Evaluation of the accuracy of the Leap Motion controller for...

Evaluation of the accuracy of the Leap Motion controller for measurements of grip aperture Rebecca L. Hornsey Department of Psychology University of Essex Wivenhoe Park Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK [email protected] Paul B. Hibbard Department of Psychology University of Essex Wivenhoe Park Colchester, CO4 3SQ, UK [email protected] CCS Concepts Human-centered computing Laboratory experi- ments; Hardware Sensors and actuators; The Leap Motion controller allows for a mouse-free al- ternative to general computing. With 200 frames/second infrared cameras, a 150 field of view and an 8 ft 2 umbrella of interactive space, the Leap Motion has many potential practical applications. The device is advertised as aiming to be placed in new cars, laptops and hospitals, for example, to provide contact-free device control, while reducing the need for attentive button pressing and averting eye focus. We assessed the accuracy of the Leap Motion when the correct hand position is known. Other studies have also assessed the accuracy of the device, tracking either a refer- ence pen manipulated by a robot arm [1], or the positions of participant’s fingers while pointing at a computer screen [2]. We assessed the accuracy with which grip aperture (the sep- aration between the thumb and forefinger) can be measured. This gesture is useful for indicating the size of objects, or the separation between points. Thirteen wooden rods were cre- ated in centimetre increments between 1 and 13cm. These were held by participants between their thumb and fore- finger tips above the Leap Motion, before removing them, but keeping the hand position stable (Figure 1a). Ten trials were completed before checking the size with the rod and re- peating for another 10, giving 20 repeats for each size. The endpoints of the participant’s fingers were recorded from the Leap Motion using MATLAB and Matleap [3], and the Eu- clidean distance between the endpoints was calculated. A linear regression was performed on the median separa- tion as measured by Leap Motion, against the actual grip aperture. This accounted for between 94.8 and 98.4% of the variance, across participants. Each participant’s regression equation was used to calculate a grip aperture estimate from the Leap Motion data on each trial. The mean, median and RMS error, for each grip aperture, were then calculated for each participant (Figure 1b). The mean RMS was greatest Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored. For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s). CVMP 2015 November 24-25, 2015, London, United Kingdom c 2015 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-3560-7/15/11. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2824840.2824855 (a) (b) Grip Aperture A B 0 50 100 Actual Grip Aperture (mm) 0 20 40 60 80 100 Estimated Grip Aperture (mm) Mean Median RMS Error Figure 1: (a) Leap Motion was used to measure the grip aperture. This figure shows (A) the inter- phalangeal joint and (B) the cleft below the trape- zoid. (b) The mean, median and RMS error of the estimated grip apertures. Data points plot the mean across 7 participants, error bars show ±1 standard deviation. for small grip apertures (8.78mm at 10mm) and reduced with increasing grip aperture (2.67mm at 100mm). The mean RMS error was 4.44mm; for grip apertures larger than 50mm, mean RMS errors were always smaller than 4mm. A bend in the inter-phalangeal joint was necessary for reliable measures. Measurements were taken from the cleft below the trapezoid to the tip of the straightened forefinger and thumb for each participant (Figure 1a). The square root of the sum of these lengths squared was then calculated. Only participants for whom this length was over 19cm could be tracked accurately for grip apertures greater than 10cm. Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the British Academy and the University of Essex Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme. 1. REFERENCES [1] F. Weichert, D Bachmann, B. Rudak and D. Fisseler. Analysis of the accuracy and robustness of the Leap Motion controller. Sensors 13:6380-6393, 2013. [2] J.Y.Tung, T. Lulic, D.A. Gonzalez, J. Tran, C.R. Dickerson and E.A. Roy. Evaluation of a portable markerless finger position capture device: accuracy of the Leap Motion controller in healthy adults. Physiological Measurement 36(2015):1025-1035, 2015. [3] https://github.com/jeffsp/matleap.git

Transcript of Evaluation of the accuracy of the Leap Motion controller for...

