Howe"the reaKxarwn cf a d wish, " Oh, forasaewhere to spead a plcaiaat hour !"

i.L.it. jiti servea at saon ceuce.wua lea er uai---fee. AH raacaer of TXMPEEAXCE DELXKS f.rtie thirrty.

A LIBRARY, eonUiifc; over Oae Thstuaod Val.Bser ef Boots, free far the cte of the Patrtnu ef tieHocse.

adHe none always ia readicesi fsr those wiihisgto go c? tie VaBey.

AS zaxascT ef Sutiorery eaa be prseartd here at MT at any place ia cr arsuad

TOBACCO aad CIGARS cf every aad

CaB ari cxaa-is- The Major wiH alwayiwi-- h wrlcor. - Sl-l-to-- x





England, Germany & France,coxsismu or- -

ITTHITE MARSEILLES. BED QUILTS, rhlteCation Turkish TowtR Qnj and Lintn Hack

Towels, "While and Grey Cotton Ilnck TowrI. HonBlankets, baits of BUnktls in all wool and all cotton,bales Broitn Cotton, biles White Mtdapolicis, balesof Fancy EnsHsh IMnt. bales White Ground Prints,biles Printed Brillitntj, cues White Brilliants, niWhite Moleskin, White Cotton Drill, Half Linrn do,All Linen Prill, biles Blue Cotton, bales Blue Flan-nel, cases White Linen Dae k. Vail Barege if all col's.Silk Grenadine for Vails. White Cashmere, Black Me-

rino and Thibet. See Black Colore. Baratheas, Pontine,.

colored. Lined Drills, White Jaconet. Moll Mas- -,. - T IT ,t

11D, ,lim!0O,3, lictv'll UAnu,.niN WHTU .'l aaiiu,Black, White a Brown Linen Thread,

White Cotton Thread; Heavj and extra wide Tiekinf,Hair-clot- h Seating. Black Grey Linen Drill,llnmwk'a White Cotton Lone Cloth. Crochet Cotton.bales Blue Drillinj; Heavj White Cordotoj-- , Amos- -, n T..l;.n Plntl,. ..J ni. nM.J.cloth, lleavT unite lotion lieu tneeunR, Lasaraerad'ecosje. Carpets and Tapestries. Tap'e Cheek. PaperCambrics, cuesias.nne nirei-inen- iaies vorsets.Buttons and Trimminps for tailors' use. Black, Brownand White Linen Hollands, Black Silk, Black and

i White Cotton Wadding, Zephlr Wool, Saddle Cloths,Black Crepe, etc.


French Teas ia Water. French Peas in Butter, tinjPeas and Carrots, Asparagus, Soup Bouiilr. MockTurtle, Julicn Crab, KUntj, Vowl, Oxtail and HareSoups, tins of Tonjruc, Brunswict Liver, Mushroom,Westphalia, Italia, Cerrclat, Sausaqts, etc.. Currant,Apples and Kaberry JclHes in Jars, Strawberry, Cur- -rant. Raspberry and Currant Juice, Raspberry Vine-gar, cases Mixed Pickles. Piealilly. Onions and Oher-- '

kins, Limburg and Swiss Cheese, barrels Rve Flour,Sour Cabbage in kegs, kegs Salted Brauncr Kohl,Curly Kettl, tins Branner Kebl or Curly Kehl Cabbagekegs Dutch Herrings, kegs Salted German StringBeans, kegs Salted Turkish Teas, Canary and Rape '

Seed, demijohns Yellow and Green Split Peas. Sar- -delles and Anchories in patent glass and tin boxes,kegs Saltpeter, eases Sweet Oil. Westphalia Hams,kegs Russia Sardines. French Prunes in glass, Smyr-na Figs in glass. Zante Currants in tins, Muscat Rai-sins in tins. Capers in glass, glasses Preferred Lamp-reys. Russia Cariar in patent boxes. Candles. Saltwa-ter Soap, French Chocolate, eases Confectionery,Marxipan and other Sweetmeats, Vinegar in demi-johns and barrels. Grocery Paper and Bags, etc.


in case;. RHIXE WIXES in cases, such asGetsenheimer. Hochheimer. Nicrsteicer,

Rudesheimer. Deidesbtimer, Bocksbeutel.all warrant-ed genuine. Medoc IS6S and ISfrt in eases, Sauteraeand Haut Sauteme. Cases CLARET of other brands,such as Chit Litages. Lagrange. Leoville, Chamber-ti-

Cases Port Wine. Sherry. Maracbino. Malt Ex-

tract. Xordhauser Brantwein, Scotch and Irish Whfa-- ikey, XordhanserKummel and double Hummel, Swed-

ish Punch and Cocktail, French Cognae, Angosturaand Boonekamp Bitters, best and reat Holland Gin,imitation Holland Gin, casks Brandy Gin and Rum,Deetjen A Schroder's star brand Ale in pts and qts,Norwegian Beer in pts and qts, Marian's Draft Ale tncasks. Alcohol in demijohns and kegs, Seltier Water.


