Eval Question Andrew Goodwin

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  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin


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    In what ways does your

    media product use,develop or challengeforms and conventions of

    real media products?

    Andrew Goodwin's


  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin



    Narrative and performance

    Goodwin suggests that theignorance of common narrative isimportant in their role ofadvertising, he says this because ifmusic videos were too predictable

    or include repeatability, theaudience may lose interest in thevideo. Whereas if they avoid this

    the audience will be able to watch

  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin



    In this sense I have included what

    I consider to be a fairly originalstoryline. It also suits the song,this fits in with Andrew Goodwins

    idea of an unpredictable storylinebeing effective. I also feel thatthrough my representation ofcharacters, and effective range of

    shots, that I have managed togive off an authentic, relatablefeel to my narrative. This shows

    how I have managed to use this

  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin



    The relationship of the visuals to

    the music

    There can be three main ways of

    doing this, by illustrating throughthe use of visuals which fit in withthe music genre and the meaning of

    it. Also, by amplifying, where thereare constant visuals throughout theproduction which amplifies themeaning of the music even further.

    Or by disjuncture, where the song

  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin



    I think that I have used illustration

    and amplification, when takingthis convention into account. Inthe sense of illustration, I have

    managed to include visuals of thecharacter in the position in whichthe song is describing, andmanage to amplify this throughthe repetition of certain shots. Ialso planned my locations andcostumes to fit in with the genre

    of the music. This shows how I

  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin



    The technical aspects of the video

    The technical aspects are how theeffects of editing and camera workand mise-en-scene help keep the

    music video together and portraycertain moods and emotionsthrough them. It also contributesto making the locations lookrealistic. Also the transitionsbetween shots should also fit inwith the beat of the song. All of

    these technical aspects help to

  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin



    I think I have also managed to portray

    this convention in my music video wellbecause I planned my characterscostumes to fit in with their purposes andmoods in the music video. I also used theisolation of the locations to fit in with theover all loneliness of my main character

    This also fits in with the music and genre.Overall this has lead to my music videowork as a whole. Also at the beginning ofmy music video I have an openingsequence where the transitions of my

    shots fits in time with the beat of themusic, I also did this in some of the

  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin



    The artists image.The artists image is created bymany aspects of music videos such

    as mise-en-scene, use of costumeand the narrative. An artists imageis important for the promotion ofthe music and is important in theprocess of production.

  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin



    From the very start of my project I

    decided my artists image was avery important factor. I didresearch into the genre of the

    song, and decided that an indielook would be best suited for theartist. I also tried to make thenarrative, locations, characters,and overall mise en scene fit inwith this indie, acoustic genre.

    This is another convention I think I

    have portrayed well in my finished

  • 8/2/2019 Eval Question Andrew Goodwin




    From the very beginning of myproject I did research into Andrew

    Goodwin, and decided to basemy music videos conventionsaround it. This is because I felt itwould lead to a professional

    finish. I felt that if I followedthese conventions well, that itwould have a positive effect on

    my video, and I believe that this