Page 1: Evaluation of the accuracy of the Leap Motion controller for ...repository.essex.ac.uk/15013/1/hornsey2015.pdf · The Leap Motion controller allows for a mouse-free al-ternative to

Evaluation of the accuracy of the Leap Motion controllerfor measurements of grip aperture

Rebecca L. HornseyDepartment of Psychology

University of EssexWivenhoe Park

Colchester, CO4 3SQ, [email protected]

Paul B. HibbardDepartment of Psychology

University of EssexWivenhoe Park

Colchester, CO4 3SQ, [email protected]

CCS Concepts•Human-centered computing → Laboratory experi-ments; •Hardware → Sensors and actuators;

The Leap Motion controller allows for a mouse-free al-ternative to general computing. With 200 frames/secondinfrared cameras, a 150◦ field of view and an 8 ft2 umbrellaof interactive space, the Leap Motion has many potentialpractical applications. The device is advertised as aiming tobe placed in new cars, laptops and hospitals, for example, toprovide contact-free device control, while reducing the needfor attentive button pressing and averting eye focus.

We assessed the accuracy of the Leap Motion when thecorrect hand position is known. Other studies have alsoassessed the accuracy of the device, tracking either a refer-ence pen manipulated by a robot arm [1], or the positions ofparticipant’s fingers while pointing at a computer screen [2].We assessed the accuracy with which grip aperture (the sep-aration between the thumb and forefinger) can be measured.This gesture is useful for indicating the size of objects, or theseparation between points. Thirteen wooden rods were cre-ated in centimetre increments between 1 and 13cm. Thesewere held by participants between their thumb and fore-finger tips above the Leap Motion, before removing them,but keeping the hand position stable (Figure 1a). Ten trialswere completed before checking the size with the rod and re-peating for another 10, giving 20 repeats for each size. Theendpoints of the participant’s fingers were recorded from theLeap Motion using MATLAB and Matleap [3], and the Eu-clidean distance between the endpoints was calculated.

A linear regression was performed on the median separa-tion as measured by Leap Motion, against the actual gripaperture. This accounted for between 94.8 and 98.4% of thevariance, across participants. Each participant’s regressionequation was used to calculate a grip aperture estimate fromthe Leap Motion data on each trial. The mean, median andRMS error, for each grip aperture, were then calculated foreach participant (Figure 1b). The mean RMS was greatest

Permission to make digital or hard copies of part or all of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for third-party components of this work must be honored.For all other uses, contact the owner/author(s).

CVMP 2015 November 24-25, 2015, London, United Kingdomc© 2015 Copyright held by the owner/author(s).

ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-3560-7/15/11.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2824840.2824855

(a) (b)

Grip Aperture



0 50 100Actual Grip Aperture (mm)














MeanMedianRMS Error

Figure 1: (a) Leap Motion was used to measurethe grip aperture. This figure shows (A) the inter-phalangeal joint and (B) the cleft below the trape-zoid. (b) The mean, median and RMS error of theestimated grip apertures. Data points plot the meanacross 7 participants, error bars show ±1 standarddeviation.

for small grip apertures (8.78mm at 10mm) and reducedwith increasing grip aperture (2.67mm at 100mm). Themean RMS error was 4.44mm; for grip apertures larger than50mm, mean RMS errors were always smaller than 4mm.

A bend in the inter-phalangeal joint was necessary forreliable measures. Measurements were taken from the cleftbelow the trapezoid to the tip of the straightened forefingerand thumb for each participant (Figure 1a). The squareroot of the sum of these lengths squared was then calculated.Only participants for whom this length was over 19cm couldbe tracked accurately for grip apertures greater than 10cm.

Acknowledgements: This work was supported by theBritish Academy and the University of Essex UndergraduateResearch Opportunities Programme.

1. REFERENCES[1] F. Weichert, D Bachmann, B. Rudak and D. Fisseler.

Analysis of the accuracy and robustness of the LeapMotion controller. Sensors 13:6380-6393, 2013.

[2] J.Y.Tung, T. Lulic, D.A. Gonzalez, J. Tran, C.R.Dickerson and E.A. Roy. Evaluation of a portablemarkerless finger position capture device: accuracy ofthe Leap Motion controller in healthy adults.Physiological Measurement 36(2015):1025-1035, 2015.

[3] https://github.com/jeffsp/matleap.git