S, C$3 O .Ladies Hats and Bonnets, new styles. Children's

Hats and Gents' IVIt IIat. nir ItI. Ladiet.' Chil-

dren's and Gents' GIotc. colored Kid Gloves j

dies and Gents. Suspenders, Garters, White PiqueVests, fine Blue Sacks. Black and Blue Cloth Pants,White Duck Sacks, Pants and Vests, Onvan and Al-- trcea Sacs. Prima Pants, firured Maleskfn Pants,tgured Vietorfa Pints. Silk Umbrellas, whakbonefnmts tttn Ladies Silk Vmbrellas, Brown and...xii rrv n- -.

T - r,,M, r,. vX!.. V..'. .),." r " - ' -

grey heavr raeriao half-hor- men's and boys, heavybrown cotton socks, ladies' superior white ItoeViugs.Merino undershirts and drawers, extra sites, browncotton uadershirts.pilotreefingjaekets. monkey jack- -

.,, "n '"""- -chiefs, superior white Hnea and lawn handkerebiers,mourning haBdkerehiefs. calico aeU madapolam shirts

h numerous artieles..,'J J Q$

--nr J Jf VT

BLANK BOOKS, soch as ledgers, journals, dayhooks, cash books, stock books, account hooks, copy-Ja-g

books. nte book, book folios, ctare books.Bill, eap and letter paper, pens and pes holders, ink,copying presses, etc. etc.

nts dE2 oil.White lead and tine, black aad green paiati, lin- -

teed oil, sheet lead, etc. etc.



Porfam ory, cbo.- jsesi eaa ae cotogre. pomatams, cair on, nue rer- -faaery, toilet toaps. etc. etc.

MISCELLANEOUS.Case aieknaeks and fancy artieles, toys aad dolls .

t.,1- - v.tVef. batcher kniret and kaiTwt. waterBoakeys, silk beltiegi. ribbons ia large assortment,feathers and plumes, artificial flowers and wreaths,gait pcrcha round coeabs. dressing aad fine tootheoabs, ladrei dress Inaants. i'?"'""'rv. thaitoi uean cigars, eotii. bie batmaaas.'poiished fence wire, a good artiel. hoop iton, Manilarope, hemp sail twine, walking sticks, violin strings,hoots aad eyes, hair pins, aeersckiam pipes, ansa--sest- al

globe table lamps, watches, window gtax, etc.


Expected per German Bark"Emilie,"Via Son Francisco,






graced Prints,



Boots & Shoes for Ladies,GENTS and CHILDREN.

Denims, Brilliants and

Numerous Other ArticlesSUITABLE FOB THE TBADE !



Cases Downer's Best Kerosene Oil,

Cases Best American Card 3ratches.

Bales American Heavy

Amoskeag Denims, tc. tc,o



Country Dealers are Particularly Invited

TO EJ2S13Vri3Jir33"t3 ifj Stcei before parehxting elsewhere.

3S-3-b THEOD. C. IIECCK, Fort Etrctx.


for saie tvs:




Ever Ino-xsoirtec-i


HICKORY, OAK and. ...

iTom 1 to 3 inch, suitable for bu lidmg any rm af a agaBgwheeled vehicle, from a

na&Also HUBS and SPOKES to match, ami SAWED WLLOftS,

Carts, and Spokes to match.

.Axlesi in Lai'e Assortment,Sulky, Buggy and Express "Wagon Shafts, Pole?, WbifBetrees aad CraM Bars

Burgy and Carriage Bow?, SeatAnti irattler?,

Silver-plate- d Shaft, Pole and Yoke Tips, plain ami oetacrom, Stamp JohM,Top Props, Slat Irons, Felloe Plate, Clip Kbit; Boh. AxJa CHa)?k

4S Lining Xails, Carriage and Tire Bolts, Jbm. Sm. Am.






Tttiportor cvxxcL DDonlor in.


