Everything is an Object

03G-1 Everything is an Object Everything is an Object Examining some builtin classes All these are classes in Squeak Object Class Method ,Block files, editors, compilers, tools Boolean True False Run time type information Implementation of new Printing objects


Everything is an Object. Examining some builtin classes All these are classes in Squeak Object Class Method ,Block files, editors, compilers, tools Boolean True False Run time type information Implementation of new Printing objects. Learning Squeak. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Everything is an Object

Page 1: Everything is an Object


Everything is an ObjectEverything is an Object• Examining some builtin classes• All these are classes in Squeak

Object Class Method ,Block files, editors, compilers, tools Boolean


• Run time type information• Implementation of new• Printing objects

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Learning SqueakLearning SqueakThe best way to learn Squeak is to explore the definitions of builtin classes. A file containing the implementation of any class may be produced by clicking File Out on a class or an entire category.

The result is a file containing smalltalk code

Such files can be Filed In usingthe file list browser.

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The Class ObjectThe Class Object• The class Object is the rootroot of Squeak’s hierarchy.

• It inherits from ProtoObject, but we currently ignore this class

• Most other classes inherits from it, directly or indirectly.• The existence of a single root is useful to assure that

some messages are understood by any object.• Object defines about 400 methods

• The methods defined in the class Object may be: Used to define a common behaviour. These methods need not

be overridden. Their implementation is based on other methods. Used to provide a default behaviour. These methods should be

overridden by subclasses when appropriate.

• Some methods are implemented by calling primitivesprimitives. A primitive is a kind of external function.

• The class Object is an Abstract ClassAbstract Class. Question: What is the superclass of ProtoObject?

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ObjectsObjects’’ Printability Printability• The method printString provides a common

behaviour. Its implementation is based on the method printStringLimitedTo: which is based on printOn:.

printString^ self printStringLimitedTo: 50000

printStringLimitedTo: t1 | t2 |t2 := String streamContents:

[:t3 | self printOn: t3]limitedTo: t1.

t2 size < t1ifTrue: [^ t2].

^ t2 , '...etc...‘

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ObjectsObjects’’ Printability – Cont. Printability – Cont.The method printOn:provides a default behaviour. The

default is returning the name of the receiver’s class.printOn: t1

| t2 |t2 := self class name.t1

nextPutAll: (t2 first isVowelifTrue: ['an ']ifFalse: ['a ']);

nextPutAll: t2

The method class is implemented by a primitive.class

<primitive: 111>self primitiveFailed

Override printOn: to give your objects a sensible textualrepresentation

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Fraction >>PrintOn:Fraction >>PrintOn:printOn: aStream

aStream nextPut: $(.numerator printOn: aStream.aStream nextPut: $/.denominator printOn: aStream.aStream nextPut: $).

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Equality TestsEquality TestsThe method == of ProtoObject returns true if the

receiver and argument are the same object. It is implemented by a primitive.

== t1 <primitive: 110>self primitiveFailed

The method ~~ is based on ==. It needs not be overridden.~~ t1

self == t1ifTrue: [^ false].

^ trueThe method = returns true if the receiver and argument

are objects with the same value. It must be overridden.= t1 ^ self == t1

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CollectionCollection’’s Equalitys Equality• The class SequenceableCollection overrides the

method == t1

self == t1ifTrue: [^ true].

self species == t1 speciesifFalse: [^ false].

^ self hasEqualElements: t1

SequenceableCollection provides a default behaviour that is more appropriate for its subclasses

• The method = in class Complex= anObject

anObject isNumber ifFalse: [^false].anObject isComplex

ifTrue: [^ (real = anObject real) & (imaginary = anObject imaginary)]

ifFalse: [^ anObject adaptToComplex: self

andSend: #=]]

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Copying ObjectsCopying Objects• The method shallowCopy returns a copy of the

receiver. a shallow copy of an object shares its references to instance

variables with the original object.• The method shallowCopy provides common behaviour, based

on methods basicSize and basicAt:, which are implemented by primitives.

• The method copyTwoLevel copies also first level of instance variables• i.e, makes a shallow copy of each variable

• The method deepCopy copies also all of the objects within the receiver, recursively. It must be overridden.

Bug: deepCopy will not terminate when applied to a mutually recursive structure:

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Copy – Cont.Copy – Cont. The method copy may be either a shallow or a

deep copy, depending upon what is appropriate for the receiver.

copy^self shallowCopy postCopy

Override postCopy to copy any instance variables that should not be shared.

