Exercise Safety - Elementary School

Activity Warm-Up: Lion Stalk While the music is playing move slowly as if you were stalking your prey, when the music stops hide your head so your prey won’t find you.


PPT on safety while exercising for elementary student

Transcript of Exercise Safety - Elementary School

  • 1. Activity Warm-Up: Lion Stalk While the music is playing move slowly as if you were stalking your prey, when the music stops hide your head so your prey wont find you.

2. EXERCISE SAFETY How to be safe when you are being physically active. 3. What does it mean to be safe? Who is responsible for your physical safety? 4. UNIT Target You are responsible for YOUR SAFETY during physical activity. 5. Day 1 Learning Target: Fitness Slow exercises warm-up and cool down our bodies. 6. What are some things you like to do when you first wake up in the morning? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Why do we do these things? Why cant our body just pop out of bed and be ready? 7. Warm-Up Walk Walk around the class slowly. While you walk try and move every part of your body to get everything warmed up. This includes your fingers, toes, face muscles, arms, legs everything! 8. More Slow Exercises High Knees Butt Kicks Hip Flexors Carioca 9. Cool Down Slide Slide around the class slowly. While you slide try and move every part of your body slowly to cool it down. Again, this includes your fingers, toes, face muscles, arms, legs everything! 10. Give an exercise that would warm up or cool down our bodies. Assessment 11. Next Week We will focus specifically on the warm-up and how it helps our body. 12. Activity Warm-Up: Crab Crawl While the music is playing move like a crab around the space. When the music stops hide your claws in your shell and tuck as tight as possible. 13. Day 2 Learning Target: Warm-Up Warming up our muscles and joints keeps them from getting injured. 14. Why Warm-Up Our Bodies? 1. Increase blood flow to your heart and muscles. 2. Prepares your muscles for stretching and exercising. 3. Raises body temperature. 15. Warm-Up Laps Start slowly moving around the classroom. Slowly speed up to a walk. High Knees, Back Kicks, Girdle Openers, Girdle Closers, 16. Warmed Up Bodies Everyone will be in a hoop. When the music starts you will leave that hoop and warm-up those bodies. Use one of the exercises we learned in our warm up laps. 17. Point to a body part that you warmed- up today through exercise Turn and Talk to a partner about why it warming it up was important. Struggling? Try this. I warmed up my __________ today. By warming up this body part I____________. Assessment 18. Next Week STRETCHING!!! 19. Activity Warm-Up: Elephant Walk While the music is playing slowly and softly walk around the classroom with one arm touching your feet and one arm hanging loosely in front of you. 20. Day 3 Learning Target: Stretching Stretching our muscles helps to avoid injury. 21. Stretch those MUSCLES!!! Heres what your muscles look like if you didnt have skin. You ready? Why do we want to make those muscles longer? How does stretching prevent injury? 22. Stretch Rotations You will have 2 minutes at each station You have 1 minute to get into position and then we will do that stretch for 30 seconds and then switch. You will get to go to each station so no skipping. 23. I will call out a body part. You will then do an activity or movement that stretches the muscles in that part of the body. Assessment 24. Next Week ELASTICITY!!! 25. Activity Warm-Up: Snake Slither While the music is playing slither around the class like a snake. When the music stops curl into a spiral or ball like you were about to strike your foes or attackers. 26. Day 4 Learning Target: Elasticity Stretching lengthens the muscles in the body avoiding injury. 27. What is elasticity? Muscles are like rubber bands. When we make them stronger they get tighter. When they are tight it is easier for them to injure. Stretching them like a rubber band loosens them up. 28. Stretch Warm-Up Deltoids Cross Chest Triceps Hold Elbow Abdominals Cobra Hamstrings Sit and Reach Quadriceps Bend and Hold 29. Elastic Tag Muscle Freezers will be moving around the classroom trying to tag those free muscles. If a free muscle is tagged by a muscle freezer they must go over to the elastic zone and stretch that tagged area for 10 seconds. 30. Instructor will point to a part of the body and students will have to increase the elasticity of that body part. Assessment 31. Next Week COOL DOWN!!! 32. Activity Warm-Up: Penguin Waddle While the music is playing waddle around the classroom as if you were a penguin. When the music stops tuck your head and arms into your body as if you were burrowing in for the cold. 33. Day 5 Learning Target: Cool Down Exercises that make the entire body healthier can be fun. 34. What would happen if I pulled a rug out from under you? Why we should cool down? 1. Reduces muscle stiffness 2. Prevents dizziness 3. Slowly brings our bodies back to normal. *Remember: after a workout we never just want to sit or lie down, which would cause a quick stopping of blood flow to the heart and brain. 35. Heater Tag Heaters will be trying to tag you to heat your body up after exercising. If you get tagged you will then have to go to the cool down area, stretch for 10 seconds and walk once around that area. 36. Cool Down Laps Start moving around the classroom. Slow down little by little to a slow walk. 37. Stretch Cool-Down Deltoids Cross Chest Triceps Hold Elbow Abdominals Cobra Hamstrings Sit and Reach Quadriceps Bend and Hold 38. Students will give one way cooling down our muscles and bodies helps avoid injuries. Assessment 39. Next Week DEMO DAY!!! 40. Activity Warm-Up: You Pick! While the music is playing move around the classroom as if you were one of your favorite animals. When the music stops crouch down like you about to strike. 41. Day 6 Demo Day 42. Performance of Understanding You will demonstrate your understanding of all youve learned the last 5 weeks in exercise safety. 43. UNIT Target You are responsible for YOUR SAFETY during physical activity. 44. Day 1 Learning Target: Fitness Slow exercises warm-up and cool down our bodies. 45. Day 2 Learning Target: Warm-Up Warming up our muscles and joints keeps them from getting injured. 46. More Slow Exercises High Knees Butt Kicks Hip Flexors Carioca Walking Crab Walking Penguin Waddle Slide Girdle Opener Girdle Closer Lunging More? 47. Day 3 Learning Target: Stretching Stretching our muscles helps to avoid injury. 48. Next Week STRETCHING!!! 49. Day 5 Learning Target: Cool Down Cooling down the body after exercises keeps the body safe and avoids injury. 50. Performance In groups of 2, you will make a poster about what you need to do to safely exercise the body. The most informative and decorative poster will be hung up in the class/school. Posters must include: One slow exercise that will warm up and cool down the body (including name) One stretch that will lengthen our muscles Arrow pointing to the muscle or body part being stretched Answer this question: How do these exercises keep us safe?