ACOUIT BOOKS!And every Article of utility and fancy eonMetail wkh

Conntintr House and Office, and for Artists, Testchets,men, Travelers, etc., on as reaponahle terras as eaa

here Or in San Franeiseo, astOMg which are thafollowing Staple Artieles:

English and French Letter Papers, satin turfae aadextra fine, plain and girt edges

Do. Billet and te, de. da. do.Do. Letter and Nate BnTeiepet. ta matah the abateMourning Kote Paper and gn'ftlllptsa'n aeeati- -

mcnt constantly on handAmerican papers, from the beat makers, ef almart

every descriptionEnamelled surface and pearl surface CardsEmbossed and Friendship CardsPerforated Boards, tor CbfBelle workTissue and fancy colored PapertMorocco and Embossed, aad Gold and Stiver PapersBest London Quills and Qafll PentSteel Peas, from the best atakeraEnglish Red and ealered WafersEnglish Notarial WafersEnglish SeaHng Wax. red and faaeyKidder'i Jt Paywa'f IndeliMo InkBlue, blaek and red Writing IakHair. Cloth, Tooth, Nail and Sharing BnshesThermometer, Tooth picks.Maps of Hawaffaa Itlands.Portable Writfag Desk, fram 13 ta 1

ilahogany and Itatewaad, adapted I

and gentlemen i neeCoc'tanlly on hind, School Books ef alt Mail k

general ateTamity aad Pocket Bibles, Tesiaraeatf , etc.Standard EDfBth and Ameriesa BoakiPaper envw Books, Seag aad Marl BeaMJuTeaile aad Toy Boaka of every duuilfWanBngUth Drawing Paper, alt taw, from detaf to

doable elephantBristol Boards, ef every tin and tUakaetXTracing Parcel and Traorog CkaerreXewman's Water Colon, in bolesBest Sabfe and Camel's Hair ItrtHheiPnWt saperiar Drawlsg PeeetrlColored Pemitt. Creta tevft da.Matkematieal, or Drawing IaitrumentI, In

from I to $10 raehChest Men, Weed and IvoryBaekgammaa and Chert BaardfIntefleataal Card GamesDoniaae of variant natteraiGold and Sitter PeneA Cans

N.B.-- All New Articles of FANCYearliest arrivals lrom

ACCOUMorder of hmfa,

"Janls, etc, executed

iSr.w nrxmriii)Pa?"-- Comity Merchant and DtaUrj wiB

lUoalohi, NareeaVer Utl.









A iplendid atiortment of the above


BOOTS jut received ; also, a more


which will be told at the Lowest Possible


M. S. CRINBAUM & CO.46 3cs

Salmon Direct from the Packers !

BEST Colnmbla packing ofrcceired per "Falkinbsr-r- " and far lata br

3 E0LLB8 I CO.

Russia Bolt Rope,ASSORTED SIZES For aale br


Oregon Hams,RECEIVED PER FALKlHBtJEO ' and for




OF- -





Trotting Stifcy o a Xttie ksasssSKSZ.

Spindles, RBDbarriap;PifUt Wheels, SUrera4ajtl Hwh


be aaal

I Said Fmm, waa

fraat II MaM WaaaaVawataa aaBa raaaf Maraaaa, CawA vYWwTnVwML aaarV HaVJf laaVOT Ia0 Jtalkai aaMaah IWlfc fcaataaaaf


ItH i ' ITT lis nil aaa. Will

Wasakt Kad. .ad --ry - i Tf n . faaaa

fSakaaaaaaV It ia waaaBl -cnaja. aMBMI alaaaaaaTaa

Iakaaiadt.tafayrt aai lUaaa. alia, aaaata aaat Hia a.AB Iwtd f a

Btaak Walaat Baak XaaasCbiMna' Bala 7waaa. fuflmnail an aa TiaTiCaftm; Trmmm. OJ W nil aaaattaaawCitjaat. what aad eniatadlVaac FotW. rVa a4 Wiaak! IVory ajbaa,Drawtaa; ka, StaA aaat SaaaeJM.tealU.aWp. f aS iaaaaad at- -

Kyotata aad Xyatat HaahtaaiKaraartaan aad Sana, BaaiVaInitial Pa aad Hanlspaa

I.KATIIMK rtOOIM.A awMTjS fta)ai atV

altaa" virr'tTthi''Patket Book a, WaBat aai i

A rary ran aad xaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaant, iiaaialaa ovary aaatata afu aa Uaas iLaaaa, Jaaaaal, bn

Boaka, Waaat Banal,Maval Baft at3a

Wrtaae aWk. at afl raa aaewaaa taaatja aaaaad Wood, qaaraa rana

Maal Drawiavrana aad HVailaat BaataAJaata. rariaty af !.. eaVrata aoaora aooat, ror B

Thaa Book

London and New Yeri;

at tbo Lont-a- t Rsttm

nv iivniiv ftriiiaiiin.jbvi it for their inlermt lo eaO ami ,







la UMt poaea, wttt or xKJaoat OM AaaaaaaKaMta- -





"SJLomX Fa-voratol- ol

XW For (Miakmlsn fftj taA. SCHAEFER Sc. CO.,


Tanned Goat and Sheep SMbs





liUUIvb, for Bankw, Intraranee Cornpanriea, lUttrrMimade to with despatch. PRINTDTO PHI




Rtrer Salmon