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Copy in DictionaryCopy in DictionaryThe class Dictionary overrides the method copy.

copy^ self shallowCopy

withArray: (array collect: [:t1 | t1 ifNotNil:

[Association key: t1 key value: t1 value]])

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Objects in SqueakObjects in Squeak Everything is an object

Things only happen by message passing Variables are dynamically bound

State is private to objects Encapsulation boundary is the object “protected” for subclasses

Methods are public “private” methods by convention only

(Nearly) every object is a reference Unused objects are garbage-collected

Single inheritance

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Squeak’s Object ModelSqueak’s Object Model Rule 1: Everything is an object.

Integers are objects3 + 4 "send '+ 4' to 3, yielding 7"20 factorial "send factorial, yielding a big number"

Classes are objects Rule 2: Every object is an instance of a class.

A class specifies the structure and behaviour of its instances Instances of a class share the same behavior and have a specific

state The class of an object can be obtained by sending it the class message

1 class -> SmallInteger20 factorial class -> LargePositiveInteger'hello' class −> ByteString#(1 2 3) class −> Array(4@5) class −> PointObject new class −> Object

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Squeak’s Object Model - contSqueak’s Object Model - cont Rule 3: Every class has a superclass.

Each class inherits its behaviour and the description of its structure from a single superclass.

SmallInteger superclass −> IntegerInteger superclass −> NumberNumber superclass −> MagnitudeMagnitude superclass −> ObjectObject superclass −> ProtoObjectProtoObject superclass −> nil

Rule 4: Everything happens by message sends. Rule 5: Method lookup follows the inheritance chain.

The class of the receiver looks up the method to handle the message. If this class does not have a method, it asks its superclass, and so on,

up the inheritance chain. If method is not found, the object sends

self doesNotUnderstand: #<message name>.

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Metaclasses in 7 pointsMetaclasses in 7 points1. Every object is an instance of a class2. Every class eventually inherits from Object3. Every class is an instance of a metaclass4. The metaclass hierarchy parallels the class

hierarchy5. Every metaclass inherits from Class and

Behavior6. Every metaclass is an instance of Metaclass7. The metaclass of Metaclass is an instance of


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Every class is an instance of a metaclassEvery class is an instance of a metaclass Classes are objects too!

Each class X is the unique instance of its metaclass, called X class





Integer class

Number class


Magnitude class

Object class

Instance of

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MetaclassesMetaclasses Metaclasses are implicit

There are no explicit metaclasses Metaclasses are created implicitly when classes are

created No sharing of metaclasses (unique metaclass per

class) Metaclasses are anonymous

Can be referred to through the class that is their instance

Integer class Integer class Object class Object class

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The metaclass hierarchy parallels the The metaclass hierarchy parallels the class hierarchyclass hierarchyObject




Integer class

Number class


Magnitude class

Object class

Instance of

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Every metaclass inherits from Class and Every metaclass inherits from Class and BehaviorBehavior




anIntegerInteger class

Number class


Magnitude class

Object class

Instance of




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Every metaclass is an instance of Every metaclass is an instance of MetaclassMetaclass





Integer class

Number class


Magnitude class

Object class

Instance of





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Every metaclass is an instance of Every metaclass is an instance of MetaclassMetaclass





Integer class

Number class


Magnitude class

Object class

Instance of





Metaclass class

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Instance of

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Class AttributesClass Attributes• Some of the attributes of any class are:

a name a superclass a set of methods a set of instance variables the instance size

• Additionally, classes have behaviour, which is defined by the methods implemented in the class side of a class

• The most important method is the one that makes the class able to generate new instances.

• When the message new is sent to a class• it is looked up in its metaclass chain and ultimately

in its superclass: Behavior

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The Method NewThe Method Newo The method new is first defined in the class Behavior,

and can be redefined in its subclasses, including any metaclass of classes we define.o new always returns an instance of self, the class that receives

the message, even if it is implemented in another class.o new first creates a new instance and then sends to it the

message initialize:new

^ self basicNew initializeo basicNew allocates an instance using a primitive.o new is redefined in Metaclass:new

thisClass class ~~ selfifTrue: [^ thisClass := self basicNew].self error:

'A Metaclass should only have one instance!'

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Method LookupMethod LookupTwo step process:

Lookup starts in the class of the receiver (an object)

1.If the method is defined in the method dictionary, it is used

2.Else, the search continues in the superclass If no method is found, this is an error …

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Looking for MethodsLooking for Methods• respondsTo: is defined in Object as:respondsTo: t1

^ self class canUnderstand: t1• canUnderstand: is defined in Class as:canUnderstand: t1

(self includesSelector: t1)ifTrue: [^ true].

superclassifNil: [^ false].

