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  • 7/21/2019 excel-a-macro-for-copying-data-from-different-sheets-10517-lu3hzc.pdf


    Excel - a Macro for copying data from

    different sheets

    June 2014

    [Excel] a Macro for copying data from

    different sheetsIssue


    Note that


    I am trying to copy data from different sheets to master sheet under the following


    Master sheet should be generated whenever I run a macro erasing the previous master


    All the Column headings are identical.

    For master sheet only one heading should be copied (i.e. first row should not be copied

    from the second sheet.)If zero values in a particular cell are appearing then that row should not be copied.

    Master sheet should be sorted as per the column i mention in running the macro. (I.e. I will

    assign on the message box the field/column that should be sorted in the master sheet.)


    I have one doubt you want to copy data for all the months to master sheet OR for month by month.

    I assumed all the months. In that case try this macro

  • 7/21/2019 excel-a-macro-for-copying-data-from-different-sheets-10517-lu3hzc.pdf


    Sub test()

    Dim j As Long, k As Long, r As Range

    j = Worksheets.Count

    With Worksheets("master")

    Set r = Range(.Range("A2"), .Range("A2").End(xlDown))


    End With

    For k = 1 To j

    If Worksheets(k).Name = "master" Then GoTo errorhandler

    With Worksheets(k)

    If .Range("A2") = "" Then GoTo errorhandler

    Set r = Range(.Range("A2"), .Range("A2").End(xlDown))


    Worksheets("master").Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial

    End With

    errorhandler:Next k

    End Sub

    In your file you have too many empty modules. Remove all of them except module1.

    Note that

    Solved by venkat1926This document entitled Excel - a Macro for copying data from different sheets from Kioskea (en.kioskea.net) is

    made available under the Creative Commons license. You can copy, modify copies of this page, under the conditions

    stipulated by the license, as this note appears clearly.