^ superclass canUnderstand: t1

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Run-Time Type InformationRun-Time Type Information• Since Smalltalk is dynamically typeddynamically typed it is useful to ask

about the identity of the objects.• The methods isMemberOf: and isKindOf: defined in

Object may be used for type checking.

isMemberOf: t1 ^self class == t1

isKindOf: t1 self class == t1

ifTrue: [^ true].^ self class inheritsFrom: t1

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Design TechniquesDesign Techniques• The builtin classes of Squeak provide several examples

of design techniquesdesign techniques that are characteristic of Object Oriented Programming.

• Some of these techniques are: Providing additional functionality using composite composite

methodsmethods, implemented over basic ones. Example: The reject: class Collection.

The use of abstract classesabstract classes implementing the common behavior of its subclasses. Example: The classes Boolean, True and False.

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Composite MethodsComposite Methods• A class should provide to its clients all the functionality

that may be usefuluseful, even if not absolutely necessary.• The protocol of a class may be extendedextended by the addition

of composite methods, implemented over basic ones.• The implementation of these additional methods

requires very little effortlittle effort, but makes the class more powerful.

• The main advantages of composite methods are: The interface of the class becomes more abstractabstract. The protocol of the class becomes more completecomplete. The class becomes more useful. The class becomes easier to use.

Composite methods improve reusabilityreusability.

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The Class CollectionThe Class CollectionThe basicbasic method select: is used to implement the compositecomposite methods reject:select: aBlock | newCollection |

newCollection := self species new.self do: [:each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue:

[newCollection add: each]].^newCollection

reject: t1 ^ self

select: [:t2 | (t1 value: t2) == false]

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Abstract ClassesAbstract Classes• Abstract classes are normally derived by the

generalizationgeneralization of its subclasses.• They provide a common behaviorcommon behavior for their

subclasses.• The methods implemented by an abstract class are

normally compositecomposite. The basic methods should be provided by the subclasses.

• The main advantages of abstract classes are: Provide a common protocol for the subclasses. Avoid several implementations of the same

methods. Allow new subclasses to be derived without

having to reimplement all the functionality.• The methods implemented in an abstract class are

reusedreused by its subclasses.

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The Class BooleanThe Class BooleanThe class Boolean is an abstract class:

ifTrue: t1 self subclassResponsibility

!!ifFalse: t1

self subclassResponsibility!!ifTrue: t1 ifFalse: t2

self subclassResponsibility!!ifFalse: t1 ifTrue: t2

self subclassResponsibility

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The Class TrueThe Class TrueThe class True inherits the functionality of Boolean.

ifTrue: t1 ^ t1 value

!!ifFalse: t1

^ nil!!ifTrue: t1 ifFalse: t2

^ t1 value!!ifFalse: t1 ifTrue: t2

^ t2 value

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The Class FalseThe Class FalseThe class False inherits the functionality of Boolean.

ifTrue: t1 ^ nil

!!ifFalse: t1

^ t1 value!!ifTrue: t1 ifFalse: t2

^ t2 value!!ifFalse: t1 ifTrue: t2

^ t1 value

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The Class BooleanThe Class BooleanTaken from Little Smalltalk, could be applied in SqueakTaken from Little Smalltalk, could be applied in Squeak

Class Boolean ObjectMethods Boolean ifTrue: trueBlock ^self ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: []| ifFalse: falseBlock ^self ifTrue: [] ifFalse: falseBlock| ifFalse: falseBlock ifTrue: trueBlock ^self ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock| and: aBlock ^self ifTrue: aBlock ifFalse: [ false ]| or: aBlock ^self ifTrue: [ true ] ifFalse: aBlock]

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The Class TrueThe Class TrueTaken from Little Smalltalk, could be applied in SqueakTaken from Little Smalltalk, could be applied in Squeak

Class True BooleanMethods True ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock ^trueBlock value| not ^false| xor: aBoolean ^aBoolean not| printString ^'true']

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The Class FalseThe Class FalseTaken from Little Smalltalk, could be applied in SqueakTaken from Little Smalltalk, could be applied in Squeak

Class False BooleanMethods False ifTrue: trueBlock ifFalse: falseBlock ^falseBlock value| not ^true| xor: aBoolean ^aBoolean| printString ^'false']